The Rancho Santa Fe News

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VOL. 8, NO. 21

Cookie exchange brings competition, company By Rachel Stine

“I think everybody puts stress on themselves to make one of the best cookies,” said Marinello. This year’s entries included Brazilian truffles, red velvet crinkle cookies, and “gluten-free almond/quinoa coconut cookies.” Some of the cookie rookies told tales of baking numerous test batches before perfecting their submissions, while veterans of the competition said that they have learned to rely on simple recipes for baking such large quantities. Jill Veracco, Marinello’s daughter-in-law, told how she learned the hard way about being overly ambitious with her cookie entries. The very first year she participated, she made Rice Krispies gingerbread men dipped in chocolate and decorated each of them by hand. “When I got to the fifth batch, I was like, ‘Why did I do this?’” said Veracco. Lisa Sullivan, (left) “The Mayor of The Crosby”, who made brownies, and This year, she opted for Lauren Gill, who made chocolate chip pumpkin cookies, pose before the cookie display tables at the party. Sullivan said that she is so attached pizelle cookies that were easy

RANCHO SANTA FE — With their Range Rovers parked in front, their Gucci purses piled on counters and their husbands left at home, about 30 of Cathi Marinello’s closest friends gathered for this year’s cookie and candy exchange at her home Sunday in The Crosby. Every guest was greeted with a hug from Marinello and warm smiles from the rest of the ladies. “It’s a really good way to get together for the holidays and just get caught up with just the girls,” said Marinello, who has been hosting holiday cookie exchanges for more than 10 years. Each year, the women bake four-dozen cookies or candies for tasting and display. The participants then divide the batches among themselves to take home at the end of the party. But beyond the sugary social exterior was a stiff competition. Each year, the ladies vote for the best cookie, best to The Crosby and the residents that, “If there’s a cemetery here, I’ll candy and best presentation. never leave.” Photo by Rachel Stine


DEC. 14, 2012

Farmers market likely for Ranch By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — The idea of having a farmers market in Rancho Santa Fe is moving forward, despite the objections of a few residents who don’t like the idea of inviting outsiders into the Village. At the Association’s Dec. 6 meeting, organizer Janet Christ told the board that just about every business affected by the weekly event has given the goahead. “The owner of the pharmacy is for it too,” said Association Director Eamon Callahan, who has been the liaison between the merchants and board. The idea of having a farmers market came up about 10 months ago because some of the proponents of the market worried the downtown area is turning into a financial and banking center, pushing out retail

establishments. They had hoped the farmers market might give people the opportunity to get to know Rancho Santa Fe. Christ said before the market can move forward, the county needed the goahead from the Association. The Association tabled the issue until sufficient time was allowed for input from residents. The most likely location for the market would be closing El Tordo between Avenida de Acacias and La Granada during the farmers market. It would take place between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on Saturdays. In other Association news, Ivan Holler, assistant manger, reported that he is expecting the final environmental impact report concerning the proposed roundabouts at three local interTURN TO MARKET ON A15

Inaugural Rancho Santa Fe tree lighting celebration a success By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — If people weren’t in the Christmas spirit before the tree lighting outside the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Club, they should be now. With the scent of a wood fire clinging to the crisp evening air and Christmas music making spirits bright, hardly anyone could

KEEPING THE SPIRIT The tradition of wreathmaking at the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club predates World War II and continues to this day. A6

remain un-jolly for very long. About 300 people turned out for the inaugural event held on Dec. 2. “We are hoping to make this an annual tradition,” said Al Castro, general manger of the golf club, who launched the idea. He said he hoped that people would look forward to

Inside: Two Sections, 32 pages Arts & Entertainment . A13 Food & Wine . . . . . . . . A10 Opinion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A4 Marketplace News . . . . A12

the event each year, especially those with small children. “We hope this can be a family tradition to make memories the community can look back on for years to come,” Castro said. While people waited for night to fall and the official lighting of the tree, they were treated to tables laden with Christmas cookies and hot chocolate topped with whipped cream or marshmallows.There was coffee and tea for those who preferred them. The little ones, hardly containing their excitement, played tag around the tree waiting for things to get started. “We wanted to come out The Jacobsen brothers, Ross, 4 and Harrison 3, play tag around the and see the first annual tree tree waiting for the tree to be lit. Photo by Patty McCormac

lighting,” said Garth Jacobsen, keeping his eye on sons Ross, 4, and Harrison, 3. While the kids played the older set chatted with their neighbors and friends and sampled the treats. “I came to see the tree lit, hear some carols and have some goodies,” said longtime Rancho Santa Fe resident Jo Zolin, nibbling on a cookie. Soon the Full Measure Carolers stood before the tree and sang perfectly harmonized Christmas carols. They were dressed in authenticlooking Dickens-style costumes, the men wearing top hats and the women bonnets. Then the moment everyTURN TO CELEBRATION ON A15

- Register by Dec. 31 to avoid late fee - Evaluations January 20, 2013 (make-ups on January 23rd)


DEC. 14, 2012


City turns down donor wall at Shores By Bianca Kaplanek

City Council denied a request at the Dec. 3 meeting from the Del Mar Foundation to install donor recognition artwork on a concrete block wall outside what was formerly the administration office of the Del Mar Union School District. After purchasing what is known as the Shores property from the district in 2008, the city adopted a policy allowing only temporary use of any facility at the site and prohibiting all donor recognition until the master plan is complete. On May 1, 2012, the foundation was granted a two-year interim agreement allowing it and Del Mar Community Connections to use the building, located at 225 Ninth St. It is also available to other city organizations and groups that need space to hold meetings. With donations from community members, volunteers spent the summer renovating the inside and outside of the building. The foundation moved in Aug. 28. As part of the remodel, board member Betty Wheeler solicited proposals from local artists Mara Bickett and Becky Deller to improve the wall. The artists created three designs, which were voted on during the August open house. An ocean-themed blue wave wall received the most votes. The foundation collected $1,250 in donations for the

The wall outside an administrative building on the Shores property was recently renovated and painted. The ocean-themed design plans call for ceramic fish and bubbles that include the names of donors who helped pay for the improvement project. City Council denied a request to add the ceramic pieces, which are already made with the names, saying it goes against a policy to disallow any donor recognition until a master plan for the property is complete. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek

project. After the wall was repaired and waterproofed, Wheeler authorized Bickett and Deller to paint the waves on it and create ceramic bubbles and fish that would contain the names of donors who helped renovate the building. Soon after, Wheeler said, she learned Friends of Del Mar Parks, which raised millions of dollars in donations for the purchase of the Shores property, “had a serious issue� with the donor recognition. She said officials with that group told her if temporary recognition was given to foundation donors they would want the same acknowledgement for those who helped buy the site. The wall is painted and ocean-resembling flora has

been planted. Seven large ceramic fish and 47 ceramic blue bubbles that contain donor names are made but have not been attached. Wheeler said she authorized the pieces to be made before receiving city approval. “If that was jumping the gun, that was my fault,� she said, adding she was “on a fast track to get into the building.� “We would like to make it look as good as possible for whatever time we have use of the building,� Wheeler said. She also said she made it clear to all parties involved the wall would be temporary. Council members said they appreciate Wheeler’s efforts, especially because the site looks much better now, but they had little choice in their decision. “To be consistent the city

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has to deny this request even though it is infinitely more attractive than the wall before it was painted,� Councilman Don Mosier said. “The major donors who helped us buy the Shores park would be first on the recognition list.� “I have mixed feelings about it,� Councilwoman Lee Haydu said. “I understand what Betty’s done (but) we may be opening up a whole can that we do not want to do.� The handful of residents who addressed council agreed. “You are really opening up a bigger problem,� said Joe Sullivan, president of Friends of Del Mar Parks. “If you approve this request I think that you will be opening up requests for all sorts of memorials, benches, fountains, sculptures, art pieces.� “Essentially we will have opened Pandora’s box,� resident Warren Spieker said. “And let’s face it. Temporary in Del Mar can often take on permanence.� Wheeler said the fish and bubbles are an integral part of the wall design and it might not look as good without them. Councilman Mark Filanc suggested mounting the donor artwork inside the building and making new pieces for the outside, a recommendation Sullivan supported. “Happy with the fish on the wall,� Sullivan said. “Don’t want names on them.� Wheeler estimated it would cost $1,000 to make new fish and bubbles without names on them. “It seems a shame that all these beautiful ceramic pieces will have to be remade,� Filanc said. Wheeler could not be reached at press time to say whether she would have the pieces redone without the names.

Golf course tree plan to be revealed By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — The issue of cutting down trees on the Rancho Santa Fe Golf Course was back for discussion at the Dec.Association 6 meeting. However, this time it seemed some kind of understanding had been reached between the Committee on the Natural Environment, or CONE, and golf club officials. Ann Boon, an Association board member as well as a CONE member,told the board that the two sides met on Dec. 3 and the only topic discussed was the issue of the golf course’s plan to remove a significant number of trees. Also at the meeting were members of the Art Jury and the president of the Green Committee at the golf club. “The president of the golf club was there to explain the plan, although he said that the plan has not been finalized because it has not been approved by the golf club membership,� she said. Late last month, the CONE committee became alarmed that trees on the golf course were being cut down at an alarming rate and that the golf club’s master plan called for removing 150 to 200 trees. Boon said the golf club belongs to all the residents and everyone should have a voice in the issue that could affect the look of the community. Al Castro, general manager of the golf club, said the club is in the process of revising its master plan established in 2001, which includes a tree plan. “In the past, there was not a clear strategy where we added or deleted trees,� Castro said. He said that many of the trees are planted too close to each other, some are diseased and that some of areas of the

golf course are compromised by having too much shade. “What we are doing is opening windows by spacing them out a little better to open windows of sunlight,� Castro said. Castro said they are in the process of putting the plan out to the golf membership for approval before putting before the Art Jury and then making sure the Association has the opportunity to provide input. Boon said that her committee and the Association agreed that since the plan is more than 10 years old, any changes or updates to the plan should be reviewed according to the same process as the original plan. “There was a consensus that the process and final approval will be up to our board,� Boon said. She said because the golf club belongs to the entire community, not just to golf club members, the Association board needs to feel comfortable that the entire community is aware of what is being proposed and has the opportunity to comment. “I think among members of the CONE,there is probably some confusion as to exactly why the trees need to be removed,� Boon said. “Some representatives of the golf club pointed to the need to improve the playability of the course in the winter and others cited the need to improve playability in the summer.� So that everyone has a clear understanding of the plan, golf club officials have agreed to identify the trees they are proposing to remove as well as place stakes in the ground where they intend to plant new trees. The community will have a chance to see the plan and provide input at a meeting at 4 p.m. Jan. 22 at the golf club.



DEC. 14, 2012

Council delays taking action on housing By Bianca Kaplanek

The dirt on soil KENT HORNER Local Roots One great thing about working with plants of all types, irrigation systems and landscapes on a regular basis is that you can get great hands-on experience and learn oftentimes much more from doing and solving problems than you would by attending a lecture or a class. A great tenant I like to employ for my designs and landscape installs is to be aware not only of the microclimate situations but also the soil types and drainage considerations you might encounter for any given home or location. I have come to the realization that soil types will often dictate what kind of plants can survive with very little amendments, their hole sizes during install and what the budget dictates in terms of soil prep or finishing materials that eventually leave you with a product that can stand the test of time. Super clay-like soils in opposition to sandy soils

require care in terms of irrigation control during the initial planting stage. Sandy soils often need plants that tolerate quick moisture loss and nutrient replenishment. But one of the most interesting things I have learned from my experience is that soil biology can either make or break a beautiful garden and even affect commercial productivity. A great secret to creating a beautiful garden is to let nature do the work for you. Sure, we have all heard about amendments, soil tilling and the four parts of soil — air, organics, minerals and moisture — but a key insight to have is that soils are living. Soils are a giant community alive on a microbial level, a fungul level and a macrobiotic level including earthworms and insects good or bad. I am not an organic chemist but the simple rules of nutrient availability and uptake are much more complex than you would think. Ph, soils humus, water and the interaction of all these things in combination with the living constituents that populate our dirt allow plants to flourish or fail depending upon their indiTURN TO LOCAL ROOTS ON A15

As city officials work to obtain a certified housing element, some residents are accusing them of using the state requirement as a means to implement part of Proposition J, a downtown revitalization initiative defeated in the Nov. 6 election that was supported by all council members. Meanwhile, the city attorney presented a worst-case scenario in which the state could require the city to build affordable housing on city parks. “It looks to me … that items that were rejected by the voters on Nov. 6 in Prop. J have somehow leaked into the housing element,” former Councilman Henry Abarbanel said as the issue was discussed at the Dec. 3 meeting. “Retribution feels foremost in my mind right now,” resident Drew Cady said. “It feels like this is a convenient way of sort of railroading some of this action through.” “A part of me is feeling like we said no (to increased density downtown) but it’s going in there anyways,” Robin Crabtree said. “I’m sorry, but I don’t trust you guys … right now.” “It sounds as though you had a job to do last year that you chose not to do,” Del Mar resident and outgoing County Supervisor Pam Slater-Price said. “That was to work on the housing element at the time that it should have been addressed.That did not need to be a part of Prop. J.” But not everyone agreed with that assessment. “I think this has absolutely nothing to do with Prop. J,” resident Barbara Mandel said. “Prop. J didn’t focus on affordable housing. … I see them as very separate.” Mandel said she believes “there’s a huge miscommunication about what the housing

element is supposed to be.” She said it’s a long-term plan that merely identifies potential but realistic sites for future housing, something the city needs to do given its poor reputation at the county level. “Del Mar looks terrible in the eyes of the greater San Diego County community,” she said, conveying the tone reflected during several San Diego Association of Governments meetings she attended. “That we cannot come up with 22 units is an

City Attorney Leslie Devaney said a number of cities in the state, like Del Mar, have been out of compliance with no action taken by HCD. However, Devaney said, HCD officials have indicated penalties will be on the table going forward. She likened the department to a sleeping lion that could be awakened at any time. If and when that happens, there’s no way to know how it will react, she said. HCD could require the

I think I would rather face that lion than the repercussions of all the citizens of Del Mar.” Mark Filanc Councilman,Del Mar

embarrassment.” Mayor Carl Hilliard agreed, saying the head of HCD has said “enough is enough.We’ve been giving you latitude over a long period of time. Don’t kick the can down the road any further.” The city must have a housing element certified by the state Department of Housing and Community Development by April 27, 2013. Because HCD takes about 90 days to review the document, the preliminary plan must be submitted by Jan. 27. Following a regional assessment by the San Diego Association of Governments for the 2013-2020 cycle, Del Mar is required to identify sites for 71 housing units. Of those, 10 are penalty units for not currently having a certified plan and 22 must be affordable to those who fall in the low- or very-low income category. While the units don’t need to be built, the city must demonstrate they can be.

city to be compliant within 60 days, deem all approved permits as at-risk or put a moratorium on issuing any building permits, Devaney said. “The HCD could decide during a moratorium to impose low-income housing on cityowned lands and your parks,” she said. “That is a potential carnage.” “We do not plan based upon the promise of grants or the fear of litigation,” former Councilman Dave Druker said. “We plan based upon what is best for the community. … We’ve always done it that way.” HCD has determined, in Del Mar, the affordable requirement could be met by increasing density to allow 20 units per acre, a low number compared to some cities. Proposition J included plans to add mixed-used development and increased density in the downtown area. After the initiative failed, council members at the Nov. 19 meeting directed staff look at

modifying some or all of the central commercial zone development standards from the current one dwelling unit per parcel to 20 units. That plan was scheduled for discussion at the Dec. 3 council meeting and adoption at the Dec. 5 Planning Commission before being sent to HCD. “I don’t think that there’s anything sinister (that’s) been plotted here,” Councilman Mark Filanc said, adding that Proposition J likely failed for a variety of reasons, not just the density element. Because it didn’t pass, Filanc said, the city needs to move on. Council opted to continue the discussion at the Dec. 5 Planning Commission meeting and hold another workshop possibly before the end of the year, and again in January. “I think it’s more important that we get that input,” Filanc said. “I think I would rather face that lion than the repercussions of all the citizens of Del Mar.” Councilman Terry Sinnott also said he would rather consider constructive suggestions from the community than go forward with the plan presented at the Dec. 3 meeting. “The timing is just unfortunate,” he said. “I think we need to kind of regroup, readjust. It’s not going to be a killer, but it’s going to be tough to do but I think we can do it.” Hilliard said drafting a housing element is made more difficult because 20 percent of the city is occupied by the Del Mar Fairgrounds, a state agency over which the city has no control. He said a portion of the land in the city is in the 100year flood zone, some areas are slopes the California Coastal Commission won’t allow the city to build on and the city is built out.

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COMMUNITY COMMENTARIES The Community Commentary section is open to everyone. Opinions expressed in the Community Commentary section are in no way representative of The Coast News Group. Send submissions no longer than 700 words to Submission does not guarantee publication.

Schwarzenegger: A lousy leader with a worse memory By Thomas D. Elias

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Letters to the Editor and reader feedback are welcome. Unsigned letters and letters without city of residence will not be published.Letters should be no longer than 300 words and include a contact telephone number. Submission does not guarantee publication.Email letters to Views expressed in letters do not reflect the views ofThe Coast News Group.If published, please wait one month for next submission.

Farmer’s market is missed opportunity I have lived in the Ranch for over twenty years, (for the past 16 years, DMCCE) and I believe a Farmer’s Market will be an Amazing Perk to our Community! We can opt for booths that donate funds to Elementary Education in the Ranch (preferably in the area of Music and Art), booths that promote the sale of drought tolerant and native plants (sorely needed in the gardens of residents for fire prevention and minimum water usage) and booths selling organic produce and fruit. A study of the Del Rayo Farmer’s Market can further enhance the success of this venture. Rancho Santa Fe is most certainly not “The Twilight Zone!” Let’s be open to new ventures, which promote camaraderie amongst residents and visitors alike! The Market could stimulate local business, particularly restaurants and shops... Tweaking the hours of Operation can diffuse traffic issues... Our Community needs to flourish and thrive! The alternative is to stagnate! Yours truly, Sue Ann Scheck, Rancho Santa Fe

Encinitas shouldn’t subsidize lobbying, political nonprofits We’re grateful for Coast Law’s efforts, and those of The Coast News in helping to investigate and identify the nonprofit group, We Love Encinitas, established through Paul Gaspar, Councilmember Kristin Gaspar’s husband. Many are curious to know whether the Fair Political Practices Commission would consider the second mailer to cross the line of legality? To most, both the first and second mailers, which we now know were disseminated through

Gaspar, are political in that they are using the survey to support incumbents. However, the second mailer, in excluding Councilmember Teresa Barth, was more overtly partisan. When this agenda item, a survey to be taken by True North every other year for three years, came before Council, at the request of City Manager Gus Vina, all public speakers objected. We all knew the survey results would be glowing because people here love our weather and our beaches; most residents polled aren’t involved with City Hall, directly. When Barth and outgoing Councilmember Jim Bond suggested the survey not be taken during election years, they were essentially overruled by Deputy Mayor Gaspar and outgoing Mayor Jerome Stocks. In the end, we don’t feel Vina got truly useful input from the survey; instead it is widely known to have been another unwanted nonprofit subsidy, a PR tool supporting the incumbents. When the new Council is seated, a priority should be to cancel future surveys of this nature, particularly those taken during even numbered years, with “data analysis” released just before General Elections. Whether or not these mailers are illegal, they’re inappropriate, demonstrating our city needs to address overly “cozy” relationships with subsidized nonprofits and so-called “independent contractors,” who are often actually lobbyists, proponents for development/political concerns and associated business interests. Going forward, both contractors and nonprofits should apply, yearly, for open-bid contracts or community grants. Lynn Marr, Leucadia

Contributers: P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850




The Rancho Santa Fe News is published biweekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. The advertising deadline is the Friday preceding the Friday of publication. Editorial deadline is the Friday proceeding publication. The comments on this page are the opinions of the individual columnists and do not necessarily represent the views of the Coast News Group, its publisher or staff. If you would like to respond directly to a columnist, please email them directly at the address listed below the column. You may also express your views by writing a letter to the editor. For hold delivery while on vacation or for other distribution concerns and info, write to


Contact the Editor TONY CAGALA


Back when movie muscleman Arnold Schwarzenegger ran for governor for the first time in 2003, seeking to oust Gray Davis from the post to which he had freshly been reelected, he was often accompanied by two types of people: One group was car dealers, eager to see the state vehicle license tax lowered by about 60 percent, putting about $6 billion back into the pockets of Californians and thereby greatly increasing car sales. The other was small business owners who invariably said they were thinking of moving out of California because of its high taxes and strict environmental regulations. “We need Arnold,” one owner of a San Gabriel tire recycling business declared in a prototype late September rally with Schwarzenegger smiling happily beside him. He threatened to move his operation to Las Vegas if Schwarzenegger didn’t win. “It’s just too expensive here and he’ll make things different.” Schwarzenegger swears in his month-old memoir “Total Recall” (co-written with Peter Petre) that he did just that. For sure, he cut the car tax by $6 billion. That was his first act after taking office, and its consequences still reverberate: That $6 billion per year now adds up to more than $50 billion in lost revenue, much more than it would have taken to pay off the entire state deficit without any of the taxes that became big election issues this fall, and also restore most of the programs that have been cut back since Schwarzenegger took over. Those includes everything from community colleges and state universities to work-forwelfare, road-building and inhome care for the frail elderly. But at least Schwarzenegger kept the promise he made both to voters and to the car dealers who were among the largest financiers of his campaign. But what about those small business owners? Listen to them now and you’d have to believe Schwarzenegger totally betrayed them. For the single law about which they’ve complained most over the last six years is the 2006 Global Warming Solution Act, promoted and signed by Schwarzenegger and better known as AB32, its legislative bill number. This one set up the cap-andtrade system that took effect this fall, limiting the amounts of greenhouse gases businesses can emit and gradually reducing them until they’re back to 1992 levels, when California’s populace was about 9 million less than today. Schwarzenegger’s book doesn’t mention any consequences of his cutting the car tax, nor does he say much about what business lobbies like the

state Chamber of Commerce say will be the negative effects of AB32. He also ignores the middle class exodus from California which began in the mid-1990s and was largely spurred by coastal area residents cashing out their real estate and moving to less expensive states, a trend that increased all through his term in office, despite his promises to stem it. An often-cited October report from the Manhattan Institute titled “The Great California Exodus” uses federal tax data to find that, for example, net out-migration to Texas in 2006-09 — the heart of the Schwarzenegger era, averaged 41,300 persons per year. To Nevada, it averaged 25,600 per year. That one also got by Schwarzenegger admirer Joel Fox, former head of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn. and an anti-tax crusader, when he wrote about Arnold on his Fox & Hounds Daily blog. “Schwarzenegger’s business-related record…deserves a bit of the spotlight,” Fox wrote shortly after the ex-governor’s memoir was published in October, without explaining why California regained from Texas its spot as America’s leading job producer only after Schwarzenegger left office. Yet Fox — who served as a Schwarzenegger adviser — called him “a refreshing change for the business community” in an article headlined “If there were an Oscar for businessfriendly, Arnold Schwarzenegger would have won it.” Is that so? As with other parts of Schwarzenegger’s performance and personality, this was largely illusion. Major businesses that relocated headquarters or built major factories outside the state during his tenure included Nissan North America, which moved to Tennessee to be nearer its largest assembly plant; Northrop Grumman Inc., whose headquarters moved to the Virginia suburbs of Washington, D.C. after it was bought by a private investment company; and Intel, which built new plants in Texas and Idaho while keeping its headquarters here. Republicans and business advocates jump on Gov. Jerry Brown when similar moves occur on his watch, but neither Schwarzenegger nor pals like Fox ever said much about Arnold-era departures. So much for total recall. This book, like Schwarzenegger’s term in general, would better be titled Flawed Memory. Elias is author of the current book “The Burzynski Breakthrough: The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s Campaign to Squelch It,” now available in an updated fourth printing. Email him at

Parents weigh in on yoga program at school By Jared Whitlock

Although no action was scheduled to be taken following a district report on a controversial new yoga program, many packed into the Encinitas Union School District board meeting Tuesday night to voice arguments for or against it. Earlier this year, the district began a yoga program at five of the district’s nine campuses. The program, which is designed to promote fitness among students, is being funded by a $534,000 grant from the Jois Foundation, a group that supports Ashtanga yoga and wellness programs in schools. The program’s inception has not been without controversy. Detractors of the program have accused the district of pushing religious beliefs associated with Ashtanga yoga onto kids. In response, supporters have said the program is strictly for giving kids a mental and physical boost, not religious indoctrination. Previously, attorney David Boyles had threatened legal action on behalf of those opposed to the program. At the meeting Boyles argued that “worshipful positions,” “yoga breathing” and “the imagery” of Ashtanga yoga can’t be untangled from Hinduism beliefs, and said that the district is violating separation of church and state. “Let us please stop playing transparently deceptive word games, and finally admit it to ourselves,” Boyles said. In response to Boyle, attorney David Peck said he and other lawyers would represent the district pro bono should a lawsuit be filed. But Peck noted he



DEC. 14, 2012

Spilling out the doors of a crowded school board meeting Tuesday, some residents clap in support of a controversial yoga program. Photo by Jared Whitlock

hoped the issue “isn’t resolved in the courtroom.” Peck said his role as a parent also brought him to the meeting. He countered that those against the program are taking information about Ashtanga yoga out of context and misrepresenting a secular program. “It’s not what we’re reading on a website, it’s not what the foundation says, it’s not what a guru says in India,” he said. It’s about what an instructor “will be teaching my son,” he added. A fourth-grade teacher vouched for the program, which she said has been misconstrued by some parents. “All it does is help our students; it helps our students become centered; it helps them calm their minds,” she said. Trustee Carol Skiljan said she sympathized with parents who are concerned about the program and said more work is needed to find a solution. But from her research sitting in on the program,

she believes yoga taught at schools in the district is the “garden variety” and not promoting religious viewpoints. Students in all grades take part in the program twice a week for 30 minutes. Trustee Maureen Muir said the district should provide students with more choices, rather than only dedicating time to yoga. Prior to public and board comments, school officials covered the goals of the yoga program during a report about health and fitness in the district. David Miyashiro, assistant superintendent of educational services, said the program was specially tailored with fitness standards dictated by the State and Federal government in mind. He added that the program has emotional benefits, including aiding concentration and positive thinking. He noted that parents who do not want their kids

in yoga can opt out. When asked during a break in the meeting how many kids had be pulled at a parent’s request, he said “less than a dozen.” The program is scheduled to debut at the four other schools in the district in January. Superintendent Tim Baird fielded commonly asked questions from letters that had been sent to the district over the last month. Baird clarified that the district, not the Jois Foundation, sets the curriculum for the program. “The district is in charge of all aspects of this program,” Baird said. He noted some parents had asked about the difference between regular yoga and Ashtanga yoga. Baird said that Ashtanga yoga “tweaks” some of the basic yoga poses, adding that the version taught in schools is not steeped in and doesn’t forward any kind of religious affiliation.

Games, music and holiday fun for shoppers Get in the spirit of the season with a steady schedule of music and activities at the Westfield North County mall, 272 East Via Rancho Parkway. All month long, the mall will be filled with strolling entertainers, including: — Dec. 15, San Pasqual High School band boosters strolling performance — Dec. 21, A caroling hand-bell quartet, noon to 4 p.m. — Dec. 21, Pomerado Brass Quintet performance, 6 to 7 p.m. — Dec. 22, San Pasqual High School band boosters strolling performance — Dec. 22, A caroling hand-bell quartet, 4 to 7 p.m. — Dec. 23, San Pasqual High School band boosters strolling performance — Dec. 23, The Rockin’ Cranberries, 2 to 6 p.m. — Dec. 23, The Full Measure Carolers strolling performance, 3 to 6 p.m. Youngsters can be part of an interactive Santa Experience incorporated into the new holiday decor. While waiting in line to visit Santa, guests can explore custom digital interactive experiences, including a touchscreen game for youngsters, and a digital photo booth that allows shoppers to create and send holiday e-cards to friends and family. The Chabad of Poway and Westfield North County are hosting a Hanukkah Menorah Lighting event. The Chabad lit the first candle on the menorah Dec. 8 and will continue lighting the candles through Dec. 15 in Center Court, Level 2. On Saturdays and Sundays, one lucky child will be picked to ring the special jingle bells that welcome Santa to Westfield North County. Be there before the

big guy arrives and your child could experience this magical moment and receive a special gift from Santa himself. Shoppers, who ride the trackless train and show their used tickets at Concierge, will receive a free jingle bell necklace, while supplies last. To avoid having to wait in long lines for Santa Photos, the mall will offer a Santa Photos FastPass program. To sign up, visit Westfield North County has also teamed up with 12 San Diego County Girl Scout troops for a Festival of Trees. You can vote by filling out a ballot at the mall, Level 3 on BridgesLevel 3 on Bridges. Shoppers can share their holiday spirit at the Salvation Army Angel Tree in front of Sears, near the Playspace. Help make a child's Christmas a little brighter with a contribution through Dec. 24. Through Dec. 24, take part in a holiday season scavenger hunt. Find the holiday helpers and get a free giveaway: 1) Find five holiday characters on storefronts throughout the mall. 2) Snap a photo of each one you see 3) Collect photos or locations of all five - Santa, Snowman, Nutcracker, Elf and Rudolph. 4) Show your photos or list to Westfield Concierge for a limited edition holiday ornament. See Concierge for details, Level 1.

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Help make childrens’ holiday wishes come true COAST CITIES — Casa de Amparo, a leader in the treatment and prevention of child abuse and neglect, asks help from the San Diego community in securing gifts for 300 children in the organization’s six programs serving children from birth through age 24. If you would like to help, bring a new, unwrapped gift from the Holiday Wish List open Monday through Friday, 4 to 8 p.m., Dec. 10 through Dec. 19, to Casa de Amparo’s Holiday Donation Center, 635 Twin Oaks Valley Road, Suite 5, San Marcos. Each year, Casa de Amparo, collects “wish lists” from each child in their care. A comprehensive holiday wish list containing the many items needed is available at (search “Holiday Wish List”) or contact Tiffany Stanonik at or call (760) 5663559.

Wished-for gifts are many and cover a wide range of things that will bring joy to children healing from the trauma of abuse. They include music, Wii games and Lego’s, iPods and mp3 players, makeup, clothes, shoes and gift cards, or pots, pans and household items for former foster youth trying to set up new lives in new apartments. Needs change as wishes are fulfilled, so check the list for current most-needed items.

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DEC. 14, 2012


Join chorus for ‘Messiah’ Sing

Garden Club continues wreath-making tradition

By Tony Cagala

In the summer of 1741 Baroque composer George Frideric Handel began work on what would become one of the most renowned and performed oratorios in the world. Taking a little more than 20 days to do it, he composed the “Messiah” in what some described was a fit of creative rapture. “I did think I did see all of Heaven before me and the great God Himself,” Handel was supposed to have said, according to biographer Paul Henry Lang, though Lang added, the stories of Handel’s raptures remain “unsubstantiated.” “It is the Christmas piece,” said La Jolla Symphony Choral Director David Chase.“For over a century this piece has been performed and performed and performed. Going back into the 19th century, it’s been the big festival thing to do at Christmas.” On Dec. 16, Chase will lead not only volunteering members of the La Jolla Symphony and Chorus in a performance of “Messiah,” but also several hundred members of the public for what has become one of the community’s treasured traditions. “We have about 800 people who show up for this thing, most years,” Chase said. “You’ve got everybody from really dyed-in-the-wool experienced choral singers to kids who’ve not sung it before, and you’re making an opportunity for everybody to participate in this music. It feels like you’re doing something good for everybody.” The “Messiah” Sing, as it has become known, is a tradition that started with Chase, a Leucadia resident who is now in his 30th year

By Patty McCormac

RANCHO SANTA FE — The tradition of wreath-making at the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club predates World War II. No one can remember how long it went on before that, said Shirley Coreless, who had been charge of the event for the past several years. The tradition is to make one wreath for oneself and then one to donate to the Rancho Santa Fe Senior Center for distribution to the homebound, Coreless said. “We always donate one to the Library for their tea,” she said. During the event, held on Dec. 5 outside the clubhouse, at least 20 people stood at tables practically knee-deep in a variety of greenery turning them into beautiful Christmas wreaths. The raw material included blue cedar, eucalyptus, magnolia and ivy. Also used are a variety of berries and dried hydrangea heads — all landscape clippings. “The greenery is collected from private estates by Arnold Keene and his crew from the Rancho Santa Fe Association,” she said. “It’s such fun,” said Garden Club President Helen DiZio. “We do it because it is a wonderful tradition and look at all the beautiful wreaths we made for people in our own community.” The garden club donates the materials, such as the wreath rings and ribbons, to the cause. Those who wanted could personalize their own

Taunya Daley, Holli Lienau and Claudia Dufau work on their wreaths. Courtesy photo

wreaths with items they brought from home. Coreless said she was happy to see so many people turn out for the event. “It’s a really nice experience for those who have never done it before and those who did not realize the artistic ability they have,” she said. That proved true with William McMullen, firsttime wreath-maker whose first effort was so beautiful that is was chosen as the one to donate to the library. His second effort was shaping up beautifully as well. Coreless said the wreath-making event is truly a genuine expression of the Christmas spirit and a way to good way to get into the “true” holiday spirit.

“It is non-commercial. We are working with natural materials which are all found locally. It’s just what a garden club should do.” Ginger Bord, former garden club president, said she was happy with the turnout and the number of new people who came. “We are really set on keeping the tradition alive,” Bord said. The Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club was founded in 1926 to enhance gardening and landscaping in the area. An anonymous donor gave funds to build a clubhouse. Famous architect Lilian Rice, who is responsible for the design and look of the Village, designed the clubhouse and supervised its construction.

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David Chase, choral director of the La Jolla Symphony Chorus, seen in a photo from last year, leads choral singers from his chorus and members of the public in the “Messiah” Sing. The Sing, which has become a community tradition, will be held at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church in Carlsbad Dec. 16. Photo courtesy of Bill Dean

leading the La Jolla Symphony Chorus. The performance at the St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church will include the “Christmas” portion part one, and the “Hallelujah” segment of Handel’s composition. Bill Ziefle, a member of the La Jolla Symphony Chorus for close to 29 years, has been described as an “aficionado” of the “Messiah” Sing for as many as he’s been a part of, going back to almost its inception with Chase. “The ‘Messiah’ is a draw,” Ziefle said. “And the people do like to participate, and it’s a way to participate in another Christmas activity that’s shared. They can bring family members or friends, and do it with strangers, too. “But it really is the music. The ability to be clos-

er with the music by participating in it, I think, is largely the draw for people,” Ziefle said. This performance will be the fifth year with Fallbrook resident Rosalind Donoghue. Admittedly, Donoghue’s singing experience amounts to her time in her high school choir. Now a dentist, Donoghue said it was intimidating for her at first to get up and sing, but added that the concert is very accessible. It may help that her daughter Madison is a member of the LJSC or that she brings students from the Fallbrook High School Choir to join her. “To have the opportunity to join the La Jolla Symphony Choir was exciting,” she said, “but also TURN TO MESSIAH ON A14

DEC. 14, 2012



Deck the halls.... Each year, members of the Rancho Santa Fe Garden Club divey up duties and spend a day decorating their clubhouse. This year they got a jump on December and started the project on Nov. 28. Photos by Patty McCormac

Fran Johnson gathers up garlands.

Tina Rappaport, sits among decorations and wraps gifts.

Sandy Southworth, Mary Jam and Ginger Board, decorate greenery before it is put in place.

Nicki Johnson, on the ladder, gets help from LaVern Schlosser and Shelly Linde.


DEC. 14, 2012






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DEC. 14, 2012

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DEC. 14, 2012



TASTE OF WINE A guide to holiday getaways near & far Wine of the Month


Taste of Wine

2011 WIENS Merrytage”

About this wine In the holiday spirit, this 1.5 Liter ( Magnum) bottle of a special blend of WIENS Family Cellars “sailed” out of Temecula, to appeal to a broad range of wine palates. Fruity and pleasantly textured, this wine of the month will pair nicely with a wide variety of menus for the dinner table, and should create a “wow” among guests. The label and the richness of the wine flavor make it a perfect gift for the occasion. Made from 35 percent Cabernet, 28 percent Grenache, 22 percent Syrah and 15 percent Mourvedre. Should pour ten glasses.

The Winery

Wiens is located in Temecula Wine Country on Rancho California Rd. and is known for quality “big reds.” The winemaker is Doug Wiens. Truly a family winery, all 46 members have been known to get together at the harvest.


$49. at the winery. Club members $39.20. Call (888) 989-4367 to order.

A growing number of people I know have had it with the “rush hour” mentality of the days leading up to Christmas and extending into the New Years holiday. Those intrepid individuals tend to park their cars in the driveways of out-of-the-way resorts with quiet ambience that signal a meditative, relaxed way to celebrate. But first they promise themselves no more shopping malls and supermarkets for their wine and other personal gifts to family and friends that count. “Cyber Monday” on Nov. 26 was Exhibit A that consumers are flocking to the Internet for their special gifts. Sales were up 30 percent over last year, while “Black Friday” on Nov. 23 sales were up just 4 percent. If you were one of those that already did your shopping on the “net” you now have time to plan a getaway to the Inn at Rancho Santa Fe. Anytime is a lovely time to stroll the greenbelts and soak in the sunshine in the areas of rest and relaxation at the Inn. This time of year, you can enjoy the seasonal fantasy of Christmas décor, and the food, wine and fun of New Year’s Eve. In researching this article I discovered that décor changes are in progress both in and out of the rooms and cottages, at all times respecting the heritage of its tradition. The spa will be upgraded to bring it up to date and some cottages will offer “country

Food and Beverage Manager and Wine Sommelier Sean Dawson manages the wine program at the Inn at Rancho Samte Fe. Photos by Frank Mangio

elegance,” on this serene property, just minutes from downtown San Diego. A portion of the great lawn will be enhanced to include community events. The Inn’s restaurant is already showing personality changes with a menu profile that is being crafted by Executive Chef Todd Allison who has been creating dishes since July when he came over from Anthology in the Gaslamp of San Diego. “I am emphasizing French dishes within the classic Mediterranean style. I pick up fresh vegetables daily, along with fresh fish like prawns, mussels, rockfish, scallops and trout,” he revealed. His earlier work was with the legendary San Francisco Chef Michael Mina when he ran Aqua, at the St. Regis Monarch Beach, in

The serene lawn and wooded area of The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe is striking in its beauty and serves as a getaway for many

Orange County. I also can recommend meeting the wine sommelier Sean Dawson who is a big backer of California wines. He advised me on the Napa Valley Hall Cabernet with a 2008 vintage, the top Napa Valley wine from Wine Spectator last year. It was magnificent with a New York Strip Steak. “This is a small production, very well balanced, organically grown Cabernet,” he pointed out. Dawson expects to be introducing a “Wines of the Pacific Coast” monthly series of events. If you stay away from the shopping centers, you can watch the waves crash just moments away at nearby Del Mar or Encinitas or walk the

coastline and breathe in the Pacific. Catch a room reservation or a dinner by visiting My “far” recommendations include the Vintage Inn/Villagio Inn & Spa, both linked at Oakville in the Napa Valley. Both are running a Great Escape promotion that you can check out at (800) 3511133. The other I have,if price is no object, is Meadowood in St. Helena, a quiet and cushy Napa Valley gem that features daily wine tastings, golf, tennis and croquet, and of course a full-service spa. See more at

acclaimed chef, Miguel Angel Guerrera, presenting a “Baja Med” Argentinian four-course wine paired dinner, Dec. 14 from 7 to 10 p.m. Cost is $50. RSVP at (619) 269-4267. North County Wine Company in San Marcos brings in a “Bubbly Tasting” Dec. 19 from 4 to 9 p.m. Call (760) 7442119. Meritage Wine Market in Encinitas is pouring the Wines of Napa Valley, Dec. 21 from 6 to 8 p.m. Cost is $20. Call (760) 479-2500.

Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. His library can be viewed at www.tasteWine Bytes (Average Google certified TOAST Enoteca in 900 visits per day) He is one of the top the Gaslamp downtown San five wine commentators on the Web. Diego has Tijuana’s most Reach him at


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DEC. 14, 2012


La Especial Norte tops list of local places for great soup With San Diego County entering soup season, the Albondiga (meatball), pork pozole and creamy sopa Tarasca make for fine dining at La Especial Norte.

DAVID BOYLAN Lick the Plate It’s officially soup season in San Diego. The blustery weather has us all bundled up and craving something warm and comforting.I say that somewhat in jest, but it’s all relative right? Regardless of what your idea of winter weather is, once we get into December, soup is at the top of my mind and I’m seeking it out and making it on a weekly basis. Around coastal North County, when soup is mentioned, the plethora of Mexican offerings usually tops the conversation. And for good reason — I can count half a dozen places just in the Encinitas area that all serve up amazing comfort soup and a lot of them stem from the same family. That story is a column in itself though.

La Especial Norte heads up the pack and rightfully so, their soups have been featured in Saveur Magazine and written about extensively. Their chicken soup sets the bar high, but they also feature 17 other varieties that are all worth trying. On a recent visit we ordered three small soups including the pork pozole with succulent chunks of pork and hominy, albondiga with its tender meatballs, and sopa Tarasca, a creamy bean delight that I had not tried before. La Especial Norte is always busy and has a menu full of great Mexican cuisine and a full bar with some fun margaritas. After La Especial Norte, there is a whole group of strong contenders in the Mexican soup category and I can’t say I’ve ever been disappointed by any of these. I’ll start with Jorge’s and should point out that Jorge himself is considered the godfather of Mexican soup in the area and from whom many of the others owe their success.The soup is world-

class, but be prepared if you go at prime times for an extensive wait. Raul’s Shack in downtown Encinitas wins the cool location award on the corner of D Street and Coast Highway. They just serve chicken soup there and I would suggest the spicy version to give it a little kick.Raul’s also can be a bit of a wait, but it’s such a nice place to hang out it’s hardly noticed. Betty’s has a cult-like following as well and Karina’s offers a shrimp soup that rocks. El Napalito does beef and chicken all week and menudo and pozole on the weekends. Newcomer Lourdes claims to have the best chicken soup in town, which is quite a statement and one that as of this column going to press, I can’t comment on. And yes, there are more, but this is not just about Mexican soup so it’s time to move on to other worthy soups around. I’ll take a short detour to Italy now and the minestrone at Trattoria i Trulli. The pesto,

potato, and orecchiette pasta with no beans separate this from the typical minestrone I’ve become accustomed to. Give it a generous sprinkle of parmesan cheese and enjoy. Shifting countries once

Photo by David Boylan

again, head across the street from i Trulli to either Siamese Basil or Kim’s for their version of coconut soup. It’s just such a different taste sensation yet definitely can fit into the comfort category. Miso soup and


pho can also prove to be comforting experiences, but I’ll leave those for a future column devoted just to those and the passions they evoke. For now, I’ll get back to some of the more traditional offerings and for that, the Encinitas Café always has some solid house-made selections. Any of their bean soups are always very hearty and satisfying with the lima bean soup having won best in show at the Lima Bean Festival. A column about soup would not be complete without New England clam chowder represented and Fish 101 in Leucadia is my go-to for that these days. It’s the perfect consistency and the abundance of Manila clams and bacon give it a flavor that is rich and smoky and addicting. And don’t forget the oyster crackers. This column follows the inaugural high school soup bowl competition that I featured last week that was won by the Fallbrook team with a chicken tortilla soup that is worthy of this list and that I happen to have the recipe for. If you are interested, please feel free to email me directly at Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday-Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at or (858) 395-6905.


DEC. 14, 2012



Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article. If you would like an article on this page, please call (760) 436-9737

Do you know anyone struggling with their weight? Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure are significant health problems linked to obesity. Sadly up to 85 percent of people who go on a diet gain their weight back within two years. North County residents, Greg Rex and Whitney Kell have beaten the odds and are now teaching others to do the same. After struggling for years using exercise and several diets, Greg met Medical Director and co-founder of Take Shape For Life Dr.Wayne Andersen. Using Dr. Andersen’s Habits of Health Greg lost 50 pounds. But what is most impressive is that he has kept it off over 10 years! Inspired by his results and how simple the program was he decided to become a certified health coach with Take Shape For Life to teach others what he had done. “Sharing Dr. A’s Habit’s Of Health system with people ready for change, like I was, is the most satisfying thing I have ever done!” Greg said. “Being a coach and watching people transform their physical health, self confidence and outlook on life is amazing. But having a business model to empower them to take control of their financial future by paying it forward — that’s indescribable.” The Take Shape For Life philosophy has a bit of the 12step model where one person

REGISTER FOR OUR UPCOMING FREE LOCAL EVENTS FEATURING DR. WAYNE ANDERSEN: Jan. 17, 2013: Health Professional Reception and Presentation Jan. 18, 2013: Optimal Health & Business Presentation Jan. 19, 2013: Health Coach Training with Top Field Leaders. All events are held at Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina

North County resident Greg Rex has struggled for years with his weight and the ability to stay healthy with exercise and several diets. After discovering Dr. Wayne Andersen’s program, Habits of Health, Rex has managed to lose 50 pounds and keep it off. Courtesy photos

who has learned how to replace unhealthy habits with habits of health, holds out a hand for another to help them accomplish the same thing. This is a way of creating a community of healthy, likeminded people who support each other. Simple accountability of reporting results and knowing someone who has walked in your shoes, cares about your

success and is there to celebrate it with you has helped Greg and his partner Whitney to help thousands of San Diegans not only create better health but many have gone on to become heath coaches to help lock in the lessons and to also create income. “I am really proud to be part of a company with such an important mission to get America Healthy, and it is

exciting that we are being recognized by business magazines like Fortune and Forbes who ranked us the No. 1 small company in America in 2010,” said Whitney. Each month Greg and Whitney host free educational seminars teaching the Habits of Health and the Benefits of Becoming a Health Coach. Come learn about the Take Shape For Life program and see if you would like the free support of a certified health coach. You must register to attend! To register, call (760) 2302286 or email For more information visit

Add equity to your home with a remodeled garage “Garage Enhancement,” it’s the new phrase on the street for home improvement and it’s a great way to add to your equity without buying or building a new home. Interestingly, most of us don’t think of our garages much. In fact, many of us don’t think of our garages as an asset. In our research for this article, we found that many sellers of homes, and even sales people in the new residential developments do not even show the garage to potential buyers. We were dumfounded at this discovery. Typically the garage comprises 20 percent to 30 percent of the footprint of the structure, and to not have any value added to that much area very much surprised us. Perhaps this is because the garage has historically been an empty shell of four walls and a concrete floor. In the garage you are lucky to have drywall on the walls and if you are really lucky those walls are painted. Not really that much value there. But with a garage enhancement aesthetic and financial value can be realized almost immediately. “More times than not, potential home buyers will see a finished garage or ‘enhanced garage’ and choose to buy that property over a property without a garage enhancement.” Not only does a garage enhancement

The typical garage comprises 20 percent to 30 percent of the footprint of the home’s structure. Much of that space often goes unused or is unfinished and can drag the value of a home down. Garage Experts can help turn that space into an efficient and functional space through a “garage enhacement.”

increase the value of your property, but it can be an asset to your daily life as well. The men like it for the “man cave” aspect, creating a place of workbenches and hanging tool storage to be able to efficiently work on hobby, mechanical or home projects. And, the lady of the house appreciates the attractiveness of the cabinets, the ease of cleaning and all the additional storage offered. And, now that the garage has a “finished look” it can be used for overflow entertaining during the holidays and family get togethers. To many of us it seems that our garages have turned

into mismanaged and disorganized storage units that are conveniently located close to home.The fact is most of us do not want to open the garage door because we do not want our neighbors to see how unsightly and disorganized we have allowed ourselves and garages to become. Think of a functional garage with an attractive floor that is easy to clean and maintain, and leaves you worry-free from stains, unsightly rough concrete, cracks and oil stains. Now imagine that you can have this revolutionary new system installed in just one day with a manufacturer’s material lifetime warranty not

to ever peel or delaminate. Then, imagine it completely organized with custom cabinets, workbenches or even an entertainment system or bar to suit your individual needs. Garage Experts products are proudly made in the USA and are the most durable coatings and cabinet systems in the industry — so much so that Garage Experts epoxy coatings and cabinets come with lifetime material warranties. Garage Experts can help you “unclutter your world.” For a free in home estimate call: (760) 513-6113 or visit

Seize the opportunity now to free yourself from the chains of neuropathy.

Could this be your solution to numbness, neuropathy, or sharp pains? Do you have any of the following symptoms? Pins and needles feeling? Numbness in the hands or feet? Tingling or burning sensations? Weakness in the arms or legs? Sharp shooting or burning pains? If so, you may have a condition called Peripheral Neuropathy. Numbness, tingling, and pain are an extremely annoying problem. It may come and go...interrupt your sleep...and even make your arms or legs feel weak at times. Maybe you’ve even been to other doctors and they claim all the tests indicate you should feel fine. More Drugs Are Not The Solution. A common treatment for many nerve problems is the ‘take some pills and wait and see’ method. While this may be necessary for temporary relief of severe symptoms, using them long term is no way to live. Some of the more common drugs given include pain pills, anti-seizure mediations, and anti-depressants — all of which can have serious side effects. My name is Dr. Jeff Listiak. I’ve been helping people with neuropathy and nerve problems for more than 6 years. Neuropathy can be caused by Diabetes, Chemotherapy, Toxins, etc. It may also be compounded by poor posture or a degenerating spine stressing the nerves. The good news is that NeuropathyDR™ combination treatments have proven effective in helping patients with these health problems. Here’s what one of my patients had to say: “I had been feeling very sharp pains in my feet… they just felt like they were on fire. I just couldn’t stand it… every night for the last year or two. I’m so excited today to tell Dr Jeff that four days in a row I have felt no pain whatsoever.” — Marilyn You could soon be enjoying life...without those aggravating and life-disrupting

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DEC. 14, 2012

Ceramic artist shares humor and love of life ARTS CALENDAR Got an item for Arts calendar? Send the details via email to

DEC. 16 SYMPHONY SHINES The North Coast Symphony, with director Daniel Swem, presents “Holiday Sparkler” at 2:30 p.m. Dec. 16 and at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 18 at Seacoast Community Church, 1050 Regal Road, Encinitas. The suggested donation is $10, families $25. More information is available at (760)753-3003, or at BLUEGRASS TIME The Del Mar Foundation's Cultural Arts Committee presents Rob Ickes and Jim Hurst with “Bluegrass & Beyond” at 7 p.m. Dec. 16 at the Del Mar Powerhouse, 1600 Coast Blvd., Del Mar. Cost is $20 general admission at MESSIAH


Choral Director David Chase conducts the La Jolla Symphony Chorus and guest soloists in the Christmas portion of “The Messiah” at 4 p.m. Dec. 16 at St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church, 6628 Santa Isabel St. Carlsbad. Tickets are $15. Call (858) 534-4637 or visit

DEC. 17 ‘TIS THE SEASON The Carlsbad Choraleers will present a Christmas Concert at 1 p.m., Dec. 17 at the Carlsbad Senior Center Auditorium, 799 Pine St., Carlsbad, with carols sing-a-longs and bagpipes. For more information, call (760) 754-2326.

DEC. 18 MUSICAL BENEFIT The TERI Players will present a benefit holiday show, “Let Your Hearts Be Light,” at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 18, at the Sunshine Brooks Theater, Oceanside. Tickets are $20. For tickets, go to or call (760) 7211706.


TIME Michael Sanders will play piano at noon Dec. 19 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive.

DEC. 20 SNIP ART Artist Cheryl Sorg, presents “Let Me Spin You A Story” through Dec. 31 at the Cardiff Library, 2081 Newcastle Ave. A cut-and-paste process dissembles a book, line by line and reconfigures the text into a variety of largescale and complex forms inspired by the themes and imagery within their stories.



Celebrate the birth of light in the darkest night of the year at 7 p.m. Dec. 21 at the Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas, with Christine Stevens & the UpBeat Rhythm Tribe in “Drumming in the Light,” Winter Solstice drum circle. Bring a drum or percussion instrument. $15 suggested donation at the door. For more information, visit or call (760) 753-5786, ext. 851.

ACOUSTIC CHRISTMAS “An Acoustic Christmas” with the Peter Pupping Quartet at 8 p.m. Dec. 21, at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 915 Balour Drive, Encinitas. For more information, call (760) 9430755.

KAY COLVIN A Brush With Art Colmar, France, is the birthplace of Frédéric Auguste Bartoldi, the creator of The Statue of Liberty, universally recognized as a symbol of freedom. Coincidentally, Colmar is also the birthplace of another example of freedom: Solana Beach artist Irene de Watteville, known for her outrageously zany humor and contagious love of life. The 8-year-old de Watteville pondered the world-famous Statue from the ship’s deck upon her arrival in America for a year of adventure with her halfAmerican mother, equipped only with odd bits of English misconstrued from Frank Sinatra lyrics. De Watteville spent most of her youth in Paris. After losing her father at a tender age, she grew up in a well-appointed apartment, complete with a view of the

Eiffel Tower from her bedroom window. She reflects on her traditionally strict formative years in Paris, where she received her first exposure to art in private lessons and fabulous museums, “I learned to eat as a French woman, and develop a good sense of humor, as I have an insane family filled with contradictions.” After earning her Baccalaureate diploma in France, she returned to America to complete the four-year program at the Boston Museum School of Fine Arts. Relocating to Solana Beach in 1972, she studied the art of majolica tile under ceramicist Laird Plumleigh. Plumleigh, who formulated a specialized glaze dubbed “IRMA,” (a contraction of “Irene Majolica”) says, “Irene’s art reflects her French heritage with a twist that is whimsical, playful and full of joy, as is Irene.” Her characteristic exuberance was evident during her tenure as chairman of the Solana Beach Public Arts Advisory Commission while teased for wanting to “tile

Ceramic artist Irene de Watteville never tires of raising eyebrows with some of her discreetly risqué sculptures, or of sharing her love of life. Courtesy photo

the whole city.” With a rare combination of joie de vivre and civic responsibility, de Watteville has left her mark on numerous nonprofit endeavors

including San Diego Visual Arts Network’s “Eat Your Art Out” fundraisers and Synergy Art Foundation’s Artist Emergency Support League, of which she has

served on the board since 2003. As a board member of the Tile Heritage Foundation, de Watteville is actively involved in the preservation of historical tile arts, while as “godmother” of the ceramics department at the nonprofit ARTS: A Reason To Survive, she has been generous with her time and talents. Immersion in courses at North Carolina’s notable Penland School of Crafts influenced de Watteville to turn her focus to threedimensional ceramic sculpture, subsequently studying under MiraCosta’s Eric Gronborg. With her garage studio fully equipped with kiln, slab roller and air compressor, she often invites friends to join her for “clunch,” providing a relaxing place to work with clay as they enjoy lunch prepared in her authentically French kitchen. Cardiff muralist Chelsea McGraw says of de Watteville, “Her kindness and unique humor are the TURN TO BRUSH WITH ART ON A14


DEC. 14, 2012


For a romantic comedy, ‘Playing’ doesn’t score By Noah S. Lee

“Playing for Keeps” is mildly diverting in its attempt to elicit those feel-good emotions we expect to experience in a romantic comedy, but a combination of aimless storytelling and underdeveloped characters causes it to miss scoring a goal by a huge margin. I’m no fan of romantic comedies and never will be; the genre has failed to pique my long-term interest 95 percent of the time. Although I have no problem with a rare exception crossing my path, such titles are hard to come by and even harder to watch more than once. When I first heard about “Playing for Keeps,” I didn’t necessarily feel prejudiced toward it, but I wasn’t enthusiastic either. If anything, the choice of cast convinced me to give this film a chance in spite of its relatively weak story. After playing for this team, I can safely say my time here is done. I’m not saying the film is terrible to the extent of being on the mustavoid list, and I’m not saying it fits the textbook definition of decent. George Dryer (Gerard Butler) used to be one of the world’s most renowned professional soccer players. He has since fallen on hard times, and to make matters worse,

Jessica Biel, Noah Lomax and Gerard Butler in “Playing For Keeps,’ directed by Gabriele Muccino. Photo courtesy of Dale Robinette

his relationships with both his ex-wife (Jessica Biel) and his son (Noah Lomax) are showing little signs of improvement. In hopes of getting his life together and finding redemption, George decides to take over as the new coach of his son’s soccer team. His attempts to rebuild himself, however, do not come without challenges, and in this case, the challenges he meets appear in the form of three

attractive soccer moms (Catherine Zeta-Jones, Uma Thurman, and Judy Greer), who pursue him at every chance they get. Director Gabriele Muccino needs to work on finding a sense of direction if he intends to have a career in Hollywood. He may have impressed us with “The Pursuit of Happyness,” but that was six years ago. “Playing for Keeps” could have been a good film; instead, it achieves a strictly average score. OK, so I get that Butler’s character has hit a bump in the road and his familial relationships have reached a low


essence of her character. Every aspect of Irene’s life is an expression of who she is and what she loves.” De Watteville muses in her enchanting French accent, “I like to have fun, love the absurd, and enjoy life.” And she never tires of raising eyebrows. One of Irene de Watteville’s discreetly risqué ceramic sculptures will be on exhibit in the William D. Cannon Art Gallery’s Juried Biennial Exhibition, opening Jan. 20, 2013. A selection of


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point; I wanted to see this story arc realize its potential. There were moments where I got what I wished for, and the dynamic between Butler, Biel and Lomax feels genuine for the sake of keeping the emotions real. Each soccer match was punctuated by quiet conversations, establishing a fairly strong human element I’d hoped would continue to grow. Alas, that does not become the case. The film loses its kick by several notches when three of the soccer moms become involved in the new coach’s personal life. I kept wondering to myself if there were too many women to juggle into

her paintings will be on display in “Multiplicity,” a group show including the work of six fellow artists, at the Solana Beach City Hall Gallery with an opening reception Jan. 16, 2013, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Kay Colvin is an art consultant and director of the L Street Fine Art Gallery in San Diego’s Gaslamp Quarter. She specializes in promoting emerging and mid-career artists and bringing enrichment programs to elementary schools through The Kid’s College. Contact her at

the film’s 106-minute running time or if their presence was simply unnecessary. Catherine Zeta-Jones handles her scenes as the temptress mom with halfhearted effort, coming off as a tad too out of touch with what’s happening around her. Judy Greer wasn’t given enough to do as the divorcee mom; she had energy that didn’t get put to use. In contrast, Uma Thurman’s frustrated housewife/mom wasn’t needed at all, and the fact that Dennis Quaid as her paranoid sleazeball of a husband does pretty much nothing to move the story along makes you wonder why she even bothers to show her face (and her body) in an already weak romantic comedy in the first place. If you ask me, it seems as if “Playing for Keeps” had a hard time trying to decide



intimidating. What surprised me so much was that the experience was such a joy and working with Dr. Chase was such an entertaining delight that singing again in a group…they carry you along. “The choir just surrounds you and you’re part of this magnificent team and the sound is just exquisite, and any mistakes you make are drowned out by the loveliness of the music around you.” Leading the chorus can be exhilarating, Chase said, adding that what he tries to do is give them just what he gives his own chorus in a performance. Before the actual performance, Chase gives the chorus a chance to warm up and rehearse, which he said was an interesting challenge, “because you’ve got a huge group of people who’ve never sung together, and I’m trying to get them to think like a chorus in about 10 minutes’ time.” For Ziefle, who performs as a tenor in the performance, said communal singing was a way of sharing a rewarding experience with other people that you may or may not know. “There’s absolutely no judgment involved so if people consider themselves a good singer, not a good singer,

whether the story should focus on the sports element or the family aspect or the love life. In the end, none of these components mingle well enough to guarantee the film’s internal stability. Even the flashes of decent scenes can’t save something that has already been deemed halfdecent. “Playing for Keeps” was not bad, but it lacks the direction required to go from being mediocre to good. But is it worth the price of an admission ticket? My answer is this: rent it. Playing: Wide Release Run time: 1 hour 46 minutes MPAA rating: PG-13 for some sexual situations, language and a brief intense image.

it absolutely doesn’t matter,” he said. “And there’s no adverse reflection on anybody who feels like they don’t sing on pitch. There’s none of that that goes on…it’s just everybody singing along. Sing if you want, don’t sing if you want…it’s just the experience of getting together to help another element of celebrations of the season,” said Ziefle. “The performance of ‘Messiah’ in this context can be every bit as much inspiring as a real, prepared performance.It’s amazing how musical the event actually is,” Chase said. “It’s very inspirational because it is so beautiful,” Donoghue said.“It’s very intellectual because music is, or can be, and because it’s so impressive. This is a masterpiece; a classical masterpiece. “As far as a religious experience, it’s a glorious piece,” she added.“It’s a piece you can hear people singing on Christmas morning.” Where: St. Elizabeth Seton Catholic Church, 6628 Santa Isabel St. Carlsbad When: Dec. 16 at 4 p.m. Tickets: Adults: $15; Students $8. Call (858) 534-4637



sections any day. Then there will be time for the residents to see and comment on the report until the end of February. The traffic circles are planned for the intersections of Del Dios and El Camino Del Norte; Paseo Delicias and El Montevideo-La Valle Plateada; and Paseo Delicias and Via de la Valle. “The roundabouts are designed to function together as a system by requiring vehicles to slow,


but not stop, as they move through the intersection,” Holler said. It is hoped the traffic circles can slow down traffic and discourage cutthrough traffic in the Covenant. A list of names were drawn to make up the nominating committee to fill three seats on the Association board. Roxana Foxx, Anne Feighner and Eamon Callahan’s seats are up for grabs. “I should note that Roxana, Anne and Eamon are all eligible to run for another three-year term,”

said Pete Smith, Association manager. Those eligible for the committee whose names were drawn were Tim Sullivan, Susan Bromley Bien, Tom Lang, Steve Heidel, Deb Plummer, John Eggemeyer, Bill Strong, Marie Addario and Ken Bein. The current president and vice president of the Association automatically serve on the committee. The Association will not meet on Dec. 20 in observance of the holiday season. It will next meet on first Thursday in January.

We don’t have Christmas trees like this.”

had such a good time decorating the tree and organizing the event that they look forward to doing it every year. Those wishing to have a permanent memento of the evening could have family photos taken inside the clubhouse. Of course, the big sale at the pro-shop at the golf club, coinciding with the tree lighting helped raise spirits as well.

one had been waiting for — the countdown for the tree lighting. Then magic! Ooohs. Ahs. And then applause. Cecilia Rodriguez “We don’t have Tourist Christmas trees like this,” said Cecilia Hilgers, who is visiting relatives in Rancho Christmas trees, but they Santa Fe from Sweden, are not this extravagant.” holding 3-year-old daughCastro told the crowd ter Julia. “I mean, we have that everyone on his staff


vidual strengths and weaknesses. Fortunately, mother nature abhors a vacuum and tends to keep things balanced. It is usually we humans who upset this delicately balanced apple cart with the introduction and transportation of undesirable species. White fly, the glassy winged sharpshooters, fruit flies, tree bores and a whole host of others are a detriment to our community. It is just this very thing that led me to a new understanding of how to solve this and a whole host of other plagues and problems currently found in many gardens. Organics Alive, also formally known as Worm Gold, is a composite of worm castings and amendments that can improve the nitrogen uptake in your garden by 25 percent to 30 percent. It is also full of a



DEC. 14, 2012

enzyme known to be a natural insect repellant. By spreading this product thickly around the base of almost any infested plant,you can eliminate the chewing, biting and sucking insects in your garden without spraying or pesticide use while invigorating the health and well-being of your garden and soils. In my own garden, the soils are poor, washed out sand and clay like sea bottom. I enjoy a mixture of tropicals, succulents and palms. The problem for me was that I had a white fly infestation that would not go away.They loved my purple cana, my plumeria and even attacked my giant birds of paradise. Washing them off with water helped but the egg casings would just hatch down below in the soils and the problem would return. I finally used this product and changed not only the soil biology around my plants but I

completely got rid of the white fly and the mold that accompanied them. Commercial worm casting beds stretch for miles over a hundred acres in Northern California. Here through a selective diet high in cellulose and chitin the earth worms have developed bacteria in their guts that break down any chitinous material (the outsides of insects and the building blocks of many fungus) by secreting a chitinase that turns chitin into a digestible carbohydrate. Insects hate it. The neat thing about this enzyme is that it becomes systemic and protects your plants from the inside out. Kent Horner is a local landscape contractor and designer with 30 years of experience in all aspects of your garden. For information concerning your project or questions involving your surroundings, email him at



to mass-produce. Even so, she was careful to jazz them up with a chocolate drizzle and sprinkles. “I can’t be the one with the crappy homemade cookies,” Veracco laughed. But once the cookies were arranged just so, the baking stresses appeared to melt away as the ladies chatted, and tasted everyone’s treats. Together, they marveled over the Christmas decorations, gossiped and snapped photos together. They sipped martinis made with chocolate and cake flavored vodka, and the champagne for the mimosas ran out long before the coffee was even touched. “It’s just such a tightknit community, there’s just so much love,” said Lisa Sullivan about the residents in The Crosby. Sullivan is affectionately nicknamed “The Mayor of the Crosby.” “You can call anyone at 4 a.m. for Jell-O, and they’ll say, ‘What flavor and do you want me to bring it over?’”

The party’s host, Cathi Marinello (on the right in the brightly colored dress), poses for a picture with her friends next to the dozens of cookies and candy samples. This year’s array included mint chocolate chip cookies and sugar-free healthy yoga cookies. Photo by Rachel Stine

said Sullivan. The award for best cookies went to Celeste Hilling’s dark chocolate yuletide bars. Lynne Wheeler’s fourth

generation English Toffee won best candy and Darci Alvarez’s reindeer chocolate chip cookies won best presentation.


DEC. 14, 2012


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DEC. 14, 2012


Wanting to impress is in our DNA JEAN GILLETTE Small Talk Some people dislike surprises, but I love them, excluding, of course, practical jokes and car breakdowns. But like an old warhorse, I am at my best when the bugle sounds. This past weekend was the perfect example of my favorite kind of spontaneity. I found out Friday that a favorite college chum and her lovely husband would be spending a few days at Chateau Gillette as of Sunday midday. This was all good news, except that Murphy and his law were in action, as is often the case. The day before my friend called, the remodel began on my guest bathroom. In short, it kind of doesn’t exist and the guest room is filled with everything that was once in the bathroom. I jumped into Plan B, which meant making my son’s former bedroom and bathroom upstairs presentable for guests. Allowing guests upstairs is always dicey and, in truth, I hadn’t even opened that bedroom door for six months. We will just say Saturday was a full day, with major hustle and bustle. But knowing that I was cleaning and/or decorating for a reason makes all the difference. Still, I was a tiny bit nervous. This is an old, near and dear friend who has seen my best and worst and never judges, but she is an interior designer, artist and woman of taste. In short, I wanted to impress her just a little, as women will do.Yes, it’s silly.Yes, it’s in our DNA. This, plus always wanting my guests to feel pampered, sent me directly to the coffee shop for an extralarge, heavily caffeinated drink. I then became the TURN TO SMALL TALK ON B10

RISING RATES With the OK given for a new desal plant, what is yet to be settled is how much the plant will add to various districts’ water bills in the near B3 future. Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . B12 Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B14 Odd Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . B3 Pendleton Page . . . . . . . B11 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B7

Enthusiasts flock to ‘secret’ auto club in RSF By Jared Whitlock

RANCHO SANTA FE — No elected officers, no politics and no membership fees — just auto talk with good people. Those are the guiding principles of the Secret Car Club. And those who belong say the philosophy has served them well. Car fans of all stripes from across San Diego County have converged Saturday mornings for the last three years to show off their rides, talk shop and socialize with like-minded auto aficionados. Even a cold, foggy morning couldn’t keep them away last weekend. Around 20 rides lined Avenida De Acacias in downtown Rancho Santa Fe. More than a few looked as though they belonged in a rare car museum. The weekly gathering is known as Secret Car Club.And no, there are no rules against talking about Secret Car Club. “It started off as a very tongue-in-cheek title,” said Chris Erickson, the club’s founder. “Part of the ‘secret’ is seeing so many cars gather at a place the average person wouldn’t expect. Thankfully, TURN TO CAR CLUB ON B10

Secret Car Club member Bob Hanselman stands near his 1951 MG TD roadster, which was tricked out in the holiday spirit for a previous night’s Christmas parade. As Hanselman noted, the MG TD started the sports car craze in America in the early 1950s. Photo by Jared Whitlock

During holidays, authorities warn to check receipts By Rachel Stine

This year, holiday shoppers are urged to do more than just hunt down the perfect sweater vest and latest princess Barbie. This holiday season, San Diego County Department of AWM (Agriculture, Weights and Measures) is asking consumers to double-check their receipts for overcharges by faulty cash registers, and the Carlsbad Police Department is asking shoppers to help prevent shopping crime. Last year, one out of every five stores inspected by the AWM had overcharging errors. To help reduce overcharging throughout the county the AWM is recommending that shoppers verify the prices on receipts and notify store management immediately if there are any price discrepancies. Through its Scanner Awareness Program, the AWM has been inspecting stores for price scanner errors since 1999. The AWM issues fines ranging from $50 to more than $1,000 for significant overcharging violations. In 2011, the AWM found that when price-scanning errors occur consumers were four times as likely to be charged too much, rather than too little. So far this year, the AWM has inspected 20,118 items in 1,501 stores, according to Nancy Stalnaker, the AWM’s supervising agricultural stan-

dards inspector. Major chain stores in North County including Vons, Walmart, 7-Eleven, and Rite Aid have already received large fines this year for overcharging violations. Walgreens on Cannon Road in Oceanside received a fine for $1,300; the biggest fine so far in 2012, as a result of overcharging violations discovered during an inspection this June. In addition to the AWM’s warnings about cash register errors, the Carlsbad Police Department is also urging shoppers to beware of shopping crimes as crowds flood shopping centers during the holiday season. “The more people that you have out and about…you just have more opportunity for crime,” said Carlsbad Police Department Public Information Officer Jodee Sasway. She advised that shoppers help diminish the opportunity for crime by keeping a close eye on personal belongings and purchases, as well as avoiding leaving valuable items unattended in cars. The Carlsbad police will also be increasing patrols near shopping centers during the season to deter crimes including thefts from vehicles, shoplifting and fraud. “We just want to make sure that everybody has a great, crime-free holiday season,” said Sasway.

MiraCosta students take part in a biology lab, a difficult class to secure due to facility shortages. MiraCosta’s bond failed, so long-term science labs aren’t likely in the near future. However, MiraCosta has approved funding for modular science labs that will alleviate some demand beginning next fall. Photo by Jared Whitlock

Final results for school bonds in: 1of 3 passes By Jared Whitlock

COAST CITIES — Ending weeks of suspense, all of the votes are in for three North County school bonds. The $449 million San Dieguito bond, Proposition AA, passed with 55.5 percent in favor, slightly more than the 55 percent required. The $497 million MiraCosta bond, Proposition EE, fell just short with 54.8 percent. The final election results were certified Tuesday afternoon, according to the San Diego County

Registrar of Voters. For nearly a month, residents and school officials watched the bonds hover around the 55 percent threshold as more uncounted provisional and mail ballots trickled in. For instance, three weeks ago, approval of the San Dieguito bond stood at 54.7 percent with 260,000 outstanding ballots. Support for the MiraCosta bond also climbed from earlier totals. It had 54.07 percent “yes” votes the day after the election, later falling just shy. “Not all is lost; we com-

municated MiraCosta’s needs to the community and gained much-appreciated support,” MiraCosta College President Francisco Rodriguez said Tuesday afternoon before the results were certified. While the bond didn’t get the green light, Rodriguez said MiraCosta’s needs aren’t going away. The MiraCosta bond would have funded renovations and new buildings throughout MiraCosta’s three campuses. Supporters said that’s necessary TURN TO BONDS ON B10


DEC. 14, 2012


Cardiff ‘Kook’ calendar on sale now C A R D I F F - B Y- T H E SEA — The perfect holiday gift for your North County friends, or even those across the U.S. is now available. The Kook Calendar is on sale for $14 at and at the 101MainStreet office, 124 Aberdeen Drive, Cardiff-bythe-Sea. The 13-month calendar, with photos of the surf statue, “Magic Carpet Ride,� created by local artist Fred Caldwell, shows the best of the statues alter egos. The Cardiff Kook leads the pack as he breaks stuffy statue tradition. The Kook Calendar makes a great gift featuring Cardiff-by-the-Sea’s most famous and most photographed landmark. Three charities will receive 15 percent of the proceeds from the calendar sales including the Allie Smiles Foundation, a charity providing cancer research and support for

The Cardiff “Kook� calendar is now out for 2013. The calendar’s title is called “The ‘Magic Carpet Ride’ Gets Artistic� and is available for purchase at the101 Main Street Office. Image courtesy of Fred Caldwell

your K9 best friend; the National Breast Cancer Foundation increasing awareness of breast cancer through education and by

providing mammograms for those in need, and Fill-ABelly, a Carlsbad-based nonprofit that provides meals for the homeless.

Holiday tea features decoration raffle RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Library is full of the spirit of the season. Bring the youngsters at 10:30 a.m. Dec. 18 or Dec. 21 for a holiday story time. At 3:30 p.m. Dec. 20, drop in to make a holiday craft.

The library is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays. Gather some last minute holiday gifts at the Book Cellar, which is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Saturdays. The Library Guild’s 22nd annual Christmas Tea

will be filled with beautiful holiday decorations that you can win. The tea is from 2 to 4:30 p.m. Dec. 14, at the Rancho Santa Fe Branch Library, 17040 Avenida de Acacias. Contact the RSF Library Guild at (858) 7562461 for more information.



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DEC. 14, 2012

ODD With desal plant, rate hikes will vary for water districts FILES


By Jared Whitlock

Leading Economic Indicators While the U.S. recently nearly elected a multimillionaire as president, Uruguay’s chief executive, Jose Mujica, declared his personal wealth in 2010 as the equivalent of about $1,800 and gives away 90 percent of his $12,000 monthly presidential salary in order to remain true to his political roots with the leftist guerrilla group Tupamaros. He has rejected the governmentprovided mansion and instead lives with his wife at her family’s farmhouse, where he helps work the land, according to a November BBC News profile from Montevideo. “I have to do (this),” he told a reporter, “because there are many Uruguayans who live with much less.” Financial advisers charge the big bucks because of their sophisticated understanding of money and markets — or maybe because they know how the stars align. A September Marketplace radio program highlighted the newsletters of “financial astrologers” Karen Starich and former Merrill Lynch stock trader Arch Crawford (who left the trading floor because, apparently, astrology is more lucrative). About 300 traders pay $237 a year to learn what Starich knows about Neptune and Saturn, and Crawford’s 2,000 subscribers (at least a few of which prefer receiving copies in unmarked wrappers) learned that any new business venture goes south when Mercury is in retrograde. The Continuing Decline of American Manufacturing: A Drug E n f o r c e m e n t Administration agent told the Associated Press in October that factories in Mexico have recently been supplying American markets with especially potent and inexpensive methamphetamine. “These are sophisticated, high-tech (businesses) ... that are operating with extreme precision,” said agent Jim Shroba. The 90 percent-pure product offers “a faster, more intense and longer-lasting high.” Many Americans, meanwhile, continue to make small batches of inferior meth in 2-liter soda bottles.

Last week, the San Diego County Water Authority board approved a 30-year deal to buy water from a planned Carlsbad desalination plant. With the deal moving forward, an aspect that is yet to be settled is how much the plant will add to various districts’ water bills in the near future. The plant is estimated to increase water bills for the typical household throughout the county by an average of $5 to $7 beginning in 2016, but that’s expected to vary for the 24 municipal water districts. Districts’ won’t know how much the desal plant will raise their bills until a full cost-ofservice study is completed next year. Some board members said they’re optimistic the costs associated with the plant will be fairly allocated throughout the agencies, while other water districts believe they’ll be forced to pay more than their fair share. Currently, there are nine cost-allocation alternatives on the table. Gary Arant, general manager of the Valley Center Municipal District, said he was worried the board would back “Alternative 2,” which was promoted by the city of San Diego, the agency with 40 percent of the board’s weighted vote. To be adopted, a cost-allocation alternative needs 55 percent approval. “Alternative 2 would have shifted more of the burden than fair onto some districts and financially benefited some like the city of San Diego,” Arant said, adding that the county should treat all the districts “equitably.” But Arant voted in favor of the desalination plant because the board agreed to fully consider all of the alternatives equally. Even if a more uniform cost-allocation alternative is chosen, Arant acknowledged his district would probably be paying more than the county average of $5 to $7. That’s largely because some districts like Valley Center buy all or most of their water treated, a major factor when divvying up the plant’s cost. Still, the extra expense is worth it in the longterm, he said. “Desalination will mean a local, drought-proof water source,” Arant said. “That’s very important for us.” Poseidon Resources, a pri-

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An artist’s rending of the Carlsbad desalination plant, which is scheduled to be located to the northeast of the current Encina Power Station. The cost for various water agencies has yet to be determined; the allocation process will begin in the upcoming months. Courtesy image

vate company that proposed the desalination plant,recently secured $840 million in financing for the project. The desalination plant would be built near the Encina Power Station in Carlsbad, and is scheduled to go online in 2016. Eighty-five percent of the board approved plans to buy water from the plant; a 55 percent favorable vote was required for the deal to move forward. Brian Brady, general manager of the Fallbrook Utility district, voted against. He said the desalination plant expenses would disproportionately hit his agency. Depending on the alternative chosen, by Brady’s analysis, residents’ water bills in his district would go up $10 to $23, with the higher end of the spectrum likely should Alternative 2 be picked, he said. “The board did not eliminate Alternative 2 from the

options — that’s troubling,” Brady said. Brady said many of the alternatives are especially concerning for produce growers in his district who rely on large amounts of water. Further, he said his district might not see the water from the Carlsbad plant due to the current “piping network” that’s currently only designed to receive water from the Southern California Metropolitan Water District, and not the county. Surfrider has criticized the board for voting on the desalination plant deal prior to the full cost-of-service-study being released. “It’s putting the cart before the horse,” said Julia Chunn-Heer, campaign coordinator for Surfrider. She added that significant rate increases are possible due to unforeseen energy costs, and that more ratepayer information should have been presented to board

members. Ken Weinberg,the authority’s director of water sources, said last week’s meeting was proof that the board felt confident deciding whether to purchase water from the desalination plant. “The meeting shows they felt they had enough information to vote,” Weinberg said, adding that the majority of districts are within the $5 to $7 range of projected cost increases. A few, including the city of San Diego, were below those figures. According to Weinberg, the influence of the Carlsbad desal plant on districts’ rates will likely be reevaluated every five years or so. He said that two independent experts will advise a board committee on how to fairly spread the costs of the plant throughout the districts in upcoming months.Weinberg noted that nine alternatives

are guidelines, and that a hybrid of the alternatives could be selected. “It was very clear during the last meeting that will be no preferences for any of the alternatives at this point,” Weinberg said. The board will likely vote on a cost-allocation program for the plant in seven months or so, he said. The desalination plant, which would be the largest in the Western Hemisphere, has the capacity to produce 50 million gallons of fresh drinking water a day. By 2020, it could supply an estimated 8 percent of San Diego County’s water, or about one-third of water generated in San Diego County. Weinberg said that the water authority would not have to make payments to Poseidon until the company produces water that meets predetermined quality and quantity standards.


DEC. 14, 2012


Grant allows department to upgrade radios By Tony Cagala

For many emergency crews around the country, replacing or upgrading radios has been a slow process due to high costs of the equipment and departments’ budgetary constraints. Some of that was able to change when FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) began to offer grants that helped pay for much needed equipment for the departments. Through FEMA’s Assistance to Firefighters

We’ve been pretty successful with this particular grant program.” Tom Gallup Senior management analyst

Grant, the Encinitas Fire Department will be able to upgrade all of their radios, ensuring that all will meet Project 25 requirements. Since 2001 the Encinitas Fire Department has received of total of $983,396 from FEMA’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant including the awarding of $126,709 this year, which will go towards the purchasing of the new radios. Previous grant awards to the department have gone towards the purchasing of a

fire safety education trailer, compressed air foam units, a washer/extractor and drying cabinet and a regional videoconferencing system. “We’ve been pretty successful with this particular grant program,” said Tom Gallup, senior management analyst with the city of Encinitas. “Typically, they (FEMA) fund one out of five applications. But the intent of the program through FEMA was to help fire departments across the country meet equipment needs, understanding how finances are.” The total operating budget for the department, which also includes lifeguards, is $11 million, Gallup said. “Most of that is personnel costs,” he said. “It seems like because the personnel costs have grown, too, over the years, we have to adjust on the other side of it. So it limits what you can spend on equipment and supplies…it’s always a challenge.” The Encinitas Fire Department employs approximately 63 people, which includes the firefighters, chief officers, fire prevention and administrative staff. It became necessary to have radios that were interoperable, where all of the agencies could talk to each other, explained Capt. Mike Daigle of the Encinitas Fire Department. Starting in the fall of 1989, APCO (Association of P u b l i c - S a f e t y Communications Officials) established Project 25 (P25) to help create a nationwide standard for digital communications and interoperability between public safety departments. The Department, Daigle said, had a little more than 20 percent of its radios compliant prior to receiving the grant. By the end of this year

Who’s NEWS? Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ Band champs Congratulations to the La Costa Canyon High School Maverick Brigade, on its firstplace win at the Mira Mesa Field Tournament and bringing home the coveted Sweepstakes award at the Vista Invitational Field Tournament, during this fall’s marching band tournament season.

Math star Shalomi Philip, a freshman at Santa Fe Christian Schools, was selected by the national math committee to participate in both the team and individual events for the World Math Team Championship to be held in Beijing, China in late November. A Filipino sixthgrader won the Beijing event, a three-day event. The U.S. sent three teams, each with

GPU slated for this week By Jared Whitlock

A fire official uses one of the radios that will be replaced in order to comply with Project 25, that allows public safety crews better communications with other emergency responders during a disaster. The Encinitas Fire Department will have all of their emergency response radios P25 compliant thanks to a grant from FEMA. Photo courtesy of the Encinitas Fire Department

the department will have 100 percent of their radios, which are used for 9-1-1 response calls P25 compliant. “The newer equipment will have a greater range and greater capabilities and it’s going to be more reliable,” Daigle said. The P25 compliant radios will operate on an 800 megahertz frequency that is shared by the other emergency crews around North County. With a percentage of the department’s radios already upgraded, once the old radios are replaced firefighters won’t need any extra training on the operation of new radios. All of the agencies in San Diego and Imperial counties are working to replace their radios, making them compliant with the new P25 networks by 2013.

“Basically we’ll be able to talk to every agency that will be involved in a disaster,” Daigle said. “By initiating that program, you needed radios that were able to do that. So that was an upgrade on the radios that we had at that time. Over…probably the last 10 to 12 years, we’ve been starting to buy radios that are compliant with that program. But they’re expensive.” Also, with the boundary drops, which have been in place for years, Encinitas fire crews are constantly talking with surrounding fire agencies and are able to talk with law enforcement through some dedicated channels, Daigle explained. “Which helps us out quite a bit,” he said. “Because it used to be one of those processes that you had to go through your dispatch

six students to compete The flight will be the first among students representing commercial vehicle to dock with the station. The girls 10 nations. worked since September to New director conceive, design, engineer The San Diego County and program a micro-experiMedical Society Foundation ment to compare how crystals has chosen Encinitas resident grow in microgravity environNicole Hmielewski as the ment. foundation’s new Resource Development Director. Trees for troops Hmielewski joins the associaA free Christmas tree tion with 10 years of experi- giveaway was held on base at ence in non-profit fundraising the Rattlesnake Canyon Road and development, most parking lot as part of the specifically in the areas of Trees for Troops program, corporate relations, grants sponsored by the Christmas and workplace giving. In her Spirit Foundation. The group new role, she will focus on delivered approximately 900 physician volunteer recruit- trees to troops and military ment, corporate relations, families. individual donor relations Realtor hits 100 and grant writing. Together with his team, Space-age women Dan Conway of The Young women members Guiltinan Group’s Carmel of the Better Education for Valley office, assisted clients Women in Science and with 100 transactions this Engineering program of the year. The team consists of San Diego Science Alliance, Dan’s wife Pattie Conway, from 15 San Diego high Jason Fogelman, Bill Jones, schools including Canyon Elaine Walker, Jyotsna Crest Academy; Carlsbad Sharma, Melina Camey, Anne High School; Cathedral Jones, Jo Nestor, Chris Plato, Catholic High School; Santa and Taylor Tolpingrud. Visit Fe Christian Schools and Torrey Pines High School, completed an experiment set Tri-City to sponsor to spend month aboard The Downtown Encinitas International Space Station MainStreet Association after March liftoff on SpaceX. announced that Tri-City

to talk to their dispatch to relay a message to them. And now you can open that channel of communications…we can actually hail…the Sheriff’s dispatch and let them know that we’re on a certain channel and have…direct contact with them.” That makes it a lot less complicated, Daigle added. “It’s more seamless that we’re actually able to talk to somebody in real time on scene instead of going through a couple of different dispatches.” Daigle said they’re pretty successful with the grants for different equipment. “And nowadays you have to be to just keep your equipment…the cost of everything is going up and it’s tough to stay relevant if you’re not getting a little help from these grants.”

Four reports will be given to City Council during the next few months by various groups that are reviewing the General Plan Update, a blueprint that will guide development and land use over the next several decades. The first report, tentatively scheduled for Dec. 19, is a refresher on the history and status of the General Plan Update for the public and newly sworn-in Council members, according to Diane Langager, principal planner with the city. In February, three groups will present their findings and recommendations regarding the General Plan Update to Council at different meetings. First up, the planning commission Feb. 13, then the General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) Feb. 20, followed by the Elemental Review Advisory Committee (ERAC) Feb. 27. Council will not be voting on the reports or aspects found within them at those meetings; however, Council members could potentially place key points of the reports on future agendas or request staff direction, Langager said. With representatives from across the city, GPAC has been meeting for more than two years. The group provides input and assistance to city staff on the General Plan Update. Another citizen group,ERAC has been tasked with analyzing the housing and land use portions as well as other portions of the General Plan Update. The planning commission is a five-member board that makes recommendations to Council on a variety of issues.

Winston students past and present, their families, teachers past and present, friends and supporters, are invited. Since 1988, the school has educated students with mild to moderate learning challenges including autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, ADD, ADHD, specific learning disabilities or learning disorders, nonverbal learning Telescope unveiled disorders and slow maturaHilton Carlsbad tion. Oceanfront Resort, 1 Ponto Rd., Carlsbad, unveiled its Softball stars new guest-friendly ocean-gazThe first adult men’s and ing telescope Dec.6. Funds coed softball tournament generated by the coin-operat- concluded Nov. 17, at ed telescope will be collected Poinsettia Park. Out of 12 and used by Boys & Girls teams participating, the Clubs of Carlsbad. champions were Señor Grubby’s in the men’s diviSand for summer sion and Kamikaze Tequila As a final part of San Worms in the coed division. Diego Association of Government regional beach Volunteers needed sand project, approximately The Flower Fields in 200,000 cubic yards of sand is Carlsbad is again asking volbeing deposited on the unteers to conduct its walkbeaches in north Carlsbad. A ing children’s tours and/or large offshore pipe will adult tours. The guided tours remain in place for the dura- cost the public $15. No expetion of the project. rience is required. Training will be in January. For more 25 years of teaching information, contact Joni Group Tickets are available now Miringoff, Events for The Winston School’s 25th Sales/Special anniversary dinner at the Del Director, at (760) 930-9123 Mar Fairgrounds April 20. All ext. 118. Medical Center will be the exclusive Gold Sponsor of its third annual Wellness Week, Jan. 19 at the Encinitas Branch of the San Diego County Library. Wellness Week is a week-long program of events and special offers that allows people to learn about and experience ways to improve their physical, mental and spiritual well-being.



DEC. 14, 2012

Gifts and gadgets to help with your holiday list E’LOUISE ONDASH Hit the Road If you need practical and clever gifts and gadgets for the gadabouts on your holiday list, here are some ideas that both veteran and novice travelers will love. • Touted for their antioxidant properties (said to help protect against cell damage), aroniaberries (often called chokeberries) now come as gummy chews in 100-calorie packets that are easy to take anywhere. Called Superberries, they come in fresh frozen and juice form, too, but the takealong, gluten-free, dairy-free gummies have a lively, tangy taste — sophisticated enough for adults; sweet enough for kids.They are the perfect snack to pop in a purse, pocket or backpack. Bag of 10 packets is $19.95. Visit • It’s easy to lose your cell phone or tablet in the rush of airport security lines and ubiquitous black cases, but wrap them in stylish, strong and brightly colored Mapicases, and you’re less likely to walk off without them. Designed for iPhones and iPads, Mapicases are made of high-quality, topgrain leather. The Nicea model iPhone case is lined with a soft fabric that prevents scratches and abrasions, and provides room for a credit card or two. Choice of four colors, two finishes and various styles and prices. Visit • According to my husband, the world is divided into two types of men: those who use electric razors and those who use blades. Being the former, he loves the sleek, lightweight ShaveTech, an electric razor about the size of a cell phone that can be charged from any USB port. This means you can use it anywhere in the world with no adapter, and its small size makes it easily portable. In this case, smaller is better. $39.99. Visit • Traveling with infants is always a challenge, espe-

cially when it comes to feeding baby. The WarmZe is the brainchild of a Florida woman who knew there had to be a convenient way to warm baby’s bottle away from home. She invented theses air-activated warmers and the fabric BottleSoc that holds the warmer around the bottle.The system warms the bottle (formula or prepumped breast milk) in 30 minutes to 90-104 degrees, and maintains heat for up to 12 hours. This is a long way from warming bottles and food jars with the car heater vent! (Yes, I did that.) Starter kit (BottleSoc and two biodegradable warmer refills) is $15.99. Two refills: $9.99. Visit • The only negative aspect of KleenSlate paddles is that they are about 20 years too late. My kids would’ve loved stashing these in their little carry-on suitcases or road-trip goodie bags. These two-sided, whiteboard paddles (8-by-10-inches) come with low-odor, nontoxic markers that fit right into the handle and include an eraser. Multiple colored markers with erasers also available for lots of fun on the run. Plenty of non-travel uses, too. A two-paddle pack with markers/erasers is $15.99. Many variations available at • I love it when one good idea leads to another, and that’s how Rescue Bands were born. They are bracelets, key chains, pet collars, lanyards, necklaces and more (even a Star of David holiday bracelet) made of 550-pound test paracord that

MapiCase leather covers for iPhones and iPads are padded, colorful and so easy to spot among the ubiquitous black cases in airport security lines. Courtesy photos

Never leave home without your 2-in-1 Travel Pillow, which makes long drives and flights more comfortable, then doubles as a personal pillowcase at your hotel.

double as survival gear when unraveled. Paracord was originally used in suspension lines of parachutes during World War II, and in 1997, paracord was used by astronauts to repair the Hubble Space Telescope. Use Rescue Bands in an emergency as a tow rope, tie-down for the car, pulley system or dog leash, or lash logs together to make a raft. For a long list of creative and lifesaving uses, visit • Know a high-maintenance traveler who won’t leave home without his/her pillow? The 2-in-1 Travel Pillow from The Company Store could be the compact answer. It’s a comfy personal


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Ingenious in their design, these Rescue Bands bracelets, made of 550-pound test paracord, double as emergency equipment.

Ingenious in their design, these Rescue Bands bracelets, made of 550-pound test paracord, double as emergency equipment.

Don’t miss out on our


Kids who travel will have hours of fun with these KleenSlate paddles, which come with non-toxic markers that have built-in erasers.

pillow for that long drive or flight, then unzips and becomes a down-filled pillowcase that slips over a standard-sized hotel pillow. The Travel Pillow is made of 250-thread-count cotton that’s machine-washable, and comes in bright colors so it won’t get left behind. Currently on sale for $27.30 at

E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at

Parents will love the convenient Warmze bottle-warming system that requires no electric source and keeps liquids warm for up to 12 hours.

Tasty, nutritious and easy-totransport, Superberries make a great snack for on-the-go kids and adults.

CORRECTION: In my column of Nov. 16, I stated that President Franklin Roosevelt “contracted” polio on Campobello Island, New Brunswick. Ruta Jordans of the Association to Promote and Protect the Lubec Environment emailed that “Judging by the incubation period, he probably contracted it while at his home in New York, but came down with it on Campobello.”


DEC. 14, 2012


UCSD offers campus highlight tours COAST CITIES — San Diego’s University of California San Diego is offering free tours of its campus to the public to discover its art and architecture provided by the UC San DiegoVisitors Tour Program.These tours from 2 to 3:30 p.m. are geared to acquaint visitors with the sites of the campus, but are not intended for prospective students. Reservations can be made at (858) 534-4414 or The university offers three types of tours that leave from the Gilman Entrance Information Center: — Architectural Tours are offered Jan. 27, Feb. 24 and

March 24 and repeat the fourth Sunday of the month. Get an inside look at the design and history of the university, from 1960’s modernist pieces to new sustainable buildings. Sights include the founding buildings of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, the Charles David Keeling Apartments (the campus’s first LEED Platinum certified building) and “Fallen Star,” the latest addition to the Stuart Collection. Architectural tours are offered on the fourth Sunday of the month. — Walking Tours begin March 3 and repeat the first

Sunday of each month. Take a leisurely stroll through the heart of campus for an upclose look at UC San Diego’s architecture and one-of-a-kind art pieces,including the Geisel Library and the “Sun God.” Walking tours are offered the first Sunday of the month. — Bus Tours can be taken Dec. 16, Jan. 13, and then the second, third and fifth Sundays of the month. Enjoy a scenic ride for a general overview of the campus with stops at major UC San Diego landmarks. Sights include the Jacobs School of Engineering, UC San Diego Moore’s Cancer Center, Birch Aquarium and Geisel Library.

Holiday happenings at Rancho Santa Fe Community Center RANCHO SANTA FE — The holidays are bright at the Rancho Santa Fe Community Center. The center is collecting toy donations for the children of military parents deployed this holiday season. The community is invited to stop by the center at 5970 La Sendita and pick a candy cane off the Holiday Tree. Each candy cane indicates a gender and age to shop for.Toys will be donated to the “Flying Tigers” Marine Helicopter squadron at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar. The squadron is currently deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan. The center asks that gifts are new, unwrapped and delivered to the Community Center no later than Dec. 14. For the youngsters, a “Dodge, Duck, Dip and Dive” dodgeball game is scheduled at the Rancho Santa Fe Community Center, 5970 La Sendita. Sign up

Eighth grader Parker MacLean (left) and Tanner Hansen balance on a wooden beam, a piece of outdated equipment at Diegueno Middle. These students and others have been vocal about a new exercise area and equipment at the school, so they helped their teacher apply for a grant from Chargers Champions. Photo by Jared Whitlock

Schools receive grants for outdoor facility and equipment By Jared Whitlock

Youngsters enjoy gentle dodgeball at the Rancho Santa Fe Community Center. Games are scheduled for Dec. 14. Courtesy photo

now for the next dodgeball tournament run with Coach Mike Rausa. Games are scheduled from 3:15 to 4:45 p.m. for third- and fourthgraders and from 5 to 6:30 p.m. for fifth- and sixthgraders Dec. 14. There will be prizes and T-shirts awarded to the winning team.


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Pizza and water will also be available for purchase. The cost is $20 per person and $15 for siblings. Call (858) 756-2461 for more information. For the grown-ups, consider adult yoga and Jazzercise at the center. The two new instructors have a real passion for fitness and are here to help you get in shape for the holiday season. All adult fitness classes are from 9 to 10 a.m. Join them for Jazzercise on Mondays and Wednesdays and Yoga on Tuesdays and Thursdays with two new instructors. Cost is $125 for 10 visits or $15 for drop-ins.

On a sunny morning at Diegueno Middle, four students point out a patch of schoolyard that’s intended for student use, but not quite fit for activity. The dirt ground is hard. Odd balance beams and small wood posts with no apparent purpose are scattered about. But in its current state, the spot’s days are numbered. In hopes of bringing in athletic equipment and making the area more exercise friendly, some students and teacher Deb Abrahamson worked together to find a solution last spring. “Finding funding for athletic amenities isn’t easy right now with the budget situation,” Abrahamson said. “I looked at some options and found a grant we could apply for. The kids were my fuel for doing so.” When putting together the grant, students helped answer questions about why the school needs new playground equipment and what

could be accomplished with funding. Some students even took pictures of the dilapidated area, showing why it’s not fit for exercising. “They were really helpful and provided some great answers,” Abrahamson said, adding that she even used some students’ responses verbatim on the grant forms, including that the area “is unsafe and full of splinters.” Because of their efforts, the school was given $22,000 for an outdoor exercise facility courtesy of Chargers Champions. The facility, set to debut in February, will contain cardio equipment like a chest press, step climbers and a sky climber, or what Abrahamson calls “a young person’s gym.” A small fence will enclose the facility, but it’s meant to “really be open and for outdoor purposes,” Abrahamson said. “It’s going to be a big part of keeping kids active at our school,” Abrahamson said. The new facility and equipment will be installed near the rundown area on a small portion of the basketball court. Meanwhile, sand will be brought in and spread over the old spot, while the archaic equipment like the balance beams will be removed. “We’re really looking forward to the new equipment,”

eighth grader Parker MacLean said while standing on the spot that will be transformed soon. “It’s cool they listened to us.” Chargers Champions is run by the Spanos family and the San Diego Chargers. Through the organization, the Spanos family has donated more than $4.5 million to schools across the county since the foundation’s inception in 2000. “We’re proud to support schools when they really need it,” said A.G. Spanos, the Chargers’ executive vice president and chief executive officer on Tuesday. “I think the best part is attending the ribbon-cutting ceremonies and seeing how happy the kids and teachers are.” Nine schools were awarded grants this year out of 70 that applied. In North County, Del Rio Elementary in Oceanside was also awarded a grant totaling $15,000. The grant will go toward “lots of new sports equipment for sports including basketball, football and volleyball and others,” said fifth grade teacher Ann Zivotsky, who applied. Zivotsky said the sporting equipment will be used to introduce younger students in the school to team sports like football and basketball. “We’re hoping to get the equipment in the next few weeks and can’t wait,”she said.

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DEC. 14, 2012


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Turner earns win, chance to smile By Tony Cagala

SAN DIEGO — During Monday’s press conference, Chargers head coach Norv Turner did something he hasn’t done in a long time: Smile. The brief levity in Turner’s conference was most likely the result of something else that hadn’t happened in a long time: A Chargers’ win — a 34-24 win that came on the road in Pittsburgh where the team had never won a regular season game in 14 attempts against the Steelers, and the first win for the team in four weeks. But with a report of Turner’s possible firing at the end of the season and a third straight season in which it appears the Chargers won’t make the playoffs, there’s been little to smile about. “I know there’s a lot of speculation and a lot of talk about my future and the future of the staff,” Turner said. “I’d just assume talk about the game, talk about our players and talk about what we have ahead of us in terms of Carolina and the next three weeks.” With Turner receiving a game ball from Chargers Chairman of the Board and CEO Dean Spanos, he said he was impressed by the team’s closeness despite all of what was being said outside the Chargers’ organization. “When you struggle,” Turner said, “it either pulls you apart, which I’ve been involved with on teams, and fortunately not here, or it makes you closer. And I think the things our players have impressed me with is the closeness they have and the commitment they have to continue to go and find a way to beat Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh,” he said. Antoine Cason said he’s one of those guys that likes to have fun and lightens the mood to get guys to keep

Sand volleyball comes to MiraCosta COAST CITIES — In spring 2013, MiraCosta College will field its first women’s sand volleyball team. MiraCosta will play in intercollegiate competition against a combination of the Orange Empire Conference (Irvine Valley, Saddleback, Riverside and Golden West colleges), and possibly San Diego colleges. The college has chosen Casey McFarland as team coach. McFarland has competed in the World Volleyball and Beach Volleyball Federation in Europe. For information on tryouts, contact Conahan at

Chargers head coach Norv Turner talks with the media Monday after earning a win against the Pittsburgh Steelers Sunday. The win broke the streak of 14 regular season losses in Pittsburgh and the first win for the Chargers in four weeks. Photo by Tony Cagala

working, keep having fun. “Those are the time where you do win and you do come together and become more of a team. “Things happen in this league and everyone’s really good. That’s not an excuse for losing, but it does show that, hey, guys are still here, there’s still a chance. We still want to win; we still want to go out there and compete and that’s what we’ll go out and do.” As for any future with or without Turner as the head coach, Cason said those weren’t the decisions he was brought here to make. “We still have three more weeks left of the season and that’s my job. If I keep on playing hard and doing the things I need to do everything will happen the way it needs to happen. “But for me, I take care

of my job and take care of helping this team win, and that’s all I can do. The other stuff after that, those aren’t the decisions for me.” Turner and his coaching staff are pressing on with preparations for the Carolina Panthers, when a few familiar faces return to San Diego, including former Chargers defensive coordinator and current Panthers head coach Ron Rivera, Rob Chudzinski and Turner’s son Scott, who is the Panthers’ offensive quality control coach. This will be the first time Turner has ever coached against his son. The Chargers will face Carolina at Qualcomm Stadium. The Chargers Sunday night appearance against the New York Jets Dec. 23 has since been flexed out and moved to a 10 a.m. broadcast on CBS.


Bill is a professional photographer who blends his lifelong passion for sports with his skills in photography to capture memorable moments of all types of action oriented events.Call Bill to learn more about how his sports, portrait and commercial photography services can meet your needs.


CALLING IT A CAREER Carlsbad resident and professional surfer Taylor Knox announces his retirement after more than 20 years competing on the ASP tour. His final competition was the Pipe Masters in Oahu, Hawaii. Knox, 43, Knox is often associated with the “New School” generation, surfers in the ‘90s that included Kelly Slater, Rob Machado, Shane Dorian and Ross Williams. Their style was inspired in part by the rise of snowboarding and skateboarding moves, which also featured airs, speed and riding the rails of waves. Photo by Bill Reilly


DEC. 14, 2012


Loving my new $100 portable quiver CHRIS AHRENS Sea Notes I think you will all agree with me that surfing is still the best thrill ride, ever. From waves barely big enough to propel a surfboard forward, to waves so big and powerful the beach actually quakes as they break, riding waves runs the gamut from peaceful cruise to life threatening rush. Even so, sometimes half a century of doing the same activity can feel repetitious. Some suggest I get a new stack of boards to change my

perspective.To a man of limited resources that’s not always possible. My perspective has changed recently, however, by the addition of three inexpensive additions to my otherwise antiquated quiver. The first is a bodysurfing handplane. This little gem was given my by my pal Scott Bass in the Cardiff parking lot one afternoon. While small in size, that and a pair of fins have propelled me to many fun sessions in closed out shore break waves I would otherwise ignore. For me, however, bodysurfing is strictly a summer activity, best enjoyed in water in excess of 68 degrees. Thank you Scott ? had a blast!

The second item is one that many of us think we are familiar with, the surf mat. Many from my generation began surfing on hard canvas surf mats rented by liquor stores on most Southern California beaches. While a great introduction into the wonderful world of waves, those glorified air mattresses were nonetheless limited. It’s been about 40 years since George Greenough took surf mats beyond blown out beach breaks, into the long point breaks of Santa Barbara and Australia. While amazing, Greenough’s wave riding vehicles were never meant for public consumption. Then, 25 years ago, a

surfer named Paul Gross took Greenough’s concept, made some modifications and came up with a super mat called the Fourth Gear Flyer. Still, few of us, including me, paid much attention until local surfer Ken McKnight got on one and began showing us moves we never thought possible. There was Ken, racing sections and getting barreled. So, we all gave the mats a try, only to realize that they were not simple to ride correctly. Next up was World Champion Skateboarder Henry Hester, a converted mat rider who introduced me to Mark Thomson, the maker of the Krypt MT5 surf mat. For the first time in

The Portable Quiver: From left to right: Krypt MT5 surf matt, Hand plane by Enjoy, Seaglass Project foam alaia by Tom Wegener. Photo by Chris Ahrens

decades, I actually had a spare $100 and I bought an MT5 from the source. While the mat is the best $100 I ever spent, mastering an inflatable surf craft is more difficult than I imagined. Then I got a gift in the mail from my old friend, excouch dweller and ex-patriot, Tom Wegener. Tom, a pioneer in the reintroduction of wooden Alia surf craft, has worked with Global Surf Industries in Australia to design an updated a soft Alia. Called The SeaGlass Project, these finless boards have no real drawbacks, and

my 5 feet 6 inch is not only among the fastest things ever on water, but also has zero learning curve and unlimited potential to improve. I have loaned this board out to countless others and everyone from top surfers to beginners say the same thing: “This is so fun!” And that’s what surfing is all about, right? To learn more about The Seaglass Project, click onto: SBqSC8E. Chris Ahrens is a surfer and author of four books on surfing. Email him at



DEC. 14, 2012

Life is good in Puerto Vallarta JOE MORIS Baby Boomer Peace I'm living a charmed life. When my last column came out on Nov. 30 I was on a plane to Puerto Vallarta ($435 round trip with direct 2.5 hour flights). I now sit on my bed in my little oasis writing this column. A week from when this column comes out we will hit the dreaded Mayan Dec. 21, 2012. I don’t see any evidence of anyone expecting a change in their lives. Quietly and beyond our immediate understanding things will be going on spiritually, but that’s for another forum at another time. My oasis. I love it here. People always ask if I love to fish because of the great fishing down here. I just say no. I went instead to Steve’s Bar on Sunday and laid out the game to another Charger fan who was there with me watching the carnage. But when the game was over and the Chargers lost another one, we both just looked around at all of the other Americans watching their beloved teams, looked at each other and smiled. At home I would be looking for the antacid. Life is good even when the Chargers lose.

Let’s all root for San Diego State in the Holiday or Poinsettia Bowl. The Aztecs had a heck of a team this year and their coach, Rocky Long, is outstanding. He should be coaching the Chargers. The first day I arrive here I ask myself, “What am I doing here?” By the second day there is a peace that just starts enveloping me. I have my work materials, which are a phone and a computer and I leave an HP printer and scanner in my condo. I am still well connected and for the most part, people don’t even know I’m physically not in Encinitas. But I do have to say it is definitely harder to stay focused on work. Every day this week has had low 70-degree nights with daily highs in the low to mid-80s with a wisp of breeze. Because there are no bugs here, I keep my double sliders open all day and night. Sleeping to the sound of rushing tidewater against the small jetties is so soothing. It is nature’s Feng Shui and sleep aid. Even though I live in the Hotel Zone, my humble condo is still ownership despite my feeling like I’m living in a resort. There are a ton of time share resorts that make my place look like a typical Holiday Inn, but I'm not into time shares and where I live is just fine.

Help the horses save Christmas RANCHO SANTA FE — Bring the youngsters for a special holiday treat as “Sunny & Angel Save Christmas.” Help Santa save Christmas with Sunny and Angel, the miracle twin foals born at Helen Woodward Animal Center from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays and Sunday Dec. 15 and Dec. 16 at 6461 El Apajo Road. Experience fun holiday activities during this one-of-a-kind event: Children will hear the thrilling story of how

Sunny and Angel saved Christmas, play and learn with the barn animals, do holiday crafts, and meet and take pictures with Santa Claus. After an hour of holiday magic with Santa and his farm-animal helpers, join the Sugar Plum Fair for yummy yuletide treats and gift vendors. Entry is $22 for children, adults $9. For more information, contact Santa’s Shop, (858) 7564117, ext. 318 or visit

“Your Immunization & Compounding Specialists” El Tordo • P.O. Box 1188 Tel: 858.756.3096 6056 Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 Fax: 858.756.4725 Mon.-Fri. 9am-6pm • Sat. 10am-4pm

I meet people here every time I come down. Two doors down are visitors from San Diego. He is a head coach at a local school in the East County of San Diego and he says the seven-day stay is just too short. Mid-way through the week the thoughts of the usual grind start preparing the mind and body for return to normalcy. I personally found a way to get debt free and then figured out a way to live nearly free. With the rental income I get from renting my condo on VRBO, I get anywhere from seven to nine months of free living here after expenses. I boast as I do not out of boasting but out of encouragement to other Baby Boomers. You’d have to know me. Most would think I’d have to be grinding the ax day after day for the rest of my life. Now especially, with the new taxes we’re all getting hit with both in state and federal taxes, gas and food going up, rental rates rising rapidly, underwater mortgages and a general sense of being stuck is good reason to reassess what you’re doing. That’s what I did and I have a forum to express and encourage it. The grocery stores down here including WalMart and Costco are pretty much the same at home in size and variety of food.

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I like buying the little ready-made ham sandwiches for 8 pesos. The exchange rate is about 12 to 13 pesos for a dollar. I bought three nice avocados for 10 pesos and the bananas are close to free. I had to fill my car with gas and I like to use premium. The car just runs better. The cost was about $2.50 a gallon. Because my little 2003 A-190 Mercedes, which cost me $7,500 used, gets about 35 miles to the gallon, cost of living is pretty low. My annual trust fee to have ownership costs $400 American but my property taxes are only $75. That’s correct, $75. The trust runs out in 50 years and for a few pesos you renew it for another 50 years. By then this life will have been long over and heaven will be ready to throw me back for another go at this crazy world we live in while trying to find peace. And, speaking of peace, I want to wish everyone a merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah and a safe lead up to the new year, the New Aztec calendar and whatever adventurous turns await you in the coming new year and era.

Joe Moris may be contacted at (760) 500-6755 or by email at

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Meet Sam, Pet-ofthe-Week at Helen Woodward Animal Center. This mature gentleman seeks an active companion for long walks and quiet afternoons. Eight years young and 75 pounds, he has a shepherd’s passion for the outdoors and family. His adoption fee is $281 and, is micro chipped for identification. As an added bonus, Sam comes with two free passes to Sea World. Helen Woodward Animal Center is located at 6461 El Apajo Road in

Rancho Santa Fe. Kennels are open daily Monday through Thursday from noon to 6 p.m.; Friday, noon to 7 p.m.; and Saturdays and Sundays from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. For more information call (858) 756-4117.


DEC. 14, 2012




because there aren’t enough facilities to accommodate the student body, particularly for biology and chemistry majors. To alleviate student wait lists in the sciences, the MiraCosta Board of Trustees voted last spring to approve $4.7 million in funding for two modular science labs and a prep room for both its San Elijo and Oceanside campuses. The labs have a five-year life span and are expected to make their debut in Oceanside next fall and spring 2014 at San Elijo. Rodriguez said the labs and other solutions in light of the bond failing are a worthy “plan B,” but not a long-term solution. More online courses and

weekend classes in the future are likely to help bring down student wait lists across a variety of other disciplines. But Rodriguez said not all classes are conducive to the online format, and “presenting an equivalent experience” during the weekend might be difficult given limitations on food services, library hours and counseling programs. Additionally, MiraCosta will look at shifting resources from less-popular classes to those in demand. Also, Rodriguez said MiraCosta might benefit from property tax receipts slowly rising. Ninety percent of the district’s funding comes from property taxes, according to MiraCosta data. Rodriguez said the district has yet to discuss options for funding future construc-

tion. As for why the bond failed: “The economy is tough right now and some voters only voted for one of the bonds on the ballot,” Rodriguez said. Support for the Del Mar Union School District’s $77 million Proposition CC lagged behind the other two bonds for weeks, but was still considered too close to call. It finished with 54.3 percent. That means San Dieguito’s Prop AA was the only local school bond that passed. “We’re very excited; this is something we’ve been working on for years,” said Eric Dill, associate superintendent of district services with the district. The San Dieguito bond will borrow $449 million over the next 25 to 30 years for technology infrastructure

upgrades, rebuilding schools, libraries and other construction for schools throughout the district. To pay for this, property taxes in the district will go up by an estimated $24 to $25 per every $100,000 in assessed value beginning next year. Thanks to the bond passing, San Dieguito will first complete a host of less-intensive projects while waiting for the state to approve heavier construction in 2014. Next summer, schools in the district will receive bandwidth and fiber optic upgrades, field improvements and other miscellaneous updates. In 2014 they will see new math and science centers as well as buildings for the arts. Also, construction will start on the Pacific Highlands Ranch elementary school.

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the title hasn’t made people stay away from us. In our club, we have everything from high schoolers to CEOs who are retired, to husbands and wives, to film actors to stunt drivers. It’s almost every element of society you can imagine.” Last Saturday, the diverse crowd of about 30 discussed the finer points of old Fords, a Rolls Royce and a Jaguar and other vehicles parked along the street while sipping on coffee and nibbling on doughnuts. Erickson said Rancho Santa Fe was chosen as the spot to host the weekend club meetings because of its proximity to his work and the support he’s received from the community. “Businesses like that we bring new people into downtown Rancho Santa Fe,” Erickson said. “We’ve been given great support.” So how does one join a Secret Car Club? It’s by invitation only. But that doesn’t mean membership is reserved for those with large bank accounts or who have climbed the social ladder. Should would-be members come across the Secret Car Club in Rancho Santa Fe or at private events the group holds throughout the county, they have a good shot of joining the club’s ranks if they’re casual, and most of all, passionate. “When someone wants to be a part (of the club), we’re looking for someone who will contribute to the group,” Erickson said. “I’m not concerned with what you drive. I don’t care what you do. But if you’re enthusiastic about the cars, you’re in.” Also, member or not, anyone who touches cars or tries to hock products during the meet ups is kindly asked to leave, though Erickson noted there were only a few problems when the club formed a few years ago. Erickson said Secret Car Club has steadily gained in popularity since its inception several years ago thanks to word of mouth. On sunny days during the summer, the club can draw as many as 100 members. When asked what they liked about the club, members said they appreciated the unassuming and friendly



plan, called the process “tragic.” “It’s gone on way too long,” he said, adding that if issues aren’t resolved by February he will come back as a private citizen and urge

nature of everyone involved. Erickson attributes the relaxed environment to several factors. Unlike some car meet ups, the club doesn’t collect dues. And it’s decidedly egalitarian. “There’s no politics, and it’s not like ‘my MercedesAMG is nicer than your Volkswagen Bug Convertible,’” Erickson said. “There are no elected positions in the club. The people are just nice and interesting and just looking to socialize with other car fans for a few hours with no hassle.” Often, car clubs are focused on particular types of vehicles. But the Secret Car Club meet ups often sound a call for car experts of various time periods and companies. “You learn a lot; there’s the chronology of car history, the design aspect and the engineering, among other things,” said Erickson, who himself is something of a Land Rover expert. “There’s a wealth of knowledge there.” Standing near his 1951 MG TD roadster, club member Bob Hanselman noted the vehicle kicked off America’s love affair with sports cars. During the end of World War II, American troops in England had the opportunity to drive the sleek MG TC, an earlier model of the car produced in Britain and only available overseas. Some troops imported the car back home after the war ended, raising its profile and paving the way for a later car craze. A few years later, the release of the updated MG TD in the states was met with great enthusiasm among all Americans. “That’s an aspect of why I like this car so much — the history,” Hanselman said, adding that he enjoyed sharing his own and listening to other car owners’ tales as well. The DeLorean that was in “Back to the Future,” and several winners from Pebble Beach’s Concours D’ Elegance have made appearances at private meetups in the past. But member Julie Wilson said the people are why she stops by week after week. “Come for the cars, stay for the people,” Wilson said. “That’s what I say. This is a very fun group.” The group can be found on Facebook or at; however, the website is currently undergoing construction. the council to “stop the bleeding.” City Manager David Ott said Sharilyn Sarb, deputy director of the CCC, has agreed to meet with city staff and stakeholders to resolve the issues. Ott said he will “be leaning on all the folks” to reach a compromise.

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“White Tornado.” Pine needles, glitter and ribbon flew in all directions, decorations went up, beds got made, things got dusted, sorted and stored and the vacuum hummed. I had a checklist and I went through it with the focus of an Olympic hopeful in training. It was glorious and a bit nuts but as I put on the finishing touches and collapsed into bed, it was with a big smile on

my face. The visit was a huge success and my friend was full of compliments, which has gotten my holiday off to a quite perfect start. My halls are decked; my heart is merry. Come on by, but be forewarned you will need to dash upstairs if you need to powder your nose. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer who adores hosting friends from afar. Contact her at



DEC. 14, 2012


Cooks stir up cuisine at quar terly competition By Cpl. Michelle Brinn

CAMP PENDLETON — Stick a refrigerator, an oven, a sink and some food in a room, and the average person would call it a kitchen; but this kitchen had another name. The aromas were similar. Spices and seasonings lined the storage spaces; there were the typical appliances, but something was different. Room after room, freezers, ovens, steamers, storage spaces, warmers- you name it; there was more than one filling this cooks’ haven. Military cooks know this sort of kitchen as a galley. Here they can prepare food in a manner similar to a restaurant kitchen. For them, it’s where the magic happens, and on Dec. 5, four two-person teams entered the 41-Area mess hall’s galley ready to compete. Each fiscal quarter, cooks from the Marine Corps’ Southwest bases come together for a chef-of-the-quarter competition to give Marines and their civilian-contractor counterparts from different mess halls in the region a chance to showcase their cooking talents. The prize is an allexpenses paid trip to The

Culinary Institute of America to enhance the winners’ cooking skills through a professional, two-month course. Each team is judged in an array of categories from visual presentation and overall taste, to knowing the rules of the galley and time management. Judges decided who won the big prize, but taste-testers and other guests chose a winner for a ‘People’s Choice’ award. This quarter, one team earned both titles. “My partner and I worked seamlessly together,” said Sgt. Sean Dodds, the head cook of the winning team from 1st Marine Expeditionary Force. Neither Dodds nor his partner Cpl. John Lucido had ever cooked in a galley before the competition. Both Dodds and Lucido typically prepare “heat-andserve” meals for Marines in a field environment. Like the other teams, they were nominated by their mess hall representatives to compete. “I’d say time management was our biggest success,” said Dodds, a 26-yearold Memphis native. He said he and Lucido worked rest-

By Public Affairs

NHCP to Conduct Rapid Response Exercise

Gunnery Sgt. James Horak, the 3rd Light Armored Reconaissance mess chief, samples food during the first fiscal year 2013 Chef of the Quarter Competition a the 41-Area Mess Hall here Dec. 5. Distinguished guests attended the event to choose a People’s Choice Award from the four final teams competing. Photo by Cpl. Michelle Brinn

lessly during the four hours they had to prepare their meal, and to Dodds, that meant they were doing it right. Dodds and Lucido said they encountered a few bumps in the road: the galley did not have all the ingredients for their pre-planned recipes so they had to improvise.

Trees for Troops spreads cheer

“The competition promotes teamwork among everyone who works at the mess halls,” said Master Gunnery Sgt. Ronald Mazurek, the base’s food technician who works in conjunction with all of the region’s mess halls. “It gives them a sense of accomplishment and allows us to acknowledge their

Volunteers awarded at luncheon

By Lance Cpl. Trevon S. Peracca

By Lance Cpl. Sarah Wolff-Diaz

CAMP PENDLETON — Kids in a bouncy house, holiday tunes, and the smell of pine trees were experienced by more than a thousand people gathered here for a free Christmas tree giveaway Dec. 7. By 7 a.m., people had already lined up to receive their raffle and tree ticket. Raffles were held for prizes including the Golden Ticket for the first Christmas tree. Lance Cpl. Anthony D. Wilson, winner of the Golden Ticket, said he wasn’t sure if he was going to be able to afford a tree this year. Winning the Golden Ticket gave Wilson with his wife, Nikki S. Wilson and child the chance to pick out their favorite tree together. The Trees for Troops program, sponsored by the Christmas Spirit Foundation, visited base for its eighth consecutive year and delivered nearly 900 trees. Every year the program delivers an average of 17,000 trees to more than 60 military bases around the country. Trees were delivered to the Mainside location and to the Seaside Square on the northern part of base, to accommodate service members and families throughout base. “I think Trees for Troops is one of the most heart-warming and patriotic events that we have the honor of executing each year,” said Christina J. Chilleme, the special events manager for Marine Corps Community Services. “Being able to be a part of bringing joy to our service members and their families is what makes this event worthwhile.”

CAMP PENDLETON — Veterans, civilians and military spouses were recognized for volunteering their time to help Marines and sailors during an awards luncheon at the Pacific Views Event Center here Dec. 4. “The volunteers are the life blood of the organization,” said Mike Hire, the director of the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society office here. “They literally do the work of the society.” The award recipients are NMCRS volunteers who accumulated more than 100 volunteer hours in areas such as

Kimberly Engelman, the wife of deployed Sgt. Russell J. Engelman, and their son Zachary Engelman, during the 2012 Trees for Troops event here Dec. 7. Photo by Lance Cpl. Trevon S. Peracca

The program began as a way to give back to the service members and their families here by providing trees from FedEx and the Christmas Spirit Foundation. The program has grown from a simple tree giveaway into an event with entertainment, sponsors, raffles and activities. “This program has definitely helped our family save money during our holiday season,” said Wilson, a field radio operator with 9th Communications Battalion. The Mainside event featured Santa Claus, Santa’s Craft and Hobby Workshop, face painting, holiday music, a bounce house, rock climbing, a children’s obstacle course, a paintball experience and the opportunity to meet characters from Sea World. “It’s always a good feeling knowing you’re coming together for the common goal of honoring our Marines, sailors and families with the quality events and programs they deserve,” Chilleme said.

extraordinary efforts.” The competition was fierce and the scores were close, said Donovan Brown, the West Coast regional executive chef. In every competition, he said the quality of food has impressed the command. The second-quarter competition is slated to take place in March.

CAMP PENDLETON — Naval Hospital Camp Pendleton is scheduled to conduct an emergency management exercise to meet requirements of the hospital’s Emergency Operations Plan and hospital accreditation standards Dec. 13, from 8 a.m. to noon. The exercise will not affect the availability of medical care or scheduled appointments. However, there will be an increased security presence at most entrances to the hospital as well as exercise participants and observers inside the hospital. For more information, please call the NHCP Emergency Management Office at (760) 763-5747.

performing clerical work, knitting baby blankets, teaching the Budget for Baby class and running the thrift store. The society keeps a running total of hours, regardless of where volunteers donate their time, Hire explained. For example, Jenny Vetch, volunteer and military spouse, has not only volunteered here,but has also given her time at the 12th Marine Corps District in San Diego where her husband was stationed. That time combined added up to more than 2,500 hours, which was the most hours awarded at the luncheon.

“It’s that spirit of volunteerism that reminds me why I defend this nation,” said Col. Eugene Apicella, the deputy commander of five Marine Corps installations in the Southwestern United States. “It’s because of people like them, who are willing to give their personal time and put themselves into it to help out their fellow Americans, that I’m proud to serve.” These special events are held because the volunteers are appreciated by the organization for what they contribute, Hire said. To learn more about volunteering, visit:


DEC. 14, 2012




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52 COOK BOOKS All for $50 (858) 7930449 AMERICAN TOURISTER LUGGAGE 3 Pieces of Vintage “Escort” Luggage, built in the 70ís, green, still in wonderful condition, great opportunity $49 please call Shelly (760) 809-4657 BATTLE STAR series, carriers, amphibious, & battleships. 1941 - present day. Awesome ship designs onto apparel, mugs, posters,& steins. Honorable gifts. BENCH FOR SHOWER White foam bench which measures 29” Length, 18”High and 34” high including back rest $25.00 858-756-3721 CLASSIC CRYSTAL LAMP On Metal Base With Beautiful Shade 30 inches High $29 OBO please call Shelly (760) 809-4657 COMMODE & SEAT TOILET COMMODE To place over toilet seat - side arms, four legs $20.00, ELEVATED TOILET SEAT $15.00 (858) 765-372 COWBOY BOOTS Black Leather, Fancy Stitching, 9 1/2 Wide, Nordstroms, As New $95 (760) 643-1945 FIREWOOD FOR SALE Wheelbarrows full, Oak, Pine and Eucalyptus, Avocado & Citrus - $25 per wheelbarrow full (760) 942-7430 FLANNELL SHEETS 3 Queen Flats, Nice Quality, As New $10 each (760) 6431945 FOSTORIA HORSE BOOK ENDS In Crystal Glass, Built in The 40ís, Rearing Horses In Perfect Condition only $29 obo call Shelly (760) 809-4657

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DEC. 14, 2012



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2000 OLDS SILHOUETTE MINIVAN Well-maintained, single owner (dealer family used for first 6000 miles, then we bought the car). All maintenance records and cared for by seaside Buick and Marvin K Brown Cadillac service. 109,700 miles. Has auxiliary power and air compressor kit for camping or for inflating low tires. Rack atop for luggage or surfboards. Leather seats in nice shape and cared for with luxol. Cd player. Fully automatic — seats, windows, right rear door. Tinted rear windows. Alloy wheels. New belt last year. New front rotors and brakes in July. New radiator in august. Great value car. Runs reliably and looks nice. Abs brakes. $3750. Tel: 858-386-2480.

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DEC. 14, 2012


SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Bernice Bede Osol


FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

In the year ahead, you should be constantly working on improving your managerial and organizational skills. Something exciting and potentially profitable is brewing, and you’ll need these attributes in spades. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) — Since your sales resistance could be exceptionally low, it might be smart to avoid expensive shops that carry what you can’t afford. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) — Unless you’re confronted with some challenging developments, your excellent leadership qualities might never be expressed. But if they’re needed, they’ll be there.

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) — Instead of brooding over something disturbing, it would be best for you to bring it out into the open and discuss it with someone who usually has the answers. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) — There are strong indications that something beneficial is likely to develop for you that would give rise to great hopes. Chances are, it involves someone you like a lot.

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


COW & BOY by Mark Leiknes

ARIES (March 21-April 19) — Ambition is an admirable trait, as long as you don’t corrupt it by stealing someone else’s work, especially since you have plenty of talent of your own. Simply do your own thing, and you’ll get your due

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) — Even if your views contain elements of wisdom lacking in those of your contemporaries, it’ll still take the proper presentation to make them attractive to others. Express yourself logically, not emotionally. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) — Adjust to unexpected developments instead of allowing your frustration to wipe out your progress. Don’t allow anything to stop your momentum. CANCER (June 21-July 22) — Certain one-on-one relationships are apt to require as much tolerance and diplomacy as you can muster. Make it a point to allow in others what you want excused in yourself. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) — Assignments that are a pain-in-the-neck to begin with could be made even more intolerable if you resent having to do them. However, a good attitude will lighten your load considerably. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — Primarily because you’re likely to be a bit luckier than your competitors, social activities that contain elements of chance will prove to be quite enjoyable. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) — It’ll be important for you to find a constructive outlet in which to release all of your pent-up energy. If you instead keep all your restlessness bottled up, it’ll put you in an irritable mood. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) — Your imagination will be easily stimulated when you are asked to improve upon the concepts of another. Everyone will marvel at the multitude of suggestions you’ll offer.


DEC. 14, 2012

Use up leftover pie dough SARA NOEL Frugal Living After baking a pie, you might have some dough scraps. Use them up! Make a tasty treat by rolling out the extra dough and cutting it into strips. Top with a little butter, cinnamon and sugar, and bake. The first reader tip shares another idea: Leftover pie dough: As a kid, my aunt made thumbprint cookies from leftover pie dough. Basically she rolled leftover pieces of dough into a small cookie-sized ball, then pressed down with her thumb to make an indentation. She’d fill it with jam or preserves and bake. You could also use pie filling to make them tastier. — Olive, Florida Invest in a bread maker: I have a bread maker and a book with lots of bread recipes, and I use them a lot! I make my own pizza crusts, bagels, hot dog and hamburger buns. Last week I made a dinner loaf with hamburger meat, cheese, and mushroom soup and rolled it up in Italianstyle dough. I also make pretzel-bread rolls, which are a huge hit. Start with the pretzel dough recipe, then add baking soda to water and bring it to a sim-

mer. Put the rolls in the water for about a minute, then bake them at 425 degrees F for about 10 to 15 minutes. It makes a really tasty sandwich. — Bev, email Treat the underside of countertops: I read your recent column in which a reader had a problem with the laminate countertop over the dishwasher being ruined because of opening the door to dry the dishes. When I remodeled my kitchen and had new countertops installed, the installer told me that it’s very important to seal the underside of the countertop, because most dishwashers have a steam vent at the top of the door, and the steam ruins the underside of the countertop. I varnished that area when the dishwasher was being installed, and 10 years later the countertop remains in perfect condition. — Elaine, Iowa Dipped candy canes: At Christmas, I like to make chocolate-dipped candy canes. They’re delicious when added to hot chocolate or coffee. I dip the canes in melted chocolate and roll them into candy pieces and sprinkles. The hook makes a perfect little handle. Sometimes I poke the dipped end of the candy cane into a marshmallow, too. My daughter looks forward to them every year. — Laura S., New York Heart-shaped cinnamon rolls: Roll your dough out in a rectangular shape, then roll

both ends in toward the center until they meet, forming the top of the heart. Slice like you would when making jelly rolls. Pinch the bottom of each sliced section of dough to form the point of the heart shape, then bake as usual. — Carla, Ohio Cured bacon: I decided to try curing bacon at home instead of buying it at the store, using this recipe on a pork loin: I used dried thyme and powdered garlic, and I added a teaspoon of cinnamon. The bacon cured for three weeks in a covered ice-cream bucket in our fridge. I turned it once a week. After it cured, I smoked it on the grill using some apple wood our neighbor gave us when he cut down his tree. My husband and the kids loved it — even my younger daughter who does not like bacon. It was much leaner than regular bacon, because I didn’t use pork belly. None of us care for fatty bacon anyway. — Katrinka G., forums

Sara Noel is the owner of Frugal Village (, a website that offers practical, moneysaving strategies for everyday living. To send tips, comments or questions, write to Sara Noel, c/o Universal Uclick, 1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City, MO, 64106, or e-mail



DEC. 14, 2012





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