Inland Edition, November 2, 2018

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VOL. 4, N0. 22

.com NOV. 2, 2018

Santa Ana wind season has arrived By Christina Macone-Greene

VISTA — The recent Santa Ana winds might not have been the last of it and could continue into this month. These winds coupled with low humidity increases the risk of fire danger and has everyone on a red flag alert. “Generally, October and November are the Santa Ana wind event months for us,” Vista Deputy Fire Chief Ned Vander Pol said. “It’s not uncommon to have these events at this time of year.” From a weather standpoint, Vander Pol said Santa Anas are created by the high-pressure systems that speed up over the Four Corners area, with a low-pressure system over Southern California. “In our case, we get the hot, dry winds that come from the desert and make their way to the coast,” he said. “A significant Santa Ana wind event means we end up with temperatures that are warmer at the coast than they are inland. The one we recently had was deemed a moderate Santa Ana. There were some excessive winds north of us, but as far as San Diego County was concerned. it was considered a moderate Santa Ana condition.” Vander Pol said the National Weather Service generally reports Santa Ana wind conditions TURN TO SANTA ANAS ON 22

Taking flight CALIFORNIA PACIFIC AIRLINES was scheduled to make its first departure from Palomar-McClellan Airport in Carlsbad on Nov. 1. The round-trip flight to San Jose will mark the beginning of regular service to Las Vegas, Reno, San Jose and Phoenix. Courtesy photo

Coast News report cited in mailer dustup ‘Dark money’ emerges in Escondido challenger McNamara says Abed ad an attack on veterans San Marcos By Steve Horn

ESCONDIDO — The brouhaha that is the Escondido mayoral race has taken another twist and turn in response to campaign mailers distributed by incumbent candidate Mayor Sam Abed. Originally a detail hidden in plain sight in a set of court records, the Sept. 25 lawsuit filed against Escondido mayoral candidate Paul McNamara in his capacity as the president of the Palomar College Board of Governors has taken center stage in the race pitting him against Abed. Sued as both an individual and as a member of the governing board at-large by the Palomar College faculty union under the Brown Act, a California law which oversees transparency in public govern-

mental proceedings, the Abed campaign wasted little time responding to The Coast News’ Oct. 19 story on the issue. It started off as a social media blast on Abed’s Facebook and Twitter pages, but just days later Abed also pointed out that McNamara had been sued on THIS MAILER distributed by the camhis campaign mailers distribut- paign of Escondido Mayor Sam Abed drew a strong rebuke from challenger ed to Escondido’s residents. Paul McNamara, who served in the MaMcNamara and his fellow rines. Courtesy photo governing board member and campaign director, Nina Deersued by Palomar College Faculty field, are both named in the lawsuit for government ethics code & transfor deliberating without public no- parency violations,” Abed wrote tice about what eventually became in a Facebook post in response to a vote to give Palomar College the article. “Gave 27% salary raise President Joi Lin Blake a 27 per- without public knowledge! Why is cent salary increase. he hiding it from the public? And “Paul McNamara & his Campaign Manager Nina Deerfield are TURN TO MAILER ON 12

By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — So-called “dark money” is emerging as a major factor in high-stakes City Council races in San Marcos, where political action committees have pumped thousands of dollars into the campaigns of conservative candidates. Thad Kousser, a political science professor at UC San Diego, said that PAC spending at the local level is the new frontier, but it shouldn’t come as a surprise that thousands of dollars are flowing from committees into these races. Pointing to a City Council race in Richmond, California, which saw campaign money totaling nearly $3 million, Kousser said TURN TO DARK MONEY ON 14

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 2, 2018

NOV. 2, 2018


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

ECOLIFE sees aquaponics as answer Trial date set for deputy Escondido group nurtures a sustainable solution to climate, water, food crisis By Steve Horn

ESCONDIDO — It’s a piece of farmland nestled in the northern edge of Escondido which would be easy to miss by sojourners going south on Highway 15 toward San Diego and those going north toward wine country in Temecula. Yet those who visit will come across what’s hailed by the organization ECOLIFE Conservation — a nonprofit organization which owns the property and also has an administrative office in downtown Escondido — as a case study of what global society needs to cure a triple set of related crises. Those are climate change, globally unsustainable food production practices and water shortages — crises which most ecologists say have fed on one another to create a perfect storm of sorts. The solution? ECOLIFE Conservation says a big part of it could be aquaponics and to exemplify this agricultural production process in-action, it has opened shop on a new aquaponics greenhouse, which is essentially self-sustaining. Which begs the natural follow up question? That is, what is aquaponics? “Aquaponics is a sustainable method of food production combining aquaculture (raising aquatic animals) and hydroponics (cultivating plants in water with added nutrients),” explains

AQUAPONICS uses about 90 percent less water than traditional farming, according to ECOLIFE, which recently opened its upgraded Aquaponics Innovation Center. Courtesy photo

Ecolife’s website. “In this circulating system, nitrifying bacteria converts fish waste into a natural fertilizer for plants, plants take up those nutrients and return clean water to the fish.” In a press release disseminated about its newly upgraded Aquaponics Innovation Center, ECOLIFE pointed to some of the characteristics which keep the machine humming and self-sustaining on its new aquaponics system. “At its test and research facility in Escondido, ECOLIFE designed and built a 900 ft 2 system capable of growing 333 lbs. of tilapia, 1,600 heads of lettuce or a combination of lettuce and high-value tomato and

cucumber crops in a recirculating system,” the organization explained. “The innovative design features solar powered mechanical filtration, mineralization tanks, and back up power to keep water circulating in the event of a power outage.” Its newly remodeled aquaponics system and the greenhouse which oversees it cost about $13,000, said Kait Cole, aquaponics program manager for ECOLIFE, in an interview with The Coast News at ECOLIFE’s newly revamped aquaponics farm. ECOLIFE says aquaponics uses about 90 percent less water than traditional farming and agricultural practices. Beyond just a land

conservation, water saving and sustainable farming practice, however, ECOLIFE also believes that with more uptake, aquaponics can also help chip away at the climate change crisis. “In regards to climate change, the farming industry creates a lot of emissions through tractors, pesticides, overuses of water,” Cole said. “With aquaponics, you also cannot use any sort of harmful pesticides because they will kill your fish, so there’s a guarantee that you’re going to have great natural produce because you can’t use anything that’s going to be harmful, otherwise it will be detrimental to TURN TO ECOLIFE ON 20

accused of sexual assaults REGION — A Feb. 25 trial date was set Oct. 25 for a San Diego County sheriff’s deputy accused of groping and sexually assaulting 16 women he came into contact with while on patrol. Richard Fischer, 32, was charged eight months ago with assault and battery by an officer, sexual battery and false imprisonment for allegedly groping and sexually assaulting 13 women in 2015, 2016 and 2017. In August, prosecutors filed five new charges, including assault and battery by an officer and forcible oral copulation, against Fischer, a six-year veteran of the Sheriff’s Department. Those charges involve three additional women. Prosecutors will move to consolidate the two cases at a hearing Dec. 3. A jury trial is expected to last six to eight weeks. Fischer — who remains on unpaid administrative leave — faces more than 25 years in prison if convicted. Defense attorney Manny Medrano has said the case boils down to a “hesaid-she-said” situation. A 51-year-old businesswoman testified at the preliminary hearing last month that Fischer first responded to a 911 call at her living facility for people with mental health issues about 6 p.m. Dec. 31, 2016. She said Fischer and his partner told her the matter had been re-

solved and started to leave. But Fischer came back in and said, “Can I have a hug?” the woman testified. Since it was New Year’s Eve, “I didn't see any harm,” the witness testified. The mother of three testified that Fischer returned in March 2017, coming into her garage which she used as an office for her business. The woman said Fischer asked to talk privately, told her that he wasn’t married and asked for another hug. “He was flirtatious,” the witness testified, saying she told Fischer the hug was not appropriate. The woman said Fischer returned sometime between March 27 and April 4 of last year as she was getting ready for bed. The woman said she let Fischer in, and he pushed her onto her bed and forced her to perform a sex act on him. A 25-year-old woman testified that Fischer rubbed her thighs and put his hand between her legs as she sat in the back of his patrol car in shorts after a drunken driving crash into parked cars in September 2017. A 46-year-old woman testified that Fischer groped her inside a motel room, where she had gone with her daughter after an argument at home. — City News Service






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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 2, 2018

Opinion & Editorial

Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of The Coast News

Who’s voting this fall? It’s the same old story

A Blame SANDAG on housing By Duncan McFetridge and Keari Platt

San Diego County politicians love to lament the lack of affordable housing. The housing crisis has become an excuse to rubber-stamp sprawl-style mega-developments far from jobs and cities. The best way to meet the growing demand for housing is to build complete, interconnected transit, bike, and walk systems that support housing in urban centers. What does this have to do with the San Diego Association of Governments? SANDAG oversees, among other things, transportation planning for all of San Diego County. The agency brazenly ignores state mandates to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, committing repeatedly to expand freeways over investing in reliable transit that would make our cities work for everyone. We need a radical change in approach, a true commitment to constructing infill housing. But for this effort to succeed, this housing will need to be served by complete transit, bike, and walk systems. Most developers prefer to build single-family homes on rezoned farmland because their main priority is making money. But it’s not the job of our elected officials to please developers. Government should be laser-focused on making housing more affordable. SANDAG recently started the process of putting together its next Regional Transportation Plan. The plan will be a roadmap for the future of transportation throughout the county. State law pushes SANDAG to plan for a housing/transportation mix that reduces greenhouse gas emissions and incentivizes people to walk, bike, and embrace public transit. Will our “leaders” once again delude themselves into believing that wider freeways and sprawling roadways will improve quality of life and drive down housing costs? The first signs are not encouraging. SANDAG considered three concept alternatives at its latest meeting, broad sketches of how the transit/housing balance might be addressed in the coming years. None of the scenarios prioritized improving transit in a systematic way that would demonstrate its effects on housing and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. To make an educated choice about how to pro-

Repeal the gas tax increase Everyone benefits from good roads and lower gas prices. Look around you. Every item, every component of that item, and the raw materials that comprise those components were at some point transported—more than likely in a truck. We need to connect the dots between the price of gas and the price of eggs. Transportation is the universal component of every good and service. When you increase the cost of transportation, you ultimately increase the price of everything. Raising the price

ceed, we need to see that model. Someone should tell SANDAG that our region will continue to be plagued by long commutes, degraded natural areas, and sky-high housing costs until the agency is willing to try something new. Oh wait — someone has. The state courts have repeatedly told San Diego County and SANDAG that they need to take a second look at regional plans and far-flung housing developments that induce sprawl. A recent appellate court decision found the County’s plan for managing emissions was inadequate. Indeed, the courts have consistently concluded that our county government and regional planning agency are stuck in 1950s car culture when they should be looking forward to 2050. What’s so significant about 2050? That’s the year our state has targeted for reducing emissions by 80 percent below 1990 levels. Many California communities are making tremendous progress toward this goal at least in part by investing in transit. But SANDAG keeps looking for ways to get out of its obligation to be part of the climate solution, even as extended drought and ferocious wildfires plague our region. For example, a planned expansion of San Diego International Airport includes plans for a bigger parking lot. Instead of envisioning a modern future where travelers could take state-of-the-art Coaster and Sprinter rail lines to a downtown intermodal transit center, our regional agencies continue to plan for a car-centric future. How hard would it be for SANDAG to take a realistic look at making San Diego a more livable place? Is it possible more of us would take transit if we knew it would be reliable and less expensive than driving? Could we finally tackle our affordable housing crisis if we stop approving sprawl developments and get serious about promoting infill? We’ll never know unless we try. Duncan McFetridge is director and Keari Platt is a member of the board of directors of the Cleveland National Forest Foundation, the lead organization in a landmark climate change lawsuit against SANDAG.

of gas amounts to a universal, regressive, inflationary value added tax on every good and every service. The gas tax doesn’t end at the pump. It reverberates throughout the economy. It impacts everyone. The added cost at the pump becomes increased prices across the entire economic spectrum. The unintended consequence of raising the price of gas is that everything becomes more expensive because production and distribution become more expensive. This matters little to the affluent, insouciant “Let them drive Teslas” crowd. But it does matter to those

struggling to get by day-today, whether they drive a car or not. The notion that the people who “use” the roads — drivers — should bear the brunt of paying for them is flawed. We all benefit from the efficient production and distribution of goods and services. We all suffer the consequences of high gas prices. We must find a more equitable and less pernicious way of funding infrastructure improvements than myopically and reflexively raising the price of gas. William Espino Carlsbad

s Election Day approaches, it is reasonable to ask not only who would likely vote on Nov. 6 but who has been voting for most of the last month. That’s because mail ballots went out weeks ago, while electronic voting centers in some counties have also been open for weeks. Those procedural changes, adopted in as-yet-unproven hopes of increasing voter turnout, don’t change the fundamental question of who will actually decide the many ballot proposition questions and other races before voters this fall. The answer has not changed much in decades: The electorate will be whiter, older and wealthier than the overall populace of California. That means it may be slightly more conservative than the general population might like, which could make some outcomes surprising. Here are some findings from a thorough survey of registered voters by the non-partisan Public Policy Institute of California: Almost eight out of 10 eligible Californians were already registered to vote six weeks before registration closed Oct. 22. Of the 19 million registered voters, 44.4 percent were Democrats, up slightly from the last mid-term election in 2014. An additional 25.1 percent were Republicans, but the GOP was surpassed by voters who declined to state a party preference, now accounting for 25.5 percent of the electorate. This represents a small gain for Democrats and a significant (more than 3 percent) loss for Republicans, possibly one result of the extreme unpopularity of President Trump in California.

california focus thomas d. elias With no-party-preference voters, the PPIC found, Democrats have an edge even larger than their 19 percent lead among voters declaring for the major parties. Fully 47 percent of those self-defined independents leaned toward voting Democratic, while only 18 percent say they usually prefer Republicans. But there are large parts of the state where those numbers don’t reflect reality. Democrats tend to be concentrated in Los Angeles County and the San Francisco Bay Area, homes to 56 percent of registered Democrats, while 63 percent of Republicans live in Orange or San Diego counties and the Central Valley. This goes far toward explaining why Republicans fare much better in congressional and legislative races in those areas, while getting almost no seats elsewhere. The statewide distribution of likely voters, defined as people with a history of voting often or saying they are determined to vote this time, pretty much follows party registration. Just short of half of all registered voters live in the two areas most dominated by Democrats, while 43 percent of likely voters reside in the Orange-San Diego county, Central Valley and Inland Empire regions. The PPIC also found that the while millennials (aged 22-37), generation Xers (aged 38-53) and baby boomers (ages 54-72)

account for 90 percent of California voters, the more senior so-called “silent generation’ (ages 73 and up) votes in the highest numbers, proportionately. Fully 88 percent of the oldest age grouping surveyed were registered to vote, while just 60 percent of millennials signed up. But baby boomers, with 39 percent of the state’s likely voters, will cast more ballots than any other age group. Put them together with their seniors, who make up 13 percent of likely voters, and more than half of all ballots will be cast by folks aged 54 and above. That’s far higher than the average Californian’s age, 35.4. The differential of almost 20 percent between average ages of citizens and voters is the highest ever. All these numbers help make some contests and campaigns unpredictable. But they tend to favor, for example, proponents of Proposition 6, which would repeal last year’s gasoline tax increase, as those on fixed incomes — a high percentage of the “silent generation” and some baby boomers — can be expected to favor repeal. The numbers also may portend a weak performance by state Sen. Kevin de Leon in his all-Democrat contest with incumbent Sen. Dianne Feinstein, who at 85 may not look as old to many baby boomers and “silents” as de Leon would hope. But those same numbers won’t do much to help any Republican seeking statewide or legislative office. Email Thomas Elias at For more Elias columns, visit

Inland EdItIon

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Op-Ed submissions:

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NOV. 2, 2018


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

GOP women’s PAC backs Democrat for 50th seat By Carey Blakely

ALL YOU CAN EAT “Electric” Erik Lamkin of San Diego won the the Kennedy’s California Taco Challenge on Oct. 28 by consuming seven pounds of food — a tray of 2 very large tacos, chips, beans, and salsa — in just 15 minutes, beating out two other competitive eaters at Kennedy’s Market on Valley Parkway in Escondido. Photo by Chris Kydd

Contract for Bub Williamson Park design approved By Christina Macone-Greene

VISTA — Upgrades to Bub Williamson Park are one step closer since City Council voted unanimously Oct. 9 to contract ASRLA, Inc. for its park design and engineering services. Before council members cast their votes, Councilwoman Amanda Rigby thanked both the community and staff for all their hard work. She also noted the several meetings which took place within the community as well as City Council meetings to work on the future Bub Williamson Park. “I just wanted to say I’m very excited that we’re here tonight because tonight is to vote on and approve the design and engineering firm, ASRLA,” Rigby said. While the conceptual design has already been voted on, Rigby shared that the community will continue to have an open line of communication in the process. According to Tony Winney, the assistant to the Vista City Manager, the approved work plan for Bub Williamson Park consists of 11 amenities. Some of these include restroom remodels, enhancements in security, a new playground for children, and new furnishings such as benches, tables and water fountains. New turf areas will be created as well as shade structures and areas

for picnicking. The redesign of Bub Williamson Park was enhanced by community involvement. Winney said that the city held two public workshops in November 2017 to solicit feedback from the public on desired improvements. “At the Dec. 12, 2017, City Council meeting, the City Council reviewed the programming priorities received from the public and provided direction to staff on the programming priorities for the park,” he said. “The third public workshop was held Feb. 22, 2018, to review possible conceptual designs based upon feedback received from the public during the first two workshops.” Winney said the city held many meetings with the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council to gather feedback on the design. “We made a number of positive changes to the project plans along the way as result of the feedback we received from the community,” he said. “I think the neighborhood is excited to see the investment in their park, which will also serve students attending the adjacent Grapevine Elementary School.” City Council adopted the final conceptual design plan for Bub Williamson

Park on May 8. Winney said the project team will now complete the design and engineering plans for the park. “City staff will share the plans once 60 percent complete with the public online and at the Parks & Recreation Commission and will then return to the City Council with the final design package and revised budget for review in early 2019,” he said. “The city will then solicit bids for construction of the project in spring 2019.” Renovations are expected to begin in the fall of 2019. Winney explained that one of the City Council’s top priorities for the next two years is to build new parks and improve existing parks

throughout the community. “Bub Williamson Park is one of the city’s older parks, constructed in the 1980s, and is in need of enhancements,” he said. “We are also currently working on designs for a new pocket park, Pala Vista Park, which will be located at the corner of Civic Center Drive and Pala Vista Drive. Design for Pala Vista Park will be completed by summer 2019. Together, the city will be investing significant resources in these two park projects to help improve residents’ access to recreational opportunities in Vista.” For more information on the Bub Williamson Park and Pala Vista Park projects, visit

REGION — In what has been one of the most sharply divided partisan election cycles in recent history, Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar received a rare, across-the-aisle endorsement from The Republican Women for Progress PAC in his bid for California’s 50th Congressional District. Campa-Najjar, a 29-year-old former Obama administration staffer and East County native, hopes to oust five-term incumbent Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Alpine). Hunter, 41, and his wife were indicted this August for alleged campaign-finance violations. The Republican Women for Progress PAC released an online ad on Oct. 25 that criticized Hunter and endorsed Campa-Najjar. In a statement to The Coast News, the organization wrote, “Duncan Hunter is one of the founding members of the ‘Trump Caucus’ in Congress, making him one of Donald Trump’s leading rubber-stamping enablers in the House. In addition, the allegations against Hunter for campaign finance violations show a brazen disregard for long-standing campaign finance rules and a complete absence of the type of sound personal ethics expected of public servants.” The PAC said of Hunter’s challenger, “Ammar Campa-Najjar is someone we believe will live up to his campaign slogan of ‘country over party.’ His record demonstrates he is an individual of good character who can provide moral leadership needed at this moment and that he is




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VCC doctor honored as among best VISTA — Vista Community Clinic Chief Medical Officer Kelly Motadel, M.D., MPH, is showing herself at the top of her game. Motadel was recently voted as one of San Diego’s “Physicians of Exceptional Excellence” by the San Diego County Medical Society. Top doctors are selected based on peer physician votes and a criteria list that illustrates physician excellence. The good news doesn’t

stop there. Motadel also received news of her acceptance into the Carol Emmott Fellowship, a high honor for women leaders in health. The fellowship, a 14-month-long program, has a focus on gender equity and positive transformation in the health care world. Vista Community Clinic (VCC) is optimistic that Motadel’s experience will also, in turn, help improve the way in which the clinic delivers its care.

willing to work in a bipartisan way to lead our country in the right direction.” Although the 50th District has historically been a Republican stronghold, two polls have shown Campa-Najjar trailing Hunter by only 1 and 2 percentage points. Results from another poll, conducted by Monmouth University Polling Institute, found Hunter leading by 8 percent, with 10 percent of those polled being undecided. The Republican Women for Progress PAC launched in late September, announcing that its main goal was “returning the Republican Party to its traditional platform of limited government, fiscal restraint, global American leadership, and ending the party’s current Trump personality cult.” Co-founded by Jennifer Pierotti Lim and Meghan Milloy, the PAC strives to support candidates in the midterms who will “act as a check on President Trump,” regardless of whether those candidates are Republicans or Democrats. It has raised $1 million, with $400,000 of it coming from LinkedIn co-founder Reid Hoffman. In California, the PAC is also backing California Democrats Katie Hill for the 25th Congressional District and Harley Rouda for the 48th District by running ads on digital platforms on their behalf. The PAC’s election efforts extend into other states, including New Jersey and Michigan. Pierotti Lim and Milloy were also the founder and chair, respectively, of the Republican Women for Hillary campaign in 2016. Campa-Najjar could not be reached for comment.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

NOV. 2


It’s not too late to join in the Candyland Christmas fun of this year’s Vista Christmas Parade Dec. 1. Reserve an entry at the chamber office, 127 Main St., Vista or by visiting Parade entry prices start at $45, and entry is free for schools.


Destinations Unlimited Travel Club will hold its next, free meeting from 4 to 6 p.m. Nov. 2 at Swami’s Cafe, 1506 Encinitas Blvd., Encinitas. They will be offering special reduced rates on cruises and tours for the remainder of 2018 and all of 2019.


The city of San Marcos is currently looking for dance groups, bands, orchestras, choral groups and others interested in performing for 20 to 30 minutes between 1 and 6:30 p.m. at the annual tree lighting Dec. 1 at the San Marcos Civic Center. Showcasing local performance groups on this festive, free night of family fun. Visit for more information.


San Diego Friends Of Jung will host a “The Secret Life And Death Of Sisyphus” at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 2 at the Winston School, 215 9th St., Del Mar. For more information, call (858) 259-8155.

NOV. 3


Exposure 2018, a women’s skateboarding benefit, supporting Carol’s House, will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 3 and Nov. 4, with registration and practice sessions Nov. 2, at Encinitas Community Park, 429 Santa Fe Drive, featuring more than 50 female skaters in vert, bowl and street competition. There will be autograph signings, a vendor village, yoga and Camp Tanuga skate clinics, play life-sized “Angry Birds” in the game zone.


Community Room, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. Register at

The Herb Society of America will host author Sharon Lovejoy on her book, “ Garden of Earthly Delights,” a box lunch, a San Diego Botanic Garden escorted tour and an Herbal workshop at 10 a.m. Nov. 3 at the San Diego Botanic Garden, 230 Quail Garden Dr., Encinitas. Cost is $85 plus the entrance to the garden. Register at (619) 248-4635.

NOV. 8



Carlsbad City Library is hosting “An Afternoon With Chef and Author Isabel Cruz,” a free meet-the-author event at 2 p.m. Nov. 3 at Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium. Chef Cruz will discuss her new cookbook “The Latin Table” and attendees will THE VISTA GARDEN CLUB will host its annual Fall Fundraiser Luncheon and Auction to raise snack on her recipes.

funds for scholarships and other projects on Nov. 9 at Twin Oaks Golf Course. Courtesy photo


The city of Oceanside Parks and Recreation Division and the Friends of Oceanside Parks are hosting the Heritage Park Fall Festival noon to 4 p.m. Nov. 3 at Heritage Park, 230 Peyri Road, Oceanside. Enjoy music, dance performances, chili cook-off, food booths and vendors. Historical buildings will be open for tours. Admission is free; $5 to taste the chili samples.

Escondido. Flavors will include traditional, barbecue, lobster, banana-leaf wrapped, dulce, vegetarian, vegan tamales and more. Live music and performers, tamale-making classes, food and craft vendors, a beer & wine garden, a Chihuahua costume contest and best-tamale contest. Admission is free, with a VIP ticket option at brownpapertickets. com/event/3614692.





Woman’s Club of Carlsbad presents its Holiday Market Bazaar from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 3 at 3320 Monroe St., Carlsbad, featuring home-crafted holiday gifts.


Del Mar Branch Library will host Tasha Donahue, author of “More Than Words Can Express: A Story of Love and Forgiveness,” who will discuss how to write your own book, at 1:30 p.m. Nov. 3, 1309 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar.


Encinitas Friends of the Library Bookstore holds a book sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 3 at the library, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. Books 25 cents to $1, CD’s for 25 cents and DVDs $1. Visit encinitaslibfriends. org.


The Escondido Tamale Festival returns from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Nov. 3 at Grape Day Park, 321 N. Broadway,

The CSU Institute for Palliative Care at CSUSM will host the 16th annual Because I Care Community Fair and Educational Forum from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 3 at the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos, to raise awareness and provide training that ensures the health and well-being of older adults. Register at eventbrite. com/e/because-i-care-community-fair-tickets-48346285040?aff=erelexpmlt.

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Join city of San Marcos park rangers who host two free local hikes, from 9 a.m. to noon Nov. 3 for one 7.2 mile hike to Double Peak summit or a second, slightly easier 6-mile route. Register from 8:30 a.m. to 8:50 a.m. at the Ridgeline Trailhead parking lot at 102 San Elijo Road, San Marcos.

NOV. 4

Returning to the premier Fairbanks Ranch Country Club in Rancho Santa Fe, this year’s Casa De Amparo’s Crystal Ball gala will kick off at 6 p.m. Nov. 6. Tickets available now at


A three-hour familiarization and safety class is offered for anyone anticipating the purchase of, or who already own, a handgun, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 4, at the Escondido Fish and Game Association shooting FRIENDS AND FAITH range, 16525 Guejito Road, The Catholic Widow and Escondido. Cost is $60. To Widowers of North County register, call Jack at (760) support group for those who 746-2868. desire to foster friendships through various social ac- WIDOWS/WIDOWERS BRUNCH tivities will walk a trail at The North County WidDaley Ranch and have lunch ows and Widowers Club at Ali Baba Mediterranean will gather for champagne Cuisine, Escondido Nov. 3 brunch at 11:30 a.m. Nov. 4 and go dancing at Elk’s Club at The Crossings, Carlsbad. followed by Happy Hour RSVP to Marylou at (760) at Brigantine Restaurant, 304-0015. Escondido, Nov. 4. Reservations are necessary. Call (858) 674-4324. NOV. 5

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NOV. 2, 2018


The Oceanside Senior Anglers’ November meeting will be at 9 a.m. Nov. 6 at the Oceanside Senior Center, 455 Country Club Lane, Oceanside. Speakers for this meeting will be Brady Pesola and Bo Bolander. The meeting is open to all anglers age 50 and above. Visit

The Mobile Children’s Museum, a free, interactive learn and play, science and exploration exhibit for children 10 and under, is coming to The Shoppes at Carlsbad from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Nov. 8 on the lower level between H&M and Macy’s Home, 2525 El Camino Real, Carlsbad. For more information, call (760) 729-6183 or LECTURE FOLLOWS BUTTERFLY

A new lecture series begins at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 8 with the “Roar of the Monarch Butterfly.” Bill Toone, of EcoLife Conservation, takes you through the migration. Tickets are on sale at or at ticket office at 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido, or by calling (800) 988-4253.


Vista Friends and Newcomers hosts a free monthly coffee meeting at 10 a.m. Nov. 8 at Arcadia Retirement Community, 1080 Arcadia Place, Vista. Join WOMENHEART MEETS them by calling Membership San Diego North Coast- Chairwoman Sandy at (760) al WomenHeart Support 231-9032. Group welcomes women with interests and concerns LAW ENFORCEMENT CAREERS about cardiac health to share The CA-San Diego Law information and sisterhood Enforcement Hiring Expo from 10 a.m. to noon at Tri- will be held from 11 a.m. to City Wellness Center, 6250 3 p.m. Nov. 8 at the Handlery El Camino Road, Carlsbad. Hotel San Diego, 950 Hotel For more information, con- Circle North, San Diego. To tact Betty at (760) 803-2762 preregister or view the list or Sandra at (760) 436-6695. of agencies attending (published one week before the event) visit CALawEnforceNOV. 7 AUTHOR ON SURF CUISINE

Jim Kempton, author of “First We Surf, Then We Eat” will speak at 6 p.m. Nov. 7 at the Del Mar Branch Library, 1309 Camino Del Mar, Kempton has been editor and publisher of Surfer magazine and the owner of a regional Mexican restaurant. For more information, call the library at (858) 7551666.


Carlsbad Newcomers presents Susan Miller, speaking on Caregiver Challenges for Alzheimer’s Disease at 10 a.m. Nov. 7 at the Carlsbad Senior Center, 799 Pine Ave., Carlsbad. More LAKE REPUBLICANS MEET Lake San Marcos Re- information at carlsbadnewpublican Women Federated will gather for dinner and a meeting to honor veterans at DOCENTS FOR ENVIRONMENT 5 p.m. Nov. 5 at St. Mark Golf Solana Center for EnClub, 1750 San Pablo Drive, vironmental Innovation is Lake San Marcos. Cost is looking for docent volun$40 per person. To register, teers to support outreach contact e.laister@hotmail. and waste diversion efforts, com or call (760) 744-1569. help educators make presentations and assist schools and businesses meet their NOV. 6 Zero Waste goals. Sign up ’VETTE OWNERS SALUTE VETS now, or contact volunteer@ North Coast Vettes or (760) meet at 6:30 p.m. the first 436-7986 ex. 707. Tuesday of the month, Nov. 6 at the Jolly Rodger restau- IS YOUR BUSINESS GREEN? rant, 1900 N. Harbor Drive, I Love A Clean San DiOceanside. The club has ego and the city of Encinitas more than 80 members, offer a free Green Business many of them either active Solutions workshop, an induty military or veterans. teractive evening focused on Get further details and reg- zero waste business practicister online at http://north- es from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Nov. 7 at the Encinitas Library


El Camino Quilt Guild meets at 9:30 a.m. Nov. 8 at QLN Conference Center, 1938 Avenida Del Oro, Oceanside with guest speaker Sandra Johnson. Parking is limited, so carpooling is recommended. Guest fee for the meeting is $10. Visit or e-mail for more information.


The North County Climate Change Alliance and Public Watchdogs will host “San Onofre: Countdown to Disaster” at 5:30 p.m. Nov. 8 at the Vista Library, 700 Eucalyptus Ave., Vista. TURN TO CALENDAR ON 9

NOV. 2, 2018


T he C oast News - I nland E dition



Duck Donuts, serving warm, freshly made doughnuts opened a second California store Oct. 20 in the Business news and Village Square, 1452 Encinispecial achievements for tas Blvd. Owned by Brad and North San Diego County. Laura Aughinbaugh, the Send information via chain is based in North Caroemail to community@ lina. Store hours are Sunday to Tuesday 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. DOG-FIGHT REFUGEES ARRIVE and Wednesday to Saturday Because unknown as- 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. sailants were repeatedly breaking into an Arkansas FIREFIGHTERS GET GRILLS animal shelter at night and Oceanside Ace Hardstaging dog fights, Rancho ware has teamed with TraeCoastal Humane Society ger Grills and the Oceansmade room for about 20 ide Firefighters Association adult dogs and puppies that to honor the firefighters of arrived on a Wings of Res- Oceanside by donating eight cue flight Oct. 25. RCHS is Traeger Select wood pellet accepting donations to help grills to local fire houses at cover costs. For more infor- noon Nov. 3. The Traeger rep mation call (760) 753-6413. will do a demo of the grills Visit the shelter at 389 Re- from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the queza St., Encinitas, or log Ace store at 263 S. Pacific on to Coast Highway, Oceanside.


A MAJORITY of great white shark attacks are cases of mistaken identity.

Courtesy photo

Fears aside, chances of shark attack still very low By Carey Blakely

REGION — In the aftermath of a shark attack on a 13-year-old boy at Beacon’s Beach in Encinitas on Sept. 29, the public has been filled with horror and questions about how this could have happened and what can be done to prevent future attacks. DNA evidence has confirmed that a white shark — proverbially referred to as a “great white shark” — was responsible for the attack that seriously injured Keane Hayes, who was diving for lobster early in the morning.

‘Mistaken identity’

Geoff Shester, Ph.D., California campaign director and senior scientist at Oceana, said that most attacks by white sharks are cases of “mistaken identity.” In conditions of poor visibility, such as low light or murky water, Shester said that a white shark can be unsure whether a person is a prey animal, like a seal or seal lion. The white shark then takes a bite to find out. “It’s a massively powerful animal that can cause major damage or death with its bites, but it’s not intending to eat people,” Shester said. Humans do not have the blubber and high-energy fat that white sharks seek. National Geographic expressed similar ideas in an article, noting that great whites, “who are naturally curious, are ‘sample biting’ then releasing their victims rather than preying on humans. It’s not a terribly comforting distinction, but it does indicate that humans are not actually on the great white’s menu.”

Risk factors

Shester said that while the chance of getting bit by a shark is extremely unlikely, the higher-risk times are typically dawn and dusk when the water is darker. Murky or churned-up waters can likewise lead to low visibility that can cause sharks to confuse humans with prey. Furthermore, spear fishing and other activities that produce blood and other scents can attract sharks, which have a very sensitive sense of smell. In addition, Shester said the risk is higher in a place where there has been a previous attack, as it can demonstrate that it’s a “sharkier area.” Beaches that are more crowded are less likely to attract sharks, so it’s a good idea to stick with more

human-populated waters. Chris Lowe, director of Long Beach State University’s Shark Lab, pointed out a seasonal connection to shark attacks, noting that “people do need to be aware that the fall season is a time when more large juvenile and adult sharks may be moving along the coast.” Southern California is considered a nursery ground for white sharks, with juveniles moving into the region’s warmer waters from the south in the spring through early fall. Researchers have identified a seasonal distribution pattern of white sharks in California, with juveniles mainly found in Southern California and northern Mexico, where they primarily feed on fish and invertebrates. Adults are mostly distributed north of Point Conception, gathered around seal and other pinniped breeding grounds. Electronic tagging studies have revealed that a large number of white sharks, after foraging in California coastal waters in the fall, migrate over 1,000 miles to an area of the open ocean between Hawaii and Baja that’s been called the White Shark Café. Once assumed to be an ocean desert, nutrient-rich plant life too far below the ocean surface for satellites to detect has revealed a complex food chain that the sharks appear to be capitalizing on. Chance of attack

It’s important to remember, Shester explained, that we are at a much higher risk for injury or death from driving or walking to the beach or swimming in the water, which can lead to drowning, than from a shark attack. He likened the chances of getting bit by a shark to “winning the bad lottery.” An academic paper from 2015 titled “Reconciling predator conservation with public safety” by Francesco Ferretti, Salvador Jorgensen, Taylor K. Chapple, Giulio De Leo and Fiorenza Micheli calculated that in California a person “is 1817 times more likely to die by unintentional drowning than from a shark attack.” The researchers reported that 86 injurious attacks were attributed to white sharks along California’s coast between 1950 and 2013. Thirteen of those attacks were fatal. Ferretti and colleagues wrote, “Throughout this period, there was

an average of 1.37 attacks per year with an increasing trend, from an average of 0.9 attacks per year in the 1950s to about 1.5 attacks per year in the final 10 years.” However, they concluded that while the number of reported incidents of white shark attacks had risen over the years, the chances of an individual getting attacked by a white shark had greatly declined. In other words, it is safer now to swim in the California coastal waters than it was in 1950. The number of humans swimming and recreating in the water has increased significantly since the mid1900s, thereby lowering the probability of a particular individual being attacked. The paper claimed that “the individual attack risk for ocean users has decreased by >91% over a 63-year period (1950 to 2013).” The researchers found that surfers in California were attacked the most often, at 33 percent, of any recreational group. But when the attack rate was controlled for the number of people participating in a particular activity, abalone divers were found to be the most prone. Nonetheless, we’re talking slim odds. The researchers’ study of California found, “In 2013, the chances of a shark attack on an abalone diver were one in 1.44 million or close to 0.69 attacks for every million diving days. … For surfers, the chances were one in 17 million. Swimmers had the lowest chance of shark attack, with one attack for every 738 million beach visits. …” Shester said that we are swimming near great whites more often than we realize, just as when we’re on hiking trails we are passing near mountain lions that we don’t see. He noted, “99.9 percent of the time sharks are keeping away from us just as we are keeping away from them.” While the idea of encountering a great white shark is certainly terrifying, humans have to remind ourselves, as Shester put it, “We are not at the top of the food chain in the ocean.” Though we want to ensure our own safety and should take measures, Shester said we have to keep in mind that in the ocean we are visitors to a wild place, where the health of wildlife — including apex predators like white sharks — is of utmost ecological importance.


The Woman’s Club of Vista GFC recently initiated new members Naomi Stein and Amanda Jones at its Shadowridge Golf Club luncheon. The club supports many nonprofits and awards scholarships at area high schools. For more information, visit


Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside will celebrate the completion of its Center for Innovation with a ribbon cutting ceremony at 4 p.m. Nov. 8 at 401 Country Club Lane, Oceanside. The 2,800 square-foot addition will house a teaching kitchen, arts center and science lab.


Sprouts Farmers Market, announced it will open a new store in Carlsbad at 2634 Gateway Road, as one of seven new stores scheduled to open in the first quarter of 2019. Sprouts plans to open approximately 30 stores next year. For a list of stores by region or to see locations coming soon, visit


More than 300 costumed runners and walkers “tricked or treated” a path through Palomar College in San Marcos Oct. 20, for the inaugural Monster Dash & Bash 5K Run/Walk. Presented by the Palomar College Foundation, this year’s event raised nearly $100,000 for student scholarships and programs. After the race, those in costumes competed for Best Child Costume; Best Costume; Scariest Costume; SOROPTIMISTS EVENT A HIT Soroptimist Internation- and Best Group/Team Cosal of Vista and North County tumes. Inland’s “Night at the Museum” Casino Night fundraiser KUDOS FOR VISTA IRRIGATION at the Vista Historical MuThe Vista Irrigation Disseum raised $5,000 for the trict (district) has received a club’s service fund to help major statewide honor, the women and girls. Soropti- District of Distinction Gold mist Casino Night commit- Recognition award. Additee members included Dee tionally, Assistant General Dee Timmons, Jackie Piro Manager Brett Hodgkiss reHuyck, Judy Gregorie, club ceived recognition for compresident Assly Sayyar, com- pleting the Special District mittee chair Melinda Jar- Administrator certification. rell, Aleta Dirdo, Kaye Van The District of Distinction Nevel, Jody Haddon, Lani recognition is awarded by Beltrano, Karen Del Bene, the Special District LeaderNelly Jarrous, Runa Gun- ship Foundation to districts nars, Sherry Luz, Paula Nix, that show their commitment Pat Origlieri and Jennifer to good governance, transLuz-Olson and Thoralinda parency, prudent fiscal polSoyland. Visit soroptimistin- icies and sound operating practices.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 2, 2018

Hitting ‘mute’ on mispronunciations small talk jean gillette


ith lights flashing and sirens blaring, here come the Grammar Police again. May I see your diploma and license, please? Actually, this is not just a grammar issue and I am not a grammarian. I was drummed out of the Grammar Police Department for split infinities and dangling participles. I am now a very low-ranking grunt in the subdivision of the Grammar Police Department called the Mispronunciation Division. Everyone get out your hairsplitters. I don’t know if Oprah Winfrey said it, or Judge Judy, but somebody with clout has half the world saying, “It was a mute point.” From a slang perspective, I suppose if the opposition can’t speak, its argument can’t amount to much, but outside of the “Muppet Show,” points cannot talk. Hence, they cannot go mute. The word is “moot,” perhaps the only semi-legal term I know. I learned much from “Law and Order” reruns. Any law school story offers a Moot Court (a student court that is just for practice and doesn’t have legal ramifications), so the word stuck in my mind forever. See? Even watching TV sometimes can improve your vocabulary. Don’t tell my children I said that. Moot, moot, moot. Rhymes with boot, not cute. Small, of little conse-

quence, meaningless. OK. That’s one. Next, I wince every time I hear someone say, “It was heart-rendering.” The word is “heart-rending.” To be certain, I consulted my American Heritage Dictionary. The word rend means to tear, burst or come apart. To render means to present or deliver (to render an account of, to render thanks). But mostly it means to melt down, like fat. So if you’re talking about something just tearing your heart in two, it’s heart-rending. ‘Course, if you mean it melted your heart down so you could pour off the lard, you’d be right on saying “heart-rendering.” For our final lesson, please conjugate the word algae. Since we all live near one lagoon or another, this can be an important part of your cocktail-party conversation. You might have a herd of algae, but when one of the critters runs away from home, it becomes an alga. Yep, we have a major thoroughfare named for a single-celled, green plant that becomes a slimeball when it gets together with its family and friends. What were they thinking there? Now for the really tricky part. If you refer to the condition of the lagoon when it possesses one alga or much algae, you would refer to its algal condition. Now you really can talk to the botanists with confidence. Your observations will be neither mute nor heart-rendering. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer and occasional verbal fussbudget. Contact her at

SAN DIEGO STATE cheer squad Brooke Riddle, Alex De Mars, MANNING THE SURVIVOR BOOTH at the Oct. 20 event in Macey Johnston, Jordan Waller and Nicole Zukoski cheer on Oceanside were Susan Andrews, Frances Stipe, Frank Anwalkers at the second annual American Heart Association drews, Boyd Applegate and Saks Andrews. Photos by Christina North County San Diego Heart & Stroke Walk. Macone-Greene

Heart & Stroke Walk draws a crowd By Christina Macone-Greene

OCEANSIDE — The San Diego State Cheer Squad cheered on walkers at the Oceanside SOCAL Sports Complex during the second Annual American Heart Association North County San Diego Heart & Stroke Walk. The Oct. 20 event drew a crowd of walkers and raised awareness of heart health. The American Heart Association partnered with the Tri-City Medical Center for this annual event. Teresa Contreras, vice president of development for the San Diego division of the American Heart Association, said the American Heart Association and Tri-City Medical Center collaborate on many community health campaigns. “The Heart Walk is a special event because it is designed to meet people where they are — at work — to talk about heart health and living ‘Healthy for Good,’” she said. “Through sponsorships and individual fundraising, participants enable our organization

to make an impact on the communities where they live, work and play. The Heart Walk is a great opportunity to invest in your own heart health, as well as the heart health of your family and community — while raising funds for the fight against heart disease and stroke.” Contreras went on to say research has shown that adding more steps to your day could add years to your life — and to the lives of those walking with you. “The most difficult part with lifestyle change is often the first step,” she said. “We are hopeful a number of people took that step with us on Oct. 20.” During the event, visitors were able to receive free health screenings. Other favorite spots were the Healthy for Good and Kids Zone destination areas. Participants from “Mended Hearts,” a peer-to-peer cardiovascular support group, was also on hand at the Survivor Area.

“We were excited about the growth in the number of companies involved in this year’s walk,” Contreras said. “We understand not everyone can make it to the Heart Walk, and by having more companies involved, we know more people are hearing the message, which is always an objective as it allows us to reach more people with our heart healthy messaging. “The American Heart Association also wants to reinforce that being more active doesn’t have to be hard — take the stairs, park farther away, ditch the conference room and take your meeting on a walk. The key is to find activities you enjoy and make them part of your daily routine.” For those who were unable to attend the North County Heart Walk, but would like to show support, visit www.Heart.Org /NCSDHeartWalk. For more information about Tri-City Medical Center and Tri-City Healthcare District, visit www.tricitymed. org.

Man pleads not guilty to killing wife, who went missing in October 2017 VISTA — A man accused of killing his wife and dumping her body near Palomar Mountain last fall pleaded not guilty Oct. 29 to a murder charge. Hector Garcia Martinez, 39, was ordered held without bail. He was arrested last week on suspicion of murdering 38-year-old Maria Elena Guzman-Cordova, who was reported missing on Oct. 14, 2017, from her residence on North Santa Fe Avenue, San Diego County sheriff’s Lt. Rich Williams said. The defendant told sheriff’s investigators that Guzman-Cordova left the family's apartment shortly after 9 the previous night to take a walk after the couple had argued, Williams said. He also told deputies that Guzman-Cordova did not take any personal items with her, according to the lieutenant. Martinez was arrested the morning of Oct. 25 near

his Vista residence, more than a year after he reported his wife missing. “Maria’s remains were recently located in a rural area near Palomar Mountain and positively identified through her DNA,” Williams said. The San Diego County Medical Examiner’s Office examined the remains but was unable to determine the cause of death, he said. Detectives allege Martinez transported Guzman-Cordova’s body to the Palomar Mountain area in a four-door white sedan or a burgundy SUV last year on Oct. 13 or Oct. 14. “Evidence gathered over the course of the yearlong investigation linked Martinez to Maria Guzman’s murder,'' Williams said. Martinez will be back in court Nov. 6 for a readiness conference. A preliminary hearing was set for Nov. 8. — City News Service

NOV. 2, 2018


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

M arketplace News

Marketplace News is a paid advertorial. If you would like an article on this page, please call (760) 436-9737

Home technology that helps you adjust to time, weather changes in your home up and down and on and off so that you have the perfect temperature.

With the time and weather changes upon us, we’ll soon be arriving home to a darker, colder house. But the latest smart home technology and a strong internet connection can help families better adjust to daylight savings and the winter months. SMART LIGHTS Don’t waste energy or money leaving the indoor or porch light on all day to keep away would-be burglars. Turn individual lights in your home on or off using your smartphone or tablet with Cox Homelife automation features. You can also set automatic lighting timers if you want to turn the porch or living room light on before arriving home. As for that four-legged family member


NOV. 9


THE LATEST SMART HOME technology and a strong internet connection helps families adjust to daylight savings and the winter months. Courtesy photo

heating before you left for work? Or maybe you want the house to be nice and toasty when you get home at night. Cox Homelife features programmable thermostats that allow you to reSMART THERMOSTATS Forgot to turn off the motely turn the heat and air – Cox Homelife’s lighting control function means your pet doesn’t have to be in the dark if you’re getting home later than expected.

to 9 p.m. Nov. 9, is looking for vendors and shoppers to join the fun. It will be an evening of live music, shopping and good vibes in downtown Vista with local makers, artists, crafters, as well as local businesses participating. For information, visit / events/details/vista-nightout-18695.

Join Downtown Vista Village as a vendor for an evening of live music, shopping and good vibes on Vista Night Out from 6 to 9 p.m. Nov. 9 in downtown Vista. Local makers, artists, crafters, as well as local businesses, are invited to participate in this monthly event. NOV. 10 A 10-foot-by-10-foot table SALUTE TO SILVER SURFERS space is $40. for more inforCalifornia Surf Mumation, e-mail downtown- seum presents the “Silver Surfer Award” from 4 to 11 p.m. Nov. 10 at Cape Rey KNOW THE GARDEN CLUB Carlsbad, 1 Ponto Road, The Vista Garden Club Carlsbad. Tickets are $175 will host its annual Fall at Fundraiser Luncheon and events/7Gz/ and includes Auction to raise funds for appetizers, dinner, dessert scholarships and other com- and two complimentary munity projects at noon Nov. drinks and four CSM guest 9 at Twin Oaks Golf Course, passes. 1441 N. Twin Oaks Valley Road, San Marcos. This SUPER-SHREDDING event includes lunch, door The Encinitas/La Costa prizes, auctions and oppor- office of Coldwell Banker tunity drawings. Tickets are Residential Brokerage will $35 and open to the public. host a free paper-shredding Visit event from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. or e-mail Vistagardenclub@ Nov. 10 at its office, at 740 Contact Mary Garden View Court, Suite Dahlberg at (760) 598-1330 100, Encinitas. for tickets. NIGHT OUT IN VISTA


HOME CAMERAS Daylight savings means the kids may be home by themselves when it’s already dark. Home security brings piece of mind to families, and the latest in home monitoring such as Cox Homelife offers remote live video viewing, professional monitoring, video recording, and customizable notifications, allowing you to keep an eye on your loved ones and your home even if you’re not there. Learn more about smart home security and automation at NEXT GENERATION INTERNET CONNECTION Just as important as the SMART LOCKS Roughly 30% of bur- smart home technology you

Elliott at (760) 639-0502 or NOV. 15 Nielsine Archibald at (760) NATURAL HISTORY LECTURES 730-5446. San Elijo Lagoon Conservancy, in partnership FRIENDS AND FAITH The Catholic Widow with San Diego Natural and Widowers of North History Museum, welcomes County support group for Philip Unitt, museum curathose who desire to foster tor and author of “The San friendships through var- Diego County Bird Atlas.” ious social activities will The Nov. 15 program insee “School for Scandal” at cludes a wine and cheese Mira Costa College Theater reception at the San Elijo and have dinner at Mimi’s Lagoon at 6 p.m., followed Cafe, Oceanside Nov. 10. by a slide presentation at Reservations are necessary. MiraCosta College San Elijo Campus at 6:30 p.m. Call (858) 674-4324.

NOV. 12


On Veteran’s Day, Nov. 12, golfers and their furry friends will tee off for the Foundation for Animal Care and Education’s (FACE) annual Golf Tournament benefiting San Diego pets in need of life-saving veterinary care at Lomas Santa Fe Country Club in Solana Beach. Registration and information is available online at


Oceanside Civitan Club will host representatives from Street Bundles, Inc., a non-profit organization, at noon Nov. 12 at the Jolly Roger Restaurant, 1900 N Harbor Drive, Oceanside. Street Bundles distributes basic daily need items to the area homeless population. For information, contact President Pat Carson at (949) 350-5210.

Join dermatologists, Vista Night Out from 6 skin cancer survivors and friends in saying, “Skin Cancer, Take a Hike!” with a hike at Moonlight State Beach in Encinitas with check-in at 11:30 a.m. and hike at 1 p.m. Nov. 10 to raise funds for SPOT Skin Cancer. For more information or to register, visit aad. NOV. 14 org/CAHike. WOMEN OF VISTA The Woman’s Club of FASHION FUNDRAISER Vista GFC meets the second Oceanside Civitan, Wednesday of the month which supports organiza- at 10:30 a.m. at the Shadtions for the developmen- owridge Golf Club, 1980 tally disabled, presents Gateway Drive, Vista, with “Fashions of the Holidays,” a speaker and luncheon. at 2 p.m. Nov. 10 in the Cost is $18 for non-members clubhouse at Laguna Vis- and everyone is welcome. ta, 276 N. El Camino Real, The club supports many Oceanside, with entertain- non-profits and awards ment, opportunity baskets, scholarships at area high jewelry sales, door prizes schools. For reservations, and refreshments. Tickets contact are $30. Contact Mary Lou or (919) 847-2786.

select is the internet service you choose. To get the optimal experience from your smart home devices and technology, make sure you have the right internet speeds for your household. Cox Gigablast offers the next generation gigabit internet speed (1 gigabit is equivalent to 1,000 megabits per second) and can connect dozens of smart devices in the home simultaneously. When it comes to smart home technology, Cox offers a variety of internet speeds to fit the individual household need.

glars enter a home through an unlocked door, and about 34% enter through the front door. Make sure you locked the door when you left the house. A smart lock will allow you to remotely control the doors to your home from your smartphone, but they can do so much more. Smart lock features through Cox Homelife include voice commands, customized chimes to recognize certain visitors or family members, activity logs, and integration with other smart devices in the home. You can even set up special codes for house sitters, dog walkers, and deliveries.


The Catholic Widow and Widowers of North County support group for those who desire to foster friendships through various social activities will bowl at Surf Bowl followed by dinner at Hunter Steakhouse, Oceanside Nov. 15 and have Happy Hour and dinner at Wildwood Restaurant & Bar, Vista on Nov. 20. Reservations are necessary. Call (858) 674-4324.


Jesse Andrews, a Veteran Service Representative for San Diego County, will speak on eligibility for VA benefits and the different services offered at the Oceanside VA clinic and La Jolla VA Hospital from 2 to 3 p.m. Nov.15 at the Oceanside Senior Center, 455 Country Club Lane, Oceanside. Sponsored by The National Active and Retired Federal Employee Association.


ets at https://november- downtown from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 18 for holiday shopping, live music and dance performances. Coast MEET THE AUTHOR Join local author Huda Highway 101 will be closed Al-Marashi from 7 to 9 p.m. from D Street to J Street, Nov. 17 at Encinitas Public starting at 4 a.m. Parking Library, 540 Cornish Drive, will be available in the CivEncinitas, as she reads from ic Center lots on the east and discusses her book side Vulcan, between E and “First Comes Marriage: My F Streets, and in the MoonNot-So-Typical American light Beach lot at 4th and C Love Story” about her can- Streets. For more informadid journey to reconcile her tion, visit religious and cultural traditions with Western notions of romantic love. No tickets NOV. 20 required. For more infor- SINGLE TRAVELER TALES mation visit hudalmarashi. The Single Travelers com. Club will meet from 5 to 7 p.m. Nov 20 at Hunter Steakhouse, 1221 Vista NOV. 18 Way, Oceanside. The discussion will be “Jackie’s Trip to ENCINITAS STREET FAIR The Encinitas Holi- Japan.” Call Jackie at (760) day Street Fair returns to 438-1472 to RSVP.

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VOL. 3,







Inside: 2016 Sprin & Gard g en Secti on

Citracado extensio Parkway n project draws on MARCH

By Steve

It’s a ju

ngle In there

Comm Vista teunity rallies be acher placed hind on leav e by Tony

The Amigos De Vista Lions Club Novemberfest in the Gardens from noon to 4 p.m. Nov. 17 at 1270 Vale Terrace Drive in Brengle Terrace Park, Vista. Tick-


N0. 7

Emi Gannod exhibit , is open11, observe s a Banded now through April 10. Purple Wing Full story butterfl y at the on page San Diego A2. Photo



• Sell advertising using needs/benefits skills to existing and prospective customer

The North County Widows and Widowers Club will gather for Happy Hour at 4 p.m. Nov. 15 at Cocina Del Charro in Restaurant Row, San Marcos. To RSVP call Johny at (760) 207-3387.

NOV. 17

Take a short quiz on the speed advisor at www. to determine which speed is right for your home.

By Hoa



Zoo Safari



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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 2, 2018

A rts &Entertainment MoviePass exits Cinépolis arts CALENDAR Vista without explanation Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

North County loses last app-friendly theater By Steve Horn

VISTA — For many, it was the most promising and affordable movie theater option for those living in or around inland North County, but it appears the days of using the MoviePass app at Cinépolis in Vista have quietly come to an end. That’s according to both this user of MoviePass and others who have independently confirmed that the app can no longer be used as an e-ticket to see films at the theater. Until this past week, MoviePass app subscribers could see up to three films a month for $10 for all of the films screening at the Cinépolis theater in Vista. That price was a bargain, given that according to the theater’s website, the cost of one film at the locale would cost ticket-buyers a range of about $10 to $15. Within North County, the Cinépolis theater was the only e-ticketing locale and only one of four in San Diego County at-large, with the other three — the Digital Gym, Landmark Hillcrest and Landmark Ken — clustered near downtown San Diego. It regularly shows a mix of both independent films and big box office hits, currently playing films such as “A Star is Born” as an example of the latter and “The Old Man and the Gun” as an example of the former, as two cases in point. At other North County movie theaters, on any given night, about one to three movies screen as MoviePass

options and they are generally those with lower levels of mass popularity. Lacking e-ticketing, or the option to book tickets to films at any time of the day and not having to be 100 yards from the theater while booking, those theaters have dwindled in popularity for MoviePass subscribers in recent months. For both business analysts and users of the MoviePass app alike, it was a case of too good to be true from the onset, with no obvious signs as to how the operation would ever turn a profit. Owned by the firm Helios & Matheson, that company’s stock price has dropped to .02 as of Oct. 29 and MoviePass for months now has sat cornered in a state of existential crisis. Helios & Matheson, in a move analysts point to as further evidence of the company’s challenging economic situation, announced on Oct. 23 that it was spinning off MoviePass into a standalone business entity named MoviePass Entertainment Holdings Inc. The company said in a press release that it was doing so, in large part, because the MoviePass app brand had transformed into a reputational crisis for the firm. “Since we acquired control of MoviePass in December 2017, HMNY largely has become synonymous with MoviePass in the public’s eye, leading us to believe that our shareholders and TURN TO MOVIE PASS ON 17

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NOV. 2


‘MY INDIAN MOTHER,’ by Aura Suarez. Courtesy photo

Focus on fabric artist Aura Suarez


his month of California Art News highlights the work of fabric artist and weaver, Aura Suarez. Since the age of 7, Suarez lived in the country side of Sativanorte, Boyaca Colombia with her grandfathers and indigenous family. Suarez is currently a San Diego resident. She first learned to weave by weaving ponchos and blankets with her family members. But she had an idea to mix leaves and sticks into her weaving and began to dye with leaves, roots and fruits. At 13 years old, Suarez moved to the capital Bogota, and started to visit museums galleries and artists’ studios where she learned more about other techniques, designs and color combinations. She worked in three dimensions and used natural fibers from plants. After constant visits with indigenous families, Suarez entered more into the indigenous mindset, and learned how important weaving is in finding inner peace and how to enter into harmony with the planet, mixing fibers and colors to create tapes-

cal art news

Bob Coletti tries and faces of her indigenous people. Suarez’s work is a compelling mixture of Indigenous and Spanish techniques and is her first memory of her people’s way. The finished product is a reflection about her memories of younger days in Colombia and of the weavers who handmade their clothes in the past and still do in the present. This gave her a contact with the old technology and she was happy to know the two routes. Suarez plans to teach children about the culture so they do not forget the rich tradition especially in her family. See more of her work at AuraSuarez.html. California Art News is dedicated to promoting the California Art Community. Bob Coletti is director of California Art News


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Downtown Oceanside comes alive during First Friday Art Walk with art, performances, music, poetry, activities, food and fun for all ages in Artist Alley and other venues on from 5 to 9 p.m. Nov. 2. Artist Alley, off Pier View Way, will have art, music and dancing, musicians Ashon Sylvester in Gypsy Soul Dreaming, Steve Davidson in Holme Estate Cellars, Melody Maker, Steelin Tin Band and Aki’s Drum Circle all in Artist Alley. FireLight Ladies will dance late in the evening at Mission Avenue and Freeman Street.


Drop by the free Art Walk: Holiday Makers Fair from 5 to 8 p.m. Nov. 2 at the Oceanside Museum of Art, 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside. Local makers will bring their holiday best, including a selection from Kendra Scott, as they give back 20 percent to support OMA.



A meet-the-artist reception will be held for Kelsey Overstreet’s exhibit “Marrow” from 1 to 4 p.m. Nov. 3 at the Encinitas Library Gallery, 540 Cornish Drive.


A reception is schedule from 1 to 4 p.m. Nov. 3 for artist Josie Rodriguez’s exhibition, “The Flap of a Bee’s Wings, Cross-Pollination: An Exploration” at the Encinitas Library Gallery, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas.

NOV. 4


Friends of the Encinitas Library First Sunday Music Series welcomes the world rhythms of Jimmy and Enrique for a free concert from 2 to 3 p.m. Nov. 4 at 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas.


Join the free “Coffee And Conversation with Artist Alliance” from noon to 2 p.m. Nov. 4 at the Oceanside Museum of Art, 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside. Socialize with fellow artists, enjoy drinks and snacks, learn more about Artist Alliance, and explore exhibitions at OMA for free.

NOV. 5


Elijah Rock celebrates the classic crooners at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 5 and Nov. 6 at the North Coast Repertory Theatre, 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Suite D, Solana Beach. Tickets at (858) 4811055 or

The city of San Marcos Parks & Recreation Department is looking for artists and photographers to show their works at the Rotating Gallery in the Community Center. There is no cost to participate and each show runs for 60 days. Art must have a wire across the back and be family friendly. For an art display application or information about the Rotating Gallery visit san-marcos. net/arts. Free viewing is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos.


NOV. 3

NOV. 6

Upcycled Home & Garden presents the Alleyway Market from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Nov. 3 at 603 Garrison Street #A, Oceanside. Artists selling new and refurbished items, from vintage to retro decor, handmade crafts and jewelry, garden art, salvage pieces for upcycling, alcohol ink art, clothing. For more information call (760) 9089800.

Pala Resort’s 60+ Club continues its free concerts with the Buddy Holly Review at 1 p.m. Nov. 6 in the Pala Events Center. For directions and information, visit



MiraCosta College hosts a ribbon-cutting on its new Dance and Theatre Studios at 8 a.m. on campus building 2700, 1 Barnard Drive, Oceanside. RSVP to (760) 795-6777.


Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild presents “The Natural World, Inside and Outside” paintings through Dec. 12 at the Encinitas Community Center Gallery, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive. Meet the artist from 2 to 4 p.m. Nov. 3.

The Carlsbad Playreaders present “Betrayal” at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 5 at the Schulman Auditorium at Dove Library,1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad. Donation: $5 for adult, $1 for student/military, $10 as a Carlsbad Playreaders Supporter.



The Oceanside Museum of Art will offer a “Two-Day Workshop: Gustav Klimt” from 1 to 4 p.m. Nov. 6 and Nov. 8. Cost is $90 . Robin Douglas will share Klimt’s techniques including his signature glimmering palette using paint, canvas, mosaics, and diverse materials.

NOV. 7


The Gloria McClellan Center is offering free Music Appreciation from 1 to 3:15 p.m. Nov. 7 at 1400 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista. Lovers of classical music or newcomers will enjoy presentations TURN TO ARTS CALENDAR ON 17

NOV. 2, 2018

San Marcos OKs parking permits for Rosemont By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — A neighborhood just west of Cal State San Marcos is getting relief from years of parking woes caused by the nearby university by way of a parking permit program the City Council approved this week. The City Council voted 4-1 to approve the oneyear pilot permit parking program for the Rosemont neighborhood, which is west of Twin Oaks Valley Road at Village Drive, located south of the university. Residents through the years have complained that students from CSUSM and visitors of adjacent apartment complexes park their cars on their neighborhood streets and leave them there for long periods of time and overnight, leaving few spaces for the residents. Under the city pilot program, neighbors who live in the community will be able to get a parking permit for two cars in the household. The city will enforce the permit area between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. A handful of passes for guests will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Residents won't have to pay for the permits during the pilot year, but following the end of the pilot the permits will cost $78 per vehicle and $10 per guest pass. Development Services Director Dahvia Lynch told the council that the fee is to recover the costs for additional enforcement needed for the program to work. The city will have to hire a part-time parking enforcement officer to enforce the parking requirements, costing the city around $21,000 a year, Lynch said. Since the program restricts the use of public streets, the public should not have to subsidize it, she added. Mayor Jim Desmond voted against the pilot because he felt the city should start charging residents during the period. “If you are trying to figure out what the behavior is you should make the cost effective now,” Desmond said. “Because when you start charging the behavior is going to change.” Four Rosemont residents urged the city to move forward with the program and asked that the permanent program be enforced around the clock.

Gang member convicted of fatally shooting motorist ESCONDIDO — An Escondido gang member was convicted Oct. 26 of first-degree murder for firing shots intended for rivals but instead striking and killing a passing motorist as she headed home from Bible study at her church. After a two-week trial, jurors also found true a special circumstance allegation that 55-year-old Cathy Kennedy was killed while the defendant, 25-year-old Dionicio Torrez Jr., was an active member of a street gang. Torrez faces life in prison without the possibility of parole when he is sentenced Dec. 20. The defendant also was convicted of attempted murder and shooting at an occupied vehicle. Deputy District Attorney Laurie Hauf said Torrez fired across a street 12 rounds intended for rivals the night of March 7, 2017.

One of those bullets hit Kennedy in the head, and she died at a hospital. Defense attorney Alejandro Morales said the prosecution’s case rested on the word of a 16-year-old boy who was with Torrez that night. The juvenile — who took a plea deal — was the one who fired the shots, Morales told the jury. Hauf said two rival gang members were spotted tagging the apartment complex where Torrez and the teenager lived about 9 p.m. Torrez chased the rivals — followed by the 16-year-old — and Torrez opened fire, according to the prosecutor. The victim was found alongside eastbound Grand Avenue near Midway Drive. Her silver Toyota Camry crashed into a parked vehicle. — City News Service

Christmas parade deadline nears VISTA — Kick off December the sweet way, at this year’s annual Vista Candyland-themed Christmas Parade, marching out at 1 p.m. Dec. 1. Reserve an entry at the chamber office, 127 Main St., Vista or by visiting Parade entries must be received no later than 5 p.m. Nov. 16. The city will award prizes in three categories, including Best Use of Theme, Best Christmas Spirit and Best Overall Entry, and the parade will showcase fun floats and serenades by school bands, local businesses, clubs and neighbors.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Parade entry prices start at $45, but entry is free for schools. This year, the route will travel from the Civic Center, through the roundabout, right on Eucalyptus, right on South Santa Fe Avenue, right on Broadway, left on Citrus Avenue, left on Main Street and ending at the Wave Waterpark at 101 Wave Drive. Parking can be found at Cinepolis, 25 Main St., the Wave Waterpark, side streets and parking lots. There will be no parking available at the civic center, the library or along the route. Check-in for parade entries and line-up begins at 10 a.m. through noon.


Private First Class Maylor Leon, 14, and PFC Major Jordan Clark, 16, members of the Young Marines from Oceanside, tie ribbons around trees throughout downtown Vista on Oct. 24 in honor of Red Ribbon Week, which represents a national anti-drug effort and awareness campaign observed annually in October throughout the United States. Courtesy photo


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 2, 2018

Food &Wine

Caymus on a roll with wine dinners taste of wine frank mangio


ou can’t get any better California wine than the historic brands at Caymus Vineyards in Napa Valley. It’s better known in winery circles as the Wagner Family of Wines, named after the iconic family that founded what is known as Caymus. Chuck Wagner, along with his parents, founded Caymus in 1971. Chuck still is the backbone of all that is great about the winery and has allowed his three children to apply their considerable talents to help in this success story. Joe Wagner has since left the winery to strike out on his own with a fabulous story that you have read in past editions of this column. Jenny and Charlie Wagner work alongside their father

and all keep writing new, wonderful chapters to the Wagner story. A beaming Sal Ercolano has done it again with Caymus. For a third time this year he had sold out Seasalt wine dinners for three consecutive evenings. He took Rico Cassoni and I aside and revealed that his remaining events this year, the Mondavi and Ruffino nights, were already sold out. Ercolano, ever the entrepreneur, will be assessing the possibility of extending the wine dinners, as he did with his other “three-peats” due to the demand for tickets. It is reported that a next door restaurant, IRIS, will become an Ercolano property, and he is planning wine dinners in that restaurant also. The Wagner Family of Wines, as you might have figured out, goes beyond just Caymus, although many a winery would love to have just that one brand. In the dinner that Cassoni and I attended, first

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course included the Emmolo Sauvignon Blanc, a surprising pleasant adventure of a summer white. Second course had the Mer Soleil Chardonnay Reserve, a dramatic and enticing white from the Monterey Highlands. Third course, highlighting a beautifully done homemade pasta with lamb ragu, was the Red Schooner Voyage 6 Malbec from Argentina. This Caymus wine blew me away. I wanted to move to Argentina to be close to where these wine grapes were grown! They are shipped over 1,000 miles away for authenticity, then carefully made. This vintage is 2015, truly an “iron fisted taste in a velvet glove.” The night concluded with the classic Caymus Cabernet Sauvignon, and a new kid, the Caymus Petite Sirah, called the Suisan Grand Durif, 2016. I would be remiss in not mentioning the all-time great wine produced by Caymus, known worldwide as the Caymus Special Selection Cabernet Sauvignon. The latest vintage is 2014 ($180). It comes from the very best of the barrels on the estate winery in



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he wants to be our mayor?” The campaign mailer distributed by the Abed campaign essentially echoes the Facebook post. “Conduct Unbecoming,” reads the headline of the mailer distributed by Abed’s campaign, pointing to the ongoing Superior Court of California lawsuit filed in San Diego County

Rutherford. This is the only wine in the world honored twice as Wine Spectator’s “Wine of the Year!” Nothing beats it for richness and concentration. See more about Caymus and other brands at San Diego Bay Wine & Food Festival is coming

Make your plans now to be a part of the mighty San Diego Bay Wine & Food Festival, a weeklong celebration of food, wine and the lifestyle of San Diego. Between Nov. 11 and Nov. 18, you’ll get to be in the middle of more than 40 events, celebrity chefs, hundreds of domestic and international wines, brewmasters, live music, winemakers, sommeliers and more. Tasting is where thousands of foodies and winos will gather at Embarcadero Marina Park North next to Seaport Village, from noon to 3 p.m. Cost starts at $135. The rest of the events are spread out over the city for an entire week of participation in fine dining restaurants and events venues. For more information, visit, or call (619) 312-1212. against both McNamara and the Palomar College Governing Board. “Paul McNamara is formally accused of violating the State’s Open-Meeting and Government Transparency law, the Brown Act in an official court filing,” reads the mailer. “Allegations that he illegally colluded in secret meetings to avoid public scrutiny of his actions remain unanswered. What is Paul McNamara

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Wine Bytes

• Daou Vineyards, a leading winery from Paso Robles, will be spotlighted at Il Fornaio Italian restaurant, at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 8. Cost is $80 per guest. DAOU will be served with a five-course Italian feast, including braised short ribs with root vegetables. RSVP at (858) 755-8876. • The Barrel Room in Rancho Bernardo presents Rombauer Vineyards, cheese and Charcuterie, at 2:30 p.m. Nov. 17. Four lovely wines from this Napa Valley winery will be poured with small bites. Cost is $35 each. RSVP at hiding? Why doesn’t he come clean about his secret meetings?” In response, the McNamara campaign distributed a press release calling that campaign mailer, and another one about Deerfield publishing an article on her progressive news commentary website Alianza, which accuses the mayor of saying in a meeting that he was in government for to improve his “personal finances,” an attack on McNamara as a military veteran and by extension, an attack on all military veterans at-large. “Escondido’s civic culture is shaken, when Abed has to rely on personal attack ads on me,” McNamara said in the press release. “As a Marine Corps veteran, I deeply resent his attacks on my integrity and, by implication, all veterans. Everyone knows Abed gets mean when cornered, so we are not surprised at all in Escondido to see these last-minute desperate attacks. We can do better.” In rebuttal, Abed’s campaign director John Franklin — also a member of the Vista City Council — called McNamara’s statement about his military background a red herring. “Accusing the mayor of an attack on McNamara’s military service is as silly as it gets,” said Franklin. “Mayor Abed honors Paul’s service to our country and thanks him for his service. That doesn’t change the fact that McNamara is repeated what he obviously knows are lies. His honesty and integrity are in serious question.” But the McNamara campaign pointed specifically to the use of the term “conduct

• L’Auberge Del Mar showcases its new fall seasonal menu starting Nov. 1 inside Kitchen 1540. Plans are also in place for a legendary Thanksgiving Day Dinner from 2 to 8 p.m. Nov. 22. Three courses for $89 per adult, $25 for children. RSVP at (858) 259-1515. • Vigilucci’s Gourmet Market in Carlsbad Village will present its “Sagra di Vigilucci’s,” an annual dinner, from 5 to 7 p.m. Nov. 8 on State Street. The five-course outdoor dinner will include two wines, for $35 per person. RSVP at (760) 720-0188. Reach him at Frank@ unbecoming,” which has legal implications within the military tribunal system, as what he found problematic in the mailer as it relates to him as a veteran and all veterans more broadly. “Degrading Ret. Marine Corps Col. Paul McNamara’s military service is a cheap shot, one that should be beneath any American who claims to be a patriot. Mac served his country with honor and integrity for over 27 years,” Deerfield said. “He received the Distinguished Service Medal which is the Marine Corps’ third highest award behind the Medal of Honor and Navy Cross. When Abed accused Ret. Col. Paul McNamara of ‘conduct unbecoming’ in his hit piece perhaps Abed didn’t understand the seriousness of that charge since he never served.” The Abed campaign did not say it regretted using this turn of phrase, however, calling such an interpretation “patently absurd.” “We were referring only to his lack of integrity and honesty as relates to his candidacy for mayor,” Franklin said. “His conduct is unbecoming someone seeking public office. His ridiculous attempt to characterize the exposure of his dishonesty as an attack on veterans is patently absurd. It’s a pitiful attempt to distract voters from his own lack of integrity as a candidate. Mayor Abed respects Paul McNamara’s service to our country and thanks him and all veterans for their service. McNamara’s dishonesty as a candidate has nothing to do with his service to our nation.”

NOV. 2, 2018


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Palomar Mountain: Home to ‘Crater Lake Monster,’ other films Special to The Coast News

REGION — Forget “Creature from the Black Lagoon.” Closer to home, the sci-fi flick “Crater Lake Monster” was filmed on Palomar Mountain in 1977, among others. The low-budget film is about a dinosaur lying dormant in Crater Lake that is suddenly awakened by a meteor crash. The film's director, William R. Stromberg, used David Allen, the same animator/claymation artist who made Mrs. Butterworth and Swiss Miss commercials in the 1970s, to create the effect of a rampaging dinosaur, according to historians. Located in San Diego County, Palomar Mountain has served as a great spot for Hollywood and others to film a variety of movies over the years. In fact, as far back as 1914, director Cecil B. DeMille partially filmed “The Virginian” on Palomar Mountain. “It was one of DeMille’s first films,” said Peter Brueggeman, who has an entire website (http:// dedicated to Palomar Mountain. “In watching the film, one sees outside scenes that were undoubtedly shot on Palomar but not recognizable. However, key scenes were shot outside and inside George Doane’s abandoned cabin in Doane Valley, in what is now the State Park.” Brueggeman, a retired library director at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and his wife owned a cabin on Palomar in the 2000s. “I got interested in Palomar history at that time and then started the website,” he said. Brueggeman said a second location, the El Capitan Reservoir, was where the monster scenes of

PALOMAR MOUNTAIN has been a destination for filmmakers for over 100 years.

“Crater” were filmed. Apparently if you’re local, it’s well-known that Palomar has been used in various movies. According to Jack and Phyllis Stookey, who shared their knowledge with Sid Michael Walsh of Friends of Palomar Mountain State Park, Inc., some early films were indeed filmed on location at Palomar. For instance they said in 1947's “Nightmare Alley,” the Palomar Observatory appeared as an observatory. Also, in “Girl of the Golden West” (1915), and “The Rose of the Rancho” (1914), were filmed in the local mountains, Walsh said. Like “Crater,” several other horror or science-fiction films have been shot in San Diego County locations. Among the most well-

known was “Invaders from Mars” (1953) in which martians land on Earth and take over the minds of the adults living in a small town. The movie was partially filmed at Palomar Observatory, Walsh said. “In addition, from time to time, independent film makers file for permits from the California Department of Parks and Recreation, and shoot footage/film in the Palomar Mountain State Park,” Walsh said. For years Palomar Mountain and its valleys have been a place where many San Diegans go to vacation, ski, camp or simply visit throughout the year. For example, Brueggeman said Palomar Mountain was closely tied or linked to Escondido historically. People went back and

Photo courtesy California State Parks

forth from Palomar and Escondido regularly. “A travel route to Palomar went through Escondido, and summer vacationers from San Diego went through Escondido. Palomar people went to Escondido for supplies and doctors. Apples and agricultural produce were brought down from Palomar to Escondido. Also, Clark Cleaver on Palomar farmed apples and when he died, an Escondido newspaper article said he was the ‘Apple King of Escondido.’” So, what’s the fascination with the mountain? “I can see advantages in shooting on Palomar Mountain for Westerns, in that there are meadows, forests, streams, cattle, etc.,” Brueggman said. “To our mod-

ern eye, it seems relatively close to the then-location of studios in Hollywood and Los Angeles, and similar film shooting locations would be found farther north in mileage in the Sierras. However, it was a quite a haul to get up onto Palomar Mountain back then, and probably easier to go to the Sierras for film production.” Brueggeman said the actual location of Palomar may have been a selling point for directors to film at the mountain. “With the current roads and looking at Google maps, Palomar Mountain is 126 miles from Hollywood, and it would have been longer mileage on older roads of the time,” he said. The now-named Nate Harrison Grade was built in 1900 and was the principal road up Palomar until S6, the Highway to the Stars, was built in the later 1930s. Nate Harrison Grade was not a super highway. It was a twisty, long dirt road much like it is now and is somewhat steep in stretches, he added. “People tied trees to the backs of their cars to act as a drag brake for going downhill on Nate Harrison Grade,” he said. “I would guess it would have been easier logistically to truck gear and people to shoot films in the Sierras. It is 198 miles from Hollywood to Sequoia National Park and given that it was probably more miles on older roads, it still is not much farther to go to the southern Sierra from Hollywood, and roads would undoubtedly have been better.” It's anybody’s guess as to how or if Palomar Mountain will be used in any future films, but if it is, the mountain will surely be waiting to accommodate.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 2, 2018

Clayton, N.Y., the perfect base for your Thousand Islands visit hit the road

Cope’s order and a people’s prayer-chain sought Cope’s help. Outcome: Kate Mahoney lives to tell her story. ( watch?v=Pn1rwXKSHNA.) This encounter gives us something to ponder as we wander Clayton’s leafy streets in the warm October sunshine. Trees show hints of color that is to come; signs in store windows call for volunteers to work the annual Punkin Chunkin (a catapult competition that rewards the longest heave of pumpkins into the St.

Lawrence);l and ladies at card tables sell tickets for tonight’s performance at the Clayton Opera House, listed on the National Registry of Historic Places. Later, from our balcony at the 4-year-old 1000 Islands Harbor Hotel (105 rooms), we watch massive barges move by, getting as much work done as possible before the river freezes. (This happens later each year, according to locals.) The hotel was built on the former site of a snowplow factory, which makes us

wonder what Clayton looks like in January. “If you are a winter person, this a great place to be,” says hotel manager Todd Buchko. “The very best ice fishing comes from the St. Lawrence River, and there are great snowmobile trails, great snow-shoeing on Wellesley Island (in the middle of the river), ice hockey and curling.” I believe him, but am grateful for October weather and the uncrowded sidewalks that run along the riverbank, evening gath-

erings around the hotel’s fire pits, and the bursts of color everywhere provided by huge pots of mums that punctuate the patio. We can still enjoy al fresco dining at a riverside restaurant, where local wine comes from the Thousand Islands Seaway Wine Trail (Motto: “It’s not California. It’s not Tuscany. It’s the Thousand Islands.” The next day, with a bit of threatening skies that never produced, we board a Clayton Island Tours boat for an hour-long ride downriver to Heart Island, one of the 1,864 islands that make up the Thousand Islands archipelago. Our destination: Boldt Castle, an opulent six-story, 120-room residence which could be mistaken for a bit of Bavaria. George Boldt, who made his fortune in the hotel industry, employed 300 workers to construct the castle as a testament of love for his wife. Sadly, in 1904 at age 41, she died suddenly, and work on the castle ceased. It fell into ruin and remained that way until 1977, when the first of millions of private dollars began pouring into the castle. Much of the castle has been restored to its intended splendor, and it has become a major tourist draw for thousands each summer. ( Thousand Islands Harbor Hotel — rates start at $129 off-season; $179 in-season; www.1000island


Association’s influence has been most heavily felt is San Marcos, where the PAC has spent thousands in mailers and campaign signs in favor of Rebecca Jones for mayor and council candidates Mike Sannella and Craig Garcia. Many of the same individual contributors who have contributed to the Building Industry Association’s PAC and the Deputy Sheriffs committee have also contributed to an Irvine-based PAC called the California Taxpayers Coalition, which according to records has spent $10,500 in printing and mailing costs against one of Sannella’s opponents, Randy Walton. One of the largest contributors to the Taxpayers Coalition is Diversified Projects, Inc., which has contributed $12,5000 to

the committee. The Laguna Beach-based company was behind the controversial San Marcos Highlands project. Walton has aligned himself with Chris Orlando, current councilman and mayoral candidate, the lone council member to vote against the Highlands project. One of the other major contributors is Lance Waite, who is developer behind the Sunshine Gardens project, a 193-unit multi-family project on 14.4-acres near San Marcos’ southeastern city limits that is currently being processed by the city. Waite contributed $5,000 to both the Taxpayers Coalition and the Deputy Sheriffs PAC. Jones returned a $250 contribution Waite made to her campaign this year. San Marcos bars developers from contributing to campaigns within 12 months of a council vote. Walton, a registered Democrat, said the race has gotten ugly as a result of the mailers paid for, and said developers are actively trying to deceive voters by funneling money into committees that appear to be advocating for taxpayers or law enforcement. “It’s an outright effort to deceive voters, by putting out mailers saying that something is ‘law enforcement’s choice,’ when in reality, it’s thousands of dollars from developers and the building industry,” Walton said. “Most voters don’t know to look at the cam-

paign finance forms and see who is behind some of these committees. “And on the other side, there isn’t a group of citizens forming PACs, so there is no countervailing weight and it’s kind of an unfair advantage to the candidates who benefit from them,” Walton said. “San Marcos has very strict limits on contributions to candidates of just $250,” Jones said in an email to The Coast News. “At that level, it would be difficult for anyone to influence an elected official in our city. As for independent expenditures, they are just that — independent. I have no ability to control their activities and am legally prohibited from doing so.” Kousser said that the pattern of developers who otherwise would not be able to contribute to the campaigns due to the city laws contributing even more money through the PACs raises ethical concerns from the donor, not the recipient. “I would say that the pattern and timing of the donations shows a clear circumvention of the goal of the campaign finance limits,” Kousser said. “But there’s no proof that the candidate is influenced by these contributions. So while it’s not an ethical violation on behalf of the candidate, it looks like a donor is clearly trying to have the same effect on the election and make the same contribution through a different route.”

e’louise ondash


e come upon St. Mary’s Catholic Church while taking a walking history tour of Clayton, N.Y. Immediate impression: The Gothic stone church is way too large for this resort town of about 5,000 that sits on the St. Lawrence River in the Thousand Islands area. Perhaps the commanding edifice wasn’t oversized when it was built in the late 1880s, a tourism heyday when people of means arrived in Clayton by train with servants and stuffed steamer trunks. They came to escape the heat of the cities, revel in the bucolic countryside and cruise the St. Lawrence in private and commercial tour boats. Today, Clayton (https:// is still a tourist destination and perfect base for exploring the Thousand Islands area. It even offers the story of a miracle, which brings us back to St. Mary’s Church. I discover a statue of St. Marianne Cope (1838-1918) in a side-yard grotto, as well as a couple from Syracuse, Bernie and Karen Mahoney. I ask whether they’ve heard of this saint, whose name sounds oddly contemporary.

GILDED AGE MILLIONAIRE George Boldt built this castle on Heart Island in the Thousand Islands area of the St. Lawrence River for his wife. Construction was halted when she died suddenly at age 41. More than $15 million in private money has restored much of the lavish summer home, now a major attraction. Photo by Jerry Ondash

Yes, they say, they know of Cope. A nun originally from Syracuse, she spent most of her life carrying for lepers on Hawaii’s island of Molokai. Cope was canonized in 2012, partly because of a miracle that involved Bernie’s then-14-year-old cousin, Kate Mahoney, also of Syracuse. In 1992, she was dying of stage 4 ovarian cancer. According to Bernie, “(Kate) was in complete organ-shutdown” when her parents, the nuns in





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that these once small races have big implications. “The stakes for some of these decisions can be in the thousands or millions of dollars for the stakeholders,” Kousser said. “So even though it’s a relatively new phenomenon, it shouldn’t come as a surprise.” The Deputy Sheriffs Association PAC has received thousands from developers and the Building Industry Association of San Diego and has spent a corresponding amount on candidates throughout the county, almost exclusively on Republican or conservative candidates. One of the races where the Deputy Sheriffs Association and Building Industry

NOV. 2, 2018

Council votes to destroy records using controversial law By Steve Horn

ESCONDIDO — At its Oct. 24 meeting, with no deliberation, the Escondido City Council voted unanimously to destroy a tranche of records under the city’s document retention policy. Passed as part of the Consent Calendar, the document destruction is part of an annual ritual by the city of Escondido, authorized to do so under California Code 34090. That state law allows for governmental bodies to destroy most documents after warehousing them for a time period of two years. “Unless otherwise provided by law, with the approval of the legislative body by resolution and the written consent of the city attorney the head of a city department may destroy any city record, document, instrument, book or paper, under his charge, without making a copy thereof,” reads that statute. This excludes court records and “minutes, ordinances, or resolutions of the legislative body or of a city board or commission,” the statute further outlines. Section 34090 also mandates that records pertaining to title details for property must also be kept on-file. According to the 16-page Destruction Report published by the city of Escondido as part of the broader City Council Meeting Agenda packet for Oct. 24, several types of records will now go by the wayside per the City Council’s vote. They include three years’ worth of documents on the city’s housing relocation assistance program, six decades of data on code enforcement for business licenses dating back to the 1950s, 2004-2015 documents pertaining to recreational classes offered by the city, several months’ worth of inventory lists of public records requests made to the city during 2015 and more. Escondido is not the only North County city which has voted to destroy records in recent years. Oceanside, Encinitas and Del Mar have also utilized section 34090 during the past several years in order to vote for destruction of governmental documents. Nothing about what Escondido and other North County cities have done runs afoul of state law, though critics point to increased e-storage of records as a best practice the cities should shoot for. “Given the relatively inexpensive cost of e-storage, the government should be holding these records much longer,” explained Cory Briggs, San Diego-based attorney for Briggs Law Corporation. “Meanwhile, a lot of litigation against cities comes more than two years later. The destruction of records that could help taxpayers defeat frivolous lawsuits or expose public officials’ crimes against taxpayers does a disservice to the public.” The First Amendment Coalition, based in San Rafael, points out that even California’s Public Records Act is superseded by section 34090, meaning that it can cited as a means of denying such a request. Donna Frye, the former


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president of CalAware and member of the San Diego City Council from 2001-2010, said that records are worth preserving because they keep the historic record alive for future generations of lawyers, journalists and researchers. CalAware is an organization which advocates for increased governmental transparency throughout California. “The laws should be revisited to keep up with the changing technology,” Frye said. “Maintaining public records is important because we cannot predict today what information may be useful in the future. The more historical information we have, the better.” John Masson, a member of the Escondido City Council, points out that even electronic storage of records, though, takes up staff time and is technically not free. “From a policy perspective, I don’t have a problem destroying old records as long as we are in compliance with current law,” Masson said. “Maintaining and storing records takes up space and time (and) even if you convert everything to a digital format, someone has to

convert, catalog and manage the data.” Masson cautioned, though, that careful thought should be put into which records are destroyed and which are maintained. “I’m kind of a ‘pack rat’ and think that someday there could be some value holding on to certain items the difficult thing is knowing which ones,” he said. Escondido City Attorney Michael McGuinness said that the balancing act described by Masson ensues with each decision to destroy or retain city documents. “The city has a robust imaging program such that we are digitizing certain records that must be maintained for longer periods allowing us to save costs of storage. The city also does retain certain original records that have specific importance or for historical purposes,” said McGuinness. “However, paying storage costs for records that have little to no evidentiary or historical value, or are not needed to conduct the city’s business, is not a good expenditure of taxpayer funds.” For Matthew Halgren, a San Diego-based attorney

for the firm Sheppard Mullin, it comes down to striking a balance between the cost of electronic storage of the records on a server — which he pointed out is also not free — and the public interest in storage of the records. Halgren also said he has heard anecdotally that in cities throughout the state, there has been an uptick in “public agencies systematically destroying records,” a trend he finds troubling as it relates to governmental transparency. “I don’t want to impute bad intentions to any particular agency or official, but I am concerned that, in some cases (of records destruction), there may be other motivations at play, including a desire to limit public scrutiny,” Halgren said. Section 34090 does “not take into account that data in government records may be indispensable for social or other scientific research. Consider, for example, records held by county health agencies that could be used to determine if environmental conditions are having adverse health impacts over time. Data going back years or decades can be indispensable to this kind of research.”

Trial date set for Graham accuser By Aaron Burgin

ENCINITAS — A North County woman accused of falsely accusing former State Assembly candidate Phil Graham of sexual misconduct will go to trial on Nov. 13, prosecutors said. Nichole Burgan, whose trial was set to begin on Halloween, will appear at 8:15 a.m. Nov. 13 in Judge K. Michael Kirkman’s courtroom, an official with the District Attorney’s office said. The District Attorney’s office has charged Burgan with misdemeanor filing of a false police report stemming from the claims made during the lead up to the June 5 primary election. Graham, who failed to advance to the Nov. 6 general election after finishing third during the primary, is the stepson of former California Gov. Pete Wilson. Burgan said that Graham forcibly kissed her during the early morning hours of May 14 after a night of drinking at the 1st Street Bar in Encinitas. But variations in her

story to different media outlets and a series of restraining orders filed against Burgan in the past that accused her of filing false reports raised doubts about the veracity of her claims. The Sheriff’s Department investigated and disproved the claims after reviewing video surveillance inside and outside of the bar and interviewing several witnesses. Records show that charges were filed against Burgan on June 14, and she was arraigned July 3 and charged with a single misdemeanor count of filing a false report, which carries a maximum sentence of six months in jail and/or a $1,000 fine. The criminal complaint alleges that Burgan, on or about and between May 20 and May 23 “did unlawfully report to a peace officer that a misdemeanor had been committed, knowing such report to be false.” Graham has declined to comment on the matter through a spokesperson.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 2, 2018

Ride service driven to fill gaps Odd Files By Lexy Brodt

SOLANA BEACH — Solana Beach resident James Walker, 19, knows his public transit — since graduating high school, he has used a hodgepodge of Amtrak, Coaster and North County Transit District bus services to get to work, college and physical therapy. But when NCTD cut the FLEX bus service from Solana Beach to MiraCosta’s San Elijo campus last year, Walker — who has a mild form of autism and non-verbal learning disorder — and his mother, Mary Turk, were stuck with few options for getting Walker to his classes. Turk, who was studying at the time, couldn’t drive Walker to school, and other local services or transit options were either too inflexible or too expensive. Turk was able to get in touch with City Councilwoman Jewel Edson, who is on the board of directors of Facilitating Access to Coordinated Transportation. Edson recommended that Turk try RideFACT, a service built and managed by FACT. FACT is the San Diego Association of Government’s designated Consolidated Transportation Service Agency — tasked with maintaining a database of transportation options to recommend to callers in need of service. But in 2010, FACT went one step further and developed a “dial-a-ride” service for seniors, persons with disabilities, veterans and the income disadvantaged. Labelled “RideFACT,” the service has partnered with more than a dozen different transportation vendors, now including Yellow

Hassan Sattari, 94 Carlsbad October 9, 2018 Theresa Louise Jacobs, 99 Escondido October 21, 2018

RIDEFACT has purchased about 20 wheelchair-accessible vehicles that vendors can use in exchange for providing three rides for RideFACT. Courtesy photo/Budd Anderson

Cab and Lyft. In 2012, they were able to expand the program to all 18 cities in San Diego County. According to FACT’s executive director, Arun Prem, FACT is a “catch all” for anyone who has “transportation barriers,” including people with disabilities who may not qualify for paratransit services. Riders are able to call FACT and schedule trips seven days in advance. Fares range from $2.50 for short trips under five miles, to $10.00 for trips over 20 miles. The cost is “heavily subsidized” by FACT, Prem said, with the average trip costing the nonprofit $12 to $13. Originally a “bunch of activists” faced with what they saw as a gap in transit services, FACT employees built a program based on rising and falling demand — much like Uber but “less tech-based,” Prem said. They also don’t set the rate for vendors. “We let them propose their rates because we want all of these (vendors) to compete against each other.”

When a rider calls the center to request a ride from say, Solana Beach to Chula Vista, RideFACT uses a “glorified spreadsheet” to calculate the rates of various vendors willing to make that particular trip, and find the cheapest one by default. As a result, they can serve more riders, more efficiently. “It’s very cost-effective,” Prem said. Prem, who has worked for a number of transportation agencies, said there’s nothing quite like RideFACT in San Diego, or the nation for that matter. For Turk and Walker, RideFACT was a “lifesaver,” allowing Walker to get from home to school, school to physical therapy and back with few glitches, for $2.50 per leg. Among their only qualms with the program is having to plan a week in advance. According to Prem, RideFACT is limited in its spontaneity, both because of a lack of funding, and an increase in demand — which has risen by 24 percent in the last year. “We’re at capacity,” he said.

Richard Thompson Wold, 83 San Marcos October 12, 2018 Roberta Joan Morris, 83 Vista October 17, 2018

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(Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)

RideFACT, which is based in Oceanside, is funded by a pair of competitive two-year grants administered through SANDAG — a Federal Transit Administration grant for Enhanced Mobility of Seniors & Individuals with Disabilities (Section 5310), and a Senior Mini Grant derived from the county’s TransNet sales tax proceeds. However, the program does not run on any “sustainable,” long-term funding, according to Prem. As a result, RideFACT has branched out in order to help augment its funding source, partnering with Tri-City Medical Center in 2016 in order to pick up patients after discharge and transport them to their homes using Lyft. They have also purchased some vehicles and allowed vendors to use them free of cost in exchange for doing three rides for RideFACT — which ultimately helps lower cost by attracting more drivers. Prem, who knows many of the program’s frequent riders by name, said RideFACT gives self-reliance to many who formerly had few to no other transportation options beyond family or friends. Turk calls her experience finding transit options for Walker a “real education,” but said that RideFACT was “a hero” for filling the missing niche in Walker’s transportation routine. “It gives him a really strong sense of independence, that he’s doing it on his own,” she said. For more information on RideFACT, visit their website,

Change your clocks AND change the batteries in your smoke detectors and your carbon monoxide detectors - they can help save lives! Prepare for cold and flu season. Cold weather is coming and so are colds and the flu. Have you gotten your flu shot? Check your medicine cabinet - Has the thermometer gone missing? Do you have sufficient fever reducers, cough syrup, and decongestants needed to fight colds or flu? Review your family's emergency plan, or create one for the first time. Update phone numbers, addresses and contact information, and post your Emergency Information Page on the refrigerator.

Crisp temperatures and crunchy leaves are on their way. The staff at Allen Brothers wish you a safe and colorful autumn!


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People Different From Us

Halloween won't be quite so frightening for residents of Nottinghamshire, England, now that a "killer clown" has been apprehended and sentenced to 11 weeks behind bars, plus 18 weeks that had previously been suspended, according to the BBC. Damien Hammond, 29, is a homeless and jobless man who has taken on the persona of Heath Ledger's The Joker from "The Dark Knight Rises." He admitted to what police called a "crime wave" of offenses, including terrorizing staff in retail stores, waving a gun-shaped cigarette lighter while standing in traffic, and striking a police officer. He arrived at Nottingham Magistrates' Court on Oct. 10 with bright green hair, and as he was led to jail, he shouted: "See what you have done. I will kill today!" adding that he would stab police officers and fellow inmates. He has also been banned from central Nottingham for three years. [BBC, 10/10/2018]

Government in Action

The District of Columbia's Department of General Services fell victim to a scam in July when officials there wired almost $700,000 to a hacker posing as a city vendor. The fraudsters gained information from a vendor's computer system, reported The Washington Post, then created a fake email address by changing just one letter, from which they requested electronic transfers from the D.C. government. David Umansky, a spokesman for the district's chief financial officer, told the Post that since then the city's protocols for making vendor payments have "been modified to require additional confirmation before changing bank information." None of Crop D.C.'s money has been re.93 covered. [Washington Post, .93 10/22/2018] 4.17 Sounds 4.28 Like a Joke

lon, used to educate the public about colon health, was stolen from the bed of a pickup truck on Oct. 19. The Kansas City Star reported it was scheduled to appear at a run/walk event at a local park the next day. Kansas City Police are hoping the public will help find the 150-pound, 10-footlong colon and return it to its owners. [Kansas City Star, 10/19/2018] Extreme Reaction

Helen Washington, 75, of Brooklyn Center, Minnesota, faces charges of second-degree assault with a dangerous weapon after she ran out of patience on Oct. 12 with her grandson, who continued to put his teacup on her furniture even after she repeatedly asked him not to. After dumping his tea out, the Minneapolis Star-Tribune reported, Washington left the room, apparently to get a gun. Meanwhile, the grandson had made a new cup of tea and put it on the furniture. The argument resumed, and Washington pulled out the .38 Special, shooting her grandson in the leg. She told officers at the scene she didn't think she should go to jail; a judge ordered an evaluation to see if she's competent to stand trial. [Minneapolis Star-Tribune, 10/18/2018]

Who's a Good Boy?

Beagle Brigade K-9 officer Hardy probably thought he'd hit the jackpot when U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents discovered an unusual item in a passenger's luggage at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson airport on Oct. 11. Fox5 reported that something smelled suspicious (and delicious) to Hardy, so agents opened the bag of a traveler from Ecuador to find a cooked pig's head. "This seizure at ATL illustrates the tremendous expertise of our four-legged K-9 partners in protecting the United States," gushed Carey Davis, CBP area port director of the Port of Atlanta. No doubt to Hardy's distress, however, the pig's head was removed and deIn Ouachita Parish, stroyed. [Fox5, 10/16/2018] Louisiana, chicken owner Stephanie Morse told Creative Weaponry KNOE-TV on Oct. 18 that When Denver Bronshe is not going to be de- cos backup quarterback terred from dressing up Chad Kelly wandered into her chickens for Hallow- a suburban house in Engleeen, even in light of the wood, Colorado, early on warning from the Centers the morning of Oct. 23, he for Disease Control about didn't appear to pose much exposure to salmonella. of a threat, according to More than 90 people in 29 ESPN News. He sat down states have been infected on the couch next to the with an antibiotic-resis- female resident, who was tant strain of the bacteria holding her young child, after coming into contact and began "mumbling inwith raw chicken products. coherently," police records Dressing up live chickens showed. But the man of the might also cause people house, thinking quickly, to be exposed to the germ. shooed the 24-year-old Kel"Don't kiss your birds or ly out with nothing more snuggle them," the CDC than a vacuum hose. Kelly, warns. But Morse clucks who had been at a Hallowback: "I just like to put a een party with teammates, sweater on them to keep was later found sitting in them warm and comfort- his car about a block away. able." [KNOE, 10/18/2018] He was arrested on suspicion of criminal trespass, Inexplicable but the real shame is how The University of Kan- Kelly hosed his own career: sas Cancer Center just On Oct. 24, the Broncos rewants its colon back. The leased him. [ESPN News, $4,000 giant inflatable co- 10/25/2018]

NOV. 2, 2018

the homeless, the San Diego NOV. 14 Street Choir and Solutions CONTINUED FROM 10 for Change. For more infor- BRASIL IN TRIO Come for an evening of with state-of-the-art audio mation call (310) 251-2504. 333’s Music At The Museum and visual equipment. No with Brasil In Trio from 6 to registration is required. For 8 p.m. Nov. 14 at the OceansNOV. 11 information, call (760) 643ide Museum of Art, 704 Pier 5288 or e-mail luigibeetho- TOP STUDENT ART Canyon Crest Academy View Way, Oceanside. Cost visual arts and AP art class- is $45. 333 Pacific chefs will ‘HOLMES AND WATSON’ es present “A Conspiracy of be crafting Brazilian-AmerNorth Coast Repertory Ravens” exhibit of painting, ican fusion paired with speTheatre presents “Holmes & mixed media through Dec. cialty wines to complement Watson” extended through 12 at the Encinitas Commu- the beauty of Brazilian inNov. 18 at 987 Lomas San- nity Center Gallery, 1140 strumental music. ta Fe Drive, Solana Beach. Oakcrest Park Drive, EnciFREE FAMILY MUSIC Tickets $42 to $53 at (858) nitas. November’s free family 481-1055 or northcoastrep. music program, sponsored org. by the Friends of the Carmel NOV. 12 Valley Library, will feature FIND YOUR INNER POET flutist Elena Yarritu and piNOV. 8 Awaken the Poet With- anist Katherine Dvoskin at 7 ‘GENIUS OF WOMEN’ in with Marit Anderson ev- p.m. Nov. 14 in the Library’s Oceanside Museum Of ery Saturday at 11 a.m. at community room, Carmel Art presents “Genius Of the Encinitas Library, 540 Valley Library, 3919 TownsWomen, Part II” from 6 to Cornish Drive, Encinitas. gate Drive, San Diego. For 7:30 p.m. Nov. 8 at 704 Pier For more information, visit more information, call (858) View Way, Oceanside. Tick- or call (760) 753805-1084. ets $15 at https://oma-on- 7376. Robin Douglas will LIFE DRAWING CLASS share about the imaginative ONE-WOMAN SHOW The Oceanside Museum artworks and spirits of womNorth Coast Repertory en geniuses from the 1900s Theatre “The Year of Magi- of Art offers a Life Drawing such as Louise Nevelson and cal Thinking,” a one-woman class from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Georgia O’Keeffe. Libations show with Linda Purl, based Nov. 14. Cost is $15. Artists will work from a combinaserved. on Joan Didion’s memoir, tion of 5 to 40 minute poses at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 12 and during this non-instructed Nov. 13 at 987 Lomas Santa session. Live model, table, NOV. 9 Fe Drive, Suite D, Solana and chairs are provided. TRIO HARMONY Beach, 2018. Tickets are $35 Artists to bring their own Community Concerts of at (858) 481-1055 or north- drawing materials. Pay cash Rancho Santa Fe presents at the door. the vocal trio, Derik Nelson and Family at 7 p.m. Nov. 9 at the Village Church, 6225 NOV. 13 NOV. 16 Paseo Delicias, Rancho ROCK & ROLL ‘CHRISTMAS AT PEMBERLY’ Santa Fe. Tickets are $75 Pala Resort’s 60+ Club New Village Arts will for adults and $15 for youth continues its free concerts ages 13-18 at Each with the Jukebox Kings, stage “Pride and Prejudice: concert includes a catered Pioneers of Rock ‘n Roll at Miss Bennet: Christmas At appetizer spread, coffee, 1 p.m. Nov. 13 in the Pala Pemberley” an imagined dessert at intermission and Events Center. For direc- sequel to Austen’s classic novel, from Nov. 16 to Dec. a wine bar. tions and information, visit 23 at New Village Arts, 2787 State St., Carlsbad. PayFRONT-ROW FRIDAYS What-You-Can Previews at The city of Carlsbad’s WATERCOLOR CLASSES 8 p.m. Nov. 16, Nov. 17 and Cultural Arts Office will Break out the brush- Nov. 18 and at 2pm Nov. 18 host “Front Row Fridays,” es and join the watercolor and 8 p.m. Nov. 23. For rega monthly series featuring class taught by artist Jayne ular showtimes, visit newvilperformances by San Diego Spencer every Tuesday and Tickets: $33 to talent at 7 p.m. Nov. 9 in the Thursday afternoons. To en$36 at the theater or online Schulman Auditorium, 1775 roll, call (619) 889-1478 or at, or via Dove Lane, Carlsbad. Ad- visit phone at (760) 433-3245 mission is free. For more information, contact the Cultural Arts Office at arts@ or (760) 6022090.


Legs to Love


The San Diego Folk Heritage hosts John McCutcheon in concert at 8 p.m. Nov. 9 at the San Dieguito United Methodist Church, 170 Calle Magdalena, Encinitas. Tickets are $24 at ticketweb. com. For more information, visit


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The Music by the Sea series hosts recorder artists Quinta Essentia, Gustavo De Francisco, Renata Pereira and Francielle Paixao, with Pedro Ribeirao at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 16 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. Tickets are $14 at, by calling (800) 595-4849 or at the door.

NOV. 20


Pala Resort’s 60+ Club continues its free concerts with Gary Seiler & California Dreamin’ – California Music Scene of the 60’s and 70’s at 1 p.m. Nov. 20 in the Pala Events Center. For directions and information, visit



Village Church Community Theater will stage “A Charlie Brown Christmas” at 7 p.m. Nov. 30, 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. Dec. 1, and at 2 p.m. Dec. 2 at 6225 Paseo Delicias, Rancho Santa Fe. Tickets and information at


Tickets are available now for the Encinitas Ballet production of “The Nutcracker” at 5 p.m. Dec. 2 at the Moonlight Amphitheatre, 1200 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista.


the market perception of HMNY might benefit from separating our movie-related assets from the rest of our company,” Helios & Matheson said in the release. Within North County, several residents told The Coast News that they were likely to halt their memberships in the aftermath of Cinépolis no longer serving as an option. “MoviePass did in fact cover most movie screenings in early-2018. But over the past several months, it has gone through round after round of service restrictions,” Richard Hannasch, a resident of Oceanside, told The Coast News. “Over the past few months, the Cinepolis Vista screenings were often the only way to see films of any reasonable popularity. If MoviePass does not restore the Cinepolis Vista, I do not think renewing MoviePass would be worth the money.” Lyn Dignam Van Haght, another North County resident, concurred with Hannasch in her assessment of the news. “That's a disaster. There's usually only one to two movies at the movie theatre at the Shoppes in Carlsbad that one can see with MoviePass now,” she said. “Stopping Cinépolis, this could be my cue to stop MoviePass.” Michael Pachter, managing director of equity research at the investment firm Wedbush Securities,

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The Education Department at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido is hosting another free “2nd Saturday” art lesson at 10 a.m. and again at 11:15 a.m. Nov. 10 in Education Studio 2, 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido. Two one-hour lessons are provided. More information at

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The San Diego Street Choir from the homeless community will be in concert at 2 p.m. Nov. 10 at Redeemer by the Sea Lutheran Church, 6600 Black Rail Road, Carlsbad benefitting two organizations serving

said that he is not surprised about the development at the Vista theater. Pachter added that he expects more of things like that to come in the future, in fact, for MoviePass. “They are spending $10 per ticket and charging $10 per month,” Pachter said via email. “They lose money on every customer who sees more than one film a month (which is all of them).” In August, Helios & Matheson was sued in a federal class action lawsuit filed by investors for what it alleges was false and misleading marketing about the company’s business model and chance of succeeding as a publicly traded company. The company is also under investigation, for similar reasons, by the Attorney General’s Office in New York. Representatives for Helios & Matheson did not respond to repeated requests for comment for this story. MJ Salcido, senior account director for the firm Murphy O’Brien Public Relations, said that “Cinépolis USA has taken no action to block the acceptance of MoviePass at its theaters” and directed The Coast News to MoviePass for further comment. Alyssa Allen, spokeswoman for MoviePass and an account executive for the public relations firm LaunchSquad, said, “I'm unable to get you a comment for your story by your deadline” days before the actual deadline.

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25, 2016


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OPEN HOUSE 711 MICHIGAN AVE. OCEANSIDE Open 11/3, 12-3Single family house with 2 units great opportunity for investor. Lynn Oddo 310-595-0918 BHHSCa DRE01466046 OPEN HOUSE 613 N. HORNE ST, OCEANSIDE Open 11/3 12-3pm 2bd/1ba Adorable, updated beach cottage, walk to the pier! Lynn Oddo 310-595-0918 DRE 01466046 BHHSCa COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE OPEN HOUSE: Sat 11am-4pm. 665 Helmsdale Rd., San Marcos 92069. Turn-key San Marcos gem with incredible panoramic views of Discovery Hills! Built in 2007, this modern, bright home features an open floor plan, high ceilings, 4 bed, 3 bath with 1 optional bedroom on approx. 2,373 sqft. Listed for $639,000. 11-1am: Ann Heller, (858) 449-0586 1-4pm: Chris Vargo, (760) 681-0810 COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE OPEN HOUSE: Sat 1-4pm. 7287 Surfbird Cir., Carlsbad CA 92011. 3br, 2.5ba and approx. 1,705sqft. Listed for $865,000. Welcome to the highly sought after, gated community of Marea! This former model home exudes upgrades. The solid wood floors on the first floor give the home that beachy, outdoor feeling that Southern Californians expect. Court Wilson, 760-402-1800. COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE OPEN HOUSE: Sun 1-4pm. 4919 Patina Ct, Oceanside 92057. 5br, 3ba and approx 2,344sqft. Listed at $650,000. Beautiful home with large back yard and lots of privacy on cul-de-sac location. Quiet and friendly neighborhood. Pam Starkweather, 760.231.1875 COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE OPEN HOUSE: Sat 12-3pm. 3535 Linda Vista Dr. #104, San Marcos 92078. 2br, 1.5ba and approx. 840 sqft. Listed for $114,900. Located in Rancho Vallecitos Mobile Estates, 55+ year old community. Brianna Illsley, Coldwell Banker Carlsbad, 760.637.7655.

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NOV. 2, 2018


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 2, 2018



A PRINTING PRESS operator examines a copy of The Coast News last month at Advanced Web Offset in Vista.

Photo by Shana Thompson

Power, challenges of local newspapers By Carey Blakely

REGION — The fate of the local newspaper — often seen as an important entity struggling financially to stay afloat — has been receiving increased attention lately by experts tuned into the watchdog effects that local news coverage has on local government. A 2018 report released by the Social Science Research Network, for instance, reveals that when a local newspaper closes, the community it represents undergoes increased government inefficiency and waste. Furthermore, more extensive coverage of local elections leads to increased civic engagement and voter turnout, according to a 2015 Brookings Institution report. On the flip side, residents are less apt to vote for congressional races that receive limited coverage, which can lead to landslide victories and legislators less willing to compromise. While there are some places where print newspapers continue to thrive, particularly in areas where older adults live, the general trend is one of declining print circulation. The fact that the internet has completely shaken up the news industry is an understatement. Age plays a major factor in preferences for print versus digital news. A 2016 Pew Research Center survey found that only 5 percent of adults ages 18 to 29 often read a print newspaper for news compared to 48 percent of adults 65 and older. A print newspaper in Central Florida called The Villages Daily Sun covers news and events for a growing retirement community. Its weekday circulation of

MODERN OFFSET PRESSES can produce up to 18,000 sheets per hour, or 300 sheets per minute, but print production in the newspaper industry is at an all-time national low, according to The New York Times. Photo by Shana Thompson

55,700 represents an increase of 169 percent since 2003. But over that same time period, weekday newspaper circulation across the U.S. has declined 43 percent, according to The New York Times. The Coast News — originally called The Beach News when Jim Kydd, who is still the publisher, launched the paper in 1987 — has experienced circulation changes that match the general trend nationwide. At its peak in 2007, The Coast News and its affiliate editions, Village & Valley News, Vista/San Marcos News and Rancho Santa Fe News, had a combined weekly print circulation of

80,000. Today Coast News Group circulates between 35,000 and 40,000 print newspapers a week, with the Inland Edition and Rancho Santa Fe News alternating every other week. The online version launched in 2001. Chris Kydd, the associate publisher of The Coast News, said, “We provide circulation that meets demand.” He stated, “Nothing will ever replace print in the sense that you can stick a printed newspaper ad on a fridge and it doesn’t go away, unlike the changing flashings of our screens.” Kydd connects that “permanence” with “credibility.” He elaborated, “We

are a brick-and-mortar company with people who put their names behind their work.” At the same time, Kydd acknowledged, “You have to be like a chameleon in this business because it’s a challenge to stay relevant.” He said the Coast News Group will continue adapting to online and social media platforms to deliver news the way people want it. He doesn’t seem too worried about the outlet’s future. “We have street cred. There are people living here who grew up reading The Coast News. They’re rooting for us to survive, and they come to us to be the ones to tell the stories that matter to them.”

Kydd said he feels “personally blessed by the connectedness” that The Coast News has fostered with the community during his career at the paper. Some want to safeguard local news and news reporting in general. Theodore Glasser, a professor of communications at Stanford University, told ABC News, “We need to view journalism in the same way that we view libraries and public schools, as absolutely essential to any prospering community.” Glasser explained how the content published by newspapers gets read by public officials and influences their behavior. And that, he said, is “the power of the press.”

your system and the health of your fish.” For its aquaponics system, ECOLIFE secured a patent form the U.S. Trade and Patent Organization in March 2015. After growing its food through the aquaponics technique, ECOLIFE donates it to various nonprofit organizations. They include Community Interfaith, Produce Good and Produce for Patriots, all of which are organizations dedicated to getting food to low-income individuals and food insecure people. The organization has existed for 15 years and much of its work, beyond its in-house aquaponics system, centers around bringing miniature aquaponics systems and educational curriculum to schools throughout San Diego County and indeed, nationwide, with its Eco Cycle system in place in all 50 states. Two schools within inland North County have them, too, said Cole: Madison Middle School in San Marcos and Twin Oaks Continuation High School in Vista. These systems can also be purchased online for household usage. In total, ECOLIFE has says it has reached out to 122,020 students and distributed 658 aquaponics kits in classrooms nationwide. Of those, 87 are situated in North County, with 15 in Vista schools, two in San Marcos schools and 38 within Escondido schools. And in 10 schools throughout San Diego County, too, it has helped create larger Eco-Gardens which are bigger than the Eco-Cycle kits and more akin to the aquaponics system they have in-house in Escondido. “The benefits of these project-based, sustainable gardens are countless because they give students the chance to explore some of the world’s most pressing issues revolving around our environment and food system,” ECOLIFE explains of its Eco-Gardens program on its website. “In addition, tending to aquaponic systems increases students’ comprehension of scientific concepts and provides empowerment for student leadership. Projects like the ECO-Garden promote the development of real-world job skills and critical thinking which meet the criteria for the implementation of Next Generation Science Standards.” Beyond its work in the area of aquaponics, ECOLIFE also works in Africa and Mexico to help implement the usage of fuel efficient stoves and leads ecotourism trips to both of those places, as well. Throughout November, ECOLIFE has volunteer days planned for Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays in which those interested in the new Aquaponics Innovation Center can come check it out and do some work in the greenhouse, as well.

NOV. 2, 2018


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

What you want will be met with approval if you are direct and detailed in your presentation. Talks will lead to financial gain.

THATABABY by Paul Trap

By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, NOV. 2, 2018

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender

ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Personal improvements should be your priority. Update your image, qualifications, skills and anything else that needs it. Preparation is crucial.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Set the standard and stick to it. Make others adjust to your expectations, and don’t back down. Your drive and determination will be impressive and worthy of substantial rewards.

A change will do you good. Look back at what you have accomplished and what brought you the most joy and satisfaction to find a new way to move forward. A careful strategy will give you the confiGEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Don’t take dence to forge ahead. shortcuts. Follow through with your plans SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Don’t get from beginning to end. How you do angry when you can get moving. If you things will reflect what you are capable put your energy into something worthof achieving. Celebrate with a loved one. while, you will bring about a change that will improve your current standard of liv- CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Discussions will result in a host of ideas that can ing. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Your help resolve some of the problems you’re tendency to think big will lead to trouble facing. Do your best to find common if you let your emotions take the reins. ground and work alongside others.

Attention to detail, precision and mod- LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Handle your eration will be required if you want to be money, legal and health matters carefully. successful. Pay close attention to what’s being said, CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Con- and ask an expert if you aren’t sure how sider what you want and put your plans to handle something or someone. in motion. You have what it takes to turn VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Follow your your ideas into reality with a push and a heart, and engage in talks that will help shove and a little persuasion. you understand how others feel. Knowing AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Partner- what you are up against will help you disships will be confusing. You’ll get mixed cern the best way to move forward. signals that will make it difficult to know LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- How you what’s expected of you and what you deal with others will determine your fushould do next. When in doubt, ask direct ture. Use your intelligence, not your emoquestions. tions, when you come up against opposiPISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Make your tion. Self-improvement projects will boost choices known and your intentions clear. your confidence.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NOV. 2, 2018

Study indicates weight loss can lessen breast cancer risk and breast cancer risk is somewhat complex. Having more fat tissue is associated with higher levels of the hormone estrogen. This, in turn, has been connected to an increase in the risk of breast cancer. That extra weight can often result in higher levels of insulin, which has also been linked to an increase in breast cancer risk. Weight gain is also associated with a rise in inflammation, though whether this plays a role in cancer is still being studied. Meanwhile, some research has connected this rise in breast cancer risk to excess weight that was gained in adulthood but finds that it may not apply

Ask the Doctors

Dr. Elizabeth Ko

Dr. Eve Glazier

DEAR DOCTOR: I recently read an article that said even a little bit of weight loss -- just 5 percent of your total body weight -- can lessen your risk of breast cancer. Why is that? Does it hold true for women who are of normal weight? DEAR READER: The link between being overweight

to women who were overweight or obese as children. And to top things off, as these studies become deliberately more inclusive and diverse, it appears that ethnicity and race also play a role in whether or not excess weight adds to an individual's breast cancer risk. The study you're referring to comes from City of Hope, a cancer treatment and research center here in Southern California. The impetus was to learn if weight loss might reverse the increased risk of breast cancer in women who were overweight or obese. The scientists also wanted to know whether the timing of that weight loss would mat-


They drew from data compiled by the Women's Health Initiative, a long-term study of health outcomes in older women overseen by the National Institutes of Health. The 61,000 women in the breast cancer study, all post-menopause, had normal mammograms at the start of the 11year period of the study. The researchers compared the health data of women who lost (and maintained the loss) of at least 5 percent of their total body weight with the health data of those whose weight remained the same. One of the takeaways, as you mentioned, was that the 5 per-

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latest in

LOCAL NEWS Pick up a paper every Friday!! The

VOL. 3,


T New s





Inside 2016 Spr : & Garde ing n Sectio n

Citracado extensio Parkway n projec t draws MARCH

By Stev e Pute

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Republ Abed icans endors over G aspar e

Serving North County Since 1987

The CoasT News 315 South Coast Hwy. 101, Suite W, Encinitas 760.436.9737

THE COAST NEWS SERVING: Oceanside, Carlsbad, La Costa, Encinitas, Olivenhain, Cardiff, Solana Beach, Del Mar & Carmel Valley INLAND EDITION SERVING: Vista, San Marcos & Escondido THE RANCHO SANTA FE NEWS SERVING: Rancho Santa Fe, Santaluz, Rancho Pacifica & Fairbanks Ranch

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of body weight, has been linked with an increased risk of several types of cancer, including colon, rectal and pancreatic cancers. It's also a risk factor in a number of metabolic diseases. Our advice is to reduce your weight and your middle with a healthful, whole-food diet and regular exercise. And, if you're regulars here, you pretty much know what's next: Please, no smoking. Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is an internist and associate professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health.

Woman arrested after crashing car into Subway ESCONDIDO — A 22-year-old woman was arrested Oct. 30 on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon after she intentionally crashed her car into an Escondido sandwich shop and attempted to fight one of the employees, police said. It happened shortly after 12:45 a.m. at the Subway store at 2411 East Valley Parkway, Escondido police Sgt. Ryan Banks said. The 22-year-old woman crashed her Honda sedan into the restaurant before getting out of the car and attempting to fight one of the two employees inside the location, Banks said. Officers responded to

the area and arrested the woman, whose name was not immediately released, inside the store on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, Banks said. The two employees were uninjured in the incident, but the woman was transported to Palomar Medical Center for evaluation of a complaint of pain to her wrist, Banks said. Investigators believe the woman was involved in a prior altercation with one of the employees, but police did not disclose the nature of the confrontation or how the two knew each other.


fied of the high fire risk on all social media channels, city e-blasts and other types of updates. “Red flag notices let people know that we are in fire weather, so things such as mowing the lawn, or having an outdoor fire are strictly forbidden during a red flag condition,” Vander Pol said. Anything that generates a spark is banned. Another example is pulling a trailer with a chain dragging on a road. “Those sparks can end up in the vegetation and start a vegetation fire,” he said, adding that a level of awareness is vital during red flag warnings. “And if you do see somebody that has an outdoor fire, or a truck pulling a trailer that’s generating sparks, or somebody out mowing their lawn or using a weed-whacker on a red flag warning day, call your local fire department or 911.”


N0. 7


cent weight loss was associated with a reduced breast cancer risk. Unfortunately, this study doesn't answer your question about weight loss and a reduction of breast cancer risk among women who are not overweight. The women in the study who lost weight started out with an average body mass index, or BMI, of 29. That's deep into the overweight category, which is a BMI between 25 and 29, and bumping up against the lower threshold of obesity, which is a BMI of 30 and above. However, body weight isn't the only factor to consider. The presence of abdominal fat, independent

about five to seven days before they happen. As the “wind event” gets closer, the accuracy of the data, as well as the reliability of their forecast, improve as each day and hour passes. When a Santa Ana Wind is expected, Vander Pol said how the Vista Fire Department works with all the other fire departments in the county. “The chiefs usually get together on a conference call and make a decision if there’s going to be any up-staffing of resources,” he said. “That means putting additional fire engines into service and adding additional personnel.” According to Vander Pol, some agencies in the county did up-staff and add personnel during these last Santa Ana winds; however, the Vista Fire Department did not, but it did do some reorganizing. Training was scheduled in the center of town during the Santa Ana wind series but was canceled because of the weather report. “What we chose to do was cancel that training and have those fire engines remain in their stations, closer to the wildland-urban interface,” he said. When a red flag warning is broadcasted, red flags fly outside fire station buildings while the public is noti-

— City News Service

NOV. 2, 2018


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

5 at this payment (Standard 2.5i model, code KDB-01). $1,989 due at lease signing. $0 security deposit. MSRP $27,320 (incl. $975 freight charge). Net cap cost of $25,426 (incl. $295 acq. fee). Total monthly payments $9,900. Lease end purchase option is $16,665. Must take delivery from retailer stock by October 31, 2018. Other leases available on other models. Cannot be combined with any other incentives. Special lease rates extended to well-qualified buyers. Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval & vehicle availability. Not all buyers may qualify. Payments may be higher in some states. Net cap cost & monthly payment excludes tax, license, title, registration, retailer fees, options, insurance & the like. Retailer participation may affect final cost. At lease end, lessee responsible for vehicle maintenance/repairs not covered by warranty, excessive wear/ tear, 15 cents/mile over 12,000 miles/year and $300 disposition fee. Lessee pays personal property and ad valorem taxes (where applies) & insurance. Offer expires 11/2/18

Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years or 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 12-31-2018 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility.

1 at this payement J3618008 (2.0i Sport CVT Automatic model, code JJF-01). $0 Customer Cash Down plus tax, title license and 1st Month’s payment due at lease signing. $0 security deposit. MSRP $26,826 (incl. $915 freight charge). (incl. $0 acq. fee). Cannot be combined with any other incentives. Special lease rates extended to well-qualified buyers. Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval & vehicle availability. Not all buyers may qualify. Net cap cost & monthly payment excludes tax, license, title, registration, retailer fees, options, insurance & the like. At lease end, lessee responsible for vehicle maintenance/repairs not covered by warranty, excessive wear/tear, .15¢/mile over 10,000 miles/year and $300 disposition fee. Lessee pays personal property & insurance. Offer expires Nov 2, 2018

5500 Paseo Del Norte, Car Country Carlsbad

Car Country Drive

Car Country Drive

760-438-2200 ** EPA-estimated fuel economy. Actual mileage may vary. Subaru Tribeca, Forester, Impreza & Outback are registered trademarks. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 11/2/2018. BBS_Nov2_18_Inland.indd 1

10/29/18 4:35 PM


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Update Course 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3100 to register/fee involved.

11/19 Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider Course 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3100 to register/fee involved.

11/29 Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider Accelerated Course

8-11 a.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3100 to register/fee involved.

11/5, 11/15 Heart Saver First Aid CPR AED

8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Visit to register/fee involved.


All classes are held at locations below unless otherwise indicated. Tri-City Medical Center – 4002 Vista Way, Oceanside Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center – 6250 El Camino Real, Carlsbad Please note, classes are subject to change. Please call to confirm.

For even more classes & programs visit SUPPORT GROUPS

Breastfeeding Support Group

11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5500.

Meets Wednesdays Breastfeeding Outpatient Clinic

Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5500.

Breastfeeding Your Baby Class

6:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5500 to register/fee involved.

Next Class 12/20 Baby Safe Class - Infant CPR

6:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5784 to register/fee involved.

11/15 Baby Care Class

6:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5784 to register/fee involved.

11/8 1-Day Child Preparation Class

10 a.m.-3 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5750 to register/fee involved.

Next Class 12/7 Maternity Orientation


Better Breathers

Mi Strength

1:30-3 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3055 for more information.

Various times 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.931.3127 to register/fee involved.

2nd Wednesday of Every Month Women’s Cancer Support Group

Monday-Friday Mi Cardio

10:30-11:30 a.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3540 for more information.

9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m., Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.931.3127 to register/fee involved.

2nd Wednesday of Every Month Mended Hearts Support Group

Tuesdays & Thursdays Mi Ortho (Arthritis Foundation Aquatics integrated)

10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.846.0626 for more information.

2nd Tuesday of Every Month WomenHeart Support Group

Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.803.2762 for more information. 2nd Tuesday of Every Month 10 a.m.-12 p.m. 3rd Tuesday of Every Month 5:30-7 p.m.

Ostomy Support Group of North County


NOV. 2, 2018

1-3 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Dates may vary.* Call 760.470.9589 for more information. * Last

Friday of Every Month Diabetes Support Group 12 p.m., Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.931.3127 for more information, class schedule, registration/fee involved.

Mondays & Wednesdays Mi Neuro (Step by Step for Parkinson’s integrated)

Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.931.3127 to register/fee involved. Tuesdays & Thursdays 11 a.m-12:30 p.m. Wednesdays & Fridays 2:15-3:45 p.m. Parkinson’s Exercise

Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.644.1201 to register. 1st Thursday of Every Month 11 a.m.-12 p.m. 2nd Thursday of Every Month 7-9 p.m.

11 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3617 for more information.

Aphasia Support Group

3-5 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.644.120 for more information.

11 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.7151 to register.

Meets Thursdays Survivors of Suicide Loss

7-8:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 619.482.0297 for more information.

1st & 3rd Wednesday of Every Month Narcotics Anonymous

Meets Fridays Diabetes Self-Management Course

11/2, 11/9, 11/16, 11/30


12-2 p.m.,Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3795 for more information.

7:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center.

11/13, 11/28 Total Joint Replacement Class

2:30-4 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 888.328.4558 for more information.

Voted Top 5 11/7, 11/21 Trots in US Total Shoulder Replacement Class

Meets Fridays & Sundays Bereavement Support Group Meets Wednesdays


Tri-City Medical Center. Registration required. Call 760.940.5784.

“Stepping On” Fall Prevention Workshop

Quienes deseen más información pueden llamar al 760.940.5750. 11/10, 3-3:30 p.m., 11/29, 7:30-8

Next 8-wk class in Fall Stroke Exercise

Next Open Class 11/13 7:30-8 p.m. Orientación de Maternidad En Español

1 p.m.-3 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3617 to register. FREE class.

p.m. eClass, Understanding Childbirth Online Classes $60, Available 24/7

10-11 a.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.7272 to register.

Meets Thursdays


ANNUAL MEDICARE ELECTION PERIOD I N F O R M AT I O N S E S S I O N Nov. 1 • 2-4 p.m., Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center, Carlsbad Nov. 15 • 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center, Oceanside Have your questions answered by representatives from leading healthcare plans and learn how they can help you. Questions answered include: How much would my medication on each plan be this year? What would be my co-pay for primary care visits? What would be the costs of lab visits & urgent care? What are the specific differences between each plan compared to last year? Formal presentation to be held during the first hour on all available plans. Representatives will be on-hand to answer personal questions and assist with updates or changes during the entire session. Spanish speaking representatives will be available.

12-2 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3795 for more information.

12-2 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. --LA Times 2017 Call 760.940.3795 for more information.



Run 5K Run/Walk Voted Top 5 Senior Mile Trots in Tri-City Medical Center is US Kid’s 1 2017 Mile --LA Times



Thanksgiving Day 10K Run Oceanside, CA 5K Run/Walk Senior Mile Kid’s 1 Mile

Breast Cancer Awareness Month NORTH COUNTY Thanksgiving Day HEART & STROKE Oceanside, CA WALK


November 20 • 7 a.m.

Benefits: Visit to register.

Join us for the 2nd annual North County Heart & Stroke Walk and health expo. to all Tri-City Medical Center isMedal collaborating

Finishers Medal to all

For more information call 855.222.8262 or visit Finishers

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