Inland edition, june 2, 2017

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The Coast News




VOL. 3, N0. 11

JUNE 2, 2017

All-way stop approved at Breeze Hill Elementary By Christina Macone-Greene

AIMING TO PROTECT PUPPIES A bill that would ban pet stores from selling a live dog, cat or rabbit unless the animal came from a public animal control agency or shelter easily passed the state Assembly this week and moves on to the Senate. See full story on page 3. Stock photo

13-year-old graduates from Palomar College By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — To say that Claire Lewis isn’t your average 13-year-old is a gross understatement. She could perform classical piano pieces three months after touching the ivory keys at age 6. She recently aced Calculus 3 — a feat many college students struggle to accomplish. And last Friday, the San Marcos girl with a love of classical piano and Gustavo Dudamel walked the stage with her fellow graduates — from Palomar College. What started three years ago as her parents’ search to satisfy her homeschooling math requirements climaxed with Claire receiving her Associates Degree, the youngest person in the school’s 70-year history to receive a degree. For Claire, an aspiring orchestral conductor and classically trained pianist, and her family, the journey was rewarding. “I feel really happy I was able to do this, I’m so happy I had this option,” said Claire, who plans to take the next year to apply to musical conservatories. “I just wasn’t getting challenged in regular school, so this was a perfect fit.” Her father, Tim Lewis, and mother, Simone de Bruyne-Lewis, are software engineers. Both said they were happy to be able to help their daughter pursue her dreams. “My feeling is one of excitement and gratitude,” Tim Lewis said. “I’m just

Claire Lewis. Courtesy photo

grateful we were able to support her pursue her goals.” Tim and Simone said they recognized from an early age that Claire was innately more curious and driven than your average child. That curiosity and drive manifested itself most notably when she discovered her love for music. She started playing the piano at 6, and after three months had outstripped her father, a musician of 30 years, and was playing Bach minuets. “I remember when the crossover occurred, I would play the minuets and make tiny mistakes and have to go back,” Tim Lewis said. “One day she played it, and moved right on.” Almost immediately, her parents said, she gravitated not just to playing instruments, but directing them. When listening to classical symphonies, she would mimic a conductor’s motions with uncanny precision, her parents said. She knew what she

wanted to be when she grew up at that moment, and hasn’t wavered. “When I was a child, if someone asked me what I wanted to do, I probably said a doctor,” Lewis said. “But did it change in a year? Probably so. “But she seems to be steadfast in that goal, and bravo to her,” Lewis said. “I think it’s fantastic that she has that certainty.” De Bruyne-Lewis said by fourth grade, Claire was begging to be homeschooled so she could devote more time to music. She currently is a member of the San Diego Civic Youth Orchestra. The parents made her finish elementary school first, and then started exploring homeschool options that would allow her to be in a classroom setting and satisfy her accelerated learning rate. “She would go through the books faster than I was able to teach her,” de Bruyne-Lewis said. “We searched and found that Palomar offered courses,

and we asked about them, and learned she needed to take an assessment to see if she could take the college-level courses.” That was in 2014, and Claire tested into beginning algebra. But with each class, Claire’s curiosity increased and she wanted to take more courses, before long she was carrying the workload of a full-time student. And these were not online courses: Claire was in class with college-age students. “At first they were confused about why this little kid was in class,” Claire said. “But after a few classes they got used to it.” Tim Lewis said he and his wife initially had reservations, but they quickly melted away. “What started as ‘How do we get this (homeschooling) done?’ turned into this amazing experience, and our initial trepidation quickly gave way to, ‘Wow, this is pretty cool,’” he said. Her favorite courses? Math, Claire said without hesitation. “It was easy for me to understand,” she said. “I got an A in Calc 3, and I got a perfect score on one of the tests.” Now, Claire said she will take the next step to narrow her list of prospective conservatories and begin the involved process of applying and auditioning for one of the precious spots. “There are a lot of good conservatories so I’m looking forward to applying to them,” she said.

VISTA — To improve traffic flow and pedestrian crossing at the driveway entrance of Breeze Hill Elementary, the Vista City Council approved in a 3-1 vote an all-way stop on Melrose Way during a May session. The impetus for this item was the city receiving complaints about congestion issues during school drop-off and pickup times. Presenting the agenda item was staff member Sam Hasenin. “There has been a history of complaints about traffic flow and pedestrians passing Melrose Way to the public school,” he said. Hasenin explained the proposed placement of the stop sign(s) installation and crosswalk. According to Hasenin, the proposal also included the striping of a second lane on Melrose to the school driveway. Hasenin wanted City Council to know that a short segment of sidewalk, on the south side of Melrose Way, which formerly had a gap underwent construction to offer an uninterrupted pedestrian pathway. “It was completed a few weeks ago,” he said, adding that widening of the street also took place. Hasenin explained how the completed side-

The basis of the recommendation of an all-way stop was generated by the Vista Master Safe Routes to School Plan (SRTS). According to Hasenin, the study conducted a count of 151 pedestrians crossing Melrose Way within 30 minutes after the school day ended. “I would say they (pedestrians) cross somewhere between South Melrose, and the school driveway, and not at the signal on South Melrose,” said Hasenin, noting that there was traffic moving eastbound. Staff also recommended temporary flashing beacons on the stop signs for the first 30 days after installation to alert drivers to the new signage and crosswalk. Hasenin also indicated an estimated cost of two stop signs at $150 at the Melrose Way and Breeze Hill Elementary entrance driveway site. While the agenda item passed, Councilwoman Amanda Rigby opposed it. When Hasenin was asked how many complaints were received, the answer was five or six within the last five years. Additionally, Rigby said she wasn’t confident that an all-way stop would change pedestrian behavior. “We have done some modifications in other

City Council recently approved an all-way stop on Melrose Way at the entrance to Breeze Hill Elementary to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety. Photo by Christina Macone-Greene

walk also afforded street widening, to accommodate a second lane for travelers heading westbound with an option to turn right into the school entrance. Hasenin noted that this extra lane would help alleviate the congestion issues during high traffic volume times.

school areas and, unfortunately, we still see people darting in between cars and avoiding the crosswalk … ” she said. “It’s very distressing to me that we have parents who so easily discount the rules of the road and put themselves and their children in danger. And I don’t know that


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


JUNE 2, 2017






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JUNE 2, 2017


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

‘Puppy Mill’ bill easily clears first state hurdle By Delia DiCosimo

REGION — On Tuesday, May 30, an Assembly floor vote on California Assembly Bill 485 (also referred to as the Pet Rescue and Adoption Act) passed with a stunning, nearly landslide bipartisan vote of 55-11. The bill will now move to the state Senate. Introduced by Assemblyman Patrick O’Donnell, D-Long Beach, AB 485 stipulates that a pet store operator shall not sell a live dog, cat or rabbit in a pet store unless the dog, cat or rabbit was obtained from a public animal control agency or shelter, or nonprofit rescue organization. “Puppy mills or kitten factories, are common terms for large commercial breeding facilities that mass produce animals for sale to the public, primarily through retail pet stores,” O’Donnell said. “These facilities tend to be clustered in Midwestern states and are notorious for housing animals in disturbingly unsanitary and overcrowded conditions. With profit put above welfare, animals are often without adequate food, water, socialization or veterinary care. As a result, the animals face an array of health problems, including communicable diseases, behavioral issues and genetic disorders. Because pet stores are several steps removed from the breeding of the animals they sell, store owners rarely know the conditions of their animals. As the awareness of puppy mills and puppies sold for profit continues to grow, pet stores across the country have changed the way they do business.” O’Donnell went on to cite major pet retailers Petco and PetSmart as examples of stores that have chosen to favor humane adoptions versus retail sales. He stated that these were just two of many stores (both large and small) that have demonstrated how it is possible to have a successful pet-related business model, without supporting puppy mills. He also noted that 35 cities within the state of California have already passed ordinances similar

to or more stringent than the provisions contained in the Assembly bill being proposed for vote. San Diego County is home to eight of those cities — San Diego, Vista, Chula Vista, Oceanside, Carlsbad, Encinitas, San Marcos and Solana Beach. In each instance where a city has passed an ordinance, affected pet stores were given a six-month grace period to adopt a humane business model, in order to remain open. Rather than comply, O’Donnell said the owners of those stores chose to close and move to cities without ordinances. He said that this bill would create one consistent statewide policy. “Live animal sales make up just 10 percent of all pet-related business in the state of California,” Judie Mancuso, Social A few four-legged friends were on hand to help celebrate the bipartisan success of AB 485, introduced by Assemblyman Patrick O’Donnell, Compassion In Legisla- D-Long Beach. The bill now moves to the state Senate. L-R: Amitis Ariano,Simone Reyes, Assemblymember Patrick O’Donnell, Judie Mancuso, tion Founder (and AB 485 Henry Brezinski, Katie Cleary, Assemblymember Matt Dababneh, Dr. Karen Halligan, Andrew Kim Courtesy photos

Left to right: Leslie Davies, Andrea Cunningham, Assemblyman Rocky Chavez, Jim Kilby and Richard Fox.

es adopted in San Diego, Oceanside and San Marcos, has voiced strong opposition to the bill. Salinas has stated that the proposed statewide ban would unfairly limit consumer choice. O’Donnell stressed that The Pet Rescue and Adoption Act would not limit consumer choice. He said that $300 million per year is spent to euthanize animals in California shelters. In addition to providing an opportunity for more shelter and rescue animals to be adopted into loving homes, he added that, “Californians will still be able to purchase animals directly from quality breeders, where they are able to see the conditions in which their prospective pet is bred and cared for.” Though he has recently filed for bankruptcy, Salinas owns four stores, including two in San Diego County: National City Puppy in National City and the recently opened Broadway Puppies in Escondido. He has reportedly, along with the owner of Escondido Pets at Westfield North County Fair mall (whose sister store Carlsbad Pets was affected by the CarlsLeft to right: Holly Fraumeni-Day Jesus, a member of Social Compasbad ordinance), hired a lobsion In Legislation, Judie Mancuso and Leslie Davies. bying firm to represent the sponsor) said in an address before an earlier Assembly committee. The remaining 90 percent of retail pet-related revenue is achieved from the sale of food, toys and supplies, along with grooming, boarding and miscellaneous needs. Yet San Diego area pet store owner David Salinas, who has been affected by puppy mill retail ban ordinanc-

pet stores’ live animal sale interests, opposing AB 485 in Sacramento. Speaking on the Assembly floor in support of AB 485 before the vote were Assembly members Rocky Chavez, R-Oceanside; Monique Limon D-Santa Barbara; co-author Laura Friedman, D-Glendale; and co-author Matt Dababneh, D-Encino. They discussed the fact that repu-

table breeders never sell to pet stores and that every year more than 2.5 million healthy animals that could otherwise be someone’s pet are euthanized nationwide. In California shelters 500,000 are euthanized each year. Chavez mentioned his own visits to the Humane Society and his shock at the number of shelter animals euthanized weekly, as well as the costs incurred by the city (and taxpayers) to pay for that. He also mentioned becoming educated about puppies being sold at pet stores and the puppy mills where they were coming from. “Members, this is not a partisan deal,” he said. “Sixty-eight percent of all families in the United States have a pet in the house. Pets are one of those things that cross over party lines. I strongly recommend you support this bill.” The only person to speak in opposition, Assemblyman Matthew Harper, R-Huntington Beach, urged a “no” vote, on behalf of the pet store owners, although he stated that he was personally a proponent of pet adoption himself. Local San Diego area animal advocates with Not One Animal Harmed

(NOAH) said they worked tirelessly behind the scenes generating emails of support and making numerous phone calls in preparation for the Assembly floor vote. NOAH co-founders Andrea Cunningham and Leslie Davies, joined by fellow advocates Jim Kilby and Karen Gregory-Clayton, also met with staff in three Assembly districts, including Chavez, Assemblywoman Marie Waldron, R-Escondido; and Assemblywoman Shirley Weber, D-San Diego, who each cast “yes” votes on the Assembly floor. Davies traveled to Sacramento early last week to continue those efforts. “We are thrilled with the result and look forward to the next step,” she said. “We need this policy statewide.” Cunningham echoed those sentiments. “We couldn’t be happier, but we also know it’s not over yet,” she said. “There is still much work to be done before this one goes into the history books.” And history making it will be. Once the Senate hurdles are cleared, AB 485 will move on to the governor’s desk where if signed, will make California the first state in the country to have enacted such legislation into law.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


JUNE 2, 2017 Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of The Coast News

Sale of the wrong century Village Idiot By Jim Mullen

No surprises as first Trump budget hits at California California Focus By Thomas D. Elias The bleats have been long and loud in California since President Trump’s administration released its first proposed budget, one that won’t be finalized for several months. This budget can be read many ways, including these: As an initial negotiating position from the author of “The Art of the Deal.” As revenge for California depriving the president of the popular vote victory he so ardently craved. As a prototypical Republican attack on federal spending the party has long opposed in fields from health care to sanctuary cities. It may be all of those and more. But this spending plan should not have surprised anyone in California public affairs. Presidents often suggest cuts or additions to federal spending even when they know the items will not fly. This can take public attention away from others they deem truly important. It can represent some first moves toward compromise. And presidents have always favored states that favor them and punished those that don’t. So California fared well under Presidents Clinton and Obama. Just ask the tens of thousands of homeowners who collected large sums from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) after the 1994 Northridge earthquake under Clinton or the health insurance clients who got premium subsidies under Obama. But California had problems securing grants for everything from transportation to education under both Presidents Bush. The new budget indicates there could be worse trouble getting desired federal grants under Trump. So California’s problems in getting its fair share of federal spending will likely grow as the Trump years progress. Why be surprised at this when the state’s top officials loudly and proudly bill themselves as leaders of national resistance to Trump’s agenda? Yet, those same officials now sound stunned. Said Gov. Jerry Brown, “(The proposed budget) gives a massive break to the wealthiest, while imposing painful and debilitating burdens on tens of millions of decent and hard-working people. It’s unconscionable and un-American.” In other words, it’s a fiscal plan promoting the Republican Party’s platform stances of minimizing “entitlement”

programs, welfare and federal healthcare subsidies. It’s also a plan that favors the party’s biggest political donors, who often are corporate leaders. Election results matter. So does the Electoral College. That’s not to minimize this plan’s potential effects here. The Health Access California organization, for one, says this budget would “rip health care from over 4 million Californians, cut Medi-Cal by 25 percent” at a cost of over $24 billion a year to California. The organization’s executive director, Anthony Wright, complained the budget “would savage California’s health care system, cutting… tens of billions of dollars to hospitals and health providers…(it) would cause carnage to key safety-net services, all to finance massive tax cuts to corporations and the wealthiest.” California public and charter schools would also lose about $400 million if a proposed total of $9 billion is cut nationally from education spending. This would affect everything from teacher training and preparation to after-school programs and student loans. Moaned state Schools Supt. Tom Torlakson, “I give this budget an ‘F’ grade for failing public school students.” There’s also a new bid to punish sanctuary cities, which include California’s largest urban centers. This one would rewrite a federal code section so that cities could no longer block police and other employees from communicating with federal officials about the immigration status of any individual. The budget would condition federal homeland security and law enforcement grants on guarantees that cities comply. And it includes a mandate that local jailers hold releasable prisoners up to 48 hours when federal agents issue requests called “detainers.” Taken together, this budget attacks many items that are political dogma in California, but anathema in Southern and Midwestern states that voted heavily for Trump. Anyone who’s surprised by all this wasn’t paying attention to the promises Trump made during his campaign last year. Or when Trump appointed key budget officials who have long advocated precisely the changes they now propose. The challenge for Californians in Congress and state government who oppose all this will be to find Republicans who back at least some programs that now are threatened. Judge their effectiveness by what’s in the final budget.

I had a garage sale last week, to get rid of the things I don’t want to dust anymore. Rather than put price tags on every little trinket, I had a table of free stuff, a table of $5 stuff, a table of $10 stuff and one little table to hold the few things that were really worth any money. Wasn’t this the idea that made Woolworth rich -a five- and 10-dollar store? Before the day was over, I had $600 in my pocket. I’m on my way to becoming a big department store magnate, I thought. Until I figured out that the stuff I sold for $600 probably cost me $3,000 over the many years spent collecting it. Still, somebody else is dusting it now, while I’m spending the $600 on a few months of premium cable channels. At the end of the day, there were still plenty of items left on my “free” table. When you can’t give things away for free, there’s a problem. And it’s not just strangers that won’t take our stuff; it’s family, too. Almost everyone I talk to says the same thing: “None of the kids want my stuff.” “They don’t want the dishes I got as a wedding present,” my friends say. “They don’t want my grandmother’s needlepoint napkins, they don’t want the linen I never use, they don’t want the cut crystal, the china cabinets, the silver table settings, the Wallace Nutting prints. Just put all that stuff in the coffin with me because if you don’t, my kids will put it straight in

the trash. They don’t have any idea what it’s worth.” Yes, they do: To them, it’s worth nothing. If it can’t fit on their cellphone or in their PlayStation, they don’t want it. They go out to eat or order pizza; what would they put in a china cabinet? A pizza box? An empty Chinese takeout container? All their ramen noodles? What would they do with a crystal decanter? Put craft beer in it? Go ahead: Try to sell a silver-plate water pitcher and coffee pot. Together they’re worth less than a Starbucks coffee in a paper cup. And when you think about it, they should be. Who would put coffee in a silver container? It would go cold in about three seconds. And the water pitcher would drip condensation all over your polished furniture. When was the last time you used yours, if ever? Yet for years, they were given as wedding presents. Today’s favorite wedding present is an envelope with a gift card in it. I was talking about this with my brother when he was visiting with his teenage children, who, like most teens, could care less about all the old stuff around the house. Until they found my record collection. (Not my “vinyl record” collection; I bought them long enough ago that they were just called “records.”) You’d have thought those kids discovered a gold mine. “Wow! Look at the size of these things. It’s like a Frisbee. Who are the Kingston Trio? You’re kidding -- someone was named ‘Petula’? If they’re the Beach Boys, why aren’t

they wearing bathing suits? The Rolling Stones. I think I’ve heard of them. Vaughn Meader? Who’s that?” Even I had nearly forgotten Vaughn Meader, who had a hit comedy album lampooning President Kennedy and his Boston accent. It was a huge best-seller until one day in late November 1963. I let the nephews have the music albums, but I hung on to the comedy albums, many of the routines I had memorized when I was their age. “The Buttoned-Down Mind of Bob Newhart,” “The Smothers Brothers at the Purple Onion” and Rodney Dangerfield’s “No Respect.” I would have like to have listened to some of the records with the nephews and shared a few laughs, but my record player was on the “free” table, and someone smarter than me has it now. Contact Jim Mullen at

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JUNE 2, 2017


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Oceanside expands homeless intervention efforts By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — Homeless issues were not on the May 17 City Council meeting agenda, but were heavily commented on by public speakers. Public comments on homelessness have also been brought up at prior council meetings and city workshops. At the May council meeting a number of residents spoke about ongoing, aggressive trespassing, theft and vandalism by chronic homeless individuals. Encampment areas named by speakers included the canyon by the Country Club Senior Center. Residents said they are worried about continuing problems and the lack of security. “It’s overwhelming, trucks have been vandalized, furniture has been stolen, there have been overdoses in the restrooms

(of the senior center), the SWAT team was looking in the canyon for a murderer,” Oceanside resident Bill Batchelor said. “There’s no protection, and no security.” Also named as areas of concern were canyons by schools, and the Fire Mountain neighborhood where vehicle break-ins, burglaries and petty thefts are regularly reported. “This problem is not going away, we need to think outside the box,” an Oceanside resident said. Other residents spoke of the hardships and personal struggles of temporarily homeless individuals who are working to get back on their feet. “We need to consider these are real people,” Oceanside resident Joan Bockman said. Following the meeting police Chief Frank McCoy

connects individuals with regional services. The HOT team also has a downtown office for walk-in clients and appointments with officers and social service workers. “Our goal is to offer services to all homeless in our community and then to focus on those individuals who want and need the help for placement in treatment programs and/or housing if available,” McCoy said. In other efforts weekly encampment details are performed by police and city code enforcement to shut down illegal camps. Neighborhood Policing Team officers meet with residents to address concerns and educate groups on target hardening strategies to reduce the likelihood of becoming a crime victim. During the April 26 budget workshop the city

said the problem of homelessness and issues it brings are complex. “There are homeless individuals that enjoy the homeless lifestyle and regardless of what programs or housing that is offered, they will not accept it,” McCoy said. “There are also individuals who are unable to see clear of their homelessness due to drug and/or alcohol addiction, mental illness or combinations thereof.” It is not a crime to be homeless. “Homelessness is not necessarily a police issue unless they are doing something that is breaking the law, it is a social issue,” McCoy said. Oceanside police address homelessness in a variety of ways. A police Homeless Outreach Team, or HOT team, patrols areas homeless frequent and

took further steps to address homeless issues and recommended funds for a HOT team coordinator, and extra patrol hours in next year’s city budget. The final vote to approve the budget will be in June. McCoy said the extra funding will help outreach and enforcement efforts. “I feel that these onetime funds will allow our HOT Team to reach out to those in the homeless community that want and need help to place them into programs to help break the cycle of being homeless,” McCoy said. The new position of outreach coordinator will focus on identifying resources, securing spots in programs and matching homeless individuals with the best fit. Extra patrol hours will allow police and code enforcement more man-hours

to remove illegal encampments, respond to residents’ complaints and have extra officers on the street. McCoy said extra patrols will “ensure quality of life issues throughout the city are being addressed in a proactive and timely manner.” Homelessness effects every city. Police throughout the state are discussing best practices to deal with homelessness and related crimes. McCoy, who serves on the California Police Chiefs Association board of directors, said he sees a need for a national solution. “This is a national issue that needs Federal Government involvement to provide resources and funding to this nationally growing problem,” McCoy said.

Students ask for better mental health services following suicide By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — El Camino High School students packed the Oceanside Unified School District boardroom to ask for improved mental health services May 23. Before the meeting, the group of 50-plus students held rally signs and chanted outside the school district building. Signs carried messages that included “Know

science, No stigma,” and “To be healthy as a whole, mental wellness plays a role.” Chants rang out the words, “What do we want? Mental wellness. When do we want it? Now.” During the meeting students in Lisa Esquivel’s U.S. government and political science class presented an overview of a 60-page proposal to improve school men-

tal health services. They also suggested how services could be implemented at little to no additional cost. The student project was fueled by the suicide of fellow student Majesty Prado, who took her life last spring. Esquivel said students were impassioned to do something in honor of their lost friend. The project began with research and on-campus surveys.


“After conducting extensive research on available community resources and comparing them with what is currently being utilized on campus, we have concluded there is a serious lack of awareness, resources available and utilization of existing resources for our students,” student Faith Butterfield said. During their presentation students asked the

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school board to utilize the free North County Lifeline HERE Now program at El Camino High School and Oceanside High School, and make it available to students, parents and staff. Students requested mental health education be added to the Student Wellness Policy and include prevention and early intervention. Examples of successful school programs

were shared. “It’s time for the school district to catch up,” student Anna McCarthy said. Students asked for a full-time social worker to serve both high schools, and suggested the position be funded though LCAP and Title I funds. They also requested an on-site Student Wellness Center and district mental health coordinator.


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

M arketplace News

JUNE 2, 2017

Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article. If you would like an article on this page, please call (760) 436-9737

The top three myths about hair transplant surgery OCEANSIDE — If you’ve been considering hair restoration, you want to have all the facts. As with any surgical procedure, misinformation is everywhere. Dan Wagner, CEO of MyHairTransplantMD, wants to help you make an informed decision about whether hair restoration is right for you, right now. Because client satisfaction is important to him, Wagner wants to dispel three of the most common myths about hair restoration.

Dan Wagner, CEO of MyHairTransplantMD, wants to help you make an informed deciMyth #1: Hair restoration is expen- sion about whether hair restoration is right for you, right now. Courtesy photos


“This doesn’t have to be true,” Wagner said. “Hair restoration, like anything, takes planning and choosing the right surgeon is key.” The specialists at MyHairTransplantMD will have their initial consultation with you where they will assess your hair loss situation and your desired results. “With proper planning and execution, you are going to get the results you’re looking for,” Wagner said. “We will get it right for you

Odd Files By Chuck Shepherd Breaking News (Rare Fetish!) Jordan Haskins, 26, was sentenced to probation and sex counseling in May after pleading guilty to eight charges arising from two auto accidents in Saginaw, Michigan. Prosecutors said Haskins described “cranking,” in which he would remove a vehicle’s spark-plug wires to make it “run rough,” which supposedly improves his chances for a self-service

the first time. If you go running from doctor to doctor, not only will you be lacking in a comprehensive plan, but it will end up costing you more money.” Choosing a surgeon who will give you a plan of attack for not just your current hair loss but also any future hair loss is key. “The plan for someone who has thin hair is different from someone who has lost it all,” Wagner said. We help you replace it as you lose it, at the

happy ending. Haskins’s lawyer added, “(Cranking) is something I don’t think we understand as attorneys.” The Entrepreneurial Spirit! Le Plat Sal (The Dirty Plate) restaurant in the Marais district of Paris features specialties actually containing dirt -- or as Chef Solange Gregoire calls it, “the mud of the earth that caresses our toes, the sand kissed by the sun, and rocks.” Mused a Food Network host in April, “What’s left? People are already eating snout-to-tail, leaves-toroots....” Gregoire extolled her four-star dishes, includ-

pace that is specific to your case.” Wagner said that a hair restoration plan done right will only need to be done once. Myth #2: Any doctor can perform hair transplant surgery “Hair restoration is a specialty, and you want to go to a specialist,” Wagner said. “Specialists are trained to treat you in the long term.” MyHairTransplantMD offers only specialized hair resto-

ing pastry crust a la Mont Lachat rock and a Boue Ragout stew simmered with silt from the River Seine. (NPR also noted that the founder of The Shake Shack was “quietly” planning a new American chain, Rock in Roll.) — Goldman Sachs analyst Noah Poponak’s 98-page paper (leaked to Business Insider in April) touted the wealth obtainable by capturing the platinum reputed to be in asteroids. The costs to mine the stone (rockets, launch expenses, etc.) might have dropped recently to about $3 billion -- a trifle

ration services. “Our surgeons are highly trained and skilled at performing hair restoration surgery,” Wagner said. “It’s the only thing we do here, and we stand by the results our surgeons deliver. Our team in particular has a more artistic approach than some of the other offices that might offer it.” With the growth in popularity of robotic surgery in the industry, Wagner advises clients to consider the risks involved. “Robotic surgery enables less skilled surgeons to perform procedures, but here we feel that there is a valuable difference when choosing a surgeon over a robot,” he said. “We perform our surgeries by hand and our results reflect the vast difference between the details that only the human eye can see versus what a robot can.” Myth #3: Results are immediate “You didn’t lose your hair overnight, and we can’t restore it overnight,” Wagner said. “We are redistributing your hair, not creating it.” MyHairTransplantMD uses

next to the $50 billion worth of platinum Poponak said a single asteroid might contain. (On the other hand, experts point out, such abundance of platinum might crash the worldwide price.) — The Twisted Ranch restaurant in the Soulard neighborhood of St. Louis, saw crowds swell in March after it revamped its menu with more than two dozen items made with ranch dressing (including ranch-infused Bloody Marys). As one satisfied visitor put it, “Ranch is everyone’s guilty pleasure.” Unclear on the Concept

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As with any surgical procedure, having accurate information will guide you to make the best possible decision. The team at MyHairTransplantMD is happy to spend time with you to discuss any questions and address any concerns you might have about hair restoration. MyHairTransplantMD is located at 2103 S. El Camino Real, Suite 201 in Oceanside. For a stepby-step guide to their consultation process and a complete explanation of pricing, visit their website at or call the office at (800) 262-2017.

Yale University graduate students (well, at least eight of them), claiming “union” status, demonstrated in front of the Yale president’s home in April demanding better benefits (beyond the annual free tuition, $30,000 stipends and free health care). Some of the students characterized their action as an “indefinite fast” while others called it a “hunger strike.” However, a pamphlet associated with the unionizing made it clear that strikers could go eat any time they got hungry. Smooth Reactions (1) Police in Cleveland are searching for the woman whose patience ran out on April 14 awaiting her young son's slow haircut at Allstate Barber College. She pulled out a pistol, took aim at the barber and warned: "I got two clips! CROPI'll pop you." (She allowed .93 him to finish up -more.93 purposefully, obviously -- and 4.17left without further incident.) 4.28 (2) Barbara Lowery, 24, was arrested for disorderly conduct in Cullman, Alabama, in May after police spotted her standing on a car, stomping out the windshield and smashing the sun roof. She said it was a boyfriend's car, that she thought he was cheating on her, and that she had spent the previous night "thinking" about what to do, "pray(ing) about it and stuff." (However, she said, "I did it anyway.") New World Order

The Drone Economy: (1) A Netherlands startup company announced in March its readiness to release drones capable of tracking freshly deposited dog poop (via an infrared glow from the pile) and, eventually, be guided (perhaps via GPS and artificial intelligence) to scoop up the deposits and carry them away. (2) Potentially Unemployed Bees: Researcher-inventor Eijiro Miyako announced in the journal Chem in March that he had created a drone that pollinates flowers (though requiring human guidance until GPS and AI can be enabled). Miyako's adhesive gel lightly brushes pollen grains, collecting just enough to touch down successfully onto another flower to pollinate it. — Social critics and futurists suggest that the next great market for computerization (already underway) will be selling "human improvement" (alas, perhaps merely helping already successful people to even greater heights). Some sports teams are experimenting with "transcranial direct current stimulation" as a way to put athletes' brains into constant alert, and KQED Radio reported in May that about a third of the San Francisco Giants players have donned weak-current headsets that cover the motor cortex at the top of the head. The team's sports scientist (bonus name: Geoff TURN TO ODD FILES ON 7

Then you will have planned for everything.

Please email obits @ or call (760) 436-9737 x100. All photo attachments should be sent in jpeg format, no larger than 3MB. the photo will print 1.625” wide by 1.5” tall inh black and white. Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publicatio in Friday’s newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the customer for approval by Tuesday at 10 a.m.

patented technology to map your hair loss pattern and then defines and measures the area you are looking to restore. “We can discuss whether you are looking for coverage or density,” Wagner said. “The process takes time and planning. If someone tells you it’s immediate, they are misleading you. It’s technically impossible to restore in one day the hair that took years to lose.”


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JUNE 2, 2017

T he C oast News - I nland E dition


Head!) said players performed slightly better on some drills after the stimulation. (One the other hand, at press time, the Giants were still next-to-last in the National League West.) The Aristocrats! (1) Recent alarming headlines: "UK woman who urinated on Trump golf course loses case" (London). "Fish thief on unicycle busted by DNR (Department of Natural Resources)" (Battle Creek, Michigan). And, from the Northwest Florida Daily News (Fort Walton Beach), all on the same day (5-16-2017): (1) "Man throws fork at woman in fight over dog poop." (2) "Senior citizen punches husband for taking Lord's name in vain." (3) "Two people busted for creating fake football league, lawmen say." (4) "Man denies defecating in parking lot despite officer witnessing deed." Inexplicable Clearing the Conscience: (1) In February, a 52-year-old man who, arrested for DUI and taken to a police station in Germany's Lower Saxony state, wound up spontaneously confessing to a 1991 coldcase murder in Bonn. Police confirmed that, after reopening the files, they found details matching the man's account, though the man himself was "not quite clear" why he had confessed. (2) A game warden in Titus County, Texas, reported in December arresting a man for possessing a shotgun (the man's third arrest as a convicted felon with a firearm). The warden had spotted the weapon only because the man "out of the blue" approached him and asked if he wanted to inspect his hunting license (which, it turns out, was in order). Weirdo-American Community A 22-year-old Los Angeles makeup artist who calls himself Vinny Ohh has, according to his several TV and YouTube appearances and much social media presence, transformed himself into a "genderless," extraterrestrial-looking person via around 110 bodily procedures (so far), costing him at least $50,000. He says his appearance is merely an "all-in" representation of how he feels inside. (The "genderless" Vinny has yet to specify a pronoun preference.) Update The impending retirement from public life of Britain's Prince Philip, announced in May, has likely quashed any slight chance he will visit the Imanourane people on Tanna (in the South Pacific island nation of Vanuatu) -- tragic, of course, because Tanna's Chief Jack and his followers continue to believe Philip descended from their own spiritual ancestors and has thus dominated their thoughts for the last seven decades. In fact, when Tanna was in the path of Cyclone Donna in May 2017, the Imanourane were quickly reminded of Philip's continuing "powers." (Philip has never visited, but Tannans have long prayed over an autographed photograph he sent years ago.)


GFWC Contemporary Women of North County, from left back row, Suzanne Bedrick and Marianne Furtado, from left, third row, Ann Lygas, Judy Jackson, Sandye Vaughn, Rebecca Buchen, Marianne Valencia and Eileen Garnet, from left, second row, Claudia Giardina, Natalie Kuhlman, Lisa Smith, Nancy Liu and Pam Irwin and, from left, front row, Kathleen King, Lily Hazelton and Katie DeWillie, gathered for a New Member Social, welcoming community-minded women who want to become involved and make a difference in their community. Meetings are from 6 to 8 p.m. the second Monday of each month (except August) at the San Marcos Senior Center, 111 Richmar, San Marcos. For more information, visit Courtesy photos



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JUNE 2, 2017

Vista City Council approves marijuana opinion polling By Christina Macone-Greene

VISTA — At a 3-1 vote, with Councilwoman Amanda Rigby opposing, City Council directed staff to move forward with a marijuana opinion poll. Council agreed on a polling cost not to exceed $35,000 regarding medical marijuana and its access for Vista residents. Tony Winney, assistant to the Vista city manager, presented the agenda item at the May meeting. He explained that City Council directed staff to prepare a more detailed report regarding marijuana delivery and dispensaries within city limits. Also requested were state and federal laws regarding the topic and its impact on environmental and public safety. Winney told council members that staff would ret u r n at a later date with the impact information requested. According to Winney, the purpose of the public opinion poll was to help inform City Council in its decision-making process regarding medical marijuana access within city limits. Winney indicated that the survey would be both in English and Spanish. “The estimated cost of the opinion poll would be approximately $35,000, depending upon the length of the survey, the desired margin of error and the number of questions asked of participants,” he said. Survey completion would take roughly four weeks. “Funding for this project is not included in the fiscal year 2016/2017 operating budget; however, staff has identified sufficient available resources,” Winney said. “If the City Council would like to see the staff move forward with the survey, staff will analyze a proposal, submit it and execute a professional services agreement with a public opinion polling company not to exceed $35,000.” Following the presentation, Rigby shared that she was disappointed to see this issue on the consent calendar when she had asked that it be a discussion item instead. She conveyed her opposition to paying for an opinion poll that could very well cost up to $35,000, which she described as being premature. Rigby said she believed it was more prudent to wait and see what was first coming from the federal government by way of a classification for medical marijuana to help navigate the issue. She noted that the new administration was going to address this

topic. “I’m not in favor for spending upwards of $35,000 to do an opinion poll — certainly not at this time,” she said. Deputy Mayor John Franklin had a different opinion on the matter. He said that he has heard from the majority regarding their opin- ion on the subject, and for those reasons, he strongly supported t h e idea. “ I would like to remind all of us about the rightful debate h e r e ,” Franklin said. “We are not engaged in a debate of whether marijuana is a good drug. We are

not engaged in a debate of whether it works well or if it does not work well, whether it should be used or should not be used.” Fra n klin added, “I do not think $35,000 is excessive in the slightest when determining and helping inform the decision of such enormously consequential measure to the people we represent. I find

this to be a wise endeavor for us to study and understand.” Councilman John Aguilera agreed with Franklin. He was also in support of a public poll and didn’t believe it was premature. “I think the more information, the better,” he s a i d . “If the people let us know that they support medical marijuana, then so be it, and we will move forward to allow the access. But if something different comes from that, then I think a discussion needs to be had as well.”

Aguilera ended his comment by saying that the more informed voters were, the more informed City Council could be as decision makers.

JUNE 2, 2017


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Summer F un & L earning Fun, friendships, and discovery flourish in an engaging atmosphere at

Bella Lengua Summer Camps! House, Children’s Garden and beyond. Participation is open to children ages 2.510 years of age. We offer four, one-week sessions of camp starting July 10 and running through August 11. We meet Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 11:30 am. You may enroll your child in one session or up to all four sessions! Discounts apply for siblings, garden members, and children enrolled in 2 or more sessions. Each week of our summer camps will have a

theme as follows: • Session 1: July 10-14 - Farm to Table (French & Spanish) • Session 2: July 17-21 Global Adventures (French & Spanish) • Session 3: July 31-August 4 - Folktales and Legends (French & Spanish) • Session 4: August 7-August 11 - Forests and Farms (Spanish only) To register, please visit: Please email questions to Liz Alvarado, Educational Director at

Community Resource Center announced the addition of Peggy Pico as the organization’s new director of development. Pico, broadBusiness news and special achievements for North San cast journalist, comes with Diego County. Send information a history of public service and outreach. She is a menvia email to community@ tor in the prestigious PBS NewsHour Student ReportNEW CLASSROOM ing Labs. Previously, Pico OPENS DOORS MiraCos- was a nightly host, anchor ta College, in partnership and reporter at KPBS and with the city of Solana NBC 7 News in San Diego. Beach, McCarthy Building Pico began her new posiCompanies, Inc., Studio E tion at CRC on May 8. Architects, Boys & Girls PRINCIPAL NAMED Club of San Dieguito, and FOR EARL WARREN The community members cele- San Dieguito Union High brated the grand opening School District Board of and open house of the new- Trustees has appointed ly renovated La Colonia Reno Medina as the next de Eden Gardens Multi- principal of Earl Warren purpose Classroom at 715 Middle School. Medina is Valley Ave., Solana Beach currently an assistant prinon May 24. MiraCosta Col- cipal at La Costa Canyon lege’s Continuing Educa- High School. He will be tion will utilize the room to returning to Earl Warren offer free non-credit cours- Middle School in the fall, es including English as a where he first served as the Second Language (ESL), assistant principal. Citizenship, Adult High DOCTORS AND NURSSchool (GED) and comput- ES HONORED Palomar er classes. Health announced its 2017 S O R O P T I M I S T S doctors and nurses of the FUNDRAISER SUCCESS year. Nurses of the Year: Soroptimist International Palomar Medical Center of Vista and North County Escondido — Roxanne Joy Inland held its annual Sal- Olegario-Co, RN; Palomar ad Luncheon fundraiser Medical Center Poway and on April 20 at Grace Pres- Tonya Elliot, RN; Clinical byterian Church in Vista. Outreach — Glynn CascolAbout 200 people attended an, RN. Palomar Health’s at $15 per ticket. More than 2017 Physician of the Year $5,000 was raised for the included Palomar Medical club’s service fund, to be Center Escondido — Amandistributed as grants and da Caparso, MD; Palomar scholarships to qualifying Medical Center Poway — women and charities. Amir Asgari, MD and ClinLOCALS TO ROCK ical Outreach — Benjamin MARATHON Mark John- Hidy, MD. son (Carlsbad), Laurie Kearney (Carlsbad), Delfino, SCHOOLS GET CERTino Martinez (Encinitas) TIFIED Two Vista Unified and Charles Sheets (Sola- School District schools na Beach) will again run were certified as Internathe Rock ‘n’ Roll San Di- tional Baccalaureate World ego Marathon, having run Schools offering the IB Prievery single since the in- mary Years Programme. augural race in 1998. This These two schools, Casita year the Rock ‘n’ Roll Mar- Center for Science, Techathon Series is celebrat- nology and Math, and Vising 20 years running. The ta Academy (of Visual and annual Rock ‘n’ Roll San Performing Arts), have Diego Marathon (the race been working on their certithat started it all) returns fication for four years (stanthe first weekend of June. dard for this process), with Of the 30,000-plus runners teachers taking two years’ registered to run, 84 of worth of coursework at Cal them have run every race State University San Marsingle marathon since the cos, and the schools doing inaugural race including, significant work to qualify Johnson, Kearney, Marti- for the certification. nez and Sheets. FOUNDATION SUPNEW FACE AT CRC PORTS YOUTH Oceans-

ide Charitable Foundation (OCF), an affiliate of The San Diego Foundation, awarded $53,000 in grants to five North County nonprofit organizations at its Grants Celebration on May 4 at the Oceanside Museum of Art. This year, OCF supported programs that helped vulnerable and atrisk youth in the Oceanside community, including New Directions with Casa de Amparo ($25,000); Basic Needs/My First Home with Just in Time for Foster Youth ($10,000); Safe Space with North County LGBTQ Resource Center ($10,000); School Pantry Program with Feeding San Diego ($5,000); and Fire Safe Kids with the Burn Institute ($3,000). WOMAN’S CLUB MAKES A DIFFERENCE At Donation Day with The Woman’s Club of Vista, the club presented 27 nonprofit organizations a total of $31,500 in donations to support their work in the community. President Nan-

Our unique Spanish and French immersion camps are unlike any other summer camp in the San Diego area. Each day is designed to inspire a connection with nature and a love of language learning. Activities such as explorations of nature, arts and crafts, and cooking provide rich opportunities for children to learn new vocabulary in a meaningful context. Our program takes place in the Alta Vista Botanical Gardens with adventures in the Garden



Fun, Friendships, and Discovery Flourish in an Engaging Atmosphere at

Bella Lengua Summer Camps! Our unique Spanish and French immersion camps are unlike any other summer camp in the San Diego area. Each day is designed to inspire a connection with nature and a love of language learning. Our program takes place in the Alta Vista Botanical Gardens with adventures in the Garden House, Children’s Garden and beyond. Participation is open to children ages 2.5-10 years of age. We meet Monday through Friday from 8:30 am to 11:30 am.


July 10-14 - Farm to Table (French & Spanish) SESSION 2:

July 17-21 - Global Adventures (French & Spanish) SESSION 3:

July 31-August 4 - Folktales and Legends (French & Spanish) SESSION 4:

August 7-August 11 - Forests and Farms (Spanish only)

cy B Jones reminded everyone that last year the club celebrated its 100 years of service. FARM EARNS SEED MONEY Coastal Roots Farm, 441 Saxony Rd, Encinitas, has been awarded a $10,000 grant from Seeds of Change. Nearly 600 applications were received this year. Coastal Roots Farm was selected as a Top 20 Garden by Seeds of Change™ for its dedication to nutrition education. With these funds, they plan to bolster its Produce Donation Program designed to promote community health and wellness and increase access to healthy food and nutrition education to those who need it most. SEND KIDS TO CAMP Diners at any of San Diego County's 15 Luna Grill locations can help send a physically disabled child to the 2017 Junior Adaptive Sports Camp, through a fundraising campaign throughout the month of June. The Junior Adaptive

Please fill our registration form at: 858-751-4810.

Sports Camp was created for children and young adults ages 4 to 18 with physical disabilities, to help cultivate a love for sports. Through a point-of-sale donation option and matching funds, Luna Grill hopes to send as many athletes as possible to camp this year. GRAND OPENING OF WORKSPACE WorkSpace at 2292 Faraday Ave., Carlsbad will celebrate its grand opening from 5 to 8 p.m. June 2, including beverages and a local taco cart. WorkSpace provides private offices, co-working memberships and services for start-ups and professionals. Private offices start at $450/month. ILLSLEY JOINS CARLSBAD OFFICE Brianna Illsley has affiliated with the Carlsbad office of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage as a sales associate. Prior to affiliating with Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage, Illsley was a sales associate at Lee & Associates Commercial

Real Estate in Riverside, Calif. She leased and sold industrial properties and land in the Inland Empire. Originally from Scottsdale, Arizona, Illsley’s family has owned property and lived in Carlsbad for more than 45 years. COLLEGE OPENS CENTER The University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences, announced the opening of the new Center for Innovative Clinical Practice on its San Marcos campus. Through the use of simulation education, students are able to experience situations in immersive, realistic settings that require higher levels of critical thinking and soft skills, building confidence, experience and abilities in a safe space and ultimately better prepare them for clinical work upon graduation. For more information on the San Marcos Center for Clinical Practice, contact Rachael Lighty at or call (410) 218-6055.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JUNE 2, 2017

Camp Pendleton preps for 2017 fire season CAMP PENDLETON — Significant wildland fires throughout San Diego County in October of 2007 lead officials to seek a partnership between military and civilian aviation and firefighting assets to better manage crisis aboard regional military installations and in the surrounding communities. Though several fires burned during the twoweek period, according to CAL FIRE archives, the Ammo Fire alone burned more than 21,000 acres of Camp Pendleton. Since then, Camp Pendleton security and safety agencies and local departments have been working together to streamline response and integrated communication efforts to provide ready, trained and certified military and civilian resources to combat wildland fires in the region, culminating with a cooperative effort to extinguish wildland fires. According to George Shinrock, MCI-West Fire and Emergency Services program manager, the coordination for Defense Support of Civil Authorities is a year-round mission. “With ever-changing and rotating personnel, it is important that we maintain communication and exercise the methodology and allow those decision makers the opportunity to (make the call to) get aircraft to respond,” Shinrock said. All regional agencies participating have a vested interest in honing the relationships in preparation for what could be a heavy fire season, said Shinrock, career firefighter and retired Marine, stressing the importance of Camp Pend-

Helicopters fill up with water from Lake O’Neill to assist Camp Pendleton firefighters. Courtesy photo

leton’s training areas to I MEF’s ability to deploy its global force. “While the

recent rains were great for the region and have resulted in a very nice spring, it

is a part of the natural life cycle,” said Isaac Sanchez, the public information


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officer with CAL FIRE. “Fire is also a part life cycle, when (the vegetation) dies off. There has been a massive increase in grass here in San Diego County, increasing the threat of a catastrophic fire. It just adds more fuel.” Sanchez highlighted the uniqueness of the relationships between the organizations participating in the exercise. “All these agencies are eager to maintain open lines of communication to ensure the process is known and can be implemented in an efficient

manner,” said Sanchez of the flow in which requests are routed from civil agencies to regional military units and installations. “We are all working to combat the ravages of wildfires, both on and off the installations in the region,” said Shinrock, explaining how all these communities are affected by wildfires, from traffic on Interstate-5, to the rail line that travels through part of Camp Pendleton-which can all have direct off-base effects. A live webcast can be viewed at webcast/11187.

JUNE 2, 2017

Vista approves restoration of ambulance By Christina Macone-Greene

VISTA — City Council unanimously approved the restoration of a fourth Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulance. Vista Fire Chief Jeff Hahn recently presented the detailed information to city council members. According to Hahn, in 2007 the Vista Fire Department placed a fourth ALS ambulance in service based on the 2005 Standards of Cover Study, which calculated call volume and response times. “In 2011, economic pressure from the Great Recession required the reduction of one ALS ambulance from service and the department distributed the workload to the three remaining units,” Hahn said. “Over time, those units have become increasingly busy with emergency medical services, or EMS calls, increasing by 30 to 40 percent between 2011 and 2016.” Based on the data, in 2011, the department ran a total of about 7,900 EMS calls. Hahn pointed out that a study measurement in July 2016, looking into activity for the previous 12 months, revealed how two to three of its ambulances were beyond the recommended utilization. “The restoration of the fourth ALS ambulance will help to lower the unit hour utilization of all ambulances in our system and increase ambulance reliability for responses,” he said. Hahn told council members that staff recommended the fourth ALS ambulance. Additionally, this restoration included two firefighter paramedics on a daily basis. “This would increase the number of available ALS ambulances from three to four and the on-duty daily staffing would increase from 25 to 27 personnel,” Hahn said. “The benefits of doing this include adding depth to ALS resources full time, and will improve emergency response force times by putting more firefighters on the scene of emergencies quicker.” Hahn then discussed neighboring communities like San Marcos, which recently added a fourth ambulance. Last year, the city of Oceanside added its fifth ambulance. At this time, Carlsbad is also considering the utilization of a fourth ambulance. “It is notable that Vista is second only to Oceanside in the number of ambulance calls per capita, which helps demonstrate our high call volume and demand for service,” he said. “We hope to lower the ambulance response times by adding a fourth unit.” Following the pre-


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

sentation, members of the council echoed their viewpoints. Deputy Mayor John Franklin said he appreciated the work of staff with their diligence of finding a way in the budget to add the fourth ambulance. “I commend not only the members of the fire department and staff, but also the council because I think that this is something that we’ve wanted to do for a while and I think it signals our return back to a healthy life condition,” he said. “I’m very supportive of it.” Councilwoman Amanda Rigby thanked Hahn for the report, noting that it addressed all the questions she had. “I agree with our deputy mayor that it really does make for a compelling argument that we need to have our fourth ambulance back in service,” she said. “So I am also supportive of this.” Mayor Judy Ritter also thanked Hahn for a thorough report. She then conveyed special thanks to the firefighters. “I appreciate all the things you do every day, all the hard work and putting your lives on the line for us,” she said.

High schoolers among special districts video winners by Joe Naiman

COAST CITIES — Many adults have little or no knowledge of what special districts are, but when the San Diego Chapter of the California Special Districts Association undertook a video contest for high school students, 10 videos were received and the four winners included Scotland Muir of La Costa Canyon High School and Zach Pagakis of North County Trade Tech High School. Each of the four winners received $1,000 for himself or herself and the school received an additional $500. The students submitted videos between one and two minutes long with the theme “What’s So Special About Special Districts,” and the videos focused on special districts and how they serve communities. “The video contest is a great way where we’re engaging students to research and understand what special districts are,” said contest co-chair Kathleen Coates Hedberg, who is on the board of directors of the Helix Water District. “We get a product of wonderful video, public service announcement, to spread to the general public as well as the student body.” While some services are provided by city departments in incorporated towns, special districts

The videos were judged on use of the theme, creativity and originality, entertainment value, accuracy and value of information, how the video promotes awareness of special districts and production quality. “They were just fabulous,” Hedberg said. “They did a really good job.” Brad Golden was Muir’s faculty advisor at La Costa Canyon. Alison Fitzgerald mentored Pagakis at North County Trade Tech. The CSDA’s San Diego Kathleen Coates Hedberg Section began the video Contest co-chair contest in 2016. Hedberg noted that videos go be-

The video contest is a great way where we’re engaging students to research and understand what special districts are.”

yond the traditional essay format of student contests. “It’s a media they enjoy doing,” she said. The 10 submissions exceeded last year’s participation. The San Diego Chapter’s quarterly dinner meeting May 18 included an awards ceremony for the winning students. “The principals that came, they said that they were going to educate the school,” Hedberg said. The CSDA will also be using the videos for education to the public. “All the agencies are able to use these videos to share,” Hedberg said.

provide a number of functions in unincorporated areas and may also provide specific services in cities. These include fire protection districts, water and sewer service districts, park and recreation districts, resource conservation districts, road improvement districts, hospital and cemetery districts and a variety of other special districts covering various areas of the county. The special districts include independent special districts, which have independently elected directors, and dependent special districts, whose members are the county board of supervisors or in some cases a city council. School districts are not special districts.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JUNE 2, 2017

Havana Nights Casino Party raises awareness and funds

By Christina Macone-Greene CARLSBAD — The Havana Nights Casino Party not only afforded guests a throwback to a 1950s night of fun, but it also brought everyone together to raise money for an important cause. The May 20 event at the Sheraton Carlsbad Resort and Spa, attracted more than 200 hundred guests who supported the Tri-City Hospital Foundation in their efforts to raise monies to help benefit its women’s imaging center. According to the president of the Tri-City Hospital Foundation, Glen Newhart, the organization hosts several special events every year. The foundation chooses events that resonate with the community. “Since May is for moms, we wanted to have a fundraiser that raises money for equipment technology services at Tri-City that really benefits mothers,” Newhart said. “Casino night is a fun way to do an amazing thing, which is improving the healthcare of women in the community.” Casino night was such a success last year, the foundation decided to do it once again with a twist. The idea of old Havana emerged. During the evening, guests stepped into the 1950s ambiance of a traditional Cuban casino, a Cuban food buffet, live

music and dancing. Silent auction items were also available for bidding. Newhart also described the tropical evening as a casual one. “This is not a highly structured event,” he said. “It’s all about showing up and supporting a cause at the same time. People have such a great time they forget that they are at a fundraiser.” The presenting sponsor for the evening was Tri-City Medical Center. Event corporate partners were BB&T and San Diego Imaging. Newhart wants people to know that the Tri-City Hospital Foundation was established more than 50 years ago to support the work that the medical center performs in the community. Fundraising initiatives go back to support programs and services. “If you walk around in the hospital, you’ll be hardpressed to find a department where the foundation has not invested from the donations gathered for the community,” he said. “We are just finishing up a labor and delivery renovation right now.” Recent improvements in the Women’s Imaging Center unveil a more spa-like atmosphere, Newhart said. “Our goal is to be the margin of excellence for the hospital,” he said.

Ellen and Kevin Stotmeister, Sandy and John Todd, Colleen O’Hara and Jerry Harder Photos by Christina Macone-Greene

Brenda Morelos

Charlie Trull and Lylene Balken

Glen Newhart, Laura Mitchell and Steve Dietlin

Janet Drury and Renee Salas

Steve and Jennifer Stroder

JUNE 2, 2017


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Open house gathers input on Loma Alta Creek Wetland enhancement OCEANSIDE — Residents got a first look at the Loma Alta Slough habitat enhancement project May 24. The open house shared preliminary plans to improve water quality, restore habitat and improve access to nature. At the meeting community input was gathered on planned environmental and recreational improvements prior to the city’s application for a planning and development grant, which is funded through the state Proposition 1 Water Bond, and overseen by the California Coastal Conservancy. “We want to see what the community wants, what amenities they would like to see and if they support habitat enhancement,” Justin Gamble, city environmental specialist for the clean water program, said. Loma Alta Creek has been identified as a degraded body of water in need of improvements. It suffers from an overabundance of nutrients deposited by urban runoff, which cause unhealthy algae growth. Widening the creek to its former size and improving surrounding wetland habitat will allow nutrients to recycle out of the area. Improvements will also create a healthier habitat for wildlife and increase people’s enjoyment of the area. The city recently completed acquisition of the fi-

nal parcels of land adjacent to the creek. It now owns a continuous two-acre stretch of land northeast and northwest of the railroad tracks that it can improve. During the open house residents’ input ranged from concerns about mosquitos and stormwater control, to requests for more trails. Oceanside resident Joan Bockman said she is glad to see wetland habitat improvements and more opportunities to enjoy nature. Cole Sampson, owner of the recreational vehicle park adjacent to the project site, said he was happy to see the planned changes.“Access (to nature) and education go hand in hand,” Sampson said. The project proposes widening the creek channel to improve water quality and accommodate sea level rise. Future efforts will dredge deposited infill, grade creek banks and plant native species. Visitor amenities may include parking lots, viewing areas and improved trail access. Improvements will compliment city efforts to upgrade the adjacent Buccaneer Park and complete the Coastal Rail Trail, which includes a bike and pedestrian bridge across the creek. Additional ideas were gathered at the open house through public comments and comment cards. “We haven’t assessed every possibility,” Gamble said.

Grant funds being sought will allow the city to move forward with formal engineering and hydrology studies that will determine what improvements are feasible and provide a shov-

el-ready project. Funds will also support efforts to obtain needed permits, entitlements and approvals from the state, North County Transit District, Army Corps of Engineers,

city Planning Commission and state Coastal Commission.The planning and design phase will take about 18 months to complete. Once completed, next steps will be to secure additional funds


and move forward with project construction. The grant application deadline is May 31. The city will hear whether it will be awarded funds in September.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JUNE 2, 2017

Escondido settles ACLU suit By Ruarri Serpa


From left, Palomar College Director of Forensics Dewi Hokett and Assistant Professor Steve Robertson celebrate with Speech and Debate Team members Matt Duburg, James Nee, Delaney Ryan, Kaysia Pajita, Xiamarra Peredia, Jacob Tucker and Trevor Wilcox after the team won gold in the Debate Category of their division for the second year in a row at the Phi Rho Pi National Tournament in Washington, D.C. Photo by Melinda Finn

ESCONDIDO — The Escondido City Council approved a settlement agreement with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) over the city’s denial of a detainment center for immigrant children. Under the terms of the settlement, the city will pay $550,000 to Southwest Key Programs, a federal contractor that sought to build the facility in a former nursing home. In turn, the city is not held liable for denying the application. Southwest Key applied for a conditional use permit from the city to operate a 96bed facility in 2014, and was denied by the planning commission. The contractor lat-

er appealed that decision to City Council, which upheld the denial, citing traffic and issues of compatibility with the neighborhood. The ACLU alleged that the city violated the Federal Fair Housing Act, the California Fair Employment and Housing Act, the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and the supremacy clause of the Constitution when it denied the permit. “Escondido has a history of unjust bias against immigrants,” said David Loy, legal director of the ACLU of San Diego, in a statement on May 25. “With this settlement, Escondido is on notice that such discriminatory practices will not go unchallenged.” City Attorney Mike McGuinness said the settlement in no way suggests any wrongdoing on the city’s part, noting that a federal judge had agreed with many of the city’s legal arguments to dismiss the case. “The city admits to no liability under any claims presented in the lawsuit,” McGuinness said. “The federal judge ruling on the city’s summary judgment

motion agreed with the city’s legal arguments and didn’t finally rule on this issues (sic) simply because she did not find the record complete. We believe the record at trial would have fully vindicated our position.” The denial of the facility for detained children isn’t the city’s first brush with the ACLU, and follows other controversial measures in the past. In 2006, the city enacted an ordinance that required landlords to check the immigration status of their tenants, which the ACLU challenged, and won. In 2007, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed AB 976 into law, which specifically prohibited such ordinances. After the city pioneered a model for local jurisdictions to partner with federal immigration authorities in 2010, the city came under fire for its DUI checkpoints. In 2012, KPBS reported that for every intoxicated person caught at a checkpoint, Escondido Police arrested 10 other people, often for driving without a license — the majority of whom were undocumented immigrants.

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ESCONDIDO — Palomar Medical Center Escondido and Poway are collecting used hearing devices in support of the “So the World May Hear” campaign. Last year the medical centers collected 87 devices, this year they hope to collect at least 100. Hearing aids can be dropped at a donation box at Palomar Medical Center Escondido, 2185 Citracado Parkway, Escondido or Palomar Medical Center Poway, 15615 Pomerado Road, Po-

way. You may receive a tax deduction receipt for your donation. Partnering with the Starkey Hearing Foundation, Palomar Health and Chief of Audiology Dr. David Illich are collecting used hearing devices for patients like Silvia, who is about to become the first hearing-impaired architect in El Salvador. Since 2010, Dr. Illich and other volunteer audiologists have repurposed more than 850,000 used hearing devices.

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JUNE 2, 2017


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Harbor dredging again runs past Memorial Day By Promise Yee

Th exhibit includes a re-creation of the China Beach surf club, where troops took a respite from war. Photos, videos and memorabilia are also part of the exhibit. Courtesy photo

‘China Beach’ exhibit opens; shows impact of surfing on troops during, after Vietnam War By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE – The “China Beach: Surfers, the Vietnam War, and the Healing Powers of Wave Riding” exhibit opened at the California Surf Museum on Memorial Day, and drew a steady stream of visitors, many of them veterans and military families. The exhibit shares firsthand accounts of the positive impact surfing made on troops during and after the war. Over 60 veterans were interviewed about their war experiences and return home from the unpopular war. Included in the exhibit is a full-size recreation of the China Beach surf club where troops took a break from war duties. Inside it are boots, gun belts, posters and other war memorabilia, much of it donated by veterans. A map shows the locations of five other “surf clubs” veterans went to for respite while on a two to three day leave during the war. “It impacted them, and helped them heal,”

Opportunity for small businesses OCEANSIDE — The North San Diego Small Business Development Center, hosted by MiraCosta College, is bringing the “Meet the Buyers Tour” to Oceanside from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. June 9 at the Oceanside City Council Chambers, 300 N. Coast Highway. The event will show small-business owners how to successfully sell their goods and services to local, state and federal agencies and prime contractors. Registration must be done online at The panel discussion will cover current opportunities, certifications, the bid process, where to find jobs, tips and tricks, marketing and what not to do. Following the panel discussion, attendees will have the opportunity to meet with buyers and experts. State Assemblyman Rocky Chavez and representatives from state Sen. Pat Bates’ office will be speaking on how their offices can help small businesses navigate the system and get results at the state level.

Rick Matthews, Vietnam veteran and exhibit advisor, said. There are period surfboards on display that span the 1960s and 1970s, when boards went from 30 pound, 10-foot longboards, to more maneuverable 15 pound six-foot short boards. Accounts share how some surfboards were made on site or “pirated over” for troops. Among the surfboards is a shortboard crafted and used by a veteran while in Vietnam. The exhibit also includes photos, and a variety of looping videos. More stories are shared in the book “China Beach: Surfers, the Vietnam War, and the Healing Powers of Wave Riding” and on the museum website at The website also shows construction of the exhibit. “It was a big undertaking, it's quite sensational,” Matthews said. A catalyst for the exhibit is this year marks the tenth anniversary of

the Vietnam veteran paddle out held at Oceanside Pier to honor veterans in 2007, which was organized by Matthews. The exhibit and book is another way to remember and thank veterans who were not given a warm welcome when they first returned from war. Museum staff and volunteers gathered firsthand narratives for 18 months, then organized veterans experiences in themed displays. Eighty percent of the exhibit text is direct quotes from veterans. “It's really in their own words,” Rick Wilson, museum volunteer, said. Wilson added the exhibit allows veterans a safe space to talk about their war experiences. It also provides a first person insight for visitors. The California Surf Museum will hold a grand opening for the exhibit on June 17, which will include invited speakers. The exhibit will remain on display through January 1. The museum is located at 312 Pier View Way, Oceanside.

OCEANSIDE — Dredging of Oceanside Harbor has run past Memorial Day for a second consecutive year. This year the project timeline was extended by the Army Corps of Engineers to dredge extra sand. The annual project removes 280,000 cubic yards of sand from the harbor entrance to ensure safe boating and places it on city beaches for sand replenishment. Last year operations were not finished until October. Delays were due to high waves and broken equipment that shut down operations. This year a different dredging company was hired, and the same troubles have slowed completion of more extensive dredging, which aims to remove 420,000 cubic yards of sand. The project was first promised to be completed by Memorial Day. As of May 25, Manson Construction had dredged 293,000 cubic yards of sand. Operations have met the annual base amount of sand removal, but continue to have starts and stops. City staff reported last week “higher wave conditions and lost equipment have slowed production, but they are currently placing 15,000 cubic yards (of sand) per day.” The prior week sea

conditions were good and production was high. Before that operations were shut down for two weeks. Dredging also paused over Memorial Day weekend to allow residents and

visitors to enjoy boating and the beach. Operations were expected to resume on May 30. This year’s dredging is now expected to be finished by June 12.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Three district maps drafted for Oceanside council to consider By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — The final of five community meetings drafted three district maps for City Council to consider in June, as Oceanside moves to district elections. Previous meetings shared procedures to form four city voting districts of approximately 41,835 population. Meetings also collected information from residents on what areas they consider to be communities of interest that should be kept together within the same district. A map of city neighborhoods, overlays of named communities of interest and public input were used to create an initial Neighborhoods map at the third community meeting May 20. The same sources of input were used to draw an initial Communities of Interest map at the following meeting May 23. During the meeting six maps were considered and narrowed down

to the best draft Neighborhoods map and best draft Communities of Interest map. The two maps were fine-tuned and commented on at the May 30 meeting. Both draft maps divide the coastal area into two districts, and include South Oceanside, Fire Mountain, MiraCosta, Tri-City, Lake and Ocean Hills in one district. The draft Communities of Interest map groups Eastside Capistrano, Townsite, Airport, Loma Alta and Oceana neighborhoods in a district. Another district includes Rancho Del Oro, San Luis Rey and Peacock Hills. The final district groups North Valley, Guajome and Morro Hills. The draft Neighborhoods map groups western North Valley and San Luis Rey with Eastside Capistrano, Townsite, Airport and Loma Alta. Oceana is included with eastern North Valley and San Luis Rey and western Rancho Del

Oro. The final district adds east North Valley, Rancho Del Oro and Peacock Hills to the Guajome and Morro Hills district. During Tuesday’s meeting a third map was created that includes Townsite, Loma Alta, South Oceanside and Fire Mountain as one coastal district. The additional map was made after a flood of dropped-off and email comments requested one coastal district. “There was a lot of participation over the weekend, this is not a done deal,” Karin MacDonald, city technical consultant, said. The Tuesday meeting drew close to 200 participants, and ran twice as long as the two hours scheduled. Many speakers supported the one coastal district map. South Oceanside resident Sheri Mackin said she considers the whole coastline her community of interest. She pointed out coastal neighborhoods have common schools, shared roadways and the need to abide by the state Coastal Commission. Fire Mountain resident Nadine Scott also supported one coastal district for neighborhoods west of El Camino Real. “We’re beach people,

we’re not inland people,” Scott said. Other residents said the coastal area would be better represented by two council members. South Oceanside resident Richard Fox said South Oceanside is very different from the downtown Townsite area. He said he wants separate representation to ensure it remains beachy and unique. Other comments included keeping older, established neighborhoods together, such as South Oceanside, Fire Mountain and Loma Alta. There were also requests to keep senior communities within the same district. City Council will review, adopt and give final approval to a district map at upcoming hearings June 21, July 25 and Aug. 1. Adopted districts will impact the November 2018 elections. The seats of Councilman Jerry Kern and Deputy Mayor Chuck Lowery will be up for election. The two districts to vote on City Council representatives in 2018 will be announced when the final map is adopted. Draft maps can be seen on the city website at

JUNE 2, 2017

Marines scrutinize base finances CAMP PENDLETON — In April, independent public accountants conducted an audit aboard Camp Pendleton in order to get a better understanding of how Camp Pendleton controls its finances. As the first branch to go through a full financial audit, the Marine Corps’ goal is to ensure responsible use of taxpayer dollars and to prevent fraud, waste and abuse; considering not only the money, but the values of vehicles, equipment and even buildings into consideration. “The end result is that we become more efficient in what we do,” said Chief Warrant Officer 3 Robinson Merchant, the Marine Corps Installations-West Financial Management Officer. Over the past six years the Marine Corps has been changing the way it conducts business and documents its finances. The Marines have been preparing for a DOD-wide audit that becomes effective on Sept. 30 initiated by the National Defense Authorization Act of 2010. The auditors conducted walkthroughs of various Camp Pendleton assets in order to determine the value of property, equipment and vehicles. They also conducted businesses

process walkthroughs to give the auditors an idea of how business is done in the Marine Corps, as well as a view into what exactly the Corps’ budget gets spent on. “Every year the Marine Corps produces a financial statement, and that statement would essentially have the cost of operating the Marine Corps,” said Chief Warrant Officer 4 James Hunko, the Programs and Resources Risk and Compliance Audit Engagement Operations Officer for Headquarters Marine Corps. “Through the audit, our books get cleaner and in turn our money stretches even further giving commanders more resources and more money in order to perform their mission.” Proof that funds are being spent correctly could pave the way for increased funding in the future. During the portion of the audit being conducted at Camp Pendleton a list of deficiencies and strengths will be compiled along with information from Camp Lejeune, Quantico, MCRD San Diego and Miramar. This information will be used to gain a better understanding of how the Marine Corps can improve their financial management.

Stuart Mesa grid work addresses problem of power outages By Lance Cpl. Keely Dyer

CAMP PENDLETON — Since September 2015, residents in the Stuart Mesa Housing area have had one major complaint: multiple power outages often unresolved for prolonged periods of time. To correct these issues

in the neighborhood, Camp Pendleton invested nearly $3 million in 2016 to replace 32 faulty transformers. The work to replace the transformers was completed in March of 2017. Along with the transformer replacements, the aging electrical substation

will also be replaced during a $500,000 follow-on project. The base’s Facilities Maintenance Department has paired up with San Diego Gas & Electric to assist with repairs and restoration efforts when the department isn’t immediately available. This partnership has been beneficial to both the FMD and the residents of Stuart Mesa. During the most recent outages SDG&E’s expertise was critical in locating and fixing the issues at hand. With extensive forensic testing, it was discovered that one of the feeder lines between transformers on Vandeventer Street required replacement which was done during the outage. According to SDG&E, they’re proud to be able to support Marines and their VOLUNTEER

families, as well as the base, by helping with these issues. “We now believe the power in this neighborhood will have significantly reduced vulnerability to extended outages,” said Steven Wolfe, the facilities director at Marine Corps Installations-West Facilities. A project is currently being developed to replace all faulty or old infrastructure aboard the installation. The project is one of many that will be competing for centralized Headquarters Marine Corps funding in Fiscal Year 2018. “While all power distribution systems are vulnerable to outages, we are continuing to work to reduce the probability of future outages and more importantly, to make improvements to the system to reduce the length of any outage,” Wolfe said.


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JUNE 2, 2017


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

CWA approves refinancing, sales tax refund pursuit for Carlsbad desalination plant By Joe Naiman

CARLSBAD — The San Diego County Water Authority will save approximately $11.7 million on bond interest for the Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant and may also recover millions of dollars of sales tax paid during construction of the plant. Two SDCWA board actions May 25 addressed the Carlsbad desalination plant and its pipeline. One vote approved the refinancing of the $203,215,000 bond debt for the pipeline, which connects the desalinated water from the plant to the SDCWA’s aqueduct system. The other action authorized SDCWA General Manager Maureen Stapleton to negotiate an agreement with DuCharme, McMillen and Associates to pursue the recovery of sales tax paid during the construction of the desalination plant. Construction on the Claude “Bud” Lewis Carlsbad Desalination Plant and a 10-mile pipeline began in 2013. The plant began delivery of desalinated water in December 2015. The SDCWA approved the design-build agreement with Poseidon Water along with California Pollution Control Financing Authority revenue bond financing in November 2012. Although the SDCWA has a contract with Poseidon to provide the water from the desalination plant, the pipeline is owned and operated by the SDCWA. Kiewit Shea Desalination performed construction on both the plant and the pipeline.

The pipeline bonds are callable as of July 1, 2017, and low interest rates are expected to result in a savings of approximately $11.7 million although the exact amount will depend on the interest rates at the time the transaction is completed. “The market conditions are strong for this re-funding,” said Lisa Marie Harris, SDCWA director of finance. “It’s a good opportunity to take advantage of the market conditions and save some money.” The estimated cost of issuing the new bonds is $3.1 million, including $1.2 million for underwriter fees, and that cost will be funded from the bond proceeds. In 2013 state legislation provided a partial sales tax exemption for certain manufacturing or research equipment purchases. In 2016 the State Board of Equalization declared that a desalination plant qualifies for the exemption retroactive to the effective date of July 1, 2014. The desalination plant exemption applies to both equipment and materials. “There’s a lot of equipment in that building,” said Bob Yamada, SDCWA director of water resources, whose responsibilities include the SDCWA’s desalination program. The refund could be as high as $12 million to $16 million. “We can’t get the numbers until we do the work,” Stapleton said. “That’s the problem.” “We don’t normally *Wool,Latex

TO INFINITY AND BEYOND The student rocketeers of San Marcos High School, from left, Emma Wensley, Anuraj Singh, Braden Paloutzian, David Sorich, Jason Zeis, Ruchit Mehta and Clayton Wenthur, (Caroline Mahoney and coach Jim Boehmler, not pictured) finished in the top 10, in eighth place at the Final Fly-off of the world’s largest rocket contest, the Team America Rocketry Challenge. They earned the team a $5,000 scholarship award and an invite to compete in the NASA Student Launch Initiative for next year. Courtesy photo

deal with things like sales tax recovery,” Yamada said.DuCharme, McMillen and Associates specializes in sales and property tax consulting services including the recovery of sales tax overpayments, and that firm worked directly with Board of Equalization staff on the opinion which

made desalination plants eligible for the partial sales tax exemption. “We don’t have the expertise to do this,” Stapleton said. “They do.” DuCharme, McMillen and Associates is willing to accept a contingency-based agreement in which the CWA pays only

if sales tax is recovered. If the SDCWA had to evaluate contractor records to determine which purchases qualified, a risk would exist that the SDCWA would spend money on that task but would not receive any refund. Stapleton was authorized to negotiate a con-

tingency contract which would give DuCharme, McMillen and Associates between 20 and 30 percent of the amount recovered. A specific percentage will be incorporated into the contract once Stapleton and DuCharme, McMillen and Associates representatives agree on that figure.




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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

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JUNE 2, 2017


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Rancho Buena Vista ‘Code Queens’ reign By Ray Huard

VISTA — Four sophomore girls from Rancho Buena Vista High School, who called themselves the “Code Queens,” surprised themselves at a recent California State University San Marcos computer “hackathon” coding competition. “We just wanted to go there and have fun and gain some experience,” Liliana Vang said. They did that, but they also placed third overall among 17 high school and college teams competing, and they won the category for user experience and functionality by designing a webpage and game that challenged people to choose more nutritious foods. “It was actually overwhelming,” Vang said. “We all went in there without any experience and learned new things on the spot.” Teammate Cindy Bui said that she was “really astonished about how much we were able to do and compete.” “I feel very accomplished,” Bui said. “I bragged about it to all my family members.” Lorena Arcos was taken aback when she scoped out the competition the Code Queens faced. “I was thinking in my head, ‘We’re really not going to win this, there’s so many of them, and they look really confident,’” Arcos said.

Rancho Buena Vista High School sophomores Liliana Vang, Cindy Bui, Eve Diaz and Lorena Arcos placed high at the Cal State San Marcos computer “hackathon” competition. Courtesy photo

The girls had about 10 hours to figure out how to use the proper coding and design and make their website and game. “It was pretty cool, the experience of learning things,” said teammate Eve Diaz. Joining the Code Queens in the hackathon competition were two students from Mira Costa College and one from Miramar College. Rancho Buena Vista robotics instructor Dadre Rudolph said that she couldn’t be prouder of her students’ accomplishment. “I was just sending them to see what it’s like,” Rudolph said. “They’re sophomores and they had just started coding.” Vista Unified School District students seem to have developed a knack for winning computer coding

competitions. Two years ago, two Rancho Buena Vista seniors who were Rudolph’s students — Yvette Moreno and Emily Sorger — were part of a five-girl team that placed first in a California State University San Marcos San Diego Women’s Hackathon. Sorger served as a mentor to the Code Queens this year. In 2016, a team of nine computer science students from Mission Vista High School took first place in their category from among 10 teams competing in an AT&T hackathon. A purpose of the women’s hackathons is to encourage more girls to take an interest in computer science, Rudolph said. Often, girls think of computer science as little more than video games, Ru-

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dolph said. The hackathons present computer science as a more social exercise, with girls working in teams on projects that have real-world applications. Diaz said she took Rudolph’s computer science class because she was curious about the field. “A lot of girls really don’t know a lot of the basics,” Diaz said. “Once they learn about it, they’d be more encouraged to work in that career.” After taking the class and competing in the hackathon, Diaz said that she’s considering a career in computer science or psychology. Arcos said that, she too, has an interest in psychology, but is now looking at computer science as an option.

JUNE 2, 2017

New faces to enter Vista Hall of Fame VISTA — The Vista Historical Society annual meeting and Hall of Fame induction will be held at the Vista Valley Country Club at 11:30 a.m. June 17. Members of the board of directors will also be installed. Newly elected to the Hall of Fame are Edwin Giles Hart, Nancy Jones, Alex and Julia McDougall, Karl and Peggy Ramsing, JC Wynne and Howard Williams. Reservations for the luncheon and meeting are required, at a cost of $35 per person, and may be obtained by phoning the Vista Historical Society office at (760) 6300444, by email at or by letter to P.O. Box 1032, Vista, CA 92085-1032. The deadline for reservations is June 9. Edwin Giles Hart was a major developer of Vista’s Avocado and Citrus industries in the 1920s and 1930s Nancy Jones, since her retirement as a teacher, has been a volunteer at the school district, Vista Garden Club, Alta Vista Gardens and Woman’s Club of Vista. Alex and Julia McDougall were active in the community. She was very active in the Girl Scouts,

PTA, PEO and the Woman’s Club of Vista. He was a pharmacist, who was a volunteer fireman, member of the school board as well as a member of several other organizations Karl and Peggy Ramsing have lived in Vista for over 40 years. They have volunteered extensively at Rancho Buena Vista and the Vista library as well as other organizations. JC Wynne, well known as Santa Claus, volunteers for many children and children’s sports organizations where among other roles he is a consummate fund raiser. Howard Williams retired to Vista after a long career in newspaper and broadcast journalism. In Vista, he served on the board of the Vista Irrigation District and as their representative on the San Diego County Water Authority board of directors. He also served on the Palomar Airport Advisory Committee.



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JUNE 2, 2017


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

care of your responsibilities early and move on to physical activities or romantic engagements.

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, JUNE 2, 2017

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender

Civility will be necessary when dealing with emotional situations. If you evade issues or let anger take control, you will lose sight of your goals. Stop the madness by addressing the problem so you can move forward and focus on personal improvements and positive life changes. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Do whatever it takes to stabilize your home environment. Close the door on negativity, and walk away from people who use emotional manipulation to entice you to do things you shouldn’t. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Moderate and tasteful alterations to your home or lifestyle will be praised. Anyone trying to encourage you to go overboard should not be listened to. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- You can help others, but don’t let anyone take advantage of you. Your generosity will be abused if you try to buy someone’s love. Only offer what comes directly from the heart. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Make plans that will appeal to your intelligence as well as your emotions. Getting together with people you don’t see often will lead to information that takes you by surprise. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Keep busy, as idle time will lead to an emotional frenzy that isn’t likely to end well. Take

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Don’t limit what you can do because of an obligation. Include the people who you think might feel left out if you want to accomplish your goals and improve your relationship with others.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -Making personal improvements, going to a retreat or planning social arrangements will energize and enlighten you. Romance is encouraged and will alter your relationship with someone special.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Home is where the heart is, and if you use your head, you will come up with a plan that will add to your comfort and help your assets grow.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Emotional chaos will set in if you let certain situations get to you. Do your own thing and give others the privilege of following the path that suits them best. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Emotional discussions will lead to a meltdown. If you have too many responsibilities and demands being put on you or are facing stiff opposition, find a solution that excuses you from taking part. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Use your intelligence and an emotional plea to get others to do what you want. The combination of smarts and heart will show how diverse and accommodating you can be.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Interact with people who can help you get something done. What you accomplish through such an association will be inspiring as well as prosperous. Share information and gain insight into coming trends.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JUNE 2, 2017

Oceanside middle schoolers bound for Carnegie Hall the final performance of Roosevelt Middle School’s choirs for the 2016-2017 school year at 7 p.m. May 31 at the school, 850 Sagewood Ave. “When my choir teacher told me I was going to Carnegie Hall, I picked her up and hugged her, and said, ‘Thank you so much,’” said Kasey-Kai, 13. “I’m very excited, because singing is something I’ve been doing since I was very little,” said Aliyah, 12. “I’ve read all about Carnegie Hall, and I think it’s going to be a great ex-

By Ray Huard

Roosevelt Middle School seventh-grader Aliyah Anderson, left, and eighth-grader Kasey-Kai Leffler are congratulated by Roosevelt music teacher Beverly Taylor. Courtesy photo

OCEANSIDE — Two Roosevelt Middle School students have been invited to perform as part of an international choir at Carnegie Hall in New York City. Seventh-grader Aliyah Anderson and eighth-grader Kasey-Kai Leffler have been selected to sing June 25 in the 2017 Middle School Honors Performance Series. Tickets for the Carnegie Hall performance are available through the Carnegie Hall box office. Kasey-Kai and Aliyah also will sing as part of

perience to be involved with people around the world.” Their teacher, Beverly Taylor, said Anderson and Leffler “challenge their teachers to teach them more, that’s what really separates them from the average student, their desire to advance themselves.” Much credit for Kasey-Kai’s achievement goes to Taylor, Leffler said. “She just opened the doors for my son to do something so amazing,” Leffler said. “Mrs. Taylor puts it into our kids’ heads, and even my head, that our kids can do extra things. They can go for it.” Aliyah’s mother, Mavis Anguiano, also said that Taylor is an inspiring teacher. “To have two people from one school selected, that’s remarkable,” Anguiano said. “Mrs. Taylor is doing something right.” Music will always be an important part of his life, Kasey-Kai said, but his career goal is to join

the military. “I plan to become an officer in one branch of the military, work for 20 years to get my retirement, then work in another career,” Kasey-Kai said. Aliyah said she’s loved singing as long as she can remember. Her mother said Aliyah is a born performer. Music will always be one of her passions, Aliyah said, but, “my aspiration is to go to a really good college, such as an Ivy League school, and become a doctor.” Aliyah, who has three brothers, said that she became interested in medicine last year after her brother, Kingston, came down with an extreme case of appendicitis that required multiple surgeries and a lengthy hospital stay. “I got to know the doctors really well and, when the doctors came in, they were calm and collected,” Aliyah said. “I just kind of realized that was my personality and I would love to help people.”

Elementary school celebrates 30 years


VOL. 3,




N0. 7






Inside 2016 Spr : & Gardening Sec tion

Citracado extensio Parkway n project draws on MARCH

By Steve

It’s a ju

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Emi Gann od, exhibit is open11, observes now throu a Band gh April ed Purple Wing 10. Full story on butterfly page A2. at the San Dieg Photo

Comm Vista teunity rallies b acher placed ehind on lea ve by Tony

By Hoa



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Butterfly Jungle exhib

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25, 2016


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BoB ruaNe, Owner, The Daily News Cafe

“When I need information on what’s happening locally I turn to the Coast News. I also advertise in the paper because I see my customers reading it in the restaurant every day.”

3001 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad

The CoasT News Group • 760.436.9737 •

OCEANSIDE — The Alamosa Park Elementary PTA recently celebrated the school’s 30th anniversary with a Spring Fling. PTA parents Holeigh Holmes, Jamie Martinez and Liz deBaets chaired the event. Principal Cindy Anderson, teachers, staff and students celebrated school activities, such as the school garden, that has been growing since 1995 and is still used for an after-school hands-on enrichment experience. The Alamosa Park Elementary, at 5130 Alamosa Park Drive, opened a school time capsule from 1987 and displayed the contents for the event, including writing from students predicting the future, staff and class lists, and two floppy disks — high technology in those days. The time capsule will be refilled by current students and staff writing to future students describing their lives today, and installed in the school’s cornerstone at a later re-dedication ceremony. Students who attended the first years of Alamosa Park Elementary, Melody Pupols, Darah Velarde and Alison Lewis, came with their second-generation Alamosa students. “I was there when they buried it and my kids are there when they open it — that’s awesome,” Velarde said. Original teacher Margaret Welch, remembered, “The first day of school a backhoe hit the water main. People ran out and bought cups and big bottles of water. Twice rattlesnakes turned up on the playground. It rained huge

amounts that year, but there were no covers on the walkways. I bought boots.” Susan Ferraris recalled, “We had all the school supplies and long tables stored in our (fourthgrade) rooms. It took them half a Saturday to clear our rooms out.” Five original “pioneer Happy Camper” staff members from 1987 — Luann Engstrom, Lorette Perkins, Carol Morton, Lori Hill and “Mr. Nick” Henry — are still working at the school, and “Farmer (Nancy) Jones,” is still working with students in the school garden. Other retired original teachers from 1987 joined the reunion including Elizabeth Plunkett, Cathy Roswell, Noelle Cablay, Linda Pupols, Susan Ferraris and Kriss Stewart. More past Alamosa teachers joined the celebration: Jennifer Cervantes, Linda Rath and David Servetter. Alamosa Park Elementary in the Vista Unified School District is located in Oceanside.

JUNE 2, 2017


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

5 at this payment Model not shown.(Premium 2.5i model, code HDD-11). $1,850 due at lease signing. $0 security deposit.MSRP $29,487 (incl. $875 freight charge). Net cap cost of $26453.44 (incl. $0 acq. fee). Total monthly payments $9718.92. Lease end purchase option is $ 21280.64. Cannot be combined with any other incentives. Special lease rates extended to well-qualified buyers. Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval & vehicle availability. Not all buyers may qualify. Net cap cost & monthly payment excludes tax, license, title, registration, retailer fees, options, insurance & the like. Retailer participation may affect final cost. At lease end, lessee responsible for vehicle maintenance/repairs not covered by warranty, excessive wear/tear, 15 cents/mile over 10,000 miles/year and $300 disposition fee. Lessee pays personal property and ad valorum taxes (where applies) & insurance. Offer expires 6/2 /17

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5/30/17 3:44 PM


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JUNE 2, 2017


FOR A FREE Q&A SESSION with Tri-City Affiliated Physicians

JUNE 12 • 10 -11 a.m. Tri-City Wellness Center


CLASSES & EVENTS BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES Behavioral Health Support Group for patients discharged from the Emergency Department/Crisis Stabilization Unit/ Behavioral Health Unit. Call for time. Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.7878. Meets Tuesdays Grupo De Apoyo Para Enfermedades Mentales/Mental Illness Support Group 6:30-8:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Spanish speaking. Quienes deseen más información pueden llamar al 760.722.3754. 1st Friday of Every Month/ Primer Viernes de Cada Mes

AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION CLASSES Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Update Course 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3100 to register/fee involved. June 7 / June 26 Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider Course 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3100 to register/fee involved. June 30 Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider Accelerated Course 8-11:30 a.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3100 to register/fee involved. June 2 / June 20 Heart Saver First Aid CPR AED 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3100 to register/fee involved. June 10

CHILDBIRTH & PREGNANCY Breastfeeding Support Group 11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5500. Meets Wednesdays Breastfeeding Outpatient Clinic Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5500. Baby Safe Class 6:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5784 to register/fee involved. Next open class June 15 Baby Care Class 6:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5784 to register/fee involved. June 8 Maternity Orientation Tri-City Medical Center. Registration required. Call 760.940.5784. June 3 9-9:30 a.m. June 5 6:30-7 p.m. 7:30-8 p.m. June 19 6:30-7 p.m. 7:30-8 p.m.


All classes are held at locations below unless otherwise indicated. Tri-City Medical Center – 4002 Vista Way, Oceanside Tri-City Wellness Center – 6250 El Camino Real, Carlsbad Please note, classes are subject to change. Please call to confirm. SUPPORT GROUPS

Orientación de Maternidad En Español Quienes deseen más información pueden llamar al 760.940.5750. June 17 3-3:30 p.m. June 29 7:30-8 p.m.

Narcotics Anonymous 7:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3333. Meets Fridays & Sundays

eClass, Understanding Childbirth Online Classes $60, Available 24/7

Cancer Fitness at Tri-City Wellness Center 3 p.m. Call 760.931.3171 to register/fee involved. Meets Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays

SUPPORT GROUPS Bereavement Support Group 2:30-4 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 888.328.4558 for more information. Meets Wednesdays Better Breathers 1:30-3 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3055 for more information. 2nd Wednesday of Every Month Women’s Cancer Support Group 10:30-11:30 a.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3540 for more information. 2nd Wednesday of Every Month Mended Hearts Support Group 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Wellness Center. Call 858.592.9069 for more information. 2nd Tuesday of Every Month WomenHeart Support Group 10 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Wellness Center. Call 760.436.6695 for more information. 1st Tuesday of Every Month Ostomy Support Group of North County 1-3 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Dates may vary.* Call 760.470.9589 for more information. * Last Friday of Every Month Diabetes Support Group Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.644.1201 to register. 1st Thursday of Every Month 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Aphasia Support Group 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.7151 to register. Meets Thursdays Bariatrics Support Group 2385 South Melrose Drive, Vista, 92081 Call 760.206.3103 for more information. June 7 (Nutrition) 4:30-5:30 p.m. June 12 (Peer Support) 4-5 p.m. June 19 (Peer Support) 5:30-6:30 p.m. June 28 (Bariatric Support) 4:30-6 p.m. Survivors of Suicide Loss 7-8:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 619.482.0297 for more information. 1st & 3rd Wednesday of Every Month AA Young People’s Group 7:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.758.2514. Meets Saturdays


Summer Kids Program at Tri-City Wellness Center Functional Fit Kids, Kids Yoga, and Art classes start wk of 6/26. $6. Call 760.931.3171 for more information. Young At Heart 9-11 a.m., Tri-City Wellness Center. Call 760.931.3171 to register/fee involved. Meets Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays Arthritis Foundation Aquatics 1-2 p.m., Tri-City Wellness Center. Call 760.931.3171 to register/fee involved. Meets Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays Diabetic Wellness 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Wellness Center. Call 760.931.3171 to register/fee involved. Meets Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays Diabetes Self-Management Course Times may vary, Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.644.1201 to register. Meets first 3 Wednesdays of the month

WELLNESS Next Step in Control – Basic Diabetes and Meal Planning Class 12-1p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.644.1201 to register. Meets Mondays & Wednesdays Parkinson’s Exercise 11 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3617 for more information. Meets Fridays Stroke Exercise 10-11 a.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.7272 to register. Meets Thursdays

ORTHOPAEDICS CLASSES Spine Pre-Op Class 12-2 p.m.,Tri-City Medical Center. Call 855.222.8262 for more information. June 13 / June 28 Total Joint Replacement Class 12-2 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 855.222.8262 for more information. June 7 / June 21 Total Shoulder Replacement Class 12-2 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 855.222.8262 for more information. June 14

EVENTS CORNER FREE & OPEN TO THE PUBLIC “DOC IS IN - Q&A” Dr. Liu, Family Medicine/ Dr. Pietila, Family Medicine/ Dr. Phillips, Urology • June 12 • 10-11 a.m. • Tri-City Wellness Center

Do you have unanswered medical questions? Come get your answers from our panel of physicians. Questions will be submitted anonymously at the beginning of the session.


Dr. Amanda Lloyd • June 21 • 10 a.m. • Tri-City Wellness Center

Learn the latest shocking facts you didn’t know! Including: UVA vs UVB, How to pick the right sunscreen, 3 easy steps to keeping your skin healthy, types of skin cancer and skin cancer prevention.

DIABETES WELLNESS INFORMATION SESSION June 14 • 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. • Tri-City Wellness Center

Are you at risk for diabetes, or have a diagnosis? The Diabetes Wellness Program at Tri-City Wellness Center helps you gain knowledge & skills needed to modify behavior and successfully self-manage diabetes. In addition to guided, customized small group workouts, the program includes a monthly education session with our Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. Join us for an information session and a healthy snack to learn more!

For more information call 855.222.8262 or visit

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