Inland Edition, March 22, 2019

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VOL. 5, N0. 7

Admissions scandal hits North County

By Steve Horn

By Steve Puterski


MARCH 22, 2019

Nearly half of Palomar students ‘disadvantaged’

2 residents indicted in FBI college sting REGION — Two San Diego County residents have been indicted in the massive FBI investigation into parents securing their children admission to some of the best universities in the nation. Named “Operation Varsity Blues,” the scandal has implicated at least 50 people including Elisabeth Kimmel, 54, of La Jolla (who also owns a home in Las Vegas) and Toby MacFarlane, 56, of Del Mar. Early headlines described how actresses Lori Laughlin (“Full House”) and Felicity Huffman (“Desperate Housewives”) were also charged in the scheme. Kimmel owned KMFB News8 in San Diego before selling the station in 2018. She was arrested March 12 at her La Jolla home and is accused of a conspiracy to get her daughter into Georgetown and son into the USC. According to reports, Kimmel’s daughter’s application said she was a tennis recruit, although no there is no record of her daughter’s participation with the U.S. Tennis Association. Her daughter never played at Georgetown and graduated in 2017, according to NBC 7 in San Diego. Kimmel allegedly bribed officials at both schools through a fixer, William Rick Singer, who operated the Key World-


JIM PEATTIE, General Manager of Decommissioning Oversight at SCE, describes how the cask transporter loads canisters into long-term storage. Photo by Jordan P. Ingram

Edison: ‘We could have done a better job’ By Jordan P. Ingram

REGION — Nearly eight months after a “nearmiss” canister incident delayed storage operations at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, the message from Southern California Edison’s management team was clear: The company is committed to regaining the public’s trust. Edison officials spoke

directly to several local reporters about the company’s new safety and oversight program during a March 18 walking tour of the facility. “Quite frankly, we didn’t do our job here,” said Ron Pontes, Edison’s environmental decommissioning manager. “Believe me, we’ve taken a lot of heat, not only from the community, but from senior exec-


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utives in this company, that are not happy with what happened here. We could have done a better job.” Dry storage efforts were interrupted on Aug. 3 after a stainless steel canister containing 50 tons of spent nuclear fuel rods became wedged on a shield ring as it was being lowered

SAN MARCOS — For San Marcos’ Palomar College, it’s a tale of two cities. At the top of its new $67 million library on the fourth floor, the community college with an enrollment of roughly 25,000 students has a proposal in the works to build a $1 million, over 2,200-square-foot office suite for its president, Joi Lin Blake. But from the windows of the proposed suite — more sizeable than many San Marcos homes — Blake would overlook a student body not only struggling to pay tuition bills, but a large percentage of whom live in poverty. According to Palomar College’s demographic data collected by its Institutional Research and Planning wing, 45 percent of its student base is classified as economically disadvantaged. Under federal law, that is defined as “individuals (other than individuals with disabilities) who have economic or academic disadvantages and who require special services and assistance in order to enable these individuals to succeed.” Further, some 69.8 percent of enrolled students at Palomar College applied for financial aid for the 2016-



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Ellen Neufeldt has been named the fourth president of Cal State San Marcos. She will take over in July. Story on Page 3. Courtesy photo

2017 school year, according to data collected by the college published in its annual 2016-2017 FaceBook. Out of that pool, 60.9 percent ended up receiving financial aid, or 14,711 students. One of those students is Michelle (real name protected in response to a request for anonymity), a 54-year-old student who has returned to college late in life as a commuter stuTURN TO PALOMAR ON 3

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 22, 2019

CNN’s Ling speaks at CSUSM By Steve Horn

SAN MARCOS — On March 19, CNN roving journalist and documentarian Lisa Ling spoke to a full crowd inside of the student union ballroom at California State University San Marcos. Ling, former co-host of the show “The View” and current host of the CNN and Netflix show “This Is Life,” spoke at CSUSM for its “Women Breaking Boundaries” lecture. In her remarks, Ling shared stories from working in the field throughout the world. She also emphasized the importance of keeping an open mind and dialogue with cultures different from one’s own, doing so by removing “American style of glasses.” Ling’s sister, Laura, was held captive in North Korea from five months before former President Bill Clinton helped broker a deal to bring her back to the U.S. in September 2009. Lesser known is that, Lisa — who lives nearby in Los Angeles — also has spent time reporting in North Korea. In discussing the country led by the Kim dynasty since the end of the dawn of the Cold War in 1948, Ling said people in the U.S. should have empathy toward the people of North Korea as it pertains to the all-encompassing propaganda system which prevails there. “People always ask me, aren’t they curious about how the rest of the world lives?” prompted Ling. “And what I say to people is that when you are born indoctrinated into believing this is the only way of life, every show that you watch on TV, every book that you read, every song that you say, I'm not kidding. Everyone is about struggle against the rest of the world in North Korea. You’re almost are prevented from being curious, right? Because your frame of reference is so limited.” Despite the totalitarian state apparatus and full-spectrum dominance of the propaganda system, Ling said that it was by jogging in a pre-approved area within Pyongyang that

LISA LING, host of the CNN show “This Is Life,” gave the “Woman Breaking Boundaries” lecture on March 19 in the student union ballroom. Courtesy photo

she experienced a sense of shared humanity with a North Korean citizen. That jog eventually turned into an all-out sprint against a North Korean. . “At a certain point (after sprinting) we just stopped and started laughing because we realize that we're just a couple of girls having a good time and laughing irrespective of the fact that our two countries have this really challenged, contentious relationship,” said Ling. “It was just really a beautiful moment that I'll never forget.” Pointing to North Korea’s neighbor China — another country of focus for her reporting — Ling said that one of the things she discovered during her time abroad there was some of the troubles with the onechild policy. In particular, she said a gender imbalance has ensued, with 30 million more men than women in the country. And that has led to sexual-related violence, said Ling. ”Large numbers of young men competing for dominance can elevate local rates of violence, homicide and even lawlessness,” said Ling. “And then there's the issue of not being able to find wives, particularly for men at the lower levels of the economic ladder.” Ling pointed to the issue of human trafficking of women and young girls, in particular, as a by-product of this gender imbalance.

Though an international correspondent, Ling also has focused her lens on the U.S., as well, covering a whole host of social issues faced by populations living on the margins of society. One of those populations is prisoners, in particular how intimate relationships can persist despite the incarceration of a loved one. Pointing to the U.S. prison population, Ling said that she believes it is a travesty that so many African-American men have been locked up in the age of mass incarceration. “And that's because of America's war on drugs,” Ling said. “Although according to statistics, white sellers and users of illegal narcotics did so at roughly the same rates as black users and sellers. The number of African-American men in prisons has soared. And this has had a devastating impact on entire communities and generations. There are even some towns in this country that can be characterized as fatherless due to how many men are locked up behind bars.” Ling also encouraged the crowd members to think critically for themselves and avoid falling into echo chambers when it comes to consuming news. And she said to appreciate and utilize the plethora of information out there for research, which is censored in many parts of the world she has visited as a correspondent. “We live in a country where we have access to unlimited amounts of information at the tip of our fingertips, right? We can access any score of any game at any moment,” said Ling. “But I just wonder how often we actually seek out information about the rest of the world. You know, I still wonder how many Americans can accurately identify Afghanistan on a map today, despite how long we been engaged in that conflict.” The Ling lecture was the fourth of six for the CSUSM’s spring semester Arts & Lecture series. One of the other previous speakers was Tarana Burke, founder of the #MeToo movement.

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GFWC Contemporary Women of North County, from left, Jean Smithers, Rebecca Buchen, Judy Jackson, Rosa Ruiz, Sue Walsh, Joy Stefano and Kathy Shattuck, joined other pet lovers on Feb. 23 at Kit Carson Park for the two-mile “Walk for Animals,” to raise money for the San Diego Humane Society. Team CWONC raised $845. Visit Courtesy photo

With resolution, Vista latest city to oppose offshore drilling By Steve Puterski

VISTA — Dozens of cities throughout the state have approved resolutions pushing back against the Trump administration’s calls to expand offshore drilling and exploration. During its March 12 meeting, the Vista City Council was the latest city to approve a resolution against the administration’s plans. Despite being an inland city, the resolution has garnered attention for the traditional conservative city. Deputy Mayor John Franklin brought the item forward, which called for opposing offshore drilling. “Our coastline is unspoiled and all of us are concerned about our coastal environment,” Franklin said. “We are all concerned about our coastal habitat and wildlife, and we all share concern about any potential threat to that wildlife or habitat. I think it’s important we raise our voices and express that con-

cern.” The resolution states city residents and visitors enjoy the states beaches for all purposes, which also contribute to local economies. In addition, sea life depends on a healthy environment, thus leading the city to push back on plans to expand drilling off California’s coastline, especially in San Diego County. “Offshore oil and gas drilling and exploration off the Pacific coast has the potential to put these coastal resources, and the communities and industries that depend on them, at risk,” part of the resolution reads. Councilwoman Corinna Contreras said despite Vista having no coastline, its proximity to the beach made it easy for regular childhood trips. In addition, seeing offshore rigs and seepage from those is suspicious, in addition to the threat of spills, which would cripple the wildlife, habitat and local economies. Brady Bradshaw, cam-

paign organizer for Oceana, a nonprofit ocean advocacy group, said he was thrilled with the council’s decision. With Vista joining the movement, there are now 90 cities in California who have passed such resolutions and more than 340 nationwide. “It was great to see,” Bradshaw said. “It makes sense because Vista is so close to the coast. So many residents spoke and were well-informed.” National City and Coronado are the only two coastal cities in San Diego County to have not passed a resolution. The county recently passed its own resolution, while the city of San Marcos voted to indefinitely table the discussion. Regardless, Vista decided it was time to support its coastal neighbors as the council and 10 residents noted numerous reasons to oppose drilling. “We support this and our beaches,” Mayor Judy Ritter added.

Stretch of I-15 dedicated to fallen firefighter

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ESCONDIDO — Cal Fire and Caltrans dedictaed a section of Interstate 15 on March 16 to Cory Iverson, a 32-year-old fire engineer who died in December 2017 while fighting the Thomas Fire. Iverson had served with Cal Fire for more than eight years when he died of burns and smoke inhalation while battling the fire, the largest in state history at the time. Iverson left behind a wife, Ashley, and two daughters, Evie and Taylor. After Cory Iverson’s death, a GoFundMe campaign raised more than $700,000 for the Iverson family. “Anne and I are saddened by Engineer Cory Iverson’s tragic death,” said

CORY IVERSON, right, died in December 2017 fighting the Thomas Fire. His wife, Ashley, has started a foundation in his name to support firefighters. Photo via Facebook

then-Gov. Jerry Brown in a statement the day Iverson died. “His bravery and years of committed service to the people of California will never be forgotten.”

Ashley Iverson has since started a foundation, the Iverson Foundation for Active Awareness, that helps firefighters deal with the rigors of the job in a healthy and supportive way. Ashley Iverson spoke at the dedication ceremony, which was also attended by Assemblywoman Marie Waldron, R-Escondido, San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond and representatives from Cal Fire and Caltrans. The stretch of I-15 in North County has been designated with highway signs as the “Cal Fire Firefighter Cory Iverson Memorial Highway.” — City News Service

MARCH 22, 2019

Neufeldt named CSUSM president

Progress of gun show policy halted By Lexy Brodt

DEL MAR — A plan to come up with a policy regarding gun shows at the Del Mar Fairgrounds by the end of 2019 has been halted, due to a lawsuit filed against the fairground’s board by the show’s operator. The gun shows have become the center of a regional debate over the sale of firearms and ammunition on state-owned property. Utah-based Crossroads of the West Gun Shows has operated the event at the Del Mar Fairgrounds five times a year for the past 30 years. In September, an adhoc committee of two 22nd District Agricultural Association board members was tasked with coming up with a policy that would consider holding the gun shows for educational and safety training purposes only. The committee — comprised of board directors Frederick Schenk and Lee Haydu — was to present a policy to the Board by its December 2019 meeting. In the interim, the board set a yearlong moratorium on the gun shows. The move prompted Crossroads to file a lawsuit against the Board in January, citing a violation of its first amendment rights to free speech. Schenk announced at a March 12 22nd DAA board meeting that the committee will not be able to bring forward a new policy by the end of the year, due to the lawsuit. “What we intended to do, what we spoke of our intentions to do, will be delayed,” Schenk said at the meeting. “ … It is so very



dent with hopes of bettering her economic situation. Michelle began attending Palomar College during the summer 2018 semester and hopes to leave school “when she grows up,” she jokes, as a financial advisor and tax preparer. To pay the bills, Michelle told The Coast News that she works part-time once a week for eight hours at a Walmart in Escondido. She formerly worked fulltime at that same Walmart store, commuting daily from her home in Palomar Mountain nearly an hour away. When home, she takes care of her husband, a Vietnam War veteran who suffers from both heart failure and stage five terminal kidney failure. She says he has no retirement from the military and thus is on both Medicare and Social Security Disability Insurance. Those federal payments leave him with $1,000 per month for living expenses, including food, medication, and other necessities. Michelle also works part-time at the campus food


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


Are you a fan of vintage Volkswagens? Does the sound of an air-cooled engine make your valves clatter? If so, the 26th annual Bob Baker Vintage Volkswagen Spring Festival is Sunday, March 24, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., at Bob Baker Volkswagen, 5500 Paseo del Norte, Carlsbad. The festival will have live music and food trucks and is open to the public with free admission for spectators. The festival is open to all air-cooled VWs with a $10 car show entrant fee with no pre-registration; car show parking starts at 7 a.m. Photo by Ken Hansen/Courtesy photo

clear to me that whatever process we go through, until there is some resolution with two of our board members being personally served in this lawsuit, there’s an inherent problem with having a vote on anything.” At a Jan. 9 22nd DAA board meeting, Schenk outlined the committee’s prior plans to conduct a “large tent” discussion, meeting with city officials, legislative leaders and both advocates and critics of the gun shows. Because the lawsuit is currently in the discov-

ery phase, the board is now limited in its ability to communicate with the plaintiffs on the lawsuit — which include not only Crossroads, but several frequent gun show merchants and advocacy groups such as the Second Amendment Foundation and the California Rifle & Pistole Association. Schenk said the committee will “do our best in gathering what we can outside of the limitations that are now placed on us because of this lawsuit.” About a month after the lawsuit was filed, Cal-

pantry, the Anita & Stan Maag Food & Nutrition Center, as part of a work-study program to help fund her education. At the food pantry, food insecure students who apply and are eligible, can receive up to 15 pounds of donated food per month. Michelle, who herself had a double brain aneurysm in 2007 and was given a 10 percent chance of survival, said that attending Palomar College has awakened her to the economic plight faced by young people attending college today. She has met at least half a dozen homeless students who sleep in their cars and often choose between paying for food or paying for gas and tuition. Given her own background, she can relate. “I could not go to college because I was responsible for helping to take care of my family financially,” she said. “We were also too poor to even consider me going to college. I started working odd jobs when I was 9 years old to help support my family and myself. My parents both became disabled while in high school, so I also had to care for them by taking them to doctors appoint-

ments, cooking meals, laundry, work and care for my nephew and niece.’ A study published in April 2018 by the University of Wisconsin based on the largest ever survey research conducted on the basic needs of college students — covering 43,000 students at 66 institutions in 20 states and the District of Columbia — concluded that 42 percent of community college students faced food insecurity, 51 percent faced housing insecurity and 12 percent of those surveyed dealt with homelessness. According to Amber Bancroft, the student body president who also serves as a student trustee for the Palomar College board of governors, economically insecure students encompass a vast swath of those who come to her office as her constituents as an elected officeholder. “Some examples that I have witnessed are students who have had their financial aid withheld, which put them on the verge of homelessness, students who were sleeping in their vehicle … and students who couldn't afford food or textbooks,”

ifornia State Assemblyman Todd Gloria (D-San Diego) announced a new bill that — if passed — would ban the sale of firearms and ammunition at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. According to a representative with Gloria’ office who spoke at the March 12 meeting, the bill has been referred to the Assembly Public Safety Committee and is awaiting a hearing date. If it passes through the senate and is signed by Gov. Gavin Newsom, it stands to go into effect in 2021. Bancroft said. “Many people are not understanding of how students can be facing basic needs or housing insecurities and often blame them. This stigma makes it so that students aren't willing to self-identify or ask for help when they most need it.” Bancroft said this can lead to students performing poorly academically and then subsequently even dropping out of college altogether. Bancroft pays for tuition with help from scholarships, as well as through her paid position on the board of governors and a lab assistant job she does in Palomar College’s Department of Chemistry. She hopes to utilize the her student government leadership position to tackle the issue of economic hardship faced by Palomar College students in the weeks and months ahead. “The current student government board has been very proactive about addressing these issues because a lot of our members struggle with these insecurities,” Bancroft said. “The student government has passed a resolution for

SAN MARCOS — The California State University Board of Trustees announced the appointment March 20 of Ellen Neufeldt as president of the San Marcos campus. Neufeldt will become the university's fourth president when she takes over in July. She is currently the vice president of student engagement and enrollment services at Old Dominion University in Virginia. CSU officials had searched for and interviewed candidates for the Cal State San Marcos presidency since November. “Dr. Neufeldt has been a visionary leader who has demonstrated a commitment to student success throughout her career,” said CSU Trustee and search committee chair Jean Picker Firstenberg. “She brings a wealth of experience, and will serve as an inspirational leader on the campus and in the community.” Current CSUSM President Karen Haynes announced last September that she plans to retire in June. Haynes, will leave office as the longest-tenured president in the university’s history, helped increase the school’s population from 7,000 in 2004 to the current 17,000 and added 15 new buildings and more than 100 academic programs. Neufeldt has held her current role at Old Dominion since 2011, overseeing government relations and marketing and public relations in addition to student engagement and enrollment services. Prior to joining Old Dominion, she also served as the vice president of student affairs at Salisbury University and assistant vice chancellor for student development

at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Neufeldt said she was looking forward to her new post. “There has been remarkable growth both on the campus and in the local community and the opportunity for additional growth still remains,” Neufeldt said. “This is an exciting time for the campus and the prospects are limitless.”

Palomar College in order to open up a parking lot for safe overnight parking for students who have vehicle residency as well as bring affordable student housing to campus.” It’s not just students who have called attention to the socio-economic present at Palomar College. Rocco Versaci, an English Professor at Palomar College, says that he believes that at its core, the situation at Palomar College parallels trends seen at universities and colleges nationwide. To Versaci, a professor at Palomar College for over two years, a business-centric outlook at higher education serves as the central culprit at-play. “And it finally dawned on me that what that actually means is that, you know, the workers often get screwed and the CEOs get enriched in different ways,” Versaci said. “There seems to be a general trend in education where the college president spends more time kind of insulating themselves with the board than leading the school in the kind of meaningful way that benefits all.” For Michelle, as these

dynamics unfold, she says it remains a perpetual struggle just to get about three to four hours of sleep per night and study for classes. “But what’s the end goal and the end game?” she asks rhetorically, saying she hopes not to remain in a low-wage career at the end of the road at Palomar College. “I’m trying to remain positive. Every day, I drive down Palomar Mountain on the way to classes and pray to God to be in a better place and opportunity in life.”

— City News Service

Correction The Coast News Inland Edition published a March 8, 2019, article entitled, “California Pacific Airl maps its comeback.” The article included three statements by CP Air founder Ted Vallas, as follows: “While the certificates remain intact, ADI financials were questionable, according to Ted Vallas.” “Lubash was told ADI failed to disclose the company was losing money during the purchase period and CP Air staff did not become aware until months later.” “Lubash was told by Ted Vallas that the company was hemorrhaging $230,000 per month.” Those statements were published in error and we sincerely regret our mistake. We apologize for any inconvenience it may have caused. Jordan P. Ingram Managing Editor The Coast News


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 22, 2019

Opinion & Editorial

Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of The Coast News

Should 17-year-olds have the right to vote?

N Vista 5, San Marcos 0 By Matthew LeComte

Newly proposed offshore drilling in our oceans is a conspiracy between the Trump administration and behemoth oil and gas corporations to plunder the resources of the Southern California coastline. They seek to carry the profits while we citizens carry the risk. In response Californians have united behind the cause of protecting our beaches and our coastline which we love so much and want to pass on to our children and their children. Conservative and progressive elected officials statewide across at least 90 cities have come together to form one clear voice that we Californians stand against offshore drilling. North County’s own city of Vista joined the chorus during the March 12 Council meeting. The agenda item was brought forward by conservative deputy mayor John Franklin. The deputy’s last attempt at a public statement, one in favor of Trump’s policies, didn’t go over well with the community. This motion to join in opposition to the Trump administration prompted an outpouring

of support, with Franklin repeatedly thanked by progressive activist. Also receiving thanks and joining in support of the motion was Mayor Judy Ritter and Councilmember Corrina Contreras. Both leaders just received Woman of the Year awards for their accomplishments in 2018. After a harmonious discussion the motion passed unanimously. The same scene can not be described at the San Marcos City Council meeting four weeks prior. The San Marcos City Council meeting of February 12 witnessed roughly two hours of public discussion on the issue of offshore drilling. Many of the speakers were conscientious millennials passionate about protecting our life-giving ocean. After everyone had their turn to speak it was time to vote when Rebecca Jones, in just her fifth council meeting as mayor, unexpectedly interrupted proceedings in motion to postpone the vote indefinitely for the reason of further discussion. What? Why? The room, silent and

confused, waited to see what would happen next but it wasn’t pretty. After the council fumbled around with what exactly was happening, Deputy Mayor Sharon Jenkins began asking so many questions as to appear lost in comprehension painfully dancing around the options until she ultimately decided with the mayor, who had just appointed her to the position of deputy a month earlier, thereby indefinitely postponing the vote. At this point most of the room left disappointed. What will become of the issue is unknown. Why the mayor asked to kill the vote, here we have a suggestion. The mayor’s actions are maybe part of a larger political rivalry with Councilmember Randy Walton, who had proposed the issue originally against the wishes of the mayor. The rough start of Mayor Jones continued when a large number of loud protesters entered a private donors-only fundraiser the public was not expected to attend. The Vista City Council did the community proud while in San Marcos nothing was accomplished.

Honoring hometown hero Cory Iverson By Marie Waldron

This week a solemn ceremony took place in Escondido unveiling the big green signs to designate a portion of I-15 in Escondido, as “CAL FIRE Firefighter Cory Iverson Memorial Highway.” It was an honor and privilege to carry ACR 205, to create this designation recognizing, along with firefighters and other first responders from across California, a hometown hero who made the supreme sacrifice. Cory Iverson, an Escondido native, was just 32 years old when he died fighting on the front lines of Ventura County’s devastating Thomas Fire in 2017. An eightyear Cal Fire veteran, he had worked seven years with the Harmony Grove Fire De-

partment before joining Cal Fire in 2009. He was brave, steadfast, and committed to being the best firefighter he could be, always striving to learn and do more. He even became one of those frontline fire fighters dropping from helicopters onto the edge of the surging flames. Also, he was a man of faith. He devoted his life to sharing the love of Jesus. He was a great friend to many, inspiring others to always strive for something greater. He led by example. Cory Iverson leaves behind his amazing wife, a young daughter, and another daughter born after his death. While we have lost a local hero, they have lost a huge part of themselves that won’t be replaced. During

his career he received many awards, including recognition as 2010 Cal Fire Firefighter of the Year. He exemplified professionalism, work ethic, dedication, and of course, love of family. So when you drive along I-15 from the 78 Interchange to Via Rancho Parkway, remember and pray for Cal Fire Firefighter Cory Iverson and his young family, and for all our first responders who are out there each and every day protecting all of us. Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron, R-Escondido, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes Escondido, San Marcos and Vista.

o one protested back in the 1970s, when first Congress and then every state granted 18-year-old citizens the right to vote. If they were old enough to die for their country, went the reasoning, they were also old enough to help make its decisions. Now a top-ranking Democratic state legislator wants to expand the franchise to let 17-year-old Californians vote in primary elections if they will turn 18 before the next general election. “If a voter is going to be eligible to vote in a general election, why wouldn’t we want to allow them also to have a say in who they will be voting for in that election?” said Assembly Speaker pro tem Kevin Mullin of San Mateo. He wants the Legislature to put a proposed state constitutional amendment allowing this new right on the March 3, 2020, primary ballot. This is not exactly a new idea: 23 other states already allow 17-year-olds to vote in primaries. And it’s been proposed before in California: Just last year, Democratic Assemblyman Evan Low of Campbell introduced another amendment lowering the voting age to 17 in all elections. That one died in an Assembly committee. It’s easy to see this idea as a ploy by Democrats to assure they stay in power indefinitely. After all, it would be yet another way to expand the electorate, and a political truism says that the more voters turn out in any election, the better Democrats will do. The effort is part of a series of moves by California Democrats since 2015 to get ballots into the

california focus thomas d. elias hands of more and more voters. They enacted Election Day voter registration – used by more than 40,000 new voters last fall. They legalized “ballot harvesting,” where operatives of all parties can help voters fill out ballots, show them how to sign the ballots and then assist them in mailing those ballots or otherwise turning them in. Democrats also passed “motor voter,” making voter registration automatic for anyone getting a driver’s license unless they decline. Despite management problems that saw some voters registered to parties they didn’t want, this also produced tens of thousands of new votes. It all contrasted sharply with simultaneous Republican moves to restrict voting rights in states where they controlled both governor’s offices and legislatures. Some of those rules may be loosened considerably soon, as Democrats took over eight governor’s posts and six legislatures last fall, still leaving the GOP with 21 states where it controls the entire state capital. Although Republicans lately have tried to suppress voting numbers while Democrats do all they can to open ballots for virtually everyone, this has only been a partisan issue for about the last eight years. Before then, voting was a matter of civics, almost all Americans agreeing that the more voters turn out, the better for the nation’s social and political fabric.

That’s still the rhetoric Democrats use, while Republicans maintain all the Democrats’ vote-expansion moves are aimed at groups more likely to vote Democratic, including undocumented immigrants. California Republicans have had little to say about the state’s recent voting expansions, but they were the first to take advantage when mail voting opened to all in the late 1970s, after previously being available only to those who could not get to the polls. For one example, many analysts attributed ex-Gov. George Deukmejian’s 1982 upset win over Democratic Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley to the GOP’s skillful use of newly legalized unlimited absentee votes. Now some Republicans blame the new rules for their big losses last year, saying they must do what Democrats did in the ’80s: master the new tactics. Democrats today use the old-fashioned civic rhetoric to plump for their voter-expansion efforts, including 17-year-old primary voting. “I’m a strong supporter of civic engagement,” says Mullin. “This is about getting more Californians involved in the political process regardless of their political affiliation.” And who knows? If this state’s Republicans ever manage to expand their appeal beyond their current conservative base, they also might find ways to turn 17-year-olds and other new voters their way, rather than letting them go lemming-like to the Democrats. Email Thomas Elias at For more Elias columns, go to www.

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MARCH 22, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

In Vista, Cat & Craft serves up coffee with a feline twist Special to The Coast News

VISTA — Cats and coffee seem to go together — at least at Cat & Craft in Vista, thanks to owners Caroline and Andrew Vaught. Beware though; this is not a place where you can bring your own cat and hang out swigging a cup of the daily Joe. No, the totally separate 1,500-square-foot Cat & Craft located at 3211 Business Park Drive, Suite 3B, which opened in January, is indeed a specialty coffee shop featuring local craft coffee and pastries. However, there’s a twist. More than 800 square feet of the space is dedicated to a cagefree lounge space environment for adoptable cats who reside at Cat & Craft until their forever family comes along. At press time there were 14 cats (there’s typically between 12 and 15) in the café ready to be adopted and to date 46 total have been adopted since the business opened. “Our goal is to place 500 by January 2020,” said Caroline Vaught, who along with her husband once worked in corporate America. “Our cats get plenty of cozy snoozing spots, natural light and vertical climbing space, while guests who purchase access to the cat lounge can snag a comfy chair or cushion to enjoy their favorite beverage while meeting and interacting with our foster felines.” All the adoptable cats and kittens are socialized and are provided by the local nonprofit 501 c3 cat rescue LYFF. All foster felines are fully vaccinated, sprayed, neutered and microchipped with 100 percent of the adoption fees going directly to LYFF. According to Vaught the café

CAT & CRAFT owners Andrew and Caroline Vaught in January opened a coffee shop in Vista that includes an 800-square-foot space for adoptable cats. There are typically 12-15 cats available for adoption at any one time, and the Vaughts say that nearly 50 cats have been adopted since they opened. Courtesy photo

was inspired by “our love of cats, as well as local handcrafted food and beverages. We created the Cat & Craft because we wanted to provide a place for the local community to connect with each other and animals who need a loving home to call their own,” she said. “We knew this was our calling after realizing Andrew’s coffee expertise would pair perfectly with our shared loved of cats.” She said it was their previous volunteer work with LYFF that

led them to create the space after looking at 24 other properties in North County. They began their commitment to the project in 2017 and signed a lease in Vista in 2018. “The city of Vista has been so supportive, so I believe we’ve landed where we were meant to be,” she said. “From a design perspective we wanted the space to attract those who are beyond just cat lovers. We’re hoping to attract people who are on the fence about adopting a cat or kitten; when we

see someone like that who eventually adopts a cat it just warms our soul. We are thrilled to rehome these animals that are here and give them a new perspective and a second chance at life.” Before you head out for a visit, however, you do have to pay $12 for the Cat Lounge. Your $12 per hour foster lounge reservations lets the café continue its mission of “finding its foster cats a second chance at a loving home.” Contributions




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help it to continue to maintain a safe, comfortable cage-free environment for the foster cats that is staffed with “knowledge, compassionate and hardworking team members,” Vaught said. While reservations are recommended, they aren’t required to visit Cat & Craft. Only a small number of people are let into the Cat Lounge at a time out of respect for the cats and other visitors. No walk-ins when it is at full capacity either. Book at least one day before you would like to visit to ensure your spot when you arrive. Kids under 7 are welcome but must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. For those under 7 Cat & Craft offers dedicated time slots for a better experience for younger kids. And again, don’t bring your own cat as they are not allowed — yet, Vaught stressed. As for the coffee shop it offers space for community members to gather, connect and enjoy hand-created coffees, drinks and food. It’s more of a kitchen and living room where you can unwind, chat and make new friends, feline and human, she said. “Our space is dedicated to cats who do not have an awesome pet parent such as yourself,” Cat & Craft states. “It is very rewarding when you get to see a magical connection happen between the animal and a person,” Vaught said. “We feel we are also creating another space for a cat coming in after one goes to its forever home with a new loving pet parent.” Vaught said there are 265 cat cafes in North America. Cat Lounge is open daily 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.





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CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@



The American Association of University Women, Carlsbad-Oceanside-Vista Branch, invites students to apply for the $2,000 Jeanne Gruenwald scholarship by April 30, 2019. Qualified applicants include students who are currently enrolled in Mira Costa College or Palomar College, or are a transferring or returning Junior or Senior student enrolled at California State University San Marcos. For further requirements and application, contact Mardi Musick at aauw.cov@gmail. com. Winners selected by the AAUW-COV Scholarship Committee by June 1, 2019.


Sign up now for the city of Carlsbad’s Spring camps offered April 1 through April 5 and Summer camps from June 17 through Aug. 23. Registration begins March 6. To register, visit


The Gloria McClellan Center will screen a free, new movie release at 1 p.m. March 22 at 1400 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista. Call (760) 643-5282 for the movie title or visit Closed captioning for the hearing impaired.

T he C oast News - I nland E dition tiquitos area as the Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation docents host a free event from 9 to 11 a.m. March 23 at 7380 Gabbiano Lane, Carlsbad. For more information, visit batiquitosfoundation. org/



The Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County support group for those who desire to foster friendships through various social activities will attend Mass at St. Patrick Catholic Church, Carlsbad and lunch at Mimi’s Cafe, Oceanside March 24 and enjoy lunch and Bocce Ball at the Elk’s Club, Vista March 28. Reservations are necessary: (858) 674-4324.


Nonprofit, summer STEM enrichment programs for K through sixth grade, working with the National Inventors Hall of Fame, are coming to Coastal Academy, 4096 Calle Platino, Oceanside, the week of June 17 to June 21, and Del Sur Elementary School, 15665 Paseo Del Sur, San Diego, June 24 to June 28. The programs offered include Innovation Force, Deep Sea Mystery, Farm Tech and DIY Robot. For registration, visit invent. org/camp.


Support the Encinitas Rancho Coastal Humane Society from 1 to 4 p.m. March 24 at “Paws on the Patio” at Sally’s Fish House and Bar, 1 Market Place, San Diego. For more information visit Rancho CoastWORLD OF WATER al Humane Society at 389 Join the city of Oceans- Requeza St., Encinitas or ide from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. call (760) 753-6413, or log March 23 to experience on to Oceanside’s World of Water. This free, fun, water-themed event will take place at the San Luis Rey FREE EYE CARE Water Reclamation FacilVista Community Clinity, 3950 N. River Road, Oceanside. For more infor- ic offers optometry care at mation and to sign up, visit two of its North County locations, ensuring local dents have access to affordable quality eye care when GERMAN HERITAGE TALK they need it. You can make The Escondido Geneal- an appointment with VCC ogy Society will meet at 10 by calling or texting (844) a.m. March 23 with a speak- 308-5003. Learn more by er on “All Things German” visiting At Park Avenue Community Center, 210 E. Park Ave., Escondido.






Boys and Girls Club Come meet the Califor- of San Dieguito and San nia Fish and Wildlife trail Diego LabRats is offering rangers who cover the Ba- grades five through eight Science, Technology, Engineering, Art/Creativity and Math (STEAM) camps at the San Dieguito Griset Clubhouse in Encinitas from April through June 2019. The LabRats STEAM Discovery Center will host two “free, first look” open houses on March 26 and March 30. To register, visit or contact LabRats at jrmerrill@ or call (760) 450-4717.

ifornia – San Marcos meeting at 11 a.m. April 1, discussing taxes and finance, at St. Mark Country Club, 1750 San Pablo Drive, Lake San Marcos. Cost is $30 for lunch. Mail or deliver check made payable to RWC-SM, to Susie Glass, 1164 Sunrise Way, San Marcos, CA 92078.

The Oceanside Parks and Recreation Spring 2019 Activity Guide is available to view at oceansiderec. com. To register for classes, camps, activities and programs, visit and create a free account. Classes start the week of April 1and run until June 22. For easy enrollment, click on the activity SENIOR FOOD PROGRAM The Gloria McClellan number located next to the Center will host a CalFresh class name in the Activity Senior Food Program by Guide. Feeding San Diego, followed by application processing and assistance, at 11:30 a.m. March 27 at 1400 GUN USE FORUM From 10 a.m. to noon Vale Terrace Drive, Vista. Application processing will March 30, the League of follow at noon. Bring ID Women Voters of North with date of birth (driver’s County San Diego, under license, passport, etc.) and the auspices of the San Dia proof of address (utility, ego City Attorney's Office, water, or telephone bill). To will hold the second inbe eligible, applicants must formative presentation in be at least 60 years old, a its series on "Guns in Our resident of San Diego Coun- Communities" at the Carlsty, and meet the federal in- bad Senior Center, 799 Pine Ave., Carlsbad. Chief Depcome guidelines. uty City Attorney Nicole Crosby, with the Domestic GET TICKETS NOW Your RSVP is required Violence and Sex Crimes by March 29 for the Home Unit, will discuss Gun ViStart, Inc. (a non-profit olence Restraining Orders child abuse prevention and (GVRO), a new tool in comtreatment agency) Blue bating gun use by unstable Ribbon Gala from 5:30 to persons in our communi11 p.m. April 6 at the Hil- ties. ton San Diego Resort and Spa. The gala will feature STEP BACK IN HISTORY You can tour the Teten a three-course meal, silent and live auction, photo Farm House between 12:30 booth, and live entertain- and 4 p.m. every Saturday ment. Tickets $250, VIP in March. One of the first tickets $350 at blueribbon- homesteads in Olivenhain or contact Mark is now restored by architect Lagace, mlagace@home- and museum docent David or (619) 692-0727 Oakley. The home features original furniture as well as ext. 144. objects from the period.




The Oceanside Public Library will be hosting The Glassless Minds Community Writing Workshop at 6 p.m. March 28 and on the fourth Thursday of every month in the Civic Center Library, 330 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside. For more information, visit or call (760) 435-5600. GET TO KNOW THE MOON

The LIFE lecture will be “The Moon: an Anchor that Tethers this Unstable Planet,” from 1 to 3 p.m. March 29 at the San Elijo Campus of MiraCosta College, 3333 Manchester Ave. Student Center, Cardiff, with Rica French, professor of Astronomy. From its very formation, the moon has guided the development of life on Earth. For more information, visit


The Life Lecture series continues 1 p.m. March 29 in the administration Building 1000, Room 1068 at the Oceanside College Campus, 1 Barnard Drive, with “Introduction to Islam” at 1 p.m., and at 2:30 p.m. “Robotic Surgery at Tri-City.” You may purchase a parking permit in Lot 1A and park in Lots 1A or 1C for $1. The lectures are. Visit RSVP NOW Lunch reservations are or call needed by March 27 for the (760) 757-2121, ext. 6972 for Republican Women Of Cal- further information.




The Pajama Project of Encinitas is having an open house from 10 to 11 a.m. March 30 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 925 Balour Drive, Encinitas. Come by and see what takes place at a Pajama Project Work Day creating warm, flannel pajamas for those in need. Visitors are welcome to stay and take part in the work day. Treats and coffee will be served. For more information, pjproject92024@ or ThePajamaProject.

MARCH 22, 2019 Rancho Bernardo. The first hour features a presentation by Attorney Kimberly R. McGhee who will present “Estate and Disability Planning, Conservatorships, and Asset Protection.” The presentation will be followed by breakout groups of People with Parkinson’s in one area and caregivers in another. Call (858) 3542498 or (760) 749-8234.



Carlsbad Senior Center Newcomers Coffee group will meet at 10:15 a.m. April 3 at Carlsbad Senior Center, 799 Pine Ave., Carlsbad. Speaker will be Meghan Muckenfuss, educational coordinator for the first state approved dispensary, Torrey Holistic. No-host lunch will follow. For more information, visit


The Woman’s Club of Vista GFWC Night Owls, meets the first Wednesday of every month at 6 p.m. at the Thai One On Restaurant, 485 S. Melrose in Vista. Members share the Club’s business while socializing over appetizers and/or dinner. The Night Owls members contribute to projects, helping various non-profits locally and worldwide including the Women’s Resource Center, Operation Hope and Gently Hugged. Questions? Contact Chairwoman Marilyn Rudoff at WCV.owls@



Carlsbad Business Achievement & Distinction (CBAD) invite the community to get tickets now for “A New Horizon” awards luncheon from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. April 4, at The Westin Carlsbad Resort & Spa. It will recognize businesses, large and small, in five categories: The Community Footprint Award; Beat the Odds Award, The Risk-Taker Award; Women Championing Women Award, Best Place to Work (Large Business) and Best Place to Work (Small Business). YOGI IN L.A. Yogi Sadhguru of ISHA Ticket prices are $145 for Foundation plans to con- general public at carlsbad. duct a two-day InnerEngi- org/cbadawards2019/ neering Program at the Los Angeles Convention Center March 30 and March 31. To register, visit InnerEngi- ART OF FLORAL DESIGN / SadhguLearn basic floral deruLive. sign at the Vista Garden Club’s meeting at 1:30 p.m. April 5 at the Gloria McClellan Senior Center, 1400 Vale Terrace Drive. FingerART IN BLOOM Enjoy Art In Bloom, tip lunch is at noon followed with work of 24 local art- by business meeting, design ists of the San Dieguito Art time, program and horticulGuild from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., ture report. Visit vistangarthrough March 31, San Di- or e-mail Viego Botanic Garden, Ecke Building. 230 Quail Gardens Drive, Encinitas. Free CLASSIC HOT ROD SHOW with paid admission. Goodguys 19th Meguiar’s Del Mar three-day American hot-rodding festival will be April 5-7 at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 PARKINSON’S SUPPORT North County Parkin- Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del son’s Support Group meets Mar, featuring hot rods, from 10 a.m. to noon April 1 customs, classics, street at San Rafael Church, 17252 rods, muscle cars and trick Bernardo Center Drive, trucks through 1987 vin-




tage. General admission (Friday and Saturday) $25. Del Mar Fairgrounds parking fee $15.



The League of Women Voters of North County San Diego will present its conference on climate change, on the subject of “Pollution, Politics, and Your Personal Power” from 1 to 3 p.m. April 6 at the Carlsbad Senior Center, 799 Pine Ave, Carlsbad. The presenter will be Eve Simmons, an environmental advocate and Congressional Liaison on climate.


The Mira Costa Horticulture Club is meeting at 12:30 p.m. April 6 at MiraCosta College, Bldg. 3400, Azatlan Rooms A and B above book store, at 1 Barnard Drive, Oceanside. There will be a workshop on creating egg carton greenhouses. For more information call (760) 721- 3281 or check the webpage


City of Carlsbad’s Mindful Living Workshops finish with “Mindful Stress Navigation: Resiliency, Part 2” from 9 to 10:30 a.m. April 6, at the Georgina Cole Library Community Room, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad. Learn additional physical activities and games that demonstrate how to turn stress into manageable challenge. Wear clothing you can easily move in. For more information, call (760) 602-2038.


Register now for the Carlsbad Surf Club. A new six-month session begins April 12 through September. Surf on Thursdays and more. Sign up at SurfinFire. com.


Sign up now for the fourth annual Kids’ Camp from June 24 through June 28 at the Oceanside Museum of Art, 704 Pier View Way Oceanside. Davin Waite from Wrench & Rodent is returning to camp, bringing more fun in the kitchen as he helps prepare a locally sourced meal with zero waste.


Tickets are available now for The Assistance League Rancho San Dieguito’s annual “April Affair, An Evening of Magic and Illusion” April 13 at the Westin Carlsbad Resort & Spa, 5480 Grand Pacific Drive, Carlsbad. Tickets are available at the thrift shop at 1542 Encinitas Blvd. or by contacting us at (919) 475-4436.


Cardiff 101 Main Street presents the 10th annual Taste of Cardiff from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. May 2. For more information and to buy tickets, visit cardiff101. com. Taste tickets are $30. Taste & Sip tickets are $40.

MARCH 22, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Bates drives legislation for sober living homes, regulations REGION — The “bad actors” are overwhelming the good ones. And for at least the past 20 years, the state of California has struggled to combat those bad actors regarding sober living homes. In addition, little headway has been made in the U.S. Congress as residents throughout the Golden State are battling against profit machines, patient brokering and unlicensed or undisclosed homes in their neighborhoods. For the past four years, Sen. Pat Bates (R-Laguna Niguel) has been attempting to pass some legislation without violating the rights of the addicts being treated. One major hurdle, though, is those individuals in sober living homes, or residential treatment facilities (RTF), are classified as disabled and are protected under the American with Disabilities Act and Fair Housing Act. Bates said no major movement against the bad actors and to give more local control to cities and counties can occur until Congress amends the ADA, FHA or both. Still, Bates introduced two bills last legislation session, which were quickly killed in committee. Bates and Jim Patterson (R-Fresno) co-authored and introduced AB 704 on Feb. 19. “We have the patient brokering that’s going on,” Bates said. “I’m hoping that will be something where there’s stiffer penalties when it’s discovered that a rehab facility or corporation is paying to import drug addicts into their RTFs or sober living homes.” Her bill calls for mandatory background checks for “a person who has responsibility” over the patients and clients living



wide Foundation. He is alleged to be the mastermind behind the $25 million scheme, in which university coaches, administrators and athletic department officials were paid off. In many cases, the students of the accused parents were presented to schools as athletic recruits, which would allow them to be able to enroll without meeting academic requirements. Additionally, it is alleged Singer bribed proctors for the SAT and ACT tests, which are benchmarks for university admissions. Those on Singer’s payroll allegedly received thousands of dollars to correct a student’s answers to earn a higher score. Kimmel reportedly paid $200,000 to the foundation in February 2018 and a charity she controlled also paid $50,000 to the USC Women’s Athletic Board. However, according to court documents, Kimmel was reportedly captured on a recording saying she had paid two-and-a-half times the $200,000 amount to a USC official.

You have two laws and (sober living corporations) navigate between the two.” State Sen. Patricia Bates R-Laguna Niguel

at sober living homes and treatment facilities. Bates, who also represents Carlsbad and Oceanside extending north into Orange County, said she proposed the same bill last year, which was killed. The pause, she said, were other legislators were worried those in recovery and thus seeking to become treatment professionals would be disqualified from service due to a potential crime in their background. However, Bates said it is not the case and included language prohibiting the State Department of Health Care Service from denying involvement due to a drug-related crime.

Other challenges Sober living homes can house up to six individuals and are not required to employ a licensed professional to care for those in recovery. However, a residential treatment facility must be licensed by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). “You have two laws and they navigate between the two,” Bates said of those taking advantage of the system. Bates and Assemblywoman Laura Friedman (D-Glendale) co-authored a bill passed last year to proMacFarlane, an insurance company executive, allegedly bribed the way for his son and daughter to be admitted to USC as athletic recruits, according to media reports. His 5-foot-5 son withdrew from USC in May 2018 without playing basketball. In total, MacFarlane is alleged to have paid $450,000 for both his children to attend USC. Also, two Stanford students, including San Marcos High School graduate Kalea Woods, filed a federal class-action lawsuit on March 13, according to 10 News in San Diego. The fallout has been swift as dozens of coaches at USC, Georgetown, UCLA and other schools have been fired or placed on leave. School officials have also been terminated and dozens have been arrested and arraigned. Other schools named in the indictment include the University of San Diego, Yale, Texas, Stanford and Wake Forest. Many are being arraigned in a Boston federal court, where the original investigation began.

vide a probation period for RTFs and show at the end of the yearlong process goals set forth have been met. Of course the hurdle, Bates said, is hiring more employees for enforcement, which then becomes a budget issue. Sober living homes, though, have been the toughest obstacle for the state and local municipalities to tackle, Bates said. Due to the structure of the law, they are not required to have licenses, a licensed caseworker and cannot provide treatment, thus leading to many issues with residents in those neighborhoods. “Those are the ones where probably the greatest abuses are taking place,” Bates explained, “because there is no regulation that local government or state government can put on that because they are protected as a group home and a protected class.” Bates, though, stressed she views many of those in sober living homes as being pawns and victims of patient brokering, which is another piece of legislation she is working to pass. Operators receive $3,000 per month per patient. Revenue is generated, generally, though the patients outright or through insurance.

Her goal, Bates said, is not to violate their rights, but to ensure their protection, while also providing relief for homeowners or renters in those neighborhoods.

Residents Rosemary Eshelman, who lives in Olde Carlsbad, said a sober living home seemingly “popped up” over night on her street at least five years ago. While sympathetic and empathetic to those in recovery, Eshelman said there have been numerous incidents involving trash, police calls, noise, parking and turnover. The Carlsbad City Council heard numerous speakers during an agenda item last month, although the city’s hands are mostly tied. Still, the council did approve to form a resident ad-hoc committee to generate ideas, although she will hold the council accountable to the committee and bring neighbors into the fold. One challenge, Eshelman said and city staff reported, is the difficulty in locating sober living homes. Staff only found four advertised online, but Eshelman said she has found at least 10 throughout the city. “It’s just a matter of monitoring my own street is what it comes down to,” she added. Another obstacle, Eshelman said, is the operators will use a limited liability company (LLC) and put different names on the LLC in different locations to avoid violating any rental, or other, ordinances or laws. “They’re not stupid about how they do it,” Eshelman. “I know there’s more. They are starting to surface and that’s what I’m going to expose. I’m looking for ones owned by smaller groups.”

She also alleges some of the sober living facilities in North County were engaged in patient brokering, bringing in people from the East Coast. Perhaps even more confusing, Eshelman said, is how these homes are not required to have any licenses or notify the city, saying businesses such as child care are regulated and require licenses. “We get no revenue off this whatsoever and they can utilize all the city services,” she added. “They don’t have to contribute anything back. I don’t understand that part. There is no oversight.”

Lawsuits Bates represents part of Orange County, where an explosion of sober living homes has put residents on edge and led to costly legal battles between cities and proprietors. Newport Beach spent $10 million and lost defending an ordinance, while Costa Mesa won a federal jury trial, although the decision has been appealed to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Costa Mesa’s ordinance includes a 650-foot buffer between sober living homes, a special permit requirement and background checks for house managers at sober homes, according to a December story from the Orange County Register. The suit was filed in 2014 by Yellowstone Women’s First Step House and the Sober Living Network. Bates said she, along with many other elected city and state officials, are following the case closely. “It was that neighborhoods were being taken over by sober living homes by 50 percent to 60 percent in one block,” Bates said. “If that same rationale is

used as it goes up the line, that’s a good one. The judge believed it was not good for the quality of the neighborhood.” In addition to Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, four other Orange County cities have tried to enact legislation, as well as Los Angeles, San Jose, Encinitas, San Bernardino County and Redlands, according to a 2016 report from the California Research Bureau and California State Library.

Federal action H.R. 5724 was introduced by former Congressman Dana Rohrabacher (R-Costa Mesa) on May 9, 2018. The proposed bill would have amended the Fair Housing Act to allow state or local governments to implement laws or regulations to prohibit recovery facilities in residential zones. In addition, former Congressman Steve Knight (R-Edwards) also introduced a bill to congress. H.R. 5100 was submitted on Feb. 27, 2018, to authorize grants for states to establish and operate recovery home certification programs. It also attempted to curb unlawful payments for referrals with up to five years in prison, a fine or both. “I think it will take, really, another couple of Congressional sessions to alter a very sacred bill, the Americans with Disabilities Act, in such a way it is fine tuned what one can do at the local government level for regulating sober living home, or group home concept,” Bates said. “That would be my mission as I go forward in the next couple of years. That means convening some really good brains in behavioral sciences and the legal community.”

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By Steve Puterski


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 22, 2019

Winter showers bring spring flowers at Anza-Borrego hit the road e’louise ondash


iking up Hell Hole Canyon Trail, we encounter hundreds of painted ladies swarming perpendicular to our path. Flying erratically like so many drunk butterflies, they still manage to maintain a northward direction on their annual migration from Mexico. We’d love to take photos, but they sit still for only seconds as they land and take off from the lavender, yellow, orange and white blooms that carpet Anza Borrego Desert State Park. Luckily, there are plenty of other stationery marvels to enjoy. The words lush and verdant are rarely used when referring to our desert, but generous winter and spring rains have converted a normally multi-beige landscape into velvety green mountains and a valley punctuated with splashes of yellow, orange, pink, purple, burgundy and white. The chollas are chubby and tall, the ocotillos are at record heights, and a few barrels are blooming a bit early. Although a similar “super bloom” unfolded just

THE LANDSCAPE of the Anza-Borrego Desert State Park currently resembles a watercolor THIS BARREL cactus is an early bloomer. Experts say that painting. Photos by Jerry Ondash cactuses will be in full bloom about the first week of April.

two years ago, the chances of it happening again soon are — well, who knows? So make the two-hour drive east, preferably mid-week to avoid the crowds. If that’s not possible, know that the town of Borrego Springs (population 3,500) is ready for you. “This weekend will be crazy,” predicts Julie Gerson, land program coordinator for the Anza Borrego Foundation. The 50-yearold organization purchases private land parcels within park borders and donates it to the park. “Two years ago was the first super-bloom in the age of social media, so

the town was unprepared then.” This time around, though, Borrego Springs has laid in supplies of food, water and toilet paper, and stationed information booths and Porta-Potties in popular areas. When you arrive, remember three things, Gerson advises: • Bring snacks and water. • Leave dogs at home. They are not allowed on trails, it’s dangerous to leave them in the car, and close encounters with jumping chollas can be disastrous. • Be patient. Weekend

visitors will experience waits for restaurants, restrooms and parking places. • Research before you come: Anza Borrego Foundation https://theabf. org/explore-anza-borrego/ wildflowers/; wildflower guide from the Anza-Borrego Desert Natural History Association http://www. html; California State Parks http : / /w w /?page_id=638. For more photos and commentary, visit Want to share your trav- BUSH POPPIES and phacelia bloom along Hell Hole Canyon els? Email eondash@coast- Trail. Many of the desert flowers can be seen by walking only a short distance from the main roads.

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MARCH 22, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Bugging out small talk jean gillette


ABOUT 15 plant enthusiasts from across San Diego County gathered March 8 to participate in a “treasure hunt,” an event hosted by the San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy. Photo by Lexy Brodt


Plant enthusiasts hunt for treasures in Rancho Santa Fe By Lexy Brodt

RANCHO SANTA FE — Several plant enthusiasts meandered up a lush, off-trail hill in the Santa Fe Valley Open Space on a cool day in early March, their eyes peeled to the ground. To the untrained eye, the group seemed to be looking for something lost in the bushes. But the participants — led by California Native Plant Society Rare Plant Biologist Amy Patten — were actually “treasure hunting” for a plant called the Juncus Acutus Leopoldii. The plant, commonly called a spiny rush, is native to California. “What a rush!” said one participate as the group finished their count, adding to the morning’s panoply of plant puns. “Treasure hunting” is a method by which individuals can observe “occurrences” of a rare plant in certain locations and submit them

to the California Natural Diversity Database, an inventory of the state’s rare plants and animals and their locations and statuses. Operated by the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, the database helps inform research and conservation efforts, as well as certain land use decisions such as the environmental review of development projects. “You don’t have to be a professional botanist to find a new occurrence,” said Patten, as she led the group to a Rancho Santa Fe entrance of the Coast-to-Crest trail. The event, hosted by the San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy, was meant to serve as a “training wheels” treasure hunt for participants looking to take their outdoorsmanship to a new level. “We hike a lot, and this’ll be an opportunity when we’re out walking to participate,” said Karen

Robertson, from Rancho Peñasquitos. Armed with template forms to help gather information needed to upload an occurrence to the database, the group headed out onto the trail to learn the ropes. This meant learning how to note and describe things such as phenology (plant life cycle events, in short), topography, sun exposure, and site conditions. Jim Smith, a Del Mar resident and conservancy board member, said encouraging and training “budding citizen scientists” in treasure hunting is an efficient way to build the database without breaking the budget. “The more people that are doing this, the more data gets into the database to inform development,” he said. The event is just one of many linked to the Conservancy’s citizen science

New center focuses on foster youth By Staff

VISTA — Just in Time for Foster Youth (JIT) and North County Lifeline opened a new drop-in center in Vista on March 11, at 302 N. Indiana Ave. Just in Time for Foster Youth is a local nonprofit organization that engages a caring community to help transition age foster youth achieve self-sufficiency and well-being. North County Lifeline is a nonprofit social services agency, with its LifeSpring program devoted to helping former foster youth make the transition to independent, adult living with a caring, clinically-based support system. The new drop-in center

is part of a partnership between the two organizations to create a welcoming environment that will increase access to services and resources for North County transition age foster youth, homeless and/or at-risk youth and young adults. In a complementary partnership, this drop-in center is designed to help overcome the geographic and transportation challenges for youth in North County seeking JIT services, and will allow JIT to increase its reach to an estimated 100 young people. LifeSpring at North County Lifeline will utilize the drop-in center for its current clients, and plans are already underway to

expand its services beyond former foster youth to offer services to homeless and atrisk transition age youth in the future. All young adults at the drop-in center will have access to case management, crisis intervention, basic needs, housing navigation, referrals to other supportive services as well as food, internet access, recreational space and a welcoming home-like environment. To learn more about Just in Time for Foster Youth, visit jitfosteryouth. org or call (619) 770-1850. For more information about North County Lifeline and its services, visit nclifeline. org or call (760) 726-4900.

programs, which kicked off in 2014. The programs take on a “focal site” every year, and this year the conservancy and its volunteers will be honing in on the Santa Fe Valley Open Space, also referred to as Crosby Estates Habitat Management Area. The conservancy’s volunteers contributed a total of 120 hours to the programs in 2018, and so far, 27 total volunteers have contributed 95 hours in 2019. The conservancy’s programs extend far beyond documenting plant life — volunteers also conduct quarterly bird surveys, wildlife camera trapping and herpetological surveys (focusing on reptile and amphibian populations), to name a few. For more information on San Dieguito River Valley Conservancy programs and future events, contact Conservation Manager Jonathan Appelbaum at

o I bought some bugs. I know. I was welcome to drop by your backyard and take all the bugs I wanted for free. However, while I respect the insect’s place in our ecosystem, I prefer them dead and pinned to a board. My elementary school received a loaner display of bugs under glass from another school in the district, and the kids were mostly delighted and fascinated. It made me crazy though, because those bugs had no identification, and hard as we tried, we couldn’t find what many of them were. That was my cue to scour the internet for a similar, fresher collection, with at least the phylum and subphyllum included. It was harder than I thought to find an affordable set. I had to go all the way to Thailand, but the bugs arrived in a timely fashion. Parents, teachers and youngsters alike are truly enthusiastic about having this collection on display, and love discussing which is what. I couldn’t resist hunting down the common name and home country for most of them, because that’s what I want to know when I see a bug. The collection includes a gorgeous, huge, five-horned rhinoceros beetle, an elephant beetle, a toe-biter (water bug), assorted other beetles, an Asian tarantula and a big, black scorpion. The most entertaining aspect of the arrival of this new display is the checkered reactions of the kids. I have been smiling for days. Now, I don’t take pleasure in having a child refuse to even approach the area of the desk where they are displayed. But it does make me chuckle to see their machinations to


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avoid proximity. I had the bugs right by my checkout area one day and one fourth-grader simply could not, would not get close enough to check out her book. I remedied that, but she remained horrified. I truly hope she has a parent who is nonplussed by bugs, to get that spider out of her bedroom. I could rent myself out for that job. It’s not my favorite pastime but I get very militant when a live insect foolishly breaches the line between indoors and outdoors. I will leave them to their crawly, skittering, web-building, biting business outside (with the absolute exception of black widows), but the minute they cross that threshold, they are likely to end up squashed. If they are dead and under glass, however, I get very brave. I do understand irrational fears, though. Don’t ask me to go to the top of any high precipice and look down and don’t even mention roller coasters. It will never happen. But bugs, I can handle. And the distress of one or two is far outbalanced by the shining eyes of most of the youngsters. It is glorious to know that so many of today’s kids find nature and science completely captivating. I credit the parents, largely, though some are born with it — like my big brother. I will never forget the day he called me into his room and insisted I block the other end of the dresser, in case the escaped tarantula should run that way. At the age of 16, I firmly declined. I now know, however, that tarantulas are really pussy cats, unless you sit or step on them. So with the hope that the collector found all of these bugs in our collection already expired from old age, I will continue to enjoy exposing the young’ns to one more marvel of our world. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer who will never love a mosquito. Contact her at


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 22, 2019

Escondido teachers union rallies as contract talks stall By Steve Horn

ESCONDIDO — It may take two to tango, but the Escondido Elementary Educators Association feels it does not yet have a so-called dancing partner in talks for the final terms of a contract with Escondido Union School District leadership. As a result, members of the teachers’ union, students and parents held rallies outside of elementary schools before and after school across the city on March 5, demanding salary levels on par with the rest of San Diego County schools, increased safety measures, smaller class sizes, less onerous work hours and other things found within the 85page proposed contract. The teachers and those in support of the cause have worn “red for ed” T-shirts, turning the phrase into the social media hashtag #RedForEd. Romero Maratea, the president of the Escondido Elementary Educators Association and a social studies teacher at Del Dios Middle School, said that while much attention has been drawn to the financial compensation portion of contract negotiations, it only makes up 15 pages of the 85-page draft contract. He also said both sides at the bargaining table agree that something needs to be done in the area of financial compensation, pointing to data demonstrating that the Escondido Union School District ranks 29th out of 35 San Diego County school districts in that area. “And that's important because this profession is becoming more and more competitive, alongside a teaching shortage, with fewer teachers coming up the pipeline,” Maratea said. “With the way conditions are now,

it’s going to make it harder for us to do that.” A March 12 Bargaining Update email sent to union members shared with The Coast News by an Escondido Union School District teach-

We don’t know why there would be demonstrations from our teachers.” Kevin Rubow Escondido Union School

er shows that the teachers’ union has asked for a 7.37 percent raise as part of its two-year contract proposal. That would include a 3.37 percent raise the current ongoing school year, which would apply retroactively dating back to July 1, 2018, as well as an additional 3 percent raise beginning July 1, 2019. The other 1 percent would apply toward an increase in benefits, with .5 percent applied to current school year and an additional .5 percent for next school year. The school district has agreed to a 3.37 percent raise for the current ongoing school year, which would be applied retroactively dating back to March 1, 2019, as well as a 2.27 percent raise which would begin on July 1, 2019, totaling a bit over 5.6 percent over a shorter time period. Additionally, the school district has not agreed to retroactive application of paying benefits for the ongoing school year, while agreeing to pay the .5 percent amount for the next school year,

amounting to a 6.1 percent pay raise over a shortened time period. Due to a lack of an agreement between the school district administration and the union, school district teachers have worked the whole 2018-2019 school year so far without a contract in place. “They’ve employed a slow-down tactic of pushing negotiations as late into the year as possible (their first proposal in September was almost identical to their November 30th proposal) to enjoy the last settlement we signed way beyond the date it expired, which was July 1, 2018,” reads that email. “This is 32 months and counting on a 24 month agreement! All to the benefit of the District.” Maratea says that just as important as these financial disagreements, though, are clauses in the contract about school safety and safety for teachers. According to a portion of the latest version of the contract, the teachers’ union has called for a more routinized relationship between district schools and Escondido law enforcement as it pertains to personal safety of teachers. It also gives teachers more contractually guaranteed self-protection rights. The school district told The San Diego Union-Tribune that negotiations todate have been “cordial and amicable” “We went a long way in our latest proposal to try to meet what EEEA has requested, including increasing our salary offer,” Kevin Rubow, assistant superintendent of Human Resources, told The Union Tribune. “We don’t know why there would be demonstrations from our teachers.”

RON PONTES, Decommissioning Environmental Strategy Manager at SCE, explains how spent fuel is stored and cooled in above-ground storage units. Photo by Jordan P. Ingram


into an 18-foot concrete cask. The canister hung precariously and went unnoticed for roughly 45 minutes before employees realized what happened. After walking through the incident step-by-step, Edison identified five areas of improvement including better training programs and re-training crews, installation of new load-monitoring cameras and alarms, more detailed procedures and specific oversight of operations. “We took away a big

lesson from that (canister) event,” Pontes said. “The lesson is we need to be more intrusive and we will be more intrusive going forward with all of our contractors.” Jim Peattie, General Manager of Decommissioning Oversight, was brought in to help revamp and improve the current system. Since December, Peattie has implemented a series of corrective actions required by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, demanding more integrated training between employees and contractors and increasing the number of oversight attendants. Peattie brought in a full-time staff of 16 experienced employees dedicated to overseeing the independent spent fuel storage installation (ISFSI) and dry cask loading process. “Now, we have more people in oversight that have done dry fuel transfer activities before,” Peattie said. “These people know what they are looking at right away.” In order to resume dry storage operations, Peattie said Edison is waiting for the NRC’s final report which is expected to be released next week. But Charles Langley, executive director of Public Watchdogs, said he remains very skeptical that the safety culture has changed at San Onofre. “We think it stinks like a Bolivian fish barrel,” Langley said, executive director Public Watchdogs. “(Edison) violated federal law twice when they didn’t immediately report the unsecured load incidents on July 22 and Aug. 3. Frankly, somebody ought to go to jail.” Langley said Public Watchdogs was not invited to the Monday’s media event.

Peattie acknowledged that while Edison did receive criticism for failing to immediately report the Aug. 3 canister incident to the NRC, they fully communicated with the agency about the issue and have taken ownership of their cited violations. Peattie also said while the July 22 canister event never posed any danger of falling, the NRC considered it an unexpected condition and should have gone into the corrective action program for analysis. “Maybe that could have helped us put better barriers in place before the August 3rd event,” Peattie said. But members at Public Watchdogs believe that if the July 22 event had been reported as required by federal law, there never would have been an August 3 event. “(Edison) violated federal law,” Langley said. “They have a disastrously bad design, deeply flawed engineering problem and they are trying to blame it on worker training. The problem is that the system is defective and you can’t fix that with training.” Upcoming: Thursday, March 21 at 9 a.m.: California Coastal Commission considers environmental impact report on decommissioning proposal at QLN Conference Center’s Exhibit Hall in Oceanside. Monday, March 25 at noon: Nuclear Regulatory Commission will issue final enforcement decisions for the Aug. 3 event and share its findings from several inspections conducted at San Onofre. Registration available online at NRC website. Thursday, March 28 at 5:30 p.m.: Edison will host its Community Engagement Panel providing updates to the public at Laguna Hills Community Center in Laguna Hills.

MARCH 22, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Desmond, Gallo address Escondido Republicans By Steve Horn

ESCONDIDO — At a March 18 luncheon, County Supervisor Jim Desmond addressed the Escondido Republican Club. The former San Marcos mayor discussed his priorities for the Board of Supervisors and what he has emphasized to-date in his position representing District 5. Desmond won the seat in November 2018 after serving 12 years as San Marcos’ top position. At the top of his agenda was the issue of those asylum in the U.S., the refugee crisis and who will pay for it. Desmond expressed worry that San Diego County, first and foremost, would foot the bill. “The federal government should be paying those costs and/or the state of California because the state wants to be a sanctuary state,” said Desmond. “The state, however, is willing to allow San Diego County residents to be stuck with that bill for all the health services for the asylum seekers. So that was day one.” The San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) also serves as a central node of focus, particularly battles over funding for public transportation projects. Jim Desmond Desmond pointed to County Supervisor former Mayor Sam Abed,

Unfortunately, the sucking sound within SANDAG is San Diego taking all the transportation dollars down there.”

in attendance at the meeting, as someone he missed having as an ally on these issues. “Unfortunately, SANDAG now has come up with this Grand Central Station that they want to put downtown, of course, in San Diego to build and bring transit to the airport,” Desmond said. “Now, it’s going to be a billion dollar project and what we’ve done, unfortunately, in the meantime, is put on hold all the other projects that were in the pipeline for the 78. Fourteen of the 15 projects that are on-hold were all road projects.” When talking about public transportation, Desmond made an allusion to a statement made by independent candidate Ross Perot during the 1992 presidential election. “Unfortunately the sucking sound within SANDAG is San Diego is taking all the transportation dollars down there,” he said. “They’ve got the votes, Lorena Gonzalez: She’s no friend of San Diego County, in my opinion, but she was able to change the voting status at SANDAG so that the city of San Diego and Chula Vista have the largest share of the votes for all the transportation money at San Diego forever.” Desmond said he moved into a condo and takes the COASTER to work at the County Administration

Building located in downtown San Diego. Homelessness remains a major issue, especially in Fallbroo, according to Desmond. “Fallbrook is a beautiful little town, but in their downtown district, the main streets are being inundated with homeless individuals,” he said. “And so we’re trying to help some of these folks get into programs. The county has tons of money for programs to try to get people off the street. Desmond suggested similar efforts were needed in Oceanside to facilitate moving homeless people away from the San Luis Rey River. “It’s not good for water quality coming out of there,” said Desmond. “They’re using the river as a toilet and so we want to try to help them.” Desmond also said he has begun doing a podcast, titled “Around The County,” currently streaming on SoundCloud. The broadcast is a way to share more information with his constituents about acitivities associated with the County Board of Supervisors, Desmond said. At the end of the luncheon, various delegates spoke, including Ed Gallo, the former member of the Escondido City Council representing District 1, who also serves as a member of the board of directors for

the Republican Club. Gallo, unseated after a landslide defeat to Consuelo Martinez, had harsh words for current the Escondido City Council. “Their big issue is communication,” Gallo said. “You want to communicate? Talk to the people. That’s all you have to do.” When someone in the crowd jested, “In S p a n i s h ,” Ed Gallo Gallo responded by saying he believes city council meetings could be bilingual. “You said that tongue in cheek, I’m sure, but don’t be surprised within the next few months that you’re going to have a bilingual council meeting,” he said. “OK. Because we have a couple activists on that council right now who will push that stuff through.” Gallo also derided the council’s recent decision to move one meeting per month to a 6 p.m. instead of the current 4:30 p.m. meeting time. “If the topic of discussion is that important, you’ll go to the meeting. It doesn’t matter if it’s 8 in the morning when the City Council used to meet way back when, or if it’s at 10 at night, if it’s important to you, you’ll be there.”


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 22, 2019

Food &Wine

An introduction and an anniversary

frank mangio

craft beer in North County

Hats off to Gianni Buonomo

Bill Vanderburgh Welcome to Craft Beer in North County, The Coast News’ biweekly column on the local craft beer scene. Send news, tips and announcements about North County beer happenings to bill@



ear Roots Brewing Co. celebrated their third anniversary on March 16. Located at 1213 S Santa Fe Ave. in Vista, Bear Roots is a combination home brewing supply store and brewery. It was a gorgeous day, hinting of summer beers to come. The crowd was relaxed and happy, loving the beer and the event. Bear Roots has attracted a strong local following because of their diverse menu of uniformly excellent beer and family-like atmosphere. I hadn’t been in for several months but all the staff working recognized me and even remembered my usual order. The special anniversary beer was very good, a Brut India Pale Ale with apple. Brut IPAs are brewed to be especially dry and more highly carbonated than usual IPAs — kind of like champagne with hops. The addition of apple really worked in this example, and the hops gave it a bright citrus-pine finish. The big hits of the day, though, were Imperial Or-

AT BEAR ROOTS BREWING CO. in Vista, Joe Devlin and Lauren “Lu” D’Hondt create community and pour excellent beer. Bear Roots is celebrating its third anniversary this month. Photo by Bill Vanderburgh

ange Double IPA and the signature Bear Cookie Peanut Butter Stout. Imperial Orange reminds me a lot of Orange Crush soda, minus the cloying sweetness. The prominent orange flavor is complemented by a slight bitterness from orange pith and hops; the piney hop background is fairly faint, so even non-IPA drinkers will like this, too. I heard several customers and the bartenders raving about it. And Bear Cookie is, in my estimation, the best peanut butter stout in San Diego County, which probably means the world. And, yes, I am including the iconic

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North County gems Belching Beaver Peanut Butter Stout and Mother Earth Sin Tax Imperial Peanut Butter Stout. The parking lot was partly blocked off to set up some communal tables. Good thing, because the anniversary event drew a large crowd: At least 200 people flowed through in the ninety minutes I was there. A bluegrass duo entertained the crowd inside, and Pure Burger Catering had a food tent outside. Their burgers are generously sized sliders — quicker to cook and easier to eat than your typical burger. I had the “OG” burger combo, two classic beef sliders with a side of excellent fries. They offer several other intriguing options, too, from buffalo patties to the vegetarian “impossible burger.” Bear Roots started small, on a tiny brewing system. Last year, though, their popularity inspired them to open a new tasting

room in downtown Vista, and to purchase a larger brewing system. Slow and steady growth is a wise strategy in San Diego’s crowded craft beer market, where more than 200 breweries and tasting rooms compete for beer lovers’ attentions; 59 of those locations are in The Coast News coverage area. The new tasting room in downtown Vista, at 135 E Broadway, does not sell brewing supplies and it has a somewhat smaller selection of beers available. It is a very comfortable and well-designed room. They have arrangements with neighboring restaurants so that you can order and pay at Bear Roots and have your food delivered to you at the bar. It is a good spot to include if you are doing a beer tour of downtown Vista, where you’ll also find Mother Earth, Belching Beaver, Wavelength Brewing, Backstreet Brewing and (soon) Guadalupe Brewing’s new tasting room.

Upcoming Beer Events

Belching Beaver Brewery will celebrate the launch of its Buenos Tiempos Mexican-style lager on March 23, 1 to 5 p.m., at all five of their locations in San Diego County, including two in Vista and one in Oceanside. Taco trucks on site and swag available. Kid and dog friendly. Also on March 23, Wavelength Brewing Company will celebrate their Four Year Anniversary at their science-themed downtown Vista location at 236 Main St. New beer release at noon, 3 p.m. raffle for swag, 7 p.m. dance party. (Ticket required for dance party, $10.) Bill Vanderburgh is originally from Montreal. He teaches philosophy for a living and moved to San Diego three years ago to learn to sail. His blog,, won the 2018 BrewDog Beer Blogger award. He has been to over 200 breweries and tasting rooms in San Diego County.

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taste of wine

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n the middle of San Diego’s coolest beach community sits the consummate, perfect-fit for an urban winery and tasting room — Gianni Buonomo. Ocean Beach is a colorful collection of character studies, and it’s home to a star group of high-quality wines, mostly old world and mostly sourced from the great wine country of Washington. First a word about the name. Buon uomo means “good man” in Italian, in the Northern region of Piemonte. Though not flashy, he always wears fashionable shirts, pants, shined shoes and a Fedora hat. He has a sense of old world style and tradition. Gianni is the quintessential gentleman, with elegance, distinction and sophistication, and a model for these wines. Owner Keith Rolle makes all the red wines at Buonomo with Gianni in mind, respectful of the essence of old world culture. Most of his wine grapes are sourced from the Yakima Valley in Washington, which is second in U.S. wine production to California. Washington’s biggest attraction for wine growers is its long daytime hours. Eastern Washington, where most of the grapes are grown, has a full two hours more sunshine, a big advantage in full grape development of flavors and acidity. An increasing amount of grapes are now coming from El Dorado Hills, in the Sierra Foothills of California, including Charbono and Barbera. In all, 14 varietals are now counted on the wine menu. My favorite is making a comeback thanks to a Double Gold Medal award at the prestigious San Francisco Chronicle competition last year. It’s the 2014 Charbono red ($55). On this occasion, the new release award-winning 2015 Barbera was introduced ($39). It has a deep ruby cherry flavor with help from an addition of Malbec and Sangiovese. Barbera is the staple wine of Piedmont in Northern Italy. The event was special as authentic Northern Italian cuisine was prepared and served by Chef Max Farina and his Zafferano Catering. Rolle has two wine clubs going, Club Gianni where members enjoy 10 percent off retail for all bottle purchases, and the FedoTURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON 22

MARCH 22, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


Former San Marcos High teammates relish NCAA appearances By Aaron Burgin

The last time Ben Perez and Mikey Howell were together on a basketball court, they were shedding tears at Jenny Craig Pavilion as their team, San Marcos High, suffered a 63-57 loss to Morse in the CIF Division 1 Championship game in 2014. Five years later, the former teammates aren’t on the same court — but share a major hoops accomplishment that has them both all smiles. They’re going to the Dance. Perez, a wiry 6-4 guard known for his shooting prowess, is a redshirt junior at Iona College, a Division 1 college in New Rochelle, New York. Howell, a point guard known for his dazzling court vision, is a redshirt sophomore at Division 2 UC San Diego. Both teams advanced to the NCAA tournament in their respective divisions. Iona advanced to the Big Dance by defeating Monmouth, 81-60, to win the Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference tournament championship. UC San Diego advanced to the NCAA Division II tournament by defeating Cal Poly Pomona in the California Community College Association’s tournament championship game. “It’s a dream come true,” said Perez, who grad-

Mikey Howell

Ben Perez

uated from San Marcos in 2014 and has taken what could be described as a circuitous path to arrive in the NCAA tournament. “I’ve been blessed to get a ring at SDSU and play in the NIT as well as win a national championship at the junior college level, but the one thing I felt like I needed to accomplish was make it to the tournament and play on that stage so I’m extremely excited for that opportunity.” Howell, a 2016 San Marcos graduate, echoed his former teammate’s sentiments. “Growing up playing ball, you watch March Madness every year and it was a surreal experience being able to actually play in those big games,” Howell said this week, after the Tritons lost Saturday in the round of 32 to eventual Western Region champion Point Loma Nazarene University.

“Playing for Dante (Carey, head coach at San Marcos), I was able to learn and understand the game from a highly experienced coach who played the same position as me in college,” Howell continued. “He always challenged us to push ourselves and our team. “I just think it’s amazing that two young men from San Marcos get to play at the highest level in March. The sky is the limit for us in the future,” Howell said. But the path here for both Perez and Howell wasn’t an easy one, as both overcame adversity to make it to this point. Perez first attended Air Force Prep after graduating from San Marcos, and earned a walk-on position at San Diego State University in 2015-2016. He played 10 minutes per game and played in 19 of

Best of the best back for 10th Kia Classic By Steve Puterski

CARLSBAD — Ten years ago, the LPGA began a new tournament in the country’s hot spots for golf. First held at Omni La Costa Resort & Spa in 2010, the Kia Classic has found its home at Park Hyatt Aviara and hosts the world’s best women golfers. Sponsorships have grown and the $1.8 million purse is one of the largest on tour. Lindsay Allen, tournament director for the Kia Classic, said the tournament could not have a better location, timing and support. The Kia Classic runs March 28-31 and features returning champion Eun-Hee Ji, plus other stars such as Michelle Wie, Paula Creamer, Inbee Park and Sung Hyun Park, to name a few. In total, 75 of the top 80 players will compete, Allen said. The tournament tees off at 7:15 a.m. on March 28 and March 29 and 8:45 a.m. on March 30 and March 31. And for a local touch, Carlsbad High School grad Alana Uriell will make her Kia Classic debut. “I have very fond memories of watching the Kia as a kid and looking up to these girls and thinking, ‘Oh my gosh, these people are amazing celebrities,’ ” she said. “To be here on the 10th anniversary in my hometown on my home course and to have the support of my family and

friends, is just an amazing opportunity.” One of the big draws, at least for viewers, Allen said, is how the course appears on TV. With its scenery, lush and green fairways and greens, the course is an idyllic setting for viewers and the players, she added. As for the players, Allen said what makes the tournament such a powerhouse is the field. Year after year, the world’s best line up to play at the Kia Classic. She noted the field is the toughest on tour outside a major tournament. “That never happens anywhere on tour,” she said. “It really shows how much they like the golf course and the San Diego-Carlsbad area. We have a stellar field.” The tournament is one of the more challenging on tour, especially the walk due to the hills, Allen said. The course and greens are also a challenge and provide a nice tune-up for the players preparing for the season’s first major, the ANA Inspiration, the following week. As for the fans, Allen said the Kia Classic is family friendly, noting anyone under 17 is admitted for free, along with military members and their families. There are also activities throughout the week, including a pro-am on March 27, and a women’s leadership day on March 28 and a junior clinic on March 30.

the team’s first 21 games, a solid amount of playing time for a non-scholarship player. The team won the Mountain West Conference regular season title, but didn’t make the NCAA tournament after losing in the conference tournament. But Perez walked away from the team after one season, wanting more from his basketball career. After not playing during the 20162017 season, Perez moved to Texas to attend South Plains College, a nationally ranked junior college. During his lone season with the Texans, Perez started and helped lead the team to the National Junior College Athletics Association Division 1 Championship, averaging nearly 10 points and shooting 41.7 percent from three-point range. Shortly after the championship, Perez signed with Iona, which has had a history of making it to the NCAA tournament, advancing to the dance six of the past nine years. Perez said that winning the MAAC title game validated his path to this point. “It really makes it feel like it was all worth it,” Perez said. “You know this game leads everyone on different paths and if I told you my college career has played out exactly how I planned I’d

be lying, but coming to Iona and finding a home here makes it all worth it. “There were times that I would question if basketball was still for me and just being able to push through those doubts along the way makes me proud that I never gave up on my dream and that I knew my own worth and didn’t settle for being a walk-on,” Perez said. After Perez graduated from San Marcos, Howell became one of the team’s top players, earning interest from several Division 1 programs. But his career took a fortuitous turn during the spring of 2015, when he suffered a knee injury during a travel basketball game. Originally it was believed to be a sprain, and Howell continued to play through it, but by July, his knee had gotten worse. A MRI revealed that the 6-3 point guard had suffered a torn anterior cruciate ligament, which would sideline him for his entire senior year. Almost all of the colleges who were recruiting Howell backed away, except for one: UC San Diego, and head coach Eric Olen. The Tritons shortly after signing Howell announced they would be transitioning to Division 1 beginning in the

2020-2021 season. Howell signed with UC San Diego, and redshirted his freshman year to rehabilitate his knee. Howell said that the redshirt year changed everything for him. “I think suffering such a devastating injury only helped me as a player,” Howell said. “At first I thought it was the worst thing ever, but in reality it helped my game in other aspects such as fundamentals and shooting the ball. The work paid off this season, his second on the court, as he became the Tritons starting point guard and led the team with 108 assists. “I can now say all the rehab and redshirt year only made me stronger and hungrier to become a better player,” Howell said. Now that Howell’s season is over, he said he will get right back in the gym, but plans on watching his former teammate play this week. Iona, which is seeded 16th in the Midwest Region of the NCAA tournament, plays top-seeded North Carolina at 9:30 p.m. Friday. Perez said he’s ready for the challenge. “I’ve been an underdog my entire life, so why should it be any different,” he said.

Padres offer more promise than pitfalls


t’s March Madness alright and how did the Padres squeeze into it? The local nine has a shine and that has many circling March 28. Opening day is around the corner and ditto a new era of Padres baseball. And after eight straight losing seasons, everyone can shout, “Hallelujah!” But before singing the Padres’ praises, don’t forget the real locals rounding the bases and tracking grounders. Baseball and softball is blooming in every direction, with youth players filling fields. The area schools are again among the top teams in their divisions and a tip of the cap to La Costa Canyon High baseball coach Justin Machado after recently securing his 500th career victory. Imagine the triumph it would be if the Padres had a competitive team. That would be a godsend to the Padres faithful, whose patience has been challenged. The trick is determining which Padre to focus on. That there is more than one is news in itself. A moth would find the brightest light and that’s third baseman Manny Machado, and nope, he’s not related to Justin. We also know the Padres didn’t deliver a $300 million contract for someone to find the shadows. Machado is expected to deliver 30-plus homers, 100-plus RBIs, another Gold

sports talk jay paris Glove in over 150 games and, more importantly, a pulse to a squad which was flat-lined for too long. Machado is winning over Padres backers but he’ll be front-and-center as a San Diego villain. He’ll be booed on the road, cast as bad apple for his lack of hustle in the World Series after trying to injure a Brewers first baseman earlier in the playoffs. But Machado will take the jeers and it says here he’ll produce an All-Star season. Machado, though, takes a back seat to some in deference to a 20-year-old. Fernando Tatis Jr., who’s rated by major league baseball as its No. 2 prospect, has shown he’s ready. Whether the Padres will start his service clock in the majors is another matter. It’s clear Tatis wasn’t overmatched in spring training and that could have him with the Padres when they lift the curtain against the Giants at Petco Park. Tatis got a loud bark of approval from Machado. “Hopefully he breaks camp with us and is our shortstop,” Machado said. “He’s a baller.” So is Wil Myers and re-

member the former American League rookie of the year? The one-time face of the franchise could benefit from this new-look, well-balanced lineup. Eric Hosmer was the Padres’ big splash last year but his performance was the equivalent of a ripple across the pond. The second year in the National League for the first baseman will likely reveal better results. There’s Hunter Renfroe, the beefy slugger trying to make his mark in a crowded outfield. While manager Andy Green has options, finding a regular spot for Renfroe is a key. Luis Urias is an exciting talent at second base and he could be the shortstop if the Padres slow-walk Tatis’ debut. Austin Hedges returns at catcher, but he has compa-

ny in switch-hitter Francisco Mejia. He makes the team’s heart skip a beat with his rocket arm and lively bat. While Mejia has played left field and third base, the Padres don’t anticipate removing his tools of ignorance. They could move Hedges, or a surplus outfielder, for starting pitching. There is a boatload of talented arms in the Padres’ system, but most aren’t ready for the bigs. So the Padres will offer holdovers in Joey Lucchesi, Eric Lauer, Robbie Erlin and Matt Strahm. Rookie Chris Paddack is making a push, while Bryan Mitchell (ineffective) and Jacob Nix (sore elbow) were pushed aside. We’ll shove off now, looking forward for what should be an entertaining Padres season to do the same.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

MARCH 22, 2019

Victim’s neighbors, residents on edge after ‘brutal’ slaying By Steve Puterski

Tucked away on the north side of Agua Hedionda Lagoon, the Laguna Del Mar development is a sleepy enclave with access to one of the city’s best lagoons. But in the early hours of March 11, the neighborhood, and by extension the city, was rocked as news spread of the brutal murder of Marjorie Gawitt, affectionately known to her friends and neighbors as Marj. Gawitt was stabbed 50 times and died at a local hospital about an hour after the attack. Ian Bushee, 37, and Malissa James, 26, were arrested by Carlsbad police within hours and the two were arraigned in Vista Superior Court last week on

murder, burglary and auto theft charges plus a charge of torture for James. Several neighbors, who asked not to be identified, spoke about the shocking and horrifying event. Still reeling from the incident, the three said Gawitt was a friendly, lovely and caring person. All commended her strength, noting she survived the initial attack to call 9-1-1 and make it to the hospital. “It’s a horrible crime that never should have happened,” said a former neighbor who now lives in San Marcos. “We need more communication. This hit us all at our doorsteps and hearts.”

Carlsbad was ranked the sixth safest city of its size in the country in 2018 by Business Insider. Murder is a rare crime in the city, as this is just the third homicide since 2014, according to Carlsbad Police Department Lt. Greg Koran. The police department also held a community meeting on March 21 at the Carlsbad Safety Training Center to answer questions, give tips on home and personal safety, address community concerns and allow people to grieve. Koran advised residents if they see something, say something. Koran said there were two murders last year, with one case still working its way through the courts and

the other a murder-suicide. A murder-for-hire plot in 2016 resulted in the convictions in 2017 of Diana Lovejoy and Weldon McDavid Jr., who were both sentenced to life in prison. Gawitt’s case, though, was so shocking because of its randomness, the neighbors said. One of the neighbors said Bushee and James allegedly burgled another home in the neighborhood prior to entering Gawitt’s residence, which was confirmed by Koran. The burgled homeowner, meanwhile, was asleep at the time of the crime, the neighbors said, which may have saved her life. In addition, the neighbors said another resident

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in the neighborhood reported to police seeing the two alleged killers scale their backyard fence prior to the slaying, but a patrol car did not locate the two, which was also confirmed by Koran. Still, Koran said investigators are working to get as much evidence as possible to the District Attorney’s office before the preliminary hearing and other court dates. “Obviously, there is still a lot of wrapping up in the initial stages so we can present to the DA,” he added. “We are still actively working on that.” Several days after Gawitt’s murder, the homeowner’s association held a meeting with police to discuss the case and safety measures. The neighbors said

police didn’t reveal much because of the ongoing investigation and court proceedings. Still, many have a heighted sense of awareness. One of the neighbors, an elderly woman, said she already has a .22-caliber gun and baseball bat, although she’s hesitant to use either, she said. Another neighbor, who now lives in San Marcos, said acquiring phones numbers of next-door neighbors and being able to use their homes as safe houses in case of an illegal entry could be a lifesaver. “It’s our hour of healing,” one of the neighbors said. “We have to stay cohesive.”

Continuation school to cut staff levels to help ‘right size’ budget By Steve Horn

VISTA — Alta Vista High School, a nontraditional school within the Vista Unified School District, recently survived a proposal to shutter the school for good as part of the budget negotiations process. But when the bell rings for the 2019-2020 school year, many familiar faces from its staff may no longer raise their hands as “present.” According to an Alta Vista teacher who requested anonymity from The Coast News, only six of its 10 teachers will still work at the school in the fall. Though she did not verify the exact number, Vista Unified School District spokeswoman Lisa Contreras confirmed that a shuffling of teaching staff will take place under the rubric of Superintendent Linda Kimble’s plan to “right size” schools’ budgets to match with student enrollment numbers. “No staff at Alta Vista are being let go or laid off,” explained Contreras, director of communications for the Vista Unified School District. “As we right size our district and school site staffing allocations, some staff are being moved to alternate school site locations.” Contreras did not specify how many teachers would move from Alta Vista to other schools, nor what positions have received an ouster, though she did say that a 20:1 student-to-teacher ratio hits the sweet spot of the school district’s attempt to “right size.” And Contreras also clarified that the school district has “until June 3 to notify employees of a change in work location for the next school year.” When asked for documentation which unpacks the rationale behind why these particular positions may be cut from Alta Vista employee rolls, Contreras said it did not yet exist. “No decisions have been made, so no documentation exists,” Contreras said. “Keep in mind that you are asking for personnel documents and many of those are confidential. That being said, I will share everything

I can once decisions are made.” The anonymous teacher told The Coast News that one art teacher will retire after the school year at Alta Vista, with no one hired to replace him, alongside three other teachers. “The staffing decisions were made based on enrollment as of the beginning of March after months of confusion as to whether Alta was even accepting new students and then supposedly closing down,” explained the source. “If enrollment goes up again next year, as it usually does in October, it is not guaranteed that teachers who were cut would have priority to return.” The source decried the state of play at Alta Vista, stating a belief that teachers at the school not “only change lives — we literally save lives.” “This seems very unfair to the teachers losing their positions. While we are happy that Alta will still exist, we would hope that the district would make some exceptions regarding staffing due to the unusual circumstances this year,” the source surmised. “Basically, teachers who love these kids are paying the price professionally for the lack of planning at the district level. One thing that remains unclear is what will happen if positions open up again. We doubt that the teachers who are being cut, who want to work at a school like ours and are passionate about it, will have priority to come back.” The Vista Unified School District’s Board of Education has already agreed to over $12 million in cuts, with $2.3 million more planned and in the works. In its documents published for its March 5 meeting, the Board of Education stated that for the 2020-2021 school year, it plans to “cut an additional $10.9 million to reduce the budget deficit,” as well. The Board of Education will convene again on April 11 at the Morris Vance Community Room in Vista’s Civic Center.

MARCH 22, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

NCTD to close or consolidate 90 bus stops in North County By Staff

REGION — To increase operational efficiency and support future infrastructure upgrades, North County Transit District (NCTD) will remove and/or consolidate approximately 90 bus stops throughout North San Diego County. These changes will occur in conjunction with the semi-annual bus schedule change on April 21. These changes are part of a bus stop optimization program that

is one of several strategies that NCTD is advancing to increase transit utilization. The NCTD operates 30 Breeze bus routes and four Flex deviated fixed-routes collectively serving Carlsbad, Camp Pendleton, Encinitas, Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos, Solana Beach, Vista, and rural San Diego County. Average weekday ridership between October and December 2018 was more than 21,000 for Breeze and about 100 for FLEX.

Study links fried foods to overall mortality Ask the Doctors

Dr. Elizabeth Ko

Dr. Eve Glazier

DEAR DOCTOR: Our mom, who's running for president of the food police, just heard about a study that says any amount of fried food is basically death on a fork. Now my brothers and I are afraid we'll never see another french fry. Please. She's fallen for a conspiracy theory, right? DEAR READER: You may be too young to know this, but the debate about fried foods has been raging for decades. For many of us, that means fried chicken and fish, fried seafood, potato or corn chips, doughnuts and french fries, to name just a few. Frying makes food deliciously rich and crispy, and each culture throughout the world has its own specialties that rely on the technique. And as anyone who has walked the midway of a state or county fair knows, pretty much anything (fried Oreos, fried ice cream, fried butter) is fair game for the fryer. Unfortunately, although we humans love fried foods, they don't return the favor. Depending on the specific study, fried foods have been linked to cardiovascular disease, elevated blood pressure, obesity, Type 2 diabetes and certain cancers. Now the results of research published in January in the British Medical Journal have linked the consumption of fried foods to overall mortality, which means death from any cause. Researchers used 20 years of health data from about 106,000 women who were taking part in the Women's Health Initiative, a long-term national health study. For this particular research, done at the University of Iowa’s College of Public Health, scientists drew from dietary questionnaires filled out by women

aged between 50 and 79. The upshot was that those who ate a single serving of fried food per day had an 8 percent higher chance of dying early as compared to those who reported that they ate no fried food. Interestingly, while the study found a correlation between fried food consumption and heart disease, it didn't find a connection to cancer. That said, the study has limitations. The dietary information was self-reported. So were details about smoking status, exercise habits, alcohol and drug use, and diagnoses of cardiovascular disease, cancer or diabetes, each of which can have a bearing on outcomes. Whether the fried foods were home-cooked or commercially prepared also wasn't known. That's important because, unlike steaming, boiling, baking or broiling, frying is a complex cooking process. Not only does it change the food, the high heat that frying requires also alters the cooking medium itself. Commercial establishments often use oils that are high in omega-6 fats and saturated fats, none of which are part of a healthful diet. They also reuse their cooking oil, which breaks down in high heat to form unhealthful oxidation products that wind up in the food. A similar study done in Spain, where frying took place with mainly olive or sunflower oil, did not find the same correlation between fried foods and coronary heart disease and death. Still, there's no getting around that fact that fried foods are significantly higher in fat, calories and often salt than foods cooked by other methods. Because fried foods are so crunchy and tasty, it's easy to overeat. Our feeling is that rather than a regular dietary staple, fried foods should be an occasional treat. Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is an internist and associate professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health.

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For the first phase of the program, NCTD reviewed stop spacing, ridership, and information from the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) to identify stops with the potential for elimination and/or consolidation. Approximately 90 bus stops were identified for removal or consolidation based on the review. NCTD’s board of directors has adopted bus stop design guidelines that provide general guidance for locating bus stops



Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ HOPE FOR A CURE GIFTS

Rancho Santa Fe donors, with Hope for a Cure, provided Dr. Andrew Sharabi, director of the Radiation Medicine Core Facility at the UCSD Moores Cancer Center, with several remarkable equipment donations and gifts for his lab from the Hope for a Cure Foundation. Donors included David Bienstock, Juliana Hastings, Hunter Hastings and Adria and Ira Cammeyer. For more information, visit


and determining the type of bus stop furniture that should be provided at stops. By eliminating and consolidating underutilized or substandard bus stops, NCTD will be able to focus future improvements on the most utilized stops. NCTD has many bus stops that were established prior to the enactment of the ADA in 1992 that have not been improved. New or improved bus stops are required to be ADA-compliant.

the new Golfstat Division II rankings this week, coming in at No. 4. This marks the first time any athletic program at CSUSM has been ranked in the top five of a NCAA Division II poll. NEW BRESSI RANCH EATERY

Making its debut April 29, Eureka! opens in Bressi Ranch at 6021 Innovation Way, St. 110 Carlsbad. With a commitment to being a scratch kitchen and providing exceptional hospitality, Eureka! offers great food accompanied by an all-American beverage program. The restaurant features a spacious interior and patio nearing 5,000 square feet total with a fireplace outdoor table for guests. The all-American restaurant’s hours are: Monday through Wednesday from 11 a.m. until 11 p.m., Thursday to Friday from 11 a.m. to midnight, Saturdays from 10 a.m. to midnight and Sundays from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. with daily “hoppy” hours. Eureka! is featuring weekend brunch from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and live music on Thursdays.

Cal State San Marcos’ women's golf team placed third at CSUSM Fujikura Invitational on March 12 at Shadowridge Country Club in Vista. CSUSM finished third out of 17 teams with Top Cougar: Jaime Jacob BEVMO BREAKS OUT BUBBLY (T3, 145). The Cal State San A new Bevmo wine and Marcos women's golf team liquor store opened March also cracked the top five in 14 in Uptown Bressi, 2662

A future phase of the bus stop optimization program will include constructing ADA improvements to stops that have high utilization and/or are near facilities that serve disadvantaged communities. Soon, the NCTD Board will consider an item for Bus Stop Improvement Design and Construction Support Services. Additional information on specific stop removals can be found at GoNCTD. com.

to $10,000 per year, up to $1,000 per student. Recipients must be enrolled at Palomar during the semester awarded, and the funds must be used for student travel within six months of application for the purpose of “enhancing a student’s educational objectives.” For information, contact RITE-AID SUPPORTS KIDS Boys & Girls Clubs of (760) 743-8207 or escondiOceanside has received a $25,000 grant from Rite Aid Foundation KidsCents DELEGATE TO CSW to support the Wellness MiraCosta faculty Warriors program. Now in member Sue Simpson is a its fourth year, Wellness delegate for the 2019 ComWarriors runs year-round mission on the Status of and is designed to provide Women (CSW) in New York youth with the tools they this March. She will serve need to make healthy life- as a delegate on Women style choices. This unique for Water Partnership, as health and wellness pro- a member of Soroptimist gram incorporates class- International Oceanside room curriculum, outdoor Carlsbad, an NGO consulfitness activities and chal- tant to the UN. lenges, nutrition and cooking activities as well as sui- KUDOS FOR PALOMAR cide prevention. The Information Services team at Palomar MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP College, together with April Woods, who CCCTechConnect, won an taught and counseled at award for a system that was Palomar College for 25 implemented in 2017 to years, lost her battle with streamline professional decancer in 2017. Now there is velopment at Palomar. The a travel scholarship in her CCCCO Technology Focus name, thanks to a $100,000 Award was presented at the donation to the Palomar Chief Information Systems College Foundation. The Officers Association conscholarship will award up ference. Gateway Road, Suite 155, Carlsbad. At the opening, company representatives and local officials took part in the ceremonial sabering of a giant champagne bottle to christen the new location, the beverage retailer’s 146th California store.

A TRIBUTE TO SPRING George Gerald Edwards, 77 Carlsbad March 10, 2019 Rochelle Farbstein Carlsbad March 11, 2019 Cyreese Marcella Willis, 61 Oceanside March 10, 2019

Peter Debaan, 87 Escondido March 4, 2019 June Dannenerg, 92 Escondido March 10, 2019 Eva Arlene Thompson, 91 Vista February 17, 2019

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(Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)

Ole man winter has packed away his “liquid sunshine” and the first day of Spring arrived on March 20th, so let’s all celebrate the good fortune we enjoy by living in Southern California. As we mark the Vernal Equinox this year, why not join Mother Nature and Spring into Life too! SPRING INTO LIFE - show those close to your heart that you love them by spending time with them. Go to a park, the beach, your own back yard; the location doesn’t matter, the time spent together does. SPRING INTO LIFE - revisit your New Year’s resolutions and keep working on the goals you set in January until they become accomplishments. SPRING INTO LIFE - make a difference in our great community. Our city is blessed with an excellent group of community service clubs. You can join others who share a focus of improving the quality of life for our residents. Each day is a new opportunity to SPRING INTO LIFE. Grab hold, have fun, and enjoy each and every moment!


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

M arketplace News

MARCH 22, 2019

Marketplace News is a paid advertorial. If you would like an article on this page, please call (760) 436-9737

HOA responsibilities for homeowners being sexually harassed by other homeowners Homeowner associations are notorious for issuing notices for the smallest infractions, so why are they silent when it comes to sexual harassment? The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (“DFEH”) receives and investigates fair housing complaints based on numerous protected statuses. In 2017, a total of 212 claims were filed that alleged sex or gender discrimination. Though sexual harassment protections are already included in state law (Cal. Gov’t § 12900. et seq.) and federal law (24 C.F.R. 100, et seq.), DFEH has proposed amendments to its regulations regarding sexual harassment and the role of the homeowner association. (Cal. Code Regs. tit. 2, §§ 12000-12271). The proposed rules are expected to be in effect starting April 1, 2019. A fair housing violation based on sexual harassment can occur in many instances. Common examples are:

owner v. resident; manager v. resident; employee v. resident; and resident v. resident. If a renter harasses another renter, then the owner or manager can act, once notified, against the harassing renter by issuing a three-day notice to perform a covenant or quit or a termination notice if the behavior does not cease. The housing provider is able to do this under the theory that the harassing renter is disrupting the harassed renter’s quiet use and enjoyment of his/her unit. But what happens when a homeowner harasses another homeowner and the homeowner association (“HOA”) does not have the same mechanisms to stop the harassing behavior? Homeowner associations had a responsibility before DFEH’s proposed rules to address sexual harassment, but there was confusion on what action the HOA should take especially when it involved two homeowners. Often, HOAs

Odd Files

ship, Pennsylvania, from a halfway house to a treatment class on the morning of March 4 (69 days after Christmas), the van driver regaled him with Christmas songs. Turns out Lucas isn't a fan of holiday tunes, so he reached into the front seat and began choking the unnamed driver, who was strangled almost to the point of losing consciousness, according to police. KDKA reported that another driver flagged down a state trooper and alerted him about an altercation happening on the shoulder of the highway. After a struggle to get handcuffs on Lucas, the officer deposited him in the Allegheny County Jail, where he will face multiple charges. [KDKA, 3/8/2019]

Religious Interpretation Brewery worker Del Hall of Newtown, Ohio, is taking an unusual approach to fasting for Lent this year. Hall, who works at the Fifty West brewery in Dayton, is going on an all-beer-only-beer diet until Easter. He told WKRCTV that monks from the 1600s inspired him. “(T) hey would take a popular style of beer in Germany, bock beer, make it extra hearty and that would be their liquid bread, and that's what they call it,” Hall said. He is, however, including all types of beer in his Lenten fast. “(T)his seems very daunting,” Hall noted. “I'm just curious if I'm up to the challenge.” He is planning to check in with his doctor during the fast. [WKRC, 3/11/2019] Going Out in Style Drivers along southbound Interstate 880 in Hayward, California, were pleasantly surprised on March 4 when they saw $20 bills flying through the air. Some motorists stopped to collect as many as they could, but the mystery lay in where they came from. The next day, members of a family, who wished to remain anonymous, admitted to KTVU that they tossed $500 worth of bills into the air as they drove back from a funeral; the unexpected windfall was intended to honor their deceased family member. It's an “Oakland thing,” one person explained. [KTVU, 3/5/2019] Scrooge Report As Clayton Lucas, 25, was being transported through East Deer Town-

Let's Make a Deal In Granville County, North Carolina, Melissa Anne Godshall, 31, and her boyfriend, Robert J. Kennerley, 46, were minding their own business, panhandling at the side of the road, when a car pulled over and Godshall received an unusual proposal: Levan Lomtatidze, 44, from the nation of Georgia, would pay her $12,000, give her a car and make rent payments for her if she would marry him so he could stay in the United States. She agreed, according to U.S. Attorney Robert J. Higdon Jr., and Kennerley served as a witness at their nuptials. Alas, this romantic partnership was not to be: On March 7, Godshall and Lomtatidze were indicted by a federal grand jury and charged with conspiracy to commit marriage fraud, marriage fraud, visa fraud and making false statements in immigration proceedings, the Raleigh News and Observer reported. If convicted, the two

A FAIR HOUSING violation based on sexual harassment can occur in many instances. Courtesy photo

ignored the harassing behavior because it did not know what to do. The inaction of the HOA would allow the harassed homeowner to seek legal action against the HOA. Though the proposed rules do not include an action plan for the HOA to address sexual harassment, DFEH recommends for the HOA to act within its power to address sexual harassment. So, what should the HOA do? 1. Promptly investigate face 30 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Best man Kennerley also faces prison time and fines for aiding and abetting marriage fraud. [Raleigh News and Observer, 3/8/2019] Idiom in Action In Ljubljana, Slovenia, an unnamed 21-year-old woman and a 29-year-old relative were arrested for insurance fraud, police announced on March 11, after the young woman cut off her hand in order to collect almost 400,000 euros in insurance payments. Two other relatives were released in the case. The four had recently signed up with five different insurance companies for life and injury coverage. “With one of her accomplices, she intentionally amputated the hand at the wrist with a circular saw, hoping to stage it as an accident,” said police spokesman Valter Zrinski, according to the Daily Mail. The group left the hand behind when they went to the hospital, intending to ensure a permanent disability, said police, but doctors at the Ljubljana University Medical Center were able to retrieve and re-attach it. The woman and her accomplice face up to eight years in prison. [Daily Mail, 3/11/2019] Anger Management: Wedding Edition As a wedding party of 30 guests gathered on the beach at Oceanfront Park in Ocean Ridge, Florida, on March 3, Jeffery E. Alvord, 27, and his bride posed for photos before the ceremony. Trouble erupted instead when a 24-year-old man would not move from his spot on the beach to make way for the photos, the Palm Beach Post reported. In fact, Al-

the harassed homeowner’s sexual harassment claims. This may involve interviewing both homeowners and witnesses, if any. 2. Have the harassing homeowner removed from the HOA board, if applicable. If the harassing homeowner is on the HOA board, move to have that homeowner removed or at least recused from voting on an issue involving the harassed homeowner. 3. Issue notices to vord told police, the man wouldn't relocate even after being offered $50 and became “very belligerent,” so Alvord punched him in the nose. The victim told Ocean Ridge police a groomsman held him while Alvord punched him three times, and the police report noted that the victim's “nose appears to be out of place sitting more to the right of his face,” and his glasses were broken. Alvord spent what would have been his wedding night in the Palm Beach County Jail and faces charges of aggravated battery and criminal mischief. He and his fiancee married the next day, shortly after his release from jail. [Palm Beach Post, 3/6/2019] People Different From Us He's been dubbed the Naked Carpenter for renovating his home wearing only a tool belt, but Robert Jenner, 43, of Snodland, Kent, England, seems to have crossed the line with local jurors. Jenner was convicted on March 12 of 10 counts of indecent exposure in Canterbury Crown Court. Jenner's nudist habits have put him on the wrong side of law enforcement before, reported Metro News, but this time his offenses included delivering packages for a courier service wearing trousers with a hole cut out of the crotch, exposing himself to a teenage girl, and running past a children's play area while wearing “seethrough trousers.” Jenner's attorney, Kate Chidgey, tried to explain her client's behavior: “It was not his intention that people were caused distress by what he did or didn't wear.” She added that he strongly believes in “naturism.” [Metro News, 3/12/2019]

the harassing homeowner. Though sexual harassment may not be an explicit rule in the HOA’s Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (“CC&Rs”), harassment is most likely included in an existing rule. 4. Create a “no sexual harassment” rule if the HOA does not already have one in its CC&Rs. 5. Issue fines to the harassing homeowner if the behavior does not cease. If the fines go unpaid, this could lead to a lien being placed on the harassing homeowner’s property and foreclosure. This is a non-exhaustive list of steps an HOA could take. Though an HOA and property manager have different authority over residents, this does not absolve an HOA of its failure to act. HOAs have the duty to create and enforce rules for all homeowners to abide by and maintain a safe living environment. HOAs should not shy away from their duties Crime Report Elysia Johnson, 21, apparently needed some alone time on March 9, so she took a full cart and a six-pack of Stella Artois beer into a dressing room at Target in Lathrop, California, where she hunkered down for more than an hour, according to police. Johnson finished all the beer and left the store -- with about $200 worth of unpurchased merchandise. A loss prevention officer stopped her and she was taken to the San Joaquin County Jail, where she was held on $60,000 bail. Johnson also had three outstanding warrants, reported KTXL News. [FOX40. com, 3/11/2019] Bright Idea Looking for a way to banish evil spirits? Check in to The Lighthouse, near Frome, Somerset, England, where a group called Universal Medicine will help you burp your troubles away. The Mirror reports that the group, founded by Serge Benhayon in 1999, ran up against the law last year in Sydney, Australia, where a civil court declared it a “socially harmful cult” and found that it makes false claims about healing. Members are told what to eat and who to associate with. A girl named Kasha told the BBC her mum joined the cult when the girl was 12. “She started burping ridiculously and she said, 'I'm just burping out bad spirits,'“ Kasha said. “She's still my mum and I love her. But she's never going to be the person that she was.” Benhayon, a failed tennis coach who claims to be the reincarnation of Leonardo da Vinci, still lives in Australia but visits The Lighthouse twice a year. [Mirror, 3/12/2019]

NORTH COUNTY EVENTS: Carlsbad City Hall April 10, 2019 9:30am – 12:30pm Encinitas City Hall April 17, 2019 9:30am – 12:30pm Vista City Hall April 24, 2019 9:30am – 12:30 pm Escondido City Hall April 26, 2019 9:30am – 12:30pm COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO EVENTS: County of San Diego, County of Operations Center April 30, 2019 9:30 am – 12:30 pm when it comes to sexual harassment. Note: This is not intended to serve as legal advice. Please consult an attorney if you have questions about your HOA’s responsibilities and liabilities.

Man suspected of stabbing son, family’s pit bull VISTA — A man was arrested March 19 on suspicion of stabbing his 17-yearold son and the family’s pit bull in Vista, authorities said. Dispatchers received a call shortly before 11:10 p.m. March 18 from a person reporting an assault with a deadly weapon at a residence in the 800 block of East Bobier Drive, San Diego County sheriff’s Lt. Jack Reynolds said. Officers arrived at the house and found a 17-yearold boy suffering from at least two stab wounds, Reynolds said. Paramedics took the boy to Palomar Medical Center in Escondido for treatment of his injuries, which were not believed to be life-threatening, the lieutenant said. Investigators believe the suspect was attempting to discipline the family’s pit bull when the son intervened and was stabbed along with the dog, Reynolds said. Personnel with the San Diego Humane Society were called in to treat the dog, which suffered three stab wounds, he said. Primitivo Alvarez, 35, was booked into the Vista Detention Facility on suspicion of child cruelty, animal cruelty and being under the influence of a controlled substance, according to jail records. He was being held in lieu of $100,000 bail pending arraignment, which was scheduled for March 20. — City News Service

MARCH 22, 2019

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Palomar College breaks ground on arboretum upgrades By Steve Horn

SAN MARCOS — One of the biggest botanical gardens in San Diego, which also happens to be a large community college campus, broke ground on enhancements it will soon undergo at a March 15 ceremony. Palomar College’s Edwin and Frances Hunter Arboretum, a 10-acre size formation, encompasses much of the San Marcos campus itself. It has served as a mainstay there for 45 years and will soon provide access to disabled individuals in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, improve its irrigation system and install a water well to decrease reliance on the San Marcos municipal water system. “For nearly 50 years this very special part of the campus has provided students and visitors with a quiet, serene space to relax,” Joi Lin Blake, President of Palomar College, said in her speech given at the groundbreaking ceremony. “In addition, a number of classes conduct field studies in the arboretum, and the ability for students to have field experience in this beautiful setting has been invaluable. We are so fortunate to have a corner of the campus dedicated to preserving nature, and through the upcoming upgrades even more students and visitors will have access to the beauty offered in this unique environment.” Guests of the Palomar College San Marcos campus would have a hard time getting to classroom space without first crossing through the Arboretum. The shortest route from the guest parking lot to campus, in fact, cuts straight through the Arboretum’s trails. The Palomar College arboretum sits only behind the Encinitas-based San Diego Botanic Garden and the San Diego Zoo as the largest collection of exotic trees and plants in the entire county. The bounty includes a catalogue of plants representing every major continent on the planet and consists of 600 different species. “If you consider all the species in the Arboretum (over 600), main campus (at least 1000), Palomar Cactus & Succulent Garden (at least 3,000), and native coastal sage scrub north and east of campus (approximately 400), the total number of different species is nearly 5,000,” explains Palomar College on its website. “This is one of the greatest concentrations of plant diversity within a relatively small area in San Diego County.” The plants on display include a myriad of bamboo and palm tree varieties from different parts of the world, an area focused on Native American botany, another one focused on Australian plants, among many others. Hundreds of the plants have labels and some history too, mean-

ing a trip to the Palomar College Arboretum also equates to a biology lesson and a museum-like experience. For these attributes, Palomar College — the campus at-large, due to having rare plants dotting the entire campus and having a massive succulent garden on a seperate part of campus land — enjoys a Level II arboretum distinction via ArbNet, a global accreditation network for tree-focused professionals. Getting that distinction entails having at least 100 different labeled trees or woody plant species, paid management staff, a clear and spelled out arboretum A SEGMENT of the Palomar College Arboretum trails, which will soon be made handicapped-accessible under the Ameriplan, both public access cans with Disabilities Act. Photo by Steve Horn and educational programs, as well as keeping an onthe-books collections policy Tony Rangel, the supervisor for grounds services at Palomar College who heads up efforts for the maintenance and bolstering of the arboretum, said it has taken and will continue to take a legion of volunteers and staff dedicated to make what sits within the five acres of land possible. “Places like this can’t be maintained and sustained without the community’s involvement,” said Rangel, a certified arborist with the International Society of Arboriculture. “And that ranges from volunteers, to donors, to just people walking through.” He added that it excites him that, with the looming renovations, even more of the public will have soon enjoy access to it. “Each semester, I see countless students, staff, faculty and community members walking the trails of our unique arboretum,” said Rangel at the groundbreaking ceremony. “The new trails will at last allow everyone to be an ambassador ... to the arboretum, by providing those with disabilities a safe path that Learn Hands-Only CPR, take a quick they can traverse at their leisure. Something that has health screening, enjoy fun photo been lacking since the arboretum was conceived in opportunities, heart healthy snacks, the early 1970s.” In closing the groundvendors, and so much more! breaking ceremony, Blake said that the existence The American Heart Association, along of the campus arboretum served as a major draw for with North County Life is Why sponsor her to take the job at Palomar College. “You know, when I inTri-City Medical Center, wants everyone terviewed for the job here, I did some research on the at the National Walking Day celebration college and I looked at the arboretum,” she said. “It to commit to living a healthier lifestyle. spoke to the spirit of who Palomar is. It spoke to its commitment to preserving the environment. It spoke to the vision that the college has and its role in society and supporting sustainability. And so, I really Locally sponsored by appreciated that.” Guests can visit the Palomar College arboretum free of charge. But with the revamping expected to take six to eight months to complete, the arboretum will shutter during that time period, To learn more about how you can get moving thruout the day, please visit reopening later this year or early next.

North County

Move More, Live Longer Join us for National Walking Day

Wednesday, April 3

National Walking Day Festivities from 11am – 1pm Walk begins at 12 noon Vista Civic Center 200 Civic Center Dr, Vista, California


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Citracado Par extension pro kway ject draws on

MARCH 25, 2016

By Steve Putersk

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Emi Gannod , 11, observe exhibit is s a Banded open now through April 10. Purple Wing butterfly Full story at the on page A2. Photo San Diego Zoo Safari Park’s by Tony Cagala Butterfly Jungle exhibit. The


Commun Vista teacity rallies behind her placed on leave

By Hoa Quach

i ESCON environ amendment DIDO — mental An port to the lution of from Aprilimpact rereso- ternati 2012. AlCitracado necessity for ves the sion projectParkway exten- with residenwere discussed ts in four munity Wednesday was approv ed of publicmeetings and comby the Council. gatherings. a trio City “The project Debra rently Lundy, property real cated designed as curcity, said manager for and plannewas lothe it was due to a needed manner that will d in a compatible omissionsclerical error, be most the est with attached of deeds to public good the greatbe private and least adjustm to the land. The injury,” ent is the parcel being Lundy only fee said. acquired the city, She also which is by reported ty, she added. a necessi city and proper the - have ty owners had The project, eminent domain meetings inmore than 35 the past in the which has been years to develop four works for the plan. years, will However, several erty complete the missing the mit owners did not proproadway section of a counte subthe ny Grove, between Harmo city’s statutoroffer to the Village ry offer and Andrea Parkway- April 14, 2015. on son Drive. to Lundy, Accord The the owners ing not feel a review city conduc did the offer ted matche which was of the project what the land , outlined is worth, d in the alTURN TO

Republica Abed ove ns endorse r Gaspar EXTENSION

ON A3 VISTA — Curren former t ents are students and and pardemanding social studies a teacher Vista lowed to be alkeep his the admini job. Vincen stration By Aaron Romero to keep has workedt Romero, Burgin at Rancho Vista High for the who REGIO Unified School. Buena Vista ty Republ N — The Coun- Krvaric A protest since 1990,School Distric ican Party Sam Abed’ssaid. “Clear thrown at the school. was also held t paid adminiwas placed ly has its suppor long-tim Escondido on t behind steadfast commi e and strative “This makes from his Republican leave Mayor tment job Abed gry,” me at Rancho in na Vista so anwrote Sam principles to Buety Dist. the race for Coun- values earned of Fallbro Jeffrey Bright and March 7. High School 3 Superv him port of on graduated ok, who said isor. The committeethe suphe Now, of San Republican Party bers and we more than from the school memwith morean online petitio 20 years last weekDiego announced endorse him.” are proud to already than 1,900 n ago. tures is that it signaendorse ucation fear that our “I Gaspar’s istration asking the admin- A social Abed overvoted to reache edcampaign Republican apart. I system is falling studies d this fellow back to to bring Romer placed teacher week and Encini pressed disapp the classro tas Mayor not goingworry my kids o dents on administrative at Rancho Buena are om. On and parents leave ointment exVista High who is also Kristin Gaspar - not receivi education to get a valuab to launch in early March. ro told his last day, Rome- Romero. Photo in ng the School le , nomina at public The an online was anymo supervisor running for by Hoa Quach party’s schools leaving students he re.” petition move prompted seat currenthe several tion, but touted in support stuwas sorry held by David Whidd key endors nization because “the orgaof Vincent tly she I can’t be is seekinDave Roberts, who Marcos ements has receive with the rest change.” decided to make g re-elec called on of San out the campa d throug of the year. you for do “shameful.” a my choice, tion. the move Abed, h— “(They a polariz who has been but it’s It’s not until we’re going to “While ign. “This confidence ) no longer have it goes.” the way ing there’s nothin is a teache fight genuin I’m figure during pointed his two fight with. not to get disapknow what in me that r that terms as In the I plan to g left to wrote. ely cares,” Whidd Escondido, the parroughly I ute speech mayor in ty endorsement, I’m doing,” for your Romero, “Both be back senior year.” proud to secured said coveted Mr. Romer of my sons on whose to studen4-minwere recorde have theI’m very the of Romer remark emotional Romer ts, an ment by party endors joyed his o and greatly had support Mayor students o also urged d and posteds to fight on Facebo Faulco ene- the class.” the adminio vowed new his to be kind than two receiving more four Republ ner and like what ok. “They don’t stration. to their mineA former studen social studies “I’m not Councilmemb ican City committee’s thirds of I do. They but ing,” like the the tors ers, don’t not said Romer disappear- pal to give “hell” teacher RomerVelare of Vista,t, Jasvotes, threshold Senais what way I do it. So, o, 55. “I’m to Princio Charles the and Bates and Anders said going happens. this candidate required for teacher.” was “an amazin Schind ler. Assemb on, Follow ing I’m really something away. This is a Chavez lyman Rocky g to receive endorsement nounce ,” “I that’s what I can fight, the the an- get himwas lucky enough party membe over a fellow “I’ve been Gaspar we’re goingand ture, a ment of his deparsaid. myself,” to petition tive Republ a very effecr. to on Petitio “He truly she was “Endorsing ican mayor cares for wrote., created publican one Re- a Democratic what he in urging city ing on quires a over another balanced by focusTURN TO re- econom 2/3 vote TEACHER budget — and rarely threshold ic ON A15 s, GOP happens,” and quality development, Chairman of life continu Tony Board e to do so and will on the of Superv isors.”


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MARCH 22, 2019


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Tri-City holding shoe drive for patients By Samantha Taylor

OCEANSIDE — For someone having a heart attack, stroke or any other sort of medical crisis in the middle of the night, something as simple as changing out of pajamas and putting on shoes is simply not a priority. So what happens when that person is discharged from the hospital but doesn’t have the proper footwear to walk home in? What if they don’t have any family to bring them a change of clothes, or even own a reliable pair of shoes due to economic hardships in the first place? To make sure patients have a reliable pair of socks and shoes when they leave, Tri-City Hospital Foundation is hosting its third annual shoe drive. The shoe drive asks community members to donate new pairs of shoes and socks to help the hospital build an inventory

of shoes and socks to provide to patients who can’t be discharged without the proper footwear. The shoe drive kicked off March 15 during National Shoe the World Day, a day originally created to spread awareness about people around the world who don’t have shoes to wear. The Tri-City shoe drive was inspired by nurse Imelda Browning, who once gave a patient the shoes off her own feet so the patient could be safely discharged. Tri-City has a policy of not releasing patients without proper foot protection. “If they’ve been injured or their immune system is compromised the last thing we want is for someone to walk out on the concrete and down the street to catch the bus,” said Jennifer Paroly, executive director of the Tri-City Hospital Foundation. Paroly noted that de-

bris like broken glass and germs along the sidewalk could further harm a patient who isn’t wearing shoes. She also said the hospital wants to ensure comfort for and protect the dignity of its patients by providing them with a pair of shoes to leave with if they don’t already have a pair or another means of getting shoes. “We want our patients to feel valuable and taken care of,” she said. According to Paroly, shoes and socks have been pouring in from the community through the hospital’s doors since the shoe drive began. The hospital asks that shoes and socks be new to guarantee the safety of the patients. Paroly explained that the hospital can’t guarantee the cleanliness of used shoes, especially for patients with compromised immune systems,

and doesn’t have the means to sanitize all of the shoes it receives. The shoe drive is mostly looking for donations of shoes in adult sizes 8 and up or cash donations of at least $10. Paroly also noted there seems to be a higher demand for men’s shoes. According to Paroly, before the drive the hospital’s shoe inventory was low. She said the foundation has been able to make some purchases throughout the past year but the shoe drive is a huge help. She hopes that the shoe drive will help the hospital to provide shoes to patients who need them through the end of fall. The shoe drive will continue through March 30. Donation bins are located in the main lobbies of Tri-City Medical Center in Oceanside and Tri-City Wellness Center in Carlsbad.

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MARCH 22, 2019

San Marcos invites you to ‘go fly a kite’ Special to The Coast News

If you’ve ever been told to “go fly a kite,” and not acted on it, consider attending the San Marcos Historical Society’s sponsored “Celebration of Kites” on March 30. The event, also sponsored by the San Marcos Com munit y Foundation, will be in Heritage Park from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and everyone is welcome from young to old. The family-oriented event for the North County community is free of charge. Please note the event will be rescheduled if it is raining on March 30. It’s a good time to fly a kite, too, since National Kite Flying Month runs April 1 to April 30. According to Tanis Brown of the San Marcos Historical Society, this is the first kite event for the San Marcos Historical Society, and it hopes to attract many from the community. “The board decided to host a themed activity once a month on a Saturday, and someone suggested a kite flying day as one of the activities,” she said. “We thought it might be fun for kids and families to construct a kite and take it out and fly it. “We are close enough to a big open area in the park. And, it seemed that no one else locally was doing anything similar.” Brown said this is a perfect event for someone to come and “try something new or to enjoy a day in the park.” And you don’t have to

have any experience at all, in fact, no experience is needed, she said. “This is not a contest — it’s just for fun.” If you don’t have a kite already and don’t want to purchase one, there will be the chance to make your own at the e v e n t , B r o w n said. “We will have all materials to make a kite and fly it,” she said. “However, we may have to limit kites to no more than two per family. Kite construction will take place inside Heritage Park, and kite flying will take place in the south lawn area of the park.” This is the third activit y the historical society has hosted; in January it offered “Celebrating Family Histories,” focused around charting fam ily trees. “We had our genealogy teacher on hand along with samples of family tree templates,” she said. “In February we had a ‘Pioneer History’ day with woodcarving demonstrations, old-fashioned games and crafts, home tours, butter making, and apple peel snacks.” No April activity is planned other than an Easter Egg Hunt, she said. “Celebration of Kites is a day to get creative, try something new, and have some fun in the park,” she said. “Pray for perfect wind conditions.”

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MARCH 22, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

THATABABY by Paul Trap

By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 2019

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

Limit how much you share with people. Separate your personal and professional dealings to keep your life running smoothly. A lifestyle change is within reach and should be considered. Keep your plans secret until everything is in place to avoid interference. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- A change of pace will turn into an unexpected opportunity. What you discover is best kept to yourself until you have had time to iron out any unforeseen problems.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- When opportunity knocks, be quick to answer. Make the most out of every offer that comes your way to discover that you have unexpected attributes.

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Pay attention to the way you look, how you present yourself and how you treat others. A kind gesture will lead to an interesting offer. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Emotionally driven spending or buying someone’s affection is not a good idea. Use your imagination to come up with a plan that will keep you busy and out of trouble.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Make home improvements, pay down debt and spend time with loved ones. A kind gesture will spark someone’s interest.

Romance is in the stars and will enhance your personal life. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Excess of any kind will lead to emotional uncertainty. Let your intuition guide you when dealing with personal and domestic matters. You can find a way that’s best for everyone. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- A little pampering will go a long way. Update your image or spend time with someone who makes you feel good to ease stress. Romance is highlighted. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Make changes that will lower your overhead and alleviate any tension that’s building up between you and someone you live with. If you compromise now, you will get what you want at a later date. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Change should lead to personal growth, improved appearance and better relationships with the people you see daily. Don’t let someone from your past swoop in and disrupt your life. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Put emotions aside when dealing with friends and relatives. Listen carefully and offer suggestions, but don’t take the reins. You are best off focusing on situations closer to home. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Don’t take a risk that could end in insult or injury. Get along with others and get involved in events that are geared toward helping others. Opportunity will find you. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Knowing when to help and when to stand back will make or break your day. Don’t let an emotional situation ruin an opportunity. Balance and integrity will help you maintain the status quo.

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

Unfortunately due to computer problems last week’s answers are not available

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender

Unfortunately due to computer problems last week’s answers are not available


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Escondido students raise trout in classroom


ra and the Gold Band Club, with 20 percent off. See more about the only beach winery in San Diego at

By Staff

Petal to Plate

For over 60 years, the city of Carlsbad, my hometown, has been the hometown for one of the most spectacular displays of natural color and beauty in the world with its Flower Fields. Over 50 acres are ablaze with a riot of colors, from approximately 10 million Ranunculus flower plants. This year’s event has been blessed with about 12 inches of rain, 10 inches more than last year, and the foliage is bursting with color. Last year’s attendance was reported to be 260,000. Beside the spectacle of the flowers, many family events are planned for this regional attraction near Interstate 5 and Palomar Airport Road. One-of-a-kind picnics in the flowers, food trucks and an American Flag of Flowers are available, with a live music schedule each weekend through Mother’s Day May 12. Petal to Plate is a 10day celebration of fine flowers, food and drink, starting April 4 and going to April 14 with a wide range of fun, food and wine. Especially attractive are the Sunset Wine Tasting and Music dates of March 29, April 5, April 12 and April 19. Five wines and a Sommelier, five bites and live music are included, plus the outdoor ambience of gorgeous flowers. This event is $65 each and will be by advance reservation. Day admission is included in the event price. For details, go to Eventbrite. com, then click on Carlsbad and the date selected.

Wine Bytes

• A comprehensive class on the most talked

MARCH 22, 2019

BRITTANY JONES is the bartender at Gianni Buonomo Vintners in Ocean Beach. She displays her favorite, the Double Gold Medal winning 2014 Charbono. Photo by Rico Cassoni

about grape, Pinot Noir, will be held at Meritage Wine Market in Encinitas, from 3 to 5 p.m. March 23. The expert educator is “M” and she will pour and tutor you on eight renditions of Pinot from California, Burgundy, Oregon, New Zealand and South Africa. Light appetizers are included in the $79 price. Call (760) 479-2500 for your place. • The Craftsman Tavern in Encinitas has a High West brand Whiskey Dinner coming at 6 p.m. March 27. Entrees include salmon, steak tartare, sirloin and more. Cost is $65 each. Call Mike at (760) 452-2000. • Vittorio’s in Carmel Valley San Diego presents a Zaca Mesa Winery dinner at 6 p.m. March 28. Wine includes Viognier, Roussanne, Syrah, and a special blend. Four courses plus dessert for $60 per person. RSVP at (858) 538-5884. Reach him at Frank@

ESCONDIDO — During March, North County schools will be releasing classroom-raised trout into Lake Miramar to conclude The Escondido Creek Conservancy’s Trout in the Classroom program. With sustained funding from SDG&E, the program has expanded. When first funded in 2016, it launched in three schools. Now, in 2019, there are aquariums in nine schools throughout North County. Trout release dates will be April 1 for Quantum Academy, April 2 for Rose Elementary, April 5 for Conway Elementary and April 8 for Rock Springs Elementary. The latest Escondido school to dive in is very enthusiastic about Trout in the Classroom. “I’ve always wanted to do this program,” said Rincon Middle School eighthgrade science teacher, Bruce Peterson. “These are 13-, 14-year-old teenagers, so with some things we try to teach them they couldn’t care less, but they’re really excited about the trout. And the environmental piece is great.” The students will have raised the fish in their classroom for eight weeks. During this time they watch them hatch in their aquariums, then see them transform from larvae into competent swimmers as juveniles, before releasing them into the wild during a field trip to Lake Miramar. One of the reasons eighth grade was targeted when expanding into new schools this year is because that grade rarely receives nature-based field trips. “While releasing in Lake Miramar is nice, we’d prefer to release our trout into the Escondido Creek watershed someday. Southern steelhead trout were once

RINCON MIDDLE SCHOOL eighth-grade science teacher Bruce Peterson holds up a bag of trout eggs for his students put in their classroom aquarium. During March, North County schools will be releasing trout into Lake Miramar on behalf of The Escondido Creek Conservancy’s Trout in the Classroom program. Courtesy photo

abundant in Southern California creeks and rivers. Sadly, habitat degradation has decimated their population. Human impacts like runoff, litter, dams, drought, and climate change have pushed this species to the edge of extinction,” said Education Manager, Simon Breen. State regulations control where trout releases can occur and, at the moment, release into the Escondido Creek watershed is not allowed. The Conservancy hopes to change those rules in the future. Even if the water quality conditions were perfect, trout in the Escondido Creek would be unable to freely move up and downstream due to barriers in the creek. But with a new generation of youth in our community becoming savvy about watershed health thanks to this program, we’re optimistic our future will feature a trout-filled Escondido Creek.

NORTH COUNTY students this month will release classroom-raised trout into Lake Miramar on behalf of the Trout in the Classroom program, which has grown from three schools in 2016 to aquariums in nine schools throughout North County. Courtesy photo



n o i t a s r e v con happening now at

MARCH 22, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

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