Inland Edition, March 5, 2021

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VOL. 6, N0. 5

MARCH 5, 2021

County on path to red tier

North County parents file suit over reopenings By Tigist Layne

By City News Service

REGION — San Diego County public health officials reported 352 new COVID-19 cases and 25 additional deaths Wednesday as health care sites await more vaccines, including the one-dose vaccine from Johnson & Johnson. On Wednesday, Supervisor Nathan Fletcher said the county should be proud of the sacrifice it had made during the pandemic and suggested a change in the formula the state uses to calculate its four-tiered reopening structure could be on the way. He said the more that vulnerable populations receive vaccines, the “more it changes the calculus” of the state’s metrics. However, vaccine shortages have frustrated efforts to get doses into arms. “It is consistently erratic and consistently unpredictable,” Fletcher said of vaccine deliveries. The county’s largest vaccine site, Petco Park, reopened Wednesday after closing Saturday due to a Moderna vaccine shortage. It had to temporarily shutter several hours later, however, due to a winter storm bringing lightning. “As of noon today, the Petco Vaccination Super Station has briefly paused operations due to safety concerns related to nearby lightning,” UC San Diego Health wrote on Twitter. “The site will reopen as soon as authorities determine it is safe to do so.” After receiving their first vaccination just one month ago, a number of residents and staff at Operation Shelter to Home on Wednesday received the second dose of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, administered by San Diego Fire-Rescue Department firefighters and TURN TO COUNTY ON 3

RELOCATION PLAN MET WITH PROTEST A woman attends a Feb. 6 protest at Villa Serena Apartments in San Marcos, where residents aren’t happy with a developer’s decision to demolish and rebuild the affordable housing complex, forcing dozens of families to relocate. Story on Page 2. Photo by Joe Orellana

SAN MARCOS — A group of North County parents filed a lawsuit on Feb. 16 in Vista Superior Court against state officials and several school districts in an effort to get students back to in-person learning. Several residents, with the support of the Parent Association of North County, took legal action against Gov. Gavin Newsom and other state officials, as well as San Marcos Unified, Carlsbad Unified, San Dieguito Union High, Poway Unified and Oceanside Unified school districts, alleging the state overstepped in its authority and the decision is directly impacting the mental health of students. “Distance learning was never intended to be a long-term solution to education,” said Ginny Merrifield, executive director of the Parent Association. “Over time, the distance learning model has proven to be wholly inadequate as an educational experience. Teachers have tried their hardest, but no matter how hard teachers try, it’s an inadequate way to teach students.” In the complaint, families TURN TO REOPENINGS ON 6

Navy vet finds passion, healing in art therapy group By Jordan P. Ingram

VISTA — A 15-year Navy veteran suffering from daily migraine headaches, lower-back pain and depression never imagined creating bronze and ceramic sculptures of pre-colonial African kings could be an effective form of therapy and pain management. But after his early medical retirement from the military, Yeoman 2nd Class Reginald Green started to discover healing properties in art creation, exploring the basics of sculpting, painting and ceramics during his spare time. “What do I really love? Well, I love art,” Green said. “Why don’t I start trying to create my own instead of buying other people’s art?” Green experienced a temporary repose from his

A CERAMIC mask created by local artist Reginald Green at the Veterans Art Project’s School of Ceramics and Glass in Vista. Photo by Jordan P. Ingram

reoccurring symptoms — likely side effects from an anthrax vaccine and years of active duty — by volunteering with various art projects, including recre-

ational therapy services at the VA Medical Center in La Jolla. Today, Green, 42, is an art instructor at Veterans Art Project, helping teach


fellow veterans the therapeutic benefits of woodworking, glass casting, mosaic tile, ceramics, wheelthrown pottery and bronze casting at the organization’s 5,000-square-foot studios in Vista and Fallbrook. He also teaches classes at San Diego’s Aspire Center, a residential treatment facility for servicemembers. “I like seeing other people heal and get a creative outlet,” Green told The Coast News. “When I help other veterans sculpt and cast their own faces, I see them glow and it’s very fulfilling for me — being able to help other veterans and to create art. It’s the best of both worlds.” As an artist, Green has created an impressive portfolio of ceramic pieces ranging from a life-size

face mask of Queen Tiye, King Tut’s grandmother, and Mansa Musa, a king of the Mali Empire, to figurines of historical African figures, such as Hannibal Barca (Carthaginian general), Taharqa (Ethiopian pharaoh) and Yasuke, a 16th century samurai warrior from Mozambique. The former Texas resident also created a bronze cast of himself in the style of a Moorish king using the lost-wax process (cire-perdue), a technique established more than 5,000 years ago by pouring molten metal into a wax model. Green and other veterans at Veterans Art Project learn this ancient casting process before hot-pouring bronze into molds at the




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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

CSUSM unveils online exhibit on pandemic By City News Service

SAN MARCOS — The University Library at Cal State San Marcos on Feb. 23 held a virtual reception for the exhibit “Stories & Snapshots: Documenting a Year of the Pandemic,” a virtual exhibit showcasing participants’ personal stories through photography, writing and multimedia. The exhibit premieres featured contributions to CSUSM’s Together/Apart COVID-19 Community Memory Archive collection website. Stories & Snapshots focuses on the resiliency of members of the CSUSM campus and surrounding community over the last year. “The exhibit and archive help provide solace and connection during a time of fear and separation and allow us to reflect on our thoughts and feelings regarding the pandemic,” said Toni Olivas, CSUSM’s engagement and inclusion librarian. “Both of these projects remind us of our shared humanity and shared experiences while also highlighting the beauty in a period of extreme struggle for so many people.” The reception included a panel discussion about the impact of the COVID-19 virus on the community, efforts by local cultural heritage institutions to

document the pandemic and how participants of these projects have shown strength in sharing their personal reflections. “Cultural heritage institutions such as libraries, archives, historical societies and museums can play an important and active role in documenting history as it unfolds,” said Sean Visintainer, CSUSM’s head of special collections. “In our profession, this is referred to as ‘rapid response collecting’ and has been used to document man-made and natural disasters in almost real time. “Due to the isolating nature of the pandemic, we thought we should put together a collecting effort that could reach out virtually to our community — the people who live, study and work in North San Diego County — and enable them to participate safely from a distance,” Visintainer added. The virtual exhibit is part of the library’s Context exhibit series. Created in 2004, the series has brought more than 30 exhibits to CSUSM. This is the second virtual Context exhibit, shifting to an online format in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The exhibit can be viewed at biblio.csusm. edu / content / contex t-l ibrary-series.

MARCH 5, 2021

Plan to force out families draws fire By Tigist Layne

SAN MARCOS — A San Marcos housing developer is facing backlash from the San Diego Tenants Union over its decision to redevelop an affordable housing complex, forcing dozens of families to relocate. National CORE, a nonprofit affordable housing developer, will soon begin the process of demolishing and rebuilding the Villa Serena Apartments located at 340 Marcos Street. According to National CORE, the first phase of the project, which is set to begin at the end of March, will relocate tenants in 60 units. Tenants received a 90day notice back in November, and that’s when the San Diego Tenants Union became involved. In December, members of the Villa Serena Tenant Association with the support of the San Diego Tenants Union wrote a letter to National CORE alleging that National CORE “deprived [them] of their legal right to relocation assistance.” They are referring to documents that tenants have been required to sign since at least March of 2016. In addition to standard leasing documents, National CORE has required tenants to sign a “Move-in Sheet” and a “Waiver of Relocation Benefits Notice,” which state that signatories waive their rights to federal Uniform Relocation Assistance

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SIGNS WERE placed around a San Marcos neighborhood during a Feb. 6 protest at Villa Serena Apartments. Photo by Joe Orellana

(URA) and state relocation assistance, respectively. The “Move-in Sheet” claims that signatories “will not be entitled to any relocation payments or assistance provided under the URA, and the “Waiver of Relocation Benefits Notice” claims that signatories “will NOT be entitled to any relocation payments and/or assistance provided under the California Relocation Assistance Law.” Courtney Richard, head of the relocation group at National CORE, confirmed these documents to The Coast News. “Whenever a new resident moved in they signed what’s called a move in sheet, and that is a hard notice informing them that there may be a project on site and they sign a notice that they are not entitled to relocation benefits. Even from that date there were multiple new details informing them of the potential of the project,” Richard said. In the letter, the Villa Serena Tenant Association claims that tenants were “systematically intimidat-

ed” into signing these documents. However, according to Richard Diaz, National CORE’s general counsel, this was required of tenants who signed a lease after the company had already decided that they would be redeveloping the property. There were approximately 19 families who were residing at Villa Serena before the redevelopment process had started who did receive relocation benefits. These benefits could amount to up to $30,000 to $40,000 per family, according to Diaz. “For new residents that come in, we can ask them to waive those rights, and the reason we do that is because, at that point, we know that we’re going to knock down the building to build a new community,” Diaz said. “We’re not required to invite new residents to come in to the property knowing that the moment we get the funding, we’re going to have to turn around and pay residents $30,000 or $40,000 even if they haven’t been there for very long. We’re

in the business of providing affordable housing, not in making large-scale payouts when they’re not called for or merited.” In June of 2016, National CORE submitted an application for public funds which included a 50-page document titled “Villa Serena 1 Relocation Plan.” This “Relocation Plan,” which was ultimately reviewed and accepted by the City of San Marcos, states that “Work on each phase of development will be preceded by responsible relocation that minimizes the negative impacts on residents. Access to affordable housing will continue seamlessly before and after relocation.” Note that the 90-day notice that tenants received only provided a list of properties in the area that tenants had preference for the waiting list. The notice explicitly said that it was the responsibility of the residents to secure their own housing. Since then, National CORE has been helping tenTURN TO PROTEST ON 14

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MARCH 5, 2021


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Vista man gets 80 years for killing girlfriend By City News Service

VISTA — A man who shot his girlfriend in the head at their Vista apartment complex — leading to her death at a hospital the following month — was sentenced March 2 to 80 years to life in state prison. Estevan Montelongo, 43, was convicted by a jury of first-degree murder in the July 22, 2018, fatal shooting of 28-yearold Michelle Hashtani. Montelongo opened fire on Hashtani with a pistol at their apartment complex in the 600 block of Ascot Drive. Sheriff’s deputies found the victim gravely injured near the complex’s swimming pool at about 3 p.m. Hashtani underwent emergency surgery, but died Aug. 3. Two days after the shooting, Montelongo was tracked down and arrested in Pueblo, Colorado. In addition to murder, he was sentenced for allegations that include using a firearm in the killing and having prior felony convictions. Deputy District Attorney Jennifer Reischl said Montelongo had a domestic violence-related conviction in 1999, also involving a girlfriend. Montelongo was sentenced to eight years in prison in that case, and received an additional five years in prison for punching a guard.



lifeguards at the San Diego Convention Center. On Feb. 3, there were 41 people experiencing homelessness and 61 shelter and outreach staff members at the convention center who were eligible according to guidelines at the time and opted to receive the vaccine. “It has been a unique opportunity to be involved with Operation Shelter to Home over the past year during the COVID-19

PLEXIGLASS DIVIDERS at Vista City Hall to protect staff and residents from spreading COVID-19 were built by Dan Hendricks of the Open Source Maker Labs. The Vista lab is a resource for businesses to conduct research and development. Courtesy photo

DAN HENDRICKS, founder of the Open Source Maker Labs in Vista, a co-working space for research and development. The lab is one part of the city’s Vista Economic Development Strategy to help businesses prototype and problem solve. Photo by Steve Puterski

Open Source Maker Labs a tool for business By Steve Puterski

VISTA — Startups to large-scale businesses have, and are, using the Open Source Maker Labs to quickly solve problems, develop solutions to help scale operations. The lab, founded by Dan Hendricks in 2014, is also on the radar for the City of Vista to help with its recently updated Vista Economic Development Strategy and COVID-19 recovery plans. In fact, Hendricks built the plexiglass barriers to provide safe buffers so the Vista City Hall could reopen, according to Kevin Ham, the city’s economic development director. Hendricks’ lab also provides expertise in training pandemic,” said Deputy Fire-Rescue Chief Chris Heiser, who serves as the incident commander for theoperation and oversees the city’s vaccination efforts. “Being able to offer the vaccinations to this vulnerable population is an important milestone and speaks to the care and effort that the city has placed on protecting the health of our homeless population.” Of the county’s population over the age of 16, 22.1% — or more than 594,000 people — have re-

to help guide new members for prototyping, along with software and hardware solutions to accelerate designs and prototypes to get those into production for its specific use. “How I describe it, it’s a co-working space for research and development,” Hendricks said. “If you are a startup company, or established company, and you need to do some R&D, the amount of capital to do that doesn’t make sense to do that on your own.” He said the shared resources make it cheaper for businesses to put their designs to the test. OSML, Hendricks said, has a wide range of members and customers from breweries to

Misadventure Vodka to Flux Power, which produces lithium-ion batteries, to the aerospace industry. Another startup using the labs capabilities is also including one prototyping device to monitor people with early-onset dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, Hendricks added. “We try to cover the whole spectrum of anything you’d need to make or develop,” he explained. “So, it ranges from software, electronic engineering, metalworking, woodworking, rapid prototyping with 3D printing and laser cutting. And good experience on how to bring that all together.” As for the City of Vista,

The state judges each county by its worst performing metric — in San Diego County’s case, the daily case rate. ceived at least one dose and 10.7% — or more than 287,000 people — have been fully inoculated. Wednesday’s data increased the cumulative totals in the county to 261,353 cases while the death toll increased to 3,342. Of 13,293 tests reported

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by the county, 3% returned positive. The 14-day rolling average decreased to 3.5% from Tuesday’s 3.7%. Despite considerable improvement in handling the COVID-19 pandemic in recent weeks, the county will remain in the state’s most-restrictive purple tier

Ham said OSML is a valuable resource and will help with the VEDS, a five-year plan looking at 12 key areas and industries to recruit. He compared the lab to MacGyver “as I see Dan and his team possessing that know-how to put together a solution.” Ham said if companies don’t have the expertise and need to look outward, the OSML team has been a solid tool for those looking to find solutions. Ham said the city has its own resources and abilities to market support its economic and business goals. He said within the VEDS is highlighting the city as a great place to live and work.

The VEDS, Ham said, has incorporated the business changes since the pandemic. For example, he said office space may have been a priority, but now the city won’t invest as much energy in. The biopharmaceutical industry and medical devices have led to 500 jobs, but also shown how they’ve grown during the pandemic and may do so after emergency orders are lifted. “I think the economic strategy is the city looking into the future five years and how we can put into place programs, policies and actions that help support our local businesses and residential community,” Ham added.

for at least one more week. Posting an adjusted case rate of 10.8 new daily cases per 100,000 people, the county still has to drop below 7 per 100,000 to enter the less-restrictive red tier in the state’s four-tiered reopening system. In the red tier, some indoor businesses such as gyms, movie theaters and indoor dining can reopen. The county’s other metrics under the state reopening plan are also trending favorably. The seven-day positivity rate is just 4.2%, low

enough to put San Diego County in the orange, or moderate, tier. The health equity quartile positivity rate — which looks at the worst-performing quarter of a county’s residents — is in the red tier with 6%. The state judges each county by its worst performing metric — in San Diego County’s case, the daily case rate. Fletcher said despite vaccine supply issues, the county will likely move into the red tier in the next few weeks.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 5, 2021

Opinion & Editorial

Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of The Coast News

State high court decision on cash bail due any day


On American History Month


By Patrick A. Howell

ach February, Black History Month is a tricky one for me. Last week was the 56th anniversary of the assassination of the proud Muslim American Malcolm X as well as the birth date of the political aesthetician Nina Simone. I am lifted to see all the incredible graphic posts, like confetti, of author Toni Morrison, actor Sidney Poitier, Congressman John Lewis (his birthday is also in Feb.) on Instagram and social media. Then there are all of the new creative spirits as the young Generation Z’er and effervescent Amanda Gorman gracing the cover of Time magazine triumphant in egalitarian gold and red. The cover titled “Black Renaissance” echoing the Harlem Renaissance precisely 100 years in 1921. Her poem, “The Hill We Climb,” was a highwater mark of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’ inauguration only a few weeks ago: And yes we are far from polished far from pristine but that doesn't mean we are striving to form a union that is perfect We are striving to forge a union with purpose To compose a country committed to all cultures, colors, characters and conditions of man

Her words have had an enduring resonance and will leave a legacy in the decades and century to come just as Maya Angelou’s “On the Pulse of Morning” did at the inauguration of William Jefferson Clinton evoking the onset of the 21st century. Even as Ms. Gorman’s words were spoken as poetry, they have the echoes of a new constitution or declaration of independence in the third decade of the young millennium; free from the rank spirit of mediocrity we are sometimes mired in as a nation. Her fiercely bright spirit is not unlike spirits of the

ARTIST: MILTON BOWEN 2021 © image courtesy the artist private collection of Warren Bonta – used with permission

beautiful freedom marchers who took to streets nationally in the wake of George Floyd’s murder. George Floyd’s spirit rose triumphant from the weight of a racist fascist cop’s hulking dysmorphic body and, as his daughter exclaimed, changed the world. So many creatives — millions — imbued with melanin, have done this work with their lives in America since 1619. Again and again and again. There are so many but to name a few more: Benjamin Banneker (Nov. 9, 1731 to Oct. 9, 1806) American almanac author, surveyor, landowner and farmer who had knowledge of mathematics and natural history. Frederick Douglass (Feb. 1818 to Feb. 20, 1895) American social reformer, abolitionist, orator, writer, and statesman. Mary McLeod Bethune (July 10, 1875 to May 18, 1955) American educator, stateswoman, philanthropist, humanitarian, womanist, and civil rights activist. Matter of fact, for 12.5% of the US population, the contributions of my ancestors to the United States of America are staggering, particularly upon considering the terroristic conditions of citizenship — a 400-year journey from slavery to Jim Crow to the systemic racism and institutional discrimination of the 21st century.

It is simply miraculous. Aren’t the contributions of Black Americans really the singular story of America’s story as a nation of principles and ideals? Liberty? Life? Pursuit of Happiness? Our lives are certainly emblematic of the hallowed words enshrined by slave-holding framers of the US Constitution: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. These words mean something when represented by citizens who have found ways to not only survive but also thrive in these United States of America; denizens who have found a way through the worst of America to become examples of her best. During Black History Month aren’t we really just celebrating our American history and culture? The very best traditions of our American and global culture? One enobled and victorious. Happy American History Month, Carlsbad. I love mine black. Patrick A. Howell is an award-winning financier and author

ithin days, or a couple of weeks at the most, Californians will know whether their state Supreme Court will respect their views on a key aspect of criminal justice, or whether their ideas on what is right and just will be ignored. Only a few months ago, voters opted by almost a 57%-43% margin to reject Proposition 25 and along with it a law passed in 2019 that would have ended cash bail virtually everywhere in this state. Instead, judges would have been forced to grant pretrial release for criminal defendants regardless of how serious their offense so long as even one judge deemed them unlikely to flee or commit more violent acts. Bail bondsmen and crime victims alike breathed a sigh of relief when that so-called reform was tossed. But now comes the state’s highest court, seemingly ready to disregard the voters’ will completely. If the justices opt to get rid of cash bail in almost all cases, they’ll be following the example of Gov. Gavin Newsom, who used pandemic-enabled emergency power to suspend most cash bail last spring ostensibly to cut down crowding in county jails and help prevent more spread of disease. The case the justices are using as justification for their likely ruling against the established bail system involves a San Francisco man who spent a year in jail on a robbery charge, unable to make $350,000 bail. When they took up the case about two months ago, the justices appeared

california focus

thomas d. elias

to believe the accused was being discriminated against because he could not come up with one-tenth of his nominal bail, the amount most bondsmen require before putting up the balance of the bail as a kind of loan. What had the 66-yearold suspect done? He allegedly broke into the apartment of a 79-year-old man in 2017, threatening to put a pillowcase over the victim’s head while stealing $5 and some scented water. The theft was trivial, but the alleged break-in, the threat and the alarm it caused should not happen to anyone. His lawyer argued it was unjust to keep the accused intruder in jail awaiting trial just because he was broke. Most legal officials involved in the case appear to agree. An appeals court ruled in August that it’s unjust to keep a defendant in custody when the bail set is far beyond his or her capacity to pay it. The Supreme Court followed by telling all California judges to set bail only in amounts a defendant can afford to pay, at least until the San Francisco case is decided —which will be soon. Justice Mariano-Florentino Cuellar, in a later hearing, cited a Nevada Supreme Court ruling holding no judge can set bail higher than a defendant can afford unless that is the only way to assure

the suspect will show up for trial. California now has no such limits, but Cuellar argued that California’s state constitution can be interpreted in the same way as Nevada’s. Other justices backed “taking each case individually, trying to figure out the dangerousness and how much bail must be set to amount to detention,” with a defendant’s finances part of that calculation. There is a naïve quality to all this. For one thing, it assumes police or other court personnel can investigate the finances of thousands of accused criminals. One deputy attorney general, with backing from the sitting state Attorney General Xavier Becerra, argued that most cash bail is unfair because it “treats equally dangerous defendants differently based on their wealth.” All this, of course, runs counter to both the voters’ recently expressed will, besides essentially ignoring the 2008 Proposition 6, which denied any bail to undocumented immigrants accused of felonies, while allowing judges to set bail according to the seriousness of the crime, the defendant’s prior record and the risk to the victim. There is currently no law in California making a suspect’s financial condition part of any bail calculation. Which may not make any difference to the state’s top court. It seems to be heading straight into defiance of the voters’ will and does not seem to care about that. Email Thomas Elias at

Inland EdItIon

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MARCH 5, 2021

San Elijo paving work underway By Tigist Layne

SAN MARCOS — A major paving project along Twin Oaks Valley Road and San Elijo Road in San Marcos began Feb. 16, with an anticipated completion date of June 2021. A component of the city’s strategic Pavement Management Program, the highly anticipated project will repair and resurface one of San Marcos’ most highly traveled corridors stretching between Rancho Santa Fe Road and State Route 78. Lewis Clapp, principal civil engineer for the City of San Marcos, told The Coast News that the project will cost about $2.2 million, slightly larger than any other paving project the city has done in the past. “The road hasn’t been repaved in quite a while, so this will fix some of the potholes and the rutting in the pavement and we will provide a surface seal that will extend the life of the pavement,” Clapp said. Traffic signal work and pavement repair will be the first order of business and is expected to last through April. The last order of work will include applying slurry seal and restriping the entire corridor. “We are excited to also be updating our signals and changing it to loop detection to make it a little bit more reliable in fog events or times when the visibility isn’t quite as good, so that’s something residents can look forward to, as well,” Clapp said. Clapp said that most of the work will be done during the day, which will result in various lane closures and delays throughout the process. “Being one of our major arterials, we thought it was time to address it, and San Elijo is just about finished up with all of the homes there, so it’s a good time,” Clapp said. Pavement Coatings Co. has been contracted by the City of San Marcos to make these improvements. Property owners along the corridor directly impacted by the project will receive additional information via mail from Pavement Coatings Co. prior to their work in each area. For the latest details, visit the City of San Marcos’ Road and Traffic Alerts webpage, which will be updated throughout the run of the project.

THINK GREEN If every person takes one small step toward being more conscientious of the environment, the collective effort will change the planet.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Vista OKs economic development strategy By Steve Puterski

VISTA — The Vista City Council approved its Vista Economic Development strategy during its Feb. 23 meeting to provide a roadmap for the city to achieve short- and longterm growth. The five-year plan includes 73 specific action items, while the VEDS is incorporating the COVID-19 pandemic and outlines several opportunities and threats as a result of the pandemic, according to Kevin Ham, the city’s economic development director. The VEDS was compiled from April 2020 through this month and includes working concurrently with the city’s Business Economic Recovery Plan, plus including analyses for target industries and real estate. “The pandemic brought to the surface a number of issues that will have potential long-term impacts,” said consultant Roger Gale, who help develop the plan. “This plan is not a short-term recovery plan, but we did interface with that. We’re looking at a document that has a shelf life of roughly five years.” The Vista Economic Development Strategy was first developed in 2009 as a roadmap for creating quality economic growth in the city. The VEDS incorporates a SWOT analysis, which tackles the city’s strengths, weaknesses, op-

VISTA CITY COUNCIL is looking at a number of the city’s strengths and weaknesses in its five-year economic development strategy. Photo by Dan Brendel

portunities and threats. The city identified the top eight industries for growth, which includes quality of jobs. Some of those include biopharmaceuticals, medical devices, information technology,

Post commander with Proud Boys ties summoned to Legion hearing By Tigist Layne

ESCONDIDO — The Escondido American Legion Post has started the process of deciding whether to remove Post Commander Michael “Mick” Sobczak after social media posts surfaced in January that showed his affiliations to the Proud Boys. Photos shared on two social media accounts showed Sobczak, 56, wearing a Proud Boys jacket and marching with other Proud Boys at a Dec. 12 pro-Trump rally in Washington, D.C., a rally that eventually turned violent. In early January, the J.B. Clark Post 149 Commander was removed from his position as dean of the American Legion College as well as from his seat on the national board of the American Legion Riders. However, it is up to the local Escondido post to decide Sobczak’s fate as a post commander. John Smartt, the post’s 1st vice commander, directly under Sobczak in the chain of command, told The Coast News in January that it would be a lengthy process that will most likely go into April or maybe even May. Sobczak will be up for re-election in May. Post 149 had its first full meeting on Feb. 16. The Union Tribune reported that the executive committee charged Sobczak at the

meeting with conduct unbecoming a Legionnaire. Sobczak was issued a summons Tuesday to appear at a hearing on March 16 to enter a plea on the charge of conduct unbecoming a Legionnaire. If found guilty by a panel of board members, Sobczak could be removed as commander and expelled from the American Legion. However, Sobczak has a right to appeal the verdict. In the meantime, Sobczak is not under suspension as the post does not have a provision in the bylaws to suspend him unless he has done something that has brought physical harm to another member of the post. In a newsletter shared by the American Legion just one day after the story was first reported, the organization condemned racism without explicitly mentioning Sobczak. “We are here to assert in the strongest terms possible that The American Legion stands for equal rights for everyone, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender or any other characteristic,” the newsletter said. “There is no qualifier to that statement.” No other members have been accused or charged with anything related to this incident, according to the post. Sobczak could not be reached for comment.

aerospace/defense, e-commerce, food and beverage, education and entertainment. The VEDS committee initially identified 15 sectors, but Gale said those seven not on the list may be prioritized as the economic

situation changes. Councilman Joe Green also acknowledge the Open Source Maker Lab, which is a maker space, incubator and co-working research and development facility. Ham said OSML works with business from the food industry to help automate to aeronautical companies grow and scale. “From a funding standpoint, I want to make sure that the funding is going locally,” Green said. “I want to make sure our money is being used in the most effective way possible.” As for weaknesses, the staff report identifies an oversupply of Class B and C office space with a shortage of Class A space. The pandemic is likely to exacerbate the oversupply of B and C space, although it creates opportunities to transition to other land uses. Parking in downtown is another obstacle, while 53% of the city’s housing was built from 1970 to 1989, which presents another challenge with the quality of housing. Also, education can “do better” from economic development and educational perspectives. The opportunities identified include the former National University campus, leveraging downtown’s attractiveness, capacity for economic growth, tech, creative zoning to convert older areas into more productive uses and capitalizing on Opportunity Zones.

“The plan takes into account the strengths we have … and better position our residents to take advantage of opportunities that are unfolding and will be unfolding on the horizon,” Councilwoman Corinna Contreras said. The threats, meanwhile, include the loss of light manufacturing and tech due to the high cost of doing business in California. Those businesses move out of state and the city should look at the “external threat” to the existing business base. Nurturing entrepreneurship must through diversity will help boost the business community. Retail is another area the city can capitalize on as the potential shift in focus to outdoor spaces and malls, along with enhancing the “experience.” Also, Homelessness in downtown is another issue and without a response is likely to grow. Gale said the city must also coordinate its Capital Improvement Program with the VEDS to bolster infrastructure concurrently with the economic push. “Prioritize infrastructure improvements, for exampling things dealing with technology, internet capacity and broadband service,” Gale said. “Prioritize those in the CIP were necessary so you’re VEDS is supported by the best possible infrastructure.”

Escondido’s lack of requirement for affordable housing is noticed By Tigist Layne

ESCONDIDO — The recent approval of 510 residential dwelling units in the Palomar Heights project caused some controversy among Escondido council members, interest groups and even residents due to the project’s glaring lack of affordable housing, a reminder that the city is one of two in the county that does not have an inclusionary housing requirement. In San Diego County, Escondido and Vista are the only two cities that do not include a requirement for inclusionary housing, meaning that developers are not required to provide affordable housing units. In comparison, the threshold for inclusionary housing in Encinitas is seven units (for sale or rental), with a requirement to provide 15% low income and 10% very low income. Carlsbad also has a threshold of seven units with 15% affordable units required. Oceanside requires 10% affordable housing with a threshold of three units. The Escondido City Council received a few public comments regarding the city’s lack of affordable housing at the last council meeting in early February, with council members dis-

agreeing on whether to revisit the policy. Councilman Mike Morasco said of the topic, “It’s just not something that we want to be mandating on our developments in the City of Escondido at this time.” “The City is currently conducting a sector feasibility study to determine fiscal implications of requiring affordable housing as part of development projects. If a developer chooses to build affordable units, they can use State Density Bonus law to build additional units,” said Karen Youel, Escondido’s housing and neighborhood services manager. The number of housing units required to be produced in the City of Escondido, both affordable and market-rate, are established by the Regional Housing Needs Assessment prepared by SANDAG. For the upcoming housing cycle, the city has been allocated over 9,600 units, with specific goals for very low, low, moderate, and above-moderate income levels. The city has two primary sources of funding with which to assist affordable housing developers to build new affordable housing, convert existing housing

to affordable units, or preserve existing affordable homes. This is done using federal HOME funds and Successor Housing Agency funds, which are recycled redevelopment funds. Youel told The Coast News that Escondido is currently working with developers on two projects. The city has conditionally committed federal HOME funds to San Diego Habitat for Humanity to build 10 homes for home ownership by low-income households (earning up to 80% of the area median income). The second project will use Successor Housing Agency funds in a partnership between National Community Renaissance of California and San Diego Community Housing Corporation to build 50 affordable apartments for extremely low (30% of the area median income) and low (60% of the area median income) senior households. Half of these units will be reserved for homeless seniors. Mike Strong, Escondido’s director of community development, said at the city’s last council meeting that the discussion about inclusionary housing policies will be revisited sometime in the near future.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition harmonious dialog.



Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@


The Escondido Public Library SDCC Book Club 1 will discuss “Kindred: A Graphic Novel Adaptation” by Octavia Butler on March 15. Butler's literary science-fiction novel is now in graphic novel format. More than 35 years after its release, “Kindred” continues to draw in new readers with its deep exploration of the violence and loss of humanity caused by slavery in the US. Join at https://library.



North County Lifeline is a Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) Tax Preparation site, for Lifeline clients and residents of Carlsbad, Oceanside, Pendleton, San Dieguito and Vista. Lifeline offers free tax preparation online through Zoom for families making less than $57,000 in 2020 available until March 30. Appointments can be made Tuesdays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Thursdays 3 to 7 p.m. and Saturdays 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Contact a Lifeline Case Manager to schedule an appointment. Call (760) 509-3430 or e-mail Taxes@


Give Kids A Smile provides free dental screenings, sealants, and fluoride varnish at over 30 dental offices throughout San Diego County for any children 18 and under through March 19. No proof of insurance is required. It is a free event but appointments are required. A list of participating dental offices and the Give Kids A Smile event dates for each office can be found at



Boys & Girls Club of Vista invites the community to take a look at its fundraiser Silent Auction. Everyone who registers to bid will be automatically entered into an opportunity drawing for two tickets to the 2021 Texas Hold 'Em Poker Tournament scheduled in September. Register at package-browse.



Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UC San Diego has announced it will be opening outdoors-only as of Feb. 27. The aquarium’s outdoor spaces have been enhanced with new animals and activities, and are open to guests, with discounted ticket pric-


report a lack of academic support for students struggling with remote learning. Families claim that happy students have experienced trauma related to extended school closure and loss of athletics and other activities that have caused social isolation and academic struggles. According to the lawsuit, as a result of school closures, students have sought professional medical attention for depression, anxiety, cutting and suicide attempts. Students have suffered learning loss and failing grades, according to several written testimonials from anonymous students within the lawsuit.

DUO IMAGINALIS consists of concert pianist Ekaterina Bessmeltseva and guitarist Hugo Nogueira. The group’s current repertoire consists of 19th-century music originally written for the guitar and piano in the classical style. Duo Imaginalis WRITERS’ GROUP will perform at 3 p.m. on March 13 at the Escondido Public The March meetings of Library, available on the library Facebook page. Courtesy photo Escondido Writers Group



es. Indoor areas including the Hall of Fishes, will be closed until restrictions are PROBATE RESEARCH A webinar Intermediate lifted. Genealogy class, presented by North San Diego County Genealogical Society, will be held from 10 to 11:30 a.m. OCEAN SCIENCE LECTURES March 9. Dorothy Miller will Register now for the present, “Rest in Peace: Pronext session of Birch Aquarbate Records.” Free, but regium at Scripps Institution istration required at nsdcgs. of Oceanography, UC San org. For information e-mail Diego Jeffrey B. Graham or Perspectives on Ocean Sciphone (949) 310-1778. ence lecture series, featuring “Getting Warmer? Ocean Temperatures off the California Coast,” at 6 p.m. March 8. Sign up at https:// TIP TOP RAPTOR RUN Join Scripps The annual Tip Top oceanographer Katherine Run, a virtual event for Zaba to learn how scientists 2021, has been renamed the deploy innovative ocean Tip Top Run and Ride for technology to monitor and Raptors to benefit the Agua understand ocean warm- Hedionda Lagoon Foundaing phenomena, like ma- tion’s expansion of its edurine heatwaves and El Niño cational program to include events, that affect Califor- the new Raptor Ridge. Regnia's coastline. ister at https://runsignup. com / Race / CA / Carlsbad / SCHOLARSHIPS FOR GRADS VirtualTipTopRunRideforThe Coastal Communi- Raptors. The event, presentty Foundation offers schol- ed by Poseidon Resources arships to graduating high Channelside, a Poseidon Waschool seniors from North ter Company, will be held County school districts. The from March 13 to March 19. scholarship range is $500 AHLF serves the communito $3,000. Scholarship re- ty by providing environmenquirements and applications tal education, conservation are available at https:// and access to the lagoon and the surrounding trails. arships. The application deadline is April 2, 2021. LIVE LIBRARY CONCERT The mission of the Coastal Join the Escondido PubCommunity Foundation is to lic Library Facebook page enhance the quality of life for a live performance from in San Diego North County Duo Imaginalis, at 3 p.m. by directing philanthropic March 13, a project in which efforts toward community the two most popular instruneeds. ments in the world carry a



It also says that the social isolation and loss of peer support has resulted in students withdrawing from normal activities and in some cases finding ways to self-medicate with alcohol and drug use. “A year later, and not only have students not gotten the full academic experience of school, but they’ve also been deprived of the critical developmental experiences that students need at every grade level,” Merrifield said. “They’re missing out on developmental stages, social and emotional developmental states that they can’t recover. We can’t underestimate the damage that has been done to these students, so time is of the essence.” The action is looking to

overturn the January guidance that prohibits middle and high schools from reopening until their county achieves a case rate consistent with the “red tier.” On Sunday, Newsom struck a deal with Democratic leaders to reopen schools for the state’s youngest students, transitional kindergarten through second grade, by April 1, according to the LA Times. The new proposal, Assembly Bill 86, would offer $2 billion in grants to schools that reopen and bring back at-risk students in all grades, including school districts within counties under the state’s “purple tier” designation, media outlets reported. But according to Merrifield, the selective nature

will be from 1 to 4 p.m. March 16 on Zoom. Register at Writers of all genres are invited to join.



Sign up for a writing contest inspired by the book “The Fire This Time: A New Generation Speaks About Race.” Submissions will be accepted and can be uploaded at There are categories are teens, young adults and adults. Submit by midnight March 19. The Oceanside Public Library will provide a free copy of the book and contest winners in each category will receive a $250 cash prize and will be invited to participate in a special program hosted by the Library.



Register now for the UCCE Master Gardener of San Diego County virtual Spring Seminar, starting online at 9 a.m. March 20. Want to grow magnificent roses and stunning succulents in the same backyard? Tired of losing your fruits and vegetables to bugs and hungry wildlife? More than a dozen presentations from noted landscape designers, garden authors and horticulture experts presentations will be available online until midnight March 28. Cost is $35. Register at of allowing some students to return while others must continue distance learning is part of the reason for the lawsuit, which seeks to have all schools fully reopen immediately. “We believe the state is inappropriate in issuing that guidance to begin with, especially because it’s arbitrary,” Merrifield said. “Some schools are open, some aren’t, some can reopen and some can’t reopen, and it’s all based on decisions they made back in November. The kids are all the same, and the state is all the same, and the virus is all the same. It’s inconsistent.” School district administrators and state officials could not be reached for comment for this story.

MARCH 5, 2021

Mothering others mortifies my own small talk jean gillette


’ve accepted the fact that it is my children’s job to embarrass me and mine to return the favor in spades. These days, a day scarcely goes by without my teen and near-teen giving me the fraught-with-mortification cry of “Moooom!” The really funny thing is that it comes when I least expect it. For the longest while, I thought my children might be bulletproof. I satirize them almost weekly in front of hundreds of readers, after all. But because I am just their ol’ mom, they choose to ignore it completely. In addition, I have been goofy and overly friendly all their lives. They just laugh if I try to sing or dance. I have pushed them into the neighbor’s pool fully dressed, joined in food fights and dressed up in many a silly costume through their entire elementary school careers. Hence, they are not easily rattled by outrageous behavior. What sends my kids into fits of embarrassment is when I try to be that village it takes to raise our children. I plead guilty to never missing an opportunity to coax or chastise a child I might encounter who is doing something dangerous, careless or just obnoxious. I expect others to do the same with mine

when I’m not there to do it myself. My kids want to blend into the sidewalk when I suggest a skateboarder go find his helmet. They want to divorce me and change their name when I roll down my car window and scowl at a child who has just shot out in front of my car on his/her bike. It is more than they can bear if I insist a child say please or thank you, or lower his/her voice. Heaven forfend that I ask a toddler to please sit back down in the shopping cart, as he is poised to cartwheel onto the tile floor. But I just can’t help myself. I love them all and hence must mother them all. The really funny part is that it is equally horrifying to my children whether the offending stranger hears me or not. They get every bit as upset if I simply comment behind closed car doors at some transgression I see. This is just too easy. Although they are certain all this will vastly affect their lives and social standing, I expect it won’t and I won’t change. I am fighting the good fight and, more than that, since they hit the preteen stage, they have become singularly less entertaining. Making them cringe may be my only belly laugh of the day. So put on those elbow and knee pads. Your mother didn’t buy them to decorate the skate park wall. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer still taking sticks and stones away from fifth graders on the playground. Contact her at

Chamber honors Heroes of Vista By Staff

VISTA — The 10th annual Heroes of Vista Gala, to be held virtually this year, is 5:30 to 7 p.m. March 20, by the Vista Chamber of Commerce. The event celebrates excellence in business, education and community service in the Vista area. The gala also raises funds for the Vista Education Foundation. “VEF was founded in Vista to help facilitate a fully rounded education for the children of our community,” said VEF volunteer Nicole White. “Through arts, technology and music we focus on making sure the teachers have what they need when it comes to supplies to fully support the needs of the curriculum and activities they do with their students.” For details, visit Honors this year include: • Lifetime Achievement Award: John and Carol Hererra • Military Veteran of the Year: Colonel John Telles Jr., USMC (Ret.) • Sheriff of the Year: Deputy Sheriff Liah Ector

• Firefighter of the Year: Capt. Justin Golden Nominees in the Business Categories include: • Large Business/ Non-Profit of the Year: Cox Communications, Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, North County Food Bank • Small Business of the Year: Cat & Craft, North County Daily Star, Sign Art • Non-Profit of the Year: Alta Vista Botanical Gardens, Got Your Back San Diego, Soroptimist International of Vista • New Business of the Year: Culichi Town, ReFind Off Main, The Film Hub Nomineees for Business Person of the Year are: • Aaron Byzak, TriCity Medical Center • Joey Pope, North County Janitorial Supply • John Bagley, Wildwood Crossing and Cantina Vista Unified School District Awardees were Rafael Olavide as Administrator of the Year; Byron Diaz Roca as Classified Person of the Year; Michael Eiben for Technology Educator of the Year and Jennifer Corso as Art Educator of the Year.

MARCH 5, 2021


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

EUSD denies renewal of Epiphany Prep charter San Marcos Fry’s closes By Tigist Layne

ESCONDIDO — The Escondido Union School District (EUSD) board unanimously rejected a five-year renewal for Epiphany Prep Charter School last week, after the state deemed the school “low performing.” Under new legislation passed by Assembly Bill 1505, a charter school should not be renewed if it fails to meet certain criteria. According to the district, the following passage from the bill applied to Epiphany Prep: “For all measurements of academic performance, the charter school has received performance levels schoolwide that are the same or lower than the state average and, for a majority of subgroups performing statewide below the state average in each respective year, received performance levels that are lower than the state average.” Epiphany Prep is challenging the decision with county and state officials in a lawsuit that claims the district and the California Department of Education are not accounting for growth in student learning. The charter school, which opened in 2016, serves more than 750 primarily low-income students in transitional kindergarten through eighth grade. More than half of the school’s students are En-



Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ TEACHERS: SUSPEND TESTING

The California Teachers Association has submitted a letter to the State Board of Education urging the state Department of Education to submit a waiver requesting the U.S. Department of Education to suspend standardized testing for the 2020-21 school year. In the Feb. 22 letter to the SBE, CTA cites problems with both “feasibility of administration, useability and reliability of resulting data, and the cruelty of putting students, families, and educators through high stakes assessments in the middle of a pandemic.” If submitted and approved, the waiver would suspend summative assessments required under the Every Student Succeeds Act, normally conducted in the spring.


Hope Elementary School in Carlsbad has been recognized for its ongoing commitment to kindness and their participation in the 10th annual Great Kindness Challenge, and have been designated as a “Kindness Certified School” by Kids for Peace. Kids for Peace is a global nonprofit that hosts The Great Kind-

ESCONDIDO UNION officials cited Epiphany Prep Charter School’s academic performance in denying the school a five-year renewal. Stock photo

glish learners, at least 91% are from low-income families, 98% are Hispanic and 100% of students receive either free or reduced lunch. “The longer students stay with us, the better they do,” said Epiphany Prep President Daniel Rivera. “It may have been unintentional, but with this law, they targeted schools of color. By taking away the growth aspect … it becomes discriminatory.” According to Rivera, the school has a waitlist of 100 to 200 students every

year, and in the past three years, Epiphany Prep has grown 237%. The performance data for the charter school show that students did significantly improve in math and English from 2018 to 2019; however, they still didn’t meet the standards established by the new legislation. “The intent of the new legislation, AB 1505, was to put in place rigorous accountability measures for charter schools,” said EUSD Superintendent Dr.

ness Challenge, a positive • Saige Metsch and and uplifting program that Zoey Metsch of Carlsbad fosters connection, inclu- earned University of Kansion, appreciation and over- sas honor roll distinction. all well-being. • Haley Johnson, sophomore communication sciences and disorders major, NEW STAFF AT HALLIDAY The Halliday Center was named to the Harding for Psychotherapy and Well- University dean’s list for the ness, 355 S. Santa Fe Drive, fall 2020 semester. Ste. 200, announced Katherine Dublinski, Ph.D., M.A., TOP HOTEL RATING RN has joined its team. Rancho Valencia ReDublinski is a psychological sort & Spa, 5921 Valenassistant under the supervi- cia Circle, Rancho Santa sion of Dr. Debra Halliday. Fe, was named a Forbes Five-Star Hotel and Spa in Forbes Travel Guide's 2021 BETTER FIRE PROTECTION The San Marcos Fire Star Awards. Department has been chosen by the National Fire SALK STUDIES ANTIBODIES Protection Association to In structural bioloparticipate in the second gy, some molecules are so phase of a pilot program to unusual they can only be build a digital community captured with a unique risk assessment tool. The set of tools. That’s how a tool, or dashboard, enables multi-institutional research community leaders to gain team led by Salk scientists insights and make data-in- defined how antibodies formed decisions surround- can recognize a compound ing fire prevention and called phosphohistidine — other risk-reduction activ- a highly unstable molecule ities in their communities. that has been found to play During the second phase a central role in some forms of the program, the SMFD of cancer, such as liver and will provide insights around breast cancer and neurothe use of the dashboard blastoma. These insights through June 2021 to help not only set up the researchcontinue refining and en- ers for more advanced studhancing its effectiveness. ies on phosphohistidine and its potential role in cancer, but will enable scientists to STELLER STUDENTS • Mary Harris and manipulate the shape and Drake Benner of Carlsbad, atomic makeup of the antiLauryn Ward, Curtis Nis- bodies’ binding sites to debet and Megan Ward of San sign ever more efficient anMarcos and Colin O’Grady tibodies in the future. The of San Diego were named to study was published in the the Dixie State University Proceedings of the Nationhonor roll for the Fall 2020 al Academy of Sciences on Feb. 5. semester.

Luis Rankins-Ibarra. “The responsibility for oversight and accountability rests on the shoulders of the chartering authority and in this case, the Escondido Union School District. “Based on the law and the relevant facts, the board had a duty to utilize the accountability measurement set forth and deny the petition for a five-year renewal." In 2018, Epiphany Prep students scored 86 points below state standards for math, and 63 points below standards for English language arts, while students statewide scored 37 points below standards for math and 6 points below standards for English, according to a presentation to the board. In 2019, the school’s students scored 75 points below state standards for math and 46 points below standards for English, while students statewide scored 34 points below standards for math and 2.5 points below standards for English. However, Rivera maintains that the district and the state aren’t taking into account the significant growth that these students are achieving each year, and he believes that Epiphany Prep’s students are actually outperforming the rest of the district. Epiphany Prep’s appeal hearings with the county and the state will be in April and May.

as company calls it quits By Staff

SAN MARCOS — Electronics buffs everywhere are wondering where they will find that small, unusual part they need, and kids are wondering why most stores are so boring. The website has announced that “after nearly 36 years in business, Fry’s Electronics, Inc. has made the decision to shut down its operations and close its business permanently, as a result of changes in the retail industry and the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. “Fry’s has been a onestop-shop and online resource for high-tech equipment across nine states and 31 stores.” San Diego County was home to two Fry’s Electronics stores, including one on Bent Avenue in San Marcos. Fry’s was founded in Sunnyvale in 1985, and more than half of its remaining stores were in California. The stores were known for their unusual and themed exteriors and creative interior décor, from long-horned steers in Dallas to a giant slot machine in Las Vegas, to a crashed flying saucer in Burbank. The stores were part electronics one-stop shop and part museum. The company is implementing the shut down

through what it calls an “orderly wind-down process” that it believes will be in the best interests of the company, its creditors and other stakeholders. Fry’s ceased regular operations and began the closing process Feb. 24. It intends that undertaking the closing through “this orderly process,” the website said, will reduce costs, avoid additional liabilities, minimize the impact on customers, vendors, landlords and associates, and maximize the value of the company’s assets for its creditors and other stakeholders. The company is reportedly in the process of reaching out to its customers with repairs and consignment vendors, to help them understand what this will mean for them and the proposed next steps. For customers who have equipment currently being repaired, e-mail to arrange for return of your equipment. Performance Service Contracts will be honored for their full remaining term. To request service of a covered product, call Assurant at (800) 811-1745. For consignment vendors needing to pick up their consignment inventory at Fry’s locations, e-mail

Stay informed as we safely dismantle SONGS.

San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station is being dismantled in full compliance with safety standards from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Join us online at the next quarterly Community Engagement Panel Meeting. Community Engagement Panel Meeting - Via Microsoft Teams Thursday, March 18 5:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

For more information on how to join the meeting and logistics, visit


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 5, 2021

Vaccination participation at Silvergate blows away national averages SAN MARCOS, CA - February 18, 2021 - While only 10% of the general public in the United States has received a first-round COVID-19 vaccine shot, an impressive 93% of the residents, caregivers and staff at Silvergate Retirement Residence, operator of three senior living communities in north county San Diego, now have successfully received both rounds of the Pfizer vaccination. “When you’re a local operator, you can take more decisive action to protect your residents and employees,” said David Petree, Chief Executive Officer of AmeriCare Health & Retirement, owner of Silvergate San Marcos. “Through significant education and corporate incentives, our management team was able to convince the vast majority of both our residents and staff to participate in the vaccination process. I was incredibly impressed with the rate of participation they were able to achieve. I am so glad to see our team leading the industry in this effort. By establishing a safer senior living environment, we’ll now be able to open up to all kinds of new activities.” Vaccinations are now offered in California to anyone over the age of 65. However, seniors often struggle to secure a vaccination appointment, find the registration process confusing and have concerns about limited supply. As a Phase I priority location, Silvergate acted swiftly to secure an adequate supply of vaccine doses and arrange for multiple on-site clinic vaccination dates at the community. Silvergate residents benefited from a turn-key vaccine solution, with registration taken care of for them and shots delivered right where they live. As a result, more than 95% have completed the second round of

High Vaccination Rates Achieved Among Both Residents and Staff at Silvergate. vaccines and are now considered immune. Currently across the nation, roughly 50% of health care workers in hospitals, nursing homes and long-term care communities have elected to receive the vaccination. Understanding this, Silvergate implemented a multi-faceted information campaign across all of their communities, coupled with attractive participation incentives, to counter common misinformation and personal bias among residents and staff. Silvergate’s additional efforts resulted in more than 90% of its eligible staff being vaccinated - a rate far above the national averages. The measures Silvergate took to achieve such a high rate of vaccination within the community included individual meetings with staff to address personal concerns, dissemination of educational materials

campus-wide, additional paid time off as a reward for participating, a day-of thank you gift card to Starbucks and an “I Got My COVID-19 Vaccine” shirt-collar button to wear with pride. “I really feel like our management did a great job of helping everyone understand how important it is to get vaccinated,” said Christina Woolard, the Business Office Manager at Silvergate who worked to secure vaccine consent forms, register those receiving shots and help schedule second-round vaccinations for everyone who had an initial shot. “I’ve gotten to know and love all the residents here at Silvergate. We’re like one big family, and I want them to be protected from this pandemic as much as I want my own family to be shielded from it. I felt it was my duty to get vaccinated and was simply the right thing to do.” Many seniors have been reluctant to consider a move to a retirement community during the COVID -19 pandemic. With all Silvergate communities having delivered both rounds of vaccines at such high participation rates, now may be the ideal time for seniors to explore the protective bubble Silvergate offers. Community-wide vaccination success means new and exciting events and activities can be reintroduced safely and without delay. About Silvergate San Marcos For virtual and private in-person tours of Silvergate, call (760) 744-4484. Information about available independent living, assisted living and memory care accommodations can be found at

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MARCH 5, 2021

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North Coast Repertory Theatre welcomes Benjamin Cole and new celebrities each week to its “Theatre Conversations,” an ongoing selection of interviews with various actors and others from the theater world. Subscribe to the NCRT YouTube channel at or e-mail NCRT at


T he C oast News - I nland E dition




The Star Theatre has developed a suite of programming for our community that focuses on providing COVID-friendly, educational experiences for every age group in four- to six-week workshops. Visit to learn more about the Downtown Oceanside theater’s Musical Theatre Acting & Movement Camp, Triple Threat Workshop and Actors Collective. FOUNDRY STUDIOS

The Foundry Artist Studios at New Village Arts, at 2787 State St., Carlsbad, is hosting a gallery show featuring a collection of pandemic-inspired art by Foundry artists from noon to 4 p.m. Wednesdays, SatSATURDAY MAKERS MARKET urdays and Sundays. Find Interested crafters are Kasia on Instagram @artybeing sought for the Carls- by.kasia. Face masks and bad Makers Market, a craft- distancing required. er’s showcase, from March to June, on the first Saturday of each month, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on the grounds of St. GREAT WOMEN ARTISTS Michael’s by-the-Sea EpisThe Oceanside Musecopal Church, 2775 Carls- um Of Art presents the secbad Blvd., Carlsbad. Items ond online lecture, “Great sold must be original and Women Artists, Then And handcrafted by the display- Now,” from 7 to 8:30 p.m. ing artisan. The exhibitor March 11. Register at must be the designer and of the art. To apply in/. Cost is $5. The lecture or for more information, vis- is in association with the it Zapplication online. upcoming “Twenty Women Artists: NOW“ exhibition at OMA. Join Robin Douglas as he highlights the COFFEE WITH THE ARTISTS powerful contributions of The Oceanside Muse- women artists throughout um Of Art invites artists for the ages. Coffee And Conversation noon to 2 p.m. March 7 online at https://oma-online. org/events/coffee-and-con- PANACHE ART AUCTION versat ion-w it h- oma-a r tThe Escondido Arts ist-alliance-mar2021/. Join Partnership hosts Panache Artist Alliance for a cup 2021, an on-line auction of coffee and enjoy some with artworks by San Diego conversation with fellow artists March 13 through artists. Sculptors, painters, March 27. Also up for aucphotographers, and artists tion is “Sans Titre,” a of all disciplines are wel- signed Niki de Saint Phalle come. lithograph donation from the Niki Charitable Art Foundation. Auction begins 9 a.m. March 13 and ends 9 NEW EXHIBITIONS p.m. March 27 at escondidoLux Art Institute’s new- est artist residency is entitled ”[Glyph].” This exhibition, at 1550 S. El Camino Real, Encinitas, features CONCERT IN GARDEN the work of multiple artThe Art of Elan presists with the Kang Seung ents its “Open Air” Concert Lee exhibition March 9 to in the Sculpture Garden March 13. Pavithra Prasad at 7 p.m. March 16. The March 16 to March 20. Can- full-length concert will dice Lin March 23 to March be live-streamed outdoors 28. Due to COVID-19, art- as planned, with audiencists will work onsite outside es livestreaming from the of regular visitor hours to comfort of their homes. maintain distance from vis- Cost is $5 students, $10 genitors. eral admission. Purchase your Open Air tickets at ROSIN BOX BALLET /event /art- ofBallet company, The elan-open-air/. Rosin Box Project, celebrates the start of its 2021 Season, “Variant,” with The Stay at Home Film Festival, ART WELCOMES SPRING featuring a collaboration In celebration of the with guest choreographer spring equinox, art lovers Emily Kikta from New York are invited to attend an artCity Ballet. The perfor- ist’s reception for the paintmance is shot in San Diego, ings of local artist, Margot and the four-film festival Wallace. “Spring Into Art” will be available to every- will be from 3 to 6 p.m. one free of charge through March 20 and March 21 at March 28 at therosinbox- 16960 Via de Santa Fe, cho Santa Fe.





nonprofit’s foundry in Fallbrook. Green’s latest work is a ceramic interpretation of the Statue of Liberty portrayed as a Black woman. According to a summary report funded by the National Park Service, rumors have long circulated that the original model for the iconic American emblem, created by French artist Frederic Auguste Bartholdi, was a Black woman. While the report cannot rule out the possibility that Bartholdi’s Liberty design evolved from his earlier drawings of Egyptian women, the researchers found “no corroborating evidence” the statue was “intended to depict Liberty as

a Black woman.” Regardless, Green jumped into the project, crafting a ceramic interpretation of the statue’s historical provenance. “These stories need to be told,” Green said. Steve Dilley, executive director of Veterans Art Project and art instructor at Grossmont College, started the organization after 9/11 to help returning veterans and active-duty military integrate back into the community by providing access to creative opportunities. “If a (veteran) shows up at our door…we kick the door open for them,” Dilley said. “We are here for them. We offer facility, material, instruction and a practice component. Wellness is created through

practice — having access to a non-verbal means of communication is very important because people can visualize images, thoughts, feelings emotions.” The program has proven to be a success. In 2019, Dilley said the program had about 400 participants. In 2020, the county’s Health Services Advisory Board presented Dilley and Veterans Art Project with the 2020 Community Inspiration Award. But Veterans Art Project is more than just free art classes. According to Dilley, the key to success stories like Green is its therapeutic component, led by board certified art therapist and instructor Jill Brenegan, ATR-BC, LCAT, who has been working with veterans

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NAVY VETERAN Reginald Green displays a series of ceramic sculptures and figurines at Veterans Art Project’s studio in Vista. Green is one of hundreds of local veterans to benefit from the organization’s free art classes. Photo by Jordan P. Ingram

suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and traumatic brain injury for the past 10 years. Brenegan started at Veterans Art Project two years ago and she currently supervises mosaic art therapy classes. In addition to teaching art fundamentals, Brenegan facilitates a safe, confidential, group-therapy setting for veterans to practice social skills and process difficult emotions resulting from past trauma. “This isn’t just clay, this isn’t just art,” Brenegan said. “This is really a place for veterans to come and connect with each other, feel safe and express themselves in a way that is more comfortable for them.” The group’s funding model is a combination of state and federal grants, including partnerships with the National Endowment of the Arts: Creative Force, California Arts Council, Mental Health Services Oversight and Accountability Commission, Aspire Center and Veterans Museum of San Diego, among many others. However, since the COVID-19 pandemic began last March, the program was forced completely online until the county returns to the state’s less restrictive red tier. Despite the yearlong setback, the Veterans Art Project continues to raise awareness and seek donors to continue offering its bronze casting and art therapy programs without any cost to veterans. For the next six months, Veterans Art Project will hold a series of virtual PopUp Community Creative Arts Cafés, featuring stories of veterans, art exhibitions and live workshops. Info:

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MARCH 5, 2021

T he C oast News - I nland E dition


Food &Wine

Mike’s BBQ is OPEN!

Now delivering to your area through GRUBHUB

THE MATSU pine bonsai logo and sign done gyotaku-style by artist Dwight Hwang.


courtesy William Eick

Matsu, from the beginning lick the plate david boylan


ast week's column profiled a friend who had made a career shift away from a life in restaurants after 30 years. This week I wanted to highlight the opposite, learning the process of opening a restaurant from the perspective of the chef/ owner William Eick. The restaurant is called Matsu and it will be taking over the former Flying Pig space in Oceanside. I’ve written about a couple of William’s previous ventures, but never in a three-part series that covers the process of opening a restaurant. Part one will cover the new concept and finding the perfect space to launch it. Part two will run in April and will be a deeper dive into the design and construction progress of the space, and the final segment will be just before opening and include staffing, the publicity, and a preview of the menu. With that, here are some highlights from my conversation with Chef William Eick and his new restaurant Matsu. LTP: Tell me about your culinary background to this point and how it led to the Matsu concept. William: I started working in kitchens about 12 years ago, and the first full-service restaurant I worked at was Tomiko in Encinitas. Tomiko was an upscale Japanese/Sushi restaurant. That’s where I learned how to cook, gain basic knife skills and fell in love with the flavor profiles of Japanese food. I had always had an interest in Japanese food, and culture from when I was young, but working with the ingredients and techniques

CHEF/OWNER William Eick of Oceanside’s Matsu Japanese restaurant. Courtesy photo

really solidified the passion. Over the years I worked for a few other restaurants, Bistro West, Georges At the Cove, Park Hyatt Aviara to name a few, before being given the opportunity to run Real Bar and Bistro in Solana Beach. I left Real to open 608 in 2016, and then moved to Mission Ave Bar and Grill in 2018. 608 had provided me the opportunity to try to find my voice and identity as a chef, while Mission Ave Bar and Grill had provided me with the opportunity to really refine that identity. LTP: Describe the Matsu concept and what people can expect on the menu. William: Matsu is a modern progressive Japanese fine-dining concept, where we focus on techniques, and flavor profiles of Japanese food while utilizing local ingredients as much as possible. There will be no sushi or ramen, but more composed plates. The decor will be very simple, with a minimalist approach, and a quiet atmosphere. One would expect things like A5 Japanese wagyu beef, squab, duck, caviar and artichokes. There will be an a la carte menu, with 2 separate tasting menu options as well. LTP: How did this con-

cept become a reality? William: I’ve been operating Matsu as a popup concept, serving only the 8-course tasting menu for about 2 years which pre-pandemic booked for 2 months at a time, and had finally found the location that was most ideal for the full concept. LTP: Location and the physical space of a restaurant play a big part in its success. Tell me about that process and how you landed where you did. William: I had been looking at a few different spaces around north county San Diego, and while a few were given a hard look, the opportunity to take over an existing restaurant came available. The existing restaurant had bought a new building and needed help transferring their current lease, at which point they called me. After looking into the details, I decided that it was the one. We wanted to keep the location in the Oceanside restaurant community family, and I’m happy I was able to do that. LTP: What is your vision for that space and how does that relate to the Matsu brand, how are you making it your own? William: The basic layout of the restaurant was actually quite ideal to what I was looking for, so most of the work getting done is the decor, changing paint colors, some small decor touches, and the biggest thing, opening up one of the walls so guests and see into the “finishing” part of the kitchen. There will actually even be a two-seat exclusive “chefs counter” where a couple can watch dishes get finished and garnished before being sent to tables as well as interacting with the chef. We hope to find Naegi a home once Matsu is open and running as well. People can follow @Naegi_izakaya on Instagram for updates and how to order. That will be starting mid-March.


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 5, 2021

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MARCH 5, 2021


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Food &Wine

Athletic Brewing: A non-alcoholic surprise

CONNECTICUT-BASED Athletic Brewing Company, maker of non-alcoholic beer, recently opened a second facility in the Miramar (or Beer-A-Mar) area of San Diego. Photo via Facebook


emember that time when you were at a summer bbq, and you were reaching into the cooler. It was that moment when your partner asked if you could drive home? Do you remember how your heart dropped just a little bit? Then as you were digging around looking for a diet soda or a seltzer just to have something to hold onto you started to feel sad as you pushed the hippest, new local IPA out the way?

How even though you said, “Yes,” because you love your partner you also just kind of wondered if maybe now was a good time to bring up the thing from that time that they owed you one? That would have been a good day for a well-crafted, non-alcoholic beer like… well, until recently there was no way to answer that. The old standbys have been around for ages, and while they came in a beer bottle it never really tasted or felt the same did it? Enter Athletic Brewing Company. Originally based in Stamford, Connecticut, the brewery opened a second facility in the Miramar (or Beer-A-Mar) area of San Diego just before the pandemic hit in 2020.

They make four core beers-Run Wild IPA, Upside Dawn Golden Ale, All-out Stout and Cerveza Athletica along with numerous oneoff specialty brews just like many other craft brewers. Right now their pilot program is working on non-alcoholic Maple Brown Ale and a West Coast IPA. The brand has been given the craft beer treatment with well-designed labels, support for local trails through their Two for the Trails revenue give back program supporting the San Diego Mountain Biking Association, brand ambassadors and plenty of photographs of good-looking people drinking their non-alcoholic (NA) beer in beautiful locales. Other breweries have taken notice.

Daou Family wines evolve, transcend


erhaps some readers have noticed the shift in DAOU’s branding from Vineyards to Family Estates. Both Frank and I love this change as it really captures the essence of what DAOU is all about, FAMILY. Two brothers, who are best friends, are running one of, if not, the fastest growing wine operation in the US and possibly the world. Georges and Daniel are steeped in family heritage with wines dedicated to their father, Joseph (Soul of a Lion), and mother, Marie (Mayote). The 2018 vintages of these estate-sourced 94-96+ point wines released just this month. Critics are saying the 2018 Soul of a Lion is arguably the best release ever! Speaking of new releases, DAOU sells its 2018 Family Cuvee exclusively at Costco ($99). This Bordeaux style, cabernet sauvignon dominated Cuvee is aged in

100% new French oak for 21 months and blended with petit verdot, merlot, and cabernet franc perfecting this 96 point Wine Enthusiast winner. Like all DAOU wines, it features deep purple, black color, great fruit flavor and hints of currant, spice, and vanilla. The soft structured tannins make this drinkable today or decades from now. Talking about points, a HUGE congrats to DAOU for its recent 100 point tasting panel (perfect) score for the 2018 PATRIMONY Caves des Lions being released this spring. Also, the new PATRIMONY Estate, which we covered a few weeks ago, will soon be planting the first 13 of 70 plantable acres of the 269-acre estate.

Back to the Family Estates name, another great reason we love this new branding is seeing the next generation contributions of the DAOU children. Daniel’s oldest daughter, Katherine, who is DAOU’s Social Media Manager & Brand Ambassador, was just recognized for her Instagram @TheThiirsty podcast by Good Morning America news. Congrats Katherine! Daniel’s daughter Lizzy is a DAOU winemaker and daughter Anna assists with farming and viticulture. DAOU Family Estates continues to evolve and transcend with memories of Joseph and Marie Daou, Georges and Daniel’s world-renowned efforts, and the next generation of Daous working in operations, winemaking, and viticulture. Daniel and Georges would say the best yet to come! Visit — Story by Tech Director/Writer Rico Cassoni

More than 19 different breweries have a non-alcoholic offering at my local liquor store including both craft and big beer brands. It’s a trend, but is it any good? I picked up a six-pack of Run Wild IPA. I figured that would be the hardest NA beer to replicate. I asked Athletic’s Territory Sales Manager, Ryan Brown, how they brewed a beer using water, hops, barley and yeast without alcohol (NA beers have less than 0.5% alcohol by volume), and he laughed before telling me that all he could say was they had a 1215 step proprietary process that took hundreds of test batches to figure out. I cracked open the can and a bit of foam fizzed up over the lip. So far so good. I took a sniff. A lightly hopped scent wafted into my nostrils. I took a sip. It tasted like beer, but did it taste like an IPA? That’s a bold statement they’ve put out there after all. My first reaction was that it wasn’t quite as full-flavored as a Modern Times Booming Rollers or Belching Beaver Phantom Bride IPA, but what is? However, it was definitely the best non-alcoholic beer I’d ever had. The true test came a few days later. The sun was

out, and I had just gotten home from an early hike. It was the kind of moment that screamed for a cold beer while I propped my feet up on a patio chair listening to the hummingbirds’ chatter, but it was early and I still had a lot to do. I didn’t really want to start drinking. I grabbed another Run Wild IPA. In the moment, you couldn’t have convinced me I wasn’t drinking a sessionable IPA without showing me the words “non-alcoholic” on the can. I sipped and enjoyed it. Then I opened another and

started planning the rest of my day. Want to know more about Athletic Brewing? Do you listen to podcasts? Are you inter-ested in interesting things being done by interesting people in North County San Diego? Be sure to check out the most recent episode of the Cheers! North County podcast with Ryan Brown, SoCal Territory Sales Manager for Athletic Brewing Co. Stream it now on The Coast News online or search for it on your favorite podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 5, 2021

Vista softball standout Faraimo is pitch-perfect for UCLA


oon after Vista’s Megan Faraimo pitched UCLA over SDSU with a perfect game, she heard from her role model who doubles as her coach. “Great, now let’s go watch the video and see where we can make improvements,” softball legend Lisa Fernandez said. Faraimo wasn’t surprised with Fernandez’s suggestion. Being pushed is why Faraimo, a former Cathedral Canyon High standout, chose UCLA, so that advice was A-OK with her. “She is constantly trying to make me get better every single day,” Faraimo said of Fernandez, a Bruins assistant coach who pitched UCLA to two national championships and also won

three Olympic gold medals for the United States. “But when I first met her, I was a little star-struck.” Now it’s Faraimo’s star turn, as she was selected by the San Diego Sports Association as one of its four amateur stars of 2020, along with Ohio State wide receiver Chris Olave of Mission Hills High. When Faraimo is throwing for the Bruins, it’s a tough climb to beat her. Faraimo was Softball America’s pitcher of the year and an All-American, going 13-1 with a 0.85 ERA and 149 strikeouts over 90 1/3 innings in 2020. Her sophomore season came after she was the Pac12 Conference freshman of the year with a 16-4 record. The 6-foot Faraimo hasn’t skipped a beat this year. With her pinpoint control and a riser that’s a downer for hitters, Faraimo is 6-1 with a 0.96 ERA, which includes her perfect game against SDSU on Feb. 24.

MEGAN FARAIMO, a Vista native and a former Cathedral Catholic star, was selected by the San Diego Sports Association as one of its amateur stars of 2020. Photo courtesy of UCLA

“When I was young, I fell in love with pitching and the aspect of competing on every single pitch,” said Faraimo, who also starred in prep volleyball. “And playing a team sport with the women around me, we are all goal-oriented to get to the same place and that is really cool for me.”

Even if Faraimo can run a bit hot. She often wears her visor low and her emotions on her sleeve. “Oh my gosh, I can’t control them sometimes,” she said with a chuckle. “I get really competitive and do fist bumps and foot stomps. I think, ‘Where did that come from?’ ”

The fire didn’t fall far from the tree. Her father, Bill, was a Vista High quarterback. Her mother, Marcie, played softball and volleyball for the Panthers. Plus her brother, Matthew, played volleyball on a campus that makes Faraimo’s ever-present smile fade. He attended USC and it’s been fight on since. “We had one of the USC license plate frames on our car,” she said. “I made my parents go get one that read UCLA.” There’s also flags stationed around the house, split in half with each school getting its due. What’s come full circle for the personable Faraimo is girls approaching her with wide eyes and big dreams. Faraimo is now on the receiving end of that adulation and it’s her time to pitch life lessons. “I was like, ‘Wow, they really look up to me,’ ” she said. “I tell them to work hard, but everyone hears that.

“I also tell them it’s important for women growing up to be confident in themselves, especially playing a sport where you fail seven out of 10 times. You can’t define yourself by your failures.” Faraimo, a political science major, can’t shake North County. She relishes visiting Oceanside Pier and if she’s throwing seashells into the ocean, it says here she’ll hit her target. The San Diego Sports Association certainly did by selecting Faramio and she’ll be acknowledged at its 75th Salute to the Champions banquet on May 13. “That was really super cool to be honored,” she said. “I enjoy representing where I come from on such a big stage at UCLA.” We applaud that, and yes, it would be perfect to make it an eight-clap for UCLA’s Faraimo. Contact Jay Paris at Follow him @jparis_sports.

Despite challenges, nonprofit helping trafficking victims endures By Tigist Layne

ESCONDIDO — After a years-long legal dispute with the state, a San Diego nonprofit that helps victims of sex-trafficking is moving forward with its new group home for underage victims called “The Refuge.” Children of the Immaculate Heart (CIH), a local ministry that serves women and children who are vulnerable due to human trafficking, already had been running a housing and rehabilitation program for adult victims of sex trafficking and their children.

When they tried to open a second home specifically designed for minors, they were met with pushback from the California Department of Social Services over licensing issues. The state was concerned with the ministry’s “Christian Mission,” prompting the organization to file a civil rights lawsuit in state court. Grace Williams, who founded the Catholic organization in 2013, told The Coast News that CIH was told that their mission statement, which focuses on “restoring all things in Christ,”

was offensive. CIH was told that they must also support programs and activities that go against WILLIAMS their religious beliefs about sexual orientation, contraception and abortion. The organization maintains that they do not discriminate, however, they will not actively participate in these programs and activities. After a couple of years

of negotiations, the licensing issue was resolved in mediation in March 2020, and Children of the Immaculate Heart finally received its license in June. Meanwhile, CIH almost lost the home as the owners put it up for sale during the licensing dispute. The organization managed to raise the necessary funds to cover the down payment to purchase the facility. “When God entrusts you with a mission for souls, there’s no price that’s too high to pay for that,” Williams said. “Working with

Get Ready to “Spring Ahead” on March 14th Herbert Lain Holt, 86 Carlsbad February 13, 2021

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these kids every day is so worth it.” The Refuge, located in North County, began operating in September and will serve as a short-term residential therapeutic program for formerly trafficked foster youth and probation youth. The facility houses up to six girls at a time from ages 12 to 17 and provides an onsite therapist and mental health services, on-site chapel/mass, academic and life skills and round-the-clock care. “These kids are just so

receptive to the love that we have to give. They don’t have anybody, so to be able to be there for people who don’t have anyone, it’s a pretty big deal and we’re very grateful to be able to do what we do,” Williams said. According to the San Diego County District Attorney’s Office, there are an estimated 12,000 sex trafficking victims and survivors in San Diego County, with an average age of 15 years old. Each year, sex trafficking generates approximately $810 million in San Diego County alone.


that are in place such as

San Marcos Rental Assistance Programs, moving expenses, monetary support, job searches, as well as making their tenants a priority for an upcoming affordable housing community called El Dorado. "National CORE has now started offering the relocation assistance to which tenants were always entitled, but this only happened after the Villa Serena Tenants Association organized as a unified force,” said Andre León from the San Diego Tenants Union. “That relocation and financial support are now on the table and that tenants are getting meetings between Mayor Jones, Councilmember Nuñez, and the highest levels of National CORE leadership, is a testament to the value of tenant solidarity generally, and tenants unions, specifically." The San Diego Tenants Union has also raised concerns about whether or not National CORE is attempting to bypass the county, state and federal pandemic renter protection programs

ment of rent because of COVID-19 and the economic difficulties that residents are having… but that is not this,” Diaz said. “We are not evicting anyone because of non-payment of rent. We are relocating folks and moving them to different places because we are totally demolishing and redeveloping the property.” Diaz added that each of their tenants have priority in moving back into Villa Serena once the project is completed, which will be around September 2022. “Tenants have said this many times, they are not against reconstruction and remodeling and beautifying the community and creating more affordable housing, they understand that it’s necessary and that it’s ultimately going to be a net positive for them and the community,” León said. “What they take issue with is the fact that they were basically told that they had to self-evict in 90 days, and that very first communication offered basically no assistance for how to move forward.”

eviction moratoria. .93 FROM 2 CONTINUED “The primary intent of .93 tenants 4.17 with rental appli- the eviction moratoria is to cations, 4.28 applications to the avoid eviction for non-pay-


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

1. TELEVISION: Which 1980s-’90s sitcom featured the Conner family? 2. LANGUAGE: What does the Greek prefix “pan” mean in English? 3. MOVIES: Which artist sang the song that inspired the movie title “Pretty Woman”? 4. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the first primary color that babies can see? 5. GEOGRAPHY: What is the world’s longest cave system? 6. MEDICAL: What is a fasciculation, the medical term for a common ailment? 7. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Which president was the only one to be elected a U.S. senator after leaving office? 8. GEOLOGY: Emerald and aquamarine are types of which mineral? 9. U.S. STATES: What was the first state to ratify the U.S. Constitution? 10. MEASUREMENTS: What dosing measurement (metric) is used to administer liquid medication?

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) You might feel more encouraged about changes in your personal and/or professional life. However, it might be best not to rush things but rather work with them as they evolve. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) The Bovine’s business sense is especially keen this week. But remember that it’s always best to investigate before investing. Make sure there are no hidden factors that can rise up later on. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Working on a family project could create tension between and among those concerned. Your good sense and your patience can help reduce bad attitudes and raise positive feelings. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You should be seeing more progress in the development of your plans and more supporters joining in. News from the past could help change someone’s long-held position. LEO (July 23 to August 22) With personal aspects strong this week, Leos and Leonas might want to spend more time with family and others who are especially close to them. Also expect news of a possible career change. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Taking a strong stand can be helpful this week. But be careful you don’t cross the line into obstinacy. Best to take a position on facts as they are, not as you want them to be.


LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) You have a strong sense of the needs of others. This week, turn some of that sensitivity into an honest self-appraisal, and let it find places where you can help yourself. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Creating an emotional comfort zone to handle a personal problem helps at first. But by midweek, you’ll realize you need to deal with it directly or it could linger for too long. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Turning the page on a mistake to start fresh might not be the thing to do. Better to go over each step that led up to the decision you made and see which one misled you. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Goats enjoy a varied diet, but eating crow isn’t on the menu — at least not this week. An embarrassing situation might have gone wrong before you got into it. Check it out. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Your sense of honesty might impel you to speak up about a situation you disapprove of. That’s fine. But do so without sounding accusatory. You might not know all the facts behind it. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Being asked to create a reassuring attitude in the middle of chaos isn’t easy, but you can do it. Support for your efforts comes slowly, but it does come. Enjoy an arts-filled weekend. BORN THIS WEEK: Your honesty about people and issues is expressed in a positive, not painful, way. © 2021 King Features Synd., Inc.

1. “Roseanne” 2. All 3. Roy Orbison 4. Red 5. Mammoth Cave, Kentucky 6. Involuntary muscle twitch 7. Andrew Johnson 8. Beryl 9. Delaware 10. milliliter or ml

MARCH 5, 2021


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Inside: 2016 Sprin g Home & Gard en Section


Citracado Par extension pro kway ject draws on MARCH 25,

By Steve Putersk

It’s a jung

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Emi Gannod , 11, observe exhibit is s a Banded open now through April 10. Purple Wing butterfl Full story y at the on page A2. Photo San Diego Zoo Safari Park’s by Tony Cagala Butterfly


Commun Vista teacity rallies behind her placed on leave

Jungle exhibit. The

By Hoa Quach

i ESCON enviro amendment DIDO — An port nmental impact to the lution of from April rereso- ternati 2012. AlCitracado necessity for ves the sion projectParkway exten- with residenwere discussed ts in four munity Wednesday was approv ed of publicmeetings and comby the Council. gatherings. a trio City “The project Debra rently Lundy, property real cated designed as curcity, said manager for and plannewas lothe it was due to a needed manner that will d in a compatible omissionsclerical error, be most the est with attached of deeds to public good the greatbe private and least adjustm to the land. The injury, ent said. ” Lundy parcel beingis the only acquired fee the city, which is by city She also reporte ty, she added. a necess and proper d the i- have ty owners had The project, eminent domain meetings inmore than 35 the past in the which has been years to develo four works for years, will However, p the plan. several erty complete the missing the mit owners did not proproadway section of a counte subthe ny Grove, between Harmo city’s statutoroffer to the ry offer and AndreVillage Parkw - April 14, 2015. on ason Drive. ay to Lundy, Accord The the owners ing not feel a review city conduc did the ted offer matche which was of the project what the land , outlined is worth, d in the alTURN TO

Republic ans endors Abed ove r Gaspar e EXTENSION


VISTA — Curren former t ents are students and and pardemanding social studies a teacher Vista lowed to be alkeep his the admin job. Vincen By Aaron Romero istration to keep has workedt Romero, Burgin at Ranch Vista High o for the who REGIO Unified School. Buena Vista ty Repub N — The Coun- Krvaric A protest since 1990,School Distric lican Party Sam Abed’ssaid. “Clear thrown at the school was also held paid admin was placed t ly has its suppor long-ti . Escondido on t behind steadfast commi me and istrative “This from his Republican leave Mayor tment Abed in gry,” wrotemakes me so na Vistajob at Rancho BueSam anprinciples to ty Dist. the race for Coun- values earned of Fallbro Jeffrey Bright and March 7. High School 3 Superv him port of on graduated ok, who said isor. The committeethe suphe Now, of San Republican Party bers and we more than from the school memwith morean online petitio 20 years last weekDiego announced endorse him.” are proud to already ago. “I tures is than 1,900 signa-n fear that it that our endorse ucation Gaspar’s istration asking the admin A social Abed overvoted to reache edcampa Republican apart. I system is falling d fellow back to to bring Romer - placed on studies teacher pressed this week ign and the classro at Rancho adminis tas Mayor not goingworry my kids o dents disappointme exBuena Vista are om. On his last to get a and parentstrative leave in Kristin Encini- not receivi who educat early nt in Gaspar, is also to launch ro told day, Rome- Romero. Photo March. The High School ion at publicvaluable ng the nomina an online was anymo supervisor running for by Hoa Quach party’s schools leaving students he re.” petition move prompted seat currenthe several tion, but touted in support stuwas sorry held by David Whidd key endors nization because “the orgaof Vincent tly she I can’t be is seekinDave Roberts, who Marcos ements has receive with the rest change.” decided to make g re-elec called on of San out the campa d throug of the year. you for do “shameful.” a my choice tion. the move Abed, h— we’re It’s not “(They a polariz who has been “While ign. “This is confidence ) no longer have it goes.” , but it’s the way until there’s going to fight I’m a teache his two ing figure during pointed not genuin fight with. nothing left know what in me that r that terms as In the to get thedisapto wrote. ely cares,” Whidd I plan to Escondido, roughly I ute speech mayor in ty endorsement, I’m doing,” for your parRomero, “Both be back senior year.” proud to secured said coveted Mr. Romer of my sons on whose to studen4-minwere record have theI’m very the of Romer remark emotional ts, an ment by party endors joyed his o and greatly had support Mayor students o also urged on Facebo ed and posteds to fight the Romero vowed Faulco ene- the class.” his to be kind than two receiving more administratio four Repub ner and new A former like what ok. “They don’t “I’m not Counc lican City n. but social studies to their mine studen committee’s thirds of I do. They ing,” like the the tors ilmembers, don’t not said Romer disappear- pal to give “hell” teacher RomerVelare of Vista,t, Jasvotes, threshold Senais what way I do it. So, to Princio Charles the and Bates and Anders said going away.o, 55. “I’m happens. this someth candidate required for teacher.” was “an amazin Schindler. Assemblyman on, Follow ing I’m really This is a Chavez g to receive ing endorsement Rocky nounce ,” “I that’s what I can fight, the the an- get himwas lucky enough party membe over a fellow “I’ve been Gaspar said. we’re goingand ture, a ment of his deparmyself to petition tive Repub a very effecr. to on Petitio was created “He truly cares,” she wrote. “Endorsing lican mayor, publican for what one Re- a Democratic in urging he city ing on quires a over another balanced by focusTURN TO TEACHER budgets, — and 2/3 vote thresh re- economic ON A15 rarely happenold and GOP quality development, Chairman s,” continu of life Tony Board e to do so and will on the of Superv isors.”


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 5, 2021

Vaccine could give cruise industry a needed shot in the arm


he cruise industry has been dead in the water for a year now, and the financial losses are astronomical. Before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, however, cruising’s popularity was steadily growing. “…Cruising contributed $55 billion to the American economy in 2019, up 5.3 percent from 2018,” according to a Cruise Lines International Association report. Then… ka-boom! In March 2020, the SARS-CoV-2 began to wreak havoc on all facets of our lives. By the end of last year, it is estimated that, with the cancellation of all cruises just from the United States, cruise lines and associated industries lost more than $32 billion in economic activity, and more than 254,000 Americans lost their jobs. These jobs included those working in agriculture, travel agencies, food and beverage services, aviation, hotels and motels and manufacturing. The City and County of San Diego felt the pain, too. There were more than 120 cruise ships that didn’t

dock in San Diego Harbor in 2020. “This represents a loss of roughly $200 million in regional economic activity, impacting local businesses and government,” according to the Port of San Diego’s newsletter. “The Port’s cruise industry supports jobs including (those) in retail, restaurant and lodging; transportation, trucking and warehousing; ship agents and stevedoring; and security and manpower services.” Deep breath. Those numbers are heart-stopping, but there finally are signs that the end of going-nowhere may be in sight. But the cruise industry and its passengers will see changes. By the time you read this, about 80 million doses of the vaccine, more or less, will have been delivered into Americans’ arms. Well more than a million people each day are receiving a vaccine, and at this rate, 75% of our country’s population will be vaccinated with at least one dose by October. The hard truth is that those who elect not to get vaccinated for no valid medical reason (and possibly some who do have a valid reason), won’t be able to step aboard an airplane or a cruise ship or enter many countries. Slowly but surely, cruise ship companies are

TREKKING THROUGH RWANDA’S Volcanoes National Park for an up-close-and-personal encounter with some of the 900 surviving mountain gorillas is one of the newly created shore excursions offered by river cruise line AmaWaterways. Photo by Dave Proffer

requiring proof of vaccination at least two months prior to departure, not only to protect guests and staff but because many port countries also demand it. U.S.-based Crystal Cruises states on its website that at “this time, we are unable to accommodate any guest who cannot be vaccinated.” Some cruise ships also

will require proof of a negative COVID test within 48 hours of departure and will require passengers to take another test while aboard. So, if you love cruising, are willing to jump through the vaccination and testing hoops, and have a stash of travel cash because you had nothing to spend it on this past year, consider some of these newly available, once-

in-a-lifetime cruises and shore excursions. Some adventures don’t even have a price tag yet, but if you have to ask, you can’t afford them. • Want to one-up those folks who brag about walking among the penguins in Antarctica? Book a polar cruise on the new Scenic Eclipse, a 228-passenger mega-yacht that comes with

two helicopters and a submarine. The latter takes up to six passengers to a depth of 1,000 feet to observe sea life under the ice. • Crystal Cruises has yet to finalize the details of its four-night “Kathmandu: Capital of Nepal and Gateway to the Himalayas Overland Adventure,” but this add-on jaunt will take participants, via helicopter, from Colombo, Sri Lanka, to Kathmandu. They will stay in a 12-room hotel that sits on a 13,000-foot ridge close to Everest Base Camp. • The river cruise line AmaWaterways offers a four-night excursion — including two days for trekking through Rwanda’s Volcanoes National Park — to see a few of the 900 remaining mountain gorillas and the endangered golden monkey. This one priced at about $5,700. • For $61,000 per person, travelers on a few Silversea voyages can add on an expedition to Mongolia to spend seven nights with “a nearly extinct tribe of nomadic reindeer herders,” and with Kazakh eagle hunters near the Kazakhstan border. For additional shore excursions and links to cruise lines, visit /the-8-most-extraordinary-cruise-shore-excursions. Have an adventure to share? Email eondash@

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MARCH 5, 2021


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