By Laura Place
Jennifer Ewing gives a bobbin lace demonstration at Escondido’s Grape Day Fes tival on Sept. 10. Thousands turned out at Grape Day Park for the event, which began in 1908 but was last held in 2018. Story on 9. Photo by Samantha Nelson

The fire caused $3,000 worth of damage to the business’s front office, including black burns to the doorway. No one was injured, accord ing to the Sheriff’s De partment.Anyone with infor mation about the inci dent is urged to contact the San Diego County Sheriff's Department at 858-565-5200.Residents can also contact Crime Stoppers, which is offering a $1,000 reward to anyone with information that leads to an arrest in the case, via their tip line at 888-5808477.“Someone out there knows the suspect. You might recognize him from his build, clothing or the way he walks,” Sheriff’s officials said.
Vista incidentslockerHighroomeyed
CSUSM wins grants to expand STEM outreach to local schools
door, and then fleeing the scene.Thearson/bomb unit of the Sheriff’s Depart ment responded to the scene and is investigat ing.
The new grant contin ues the practice of sending STEM ambassadors into lo cal schools to lead science experiments and other
EDITIONINLAND .com T he CoasT News

On Tuesday evening, officials with the Sheriff’s Department and school district shared that they have determined that the incidents did not involve a sexual assault, but that they are continu ing theirVistainvestigations.HighSchool officials first sent a letter to parents on Sept. 7, stating that they had re ceived “deeply disturbing” alle gations about misconduct involv ing football players in the locker room that occurred in late Au gust, just before Labor Day week end.In addition to a Sheriff’s De partment investigation into a pos sible crime, the district has hired an outside investigator to deter mine whether the incident is iso lated or whether misconduct is an ongoing issue within the football program.“We determined that in ad dition to the sheriff’s investiga tion, we are going to look at the entire football program to make sure there was no pervasiveness to this, that it wasn’t an ongoing thing,” Vista High School Princi pal David Jaffe told parents Mon day.
The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department is seeking the public’s assistance to identify a man wanted in connec tion with an arson inci dent in San Marcos last month.According to the department, the arson
A video circulating on social media, purported to be of the in
Laura Place
expand CSUSM’s Mobile Making program, through which undergraduates in STEM majors are dispatched to local middle schools to deliver science lessons to mostly ofhighspaceNASAyear,students.underrepresentedThesecondisathree-$480,000grantfromtocreatean“aeroacademy”forlocalschoolstudents,manythemfromlow-income
VOL. 7, N0. 19 SEPT. 16, 2022
“And one of the things I love about being at Cal State San Marcos is that we’re in a great position to do something about that.”
‘Disturbing’ allegations against football players; head coach put on leave

backgrounds.Bothprograms will op erate through the Center for Research and Engage ment in STEM Education (CRESE), for which Price is the faculty director and co-founder.“Working in our com munity and working with students to whom these opportunities historically have been denied, that’s something that’s really im portant to me,” Price said.
In a statement on Tuesday, Superintendent Matthew Doyle said the varsity head football coach will be on leave until the investigation of the football pro gram is complete, with another coach to assume his responsibili ties in the Districtmeantime.officials are speak ing with students and review ing video evidence, according to Jaffe. The district’s investigation is expected to be completed by the end of the week.
Arson suspect caught on camera
VISTA — The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department and Vista Unified School District have each launched investigations into recent allegations of misconduct by members of the Vista High School football team in the school locker room, with head coach David Bottom on administrative leave for the time being.
By Staff SAN MARCOS — Cal State San Marcos physics professor Ed Price has re ceived two grants that will further his longstanding efforts to increase access to scientific education to students from all back grounds.The first is a willdationSciencethegrant$1.49five-year,millionfromNationalFounthatextendand
The NSF grant builds on a similar one that CSUSM received five years ago that established CRESE and the Mobile Making program.
occurred just before mid night on Aug. 10 in the 100 block of South Ran cho Santa Fe SurveillanceRoad. video shows a man wearing a black and white flannel, blue jeans and white shoes approaching the office of San Marcos View Estates and setting a large blaze outside the
A STILL from video surveillance shows a man setting a fire outside the door of San Marcos View Estates on Aug. 10. The Sheriff’s Department is seeking the pub lic’s assistance to identify the suspect. Courtesy photo

“Matt is a Moderate with solid values and will bring balance to our State Legislature.”
A different kind of Republican
If you have questions or want to volunteer, email me at (yes, that’s my real email!) or visit my website at to learn more.
Paid for by Matt Gunderson for State Senate 2022 | FPPC ID #1441367 kind of music different kind of lizard

2 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N SEPT. 16, 2022 A different kind of car

A different
– Sarah Lifton, Encinitas Resident and Lifelong Democrat

“I’m a lifelong Democrat, and I’m supporting Matt Gunderson for State Senate. Matt’s prochoice and pro-environment. He has a real plan to deal with homelessness and will fight to make our state more affordable.”
Even Democrats say State Senate candidate Matt Gunderson is a different kind of Republican. He’s running for the right reasons!

– Susan Turney, Lifelong Democrat and Chairperson for Democrats and Independents for Gunderson

“Matt has been pro-choice all his life and will protect reproductive choice in California. (Of course he will—he has four daughters!) He is an environmentalist. He opposes assault weapons. He has long supported LGBTQ rights.

“I believe that Matt has the political will to work for the people, not party.
– Sheila Cameron, Former Democratic Mayor of Encinitas
– Colleen Mendelson, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Rancho Santa Margarita

MOONLIGHT AMPHITHEATRE is mourning the loss of stage technician Chris Fabio Watkins, who graduated from Rancho Buena Vista High School in 2009. Courtesy photo/Aaron Clement
Humane Society waives adoption fees for adult dogs
Create your scarecrow at home using your own colorful clothes and bling. Bring your completed scare crow to the Gardens for judging on Oct. 14 or Oct. 15.
“It was evident that he will be greatly missed and in many people’s memo ries for years to come,” Ted Watkins said. “As a parent you work hard to teach your children to be the best they can be and show compas sion and caring to others.
The organization has 1,742 animals currently in its care, including 172 adult dogs that are vacci nated, spayed or neutered and ready for adoption.
with that big goofy grin on his face.”Matt Chewiwie, a fel low Moonlight stage techni cian, started a GoFundMe to help raise funeral pro ceeds for the family. Like many others, he is devas tated about the loss of his friend and colleague.

the community to help us help them by opening their hearts and homes to a new familySanmember.”Diego Humane Society offers an adoption guarantee, training advice, pet supplies and education al information to support pet families for the life of the animal, according to the organization.Itslocations in Escon dido, El Cajon, Oceanside and San Diego are open for walk-in adoptions Tuesday through Sunday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.Animals available for adoption can be seen at sd of ficials said residents can also help by fostering a pet.
By Staff
By Samantha Nelson
TheDrive.event is free for all visitors. Kids’ crafts will in clude painting pumpkins, macaroni necklaces, a bean bag toss, worms discovery, and other fall activities.
This year’s Scarecrow Contest will be for scare crows constructed at home. Register and pick up scare crow supplies at the Chil dren’s Garden from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 8 or 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 14.
In addition to his work with Moonlight, Chris Fa bio Watkins worked as a warehouse lighting techni cian at Show Imaging Inc. The company is planning a memorial in his honor.
whenever he could.
Chris Fabio Watkins, a 2009 graduate of Rancho Buena Vista High School, joined the Moonlight team in 2014 after participating in the theater program at PalomarThere,College.hefound a pas sion for stage lighting that grew into a career that would take him all over the country over the next eight years, according to Moon light Technical Director Jennifer Edwards.
Many people have shared their memories of Watkins, who was known for his sense of humor and making sure everyone felt included and heard. He was also known as a patient teacher who helped others
This year’s event also features a plant sale from GrowGetters, and vendors will sell their jewelry and otherAmigoscrafts. de Vista Lions will sell a barbeque lunch and snacks and water will be available for sale.
The family is working on arranging a memorial for Watkins.
Judges will choose win ners, and gift card and oth er prizes will be delivered to three creative families. Scarecrows will stay at the Gardens through Aug. 1, 2023.Walk the 14 acres of gar dens filled with rare plants, our new Children’s Garden Discovery Trail, Ricardo Breceda sculptures and in triguing water features.
By City News Service

Home-made scarecrows can also be registered for the contest for $5 that day.
“Chris and I started on our paths during the same season,” Chewiwie said. “We grew together, made mistakes together, and laughed together.”
few visits to clinics and ur gent care, he was diagnosed with congestive heart fail ure. He died Aug. 27.
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REGION — With shel ter space for adult dogs rapidly filling, the San Diego Humane Society announced Tuesday it will waive all adoption fees for dogs 7 months and older through Sunday.
“This has been a chal lenging summer for us, with a lot of animals com ing through our doors in need of our help,” San Di ego Humane Society Pres ident and CEO Dr. Gary Weitzman said in a state ment.“Now we’re asking

Watkins worked on many Moonlight stage pro ductions, the most recent being “Cinderella” this summer.“Itwas an honor and pleasure to work with Chris,” Edwards said. “There was never a task he wouldn’t tackle with 100% of hisAccordingabilities.”to Ted Wat kins, his son fell ill over the summer during a trip to Texas, but he appeared to recover.Almost three weeks be fore his death, Chris Wat kins began experiencing other symptoms. After a
“From hearing all the stories since I was very down Saturday evening, I have come to the conclu sion I have accomplished what we are supposed to do in life. … I know Chris is somewhere listening and reading all these stories
For more information, email
Fall festival Oct. 15 at Alta Vista Botanical Gardens

Moonlight Theatre stage technician mourned
In a tribute to Watkins posted on social media, Edwards said, “Chris was hardworking, talented, and a dependable colleague. More importantly, he was always positive, humbly de voted, and a kind friend.”
A deposit of $10 cov ers the armature (sticks), a head, stuffing and whatev er clothes you choose from our collection; $5 will be re turned to you when the com pleted scarecrow is brought back to the Gardens.
VISTA — Come join the 14th Fall Fun Festival between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. Oct. 15 at Alta Vista Botan ical Gardens, 1270 Vale Ter race
VISTA — Moonlight Amphitheatre is mourning the loss of a beloved stage technician who died in late August after a short illness.
S. Coast Hwy. 101 Encinitas, Ste. W www.760.436.9737coastnewsgroup.comThe Coast News is a legally adjudicated newspaper published weekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. It is qualified to publish notices required by law to be pub lished in a newspaper of general circulation (Case No. 677114). Op-Ed submissions: To submit letters and commentaries, please send all materials to editor@coastnewsgroup. com. Letters should be 250 to 300 words and oommentaries lim ited to no more than 550 words. Please use “Letters,” or “Commentary” in the subject line. All submissions should be relevant and Torespectful.submititems for calendars, press releases and community news, please send all materials to community@ coastnewsgroup. com or Copy is needed at least 10 days prior to date of publication. Stories should be no more than 300 words. To submit story ideas,
Plainly, none of these plans passed muster, even though a few counties have voted for them from time to Santime.Bernardino Coun ty gets a chance in No vember to join that list. But let’s say the county votes to study leaving Cal ifornia. Regardless of the vote margin, actual se cession would have to be
Jim Kydd
It’s uncertain that is correct, despite all those warehouses and the 18-wheeler trucks embla zoned with myriad corpo rate logos heading from them to points all over California and the West.
A NEW COUNTY system allows residents who register online to receive an email alert within 48 hours whenever a document is recorded on a registered property. Courtesy photo
None of those approv als will be forthcoming, no matter what some of ficials in San Bernardino mayFontanasay. Mayor Ac quanetta Warren is a vo cal proponent of a San Bernardino state. She gripes that the vast coun ty, containing everything from myriad commercial warehouses to bedroom suburbs of Los Angeles to vast tracts of empty des ert to some of the plan et’s most advanced solar thermal power plants, is often “overlooked by the state and federal govern ments.”“They act like we don’t exist,” she said. “We are the economic engine of the state and you need to pay attention to that.”
With a few forged doc uments, scammers can sat isfy the recording require ments with the County Recorder, thereby changing title to the property and effectively stealing owner ship Yourights.might be wonder ing how this type of fraud was possible. Fraudsters create forged title docu ments and file them with the Office of the County Re corder.Until recently, many of those crimes went undis covered until the homeown er had a reason to check on title during a refinance or sale of their home.
• Continue to take steps to protect yourself from ba sic identity theft.
1 year/$75; 6 mos./$50; 3 mos./$30 Send check or money order to: The Coast News, P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550. The CoasT News
Even though Cali fornians by the million drive through it regular ly en route to Las Vegas, Phoenix, Salt Lake City and other Western cities, some of San Bernardino County’s 2.2 million citi zens feel neglected.
No longer is iden tity theft about safeguarding your mail, credit cards and bank account. Bad ac tors have evolved in their treachery and have moved on to stealing homeowner ship through title fraud.
But that doesn’t mat ter to local politicians, who most likely are really interested in grandstand ing to win new name rec ognition they can utilize if and when they run for higher offices, where they might ironically be called upon to help run the exist ing state of California.
Steve Puterski steve.p@coastnewsgroup.comCarlsbad
LEGAL ADVERTISING Becky Roland ext. 106
COMMUNITY NEWS EDITOR Jean Gillette ext. 114

tom elias
P.O. 92023-2550
4 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N SEPT. 16, 2022
• Use caution with on line signature applications such as Docusign — read the full document to ensure it’s the correct contract and keep a copy of the signed version.•If you have a sec ond home or vacant home, check it regularly to ensure there are no squatters, un wanted renters or fraud sters attempting to occupy the home — this can be as simple as installing an in ternet-based webcam at the home.•Ensure your property tax bill is paid on time and is in your name.

Jacqueline Covey Vista, jacqueline@coastnewsgroup.comEscondido
Anna Opalsky • Ryoga Grisnik Manya Anand • Ava DeAngelis
ACCOUNTING Becky Roland ext. 106
Views do not reflect the views of
It is physically larger than nine states, includ ing Connecticut, Dela ware, Rhode Island and New Jersey combined.
Some think they can do better on their own than as part of California, to which the county has belonged since there first was a TheyCalifornia.especially want two U.S. senators of their very own, perhaps be cause San Bernardino County is often a bell wether in presidential elections, usually switch ing back and forth from party to party in tandem with national outcomes.

Laura Place Del Mar, Solana Beach, San laura@coastnewsgroup.comMarcos
expressed in Opinion & Editorial
OpiniOn & E dit Orial
GRAPHIC ARTIST Phyllis Mitchell ext. 116
Box 232550 Encinitas, CA
The first thing to say about this proposal, the latest in a long line of at tempts by localities to split off from the nation’s largest state, is that it won’t happen in the life time of anyone sentient today.But there just might be a fun campaign on the issue over the next few weeks.Yes, San Bernardi no County won’t do much better in the reality de partment than the State of Jefferson (a proposed split-off of many rural Northern California coun ties) or the 2011 proposal from former Riverside County Supervisor Jeff Stone to make a new state from a dozen or so con servative-leaning inland counties, or a more recent plan to carve up current California into five states.
But county voters will get no information on any of this when they vote this fall on the local proposi tion to look into splitting. The short notice on which the proposal was plopped onto the ballot allows few answers to any questions.
There has never been a study of any kind exam ining her claim, or wheth er San Bernardino Coun ty, whose eponymous seat of government is infamous for its 2012 bankruptcy, could survive on its own.
• Ensure all your util ities are paid on time and are in your name.
Ryan Woldt (Cheers)
Samantha Nelson Oceanside, samantha@coastnewsgroup.comEscondido
ADVERTISING SALES Sue 0tto ext. 109
approved by the full state Legislature, most likely a vote of all Californians, and then by Congress.
For sure, if it became a separate state, its resi dents would no longer be eligible for everything from in-state tuition at California’s dozens of public universities, rent subsidies or many other programs that a new state might or might not create on itsImagineown. the expense of creating a University of San Bernardino of the cal iber of the current UCLA, for just one item.
If you believe you were the victim of a title fraud, report the incident to a lo cal police agency or request a San Diego District Attor ney Real Estate Fraud Com plaint Form at,visitourwebsiteat
Email Thomas Elias at
The District Attorney’s Office fights this type of fraud with a dedicated team of prosecutors and inves tigators who work collabo ratively with the Assessor/ Recorder/County Clerk’s office to bring fraudsters to justice.However, often the damage to victims has al ready been done.
Jano Nightingale (Jano’s Garden)
Jay Paris (Sports Talk)
By Summer Stephan
Scott Chambers - (Edit Cartoon)

They want more state money for things like wel fare, homelessness, road building and repair and many other items.
The San Diego,eralusingableThisthatnotifywererealhadfraudstersconsumersNumbersandregisterproperty.recordedwheneveremailisterallNotificationersthatClerkAssessor/Recorder/CountyCountylaunchedasystemwillprotecthomeownthroughaRecordingService,freetomembersofthepublic.Consumersmayregonlinetoreceiveanalertwithin48hoursadocumentisonaregisteredHomeownerscanuptofivenamesfiveAssessor’sParcel(APN).Thisservicewillallowtogetaheadofbeforethey’vetheopportunitytododamagetoaproperty.Untilrecently,therenosystemsinplacetotherightfulownertitlehadbeenstolen.gavefraudstersvalutimetoobtainloansthepropertyascollatorwhenthepropertyisinstallrentersandsellthehometoanunbuyer.Consumersmayregisonlineat:arccprn.sandiHerearesometipstotitlefraud:•SignupfortheReNotificationSystem•Searchtheofficialindexfordocumentsrecordedundernameandproperty.
Don’t be victim of title fraud
Chris Ahrens (Waterspot)
The Coast News
In fact, state-splitting has been proposed peri odically since the 1850s, when transplanted South erners tried to draw a line from San Luis Obispo to Nevada and make every thing south of it into a new slave-owning state.
Secession fever hits state’s biggest county focuscalifornia

n land area, San Ber nardino County is California’s largest, stretching from the Nevada state line to just north of Riverside and from near Los Angeles to the Colorado River and the Arizona state line.
Summer Stephan is district attorney for San Diego County
MANAGING EDITOR Jordan P. Ingram ext. 117
315 please send request and information to Submit letters to
David Boylan (Lick the Plate) E’Louise Ondash (Hit the Road)
“You learn so many life-saving skills that you can apply to any situation — allergic reactions, car diac arrest, or bleeding. Any emergency, and you’re trained in your skills by the time you leave the class room,” said junior Kate Froelich.“Itgives us passion knowing we have the skills that could potentially save someone’s life,” added se nior Ashley Galindo.
Vista looks to temper city manager’s hiring authority
“The approach we take at CRESE is really about leveraging the strengths of our students, our relation ships with the community, building off of that,” Price said. “That’s the theme in both of these programs. They’re both about giving our youth in the commu nity a chance to engage in science and have early and successful experiences with that.”
As of this year, Mis sion Hills has implemented six AEDs throughout the school, including two that are portable, to respond to cardiac emergencies. Hun dreds of students are also learning how to use AEDs, practice CPR and adminis ter other life-saving skills through the school’s health care career pathway.
VISTA — At a special Aug. 30 afternoon meeting, the Vista City Council took aim at the city manager's hiring authority by invit ing stakeholders, city staff and elected officials into the appointment process.
tragedies on other school campuses.Mission Hills is the fourth school in San Diego County — and the first in North County — to receive Heart Safe School designa tion.While some school dis tricts equip students with CPR skills, San Marcos Unified has taken things a step further by offering stu dents a health care pathway
Unified School District,” said Anne Laymon, regis tered nurse at Mission Hills and Rady Children’s Hospi tal who serves as a Project Adam program coordinator.
While it helps to be fa miliar with an AED before use, the device offers stepby-step spoken directions, including when to adminis ter shocks.
By Jacqueline Covey
The council, with May or Judy Ritter and Deputy Mayor John Franklin op posed, moved to amend the Vista Municipal Code to in clude in the section on the appointment of employees that “…the city manager shall make said appoint ments in consultation and agreement with a majority of the City Council.”
Though the ordinance was proposed for trans parency in anticipation of a new policy, Ritter said she was given notice of the meeting “late last week” and did not know the con text of the meeting until Aug.
Missions Hills HS lauded for heart safety push
Mission Hills Princi pal Cliff Mitchell said stu dents’ willingness to learn essential lifesaving skills is inspiring.“Ithink we’re all sus ceptible to having a loved one or a co-worker, or being at the airport or another public place, and having someone in cardiac arrest,” he said. “These students are miles ahead of where we were as kids, and they’re so willing and so ready to lend a Mitchellhand.” added that he aims to have all students in the school trained in CPR through physical education classes in the coming years.
The experience will culminate in a summer capstone project in which NASA will present students with a challenge problem that they will have to devel op a solution for. The theme for this school year is lunar exploration.Priceand Dominguez have several partners on the MAA program, includ ing CSUSM’s National Lati no Research Center to work with families of the high school students on college readiness, Carlsbad-based Nordson, Palomar Col
CITY MANAGER Patrick Johnson’s ability to hire depart ment leaders may soon require consultation and majority approval of the Vista City Council. The Coast News graphic
nem Siyahhan, a professor in the School of Education. For many years, Siyahhan has run a program in which undergraduate students planning to pursue a teach ing credential fan out to af ter-school sessions to orga nize activities with kids.
“The AED was right on the wall where I was sitting when I came in,” Curnow recalled. “I firmly believe that if more people are trained, there will be more miracle stories like mine.”
SEPT. 16, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 5
SAN MARCOS — Mis sion Hills High School li brary aide Melanie Curnow knows better than most just how important an automat ic external defibrillator and CPR training can be in sav ing aInlife.March 2020, Curnow was starting her workday when she suffered sudden cardiac arrest, a potentially fatal occurrence. Thank fully, her life was saved thanks to quick action by four on-site staff members, who used a nearby automat ic external defibrillator, or AED, and CPR.
If approved at the next meeting, the amend ment would sunset after 180 days if a hiring policy for the city manager is not adopted. The new process would also have a work shop sometime in method.thatterestPatrickedpublicsue,meantofingmanager’schangeoversblindsidedyears,hasmorale.”andamakingstakeholders,ofmorethenotelssitmembersthinkager,”authoritytryingformbebelievedtheindowningnamedcorrespondence“inclusive”othergageitem,Green,CouncilmemberOctober.Joewhointroducedthesaidhedidsotoencityemployeesandprofessionalsforanprocess.Thecouncilreceivedfromuncityemployeesurgcouncilmemberstovotetheordinance.Thoseoppositionquestionedcouncil’smotivesandthechangewoulddetrimentaltothecity’sofgovernment.“BynomeansamItotakeawaytheofthecitymanGreensaid.“Idon'tanyofourcouncilhavethetimetoonhiringandfiringpan….Iwillsay,Ifyou'reatthetable,you'reonmenu.Ithinkhavingofourstaffandmoreourcityemployees,evenatthetable,thesedecisionsisgreatmovebythecity,it'dbereallygreatforGreensaidthemovebeencomingforsixaddingheoftenfeelsbynewhiresorduetothecityunilateralhirpower.TheinclusionthecouncilmajorityistoalleviatethatisGreensaid.GreenalsotoldthethemeetingresultfromCityManagerJohnson’sdisininformingapolicywouldalterhishiring
Due to these and other efforts, Mission Hills was designated last week as a Heart Safe School by Proj ect Adam, an organization that supports schools in de veloping policies and proce dures to respond to cardiac events, through Rady Chil dren’s“We’reHospital.very hopeful this will be the first of many schools to receive this des ignation in the San Marcos
“What you guys are doing is not good,” Aguilar said. “This is the begin ning of the end… When you allow special inter est groups to control your council, you've already lost as a city. That's what's hap pening here. Let’s not beat around the bush; that's what's fittingcodetothroughlookshavepastcityalwasthirdandpaler’sthanthequalified.”toingdidn’tCorinnaCouncilmemberhappening.”Contrerassaidsheseeanyissuecreat“amoreinclusivewayhireindividualswhoareContrerassaidcitycoulddobetterithasinthepast.TheVistacitymanagsectionofthemunicicodewaslastreviewedchangedin1983,itschangesincethecityestablishedin1963.Greensaidhisproposwasn’tpersonal,butthehashadissueswithdepartmentheadsthatimpactedstaff.Hetoapolicydevelopedpublicworkshopsfreshenupthecity’stobringinqualified,candidates.
projects during after-school periods.But the additional fund ing will allow CSUSM to more than double (to about 30) the number of middle schools and upper elemen tary grades that it reaches, including in more remote school districts like Oceans ide, Fallbrook and Bonsall.

with in-depth courses de signed to prepare students for various health care ca reers.At Mission Hills, stu dents learn basic lifesaving skills like CPR, as well as how to use an AED, and can participate in internships in different areas of the health care industry.
By Laura Place
“This29. proposal is a huge change in our city's municipal code that ul timately takes away the city manager's authority to manage and puts it in the hands of three council members,” Ritter said in a written response to her colleagues. “And that's exactly what this is doing, who are coincidentally the ones attempting to change the code. In addition, they’re pushing the change through without signifi cant advance notice to the general public. How trans parent is that? That nobody knew about this meeting?”
During the pandemic, Siyahhan and Price merged their programs, and now the STEM ambassadors are accompanied on their out ings by future teachers. In all, hundreds of CSUSM students will participate in the Mobile Making program during each of the next five years.The NASA grant was secured by Price in col laboration with Gerardo Dominguez, a fellow physics professor. CSUSM was one of only eight institutions nationwide that received a total of $3.8 million in Mi nority University Research and Education (MUREP) awards for the MUREP Aerospace Academy (MAA).CSUSM’s version of this academy involves a partner ship with four area high schools: San Marcos and Mission Hills in San Marcos and San Pasqual and Or ange Glen in Escondido.
Two former council members addressed the incumbents on Aug. 30, urging them to turn down the change, echoing the warnings of a shift in gov ernment.John Aguilar ques tioned the motives of the City Council in bringing forward the item — at 3 p.m. rather than at 7 p.m. on Tuesday — adding that outside parties don’t be long in government hiring.
The Senior Volunteer Patrol of the Vista Sheriff’s Station performs home vacation security checks, assists with traffic control, enforces disabled parking regulations, patrols neighborhoods, schools, parks and shopping centers and visits homebound seniors who live alone for the community of Vista & portions of the county’s unincorporated areas. Volunteers must be at least age 50, be in good health, pass a background check, have auto insurance, a valid California driver’s license, and be a US citizen. Training includes a mandatory two-week academy plus training patrols. The minimum commitment is 6 hours per week & attendance at a monthly meeting. erested parties should contact Administrator Jim Baynes to arrange an information meeting.
(760) 940-4434 Jim Baynes

Project Adam was cre ated in honor of Adam Le mel, a high school student in Wisconsin who died of a cardiac emergency in 1999 on a campus with no defibrillator. The organiza tion aims to prevent similar
As part of the grant to CSUSM, the NSF also awarded money to start up Mobile Making programs at three other California State University campus es — Fresno, Long Beach and San Luis Obispo — and Price and his team will as sist with the launching of those initiatives this fall and spring.Andthe CSU Chancel lor’s Office will help dissem inate the results as a means of encouraging other cam puses to adopt the program as well.“We've learned a lot about how to make this work, and I think we have a good model,” Price said. “It's proven to the point that it does make sense for other places to try it. The things that make it work here, like the power of our campus as a regional institution, that's true of a lot of CSUs, and I think that there's no reason that this wouldn't work in otherAplaces.”co-principal inves tigator for the grant is Si
For each of the next three years, a group of STEM majors from CSUSM will work with about 25 students from each of the sites on a year-long set of activities around a common theme.
MELANIE CURNOW, a library aide at Mission Hills High School, speaks last week about her experience suffering cardiac arrest at the school in 2020 and being revived by staff members. Photo by Laura Place
lege and a NASA-funded research collaboration called ICE Five-O (of which Dominguez is a member).

3MB. the photo
have been in a battle over “semantics,” Ukegawa said.In July, the city con ducted a zoning determina tion and presented its find ings to’sletter said the strawberry fields is split into two parcels sub ject to different zoning des ignations.“(The zoning determi nation) outlines what would be needed for certain uses and what certain uses are by right,” Lardy said. “The
In my defense, I will point out that I have denied myself a large portion of red meat of late. My sum mer diet has been an herbi vore’s dream, with vegeta ble lasagna, salads galore, fruit, yogurt, pasta, cheese pizzas, eggplant sandwiches and It’spesto.all quite tasty, but I feel I have neglected my canine teeth, given to us specifically to tear apart meat. Hey, every body part deserves equal respect.
on a football scholarship to Wichita State to join the Marines.Beginning his military journey in San Diego as a private, he was later assigned to the 1st Marine Division 1st Tank Battalion and fought in both Korea and Vietnam as a tank officer.He met the love of his life, Betty Beard, who was in the Navy, at Naval Station Great Lakes and they were married in 1952.
fields — u-pick strawber ries and pumpkins, corn maze, tractor rides — are considered “accessories” to agriculture activities, which are permitted under the “public utility” zoning designation.Thecomplaint was related to noise from the “speakeasy” fundraiser for the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation, which was an issue for at least one resi dent located on the north shore of Agua Hedionda La goon nearly one mile away.

Please email obits @ call (760) 436-9737 than will print 1.625” by inh white.
orous weakness.
I am going to my fa vorite Italian restaurant, where I very probably will order the scallopini vitello. You know, the schnitzel, the veau, the vacuno. Oh fine — the big-eyed, baby calf that’s not even weaned yet.
black and
If I had my way, I would only order veal that had happy, although short lives, being petted and loved by some cute 4-H member. I was delighted to hear New England farmers are now offering free-range veal — no pen involved.
Jean Gillette is a freelance writer now focusing on her cannoli dessert. Contact her at

“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal.”— Irish proverb Share the story of your loved ones life... because every life has a story. For more information call or email us obits@coastnewsgroup.comat:760.436.9737 No one covers your LOCALNEWS like your NEWSPAPERLOCAL
Text” $15 per inch
Always active and ready to help, he volunteered with Kiwanis, King of Kings Lutheran Church, Meals with Love, and served on the investment advisory board for The City of Oceanside.
I am also grateful for soy in all its wonderful disguises. That’s one swell bean.You have my solemn promise that my next din ner out, I will have nothing but the Caprese salad and the cheese ravioli. My social conscience only permits me the occasional fling.
Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publicatio in Friday’s newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the customer for approval by Tuesday at 10 a.m.

Photo: $25 Art: $15 (Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)
By Steve Puterski CARLSBAD — The
The United States’ National POW/ MIA Recognition Day is observed across the nation on the third Friday of September each year.

More than 13 months earlier, Ukegawa and the city began discussions over his expanded operations, which grew due to the pan demic when outdoor venues were one of the few recre ational options after most businesses shut down.
uses expanded over the last couple of years. There was a code complaint earlier this year related to the ac tivities. Given the activities that were occurring … the operator requested an offi cial determination of what is and isn’t Accordingallowed.”to Lardy, the city views some of the current activities at the strawberry fields as more appropriate for the fair grounds.Some of the Ukegawa’s current offerings at the
x100. All photo attachments should be sent in jpeg format, no larger
Strawberry fields attractions in jeopardy
6 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N SEPT. 16, 2022
Since “recreational facilities” are not defined under the municipal code, the city applied “active and passive recreation” under “open spaces” to determine that stage and musical performances, inflatable bounce houses, alcohol sales and consumption, face painting, mechanical bull riding, food trucks and vendors, and “high-pres sured cannons that shoot apples at targets” are not permitted.Thecity is asking Uke gawa to obtain a condition al use permit for the 48acre parcel owned by San Diego Gas & UkegawaElectric.“reluctant ly agreed” to give up the apple cannons, bull riding and face painting this Hal
I do agonize over it ev ery time. I often opt for the spinach lasagna or the egg plant parmesan, but every now and then, I crumble. Tonight is looking like one of those nights, likely to produce delicious nirvana followed by capuccino and a helping of self-loathing.
USMC, Ret. 1930 - 2022
I will return to my well-behaved, planet-con scious self tomorrow. I also work hard to be a locavore, buying eggs laid by happy chickens in Lakeside. (A lo cavore is someone who buys food produced nearby. Less gas to transport, fresher, just a good thing.)
talksmalljeangillette ALLEN BROTHERS MORTUARY, INC. VISTA CHAPEL FD 13151120S.Santa Fe Ave Vista, CA 92083 760 726 2555 SAN MARCOS CHAPEL FD 1378 435 N. Twin Oaks Valley Rd San Marcos, CA 92069 760 744 4522 R O POW MIA
He loved to travel and spend time with his family.

On National POW/MIA Recognition Day, we remember the more than 500,000 prisoners of war who endured incredible suffering and brutality under conditions of extraordinary privation, and the tens of thousands of our patriots who are still missing in
Their life journey took them to bases such as Fort Knox, Camp Lejeune, Roosevelt Roads, Quantico and finally Camp Pendleton.LtCol Kennedy’s final assignment was to command the 1st Tank Battalion - the only Marine to have served as both a private and commander of the same US tank battalion.He was awarded 17 decorations, including the
In loving
Bronze Star Medal with Valor.After retirement in 1978, he became a regional banking manager for Wells Fargo until his retirement in 1989.

Submission Process or
Eating less meat, but not yet ready for cold turkey
Approx. 21 words per column inch
been eating largely vegetarian this sum mer and the results feel good. I sense I am more well-thought of by cows and pigs, in general. I’m still not too popular with poultry, though.Iam aware of, and even in agreement with, the reasons for giving up most meat, revolving around ef ficient feeding of the world and global warming. I am quite content with a veggie burger.Ican go for months without dreaming of a slice of bacon or a spare rib. I can knock back a rice and bean burrito with the best of them these days, as long as there is plenty of guaca mole.I am very sympathetic to the humane treatment of livestock, driven home by visions of stockyards. But tonight I am sneaking out like a guilty teenager to in dulge in my greatest carniv
I know, I know and I’m already sorry. I do not ap prove of farmers who keep those sweet young bovines in tiny stalls and are so un kind to them.
Heisley designed the flag, featuring a silhouette of a young man, based on Mr. Heisley’s son, who was medically discharged from the military. As Mr. Heisley looked at his returning son’s gaunt features, he imagined what life was for those behind barbed wire fences on foreign shores. The flag features a white disk bearing in black silhouette, a man’s bust, a watch tower with a guard on patrol, and a strand of barbed wire. White letters “POW” and “MIA”, with a white five pointed star in between, are typed above the disk. Below the disk is a black and white wreath above the motto, written in white, capital letters

Oceanside - Our beloved father passed away in July 2022. A true Marine, he dedicated his life to service and fought until the veryRaymondend. Kennedy was born in Belle Plaine, Kansas where he graduated from Belle Plaine High School in 1948 and passed
He is preceded in death by his wife Betty and his brother John Dee (died in the Battle of Okinawa), and is survived by his brother Don and sister Mary; three sons - John, Robert, Raymond Jr; 7 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren.Aservice honoring his life will be at King of Kings Lutheran Church on September 24th at 11:00am. memory of Raymond George Kennedy, LtCol,
Carlsbad Strawberry Com pany’s iconic farmland along Interstate 5 has long been known for its tasty strawberries, pumpkin patch, corn maze and other agriculturalHowever,enticements.someofown er Jimmy Ukegawa’s lat est attractions, including bounce houses, apple can nons, a mechanical bull, face painting and speak easy, may not return after this Halloween season due to the city of Carlsbad’s in terpretation of permitted uses for the land.
But City Planner Eric Lardy said the city received a complaint about potential land use violations on Uke gawa’s plots and has reex amined permissible activi ties on the land.
Since then, both sides
CARLSBAD STRAWBERRY Co.’s Jimmy Ukegawa is appeal ing a city decision challenging specific attractions at the strawberry fields along Cannon Road. Photo by Steve Puterski
Carlsbad balks at several offerings in land use dispute
1.5” tall
Who’s NEWS?
In an effort to reduce these tragedies, State Legislators passed a bill in 2009 that designated September as Rail Safety Month.Each year, passenger and freight rail operators team up to remind pedes trians and motorists to ex ercise caution when near tracks.“We are asking the public to take time to know the facts about rail safety and make good decisions,” said Jewel Edson, NCTD Board Chair, Solana Beach City Councilmember. “Share rail safety infor mation so together we can stop track tragedies.”
Southern New Hamp shire University announced students on its summer dean’s list and president’s list, including Jeremy Jo erger and Veronika Kireyko of Carlsbad; Faith Casey, Ashlyn Diamond, Adriana Tritel, Sheila Gue, Dennise Alas, Autumn Brown, Eth el Vergara, Reuel Wilson, Courtney Diaz, Peter Var go, Jonathan Harbin and Christian Reid of Oceans ide; Aaron Wilson and Tim White of Camp Pendleton; Jacqueline Ford of Rancho Santa Fe; Jennifer Clem ents of San Marcos; Maribel
OCEANSIDE — Every three hours in the United States, a person or vehicle is hit by a train. With 63 miles of track included in its operation, North Coun ty Transit District (NCTD) and its railroad service partners is encouraging ev eryone to keep rail safety top ofDuringmind.
In a recent study, the university determined that there is an ongoing demand of 571 beds based on cur rent enrollment. This de mand is projected to grow to 868 beds as enrollment continues to increase.
STUDENTS MOVE into North Commons, the first dorm-style housing at California State University San Marcos, on Aug. 26. The university is also planning to break ground on an affordable student housing and dining complex in 2024. Courtesy photo
2 to 5 years. For More In formation, visit orgrams/childrens-servicescom/southerncal/,ext.0

The city of Encinitas is asking residents to fill out a community survey at
The university’s bed count rising as demand grows
For more information, visit or fol low NCTD on Twitter @ GoNCTD.
In order to support student residents, the Uni versity Village Student Suc cess development will also include administrative of fices, living-learning class rooms and community spac es, as well as basic needs services for mental health and nutrition needs.
the University Village Stu dent Success Housing and Dining Project is planned for early 2024, and officials said that they will “make a commitment” to offer avail able units in the housing site to low-income students.
A new study by scien tists at Salk Institute, at 10010 N Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, identifies a gene and a group of cells in the brain that play a critical role in suppressing aggres sion in fruit flies. The find ings, published in Science Advances on Sept. 7, have implications for disorders such as Parkinson’s dis ease, which can sometimes cause behavioral changes like increased aggression and combativeness.
‘Stop track tragedies’: September is Rail Safety Month
September Rail Safety Month, NCTD reminds pedestrians and motorists to stop track tragedies by heeding warn ing signals, and to only use designated railroad cross ings.Taking a shortcut near railroad tracks can leave you maimed, taking a self
The North Commons dormitories on North City Drive house 332 students in single, double and triple dorm rooms, and opened at the end of August in time for the current fall semes ter.
ie can take your life. Brief videos from Operation Lifesaver, Inc. offer a stark reminder of the impor tance of rail safety: youtu. be/_xIYMp8wsgw and you injuries.ed242topCaliforniaaltiesdestrianandsions,,Californiasecondinthenaforthenumberofrailcrossingcollisions169.Ofthosecollitherewere35deaths37peoplewereinjured.Inthecategoryofperailtrespasscasu(fatalities+injuries),rankedattheofthelist.Therewerecasualtiesthatresultin141deaths,and101
from Wildfires framework created by the California Department of Insurance in partnership with state emergency preparedness agencies.
Over half of the uni versity’s student population are first-generation stu dents, and just under half have “an exceptional finan cial need,” according to a recent press release.
SEPT. 16, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 7
brings the total bed count to around 1,880, with an other recently-announced housing project also in the works.In late August, univer sity officials announced their plans for a 600-person affordable housing develop ment accompanied by an ad ditional dining hall to meet the dire need for on-campus housing in an increasingly unaffordableGroundbreakingmarket. on
The dorms are the sec ond student housing project by Sea Breeze Properties, the developer of the larger North City project across from the university. Darr ren Levitt, vice president of Sea Breeze Properties, said the project is a departure from the existing apart ment-style housing such as The QUAD and Block C.
Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to
Military spouses and female veterans are invit ed to the fourth cohort of the Women Entrepreneur Incubator program, which launches online from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Sept. 22. The National Veterans Cham ber of Commerce, SCORE Mentors, and the Oceans ide Chamber of Commerce bring this free business de velopment training that fo cuses solely on social media. The three organizations are providing training, techni cal assistance, mentorship, peer-to-peer support, and financial information. Reg istration link can be found on the Who’s News page at
When the new housing opens, the university will have enough student hous ing for around 15% of its total student population, an increase from under 10% in recent years.
CSUSM opens new dorm-style housing at North Commons
NCTD holds safety as one if its core values in the provision and operation of public transit services throughout its service area. The NCTD Board of Direc tors adopted a resolution at their July board meeting declaring September as Rail Safety ThroughMonth.public out reach, NCTD will continue to promote safety aware ness and education near and at its rail grade cross ings and railroad rightof-way to members of the communities it serves.
Accompanying the opening of the dorms is the launch of CSU San Marcos’s first student dining hall, Campus Way Cafe, later this month. The dining hall will
be located a block and half from North Commons, with meal plans required for all residents of the dorms.
50 students per floor who are split into three “pods,” designed to allow for con nections within a smaller community. Each floor also contains five common spac es where students can gath er, along with a community space on the ground floor.
University of the Cum berlands congratulates graduate Krupali Desai of Oceanside, Master of Sci ence in project manage ment, and Adam Brown of Oceanside, Doctor of Phi losophy in leadership.
“The Campus Way Cafe is a transformational proj ect for CSUSM and a crit ical step toward building a complete residential life experience for our campus community,” said CSUSM Corporation Executive Di rector Will AccordingMarchese.toLevitt, the addition of North Commons
“Cal State San Marcos, they’re growing more quick ly, and doing all the right things to become more of a four-year institution rather than a commuter school, which is how they’ve typi cally been known,” Levitt said. “One of those transi tions to a four-year institu tion is true dorms.”
Zetina and Breanna Jones of Vista; and Elias Haynes of San Diego. Dean’s list in cludes Aurelie Rodriguez, Lindsay VanDenBerg and Brynn Savage of Oceanside and Kevin Baker of Carmel Valley.
Soroptimist clubs in North County San Diego are looking for women in the area who are single, head-of-household to ap ply for Soroptimist’s “Live Your Dream: Education and Training Awards.” To be el igible, women must be the primary support of their families and enrolled in, or accepted into, a college or vocational/trade school pro gram. The application is at and the deadline to apply is Nov. 15.
Funding for the proj ect comes in part from the 2022-23 state budget, in the form of $91 million in affordable student housing funds for CSU San Mar cos— the second highest amount received by a CSU campus this year.
Freshmen at California State University San Mar cos now have the option of moving into a dormito ry-style living space, a first at the college as it strives to shift its reputation from a commuter school to a true four-year university.
“We’re excited to bring forward a transformative project that will set a new standard for affordable student residential living, representing a significant step in addressing student basic needs and helping our students of all backgrounds thrive academically and personally,” said CSUSM President Ellen Neufeldt. “Student housing is an in tegral part of the student experience, and it can have a profound impact on aca demic and lifelong success.”
Early Head Start and Head Start programs have 35 openings as of Sept. 7, at three Child Development Centers in Encinitas and Solana Beach. Free to in come-eligible families, the centers serve 120 kids, ages
California Insurance Commissioner Ricardo Lara submitted his insur ance pricing regulation to the California Office of Administrative Law that would recognize and re ward wildfire safety and mitigation efforts made by homeowners and business es. The regulation is the first in the nation requir ing insurance companies to provide discounts to consumers under the Safer
The seven-floor North Commons holds around
OnlineMBA has made a list of available scholar ships for military veteran students in Encinitas to use to continue their education and invest in a career. Vis it tary-veterans/.es/
By Laura Place SAN MARCOS —
The San Diego Auto motive Museum, 2080 Pan American Plaza, in Balboa Park, is seeking volunteers to support a variety of ac tivities and events, includ ing its upcoming signature event in October. Volun teers are needed to assist the museum as docents, li brarians, restoration activ ities, detailing, and other special projects. Training is included. More informa
tion at
Kosarin.Super Girl Surf Pro kicks off Friday, Sept. 16, and runs until Sunday, Sept. 18. Attending Super Girl and all of its activities, including the concerts, is free to the public.
The competition also features an elite-level wom en’s longboarding compe tition, with 48 of the top female pros — including world champions Honolua Blomfield, Summer Rome ro, Soleil Errico and Jen Smith along with 2021 Super Girl Longboarding champion Kirra Seale.
SAMANTHA SIBLEY of San Clemente became the youngest champion of Super Girl Surf Pro with her 2019 victory. Sibley joins a lineup of world-class women’s surfers looking to claim the title at this weekend’s event. Courtesy photo

8 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N SEPT. 16, 2022
“I got a 5-pound vouch er that I had to use on the Wimbledon grounds and a firm handshake from the queen,” Laver said.

Laver would go on to shake up men’s tennis, win ning his second Grand Slam as a professional in 1969.
competitive and there to win, but at the end of the day we’re just happy to be outside and surfing,” she said. “It’s pretty good vibes and everybody is support ing each other.”
Other Super Girl cham pions slated to compete in clude Lakey Peterson, Tati ana Weston-Webb, Coco Ho, Sage Erickson, Courtney Conlogue and Carlsbad’s Alyssa Spencer. Oceans ide’s own Caitlin Simmers, who came in second place at
Laver, then an ama
Super Girl Surf Pro returns to Oceanside Pier
“It was Federer that instigated all off this and when he asked me to lend my name to it, I was hon ored,” Laver said.
And Laver, on that memorable Sunday after noon, when he was saluted by the queen?
Super Girl also offers plenty of entertainment outside of the water with 15 live concerts and fam ily-friendly activities; the annual Super Girl Gamer esports tournament; an all-women DJ competition; a women’s beach soccer tournament; free classes in fitness, yoga, zumba, pi lates, wellness and dance; female comedians; celeb rity speakers; panel dis cussions promoting women leadership and sustainabili ty; a women’s art exhibition and Themore.competition’s con cert series includes perfor mances by Spin Doctors, Smash Mouth, Hoobastank, The Expendables and Kira
Sport S
an Australian kid growing up on his family’s cattle farm, it was a dream be yond“Iimagination.thoughtto myself, ‘I’ve certainly come a long way,’” Rod Laver said.
Laver, the tennis leg end and a longtime Carls bad resident, was mourning the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth II, while recall ing his encounter with her royalSixtymajesty.years ago, when Laver won his second of four Wimbledon titles, Queen Elizabeth attended the match.Atits conclusion, with Laver capturing the second leg of the first of his unprec edented two Grand Slams, Queen Elizabeth made her way to the famed grass sur face.Laver was introduced and approached the queen, as she extended her right arm with her purse hanging from her other arm. Laver, a native of, appropriately enough, Queensland, was eye-to-eye with someone he once saw on his currency.
Catching Laver is like trying to master one of his topspin returns. He’s load ing his suitcase again and heading off to London for next week’s Laver Cup, an international event that bears his name and contin ues to keep him close to the game he Federeradores.was instru mental in organizing the Laver Cup, a three-day com petition held around the world that features tennis’ top players. When Federer approached Laver about his potential involvement in it, Laver was floored.
Just like most tennis fans are overwhelmed when meeting Laver. No one has ever won two Grand Slams, with Laver saying his sec ond one, in 1969, was “the crown.”But that year’s Wimble don couldn’t match 1962. It was the one when the tennis booster with the real crown, Queen Elizabeth, told an appreciative Laver “con gratulations.”“Whenyou go on the court,” Laver said, “you know when royalty is in the royalAndbox.”with Laver on that court, the queen undoubt edly knew she was watching tennis royalty.
When Novak Djokovic cap tured the title this summer, he received $2.5 million.
Sibley, who hails from San Clemente, is looking forward to her return to the Oceanside Pier this year and is ready to earn another championship title.
last year’s competition, was also slated to compete but is filming overseas and won’t make it back in time.
“The focus is complete ly on the girls,” she said. “A lot of events we have to share with the boys where sometimes we get lesser conditions and it’s hard to free surf.”
Contact Jay Paris at and follow him @jparis_sports.
But few events matched meeting the queen, espe cially for a youngster raised in a nation that was part of the British Commonwealth.
TENNIS ICON Rod Laver, a longtime Carlsbad resident, is shown here accepting the trophy from Queen Elizabeth at the conclusion of the 1962 Wimbledon Championships. Laver won four Wimbledon titles but just once with the queen in attendance. Courtesy photo

It has been an incompa rable career, and life, which led Laver to becoming friends with Frank Sinatra, playing tennis with Charl ton Heston, golfing with Sean Connery and hanging backstage with Tony Ben nett.
“It’s something,” Laver said, pausing to embrace his good fortune. “I got the opportunity to play around the world and meet all these people that I did and it was just a thrill.”
Laver still gets his kicks from tennis and there’s plenty of get-up-andgo in this 84-year-old. He attended Wimbledon this summer and then the Open Championship, traveling to St. Andrews as a Rolex Ambassador to watch golf er Cameron Smith, another Queenslander, claim the trophy.With Spaniard teenag er Carlos Alcaraz winning this month’s U.S. Open, Laver is among those im pressed with tennis’ young est No. 1 player.
“It was a thrill that she was there and presenting me with the trophy on Cen tre Court,” Laver said.
By Samantha Nelson OCEANSIDE – The Nis san Super Girl Surf Pro com petition is back and ready to make waves at the Oceans ide Pier this weekend.
“Winning Super Girl in 2019 was one of the best days of my life,” Sibley said. “Oceanside will always have a piece of my heart.”
Known as the largest women’s surf contest in the world, Super Girl Surf Pro is set to welcome more than 90 of the top professional surf ers out there. Included in the lineup are Olympic gold medalist Carissa Moore, U.S. Olympic teammate and defending Super Girl champ Caroline Marks, surf icon Bethany Hamilton and local surfers such as Saman tha Sibley, who became the youngest champion of the competition in 2019.
Sibley’s favorite part about the event is that it features all women surfers.
teur, joked for years about his winnings that day.
“He was amazing,” said Laver, who won the 1962 U.S. Open at New York’s West Side Tennis Club to seize his first Grand Slam. “His forehand is one of the best ones I’ve ever seen and really, he’s got the whole game. He is unbelievable and for him to be No. 1 in the world at 19 is pretty amazing.“Iknow tennis is close to losing a lot with Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic getting old er, but there’s a lot of great players coming on right now and I think that’s encourag ing.”
Laver was the Wimbledon king when he met the queen
Beyond competing, Sib ley is looking forward to getting out in the water and having a good time with her friends from all over the country.“Everybody is very
The History Center was one of the main organizers of this year’s festival and worked alongside Brothers of 6, another charitable or ganization also working to preserve history in the com munity.Robin Fox, director of the Escondido History Cen ter, called the Grape Day Festival a fun, free, “oneday history lesson” for the city.
the strain on family caregiv ers.
and other tools throughout the day.Ashe hammered away, Larry Fox, a novice black smith, explained to onlook ers how Martinez shapes the tools he creates using his forge and anvil.
For those efforts, Ukegawa was named Carlsbad’s Citizen of the Year and Congressman Mike Levin’s Constituent of the Month in May 2021.
THE ART OF BOBBIN LACE, as demonstrated by Jennifer Ewing, involves a process of braiding and twisting thread wounds on bobbins. Ewing’s father, Phil, was one of the blacksmiths in attendance. Photo by Samantha Nelson

Since 2020, much of Ukegawa’s proceeds from the mazes have earned $100,000 for the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foun dation.Other charitable ef forts include hosting the city’s two Rotary clubs’ annual Oktoberfest cel ebrations, a speakeasy benefitting local chari ties and free or discount ed field trips for students and the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad.Amidthe pandemic, Ukegawa donated more than 500,000 pounds of food to anyone in need, no questions asked.
West PACE is a place where your loved ones can be part of the supportive community for older adults to meet friends and cele brate special events. While at the Day Center, partici pants can engage in social activities, complete with meals and snacks, see their

WEST PACE opened its nearly 20,000-square-foot San Marcos center for North County se niors in July 2019. Courtesy photo
By Samantha Nelson ESCONDIDO — De spite the threat of rain, the return of the Grape Day Festival brought thousands of people Saturday seeking to rediscover the history of Escondido.Hundreds of people were already perusing the vast tents of local vendors and historical displays within the first hour of the historic festival’s opening.
lower costs for labor, wa ter, and insurance, push ing him toward agritour ism, which is defined as a working farm or ranch “for the enjoyment and education of visitors that generates supplemental income for the owner or operator,” according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.ForUkegawa, the at tractions are critical to the farm’s survival. With out them, his business, which attracts visitors from San Diego, Orange and Los Angeles counties, would likely be on life support.During the summer, thousands of out-of-state tourists also enjoy visit ing Ukegawa’s farm as the only coastal agriculture operation from the Mexi can border to Oxnard.
Phil Ewing, anoth er Escondido blacksmith, made the wagon. He helped design the reconstruct ed blacksmith shop in the 1990s by taking inspira tion from the Tom Bandy
West PACE is planning their annual holiday drive again this year. Organizers seek North County San Di ego businesses, churches, and community organiza tions who may be interested in supporting the effort. For more information, please contact Mary Jurgensen at (760)Gary280-2230.and Mary West
West PACE offers high-quality, comprehen sive healthcare, as well as social services and support, for North County San Diego seniors who qualify for nurs ing home-level of care and who wish to age in place at home for as long as possible.
Forwine.years, the city’s celebration of local agri culture was only second in popularity to Pasadena’s Festival of Roses.
West PACE celebrates 3-year anniversary
First started in 1908, Grape Day Festival used to attract thousands of visi tors from all over Southern California to visit the town known for its sweet grapes and
In front of the old Ban dy Blacksmith Guild, stand ing next to the train depot in the park, professional blacksmith Fil Martinez shapes hooked steak prongs
PROFESSIONAL BLACKSMITH Fil Martinez shapes a hooked prong on his an vil during a demonstration at last weekend’s Grape Day Festival, a celebra tion of Escondido’s history. Photo by Samantha Nelson

Ukegawa’s business model has changed over the years due to competi tion from Mexico, includ ing cheaper imports and
Over 90 percent of PACE participants can suc cessfully remain in their homes and communities.
PACE participants live lon ger, are more socially en gaged, and have a better quality-of-life than they might experience in nursing homes or other institutional settings.“Older individuals have so much to offer,” says Dr. Ross Colt, medical director at West PACE who is also a retired Army Colonel. “I consider it a true honor to serve them, just as I consid ered it an honor to serve my country in the Army—an experience that gave me the
& Son blacksmith shop ini tially established in 1908. Ewing also assisted with the wheelwright and wood working extensions on the shop in “This2007.wagon was in the process of being built for 10 years,” Fox said about the wagon used for the first time at the festival. “He made it to be able to pull in parades.”The blacksmith shop volunteers teach black
Join us in celebrating the 3-year anniversary of Gary and Mary West PACE as well as National PACE Month! The Gary and Mary West Program of All-inclu sive Care for the Elderly (West PACE) opened its nearly 20,000-square-foot center for North County San Diego seniors in July of 2019.Since then, the program has cared for hundreds of vulnerable seniors so they may live safely in their own communities.WestPACE is a nonprof it organization located in San Marcos, and is part of an innovative, nationwide mod el of person-centered care for vulnerable seniors. The talented team at West PACE is comprised of medical pro fessionals, social workers, nutritionists, and physical and occupational therapists.
“As a blacksmith’s daughter, what I make is based on the tools I use,”
primary care provider, spend time with friends, or work out with their thera pist, in a vibrant, supportive environment.OneWest PACE partici pant says, “I like everything about the program. The care is outstanding, I always feel like I can go to them. They're very approachable. From the physical therapist to the dietitian, everything is excellent. I feel very for tunate about the care given to me.”The PACE model of care has shown to reduce rates of emergency room visits, un necessary hospital admis sions, and long-term nursing home placements. It also reduces the cost of care and
The festival started in 1908 and ran until 1950. The Escondido History Cen ter revived the festival in 1990 and ran it until 2018.
Blacksmiths, lacemak ers and other entertainers demonstrating old-world crafts were busy answer ing questions throughout the day about their skills as they worked away at what ever sword, steak prong or sock they made.
PACE is located in San Mar cos at 1706 Descanso Ave nue. To learn more about what West PACE has to offer or to see if you or a loved one qualifies, visit us online at or call us at (760) 280-2230.
With the triumphant return of the Grape Day Festival this year, many are looking forward to many more years of grape stomp ing, history and art.
Thousands rediscover Escondido history at Grape Day Festival
loween season, but he dis agrees with the city’s in terpretation and has filed an appeal with the city’s Planning Commission. The commission is sched uled to discuss the issue during its Sept. 21 meet ing.
she said.Alongside her were oth er textile-making crafts, including an antique soft knitting machine from 1904. Women would often sit by the fire while knitting clothes for troops in World War I and World War II.
SEPT. 16, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 9 M arketplace News Marketplace News is paid sponsored content
Ukegawa said with the zoning also comes the concept of “by right,” which he believes allows him the ability to expand his operation without con cessions or Additionally,permits.a condi tional permit would come with significant costs, such as paying for road and intersection improve ments along Cannon Road and Paseo Del Norte and building out the sidewalk several hundred yards to the east.For those improve ments, Ukegawa believes the property owner should be Dozensresponsible.ofresidents and customers have sent letters to the city in sup port of Ukegawa, many questioning how a single complaint could reduce his offerings.“We’vebeen negoti ating since January, and now they’ve put their feet in the sand,” Ukegawa said. “The city also tried to get the farm to pay for Cannon Road improve ments. We’ve been farm ing this land since before Cannon Road was built.”
skills and flexibility to treat our seniors with the dignity and respect they deserve.”
smith classes throughout the year and are usually present in the shop on Tues days and Saturdays, accord ing the train de pot, Phil Ewing’s daughter, Jennifer Ewing, was busy demonstrating the art of bobbin lace, a process that braids and twists thread wounds on bobbins.

10 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N SEPT. 16, 2022

Silvergate’s newly remodeled Memory Care Suites offers families the ability to let go of full-time caregiving and return to being a full-time loved one. decades of experience caring for seniors with Alzheimer’s, dementia and loss, you can trust the experts at Silvergate.


Cherish Time Together
You’ve done it because you love them, but there’s a better way. MEMORY CARE Unlike Any Other 1560 Security Place San Marcos, CA INDEPENDENT LIVING | ASSISTED LIVING | MEMORY CARE | RESPITE STAYS Lic.#374600026 RSVP to (760) 744-4484 Lunch & Refreshments Provided! Scan QR Code To Learn More Where Every Day Matters M EMORY C ARE L UNCH & L EARN “10 Symptoms of Family Caregiver Stress” Join Us For A Discussion With The Guest RebeccaSpeakerTurman Tuesday, September 27 11:30 a.m. ssm_coast_news_ad_L&L_092022_final.indd 1 8/11/22 18:36

How to become ‘zero waste’
So what is “Zero Waste?”According to Wikipe dia, Zero Waste is the con servation of all resources through responsible pro duction, consumption, reuse, and recovery of products, packaging, and materials without burning and with no discharges to land, water, or air that threaten the environment or human health.
serving the friends.members,tyareknowledgeStudentscommunity.deepentheirofwhotheyaslearners,communimembers,artists,teamtravelers,and
They were carrying the trash. That small dis tance made the family re evaluate what they were bringing into the house in the first Nowadays,place. their phi losophy has changed. If they can’t reuse, recycle or rot it in the compost, they won’t buy it.
o you want to be sustainable. You believe the global warming statistics and want to play a part in going green for yourself and your family.
With over 150 pages of practical tips for beginners to advanced zero-wasters, Fredrika demonstrates simple strategies for dayto-day living with a con sciousness toward the en vironment and reducing carbon footprint in every aspect of life.
This is an excellent guide for anyone who wants to make a differ ence with their everyday actions. And a great place to start your journey to ward sustainability in your home.For more information, check out
Now what?
Seventh graders contin ue to build abstract and crit
recipes healthy and sus tainable, but they are also eco-friendly with less waste for a healthier home.
Given the right support from caring and experi enced educators, students can get comfortable with themselves, take risks, de velop their voice, make au thentic connections, and build key academic, social, and emotional skills needed for high school and beyond, all while celebrating who they are and who they’re becoming.
By Luke Michel
Luke Michel is head of middle school at Pacif ic Ridge School.
Across subjects, stu dents gain more choice in their projects, select a world language to pursue, and continue to experience a range of artistic media. Skills classes help students strengthen academic per formance while promoting self-awareness, social-emo tional skills, and wellness.

At Pacific Ridge, stu dents in grades 6 through 8 learn new ways to think, communicate, and collabo ratively address real-world issues.We offer students op portunities to challenge themselves and develop new interests and passions – in the classroom, on the field, in the studio and out

Embrace the middle school journey
ical thinking skills, delving into real-world issues.

It’s no wonder middle school gets a bad rap. In ear ly adolescence, children un dergo physical, emotional and social changes that can be challenging for them to manage.Middle schools, which are charged with bridging the gap between elementa ry and high school, often in troduce increased expecta tions and larger class sizes, mixing together children at widely varying stages of de velopment. It’s a vulnerable time that many adults recall withItdistaste.doesn’t have to be that way! With the right environment and program, middle school can be fun, engaging and inspiring, lay ing the groundwork for con fidence and success in high school and beyond.
Every chapter is an adventure in the art of sus tainability — starting with mindset.“Think big and start small. First, look at the big picture: by reducing your waste by just 20%, you will make a positive change for the environment. Small changes matter! But you have to start somewhere,” saysAccordingSyren. to Syren, they started by simply re moving the trash can in the kitchen. By moving it to the hallway closet, they had to look at everything they needed to discard and consciously decide if the items could be composted, reused, or recycled.
Not only are the DIY
This guidebook follows this family's journey and demonstrates how they save $18,000 annually by going zero waste in every aspect of family living.
A practical step-bystep book has been pub lished to help guide your family from low to zero waste for a healthier plan et. “A Practical Guide to Zero Waste for Families” is a guidebook by San Di ego resident and environ mental activist Fredrika Syren.By shifting habits gradually, the reader can make small-scale changes to do their part for climate change and the environ ment.The book was written as a result of this family’s journey — from removing the household trash can to composting everything and growing their food, the adventures of teaching their children how to live a greener lifestyle in an or dinary San Diego suburb yields the practical guide book that became Zero Waste for Families.
At a recent school event, I heard a common phrase from a parent: “when I was in middle school, I hated it!”

Soon to become high school students, 8th grad ers take on increased chal lenge. They refine academic and life skills while continu ing to build confidence and assert their admissions/openhouse.ister,cificanddents,istrators,tunitya.m.Opengrams,dlelearning,shouldbelieveitiveyearerschool,Leadersindependence.ofthemiddletheymentoryoungstudentsthroughouttheandpracticebeingposinfluencers.AtPacificRidge,wethatmiddleschoolbeavibrant,inspirandhappyplace.TomoreaboutourmidandupperschoolpropleaseattendourHouse,Oct.22from9tonoon.You’llhavetheopportohearfromadminmeetfaculty,stuandcurrentfamilies,
Only 9% of all plastic has been recycled, and the rest ends up in landfills, in cinerated, polluting the at mosphere, or dumped into the ocean. Think about your plastic use. Is there an area that you can im proveChapterhere? 5 talks about using Mason Jars for all food storage, cleaners, bulk shopping instead of plastic bags, and packing meals, especially salads.
SEPT. 16, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 11 1 7 0 6 D e s c a n s o A v e , S a n M a r c o s , C A 9 2 0 7 8 ( 7 6 0 ) 2 8 0 2 2 3 0 • w w w w e s t p a c e o r g Scan me to learn more! Happy 3 Year Anniversary! West PACE is part of a nationwide model of person-centered care for seniors with chronic care needs offering high quality, comprehensive and coordinated healthcare, social services and support to enable them to successfully age in place “I like that they focus on your whole body. If you’re eating well, if you have physical problems—they’re taking the whole being into consideration.” West PACE participant I SAT Partic pant Survey Participants must receive all needed services, other than emergency care, from Gary and Mary West PACE providers, and will be personally responsible for any unauthorized or out of network services E ducational opportuniti E s Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article. If you would like an article on this page, please call (760) 436-9737 OCT.HOUSEOPEN22 EXCELLENCECHALLENGE through Developing in students the intellect, agility, and courage to thrive AN EXPERIENCEEDUCATIONALFORGRADES 6 - 12 Register
This chapter also shares recipes, inspiring readers to try these tips and tricks for themselves.

Our academic pro gram introduces 6th graders to seminar-style learning called Harkness; problem-based learning in English, history, math, and science; multiple arts disci plines; and three world lan guages.Beyond the classroom, students can join clubs, try new sports, and participate in weekly service work.
At the heart of our mid dle school are the connec tions students build with each other and their teach ers.
10. Hot sauce to taste
• Tall boys of Eppig Brewing’s Special Lager and 10:45 to Denver IPA are now available at Petco Park at the On Deck craft beer bar between sections 227 & 231.
Black Plague Brew ing’s new Escondido tap room and kitchen, the Pur gatory Lounge, is open.
After an extended hi atus due to the constraints of COVID-19 (maybe you've heard of it), the festival is returning to celebrate local craft beer brewers and of fer an opportunity for beer lovers to celebrate the SD Craft Beer community.
5. 1 tsp. finely chopped fresh6.ginger1Tb. Asian sweet sauce (pad thai or sweet
and sour sauce)
The recipe can be served immediately if quickly cooked (½ hour) or cooked down to make a thicker, darker version.
• Helia Brewing Co. in Vista celebrated its fourth birthday over the long hol iday weekend with lots of live music and lots of beer.

But first, a thought: After my seasonal creep rant a few weeks ago (and despite the recent popsicle melting heat), we’re very nearly into Oktoberfest season.I’m already seeing Oktoberfest beers on the shelves and letting myself feel the tingle of excite ment. Fingers crossed, the weather cools off enough that we can all enjoy a Märzenbier with a hint of crispness in the air.
2.1.Ingredients:5largepeaches3GrannySmith ap ples (peeled and diced)
Congrats to the HBC Team for reaching the mile stone! I’ll be celebrating belatedly with a Pescadito Mexican Lager.

Beer news roundup: Oktoberfest, Beer Week on tap

rie Vineyards was making rosé, and the resulting san gria has a rich, deep purple color.•
The brewery’s Labor Day weekend grand open ing included limited edi tion Purgatory Lounge swag, the new Tony Hawps “Nirvana” IPA and a mo bile tattoo bus (which I did not know was a thing).
3. 2 Tb. butter
This is an excerpt from a recent column:
There is also a lot of local beverage news, and so much gets missed every week. Here is your month ly roundup of updates from around the region.
The first official day of Oktoberfest is Sept. 17. There is a good chance a brewery near you will be celebrating with schnitzel, polka, lederhosen and, of course, beer.
Food &Wine
Be sure to follow and share your drinking adven tures with Cheers! North County on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
HELIA BREWING Company, based in Vista, recently celebrat ed four years. Courtesy photo/Helia Brewing Co.
7. 2 Tb. brown sugar or honey8. 1 Tb soy sauce
9. 1 Tb. balsamic vine gar
• San Diego Beer Week is once again kicking off with the San Diego Brewers Guild Fest on Nov. 5.
After Stone aggressive ly defended its status as in die trailblazers for years, this transition feels like a bit of a whimper.

4. 1 tsp. cinnamon and ground cloves
12 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N SEPT. 16, 2022 Bar • Restaurant BBQ Food Truck • Catering “Best Meat On The Street” 925 W. San Marcos Blvd. 760-290-3532 W. San Marcos Blvd Ave.BentS. Pl.Park H

Tickets start at $55 and are on sale.
I added Asian sweet sauce, since I was low on sugar, and it was a great substitute. Add your favor ite hot sauce, only at the end, to taste.
water in heavy saucepan. Add whole peaches, cook on simmer for 5-10 minutes until skin peels easily. Drain from pot and gently peel each peach. Slice and chop into 1-inch pieces.In a deep-frying pan, melt 2 Tb. butter, add ap ples. Sauté for five minutes or until brown. Add cinna mon, curry powder, fresh ginger and cloves.
• Welcome to hops har vesting season. Keep an eye out for wet hop beers on draft at your favorite local breweries. Wet hop beers are brewed within 24-48 hours of the hops being har vested when they are still wet and sticky.
• It’s official: Per Brew bound’s Justin Kendall, the documents have been signed, and as of Aug. 31, Japan’s Sapporo Brewing Ltd. now owns Stone Brew ing.

In addition to continu ing to brew Stone brand
Add diced peaches and cook with a few tablespoons of peach water. Add vine gar, sugar and sweet sauce. Cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Taste for done ness. Serve immediately or store in Thisrefrigerator.recipecan be made with any stone fruit that is in season. Add your personal favorite and enjoy! All chutneys can be kept in refrigerator in Ball jars for over a week, or process as you would jam.
After searching the internet, I finally found a tried and true recipe in “The New York Times In ternational Cookbook,” by Craig Claiborne. I adapted it a bit using Granny Smith apples as a starter.
• Meadiocrity Mead in San Marcos partnered with Escondido’s Mia Marie Vineyards to release a spe cial mead sangria featuring local Tempranillo grapes pomace.Pomace is the pulpy skin left over after a grape has been pressed for wine or juice.Inthis case, Mia Ma
beers, Sapporo will brew its own beers at the Stone facilities in Escondido and Richmond, Virginia.
From Jano’s Garden: Jano’s take on a peach chutney recipe
SEPT. 16, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 13 Handcrafte d In California Sinc e 1976 45+ mattresses & futons to cho ose from 1 2 3 2 L o s Va l l e c i t o s B l v d . S u i ,M o n T h u r s : 1 1 7 P M Tu e s W e d : C LO S • B o o k a n a p p o i n t m e n t o r s p e a k t o t h e s p e c i a l i s t : C a l l ( 7 6 0 ) 3 0 4 1 2 6 5 o r e m a i l s t o r e 2 6 @ t h e f u t o n s h o p c o m • S h o p o n l i n e : t h e f u t o n s h o p . c o m R o s a * S a n M at e o * S a c ra m e n t o * S a n J o s e * P l e a s a n t H i l l * S a n F ra n c i s c o * L o s A n g e l e s * C o s t a M e s a *Seattle Organic Sofas & S ctionals up25%to Mattresses - Platform Beds - Futons - Sofas - Sofa Beds *Floor Model Take Home Today* organic70%&chemical free mattresses & futons Certified Organic & Natural Ingredients End of Summer Sale70%upto FurnitureJapanese Everyday Use - Occasional Use T w i n / F u l l / Q u e e n / C a l K i n g / E a s t e r n K i n g Plarform Beds 30% solid wood / 100% chemical free Hemp Platform Beds Organic OrganicCoconutCottonCoirLatexOrganicWoolHorsehairCashmereUp To Shiki Futon / Tatami bed / Futon frame

modems in case of emergen cy. To purchase a battery, call 855-324-7700 or visit your local Cox store.
NATIONAL PREPAREDNESS MONTH is a great time to review household tips on staying con nected. Courtesy photo
14 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N SEPT. 16, 2022 M arketplace News Marketplace News is paid sponsored content
Cox also works hard to keep business customers, including hospitals and offices of Emergency Ser vices, connected so they can continue to serve their cus tomers and the public.
You could be eligi ble for consumer disaster relief protections if your Cox Voice service goes out during a state of emergen cy declared by the Califor nia Governor’s Office or the President of the United States.Disaster relief protec tions include waiver of a one time activation fee for establishing remote call for warding. Visit iforniaAssist.
If your power goes out, a generator may prolong your services, if your Cox service location still has power. Check your genera tor owner’s manual for de tails on power capacity and safe Haveoperation.Cox Homelife Security? It will continue working with these limited functions.
By Laura Place
September is National Preparedness Month and a good reminder that pre paring and protecting your home or business in the event of a wildfire or other unexpected event is a daily reality.Atop priority for Cox during a wildfire or other natural disaster is to keep customers connected so they can stay informed, check in with family and friends, and even access their shows and movies while away from home.
During a wildfire or PSPS, Cox works closely with the power company and public safety agencies to monitor the situation and ensure the safety of its net
Here are some ways Cox customers can be pre pared for a disaster or un expected event like a wild fire or Public Safety Power Shutoff.Corded landlines and backup battery recommend ed Cox Voice customers should keep corded land lines and a fully charged backup battery for phone
• Cox app – Check on outages, stay up to date with text alerts and manage your•account.Cox Contour app – Cox TV customers can access the latest news and weather and stream favor ite content to their smart phones and tablets.

SANDAG accepts $300M to move tracks off bluffs

business customers like Cox, that they’ll be imple menting a Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS). In the event of a PSPS, Cox services may be interrupt ed in a neighborhood where power will be shut off.
2023, followed by final design and securing the right of way in 2026 and construction in 2028.
Completion of the re located rail is anticipated in 2035.The state funds are enough to cover the proj ect's next two phases, the total cost of which is esti mated between $2 billion and $2.5 Accordingbillion. to SAN DAG staff, the alloca tion puts the region in a competitive position to receive even more funds from the federal govern ment for the
As San Diego County has experienced with the recent heatwave, a wildfire or planned power outage to conserve energy can occur at any time of the year.
Having trouble eating due to complex oral health issues? We provide: • Gentle, age-specific dental care • Senior-friendly environment • State-of-the-art facility • Preventative oral health services No Insurance? No Problem! Take advantage of our low cost, no deductible dental plans! Schedule an appointment for you or a loved one today! 760-280-2270 • 1706 Descanso Ave., San Marcos, CA Visit North County’s ONLY Senior Specialized Dental Center

Cox prepares all year long for wildfires by review ing its business continuity plan and running through mock wildfire events so em ployees in all facets of its operations will be prepared and know their role and re sponsibilities during a natu ral disaster.Whenstrong winds and other weather conditions create an increased risk for wildfires, the local power company may notify their residential customers, and
be used as a match to get as much money out of Wash ington as possible,” Veeh said.SANDAG has nar rowed five tunnel re alignment alternatives to two — one approximately 1,000 feet east of the cur rent tracks along Camino Del Mar, referred to as the West Alignment, and the East Alignment through Crest Canyon over 2,000 feet east of the existing tracks.Both alternatives would feature tunnels running beneath resi
In advance of wildfire season, update your pre ferred contact information to receive emergency and outage notices.
THIS GRAPHIC shows two options for the location of the railway realignment off of the Del Mar bluffs. SANDAG ac cepted $300 million for the project last week Courtesy graphic
work and facilities to keep customers connected.
In the event of a Public Safety Power Shutoff, wild fire or natural disaster, Cox will post service outage up dates, tips and other import ant information on Twitter. Follow @coxcalifornia.
National Preparedness Month: Are you ready for an emergency?
There is ... a sense worryconcernhesitancy,ofandabouttrainsgoingunderneathahome.”
REGION — Plans to relocate the railroad tracks off the deteriorat ing Del Mar bluffs and into tunnels underneath the city can move ahead after the San Diego Asso ciation of Governments accepted $300 million in state funds on Friday, jumpstarting the region’s most significant and long-awaited transporta tion Theproject.funds will allow SANDAG to move forward with preliminary engi neering and environmen tal studies to relocate a crucial portion of the 351mile LOSSAN (Los Ange les-San Luis Obispo-San Diego) Rail Corridor. Plans for the relocation have been in the works for years due to sea level rise and bluff failure con cerns.SANDAG proposes moving the tracks off the bluffs and into a tunnel ing project spanning the entire city of Del Mar from Jimmy Durante Bou levard to the intersection of Portofino Drive and Carmel Valley Road.
Terry Gaasterland Del Mar City Council
Agency leaders unan imously agreed to accept the funding, secured thanks to State Sen. Toni Atkins (D-San Diego) and allocated through the state’s Transit and Inter city Rail Capital Program for their 2023 budget on Friday. Regional leaders celebrated the milestone.
“This is a momentous day for the region and the state of California,” said Danny Veeh, SANDAG’s senior planner of Active Transportation and Rail. “The time is upon us to re alize a long-term solution with the realignment of the corridor.”Officials are in the midst of conceptual work for the tunnels. They plan to kick off preliminary engineering work and environmental studies in
SEPT. 16, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 15

EDITOR’S NOTE: It is with great sadness that we share the news of Chuck Shep herd’s death on Thursday, Sept. 8. Chuck was the origi nator of News of the Weird in 1988; he stopped writing the column in 2017.
and other activities” — all kept humming by 77,000 employees.So,no, you can’t walk from park to park. You’ll use Disney World’s boats, cars, monorails, aerial trams and the third-largest bus system in Florida.
hlinger and Len Tes ta went about com piling the 760-page “Unofficial Guide to Walt Disney World 2023” is al most more interesting than visiting said theme park.

computed by hand by Seh linger. Then in 1997, Testa, a graduate student working on his master’s thesis in computer science, enters.
For more travel talk, visit
Ryan Boria and Amy Schaner were really hop ing for a slow night at the Wendy’s where they both worked on Aug. 26. So as they drove to the restau rant in Tilden Township, Pennsylvania, they made a short stop, WFMZ-TV re ported.Along the train cross ing at Industrial Drive, Bo ria “placed a shunt on the track. He got back in the car with (Schaner) and they proceeded to Wendy’s,” Of ficer Frank Cataldi of the Tilden Township Police Department said. “They told us that their intentions were that if the gates could malfunction and they could somehow block traffic, then that would prevent people from getting to Wen dy’s, and they could have a slow night at work.” Both were arrested on multiple charges, including causing or risking a catastrophe. [WFMZ, 9/7/2022]
No Longer Weird
Behold the caution ary tale of Eric Merda, who shared his harrowing story with WTSP-TV on Sept. 5. Merda was at the Lake Manatee Fish Camp in Myakka City, Florida, when he became lost in the woods on July 17. When he found the lake, he decided to swim across: “Not the smart est decision a Florida boy could make,” Merda said. As he swam, a gator got hold of his forearm and dragged him underwater three times, he said, and “when we came up the third time, she finally did her death roll and took off with my Merda,arm.”suffering inde scribable pain, returned to shore and started to walk, trying to find his way out of the swamp. Three days later, following the sun and power lines, he found a fence and a man on the otherMerdaside. told the man what had happened, and he summoned help. Surgeons amputated what remained of Merda’s arm; now he’s speaking out about the danger of alligators. “You guys know who you are, throwing rocks at them. Leave them gators alone.”
Seasonal nonstops to Orlando this fall
The authors have sold more than 6 million copies of the guide since 1985.
OK, that point might be debatable, but after talking with Testa, who lives 10 minutes from Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida (“I go there hundreds of times a year,” he says), this guide takes on a whole new dimension.That’s because the col lection and sorting of the facts and opinions that comprise the guide, which tells visitors how to get the most for their mon ey in the least amount of time (think the best rides, restaurants and hotels) is a fascinating story in itself.But first, West Coasters must un derstand that Disney World and Disneyland are two different animals.
Guidebook helps visitors navigate Disney Orlando
“One of the big reasons the book is popular is be cause Disney World is such a complicated vacation des tination,” he said. “Nobody buys books to go to Ohio, but they need third-party advice to see Disney World.”
The person who fills the part-time position will help patients who have a fear of vomiting, replacing a previous employee who re tired. Psychologist Maartje Kroesse, who posted the position, said the response has been overwhelming: “There are many more applications than expect ed. Our new transmitter is certainly among them.” (Transmitter?) One hope ful applicant gushed: “Now I can finally share my art: vomit on command!” [NL Times, 9/4/2022]
Odd Job Kindt Clinics in Am sterdam, which treats anx iety, phobias and PTSD, posted a job opening for someone who is able to vomit at will, NL Times re ported on Sept. 4.
On Aug. 22, Leon was charged with child neglect and transferred to jail, where she’s unlikely to be able to leave early. [Lo cal10, 8/23/2022]
Police Report
During the U.S. Open tennis tournament on Sept. 6, as a match unfolded be tween Nick Kyrgios of Aus tralia and Karen Khachan ov of Russia at Arthur Ashe Stadium, two men in the stands stole the show for a few minutes, the Associat ed Press 9/7/2022]ner.DjokovicablowingforandMaverickstrimfirstfirstMcIntyreoftheof“TheynamentpersgavecapeJiDionYouTubereported.pranksterdonnedabarber’swhileasecondmanhimatrimwithclip—atleastuntiltoursecurityarrived.wereescortedouttheirseatsandthenoffgroundsfordisruptionplay,”USTA’sBrendansaid.“There’satimeforanything.”However,itwasn’ttheforJiDion:HegotaataTimberwolvesvs.gameinMarch,inJuly,hewasbannedlifefromWimbledonforanairhornduringmatchbetweenNovakandJannikSin[AssociatedPress,
Police backed off as Austerman poked the sword out the car’s win dow at them. As he tried to escape through the pas senger door, Austerman was subdued and arrest ed; officers found meth amphetamine, marijuana and a glass pipe in the car. [NBC2, 9/7/2022]
For instance, people don’t want to crisscross the entire Magic Kingdom to get from one favorite ride to another.Long story short: Testa came on as co-author of the guide in 2003.
It’s not a WORLDsmall ondashhittheroad
Bright Idea
“The biggest chal lenge for Disney World first-timers is the amount of pre-planning you have to do,” Testa said. “The pur pose of the guidebook … is to tell you the hoops you have to jump through to en joy it.”Think about this: The average visit at Disney World is five days and costs $4,550, so spending $26.99 for a how-to guide might make“Mostsense.of us wouldn’t think twice about reading Consumer Reports before buying a car or a major ap pliance,” Testa ar gued, “and Disney World costs more than a dishwash er.”
Atole and champurra do will be provided while suppliesTradiciónlast.
Leonsaid.told the mother she had locked the door, and requested her $168 pay ment. The mother checked her Ring doorbell record ing and saw that Leon had actually left at 9:45 p.m., leaving the child alone for more than two hours.
condido Public Library in vites the community to go “Around the World in Many Ways” in its celebration of different cultures, funded by the California Human ities Library Innovation Lab AGrant.South American Ad venture will be held from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Sept. 29 with bilingual storyteller Georgette Baker and a mu sical storytime about South AmericanCulturalcountries.artifacts will be available for show and tell.
Mexicana USA will be celebrated 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dec. 3. Lo cal Baile Folklorico group Tradición Mexicana USA will perform several danc es and share the stories be hind them. A presentation will be given in English and Spanish.Participants will be in vited to make a piñata craft and enjoy traditional Mex ican snacks, while supplies last.Now entering its sixth year, the Library Innova tion Lab program supports the design and delivery of responsive and relevant public humanities program ming in California’s public
Public Display of Hygiene
Travel the world at Escondido Library

By City News Service
how Bob Se
Sehlinger didn’t have that information, but he had gathered a lot of other data, Testa said. “He’d been doing it for 10 years and knew what people wanted.”
how others found their ex perience.Co-author Sehlinger, who lives in Birmingham, Alabama, and Testa do this with surveys returned by an average of 200,000 Disney World pilgrims who have things to say that you won’t see on the theme park’s website.The guide, a nearly 2-pound tome, had humble beginnings in 1985 — a mere 225 pages with all the information gathered and
The airline last of fered those flights in March and April 2021.
REGION — Fron tier Airlines is adding seasonal nonstop service between San Diego In ternational Airport and Orlando, Florida, this fall, it was announced last week.Between Nov. 5 and Jan. 3, 2023, daily flights will operate between San Diego and Orlando International Airport.
cussing Aztec culture.
The focus of his thesis was a well-known conun drum called the Traveling Salesman Problem or TSP. In a nutshell, it asks: How do you travel to a set of cities in the shortest time, starting and ending in the same“It’scity?a famous mathe matical problem, but very difficult,” Testa explained, “but it’s the exact problem you face when you are try ing to avoid lines at Disney World. I asked Bob if he knew what the waiting time at Space Mountain at noon on a Thursday was?”
he said. “One thing we’ve done is at the beginning of each chapter, we tell peo ple where to find answers to most common questions, like, ‘I didn’t know it was so big, and can I walk from park to Thepark?’”guide staff also works with several colleges whose students do projects related to Disney World visitors. This has produced further information about visitorForpreferences.instance, they learned that girls and boys equally enjoy meeting Dis ney princesses, and the top three things that visitors like, in order of preference, are meeting characters (Mickey Mouse is No. 1), the parades and the fireworks shows.“This (information) changed how we ap proached giving advice to parents,” Testa said.
For more information on Around the World in Many Ways, contact Chil dren’s Librarian Maureen Hogan at (760) 439-5458,visitescondi
[WTSP, 9/5/2022]
Odd Files
Along with the sea sonal Orlando route, Frontier Airlines also offers nonstop service to Dallas, Denver, Las Ve gas and Phoenix.
Danza Xinaxtli will be on hand from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Oct. 15 with the Es condido-based Aztec dance group performing tradition al Aztec dances and dis
THE AVERAGE VISIT to Walt Disney World in Florida is five days. The 760-page book, below left, helps visitors to the 43-square-mile park see and experience the most while spending the least amount of time and money. Courtesy photos
In Fort Myers, Flori da, Lee County deputies stopped to investigate a Nissan Altima that was parked blocking a bicycle lane on Sept. 3, NBC2-TV reported.Officers found a man reclining in the driver's seat; after giving them a false name, he was asked to exit the vehicle. That’s when Randy Austerman, 34, reached into the console and removed a 3-foot-long steel sword, then paused to attach a dragon-shaped handle to the blade.
So, whether you’re a newbie or a vet (things change, you know) who doesn’t wantunlimitedhavetimeandmoney,you’lltoknow
By Staff
16 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N SEPT. 16, 2022
Unclear on the Concept Elizabeth Leon, 18, was hired to babysit a 4-year-old in Aventura, Florida, from 1:45 p.m. un til midnight on Aug. 15, Lo cal10 reported. When the child’s mother texted Leon at 11:14 p.m. to say she was headed home, Leon texted back that she was “heading out ... because her mother paid for an Uber to take her back home and it arrived ahead of time,” an arrest report
“All the information we have in the guide is the result of tons of computer analysis (done by) a staff of about a dozen people,”
libraries.The program pro vides a nine-month prac tice-based professional de velopment experience and cash grants of up to $5,000 to participating library pro grammers.Thecreative and in novative programs that library staff develop will respond to the needs and circumstances of today’s immigrants and foster more inclusive communities within our state.
The former is 43 square miles (slightly smaller than Miami) and includes four theme parks, two water parks, three dozen-plus hotels and a campground, 100-plus restaurants, sports center, a mall/entertain ment/hotel complex, six convention centers, four golf courses “and an array of spas, recreation options
presents “Red Hot Mama” at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 19 and Sept. 20, 987 Lomas San ta Fe Drive, Suite D, So lana Beach. With Sharon McNight as Sophie Tucker. Tickets at tickets.north
Free family fun at Oceanside Harbor Days from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 17 and Sept. 18 at the Oceanside Harbor Police Station, 1540 N. Harbor Drive, Oceanside.
Join Branislav Slan tchev, professor of political science at UCSD, on “Why the War in Ukraine?” at 6 p.m. Sept. 20 at the Solana Beach Library, 157 Stevens Ave. Solana Beach.
SEPT. 21
The Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County support group for those who desire to foster friendships through social activities will meet Sept. 20, Sept. 23 and Sept 25. De tails and reservations: Call 760-696-3502.
The 26th annual Taste of Gaslamp is 1 to 4 p.m. Sept. 17 in the Gaslamp Quarter, RR tracks, Broad way, 4th, and 6th Aves., San Diego. Tickets $45 at tas or (619) 233-5008.
SEPT. 16
The “Unleashing the Magic” gala to benefit Ran cho Coastal Humane Soci ety is 4:30 p.m. Sept. 17 at the Omni La Costa Resort and Spa in Carlsbad. Tick ets at

Four-legged surfers take to the ocean for Helen Woodward Animal Center’s 17th annual Surf Dog SurfA-Thon from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sept. 18 at Del Mar Dog Beach, 3902 29th St., Del Mar. Watch live on Face book at
The Beach Bocce World Championship will be held Sept. 17 at Mariner’s Point, 1215 Mariners Way, Mis sion Bay. Register at ty/
Courtesy photo
The Baha'is of Encini tas are hosting a commemo ration for the International Day of Peace, from 6 to 7:45 p.m. Sept. 21 at the Encin itas Library, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas.
SEPT. 19
C St., Encinitas.
SEPT. 17

Michael Buble is in concert at 8 p.m. Sept. 21 at Pechanga Arena, 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Di ego. Tickets at eventticket

Escondido Public Li brary offers a Teen Art Stu dio for ages 12 to 18 from 4 to 6 p.m. Sept. 21 and monthly at 239 S. Kalmia St., Escondido. Register at
Know something that’s
SEPT. 22
The San Diego Woodie Club presents Wavecrest from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 17 in the Moonlight Beach parking lot at 4th and West
From 5:30 to 8 p.m. Sept. 17, Encinitas civic and local art galleries swing open their doors. Infor mation at ArtNight.Residents/Cultural-Arts/
Escondido Eats, creat ed by the Greater Escondi do Chamber of Commerce and the city of Escondido, will announce the 2022 “Best of Escondido Eats” award at its September mixer, 5 to 7 p.m.. Sept. 22 at Jacked Up Brewery, 800 W. Grand Ave., Escondido. More information at great
Jerry Seinfeld will be in concert from 7 and 9:30 p.m. Sept. 16 at San Diego Civic Theatre, 1100 3rd Ave., San Diego. Tickets at

The MCAS Miramar Air Show will again take to
The North San Diego County Genealogical Soci ety will meet in a hybrid format (virtually and in
Resounding Joy’s Sem per Sound military music therapy program hosts the “Living Your Dreams” ben efit concert with art of local service members and veter ans, 6 to 8 p.m. Sept. 17 at Encinitas Elks Lodge, 1393 Windsor Road, Cardiff.
San Diego Folk Her itage presents Cindy Lee Berryhill & Kimm Rogers for a benefit concert at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 17 at Pilgrim United Church of Christ, 2020 Chestnut Ave., Carls bad.
A hybrid Escondido Writers Group, with guest author Susan J. Farese, will meet from 1 to 4 p.m. Sept. 20, on Zoom and at 239 S. Kalmia St., Escondido.
Courtesy photo
Variety Nights at North Coast Repertory Theatre
Soroptimist Interna tional of Vista and North County Inland will meet from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sept.16 in San Marcos. For more information, visit so RSVP to (760)alvista@gmail.comsoroptimistinternationorcall683-9427
SEPT. 20
A Nature Discovery Se ries presentation is offered at Torrey Pines State Natu ral Reserve at 3 p.m. Sept. 17. More information at tor
Art Night at the Off Track Gallery 2022, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sept. 17 at 937 S. Coast Highway 101, Suite C-103, Encinitas.
SEPT. 23
Super Girl Surf Pro is returning to the Oceanside Pier for the 16th annual all-female surfing event & free music festival Sept. 16 to Sept. 18. Visit supergirl
Scripps Ranch Theatre presents “The Outsider,” 8 p.m. Friday and Saturdays, 2 p.m. Sundays, Sept. 17 through Oct. 9 at its the ater on the campus of Alli ant Int’l University, 10455 Pomerado Road, San Diego. Tickets at (858) 395-0573 or online at scrippsranchthe
The fall exhibition at the Timken Museum of Art will be “Exchanging Words: Women and Letters in Sev enteenth-Century Dutch Genre Painting,” Sept. 21 to Dec. 31 at 1500 El Prado, San Diego.
The Oceanside Muse um of Art presents a Taste of Art: Animals in Art drawing class, 6 to 8 p.m. Sept. 22 at 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside. Register at
Walking Through Grief sessions will be held along Batiquitos Trail on Sept. 22, Sept. 29 and Oct. 6. Regis ter at org/walking-through-grief.hospicenorthcoast.
The San Diego Open ATP 250 begins Sept. 17, at Barnes Tennis Center, 4490 W Point Loma Blvd, San Diego. Tickets at barness
Encinitas Library’s free Wednesdays@Noon concert series presents classical guitarists Peter Pupping and William Wilson, noon to 1 p.m. Sept. 21 at 540 Cor nish Drive, Encinitas.
Legoland California Resort begins its Brick-orTreat Monster Party Sept. 17 and every Saturday through Oct. 29. More in formation at com/California.LEGOLAND.
A new documentary film, “Courage,” by San Di ego former POWs will debut at 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. Sept. 18 at the Museum of Pho tographic Arts in Balboa Park, San Diego. Tickets at
Music at the Marston presents Concerts for His toric Preservation with Dennis Doc James Sept. 16 and Jeff Berkley Sept. 30 at 3525 7th Ave., San Diego. Tickets $12 at
Courtesy photo
SEPT. 16, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 17
Artist Tokeli has been juried into the San Diego Museum of Art Artists Guild and will be part of the Fall Exhibition through Sept. 26 at Gallery 21 in Balboa Park’s Spanish Vil lage. Reception is at 2 p.m. Sept. 18, at Gallery 21, 1770 Village Place, San Diego.
The League of Women Voters North County San Diego invites all to cele brate its 60-year history in North County with a party and kickoff to voting season event, 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Sept. 17 at the Encini tas Public Library, 540 Cor nish Drive, Encinitas.
going on? Send it to To post an event yourself, visit us online at
SEPT. 17 & 18: Free family fun 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at Oceanside Harbor Days. Courtesy photo
A Haunted Ghost Town opens Sept. 21 and runs through Oct. 31, at Heritage Ranch, 450 Quail Gardens Dr, Encinitas. Info at encin
The Dave Matthews Band in concert at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 16 at the North Island Credit Union Amphithe atre, Chula Vista. Tickets at
SEPT. 18
Join the reception from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Sept. 16 for “Unlocked,” an art faculty exhibit, running through Sept. 30 on the Oceanside Campus, Kruglak Gallery Student Center (OC3419).
Enjoy free admission at the Museum of Making Mu sic, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sept. 17 at 5790 Armada Drive, Carlsbad, when you register for a free Smithsonian Mu seum Day ticket at
person) from 1 to 2:30 p.m. Sept. 17 at Nina Cole Li brary, 1250 Carlsbad Vil lage Drive. To attend virtu ally, register at
The Republican Club of North County presents Carl DeMaio at noon Sept. 21 at El Camino Country Club, 3202 Vista Way, Oceanside. Cash or check only at the door (no credit cards). For more information, call or text (760) 212-9995.
INVESTIGATIONS by the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department and the Vista Unified School District are underway in response to incidents of alleged misconduct perpetrated by members of the Vista High School football team. The incidents occurred at the end of August and early September. Photo by Laura Place
The need for local journalism has never been more important than it is today. Misinformation, biased reporting and fake news impact your ability to make informed decisions. The Coast News needs your help to continue honest communitybased reporting you can trust. Just like many of you, our team at Coast News Group has also been impacted by the coronavirus. In order to continue our mission to provide quality local journalism, we are now accepting reader donations. We appreciate all your support during this time of need.

The view of what occurs inside is mostly obscured, but the young man can be seen lying on the floor with his legs being lifted in the air by another individual. A student nearby can be seen holding what appears to be a broom.Voices can be heard shouting, “Rape him,” and laughing. After about 35 seconds, the door is opened and the student runs out, and the video ends. Due to the video depicting minors apparently in distress, The Coast News will not publish or link to the video.
the Sheriff’s Department the next day, according to Jaffe.Vista Sheriff’s Station representatives said the station did not receive a report of any injuries as a result of the first incident.
18 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N SEPT. 16, 2022
They also revealed that they are investigating two separate incidents that oc curred in the locker room, one on Aug. 31 and another on Sept. 2. No further de tails about the second inci dent were Schoolprovided.officials said that the Sheriff’s Depart ment has performed well ness checks on the victim of the first incident. Two students believed to be the perpetrators have been re stricted from participating in football activities, but have been permitted to continue attending school, according to Jaffe.
drew over 100 parents and family members of football players, who were able to raise questions and con cerns about the allegations and the district’s response.
“As a parent, I feel an obligation to chat with my kids and make sure that they know what’s right from wrong, and if you see some thing, say something,” said a parent of a Vista High School football player, who
chose to remain anony mous. “I don’t know that I’ll feel fully satisfied until the full report is out, and I know how they’re keeping the kids
The Vista Sheriff’s Station said in a statement Tuesday evening that sher iff’s detectives spoke to the 14-year-old victim, as well as his mother, fellow stu dents, parents and faculty, and determined that a sex ual assault did not happen.
make a contribution, go to The CoasT News Group • 760.436.9737

alleged that a freshman football coach had been fired fol lowing the Aug. 31 incident without notice and were upset at the lack of commu nication. Jaffe declined to comment on this during the meeting, but Superinten dent Matthew Doyle con firmed the firing to NBC.
Submitting comments and questions via chat, sev eral parents said they were frustrated by the apparent lack of supervision in the locker room and vigilance by the coaches. Jaffe said supervision is always re quired in locker rooms, and that disciplinary action would be taken if staff were found not to be following theirOthersduties. claimed that many of the football play ers have been on the receiv ing end of harassment by their peers since news of the incidents broke, even though the majority of play ers were not involved.
Doyle also confirmed the incident did not appear to involve sexual assault.
A timeline of events shared by Jaffe suggests that the freshman coach, the first adult to be told about the incident on Aug. 31, did not inform other adults about what occurred until the evening of the fol lowing
Onceday.the coach report ed the incident to Bottom, the varsity head coach, it was relayed to the athletic director, Jaffe and district administrators, followed by
Captain Ricardo Lopez also provided a statement re garding the investigation.
“On September 2, the Vista Sheriff’s Station was advised by school officials at Vista High School of an incident involving possi ble misconduct by student athletes. Since then, the juvenile detective assigned to the Vista Sheriff’s Sta tion has been working with school officials to deter mine what actually hap pened. The investigation is ongoing. At this time, we do not have any reason to believe there is any danger to students at Vista High School.”Anyone with informa tion about the event is en couraged to contact the dis trict’s hired investigator, Howard Fulfrost, via email at

PARENTS OF FOOTBALL PLAYERS at Vista High School tune in to a Zoom meeting run by principal David Jaffe on Monday regarding an investigation into alleged misconduct by members of the team. Photo by Laura Place

While school admin istrators said the person who came forward did not allege that sexual assault had occurred, the Sheriff’s Department stated that the initial reports they re ceived did allege sexual assault.AZoom meeting run by Jaffe on Monday evening
cident, shows a young man dressed only in shorts cry ing out as he is lifted in a bear hug from behind by another, larger individual in the locker room and car ried into a room, where the door is shut behind them.
Music By The Sea pres ents pianist Brian Woods at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 23 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cor nish Drive, Encinitas. Tick ets $20 at concerts.
For the month of Octo ber, Get a free child tick et with paid adult ticket
Tickets are on sale now for the Carlsbad Village As sociation 5th annual Taste of Carlsbad Village from 5 to 8 p.m. Oct. 13 at carls 30 restau rants and a dozen Sip Stops and live music.
The art of Brett Hoff man, “Three Styles, One Artist,” will be on display through Oct. 29 at the Car diff-by-the-Sea library, 2081 Newcastle Ave., Cardiff. Surfboard graphic designs, funny faces and landscapes.
SEPT. 25
going on? Send it to To post an event yourself, visit us online at
Barbecue at the muse um from 3 to 7 p.m. Sept. 24 at the Vista Historical So ciety, 2317 Foothill Drive, Vista. Cost is $30 per per son for ages 10 years and older. Children under 10 are $5. For information and tickets, call (760) 630-0444 or e-mail vistahistorical@
How does it work? Find
Take a tour of the Com munity Resource Center, 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Oct. 4 and Nov. 3 and 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Dec. 1, at 650 2nd St., Enci nitas. Register at
Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live Glow Party starts at 11 a.m. Sept. 24 and Sept. 25 at Pechanga Arena, 3500 Sports Arena Blvd., San Diego. For information and tickets, visit event/
Courtesy photo
After a long recovery from illness, former San Di ego Padres player and coach Tim Flannery and his band, the Lunatic Fringe, return to the Belly Up 8 p.m. Sept. 25 at 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. Tickets and information at
SEPT. 28
SEPT. 16, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 19
Know something that’s
McAlister Institute will hold its 10th 5K Walk for Sobriety at 8 a.m. Sept. 25, 2022, at NTC Park at Liberty Station. To join, vis it
for Sea World, Oceanside whale watching, Legoland and more, for ages 2 to 12. Visit tions/
the air for aviation enthusi asts Sept. 23 through Sept. 25. Information at mira
Save by registering now for the October Moonlight Beach “Low Tide” Beach Run and Sandcastle Contest on Oct. 23. Visit
out with hands-on at Take Apart by Studio X from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sept. 24 at the Fleet Science Center, 1875 El Prado, San Diego.
The season’s final Kids fest at Petco Park, with games and Kids Run the Bases, is Oct. 2, when the Padres host the White Sox. More information at mlb. com/padres.
All new at the 2022 En cinitas Turkey Trot, kids un der 10 are free. Kids run the age-banded short course and receive free, brightly-col ored “K” T-shirts and fin ishers medal, plus room to take photos/video of all the action. Register for Nov. 24 race at encinitasturkeytrot. org/.
“Billie! Backstage with Lady Day” will be Fridays, Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sun days at 2 p.m. from Sept. 23 to Oct. 2 at the Brooks The ater, 217 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside. Tickets are $35 at or (760) 433-8900.
North County Cycle Club rides every Saturday morning starting at 8 a.m. and also 8:30 a.m., from the car park of Old California Restaurant Row, 1020-1080 W. San Marcos Blvd., San Marcos. See northcountycy for details.
Hospice of the North Coast announced its inau gural Farm to Table(aux) fundraiser event, 6 to 9:30 p.m. Sept. 24 at the Flow er Fields, 5704 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad. Tickets on line at event/
Tickets for the Oct. 8 San Diego Open WTA 500, at Barnes Tennis Center, 4490 W Point Loma Blvd, San Diego, are on sale at
Through Nov. 5, Down town Oceanside offers the new gO'side Downtown shuttle, 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily for passenger board ing from Oceanside Harbor south to Vista Way in the area west of Interstate 5.
Bikini Trill, Dirty Heads, Thievery Corpora tion, Through the Roots and Tribal Seeds play from 3 to 10 p.m. Sept. 24 at Mar iner’s Point Park, 1215 Mar iners Way, San Diego.

Vista’s Broadway The ater stages “Public Do main,” an American mu sical revue Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday and at 2 p.m. Sun day through Sept. 25 at 340 E. Broadway, Vista. Tick ets $25 at (760) 806-7905 or
City Ballet of San Diego season begins Nov. 12 with “From Balanchine to Mar tins,” at the Balboa Theater, 868 Fourth Ave., San Diego and Nov. 17 at the California Center for the Arts Escondi do, 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido. Tickets at
The 2022 San Marcos Serb Fest runs from noon to 10 p.m. Sept. 24 and noon to 6 p.m. Sept. 25 at St. Petka’s Serbian Ortho dox Church, 1854 Knob Hill Road, San Marcos. Tickets at eventbrite.
The Encinitas Cham ber of Commerce Oktober fest is from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sept. 25 along Mountain Vista Drive off El Camino Real between Wandering Road and Rambling Road in Encinitas. Street craft fair, German food and local beer.
SEPT. 24-25: Hot Wheels Monster Trucks Live Glow Party is at Pechanga Arena. Courtesy photo
Vista Community Clin ic annual gala is 6 p.m. Sept. 24 at the Omni La Costa Resort & Spa. Tickets $300 at org/2022-Gala.vistacommunityclinic.
A Recreational Trail Master Plan links out door-related hikes with in Olivenhain. The trails range in difficulty, terrain and environment. Oliven hain Trails Maps available for sale at Carter’s Hay & Grain. For more informa tion, visit trails4encinitas. org.
SEPT. 19-20: Sharon McNight as Sophie Tucker in “Red Hot Mama” at North Coast Rep in Solana Beach. Courtesy photo

The Oceanside LIFE (Learning Is For Everyone) group meets most Fridays at 1 p.m. on campus at One Barnard Drive, Oceans ide. More information
The San Dieguito Gar den Club meets, with Rene Van Rems as guest speaker, at 10 a.m. Sept. 28 at the San Dieguito Heritage Mu seum, 450 Quail Gardens Drive, Encinitas. $20 fee. Information at (760) 9189536.
“Weird Al” Yankovic brings the “Unfortunate Return of the Ridiculously Self-Indulgent, Ill-Advised Vanity Tour“ at 7:30 p.m. Sept. 25 and Sept. 26 at San Diego’s Balboa Theatre. In formation at tour.
Escondido Arts Part nership presents “Art of the Real” through Sept. 30 at 262 E. Grand Ave., Escondido. The Innerspace Gallery features PhotoArts Group’s “Interior/Exterior”
The CRSSD Festival, a two-day electronic music event, starts at 7 p.m. Sept. 24 at Waterfront Park 1600 Pacific Highway, San Diego. Tickets at
The Vista Chamber of Commerce will host a can didate forum for the mayor and District 4 candidates at 6 p.m. Sept. 28 at the Vis ta Civic Center, 200 Civic Center Drive, Vista. Submit questions to com/222447569505058.form.jotform.
New Village Arts Sea son Passes are now on sale for its inaugural season in the newly renamed Con rad Prebys Theatre, 2787 State St., Carlsbad. More information and tickets at
SEPT. 24
The third ArtWalk Carlsbad, a two-day, free festival, is Sept. 24 and Sept. 25 along Armada Drive, Carlsbad.

Courtesy photo
Join Coastal 101 Bird ing along the Buena Vista Lagoon from 9 a.m. to noon every fourth Saturday. Meet at the Buena Vista Na ture Center, 2202 S. Coast Highway, Oceanside. No registration required.

Sign up now for Italian classes, by the Italian Cul tural Center, online and in-person for all levels at the San Dieguito Heritage Museum, 450 Quail Gar dens Drive, Encinitas. For more information and to register, visit
A concert with the vio lins, cellos, mandolins and accordions of The Hutchins Consort will be held at 7 p.m. Sept. 23 at St. An drew’s Episcopal Church, 890 Balour, Encinitas. More information at hutchinscon
“Sunblock 5000” Oolong Gallery’s second ex hibition, runs through Oct. 9 at 349 N. Coast Highway 101, Solana Beach.
and in the Expressions Gal leries, local plein air artists with ”The Inland Painters Group.”
GEMINI (May 21 to June 20)
LIBRA (September 23 to October
22) Although it’s not quite what you hoped for, use your good business sense to make the most of what you’re being offered at this time. Things will improve down the line.
King Features Synd., Inc. FROM KING FEATURES WEEKLY SERVICE, 628 Virginia Drive, Orlando, FL 32803 CUSTOMER SERVICE: 800-708-7311 EXT. 257 SALOME’S STARS #12345_20220912 FOR RELEASE SEPT. 12, 2022 EDITORS: These horoscopes are for use the week of Sept. 19, 2022. TRIVIA TEST ANSWERS 1.Nauru,anislandnationinthecPacifiOcean.2.TheYearoftheTiger.3.1995.4.70.She justcelebratedherPlatinumJubilee.5.HughJackman.6.WestVirginia.7.Earth.8.Anubis,godofdeath.9.Three.10.Buddhawasborninwhatismodern-dayNepal..
CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) The Sea Goat’s merrier side dominates this week, and this means that, despite your usual busy schedule, you’ll be able to squeeze in parties and all sorts of fabulous, fun times.
20 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N SEPT. 16, 2022 1. GEOGRAPHY: What is the only country in the world without an official capital city? 2. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: Which Chinese zodiac animal is celebrated in the year 2022? 3. BUSINESS: When did the auction site eBay 4.launch?HISTORY: How many years has Queen Elizabeth been on the throne? 5. MOVIES: Who played Wolverine in the X-Men movie series? 6. U.S. STATES: Which state’s motto is “Mountaineers are always free”? 7. ASTRONOMY: What is the only planet in our solar system that isn’t named after a Greek-Roman deity? 8. MYTHOLOGY: Which Egyptian god has the head of a jackal? 9. TELEVISION: How many times has the hospital’s name changed in the drama “Grey’s 10.Anatomy”?RELIGION: Where was the founder of Buddhism born?
SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Continue to hold onto the reins so that you don’t charge willy-nilly into a situation that might appear attractive on the surface, but that actually lacks substance.
Although you might want to protest what seems to be an unfair situation, it’s best to keep your tongue and tem per in check for now. The full story hasn’t yet come out.
SCORPIO (October 23 to Novem ber 21) A more positive picture of what lies ahead is beginning to take shape. But there are still too many gaps that need to be filled in before you make definitive plans.
CANCER (June 21 to July 22)
VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Be careful not to let your on-thejob zealousness create resentment with co-workers, who might feel you shut them out. Prove them wrong by including them in your project.
Work prospects are back on track. But, watch what you say. A thought less comment to the wrong person — even if it’s said in jest — could delay or even derail your progress.
LEO (July 23 to August 22) A col league might try to goad you into saying or doing the wrong thing. It’s best to ignore the troublemaker, even if they rile your royal self. Your sup porters stand with you.
PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Give that special someone in your personal life a large, loving dollop of reassurance. That will go a long way toward restoring the well-being of your ailing relationship.
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) This week could offer more opportunities for ambitious Lambs eager to get ahead. But, don’t rush into making decisions until you’ve checked for possible hidden problems.
BORN THIS WEEK: You are a delightful paradox. You like things neat and tidy. But, you’re also a won derful host who can throw a really great party.©2022
AQUARIUS (January 20 to Febru ary 18) You’ll find that people are hap py to help you deal with some difficult situations. And, of course, knowing you, you’ll be happy to return those favors anytime. Won’t you?
TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Some light begins to shine on profes sional and/or personal situations that have long eluded explanation. Best advice: Don’t rush things. All will be made clear in time.
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Every year there are over twenty thousand chimney / fireplace related house fires in the US alone. Losses to homes as a result of chimney fires, leaks, and wind damage exceeds one hundred million dollars annually in the US.
CHIMNEY SWEEPS, INC., one of San Diego’s leading chimney repair and maintenance companies, is here to protect you and your home from losses due to structural damage and chimney fires.
For a limited time, readers of this paper will receive a special discount on our full chimney cleaning and safety inspection package with special attention to chimney water intrusion points in preparation for the rainy season.

dences in Del Mar. SAN DAG is currently complet ing a planning study with sub-consultants who have constructed other tunnels throughout the country. Future work will involve looking at how to minimize impacts on residents near the tunnel ports.
Family owned and operated and having been in business for over 30 years, Chimney Sweeps Inc. is a fully licensed and insured chimney contracting company (License # 976438) and they are certified with the National Fireplace Institute and have an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.

“The three menaces to any chimney, fireplace, or stove.”
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This colorful mural, de signed and created by San Diego artist Taylor DeVille, was unveiled Sept. 10 at 145 S. Orange St., on the side of a hair salon in downtown Escondido. On an Instagram post, DeVille said he began the project in mid-July and completed it last month.

“There is also a sense of hesitancy, concern and worry about trains going underneath a home. I’m hopeful that there will be technologies used that make sure this tunnel has little impact as it goes un der homes.”Veehsaid SANDAG is preparing to launch an ed ucation campaign to teach people what to expect about tunnels and address any whybluffs.mainingalongAlignmentfeasibilityquestionedmembersmisinformation.Somecommunityandofficialsthelong-termoftheWesttunneloptionCaminoDelMar,notthatthetrackswillreclosetothewaterandOtherswereconfusedSANDAGruledout
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The bluffs are estimat ed to be receding between four and six inches per year in Del Mar, according to Veeh.The planned tunneling project connects to the Sor rento Valley Double Track project to the south, ex tending into the city of San Diego.The LOSSAN Corridor transports around 8 million passengers and $1 billion in goods annually.
Courtesy photo
Del Mar City Coun cilwoman Terry Gaaster land said this is one of the residents’ main concerns about the project moving forward.“The universal mes sage that I’m hearing is gratitude … a sense and spirit of cooperation and a genuine desire that this re location happen,” Gaaster land said.
a previous alternative lo cated much farther east in alignment with Interstate 5.
Changes to the bluff faces are not uncommon in North County, but inci dents near the rail line in Del Mar, such as the 2021 collapse in early 2021, have sparked concerns.
SEPT. 16, 2022 T he C oas T N ews - I N la N d e d ITI o N 23 (760) 438-2200 ** EPA-estimated fuel economy. Actual mileage may vary. Subaru Tribeca, Forester, Impreza & Outback are registered trademarks. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 9/30/2022. Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years or 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 12-31-2022 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility. DriveCountryarC DriveCountryarC No down payment required. Other rates and payment terms available. Cannot be combined with any other coupon, direct/email offer or promotional offer unless allowed by that offer. Financing for well-qualified applicants only. Length of contract is limited.Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval and vehicle availability. See dealer for details. Must take delivery from retailer stock by September 30, 2022. 5500 Paseo Del Norte Car Country Carlsbad

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IT STARTS WITH CARING. When there’s an emergency, every second counts. That’s why we don’t waste a single one. From the moment a patient enters the Emergency Department, we’re working earnestly to get them the best care and treatment possible. Beacuse, in situations like those, time may not be the only thing we’re trying to save. Check into the emergency room from home, so when you get here you can get in, get out, and start feeling better, faster.
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CAREY MELLS, MD Emergency Physician