The Rancho Santa Fe News, Jan. 11, 2013

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VOL.8, NO.23

Water rates to rise this year By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — An increase in water rates for users of the Santa Fe Irrigation District went into effect on Jan. 1. While how much more a water bill will rise depends on how large a property and how many people are using water at the home, the average family will see their bill rise about $28 every two months, or about $14 a month. The vote on the increase was decided in November, before the terms of board members Ken Dunford and Robert Irvin expired and the newly elected board members took their places. The vote was a result of it being the final year of a threeyear water rate proposal approved by the board on November 2010 at a public hearing. “We did a public notice, which means we sent to each of our customers a notice that we were having a public hearing and that we are considering a rate increase on a certain date. We tell them we are going to set the rates for the next three years,” said Jeanne Deaver, administrative manager for the district. “In 2010, we said it could go up 12 percent each of the three years,” she said. “It did go up 12 percent the first year, but in 2012 it went up only 6 percent and in 2013, only 6 percent.” The 6 percent increase beginning this year is to be used to buy imported water for the San Diego County Water Authority and for maintenance to the district’s infrastructure. Newly elected board member Greg Gruzdowich told the Rancho Santa Fe Association that he asked the current water board to wait on the November 2012 vote because of the possibility of new board members. “I asked them to wait until after the election, but they refused,” Gruzdowich said at a November meeting of the Association. Gruzdowich and Alan Smerican were elected in November, but their terms did not start until January after the increase was decided. Santa Fe Irrigation District provides water to a portion of Rancho Santa Fe and to a total of 20,000 customers. It is governed by a five-member board elected for four years. Each represents a geographical division of the service area, but they all make decisions affecting TURN TO RATES ON A12

JAN. 11, 2013

Committee works to ensure happy trails Editor’s note: This is the fourth in a recurring series highlighting the v arious Rancho Santa Fe Association committees that help run the community. This week we will look at the Trails and Recreation Committee.

Robert Haley, the new chief of police, sits in his office at the Encinitas Sheriff’s Station, which serves three cities and the unincorporated area of Rancho Santa Fe. Haley, who leads nearly 100 deputies, said he’s a big believer in data-driven crime prevention. Photo by Jared Whitlock

By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — It has been said that Rancho Santa Fe has one of the best trail systems in the country. Could be. With the miles and miles of trails running through the community, urban San Diego is out of sight, out of mind for horseback riders, joggers, walkers and hikers. It is the job of the Trails and Recreation Committee to keep it that way, said Jerry Yahr, chairman of the group. He said in addition to trails, the committee oversees the various sports fields, parks and open space within the Covenant. “The committee is important because the trails throughout Rancho Santa Fe are a significant part of the community and an asset enjoyed by horseback riders, hikers, joggers, walkers,” he said. “The trails have a broad appeal and are one of the reasons why people buy in Rancho Santa Fe as to have access to them.” “We have a number of loops within the community you can do on trail rides that are 10-mile loops or 15-mile loops or much longer. It’s beautiful countryside, not just riding along the street, it goes into natural preserve areas,” he said. Yahr is a jogger and runs the trails on a weekly basis. He and his wife walk their dog on the trails every day, he said. The rest of the group also keeps their eyes on the trails because they all use them. “We have a mixture of horseback riders, a couple of us are runners. Some

New sheriff takes helm for new year By Jared Whitlock

During his first day on the job, Capt. Robert Haley acknowledged there’s much to learn as the new chief of police at the Encinitas Sheriff’s Station. Not only does he now oversee Encinitas, but he’s also in charge of Solana Beach, Del Mar and Rancho Santa Fe. But Haley said he’s ready to tackle any challenges thrown his way, calling the new assignment “an opportunity, not a burden.” A proponent of community-oriented policing, Haley said he’s interested in the crime trends in each of the communities that are under his watch. “Using community-oriented policing, you have to do research to find out the root A jogger runs on one of the trails along El Montevideo in Rancho Santa Fe. Photo by Tony Cagala

use them for walking. We see everything,” he said. Although the Rancho Santa Fe staff does the actual, day-to-day work of maintaining the trails, it is the job of the committee to provide oversight, he said. “We have to make sure they are properly mulched, fixed after rains, bushes trimmed and properly taken care of because they get a lot of use from horses which are heavy animals,” he said. “We are also responsible for obtaining new trail easements or right-of-ways to create new trails.”

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Looking for new connections when property is sold or subdivided or going through an upgrade is also a part of their job. “We work with those homeowners to see if they want to work with us,” Yahr said. “Most people are trail users themselves. If it makes sense and does not affect the property in a negative way, they are accommodating.” He said the committee has a list of possible new connections and works toward the point to correcting the route when TURN TO TRAILS ON A12

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Data-centric enforcement isn’t necessarily new for the Encinitas Sheriff’s station; Haley said this approach successfully curtailed vehicle break-ins this summer, which he’d like to continue. But Haley said he’d like to emphasize the philosophy even more, particularly in areas like downtown Encinitas, as many residents believe late-night drinking has gotten out of hand there. “It’s checkpoints at the right spots, increased patrols during certain days and nights, getting people from other commands to come in at times — to let it be known that illegal behavior won’t be tolerated,” said Haley, adding that he also has his eye on burglaries in

Using community-oriented policing, you have to do research to find out the root cause of things.”

Capt.Robert Haley San Diego County Sheriff

cause of things,” said Haley. “Sometimes it’s talking to the community you serve. Sometimes it’s using crime analysis — what’s referred to as information-led policing.” By continuously analyzing where and when past crimes occurred, the department can better allocate resources to stop illegal activities. Haley, who has served with the county since 1985, noted law enforcement’s approach has changed over the last decade.And rightfully so, he said. “We used to be beat-driven; we said this is your area and that’s that,” Haley said, adding that spotting crime trends in the past was difficult, because arrests weren’t analyzed as thoroughly. “These days we respond more to data and trends to find the cause and hopefully solve the problem,” Haley said.

Encinitas. Haley said the communities under the department’s jurisdiction have unique issues, including traffic caused by special events. Here, too, data-driven policing is important, he believes. Based on traffic patterns, the department can send the proper number of deputies to the Del Mar Fairgrounds, for example, to direct cars when a special event is on tap. Del Mar City Manager Scott Huth said he was impressed by Haley’s take on special event management when they met twice during the interview process. Huth, along with two other city managers, had the final word on whether to approve Haley for the job. “We’re on the same page with how to handle these TURN TO SHERIFF ON A12


JAN. 11, 2013


Coyote pesters local golfers By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — A wily coyote has been causing concern for golfers at the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Course in recent weeks. Not only is the animal cocky, he seems to have little fear of humans and has even gone so far as stealing golf balls from the fairway. “We saw the coyote at the golf club while we were sitting outside having lunch,” said Elizabeth Monge, a longtime Rancho Santa Fe resident. “This coyote walked up to the 18th fairway, walked around the fairway and all around the green. He went to the ninth hole and just stood there.” She said that many people have seen the coyote and are sure it is the same one. “This thing is big. It was like a German Shepherd walking around,” he said. “People came up to play and it stood there and did not move. It’s unusual to see a coyote that brave.” Janet Christ said she has seen it several times on the golf course. “It feels to me that it lives between the second and eighth hole. It roams pretty often between the first, ninth, second and eighth hole,” she said. On New Year’s Day at about 2 p.m., she said there were two groups of four playing the first hole, one group on the tee box and the other waiting to tee off. “There were eight people out there. He casually strolled down the first fairway like ‘Hi. What are you going to do about me?’ He had a lot of moxy,” she said. She said even though the groups were shouting at it trying to scare it away, the coyote stood its ground. “It didn’t blink an eye. He was standing no more than eight yards from us,”

This wily coyote is causing concern among golfers at the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club. He seems to be unafraid of humans and as gone as far as stealing golf balls from the fairways. Photo by Jerry Yahr

she said. “It comes out during tournaments. It is very healthy and swarthy. He prances around like a German Shepherd.” She said one time the women were playing in a tournament when the coyote came out on the fairway and took a woman’s ball and walked away. She saw that with her own eyes, she said. Christ said she and others fear something bad is going to happen maybe to children who are walking home from school on the trails alone. And there are rumors that a coyote took a small dog right off its leash. “I don’t walk around the golf course anymore with my dog,” she said. Jerry Yahr got off a couple of photos of the coyote recently. “It seemed healthy. Not sickly in any way,” Yahr said. He said he is not frightened by the coyote and he has lived in Rancho Santa Fe since 1993 and uses the trails regularly and he has seen many of them by accident on the trails. “I’d rather see a coyote than the mountain lion they talk about,” he said.

Andrew Hughan, public information officer for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, said what is happening at the golf course is not uncommon. “For coyotes, it’s all about food,” he said. “Often small dogs and cats are easy targets.” He said officials have been unable to verify that small dogs are taken right off their leashes, but he said people who walk their dogs off leash have lost them to the predators. Hughan said coyotes have been known to get over six-foot fences to get to small dogs. “We as a department, most of us are pet owners and we feel bad when it happens, but it is nature being nature,” he said. He said the best defense is prevention. “Keep dogs on a leash and keep them close. Look around often. We get people calling us who said they turned around and there was a coyote. Take off the headphones. Be aware of your surroundings. Carry something that makes noise,” he said. He suggests a little air horn that can be purchased TURN TO COYOTE ON A12

Xtreme Justice League members from left: Vigilante Spider, Mr. Xtreme and Divine Force patrol along Saxony Road in Encinitas last Friday in response to an attempted kidnapping in the area Dec. 31. They expect to patrol other North County cities in the coming weeks. Photo by Tony Cagala

Masked men patrol North County in name of Justice By Tony Cagala

They weren’t working under the darkness of night. There was no signal overhead beaconing for their help. They were acting on their own all in the hopes of a making a difference in the community. A band of three costumed crime fighters were spotted patrolling Encinitas in response to a recent potential kidnapping in the area. Mr. Xtreme, Vigilante Spider and Divine Force, as they call themselves, took to the streets of Encinitas, mainly focusing on Saxony Road last Friday. The three are part of the Xtreme Justice League (San Diego Chapter) a league that patrols all of San Diego County. “We’re going to start working Encinitas and then we’re going to start getting more into different communities in the North County,” said Mr. Xtreme. While they patrol areas of the county on a rotational basis, the team was in

Encinitas trying to inform people about the Dec. 31 attempted kidnapping, where an 18year-old woman was pulled into a truck, but able to fight off her attackers and run to a nearby residence to call for help. “These guys could be anywhere in the North County,” said Mr. Xtreme. “We’re going to try to get these goons’ faces out there,so hopefully somebody recognizes these guys and calls it in to the Sheriff’s department.” Clad in a bulletproof vest, which he modified with green paint, a green crash helmet and eyewear to conceal his identity, Mr. Xtreme joined the League wanting to make a difference in the community, he said, adding that he had grown tired of all the apathy and indifference and violent victimization he was seeing. For about six years he’s been with the Xtreme Justice League. He’s armed with nonlethal weapons, as he emptied his camouflaged cargo pants, showing: handcuffs; a stun gun flashlight, pepper blaster; pepper spray gun; a two-way radio and a first aid kit. “We do our own training,” he said.“We train in martial arts weekly and we do scenario training and then we train our members in citizens’ arrest procedures, and how to use less-lethal weapons and verbal de-escalation skills,” he

added. “There are two things that we’re going to be focusing on for a little while, we’re going to be focusing on the mid-city area of San Diego, and then we’re going to be getting back into the North County area,” Mr. Extreme said. At this point, the League hasn’t had much interaction with the Sheriff’s department, he explained. “In areas where it’s patrolled by the Sheriff’s it’s still kind of new to us.” But they do have interactions with the San Diego police and other law enforcement agencies in the county. “Hopefully, down the line, if we start getting into more areas that’s patrolled by the Sheriff’s, we’d like to try and set up a meeting with them and see how we can assist them,” Mr. Xtreme said. They do give the local agencies a courtesy call to let them know they’re patrolling the areas. The new Encinitas Sheriff’s station Capt. Robert Haley said he was aware of them patrolling in the city,and that he was a little bit familiar with League and their work in San Diego. He said he didn’t have problem with them patrolling and passing out pamphlets. “I think they’re more, TURN TO JUSTICE ON A12

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Association hears ideas to boost membership By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club needs new blood and it is proposing a few changes to the membership categories to provide an infusion. Officials from the golf club brought their ideas to the Association meeting on Jan. 3, including a new category of a Junior Executive Member that would allow a resident to pay installments of the $50,000 enrollment fee until the age of 48. “It is a way for them to join the club sooner than later,” Al Castro, general manager of the club, said. The idea behind this new category is to give a break to the younger homeowner, who maybe still has children at home, who moved here because of the excellent schools or has other financial responsibilities that would keep him or her from joining he club. “Association voting members who have not yet reached the age of 48 may apply as a Junior Executive member. The enrollment fee will be divided equally over the years remaining until age 48 but will not be greater than 10 years,” Castro said. He said for instance, if a member is 35 at the time of the application, they will pay one-tenth of the current enrollment fee in installments. A member who is 45 at the time of the application will pay one-third of the current enrollment fee. “They will be charged the same dues, assessments and other charges as a regular member and will enjoy the same privileges as a regular member,” he said. “A Junior Executive member in good standing at the time they reach the age of 48 will automatically a regular member.” Association Director Eamon Callahan called the proposal “discriminatory.”

“What about the guy who has been working all the time and now has the time to play golf? How come they are discriminated against?” Callahan asked. “I don’t know why 48 is a magic number.” Golf clubs everywhere are suffering the same issue of losing members faster than new members can be signed up. In addition, the competition between golf clubs to attract members is keen. “I understand the challenges you are going through,” Larry Spitcaufsky, Association director. told the golf club officials. “The only place to go to get new members is from the membership.” Steve Dunn, chairman of the golf club’s membership committee, said attracting new members has been difficult. “We are running as hard as we can to keep up,” he said. The optimum number of members at the club is around 700. Over the past few years, the club has lost about 200 members, Dunn said. Association Director Craig McAllister said offering golf club membership at a reduced rate is a terrific marketing tool. Perhaps people sitting at home in a snow storm in Connecticut would see that as a catalyst to make the move to Rancho Santa Fe. Also proposed to the Association at the meeting was reducing the number of years from 10 to five for a Former Resident Associate Member category. It was also proposed that the ceiling of 20 members be stricken and a new maximum number of members in this category adjusted as needed. The Association board decided to table the proposal until it could be discussed further, perhaps at the upcoming annual retreat during which directors discuss plans for the future.

SERIOUS STACKING Horizon Prep fifth-grader Gaby Beltran takes part as A group of 33 Horizon Prep students helped set a Guinness World Record for “Most People Sport Stacking at Multiple Locations” recently. The Horizon Prep Lions joined more than 483,658 stackers from 2,375 schools and organizations representing 30 countries around the world. Courtesy photo



JAN. 11, 2013

Who’s NEWS?

tablecloths and other supplies were sold with all proceeds supporting RCHS programs. The Community Pet Business news and special Food Bank at Rancho Coastal Humane Society, 389 achievements for Requeza Street in Encinitas, North San Diego County. will be open 9 to 11 on Send information via email to Saturday mornings through community@ Jan. 19.

Big win

The Carlsbad-based nonprofit Leichtag Foundation completed the purchase of the 67-acre Paul Ecke Ranch site in Encinitas last month. The foundation announced it would be gifting 12 acres to the San Diego Botanic Gardens to help them expand, though the gift comes with some conditions. Photo by Tony Cagala

Land gift is seen as ‘oncein-a-lifetime’ opportunity By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — The San Diego Botanic Garden in Encinitas has longed to expand its grounds for years. The hope looked like a longshot with development increasingly swallowing up the surrounding area. But growth might be in sight after all. The Leichtag Foundation proposed a plan last Saturday to gift land that’s adjacent to the northern part of the Botanic Garden. Last month, the Leichtag Foundation completed its pur-

This could be our last chance to expand.” Julian Duval President,San Diego Botanic Garden

chase of the 67-acre Ecke Ranch property. Under the Leichtag Foundation’s plan, it would donate around 12 acres of that land to the 37-acre Botanic Garden. A new parking lot, welcome center, possible arts village and other potential amenities could be built on the land, where poinsettiagrowing greenhouses can be found presently. “This could be our last chance to expand,” said Julian Duval, president of the Botanic Garden. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If it all goes well this would be celebrated for hundreds of years.” While more than worthwhile in his mind, Duval cautioned that moving forward with the plan “won’t be easy,” because there are “some fair concerns” that need to be addressed. For the expansion to get the green light, the Botanic Garden will have to raise enough money and meet other requirements laid out by the Leichtag Foundation, according to Jim Farley, the organization’s president and CEO. Jim Farley said the Botanic Garden must bring in an estimated $25 million to $40 million from donors to construct improvements, particularly a new parking lot and

welcome center. Farley explained that most believe the current parking lot at the Garden is not well placed for visitors, and the expansion would only compound this problem. Among other amenities, funds would also go to an arts village in the vein of offerings at Balboa Park, Farley said. “We want a robust collaboration between different groups; the idea is that this would create a lot of enthusiasm by getting people in the community involved,” Farley said. Farley said the arts center would likely fit within the land’s current agricultural zoning.That’s because the arts center would place agricultural education at its core, he said. The second qualification to get approval from the Leichtag Foundation: Farley believes the Botanic Garden must settle on a better way to it select its board of trustees. All of the more than 5,000 Botanic Garden members can weigh in on who is appointed to the board. Few practice their voting power at meetings, so in theory a faction of members could collude and hijack the process without others knowing. “There’s a really small chance of that,” Farley said. “We’d still like to see better governance.” Lastly, Farley said the Botanic Garden needs a new model for ownership. Currently, San Diego County and the City of Encinitas own the Botanic Garden under two different leases, both of which expire at different times. This could be problematic in the event of the leaseholders going “in two different directions,” Farley said. “We want donors to be assured this will stay as public land and not be subject to legal fights or anything like that,” Farley said. “Some kind of joint ownership may be a solution.” Farley said it’s difficult to pinpoint a project timeline for the land gift, but noted it could be five to 10 years or so before the requirements are fulfilled.Until then,the greenhouses that dot the land will likely remain in place. “We have a real chance to serve the community and future families,” Farley said.

Aviara Oaks Elementary School teams won the City of Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department/Carlsbad Unified School District Copa de Carlsbad soccer tournament at Pine Park Dec. 13. A boys and girls team from nine of the city’s elementary schools took the field, with 144 youngsters participating.

Solana Beach needs commissioners The City of Solana Beach is currently seeking volunteers to fill 19 expiring positions on its five Citizen Commissions. Applications are being accepted until Jan. 15 at City Hall. For more information, contact City Hall at (858) 720-2400 or

Chavez appointed Assemblymember Rocky Chávez (R-Oceanside) has been appointed by Assembly Speaker John A. Pérez to serve as vice-chairman for both the Higher Education and Veterans Affairs committees for the 2013-14 Legislative Session. Chávez will also serve as a member of the Water, Parks and Wildlife, Education and Budget committees. The Higher Education Committee oversees California’s university and community college systems with jurisdiction over postsecondary education and student financial aid. The Committee on Veterans Affairs oversees the Cal-Vet home loan program, Department of Veterans Affairs, National Guard, State military and Veterans. The Budget Committee oversees California’s yearly spending plan.The Assembly Water, Parks and Wildlife Committee covers the areas of water resources, flood management, fish and game, parks and recreation and wildlife.

Donation for dogs Potts by Patt florist in in Pacific Beach donated its entire inventory of linen and other party and event supplies to Rancho Coastal Humane Society. Thousands of linen

New ABIHM head Dr. Mimi Guarneri, founder of the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine and attending physician in Scripps Clinic’s interventional cardiology program, has been installed as 2013 president of the American Board of Integrative Holistic Medicine. In her role as 2013 ABIHM president, Guarneri will focus on expanding the presence of the ABIHM as integrative holistic medicine takes on a more prominent role in the evolving health care landscape. In November 2012, the American College of Nutrition honored Guarneri with its Grace A. Goldsmith Award for significant achievements in the field of nutrition. Earlier in 2012, Dr. Guarneri received the Linus Pauling Functional Medicine Lifetime Achievement Award from the Institute for Functional Medicine.

Charity poker at Pala A seven-way chop determined the winners of Pala Casino Spa & Resort’s New Year’s Day poker tournament who earned $1,260 for the American Red Cross Hurricanes 2012 Fund, earmarked for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. The one-day tournament hosted 65 players and paid the top 10. The top seven earned $377 each and included Roger Bennett, Oceanside; Bob Muehlberg, Temecula; Sharon Thorson, Ramona; Tammy Murray, Fallbrook; Showguang Lee, Diamond Bar; Kristen Penney, Temecula and Vinnie Engen, Murrieta.

Reaching out Christopher Estrella, founder of CStar Producitionz, organized the preparation and distribution of sandwiches, fruit and water to the homeless in downtown San Diego Christmas morning. The undertaking was spur of the moment with an email blast Christmas Eve. Those free on such short notice met downtown and traveled on foot, each carrying a different food item which were systematically handed out to hungry people.



Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of the Rancho Santa Fe News


COMMUNITY COMMENTARIES The Community Commentary section is open to everyone. Opinions expressed in the Community Commentary section are in no way representative of The Coast News Group. Send submissions no longer than 700 words to Submission does not guarantee publication.

Will greedy billionaire’s intimidation attempt win? By Thomas D. Elias

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the Editor and reader feedback are welcome. Unsigned letters and letters without city of residence will not be published.Letters should be no longer than 300 words and include a contact telephone number. Submission does not guarantee publication.Email letters to Views expressed in letters do not reflect the views ofThe Coast News Group.If published, please wait one month for next submission.

Misleading commentary Lynn and Russell Marr’s Community Commentary contains numerous false, misleading and nonsensical statements regarding the already-approved improvements to N. Highway 101. Cyclists are not “primarily riding in packs” or “mostly southbound” or “on weekends, not so much during the week.” Yes, there are cyclists who ride with others, and more on the weekends, but plenty of individual riders seven days a week, including commuters and students, as well as recreational cyclists and those riding for athletic training. Wherever they’re going, they also come back, so the northbound and southbound numbers are similar. The Marrs mentioned that the northbound lane diet won’t effect pedestrians on the west side or slow southbound traffic (they stated this twice). Duh! The speed limit has recently been lowered to 35 mph. If cars are going faster it’s a law enforcement issue. They also mentioned traffic circles, which are not even part of this project! It’s just resurfacing the road and painting lines. I am looking forward to the improvements. Gerry Rahill, Leucadia

Lawsuit filed against Del Mar Did you know that a commercial property owner in Del Mar has filed a $14,762,000-plus attorneys and legal costs lawsuit against the City of Del Mar? You won’t believe what it is all about! After the city adopted an over-whelming volume of Zoning Code regulations for developers and residents to abide by, this commercial property owner has produced a very extensive list of commercial property developments that have been approved, and allowed to proceed, over the years in alleged violation of adopted zoning code regulations. Looking at the list, it would appear the property owner has a legitimate case against the city, but it will be up to the court.

We are beginning a New Year with two new Council members who have not been involved with any of these alleged violations. Let’s hope that henceforth the City Council, with accurate advice from the City Attorney, will make sure future developments will only be approved per the adopted regulations of the city and state, as interpreted by the ordinary and customary use of the English language. Please, no more twisting of the rules and language, which may lead to expensive lawsuits. Ralph Peck, Del Mar

Dwindling open space in Carlsbad Tried to get to the freeway lately or drive at the interface between Oceanside and Carlsbad on College? Traffic is about to get a whole lot worse with the HUGE housing development being proposed behind Kohls. The developer, “McVillian” has submitted a plan to the City of Carlsbad for 656 home units — more than twice what it’s zoned for. This development called “Quarry Creek” would like to have homes on the hilltop directly facing the Historic Marron Adobe and wrapped around the (not yet opened to the public) Buena Vista Valley Ecological Reserve. To visualize the effects of this monstrosity please come to the West end of Haymar Dr. (off College) at 10 a.m. Jan 26, where you can see the extent of what we are about to loose and take a stroll into the Reserve. With a large public outpouring of all North County Residents this can be scaled back. Call the Mayor and Council at (760) 434.2808 or email them at and ask them to keep development off the panhandle and follow existing zoning. Take 5 minutes to view this video about the loss of open space in Carlsbad: Yours in Conservation, Kasey Cinciarelli, Carlsbad

Contributers P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850



The Rancho Santa Fe News is published biweekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. The advertising deadline is the Friday preceding the Friday of publication. Editorial deadline is the Friday proceeding publication. The comments on this page are the opinions of the individual columnists and do not necessarily represent the views of the Coast News Group, its publisher or staff. If you would like to respond directly to a columnist, please email them directly at the address listed below the column. You may also express your views by writing a letter to the editor. For hold delivery while on vacation or for other distribution concerns and info, write to




No one spent more money trying to influence California politics during last year’s election season than the billionaire Munger siblings, Molly and Charles Jr., the children of Charles Munger Sr., who has provided them piles of money he made as the business partner of famed investor Warren Buffett. Molly spent just short of $45 million on a failed attempt to raise taxes on almost all Californians to benefit public schools from kindergarten through high school. Meanwhile, the $37 million put out by Charles Jr., a physicist at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center south of San Francisco, went toward efforts to defeat Gov. Brown’s relatively modest tax increase proposition and to push for the latest incarnation of the three-time-loser “paycheck protection” plan aimed at reducing the political power of workers and their unions. But Charles Munger Jr. was also active on the intimidation front. This effort demonstrated a gross disregard for the future ability of Californians to challenge initiatives and other laws. It stemmed from Munger’s 2010 investment in Proposition 14, which established the “top two” primary election system that last fall produced numerous runoff races matching members of the same parties. Minor political parties considered themselves the prime victims of the new system, whose hope it was (still is) to put more moderates into state offices and break some of the partisan deadlocks that often afflict California and the nation. Top two cost minor parties like the Libertarians, Greens, American Independent and Peace and Freedom their usual spots on the November ballot. Of course, their members had the same opportunities to run and to present their ideas as anyone else during the primary. None advanced to a runoff. Rather than going back to the drawing board and devising ways to develop more mass appeal, they and their supporters sued the state. Enter Munger, as an intervenor. He contended state Attorney General Kamala Harris and Secretary of State Debra Bowen were not equipped to defend Proposition 14 on their own. This was entirely his choice. Munger, as usual, spent big, hiring a prominent, politicallyconnected law firm with offices in Sacramento and Marin County to make his case. When the plaintiffs, led by 69-year-old minor-party advocate Richard Winger, longtime publisher of the Ballot Access News blog, lost the case, Munger insisted they be dunned for his legal fees. A San Francisco Superior Court judge assessed Winger

and his fellow plaintiffs $243,000, of which Winger is liable for one-fifth as things now stand. He says paying that sum would just about break him and likely put his blog out of business. It’s clear Munger doesn’t need the money. It’s also clear he wants no mere citizen activists to interfere with any of his future efforts. Keep the world safe for billionaires, seems to be his motive. His lawyers have refused to answer questions on why they’re intent on collecting from people exponentially less wealthy than Munger. But Winger and his fellow plaintiffs are not meekly accepting the trial judge’s assessment. They’ve appealed to the state Court of Appeals and they may have a better shot at winning there than they did in the late October hearing where that judge denied them so much as a re-hearing on the issues of the fees. While their lawsuit was pursued by the private practitioner attorney Gautam Dutta of Hayward, the appeal has been picked up on a pro bono basis by Andrew Byrnes, a partner in the large international law firm of Covington and Burling, who has considerable experience in election law and some clout of his own: He’s co-chair of the finance committee of the state Democratic Party. Since the junior Munger has been most active over the years on behalf of Republicanbacked measures, this can now be seen in a political context, with a major behind-the-scenes Democrat moving against a GOP moneybag. Like Munger’s attorneys, Byrnes says little about the appeal. But most large law firms don’t expend unpaid time of their partners on cases they deem insignificant. So it’s clear Covington and Burling agrees with those who see Munger’s insisting on collecting what is a pittance to him but an enormous sum to those who might have to pay as an attempt to intimidate future possible plaintiffs from challenging any of his upcoming efforts. Whether or not you agree with Winger and friends that top two should go (and this column has frequently disagreed with them), it’s clear the large fee assessment does not serve the overall public interest. The more that can be done to overturn it and make the world a little more uncertain for billionaires, the better. Email Thomas Elias a t tdelias@ His book, “The Burzynski Breakthrough: The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Go vernment’s Campaign to Squelch It,” is now available in a soft co ver fourth edition. For more Elias columns, go to


JAN. 11, 2013


Dave Roberts sworn in as new County Supervisor By Bianca Kaplanek

SAN DIEGO — Surrounded by his family, Dave Roberts was sworn in Jan. 7 as the 3rd District representative on the county Board of Supervisors, the first new face on the five-member agency since 1995. After taking the oath, administered by retired Vice Adm. Harold Koenig, Roberts shared his five goals for the coming year. The former Solana Beach City Councilman said he will continue the county’s commitment to strong fiscal discipline. “I won’t be afraid to support wise investments that pay dividends into the future,” he said. “I’ll ensure that we maintain our high bond rating. I’ll always protect the tax payers, defend the ratepayers and ensure that those who are eligible for county services have the opportunity to receive county services.” As the father of five adopted children, Roberts said he has firsthand experience with San Diego foster care. “I’m going to review the county’s foster care and adoption programs … to ensure that they’re not only working for our most vulnerable citizens – our children – but they’re also working for both biological and foster parents alike,” he said. “It’s important that we find the right balance to protect our children.” Roberts also pledged to “protect and sustain our fragile environment” by supporting open spaces such as the San Dieguito River Park, San Elijo Lagoon and Escondido Creek. “I’m going to work to protect our neighborhoods from overdevelopment, but I’m going to support good landuse planning,” he said. “I’ll ensure that we have sufficient opportunities for public input prior to decisions being made by the county Board of Supervisors.” Saying quality of life “must be front and center,” Roberts also vowed to support libraries, arts and culture, animal shelters and smart transit solutions. Specifically, he said, he will seek to “invigorate” San Diego’s solar industry, which he believes could be done “with almost no government involvement” and just “a few tweaks of policy here in the county.” “We can reduce our dependence on fossil fuels,” he said. “We can build our solar industry to create local, good-paying jobs.” Roberts said he plans to investigate the creation of a countywide utility service initiative that provides “100 percent green energy alternatives.” He said the still-fragile economy will present the biggest challenge when it comes to county programs. “So much of that money comes from state and federal funding,” he said. “It’s critical that we continue to provide those services on the money

we get. I’m nervous about that.” Supervisors are each allowed to distribute $1 million of discretionary funds annually to community organizations in their district. Money would not be available to Roberts until July. In the meantime, he said he has asked for a review of the program to ensure it is as fair and transparent as possible.

“They’ve done a good job in the past but it could be improved,” he said. “I want to make sure everyone has an equal opportunity to compete. I want to see a do-notfund list for those organizations that haven’t followed the rules.” Roberts prevailed over Steve Danon in the Nov. 6 Dave Roberts is sworn in Jan. 7 as the 3rd District representative on the county Board of Supervisors. Holding election with 51.14 percent of the Bible is his eldest son, Robert. Looking on are his husband, Wally Oliver, and their four other adopted chilTURN TO SUPERVISOR ON A12

dren, Natalie, Julian, Alex and Joe. Roberts, the first new supervisor in 18 years, chose retired Vice Adm. Harold Koenig to administer the oath. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek


JAN. 11, 2013



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JAN. 11, 2013






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JAN. 11, 2013



TASTE OF WINE Wine of the Month This was Italy’s first wine to be awarded DOCG status by the Italian government, a testament to its aristocracy, balance and fabulous productivity for aging. Released in the fifth year after harvest, the wine is aged for a minimum 4 years, with 1 year in bottle before release. An intense, red color with ruby shade. The aromas are very complex and soft with notes of plum jam, ripe cherry and other red fruit, with hints of licorice and tobacco. 2007 had ideal growing conditions thanks to near perfect fall weather.

The Winery

2007 Banfi Brunello Di Montalcino DOCG Estate Bottled About this wine From the ancient hills of Montalcino in Tuscany, Italy, and made with select high quality Sangiovese grapes.

Banfi is one of the largest wineries in the world with some 7,000 acres estate farmed. Over three decades of research and growing have rewarded Banfi as the most decorated Brunello wine in the world.

Cost You can purchase this wine at North County Wine Company, 1099 San Marcos Blvd. for $59.97. Hours are 11 a.m. to 9 p.m.,

Oregon wine country is a bountiful land FRANK MANGIO

Taste of Wine I’ve never met a Pinot Noir I didn’t like that came from an Oregon winery. It is the American home for this complex yet smooth, velvety, delicate varietal. I have talked to many wine aficionados who either have gone though this magnificent state or who will be making plans to go in the next year, to visit as many of the more than 500 wineries as they can. After California, which produces about 90 percent of all the wine in the U.S., Oregon is one of the top three U.S. producers of wine. The wineries are dotted along quiet, twisting roads with small family-run operations, most of them along the rugged coastline led by the Willamette Valley. Pinot Noir is king and is compared to the grape’s origin in the Burgundy district of Northern France. Sunlight and heat are in short supply making for a fragile harvest, which seems to fit the Pinot profile. So is Oregon a “one trick pony” with just one star wine? I put that question to a couple of star owners of the leading wine and beer shop in Bend, Oregon, twin sisters Michele

and Melanie Betti of the Wine Shop & Beer Tasting Bar. They agreed that “no, Pinot Noir has been the grape that winemakers have done very well with and they are known for that, but whites do well here, like Pinot Gris, Chardonnay and Pinot Blanc in the Willamette Valley. In Southern Oregon, they make quality Cabernet, Syrah, Merlot and Tempranillo.” I asked them how business has progressed since they opened 7 years ago. Melanie, who is the onsite manager, pointed out that “we opened only as a bottle shop, but found that our customers wanted the try and buy concept, so that we now have six different wine flights daily by the glass. We serve wine in the world-class Riedel Stemware, fitting the glass to the wine. We not only serve 30 plus wines, we now feature over 70 Belgian and other international beers with beer flights, plus ports, cider and sake. ?We give our customers a European style experience, taking time to pass along knowledge and get to know the customer.” Oregon’s winemakers are shooting for the high-end, focusing on customers that are willing to pay $35 or more a bottle. If Oregon wines fit your taste, you virtually have to visit places like the Wine Shop and Beer Tasting Bar, winery web sites and plan a trip there. Most wineries

From Anitpaasti and Bruschetta to 15 different pizzas, ISOLA with owner Massimo Tenino, bakes all his creations with simple fresh ingredients Photo by Frank Mangio

make just 1,500 cases of their wines, so they pretty much are not available at SoCal wine retailers. In 2011, the Travel Oregon tourist bureau reported 1.5 million visitors to the state. The Bettis’ advise that Willamette Valley has six sub AVA’s, each one with its own exclusive taste characteristic. They point out that “each of these sub-regions will give you a different tasting experience. They are: Chehalem Mountains, Yamhill-Carlton, Ribbon Ridge, Dundee Hills, McMinnville and Eola-Amity Hills.” Some wine names they recommend include: Archery Summit, Domaine Druhin, Sokol Blosser, Bergstrom, Ayres, Ken Wright, Dukes Family and Cristom. Find out much more at and ISOLA Revealed – Little Italy’s New Pizza Favorite


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Michele and Melanie Betti are owners of a leading wine and beer tasting bar in Bend Oregon. Photo courtesy of Melanie Bette

Massimo Tenino is the owner of a recently opened Italian Restaurant in San Diego’s Little Italy where all menu items are baked in a wood-burning oven direct from Naples Italy. It’s a bright fire engine red cave that guarantees crunchy, smoky pizza, with one size, 12 inches, serving all. From the bread dough to the wines, ISOLA is a family operation. “My Nonna’s name was ISOLA, a wonderful cook who inspired my passion for food and fresh, simple ingredients,” he said. “ISOLA is proud to serve the savory ingredients from the vine and tree to the table.” Tenino has a family owned winery in Piemonte, offering native grapes like Nebbiolo, Barbera, Barbaresco and Barolo, plus many other Italian made fine wines. See

Wine Bytes Bacchis Wine Market in the Gaslamp downtown San Diego has wines from France Jan. 12 from 2 to 8:30 p.m. For $30, taste seven wines from the major regions. RSVP at (619) 236-0005. San Diego Wine Company on Miramar Rd. presents a Zinfandel Tasting Jan. 12 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Charge is $10. Details at (858) 586-WINE. Il Fornaio at the Del Mar Plaza celebrates Italy’s FriuliVenezia District now thru Jan. 20, with special dishes and native wines. Call (858) 7558876. Encinitas Meritage Wine Market opens Rhone Valley wines Jan. 18 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Check with the shop for pricing (760) 479-2500. The biggest festival for Zinfandel in the world kicks off Jan. 31 and goes to Feb. 2, in San Francisco at the Concourse. Winemakers and executive chefs abound; grand tasting 2 to 5 p.m. Check out Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. His library can be viewed at (Average Google certified 900 visits per day) He is one of the top five wine commentators on the Web. Reach him at



JAN. 11, 2013

Find your bagel paradise at Garden State Bagels DAVID BOYLAN Lick the Plate Garden State Bagels has been at their Encinitas location for 28 years. That in itself should be all the proof you need that they are doing bagels right. And how, you may be asking, does someone do bagels right? Well, in the humble opinion of “Lick the Plate,” there are several key elements involved in making worthy bagels. It’s good to know that there are some East Coast roots involved in the business. It’s even better if there are still some relatives back there keeping the bagel maker honest. Bagels are taken very seriously back east and that passion needs to be present. The next key element is probably the most important; the bagels must be made from scratch, on premise, by mixing and kneading the ingredients to form the dough, then shaping the dough into a traditional bagel shape with a hole in the middle from a long, thin piece of dough. That should be followed by boiling the bagel in water then baking. Simply ask your bagel shop if they are hand-rolled, kettle-boiled bagels made onpremise. It is this unusual production method that is said to give bagels their distinctive taste, chewy texture and shiny appearance. In recent years, a variant of this process has emerged and is favored by chains, producing what is sometimes called the steam bagel. To make a steam bagel, the process of boiling is skipped. The steam-bagel is not considered to be a genuine bagel by purists, as it results in a fluffier, softer, less chewy product. Many of the chains also bring their bagels in frozen from a regional distribution center. I was also surprised by

Garden State Owner Steve Amster with his 75-year-old classic bagel dough mixer. Photo by David Boylan

the number of places that don’t even make them inhouse, opting for the convenience of bringing them in from an outside supplier. I’d have to be very desperate to go that route. Steve Amster, who opened Garden State Bagels first location in 1985, is a New Jersey native whose dad taught him the finer points of bagel making, having been in the business for more than 50 years. A tour of his kitchen confirmed that he takes great pride in his equipment that includes several industrial size mixers, kettle boilers and ovens. His passion for what he does comes across when talking about the demise of family-owned, independent bagel shops. He may be a bit more sensitive than most, being located El Camino Real, on one of the most chain-dominated strips anywhere. It really is refreshing to see a guy like Steve still thriving amongst the chains and franchises. What’s even better, is knowing that a sizable segment of the local population is supporting him. Besides more than 30 varieties of real-deal bagels and several cream cheese

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spreads, Garden State offers up some fine deli fare. If you have not tried a bagel sandwich, it works on so many levels. Their offerings include deli meat sandwiches, chicken, tuna, and whitefish salad sandwiches, cheese melts, pizza bagels and even bagel dogs. The open faced nova with capers, fresh tomato and red onions is a best seller. Their breakfast sandwiches are in a league of their own; give them a try next time you are heading to McDonalds for an Egg McMuffin. All the salads are made in-house and the chicken and whitefish salad rank right up there as some of the best I’ve had. Because bagels are best eaten as close to fresh-out-

of-the-oven as possible, there is always the question of what to do with day-old bagels. Toasting is an option and does suffice, but next time, try smothering each bagel half with butter, then frying them up in a hot pan. I put a heavy pan on top of the bagels to infuse the butter and soften up the whole bagel half, and the result is a crispy, chewy fried bagel delight, ready to hold an egg, some cheese and a slice of Canadian bacon. Or simply smother it with your favorite cream cheese, preferably whipped. Garden State Bagels has been voted “Best Bagels” in San Diego more times than any other bagel in town. If you like bagels, and have not tried theirs, I urge you to give them a shot. Besides discovering real bagels, you will be sup-

porting a local, independent, family run business. They have two locations, the original at 191 N. El Camino Real #106 Encinitas, and also at 755 Carlsbad Village Drive Carlsbad. Visit for more information. Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday-Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at or (858) 395-6905.

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JAN. 11, 2013



Send your arts & entertainment news to

Wisdom in nature has ‘profound effect’ on artist KAY COLVIN A Brush With Art Mixed media painter Rebecca Bauer says: “There is an absolute wisdom in nature that has always had a profound effect on me.” The intuitive work of this Cardiffby-the-Sea artist reveals natural inspiration through highly contrasting design elements and richly textured materials. At age 8 Bauer felt she had been “transported to another world” when her family moved from Costa Mesa to Leucadia, which in 1973 was full of magical groves, open fields, and enchanted beaches. Captivated by the wildness of her environment, the young Bauer left no natural wonder unexplored. Maintaining her relationship with the natural world into adulthood, Bauer’s favorite activity is walking the shoreline as she observes its colors and textures. She says, “I am happy if I can capture even the tiniest glimmer of this essence and beauty in my paintings.“ Growing up in a family culture of “creatives” speaking the language of art, Bauer began her artistic exploration with printmaking. However, as daughter of accomplished watercolor painter Sandra Bray, it wasn’t long before she began exploring water-based media. Since joining the San Diego Watercolor Society in 2001 Bauer has found her niche in her current style, which she refers to as “mixed

Rebecca Bauer translates nature into mixed media paintings in her Cardiff-by-the-Sea studio. Photo courtesy of Topher Riley

media with an emphasis on painted collage elements.” By hand painting and shaping all components incorporated into her work, she has freedom of texture, size and shape, as well as control over nuances of color and value. She says, “All of these elements are ever-present in my thoughts as I strive to develop a sense of connectedness and harmony in my paintings.” Bauer muses, “My artwork is an expression of my love of nature… a celebration of life on this earth in all of its many forms and facets.” She continues, “It is also a metaphor for life: all of our life experiences go into making us who we are. Not every piece is beautiful on its own, but all together the pieces make us who we are.” Because of this awareness, Bauer gives close attention to

the individual components of which her paintings are composed and continuously strives to create an exciting and mesmeric sense of interrelationship and unity to all of her pieces. According to noted artist and art workshop instructor Carol Thomason, “Rebecca’s work gives me the feeling of being centered and balanced when viewed from a distance. Then when I approach for a closer look, my eyes are delighted by the myriad and variety of small details. The artwork is just like Rebecca herself: centered, balanced, yet bubbling with enthusiasm.” In contemplating the future direction of her artwork, Bauer comments, “Shape, color and texture are currently the focus of my work. As my work evolves this

will be forever changing, much like the changing currents of the oceans, which often serve as my artistic inspiration.” Bauer’s most recent work will be on exhibit in “Changing Currents” at L Street Fine Art in San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter through Feb. 15 with an opening reception Jan. 5. More information about the artist can be seen at

Kay Colvin is an art consultant and director of the L Street Fine Art Gallery in San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter. She specializes in promoting emerging and mid-career artists and bringing enrichment programs to elementary schools through The Kid’s College. Contact her at

Aval exhibit runs through March RANCHO SANTA FE — Come and enjoy “Impressions of the Soul” where you can view exceptional art beginning Jan. 10 at the Rancho Santa Fe Art Gallery, 6004 Paseo Delicias, next to the Union Bank. This exhibit presents the latest collection of award-winning, featured artist Manss Aval through March 2. Any artist interested in joining the Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild, in invited to visit for information and requirements. The Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild, a 501(c )(3) organization’s purpose is to embrace the visual arts, provide exhibit space, enhance community awareness and foster artistic skills. Gallery hours are 10:30 to 1 p.m. Tuesdays, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesdays through Fridays and 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays, closed Sunday and Monday. For information call, (858) 759-3545. The show is sponsored by the Union Bank Rancho Santa Fe, The Rancho Santa Fe Foundation and The Country Squire in Rancho Santa Fe.

Join PACT performing workshops If you are looking for a way to make a difference and get on stage at the same time, Positive Action Community Theatre (PACT) presents its winter eight-week series Goldmine Inclusive Performing Arts Workshops from Jan. 19 to March 9 At Dance North County, 535 Encinitas Blvd., Suite 101. The PACT classes work to teach life skills and creating community for children, teens, and adults with autism and other disabilities. The schedule includes: — Children’s Theatre Workshops, 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Tuition: $150 — Teen/Adult Theatre Workshops, 2:30 to 4 p.m. Tuition: $175 — Teen/Adult Performance Arts Workshops, 4 to 5 p.m.Tuition: $150 Partial scholarships are offered, based on need. Its goal is a 50/50 combination of peers with and without disabilities. For more information, call (760) 815-8512 or visit or email

ARTS CALENDAR Got an item for Arts calendar? Send the details via email to

JAN. 11

ART OF WEBB Through Feb. 28, see Steve Webb’s art show, “Whimsy, Landscapes and Animals” at the Civic Center Gallery, City Hall, 505 S.Vulcan Ave., Encinitas.

JAN. 13

JUST JAZZ At 3 p.m. Jan. 13, enjoy a concert by guitarist Frank Potenza and jazz guitar legend Mundell Lowe along with Rob Thorsen on bass and drummer Ramon Banda, at the First Christian Church of Oceanside, 204 S. Freeman St., Oceanside, plus a meet and greet post-performance reception.

JAN. 14

WATERCOLOR Consider city of Encinitas sponsored Intermediate Watercolor classes Mondays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., $30 with Jayne Spencer. Call (619) 889-1478, or visit

JAN. 15

‘KING LEAR’ The North Coast Repertory Theatre, 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drove, Suite D, Solana Beach is offering a onenight, classic reading of Shakespeare’s “King Lear,” directed by David Ellenstein, for one night only, at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 15. Tickets are $25. Call (858) 481-1055 for more information.

JAN. 16

OCEANSIDE ART Attend a reception to “Meet the Artists” and view an exhibit of art from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Jan. 16 by Oceanside artists at the El Corazon Senior Center, 3302 Senior Center Drive, Oceanside. Exhibiting artists will be on hand to talk with visitors and staff members will conduct tours. For more information, contact B. A. Stuber via email at or call 760-435-5302.

JAN. 17

WOMAN’S VIEW Come see “Miss Representation,” at 6 p.m. Jan. 17 at the Grauer School, 1500 S. El Camino Real, Encinitas. The documentary discusses how the media contribute to the under-representation of women in American leadership positions and overemphasize youth and beauty. Appropriate for ages 13 and older. For more information, visit or call (760) 944-6777.

JAN. 18

MUSIC BY THE SEA Enjoy a Music By The Sea Concert with Laurie Rubin, mezzosoprano at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 18 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive. Tickets are $12. To purchase tickets, visit DRAWING



Learn at the Encinitas Library Figure Drawing Group, with a live model on Fridays noon to 4 p.m. at the library, 540 Cornish Drive, for a $10 donation. Call (760) 942-8738.



JAN. 11, 2013

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■ ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ puts

viewers in a ‘What would you do?’ position By Noah S. Lee

Gripping in its tense atmosphere and unyielding in its determination, “Zero Dark Thirty”is an intricately crafted, no-nonsense thriller that offers a stark depiction of our nation’s hunt for Osama bin Laden.And for that, it deserves the highest respect. I’m not going to lie to you. “Zero Dark Thirty” was, for many months, the film I dreaded most to see. Everything I heard — controversial depiction of the use of torture,possibility of improper access to classified information, a Senate committee investigating the CIA — planted seeds of fear in my heart that grew bigger and bigger the more I kept seeing that threeword title. In other words, I became afraid of what the film’s lasting effects might have on my mind. After having seen the film in its entirety, I can safely say I am grateful I summoned the courage to put my dread aside and see for myself if my worst fears were true. Fortunately, they were disproven. However, this film is not for the faint of heart. As I came to understand, “Zero Dark Thirty” has many legitimate reasons as to why it should be regarded with respect. Following the devastating tragedy of Sept. 11, 2001, the United States began a man-

hunt for Osama bin Laden, the founder and leader of the alQaeda terrorist organization. After years of eluding detection, he was finally killed in May 2011 by a contingent of Navy SEALs, who were carrying out the CIA-planned operation. Many citizens already know by now some of the basic non-classified facts about the raid that resulted in bin Laden’s death. What we didn’t know for a long time, however, were the events that happened during the period between Sept. 11 and his demise. For the first time on the big screen, we get to see America’s decade-long search for the man who attacked us. I applaud director Kathryn Bigelow and screenwriter Mark Boal for getting straight to the point and not wasting time on the unimportant details. The moment you see Jason Clarke resort to humiliation and waterboarding tactics to break a suspect while a silent Jessica Chastain observes the interrogation, it becomes clear you are witnessing a story of great gravity. There are no attempts to glamorize the CIA’s efforts to learn what each potential alQaeda suspect knew about bin Laden, nor are the means we utilized to take him down presented in a black-and-white perspective.

NOW - JANUARY 27, 2013 It’s not just the interrogations to which you should pay attention; we are also asked to keep in mind the people who were either killed or nearly got killed while participating in this mission. In the end, “Zero Dark Thirty” asks the audience this question: what did we have to do in order to deliver the coup de grâce to the world’s most dangerous man? The omnipresent tension in the film falls into the category of “you-know-what-will-happen-but-want-to-know-how-wegot-there.” Complications that Chastain runs into — uncooperative superiors, false leads, her fellow co-workers’ deaths — raise the feeling of desperation to just the right amount each time as the film progresses in its depiction of the bin Laden manhunt. Speaking of Chastain, her performance as a resilient yet vulnerable CIA operative named Maya is by far the poignant one in the entire film. There is not a moment where her feelings about taking down the world’s most wanted man don’t coincide with our feelings about how he will eventually meet his fate. I wouldn’t be surprised if she wins an Academy Award for this role. One of the more memorable scenes in the film is the climactic raid on the Abbottabad compound in Pakistan. The nighttime setting imbues the scenario with an eerie quality; the SEALs’ movements are not unlike that of ghosts. Plus, the “night vision” appearance the camera wears as it follows the SEALs proceeding into the building helps to establish the idea that you are experiencing a recreated historical event, one that we knew was coming since the beginning. Do I dare say that “Zero Dark Thirty” is a fine film? Yes. Is it worthy of respect? You bet your life, and not one you want to start an argument against. MPAA rating: R for strong violence including brutal disturbing images, and for language.

Stationed in a covert base overseas, Jessica Chastain plays a member of the elite team of spies and military operatives who secretly devote themselves to finding Osama Bin Laden in “Zero Dark Thirty.” Photo by Jonathan Olley

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the votes after longtime Supervisor Pam Slater-Price opted not to run for the seat she held for 20 years. District 3 includes North County jurisdictions such as Del Mar, Solana Beach and Encinitas, as well as several areas in the city of San Diego, including Carmel Valley. Greg Cox and Dianne Jacob were re-elected to their District 1 and 2 seats, respectively, and were also sworn in during the Jan. 7 ceremony at the County Operations Center in Kearney Mesa. The event began with an invocation by Monsignor Daniel Dillabough and the Presentation of Colors by the San Diego County Sheriff’s Honor Guard. Roberts’ eldest son, Robert, led the Pledge of Allegiance and held the Bible as his father was sworn in. More than 300 people attended, including mayors from several cities, such as Bob Filner of San Diego, Teresa Barth from Encinitas, Jim Wood of Oceanside and



for a few dollars just about anywhere and another suggestion to put coins or rocks into a tin can which can be shaken. “Coyotes are a species in 56 counties in California. They are predators and people need to be aware of them, but coyote attacks on humans



committee is also responsible for all parks and open space within the Covenant, like the Arroyo property and sports parks like Richardson Field which involves not only maintenance, but making sure they are fairly scheduled with all those who want to

JAN. 11, 2013

RANCHO SANTA FE NEWS Chula Vista’s Cheryl Cox, who administered the oath to her husband. Roberts said he was told it was a record crowd for the event. “That made me feel really good,” he said. Also on hand were Solana Beach City Councilwoman Lesa Heebner, council members Lee Haydu and Don Mosier from Del Mar and representatives from the 22nd District Agricultural Association, including President Adam Day and General Manager Tim Fennell. “I believe I’m bringing a new activist perspective on some issues and a shared vision on other issues,” Roberts said. “To all my new colleagues on the board, I pledge I’ll work with you to make our county even better. We may disagree on occasion but I pledge that I will not be disagreeable. “You can always count on me and trust me to do my very best for the public good,” Roberts said. “I’m ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work.” are extremely rare,” he said. He said last year, there were only two attacks in the whole state, both in Palm Springs, both to 69-year-old women and a week apart. “We do not know the correlation,” he said. He said there is great advice about living with wildlife on the department’s website, use them. “All are natural grass fields so we have to make sure they are properly cared for,” he said. The fields are used by all kinds of sports such as youth baseball, soccer and Lacrosse and by adults on Sunday during the very popular soccer games.

6233 El Apajo Road Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067



events,” Huth said. “Not that we weren’t diligent before, but we really wanted to address potential concerns with permits, traffic control and people being in the rightof-way with so many new events happening. The sheriffs play a key role for all of these things.” During talks with Haley, Huth said he also communicated the importance of the sheriff’s department being visible in the community. “We want them interacting with residents and business owners on a regular basis — keeping a high profile so to speak.”Huth said.“I think he (Haley) believes in that as well — that’s key.” Haley, who currently lives in Escondido with his wife, has a jump start in terms of familiarity with the community. Of the areas he heads, he’s called Encinitas, Solana Beach and Del Mar home at various points in his life. After graduating from Torrey Pines High School, Haley studied to become a math teacher at MiraCosta College. A friend, however, thought Haley’s personality suited law enforcement. Haley’s dye was cast as a teacher, or so he thought until he gave a police ridealong a shot. “I immediately saw this is something I really want to do — that it’s different every day,” Haley said.“I’ll tell you,



the entire district. At the moment, the district provides 60 percent imported water, 35 percent local water and 5 percent recycled water. The new board will continue to grapple with the issues of ever-rising prices for imported water, an aging infrastructure and how to keep operation costs as low as possible.

this is my 28th year, and I’ve never been bored one day. I don’t think there are many professions where you can say that.” Looking back at his career so far, Haley said he’s especially proud of helping to orchestrate a drug ring bust while he was commander of the Sheriff’s Fallbrook substation. With the help of federal agencies,50 drug and weapons dealers were eventually arrested last October as a result of the complex operation. Haley then left that position to recruit and hire sheriff’s deputies for the county. He said the experience cemented in his mind what it takes to work in law enforcement. “People have to have a certain makeup for this line of work,” Haley said. “If gunfire started right now, we run toward gun fire.That is not a normal human reaction, but that’s how we’re wired and that’s how we train.” Haley replaced Capt. Sherri Sarro, who commanded the Encinitas Sheriff’s Station for two and a half years. Sarro will take over as the head of the Sheriff’s emergency services division. “This is bittersweet,” Sarro said. “I’m excited for my new opportunity, but I’ll miss the people of Encinitas.” “I’m confident (Haley) will use all of his experience to step in and do great,” she added.

The cost of imported water has skyrocketed in the past few years and the rates to the customer have continued to rise. Customers have seen a 74 percent increase in their water bills over the last decade. Deaver said the only reaction she has gotten from customers is when someone calls and wants to know why their water bill is higher.



‘spread the word,’ is what they’re doing now…We’re not against it. If they’re eyes and ears out there for us, we’re all for that. It doesn’t matter what they’re dressed in,” he said. With the possibility of the League increasing their presence in the North County, Haley said he didn’t think that would become a distraction. “It’s like neighborhood watch or anything else.… “Our crime prevention folks work with a variety of neighborhood watch organizations and other folks to do just what they’re doing, whether it’s pass the word or observe and report, which is, I assume, what they’re doing right now.” Haley added that he applauds them for what they’re doing. “We have nothing against it,” Haley said. “It is interesting that they’re dressed creatively, I guess. I applaud them for what they’re doing. “We haven’t heard anything negative about it. If we do, we’ll address it at that time but I don’t think, at this point, they’re doing anything outside of their rights as citizens of the community, which again, we applaud.” The public response, Mr. Xtreme said, has been pretty positive lately, too. “In the early days, when we first started about six years ago, it was a little bit more of a challenge. People weren’t as receptive. But the public, in general, seem like they’re more supportive of our efforts. “Because we’re here to stay; we’re not going anywhere. Not until there’s no more violent crime; when there’s no more violent crime, then we’ll think about doing something else.” As for the bad guys, he said, “they get offended by us being out there, but that’s pretty normal.” Apart from patrolling the streets for bad guys, Vigilante Spider, who’s been with the League for about four years, but an independent crime fighter for about a

decade, said they also do outreach in the community. “As far as safety patrols, we do a lot of that,” said the red-masked man. “We do a lot of homeless outreach; we do a lot of community outreach, so it’s not just about one thing or the other. But right now, our focus is to get information about (the potential kidnappers). That is our objective today.” Wearing a purple mask that half-covered his face, Divine Force was still getting familiar with the costumed patrols. “When I started out, I didn’t really have any skill sets,” he said. “But these guys…they just really took me under their wing and helped me out to get familiar with this,” Divine Force said. His name, he said, comes from his religiosity and also because it “sounded cool.” Since joining the League, a little more than a year ago (he was still in high school at the time) he’s seen his fair share of bad guys. “Lot of drunken brawls in the Gaslamp, some gang threats, some attacks. Mainly down in the Gaslamp, people get rowdy,” he said. On this patrol he was carrying pepper spray and a radio. Normally, he explained, he carries two stun guns, but added that he was pretty light on the equipment side. Divine Force joined the League after being inspired by a documentary on real-life superhero movement called, “Superheroes.” “I saw that, and I didn’t know that existed and it just seemed like a really cool idea,” he said. The band of crime preventers planned to walk through Encinitas over the weekend, with possible plans to be heading to another North County city in the following weeks, handing out flyers and talking with citizens. “It really just comes down to being vigilant and contacting as many people as we can,” Vigilante Spider said. They can be reached online through facebook or email at


JAN. 11, 2013


New chairman beefing up Foundation’s marketing JEAN GILLETTE Small Talk

I didn’t fear the dentist, until now What the heck happened here? Dentists used to ask me if I even used my teeth. Apparently, pride goeth before the fall and the dentist’s appointment. I used to shake my head in puzzlement at people who winced at a visit to the dentist. This was in my salad days when I had perfect teeth. As with far too many things, I presumed I would always have great teeth. Simply put, given time all things change. So now I am paying off the dentist’s home loan, requiring three crowns in the span of 18 months, plus getting a night guard to stop my teeth grinding, and coming within a gnat’s eyelash of getting braces. When I said I wanted to feel 16 again, braces were not really what I had in mind. I chickened out at the last minute. The $5,000 price tag helped dissolve my resolve. Meanwhile, a chunk of one of my molars disappeared during the holidays. I have always had a TURN TO SMALL TALK ON B8

OTTERS ON THE MOVE ? With the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service overturning a ruling on “otter free zones” San Diego may see the increasing presence of otters. B2

By Jared Whitlock

RANCHO SANTA FE — New chairman Neil Hokanson called the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation “a well-kept secret” in San Diego. One of his goals during his two-year term: get the word out. The foundation is a public charity that’s managed donation assets for individuals and institutions for more than 30 years. But unbeknownst to many, the foundation’s 29-member board serves all of the county and other areas, not just Rancho Santa Fe, Hokanson noted. “While many of our donors are in Rancho Santa Fe, we really are a countywide and beyond organization,” Hokanson said. “We want to do a better job of making that point.” To increase outreach, Hokanson said the foundation’s marketing committee has recently beefed up social media efforts. Also, members will be Neil Hokanson is the new chairman of the Rancho Santa Fe Foundation. He’d like to step up marketing to let encouraged to emphasize the more people know about the foundation’s reach. Photo by Jared Whitlock

scope of the foundation when talking with organizations and potential donors. Third, letting the financial community know about the foundation is a priority. “They have clients that are philanthropically inclined,” said Hokanson,

People are beyond just writing a check.” Neil Hokanson Chairman,Rancho Santa Fe Foundation

who himself is the president of Hokanson Associates, a financial planning company in Solana Beach. Hokanson said some other areas of the foundation could use polish, but said that he’s largely happy with its direction. He noted the founTURN TO FOUNDATION ON B8

Longtime actor lends name to a new role By Lillian Cox

Jonathan McMurtry has one of those recognizable faces, especially among television viewers who can see him regularly on popular sitcoms such as “Cheers,” “Frasier” and “Modern Family.” Equally impressive is that McMurtry, a graduate of the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, has earned the distinction of having the longest association with one theater of any stage actor in the United States.

This was accomplished during his 50-year career as associate artist with The Old Globe Theatre, where he has acted in all 37 plays written by Shakespeare. He also teaches in the Master of Fine Arts program offered by The Old Globe and the University of San Diego. Currently, he is being honored by lending his name to The Jonathan McMurtry Actors’ Fund, which will be used to pay the salaries of professional actors at North Coast Repertory Theatre —

Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . B10 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B9 Machel’s Ranch . . . . . . . . B4 Odd Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . B2

where he has appeared in more than a dozen productions.The fund, he says, promises a better future for working actors. “This encourages more local actors to become union members which will help them find work,” he said. “It will also bring audiences into the theater because the actors will be professionals.” Now 75, McMurtry says the parts that come his way are fewer as he gets older. “I played old men a lot when I was young, but I can’t play young lovers now that I’m 75,” he said, smiling. “But getting older helps me with teaching, which I like to do.” David Ellenstein, artistic director of the North Coast Rep, has known McMurtry since he was a child. His father, the late Robert Ellenstein, and McMurtry were old friends. “My father was my numJonathan McMurtry has been honored with The Jonathan McMurtry ber one mentor and Jonathan Actors’ Fund bearing his name, which will be used to pay salaries for professional actors at North Coast Repertory Theatre. Photo courtesy of

TURN TO ACTOR ON B8 Aaron Rumley


JAN. 11, 2013


Otters eventually to arrive in San Diego with ban lifted By Jared Whitlock

COAST CITIES — Otters will likely migrate to San Diego thanks to a new ruling from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The Fish and Wildlife Service recently ended the “otter-free zone” ruling because of objections from environmentalists and other groups. After being banned in waters south of Point Conception for more than 20 years, the otters will be free to roam the entire coastline. But don’t expect to see them in local waters in the near future. Sea otters are rare in San Diego, and it could be “several decades or more”until a steady population is established locally, according to Lilian Carswell, southern sea otter coordinator for Fish and Wildlife. “The recent ruling equals otters returning to their natural migration,”Carswell said,referring to otter territories that once peppered northern Mexico to San Francisco.“From history, the otter population moves in fits and starts. It’s difficult to anticipate where exactly they’ll move to and the time frame.” Typically, otter colonies on the move don’t migrate more than 5 to 20 miles a year. Until then, San Diegans might spot an otter here or there,but that’s it, Carswell said. No matter the otters’ speed, many Southern California fishermen have stated they’re concerned about otters encroaching on their territories. Fisheries blossomed in

the absence of abalone and urchin-devouring otters. Pete Halmay, a local urchin fishermen, believes there are more pressing issues than otters for local fishermen. “I think the otter-free zone was a bad idea enough to begin with,” Halmay said. “That said, I like to look at the big picture,” Halmay added. “Issues like ocean acidification are more important in the long term. Acidification could wipe out species of fish.” Steve Shimek, director of The Otter Project, cheered the ruling. “The zone was a mess from day one,” Shimek said. “The otters weren’t going to conform to an imaginary line. They were following their natural range.” He believes the greater environmental protections that were a part of Fish and Wildlife’s decision will curb incidents of otters being shot or run over by boats. Now they can safely migrate south, he said. “This decision will jumpstart the otter population in California,” Shimek said. With the zone being lifted, Fish and Wildlife will no longer be removing the otters from Southern California waters. Also, the decision guarantees otters the same environmental protection as otters to the north, and development plans have to take them into account. Carswell noted that scientists estimate 16,000 otters, some of which were in San Diego, populated California’s

With the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service overturning a ruling on “otter free zones,” the waters off of San Diego’s coastline may see the increasing presence of otters in the next several decades or so. Photo courtesy of The Otter Project and Jeff Foott

coastline in the early 1800s.But fur traders almost hunted them to extinction. Carswell explained that 30 years ago people were worried that an environmental disaster like an oil spill could wipe out the dwindling population of sea otters along the coast of Central California. In response to those concerns Fish and Wildlife relocated 140 otters from Monterey to San Nicolas Island,off the coast of Ventura, with the hopes of creating a thriving colony. As part of that relocation

process, Fish and Wildlife banned sea otters from moving south of Point Conception to appease fishermen, who were worried the otters would wipe out the urchin and abalone. To enforce the otter-free zone in Southern California, divers from Fish and Wildlife captured stray otters via nonlethal means. However, many otters still swam back to Central California. Others made their way into the otterfree zone. Unable to control the otters,Fish and Game scrapped the San Nicolas relocation pro-

gram in 1993, according to Carswell. “Relocating them wasn’t fully thought through,” Carswell said. More than 150 otters moved en masse into the otterfree zone in 1998. In response, fishermen sued Fish and Wildlife, demanding the federal agency trap and remove them. Fish and Wildlife won the lawsuit and said it would no longer restrict the otters’ movement. But because the otter-free zone was technically still in place, many environmental groups said the otters weren’t afforded environmental protections, preventing them from successfully traveling south. Currently, there are approximately 3,000 otters in California. Some of the otters face a depleted food supply in parts of Central California. Accordingly, they’re motivated to move south, where urchins and abalone are more abundant. After recovering over the last few decades, the otter population has plateaued in the last five years. Food shortages are one reason; sharks preying on the otters is another. “We’re not entirely sure why there’s been a rise in shark-bite mortalities,” Carswell said. Still, Carswell said Southern California being open again could give the otter population a chance to grow. “They have a new area to move into,” Carswell. “There are more food opportunities.”

Lecture helps women get money-wise CARMEL VALLEY — Join Richard M. Ina, a lecturer and senior vice president for UBS Financial Services Inc., for a discussion on the “7 Ways Women Sabotage Their Financial Future” from noon to 1:30 p.m. Jan. 15 at the Arterra Restaurant, 11966 El Camino Real, San Diego. Ina has been helping women navigate the financial challenges they face for 25 years. Special guest speaker, Michelle Bergquist, national author and speaker will present how business women can work smarter, not harder, and share strategies to improve your career. She will also review the “Five Key Elements to Being Referable” and “Building Your Network.” Each attendee will receive a free copy of Bergquist’s book, “How to Build a Million Dollar Database.” A complimentary lunch will be served. Reservations are requested by Jan. 11 by calling Gabriella Sheffield at (858) 947-7989 or email be our fan on and click link



Three-Star Room That’s a Dump The usual 20,000 or so visitors every year to Belgium’s Verbeke Foundation art park have the option (365 of them, anyway) to spend the night inside the feature attraction: a 20-foot-long, 6-foothigh polyester replica of a human colon created by Dutch designer Joep Van Lieshout. At one end, of course, another body part is replicated (and gives the installation its formal name, the Hotel CasAnus). The facility, though “cramped,” according to one prominent review, features heating, shower and double bed, and rents for the equivalent of about $150 a night. The 30-acre art park is regarded as one of Europe’s “edgiest” art destinations.

Compelling Explanation Retrials and appeals are sometimes granted if a convicted criminal demonstrates that he received “ineffective assistance of counsel.” Among the reasons that the lawyer for convicted Joliet, Ill., quadruple-murderer Christopher Vaughn offered in his November motion was the ineptness of other lawyers (but not himself). Specifically, he argued, the lawyers for the convicted wife-killing police officer Drew Peterson put on such a disgusting case that they gave all defense lawyers a bad name. (The website pointed out that Vaughn lawyer George Lenard himself violated a lawyers’ “kitchen sink” standard by overlisting 51 separate reasons why his client deserved a new trial.)

Chutzpah! Mauricio Fierro gained instant fame in December in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as the reported victim of a car theft (captured on surveillance video) when he dashed into a pharmacy. He went to a police station to file a report, but encountered the pharmacy owner making his own report — that Fierro was actually robbing him at the moment the car was taken. More surveillance video revealed that while Fierro was standing outside the pharmacy, wondering where his car was, a man ran by and stole the stolen cash. Fierro then immoderately complained to the police even more about Sao Paulo’s crime rate and lack of security. Afterward, Fierro admitted to a local news website that in fact he had stolen the very car that he was reporting stolen.


JAN. 11, 2013


At MiraCosta College, you’re not just a number There are a lot of things that Caitlin Clark likes about MiraCosta College. The money she’s saving in tuition when compared to a four-year college, for example. That she’s not one of hundreds of students crammed into a lecture hall is right up there, too. And then there’s the small-town, welcoming atmosphere. But it’s the college’s attention to student success that has Clark convinced she made the right move coming to MiraCosta College before enrolling in a university. “The services they offer here, everything from tutoring to resume workshops, are free,” the Carlsbad High School graduate said. At MiraCosta College, the small class sizes, free tutoring in nearly every subject and commitment to academic achievement means the focus remains on you. “I’ve been at eight different institutions in my 36year career and MiraCosta is by far the ‘Number 1’ student-oriented place as far as having support services available,” said Dr. Edward Pohlert, the college’s faculty director of retention services who serves as the lead of the Tutoring and Academic Support Center. Among the services are

facilitated group learning sessions comprising from four to 12 students that are tied to specific classes such as biology, math and chemistry, “the sort of classes that students can struggle with,” Dr. Pohlert said. There are also the college’s Student Success Workshops, which cover everything from library research to stress management, along with online tutoring sessions in subjects ranging from accounting to web development. And MiraCosta offers a number of drop-in sessions for biology, chemistry and math, “if you just need quick help, 10 or 15 minutes, which fits students well because not everyone has 50 minutes for a full tutoring session,” Dr. Pohlert said. The college’s First Year Experience is a program that helps students taking pretransfer level classes. And Puente is a highly rated academic program that combines rigorous writing instruction and intensive academic counseling, along with mentoring by business professionals. The result? Statistics show that more than 8 in 10 students who use the college’s academic support services will boost their

grades. MiraCosta College’s programs are far more than what Clark could have expected had she gone straight to San Diego State University from high school. “I do tutoring every week,” she said, “and it’s helped my grades tremendously. In my accounting class alone, after three tutoring sessions, my grades were going from a C to a B-plus.” The support she received is helping Clark reach her goal of transferring into San Diego State University or Cal State Fullerton next fall. From there, she plans on securing a master’s degree in psychology or a related field and becoming a counselor. Caitlin is so convinced that MiraCosta College was the right choice that she now works as a student ambassador who visits local high schools. “My whole job is not only to get kids into MiraCosta but to help them transition from high school to college and to succeed here,” she said. In that sense, Caitlin is carrying on the MiraCosta College tradition of ensuring student success. “Coming here was the best decision I made,” she said.

North County’s Premier Catholic Elementary School

Introducing The “New” St. James Academy Rolling Out Our New Brand For over 60 years, St. James Academy has exemplified a higher devotion to excellence. Many things have changed over the years: the building has been completely remodeled, technology is lightning quick, communication is global, access to information is immediate, and now we have a new brand. This spring we are rolling out a new logo, website, slogan and other brand elements. This new brand was developed to update our look and represent us to the highest standards of academic education and our caring Catholic values. The Heart Of Our School Remains The Same We are not changing who we are just our look. Our learning is based on the teachings and philosophy of the Catholic Church and following Gospel values to make a difference in our world. As the challenges of contemporary life evolve, St. James Academy continuously evaluates the best processes to enable our students to meet the current and future needs of our community. The vision for St. James Academy is to enable students, educators, and our community to gain both the desire and the

opportunity to practice Christ-centered action in everyday life. Our Cherished Preschool In living our vision, we have grown to include an outstanding preschool. This program’s goal for three and four year olds is to ensure that your children's

We are not changing who we are, just our look. first school experiences are filled with love, laughter, and learning. One to One iPad Program We are in our pilot year of a one to one iPad program. Next year the program will include fourth grade through seventh. The rest of the school utilizes a school set of iPads as this program is offering our students the opportunity to utilize new technologies and learning techniques in order to give them a greater advantage in their learning and future educational and career choices.

The Junior High Program We have an almost completely new Junior High program. They have some extra minutes in their day, 2 days each week of block scheduling, a choice of electives and a flex period where they can get extra help from teachers, retake or makeup tests, work on homework, and a new surf club! Fully Accredited And Dedicated St. James is a fully accredited, Catholic elementary school (K-8) that has been serving the San Diego North County Coastal community since 1952. St. James employs fully accredited teachers. Students at St. James are blessed with a dedicated teaching and support staff committed to providing a strong educational program that integrates spiritual, moral, academic, social, cultural and physical precepts. The Academy is part of the vibrant St. James Catholic Community. A Hidden Gem St. James Academy is tucked away in a beautiful Solana Beach neighborhood, which gives us a great sense of privacy. If you live in North County, call us for a tour of this hidden gem at (858) 7551777 or visit our website at



JAN. 11, 2013


EDUCATIONAL O PPORTUNITIES Olivenhain Country Preschool and Infant Center for the Ar ts...

A balance of academics and arts Where our school is your child’s 2nd home. We appreciate the opportunity to introduce you to OCP and look forward to sharing with you the unique advantages of our environment and programs. We invite you to tour our facility, meet our teachers, and see for yourself how kids are laughing and growing while learning at OCP.

Olivenhain Country Preschool and Infant Center for the Arts mission is to provide your child with a safe, loving, nurturing environment to acquire proper skills and values to prepare them for their future. Children need a balance of academics and arts. We have studied Beverly Boss' theory of learning and integrated some of her thoughts on kinesthetic and tactile experiences for the young child. A child will retain more of the knowledge he is given at a young age, if it is presented through many mediums, including cooking, the

arts, drama and expression, rhythm and movement, and even gardening. Our teachers provide a classroom environment enabling them to express themselves at each stage of development. Our daily activities include a variety of learning tools for your child to gain interest in learning as well as using their imagination. Our monthly curriculums take the child through a world geared to his level. We look forward to sharing with you the unique advantages of our environment and programs. We invite you to tour our facility,

meet our teachers, and see for yourself how kids are laughing and growing while learning at OCP. Come and experience what makes us unique: • A safe, loving, nurturing environment • Hands on art & crafts, cooking, gardening • Our family values: politeness, good manners & respect • Art & nature exploration in a cheerful setting Come and visit our unique preschool in Encinitas. Monday - Friday 7:00am- 6:00pm. 448 Rancho Santa Fe Road, Encinitas, (760) 942-5434

Resolutions and fresh perspective in 2013 MACHEL PENN SHULL Machel’s Ranch Happy New Year Rancho Santa Fe. I hope that you had a splendid holiday season. I managed to squeeze in a trip back to the snowy Midwest to see my parents. This column happened mainly “out of town” over the last couple of weeks. I will say when you leave home and come back to your normal routine; there is nothing like a fresh perspective that shows you how wonderful your home surroundings are in Southern California. Rancho Santa Fe has never looked better. With the shortest day behind us and all of our giftgiving out of the way are you ready to conquer 2013? I know I am. I am looking forward to discovering new stories within this magical community that we are lucky experience on a daily basis. Moving forward, set reasonable New Year’s resolutions and try to tackle one major goal verses several. That’s my approach for the New Year. Also, I will be sharing with you where you

can get in shape at the Rancho Santa Fe Community Center. Make big dreams, but also remember to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. Around Town On Dec. 26, I flew off into the clouds with my son on a overly crowded flight back to the Midwest. The Denver airport has never seen so many travelers packed with carry on presents. I read my very first Jack Reacher novel by Lee Child. You may already be into this series of books, but I am just now discovering them. I am excited now to see the new Tom Cruise movie that just came out. Although I did find out over Christmas from my Facebook page that some diehard Jack Reacher fans are not too thrilled with the choice of casting. All I can tell you is I am sure Lee Child is absolutely thrilled one of the biggest superstars in the world is bringing his popular character to life. Now my son and I are hooked and plan on reading all of them in the New Year. On Dec. 27, my parents and I headed to the main street of Spirit Lake that is also a popular tourist destination in the summertime. However, there is something magical about the

Downtown Spirit Lake, Iowa during the Holiday season. Machel Penn Shull

Photo by

William and Micky Penn are the parents of columnist, Machel Penn Shull. Photo by Machel Penn Shull

wintertime, too. The blue sky looks dreamy over the snow covered downtown. Snowflake flurries drifted slowly in the wind as the sun filled the streets with warm sunshine. I have included a photo of my parents that I just love looking festive in their hometown of Spirit Lake, Iowa. I am always lucky to spend time with my parents! On Jan. 3, I received some important news from the Rancho Santa Fe Community Center: Fitness classes are resuming after the holidays! From yoga to Jazzercise, local residents can lose those extra holiday pounds and have fun meeting other residents at our Don’t miss out on getting in shape at the Community Center in Rancho very own Community Santa Fe. Courtesy photo Center in the heart of town.

Read the Jack Reacher books before you see the movie. Photo by Machel Penn Shull

Pricing is reasonable, too. Ten classes are only $125. For drop-in rate it’s only $15. For more information on times and scheduling check out for times and instructor information. If you have a story you would like Machel to share, please email her at

The Nativity School hosts annual open house RANCHO SANTA FE — On Jan. 27,The Nativity School will host its annual open house for K-8 families from 10 a.m. to noon. Parents and students will have the opportunity to meet the school’s leader and principal, Margaret Heveron, the friendly and inviting teachers, and explore the beautiful campus and classrooms. Small class sizes, stimulating curriculum enhanced by specialists, and a dedicated Catholic community, are three of the features that The Nativity School provides to each family. The Nativity School is dedicated to providing a challenging educational environment, as well as developing the moral judgment and decision making skills nurtured in the school’s Catholic values. The school’s philosophy of education, based on the Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner, is the foundation that cultivates the intellect of each student. This philosophy promotes the sound spiritual, social, emotional, and physical growth of its students. All students from grades K through 8 are nurtured and accepted for individual differences and talents. Encouragement and positive reinforcement are used to allow individual development, both socially and academically. One parent stated, “The teachers truly bring much love, learning, and excitement to my child every day.” Another parent agreed. “They are wonderful teachers,

and have been doing a fantastic job. “It amazes me how much effort, thought, and kindness they show each student individually and as a group. “The teachers do an amazing job academically teaching to each student. I feel my daughter is not only getting a great education, but a wellrounded,enriching preparation for the next levels ahead.” The Nativity School uses Schoolwide Learning Expectations as a framework for establishing overall goals for student growth and achievement. The rich and challenging curriculum of the core subjects religion, language arts, math, reading, science, and social studies, are enhanced with specialized curriculum in Spanish, technology, art, music, and physical education. Technology is available to all students in every classroom, and is infused into the curriculum to support and enhance the learning process. The Nativity School opened its doors in September 1996 as an integral part of The Church of the Nativity. The addition of the school represented phase two of the master plan of the parish, and its commitment to serving the spiritual, academic, emotional and physical needs of Catholic families. To learn more about The Nativity School, please come to the Open House event on Jan. 27 from 10 a.m. to noon. Please call (858) 756-6763 to RSVP or to obtain more information.



JAN. 11, 2013

Plenty of winter fun to be had

Winter scenes don’t get much better or more beautiful than this. Visitors to Sequoia National Park are welcomed by spectacular vistas like this alpine trail. Visitors can play for a few hours in the snow, then head back to Wuksachi Lodge for hot cocoa and peppermint schnapps. Courtesy photo

E’LOUISE ONDASH Hit the Road It’s beginning to look a lot like winter here in Southern California. Here in North County, we enjoy walking in the cold morning air and sliding into the hot tub on these crisp, clear nights. But the nice thing about California is that, if it’s genuine winter you want, you can find it not too far away. And even better are the great deals to be had at this time of year. Read on: Early and ample snowfall has made Sequoia National Park in the eastern Sierras a spectacular winter wonderland, which can be appreciated both from indoors and out. Special offerings from the park’s cozy Wuksachi Lodge include the Winter Romance Package (locally-crafted chocolate truffles, bottle of red wine,

souvenir wine glasses and throw blanket) which starts at $88. The Winter Family Fun Package (winter sports map, snowshoe rentals and a new snow disc for kids) starts at $77. The Sweet Treat Package (two Sequoia souvenir mugs with hot cocoa mix, marshmallows and bottle of peppermint schnapps) starts at $70. The Winter Adventure Deluxe Package (full-day snowshoe rentals,winter sports map, box lunch, daypack and souvenir Sequoia thermos filled with hot cocoa) starts at $107.50. All prices are per person, per night, double occupancy. Rates valid through March 31. Maybe best thing of all at Sequoia is the free snow-chain concierge service (weekends only) for Wuksachi Lodge guests. Check road conditions by calling the National Park Service hotline at 559-565-3341. A less-than-three-hour drive north will take you to Big

Bear ski country where there’s plenty of snow for skiers, snowboarders and anyone who enjoys the mountains and all that white stuff. Big Bear Lake Resort Association is offering “Lift and Lodging” deals like the midweek packages that start as low as $69 per person per night, double occupancy. Weekend packages start at $89 per person per night, double occupancy (with minimum of two nights and two days of lift tickets). Lodging choices include private home rentals, bed-and-breakfasts, condos and cabins. Snow Summit and Bear Mountain offer 435 developed acres, 26 lifts, four high-speed chairs and 1,800 vertical feet. Visit You don’t have to go to the mountains and the snow for great winter deals. The Boutique Hotel Collection on the much-overlooked Central Coast is offering special prices at its four properties: the Apple Farm Inn and Sycamore Mineral Springs in

San Luis Obispo, and the The Cliffs Resort and SeaVenture Resort in Pismo Beach. The Cliffs underwent a multimillion-dollar update July 2009,so the renovation plus its location on the beach make it a wonderful place to spend a f e w winter days. Stay in SLO Town (its residents were voted the happiest in the country) and enjoy the popular

Thursday farmer’s market where you can meet locals and enjoy local food, p r o duce a n d crafts. D o n ’t miss the historic Mission San Luis Rey or the downtown shops and restaurants. All can be seen on foot. Visit for specials at all four hotels.

This snowboarder flies down some of the 1,800 vertical feet available to those who come to Snow Summit and Bear Mountain, less than a three-hour drive from North County. Midweek “Lift and Lodging” deals are available for as little as $69 per person. Courtesy photo

Regardless of the season, there’s always plenty to see and do in New York City, but the cost of lodging in Manhattan can cause heart palpitations. However, visit the Big Apple before Feb. 28 and take advantage of bargain prices at seven Hilton Worldwide hotels. They’ll throw in a coupon for Ripley’s Believe It Or Not Times Square, too. Rates start at $129 at the seven participating hotels: Hilton New York Fashion District; Hilton Times Square; DoubleTree Suites by Hilton Times Square; DoubleTree by Hilton Metropolitan - New York City; Hilton Garden Inn New York/West 35th Street; Hilton Garden Inn Times Square; and Hampton Inn Manhattan Times Square North. Call (800)-HILTONS and request plan code KX or KX1.

E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at

Snow blankets Wuksachi Lodge in Sequoia National Park in the eastern Sierras. Numerous specially priced November through February is the best time to watch elephant seals on Piedras Blancas beach where they packages are available during the winter months, and the lodge provides a free snow-chain concierge serv- mate and give birth to their pups. Piedras Blancas is a short drive from Pismo Beach where The Cliffs Resort ice for its hotel guests. Courtesy photo and SeaVenture Resort offer special winter rates. Photo by Jerry Ondash


JAN. 11, 2013












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JAN. 11, 2013

Finding peace in Mexico JOE

MORIS Baby Boomer Peace Well, the holidays are behind us. I can’t believe we don’t have anything exciting to look forward to through the upcoming dreary winter. I think that’s why we men barricade ourselves behind the football playoffs, the Super Bowl and then the Final Four. That should take care of those cold or wet weekends until mid-March or so. Life for baby boomers has to be more exciting than that. Certainly, life for baby boomers has to be better than looking forward to another tax year ending and starting a new one. Grind, grind and more grinding seems to be our credo while the Canadians are whistling Dixie down here. Though I am typing this while seven stories up overlooking some of God’s natural beauty. I’m still on my balcony down in Puerto Vallarta overlooking the Bay of Banderas and the Sierra Madre Mountain backdrop. This place is packed with people escaping the cold. There are baby boomers all over the place here. It is extremely tough

getting a beach or pool chair. That seems to be life’s biggest hassle here. I haven’t met anyone from California visiting down here yet. In fact, there just aren’t that many Americans at all. There is a splattering of people from Minnesota, Utah and Michigan. There are at least four to five Canadians for every American here if not more. I was down on the beach today with a few people from Canada. I was lucky as they saved one chair as a buffer from the crowd next to them and they invited me to take it. I most willingly did and was grateful. Lying in the sand is fine, but having the lounge chair is definitely a step up. I asked them why they come down to Mexico when the papers are filled with violence. The usual response is, “What violence?” You see, in Canada, they didn’t get involved in trying to eliminate their second amendment like our government did. They already have strict gun laws there. Our government though gave more than 2,000 high-powered assault weapons to the Mexican cartels in the Fast and Furious ordeal in 2010 and 2011 and then turned around and fed our media headlines with all the killings down in Mexico

while blaming it all on the ease of acquiring weapons in the United States. Only problem is it all turned out to be a fraud and a ruse with ulterior motives and continues to be investi-




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Hi, I'm RedStar Burton with the big paws and this is my happy family; Jim & Joanie Burton & "Doc" Al with his golf hat. My family is in the business of helping people with their Real Estate needs whether it be buying or selling a house or investment property. Jim's background as a General Contractor with experience in various phases of the Construction Industry & Construction Litigation & Joanie's extensive sales/marketing background along with "Doc's" wisdom of the Real Estate Industry is a real benefit. They believe that communication as well as a caring & optimistic attitude is essential to really understand people's real estate desires & concerns. Oh & by the way, they also volunteer to help my four-legged friends at the animal shelter in Carlsbad by going through the community to collect pet donations such as unopened pet food, pet toys & pet supplies. A big thank you to all of those who have donated! Happy Holidays from RedStar & my family. Thanks, Redstar Burton

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JAN. 11, 2013





Meet Kisses, Pet-ofthe-Week at Helen Woodward Animal Center. This year-and-ahalf old, 37-pund terrier blend loves pooch smooches and has an ever-wagging puppy tail. She leaps, catches and fetches and came across the country when Hurricane Sandy left her without a shelter. Her adoption fee is $299. Kisses also comes with two free passes to Sea World! Helen Woodward Animal Center is located at 6461 El Apajo Road in


Rancho Santa Fe. Kennels are open daily Monday through Thursday from noon to 6pm; Friday, noon to 7 p.m.; and Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Wellness Week begins this month The Downtown Encinitas MainStreet Association (DEMA) announced that its third annual Wellness Week will begin with a large indoor/outdoor festival at the Encinitas Library Jan. 19, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. This free event will feature dozens of exhibitors offering free mini-treatments (e.g. acupuncture, massage, reflexology), free product samples, free health screenings, cooking demos, performances (e.g. Aikido, Kids’ Yoga,

be our fan on and click link

Zumba), and special activities for kids. During the week that follows (through Jan. 26), the public is invited to take advantage of numerous other free classes, treatments, consultations and presentations, held at the library and at other participating organizations. These are all part of Wellness Week, a weeklong program of events and special offers that allows people to learn about and experience ways to improve their physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. All events are open to the public and free of charge. Most will be held at the Encinitas Branch of the San Diego County Library. For more information, visit


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Thank you for supporting our advertisers! Sincerely, The Rancho Santa Fe News Staff

was number two,” he said.“We became close in Hamlet produced by the Arizona Theatre Company in 1977, which my father directed. That was the first time we worked together and we became part of an extended family of friends and colleagues.” Ellenstein said he is among a legion of people inspired by McMurtry because of his ability to forge a lifelong career in theater, not only in San Diego, but also throughout the U.S. and Canada. “For a stage actor in the United States to have a career like his is really unusual,” he added. “The theater is changing all the time and the ones who stick to it are fewer and fewer.


gated by Congress and specifically our own Darrell Issa out of Vista in the House Oversight Committee of the House of Representatives. The decent 99.99 percent of Mexican people who have nothing to do with the drug cartels or small town graft got caught in the middle of the ruse and are suffering the loss of American tourism in Mexico. I can tell you one thing, I have been coming down to Puerto Vallarta for more than 10 years now and I would rather walk down the street at 1 a.m. in Puerto Vallarta than any street in San Diego County at the same time. The people are so nice and so friendly that I don’t have to walk with one eye over my shoulder. I don’t even want to start in on what living in Chicago must be like where they have more killings in a



perverse skill at getting sick before a big date, or while traveling or when every facility needed is, for some reason, closed. Upon finally getting into the dentist’s chair, my need for that third crown was confirmed. Despite my $400 night guard, I had managed to crack yet another tooth via my nightly tooth-grinding Weltschmerz. You thought that was tiresome? Now I really get to start whining. After four hours of Novocain, drilling, scraping, cheek stretching, jaw cracking, gargling, casting and creating a crown “while-you-wait,” the dentist placed it on and told me to bite down hard. Always

Jonathan has a sense of history having been around Sir Lawrence Olivier and Sir John Gielgud and bringing that tradition back and having the bedrock of knowledge to stand on. There aren’t too many of that breed left.” Ellenstein explained that the idea to pay tribute to McMurtry came up initially, followed by the means to do this through an actors’ fund

that would continue in perpetuity. “Jonathan epitomizes what an actor is,” he said. “I doubt that there are many, if any, equity actors on the West Coast with more weeks worked than Jonathan McMurtry. He’s been such a treasure in San Diego.” An event to honor McMurtry will be held on Feb. 5 at North Coast Repertory Theatre. “We want everyone to have the opportunity to express their gratitude to Jonathan while he is in good health so he can enjoy it,” he added. McMurtry will participate in a reading of “King Lear” at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 15. “I’m looking forward to it because I’m playing The Fool and am doing it with Ken Ruta

so it will be fun,” he said. “I’ve done 20 plays with him at the Globe. I think the first time I worked with him was 1965.” McMurtry’s awards include the KPBS 2006 Shiley Patte Lifetime in Theatre Achievement, numerous San Diego and Los Angeles Critics’ Circle Awards and the 2008 Craig Noel Lifetime Achievement in the Theatre Award. Also in 2008, the city of Vista and the county of San Diego proclaimed June 30, 2008, as “Jonathan McMurtry Day.” Theater fans that want to support professional actors by contributing to the fund can do so online at or contact Kathryn Byrd at (858) 4812155, ext. 211 or

week than Mexico has in a month and surpassed the number of deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan in a shorter period of time. I only bring that up because reality trumps fiction. The American press likes Americans to think that 131 Americans were killed in Mexico in 2011 alone. Even Fox News reported that without following up. I did follow up with the State Department in Washington. I wanted to know who these 131 Americans were that went unnoticed in all the U.S. news. I found out that all but one were dual citizen Mexicans in the drug cartels. One tourist died diving into shallow water while on vacation. But that isn’t the news we get and so everyone is afraid to come down to a place that world travelers now call their second

homes. I’m sure there are better places in the world but for the value, nothing even comes close. Just ask anyone who has invested down here. It is so beautiful and peaceful here and I’ve been an absolute bum for five weeks so far. Actually I’ve been recovering from double knee surgery and a ton of dental work, which I spoke of in my last column about having done for about 20 cents on the dollar. I’m feeling great which, unfortunately, is just in time to come home on the 18th to begin my winter sojourn working again. If I want to live free down here for about nine months out of the year I have to rent my condo here during the high season, which is now. I won’t be able to come again until April when the worldwide Cheerleading Competitions begin again right here at my own condo building in the Holiday Inn.

Ah, to be young again. Can you imagine hundreds, if not thousands, of cheerleaders in one place relaxing on the beach between competition? I still encourage any baby boomers looking for that slice of paradise to give another look at Cabo or Puerto Vallarta. If you don’t run drugs you have nothing to fear. The economy here is vibrant and new construction continues unabated with a huge middle class growing here. The Mexican people here are not what you envision Mexican people to be like. They’re upscale and modern. I found my peace despite the media accounts and that’s all we baby boomers should be looking for. Find yours in 2013. The clock is ticking.

Jonathan epitomizes what an actor is.” David Ellenstein Artistic Director

an obedient child, I did, causing the crown to summarily crack in two. It was really hard to tell who wanted to slap somebody more … the dentist or me. We both knew there was no one to slap, but it didn’t make us any less inclined. I then got to rise and be at the dentist’s first thing this morning to finish the job. All seems to be well. I think they may have sent out for an extra-durable crocodile tooth, this time, as there is some suspicion I might have been that, a hyena or perhaps a Rottweiler in my last life. Jean Gillette did not appreciate her flawless grin when she was 15. Contact her at



dation has grown rapidly over the last decade; and attributes the rise to more people wanting to identify how exactly they can give back. “People are beyond just writing a check,” Hokanson said. “People realize for a variety of reasons they want to become philanthropically involved,” he added. “Do they want to frame a house for habitat for humanity, do they want their children involved, do they want this locally or abroad — there’s lot of issues. Some people have thought that through, but others want to explore this. We help them explore.” Further, the foundation offers charities feedback in order to make them more attractive for donors. “We do a great job of this, and I’d like to continue that,” Hokanson said. Hokanson, who began serving on the foundation board five years ago, credits post-college travel with sparking an interest in charity and aiding the less

Joe Moris may be contacted at (760) 500-6755 or by email at

fortunate. “After graduating from college, I spent three plus years overseas,” Hokanson said. “I worked my way around the world with odd jobs. I worked in Iran teaching helicopter mechanics, I ran sheep in Chile, cattle in Uruguay and picked apples in New Zealand. “I spent a lot of time on the streets, watching how people beg and how crime transpires,” he said. “That’s far away in my current world, but it’s helped me understand some of the challenges and opportunities of philanthropy.” Hokanson was elected as chairman about 12 months ago. But he’ll step into the position a year earlier than planned “through an unfortunate sequence,” as Chairman Ron McMahon is recovering from a stroke and cannot carry out the rest of his term. To prepare for his new role, Hokanson said he’s been interviewing past leaders of the foundation. “I want to draw on their knowledge and visions to incorporate the best ideas into the foundation,” Hokanson said.

JAN. 11, 2013



SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

tions or unfamiliar ideas. Check out new people, places or things.

By Bernice Bede Osol


FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


COW & BOY by Mark Leiknes

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Be alert to the possibility of acquiring new income channels. It may require some innovative thinking as well as some optimism, but you can make it happen.

From time to time in the year ahead, you are likely to be privy to some valuable information that won’t be available to just anybody. If you’re smart, you’ll figure out how to use it to your advantage.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Improved conditions are indicated in a valued relationship that has been experiencing some ups and downs lately. Your counterpart is likely to be the one bearing the olive branch.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — A situation in which you’re involved has been inhibiting your performance, though it was initially intended otherwise. Changes ahead will give you greater authority to remedy this.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — A project you inaugurate will have good chances of acceptance by the powers that be. However, once introduced, progress could be slow, so a lot of patience may be called for.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — A secret ambition you’ve been harboring for some time can be openly, if carefully, acted upon. It’ll still pay to be very selective regarding persons to whom you make your revelations.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — A more intense bonding could begin to develop with a currently platonic friend. Where it leads will be up to you. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — Much to your relief, you’ll be able to walk away from an arrangement that has been causing a lot of frustration lately. Fortunately, the dissolution will be amicable.

PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — You are entering a cycle that bodes well for the establishment of new friendships. One particularly strong one might be with a person who was born in a disSCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — tant land. Important plans you formulate will ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Both have high chances of success, providcircumstances and chance could ed you don’t wait too long to impleserve to awaken some fresh ambi- ment them. Time is not on your side. tions in you, as long as you can adapt quickly to unexpected circumstances. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Make a concerted effort to put your TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Your financial affairs in better order. If you mind is open to fresh thinking and take the time to systemize things propideas, making this a better than aver- erly, you could make or save yourself age day to deal with unusual situa- a lot of the green stuff.


JAN. 11, 2013




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JAN. 11, 2013


It’s easy to give stock to charities 7 money stumbles to avoid BRUCE WILLIAMS Smart Money DEAR BRUCE: I have about 20 stocks that I want to give to charities and individuals. The value of most of them is less than $10,000. (One is a little more than $10,000.) Can you tell me how to go about doing this? — I.S., Ventura, Calif. DEAR I.S.: Yours is a relatively simple proposition. You can give to charities by simply signing over the stocks or giving a check in whatever amount you choose. There will be no taxes on the transaction. As for giving to individuals, the total value to each person can be up to $14,000 per year, with no taxes to be paid by anyone. You mentioned that you have 20 stocks, but you did not give their total amount. It seems to me that it would simplify things and be safer to have a professional broker handle the transactions. If you make a mistake, it could be much more costly to correct. If your stock is already in a brokerage account, there should not be any extra charge, or at worst, only a minor charge. DEAR BRUCE: My husband and I disagree as to

when to take my Social Security. We are both retired. He is 77, and I am 61. He has Social Security and a pension. I will start getting my pension next year. We don’t need the income. I have a large sum in a traditional IRA, getting 3.76 percent interest. We also have one large CD (we never touch the principal), plus several other investments. My full retirement age is 66. If I take Social Security at 63, it would be about $1,400, at 66 about $1,600 and at 70, $2,200. My husband says I should take it early, because you don’t know what the federal government is going to do with Social Security. I say wait, because if something should happen to him, I would get his full Social Security when I am 66 and I could defer mine until I am 70. Both of my parents lived into their late 80s, and I don’t want to outlive my assets. At 70 1/2, I will have to take required minimum distributions from my IRA. Should I take Social Security at 63 or wait? Why are we saving all of this money? The grandkids will get a tidy sum! Thanks a lot. We love your column and have learned a lot! — K.S. in Florida DEAR K.S.: You’re for-

tunate to have a problem of this kind. Your husband makes the case that he doesn’t know what the federal government will do with Social Security. That is not necessarily a problem but definitely a consideration. The question is, how long will you live? If you take Social Security at age 63 and die before age 80, you will be ahead of the game. If you die later than that, from age 80 until you pass away you will be behind, collecting less ultimately than you would have otherwise. You say you really don’t need the money. Do you want to gamble, which is what it comes down to? Personally, if I were in good health and didn’t need the funds, I would wait until the maximum age and draw the maximum amount. If, on the other hand, my health was precarious and it didn’t appear that I had a lot of longevity ahead, I would start collecting as early as I could. Let’s face it, if you die earlier, it really won’t matter much to you. Best of luck! The Bruce Williams Show can now be heard at on the Made in America Broadcast Network. Send questions to Smart Money, P.O. Box 503, Elfers, FL 34680, or email them to .

Everyone makes money mistakes. But missteps or miscalculations can cost you a lot over the long term and could inadvertently hurt your family when you’re gone. Consumer Reports offers seven ways to correct your missteps or at least mitigate the damage they can cause. 1. Not updating your beneficiaries. In Consumer Reports’ recent nationally representative survey about Americans’ money habits, 86 percent of respondents said they hadn’t created their will and other estate-planning documents or updated them within the past five years. Even if nothing has changed in your life, every year you should check your beneficiary designations in your will, insurance policies, investment accounts and retirement plans such as 401(k)s. 2. Withholding information from family. The survey showed that in only 40 percent of households did both spouses know where to find details of their financial accounts, required passwords and keys to safe-deposit boxes. An easy solution is to designate a safe, file cabinet or safe-deposit box to hold all important documents and account-access information. Communication between generations can also reduce hassles and misunderstandings. Yet just 37 percent of respondents with adult children said they’d told their kids where to find important documents, accounts and passwords. Adult children stand a better chance of gaining their parents’ trust and helping them make plans if they get their own financial houses in order first. 3. Botching your 401(k). In interviews with Consumer Reports subscribers who’ve been successful savers and investors, a common refrain was to start saving early in life, invest consistently and put the maximum allowed into a retirement plan. But in the survey, two-fifths of

In a recent Consumer Reports survey, only 36 percent of the homeowners surveyed said they’d purchased replacement-cost coverage, insurance that provides replacement of a home with like-kind and quality materials. Image courtesy Consumer Reports

respondents with 401(k) and similar retirement plans said they were investing 6 percent or less of their income, the typical ceiling for getting a full employer match. Notably, a large percentage of survey respondents mentioned costly investment errors, such as buying or selling at the wrong time. Investing at regular intervals and holding over the long term is the most surefire way to avoid those mistakes and build wealth in a relatively risk-free way. 4. Underinsuring your home and your life. Only 36 percent of the homeowners surveyed said they’d purchased replacement-cost coverage, a more expensive homeowners insurance that provides replacement of your home with like-kind and quality materials. And only 20 percent have umbrella coverage against liability claims. Two other coverages that should not be overlooked are life and disability insurance. Term life insurance is more economical than other types. Use an online broker such as Accuquote, SelectQuote, Find My Insurance or to compare premium quotes. 5. Not preparing for emergencies. Most Americans don’t save even half a year’s worth of living expenses. Saving a bit at a time — say, $20 a week — can help build your cash buffer.That money should go into an accessible bank or credit-union savings account. 6. Ignoring your credit

report. Consumers can obtain a credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus — Equifax, Experian and TransUnion — free through the industry’s official website, at To most efficiently monitor your credit, Consumer Reports recommends staggering your report requests to one every four months. 7. Mismanaging debt. Credit cards generate among the most expensive type of consumer debt; the average interest rate is about 14.3 percent, according to, a credit card comparison website. In spite of those lofty costs, almost half of the survey respondents with credit cards said they carry a balance on their cards. To begin to free yourself from that balance, consider consolidating your debt with a home-equity line of credit; rates on HELOCs average between 4 and 5 percent, according to Focus on retiring your debt by paying more than the minimum due each month.

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