Inland Edition, March 8, 2019

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The Coast News Don’t forget to set your clocks forward 1 hour this Sunday


VOL. 5, N0. 6


‘Invisibility’ of homeless students By Samantha Taylor

REGION — Homelessness is considered a crisis in San Diego County, but it extends far into the county’s communities — particularly among college students. Many colleges lack the tools to capture exactly how many of their students are currently homeless or displaced and facing housing instability. MiraCosta is one of those colleges, according to former student Heather Sorgine. “Without this data, we are unable to understand the scope of the issue,” Sorgine wrote in her final recommendation to the college from her social justice research fellowship. “Unaddressed, these students will continue to suffer, unaided, and the school administration will continue to believe students are being adequately served by existing programs.” Sorgine said she was one of a few select students with the purpose of “researching challenges faced by specific populations and devising recommendations for how MiraCosta can address these challenges.” According to a study published in early 2018 by researchers at Temple University and the Wisconsin HOPE Lab, 36 percent of college students say they are food insecure, another 36 percent are housing insecure and 9 percent are homeless. A 2016 California State University Long Beach study of 23 campuses found that 10,000 students in California identified as independent homeless youth on their Free Application for Federal Aid (FAFSA) in 2013-2014. The study suggests those statistics are likely lower than reported because students either don’t know their designation, are unwilling to designate themselves as homeless, or become homeless after they complete the FAFSA. In the 2014-2015 TURN TO HOMELESS ON 3

CIRCUS VARGAS, now in its 50th year, is playing the Westfield North County Mall through March 18. The two-plus hour show includes acrobatic acts, clowns, trapeze artists, music and colorful light displays, and early-arriving children will be treated to a complementary skills demonstration. STORY ON PAGE 11. Courtesy photo

Sweet deal for students, chocolatier Special to The Coast News

CARLSBAD — It’s no secret that kids, brownies and chocolate are a popular combination and that they usually go together anytime or anywhere. For example, a sixthgrade science class at a Vista school helped inspire a new candy bar for a renowned chocolatier based in Encinitas. The result: they can now see their inspiration on store shelves. Last fall in a busy science classroom at Vista Christian School, some excited students began a STEM project in which they developed their own flavors thematically around the Chuao Chocolatier chocolate brand. According to Sebastian Gomez, brand director at Chuao Chocolatier, this was a great project and fun

marketing would for the kids of be. Everything was Rachel Flores’ done around delivclass to particiering a bar that pate in. would end up in a It all startretail space.” ed when they Gomez said heard about the when Chef MiChuao brand chael and Chuao since the teachstaff heard about er’s husband the students’ works for the comproject, they pany, Gomez said. were equally as “Because of excited. their love of choc“Chef Miolate, they took it chael and I alupon themselves ways wanted to develop a projto get kids inect around creating volved because bar flavor profiles CHUAO’S MINTthey have no for Chuao,” he said. FULLY BROWNIE “They went through inspired by a sixth- barrier to creativity,” Goa process of being grade science innovative, being class. Courtesy photo mez said. “We also always unique and having fun. One of the girls wanted to bring them into had cooking skills so they the factory and brainstorm made them and even devel- with them regarding what oped what the package and flavor profiles they’d like

to see and taste, so we did. We gave them a tour and they asked lots of questions.” Gomez said at the same time the conversations were going on, Chef Michael was trying to develop a recipe for a bar with brownies — but he didn’t have a special ingredient yet. “We always have a twist that makes our bars unique, but he didn’t have one yet for the brownie bar he was thinking about,” Gomez said. “The students mentioned they were playing around with a brownie bar, too, and had added mints to it … That became the secret ingredient that Chef Michael was looking for.” When the two visions collided, the “Mintfully Brownie” was born.

MARCH 8, 2019

Brewery at heart of new space My Yard Live breaks ground next week By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — Construction of a highly anticipated brewery-centric entertainment center in San Marcos kicks off next week. Officials on March 14 will celebrate the ground breaking on My Yard Live, a 17,500-square-foot restaurant, brewery and activities center at the city-owned site of the old Hometown Buffet on Rancheros Drive. The ambitious complex, which has been in the works for two years, could be completed by this summer. “My Yard Live is an experiential community gathering space bringing together quality food and libations, a brewery, live entertainment, leisure games, activities, and unique experiences for the enjoyment of people of all ages, whether a child or a child at heart,” co-founder Jamie Minotti said in a previous interview. About 10,600 square feet of the space will be indoors, while the remaining 6,907 square feet will be split between two outdoor patios. One patio will be dedicated to customers with children and include playground elements, climbing structures and picnic tables. The second patio will be geared toward adults with stand-up shuffleboard, bocce ball, fire pits, and an area that can be converted to provide additional games or live entertainment performances. The indoor space will have arcade games, air hockey, ping-pong and other entertainment. An island-style bar seating up to 36 people will run from the interior to the adult patio. Total seating for diners will be 220 (excluding lounge-area seating). Minotti said the concept was in part inspired by his earlier years working with a housing developer in San Marcos in the late 1990s. TURN TO MY YARD LIVE ON 10


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 8, 2019

MARCH 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

California Pacific Air maps its comeback By Steve Puterski

CARLSBAD — Rumors of California Pacific Airlines’ death were greatly exaggerated. Founder Ted Vallas, 97, announced on Feb. 26 plans for significant investment to bring California Pacific Airlines back into service. From the company’s headquarters at McClellan-Palomar Airport in Carlsbad, Ted Vallas introduced Charles Lubash, 86, chairman of Glidepath Capital Partners, an investment banking firm retained by the company. Lubash discussed the development of a forward plan to bring sufficient investment capital for 5 aircraft and to cover operations and growth. Ted Vallas and Lubash said they are striving for the airline to be back to full service within 90 to 120 days, subject to aircraft deliveries. TG Vallas, secretary of the board of directors, said CP Air plans to purchase two refurbished Embraer 145 jets configured to seat 46 passengers, which should arrive in late March from the factory in Brazil. In addition, the company will lease another Em-

TED VALLAS, 97, right, founder of California Pacific Airlines, is shown signing papers with Glidepath Capital chairman Charles Lubash on Feb. 26 at McClellan-Palomar Airport in Carlsbad, after Glidepath agreed to invest in the airline. Photo by Gina Onori

braer 145 and one Embraer 135, a slightly smaller passenger jet that seats 30 passengers. Once service begins, California Pacific will re-establish service from Carlsbad to San Jose, Reno, Las


school year, 37.4 percent of MiraCosta College students qualified as economically disadvantaged. These students, according to Sorgine, are the students most likely to experience homelessness, displacement or food insecurity. “The symptoms of poverty cannot be divorced from one another,” Sorgine said. Sorgine gave the college four recommendations on what can be done to address the issues economically disadvantaged students often face. Those recommendations included increased access to food, housing and other institutional support services; an on-campus community kitchen; a student-led community outreach initiative through service learning projects; and ongoing student discussions for developing new ideas in regular meetings that serve as a student space. Sorgine knows a thing or two about what it’s like to face housing insecurity as a college student. When she returned to school a few years ago after being laid off, she had to make a choice: either pay rent or continue to pay for her car. She chose the latter, reasoning that she could couch surf with her car as a backup place to sleep. During that time, Sorgine met many other students in similar situations as her. Sorgine said she fortunately never had to sleep in her car and has since gotten out of her displacement situation. She said she has stepped away from her studies for now to focus on her work with a local nonprofit organization. Sorgine gave her recommendations to the college about two years ago. Around the same time, the Homelessness, Displacement, and Food Insecurity workgroup was created. Nick Mortaloni, interim dean of Student Life & Judicial Affairs at MiraCosta who also serves as the workgroup’s chair, described

Vegas and Phoenix. In the coming months, TG Vallas said the company plans to expand service routes to Tucson, Sacramento and Oakland. Lubash and Ted Vallas know each other profession-

it as a “multi-disciplinary team” with representation from various campus departments collaborating together to help students facing homelessness, housing and food insecurity. Mortaloni said the college offers daily access to a food pantry, showers and hygiene kits. It also offers medical and mental health services for all enrolled students, financial literacy workshops, a monthly farmers market, opportunities to apply for CalFresh, monthly dental screenings and connections to off-campus resources. According to Mortaloni, MiraCosta is also in the process of creating a “Campus Assessment, Resources and Education (CARE) program.” “The CARE Manager and their team will support holistic student development and success by leading efforts that address basic student needs such as homelessness and displacement, food insecurity, legal aid, financial literacy, childcare, and transportation,” Mortaloni said via email. As the interim service learning coordinator, Bea Palmer oversees the experiential form of education that meshes academics and community service together. Students will learn through working with any of MiraCosta’s more than 150 partner organizations. “They can apply their course content while they’re giving back to the community and meeting the needs of our community,” Palmer said. Operation HOPE-Vista is one of the more popular service learning sites, according to Palmer, who also serves as Operation HOPE’s board secretary. Operation HOPE is a shelter that houses mostly single women and families. Some of the shelter’s residents also happen to be MiraCosta students or students at other community colleges. For some students, working at a site like Operation HOPE opens their eyes to the reality of

ally for 30 years and Lubash said he has full confidence in the airline’s ability to re-establish itself. Lubash agreed with the longheld belief that North County is craving a commercial operation.

their own struggles with housing and food insecurity. Palmer said the work “destigmatizes” homelessness in this way. Palmer also experienced homelessness and housing insecurity as a young child and as an adult. Palmer said she was fortunate that during those times her family had resources that gave them places to stay, but acknowledged that not everyone experiencing homelessness is as fortunate as she was. According to Palmer, housing insecurity includes a wide spectrum of different experiences. “It could be that this student is couch surfing or staying in their car,” she said. “It’s not always living in the bush under a bridge. It might be this month they can afford rent and the next month they don’t have rent.” Palmer, like Sorgine and Mortaloni, is a member of the Homelessness, Displacement, and Food Insecurity workgroup at MiraCosta. Anthony White is another former MiraCosta student who experienced homelessness. He originally moved to Southern California in 2011 and was stationed at Camp Pendleton, and after he left the Marine Corps the young father enrolled at MiraCosta full-time while also working full-time. It was during this period approximately four years ago that White spent eight months living in his car, having sent his son to live with his mother in another state until he could find a suitable place to live. White eventually got help from the Veterans Association of North County and found housing. Now, he is a Palomar College business student and vice president of shared governance in the college’s student government. Much like Sorgine and Palmer, White became an advocate for the homeless after experiencing it firsthand. In his student government role, White is pushing for Palomar College to start an overnight parking permit

He went on to say that aggressive marketing, public relations and a stable of planes will reassure customers of the company’s viability. “We (California Pacific Airlines) have a niche and

program for students currently sleeping in their cars. Though Palomar has future plans for housing, it currently doesn’t offer any. “If we can’t house the students, the next best step is to give those sleeping in their cars a safe place to sleep at night,” White said. The program isn’t meant to be a permanent fix for students, he explained, but it would serve as a temporary place to stay until those students can get out of those situations. White would also like the program to include resource training for faculty and additional counseling services. White isn’t alone in his quest for bringing overnight parking for students sleeping in their cars to college campuses. He said the parking program would model Cypress College’s overnight parking program designed for students experiencing temporary homelessness. Recently, a bill was proposed in the California State Assembly that would allow homeless community college students to sleep in their vehicles in campus parking lots. White said he would love to see an overnight parking program in the North County area and wants to work with Dreams for Change, a nonprofit that operates the “Safe Parking Program,” which provides people living in their cars a place to park at night. Sorgine, who voiced her concerns about the invisibility of homeless and displaced college students in her final recommendations to MiraCosta, said over the last three years the invisibility factor has decreased as more colleges look at their own homeless student populations. People like Sorgine, Palmer and White, who personally experienced homelessness and housing insecurity as students and are stepping up to advocate on behalf those currently living it, are also shedding light on the often invisible issue of homeless college students throughout North County.

competition can’t come in on top of us,” Ted Vallas said. Ted Vallas purchased Aerodynamics, Inc. (ADI) last year to secure the Federal Aviation Administration Part 121 Air Carrier Certificate required for commercial flights. While the certificates remain intact, ADI financials were questionable, according to Ted Vallas. Lubash was told ADI failed to disclose the company was losing money during the purchase period and CP Air staff did not become aware until months later. Lubash was told by Ted Vallas that the company was hemorrhaging $230,000 per month. Additionally, Ted Vallas said the nationwide pilot shortage also hurt CP Air’s ability to conduct regular flights. Despite the many obstacles, Lubash said his firm sees an opportunity not just to build a profitable airline but grow into a larger regional airline. According to a letter to Ted Vallas from the U.S. Department of Transportation, CP Air will be able to retain its certificate through Jan. 16, 2020.

WOMEN’S CLUB FEEDING COLLEGE STUDENTS IN NEED MiraCosta College has a food pantry on campus for students in need. Members of GFWC Contemporary Women of North County, Joy Stefano and Connie Kemp, took part in a food drive at the February meeting. If you would like to help these students (some are homeless — see Story on Page 1), visit the Food Pantry web page: foodpantry. For club information, visit Courtesy photo


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 8, 2019

Opinion & Editorial

Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of The Coast News

Can Newsom housing campaign succeed?

I Escondido Creek Conservancy wish list Dear Mayor McNamara, Thank you for reaching out to the community to seek input on 2019 City of Escondido priorities. On behalf of The Escondido Creek Conservancy, we submit the following priorities, for 2019 and beyond, for your consideration: 1. Restoration of Escondido Creek: As you know, the Conservancy has received a grant to create a 30 percent restoration design for the portion of Escondido Creek in Grape Day Park. Restoration of this portion of the creek will serve as a model for what the entire flood control channel could become. Part of our study is looking at the economic value created in communities that undertake major creek restoration, which has been significant elsewhere in the country. We will have a draft design later this spring which we will take to the city and community for input through the summer and into the fall. We hope to have concurrence on a design by the end of 2019. While restoring the creek in Grape Day Park will be challenging due to the park’s physical constraints, now is the time to think big about the future of parks and creeks in the city as restoring creeks throughout the city and the Escondido Creek watershed will help ameliorate climate change. With the city’s help, we are confident we can find a design that works for Escondido’s residents, businesses, and wildlife. 2. Restoration of Reidy Creek: The Conservancy has a different grant, also working with the city, to restore

the section of Reidy Creek behind the Police Station. This has been a wonderful partnership and we look forward to completing this first Reidy Creek project, with the city’s help, over the next few years. Working together with the city on this first creek section has helped affirm for us the tremendous ecological potential of Reidy Creek within the Escondido Creek watershed. We urge the city to consider expanding the Reidy Creek landscape maintenance district to the entire Reidy Creek drainage, including the golf course, so that Reidy Creek can be managed comprehensively as both a storm drain conveyance system and wildlife area. Comprehensive management will reduce flood risk, benefit water quality, reduce trash, and increase public safety while maximizing the ecological values of the Reidy Creek drainage. 3. Restoration of Escondido Creek at Willow Walk/ Harmony Grove and Extension of the Escondido Creek Trail: Many years ago the Conservancy proposed to the city that the .5-mile section of the Escondido Creek flood control channel maintenance road from Harmony Grove Road to the western city/ county boundary be opened to the public and that Escondido Creek through that section be cleaned of trash, litter, and non-native invasive plants. Approval of Prop 68, the California Park Bond endorsed by the voters in June 2018, has provided many new opportunities to enhance this important section of Escondido Creek, and by doing so,

decrease crime and improve water quality while providing a new significant recreational opportunity to Escondido residents. The sadness here is that much of the Escondido Creek Trail now open to the public is concrete-lined, unshaded, and visually unappealing. However, this Willow Walk section of Escondido Creek is primarily native vegetation, shady in parts, and visually stunning — yet it is closed to the public. 4. Completion of Escondido’s Multiple Species Conservation Plan (MSCP): Ten-plus years ago, the City of Escondido was a participant in regional conservation efforts to create a comprehensive plan for protection of California’s threatened and endangered plant and animal species. Escondido took important first steps, such as contemplating long-term protection of the Lake Wohlford watershed by enrolling citylands in the regional conservation database, but never completed the MSCP planning process. In the intervening years, other cities and counties with completed MSCP plans have been the beneficiaries of tens of millions in special grant funds available only to areas with approved MSCPs. We urge the city to pick up its preliminary work set aside so many years ago and complete the MSCP for the City of Escondido. Thank you for your consideration. Richard Murphy, President, Board of Directors Ann Van Leer Executive Director


San Marcos should pass anti-drilling resolution Despite their unanimous personal opposition to offshore drilling, the San Marcos Council failed to take leadership for its residents who want to see and experience clean beaches for the future. Not a single resident spoke in favor of the dirty and

dangerous offshore drilling proposal when Councilmember Walton introduced the anti-drilling resolution for a vote. Please, San Marcos City Council, get with it and pass this resolution. The Stone Age didn’t end because they ran out of

stones. Something better came along. Green renewable energy is on its way Now! Bravo to Councilmembers Walton and Nunez. Lia Strell San Marcos

t turns out Gov. Gavin Newsom was deadly serious when he insisted as a candidate last year that California needs to build 3.5 million new housing units over the next 10 years to solve its affordable housing crisis. That’s more than double what builders around the state have put up in any of the last few decades. Newsom re-sent that message a few weeks into his new job, when he successfully urged Attorney General Xavier Becerra to sue the Orange County city of Huntington Beach for allegedly failing to allow enough new housing to handle its population growth. With about 202,000 residents, the median home value in “Surf City” tops $830,000, according to the website Zillow. com. Typical one-bedroom apartments there rent for between $1,500 and $2,700 per month. For those rents to eat up less than 30 percent of a tenant’s income, the renter must earn more than $60,000 per year, making many tenants “rent-burdened” by federal standards. The state lawsuit charges Huntington Beach has for years ignored a state law requiring cities to zone land for new housing construction. Meanwhile, many city residents feel Huntington Beach is growing too fast. So the Newsom/Becerra lawsuit is likely just the first salvo in a state vs. local conflict over the governor’s preferred way of solving the housing problem. But even if cities like Huntington Beach can be forced to allow the millions of “affordable” units Newsom and some activist state legislators want, it’s

california focus thomas d. elias highly questionable they can solve the most visible part of California’s housing crunch – homelessness. Yes, cities have built thousands of transitional housing units (generally small apartments) for formerly homeless persons, who pay low, federally subsidized rent. But that hasn’t reduced homelessness. “Every time we build new units and move people in, at least the same number of homeless people move into whatever cities do the building,” said the city manager of a city of more than 100,000, who previously was the top administrator of two other cities. “With our climate and our policies, we are attracting homeless people from all over America.” Then there’s the question of affordability. Anyone who’s visited a homeless shelter like those in gymnasiums and National Guard armories on cold winter nights will know that not many of their occupants could afford even low rent. So while affordable housing in most cities is set up to remain relatively low-priced a long as it stands, well below market rates, the rents or costs to buy are still above what most homeless folks can pay. Especially the large component of the homeless who are mentally ill, but not institutionalized, largely because of policies that began almost 50 years ago, when then-Gov. Ronald Reagan spurred the

shutdown of several public mental hospitals, intending to replace them with community-based housing. Such housing never materialized in significant quantities, and mentally ill homeless became a California staple. Meanwhile, rents on affordable apartments generally run about 30 percent of the median income in any region. Under those terms, an affordable unit in the Los Angeles region would rent for about $1,350 per month, more in the San Francisco Bay area. Not exactly affordable if you’re unemployed, mentally ill and living on the streets. So it’s naïve to believe affordable housing or the governor’s new initiative can solve the homeless problem. And there’s still the problem of housing being too expensive for even middle-class workers to buy. So the percentage of renters in California continues to rise, meaning that ever fewer residents feel rooted in the state, with a stake in its future. All this makes some wonder if it’s sensible to invest heavily in affordable housing. In 2017, the average affordable unit in the state cost $425,000 to build if it was part of a project of 100 units or more. The cost was higher when fewer units were involved. This picture leaves many questions to be answered before the state goes full blast on a government-funded or government-mandated home building spree. But don’t expect anything to dampen Newsom’s deeply felt drive to solve the housing issue, and quickly. Email Thomas Elias at

Inland EdItIon

P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850



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MARCH 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Vista school board OKs $12M in budget cuts An additional $3M in savings considered By Steve Horn

CELEBRATING PHILANTHROPIST’S 90TH Bob Wilson, second from right, Escondido High School class of 1947, is presented with a letterman’s jacket and his high school yearbook by community leaders Jim Wiese, left, Jack Raymond and Trudy Armstrong at Wilson’s 90th birthday celebration Feb. 10 at the high school. Wilson, who recently donated $1 million to the students and employees of Paradise High School impacted by the Camp Fire, was recognized for his charitable impact in Escondido and throughout San Diego. Courtesy photo

VISTA — The Vista Unified School District Board of Education voted 4-1 to approve over $12 million in budget cuts at its Feb. meeting. The meeting covered a long list of line items either placed on the chopping block or rearranged to different funding streams, as first proposed by Superintendent Linda Kimble. Kimble, who had previously come under fire for proposing the shutter of Alta Vista High School before backing off the proposition, has called for $15 million in budget cuts. The remaining $3 million on the table will remain open for deliberation at future meetings. The Vista Unified School District had a total adopted budget of over $319.6 million for 2018-2019. In a phone interview prior to the meeting, Kimble said she believes in the necessity of the budget cuts for the purpose of “right sizing” it in correlation with student enrollment numbers in the district. She chalked it up, in part, to both decreasing birth rates and high enrollment levels in charter schools. “Our revenue is entirely dependent on how many students are in our district,” Kimble said. “And so, when there's an increase in student


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count we get more money and when there's a decrease, we get less money ... And so overall, because we’ve had a drop in both of those things, it’s really resulted in simply less revenue.” Three items on the initial proposed cut list, however, ended up removed at the meeting. Those included keeping the district-wide instructional assistant on the employee rolls, the replacement of one behavior specialist with two other behavior intervention positions working directly with students and a literacy coordinator position. Initially, the line items up for proposed budget cuts Kimble presented were arranged in three different categories. First level of priority items voted on at the Feb. 21 meeting were described as “no impact to students.” In hindsight, said Kimble, she regrets painting that category with such a broad brush. “We tried to come up with a way to kind of express how close people were ... I don’t know how you might phrase that differently, but ... along the lines of thinking that this is the furthest from the classroom might be another way to phrase it,” said Kimble. “Closest to the classroom or closest to





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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

those who desire to foster friendships through various social activities will attend Know something that’s going a Lenten fish dinner at St. on? Send it to calendar@ Mark Catholic Church, San Marcos, March 8 and hold a meeting and potluck at St. Margaret Catholic church, MARCH 8 Oceanside March 10. Reservations are necessary: (858) WALKER FUNDRAISER Now through the end of 674-4324. March, both the 7-11 stores at 105 West D St., Encinitas and at 2211 San Elijo Ave, MARCH 9 Cardiff, will be hosting a WATER AND BATIQUITOS fundraiser for Community Batiquitos Lagoon FounLeader Roberta Walker. Ro- dation hosts a lecture on waberta suffered an extremely ter issues affecting the Baserious bicycle accident in tiquitos Lagoon watershed, December. Stop in to either from 9 to 11 a.m. March 9 at store to donate toward her 7380 Gabbiano Lane, Carlsrecovery. bad, with Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation docent Jim Brown. Visit batiquitosfounLEARNING FROM LIFE Life lectures at Mira Costa College meet for its first speaker at 1 p.m. March HELP PLAN VETERANS PARK 8 with Robin Douglas of the Come to a special “Day Oceanside Museum of Art at the Park” planning workand at 2:30 p.m., welcome shop and site tour for VeterMartin Buncher, volunteer ans Memorial Park, to learn from the Natural Resource about the project and share Program, California De- your ideas, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. partment of Fish and Wild- March 9 at the Carlsbad Farlife. For information, visit aday Administration Center, or call 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad. (760) 757-2121 Ext. 6972. Residents can also provide Purchase a $1 parking per- input via an online survey at mit at the machine in Lot 1A and park in Lots 1A or 1B.



You can learn how to access the Oceanside Public Library collection of digital eBooks and eAudiobooks on your eReader, tablet, smartphone 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. March 8 at the Oceanside Public Library, Civic Center, second floor Foundation Room, 330 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside or from 1 to 2 p.m. March 15 at the Oceanside Public Library, Mission Branch Community Room, 3861-B Mission Ave., Oceanside.


Babies need presents… even if they’re wildlife babies. Reserve March 9 for the first San Diego Wildlife Center Baby Shower. To support local wildlife or for more information, visit, or drop by the San Diego Wildlife Center at 2380 Camino Vida Roble, Unit G, Carlsbad or call (760) 621-6888.


Taste of Bressi, with adult beverages, bites, and beats from 2 to 6 p.m. March 9 at the Boys & Girls Club’s FAITH AND FRIENDS Bressi Ranch Clubhouse, The Catholic Widows 2730 Bressi Ranch Way, and Widowers of North Carlsbad. All proceeds beneCounty support group for fit the Boys & Girls Clubs of

Carlsbad. This Festival is exclusively for those 21+ years old. For more information or to purchase tickets securely on-line, visit and or call (760) 444-4893.

“Soil, Composting, and Planting” will be from 10 a.m. to noon March 9 at Alta Vista Botanical Gardens, 1270 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista. Admission is $5 for non-members. Pre-registration required at farmerjoneBUNCO 4 BUCKS Reservations are due by or call March 9 for the Blue Wave (760) 822-6824. Kiwanis of North San Diego County Bunco 4 Bucks Fun Fest at 12:30 p.m. March MARCH 10 16 at the Woman’s Club of CARLSBAD READS TOGETHER Oceanside, 1606 MissouCarlsbad Reads Togethri, Oceanside. Tickets $20 er 2019 celebrates the 200th per person, includes prizes, anniversary of Mary Sheldrawing and refreshments. ley’s classic “Frankenstein” Don’t know how to play? by reading “The Dark DeThey’ll teach you. All pro- scent of Elizabeth Frankenceeds go to the club’s schol- stein” by Kiersten White, a arship fund. RSVP to Janet reimagining of the classic Russell at (760) 583-3319. story. Two Meet the Author events with Kiersten White are scheduled from 2 to 3 SUPER S.T.E.M. SATURDAY Sign up now to build and p.m. March 10 at the Schullaunch a rocket, play Frisbee man Auditorium, 1775 Dove with a robot, climb aboard Lane, and 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. a flight simulator or view March 14 at the Georgina the surface of the sun from Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 9 at Village Drive, Carlsbad. Adthe free science festival Su- mission is free. per STEM Saturday at California State University San NATURE AT TORREY PINES Marcos, 333 S Twin Oaks Torrey Pines State NatValley Road, San Marcos. ural Reserve announces its Children of all ages are invit- Nature Discovery series at ed. The event will close the 9 a.m. March 10 at the new nine-day San Diego Festival Pavilion, next to the Lodge of Science and Engineering. Museum. The topic will be “Native Flowering Plants” by Margaret Fillius. A short SCRABBLE CHAMPS Escondido Public Li- hike will follow the lecture. brary will host a Scrab- This event is free with reble-Thon Tournament fund- serve entrance. raiser from 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. March 9 in the Park Avenue Community Center, MARCH 11 210 Park Ave., Escondido. GET HEALTHY Players must pre-register by Palomar Health will March 5, online at escondi- host a variety of, ucation classes during the by mail, or in person at the March, with No-Nonsense Literacy Services office, at Weight Management, a two239 S. Kalmia St., Escondi- week series, from 10 to 11:30 do. Cost, adults $25; students a.m. March 11 at Palomar $15. Health San Marcos, second floor,120 Craven Road, San LENTEN RETREAT Marcos. Registration reSt. Thomas More Cath- quired at PalomarHealth. olic Church will host Sister org/Classes or (800) 628Carol Quinlivan, CJS, as she 2880. presents a Lenten retreat entitled “Entering the Heart of CARLSBAD TAX HELP God” beginning with a box The Carlsbad City Lilunch at noon March 9 and brary Learning Center, in ending with Mass at 5 p.m. partnership with the nonat 1450 South Melrose Drive, profit organization AARP, Oceanside. Cost is $15 per will provide tax assistance person. Register in the par- on Wednesdays, 9:15 a.m. to ish office Mondays through 3 p.m. through April 10 at the Thursdays. For more infor- Library Learning Center, mation, contact Judy Smith 3368 Eureka Place, Carlsat (442) 273-7896. bad. Participation is free and registration is requested, ENCINITAS HISTORY AND FUN though walk-ins are also welJoin Miss Mary on the come from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. patio for free, fun make-and- To schedule an appointment, take projects for the entire call (760) 931-4500. family, then spend the day. every Saturday and Sunday noon to 4 p.m. at San Die- MARCH 12 guito Heritage Museum, 450 FAITH AND FRIENDS Quail Gardens Drive, EnciThe Catholic Widows nitas. Check http://heritag- and Widowers of North for County support group for information. Details at (760) those who desire to foster 632-9711. friendships through social activities will have dinner SOROPTIMIST GALA at the American Legion, Reservations are re- Vista, March 12, and gathquired by March 9 for the er for Happy Hour and dinSoroptimist International ner at the Oceanside Broilof Vista and North County er Restaurant, Oceanside Inland’s “Live Your Dream” March 14. Reservations are Awards Gala from 5 pm to 10 necessary: (858) 674-4324. p.m. March 23 at the Vista Optimist Club, 600 Optimist SUCCULENT BUNNIES Way, Vista. Tickets are $85 Create your own Spring per plate at Succulent Bunny from 9 a.m. 2SuDdvG or by calling (760) to 3 p.m. March 12 at the San 500-0013 or e-mailing paula. Diego Botanic Garden. 230 Quail Gardens Drive. Cost is $48. Fee includes materials. AT THE GARDEN Design and create your own Kids in the Garden succulent bunny using cut-

MARCH 8, 2019 tings from the garden. Bring small clippers to class. For more information, visit

Terrace Drive, Vista. Suggested donation is $4 for 60 and older. Reservations are required by 1 p.m. one day prior at (760) 643-5288.


Intermediate Genealogy Class will be held 10 to 11:30 a.m. March 12 at Carlsbad Faraday Center, 1635 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad on “How to Use Library Catalogs.” Program free, reservation not necessary. For information e-mail membership@ nsdcgs or call (949) 310-1778.





Register now for the Tip Top “Leprechaun Dash & Bash,” a 5k/10k walk and run to benefit the Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation, set for March 16. The event includes a 5k/10k walk and fun run, lunch from Tip Top Meats, and a “be seen wearMARCH 13 ing green” costume contest. To register, visit aguahediWOMAN’S CLUB OF VISTA The Woman’s Club of or call (760) 804Vista GFWC will meet at 1969. 10:30 a.m. March 13, at the Shadowridge Golf Club, 1980 SKATE CLINIC RESCHEDULED Gateway Drive, Vista. The The Exposure Women’s luncheon is $18; for reserva- Adult Skate Clinic, planned tions, or for March 2, was cancelled (919) 847-2786. or visit wom- due to weather and uled from 9 to 11 a.m. March 16 at the Encinitas Skate Plaza, The skatepark gets slick MARCH 14 and can be very dangerous during and after rainfall. EL CAMINO QUILTERS El Camino Quilt Guild There will be professional meets at 9:30 a.m. March coaches on deck to help im14 at QLN Conference Cen- prove any area you need, as ter, 1938 Avenida Del Oro, well as a free yoga session to Oceanside. Parking is lim- unwind, featuring Yoga for ited, so carpool if you can. Skateboarders. This event Guest fee for the meeting is free, but participants are is $10. Lynne Pillus is the asked to bring can of healthy March speaker. She has de- food for the Community Reveloped a method of making source Center. Loaner skatepatterns from photographs, boards, pads, and helmets and turning them into art will be available. quilts. Her workshop March 15 is Mechanical Quilt, us- FRIENDS AND FAITH The Catholic Widows ing one of her patterns. Visit or and Widowers of North Coune-mail info@elcaminoquil- ty support group for those for more informa- who desire to foster friendships through social activtion. ities will attend “Pirates of Penzance” at MiraCosta WIDOWS & WIDOWERS MEET The North County Wid- College Theater and dinner ows & Widowers Club will be at Mimi’s Cafe, Oceanside meeting at 3 p.m. March 14 March 16, gather for Happy for Happy Hour, then dinner Hour and Dinner at Cuciat Hunter’s Steak House, at na Del Charro Restaurant, 1221 Vista Way, Oceanside, San Marcos March 19 and and again at 3 p.m. March go bowling at Surf Bowl and 21 for Happy Hour at Green dinner at Hunter SteakDragon Tavern, 6115 Paseo house, Oceanside March 21. Del Norte, Carlsbad. RSVP Reservations necessary at (858) 674-4324. to (760) 207-3387. Carlsbad’s Mindful Living Workshops continue with “Mindful Eating 6 to 7:30 p.m. March 14 at the Georgina Cole Library Community Room, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad. Enjoy a small bite to eat and learn the science and practice of mindful eating. Learn more about the benefits of full-presence eating such as reducing overeating and coping with chronic eating disorders.


The LIFE lecture series continues 1 p.m. March 15 with “Astronomy News/ Views” and at 2:30 p.m. “Interfaith Community Service,” in the administration Building 1000, Room 1068 at the Oceanside College Campus, 1 Barnard Drive. Visitors may purchase a parking permit in Lot 1A and park in Lots 1A or 1C. Visit or call (760) 7572121, ext. 6972.


The Gloria McClellan Center will hold a St. Patrick’s Day luncheon at 11 a.m. March 15 at 1400 Vale

The Buena Vista Audubon Society hosts its annual Birdhouse Auction Fundraiser and Open House, from 5 to 8 p.m. March 16 at 2202 S. Coast Hwy, Oceanside with handmade birdhouses and other nature-themed art handcrafted by local artists. Festivities include music from CJ the DJ, a hosted and food from local restaurants. Cost is $15 at the door. Call (760) 439-2473. TURN TO CALENDAR ON 15

MARCH 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

In State of the City, mayor Corporate dollars keep city addresses afloat praises agricultural values By Steve Horn

ESCONDIDO — In his Feb. 27 State of the City address, newly minted Escondido Mayor Paul McNamara paid homage to the farming community as the prototype for the type of city he envisions overseeing in his years ahead. During his speech at the California Center for the Arts, he pointed to the farming community and its roots in Escondido as something that formerly united residents toward a common cause. It is that sense of unity, said McNamara, that he would like to bring back to what is now a sprawling suburb with a population of over 150,000. “We are a city that is based in the values of agriculture and that is who we are,” McNamara said. “Agriculture doesn’t produce headlines that say, Farmer indicted for ‘fill in the blank.’ Agriculture creates community, it makes you talk to your neighbor. It makes us an extended family with different opinions, where members remain family at the end of the day.” The agricultural community, albeit far from its heyday in the city, still has at least some footprint in Escondido. One of those farms, the Henry Avocado Corporation — a family-owned affair in Escondido since 1925 — landed the Mayor’s Leadership Award during the prespeech awards ceremony portion of the State of the City festivities. “Escondido’s agricultural roots run deep. Ag is an important economic driver, as well as a source of identity for our city,” said McNamara, who also lauded the company’s membership in the group Escondido Growers for Agricultural Preservation. “Henry Avocado is an institution in the Escondido agriculture world, and I am proud to present Phil Henry with this year’s Mayor’s Award.” Henry has its corporate offices and a major distribution center in the industrial park area of Escondido. But Henry Avocado does not actually do farming in Escondido and the closest it gets to the fields as a company is in the area of farm manage-

ment. According to the supply chain tracking website Panjiva, only .1 percent of recent avocado shipments to its distribution centers come from the U.S., while over 65 percent come from Mexico and over 26 percent come from Chile. Yet, McNamara said, the city’s agricultural history deserves close study and should serve as both a source of civic pride for its residents. “(A)ll you have to do is look around and see our parks, our Center for the Arts, Daley Ranch, the quality of life we offer, the innovation and accomplishments of our schools, the history we cherish, even our location as a gateway to agriculture and the backcountry,” McNamara said. “Couple that to the richness of our diversity, and we have more to offer than any of the coastal cities or even our neighbors. But somehow, there are those that think we are something less ... But this city is far from undesirable, and if you bought into that narrative, you need to stop.” Beyond agriculture, McNamara detailed that he will soon launch a number of citizen-led commissions which will set out to have regular meetings about — and then tackle and report back on progress which it has made to the City Council — some of the major issues facing Escondido. “No city has the money or the staff to do everything. That’s why we need and have community initiatives,” he said. “We need partnerships between organizations that work on challenges like music and art but also homelessness, food insecurity and youth sports. And partnerships between those organizations and the city, so that we work together efficiently, with harmony and toward common purpose.” The Escondido City Council will convene again in its official capacity on March 13 from at the Mitchell Room at Escondido City Hall from 12:30 to 6 p.m. to discuss its City Council Action Plan. The city of Escondido Planning Commission will meet at 7 p.m. March 12 in City Council Chambers.

REGION — The American Red Cross has a severe shortage of type O blood and urges type O donors — as well as eligible blood and platelet donors of all blood types — to donate. To encourage donations, the Red Cross has joined forces with “Game of Thrones” for an epic partnership through March 12, that includes a sweepstakes to win one of five trips to the season eight, world premiere of “Game of Thrones” and a “Bleed #ForTheThrone” T-shirt, while supplies last. There is a particularly severe shortage of type O blood. Type O negative blood can be transfused to

patients with any blood type and is what emergency room personnel reach for when there’s no time to determine a patient’s blood type. Make an appointment by visiting RedCrossBlood. org or calling (800) 733-2767. Inland blood donation opportunities: —Escondido, March 11, 2-7 p.m., Escondido East Valley Community Center, 2245 E. Valley Parkway, March 20, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., Orange Glen High School, 2200 Glenridge Road; March 26, 8:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m., Valley High School, 410 N. Hidden Trails Rd. —Vista, March 19, 7:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m., Murray High School, 215 N. Melrose Dr.

basically every city,” Johnston said. “So instead of having the type of event we hold, you would probably have a City Council meeting with an update from the mayor.” If company donations chamber sponsorship were to stop, the State of the City event could fall by the wayside, according to Johnston. “And is that doing the community a favor or is it diminishing an opportunity to hear from our mayor in particular?” Johnston asked. “I think that's a valid question.” Escondido’s State of the City included a breakfast preceding the event, in which attendees could pay a $20 fee, which went to the Chamber of Commerce. But the event was free for the general public to event. Other North County cities, such as Encinitas, Carlsbad and San Marcos, charge the public $30, $99 and $105 per ticket, respectively, to attend their State of the City addresses. Vista charges $60 for a ticket. All of the cities’ State

development, to increase tourism, to enhance sales and transient occupancy tax revenues, to attract needed retail services, etc.,” Jenkins said. “All of those activities serve a legitimate municipal purpose. So, while the event may take different forms, it is common for the two entities to collaborate on a State of the City.” For its part, Shuster Oil President Bob Shuster says his sponsorship happens at many Escondido Chamber of Commerce events. “I sponsor a lot of things that Chamber of Commerce needs sponsors for,” Shuster said. “Looking for nothing in return.” Ben Manski, a scholar who studies constitutionalism and democracy at UC-Santa Barbara and who is currently editing a special issue of the Journal of World-Systems Research on corporate power and local democracy, does not agree with the premise. "Most people are smart enough to see that the chamber doesn't do this for altruistic reasons; the corporations that fund it do so in order to influence government officials,” Manski said. "These days, corporate influence in government usually tends to be more covert than this. That's because most Americans react negatively to seeing corporations wining and dining our elected officials. So it is surprising to see such brazen flaunting of corporate dominance over local government here in California."



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‘Game of Thrones’ swag for blood donation By Staff

A LIST OF sponsors of Escondido’s State of the City event greeted attendees at the entrance. Photo by Steve Horn

of the City addresses are overseen by their local Chamber of Commerce branches, with the exception of Del Mar, Solana Beach and Oceanside. But Michael Jenkins, city attorney for Hollywood and Hermosa Beach, said it may be illegal under California Government Code 54953.3 to mandate a charge of money to attend a public meeting. Jenkins, who chairs the Brown Act Committee for the California League of Cities says that the California Fair Practices Commission has yet to make any kind of determination about outside parties raising money as part of an official government meeting. Jenkins points to the operative provision within 54953.3 which reads, “A member of the public shall not be required, as a condition to attendance at a meeting of a legislative body of a local agency ... to fulfill any condition precedent to his or her attendance” to argue that cities should be wary of a mandated charge to attend the State of the City. Demanding payment amounts to creating a “condition precedent to his or her attendance” at the public meeting, according to Jenkins. Simply partnering with the chamber and allowing it to raise funds for the event do not violate the Brown Act, Jenkins said. “It is generally regarded as a co-sponsored event. It isn’t unusual for cities and chambers to collaborate to enhance economic

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By Steve Horn

REGION — At nearly every State of the City speech in North County, local Chambers of Commerce and member companies play host and foot the bill. And Escondido is no exception. Sponsoring companies for the Feb. 27 State of the City event convened by the Escondido Chamber of Commerce paid $500 for a table with their company logos on prominent display, a spot in the official State of the City program, a place on the official welcome sign for the event and breakfast for 10 attendees. The issue of Chambers of Commerce and private businesses both bankrolling and fundraising at these events has raised red flags among advocates seeking to reduce corporate influence in local politics. A Coast News review has discovered that the practice is common around San Diego County and nationwide. And according to a prominent legal expert, the funding arrangement sits within currently established state law. Sponsors of the Escondido address were San Diego Gas & Electric, Shuster Oil, the real estate development company Newland, AT&T and Cox Communications, as well as the city’s Chamber of Commerce. Escondido Chamber of Commerce CEO Rorie Johnston said hosting the State of the City as a sponsored event at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido brings more people into the fold of city government. Johnston pointed to across the county funding and administering the event in exactly the same way. “At least in the state of California, it would change the event for every city, or


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 8, 2019

Former US Treasury advisor joins Supervisors race By Steve Horn

REGION —Washington, D.C. seems a world away from San Diego County. But former Obama administration official Terra Lawson-Remer believes her work there will serve her well in the District 3 County Board of Supervisors seat. The second-generation San Diegan feels the area deserves more robust public service. District 3, which stretches from Encinitas, Solana Beach, Del Mar, a large chunk of the northern part of the city of San Diego and north into Escondido, is also where Lawson-Remer grew up and attended public schools. With an undergradu-

ate degree from Yale and both a law degree and Ph.D. from New York University, Lawson-Remer believes her academic training and experience as a senior advisor for the U.S. Department of Treasury will bring a fresh look to the County Board. “This is home and where my heart is and where I’ve always voted, no matter where I might have been domiciled,” Lawson-Remer said about her decision to return home and run for the seat currently occupied by Supervisor Kristin Gaspar. “So, I guess at some point had to make a decision that I was coming back because this was, this is my community and where I want to be and you know,

where I want to raise a family and where I want to give back.” Beyond wanting to get involved in the politLawsonical process Remer where she grew up, Lawson-Remer is also a passionate surfer. Encinitas, she says, allows her to surf as much as possible, moving to the city in large part “for the waves.” Lawson-Remer worked at Stanford University as a former fellow at its Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences and currently works as a

fellow out of University of California-San Diego at its Center on Global Transformation. Upon completing her doctoral studies, Lawson-Remer worked as a professor at The New School in New York City. From her experience in environmental justice advocacy to her involvement in a lawsuit against California’s curfew law as a high school student, Lawson-Remer said her track record paints a picture of someone with a thirst for social justice. But it was anti-Iraq War activism and facing arrest for civil disobedience that led her to believe in the vitality of new representation. “I really felt like my voice had been totally

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marginalized and I sort of looked around and thought, ‘You know, what is it going to take to create the kind of change I think we need to see in the world? Because people, power alone is not enough,’” Lawson-Remer said. “So we had a lot of people power, but we needed something else.” For local politicos, Lawson-Remer may be best known a leader of Flip the 49th, or the concerted multiyear effort to unseat former Congressman Darrell Issa, R-Vista, in the 49th U.S. Congressional District. Issa eventually retired, opening the seat for Rep. Mike Levin, D-San Juan Capistrano. Lawson-Remer is also the daughter of San Diego Democratic Party operative Larry Remer. Hillary Clinton’s loss in the 2016 election served as a “real wakeup call” to reinvigorate democracy on the local level, according to Lawson-Remer. “No matter what you believe, no matter what side of the aisle you're on, you don't have a lot of space to get much done in Washington because it’s so gridlocked,” Lawson-Remer said. Despite potential to achieve policy results, Lawson-Remer said the County Board of Supervisors has failed at its job, to-date. “Nobody in our state and our county thinks the county does anything and they don’t know what the county does. And it’s because the county hasn't been doing anything,” she said. “It’s only really in San Diego that the county is so invisible and, and frankly, falling down on the job. “So I think we can talk about everything from climate change to wild space, conservation to traffic,

transportation, affordable housing, immigration. All of these are all areas in which the county should be leading and it’s either doing nothing or often actually obstructionist in putting together a plan that actually good for San Diego and for the county as a whole.” In particular, Lawson-Remer did not shy away from criticism of Gaspar and the multiple trips she has taken in the past year to attend meetings hosted by President Donald Trump at the White House. “I mean, she’s not doing her job,” Lawson-Remer said. “She’s spending her time flying back to Washington to kowtow to Donald Trump instead of serving the needs of our community. She has a consistent voting record that doesn’t prioritize the environment, doesn’t prioritize sustainability, doesn’t prioritize climate change, doesn’t prioritize economic inclusion or opportunity.” Further, Lawson-Remer decried Gaspar’s stance on immigration, saying that she believed building a U.S.-Mexico border wall is a misuse of economic resources needed to fund things like health care and education. Lawson-Remer says that in the coming months, will roll out her campaign with door-to-door talks with voters, phone-banking and playing host to house parties. “This is not about a candidate, this is about a community,” she said. “And the work we need to do is to work together to elect leadership that will reflect the future vision we all share for San Diego. It’s not really about me, it’s about we. It’s not about my vision, it’s about our vision.”

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MARCH 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


The Coast News All-North John’s pitch: Well-rounded athlete sports County Boys’ Basketball S talk

PLAYER OF THE YEAR: Bryce Pope, Torrey Pines Ever since he and his identical twin brother started to play basketball, Bryce Pope dreamed of being a Torrey Pines Falcon. He wanted to be one of the guys that played inside of the Falcons iconic gymnasium, affectionately dubbed the “Olive Garden” after longtime head coach John Olive. He wanted to win league titles, a CIF championship and become the player of the year. In his final year in a Falcons jersey, he accomplished all of those goals. Pope led his team to a 25-7 overall record, the Avocado West League championship and the school’s first CIF Open Division Championship, and he was recently named the San Diego Section Player of the Year. For those reasons, Pope is The Coast News’ North County Player of the Year. “What an honor for Bryce,” Olive said. “You’re not going to find a harder worker than he or his brother, and everything Bryce has received, he earned through hours of hard work.” Bryce, a 6-3 guard, averaged 19.3 points per game and 5.9 rebounds, while shooting 53 percent from the field, 41 percent from three-point range and 86 percent from the free throw line. He is headed to UC San Diego on a basketball scholarship. He is the third straight Falcon to win the honor. Finn Sullivan and Jake Gilliam, who are teammates at the University of San Diego, won it in 2018 and 2017, respectively. COACH OF THE YEAR: Sam Eshelman, Carlsbad When Sam Eshelman got the job at Carlsbad High School in 2017, he inherited a program that had gone 9-45 over the previous two seasons. In his first two seasons, the team was 30-32, but did make it to the Division 3 championship game in 2018, losing in a triple overtime thriller to Carlsbad. This year, however, Eshelman and the Lancers put it all together. The team went 28-7, and dominated its way to the CIF Division 2 championship, emphatically defeating top-seeded Rancho Buena Vista 72-54. Eshelman was also named the San Diego Section Coach of the Year for his accomplishments. He is the clear choice for The Coast News North County Coach of the Year.

FIRST TEAM Michael Pope, 6-3 Sr. G, Torrey Pines — The Falcons second leading scorer at 17.2 points per game behind his brother Bryce. Pope was named to the All Avocado West First Team. Jordan Hilstock, 6-3 Sr. G, Vista — The Player of the Year in the Avocado East League led the team in scoring and rebounds at 18.2 points and 7 rebounds per game. Jailen Nelson, 5-10 Jr. PG, Carlsbad — Nelson transformed the Lancers offense after the 30-day sit out period, averaging 12.8 points, 5.3 rebounds and 5.1 assists per game to lead the Lancers to the Division 2 championship. Patrick McLachlan, 6-2 Sr. G, Rancho Buena Vista — The Longhorns senior averaged 17.8 points, 7.2 rebounds and 2.2 assists per game to lead the team to the most wins in school history and a CIF Division 2 runner up appearance. Chase Pagon, 6-3 Sr. G, Santa Fe Christian — The Virginia transfer catapulted the Eagles into the Open Division and Coastal League title discussion and made the All Coastal League first team in his only season. Obinna Anyanwu, 6-7 So. F, Cathedral Catholic — Anyanwu, who scored the game-winning layup in the Division 1 title game, averaged 17 points and 11 rebounds for the Dons in his second season. All Western League first-team selection. Thomas Notarainni, 6-4 So. SG, Cathedral Catholic — The Dons leading scorer av-

BRYCE POPE led the Falcons to the school’s first CIF Open Division championship. Courtesy photo

eraged 19 points per game and eclipsed the 1,000-point mark in only his second varsity season. Makiah Morris, 6-2 Sr. G, Vista — Morris doubled his scoring average in his senior season, averaging 17.2 points per game en route to his first All Avocado East first team selection. Chris Howell, 6-6 So. G, San Marcos — Making his second straight all-league first team appearance, Howell averaged 12.3 points, 7 rebounds and 4 assists per game and was the team’s best defender. Graham Cook, 6-3 Sr. — The All Avocado West First team selection (for a second straight season) averaged a team high 19.3 points per game.

SECOND TEAM Keatten Smith, 6-1 So. G, Santa Fe Christian — The All Coastal League second-team selection was arguably one of the Top 5 shooters in San Diego this season. Keavie Love, 6-2 So. G, El Camino — Love led the Wildcats in scoring en route to his first All Avocado East First Team selection. Noah Fields, 6-6 Jr. F, Rancho Buena Vista — Fields broke out in a big way his junior year, averaging 15.3 points and 8.2 rebounds per game on his way to his first All Avocado East First Team appearance. Elijah Randall, 6-4 Jr. G, San Marcos — The Knights leading scorer (15.1 points) and rebounder (7.4 rebounds) was an All Avo West second-team selection. Brandon Angel, 6-7 Jr. W, Torrey Pines — The All Avocado West second team selection averaged 10.4 points and a team-high 7.3 rebounds per game for the CIF Open Division Champions. Devon Arlington, 6-2 Fr. G, San Marcos — All Avo West second team selection as a freshman was the Knights second leading scorer. Caleb Nelson, 6-5 So. WF, Carlsbad — The Lancers’ All League 2nd teamer averaged 12 points per game and knocked down crucial shots. Noah Viera, 6-9 Sr. C, Torrey Pines — All Avo West honorable mention had a huge game in the CIF title game. Albert Pichardo, 6-3 Jr. F, Army Navy Academy — The heart and soul of the Warriors was named to the All Coastal League second team. Alex Wade, 5-11 So. PG, Cathedral Catholic — Led the Dons in assists and helped guide the team to the CIF Division 1 championship. Trevan Martin, 6-3 So. G, Santa Fe Christian — Averaged in double figures for the Open Division contenders. Tyson Robinson, 5-11 PG, El Camino — Made All Avocado East second team in first season as a varsity starter, and was named to the Torrey Pines All-Tournament team. — Aaron Burgin

omeone tipped their cap to Dr. Tommy John and he wasn’t sure if to smile or frown. John, an Encinitas resident with a famous moniker, has an insatiable drive to save the world. “It’s getting harder and harder,” he said. “It really is out of control.” John’s father was an illustration of balance in a big-league career in which he won 288 games. But his name made its mark as a surgical procedure to repair shredded elbow ligaments after undergoing the first one in 1974. Countless professional pitchers had the Tommy John operation to resurrect careers. That goes for hurlers in college, high school and, really, youth baseball? “The frustrating part is that the solution is in the parents’ hands,” John said. “They are being misled by a youth sports industry that makes them believe that their kids are better than they are.” John, a chiropractor and director of a performance and healing center, goes a million miles a minute and that’s tapping the brakes. But he’s seeing more, and younger athletes, and their parents, seeking answers on why this hurts, why that aches and why is it always

jay paris go-go-go. It’s overuse, John screams, and it says so in his book, “Minimize Injury, Maximize Performance: A Sports Parent’s Survival Guide.” “If parents ever say their kid might not make a team, I tell them they just got a free pass,” John said. “It’s not the worst thing to take a season off.” It’s what usually happens that drives patients to John’s Sorrento Valley office. A Little League team blends into a travel ball squad and then that morphs into fall ball and then there’s a spring league ... “It’s about understanding that regardless of how this baseball season goes, whether you played or didn’t play enough, baseball is over with summer. Don’t play winter baseball, don’t play fall baseball, instead find something else to do. Explore other sports, anything.” John knows that’s a tough sell. “It falls upon deaf ears,” he said. “People don’t want to do less and that

leads to some very difficult conversations. I’ve talked to 10-, 11-, 12-year-old kids and their arms hurt and they are exhausted. Sometimes when the parents don’t listen we have another talk and it’s about anxiety and pediatric surgery.” John isn’t out to sting baseball. He said it’s all sports with players being a pawn in a $15 billion youth sports industry. “It convinces the parents the kids are elite and to compete they have to be a specialist in one sport and sign up for all this stuff,” he said. John recalled a star softball pitcher’s mom inquiring about her daughter’s sore right knee. “That pain was a warning,” John said. “Your body always gives you a whisper that something is wrong. You need to take care of it then, not when it yells at you if you don’t.” John said rest was the key. “A month later it’s feeling a little better, she plays, she tears the meniscus in her knee and has to have surgery,” he said. “Game over.” But it’s spring with a game on in every direction and John stresses there’s nothing askew there. Just make sure moderation is stocked at every youth sports snack bar.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 8, 2019

Vista to launch new business grant program CSUSM protest upstages By Steve Puterski

VISTA — The Central Vista Business Improvement District is making changes to the way it grants. On Feb. 26, the Vista City Council approved the CVBID Grant Program, which will allow the district to offer numerous grants totaling between $48,000 and $50,000, according to Kevin Ham, director of economic development for the city. He said the council must approve the bid assessment process during its March 12 meeting before the new program can be established. Ham said the new program will open up more businesses, small and large, to grant opportunities to promote business in the city

core. Vista will offer up to $50,000 per fiscal year in grants, as selected by the CVBID advisory board. Typical amounts will run from $1,000 to $10,000, although micro-grants of less than $1,000 will be available as well. “We’re still going to implement those goals, which is essentially to market and promote downtown,” Ham said. “We’re taking a different tact in this coming year.” The goals, he said, are the general promotion of business, promoting public events, decorating public places, furnishing music for public places and events, other operating activities and the acquisition, construction, installation or

maintenance of improvements. One reason for the move, he added, is to reduce administrative costs; the previous method contracted with an outside agency. He also said the entity typically didn’t have enough money to implement all the goals. “A lot of the funds coming from the city are used for administration,” Ham explained. “If city staff does that, there is no economic development staff cost.” The grant funds are generated through BID fees assessed to each business in the three zones, which cover Civic Center to Vista Village drives and Civic Center to Valencia drives plus along some of State Route 78. The

city will begin taking applications on March 18 and the winners will be announced in June. The funds will be dispersed in two parts, the first 50 percent in July and the second part when the proposed activity is completed and a reporting form is submitted to the city. “I want to make sure we have, a year from now, a robust, public conversation with the payers of the bid fee about how we used the money, how we will use it going forward and whether or not we want to either A) eliminate the money; B) increase or double the size; or C) keep the status quo,” Deputy Mayor John Franklin said.

State of City address By Aaron Burgin

span Bent Avenue and Via Vera Cruz and are part of a multi-faceted effort to improve the San Marcos creek district. “You know those annoying road closures every time in rains at Bent Avenue and Via Vera Cruz?” Jones said. “Once this project is complete, no more flooding issues.” She also unveiled the planned launch of a city app that will allow residents to report graffiti, streetlight outages and potholes to the city via smartphone. Jones also highlighted the work of the San Diego Sheriff’s Department, the city’s contract law enforcement agency, which she credited with lowering the city’s crime rate by 19 percent over the past five years. And she updated the audience on several projects that she said would continue the momentum of transforming San Marcos from a bedroom community to a destination. North City, the city’s university district, continues to expand and combine residential, retail, entertainment and educational attractions. My Yard Live, a proposed family dining and entertainment center, is coming to the old Hometown Buffet building on Rancheros Drive, and Karl Strauss’ latest brewery is breaking ground this year. And the city continues to move forward with its partnership with an Orange County developer to transform nine acres of vacant land off of Grand Avenue and Linda Vista drive into a thriving village of arts, makers, craft brewers and distillers, schools and an interactive park at its core, Jones said. “San Marcos’ emerging urban core is transforming the city from a ‘drivethrough’ community to a ‘drive-to’ destination,” Jones said. Jones, who served on the City Council since 2007, is the first woman to serve as mayor in city history. She said she was humbled by that designation. “I am humbled to be standing here as your first female mayor,” Jones said. “It’s about time.”


has 40 years of hospitality experience that includes co-founding Ted’s Montana Grill with media icon Ted Turner. Ted’s Montana Grill now has 46 restaurants in 16 states. Bensch is the co-founder of Atlanta, Georgia’s SweetWater Brewing, a 21-year-old East-Coast institution that is currently the 15th largest craft brewery in the country. Mayor Rebecca Jones and the City Council will be on hand for the ground breaking, which begins at 10:30 a.m. on March 14. Jones mentioned My Yard Live in her recent State of the City address as one of the key projects that is transforming San Marcos from a bedroom community to a destination one.

SAN MARCOS — San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones’ first state of the city address on Feb. 26 was upstaged by an unrelated student protest on the campus of Cal State San Marcos. Students were protesting a Feb. 22 incident involving campus police and a student forcibly removed from their classroom. As Jones was delivering her speech in the University Student Union ballroom, the students filled the hallway outside ballroom and began chanting, which could be clearly heard in the ballroom. Jones finished her speech, but shortly thereafter the protesters briefly entered the ballroom before going back into the hallway, then upstairs to continue their demonstration. One of the members of the group, Students for Justice Coalition, said that the demonstration was unrelated to the state of the city address, and aimed to draw attention to the incident and treatment of minorities by the university police force. “There was a student that was brutalized by police officers, there was no recognition to the students and we are protesting it right now,” said Sunni Bates, a senior majoring in business and global studies. The Coast News reached out to CSUSM Police Chief Scott Ybarrondo, who said he would issue a statement. The Coast News will update the story with his statement as soon as it becomes available. Jones gave her speech in front of a nearly capacity crowd in the University Student Union ballroom, which included elected officials, local business owners and officials from other local agencies. She touted the city’s strong financial outlook and its efforts in business attraction, budget management, economic development, public safety and several new projects and initiatives. Among the upcoming projects, Jones said that the city would break ground on two long-awaited bridges over the San Marcos Creek in the fall. The bridges would


“We built four projects in San Marcos and actually the concept of the ‘community resource centers’ we were developing with the families of those communities at the time very much played a significant role in the development of the My Yard Live concept,” Minotti said. “Our vision is to be more a community event and activities center rather than a traditional restaurant and or brewpub.” Minotti is joined by Mark McLarry to comprise the ownership team. The My Yard Live team also includes George McKerrow and Freddy Bensch. McKerrow, according to a news release,

MARCH 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

A rts &Entertainment

The circus comes to Escondido By Steve Horn

THE PAINTBOOTH 760, a Vista nonprofit dedicated to preserving the integrity of art and music, is run by Marty Martinez and Nicole Vega. Photo by Steve Puterski

Upstart nonprofit showcases art, music By Steve Puterski

VISTA — Arts and music are just two passions Marty Martinez is smashing together in the alleys of his hometown. For the past 14 months, the 28-year-old has led The Paintbooth 760 nonprofit as a way to combine arts and music to provide a constructive and creative outlet for people of all ages. The rebel-esque group holds concerts with artists displaying their work in the alley behind Martinez’s body shop, El Mago Auto Body, on Redlands Street between Connecticut Avenue and Orange Street. “Basically, we exist to preserve the integrity of the music and art community in North County,” Martinez said. “Our emphasis is to throw music events that have art with it. We focus on all ages because that’s our demographic. They love that it’s in the alley and love that it’s between the skate parks.” Nicole Vega, 29, joined Martinez’s efforts last year and has seen how the organization has grown as they promote music and arts, drawing more than 200 people for various shows. The duo, who met in middle school, recruit Southern California bands and are also attempting to bridge the gap in the underground music scene in San Diego County. Martinez, who plays in the band Vietnam Hardcore, said there is a gulf between North and South counties. More importantly, the shows are another outlet for young people to engage in a positive event. Martinez and Vega said their neighborhood has been neglected, and gangs and drugs are threats to teenagers, which is another reason The Paintbooth 760 exists. “When you’re here, nobody cares about where you’re from,” Vega said. Another goal is to create an event to tie-in to the two skate parks, which are on either end of the alley behind Martinez’s uncle’s shop. It would be a way to push out the negative, such as drugs, alcohol and fights, and give anyone from any background the opportunity to be expressive and find their voice. The shows range from punk to hip-hop, while art vendors set up their work and interact with the crowd.

Some shows have as many as 200 people in attendance. The nonprofit will host a bigger show on May 18 at Aztec Brewery in Vista featuring 30 to 40 artists with 15 to 20 local bands. The success, meanwhile, has also led The Paintbooth 760 to support touring bands from Europe, Chicago, Sacramento and Tijuana. To offer some financial support, the nonprofit relies on donations to be able to pay the bands, but is working on ways to find more financial support. “In November, we could’ve been booked through April, that’s how in demand we are,” Martinez said. “It’s all organic.” The nonprofit, though, is in transition. It will have a new home just up the street from its alley roots. The space is being renovated, which gives Martinez and Vega some time to reassess their business structure and show schedule. To support The Paintbooth 760, visit or

ESCONDIDO — Ringling Brothers made waves when it shuttered its roving circus operations after 146 years in business. But the “greatest show on Earth” had a lesser known companion, which, in the aftermath the Ringling’s decision to close shop, has gone all in on the circus circuit. That is, the Circus Vargas, which will play 21 times at the Westfield North County Mall in Escondido from March 7 to March 18. Though newer than Ringling, Circus Vargas is no spring chicken, touring in what is now its 50th year since 1969. Circus Vargas has the namesake of its founder, Clifford Vargas, who hailed from Hollywood Hills. According to his 1989 obituary in The New York Times, Vargas began his circus business with only three trucks and eight animals, eventually growing to 150 animals and up to 300 employees. “Having been a lifelong circus spectator and fan, Mr. Vargas believed he could bring back the glamour, thrills and heart-pounding excitement of the authentic old-time circus,” explains the Circus Vargas website of the business’ history. “He was adamant that a circus wasn’t a circus if it wasn’t under the big top and wanted to make sure that every generation would have the opportunity to experience its magic first hand.” Acrobatic acts, clowns, trapeze swingers, music and colorful light displays are all mainstays of the Circus Vargas. Animals, though, are no longer part of the

CIRCUS VARGAS is playing Westfield North County Mall through March 18.

show, the use of which initially came under fire when used by Ringling. Today, Circus Vargas is owned by Tabares Entertainment, a company situated in Ontario, California in east Los Angeles County and named after its owner, Nelson Quiroga-Tabares. Quiroga-Tabares’ wife Katya Quiroga, is a seventh-generation circus performer herself. Doing the circus in the traditional big tent style, Circus Vargas events can

seat up to 1,500 spectators, according to its website. It takes some seven hours to set up, the website added. “The tent consists of 90,000 square feet of fabric and is supported by 500 individually placed stakes and over four miles of rope and cable weighing over 17 tons,” the website further details. Among other performances, the world’s fastest ball juggler Michael Fererri will perform his craft in front of the Escondido audi-

Courtesy photo

ence. Children who arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of the show will receive a complimentary pre-show event, in which circus cast will teach juggling, balancing and other circus-centric skills. The show, according to the Circus Vargas website, will last about two hours and 15 minutes. Tickets can be purchased at or for a discounted rate at the website



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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 8, 2019

A rts &Entertainment

New season at Moonlight Amphitheatre kicks off in April Special to The Coast News

VISTA — If you’re looking for a place where you can enjoy new tunes, old tunes and an outdoor movie or two, you need to check out the upcoming city of Vista’s Moonlight Amphitheatre’s fourth season kicking off April 12. “We’ve got some fun exciting stuff happening as we’ve been able to get some bigger names this year,” Managing Director Colleen Kollar Smith said. She said entertainment acts tend to be surprised by the venue itself as they have an expectation in their mind before they perform. “ … then they are blown away by the venue itself when they get here,” she said. “Artists are often surprised by the venue because they are expecting something small.” The theater seats 2,000 including lawn chairs and general lawn seating — and each has different price levels depending on where you choose to sit, she said. The programming runs

JOHH WAITE performs July 6. Courtesy photo

through December and combines a mixture of acts, performances and even outdoor movies. “I’m most excited about the diversity of the season ahead and the fact that we are going to be bringing in such different groups of audiences,” she said. “I love our family movie nights because we always provide preshow activities — our intention was to get young people and young families into the

theater for the first time — not just to watch the movies but to get them into the theater to engage in the space. “We always have a communal art activity they can get involved in,” she continued. “When we played ‘Coco’ we made a community project where people could write their names on an archway. When we had a film about witches, we made a witch’s hat where they could draw and add their art to it. “I get particularly excited when I see young people engaging in the space,” she said. “I’m hopeful that we will bring in new audiences and I’m excited to see who is going to be in our space based on this wide variety of programming. This is our biggest season yet!” For its upcoming season of concerts and movie nights, Moonlight Presents will offer an expanded calendar of events at the Moonlight Amphitheatre, the picturesque outdoor venue located within Brengle Terrace Park. The season is sponsored by Vista-based Dr. Bronner’s, concert packages and single tickets will go on sale Saturday, March 9 by phone at (760) 724-2110, online at, and in person at VisTix, 200 Civic Center Drive. “Moonlight Presents was intended to expand the amphitheater’s offerings outside of our summer season of Broadway musicals,” Kollar Smith said. “Last year, we grew our audience by more than 40 percent over the previous years’ attendance. We are thrilled that our community is embracing The Moonlight as a year-round entertainment destination. With the generous underwriting from

THE MILLENNIAL FALCONS play before the May 4 showing of “Star Wars: The Force Awakens.” Courtesy photo

Dr. Bronner’s, we are able to offer an eclectic line-up in 2019 which to date is our largest presenting season.” Wondering what you can look forward to? Here’s the exciting line-up: CLASSIC ALBUMS LIVE Friday, April 12, 7:30 p.m. The Eagles’ “Hotel California” Tickets: $15 to $40 Saturday, April 13, 7:30 p.m. Fleetwood Mac’s “Rumours” Classic Albums Live returns to The Moonlight stage with two ultimate albums, The Eagles’ “Hotel California” and Fleetwood Mac’s “Rumours.” Go back in time with this perfect recreation of these unforgettable timeless albums. Classic Albums Live has become the ultimate destination for music lovers wanting to hear the greatest al-

bums performed live. Some of the world’s most skilled musicians and vocalists will re-create “Hotel California” and “Rumours” live, note for note, cut for cut, followed by a second act of Greatest Hits from each band. Friday night, enjoy hit Eagles’ tracks like the Grammy-winning “New Kid in Town,” as well as deep cuts like “Wasted Time.” You’ll want to return on Saturday to enjoy the thrilling energy and genius of Fleetwood Mac’s hits “Go Your Own Way,” “The Chain,” and “Dreams.” “Hotel California” and “Rumours” will play exactly as you remember on the turntable.

THE PETTYBREAKERS Saturday, May 25, 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $15 to $40

MAY THE FOURTH BE WITH YOU CELEBRATION! Saturday, May 4 Concert: 6:30 p.m. Movie: 8 p.m. Tickets: $10 and $15

MOVIE NIGHT: ‘BACK TO THE FUTURE’ Friday, May 31, 8 p.m. Tickets: $5 and $10

The PettyBreakers is the nation’s premiere Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers tribute band. The band accurately recreates the sights, sounds, and concert experience of a Tom Petty concert. You will hear all the classics that you know and love: “American Girl,” “Breakdown,” “Free Fallin’,” “Mary Jane’s Last Dance,” and more. If you are a Tom Petty fan, you will not want to miss this evening that honors the music of the legendary American musical icon.

Hop in your DeLorean and enjoy the quintessential “Star Wars: The Force 1980s movie coming to The Awakens” on the big screen Moonlight! 1980s-themed along with the hottest can- pre-movie fun for the family. tina band, The Millennial Falcons, on stage before the JOHN WAITE movie. Saturday, July 6, 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $22 to $57 ROGER CLYNE & THE PEACEMAKERS 1970s and 1980s Rock Saturday, May 11, 7:30 p.m. icon John Waite and his Tickets: $15 to $40 band will perform his catalogue of hits from his 40-year Hailed as one of the career as a solo artist and most exciting live acts on the his time as lead singer of the road today, Roger Clyne & bands The Babys and Bad The Peacemakers are musi- English. His catalogue of cal beacons of the Southwest hits includes the No. 1 worldfueled by witty and insight- wide hit “Missing You,” ful lyrics, crunching guitar The Babys’ “Isn’t It Time,” riffs, a dynamic rhythm sec- and Bad English’s “When I tion and tequila. Bridging See You Smile,” which rank the gap between rock ’n roll, amongst some of his biggest roadhouse Americana, and international hits and are the sound of the southwest, still heard on radio today. Roger Clyne & The Peace- Other songs include “Tears,” makers have carved out “Change,” “These Times their own path for more than Are Hard for Lovers,” “Ev15 years. They’ve traveled ery Step of the Way,” and the world, sent eight albums “If Anybody Had a Heart.” to the top of the Billboard In- Waite’s talent for power balternet Sales Chart, launched lads and driving arena rock an annual music festival in occasionally touched on new Mexico, started their own wave-styled power pop makline of ultra-premium tequi- ing him a fixture of the rock la, and built a global com- ’n roll scene. Waite continmunity of music-lovers and ues to forge his own singupeacemakers — all the while larly personal path of celremaining 100 percent indeTURN TO MOONLIGHT ON 13 pendent.

MARCH 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

A rts &Entertainment MOONLIGHT CONTINUED FROM 12

ebrating the present while engaged by the promise of the future. The story is far from over for the Lancaster, England-born Rock star/ balladeer/storyteller who was inspired onto his musical path by blues, soul and country along with a deep connection to the Celtic folk music of his homeland.

haunt them later with disastrous results. With an allstar cast of Moonlight favorites and orchestra, this is an evening you won’t want to miss! This is a co-production between Moonlight Stage Productions and the Moonlight Cultural Foundation. Proceeds benefit the Moonlight Cultural Foundation. Please note tickets for this performance will go on sale on March 30.

ary singer and British indie band. Performing to soldout crowds throughout the U.S., Mexico and the U.K., front man Jose Maldonado channels Morrissey so convincingly that Moz himself has even jokingly taken the stage with the opening line: “Hello, we are the Sweet and Tender Hooligans and I’m Jose.” From their era-perfect style to Maldonado’s Morrissey-inspired coif, the band never fails to satisfy even the most rigorous Smiths purists. THE DOO-WOP PROJECT Saturday, Nov. 9, 7 p.m. Tickets: $15 to $40

THE DOO-WOP PROJECT, back by popular demand, performs Nov. 9. Courtesy photo

Back by popular demand at The Moonlight, The Doo-Wop Project begins at the beginning: tracing the evolution of doo-wop from the classic sound of five guys singing tight harmonies on a street corner to the biggest hits on the radio today. In this epic concert, go on a musical journey from foundational tunes of groups like The Crests, The Belmonts, and The Flamingos through their influences on the sounds of Smokey Robinson, The Temptations, and The Four Seasons all the way to doo-wopified versions of modern musicians like Michael Jackson, Jason Mraz and Maroon 5. Featuring stars of Broadway’s smash hits, “The Jersey Boys and Motown: The Musical, the Doo-Wop Project” brings unparalleled authenticity of sound and vocal excellence to recreate — and in some cases entirely reimagine — some of the greatest music in American pop and rock history!

INTO THE WOODS IN CONCERT Saturday, Oct. 5, 7:30 p.m. Tickets: $10 to $45

MOVIE NIGHT: ‘THE GOONIES’ Friday, Oct. 25, 7 p.m. Tickets: $5 and $10

James Lapine and Stephen Sondheim take everyone’s favorite storybook characters and bring them together for a timeless, yet relevant, piece. This onenight-only fundraising concert version of this modern classic brings to life the story of a baker and his wife, who wish to have a child; Cinderella, who wishes to attend the King’s Festival; and Jack, who wishes his cow would give milk. When the baker and his wife learn that they cannot have a child because of a witch’s curse, the two set off on a journey to break the curse. Everyone’s wish is granted, but the consequences of their actions return to

Bring the family to watch a group of misfit kids who set out to find a pirates’ ancient treasure in this great 1980s classic. “Goonies” themed activi- SIMON AND GARFUNKEL ties before the movie! LIVE IN CENTRAL PARK REVISITED SWEET & TENDER Saturday, Nov. 30, 7 p.m. HOOLIGANS: THE ULTIMATE Tickets: $15 to $40 TRIBUTE TO MORRISSEY AND THE SMITHS In 1981, more than Saturday, Oct. 26, 7:30 p.m. 500,000 music fans gathTickets: $15 to $40 ered in Central Park to witness the legendary reunion Los Angeles-based of folk duo Simon & GarfunSweet and Tender Hooli- kel. Award-winning recordgans, hailed as the ultimate ing artists Lee Lessack and tribute to Morrissey and Johnny Rodgers re-create The Smiths, have delivered that magical night. With for more than two decades dulcet vocals harmonizing a finely crafted show that over lilting guitar, you will pays homage to the legend- hear all the beloved poetic

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masterpieces that made Simon & Garfunkel famous: “Mrs. Robinson,” “Homeward Bound,” “Scarborough Fair,” “Bridge Over Troubled Water,” “The Sound of Silence,” and many more. MOVIE NIGHT: ‘ELF’ Saturday, Dec. 7, 7 p.m. Tickets: $10 and $15 Experience the adventures of Buddy the Elf in this modern Christmas classic on the big screen. Arrive early for a snow play area for the kids and other holiday-themed activities for the family. TOP OF THE WORLD: A CARPENTERS HOLIDAY CONCERT Saturday, Dec. 14, 7 p.m. Tickets: $15 to $40 This Carpenters tribute band brings the most authentic versions of the original duo’s music to the stage. No doubt you will be singing along as they perform holiday hits along with Carpenters favorites like “Close To You,” “We’ve Only Just Begun,” “Rainy Days and Mondays,” “Yesterday Once More,” “Top of the World,” “Superstar” and more. Lead singer Debbie Taylor captures the warm tones and contralto range that made Karen’s voice so unique. Sit back and enjoy as Debbie and her band take you on a nostalgic journey through the Carpenters Christmas album and other hits while sharing some of the backstories behind the music. The previously announced 39th summer season of Moonlight Stage Productions at the Moonlight Amphitheatre includes Mel Brooks’ “The Producers” (June 12-29), Roald Dahl’s “Matilda The Musical” (July 17 to Aug. 3), “West Side Story” (Aug. 14-31), “Victor’/Victoria” (Sept. 11-28). Subscriptions go on sale March 9 followed by single tickets on March 30. Moonlight Amphitheatre is at 1250 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista. For more information, visit or call (760) 7242110.

‘ENCINITAS SUNSET’ by Angela Jackson.

Courtesy photo

Mixed media artist inspired by the sea cal art news Bob Coletti


ngela Jackson is a mixed media artist and art educator who has exhibited in many group and solo shows throughout the United States. She is inspired by the beauty and therapeutic aspects of the ocean, which are expressed in her paintings. Originally from Pennsylvania, Angela grew up two blocks from the Susquehanna River and she has felt the need to live close in proximity to water ever since. Her understanding of our attraction to bodies of water was reinforced reading Wallace J. Nichols’ book, “Blue Mind,” in which he discusses the neuroscience behind our connection to all things water. Now living in Cardiff, Angela enjoys daily walks on the beach and absorbing

CARDIFF ARTIST Angela Jackson grew up near a river and has wanted to live in proximity to water ever since. Courtesy photo

all the sights, sounds and smells of the Pacific Ocean. Angela creates art out of her studio in Cardiff and teaches Visual Art at San Dieguito Academy in Encinitas. She is a board member of the Encinitas Friends of the Arts and is also the Gallery Director at the North Coast Repertory Theatre in Solana Beach. Visit angela

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 8, 2019

Presenting the past: Vista Historical Museum embraces its mission mer docent whose father was a barber in the same time and was familiar with this operation said that it was the greatest boon to the scarf industry she knew of.” He added another interesting item that made its way through the doors is a bridal outfit that came from Bullocks Department store in Los Angeles from 1941. “What makes it interesting is that it came as a whole kit,” he said. “It was donated by the daughter of a prominent farming family that once grew lima beans in west Vista and Oceanside.”

Special to The Coast News

VISTA — Where else can you see an old permanent wave curler and a rare Edison phonograph in the same place? The Vista Historical Museum, of course. If you’re looking for something fun to do and learn a little about Vista’s history, a visit to the Vista Historial Society and Museum might be in order. The Vista Historical Society Historical Museum has been located at Rancho Minerva since 2009 where it continues in its mission to discover, collect, record and preserve historical artifacts and to bring those materials to the Vista community, according to Jack Larimer, director of the Vista Historical Museum, Vista Historical Society. “We’ve got a lot of really fun and interesting things to look at,” said Larimer, who grew up in Vista. Larimer has been the director since 2002 but has lived in the city for as long as he can remember and said it’s an honor to do the job he has been entrusted with. “I went to local colleges and had a job with the city until I retired,” he said. “But I had a wife and house and had to find something else and landed this job. I run the day-to-day operations of the museum and make sure things run well. I check the displays and make sure things don’t float away.” He said working with

Rich history itself

VISTA HISTORICAL MUSEUM has been located at Rancho Minerva since 2009 and continues to collect and display local artifacts. Courtesy photo

the Vista Historical Society is “personal for him” because he grew up with the people and now even their kids visit the venue. “My job is fun because I get to see a lot of old timers and people I grew up with,” he said. “My family came here in the 1930s.” He said he enjoys seeing the donated items when they are dropped off even though the Vista Historical Society can’t accept everything that is brought in. “We only have so much space and we’re constrained,” he laughed. However, there are four rooms and currently five ex-

hibits on one level full of donated items including the curler and the Edison phonograph. The top floor of the museum is reserved for storage and is a warehouse. “The phonograph is a 1908 Edison and it is expensive because the horn is made of wood not metal,” he said. “The phonograph was owned by the Delpy family, owners of the Buena Vista winery and they were the richest family in town at the time. It was donated to the museum by former County Supervisor Paul Eckert and his late wife Diane. The phonograph played wax cylinders. The

cylinders we have date from the same era and have not been tested to see if they still work.” The permanent wave machine was common in beauty parlors in the 1920s and 1930s, he said. “It worked by electric heat,” he said. “The operator put the subject’s hair in curlers and then attached the metal clips hanging down from the machine. A rheostat on the back of the machine was turned up for about 15 minutes resulting in a curl that would last until washed out. Unfortunately, hair could be singed or burst into flame. A for-

The Vista Historical Society was founded in 1967 as the Vista Ranchos Historical Society under the direction of its first president Cloyd Sorensen, Jr. Its purpose was to support the city of Vista’s acquisition of the Rancho Buena Vista and surrounding areas so that the city could build a City Hall and the historical society could have a museum. The project never passed, and the historical society then began looking for another location. The first museum found its home at 651 E. Vista Way in a building, which was leased from the city and remained there from 1994 to 2007 until the city chose to build a fire station on that location. The city acquired Rancho Minerva in 2008 from

the Vista Unified School District, and it opened the current Vista History Museum in September 2009. The mission statement of the Vista Historical Society remains the same as when it was founded: “The society is a nonprofit corporation which is concerned with the discovery, recording, collecting, and preservation of historical facts, properties, and other materials regarding the history of Southwestern United States, particularly the settlement and development of this region in San Diego County. Also, preserving and perpetuating for public benefit those artifacts, historical objects, and documents for all to see.” It raises funds for the museum with memberships, grants, donations, bequests, and by renting the grounds for private events such as weddings, reunions and birthday parties. The museum office is opened Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Docents are available for tours Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.; and the first and second Saturday of the month. “Depending how much time to you want to spend here it could be from 20 minutes to eight hours,” he laughed. The museum is also looking to hire more docents, call (760) 630-0444 if interested.


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MARCH 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

M arketplace News

Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article. If you would like an article on this page, please call (760) 436-9737

Here are a few spring cleaning tips for technology With spring approaching, now is the time everyone starts thinking about spring cleaning their home – windows, closets, refrigerators – but they shouldn’t forget about their technology. Here are some tips to ensure your laptops, TVs, smartphones and other devices are clean and secure, and ready to optimize and enjoy.

and delete any pictures, videos, emails or files that you don’t need. This will free up space and make it easier for you to find what you’re looking for the next time you’re putting together that birthday video. BACK UP DATA What you don’t want to get rid of are the precious photos, videos and other important files you do need. Whether you use a cloud service, hard drive or a USB flash drive, the important thing is to back up your data, and not just during spring cleaning. You might even decide to use a few different backup options in case you lose that flash drive or won’t have access to the cloud while on the road.

TAKE INVENTORY First and foremost, take inventory of all the technology in your home. You may have a gaming system or TV in the guest room that isn’t used every day but may need a good cleaning. Go from room to room and identify the devices that need your attention. Put aside anything you no longer use or that aren’t working - old computers, printers, modems, cell SECURE YOUR phones, TVs, cords. IN-HOME WIFI Make sure your in-home WiFi is password protected DO AN ELECTRONIC so that strangers down the SWEEP Go through your devices street aren’t able to access it



the students, further away in terms of their job actually directly impacting students. But they’re all important and it’s difficult in all cases.” That same potential impact on students and classrooms sat the center of debate both among those who testified at the hearing, as well as among at least one board member, Rosemary Smithfield, a former Vista Unified teacher. “I’m concerned when three of our committees were very strongly about some things that were not needed and do not affect the children that weren't on the list,” Smithfield said at the meeting. “We need to make sure the kids have the programs they need, the people have the things they need to make them healthy and good learners. So that's kind of where I would like to see us go.” In the aftermath of the hearing, Smithfield told The Coast News that she believes the board did all it could to not harm students or classrooms. “Many times when school districts find themselves with the awful task of cutting millions they make the easy cuts,” Smithfield said. “They will cut school support personnel, classroom supplies, they will ask for larger class sizes, less student day. They will pull transportation, nurses, counselors, etc. We stayed away from those cuts because we put the students first ... I felt comfortable voting yes on the individual items from the package. In order to make these decisions we had to look at each item and understand the ripple effect its loss would bring.” Not everyone has hopped aboard the approval train, however. One Vista Unified parent who attend-

ed the meeting and is critical of the cuts proposal, Shiloe Strawbridge, gave a business sector analogy in explaining her opposition. “Do we invest, to capture more students, or do we cut, because we have fewer?” Strawbridge asked. “Do we act like Kmart, cutting stores and staff, or like Target, investing and using targeted strategies and growing by increasing their market share over the competition?” Among some parent stakeholders in the school district, Kimble has come under fire for what they say is a trend of making unilateral cut proposals and an accompanying lack of transparency in the rationale behind them. In the pre-meeting interview, though, Kimble rebutted those critiques by saying the conversations have existed on an ongoing basis for several months. “I don’t think that’s accurate. I think that people who have been really involved in the process would agree that there is a great deal of transparency,” Kimble said. “We’ve sent multiple letters to staff, we’ve sent multiple letters to parents. We’ve been talking about this at every meeting we’ve been working on this for.” Kimble also cited the creation of the Superintendent Budget Advisory Committee “for the purpose of being open and transparent.” “Now, people say they didn’t feel the cuts were transparent. Well, that’s collective work,” said Kimble. “And so what's coming out in these finals months, you know, are a compilation of the work. You'd have to have attended probably all those meetings to feel like you’d have booked the whole picture because. It's a group effort and these ideas are coming from many sources and so we are putting them

WIPE THAT KEYBOARD AND SCREEN Smartphones, laptops and tablets are used on a daily basis in most households, so it’s a good idea to sanitize them to help keep the germs away and get rid of the crumbs that fell into the crevices of your keyboard. For your screens, use a micro-fiber cleaning cloth with a little water and wipe in one direction. For your keyboard, use a can of compressed air to blow away the debris in between keys. You SMARTPHONES, LAPTOPS and tablets are used on a daily can also purchase a cleaning basis in most households, so it’s a good idea to sanitize kit from your local office supthem to help keep the germs away and get rid of the crumbs ply or computer store. that fell into the crevices of your keyboard.

or add to your data usage. It’s also a good idea to regularly change your wifi password if you’re giving it to family and friends when they visit. SECURE YOUR DEVICES Protect yourself and your devices when you’re online by using a security software package that includes together now.” But that committee’s recommendations, says Rancho Buena Vista math teacher and Vista Unified parent Patrick Emaus — who participated on the Advisory Committee and is a vice president of the Vista Teachers Association — did not receive full uptake when it came time for an actual vote. “The last task we completed on the committee was voting on ideas for places we could cut,” said Emaus, who pointed to those vote tallies now published online. “I was disappointed to see several of our major consensus items, like eliminating the assistant superintendent of innovation, was not presented to the board as a viable cut.” The Vista Teachers Association has also critiqued Kimble for how she has kept them up to date on decisions. They say that has happened primarily via letters and updates sent via email, as opposed to give-and-take phone calls or in-person meetings. They expressed as much in a letter shared with The Coast News by Emaus. The Vista Teachers Association wrote that it had received "more 'update' emails from our superintendent in the past couple of months than we have in her entire time as our superintendent. Previous to the past couple of months, there has been limited conversations, request for employee input, or explanation of future plans ... other than cutting spending." Testifying at the meeting, Emaus also presented the board with his own proposed budget that lists many of the line items agreed upon during the Advisory Committee meetings. He said he remains hopeful that some of those items, in place of some of the line items which received a vote at the Feb. 21, could get into the budget.

Courtesy photo

features such as virus, spyware and spam protection. Cox High Speed Internet customers can download a free security package powered by McAfee for up to five devices including computers, tablets and smartphones, so be sure to check with your internet provider to see if they have a similar option.



RID YOUR HOUSE OF DEAD ZONES To get the most from your in-home WiFi, check with your internet provider to see if you have any dead zones that can be turned into live zones. With Cox’s Panoramic WiFi, technicians will walk wall-to-wall in every room to identify hard-toreach dead zones. For more nizers are looking for teenagers to take part and host families to welcome Middle East participants for 19 days during the summer. Contact Sarah Heirendt at sheirendt@handsofpeace. org.

Oceanside Public Library hosts an author talk and book-signing with North County local Michelle Gable, author of ”A Paris Apartment,” ”I’ll See You in Paris,” and “The MARCH 19 Book of Summer” at 3 p.m. TOP BUSINESS AWARDS March 16 in the Civic CenCarlsbad Business ter Library, 330 N. Coast Achievement & Distinction Highway, Oceanside. (CBAD) invite the community to get tickets now for STORYTELLER FESTIVAL “A New Horizon” awards Storytellers of San luncheon from 11 a.m. to Diego and the Encinitas 1:30 p.m. April 4, at The Branch of the San Diego Westin Carlsbad Resort & County Library present the Spa. It will recognize busiSan Diego Storytelling Fes- nesses, large and small, in tival, “Stories, Stories Ev- five categories: The Comerywhere,” 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. munity Footprint Award; March 16 at the Encinitas Beat the Odds Award, The Library, 540 Cornish Drive, Risk-Taker Award; WomEncinitas. The event is free en Championing Womand open to the public. en Award, Best Place to Work (Large Business) and PAINT YOUR PET’S PORTRAIT Best Place to Work (Small The San Diego Hu- Business). Ticket prices mane Society with Love- are $145 for general pubjoy Creations, are hosting lic at pet-portrait painting awards2019/ class from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. March 16 at its Oceanside Campus, 572 Airport Road, MARCH 20 Oceanside. Cost is for $60. TENNIS IN RANCHO SANTA FE Step-by-step instructions, Rancho Santa Fe Golf supplies and a pre-drawn Club, 5827 Via De La Cumportrait of your pet will be bre, Rancho Santa Fe, will provided. Register at http:// hold a sectional qualifier for the 74th U.S. Women up-for-classes /oceanside. Open April 29. The U.S. Complimentary snacks and Women’s Open Championbeverages will be served. ship is open to female professionals and amateurs with a Handicap Index not MARCH 17 exceeding 2.4. Online entry BE ONE WITH THE GARDEN applications are available Try some Forest/Na- now and continue through ture Bathing - Shinrin-yoku April 17, at 5 p.m. EDT at 9 to 11 a.m. March 17 at the San Diego Botanic Garden. 230 Quail Gardens Drive, Encinitas. Cost is $40. For MARCH 21 more information, visit sdb- CELEBRATE PURIM Chabad of Oceanside/ Vista, 1930 Sunset Drive, Vista, will celebrate with MARCH 18 “Purim in Morocco” at 5 HELP HANDS OF PEACE p.m. March 21 (4:30 p.m., Hands of Peace orga- special children’s activ-

information about Panoramic WiFi, visit GO GREEN – RECYCLE, DONATE E-WASTE Don’t just box up your unused devices and put them in the garage or the trash. E-waste needs to be recycled. Help the environment and a family in need by recycling and donating your old equipment. Computers 2 Kids, San Diego, a nonprofit founded by North County’s Larry and Tammy Hershfield, refurbishes donated computers, monitors, and other electronic waste then distributes them to low-income families and students. Cox partners with the nonprofit through the Connect2Compete program to help bring computers and internet to K-12 families in need. With these tips, you and your technology will be ready for the spring. Happy cleaning! ities). Come dressed in Moroccan or any costume. Enjoy a Moroccan feast, live music by violinist Marti Shaw, a henna artist, face-painting, crafts, hamantashen & L’Chaims couvert. Tickets $20 adult, $10 child, at the door or at TAKE A TRIP TO HOLLYWOOD

Culture Caravan still has seats available for “Hip Hip Hooray for Hollywood.” Tour Hollyhock House in Barnsdall Art Park, the first home designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and visit the official museum of Hollywood. The caravan departs the Gloria McClellan Center, 1400 Vale Terrace Drive in Vista, March 21, at 7 a.m. and returns at 7:30 p.m. Cost is $82. To reserve, call (760) 643-2828.



Boys and Girls Club of San Dieguito and San Diego LabRats is offering grades five through eight Science, Technology, Engineering, Art/Creativity and Math (STEAM) camps at the San Dieguito Griset Clubhouse in Encinitas from April through June 2019. The LabRats STEAM Discovery Center will host two “free, first look” open houses on March 26 and March 30. To register, visit or contact LabRats at jrmerrill@ or call (760) 450-4717.


The North County Widows & Widowers Club will be meeting at 5 p.m. March 22 for a Twilight Dinner Dance at the Elks Club, 444 Country Club Lane, Oceanside, with live music and prime rib, $15.RSVP to (760) 438-5491.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Gardening can really grow on you Jean Gillette hopes you will enjoy some of her earlier columns, in a sympathetic salute to all young mom’s today.


omewhere between changing diapers and mastering the art of Go Fish, the job description for at-home motherhood wandered from the confines of the kitchen to The Yard. I had successfully avoided yardwork for decades, watching unmoved as my mother reveled in the weeding, pruning, edging and planting. For the first half of my married life, I informed my husband that despite my liberated status, I was still happy to swap out doing dishes, if he would handle the yard. How then am I now found armed with my very own edger, trimmer and electric hedge clippers? The biggest surprise, however, is that sometimes I actually relish the challenge. My enthusiasm is relative and a fickle thing, tied securely to either wonderful spring weather or the approach of a backyard

In loving memory of

Juanita P. Smith August 15, 1929 February 18, 2019

small talk jean gillette party. Both prompt flurries of yardmania, wherein I send wayward branches and untidy grass flying in several directions. I then throw my back out sweeping and removing all the compost-makings I have created. The kids used to help me a bit last year, but it didn’t take them long to wise up to the tedium of cleanup duty. Still, it’s all very comforting and back-to-natureish, albeit lacking in consistency. With all the rain this winter, I have become something of a garden vigilante. I carry my weed digger stuck through my belt loop and uproot milkweed the size of palm trees as my children and I wander the streets to and from the park. I know it’s compulsive, but I see those little float-

ing weed seeds just waiting to blow in the direction of my front yard and it’s more than I can bear. It wasn’t easy at first to withstand the peer pressure to hire a gardener, although it became much easier just after I finished paying all our other bills. I am also given strength by a husband who believes in being a good, responsible neighbor. That means you don’t wait until the homeowners’ association has cited you for “abuse and neglect of visible garden areas” before you trim your yard. I occasionally get busy in the garden just to vent my spleen, knowing now the hidden delights of the sweaty work of grooming foliage. I refuse to be part of the outrageous, antisocial noise made by leaf blowers, but by jingo, there is a real power rush in whisking away six months of spider webs, cocoons, snail tracks and flotsam with a shot of a high-pressure water nozzle. There is the same thrill when you whack a pushy bush into an orderly condition with the

Rodrick Henry Mercer, 70 Encinitas February 18, 2019 Elaine Waite, 71 Encinitas February 21, 2019 Elaine Hunsaker Shuman, 91 Oceanside February 22, 2019 Juanita P. Smith passed away peacefully at her home on February 18,2019, with her family by her side. She was born August 15, 1929 in Watson, Indiana. Wife of Robert, mother of Sandra Denham, Patricia, Michael, and James; grandmother of Brenton Smith and Katie French; and great-grandmother of Joseph French. She was a long time employee of Baskin Robbins (Pennington’s) on Hill Street in Oceanside. She retired from Walmart, Vista Way, in 2014. She loved her customers and her beloved garden department. At her request , no memorial services are planned, however , donations may be made to the San Diego Humane Society, Oceanside.

Sumner James Rand, Jr, 85 Oceanside February 24, 2019 Dennis Henricks, 70 Oceanside February 26, 2019

Share the story of your loved ones life... because every life has a story. For more information call


or email us at:

Rates: Text: $20 per inch

Approx. 21 words per column inch

Jean Gillette is a freelance writer getting down and dirty. Contact her at

Time to “Spring Ahead” on March 10th

Jessica Toye Tong, 94 Carlsbad January 29, 2019 Veola Mae Hubbs, 87 Carlsbad February 21, 2019

electric hedge trimmer. My kids, husband and car may ignore my wishes, but in the garden, wrapped in my hose and extension cord, I am queen! I was timid at first, feeling the true extent of my absence of upper-body strength. My first few gorounds with the edger and Weed-Whacker left our lawn looing like the work of a boot-camp barber on drugs. But midway through a complete trim-and-prune job, perspiring and covered with shredded vegetation, I tasted the delicious high of pumping iron, or watching an early Arnold Schwarzenegger film. “Hasta la vista, ficus Benjamina!” I’m now considering purchasing some of those special snails I saw at the county fair, reputed to eat only the common garden snail or decaying plants. They call them “killer” snails. I think we’ll get along just fine.

Set your clocks & do a few other semi-annual tasks that will improve safety in your home.

• Check and replace the batteries in your

smoke and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms AND check the AGE of the alarms. The U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission suggests replacing any smoke alarms older than ten years and CO alarms older than five years. • Prepare a disaster supply kit for your home (water, food, flashlights, batteries, blankets, medications). Once you have created your home disaster kit, use the semi-annual time change to check its contents. • Check for hazardous materials in your home and outbuilding storage areas. Properly discard any which are outdated, no longer used, or in poor condition. • Check and discard expired medications those dates really DO have meaning - some very common over-the-counter medications can cause serious problems due to change through aging.



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Submission Process

Please email obits @ or call (760) 436-9737 x100. All photo attachments should be sent in jpeg format, no larger than 3MB. the photo will print 1.625” wide by 1.5” tall inh black and white.


Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publicatio in Friday’s newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the customer for approval by Tuesday at 10 a.m.

MARCH 8, 2019



Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ NOMINATE CITIZEN OF YEAR

The city of Carlsbad is now accepting applications for Citizen of the Year, an annual award recognizing Carlsbad residents who have provided outstanding service to their community. Nominations will be accepted through March 15. The Citizens of the Year program is more than 50 years old and honors community members who have given their time and energy toward the civic improvement, beautification, and betterment of the city. To nominate a Carlsbad community member, download a nomination form on the city’s website. Nomination forms are also available at City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive.

the district’s Measure MM college facilities bond program. One member is to be active as a business representative and the other is a student representative. The term of the position is for 12 months with the option for reappointment. If you wish to serve, visit miracosta. edu/icboc. Completed applications should be sent to MiraCosta Community College District, 1 Barnard Drive (MS 6), Oceanside, CA 92056, by 4:30 p.m. April 12. For more information, contact Eva Brown at (760) 795-6829. NEW FACES AT COLDWELL

Jamie and Ashley Luke of the Luke Team have left Compass to associate with the Carmel Valley office of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage as affiliate agents. Jamie and Ashley Luke come to the office with a combined twenty-three years of real estate experience. In Carlsbad, Abby Burtness has associated with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage as an affiliate agent. She comes to INSIDE THE JURY SYSTEM the office with 17 years of Local San Marcos attor- marketing and real estate ney David Taylor Kaye turns experience. author and writes Jury Nullified. “This book is not for STAR STUDENTS sale for a profit,” Kaye said. Nouf Mohmad T Abdul“It was written to educate la of San Marcos graduated the public about their role as from New York Institute of jurors and the criminal jury Technology with an MA in trial process.” The book is Communication Arts during available on Amazon. the Fall 2018 semester. Encinitas residents CSUSM WOMEN CCAA DEBUT Eden D. McColl and Lucy The Cal State San Mar- M. Stowe, have been named cos women's basketball to the Dean's List at Boston team, after clinching a Cal- University for the fall seifornia Collegiate Athletic mester. Association Tournament Emily Boies, Annagrace spotCROP for the first time, de- Galleno and Cameron Sipfeated .93 Cal State Dominguez pel of Carlsbad were named Hills, .9375-69, on March 5 in to the Seton Hall University the 4.17 quarterfinals to advance dean’s list. to the March 8 semifinals. Saige Metsch, of Carls4.28 bad, earned honor roll distinction at the College of SERVING SENIORS SELECTED The city of Oceanside Liberal Arts & Sciences, has selected nonprofit Serv- University of Kansas ing Seniors to provide senior nutrition services at its PORSCHE FACILITY DONE Country Club Senior Center Dempsey Construction and to homebound seniors has completed the construcin the area. More than 5,000 tion of the new state-ofnutritious meals will be pro- the-art Porsche sales and vided each month. Serving service facility for Hoehn Seniors began serving meals Motors at 6800 Avenida Enon January 2, 2019.Adults cinas, Carlsbad. The project 60 and older are welcome to consisted of the complete lunch at the senior center, demolition of the former located at 455 Country Club 18,800-square-foot Porsche Lane, Monday through Fri- dealership, followed by the day at 11:15 a.m. each day. ground-up construction of a Meals are also available for three-story, 71,614-squaredelivery to homebound se- foot facility featuring two niors. Please call (760) 435- showroom and service lev5285 x 5285 for meal deliv- els, with two levels of parkery. ing above the facility. The Horine Group handled construction management serYOU SCREAM, I SCREAM Handel's Homemade vices for Hoehn Motors. Ice Cream (and now yogurt too) is coming to Carlsbad FITNESS CLUB REVAMPS Village. Expecting a midThe 24 Hour Fitness San March opening, Handel’s Marcos club held a grand is located at 2825 State St., opening March 2 at 641 S. Carlsbad, between Shore- Rancho Santa Fe Road, San house Kitchen and New Vil- Marcos. To experience the lage Arts. new gym, download a free guest pass at 24hourfitness. com/SanMarcos. BOND OVERSIGHT HELP The Board of Trustees of the MiraCosta Com- NEW CHEF munity College District is Green Dragon Tavern seeking qualified individ- and Museum in Carlsbad, uals who are interested in modeled after the iconic serving on a committee of Boston tavern, has named community leaders that Josef Felts as its executive operates as the Indepen- chef. Chef Felts comes to dent Citizens’ Bond Over- the Green Dragon from the sight Committee (ICBOC) La Jolla Beach & Tennis for the implementation of Club.

MARCH 8, 2019

Escondido’s biggest park applies for $1M state grant By Steve Horn

ESCONDIDO — Kit Carson Park received approval from City Council on Feb. 6 to apply for a $1 million grant from the California Natural Resources Agency’s Proposition 68 grant money pool. The 285acre multi-use site greets visitors coming in from San Diego at the border between Rancho Bernardo and Escondido just off of Interstate Highway 15 The permission to apply for the grant received a vote as part of the bloc of Consent Calendar items listed by the City Council. Proposition 68, passed during the June 2018 elections, called for a $4.1 billion injection into state coffers via the selling of bonds to fund governmental programs promoting “habitat conservation, parks, and water-related projects.” The City of Escondido, which officially applied for the grant on Feb. 13, aims to use the money for both park improvements and climate change adaptation measures. “This project promotes current athletic opportunities by upgrading and expanding the athletic fields at Kit Carson Park and develops future recreational opportunities while greening the park to improve the community's ability to adapt the impacts of climate change and enhance drought tolerance, landscape resilience and water retention,” explains a summary found in the grant application. “It will improve approximately 68 acres of Kit Carson Park, Escondido's regional park, serving disadvantaged, severely disadvantaged, moderate and above moderate communities.” The grant application also goes into depth about what the city of Escondido will do for its climate change resiliency efforts at Kit Carson Park. “As weather becomes more extreme, environmental and infrastructure changes help to protect built and natural features ... Planting new trees will sequester carbon and reduce the effect of greenhouse gas emissions,” details the application. “Drought resistant landscaping and the efficient use of recycled


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

water (smart irrigation controllers) will reduce water needs ... By protecting water supply (and improving water quality), this project also protects the habitat and wildlife in Kit Carson Park, helping to reduce species migration.” Beyond climate mitigation efforts, the grant money will also go toward improvement of sports facilities, a major component of the park. The park currently has lighted soccer fields and tennis courts, both a full-size and a smaller soccer arena, two roller-hockey arenas, a large sports complex, 14 baseball and softball fields and a 17hole disc-golf course. The grant application spells out that improvement at those facilities will include turf replacement for two of the soccer fields, planting of new trees, as well as “reseeding the fields, replacing fencing, adding sunshades, enhancing safety by installing new bleachers with handrails and backs, and upgrading/ installing water fountains” for the baseball and softball fields. Lacking the state grant money as it stands, maintenance of the athletic fields and Sports Center currently gets funded via the city’s Park Department to the tune of $25,000 per year. For baseball and softball, maintenance funding comes from Escondido Youth Baseball and Escondido Girls Softball League, spending $12,000 and $17,000 on the cause on an annual basis, respectively. Further, the grant application says the money will go toward installation of water bottle fillers with an aim toward reduction of the use plastic water bottles by park patrons. This will include installing 27 water fountains, 13 of them regular fountains, four of them dog bowl/fountain style fixtures and 10 of them equipped with fountain/ bottle style fixtures. Joanna Axelrod, director of communications and community services for Escondido, said that site visits for top-rated applicants will take place between March and May 2019, with a final decision on the grant forthcoming in December. “If the city’s project is selected, work should commence in early 2020 and be completed by the end of the year,” Axelrod said. “Many of the projects can be worked on simultaneously.” Axelrod also said that landing the grant is important due to the role Kit Carson Park plays as a “regional jewel and a source of pride and community engagement” within Escondido and in North County at-large. The City Council documents for the Feb. 6 meeting also explain that the Proposition 68 grant money may exist as the only funding stream available for Kit Carson Park to tap into to make its proposed improvements going forward.

Life-changing year on the open sea hit the road e’louise ondash


here is lots to learn when living aboard a 38-foot-by-21-foot boat for seven-plus months with a half-dozen people — five of them children. This is what Manhattanite parents Erik and Emily Orton did in 2014 and they lived to tell about it. A few pearls of wisdom the couple garnered during their unconventional journey include: • Problems take patience. • Spouses align when they support each other. • Don’t worry about what hasn’t happened yet. • Parents can show their children how to live but the kids must choose their meanings. • The lack of space and privacy on a catamaran can be alleviated by wearing earbuds and creating a personal “audio cocoon.” • When going ashore, always carry a spoon in case of a close encounter with ice cream. Living on a sailboat and traveling throughout the British Virgin Islands for months was a dream that evolved over six years as Erik and Emily evaluated the meaning of time, money, job and family. Erik thought about these as he watched boats sail up and down the Hudson River from his New York City work cubicle. It eventually provided the incentive he needed to take sailing lessons. Emily, who has a “deep-water phobia,” agreed to go along. Eventually, the two oldest Orton daughters got into the game, too, with some elementary sailing lessons. Then, on Feb. 8, 2014, the Orton Party of Seven — Karina, 16; Alison, 14; Sarah Jane, 12; Eli, 8; and Lily, 6, who has Down syndrome — launched their adventure. They flew to the Caribbean, bought a catamaran sight unseen, loaded it with provisions and — well, you’ll have to read the rest in the newly published “Seven at Sea: Why a New York City Family Cast Off Convention for a Life-Changing Year on a Sailboat.” Erik could hardly believe that their plan was actually playing out. “I never thought we’d make it this far,” he confessed as the plane landed on Sint Maarten, a Caribbean island country that is part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Already used to compact living in their 900-squarefoot West Side apartment, the Ortons worked hard to make their trip a reality. It took planning, organizing, paring down, agonizing, packing, storing and talking to families who were veterans at this experiment

ERIK AND EMILY Orton of New York City have written a book about their seven-month adventure in 2014 living on a catamaran in the Caribbean with their five children. Courtesy photo

in living. It also took creative financing to buy the catamaran they named Fezywig and to live off their savings for many months. Every dollar spent was carefully considered. Erik, an Emmy Award-winning writer, and Emily, a former English t e a c h e r- t u r n e d - h o m e s chool-mom, take turns narrating their tale with words from their journals. Their story moves like a sailboat on a beam reach and there is never a dull moment.

There are humorous happenings, a few scary ones, some difficult times, low points and choppy relationship waters. There is honesty, too. The couple shares that, after more than five months of sailboat living, they experience a “marriage squall.” “We wouldn’t figure out everything in our marriage at once,” Emily writes of the evening she and Erik spent talking on Fezywig’s bow, “(but) we figured out enough to know that we wanted to figure out the rest.”

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Caring for 6-year-old Lily, who has Down syndrome, presented additional challenges. Her parents learned to split responsibility for her when they were ashore, and she and Eli, 8, always wore life jackets. Luckily, “Lily was afraid to get off the boat (while we were sailing), so she wasn’t trying to escape,” Emily explained. There were takeaway lessons for all. Oldest daughter Karina “said she felt like it made her more herself, and Allison said it made her ‘comfortable in the uncomfortable,’” Emily said. As for their parents, “Subjecting ourselves to the forces of nature taught us that we have a greater sense of control (than we think),” Erik said. “A lot of people live by accident on a conveyor-belt life,” Emily added. “There’s nothing wrong with doing something conventional, but we’ve learned to feel very liberated — that we can hand-make our lives. We aren’t trying to fit in anyone’s mold.” That and “everyone had to be out of the water at dusk because that’s when sharks were likely to appear.” For more photos and commentary, visit Share your adventures. Email



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Citracado Par extension pro kway ject draws on

MARCH 25, 2016

By Steve Putersk

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Emi Gannod , 11, observe exhibit is s a Banded open now through April 10. Purple Wing butterfly Full story at the on page A2. Photo San Diego Zoo Safari Park’s by Tony Cagala Butterfly Jungle exhibit. The


Commun Vista teacity rallies behind her placed on leave

By Hoa Quach

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Republica Abed ove ns endorse r Gaspar EXTENSION

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 8, 2019

Grapevine Elementary gets VH1, Sound United grant for music program By Steve Puterski

VISTA — Music is a priority for the Vista Unified School District. The district recently received more than 500 donated instruments from North Coast Church, and last summer, was awarded a

$30,000, 10-year grant from VH1 Save the Music and Vista-based Sound United to start a music program at Grapevine Elementary School. Grapevine Principal Rafael Olavide said the program has allowed all 800 stu-

dents a weekly music class. In addition, the school was able to hire a full-time music instructor, Susan Stuber. “The students love it,” Olavide said. “All our students get music instruction. There is more instruction students could have with

specialized instruments after school.” By receiving the grant, music has exploded on campus leading to the creation of a school choir, which has 120 students. Additionally, Olavide said, the students have blossomed, becoming

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more self-assured, confident and some are breaking out of their shells. The students learn the principles of music, notes, reading music, tempo and more, Stuber said. She said since the beginning of the school year, the students have flourished by building their skills and music literacy. Additionally, the kids are becoming more creative, singing in tune and making connections with other students. “We are able to break down the introverts,” Stuber added. “And the kids are respecting each other more.” As for Sound United, the Vista company is focus-

ing on donating 10,000 instruments throughout the country to jump-start music programs in public schools. Kevin Duffy, Sound United chief executive officer, said the company relies on VH1 to ensure flawless execution of donations made to the Sound United’s “Sound Start” program. Sound Start’s mission is to donate 10,000 musical instruments to children in need worldwide by the 202021 school year, he added. Also, since Sound United is based in Vista, Duffy said it made sense to deliver a positive impact and give the kids in Vista an opportunity to experience the power of music education.


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Man, 54, fatally injured in crash ESCONDIDO — A 54-year-old man was fatally injured in a two-vehicle crash March 3 in Escondido after he was partially ejected from his truck which rolled on top of him, police said. The crash happened about 9:35 a.m. at the intersection of Valley Parkway and Quince Street, according to Escondido Lt. Michael Kearney. The victim was driving a Toyota Tacoma south on Quince Street, when his vehicle crashed into a westbound Mercedes-Benz sedan operated by a 41-year-old woman on Valley Parkway, Kearny said. The impact of the crash

forced the Tacoma to roll over a number times and the driver was ejected because he was not wearing a seat belt, Kearney said. The victim was taken to Palomar Medical Center where he died. The other driver — who was wearing a seat belt — was temporarily trapped inside the wreckage of her vehicle, which came to rest against a retaining wall. She was freed by firefighters. Anyone with information on this crash was asked to call Escondido police Officer R. Gay at (760) 839-1470 or the department's tip line at (760) 743-8477. — City News Service

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MARCH 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

THATABABY by Paul Trap

By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 2019

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

Flesh out ideas you’ve been contemplating and find people who can help you achieve your goals this year. Emotional energy should be put to good use. Fitness, proper diet and self-improvement will lead to physical benefits, compliments and a positive attitude. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Take a positive step forward and strive for a healthier lifestyle. The changes you make will help you get rid of any bad habits or negative influences in your life.

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Use emotional energy to conquer your dreams, not to argues with someone who doesn’t share your opinion. Make today about self-improvement and expanding your awareness and knowledge.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Look at every angle of a situation before you take action. Protect yourself against injury or bad results. If you bite off too much, you will fall short. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Charm, attention and promises will help you win favors. A personal gain is within reach, as long as you don’t underestimate the skills or experience of a competitor.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Refuse

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender

to let your emotions take the reins. Set your sights on what needs to get done. Refuse to let anyone unnerve or upset you. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- If you express your feelings and deal with matters honestly, you will end up realizing what you want and whom you want to spend more time with. Romance should be a priority. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Taking a short trip, going on a shopping spree or attending an event that offers information about something that interests you will be gratifying. Evaluate your close relationships. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Get together with someone who enjoys the same things as you. Refuse to let anyone bully you into taking on his or her responsibilities. Check your finances before making an unnecessary purchase. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Don’t take on the impossible. Consider your attributes and put them to good use. What you accomplish will open a window of opportunity. Don’t expect everyone to agree with you. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Keep your life simple. Don’t allow others to put words in your mouth, and don’t count on someone fulfilling a promise. Do your best. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -Someone will have a change of heart. Don’t let others’ actions upset you. What unfolds will be a blessing in disguise. Do your own thing. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Avoid distress and anger, and focus on personal improvements and gains. Keeping a positive attitude, saying less and doing more will help ward off trouble.



T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 8, 2019

Vista seniors cross item off ‘bucket list’ after Alabama trip

kept sliding it under her desk calendar every year — for 23 years. “Last December, I checked my ‘bucket list,’ went online to find out if the camp was still in operation (, and enrolled,” she said. “The three-day program (with graduation ceremony) costs $549. That includes two nights in the Habitat (bunks, very comfortable) all meals, a T-shirt and memories for two lifetimes.” Once the women arrived, they became involved in a set scheduled of activities for Adult Space Academy. Team leader Kristen gave them an orientation and they got acquainted with their fellow campers on TEAM PIONEER (12), mostly techies from their 30s to 40s, from all parts of the country: Hawaii, Boston, Indiana and Los Angeles. “That first day, we held a practice run for our EVA (Extra Vehicular Activity) the next day to repair the lunar module,” she said. Morse, who has dreamed of the opportunity forever, said it was everything she hoped it would be. “It was, for me, exhilarating and the experience of a lifetime,” she said. “I have been a huge space fan since the moon landing in 1969, and I am fortunate to have met Neil Armstrong. I ‘blame’ it all on Neil!” Morse actually met Armstrong by fluke years earlier. “I was fortunate to spend an evening with Neil Armstrong in Vista,” she said. “Growing up in Casablanca, Morocco, we used to follow the American and Russian satellites that blinked across the night sky on their daily flights around the globe.” The unexpected invitaLong time coming Morse said she picked tion to meet this world-faup a brochure for Adult mous figure came on Friday, Space Camp in 1996 and April 29, 2005. Special to The Coast News

VISTA — Ever since she was a little girl, Kitty Morse of Vista has had a fascination with space and recently, she fulfilled a lifetime fantasy of going to space camp. “It’s been part of my ‘bucket list’ for a while,” said the 72-year old Morse, who is also a travel writer a cookbook author. In mid-February, Morse headed to the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama, for Adult Space Camp for two days. Along for the space ride was friend and neighbor Patricia McArdle, also an author, and a videographer. “We got there a day ahead: it takes almost as long to get to Huntsville than to go to the moon,” Morse said. While it may sound like an exclusive camp, it hosts about 850 kids a day and offers robotics camp, STEM activities, underwater astronaut training and much more. The center houses the shuttle Enterprise, a Saturn V rocket, a lunar rover, rockets, boosters, capsules and space suits used in NASA missions, Morse said. Additionally, there is currently the world-premiere exhibition, “Apollo: When We Went To The Moon,” that chronicles the Space Race and the moon landing, featuring Neil Armstrong’s space suit, gloves, and other mementos, as well as a lunar rover, and a “leave your footsteps on the moon” exhibit until January 2020. “The best part is that docents are retired scientists who worked on various aspects of the space program. I learned that at least five of the astronauts, all women, are graduates of Space Camp,” Morse said.

SPACE SHUTTLE exhibit at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Ala. The museum is the largest space museum in the world and people come from across the country for the Space Camp program. Courtesy photo

harness about 15 feet off the ground, pulling herself by the arms around the repair area, retrieving an antenna, then more pulling, and finally handing the antenna to McArdle, who stood on the “arm” and installed the new antenna on top of the module. “I felt my muscles for three days afterward,” she said. “Other members of our team were in the command ship, talking to mission control on the ground, to execute a simulated landing for the shuttle Enterprise. All very realistic.” Golden years? Ha!

KITTY MORSE, of Vista, said the best part of Adult Space Camp was Extra Vehicular Activity where she wore a spacesuit for a simulated space expedition. Photo courtesy of Kitty Morse

“I am a fan of the moon landing. I organized a moon party in Milwaukee, where I attended university, on D-Day, July 20, 1969, forcing my family and friends to eat green cake,” she said. “Little did I know that decades later I would meet the man on the moon on my home turf in Vista.” On April 20, 2005, she and her husband, Owen, got a call from Bob, a neighbor and distinguished retired Marine test pilot: “Would you like to come over for drinks? We are expecting a special guest,” he said.

Armstrong was to drop by on his way to accept an award from the Golden Eagles, a prestigious association of military flyers. That year, the organization was holding its annual meeting in San Diego. On meeting the space pioneer, Morse had been advised not to allude to the moon nor bring the subject up in converasation. Neither should she ask for an autograph or ask him to pose for pictures.

of the Adult Space Camp experience was the EVA. “I had to don a space suit including an ice jacket (the suit is so hot that astronauts need to wear an ice jacket) for an extended-duration simulated mission,” she said. “I weigh about 115 pounds, and the spacewalk outfit weighs about 25 pounds. Thank you decades of Jazzercise for keeping me in shape! Then, I ‘climbed’ through a wormhole into ‘space.’” Best part of Space Camp She said the most diffiMorse said the best part cult was being tethered to a

And even though she is in her Golden Years and while others might be afraid to participate in a such a feat, she said age didn’t deter her at all. “I did it because I can,” she said. “I am having trouble to adapt to my chronological age. I turned 72 the day before Space Camp, and, like most Baby Boomers, I refuse to grow old demurely. Most of my friends thought I was crazy to do this — but they were also very curious.” Added McArdle: “Why not? We’re both healthy and curious, and who knows how much more time we have on this amazing planet? Some of our friends did think we were nuts to go to Adult Space Camp at our age, but I think they might also be a bit jealous.”

San Juan Capistrano mayor announces bid to unseat Levin REGION — San Juan Capistrano Mayor Brian Maryott announced March 5 he will try to unseat firstterm Rep. Mike Levin, D-Oceanside, next year and return the 49th Congressional District to Republican control. Levin defeated former state Board of Equalization member Diane Harkey in the November mid-term election to flip the seat, which Republican Darrell Issa had held since 2002. Cook Political Report’s Partisan Voting Index cur-

rently rates the California’s 49th as a swing district, with the GOP eking out a 3 percent advantage in voter registration. Levin ran an unabashedly left campaign against Harkey to win the seat and has since endorsed priorities for the party’s progressive caucus like expanding Medicare and passing a socalled Green New Deal with the goal of mitigating the effects of climate change. Maryott lambasted Levin for his platform, calling him “too extreme” for

the district that includes parts of southern Orange County and northern San Diego County, including Oceanside, Vista, Carlsbad and Encinitas, along with Camp Pendleton Marine Corps base. “His reckless Green New Deal would cost our country millions of jobs, tens of trillions of dollars in new national debt and inflict major financial damage on San Diego and Orange County families,” Maryott said. “Levin’s extreme ir-

responsibility on this and other issues show him to be out of touch with the vast majority of families in the 49th Congressional district.” Maryott framed himself as a fiscal conservative seeking to represent the district with policy ideas he said are common sense, like improving border safety, fostering stable economic growth and slashing government spending. He also pledged to avoid kowtowing to special interests and “fringe social-

ist interests.” Adam Berkowitz, the manager for Levin’s re-election campaign, dismissed Maryott as “another Trump acolyte resorting to name calling and personal attack rather than respectful debate.” “Our district deserves better,” he said. Only one Republican, Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-Alpine, currently represents any section of San Diego County in Congress. — City News Service

MARCH 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition


All classes are held at locations below unless otherwise indicated. Tri-City Medical Center – 4002 Vista Way, Oceanside Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center – 6250 El Camino Real, Carlsbad Please note, classes are subject to change. Please call to confirm.

CLASSES & EVENTS 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3100 to register/fee involved.

3/18 Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider Course 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3100 to register/fee involved.

3/29 Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider Accelerated Course

8-11 a.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3100 to register/fee involved.

3/1, 3/14 Heart Saver First Aid CPR AED

8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Visit to register/fee involved.


For even more classes & programs visit SUPPORT GROUPS


Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Update Course

Breastfeeding Support Group

11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5500.

Meets Wednesdays Breastfeeding Outpatient Clinic

Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5500.

Breastfeeding Your Baby Class

6:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5500 to register/fee involved.

Call for Class Times Baby Safe Class - Infant CPR

6:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5784 to register/fee involved.

3/21 Baby Care Class

6:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5784 to register/fee involved.

3/14 3 Week Childbirth Preparation Class 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5750 to register/fee involved.

Series Begins 3/3 Maternity Orientation

Tri-City Medical Center. Registration required. Call 760.940.5784.

3/1, 6-6:30 p.m., 7-7:30 p.m., 3/19, 6:30-7 p.m., 7:30-8 p.m., 3/22, 6-6:30 p.m., 7-7:30 p.m. Orientación de Maternidad En Español

Quienes deseen más información pueden llamar al 760.940.5750. 3/8, 3/15, 5:30-6 p.m.

eClass, Understanding Childbirth Online Classes $60, Available 24/7


Stroke Exercise

2nd Wednesday of Every Month Women’s Cancer Support Group

Meets Thursdays Mi Strength

10:30-11:30 a.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3540 for more information.

2nd & 4th Wednesday of Every Month Mended Hearts Support Group

10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.846.0626 for more information.

2nd Tuesday of Every Month WomenHeart Support Group

Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.803.2762 for 1st Tuesday, 714.655.9194 for 3rd Tuesday 1st Tuesday of Every Month 10 a.m.-12 p.m. 3rd Tuesday of Every Month 5:30-7 p.m. 1-3 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Dates may vary.* Call 760.470.9589 for more information. * Last

Friday of Every Month Diabetes Support Group

Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.644.1201 to register. 1st Thursday of Every Month 11 a.m.-12 p.m. 2nd Thursday of Every Month 7-9 p.m.

Aphasia Support Group

11 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.7151 to register.

Meets Thursdays Survivors of Suicide Loss

7-8:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 619.482.0297 for more information.

1st & 3rd Wednesday of Every Month Narcotics Anonymous

10-11 a.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.7272 to register.

Various times 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.931.3127 to register/fee involved.

Monday-Friday Mi Cardio

9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m., Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.931.3127 to register/fee involved.

Tuesdays & Thursdays Mi Ortho (Arthritis Foundation Aquatics integrated) 12 p.m., Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.931.3127 for more information, class schedule, registration/fee involved.

Mondays & Wednesdays Mi Neuro (Step by Step for Parkinson’s integrated)

Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.931.3127 to register/fee involved. Tuesdays & Thursdays 11 a.m-12:30 p.m. Wednesdays & Fridays 2:15-3:45 p.m.

Parkinson’s Exercise

11 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3617 for more information.

Meets Fridays Diabetes Self-Management Course

10 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.644.120 for more information.

1st Three Wednesdays of Every Month


7:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center.

Spine Pre-Op Class

2:30-4 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 888.328.4558 for more information.

3/12, 3/27 Total Joint Replacement Class

4:30-6 p.m., Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 858.966.3303 for more information.

3/6, 3/20 Total Shoulder Replacement Class

Meets Fridays & Sundays Bereavement Support Group

Meets Wednesdays Alzheimer Caregiver-Only Support Group Meets 1st & 3rd Thursdays of Every Month


12-2 p.m.,Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3795 for more information.

12-2 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3795 for more information.

12-2 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3795 for more information.



“Stepping On” Fall Prevention Workshop

1-3 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3617 to register. FREE class for anyone who is fearful of falling.

Call for More Information


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Better Breathers

1-2:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3055 for more information.

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