The Rancho Santa Fe News, Aug, 10, 2012

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VOL. 8, NO. 12


★ E L E C T I ON

AUG. 10,2012

201 2 ★

Report: Fundraising in Ranch benefits GOP By Jared Whitlock


Don Meredith has a powerful experience in Mexico taking part in the Rotarians’ Amigo Project.




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RANCHO SANTA FE — Individuals in Rancho Santa Fe have given $1.5 million in campaign contributions so far this year, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, which runs, a nonpartisan and nonprofit website dedicated to tracking money in politics. Compared to other areas Rancho Santa Fe, as defined by ZIP codes 92067 and 92091, is marked by wealthy residents looking to back candidates in local, state and national elections. For example, Rancho Santa Fe’s 92067, one of the richest ZIP codes in the U.S., has given 34 times more than the average zip code in campaign contributions this year. The Center for Responsive Politics lists local campaign donations up to July 9, the most recent data available. Raking in $572,000, the Republican National Committee was the top recipient of campaign contri-

President Barack Obama has received $62,000 from individuals in Rancho Santa Fe, while Mitt Romney has raised $384,000. Facebook photos

butions from individuals in Rancho Santa Fe. Rounding out the top three, Mitt Romney brought in $384,000 and the National Republican Congressional Committee took in $113,000. In contrast, President Barack

Obama has received $62,000, and the Democratic National Committee gained $52,000. Democrats’ poor fundraising efforts in the area likely reflect Rancho Santa Fe’s history as a Republican stronghold. In 2008, John McCain won nearly two-thirds



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RSF Patrol, Sheriff’s Dept. partner in search for robbers By Patty McCormac


of the vote in the area. This year, 89 percent of campaign contributions in Rancho Santa Fe ZIP code 92067 and 98 percent in ZIP code 92091 have gone to Republican-backed candidates and organizations. Further, the five largest campaign contributions in the area went to Republican candidates. Among them, Congressman Brian Bilbray received $99,000. Rancho Santa Fe residents gave $3.4 million to candidates during the last presidential election. While the current total is only $1.5 million, campaign contributions will likely ramp up in the coming months, said Viveca Novak, the communications director of the Center for Responsive politics. “Right now is prime time for donations,” Novak said. “There’s more immediacy and it gets greater and greater the closer we get to

A state-legislated fee of $150 will be sent to residents throughout California who live in State Responsibility Areas to help pay for fire protection services. Neighborhoods like those in Rancho Santa Fe will start to receive the bills in the next four months. Photo by Tony Cagala

Fire fees hit unincorporated areas By Tony Cagala

RANCHO SANTA FE — Starting this month, residents in SRA (State Responsibility Areas) throughout the state will begin receiving bills in the mail to pay for fire prevention services. Businesses and offices won’t be charged the fee. The bills will be sent out alphabetically on a county-bycounty process, explained Daniel Berlant, a Cal Fire

spokesman. “So, Alameda, Amador counties, those are going to be some of the first areas that receive the fee and then…San Diego is going to be closer to the bottom,” he said. The bills will be sent out over a four month period. The $150 annual fee will be applied to each habitable structure on residents’ properties. “If a property has two separate habitable structures or two residences they will be

charged per each one,” Berlant said. There is no fee assistance for this program, but for residents living within an area serviced by a second fire protection district, they will receive a $35 credit. Residents in Rancho Santa Fe will receive the credit due to the fire protection services of the Rancho Santa TURN TO FEES ON A22

RANCHO SANTA FE — The serial burglary ring, that officials believe is responsible for the upswing in the number of recent burglaries is Rancho Santa Fee, is still on the loose. Matt Wellhouser, chief of the Rancho Santa Fe Patrol, reported to the Association that the patrol and the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office has partnered in the investigation, but have not yet caught the culprits. There are leads and the investigation continues, Wellhouser said. “A crime with no witnesses is a little more difficult to solve,” he added. He said the burglars are taking iPads, jewelry and computers. “These are typical daytime burglaries,” Wellhouser said. “They happen when people are away at school, or work

or out running errands. They (the burglars) want to get in, grab something and get out.” There have been 24 burglaries in Rancho Santa Fe in the past six months. Wellhouser said officials believe they are being done by the same people because of their similarities in entering a home and what they are taking. He said something for residents to think about is that only 11 of the burglaries were because of forced entries; the burglars entered through unlocked doors or windows on the other robberies. He said Rancho Santa Fe is a safe community, so people don’t always think about locking their doors, but they should, and they should set their alarms as well. “People ask me what TURN TO ROBBERS ON A22


AUG. 10, 2012


The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe will undergo a renovation by the new owners in September. The renovations are slated to be complete by Memorial Day 2013. Photo by Patty McCormac

Renovations to the Inn start next month By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — When the last guest checks out after Labor Day weekend, the renovation of the Inn at Rancho Santa Fe will begin. Jim Chatfield, senior vice president of JMI Realty, the new owners of the Inn, gave an update about plans for renovation. Chatfield said there is a $12 million budget for the project and work should begin Sept. 12 and be finished by Memorial Day 2013. He said the work would be done by small crews that will not disrupt life in the Village. “We won’t bring in a big crane. You will hardly know we’re here,” he said. He said the renovation would respect the heritage of the property. “We feel it is important to embrace the community,” he said. Chatfield said the spa will be expanded and four treatment rooms added. The pool and Jacuzzi will be enhanced with the hot tub being slightly enlarged. The lockers will be removed; new landscaping and trellises will be added. He said the guest rooms will be standardized, but 10 of the lawn cottages will offer the “heritage experience.” The rest will offer “country elegance.” Chatfield told the board that the landscaping will be enhanced and the upper lawn leveled so that events can be

held there more easily. More pockets of scenic seating will be offered outdoors. “We want to say come and relax at the Inn,” he said. The kitchen will be enlarged and take over the Garden Room at the front of the Inn. The outdoor dining area will be covered. The new chef Todd Allison has big plans for the orange grove behind the Inn. He plans to use it for growing some of the food used in the kitchen. When guests reach the Inn, a new portal, decorative paving, landscapes and signs will give them the feeling “they have arrived,” he said. The Art Jury is in favor of the proposed revisions conceptually, but want JMI to provide more details and alternatives for the design of the entry elements off Linea de Cielo and to provide story poles on that site. TheArt Jury would also like them provide alternates for the shade element at the dining court. JMI is well known for its work in the ballpark district in downtown San Diego and it has several hotels, including the Omni, the Hotel Solamar and Paseo Del Mar. Its brand “Benchmark,” has the same character found in all of their hotels. They are comfortable, romantic, are the heart of the community; they are intimate, and in this case captures the essence of Rancho Santa Fe, Chatfield said.

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Residents to decide fate of dispensaries By Bianca Kaplanek

Solana Beach residents will decide in the Nov. 6 election whether to allow medical marijuana dispensaries in their city. But as is the case in adjacent Del Mar, even if the initiative passes, there’s no guarantee it will become law. The Patient Care Association of California, a nonprofit organization of medical cannabis collectives, gathered the required number of signatures — 508, or 10 percent of register voters — to qualify for the November ballot a citizens’ initiative aimed at regulating medical marijuana compassionate use dispensaries. Election laws prohibit council members from making any changes to the document, which has been described by some as flawed. As written, the proposed new law would allow dispensaries to be open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. At least one security guard, who could be a member of the collective with a card from the Department of Consumer Affairs, must be on duty during operating hours. Security cameras, an alarm system and proper lighting would be required. Marijuana and any food containing it could not be consumed onsite. Alcohol would not be allowed on the premises. No one younger than 18 could be given medical marijuana unless that person is a qualified patient accompanied by a parent or legal guardian who provides proof of guardianship and signs a statement confirming that status.

The California Supreme Court recently granted review on two cases regarding medical marijuana. The court rulings on those cases will likely impact whether local governments are pre-empted under t h e Compassionate Use Act, passed in 1996, to regulate these types of Steve Hirsch businesses. Medical marijuana proponent “ W h a t ’s clear is that it not operate within a 600-foot appears to violate the limitaradius of a kindergarten tions on local sales and transthrough 12th-grade school or action taxes,” she said. “The submitted, playground unless those facil- petition, as ities begin operating after the appears to put obstacles for dispensary has received its enforcement of federal law.” Given all the unknowns, business license. The city can only be com- City Council can provide a pensated for cost-recovery post-election challenge if the fees but it will receive a 2.5 initiative passes and “more percent sales tax in addition likely than not it will be litito other state and local taxes. gated in the courts,” Canlas That amount will be reduced said. More than two dozen peoto 1 percent if the state begins imposing a tax on medical ple weighed in during the public comment period, with marijuana. City Attorney Johanna opinions nearly evenly split Canlas said some of the legal between those who support issues with the initiative allowing the dispensaries and include the possibility of it those who oppose them. Cancer patients, chronic being pre-empted by state and federal laws and poten- pain sufferers and a 19-yeartial inconsistency with old with Tourette syndrome California’s Compassionate credited medical marijuana Use Act. Review by the for easing their suffering. California Coastal Parents, health care workers Commission may also be and representatives from required because of zoning antidrug groups feared the dispensaries would provide changes, she said. “It’s clear — as clear as it youths with increased access can be — depending on all to the drug and send the mesthe legal court challenges sage that marijuana isn’t that (have) happened that harmful. “I’ve undergone multiple some regulation or restriction on medical marijuana dispen- surgeries, including a bilatersaries are permitted,” Canlas al mastectomy, radiation, chemotherapy,” said Tamara said. Evaluations to receive medical cannabis cannot be conducted onsite. Dispensaries cannot be within 1,000 feet of each other and must be in nonresidential zones. They also can-

I urge you please, let us have our medicine.”

Green, a 39-year-old Solana Beach resident with stage four breast cancer. “Besides losing my hair three times, I also suffered with chronic pain, nausea, a poor appetite, osteoporosis, numbness in my fingers and toes, a compromised immune system and gangrene,” she said. “Both the disease and the cure have had equally poor outcomes until medical marijuana.” “I do have great compassion for those who are in pain,” said Evelyn Hogan, a parent and 25-year drug and alcohol counselor. “I also happen to have a son that … went into a doctor — I guess you would call them a doctor — and came out with a recommendation for marijuana for an ingrown toenail. He then proceeded two weeks later to get into a car crash that almost killed him.” “I urge you to please, let us have our medicine,” said Steve Hirsch, a 58-year-old man with Legionnaire’s disease. “The plastic medical vials that the dispensaries put the medicine in are showing up on our high school campuses and … the parks at our elementary schools,” said Barbara Gordon, from the San Dieguito Alliance for Drug Free Youth.“What sick person would go to the park to use their medicine and leave the empty medicine bottle behind?” “The issue before us tonight is really not to debate the pros or the cons of the validity of the use of medical marijuana,” Councilman Tom TURN TO DISPENSARIES ON A22

Man thwarts armed home invasion attempt By Jared Whitlock

A man in the 7500 block of Solano Street in Carlsbad was the victim of an attempted armed home invasion July 22. Shortly after 11 p.m., a Carlsbad man, who wished to remain unnamed, awoke to the sound of his doorbell ringing and someone trying to open his door. He cracked the door. A Hispanic woman described as well groomed, who is estimated to be 32 to 36 years old, stood outside and asked to use the man’s phone. Then an armed gunman emerged and lunged toward the door. The gunman was dressed in a greyhooded sweatshirt and matching sweatpants. The man slammed his door and locked it before the gunman could reach him. The man called the police, and officers arrived a few minutes later. No one was injured, nothing was taken and no property was damaged. A neighbor may have seen the gunman and woman, as well as several others, leaving the neighborhood in a black Cadillac Escalade. No arrests have been made and there aren’t any suspects in the case, according to Jodee Sasway, Carlsbad Police Department’s public infor-



AUG. 10, 2012

mation officer. Carlsbad Police is currently investigating the incident, Sasway said. Officers have stepped up patrols in the area, according to Sasway. She said officers increase patrols in an area in response to incidents, crime trends and requests from residents. Those with information about the armed home invasion should call (760) 931-2100. Sasway said she couldn’t recall any armed home invasions in Carlsbad in the last six months, which the crime analysis lab had yet to verify. According to Sasway, there has not been a spike in gun-related crime and residential burglaries in recent months. Typical of the summer, there has been an increase in bike thefts and car break-ins during the last two months, Sasway said. “Most of the time, Burglars are looking for a simple way to grab property without a hassle.” In order to prevent car break-ins, Sasway advised residents to close and lock doors, windows and sunroofs and also to stow valuables out of sight and get a car alarm. To stop home burglaries, the Carlsbad Police Department’s website rec-

ommends installing sensor lighting in and outside the home, putting together neighborhood programs,

locking doors and windows and making it appear as though someone is always home.

Delinquent fees a topic for Association By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — The board of the Rancho Santa Fe Association is flirting with the idea of publishing the names of those who are delinquent with their Assessment fees. Chief Financial Officer Steve Comstock had appeared before the board to request it to allow him to take the next step to collect delinquent assessments for the 2011-12 fiscal year. The next step is the recording of a notice of delinquent assessment with the San Diego County Recorder. “Despite several letters requesting payment of the outstanding Association assessments and warnings of the consequences of non-payment, these property owners have failed to bring their assessments current,” Comstock said after providing a list to the board. Comstock said last month there were 19 residents who had not paid their assessments. This month 13 have paid their fees. The assessment fees can be paid all at once or biannually. “This is the last payment of the assessment for this year,” Comstock said. Director Larry Spitcaufsky asked Comstock to provide the board with a list to help it determine if these people are those who always wait until the last minute to pay or if this was a first time issue. Director Ann Boon asked about the policy of publishing the names of the offenders in local media. “You do have the option if you so choose,” said Pete Smith, Association manager. Rochelle Putnam, one of the newest directors worried that publishing a name might add to a person’s troubles. “People may be under

financial distress,” she said. Craig McAllister asked Comstock to report on the delinquent accounts at each meeting.The idea of publishing the names of offenders had been discussed last February when Boon had suggested the names be made public.Director Anne Feighner agreed with the idea saying it is the Association’s “fiscal responsibility,” to go after delinquent fees. The steps taken to collect the errant fees is done in steps. First membership privileges are suspended. They are not be allowed to play on the golf course, eat at the club restaurant, play tennis or take part in riding club activities. They will also be forbidden to run for any office or be on any Association committee. If a person continues to default on assessment fees, a lien for the amount can be levied against their property, which means the outstanding money must be paid before a home can be sold. The homeowner must pay for legal and filing fees. Comstock said collection methods are polite, but aggressive, which culls the number of offenders before this action is taken.

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AUG. 10, 2012



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Mitt, we hardly knew ye By David M. Shribman


WHITE HOUSE COMPLETED From drawing to reality, the Edward White house and orchards are in place. The projects undertaken by Lilian Rice were going at a fast rate. She worked and lived on the ranch from 1922 to 1938 and provided designs for more than 50 homes, not counting the village core buildings.

Photos courtesy of Arcadia Publishing, taken from “Rancho Santa Fe,” $21.99. Autographed copies of the book are available at the Rancho Santa Fe Historical Society, 6036 La Flecha. Call (858) 7569291 or email for more information. Available at local retailers, online bookstores, or at arcadia publishing. com.


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The Rancho Santa Fe News is published biweekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. The advertising deadline is the Friday preceding the Friday of publication. Editorial deadline is the Friday proceeding publication. The comments on this page are the opinions of the individual columnists and do not necessarily represent the views of the Coast News Group, its publisher or staff. If you would like to respond directly to a columnist, please email them directly at the address listed below the column. You may also express your views by writing a letter to the editor. For hold delivery while on vacation or for other distribution concerns and info, write to



He has run for the Senate, for governor and, twice, for president. He has given more campaign speeches in high-visibility circumstances than almost anyone in the country. And still, after 18 years on public rostrums and in the public eye, he remains the most mysterious figure on the American scene. On the surface, he may seem the least likely politician of the age to be regarded as mysterious at all — but the plain talking, seldom excitable and rarely exciting Mitt Romney, who has been speaking four or five times a day for more than a year, has revealed almost nothing about himself and his views. Indeed, Romney is, as Franz Liszt said of Frederic Chopin, “prepared to give anything, but never gave himself.” America has had political figures with a mania for privacy before; Calvin Coolidge gave up little about himself, and the two President Bushes were so reluctant to share their personal thoughts they disparaged even the idea of introspection, saying they didn’t want to sit in a psychiatrist’s chair. Not all privacy-preserving politicians are Republicans; both former Vice President Walter F. Mondale and former Gov. Michael S. Dukakis of Massachusetts failed to win the White House in part because they didn’t share the warm, engaging sides most voters still don’t believe they possess. But seldom has a major American political figure so hidden both himself and his own ideas as Romney, who, like most politicians, prides himself as a man of the future rather than the past and, like almost all successful leaders, argues he is not a prisoner of the past. He is not, as John Maynard Keynes might say, the slave of “some long-dead economist” — not that Romney himself would be caught dead quoting Keynes. Political polls have shown remarkably little movement in recent months, with President Barack Obama holding a steady but slim lead over Romney. While it is impossible to isolate a single reason why a business-oriented Republican has failed to overtake a regulation-oriented Democrat at a time of stubborn economic distress, it remains remarkable that Romney has proffered so few new ideas of his own. This is not to say that Romney is running an empty, media-oriented campaign. He has plenty to say, about economics, gay marriage and, after his overseas trip, about national security and diplomatic matters. But except perhaps for his China policy, his proposals, dutiful and detailed, are more derivative than innovative or original. They are a quilt of notions about the size of government that can be traced to Ronald Reagan; views about social issues with strong roots in religious conservatism; assertions of American

exceptionalism growing out of the neoconservative wing of the Republican Party; and expressions of impatience with the status quo ripped from the labels of the tea bags on the muscular right of the conservative movement. Not all American politicians are American originals, of course. Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt had very few ideas when he ran for president in 1932, and even from this distance it is difficult to distill a consistent ethic from the New Deal except for the determination to do something, and then to do something else, until something worked or until the Supreme Court struck it down. Only in the White House did Lyndon B. Johnson, a conventional New Dealer but mostly a wheeler-dealer, make the full transformation from Senate institutionalist to presidential idealist. But some candidates, like Sen. Gary Hart (1984 and 1988) and Rep. Jack F. Kemp (1988), are founts of new ideas. Sen. John F. Kennedy (1960) and former Gov. Reagan (1976, 1980 and 1984) ran on very big ideas, with oversized rhetoric to match — rhetoric that, in both cases, stirs Americans still. For his part, Romney is running as an exceptionally gifted, almost wizardly manager armed with conventional conservative ideas, though Americans rarely elect managers, who in folklore, if not in reality, often have the political sex appeal of accountants. The only exception may be Herbert Hoover, one of the great business figures of his age and perhaps the leading manager in political history. What is significant here isn’t that Hoover presided over the Great Depression — his role in that is still debated — but that Hoover’s business experience and acumen, and the air of management competence that he cultivated and personified, gave him 444 electoral votes in his battle against a breakthrough candidate much like Obama, Gov. Al Smith of New York, the first Catholic to win the presidential nomination of a major American political party. Other presidential candidates who have run as managers have failed, making little impact in electoral politics. These include Donald Rumsfeld, who as the recent former chief of G.D. Searle and Co., ran for president briefly in 1988, and Lee Iacocca, who held top positions at both Ford Motor Co. and the Chrysler Corp., and also toyed with running for president. Both said they would have emphasized bringing business values to government, which sounds better in the executive suite than on the campaign hustings. (A business approach was not part of the electioneering appeal of Gov. George W. Bush, who became the first president with an M.B.A. He ran on his TURN TO COMMENTARY ON A22



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AUG. 10, 2012


Journalist’s care for animals goes international By Lillian Cox

Katerina Lorenzatos Makris is a prolific writer whose credits include National Geographic Traveler, Mother Jones magazine and NBC’s She has also published 17 novels. Her favorite subject, hands down, is man’s best friend. Makris’ 2007 handbook, “Everything You Need to Know about Rescuing and Caring for a Best Friend in Need,” written with Shelley Frost, has become a “mustread” for dog rescuers. Over the past 12 years Makris and husband Gavin Bowlby have rescued, fostered and re-homed about 100 dogs in the United States and another 30 in Greece. Makris says she inherited her compassion from her grandmother, Stella Lorenzatos Makris, who emigrated from the Greek island of Kefalonia around 1916. “She always said we should put ourselves in the place of others, and think about how what we do, and don’t do, affects them,” she said. Makris’ rescue missions began after 2006 when she traveled to Kefalonia to

bring back her elderly aunt and uncle, whose mental health was deteriorating. Makris inherited the family home, which was also in decline. “There’s always a silver lining,” she wrote in her blog. “In this case, it’s a furry lining. If we hadn’t owned this house during the past five years, 20 thrown-away little souls would have met unpleasant and untimely ends.” Since traveling back and forth to Kefalonia for almost a year, Makris has rescued two more dogs. “On the day after Christmas I saw Kali Amanda (meaning “good” in Greek, and “Amanda” after a veterinarian), a young yellow Lab-mix limping and shivering in the street between the archaeological museum and the courthouse was trying to charm her way into a pack of other street dogs who hung out there,” Makris said. “I had been feeding the others, and felt horrible for them because this was one of the worst winters on record. Because of her injury, I couldn’t leave her there.” After caring for Kali Amanda, Makris transported her and another rescue,

Author, journalist and animal advocate Katerina Lorenzatos Makris with puppies saved from a fire in Greece that she later re-homed in the United States. Photo by Julian Spooner

Diamandi (meaning “diamond”), to Copenhagen through the rescue group, Graeske Hunde (Greek dog). “We do not save these dogs alone,” she wants people to know. “Others include Kefalonia Animals Trust

(KAT), Greece; Claudia Stellatou, Kefalonia, Greece; Peter Cherrington, United Kingdom; Praying for Paws, Atlanta , Ga.; Barbara and Michael O’Connor, Eugene, Ore.; Rita Martinez, Northern California Vizsla

Rescue; and Shelley Frost, Belmont, Calif.” Makris is sometimes asked why she puts so much work into helping strays outside the United States when the need is so great here. “When you see a creature in trouble, human or animal, you don’t look up to see which flag is flying,” she said. “If you can do something to help, you do it. That said, these days I try to place dogs in countries where the pet homelessness problem is not as horrendous as what we face in the U.S.” Lorraine and Marco Navarro of Seal Beach adopted Corelli, an 18month Viszla-mix, who was dumped and left to fend for himself after breeders determined that he wasn’t a pure-bred. Makris restored him to health and made arrangements to transport him to California. Lorraine Navarro responded to an ad through a Viszla rescue group and gave permission to Makris to make a home inspection. Later the Navarros picked up Corelli at Makris’ home. “Katerina prepared Greek food, lovely fruit and we took walks with Corelli,”

she said. “After an easy family vote, we brought him home that day, on Mother’s Day. Katerina and Gavin cried as we drove away.” She added, “Katerina is a rare gem of a person: kind, gentle, intelligent, funny and unbelievably generous. A completely authentic person.” This week, Makris is launching another ambitious effort, an online investigative magazine titled Animal Issues Reporter. “AIR’s mission is to provide professional journalism about animal issues — solid, probing and ongoing coverage by top-notch and wellinformed reporters,” she said. “We also hope to mentor the next generation for a groundbreaking new era of animal journalism. “Around the world, the lives of many animals are nightmares. More public awareness is one way to improve that.” For more information, visit or Makris can be contacted at . To donate money to help starving and diseased strays in Greece visit

Capt. Moore: Lifting the veil on the hidden world of plastics By Tony Cagala

Capt. Charles Moore has logged more than 100,000 sea miles in the Pacific Ocean. In 1997, while on a transPacific voyage, he inadvertently discovered what’s now generally referred to as “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch,” a seemingly floating landfill in the Pacific Ocean. As an environmental researcher, the Long Beach, Calif.-based seafarer Moore

has crewed several voyages to the garbage patch for study. His extensive field time has resulted in the book, “Plastic Ocean,” which was released almost a year ago, and details his accounts on the discovery. Since that discovery the bulk of his research has been to measure the amounts of plastic in the ocean and its effects on the creatures that live there. Moore continues his work

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to bring awareness to what’s going on in the ocean, something, he said, not a lot of people are really aware of. “I think plastics have kind of been behind a plastic curtain — kind of a veil,” he said. “Plastic is plastic…who knew there were so many kinds and that did so many different things? And the ocean itself is mysterious. So, by opening up the plastic veil and exposing its effect on the ocean, I think we’re getting people involved in two areas that they seldom get to visit.” Moore’s message not only with his book but his work: “We’re part of a dialog in the presidential race.” He said that the environmental movement has an inferiority complex, yet we’re going to be the ones out in front dealing with the biggest problems affecting the planet. We’re going to be spending more money dealing with pollution and the effects of pollution,” he said. Moore believes those raising the alarm on environmental concerns should be the most popular club on campus. But while giving a lecture at the San Diego County Fair he found that they’re less popular than deep-fried butter. “The line is longer for deepfried butter than it is to hear about how you can plant a zero-scape garden and not have to water it,” he said. “We need to be proud of what we’re able to bring to the table and we need to get our message into the national political dialog because we’re the ones that are actually doing the most important work on the planet today,” he said. His last trip to the garbage patch came in 2009, when he sailed his more than 20-year-old vessel the Algita to

Captain Charles Moore, who inadvertantly discovered what’s now known as The Great Garbage Patch, is working to get the message out on what’s happening in our oceans. Courtesy photo

the site. Moore will voyage to the patch for an extended research trip in 2014 following a retrofitting of the Algita next year, essentially “trash-proofing” the boat, he said. He’s also planning to experiment with a cage-like device so as to protect the boat’s propellers from the ghost nets and ropes that are found floating around the ocean. A 2012 Asia Pacific Expedition done through the Algalita Marine Research Institute studied the debris field resulting from the tsunami that struck Japan in 2011. “What we’re finding is all this stuff is going to join the garbage patch that is already there, what we call the Eastern Garbage Patch, and there’ll be so much stuff out there that we think it’s going to approximate a coastline, a habitat,” he said. His next trip the garbage patch will include coastal ecologists, who will live out there and examine each floating “tide pool.”

“Each one of these big clumps of debris is like a tide pool,” Moore said. “It has all the different kinds of organisms that live in the shoreline habitat. So we’re going to assess the degree to which we’ve actually created a new shoreline,” he said. Moore has been conducting research since 1995. He explained that the West Coast has been experiencing a La Nina phase for over 15 years, meaning the water of the Pacific Ocean is cold. That, he said, explains why the summers haven’t gotten super hot and the marine layer and the afternoon winds. He expects a warm phase will hit in 2020.“Then,we’ll get the bigger El Ninos and possibly a hurricane for the first time with global warming.” California is leading the way towards restoration of the marine environment, he said. “We’ve been assisted by the ocean itself.” “I think progress is being made here on the West Coast, it’s just that the rest of the

world is not following suit, except maybe in Europe. Asia needs to come on board with this, they’re polluting a lot with their…aquaculture operations, with their industrial and urban runoff. “Asia is a very serious threat to the world oceans because the oceans are all connected and we need to get the developing nations on board,” he said. On an international stage, Moore is received very positively. “There’s no one that comes to a presentation on garbage and says, ‘Boo, we need more garbage,’” he said. Moore is pushing to have his book translated into foreign languages, and next month his book will be released in Japanese, and he’ll be visiting the country to give a presentation. “There’s no more important job today than to defend nature,” Moore said, borrowing a quote from the Mexican poet Homero Aridjis, “Because as we defend nature, we defend life itself.”



AUG. 10, 2012

Perseid meteor showers begin this weekend KYLE STOCK Coastal Cosmos

Artists, from left, Kevin Anderson, Terry Weaver and Bob Partlow are preparing to create the entry sign for the Santa Fe underpass. It’s the first time these longtime friends have come together to work on a project. Photo by Tony Cagala

‘Perfect storm’ of artists gather for underpass entry sign By Tony Cagala

What do a local mosaic maker, a mural maker and sign maker all have in common? They’ve been tapped to come together for the making of the humdinger-of-allsigns: A 7-feet by 6-feet entry sign for the soon to be completed Santa Fe underpass. Encinitas artists Terry Weaver, Kevin Anderson and Bob Partlow will start working to create a double-sided sign from sandblasted redwood, representing Encinitas on one side and Cardiff on the other in a mix of glass, wood and paint. “We’ve been friends for a long time,” said Partlow. “This is the first time we’ve actually did anything together.” Weaver explained that because of each of their respective mediums, there never really was an opportunity to come and work together. But it all started coming together when, earlier in the year, Dody Crawford, executive director of DEMA (Downtown Encinitas Mainstreet Association), saw the Encinitas city emblem created in glass tile mosaic that Weaver had done for the city’s 25th anniversary. She said they were already considering Partlow to create the entry sign for the underpass, but knew that when she saw the medallion it had to be a part of it. Partlow, who’s created most of the parks and beach signs welcoming travelers into the coastal cities, including the “Welcome to Cardiffby-the-Sea,” sign, then enlisted the help muralist Kevin Anderson. Anderson had several projects already in the works when he got the call from Partlow; he’s just finished a mural for the Veterans Village of San Diego. Having grown up in Solana Beach and having spent much of his youth in Encinitas, Anderson said that, given the project was local and for the city of Encinitas, he would make time to be a part of it. Being a part of this is a sense of local pride, he said. “It’s kind of cool to be like

hometown boys coming together on a project like that,” he said. Weaver, the artist behind the tile mosaics placed throughout the sidewalks of S. Coast Highway 101, described this new project as “a perfect storm of artists.” Partlow, 75, a selfdescribed one-eyed retired Marine, said he loves being a part of this project. “I keep saying each (sign) is my swan song, and then another comes along.” He’s been creating signs since he was 9-years-old, getting his start by painting a naked girl on the fender skirt of some guy’s car, he explained. “A couple hours later, the town cop came back with him by the ear and made me put some clothes on it,” he said. He’s been involved with signmaking for more than 50 years and owns Bob Partlow Sign Artist in Encinitas. Partlow has lived in Encinitas since 1982. His family ancestry, he’s proud to say, came to the United States in 1613 from Cardiff, Wales. Weaver will work on the

mosaic medallions for both sides of the sign that will feature the cities’ emblems. “We are going through a design development now,” Weaver said. He added that they’ve been working with Peder Norby on what imagery might end up on the sign. On the Encinitas side, Weaver said the sign will consist of the boast house imagery and the Coaster. In addition to the boat house, Anderson said the La Paloma Theatre will also be featured on the sign. Those are the images that stay in peoples’ minds, Anderson explained. Even people that aren’t from the area, he added The artists said they look to have the sign finished in November. The underpass is slated to open at the end of the year. As far as the process is going with all three friends working together it seems to be going pretty good, Anderson said. “So long as Bob keeps in his corner,” he added.

It’s good that shooting stars are not actually stars. The Earth wouldn’t exist if stars constantly whizzed through the atmosphere. The dazzling streaks of light across the dark sky are actually fragments of comets, asteroids and other interplanetary objects. On the nights of Aug.11 and Aug. 12 the Perseid Meteor Shower reaches its climax. A meteor shower is the predictable time when the Earth passes through the remnant dust cloud of a comet. Meteor showers can last for a few weeks, although they peak over a single night or two. As a comet orbits the sun, its icy body vaporizes, creating the iconic tail of the comet. The tail leaves behind a cloud of debris. As the Earth passes through the cloud particles, known as meteoroids and usually smaller than a pebble, are forced to interact with the Earth’s atmosphere. Meteors are like bugs on the Earth’s windshield! The word meteor comes from the Greek meteÿros meaning “high in the sky.” Hence, we have “meteorology,” the science of weather, often confused as the science of meteors. Meteoroids are interplanetary objects, smaller than an asteroid and larger than an atom. When they enter the Earth’s atmos-

The Perseid Meteor Shower starts this weekend. The meteor shower is the result of the Earth passing through the remnant dust cloud of a comet in the Perseus constellation. Image courtesy of NASA

phere, meteoroids are traveling about 45,000 miles per hour! This speed and the change in density from space to atmosphere cause a tremendous amount of friction. The meteoroid glows from the heat, becoming a meteor. Most meteors burn up in the atmosphere, although larger fragments can survive to become a meteorite when reaching the ground. Meteor showers derive their names from the constellation that their meteors radiate from. The Perseids radiate from Perseus (October Orionids from Orion; November Leonids from Leo and December Geminids from Gemini.) All meteors in a shower will not start in the constellation but their tail will point back towards the radiant. Meteors that do not point back to the constellation are

called sporadics. Meteor showers are best viewed from a dark sky location with clear horizons. The best time to view a meteor shower is usually after midnight, although the moon’s phase is taken into consideration because dark skies are necessary. The Perseids are a reliable shower each year with between 50 to100 meteors per hour under ideal circumstances. This year, a crescent moon will rise after midnight, dampening the show in the early morning.

Kyle Stock is originally from Ohio, is a passionate surfer, backpacker, astronomer, gardener, backyard scientist, runner, reader and K-6 science teacher at Solana Santa Fe Elementary in the Solana Beach School District. He can be contacted at


AUG. 10, 2012



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Art teacher’s passion makes a difference in the lives of youth KAY COLVIN A Brush With Art Art educator Dan Peragine makes a tangible difference in the lives of youth on a daily basis. Since his arrival in San Diego in 1989, Peragine has been sharing his sense of purpose and the gift of an outlet for creative expression with his art students at Del Mar’s Winston School, where he

works with ‘learning-different” students challenged with Dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, Autism, and Asperger’s syndrome. The grandson of Italian immigrants, Peragine said of his early years, “As an adolescent in New York City I had a natural talent that seemed to follow in my grandfathers footsteps and it drove me.” He continued, “In high school, art was the only reason for me to go to school. You could say that it gave me the ability to communicate through the medium of paint and that in turn gave me purpose.”

He now spends his days imparting these gifts to his art students. Expressing the value of arts education in schools, Peragine says, “Art and music are a form of literacy... It’s a viable component for learning, and it needs to be integrated into the curriculum.” He continues, “The visual and performing arts touch lives of all ages and backgrounds, instills critical thinking and creative problem solving, builds communities as well as brighten the lives of all who embrace the arts.” Peragine earned both his bachelor’s and master’s in fine arts and teaching degrees at the University of Nebraska, after which he experienced a broad range of creative jobs, including working on a children’s educational television series for the Nebraska Department of Education and serving as director of arts and crafts at the Nebraska State Penitentiary. During these years he was awarded several public art commissions including massive works in stone, steel and bronze.

studio is a shared learning environment, where the majority of my work is created as witnessed and shared with art students.” Peragine encouraged his students’ involvement in the production and installation of his sculpture titled “Transpersonal,” which was recently selected for the San Diego Botanical Garden’s annual outdoor exhibition. Generous with his time and attention, Peragine says,” I share a lot of my process with the students, and I ask for feedback.” It’s my belief that teachers who have invested as much in students as Dan Peragine has will surely have Dan Peragine involving art students during the installation of his positive impact on genera“Transpersonal” sculpture in the San Diego Botanic Garden’s current tions yet to come. outdoor exhibition. Photo courtesy of Heather Main See more about Dan Peragine and his work at Since his relocation to the Arts’ grants selection pro- Southern California, the pro- gram. Looking back on his 24 Kay Colvin is an art consultant and lific painter and sculptor has been a highly regarded mem- years of teaching at The director of the L Street Fine Art ber of the San Diego arts com- Winston School, Peragine Gallery in San Diego’s Gaslamp munity, serving as juror for says, “Sometimes they refer Quarter. She specializes in promoting exhibitions and children’s arts to me as the artist in resi- emerging and mid-career artists and shows for the Del Mar Arts dence here.” Pursuing his bringing enrichment programs to eleCenter, and being selected as own work on weekends and mentary schools through The Kid’s one of eight judges for the after school on the school College. Contact her at 2010 National Endowment for campus, he continues, “My

‘Total Recall’ brings you to edge of seat By Noah S. Lee

In spite of being the underdog, “Total Recall” comes out on top by taking full advantage of the element of surprise with its generous amount of action, thrills, and character emotions. If I may be honest, I had only seen the original 1990 version of “Total Recall” for the first time just recently. I knew nothing about the film except that it featured Arnold Schwarzenegger, was directed by Paul Verhoeven and drew inspiration from a 1966 short story by Philip K. Dick. Given the fact that remakes are a contentious issue in Hollywood these days, I sensed early on this one would be subject to the same challenges. No matter how unique a remake is in comparison to its original counterpart, the hardships will always be there to see if it is worthy of existence. Be that as it may, I am happy to report this new rendition of “Total Recall” actually exudes an impressive edge-of-your-seat aura in its own right. OK, so the Mars component is no longer overtly present, but the film makes up for this missing component by incorporating a political ambiance contemporary audiences have come to expect from science fiction stories. We still receive the plot, memorable characters and nonstop action from the original but reinterpreted in an intriguing fashion. Doug Quaid (Colin Farrell) is a factory worker, suffering from violent nightmares, but also finds himself dissatisfied with his

Quaid (Colin Farrell) seated in the Mind Trip Chair inside the Rekall Tripping Den in Columbia Pictures' action thriller “TOTAL RECALL.” Photo by Michael Gibson COPYRIGHT: ©2011 Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Courtesy photo

monotonous life. In an attempt to alleviate the stress and boredom, he visits Rekall, an organization known for implanting its customers with artificial memories of the lifestyles they desire. Just as in the original, that’s where things go awry. His wife Lori (Kate Beckinsale), isn’t the loving spouse he thought she was. As Quaid searches desperately for the answers he needs to understand what happened to his mind, he joins forces with a resistance fighter named Melina (Jessica Biel.) Every film has its vital strong points, and if somebody were to identify them here, it would be the action sequences and story pacing. “Total Recall” also manages to find time to give its characters a chance to breathe, allowing viewers to

get more than a glimpse of their motivations. I was impressed with director Len Wiseman’s handling of the quieter moments; even with the nonstop action as the dominant element, he does not forget to slow down and include the personal interactions between characters without decelerating too much. Farrell and Biel are the primary focus of these interactions, and the dialogue between the two of them is sufficient enough to look forward to what will happen to them in the next scene. Another surprise that caught me off guard (in a good way) was the cast. Colin Farrell may not possess the same muscular charisma that Schwarzenegger did, but he proves to be capable in holding his own as a scared

“everyman” struggling to comprehend the secrets hidden away in his mind. Kate Beckinsale certainly does not lack for vicious tenacity, as her Lori gets up close and personal while pursuing her target with a combination of firearms and martial arts training. Jessica Biel’s Melina surpasses the original character played by Rachel Ticotin in terms of her fighting abilities and emotional connection with Quaid. Bryan Cranston continues to be the welcome presence he has always been as he brings a more direct ruthlessness to the almighty Cohaagen. Bokeem Woodbine instills Harry with additional layers than what Robert Costanzo did back in 1990, making him a much more relevant character in this remake. In contrast, John Cho and Bill Nighy do not get to do much with their limited screen time. If you are in the mood for a futuristic thrill ride, “Total Recall” will provide everything you need and want for your own enjoyment. If you have fond memories of the Schwarzenegger classic, this “Total Recall” will create new ones for you to hold on to. Either way, it’s a win-win situation; you will not be disappointed in the slightest. “Total Recall” Where: Wide Release When: Now playing Rating: PG-13


out of 4



AUG. 10, 2012


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community CALENDAR Friday night concert series to kick off at library Got an item for the calendar? Send the details via email to

AUG. 11 DOG DELIGHT Cardiff 101 Main Street presents Cardiff Dog Days of Summer from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Aug. 11 at Aberdeen Drive and Newcastle Avenue in Cardiff-by-the-Sea. SPOT will have dogs for adoption, information on volunteering and opportunities to foster.

ART BY TERI The collaborative works of Art by TERI will be introduced from 5 to 7:30 p.m. from Aug. 11 at the Off Track Gallery, 937 S. Coast Highway 101, Suite C103, Encinitas. The display, through Sept. 27, includes paintings, photography, ceramics, jewelry, sculptures, glass and gourd art and weavings. The gallery is open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday and until 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays.

AUG. 12 ONE-WOMAN SHOW The Rancho Buena Vista Gallery is hosting a free art reception from 2 to 4 p.m. Aug. 12 at 640 Alta Vista Drive, Oceanside. The works of artist Katherine Pupping will be displayed at the Rancho Buena Vista Adobe from Aug. 11 through Sept. 3. Included will be works in oil, watercolor, and photography. For more information call the Rancho Buena Vista Adobe Gallery at (760) 639-6164. ART IN THE VILLAGE Carlsbad 14th annual Art in the Village will be held from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.m Aug. 12 on State Street and Grand Avenue, with more than 100 local artists, live music, food, art lessons, demonstrations and family fun.

AUG. 13 FREE FOR MILITARY With a special appearance by Tinker Bell, Joint Medical and San Diego Botanic Garden host military families for free 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 13, 230 Quail Gardens Drive, Encinitas. Free massages for mom, story tellers, music and bubbles for children, prizes and more. SIP AND SUPPORT Cool off at A summer wine-tasting benefiting the GFWC Contemporary Women of North County scholarship program from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Aug. 13 at North County Wine Company, 1099 San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos. $20 at the door. Visit for details.

AUG. 14 VIOLET WORLD San Diego North County African Violet Society meets at 10:30 a.m. Aug. 14 at the Vista Public Library Community Room, 700 Eucalyptus. Plant repotting and "Tools for Grooming Violets" with Barbara Conrad. Bring your own lunch. Desserts and beverages provided.Call (760) 433-4641 or e-mail



Butch Hibben will present “Living Legend Project” at the Computer-Oriented Genealogy Group, sponsored by North San Diego County Genealogical Society, 10 to 11:30 a.m. Aug. 14 at Carlsbad City Council Chambers, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad. Its business meeting will be at 1 p.m. in the Carlsbad Cole TURN TO CALENDAR ON A22

By Lillian Cox

The city will debut its inaugural Music by the Sea Concert Series at 7:30 p.m. Aug. 24 with a performance by prize-winning Viennese soprano Sevana Salmasi in the Encinitas Library. Tickets are $10 for each of the 10 performances during the 2012-2013 season or $90 for a season pass. Concerts will be held monthly on Friday nights between August and November and January and June. The iPalpiti Festival will return for a second year in July.There will be no performance in December. Arts administrator Jim Gilliam said the decision to host a ticketed concert series was based on the success of the iPalpiti Festival, which was held here last month. “The city is taking the arts one step further, with a considerable commitment of time and resources,” he added. “We are a city of artists and arts enthusiasts.” Proceeds from ticket sales will support artists and the city’s arts programs. Gilliam explained that the idea for the series came about through Encinitas’ participation in a consortium of music presenters. “Each April, it holds the Beverly Hills Auditions with more than 60 performing groups,” he said.“From this, 10 are selected as winners, the best of the best. We will feature the winners in concerts in Encinitas, monthly on Friday

Viennese soprano Sevana Salmasi will perform “The Mozart Show” for the city of Encinitas’ inaugural Friday night Music by the Sea Concert Series at 7:30 p.m., Aug. 24 in the Encinitas Library. Tickets are $10 each or $90 for a season pass. Courtesy photo

nights; on Saturday, they perform in Manhattan Beach; on Sunday, Beverly Hills at the Greystone Mansion. We’re very excited to be invited to be a venue for the monthly concerts, bringing this great talent to San Diego audiences.” Armenian-born soprano Salmasi trained at University for Music and Performing Arts

in Vienna. A Mozart specialist, she was a top prize winner of international competitions including second prize and Audience prize at the International Heinrich Strecker Operetta Competition in Baden/Vienna in 2007. She was also a finalist of the Young Artist Program of

Placido Domingo/Thornton Auditions at Los Angeles Opera in April 2006. Currently, Salmasi is working toward a doctorate in vocal arts at the prestigious Thornton School of Music at USC. She will be presenting her signature Mozart Show, which celebrates the work of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johann Strauss. “The audience is going to get a selection of the most beautiful and famous arias and songs of the Viennese repertoire from a singer who was raised in ‘the most Viennese part of Vienna’ called Ottakring,” Salmasi said. “Arias from Mozart and Strauss are indeed my most favorite repertoire to sing. My heart and my soul are in these songs. If a singer truly loves the songs, and feels it, the audience will enjoy the performance for sure.” Salmasi added that the first part of the program will be sung in Italian, and the second part in her native language, German. “These two composers represent Viennese culture in the early 18th and 19th century,” she said. “My pianist and I will be dressed in baroque costumes, which will transport the audience to another time.” Gilliam added, “Sevana is a true performer with a beautiful voice and great charisma. Her ‘Mozart Show’ will be the perfect first concert for the city’s new Music by the Sea Friday night concert series.

The Encinitas audience will love her.” The upcoming schedule also includes: Sept. 14, Chika Inoue, saxophone, first-place winner of the La Jolla Symphony & Chorus Young Artists Competition; Oct. 19, Iryna Krechkovsky, violin and Kevin Kwan Loucks, piano; artists-in-residence at the University of California, Irvine; Nov. 16, Charissa Barger and Kate Loughrey, harpists; Jan. 18, Laurie Rubin, mezzosoprano; Feb. 15, recent principal violist of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra and Victor De Almeida, violist; March 15, Andrew Moses, clarinet with Tania Fleischer, piano, winner of the 2012 Torrance Symphony Orchestra Concerto Competition; April 19, Sashell Beck, soprano and Isaia Musik-Ayala, bass-baritone; May 10, Christopher Goodpasture, piano, first prize winner in the California Association of Professional Music Teachers Ensemble Competition and the American Fine Arts Festival; and June 14, Ceora Winds: Michelle Matsumune, flute; Heather Millette, clarinet; and Christin Webb, bassoon. The Encinitas Library is located at 540 Cornish Drive in Encinitas. For more information, call (760) 633-2746 or visit For schedule information, and to purpose tickets, visit

Online map showcases public art in Carlsbad By Jared Whitlock

The growing popularity of public art proves that not all great works are housed in a gallery or museum. One problem: Public art is often hidden or can be difficult to locate.But perusing artwork in Carlsbad just became that much easier thanks to the launch of an interactive map of public art. The web-based image gallery details the city’s entire public art collection, 29 pieces total, with directions from any location, links to artists’ websites and a brief history of all the artwork. Staff from the city’s Cultural Arts Office started working on the project in 2009. “We were looking at ways to promote great works that can be found within our city,” said Peter Gordon the city’s cultural art manager. “We discussed print brochures initially. Then the conversation became: Why not make the art more interactive, more accessible?” Carlsbad, Gordon said, has something of a tradition when it comes to community art. The city’s Art in Public Places program, which began in 1985, was the first public art program established in San Diego County. Because of the program, 1 percent of all municipal construction projects have to be spent on public art. She had yet to give it a

spin, but artist T.J. Dixon applauded the spirit behind the interactive map. “It seems great because a lot of art can be tucked away,” Dixon said. “Finding all the pieces can be a scatter hunt.” Along with James Nelson, Dixon created the “Carlsbad golfers,” one of the more popular pieces of public art in the city. As Dixon explained it, the bronze sculpture at the Carlsbad Municipal Golf Course was a conscious effort to “avoid a perfect Arnold Palmer-like sculpture and represent a fun family moment.” “It’s awesome that people can easily see the piece and learn a little bit about it,” Dixon said. Paul Hobson, who is perhaps best known in Carlsbad for constructing the bold, black gate made of stainless steel cable at the entryway of the Leo Carrillo Ranch, also liked the idea of the interactive map. “I think it will be a great resource not just for the public, but also other artists wanting to check out art,” Hobson said. Featuring a flowing pattern that forms film canisters and a wagon wheel, the gate is a tribute to actor Leo Carrillo, who lived at the ranch. Each piece of artwork has a unique story behind it, said Tonya Rodzach, the city’s arts education coordinator. With more than two decades of public artwork in Carlsbad, the pieces span a

wide range of materials and ager. genres. The interactive art map ments/cultural/. “There’s abstract, repre- can be found at sentational — a little bit of everything for people to enjoy,” she said. The map will encourage local residents to explore their own backyard. It may also inspire those from other parts of San Diego, and maybe even out-of-towners, to pay a visit to Carlsbad, Rodzach hopes. The Carlsbad Cultural Arts Office teamed up with the city’s Geographic Information Systems division to put together the interactive map, which involved overlaying GIS data and icons of the public artwork over base maps. Rodzach said Carlsbad is the first city government in San Diego County to develop an in-depth online map of public art, calling the project a “big undertaking.” With the map, Carlsbad joins a trend of cities across the nation that have created a searchable database of public artwork. According to Rodzach, Carlsbad’s map has features that others might not; for example, users can search by the artist’s name, the title of the work or the artistic medium it was created in. The public art map cost $3,000, which includes funding for future art and construction maps that the city is developing, according to Karl von Schlieder, the city’s GIS man-


AUG. 10, 2012


Great gadgets make travel wonderful E’LOUISE ONDASH Hit the Road Once again, it’s time for a roundup of great gadgets for gadabouts. If you need a gift for your favorite traveler or are looking for products that make your travels easier, check out the following: If you are of a certain age, you might remember those tablecloths made of brightly colored oilcloth, often used on the back yard picnic table. Big advantage: they easily wipe clean. A Utah mother-of-three who goes simply by the name of Sarah Jane may be singlehandedly responsible for the resurrection of oilcloth, but her products are adapted to today’s lifestyle. My fav: her whimsicalprint SARAHJANE BEACH BAG ($35; more choices than you can imagine) is roomy, tough as nails, highly utilitarian and couldn’t be more perfect for the beach. At day’s end, just hose it down. Also great for hauling groceries, storing reusable bags and as a catch-all for the road-trip backseat. If you’ve got kids, you can’t do without this tote. Visit . Speaking of beach sand, we know it’s fun but the devil to get off. A Sand-Off Mit is the answer to this ageold problem. Clap it and it releases a powder that, when applied to the skin, makes sticky sand a thing of the past. It’s effective regardless of sunscreen and/or perspiration, and lasts for up to 40 uses. Also removes grass clippings, dry wall material and just about anything that sticks to skin. Comes in packs of one to six mitts. Starts at $7.99. Visit Worried about losing your pet when you travel — or anytime, for that matter? PetHub Tags are the answer to your anxieties. Tags feature QR (quick response) codes — matrix barcodes that can be scanned with any smart phone. This takes you directly to the website where you’ll find the pet’s emergency contacts, necessary medication, allergies, immuniza-

The World Time Sport watch by Art Technologies of Long Beach gives its owner 24 time zones (two can be selected at one time) on a screen that can be seen even in direct sun.

Residents in the Hanover Beach Colony have growing concerns over the amount of traffic and increased activity on Ponto Road following the opening of the Hilton Carlsbad Oceanfront Resort & Spa this year. Courtesy photo

Residents make plea for help against hotel By Christina Macone-Greene

The Travelrest 4-in-1 Blanket can double as a pillow or lumbar support. Built in carrying case and strap make it easy to bring along. Courtesy photos

tions, vet and insurance providers, dietary needs and more. The advantage over microchips? No need to find a scanner. Just a thought: These tags might be great for bracelets for kids or older adults suffering with dementia. Plane rides don’t come with many frills these days. Gone on domestic flights are the pillows and blankets we used to take for granted. The Travelrest 4-in-1 Blanket the antidote to bare-bones service. It’s a blanket, a pillow or a lumbar support that morphs into its own carrying case. Also features a built-in strap for attaching to suitcase or backpack. Made of super-soft fleece, the poncho-style blanket comes in beige or navy blue. Price is $24.95. Visit NiteIze Innovation has come up with a whole catalogue of products to illuminate night travelers. Wear a moldable Slaplit on your wrist or arm, or wrap it around your bike and drivers will know you are there. The approximately 14-inch-by1.5-inch band of durable nylon glows or flashes. The Spotlit carabiner light (also glows or flashes) can be hooked to a key ring, purse, jacket, travel bag or tent. Great for trick-or-treating and nighttime dog-walking. And just for fun, how about playing with a glowing hacky-sack? Check out the Astrobrite L.E.D. Bean Ball and many other bright-light products at Admit it. You can’t leave home (or work) without your iPad, Kindle or other e-readers. Octa of Denver ( is a creative group of innovators who love their mobile electronics, too, so they’ve invented the TableTail ($49.99). It includes two pieces; the Vacuum Dock ensures a good grip, and the WhaleTail lets you prop up your tablet on almost any surface. You can even hang it from a pole. OK, it’s hard to picture, so see how cool it works at YIw3EDx76Y. Know a world traveler

The SandOff Mitt, which utilizes a special powder, makes it easy to leave the sand on the beach. Works even with sunscreen or perspiration.

or frequent flier? He or she could use the World Time Sport Watch by Art Technologies of Long Beach. It displays 24 time zones and cities (choose two at once), world time (Greenwich Mean Time or GMT), a calendar, you can change modes with the swipe of a finger. The sleek design makes it lightweight. Travelers will

stay oriented regardless of the number of time zones they cross. Check out this watch, as well as many others ideal for travelers, at

E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at

Play glow-in-the-dark hacky sack with this AstroBrite Bean Ball by NiteIze, which offers many unique travel products for lighting up the night.

Residents from the Hanover Beach Colony made numerous recent pleas for help at a Carlsbad city council meeting regarding multiple concerns with their new neighbor, the Hilton Carlsbad Oceanfront Resort & Spa. Since the hotel opened its doors in late June, this 112-home family community has experienced negative impacts on Ponto Road such as an increase of commercial and guest vehicles, speeding, noise levels and foot traffic in their neighborhood. The pleas occurred during the general public comment portion of a council meeting where city council members only listen. But Mayor Matt Hall directed staff to collect a comprehensive list of concerns from residents. Since then, residents and city staff have met to discuss the concerns. Sandra Ferguson, who lives at the Hanover Beach Colony, said the worries initially began when hotel building permits were pulled around 2005. “The level of concern has all come to fruition tenfold,” she said. One of the major problems occurring is that residents, hotel guests and commercial vehicles are now all utilizing Ponto Road, a small street. “We understand the city wanting a hotel and the tax revenue it will bring our beautiful beach town,” Ferguson said. She continued, “However, to not build a separate entrance into an upscale hotel, and instead use an existing small road into a community speaks volumes for Hilton Hotels’ blatant lack of respect for the residents of Carlsbad, and their focus on bottom line profits.” According to Ferguson, from the very beginning, all her family wanted was assurance that the hotel would be built responsibly. Calculations provided by Ferguson relay that one home sits approximately 100 feet from the hotel. And as early as 5 a.m.,

Ferguson said, commercial delivery trucks beep as they back into a loading dock or elsewhere in the neighborhood. Ferguson pointed out she never minded the idea of a hotel. “Sadly, we naively thought it would be built with an understanding of cooperation, as well as mutual respect. That has not happened from this hotel,” she said. While the noise level and traffic has increased, the core issue is on safety for its children and adult residents. Ferguson said the hotel garage, which sits on the east side of Ponto Road, has no stop or yield signs. Cars are speeding by at 30 miles per hour and higher. “This is a family friendly neighborhood and now my children are forbidden to go near Ponto Road,” Ferguson said. Rod Nash, another Hanover Beach Colony resident, agrees with Ferguson about the rise in traffic and slowing the speed limit on Ponto Road. Additionally, he’s spotted commercial trucks looping through their community. Despite Hilton’s free garage parking, some hotel guests are instead using Leeward Street in Hanover Beach Colony. “We see people all dressed up with a present in their hand and they literally walk right through this community and walk across the street to the hotel,” he said. Like Ferguson, Nash said the hotel planning and design wasn’t built as well as it could have been. “I have faith in our system, hoping that it will get corrected,” Nash said. Debbie Fountain, housing and neighborhood services director, said city staff met with residents in mid-July. A list of concerns and proposed ideas to resolve the issues were collected. Regarding Ponto Road, Fountain said this street was identified as the access road for both the residential and touristserving commercial propTURN TO HOTEL ON A22


AUG. 10, 2012

Del Mar hosts hot competition The competition escalated July 25 with back-toback main events that drew huge crowds, perfect weather and intense competition. The $10,000 USHJA International Hunter Derby and the $30,000 Racing Festival Grand Prix spurred some serious battles between competitors. The season has developed two rivalries in both the Hunters and Jumpers. Nick Haness was Champion again in the Hunter Derby July 25, breaking veteran John French’s win streak aboard the famous Small Affair and young gun Tina Di Landri stole the show by outrunning the fearless Josephina Nor Lanzman in the July 26 $30,000 Grand Prix jump-off. Josephina NorLantzman piloted Chello Z to a flawless jump-off in 39.317 seconds, settling for second respectively. Hap Hansen, sitting on his 99th Grand Prix victory, was the first to return in the jump-off and set the stage aboard Archie Bunker. Hansen was setting up what looked to be that matchless 100th win, but with an unlucky rail Hansen and Archie Bunker finished with four faults in a time of 40.436 seconds. Coming off her win in the $30,000 Red, White and Blue Grand Prix, Brazilian rider Josephina NorLantzman and Chello Z were the next contenders to top the leaderboard. Knowing her horse’s abilities, NorLantzman piloted Chello Z to a flawless jump-off, bolting through lines and cutting every corner possible to trip the wire in 39.317 seconds. Michelle Parker and Xel Ha was the third pair to challenge the finalists. Just as it had in the qualifying round, the skinny vertical took another victim and with an additional rail on the final line, Parker and Xel Ha finished with eight faults in a quck time of 36.912 seconds. “Avargo is so good at what he does. I’m so proud of

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him,” shared Di Landri of her winning mount. The rivalry between Nor-Lantzman and Di Landri re-emerged as Di Landri galloped into the ring. “I completely changed my jump-off plan after Phina (Josephina) went,” Di Landri said. “She was quick, so I knew I had to leave some strides out and go for it. They left the skinny vertical which was risky but Avargo is so good and when you gotta go, you gotta go.” Di Landri charged through the track leaving all the rails in the cups, posting a time of 37.355 seconds, shifting Nor-Lantzman to second. Antonio Maurer was the final rider to challenge Di Landri’s post. Maurer guided Callao through a swift round but with one unfortunate rail, Maurer would finish with a four fault time of 36.878 seconds, good enough for third place. Tina Di Landri and Avargo win the $30,000 Racing Festival Grand Prix, presented by EquiFit, inc. The day prior featured the $10,000 USHJA International Hunter Derby where veteran rider John French has remained


untouchable since his most recent back-to-back firstplace postings aboard Small Affair. Looking to continue his win streak, French qualified the top three mounts returning for the Handy Round; Small Affair, Sander, and Small Kiss. Nick Haness was also able to sneak through two of his mounts into the Handy Round with his Spring Classic III Hunter Derby Champion Gelato and his newest five-year-old mount, Good Times. The Handy Round asked for riders to really showcase their horse’s ability to jump clean, remain focused on the next obstacle and on their rider. Unique elements included two fences on the berm, multiple turn backs, a natural hedge with a Swedish oxer and an immediate halt after the final fence. “It’s comfortable to come back in a lower spot,” Haness spoke of returning in fifth aboard Gelato, “I’ve learned to stay safe the first round because the Handy Round is where Gelato excels.”


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AUG. 10, 2012





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AUG. 10, 2012

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AUG. 10, 2012



AUG. 10, 2012


A wine oasis in the desert FRANK MANGIO

Taste of Wine Odd place for a wine renaissance, but on closer examination, the Palm Desert, Palm Springs, La Quinta resort areas are blooming attractions for the wine crowd. An enormous amount of restaurants serve a growing population and increased visitor count, and guess what, the Palm Desert COSTCO has the 2nd largest wine department in the chain, right behind Carlsbad in San Diego County. Palm Desert is one of my favorite get-a-ways and when I go, I have an eye open for the latest developments at the JW Marriott’s Desert Springs Resort. The latest trip was a real eye-opener as they are celebrating their 25th year with an upscale building program for their restaurants and wine bar. Paul Bologna conducts the best wine tastings south of Napa Valley and he produces the wine programs at Desert Springs. Actually he spent the first part of his wine career working in Napa Valley so he closely follows those wines. The day I participated, Bologna was profiling Full Bodied Reds From Napa Valley. A $50 charge got you five luscious reds and a delicious artisan cheese tasting. The wines were all “mountain wines:” merlots, cabernets and blends from Mt. Veeder, Pride Mt., Diamond Mt. and Pine Mt. I was struck by the power and finesse of the J. Davies Cabernet from Diamond Mt., a 2008 that retails for $80. “We love Napa Valley small producers,” exclaimed Bologna. Most are 100 case producers or less, and both our wine and food suppliers are all from California.” Ciprian Orian is the enthusiastic restaurant manager of the new Rockwood Grill and the posh Blue Star Lounge. The Rockwood Grill opens up the dining experience with extra virgin olive oil served with grilled bread. The salads are home grown in the Coachella Valley. Mine had greens, shaved apple, fennel, radish, candied pecans, tangerine and pomegranate. Nicely done. The San Diego Brandt Farms provided the Filet and it was excellent with sides of grilled asparagus and polenta. “We are working on a new expansive patio dining concept, adding 80 seats in September,” Orian revealed. “It will extend into the existing lake and give diners an island sensation. The Blue Star Lounge will also expand around the dining area, for a total of 468 seats. Small bites will be big in the lounge area.” Lots to know about at the web site:

Diving into Indian Cuisine

Creating Indian magic in the kitchen of Passage to India. Courtesy photo

JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort Sommelier Paul Bologna conducts Boat Dock Wine Tastings most days of the month

ISOLA Pizza Bar is one of the newest Italian food and wine bars in the Little Italy district of San Diego. Photos by Frank Mangio

San Diego’s Little Italy & Enoteca Style Taste Great It was Open House along India Street in San Diego’s Little Italy recently as hundreds of visitors, hungry for old world food and drink, descended on nearly 30 restaurants. The new format restaurants are exciting to see and to dine in. They include: Davanti, a small bites bar with a large inside and outside dining area; ISOLA, a pizza bar with huge blowups of Italian actress Sophia Loren and a red wood-burning pizza oven direct from Naples; Bencotto, an urban dining room featuring take-out and two $12,000; Prosciutto curing and cutting “red wheel” slicers. Be sure to check out Enoteca Style, owned by chef Scott Thomas, who also owns Salad Style in the Gaslamp District. The wine list is one of the largest in Little Italy, from sparkling Prosecco to a regal, velvety Nebbiolo d’Alba, both popular Italian wines. The food is California fusion with the Italian tradition. And they do deliver; whether it is fresh, creative paninis, international style salads or full plate entrees such as Tuna Tatare and Roasted Garlic Chicken Meatballs. Every Wednesday, it’s half price wine night. Have a look at

Wine Bytes The 2nd annual San Diego Wine Country Festival returns to Bernardo Winery in Rancho Bernardo Aug. 11 from 1 to 5 p.m. Over 20 wineries will be pouring. Tickets on line for $25 or day of event for $30. Full details by calling (858) 487-1866 or The 17th annual Mamas Kitchen benefit Wine & Food Tasting is Thurs. Aug. 16 from 6 to 9 p.m. in San Diego. The organization delivers food daily to those stricken by AIDS. $60 in advance, $70 day of event. Call (619) 2336262. Europa Village Winery in Temecula has a Celebrity Art event Aug. 19 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Art viewing and live music are free to the public. Wines available for purchase. Details by calling (951) 2163380. The San Diego Spirits Festival is Aug. 25 and Aug. 26 from 1 to 6 p.m. on the Broadway Pier in San Diego. This is the biggest mix of Cocktails, Culinary and Culture on the West Coast. Check out prices and other fun stuff at, or call (858) 551-1605. Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. His library can be viewed at (Average Google certified 900 visits per day) He is one of the top five wine commentators on the Web. Reach him at

DAVID BOYLAN Lick the Plate With the surge in eclectic American eateries in North County serving their spin on traditional favorites, it’s nice to revisit an oldschool restaurant dedicated to one cuisine. Tucked in between trendy Craftsman New American Tavern and Firefly Grill & Wine Bar, plus another half dozen restaurants in this Encinitas shopping center is Passage to India. I will admit that I am a novice when it comes to Indian food. To this point, my most extensive exposure has been in England and Ireland where I indulged in late night curry with my son Quinn after a night on the town. At the time, it was a wonderful new option to quell an alcohol-fueled hunger. Recently, I decided it was time to become more familiar with this diverse cuisine. Luckily, I had just met a new friend named Panna who is from Gujarat in the Western part of India, which is where Gandhi hails from and happens to be the only dry state in the country which discourages many tourists from visiting. We dined together the day after most of India experienced a massive power outage. I had also just seen the movie “Best Exotic Marigold Hotel,” which really captured the essence of urban living in India, so yes, India was top of mind. Panna suggested we try Passage to India as my introduction to the cuisine and where I could sample a variety of dishes. It was also a

place she found acceptable, which was good to know. She started with a brief overview of this diverse, colorful and tasteful food that comes from 28 states with 21 official languages. Indians take their cooking and food very seriously. It is not just “curry, spice and oil” as she put it. The common staples are wheat, rice, millets, corn, lentils along with milk and milk products like yogurt. Spices include red or green chilies, mustard seeds, cumin, dry coriander seeds, fennel, star anise saffron, cinnamon, cardamom, and many others. Each vegetable or meat curried or not is cooked with a different spice powder, which is combination of some of the spices in different proportions. This way each vegetable or meat dish has different taste and aroma.The oils are peanut oil, sunflower oil, ghee, butter and recent introduction is olive oil. All the foods are eaten by placing them on a plate where you mix and match the way you like. It is typically referred to as Thali — a selection of various dishes. So that’s the way we approached our meal. First to come out was a non-vegetarian assorted snack as they called it. It included lamb samosa, fish pakoras, chicken pakoras and papadum. The samosa reminded me of a mini pasty, the Cornish meat pie. It’s a stuffed snack consisting of a fried or baked pastry shell with a savory filling, which may include spiced potatoes, onions, peas, coriander, and lentils, or ground lamb or chicken. Papadum is a thin, crisp Indian cracker served as an accompaniment to a meal similar to a tortilla in

Mexican restaurants. Raita is an essential part of the Indian meal as well. It’s yogurt with cucumber and potatoes and is perfect to dip just about everything in. Mixed pickles with lemons, mangos, lotus and ginger roots were not your typical pickles and they packed a punch. Next up was the Chicken Vindaloo, which is a boneless chicken prepared with potatoes in hot, spicy gravy. Most versions outside of India have the chicken marinated in vinegar, sugar, fresh ginger and spices overnight. The combination is delicious and makes a perfect dipping sauce for other dishes on the table as well. According to Panna, dipping in multiple sauces is part of the experience and I can see why. Of course I had to try a beer brewed in India and they tend to be crisp, refreshing lagers that are perfect with the many flavors happening on the table. We did not have room for dessert but I’ve been told the rice-pudding-like Kheer is the way to go. The décor at Passage to India is very ornate and traditional. I had a thought that it might be cool to combine traditional Indian cuisine in a contemporary space with a “Bollywood” soundtrack. You heard it here first. Check out their hours, location and menu at

Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday-Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at or (858) 395-6905.

DON’T MISS OUT! Call your Rancho Santa Fe News rep and ask about our Fall Home & Garden Special Section!


AUG. 10, 2012




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Carslbad resident Paul-Luc Ronchetti does a backside air at the Magdalena Ecke YMCA skate park. Since moving to Carlsbad from England three years ago, Ronchetti has become a professional skateboarder. Photo by Bill Reilly

The Englishman who went up a ramp... By Tony Cagala

San Diego Chargers head coach Norv Turner says he and the team are better prepared to handle adversity this year than over the last two years when the team failed to make the playoffs. Photos by Bill Reilly

■ Fans expecting

ly, we have guys like Ryan Matthews, who’s two years further ahead than he was two years ago when he was getting ready to start. “We’re going to be a very good football team,” he added. “I don’t think there’s By Tony Cagala any doubt in our players’ minds; I don’t think there’s SAN DIEGO — The any doubt in our staffs’ Chargers opened their minds. The fact that there training camp to the public might be a doubt outside of last Saturday with fans our building…we’ll use that being able to glimpse the in a positive way.” latest installment of their Antonio Garay, the team. Chargers 6-year veteran But those who still defensive tackle had this to haven’t forgotten the disapsay: “My expectations — pointment of last season are take it on one day at a time placing great expectations and win every day as it on this season, explicitly comes. calling for no less than a “I think without a quesSuper Bowl appearance. tion, I think this team goes “Like every other year, in expecting to win,” he a Super Bowl,” said said. “I think that, obviousChargers fan Antonio ly, the last two years things Salinas when asked what he have not gone the way we expected from the team. wanted to, but I think the A fan since ’95, Salinas team we have out here on remains upset over the firthe field has a lot of potential, (and) could do a lot of great things this year.” Cornerback Eric Weddle said he’s both optimistic about the season and expects them to be the best team in their division and make a run at the playoffs. “You’re optimistic because it’s a new year,” he said. “What is this Chargers team going to be about? We don’t know…but hopefully, we’ll be a great team and have a lot of wins. “You’re expecting to be good because if you’re not expecting to be a great team, then what are you really playing for?” he said. The Chargers will host two more practices open to the public at Chargers Park Aug. 11 and Aug. 12. The first preseason games is Aug. 9 when they host the Green Bay Packers; The Chargers will also host Chargers fans turnout in numbers to get a view of the 2012 team during one of several practices open to the general public. Some of the fans are still disappointed over the team’s performance over the last two seasons. the Dallas Cowboys Aug. 18.

team to make Super Bowl

ing of former head coach Marty Schottenheimer in 1997. “I am upset about it, I really am, because I’m a Schottenheimer fan,” he said. “And you can’t tell me his last year that he wouldn’t have knocked down the doors and taken us to the Super Bowl on his last year of his contract. “But a decision was made (to keep head coach Norv Turner and general manager A.J. Smith); gotta live with it; just gotta go with it, pray for the best and hope the team goes for it.” Salinas also has expectations for Turner this season. “I expect him to light the fire underneath their butts and give them the inspiration they need and just drive them to the Super Bowl,” he said. Fans’ frustrations

boiled over last season, calling for the firing of both Turner and Smith, given the way the season ended, finishing 8-8 and missing the playoffs for the second year in-a-row. “I just think, if you’re doing this, you always have great expectations,” said Turner. “And then you have to handle what comes your way, in terms of the good things that happen, and every team in this league is going to have adversity.” Adversity was a key theme of last season. The team’s undoing stemmed from injuries and having to piecemeal players together to put on the field. Turner said he feels better prepared to handle adversity this year than over the last couple of years. “We have more good players, we have more depth; we have more experienced players and obvious-

The life of Paul-Luc Ronchetti is literally filled with upsand-downs — maybe not the one you might expect though, as Ronchetti, 19, is one of the more up-and-coming talents on the vert ramp. Moving to Carlsbad from England more than three years ago when his father received an opportunity to become the general manager of Legoland, the skateboarder, who grew up watching the X-Games on TV, is now a regular competitor in them. Growing up in England, Ronchetti said there weren’t very many vert ramps close to where he lived. “My parents had to drive me like two to three hours away to skate. I only got to skate once or twice a week, maybe.” It’s a world of difference now for Ronchetti,who’s not more than 10 minutes away from some of the best skateboarding facilities around.What’s more, since turning professional a couple of years ago, he’s got access to all of them. Ronchetti began skateboarding in England when he was about 8. He said he got into it pretty much because it looked fun. And when he first stood on a skateboard he said he knew it was something he wanted to do. Following years of competing as an amateur, he decided that it was time to compete against the pros. “I just wanted to go for it,” he said. And the transition from the amateur to professional world: “It was definitely a lot different,” he said. “It was like moving from a big fish in a small pond to a small fish in a big pond. “It was challenging, but that made it fun,” Ronchetti said. He’s since taken to the life of a professional skateboarder. Skating with other top-ranked vert skaters as Carlsbad-based Pierre-Luc Gagnon, Elliot Sloan and Danny Mayer has become the norm for him. Even so, he’s just as comfortable skating among the up-and-comers at the Magdalena Ecke YMCA skate park in Encinitas. He graduated from high school in 2011 and is continuing his studies,gravitating towards a degree in kinesiology or sports medicine. When he was first becoming a pro, Ronchetti would learn from the older pros and their experiences, picking up tips on how to learn new tricks and how to deal with competition stress. Ronchetti can recall a turning point while competing in a tournament, when he received a pep-talk from Australian skater Renton Miller. Miller said to him: “You’re skating good; you’ve seen what the other guys can do, you know what you can do. Just go out and do it.” And then Miller told him he thought he could win the competition. “And that got stuck in my head, and I ended up winning it, so it was definitely some good inspiration,” Ronchetti said. The skater admits he likes to go big and flow through his routines. And there’s no fear of heights for Ronchetti, who easily drops into vert ramps 120 feet tall and can soar up to 10 feet above the ramp’s coping, something that feels really good, he said. “Once you get the right timing it’s all about going high and landing high,” he said.“It just feels really amazing.You can see the whole ramp, you try not to think about it...but then you get used to it and it feels real good.” As for his future, Ronchetti hopes to be continuing doing what he’s doing now and becoming more consistent in contests. In this year’s X-Games in Los Angeles, he finished 10th in the vert competition. Future of skateboarding “I think right now, there’s a lot of this mega ramp stuff and I’ve never really done that, and I don’t think I ever really will; there’s definitely a lot up-and-coming kids coming up, a lot of good talent coming up, and I just hope that skateboarding stays and I hope that vert skateboarding and all of that just kind of stays there. I know it has its ups-and-downs but I think it’s just going to keep there. I’d just like to see more progression really.” But for now, the Englishman that skates, surfs and plays in a band is soaking up the California lifestyle.



AUG. 10, 2012

EDUCATIONAL O PPORTUNITIES Private college admissions counseling Ensure your student makes the most out of their high school experience and are prepared for university, and especially, the university application process. The Clarus Consulting Group are experienced and credentialed high school guidance counselors who have successfully assisted students attending schools such as Torrey Pines High School, Cathedral Catholic, Canyon Crest Academy, Poway High School, and Coronado High School to be accepted into highly competitive universities around the country. Clarus provides stu-

dents with one-on-one guidance and support to handle the competitive university application process as well as navigate questions on high school. With school budgets being what they are, most high school guidance counselors work with a caseload of 650 or more students. Our counselors don’t have that difficulty and can provide you with focused attention! Services include: guidance in planning which courses to take during high school and in what sequence, building a stellar ‘brag packet’ for college and universities so you stand out from

the crowd, research university programs and careers that fit your strengths and needs, developing an exceptional college application essay, and more! Clarus Consulting was founded by Elloise Bennett, former administrator at TPHS and CCA. The Clarus’ team includes Jane and Rik Napora, husband-wife counseling team, formerly members of counseling staff at TPHS, LCC, CCA and Poway High! For more information, visit or call 619-3079202.

“Mommy and Me Under the Sea” ■ Featuring play

zones, fun facts and quiz trails More than a standard Aquarium, SEA LIFE® Carlsbad Aquarium at the L E G O L A N D ® California Resort provides an educational and interactive dynamic unlike any other. The SEA LIFE experience incorporates LEGO® models into a child's voyage to the depths of the ocean, presenting the wonders of

the underwater world to them in a way specially designed for their understanding. Featuring play zones, fun facts and quiz trails, SEA LIFE is designed to be a child's guide to the life of the sea. Starting September, SEA LIFE introduces a new program for parents with small children called "Mommy and Me Under the Sea". This program includes kid-friendly play activities, fun animal crafts, an education program and a special Aquarium tour each week

on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for one month. Also now open at SEA LIFE is its newest interactive exhibit, "CLAWS!". The five new displays include Japanese spider crabs, which can grow to 13feet across, and coconut crabs, named for their ability to crack open coconuts with the power of their claws. For more information on SEA LIFE, Mommy and Me Under the Sea and CLAWS! visit or call (760) 918 - 5346.

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Local youth stage summer ‘Seussical’ The North County School of the Arts (NCSA) brings “Seussical, the Musical” to the big stage at 7 p.m. Aug. 17, Aug. 18, Aug. 25, plus 2 p.m. matinees Aug. 19, Aug. 25 and Aug. 26, at the Carlsbad Cultural Arts Center, 3557 Lancer Way off Monroe Street in Carlsbad. “‘Seussical, the Musical’ is a wonderful story about loyalty, friendship, and tolerance. And the score is full of so many memorable melodies,” said Doug Glener, Encinitas resident, author and father of cast member Gabriella Glener (Thing 2). The cast features Winter Bassett, of Oceanside, in the lead role as The Cat in the

Tickets will also be availHat and Jack Blumenfeld, of Encinitas, as the role of able online at brownpapertickHorton, the elephant. Brigitte Williamson, of Encinitas, will also portray Gertrude McFuzz, the quirky, lovesick bird with a one-feathered tail. Director Pamela Laurent, said, “This is the most talented cast of singers and actors. It’s amazing to us that we have so many wonderfully talented youth in North County.” Tickets are $15 general admission, $10 children 12 and under. Call for information about special group rates. Tickets are available by calling (760) 754-8207 or by emailing

An extremely popular free workshop is being held for the parents of college bound high school students (juniors and younger preferably) during the month of August and September at various North County locations. The workshop will focus

on little-known ways of getting money for college, no matter how much income you make, or how good of a student you have. The class will include such topics as how to double or triple your eligibility for free grant money, the secret to sending your child to a private or UC school for less than the cost of a junior college, and the single biggest mistake that 9 out of 10 parents make when planning for college. The workshop dates are Tuesday, August 21st @ 7:00 pm at the Encinitas Community Center, Monday,

August 27th @ 6:00pm at the Escondido Library. The workshop is being taught by Ron Caruthers, the nation’s leading expert on paying for college, a regular guest of San Diego 6 News. Ron has been quoted in USA Today, Wall Street Journal, and has authored ‘What your guidance counselor isn’t telling you’ as well as co-authored New York Times bestseller, ‘Shift Happens’. Seating is free, but limited please reserve your seat by calling 760-814-8591 or visit


AUG. 10, 2012


EDUCATIONAL O PPORTUNITIES Two fun ways to improve your teen’s SAT score! Summer’s almost over and your teenager is probably more concerned with spending time with friends or mastering a new Xbox game rather than studying for the SAT. However, end of summer is the perfect time to get a jump on SAT test preparation without the additional academic course load during the school year. Here are two creative ways to incorporate SAT prep with your teen’s summer plans: 1. Read a Great Book! The verbal section of SAT is filled with vocabulary. But many teens hate to study long, boring word lists. Instead, grab a classic. These amazing books contain a

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plethora of SAT words: War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, or The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Perfect reads for a summer’s day on the beach or a summer’s night at a campfire. 2. Volunteer to Teach English as a Second Language! This tip not only helps you give back to your community, but also improves your grammar skills. When you teach English to a non-native speaker, you are forced to break down grammar rules. This knowledge of English grammar will help you improve on the writing sec-

tion of the SAT. You can find opportunities at your local church or community center. Added bonus – also looks good on your college applications. Alana Albertson, founder of Academe Advantage, holds a Masters degree in Education from Harvard and a Bachelors degree in English from Stanford. She has prepared thousands of students for the SAT, GMAT, LSAT, and GRE tests and guided many clients through the complicated undergraduate and graduate admissions processes. A twotime successfully Ivy League applicant herself, Alana has the unique skills and knowledge to help you gain acceptance to the school of your dreams.

Study naturopathic medicine The Sorrento Valley will be home to California’s first and only accredited school of naturopathic medicine when classes begin at Bastyr University California in September. As many as 60 students will begin the inaugural year pursuing their Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine degree, which makes them eligible to become primary care doctors in California. Bastyr University already has an established naturopathic medicine program at its campus in Seattle, which opened in 1978 and offers 17 natural health degree and certifi-

cate programs. The naturopathic medicine program at both schools features a state-of-the-art clinical training model, which trains students to formulate effective, personalized treatment plans for patients. Respected internationally for its accredited, science-based programs, students come to Bastyr because they seek careers that resonate with their core values, including a belief in natural healing and wholeperson medicine. Although Bastyr University California initially will offer only the Doctor Naturopathic Medicine pro-

gram, it has plans to increase the variety of natural health degree programs in the future. The first expansion is set for January 2013, when Bastyr’s Simkin Center for Allied Birth Vocations will begin offering non-degree certificate workshops, including birth doula, childbirth educator and postpartum doula training. To learn more about Bastyr University California, attend the grand opening celebration from 1-4 p.m. Friday, Sept. 14, at 4106 Sorrento Valley Boulevard. Or learn more online at

What is high school like in 2012? It might be different than what you think. The needs of high-school students aren’t changing. However, the way we meet those needs have changed. At Halstrom High School, classrooms consist of one student and one teacher, offering 1:1 instruction, along with flexible scheduling, where students learn their own way, on their own schedule to reach their full potential. Enrollment at Halstrom High School continues to increase as parents and students find value in the one student to one teacher ratio. Another way Halstrom meets needs of today’s students is by preparing them for tomorrow’s world through its technology-rich environment. Halstrom’s iPad program gives students access to textbooks, lessons, teaching aps, and communication with their teachers – all in the palm of their hand. Here, let some Halstrom High School students tell you how this educational approach has helped them achieve their goals in and out of the classroom. Kiana “Before coming to Halstrom, I didn’t take school seriously. Now that I’m at Halstrom, I’m looking at uni-

versities and planning what I want to do with my life. It means more to me to come to school and turn in my homework and have the teachers be proud of me because I have the one-on-one relation-

golfer, so I have to balance a rigorous training schedule with my high school studies. With the flexible scheduling offered through Halstrom High School, I take college prep courses, including AP classes, and maintain a 4.0 GPA, all while keeping competitive with my golf. My proudest achievement was last year when I was named to the prestigious Rolex Junior All-America Team for the American Junior — Kiana Golf Association HALSTROM HIGH STUDENT which included the top 96 ranked golfers ages 13-19.” ship with them. Not only have my grades changed, but my Dallas attitude has changed. My out“I’m a professional golook on life and my outlook cart driver and aspire to one on school – everything has day be a professional race car changed for the better.” driver. Through Halstrom’s flexKendall ible scheduling, I’m able to go “As a competitive swimmer, I was having trouble bal- to school Monday through ancing my training and stud- Wednesday, then train and ies. I found Halstrom’s 1:1 race Thursday through instruction helped me work Sunday. Between classes, training on areas of my course work that needed the most atten- and racing, I fit in homework tion.This year I was fortunate and am able to keep up in to make it to the Olympic tri- school. Halstrom makes it als, and this fall I’m excited to even easier with all my books start college at Northern and lessons on the iPad. And the teachers at Halstrom Arizona University on a swimmake sure that no matter ming scholarship.” what, you get it. And they try Luke to make sure you don’t quit – “I’m a competitive junior with anything.”


efore coming to Halstrom, I didn’t take school seriously. ”


AUG. 10, 2012


Santa Fe Montessori provides a warm nurturing environment ■ Montessori

children love going to school Santa Fe Montessori School develops habits of mind and heart in children that last a lifetime. In safe, nurturing yet stimulating environments, children, ages 18 months to 12 years make choices about what they want to learn and when they want to learn it. This opportunity to guide one's own learning from such an early age fosters independence, self-motivation, and self-determination. Large windows reveal adjacent patio gardens and allow abundant natural light into classrooms richly endowed with time-tested Montessori learning materials. Those hands-on manipulatives allow children to learn things like the differences between vertebrates and invertebrates, the countries and capitals of Europe, the internal organs of the human body, the planets of the solar system, and what an ellipsoid is. And this all happens in the preschool and kindergarten classes! Those same three to six year old children routinely

finish three years in the Children's House classroom knowing how to read phonetic books - some graduate reading chapter books. In mathematics, they learn to add and subtract single digit numbers as well as quantities in the thousands. Some even learn their multiplication tables. Montessori children love going to school, often asking during vacations, "Can I go to school today?" They also love their teachers. Because the children can stay with their teacher for three years, they develop strong and trusting bonds. These kind and knowledgeable teachers respect and support the growth of each child's unique personality and talents. Every child is not only allowed to learn and grow at their own pace, but expertly aided in doing so. The teacher's role is to guide this development, encouraging curiosity and removing obstacles to learning at every step. Parents are routinely amazed at their children's progress. They seem to learn effortlessly, yet a solid work ethic is instilled. They find joy in "working" in the classroom, although it feels like "play" to them. Because both their developmental needs and their personal prefer-

ences are honored and nourished, the children appear rested, calm and peaceful. They learn and grow at an amazing rate, yet retain their childish innocence and playfulness. Because our Montessori teachers consistently treat the children with respect, the children relate to each other with compassionate regard and respect. Montessori children are well-rounded, loving to learn but also caring about other children, both older and younger. Each classroom is a calm and peaceful place where smiles, laughter and gentle words predominate. This school feels like a second family to the children (and to their parents as well.) A Montessori education can transform your child's life by developing not only academic excellence, but personal excellence. Whether your child is 18 months or 12 years or somewhere in between, he or she will be honored and respected for who they are, cared for and nurtured, as well as enticed into learning concepts and facts that will amaze you. Santa Fe Montessori School is the best kept secret in San Diego County for getting the most out of your money if investing in a private education.

Growing with our community ■ Master Plan

Addresses North San Diego County’s Need for Skilled Workers Monique Torres was barely a teenager when she decided that one day she would be a nurse. “Both of my parents had close to life-threatening diseases when I was in middle school, which was really rough,” said Torres. “But I watched how the nurses would treat them, and what a difference that made, and I knew then I wanted to make that same difference in someone’s life.” Immediately after high school, the Vista High School graduate enrolled at Cal State University San Marcos (CSUSM). She finished her prerequisites in two years and then began MiraCosta College’s Registered Nurse Program, earning a spot in the program’s second graduating class in spring 2012. “I’m 22 and I can already start a career as an RN. It’s a great accomplishment.” Torres is now working toward her bachelor’s degree in nursing at CSUSM and once she passes the National Council Licensure

local workforce, ensuring that not only will our students start great careers, but that they will be able to live, work and obtain a higher education in North San Diego County,” said MiraCosta College Superintendent/President Francisco Rodriguez. This role will grow stronger in the next decade as the college implements its ten-year education and facilities plan—the 2011 Comprehensive Master Plan—that calls for the expansion of its science, biotechnology, nursing, and technical health-related careers and job-training programs. As part of the plan, the college will renovate and modernize existing facilities and construct new instructional buildings to provide students with the education and job skills they need to enter the workforce. — Monique Torres “The 2011 MIRACOSTA STUDENT Comprehensive Master Plan is centered on the Community College district needs of our students and by 2020. Many of these are community and advances the higher-wage jobs; in fact, college’s role in strengthening three of the area’s top five our region’s economy,” said industry sectors offer earn- Dr. Rodriguez. “It is one of the ings higher than $53,000 per many ways MiraCosta College year: professional, scientific is demonstrating that it is a and technical services; health vanguard educational institucare and social assistance; tion.” The full 2011 and finance and insurance. “In response to this, Comprehensive Master Plan, MiraCosta College has posi- as well as an executive sumtioned itself to take a strong mary, can be viewed at role in training our future Examination hopes to join the more than 2,600 registered nurses working in North San Diego County. “I’m going straight into it,” she declared. Torres has a good shot at fulfilling her dream; in the next five years, it is projected that there will be an additional 550 regional jobs available for registered nurses. Nursing is one of several fields predicted to have strong employment growth. According to the California Department of Employment Development, an additional 12,740 jobs will be added within the MiraCosta

’m 22 and I can


already start a career as an RN. It’s a great ccomplishment.”



AUG. 10, 2012


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AUG. 10, 2012

Many upsides to planting horse tail KENT HORNER Local Roots

Construction workers set and anchored the first structural steel column July 26 for the Critical Care Building at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas. Photo by Sandy Huffaker

Scripps begins expansion Health Watch By the physicians and staff at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas

Expansion plans at Scripps Memorial Hospital Encinitas took a major step forward with today’s groundbreaking of a Critical Care Building, which will more than double the size of the hospital’s current emergency department and increase the number of medical-surgical beds by 43 percent. The Critical Care Building is the centerpiece of the hospital’s $94 million second phase of expansion, which also includes a new central energy plant and various infrastructure improvements on and around the medical campus. The population of the hospital’s surrounding area has increased by more than 20 percent during the past decade, according to the San Diego Association of Governments. During the same time period, the overall number of annual patient visits to the hospital has also increased by more than 20 percent. The Critical Care Building will be the first patient care facility to be built at Scripps Encinitas since 1992. The Critical Care Building and central energy plant are being built on the site of a former parking lot on the southwest part of the hospital campus. Totaling 61,643 square feet, the two-story Critical Care Building is expected to be open for patient care by early summer 2014. The Critical Care Building’s first floor will house a 27-bed emergency department, with all private rooms for greater patient confidentiality and comfort. The new facility will replace Scripps Encinitas’ current 12bed emergency department. The Critical Care Building’s second floor will be home to 36 medical-surgical

inpatient beds, which are used by patients who are recovering from surgery or are recuperating from acute illnesses All medical-surgical beds will be in private rooms and will offer window views and ample space so friends and family can visit or stay overnight. The 36 new medical-surgical beds will represent an addition to the hospital’s existing quantity of 83. Technology inside the Critical Care Building will include new MRI, CT scanner and diagnostic X-ray units. All patient rooms on both floors will also have access to a telemetry system to provide continuous wireless monitoring of patient vital signs. The Critical Care Building also will offer improved access for first responders, with six ambulance bays – triple the number currently available. The roof will include a helipad, which will be used primarily for transporting patients out of the hospital to a designated trauma center, or for transporting newborns in distress to Rady Children’s Hospital. The project also includes construction of a 10,678square-foot, high-efficiency central energy plant, which will be the new primary source of utilities serving future patient care facilities on campus. Costs to build and equip the campus expansion will be funded through a combination of philanthropic gifts, income from operations and debt financing. Scripps recently launched a grassroots campaign to encourage donations from local residents to support this important expansion. This public fundraising drive – the 354 Campaign – seeks to raise $1 million in donations ranging from $1,000 to $20,000 to complement Scripps’ ongoing philanthropic outreach efforts. More information on giving opportunities is available at Campaignforscrippsencinitas .org.

Sometimes it seems to me that the most interesting and unusual plants found in the world usually end up being what we call “living fossils.” Equisetum — commonly known as horse tail, snake grass or puzzle grass — is one of these. These plants are what you would call “near cosmopolitan,” being absent only from Antarctica. Equisetum is the only living genus of the entire class of Equisetopsida, which was extremely diverse and dominated the understory of the late Paleozoic forests for more than hundreds of millions of years. Horse tails look like long, thin segmented reeds that grow very close to one another in usually wet, sandy soils. Some species are semiaquatic and others are adapted to wet clay soils. I like to use the common horse tail, Equisetum arvense, very sparingly in the landscape. It has an unusual ability to regenerate after being chopped down to the

ground and spreads very quickly throughout the garden where water is abundant. This is because of the rhizomes, or root structures, that are deep underground and almost impossible to dig out. I have found that this plant is best suited for use in a confined space with medium to dappled light. Pots, concrete barriers and closed planter areas are definitely the best place for this beautiful architectural plant. Otherwise you will end up with a voracious invader. On the other side of the coin, this plant, once established in the proper growing conditions, can be very low maintenance. Because it has no leaves to speak of, it is very easy to keep clean. Designers and architects all love this plant because of its unusual shape and tight growing configuration. The segments of the stalks on these plants are extremely dark and regular and look attractive against the dark green of the stem. It has been suggested that the pattern of spacing of the nodes or segments on the stalks — especially near the tip or apex of the stalk where they become increasingly close together — inspired John Napier to discover logarithms.

I don’t know all about that, but I do know that if you place your equisetum out in the full sun you will see tip burning and yellowing of the stalks. The beauty of this plant is its perfect symmetry. Many people love to hedge equisetum and shear off the top or apex of the stalk creating a hedge. This will control further upward growth but it often results in brown ugly tips where the reeds have been cut.This will often be exacerbated by hot early and midday sun and I feel it takes away from the beauty we are trying to achieve with this plant. Typically this plant needs a little bit of maintenance to look its best because the stalks near the plant’s center die back or become too crowded. By grabbing the stalk low near the base, many times you can pull out the dead and drylooking reeds cleanly leaving the green and attractive stalks to enjoy. I appreciate this plant with a variety of heights and find that they look their best when they get enough sun and water to be strong and hardened off but not dehydrated or dried-out looking. If you do plant some equisetum in your yard and it takes off into your garden, it

is fairly difficult to eliminate. It is recognized in New Zealand and in the state of Oregon as an “unwanted organism” unaffected and difficult to control by many herbicides designed to kill seed plants. Because the common equisetum arvense prefers acid soil, a good trick for eradication is to use lime in conjunction with other herbicides and raise the soil pH to 7 or 8. When handling this amazing plant, you will notice that the reeds have an interesting rough texture and outer covering. Upon microscopic inspection, you will find that the stems are coated with abrasive white silicates secreted by the cell structure of the plant. This makes them useful for scouring metal items, pots and cookware. Rough horsetail E. hyemale is boiled and dried in Japan where it is then used in the final polishing process on woodcraft producing a smoother surface than any sandpaper. Kent Horner is a local landscape contractor and designer with 30 years of experience in all aspects of your garden. For information concerning your project or questions involving your surroundings, email him at

Annuities’ ‘guarantee’ comes at high price BRUCE WILLIAMS Smart Money DEAR BRUCE: My financial adviser wants me to put both my wife’s and my Roth IRAs in variable annuities because the insurance company has a feature where the value cannot go below a certain level, even if the stock market “nose dives.” The insurance company charges about 1.75 percent for this “stop loss” feature, in addition to the management fee for having an account in an annuity. Because of other investments such as regular IRAs, a thrift savings plan at work, municipal bonds, preferred stock and mutual funds, I wouldn’t need this Roth IRA money at any particular time in the future. (I am 55.) For the most part, my adviser has made good recommendations, but all I have heard and read about annuities is that they are generally not the best investment vehicle. Do you have an opinion on putting a Roth IRA within an annuity? — J.W., via email DEAR J.W.: As I’m sure you know, one of the advantages of the Roth IRA is the

favorable tax consideration it receives. The only advantage of buying this variable annuity is that your principal will never be lost, and I think you would pay an expensive price for that feature. As you must know, I’m not a big fan of variable annuities, although they do provide a useful vehicle for limited numbers of certain people. If you are so riskaverse that you are willing to pay 1.75 percent for the coverage, so be it. It would not be my choice. I would be more comfortable with having the third-party adviser invest your Roth IRA in solid companies that have good longevity, pay decent dividends and can reasonably be expected to see some growth. Given your age, you can still handle the ups and downs in the marketplace. The misleading feature in many annuities where there’s a guarantee of “no loss” is that the guarantee covers only the initial investment. If you hold that investment for several years, it grows and then the market takes a hit, all you will get, in most instances, is the return of your original investment, not the accumulation of dividends that should have been taking place. DEAR BRUCE: I have

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always been a good neighbor and have always gotten along well with all of my neighbors around me. My neighbors to the immediate north moved out a few months ago, and new people moved in. The new owners are not good neighbors. They have two large dogs that are outside most of the time, and they do not care whether the dogs bark for two seconds or one hour. It seems that anything sets them off. I have nicely brought this up with my new neighbors, and it fell on deaf ears. They said to close our windows if it bothers us that much. Do we have any redress? — Reader, via email DEAR READER: On nice days, keeping the windows closed all the time could be an inconvenience. The attitude expressed by your inconsiderate neighbors is not to be toler-

ated. Talk to the local animal control office and find out precisely which ordinances apply. Residents are usually not allowed to disrupt neighbors with noise, particularly during the evening and nighttime hours. In the absence of this, you might petition your local governing body to adopt ordinances that restrict noisy activity such as barking. As a former public official, I can tell you that when we received complaints such as yours, we took them seriously. These kinds of people have no respect for humans or animals and should be stopped. The Bruce Williams Radio Show can now be heard at

Send questions to Smart Money, P.O. Box 7150, Hudson, FL 34674, or email them to



erty. City staff has met with the hotel’s manager and owner regarding neighborhood worries. “They are already working on some solutions to some of the concerns, such as limiting delivery hours, educating the drivers that they are not allowed to stop or park on Ponto to deliver, and other similar type of operational fixes,” Fountain said. When contacted for comment, Robert Moore, vice president and general manager of the hotel said that they are looking for-


November.” Novak said the Center for Responsive Politics is not an advocacy group, noting it “exists to only inform and educate voters.” It’s likely most campaign contributions are revealed through, Novak said. But she cautioned that some political donations might not be disclosed due to the rise of Super PACs and their affiliated nonprofits. The Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling in 2010 paved the way for the creation of Super PACs, which can raise unlimited amounts of money from individuals, corporations and unions, among other organizations. While Super PACs are forbidden from working directly with the candidates they sup-

AUG. 10, 2012

RANCHO SANTA FE NEWS ward to being a good neighbor and working harmoniously with the City of Carlsbad to resolve as many of the concerns as they can for the Hanover Beach Colony homeowners. “Our goal is to have a long and fruitful relationship with all of our neighbors,” he added. Ferguson said she is cautiously optimistic. “The city appears to be working with us to look at the very serious issues being encountered by Hanover Beach Colony,” Ferguson said, adding how she hopes the city and developer correct the dangers that currently exist. port, they’re allowed to advocate for or against candidates by purchasing television, radio and print advertisements. Many Super PACs have established nonprofits, or 501(c) 4s, that act in conjunction with them. Unlike Super PACs, the nonprofit arm of a Super PAC doesn’t have to disclose its donors to the FEC. “Worrisome to many, Super PACs can have a 501(c) 4 that doesn’t identify donors.” “501(c) 4s outspent Super PACs in 2010,” she added. Michael Gelfand, the president of the Rancho Santa Fe Democratic Club, decried Super PAC spending: “They will ruin our democracy,” he said. Gelfand said Rancho Santa Fe residents have traditionally supported



Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad. For information about the Society or this event, contact (760) 967-8635 or

kind of alarm to get and I say get an easy one,” Wellhouser said. “If it’s too hard, you don’t want to use it. Get one that is easy for you to use, easy for the kids to use, easy for the whole family.” He said lighting is important as well and motion lights can be an effective deterrent. “Dogs are a good alarm system.You don’t have to turn them off and on,” he said.




Wednesday, from 5 to 8 p.m., visit the Farmer’s Market, organic, farm fresh. Lot B, 600 S. Vulcan Ave. at E Street. For more information, visit MELODIC LIBRARY August’s free family music program sponsored by the Friends of the Carmel Valley Library will be presented at 7 p.m. Aug. 15, at 3919 FEES Townsgate Drive in Carmel CONTINUED FROM A1 Valley. It will feature flutist Fe Fire Department (RSFFD), Daniel Lee accompanied by in which case most residents’ pianist Yuju Jung.

Republicans because “affluent areas lean conservative.” But he argued Rancho Santa Fe, like the rest of San Diego, is slowly becoming more liberal. “There used to be pressure to hide the fact that you’re a Democrat in this area — not anymore,” Gelfand said. The Rancho Santa Fe Republican Women Federated club participates in precinct walking and hosts candidate forums, but doesn’t hold fundraising events, according to Brett Dieterich, the club’s president. However, Dieterich said she can see why individuals in Rancho Santa Fe are inclined to donate to Mitt Romney and other Republicans. “They’re putting their money where their mouth is to get rid of Barack Obama,” Dieterich said.

bills will be $115 per habitable structure. RSFFD Chief Tony Michel has expressed his opposition to the SRA fee, including at a public comments session held by the Board of Foresters in May at the chambers of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors. The fee, imposed by legislation, was supposed to go to fire prevention monies for Cal Fire, Michel explained. “But the district’s not going to get anything out of it for the foreseeable future,” he added. Michel said the department currently has wild fire prevention staff that can conduct and aggressively maintain a good vegetation management plan, and we’re not going to see any help from that (fee) in the foreseeable future, and they can’t tell us where that money’s going to be going. “Even the director of Cal Fires has said that…right now they’re looking at how it’s going to be spent,but they really haven’t a good, well-laid out plan for it,” Michel said. “I’d say the majority of the fire districts in San Diego probably feel the same way.” According to Berlant, the monies generated by the fee will go into a special fund that will be used on fire prevention services within the areas known as the State Responsibility Areas. “That includes brush


Campbell said. Faced with the citizens’ initiative, council members had three choices. They could place the initiative on the ballot, which they unanimously agreed to do at the July 25 meeting, or adopt the proposed ordinance as written. They also could have ordered a report that would have had to be returned within 30 days, at which point they would have had the same two


record of partisan conciliation in Texas, his concept of “compassionate conservatism” and his own brand of Westernstyle politics.) In his 1988 acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention, Dukakis made a memorable remark: “This election isn’t about ideology; it’s about competence. It’s not about meaningless labels; it’s about American values — old-fashioned values like accountability and respon-

Wellhouser also urged residents to notify the patrol or the sheriff’s office when they see something that seems suspicious or out of place. “We don’t mind getting those calls. That might be the break we need,” he said. He said residents should call (858) 759-8588, or 9-1-1. Also, be sure to set up a vacation check of your home while you are away. The RSF Patrol does that as a service to residents, he said.

Crime prevention information and the latest patrol news can be followed on the Rancho Santa Fe Patrol Blogspot. The Patrol, while still on the look out for the serial burglars, did arrest four others. “They spent the night in the house after burglarizing it. Not too smart there,” Wellhouser said. He said burglaries are up not only locally, but also in surrounding cities such as Encinitas and Solana Beach.

clearance, forest health, fuel reduction projects, defensible space — work that’s done to prevent the fire in the first place. But it’s going to go, this year, specifically towards services provided by the State,” Berlant said. Michel said they’ve already done their fight against the imposed fee. “It’s just a matter of us going to be trying to hold them accountable to make sure that the fees get spent wisely.” He added that there may be some grant money available from the fees in the future, to which the department will aggressively go after some of that grant money. “It’s still being determined whether in the future there will be a grant process,” Berlant said. “Ultimately, in the State Responsibility Areas, though we rely heavily on the local fire agencies to help us out when there’s a wildfire, the…financial responsibility of paying for that fire rests with the state. “When we have a major fire in San Diego County, even though it may fall within another local agency’s jurisdiction as well, we’re still ultimately going to…be the responsible ones to have to pay for it.And so that’s why this fee is specifically going towards state services.” Michel said he doesn’t see this affecting any partnership between RSFFD and Cal Fire. “We have a good working relationship here in San Diego…they’re responsible for all the SRA watershed land,

and that’s where this comes from, given the fact that the majority of our district is SRA because of the watershed component of it. “They are responsible for all the vegetation, but we’re responsible for homes and the management of fire prevention to make sure that those homes are safe from any type of wild and urban interface fire that comes around,” he said. “We have a great partnership with Cal Fire; the local units have been very helpful and assisted us whenever we needed it.” Residents under the protection of the RSFFD already pay for the department’s services through a portion of their property tax and through a benefit fee that was imposed in the ‘80s. “Cal Fire, along with every department really at State government has taken a lot of budget reduction in the last year-and-a-half,” Berlant said. “We’ve seen our budget reduced approximately $80 million in just the past yearand-a-half. And so we’ve made some major reductions. And this fee is critical right now because it creates a stable funding source for fire prevention and public safety,” Berlant said. The Board of Equalization will collect the fees. Residents can file a petition of redetermination if they believe they were billed incorrectly, or they believe they’re not within SRAs, or if they differ in the number of habitable structures that they were billed for.

options. Had they done that, the report would have been received too late to be placed on the November ballot. That could have forced a special election, estimated to cost $225,000 rather than the $5,000 to $9,000 to include it in the upcoming general election. An identical initiative was presented to Del Mar in June. Council members in that city ordered a report, which Solana Beach officials studied. Canlas prepared a simi-

lar report for the July 25 meeting in anticipation of the initiative being presented. All five Del Mar council members voiced opposition to the dispensaries before voting July 18 to place the initiative on the November ballot. “My personal feelings are not relevant,” Campbell said. Mayor Joe Kellejian was the only Solana Beach council member to share his opinion. “I will be working with every resource I have to oppose … putting medical marijuana facilities here in Solana Beach,” Kellejian said.

sibility and respect for the truth.” Romney could say almost all of that except for the ideology part, for he has drawn an ideological contrast with the president even without original ideas. It is, however, relatively early in the campaign. Romney’s formal nomination is still weeks away. His acceptance speech has not yet been written.Both the phrases “New Deal” (from FDR) and “New Frontier” (from Kennedy) appeared in their convention acceptance speeches.

When Robert Frost went to visit the White House in 1958, he presented President Dwight D. Eisenhower a volume of his poems, and on the flyleaf he wrote: “The strong are saying nothing until they see.” Perhaps that applies to Romney, and perhaps for the former Massachusetts governor the road not taken lies ahead. David M. Shribman is executive editor of the PostGazette, (412) 263-1890. Follow him on Twitter at ShribmanPG.

Who’s NEWS?

Companies use tricky ad claims to hook you Whether it’s a newspaper ad for a giant blowout sale or a TV pitch promising to save you hundreds on car insurance, some advertisers have a way of stretching the truth to get you to open your wallet. ShopSmart, the shopping magazine published by Consumer Reports, recently highlighted tricky ad claims that companies frequently make and offered advice on how to avoid getting suckered in. “There are lots of great deals out there,but sometimes advertising can be deceptive,” said Lisa Lee Freeman, editorin-chief of ShopSmart. “But if you pay close attention, you’ll find there’s language in ads that can tip you off to deals that aren’t as good as they might seem or outright ripoffs.”

COMMON AD CLAIMS AND HOW TO AVOID THEM — Claim: Save big at our giant blowout sale. Translation: It’s sale after sale around here. If you ever buy anything at full price, you’re a fool. Warning: Don’t be blinded by a sea of “sale” signs in many stores. Just because an item is supposedly offered at a discount doesn’t mean it’s a good deal. — Claim: Free Bahamas trip, no strings attached. Translation: We’ll put you up in a skeevy hotel if you attend our all-day sales pitch. Warning: Offers for free and discounted trips come in many varieties. Some are used to entice you to buy a product or service or to sink your money into dubious investments that earn big commissions for the people who sell them. Others are outright scams to get you to turn over a credit card number. Bottom line: Skip free trips! — Claim: This product has a lifetime warranty. Translation: As soon as the product is no longer available or we stop carrying it, the “lifetime” is over. Warning: Generally, there’s no legal definition of what “lifetime” means in warranty-speak. ShopSmart recommends reading the fine print for any gotchas before you buy. — Claim: Buy one of our new cars, and we’ll pay off your old car loan. Translation: We’ll combine the amount you still owe on your old car with a loan for the new one. And we’ll make



AUG. 10, 2012

the term so long that you’ll be paying it off for the rest of your life, during which you’ll mostly be broke. Warning: Don’t get a new car until you’ve finished paying for the old one, especially if you owe more than its tradein value. And avoid car loans with terms longer than 48 months. — Claim: Get our credit card and receive a 5 percent rebate on gas. Translation: Our 5 percent rebate applies to categories that change every three months. And if you neglect to sign up, tough luck. Warning: Increasingly, credit cards are reserving big rebates for categories that change every quarter, and you have to re-enroll each time. Some cards pay higher rewards on fixed categories and don’t make you jump through hoops, such as the Pentagon Cash Rewards card. It automatically pays 5 percent back on gas with no limits on rewards. (To get that card you must be a government employee or donate to a military charity). — Claim: We’ll help you get rid of your debt. Translation: After we get our fee from you,the only debt we’ll eliminate is our own. Warning: When you owe money that you can’t pay, your first move should be to try to work something out with the creditor (even the IRS), such as a payment plan. ShopSmart also suggests developing a plan to get your spending under control. A nonprofit credit counselor can help, but don’t assume that it’s legit just because it’s not for profit. A good first step is to check a program’s reputation at and search the program’s name and complaints online.

Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ HWAC on hand for four decades Aug. 8, Helen Woodward Animal Center, 6461 El Apajo Road, celebrated its 40th anniversary. In the 40 years since its founding, Helen Woodward Animal Center has been dedicated to the mission of “people helping animals, animals helping people,” with adoptions, Therapeutic Riding, Pet Education Services, Iams Home 4 the Holidays, Animal Center Education Services (ACES).

TaylorMade gives On July 31, TaylorMade President Mark King hosted an event for 45 of the area’s top business executives, rallying them to give to one of TaylorMade’s charities of choice – the Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad.The nearly $1 million raised will go directly to complete the Bressi Ranch Clubhouse. Construction began more than four years ago. Currently, the Clubhouse is partially open and serves 100 children daily.

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Salute to Slater-Price

Platypus Kids resale store, featuring gently used children's clothes and enrichment classes including sewing, will support the Encinitas Educational Foundation during its grand opening from noon to 3 p.m. Aug. 11 at 1441 Encinitas Blvd., Suite 126, Encinitas. Co-owners are Cathy Hall and Denise Alon. Customers who purchase clothes, accessories, or other items from Aug. 11 to Aug. 18 may mention their school at checkout. 10 percent of their purchases will be donated EEF. For more information, visit or call (760) 632-5437.

Tickets are on sale now to celebrate San Diego County Supervisor Pam Slater-Price, who has been supportive of pets throughout her life. Rancho Coastal Humane Society will dedicate the Pam Slater-Price Kitten Nursery during the Celebration of Second Chances Sept. 29. For tickets, call (760) 7536413 ext. 104, e-mail, or stop by RCHS at 389 Requeza Street in Encinitas.

Art professor retires MiraCosta College Art instructor McNeil Sargent has retired from MiraCosta College where she worked in the Community Services Department for 25 years, teaching a variety of art classes and serving as tour guide. Sargent is represented in over four hundred public and private collections, The Center for Woman’s Studies at San Diego State University, named McNeil Sargent as one of the four outstanding woman artists in San Diego.

Early start

When most students her age are still enjoying the summer, Encinitas resident Aine Gallahue is preparing to leave for college. After completing 11th grade at San Dieguito Top management High School Academy, Erika Sosa, of ARK Gallahue earned a place in the Management in Solana Beach, Bard College at Simon’s Rock, took home a Vision Award at Mass. fall 2012 entering class. the 21st annual California Association of Community Managers’ Vision Awards ceremony July 31. The Vision Award in the category of “Communications Management,” which is presented to managers who demonstrate exceptional communications skills with homeowner associations, colleagues and service providers.

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Camps for kids Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside Receives $6,000 Grant from Children’s Initiative, a San Diego non-

profit organization that provides leadership, technical assistance, advocacy and crosssystem collaboration to improve the lives of children and families. Fifty children will have the opportunity to attend two weeks of summer camp free of cost at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside thanks to the $6,000 grant.

Donate school stuff and Staples stores are hosting the Staples for Students national school supply drive, asking young people to drop school supplies off at their nearest Staples store through Sept. 15 to benefit youth at the Boys & Girls Clubs of San Dieguito.



AUG. 10, 2012


AUG. 10, 2012



Mars is a sight to see Go NASA, go NASA, go NASA.What? You didn’t stay up Sunday night to see the Mars Rover land? When I tell you how awesome it was, you’ll be so sorry. I feel like a kid on Christmas morning every time NASA lands another bit of space hardware and they didn’t disappoint me. Those first photos of Curiosity’s wheel took my breath away. I am here to remind you all that this stuff is amazing! It is astounding! A zillion things could have gone awry. They didn’t. I am a firm believer that we really need to figure out a way to get off this planet before too much longer. Hey, in a swift four to five billion years,the sun is going to burn out, so I don’t think we can get this settled too soon.If we can’t even get to Mars, our chance of a new home in the Goldilocks zone is pretty slim, eh? I was in front of the TV at 10:30 p.m. sharp Sunday in rapt attention to watch the Mars Rover Curiosity go through its entry ballet. The whole thing is wonderful just from a technology standpoint, but we are talking Mars here, people! Mars. Martians. It’s the planet that has fired some of the best imaginations, from Looney Tunes’ Marvin the Martian to Bradbury’s “The Martian Chronicles” to even Leo Tolstoy. Try, if you were born after 1960, to picture a world where robots like the Curiosity were only found after “Star Trek” hit the TV screen. It may seem ho-hum today to have a six-wheeled, multi-armed, drilling chemistry lab now rolling across Mars. I need to remind you, it’s not. It’s fabulous, but it’s not natural. It’s supernatural! Even if it had crashed, the money would have been well spent to learn how to take the next step. And there simply has to be a next time. It’s going to require something pretty extraordinary to impress the next generation, but I have no doubt, it’s out there.Wait for it… Jean Gillette loved seeing grown rocket scientists cry with joy. Contact her at

Three generations drive local VW dealership By Jared Whitlock

A lot has changed since Herman Cook Volkswagen opened in 1967. With the exception of two other car dealers in the area, the landscape surrounding the Volkswagen dealership was barren as far as the eye could see. Encinitas Boulevard was only two lanes. Traffic was rare on the newly completed Interstate 5 freeway. But in Dennis Cook’s view, much remains the same. As before, German engineering and Volkswagens are all the rage. And the Encinitas Volkswagen dealership, celebrating its 45th anniversary, is still family-owned and operated. “I’ve very fortunate my dad chose to open in Encinitas, said Dennis, owner of Herman Cook Volkswagen. “We’ve enjoyed growing with the community all these years.” In the mid-1950s, Herman Cook began working as a salesperson at a Son Dennis (left) and father Herman Cook are celebrating the 45th anniversary of their family-owned and Volkswagen dealership. He operated Encinitas Volkswagen dealership. Photo by Jared Whitlock

Speeding an issue in Rancho Santa Fe By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — Speeding in the streets of Rancho Santa Fe has become a topic of issue for the Rancho Santa Fe Association and residents. “I am very concerned about speed on our side streets,” said Pete Smith, Association manager. Association Director Anne Feighner agreed. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve almost been hit walking my dog,” she said. “I would like to address that at a future meeting.” She said she recently saw a family of five and their dog have a close call on Avenida de Acacias. And the Brooks family that lives on Las Planideras has given a formal complaint to the Association about speeding on their street. Matt Wellhouser told the Association that residents should not hesitate to call the CHP and complain. “That is why we finance the CHP (overtime program), so we can tell them where to go,” said Smith. In other Association news, the board chose members of the Art Jury

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nomination committee in a blind draw of applicants. The committee will reach out to community members who would be good additions to the Art Jury. Smith said a list of those recommended should be available for approval by the board by the last week in October. “That way they have a chance to sit in on a meeting before they are actually a sitting member,” Smith said. The Art Jury meets twice a month and involves a time commitment, but those who have served have found it very rewarding, Smith said. As for the time commitment, it has recently gotten a little easier, said Robert Green, building commissioner. “It’s not as bad as it used to be,” he said. But the meetings usually take up an entire morning, he added. “We do offer lunch and an annual Christmas dinner,” he joked. The Association also gave the go-ahead on replacing their five-yearold copier that has made more than one million TURN TO SPEEDING ON B8

climbed the ranks, eventually overseeing operations at two dealerships in Imperial Valley and Los Angeles County. He was then awarded to chance to open a new franchise dealership, with several options of where it could be built. After much research, Herman decided Encinitas would be the best spot. “My dad knew Encinitas would thrive,” Dennis said. “Everyone who visited Encinitas couldn’t help but fall in love with it.” Even though his formal education ended after fourth grade, Hermann was “very smart” and “had the ability to outwork anyone,” said Dennis, who attributes his work ethic to his father’s lessons. “I grew up in the business,” Dennis said. “My dad’s deal was, you’re going to start at the very bottom. You’re going to mop the floors of the shop. So I did.” Like his dad before him, TURN TO GENERATIONS ON B8

Using archetypes to find strength By Lillian Cox

When a woman is called a “goddess,” her admirer most likely is referring to Venus, the goddess of love. But there are hundreds of goddesses celebrated in mythology. Sandra Rogers, MA, LMFT has identified six in the Greco-Roman pantheon that she discusses in her Goddess Archetype Workshop scheduled from 7 to 9 p.m. Aug. 22 at Holistic Hideaway in Lake San Marcos. They include: Hera (wife), Venus/Aphrodite (lover), Athena (wisdom), A r t e m i s / D i a n a (huntress/wildlife protector), Demeter (mother) and Persephone (visionary/psychic). “Myths consisted of psychological patterns that the Romans and Greeks projected on to gods and goddesses,” she said. “I use goddess archetypes to help women discover the many facets of their personality. If a woman is living well, she can have a wellrounded life and be all six.” A more intimate connection with these archetypes, she added, can enrich and deepen an understanding of one’s self. After enjoying a successful business career, Rogers made a decision mid-life to return to college and in 1996 received her master’s degree

Sandra Rogers, MA, LMFT will present her Goddess Archtetype Workshop for women from 7 to 9 p.m., Aug. 22 at Holistic Hideaway in Lake San Marcos. Photo by Lillian Cox

in counseling from Pacifica Graduate Institute in Santa Barbara. “I was always interested in Carl Jung because I didn’t want to practice psychology that didn’t recognize the soul,” she said, adding that another influence was James Hillman, who took it a step further by using Jungian concepts to pioneer the field of archetypal psychology. Jill K. Thomas took the Goddess Archetype Workshop a few weeks ago. She is a certified hypnotist and author of “Feed your real hunger:

Getting off the emotional treadmill that keeps you overweight.” She took Rogers’ first workshop. “What I loved about the class was being around powerful women,” she said. “Too often we talk about women as victims. That was not the discussion in this class. It was powerful women, talking about powerful things, in a way we don’t talk about in society.” Thomas said she embodies several of these archeTURN TO ARCHETYPES ON B8

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AUG. 10, 2012


EV chargers bloom at Botanic Gardens By Jared Whitlock

Those who dread “range anxiety” — the fear that their electric vehicle’s battery will run out of juice — now have another charging option: the San Diego Botanic Gardens. Residents can use three EV (electric vehicle) stations that were recently installed upon paying admission to the Botanic Gardens. The new charging stations are part of The EV Project, a nationwide push to put more than 14,000 charging stations across the nation to promote electric and hybrid cars. The project is funded through a public-private partnership and federal stimulus money. ECOtality, a San Francisco-based clean technology company, has been working to supply the EV chargers throughout San Diego County. Andy Hoskinson, the San Diego area manager for ECOtality North America, said the cost for installing the EV chargers has been reduced thanks to a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy. He noted many have been eager to take advantage of the installation subsidy because it may not be in place next year. More and more businesses and nonprofits are choosing to install the EV chargers, Hoskinson said. “It’s beneficial in that their location becomes more of a destination, and people are more likely to stay,” Hoskinson said. “People can charge their cars and explore the gardens,” he added. He said the Botanic Gardens is a good location for the EV chargers, citing the demand for “eco-friendly transportation in that stretch of Encinitas.” In Encinitas, public charging stations were also installed at commuter parking lot B at E Street and South Vulcan Avenue. According to Hoskinson,

Mario, Iris and Javier are a few of the students that benefit from the Rotaries philanthropy. Courtesy photos

Rotarian’s latest mission an eye-opener By Patty McCormac

One of three EV chargers that was just installed at the San Diego Botanic Garden. Photo by Jared Whitlock

the charging stations are compatible with nearly all electric vehicles. Most EV batteries take two or three hours to charge, but may demand up to five or six hours for a full charge if the battery is completely drained, he said. For those who have paid admission to the Botanic Gardens, using the charging stations will be free until the end of August, according to Hoskinson. Following that, users can choose from three different plans, ranging from $1 to $2 after registering at (monthly fees for the plans have been waived for the time being.) Residents can also view a map of EV charging stations locally and around the nation at

The Botanic Gardens covered a portion of the installation cost, while ECOtality, along with federal funds, paid for most of it. The EV chargers are located near the Hamilton Children’s Garden part of the Botanic Gardens. According to Rudy Stuber, director of development at the Botanic Gardens, those using the EV chargers should pay the entrance fee at the main entrance off of Ecke Ranch Road. They will then be directed to the EV chargers. “We’ve always been about eco-consciousness,” said Julian Duval, president of the Botanic Gardens. “This means we can walk the walk and talk the talk.”

Experts warns against use of gel fuels RANCHO SANTA FE — The Del Mar, Encinitas and Solana Beach Fire Departments and Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District have posted a warning about pourable gel fuels. The report urges the pub-

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lic to do away with using pourable gel fuels in decorative firepots or lanterns, and to exercise extreme caution when handling other types of flammable liquids. Such fuels are extremely flammable and explosive, posing a serious risk of flash fires, burns, serious injury, and possibly death. Earlier this month, an

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incident involving liquid fuel in Del Mar sent three people to the hospital with one victim sustaining second and third degree burns over 50 percent of his body. As of Sept. 2011, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission had been made aware of 65 incidents involving pourable gel fuel, including 34 hospitalizations and two deaths. “There are several factors that make gel fuel particularly dangerous,” said Rancho Santa Fe Fire Chief Tony Michel. “First, the flame it produces is often blue or clear, appearing as though the flame has gone out when it is still burning. Second, the fuel is a liquid, so it is easily spilled when knocked over, spreading flames as it goes. Finally, stop, drop, and roll has proven to not be very effective in extinguishing the flames and the gel is hard to remove, causing critical burns to victims.” More information can be found on the Encinitas Fire Department and Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District’s web sites.

RANCHO SANTA FE — When the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary is not helping drill water wells for Sudan, they are providing education, healthcare and a better standard of living for impoverished kids in Mexico. Through Project Amigo, the Rotary has been funding the education of some of the “poorest of the poor,” in a village called Confradia in the state of Colima. “I’ve been involved with Project Amigo for 30 years,” said Rotarian Ole Prahm assistant district governor for the organization. “We taught these kids how to fish so they don’t need a hand-out. We have made this little village of Confradia in the state of Colima a better place for so many young, deserving students.” The Rancho Santa Fe Rotary has also been helping pay the tuition for students Mario, Iris and Javier since the ninth grade, he said. “Iris and Mario both finished with degrees from the University of Coloma. “Javier is in his last year and graduates from that university in June of next year,” Prahm said. He said high school tuitions are $600 plus per student annually and university tuition is between $3,000 and $4,000 per student per year. He said the cost of the tuition for the three were shared by other participating Rotary Clubs. Project Amigo was founded in a very odd way, said Don Meredith, past Rancho Santa Fe Rotary president. “I met Ted and Susan (Rose) at a local Rotary meeting,” he said. “They told an interesting story about how he got lost going to see the volcano outside Colima. He took a bus and got off on the wrong stop at this desperately poor village.” While waiting for the next bus, which was a long time, he was moved to do something about the poverty he saw at this village just outside Colima. “It was a wonderful village right out of about 100 years ago,” Meredith said. “He realized these kids would appreciate any assistance they got.” Rose made several trips down from the United States, sold his business and ended up moving to the area. He called upon Rotarians and donors to visit

Don Meredith, past president of the Rancho Santa Fe Rotary spends time with a friend during a trip to Colima, Mexico where the club helps aid education for desperately poor children.

him there and to get involved. “They started doing some amazing work at the local orphanage. They started buying them clothing and whatever else was needed,” he said. Medical care, including dental and vision was also provided. Meredith took a trip down a few years ago for Project Amigo’s Annual Christmas Party to help distribute gifts including clothing, shoes and toys for about 400 children. “I was not prepared for what I was going to see,” he said. “It was quite the experience.” He rode with the other volunteers to various places to deliver the gifts many of them made possible by various Rotary Clubs across the U.S. and Canada. “I was not prepared to watch kids getting a wrapped present who had never been given a present before,” he said. “They were so enamored with the wrapping, they literally did not want to ruin the prettiest thing they had ever seen.” He said sometimes it took a half hour to get the child to open the package to see what was inside. “It was emotional, sobering and enlightening. I had never seen these kinds of things,” he said. He recalls particularly a young girl who was given a dress and who could not take her eyes off it for hours. “These were the poorest

of the poor. These are the ones who work in the sugar cane fields. We saw horrible huts. “They had a broken down attempt at a schoolhouse.We brought books and shampoo. We were literally washing the hair of these kids with shampoo. The kids were laughing and giggling.” He said shampoo did not exist in this village nor did a way of getting rid of head lice. When it was time to say good-bye it was difficult for Meredith. “You’d like to think you brought some goodness and hope and a lasting safety net. When you walk away you hope they are going to be OK, but you know they are not going to be OK,” he said. But, he said, this story has a happy ending for some of the children because of Rotarians and other service clubs across the nation. Some are able to get an education because of these generous donations. “It’s amazing. These were throwaway kids, if there was ever a term for them. This was a hopeless group,” Meredith said. Through education, these children can see another view of the world. “They are allowed to step through the door of another world,” he said. To learn more about Project Amigo call Prahm at (858) 472-1881 or email him at or visit the Project Amigo website.



AUG. 10, 2012

ODD Health care tax credit a mystery for many small businesses FILES


By Jared Whitlock

This Will Hurt for Only a Second Fern Cooper, 65, and 13 other cataract-surgery patients arrived at Ontario’s Oakville Trafalgar Hospital on June 25 to learn that they would not receive the usual anesthesia because the hospital had decided to schedule an “experimental day” to evaluate how unsedated patients responded. (The Ontario Health Insurance Plan had recently cut anesthesiologists’ fee.) A topical numbing gel, plus doctors’ reassurances were provided, but Cooper, previously diagnosed with severe anxiety, told the Toronto Star of the terror she felt when, fully awake, she watched the surgeon’s scalpel approaching, and then cutting, her eyeball.

The Continuing Crisis Officials organizing a show for high school girls in June in Sherbrooke, Quebec, signed up a 20-year-old apprentice hypnotist to perform, but by the end of his session, he had failed to bring all of the entranced girls out of their spells, including one who was so far under that the man had to summon his mentor from home (an hour’s drive away) to come rescue her.The mentor, Richard Whitbread, quickly rehypnotized her and then snapped her out of it with a stern voice, according to a Canadian Broadcasting Corp. News report. He noted that his protege is a handsome young man, which might have unduly influenced the girls.

Accepting Christianity Christianity has grown in acceptance recently in Ratanakiri province, Cambodia, according to a June report in the Phnom Penh Post, as up to 80 percent of the population has given up the traditional Theravada Buddhism (mixed with animism) as too demanding. According to local officials, traditional priests typically prescribe expensive offerings, such as a slaughtered buffalo, as the price of improving a relative’s health. Said one convertee, with the money saved using Western medicine instead of traditional sacrifices, she was able to build a house for her family.

Deer stands “Deer stands,” classically, are jerry-built platforms hunters climb onto to spot deer in the distance, but county officials in Duluth, Minn., complained in July that the woods are becoming cluttered with elaborate tree houses that are too often abandoned on public land at the close of the season. One official was alarmed by “mansions” — tree stands, he told the Duluth News Tribune, with “stairways, decks, shingled roofs, commercial windows, insulation, propane heaters, carpeting, lounge chairs, tables, and even the occasional generator.”

Many small businesses qualify for a tax credit for providing health insurance to employees. But 50 percent of small businesses in California that are eligible are unaware of the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit, according to a new report issued by the Small Business Majority, a nonprofit and bipartisan organization. The report is based on two statewide-listening tours, one of which stopped in San Diego and was conducted by a panel of experts and the Small Business Majority. During the listening tours, organizers took feedback from small business owners and educated them about the ACA (Affordable Care Act.) “The affordable health care act is a massive, sweeping piece of legislation,” said David Chase, director of outreach for the Small Business Majority. “There’s a lot of partisan rhetoric and misinformation clouding the legislation. Small business owners don’t care about that. They really just want to know if it will cut costs and help them.” Many of the reforms that are part of the new health care law have directly impacted California’s 700,000 small businesses. Yet Chase said outreach efforts revealed that a good portion of business owners

know little about the ACA. Chiefly, many small businesses owners did not know about a health care tax credit that’s been in place for nearly two years. The majority of small businesses in California meet the salary and full-time employee requirements necessary to receive the tax credit, according to the Small Business Majority’s analysis. Of those that had heard of the tax credit, many weren’t taking advantage of it because they weren’t sure if they’re eligible, how to apply for credits and how to calculate the number of full-time equivalent employees, the report said. “It’s understandable — a lot of small businesses are too busy or don’t have an HR department,” Chase said.“The administrative work can be overwhelming.” Elisabeth Mack, regional sales manager of small group sales for Anthem Blue Cross in San Diego County, said many small businesses could benefit from the tax cut and should look into it. But she said some haven’t used it because they’re budget neutral or in the red. “To pay taxes, you need to be profitable,” Mack said. “The tax credit is deducted from profits.” The number of small businesses offering health insurance in San Diego has greatly declined over the last several years, according to Mack.

“A lot of small businesses just can’t afford health care right now,” she said. Mack said a health carerelated tax credit may be more effective if it focused on giving small businesses who provide health insurance a break on sales or payroll taxes. At the listening tours, Chase noted that affordability was business owners’ biggest health insurance-related concern. The Small Business Majority believes the ACA is a step in the right direction. It should bend the cost curve downward for small businesses, according to the organization’s analysis. Without it, health care costs for small businesses would have more than doubled by 2018, according to their report. Another popular topic: Many small employers had questions or expressed interest in California’s health benefit exchange, a key part of health care reform that goes into effect in 2014.The benefit exchange creates a virtual marketplace where individuals and small businesses can buy insurance, often that’s federally subsidized. Some small business owners had misconceptions about the new health care legislation, according to Chase. Most notably, many mistakenly believe that the ACA will require them to provide health insurance. When in fact, most

Crossing construction going as planned By Jared Whitlock

Construction on a railroad crossing near Santa Fe Drive and Swamis Seaside Park is on schedule, according to Jim Linthicum, director of mobility with the San Diego Association of Governments. “There’s always chances of delays, but as of right now, things are looking good,” Linthicum said. The $5.9 million project, which is slated for completion near the end of this year, includes building a pedestrian underpass beneath the train tracks. The underpass will let residents access Swamis Seaside Park and the beach without breaking the law. Currently, there are no nearby spots to legally access the beach; residents risk a $1,000 fine for crossing the railroad tracks. Additionally, a crosswalk and traffic light near the underpass will be built. The project also entails building a rail bridge that will help link up an already established network in Solana Beach, Oceanside, Carlsbad and other parts of Southern California. Designed to boost pedestrian and foot traffic in the area, the rail bridge will run adjacent to the active train tracks. Construction began at the end of January. So far, crews have excavated part of the area. They’ve also built retaining walls and underground bridge supports in preparation for the biggest phase of the project: digging out the underpass and installing the bridge. In order to put the bridge in place, the train tracks will be closed for

small businesses will not be subject to the penalty for not offering insurance, Chase said. While many are still confused about the ACA, Chase noted progress has been made. He said business owners weren’t as receptive to learning about the new legislation two years ago, when controversy surrounding it reached a fever pitch. “Present day, there’s a thirst to get beyond the poli-

Loren D. (Bud) Bentley Oceanside June 29, 1923 to July 31, 2012

Lorraine K. Kaas Oceanside June 27, 1933 to July 13, 2012

Roxanne Boyanich Cordova, 55 Oceanside July 29, 2012

Sadie Rita Kestner, 75 Vista July 29, 2012

Alisa Nicole Espinosa Vista August 21, 1984 to July 21, 2012 Theodore Arthur (Ted) Goetz Encinitas April 25, 1928 to July 15, 2012 Donald James Gruesu Carlsbad August 17, 1964 to July 20, 2012 Aron Bryce Gunner Carlsad March 8, 1989 to July 28, 2012 James S. Henkel Carlsbad April 28, 1924 to July 19, 2012 Edna Irene (Avery) Holte Vista May 3, 1922 to July 25, 2012

With no legal crossings around, many residents risk a fine and cross the train tracks around this area. Soon construction crews will dig out a pedestrian underpass and install a bridge. Photo by Jared Whitlock

more than two days. The closure will likely happen in early September, Linthicum said. SANDAG is funding most of the Santa Fe project, with the city paying a portion. There are plans to eventually build two railroad

crossings in Leucadia and one in Cardiff. But funding for those projects has yet to be identified, according to Linthicum. He said priority was given to the Santa Fe underpass because of the volume of illegal crossings.

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tics,” Chase said. “To learn more and move forward.” Still, he believes further outreach is critical. Chase said small businesses with questions about tax-cut eligibility, the state’s health benefit exchange and more should visit And for further information, a third listening tour may stop in San Diego this year, he said.

Eric Wouter Keus Carlsbad April 16, 1957 to July 23, 2012 Cherie Latasa-Meola Oceanside March 11, 1927 to July 7, 2012 Jason Mason Logee, 41 Vista July 28, 2012 Cyd (Charlotte) Melville Oceanside December 24, 1923 to July 22, 2012 Robert Jay Ross Oceanside September 12, 1947 to July 24, 2012 Beryl Kathryn Cleary Rulon Oceanside November 23, 1928 to July 25, 2012 Patricia Ann Foust Scott, 65 Vista July 27, 2012

Vincent Tominiko Visesio Ioane Oceanside March 9, 1989 to July 21, 2012

John Stickles Oceanside February 28, 1955 to July 26, 2012

Nobuko Moto Ishibashi Encinitas May 21, 1950 to July 24, 2012

Willis Young, Vista January 1, 1942 to July 12, 2012

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Healing and hope with yoga By Tracy Moran

New Year’s Day 2010 was bright with promise for Claire Petretti. A former attorney, she’d successfully transitioned to a new life as a yoga teacher and teacher trainer. She was looking forward to launching her own show on ExerciseTV, leading yoga retreats, and creating DVDs. But all those plans were put on hold when she made a grim discovery the very next day. “On Saturday, Jan. 2,” she said, “I found a lump in my breast. It felt like someone had inserted a marble under my skin.” Although she’d had a mammogram just three months earlier, she knew this was serious. “It felt absolutely wrong,” she said. “I didn’t sleep the rest of the weekend.” Following a whirlwind of doctor’s appointments and testing, her worst fears were realized: She had stage 2 breast cancer. Some might have withered. Not Petretti. She had dealt with physical and emotional challenges before. Two years earlier, she’d had neck surgery following an auto accident. She’d also survived the deaths of two of her brothers, who succumbed to AIDS. The inner strength she had honed during those earlier trials would serve her well as she dealt with the diagnosis. Following surgery, she began six rounds of chemotherapy, followed by nearly eight weeks of radiation. All the while, she continued to teach yoga and pilates and maintained a blog chronicling her experiences.

AUG. 10, 2012


Claire Petretti shares her story of overcoming a breast cancer diagnosis and how she benefits from yoga. Photo courtesy of Claire Petretti

Her willingness to honestly share what she was undergoing resonated with those who followed the blog, which Petretti plans to publish as a book. Just before her first round of chemotherapy, she was also inspired to enroll in a two-weekend certification program to teach yoga to cancer survivors. Because Petretti has experienced firsthand the benefits of yoga in her cancer recovery, she’s been tireless in sharing her message of hope and healing through yoga. By the end of 2010, she had joined forces with the City of Hope, a research and treatment center for cancer and other life-threatening illnesses, to help create Yoga for Hope.

The event began last year as an outdoor community yoga class led by five prominent San Diego yoga teachers, including Petretti. This year, it has evolved to now include a series of donation-based yoga classes throughout the county leading up to this year’s main event, to be held Aug. 11 on the lawn of the Hilton San Diego Bayfront. It will once again feature a community class and will also include a wide array of vendors, food and entertainment. All are welcome to attend, Petretti said. According to Ellie Levine, City of Hope’s assistant development director, Yoga for Hope “serves as a platform for City of Hope to expand awareness of the importance of the mindbody-spirit connection and the hospital’s unique approach to utilizing complementary and integrative therapies such as yoga and meditation in the patient treatment programs.” She said the event “would not be here today” if not for Petretti. “From her brave story, which has inspired and touched so many,” Levine added, “to her sheer tenacity and contagious energy, the event would not be in motion without her … It is rare to have a volunteer with commitment and dedication like she has.” Earlier this year, wanting to reach an even broader audience who could benefit from yoga, Petretti launched her DVD “Yoga for Cancer Recovery.” “I loved the idea of providing a tool for people to use at home if there was no yoga available for them or if they didn’t feel up to leaving the house,” she said. While her life took a wildly different direction than she could have imagined on New Year’s Day 2010, she finds satisfaction in how far she’s come and looks forward to forging new goals as she continues to help others as they recover from cancer.

Giving Tree movement plants seeds RANCHO SANTA FE — July 18, Luisa Csathy, founder and chief inspiration officer of Giving Tree Movement, held the organization’s third major event in Rancho Santa Fe. The event was set up as a moderated, parent focus group that featured parenting and teen experts Susie Walton, founder of Indigo Village, and Tami Walsh, founder of Teen Wisdom, Inc. Csathy’s Giving Tree Movement is a nonprofit organization that was started in 2011 as a direct result of the impact that the documentary “The Race to Nowhere” and the book the “Price of Privilege” introduced through the local school foundation. Csathy proceeded to reach out to other families as well as various local and national youth organizations and has created a grassroots following. The aim of the Giving Tree Movement is to create a platform where parents and experts of various vocations come together to share ideas and gain new perspectives on thoughtfully raising children to live meaningful, fulfilling and authentic lives in an increasingly complex and fast paced world. GTM is currently put-

Event leaders, from left, Leora Langs, Luisa Csathy, Tami Walsh and Susie Walton take a moment to relax after the Giving Tree Foundation’s July 18 event. Courtesy photo

ting together a “beta” pilot program in Rancho Santa Fe and North County San Diego to create a comprehensive solution platform that has the power to change the culture of our homes, schools and communities from the inside out. A select group of parents from Rancho Santa Fe and surrounding communities took part in the latest Giving Tree Movement event. This followed Csathy’s earlier Giving Tree Movement event in April at the Inn at Rancho Santa Fe, titled “Finding Your

Passion,” and which featured “The Passion Test” author Janet Atwood. The plan is to build on the momentum and continue providing a support network that empowers parents, educators and youth organizations to come together as a united force in addressing the challenges facing our families, schools and communities so that we can build a strong foundation for our children and empower them to take on greater leadership roles. Visit for more information.

How to substitute cream cheese SARA NOEL Frugal Living Dear Sara: I would like to make a bread pudding recipe I found online. I have all the ingredients except for the 8-ounce cream cheese and 1 cup half-and-half. I do have skim milk, vanilla yogurt and about 1/4 cup of sour cream in the fridge. Will I be able to use my skim milk and yogurt in some way to create this dish? The reason I want to make this recipe today is that I have a 1/2 loaf of very hard Italian bread sitting on my kitchen counter, and this would be a great recipe to use it up. Any and all creative advice would be great. — Marie, New York Dear Marie: Without buying anything new to use as a substitute (my suggestion would then be Neufchatel cheese), I would try the yogurt or sour cream. Strain it by setting a colander or wire mesh strainer in a large bowl (you don’t want the strainer to touch the bottom of the bowl). Line the strainer with a couple of layers of cheesecloth. Spoon in the yogurt or sour cream, cover and let drain in the refrigerator for a few hours (overnight would be best). Use the cheese that is left on the cheesecloth. As for the cup of half-and-half, you can try to replace it with 1 tablespoon melted butter and enough milk to equal a cup. But because you have skim milk and not whole milk, you should probably use 1/2 cup

skim milk plus 1/2 cup heavy (whipping) cream. You can freeze your bread until you have the proper ingredients, or choose a new bread pudding recipe that doesn’t require cream cheese or half-and-half. There are plenty to choose from, including this one: Apple Bread Pudding 2 medium apples, diced (I prefer Gala or Granny Smith) 4 tablespoons butter 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon 2 tablespoons brown sugar 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 cup raisins 3 eggs 1 cup milk (can use eggnog during the holiday season) 1 teaspoon vanilla extract dash of ground nutmeg 8 slices bread, cubed Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a muffin tin with nonstick spray. In a skillet, add the apples and butter. Mix in cinnamon, brown sugar and white sugar, and cook until soft. Fold in raisins. Set aside. In a large bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, vanilla and nutmeg. Gently fold in the bread cubes until coated. Add apple mixture. Scoop the bread pudding to evenly fill muffin cups. Bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Cool for 5 minutes in the pan. Glaze 1 cup confectioners’ sugar 3 tablespoons milk 1/2 teaspoon vanilla Whisk ingredients together until smooth. Drizzle over bread pudding.

Serve warm. Dear Sara: I made a crockpot full of beef vegetable soup. The recipe called for about 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, which overpowers the taste of the soup. What do you suggest I add to it to mask the cinnamon taste? I don’t want to throw it out! — Jackie, email Dear Jackie: Cinnamon is often added to soups. Many people love the flavor of cinnamon in soup, while others find it completely inedible. Half a teaspoon is quite a lot to deal with if you’re not fond of the flavor. I would double the soup recipe and hope for the best. Sara Noel is the owner of Frugal Village (, a website that offers practical, moneysaving strategies for everyday living. To send tips, comments or questions, write to Sara Noel, c/o Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO, 64106, or e-mail



AUG. 10, 2012

Finding wisdom in silent moments caught in the Ranch MACHEL PENN SHULL Machel’s Ranch My husband is watering the plants right now in front of Lemon Twist. I can hear the water running as a few cars pass by on Del Dios Highway. The sun is beginning to drop down behind the Cielo hillsides. Shadows fall across the rugged terrain exposing rocks and shrubs glistening in the afternoon summer light. These last two weeks have been like this. Full of observation and sounds. I found out I had to have a wisdom tooth extracted, which has given me a more heightened sense of awareness. I just found out I have a dry socket. That makes sense. Exposed nerve endings inside my mouth, very close to the center of my brain where feelings and memories are stored.(That is true.) I had to miss out on a friend’s birthday party in the Del Mar Turf Club. I also

had to stay in and not experience my blissful, short hiking excursions. I have had to stay put. Through this short time of stopping full throttle, feelings have a way of creeping up on you. Silence and solitude can make you see things you normally cannot observe…sort of like the cliché saying “The forest for the trees,” I guess. What I have witnessed for myself since I cannot normally do my routine is solitude can add a fresh perspective. I think that sometimes we don’t take enough time to just sit back, ponder and draw in the beauty of just the local sounds right nearby us. We are on our phones, Twittering, text messaging and finding things that keep us distracted for simple pleasures that we must not forget, just like the luxury of listening to my husband water the plants at his family’s business. The smell of fresh dirt mixed with moisture in the air brings back memories from my childhood. I might have missed this quiet nostalgic moment if I hadn’t been force to slow down, and listen to my sur-

Audrey and daughter, Audra enjoy some cool lemonade after a horseback ride on the trails behind Lemon Twist in Rancho Santa Fe Photo by Krista Lafferty and soon to be husband Michael Confer made an appearMachel Penn Shull ance at the Pre-Opening Day Party at Kiwi Audio Visual. roundings. Life can be in front of the Historical Photo by Machel Penn Shull

short, sweet and oh so beautiful. Enjoy the slow moments, too. Around Town On July 12, Kiwi Audio Visual through an elaborate Open House Party celebrating their clients and colleagues in Southern California. Kiwi Audio Visual has been serving Rancho Santa Fe as the top automation company in the area for over fifteen years. I have worked with Kiwi over the years now since 2005, back when I first started in the the newspaper business. Alan Pickering and Willie Dent run Kiwi with class, leadership and core values that have lead their solid success in one of the most affluent areas in the United States. Krista Lafferty and Michael Confer, Maggie Bobileff, Tony and Bianca Macaluso, plus 125 other guests enjoyed fine food, drinks, an espresso bar, and other delights, while witnessing some cool technology demonstrations at their corporate office in Carlsbad. During the middle of July, Long time Ranch resident Dottie McCrink enjoyed a wonderful day around town with Natalie Shull, which is just happens to be my husband’s sister! Natalie is an architect in Los Angeles. Dottie and Natalie visited some of the Lillian Rice architecture around town in the Ranch. Ranch resident Dottie McCrink looks fabulous in the sun in front of The Here is a delightful photo of Historical Society during the end of July in the Ranch. Dottie looking gorgeous in a Photo by Natalie Shull white brimmed hat standing

Society. Local author Diane Welch wrote a book on Lillian Rice’s life. Here is the link if you are interested in more about the woman that shaped the beauty of Rancho Santa Fe: On July 27, Elaine Gallagher celebrated her birthday with friends and loved ones at the Turf Club in Del Mar. I should have been there with my party dress on (I had it ready to go!); instead I had my hands clutching an ice pack with a book in hand, trying to recover from wisdom teeth surgery. I missed out on the horses, the champagne, the laughs, the hugs, and the good times. You may know from reading my column that Elaine is one of my featured regulars. We bonded a few years back when I had lost a good friend from cancer and she reached out to me to share her condolences with me. We built a lovely friendship over the years. Elaine has a heart of gold with a movie star quality that can steal anyone’s thunder. But you won’t mind with Elaine! She is so genuine, you love sharing the afterglow. Featured here is Elaine with some of her great friends that day, making a toast in their box at the Turf Club. Thank-you for always including me on your party list. I look forward to our lunch soon. I am hoping Mille Fleurs on the courtyard next to the quaint waterfall and yellow umbrellas!

Audrey and daughter, Audra enjoy some cool lemonade after a horseback ride on the trails behind Lemon Twist in Rancho Santa Fe. Photo by Machel Penn Shull

Elaine Gallagher celebrates her birthday at the Del Mar Turf Club with good friends on July 27 in Del Mar. Courtesy photo

Later that day, just a few miles away in the Ranch, While the race horses are running at the Del Mar Races, RANCH resident Audrey and Audra Byland. Stopping by Lemon Twist for some freshly squeezed lemonade, I snapped a quick shot of the two of them on there ride in Rancho. Riding two splendid Tennessee Walkers, I was thrilled to reminisce with them about my days as a child back in Missouri.Audrey and Audra then headed back to the trails and disappeared under the hazy sunlight after stopping in at Lemon Twist that day for a moment to chat with us. On Aug. 5, I received some thrilling news regarding Torrey Pines graduate, Michael Gallagher. Many of you may know that Michael is the son of Elaine and Michael Gallagher in Rancho Santa Fe. What you may not know is Michael is also a budding film director in Hollywood. From garnering write-ups by magazines like “Variety,” interviewing movie legend James Cameron and receiving over twelve million views on his latest movie, “SMILEY,” there is definitely a buzz in the air on Michael’s newest film. And guess what? You can watch his latest movie, too, because there will be a film screening on Oct. 11 at 7:30 p.m. at AMC Mission Valley 20 movie theater. For more details, visit the web-

site, You can buy your tickets now. This movie is a psychological horror thriller based on an urban legend. Sounds intriguing! You can guess who will be there in the movie theater with the latest scoop. I can’t wait for the lights to go down to support one of Rancho Santa Fe’s very own filmmakers! Here is a photo of Michael with his Dad at his Mom’s birthday party at the Turf Club. If you would like Machel to cover a story or feature an important event, contact her at

Michael Gallagher looks proud to be featured with his son, Michael. Michael has has a budding film career as a director in Hollywood. His latest movie, "SMILEY" has already garnered over twelve million views on You Tube. Find out more by visiting: Courtesy photo


AUG. 10, 2012


Retirement is possible for baby boomers

PET OFTHE WEEK Kosmo is a 3-year old, male Cairn terrierblend loves to pose for pictures and seems to be smiling in every one. He is an affectionate, adorable little pup. He has been neutered and is up-to-date on all his vaccinations. His adoption fee is $264 and, as with all pets adopted from Helen Woodward Animal Center, is micro chipped and Sea World tickets. Helen Woodward Animal Center is at 6461 El Apajo Road in

Rancho Santa Fe. Kennels are open daily Monday through Thursday from noon to 6pm; Friday, noon to 7 p.m.; and Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. (applications accepted 15 minutes before closing). For more information call (858) 756-4117, option #1 or visit

JOE MORIS Baby Boomer Peace The first column I ever wrote for The Coast News was about trying to figure out a place to retire as cheaply as possible. Like so many of you out there, my investments were all in the wrong place when the recession hit. In the stock market, I had put my faith in companies that crumpled like a cheap suit

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when times got hard. In real estate I had homes that quickly became underwater and worse yet, I was invested in developable land for housing subdivisions. The recession reduced me from safe equity and retirement to debt and worry. I put a two-year plan into place when I turned 60 and began liquidating what wasn’t necessary anymore. I paid off debt and paid for a used car that runs great but is free and clear and insurance is low. I had to get myself into a position to live as cheaply as possible yet still enjoy life and all the goodness that is included. At 62, going on 63, I just didn’t have the energy to go back out there and fight the wars to rebuild a lifetime of security that vanished into thin air. My brother works for Princess Cruises. Princess no longer travels to Mexico anymore, which is strange

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considering Disney Cruise Line does. Go figure. I bring that up because in the year 2000 I began taking one or two trips down to Puerto Vallarta, as well as Mazatlan and Cabo San Lucas, each year. I really fell in love with Puerto Vallarta. I found that you can buy something down there as cheap as $50,000 or as high as $10 million. There is a lot of variety in between. I bought an oceanfront condo that costs me $450 per month for everything. That includes water, electricity, security, television, parking and all the amenities of the Holiday Inn complex. It doesn’t take much renting out of my condo to allow me to live basically for free when I am there. So that was one way of living in a great place for basically peanuts. I also worked it out with my kids to let me stay with them while here. I really don’t, because like most parents with grown up kids, we still want our freedom and don’t want to impose. I’ve been creative in my living accommodations and have figured out how to live basically for free. I cancelled my health insurance when I watched person after person with great retirement savings have it all taken away when they became afflicted with catastrophic illness. Insurance doesn’t pay 100 perent, period. So I see people wiped out anyway when


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they get sick. I said forget it. I’m not going to pay $650 per month for insurance. When I go to the doctor I pay cash and my doctor gladly gives me anywhere from 40 to 60 perent off for paying cash the day of the visit. I love to play golf but that can be expensive. So I joined Shadowridge Country Club under a sponsorship from a friend and member. That allows me to play unlimited golf for $306 per month. Keep in mind if I’m not a member and want to play there it costs $85 per round. Now I can play every day for peanuts and I walk. That means I walk almost six miles every day or three miles if I only play nine holes. The point is that you baby boomers can find a way to retire on your social security and still live a good life. Hopefully you didn’t lose everything like I did but even though I did I can’t remember a time in my life when I was this stress free. We find a way to find our peace when we have to. Don’t continue to live in fear and stress. Find a way to go enjoy your twilight years because as I’ve said before, God only gives us one day. We never know when the last one comes. Now go plan your peace! Joe Moris may be contacted at (760) 500-6755 or by e-mail at

Dressage horse with ties to Ranch competes in Olympics RANCHO SANTA FE — While Helen Woodward Animal Center staffers might argue that each one of its animals are gold medal-worthy, the Center does have one true Olympic athlete in its midst. Dressage competitor, Ravel, competed in the London Olympics. The Dutch Warmblood gelding has been a regular client of veterinarian Rodrigo Vazquez of Equine Surgical Services, along with the staff of Helen Woodward Animal Center’s Equine Vet and Hospital technicians, since 2006. Ravel is no stranger to high stakes competition. The 15-year-old equine athlete, owned by Akiko Yamazaki, was united with his rider Steffen Peters in late 2006, when Yamazaki sent Peters on a search for his next Olympic mount. Imported from Edward Gal’s stable in Harskamp, the Netherlands to a luxurious double-sized stall in Rancho Santa Fe, their six-year relationship has literally made history. Peters, a four-time Olympian and a former World Cup champion on Ravel,scored 77.705, finishing in sixth individually. “I think it’s my best Olympic Games ride,” Peters said. “I hope we can step it up in the Grand Prix Special, which is Ravel’s best test.” Ravel and Peters were the highest placing American pair at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, coming in just out of the medals in fourth place; are the only U.S. pair to take the title Grand Prix Champion of

Dressage competitor, Ravel, competes in the London Olympics. The Dutch Warmblood gelding has been a regular client of veterinarian Rodrigo Vazquez of Equine Surgical Services, along with the staff of Helen Woodward Animal Center’s Equine Vet and Hospital technicians, since 2006. Courtesy photo

Aachen, bestowed to the rider with the highest scores in all three Grand Prix tests; took two bronze medals at the 2010 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games; and are the only American competitors to ever win the Rolex/FEI World Cup in dressage. But before these victories, Ravel sustained what was then believed to be a possibly careerending injury to one of his legs. In early 2008, Dr.Vazquez went from regular check-ups, dentistry and vaccinations for his client to an emergency treatment with a new technology based on stem-cell therapy. “Ravel is a high-impact athlete,” stated Vazquez. “He runs the same risks as any other athlete in a high performance sport and he gets hurt like any other athlete too. But he is also something special. “He works hard and he’s

Phase 1on track for luxury senior living SAN MARCOS — The first phase of The Meridian at Lake San Marcos is on track to be completed in the fall of 2012, more than 60 percent of the apartments are already under lease, and residents are tentatively scheduled to move into the area’s newest luxury senior living community. With reservations exceeding expectations, seniors interested in The Meridian and the elegant and exciting lifestyle it will offer are urged to visit soon. Model apartments are now open for tours on the campus located at 1177 San Marino Drive. Call to schedule an appointment at (877) 913-5180. The Meridian at Lake San Marcos will offer a standard of senior living unequalled in the area. Located in desirable Lake San Marcos,The Meridian will provide residents with breathtaking views of the mountains and the lake. Thoughtfully designed and aesthetically beautiful, this is a true rental community offering the lifestyle of a five-star resort. Tasteful apartment homes, all utilities and basic cable, daily meals, weekly housekeeping and linen services, concierge and chauffeur



AUG. 10, 2012

services; 24-hour security, staffing and emergency response; secured, underground parking and access to all of the gracious community amenities are included in one monthly fee. There is no large buy-in. Amenities at The Meridian at Lake San Marcos will feature a 23,000 square foot clubhouse including a two story grand entry foyer with water feature, two activity rooms, a fitness center, recreation hall, theatre, retail shop, heated pool, conference center, library, salon, spa and four dining venues. Dining will be a delight at The Meridian, with a variety of dining options, unique venues (from elegant restaurant-style dining to relaxed poolside bistro dining) and flexible dining plans to fit every taste. For information about the lifestyle, amenities, services and more to be offered at The Meridian at Lake San Marcos, visit The Welcome Center at 1030 La Bonita Drive. The Welcome Center is open 7 days per week from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and more information can be found online at

focused and he thrives in his sport. He just didn’t want to quit.” With the aid of Vazquez’s treatment, an eight-month break and the compassionate retraining of rider Peters,Ravel was soon back in top winning form, as proven by the impressive list of awards that followed. Now, Ravel and Peters are about to take on their most ambitious dressage ride to date — the 2012 London Olympics. Proudly watching from the stands will be his dedicated veterinarian Doctor Rodrigo Vazquez. Shortly before boarding the plane yesterday, I asked him whether he would be treating Ravel while he was there. “I hope not,” stated Vazquez. “Of course I’d be there if anything happened, but I’m going to London to watch him bring home the gold.” be our fan on and click link

Officers host golf tournament RANCHO SANTA FE — The National Latino Police Officer's Association invites all to its Christmas Train golf tournament kicking off at 7 a.m. Aug. 20 at

Morgan Run Club & Resort, 5690 Cancha De Golf. A “Wake-Up” breakfast proceeds the 8:30 a.m. shotgun start. Entry is $150 per person or $500 for a four-

some. For more information contact Geoff Dawson or Mary Avastu at (760) 6506300 or (760) 535-3752 or email


AUG. 10, 2012


Memoir documents rises, falls of Hosoi CHRIS AHRENS Sea Notes Jay Adams, David Hackett and Christian Hosoi, three of skateboarding’s top legends, were in my backyard a few months ago. Initially the skaters had gathered to talk about the Hosoi biography that I was co-writing. Priorities quickly shifted, however, when they noticed that I had a swimming pool in my backyard. I think it was Adams who first commented that having water in a swimming pool was “a waste.” When they became quiet and huddled at the deep end, looking down, and speaking in hushed tones, I became concerned. I knew I couldn’t stop them, but I knew someone who could. I ran back inside and mentioned the plot to drain our pool to my wife, Tracy. Tracy, who a few decades ago would have helped, since she herself was a fanatical skateboarder, instead approached the crew and put a stop to everything. “I don’t care who you are; you’re not draining our pool!” she snapped. “Oh, we were just thinking of taking a swim,” quipped Hackett as Tracy stood, arms crossed and scowling as the retreat began to the kitchen. Mission accomplished. They don’t call her the General for nothing. I had never really skateboarded much, finding concrete and asphalt a far

and him from the brightest of bright more abrupt landing pad Christianity lights, to the shadows of the than water. In the past few becoming a pastor. There’s a lesson in streets of Orange County, years, however, I have had the privilege of meeting there as all of Hosoi’s work where meth takes hold and becomes a cruel some of the top slave master. skaters in the world, Through it including Dennis all, Hosoi continMartinez, the Logan ued skating, brothers, Danny Way, even while on , Steve Caballero, the run from a Tony Alva and Tony stack of misdeHawk. While I had meanors for known the Logans minor drug posfor years through session charges. surfing, I didn’t meet That life seems most of the others like a lifetime until last year when I ago, as a clean began co-writing the and sober Hosoi aforementioned is now a faithful memoir with husband and Christian Hosoi. father of four. I had never writHe still skates, ten a memoir before, however, and and this one proved a just last year baptism of fire. Not won gold in the only was I dealing Master’s diviwith skateboarders, sion at the Xwho tend to be on Games. There their own schedules, are lessons but also many of strewn among those interviewed, the high wire act including Hosoi, of a life lived were born rebels who the seemed to live in an Christian Hosoi’s new memoir details the rises and falls beyond alternate time zone. of the former professional skateboarder. Courtesy photo edge. To learn Maybe I should more or to purhave drained that chase the book pool as insurance they’d be here on time. is burned up in meth “Hosoi, My Life as a Junkie, Actually, Hosoi himself was amphetamine addiction, Skateboarder, great to work with, driving something that eventually Inmate, Pastor” visit amadown at noon some days sent him to prison for five z o n . c o m / H o s o i S k a t e b o a r d e r- Ju n k i e and often not returning years. Hollywood stories in I n m a t e home to his Huntington Beach until well past mid- the memoir roll out like fea- Pastor/dp/0062024302. ture film credits as Hosoi, a night. Our coffee pot has major player in the never had so much use Hollywood club scene, lives Chris Ahrens is a surfer and author of the highest of high lives four books on surfing. Email him at before or since. Hosoi’s story begins until addiction takes him with his father naively showing his son how to roll a and followed by discussion. joint when the boy was 8- ARCHETYPES The second half consists of a CONTINUED FROM B1 years-old. It proceeds into guided meditation to get parHosoi’s rise in the skate- types. ticipants in touch with the boarding world, falls into a “At times I identify with archetype they are feeling at deep drug addiction and Venus, like on Saturday night the moment. ends with Hosoi and his when I’m with my husband,” “I found that really powfather converting to she said. “When I have to erful,” Thomas said. “The speak about my book, and biggest thing for me was answer questions, I am in a being around powerful position of authority. I think woman and the way we presof Athena — I am personify- ent it to the world.” ing a strong, powerful warrior In her private practice, position and I’m backing it Rogers works with women in up. mid-life and older. As women “There is this idea of a age, she explained, life gets coin, that we can either be better. sensual, or powerful, but we “Women should celecan’t be both. The class is a brate the shift from mother to celebration of that feminism elder,” she said. “Older that says we can.” women are crowned with wisThe first half of the work- dom.” shop is a presentation of the Rogers moved to North goddess archetypes, accompa- County in 2009, after working nied by a written explanation, for many years as a psy-

chotherapist, both in private practice and in the HIV/AIDS community in Los Angeles and with at-risk children. She studied hypnotherapy with the Southern California Society for Clinical Hypnotherapy and guided imagery at an ongoing symposium at UCLA’S Neuropsychiatric Institute. For more information about archetypal psychology. Rogers suggests the books of psychiatrist Jean Shinoda Bolen, M.D. Holistic Hideaway is located at 1132 San Marino, Lake San Marcos. Cost for the workshop is $30. To make reservations, call (760) 2143815. Space is limited. For more information, call (760) 846-6650 or visit

recently and historically in North County. Perhaps it’s because the Volkswagen van has traditionally been popular with surfers. And in the last few years, Volkswagen has put an emphasis on environmentally friendly cars, which a “green” area like Encinitas has been receptive to, Dennis said. Global trends are a factor in the local dealership’s recent success, too. Volkswagen posted record profits earlier this year, partly thanks to a new line of cars that have been popular in North America. “We’ve managed to sidestep the recession,” he said. While there are some external forces that explain Volkswagen’s strong sales in Encinitas, Dennis certainly

deserves some credit. Herman Cook Volkswagen received a dealership of the year award from the American International Automobile Dealer Association for business savvy. The dealership was also named the business of the year in 2003 from the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce. “I’m proud we’ve been so tight-knit,” Dennis said. “We’ll try and stay that way.” It’s a sentiment that Dennis’ son shares. Connor Cook, the dealership’s finance director, said he hopes to take over his family’s business one day. “I want to carry on my grandfather’s tradition,” he said.


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MAKING WAVES IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD When you shop or use the services that are advertised in the Rancho Santa Fe News, you are supporting the newspaper and our efforts to bring you quality news. We are funded only by advertising revenue, so please, when you use a product or service that you saw in the paper, say you saw it in the Rancho Santa Fe News!"

Thank you for supporting our advertisers! Sincerely, The Rancho Santa Fe News Staff

Dennis made his way up the ladder. He purchased the dealership in 1980. With all his experience, Dennis has seen Volkswagen’s popularity wax and wane, a few times over. “Similar to other retailers with a global presence, we benefit or are the victim of national trends,” he said. “Though our peaks and valleys haven’t been as extreme as other VW dealerships.” Currently, Herman Cook Volkswagen’s market share is double the average Volkswagen retailer. Dennis offered a few reasons as to why Volkswagens have sold especially well

EQUESTRIAN CHAMPION Rancho Santa Fe equestrian Michael Endicott clears the 17th and final jump during the jump-off of the Showpark Summer Classic $20,000 1.40-meter competition July 22. He bested 34 other riders to take first place on Belladonna owned by Eduardo Menezes. Photo courtesy of William Rohn

Garden Club hosts group RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Garden Clubs hosts “A Great Decisions Discussion Group” the first Monday of each month at 10:15 a.m. The group is comprised of interested individuals who want an opportunity to learn and participate in the foreign policy decision-making process. For more information, contact Holly Wilson at or (858) 523-9585.



copies for not more than $15,000. The old copier will be given to the Rancho Santa Fe Patrol. Also to be replaced are the 14-year-old 800 megahertz radios that allows the patrol to communicate with more than 200 police, fire, security and EMS agencies. This seamless service program was put into place in 1998. “As you can imagine, this type of equipment has evolved technically over the past 14 years,” said Wellhouser. He said after Sept. 11, 2001, there have been new radio standards introduced to improve interoperability between safety agencies, but the current equipment does not meet the specifications. The board approved these items at a cost of no more than $35,000. The Association will not meet Aug. 16, but will continue meeting the first and third Thursdays of the month.

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AUG. 10, 2012





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Sporting Goods

NAVY aircraft carriers awesome ship battle star designs onto apparel, mugs, posters,& steins. Honorable gifts.

TED WILLIAMS GLOVE an early 1960ís right hand throw. This fabulous glove is in pristine condition. A rare opportunity for the serious baseball collector at only $59 obo. Please call Shelly at (760) 8094657

2 COLLAPSABLE PLAY TENTS FUN! Great Shape - Nylon $10 each (760) 6962425


75 FOREIGN POST CARDS black and white, real photos $15 (760) 845-3024


BATTLE STAR series, carriers, amphibious, & battleships. 1941 - present day.

92067 92075

Awesome ship designs onto apparel, mugs, posters,& steins. Honorable gifts.


BRASS TRUMPET With Case, Excellent Condition, can deliver $110 (619) 2773961


BRUMM ENAMELED PLATE Beautiful Floral on Copper, 6”, Perfect Condition, $59 OBO Call Shelly (760) 809-4657


Items For Sale 200

BUDHA COLLECTION 8 Pieces, Cherry Red Resin, largest is 7”tall by 5” wide $25 (760) 599-9141


BUSHNELL TELESCOPE With Tri-Pod, D-50 mil., F-600 mil., model 15-61, great condition $15 (760) 599-9141

AFRICAN TRIBAL CONTAINER Was made by Turkana tribe of northern Kenya. Made of wood, leather, and beading. Similar extremely rare water vessels priced at galleries between $350-$500. Yours for only $149 obo. Please call Shelley (760) 809-4657 ANTIQUE MANTLE CLOCK 1800ís Era, Appraised for $400, will sell for $150 (760) 201-9240

INDEX F.Y.I..................................... ..100 HEALTH & WELL BEING ....150 ITEMS FOR SALE................200 BUSINESS SERV.............. ...300 FINANCIAL SERV.................310 HOME SERVICES................325 MISC. SERVICES.................350 PERSONAL SERV................375

HELP WANTED................ ....400 JOBS WANTED................ ....450 BUSINESS OPPS.................475 ROOMMATES.......................500 RENTALS..............................600 REAL ESTATE.................... ..700 LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICE.... 800 AUTOMOTIVE..................... 900


Per Paper 1-2 wks 3 wks 6 wks 12 wks 26 wks 52 wks




Appliances BRIGGS AND STRATTON WASHER Special Edition, 2100 psi, 6 to 8 Ft. Almost New $150 (760) 721-9611 FRIGIDAIRE FRONT LOAD WASHER Gallery Brand with Stand, Lightly Used, White, $450.00 firm call Val in Leucadia (760) 753-4412



Display PCI $40

COLLECTORS ITEM 1930 SODA Fountain Dispenser, solid brass, appraised at $500, sell for $150 (760) 729-6044




CLASSIFIED LINE AD RATES: $3.00/word, 15 word minimum. Contract rates available for 4+ insertions. Call for information. LINE ADS RUN IN ALL PAPERS - 108,000 READERS

CELL PHONES Currently offering free cell phones with a new contract.Visit our website at: DELL LAPTOP COMPUTER Needs Cord and Some Work $100 (760) 8393115 LEXMARK X6170, 4 IN ONE Copy/fax/scan/print 4800 dpi for photos, auto doc feed, cd & manual. $25 oceanside (760) 529-0862 LEXMARK X6170, 4 IN ONE Photo quality 4800 dpi, fax, auto doc feed, cd & manual. $30 Oceanside (760) 529-0862 OLDER LAPTOP COMPUTER Works $20 (760) 295-9184


SATELLITE RECEIVER WITH DISH An adth satellite receiver #8800ir for european programming is for sale with a globe cast dish. Includes wireless remote and memory card. $95 set (760) 758-8344


SKELETON CLOCK Beautiful 8 day with Pendulum and Weight. Roman Numeral Metal Face, Rings on the Hour. Great Condition $59 OBO call Shelly (760) 809-4657

Place your own line ad online at

Copy and Cancellations FRIDAY (DISPLAY), MONDAY (LINERS) 4PM

Ask for Classified Dept.

760-436-9737 ext. 100 or fax ad copy 760-943-0850

To view or place ads online go to:

or stop by office at: 828 N. Hwy 101, Leucadia

Furniture HEADBOARD For Single Bed, light blue upholstered in cloth good condition $60 (760) 758-8958 PINE ARMOIRE With Matching Headboard, King Size, $145 OBO (760) 720-4730 NIKKEN KENKO NATURE REST Magnet Mattress Topper, Queen Size 60” by 60” 3 yrs. Old, $125 (760) 599-9141

Home Svcs. 325


1970 KENMORE SEWING MACHINE Sears Model 1250, works good, comes with table (table needs work) $70 (760) 758-8958


Items For Sale 200

“JOHN LENNON HARDBACK BOOK” 1st American Edition, 1985, New Condition, 624 pages, Includes “Maldives Lennon Mint Stamp $12.00 (760) 845-3024 15 GALLON PLANTS $35.00 each, Sand Palm, Jade, Crown of Thorns, Black Pine, Loquat and Macadamia Nut (760) 4366604



Items For Sale 200

COPPER TRAY Spectacular Workanship! Hand-Hammered 28” long/ 14” wide and weighs almost 6 pounds. Beautiful condition. A rare find at $79 obo. Please call Shelly a (760) 809-4657 CUT GLASS SHADE LAMP Beautiful 12” lamp with bronze base. Very special only $29 obo. Call Shelly (760) 809-4657 DECORATIVE DECANTER 100% Brass Vintage Indian 19 inches tall, Gold, Purple and Pink Design $22 (760) 5999141 DECORATIVE WICKER BASKET HUGE! Full of Stuffed Fruits and Vegetables $50 (760) 295-6061 DECOY DUCK LAMP Beautiful colors on duck and shade. Measures 19.5” high. A must for the den, man cave, office, or wherever. Yours for only $29 obo. Please call Shelly (760) 809-4657 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Wheelbarrows full, Oak, Pine and Eucalyptus - $25 per wheelbarrow full (760) 942-7430 FOR SALE Beach Chair - low size $10, 2 coolers (one small and one large) $15 each, Blankets $3 each, Box of Masking Tape $15 (760) 295-9184 GARDEN PEDASTAL CEMENT SEAT 42 inches long, 23 inches tall $50 (760) 578-6773 HOT WHEELS box of fifty hot wheels in original packaging. random models. $40 (760) 726-8491 INDIA TAPESTRY embroidered 30” x 30” Ganesh elephant. This wall hanging is in beautiful colors on a white linen background-only $29 obo. Please call Shelly at (760) 809-4657

ONEIDA 20 PIECE FIVE STAR stainless silverware, service set of 4, new still in box, great for Shower Gift $28 (760) 729-6044 PALM TREE LAMPS Beautiful 10 1/2 inch Tommy Bahama inspired, Art Glass Shades, Excellent Condition, Great Buy - pair $39 obo (760) 809-4657 PENA SEDONA PRINT - SIGNED 6 Indians/Pottery, Orange, Pink, Purple, Blue and Violet Colors, Glass and Metal Frame, 38 in. Wide, 31 in. Tall $55.00 (760) 599-9141 PHEASANT SKIN ON MACRAME Pheasant Skin Mounted on Macrame, 24 inches round, all feathers in tact, $24 (760) 295-6061 PLANTAR FACCIATIS SPLINT Womenís Size 7 - 9, Great Condition $25 in Vista (760) 758-2549 POLARIS TELESCOPE With Tri-Pod by Meade, D-76MM and F-700MM, Great Condition $25 (760) 599-9141 RUSSIAN COLLECTORS PLATES 11 beautiful Brandex “Legends”, all with documentation. Highly collectable 71/2” are in perfect condition & only $15 each obo. (760) 809-4657 SILVER CROSS CARRIAGE Heritage Model With Bassinet, Stroller, Basket and Cover, Black and White Pram, nice condition, hard to find. $129 OBO Call Shelly (760) 809-4657

TENNIS RACQUET Head Crossbow 10 43/8 grip light weight powerful excellent condition $50 (760) 632-2487 WILSON BASEBALL MITT - VINTAGE JIm “Catfish” Hunter endorsed, model A-2005, great condition for being 40 years old! $69 obo (760) 809-4657

Items Wanted JACK DANIELS Collector looking for old jd or lem motlow bottles and advertising or display items. Up to $149 each (760) 630-2480 OLYO’S PIZZA MEMORABILIA Anything considered but would love any pictures or t-shirts (adult size). Wanted for my nephew’s Christmas present! (760) 994-7265 WANTED Wanted Used Saxophones, flutes, clairnets, any condition, will pay cash. 760-346-9931 (760) 705-0215.

Home Svcs. 325 AFFORDABLE HOUSE CLEANING Husband and Wife team will clean your home or office for very reasonable rates. We do an excellent job, charge by the job (not hourly) and make it affordable for you. Last minute, weekends, move outs, etc. call (760) 893-9184

SILVER SQUASH BLOSSOM NECKLACE Silver Blossoms with Silver Horsehoe Pendant - Turquoise Stones, Perfect for the Horse Races! $150 (760) 201-9240

Take time for yourself... let us do the dirty work!

US COMMEMORATIVE GALLERY Framed, holds 50 State Quarters - $15 (760) 295-6061 VIETNAM war battle star collection: apparel / mugs / key chains Visit Online Store WADE DIANE FINE CHINA Porcelean, Service for 8 ($320), 6-piece place setting, OR $40 a place setting. Includes: Dinner Plate, Salad Plate, Bread & Butter Plate, Berry / Fruit Bowl, Footed Cup Saucer


Cleaning Service Martha Padilla -


Deep cleaning in living areas, kitchen, dining, bathrooms, bedrooms & windows

Cell 760-712-8279 Or 760-580-6857 Se Habla Español

Sporting Goods Licensed (#00026922) and Bonded

BIKE SEAT COVER Genuine Merino sheep wool, plus bicycle accessories, All for $ 12. (760) 944-6460

Misc. Svcs. 350

GOLF SKIRTS 1 Adidas size 4 - black, 1 Nike size small - orange $10 each (760) 295-6061 ITALIAN BIKE RIDING JERSEY Bright Red and White, size small, brand new still in package $55 (760) 578-6773 SCHWINN LADIES LE TOUR 10-speed 26”. Special Made in Japan, vintage 1970ís. Frosty Blue.Very Good condition (stored 25 years). $130 Oceanside (760) 529-0862

LOCAL MASTER CARPENTER/CONTR. 30 yrs. Experience, residential construction, custom closets, cabinets, decks, doors, remodeling, caulking, finishing work. Honest, Hardworking and Always Positive Call John 760-213-1578 HAULING I will haul your trash, yard materials, left behind furniture for move outs, etc. for very affordable rates. call Tristan at (760) 893-9184

INDOOR BRASS POT 12.5” x 12” with handles. Nice condition. $ 25. (760) 9446460 KING SIZE COMFORTER Ribbon Tied Flower Bouquet, soft cool colors with white background, nice condition $30 (760) 944-6460 LADY’S ENGLISH RIDING BOOTS Made in England by Marlborough Brown in Great Condition - USA Size 8b, UK Size 7b - $100 (760) 944-6460 LIKE NEW HUNTER AIR PURIFIER. $99.00-hunter 30381 hepatech air purifier features a whisper-quiet fan that draws air into the unit without excessive noise. Operational manual included. Pictures available. (760) 842-1970 MENS SHOES AND SOCKS “Rockport”. Good condition size 12, $15 “Tamarack” comfort slippers - slip on size 13, brand new $20. Socks from 2 crew. 1 over calf. Nonbinding. New. All $15. (760) 944-6460 MENS SOCKS SIZE 13 From the Non-binding, sag resistant. Two crew, one over-calf. New. $ 15. (760) 944-6460 MISC. ITEMS FOR SALE Ad Machine (as seen on TV) used once - $40, Lamp dual lamp on one stand - $30, Chair Cover - tan suede, ties on bottom, never used - $25 (760) 295-9184

Place your own FREE print ad at If your item is under $150 dollars or is a vehicle for sale, you can place it FREE!


AUG. 10, 2012

RANCHO SANTA FE NEWS Automotive 900 Wanted To Buy

DIABETIC TEST STRIPS WANTED Any Type, Any Brand. Will pay up to $10 a box. Call Ronda at (760) 593-7033.

Cars 1984 CORVETTE Black and Tan Color, 182k miles, new alternator and battery, smogged and registered, runs good $5000 or Best Offer (760) 420-8245 MAZDA SPORT Miata, mx, turbo, 2 seater, black soft top with cover, cd stereo, air, manual, (stick 6 speed), performance tires with spare, apprx. 38,000 miles. (760) 207-0073 San Marcos, $15,950.00 0B0.








Trucks/Vans/Motorhomes 94 TOYOTA PICK UP TRUCK Shortbed, 130k miles, Original Owner, asking $5000 (760) 295-9184 2004 MCCORMICK MTX120 Tractor ($19,000), 2wd, 16 speed power shift, left hand reverser, 120 engine hp, 100 pto hp, air seat, am/fm, rear wiper, 3 remotes, toplink, very good condition!. For more info/photo: rog. Perez@aol. Com


2000 PONTIAC MONTANA MINI VAN Extended Red - Good Condition. Recently passed emissions, reliable, seats 6, heat/ air, cd/ radio, seats removable so can be used for work van, decent gas mileage $3000 firm (760) 893-9184


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Reader Advisory: The National Trade Association we belong to has purchased the above classifieds. Determining the value of their service or product is advised by this publication. In order to avoid misunderstandings, some advertisers do not offer employment but rather supply the readers with manuals, directories and other materials designed to help their clients establish mail order selling and other businesses at home. Under NO circumstance should you send any money in advance or give the client your checking, license ID, or credit card numbers. Also beware of ads that claim to guarantee loans regardless of credit and note that if a credit repair company does business only over the phone it is illegal to request any money before delivering its service. All funds are based in US dollars. Toll free numbers may or may not reach Canada.

AUG. 10, 2012



SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Bernice Bede Osol


FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


COW & BOY by Mark Leiknes

Several new, important relationships might take root in the year ahead, suddenly replacing a number of alliances that have proven to be unproductive. Interesting new times are indicated, bringing you many fun-loving friends. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Be friendly and cordial to everybody, but avoid getting too deeply involved with any one person. Friendships are a bit fragile at present, and it won’t take much to shatter a close bond. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — When it comes to dealing with people whose aims are a bit different than yours, things could quickly get a bit touchy and erupt into full-blown unpleasantness. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — You’re likely to have a tendency to promise one thing but do quite another. Take all your commitments very seriously, so you won’t have to make both alibis and amends. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — If you’re going to take any gambles, do so in areas that you’re very familiar with. The odds might be outlandishly against you in murky or untested situations. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — When you allow your logical qualities to supersede your feelings, you can be a pretty good judge of character. Today, however, your emotions could be calling

all the shots. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Have someone check your work if you have to perform a tedious mental assignment. The more facts and figures involved, the more chances there are to make mistakes. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Regardless of what your better judgment is telling you to do, you are likely to ignore it and do something rather foolish that will be both costly and counterproductive. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — Instead of being more persistent when challenged, you might buckle under pressure. Have the courage of your convictions. ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Impatience could be your worst enemy if you’re not careful. Don’t allow yourself to get angry just because colleagues don’t immediately go along with your plans. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Be extra mindful of your possessions or resources. If you leave valuables unguarded, it could easily tempt certain people who have sticky fingers to latch onto some of them. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Continuity of purpose is essential if you hope to achieve your objectives. Don’t think you can accomplish your goals or hit your target with a series of lucky shots. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Do not put on any airs and affectations, or boast about things you’ve never accomplished. Your creditability will be dashed if your story is checked out and found to be untrue.



AUG. 10, 2012

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