Inland Edition, July 26, 2019

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VOL. 5, N0. 16

JULY 26, 2019

Protesters greet track opening day

$4M boost for housing in Escondido

By Lexy Brodt

By Steve Horn

DEL MAR — As opening day on July 17 drew thousands of festively dressed patrons to the Del Mar racetrack, a line of solemn protesters lined up at the fairgrounds entrance holding signs with ominous captions: “you bet, they die,” and “raced to death.” Many stood quietly, dressed in all black or gray. Erin Riley-Carrasco was likely the most outspoken of the approximately 30 protesters, intermittently repeating “get all dressed up in your finest to watch horses die,” to passing women dressed in ornate hats and dresses. She said people often look away. Others make joking or disparaging comments. But to many, the protesters were likely not a surprising sight. After 30 race horses died at the Santa Anita Park racetrack in Arcadia from late December 2018 through June 2019, public attention has honed in on racetrack conditions across the country. Safety concerns have run the gamut, with media outlets and animal rights advocates drawing attention to the drugs administered to horses, the use of unfit horses in races and rigorous training schedules. In light of the growing controversy, the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club is implementing a broad swath of safety measures during its 80th summer season. TURN TO PROTEST ON 15

nance, when we adopt service contracts our Sheriff’s Department, it’s all based on what the General Plan says and what our vision is for the community.” The 13 members of the Advisory Committee range from the real estate industry, academia at California State University-San Marcos and Palomar College, policy wonks in the water and public parks orbit and

ESCONDIDO — Three new federal affordable housing projects may soon be in the works in Escondido. City Council voted 4-0 at its July 17 meeting to allocate funds toward construction and rehabilitation costs of over 130 new units. Councilman John Masson abstained from both voting and the public hearing preceding the vote, as he has a contractual business interest in one of the proposed housing complexes through his architectural services company, Masson & Associates. Nearly half of the units voted on by the City Council will be for military veterans — a demographic which often struggles with homelessness — owned by the company Veterans Village of San Diego. The $1 million in money for that project, dubbed Veterans Villas and slated for a location of 1540 S. Escondido Boulevard, came from federal Special Housing Adaptation (SHA) funds allocated for low- and middle-income military veterans. SHA grants, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, help veterans “with certain service-connected disabilities adapt or purchase a home to accommodate the disability.” The site formerly served as the home of New Resolve, a 44-bed sober living center which shut its doors in 2013. Taking its place will be a 54-unit affordable housing complex, 25 units of which



SUPERGIRL PRO IS HERE North County resident Alyssa Spencer, who lives in Encinitas, is shown competing in a previous year’s SuperGirl Surf Pro. The SuperGirl, the largest all-women’s World Surf League event in North America, returns to Oceanside this weekend. The event is free and open to the public. MORE ON PAGE 8. Photo courtesy of ASA/WSL/Steinmetz

San Marcos undertakes new General Plan By Steve Horn

SAN MARCOS — City Council has begun creating a new General Plan, which one member referred to as “our constitution or Bible or whatever you want to call it” for city planning and development. At its July 23 meeting, City Council announced the formation of a General Plan Advisory Committee and introduced the members. Council members also shared their visions of what

a city plan for the next decade could look like, conveying what they might consider in their deliberations in the months ahead. A General Plan is a document guiding all city decision-making, with all approved projects and legislation abiding by its regulatory language. A city General Plan includes everything from land use codes and distinctions, plans for parks and trails, funding mechanisms and


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its vision for law enforcement and firefighting capacity, transit mechanism and roads and more. “To me, what makes this document so important is that every decision that we make follows what a General Plan says,” Councilman Jay Petrek, who also works as the Escondido assistant city planner, said. “When we adopt our budget, when we adopt our city master plans, when we adopt the zoning ordi-

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JULY 26, 2019

Spent fuel transfer resumes

Escondido Creek Conservancy to grow with $4.2M state grant ESCONDIDO — The Escondido Creek Conservancy has secured $4.2 million in grant funds from the state of California to protect the 282acre John Henry property near Lake Wohlford — now known as George Sardina, MD Preserve. The conservancy received wildlife habitat protection grant funds from the California Wildlife Conservation Board and the California Natural Resources Agency to acquire the George Sardina, MD Preserve. As the conservancy nears its 1,000-acre goal, it seeks additional donations to acquire and preserve key lands between the newly protected properties, further strengthening wildlife corridors in San Diego County. The conservancy took ownership of the property July 2 and is already making plans to restore areas damaged by past uses. Between the George Sardina, MD Preserve and the 693-acre Mountain Meadow Preserve acquired in 2018, the Conservancy’s “Save 1000 Acres” campaign has protected 975 acres of important wildlife habitat in the upper Escondido Creek watershed. “The George Sardina, MD Preserve has a variety of important habitat types including Englemann oak woodland, native grasslands, and coastal sage scrub, all essential habitats for birds and other wildlife,” said Penny Hernandez, president of the Palomar Audubon Society. The conservancy launched the Save 1000 Acres campaign to create a more-than-9-mile habitat corridor extending from Highway 15 to Bear Valley, and beyond, so that wildlife can roam freely and thrive across North San Diego County. As more natural spaces have become increas-

ingly fragmented by human development and wildlife adapt to climate change, protecting viable habitat for animals to migrate through has become more important than ever. Connecting open spaces allows these animals to transit to meet their basic needs for breeding, shelter, and food. A big idea requires partners with a shared vision, so the conservancy teamed up with the Palomar Audubon Society, the Friends of Daley Ranch, San Diego County Parks and Recreation, the U.S. Navy, the State of California, Marine Corps Camp Pendleton and hundreds of supporters, including the San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians, and donors to the Save 1000 Acres campaign. “We are so lucky to have partners with a shared vision toward a common goal - to preserve a significant wildlife corridor across North San Diego County,” said Colleen MacKinnon, president of the Friends of Daley Ranch. The Save 1000 Acres campaign raised more than $11 million during the last four years to protect these 975 acres in perpetuity. “With the acquisition and preservation of the George Sardina, MD Preserve, the conservancy now owns or manages more than 3,000 acres of wildlands, lands that will be protected in perpetuity,” said Richard Murphy, president of the conservancy. There is still much work to do to restore the new preserves. The conservancy is seeking volunteer land stewards willing to be trained to help protect and restore the preserves so that native wildlife can thrive. Contact the conservancy at or (760) 471-9354.

By Samantha Taylor


GFWC Contemporary Women of North County members, from left, Lynn Eades, Maryann Donovan, Diane Modjeski, Kathy Michaels, Bonnie Woelfel, Rosa Ruis, Joy Stefano and Susan Walsh, and, not pictured, Cheryl Marians, Kathy Packard, Marianne Furtado and Jackie McGuinness, joined other volunteers at Vista Magnet Middle School in Vista and walked the Relay for Life for a cure for cancer, June 22 and June 23. In addition to walking the event, members created luminarias to support the “Ceremony of Hope” honoring those lost to cancer. Members raised more than $2,600 for the cause. Courtesy photo

CSUSM gets NASA research grant SAN MARCOS — Cal State San Marcos is a member of a new research team that will collaborate on research into the intersection of space science and human space exploration as part of NASA’s Solar System Exploration Research Virtual Institute (SSERVI). The CSUSM team is one of eight new research teams that will be supported for five years at a combined total of about $10.5 million per year, funded by NASA’s Science and Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorates. CSUSM is part of a team called Interdisciplinary Consortium for Evalu-

ating Volatile Origins (ICE Five-O), led by Jeffrey Gillis-Davis at the University of Hawaii at Manoa in Honolulu. It also includes researchers from Washington University in St. Louis, San Francisco State, Johns Hopkins and NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston. The lead researcher from CSUSM is Gerardo Dominguez, an associate professor of physics, who will be receiving an $837,000 grant for the project. The ICE Five-O team will focus on remote sensing of airless bodies and how their surfaces weather in space. It also will model the physical, chemical and

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isotopic signatures of volatiles trapped in craters near the moon’s pole. “This grant will enable us to take a multidisciplinary approach to understanding several important questions about ice on the moon, including its origin,” Dominguez said. “These questions are important scientifically and for preparing humans to explore the solar system. “We will also address questions about how to ensure that the scientific information encoded within precious samples of lunar crater materials that are brought back to Earth is preserved. This work will be important for planning the next lunar sample return missions, which have not occurred since the last Apollo mission in the early 1970s.” The new teams will join four current SSERVI teams to conduct fundamental and applied research about the moon, near-Earth asteroids and the Martian moons Phobos and Deimos and their nearspace environments. Work will take place in cooperation with U.S. and international partners. The new SSERVI teams were selected via peer review from a pool of 24 competitive proposals. Based and managed at Ames Research Center in Silicon Valley, SSERVI was created in 2014 as an expansion of the NASA Lunar Science Institute. It supports scientific and human exploration research at potential future human exploration destinations under the guiding philosophy that exploration and science enable each other. Its members include academic institutions, nonprofit research institutes, commercial companies, NASA centers and other government laboratories.

REGION — Southern California Edison has resumed moving spent nuclear fuel into dry storage at the San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station. Southern California Edison (SCE), which owns the decommissioning nuclear power plant, announced in a press release on July 15 that transfer operations would resume. SCE stopped its transferring of spent fuel from wet to dry storage after an incident on Aug. 3, 2018, when a canister containing spent fuel got stuck during the downloading process into the dry storage cavity enclosure container. “We’re confident the improvements we’ve made are effective and sustainable,” stated Doug Bauder, SCE vice president and chief nuclear officer, in the announcement. “Our job now is to demonstrate that to our stakeholders.” The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) gave SCE the green light to resume transfer operations in late May, but the electric company needed to take care of a few things first. According to John Dobken, spokesman for SCE, personnel needed to come back to the plant and retrain before the company could resume transfer operations. “We also did a number of practice runs where we used our canister simulator to practice downloading,” Dobken said. “Then we did some very rigorous, readiness reviews to make sure all the changes that we had made over the previous 11 months would be effective and sustainable.” Forty-four canisters were waiting to be placed into the dry storage facility as of July 15 when SCE announced it would resume transfer operations. According to Dobken, preparation work was done on site that same day. On July 17, “Canister #30” was taken out of a fuel handling building and put on a large transport vehicle to be taken to the dry storage facility on site. The canister had been kept in the fuel handling building since the Aug. 3 incident last year. The plan is to download two canisters into dry storage before taking a two-week break to assess operations so far and to complete some maintenance work on the plant, according to Dobken. Each canister goes through an approximately six-day process from the time it is loaded with spent fuel to the time it is downloaded into dry storage. The NRC plans to conduct frequent, unannounced inspections at the plant to observe SCE’s changes in action.

JULY 26, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

North County leaders’ transit plan concerns aired at marathon meeting By Steve Horn

REGION — It was over a week after the Fourth of July, but fireworks erupted at a July 12 marathon 4.5hour San Diego Association of Governments meeting about the future of the San Diego County mass transit system. The group of county leaders convened to discuss the “5 Big Moves,” SANDAG’s vision to create a newaged public transportation system in the name of rolling back traffic congestion and tackling climate change. And the meeting ended with some of the concerns addressed about the plan, which North County leaders have raised for months. More than 80 people testified at the hearing, including former Escondido Mayor Sam Abed, a staffer for California Assembly Minority Leader Marie Waldron (R-Escondido), Carlsbad Mayor Matt Hall, an employee of San Diego Gas & Electric and a slew of climate and union activists. SANDAG is in the midst of its public engagement phase for the transit plan, part of the 2021 Regional Plan rollout process, and is currently hosting webinars and going to various county municipalities to get public feedback on its transit vision. Abed, a former SANDAG board of directors member who recently declared his candidacy to run for the U.S. House of Representatives in the 50th

Congressional District — a seat currently occupied by the criminally indicted U.S. Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Alpine) — emphasized that he felt SANDAG had morphed into a less collaborative body since he left the board after losing his 2018 mayoral race to Escondido Mayor Paul McNamara. “This is not a bold transportation system, this is a transportation disaster,” Abed said. “This is not 5 Big Moves, these are five big setbacks.” Conservative critics of the 5 Big Moves within North County have honed in on the 2004 ballot measure voted on by San Diego County residents which extended the existing half-cent sales tax to extend funding for TransNet — a money pot for transportation projects — through 2048. Many of the projects SANDAG said it would support under the auspices of the money raised from that sales tax have so far fallen by the wayside, including revamps of key east-to-west North County highways like the 56 and 78 to help improve traffic flows on those thoroughfares. Echoing Abed in pointing to that 2004 ballot measure, Waldron expressed opposition to the “proposed raid of TransNet funds.” “The new proposed vision for TransNet lacks efficiencies and wastes resources by directing funds away from overcrowded roads and towards bikes and transit

FORMER Escondido Mayor Sam Abed speaks at a SANDAG meeting on July 12. Photo by Steve Horn

programs,” said a staffer from Waldron’s office speaking on her behalf at the meeting. Yet, the climate activists in the room representing groups such as the Sierra Club, San Diego Climate Action Campaign, San Diego 350 and biking advocacy organizations, all professed an overarching need to address climate change and greenhouse gas emissions coming from the county’s prolific highway traffic. Maleeka Marsden, an organizer for Climate Action Campaign, was one such voice. “The planning paradigm of the past doesn’t work for communities and is worsening the climate crisis, making it harder for residents to breathe clean air and failing to alleviate congestion,” Marsden said. Marsden also called the actions taken by some of the more vocal opponents of the 5 Big Moves tantamount to

climate change denial obstructionism. “The conversation that is happening today is about political showmanship,” she added. “And it’s a missed opportunity to have a real, data-driven conversation about how to achieve serious public policy goals like addressing the climate crisis and improving public health.” After a full roundtable discussion among board members following public comments, a motion proposed by San Diego Mayor Kevin Faulconer and voted on by the board passed. It calls for “realistic and transparent revenue assumptions” under the banner of the 5 Big Moves model. And it seeks a prioritization of improvements to highways such as the 78, 67, 52 and 94/125. Though it passed, another motion proposed by San Diego County Supervisor and former Encinitas Mayor

Kristin Gaspar failed shortly thereafter. Gaspar, a Republican who represents District 3, pushed for the removal of the concept of congestion pricing from consideration within the 5 Big Moves. She added that any plan with that in it would serve as a “deal breaker” for garnering her support. San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones concurred with Gaspar’s motion in the minutes before the vote ensued. “Personally, I look at the price of what the congestion pricing would cost on our roads and I’m actually mortified that anyone would think for one second that it wouldn’t hurt our businesses, our low-income folks, and literally the goods, the services, how much everyone would be paying for this,” Jones said. “And I’m appalled that we would even discuss this.” But SANDAG Executive Director Hasan Ikhrata advocated for leaving all options on the table during the early stages of the planning phase. “By doing this, you’re taking an important tool — a very important tool — out of the toolbox, and you’re putting your stock in such an impossible situation to meet the (state’s greenhouse gas emissions) requirement,” Ikhrata said. Gaspar’s motion proceeded to fail. The meeting ended not long after that vote took place, with Gas-

par quickly exiting the room before any other SANDAG member. “I am disappointed that congestion pricing remains a part of SANDAG’s planning efforts,” Gaspar said via email after the meeting. “Finance discussions should be limited to taxes paid, not pie in the sky track and tax schemes to recover even more revenue.” Another SANDAG member who voted in support of Gaspar’s motion was Escondido Mayor Paul McNamara, a Democrat. “In my mind, she was eliminating something that would probably not be supported. That is why I supported her motion,” McNamara. “It is an unrealistic solution and I believe a waste of the staff’s time to consider it.” Carlsbad Councilwoman and SANDAG board member Cori Schumacher, though, said she believed all options should receive analysis during at this stage of the process. “Given the sizable funding gap the previous SANDAG board left us with and state greenhouse gas reduction mandates, prioritizing corridors without comparative financial and GHG analysis in front of us is not my idea of good policy making,” Schumacher told The Coast News after the meeting. “We need to be smart and deliberative about our next moves, rather than rushing decisions without the data in front of us.”






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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JULY 26, 2019

Opinion & Editorial

Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of The Coast News

Wildfire insurance crisis hits California ever harder


Celebrating arts and culture By Marie Waldron

The California Arts Council has established 14 state-designated Cultural Districts, including three in San Diego County. These Cultural Districts are a direct result of passage of Assembly Bill 189 in 2016, a bill I co-authored with Assemblyman Richard Bloom (D–Santa Monica). San Diego’s three Cultural Districts include Balboa Park, home to 17 museums and the San Diego Zoo; Barrio Logan, which includes Chicano Park with 79 historic murals; and in North County, the Oceanside Cultural District., which celebrates the city’s Beach City heritage, museums and growing arts scene. The budget recently signed by Gov. Newsom included a $10 million in-

creased funding allocation for the California Arts Council (which also receives federal funding), for competitive grant programs that fund arts and cultural experiences across the state. Last month, the Council announced 1,243 grant awards totaling over $20 million for arts/cultural nonprofit organizations, the largest allocation in over two decades. The budget also provided one-time grants to a number of organizations including the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust, the Armenian American Museum and Cultural Center of California, the Latino Theater Company, and the Korean American National Museum. The Arts Council’s mission, “Advancing California through the arts

and creativity,” not only enriches lives, it can spur new businesses, increase employment, attract more tourism and establish vibrant cultural economies throughout the state. It is my hope that other communities in this region, including North Inland San Diego and Southwest Riverside Counties, will soon be able to take advantage of the state’s Cultural District program. Information on the California Arts Council and on the Council’s Cultural District program can be found at their websites: and Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron, R-Escondido, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature.

Letter to the Editor Animals hurt by closure of Wildlife Center The Coast News recently published a piece on the closure of the San Diego Wildlife Center in Carlsbad. It noted that “Project Wildlife has a new stateof-the-art facility with increased capacity, and San Diego Humane Society has two North County campuses that serve as drop-off locations for wildlife.” Project Wildlife is located in San Diego. The “alternative wildlife care facilities” mentioned are the same resources that existed before the Wildlife Center opened last April. They do not actually care for wildlife, they hold the animals for transfer to

Project Wildlife. Animals may wait 12 hours or more before being transported, which results in them experiencing extreme stress, in addition to delaying necessary medical treatment. In the first six months of this year, the Wildlife Center helped 1,000 animals, many of which would have died if they'd had to wait 12 hours or more to be diagnosed and treated. North County needs and deserves a permanent facility dedicated to the care, treatment and rehabilitation of injured and orphaned wildlife. San Diego Wildlife Center in Carlsbad was that facility until RCHS decided that

because the Wildlife Center had not become financially self-sustaining after its first year of operation, they were no longer willing to provide financial support. Nor were they willing to reach out to the community to increase awareness of the Center and let people know that monetary support was needed. As usual, the losers in this situation are the animals. If readers care, they should contact Rancho Coastal Humane Society and its board to let them know how they feel. Ann Quebedeaux Rancho Santa Fe

alifornians have heard plenty about the wildfire crisis that’s afflicted this state for the last few years, highlighted by a rash of huge blazes and evacuations of more than 1 million area residents. But as the height of the annual fire season approaches, there has been little attention paid to the ever-increasing expenses inflicted on property owners and renters in or near wildlands, who may not ever be burned out, but are certainly getting burned. For a fire insurance crisis of increasing magnitude is now upon California and the state has done nothing to prevent or mitigate it. While thousands of owners and occupants of properties fully or partially destroyed in fires from Redding to Paradise to Napa to Ventura and Malibu still wrestle with lawyers and insurance companies as they try for damage compensation, other thousands are getting hit now via their mailboxes. Increasing numbers of potential fire area residents from the Sierra Nevada Mountain foothills to plush residential areas in suburban San Diego County and the hills of the East Bay are receiving cancellation notices from their property insurance firms, forcing them to seek new policies just when most insurers want to rid themselves of potential liabilities in or near California’s forests and brushlands. Others are seeing their policy premiums doubled and tripled. One typical homeowner in Oakhurst near the southern approach road to Yosemite National Park saw his rate raised this spring from just over $2,000 a year to more than $6,000. But at least he can still buy insurance on the

california focus thomas d. elias general market. Thousands more are being forced onto the open market, trying to obtain coverage from reluctant insurers. It’s a situation reminiscent of the mid-1990s, when every large insurance company in America boycotted the California homeowners insurance market. They canceled or declined to renew virtually every homeowners insurance policy in the state after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake and 1994’s Northridge temblor combined to inflict billions of dollars of expenses on them. Rather than insisting that insurance companies continue to offer quake insurance or be banned from selling other lucrative coverage — like car and truck policies — in California, then-Insurance Commissioner Chuck Quackenbush allowed the boycott to continue and proposed creation of a state-run system that evolved into the California Earthquake Authority (CEA). Insurance companies resumed selling homeowner policies, but are off the hook now in California quakes, and would love the same to apply in wildfires. But so far, state lawmakers — like their predecessors who were cowed during the 1990s — refuse to do much of anything. Among the biggest unresolved issues that legislators won’t directly confront this year is whether to limit liability of insurance companies with burned-out customers. All of which means

that what former Gov. Jerry Brown said last year about wildfires and climate change — “All hell is breaking loose” — applies now to more than actual fires. Former Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones foresaw some of this two years ago, observing that insurers must renew policies for a time in actual fire disaster areas, but they don’t have to renew policies in non-disaster areas when they expire. That’s the root of the current crisis. The insurance companies understand many so-far-unburned parts of California will inevitably become disaster areas and don’t want their own finances impacted when those disasters hit. There is a safety net of sorts for homeowners when their policies aren’t renewed. It’s called the Fair Plan, roughly equivalent to the CEA in that it must insure anyone who applies. But Fair Plan rates are much higher than other fire policies, even at their increased rates. Yes, by law they cannot be excessive, but no one is sure what that means. Before last year’s fires, the number of Fair Plan policies was rising by about 1,000 per year. That will likely climb substantially over the coming months and years, eventually making the fire insurance crisis less about scarce policies than it is about money. The bottom line: Even if their houses don’t ignite in any of the next few fire seasons, plenty of homeowners will see their wallets get seriously burned, with state government unable or unwilling to protect them. Email Thomas Elias at For more Elias columns, visit www.

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JULY 26, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Independent contractor bill advances Man arrested in Temecula believed to be ‘Brewery Bandit’ behind string of robberies REGION — A bill which could reshape indeBy Steve Horn

pendent contract labor, and the California economy atlarge, advanced on July 10 in the California Senate. The bill, Assembly Bill 5, passed in the Senate Labor, Public Employment and Retirement Committee. It did so with new amended language, including limiting the number of times freelance work journalists, writers and others who “provide content” to up to 25 times per year. The amended provision also mandates that those content providers get to pick both the location and hours of their work, while calling for them to receive at least twice the amount of the minimum wage in completing it. Once the 25 pieces of content are complete — with “content” left undefined as a concept — that worker would have to receive at least part-time employee status. The bill’s sponsor, Assembly Appropriations Chair and Latino Caucus Chair Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego), attended and spoke at the hearing preceding the AB 5 vote and praised its committee passage. “If you feel like an employee, if you work for a company and do their business, guess what? You’re an employee. Pretty basic, right?” said Gonzalez at a rally with union workers outside the California State

By Steve Puterski

CAITLIN VEGA, left, legislative director of the California Labor Federation, and Assemblywoman Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego) look back at a speaker during a July 10 state Senate Labor, Public Employment and Retirement Committee hearing on AB 5. Courtesy photo

Capitol after AB 5’s passage. “And now, we have an opportunity to codify that and change the lives of millions of workers in California.” AB 5 aims to codify and clarify the Dynamex Operations West, Inc. v. Superior Court of Los Angeles California Supreme Court ruling issued in 2018. One of its central targets is the “gig economy,” and companies which rely on contractor labor such as Uber and Lyft. Dynamex established the “ABC test” to determine whether a worker should receive contractor classification. The three prongs include: “(A) the worker is free from the control and direction of the

hiring entity in connection with the performance of the work, both under the contract for the performance of the work and in fact;” (B) “that the worker performs work that is outside the usual course of the hiring entity’s business;” and (C) “that the worker is customarily engaged in an independently established trade, occupation, or business of the same nature as the work performed for the hiring entity.” Introduced in December, AB 5 has now gone through multiple rounds of amendments, originally facing opposition by professions ranging from some media professionals, travel TURN TO BILL ON 14

REGION — Dozens of breweries in San Diego and Riverside counties have been on edge since a string of robberies began in late March. On July 21, however, a small task force consisting of numerous law enforcement agencies from Carlsbad to Murrieta and Hemet arrested the socalled ‘brewery bandit.” The suspect was apprehended after breaking into Wiens Brewery in Temecula, according to General Manager Ben Wiens. He said the suspect was caught attempting to break in through a window, although he did not make it inside. Det. Sgt. John McKean of the Oceanside Police Department and leader of the task force, said an adult male was arrested, but bailed out of Riverside County Jail. “I don’t want to put anything out there that will jeopardize the investigation,” McKean said. “We believe he is involved with these breweries from Riverside County and San Diego County. Probably between 20 to 30 that we are aware of, but the investigation is still going.” An April 17 report in The Coast News shows tasting rooms and wineries were also targeted. Eve Sieminski,

co-owner of Iron Fist Brewery in Vista and Barrio Logan, was relieved to hear a suspect had been arrested. Her brewery in Vista was broken into during the spree in March and April. She said the man broke a small window, crawled through and headed straight for the registers after viewing security camera footage. However, no cash was in the box and other valuables had been locked away. Sieminski said other burgled breweries were hit in the same way. The man would break a window, crawl through and attempt to steal any cash not protected or already deposited for the night. “I think it’s great they arrested him and hope they expose him for who he was and pay restitution,” Sieminski said. “Thankfully, he didn’t steal anything from us, that we knew.” According to the previous report in The Coast News, breweries from as far north as Temecula, Murrieta and throughout Vista, Oceanside, Rancho Bernardo, San Marcos and as far south as Scripps Ranch and Sorrento Valley have reported burglaries and vandalism. Sieminski said her brewery was broken into

seven years ago, which is why they added a security door to go along with cameras and other measures. “The window he broke though was really small, which was weird,” she added. “We have good, safe routines, which is why more probably wasn’t taken. It’s so creepy when someone invades your space.” San Diego County is home to one of the most active brewing and winemaking regions in the United States. More than 130 breweries are in the county, which in 2017 had an economic impact of $1.1 billion in output and $802 million in revenue, according to the 2018 Economic Impact of Craft Breweries in San Diego County Report. At least 115 wineries actively operate in the county that generate a $50 million economic impact, according to a similar report on the impact of the winemaking industry on San Diego’s economy. In addition to Oceanside, other law enforcement agencies involved were Carlsbad, Escondido, Murrieta, Hemet, Temecula and San Diego police departments along with the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, which contracts with the cities of San Marcos and Vista.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JULY 26, 2019

In North County budgets, policing is most expensive line item By Steve Horn

REGION — North County cities have voted on their budgets for the upcoming fiscal year and law enforcement is the most expensive line item on all of them. An analysis done by The Coast News shows that law enforcement ranged from a low of just over 10% of the budget expenditure in Del Mar to as high as over 43% in Escondido for each of the city’s most recent budgets. On the whole, North County cities had a median 25% budget allocation on law enforcement and an average of 28.2% expenditure. While Del Mar had the lowest expenditure on law enforcement by percentage in its most recent budget, it also had the highest per capita expenditure on that line item, spending $568.09 per resident using 2017 U.S. Census estimates for its population. Vista spent the least per capita on law en-



will have “comprehensive supportive services provided on site,” according to the supporting documents for the meeting written by Mike Strong, assistant director of planning for the city. Veterans Village of San Diego (VVSD) expressed excitement over the affirmative vote. “VVSD is honored and thrilled that last week the

forcement for North County cities at $245.16 per resident. The median per capita expenditure on law enforcement for North County cities was $304.55, while the average per capita cost for the most recent budget cycle was $338.99. In the aftermath of recent fatal police shooting incidents in places such as Ferguson, Chicago and Baltimore, hefty city police budgets have come into question by civil rights advocacy groups. “Budgets are moral documents that reflect the values and priorities of our government, yet for communities of color, local budgets have too often come to represent their further oppression,” Jennifer Epps-Addison, co-executive director of the Center for Popular Democracy, said in a press release about a 2017 report the group published examining budget expenditures in 12 different metropolitan

areas nationwide. “In the wake of constant stories of police brutality and state violence, or news of departmental corruption and malfeasance, it is past time for us to start reimagining what safety means, how it is being resourced, and who is defining it.” Responding to the findings, North County city leaders played down concerns about civil rights outcomes, saying the money spent have kept their communities safe and crime rates low. “The city of Encinitas police budget is not atypically large compared to other cities with our population. According to a recent SANDAG report, Encinitas is actually in the lower third of per capita cost (in the county) which is an indication that the city has maximized resources with minimal cost,” said Paul Brencick an analyst with the city manager’s office.

“We cannot comment on national law enforcement issues that do not pertain to us locally.” Calling public safety among “the most fundamental services that cities provide,” San Marcos City Manager Jack Griffin lauded what the city gets for its money. “We typically have or are close to having the lowest costs per capita for law enforcement costs for all cities in San Diego County and we also enjoy one of the lowest crime rates as well,” said Griffin. “We are proud of our partnership with the sheriff and the collaborative way we work together to maximize the use of our resources.” In Escondido, the city with the highest percentage of money spent on law enforcement as part of its budget, City Manager Jeffrey Epp gave a nod to the “community’s priority for public safety as well as the cost to

provide public safety services,” saying costs add up when accounting for salary and benefits of police officers and staff ranging from the officers, dispatchers, detectives, records personnel, custody transporters, support staff and others. Carlsbad, Oceanside and Escondido are the only North County cities with their own police departments, with the rest contracting out the service to the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department. Oceanside Mayor Peter Weiss, whose city spent 38.9 %of its budget on law enforcement, added that area city expenditures are all high because departments compete “to keep pace” with one another to maintain competitive rates for salaries and benefits. Vista City Councilwoman Corinna Contreras said she wished the city spent less on “boots on the ground” and more on social

and a “preventative framework.” “By preventative framework, I mean community-based programs like youth development programs, active transportation infrastructure, etc.,” said Contreras. “More programs that divert disconnected youth, who are the highest risk, from crime and vagrancy and connecting them to personal growth opportunities via mentorship, community leadership programs, etc.” Contreras pointed to some of the work done by the Oceanside-based group North County Lifeline as an example of preventative framework. She added that she would like to see a more collaborative budget-making process between the city and its residents, akin to what Escondido has done under Mayor Paul McNamara.

Escondido City Council voted in favor of approving VVSD for a $1 million residual receipts loan to be paid out of Redevelopment funds for the new Escondido Veterans Villas that opened up last week,” Kim Mitchell, CEO of VVSD, said in an emailed statement. “In an area where affordable housing is in short supply, VVSD is thrilled to be able to expand our mission with this valuable resource for homeless veterans in North

County." At the grand opening event launching the housing complex held the day before the City Council vote, Escondido Mayor Paul McNamara cited the need for more housing for veterans and the dearth of them dwelling in the city. “I always love these events because I always think these events are very symbolic of people who are committed,” said McNamara, who then gave a

framed award certificate to VVSD from the City Council. “To me, they always inspire me that there is a future because all of you got together and what you’re doing is putting down roots ... You’re really making a commitment to the community and I always feel that is a tangible event that we can see, that there is a future for Escondido and there is a future for this community.” If approved, 10 units will exist for those earning 30% of the Area Median Income (“AMI”), three units for households earning up to 50% of AMI, and three units for those earning up to 60% of AMI, according to supporting documents for the meeting. Another of the housing complexes given the green light, if modifications are made, will be built by San Diego Habitat for Humanity. Located at 245 East El Norte Parkway, the project calls for 10 homes and currently sits on vacant land. City staff has recommended giving the project $15,000 in seed money once, or if, it meets a set of conditions. “While the project as proposed satisfies preliminary screen, there are multiple questions about the feasibility of the project as proposed,” Strong wrote. “Specifically, San Diego Habitat will have to study the stormwater requirements of the site and what can be built within those restrictions.” At the City Council meeting, Lori Pfeiler — president and CEO of San Diego Habitat for Humanity and former mayor of Escondido from 1998 to 2010 — joked that some of the future homeowners of the project could soon be political competition for McNamara. “I’m pleased to offer the home ownership opportunity. I really believe that when a family can put roots down and know that they own that home, that’s when you create a sense of community and you become part of the community,” Pfeiler said. “I actually tell all of my fami-

lies that they should run for mayor someday, so look for some competition.” Pfeiler further detailed that the homes would be three bedrooms, with 2.5 bathrooms and 1,100 to 1,300 square feet in size. They will include two car garages and come equipped as energy efficient. After the hearing, Pfeiler spoke of the area demands for affordable homes and inability of market forces alone to get them built. “We know there are thousands of families that are part of our economy that do not earn the high wages necessary to be able to purchase a home in San Diego County,” said Pfeiler via email. “Homes that are affordable would have to sell between 200,000 and 300,000 dollars. The market cannot produce a home in that price range. The federal dollars that would bridge that gap are absolutely necessary.” Pfeiler said these homes will exist for families earning between $50,000 and $75,000 per year. She said that, next up, the project will hire a civil engineer to figure out compliance with stormwater requirements. She believes it will take about a month to do the studies, and then another month to write that up into a report that can be handed to city staff. Habitat for Humanity’s goal, she said, will be to get the project back in front of the City Council within three months. National Community Renaissance (CORE), owner of the Parkway Village complex at 1825 E. Valley Parkway, received the largest grant of federal dollars in the form $3 million in affordable housing money. It will be used to rehabilitate the apartments for low-income individuals located at that site which were constructed in 1986. Improvements will include “exterior repairs and improvements (including new siding and roof replacement), and interior rehab (including kitchen, bathroom,

ADA, plumbing, HVAC and electrical improvements),” according to documents for the meeting. National CORE, according to the documents, will also work to make the site compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and to construct upgrades to make the building more energy efficient. The upgrades, however, may force some of its current residents to relocate. “The project will ultimately serve households earning less than 60% of (the Average Median Income),” read the supporting documents for the meeting. “Households earning more than this amount will be offered relocation assistance in accordance with federal and state law.” John Seymour, vice president of acquisitions and forward planning for National CORE, said the over $3 million in funding will help in securing future grants to make the project a reality. “The City Council's support of local funding will allow us to make competitive applications to the county of San Diego and the state of California,” Seymour said. “We are looking forward to working closely with the residents of Parkway Village to create a wonderful renovation with rents being reduced to affordable levels.”

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others. Also included is Mike Strong, Escondido’s assistant director of planning. Mayor Rebecca Jones thanked the Advisory Committee members for their time commitment and public service, noting that it will mean many nights away from their families for meetings and planning sessions in the next couple of years. “This is what makes San Marcos so remarkable. It’s really the people who are willing to step up every time and serve our city and we really appreciate that,” Jones said. “We’re expecting big things from you. I know I speak for the whole council when I say thank you very much.” City Planner Jack Griffith said the city has aimed to create a new General Plan every decade. The last General Plan for San Marcos passed in 2012. The goal, he said, is to ensure the city has a legal framework to keep up with changing times and trends. “We think a 10-year update of the General Plan is a pretty reasonable and a well-respected planning principle,” Griffith said. “It’s not so soon that it becomes almost a constant planning effort, but it’s not so far that you’re out behind changes in the economy, or changes with what’s going on in the development world or public safety or any of those sorts of things.” Griffith added that San Marcos is currently at about 70% capacity for developing housing, and by the next General Plan cycle, it may approach a “maintenance” phase in which it relies on different models for economic growth and revenue generation to fund essential city services. In laying out what she would like to see in the next General Plan, Petrek, Councilwoman Sharon Jenkins and Councilman Randy Walton all agreed on the principle of changing the city’s zoning map to include more mixed-use development, as opposed to strictly commercial or strictly residential zoning codes. In making his case for more mixed-use develop-


T he C oast News - I nland E dition ment, Walton emphasized the young demographics in the city and its two higher education institutions, calling San Marcos an ever-burgeoning “college town destination city.” He said that he believes San Marcos sits at a “crossroads” in its development due to the rising levels of housing costs and lack of “housing that is more likely to be affordable,” a definition he said was legally distinct from “affordable housing.” “There are no easy answers to the housing situation we find ourselves in,” Walton said. “And we all agree that San Marcos needs to do its part to be part of the solution.” As one potential solution, Walton called for the permitting of more higher density homes, which he described as looking like “urban-style villages or neighborhoods that apply smart growth principles,” such as walkability, location near transit centers and other major roads, restaurants and shopping centers. Place them there, Walton said, and the projects will likely face less public resistance. Jones said that the city should also consider beefing up the “light industrial” zoning distinction in its next General Plan as a way to bring more jobs into San Marcos. She said about 77% to 78% of the city’s residents leave during the day for jobs elsewhere, which she called a “tragedy.” “We can’t just send everyone outside of the city to work,” Jones said. “If we don’t have the opportunity to well-rounded housing, then we’re sending people to Temecula, Murrieta, Wildomar, which is a real problem for me because we’re creating more traffic. We want them to live here and we want them to be able to have their roots here.” But she also said it is important for San Marcos to maintain its “character” as a “fairly large city” which “still has parts of it that makes it feel like a small town.” In closing, Jones said she was hungry on a hot and humid day. And so, piggybacking off of the Walton “crossroads” metaphor, the mayor compared the city to a sundae. “I would say we have this amazing sundae,” Jones said. “How do we put the cherry on top? Every decision that we make from here on out, it’s got to be intentional because we are going to become a maintenance city and that’s part of the conversation too that’s got to happen.” The city, currently fielding Requests for Proposals (RFP) from contractors to facilitate the General Plan proposal creation process, aims to have a new General Plan in place by 2021. The RFP period ends on Aug. 29, with the Advisory Committee convening as a body to begin regularly scheduled meetings starting this fall. The City Council will award a contract with a firm to help it draft its General Plan by November.



Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ OLSON TO HEAD CSUSM NURSING SCHOOL

Cal State San Marcos has appointed Dr. Tom Olson as its new director of the School of Nursing. Olson started in his position on July 8. He replaces Dr. Pamela Kohlbry, who served as the interim director for the past school year. Olson comes to CSUSM from his home in Culpeper, Va., after his most recent position at Northeastern University in Boston.


Golf Coaches Association.The Cougars finished second with a 3.888 GPA among all NCAA Division I, Division II and Division III schools.

Encinitas received a BFA in medical illustration in May 2019 and Dante Nardo of Carlsbad received a BS in game design and development in December 2018, from Rochester Institute of Technology. — Nikki Olguin of San Marcos graduated this spring from Ohio Wesleyan University. — Julio Sanchez of San Marcos was named to the Champlain College Trustee’s List for the spring 2019 semester. — Worcester Polytechnic Institute named William Schwend of San Marcos, majoring in aerospace engineering, and Oliver Thode of Rancho Santa Fe, majoring in computer science and robotics engineering, to the university’s dean’s list for academic excellence for the spring 2019 semester. — Widener University congratulates Natalie Winn of San Marcos for achieving dean’s list status during the spring 2019 semester, while majoring in Hospitality Management. — The Empire 8 Conference honored Elmira College student-athlete Colin Morrison (men’s soccer/men’s volleyball) of Carlsbad on its president’s list. — Katherine Potz of Carlsbad has been named to State University of New York’s Purchase College dean’s list for the spring STUDENT SUCCESS — Mitchell Scarski 2019 semester. Potz is from Carlsbad graduated studying dance. from Carthage College on SCHOLARSHIP FOR LGBTQIA May 26. MiraCosta College — Hunter Moore of San Marcos graduated has unveiled yet another from Dickinson State Uni- scholarship for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transversity in North Dakota. students. The — Anna Loretan of gender Oceanside graduated with Queer and Trans People distinction from Bard Col- of Color (QTPOC) Scholarlege at Simon’s Rock with ship is the fourth endowed scholarship for LGBTQIA+ an Associate of Arts. — Alexander Corvino, students and allies at of Oceanside received a BS MiraCosta College since in mechanical engineer- the Gay Straight Alliance ing; Lindsey Mercier of Club

tuition for up to two years and is extended to firsttime college students enrolled in 12+ units a semester. For more information about the Medical Assistant Program, visit PHARMACY OPENS Mental Health Sys- nursing/MAProgram.html. tems (MHS) and Genoa Healthcare hosted its DOING GOOD AUG. 3 grand opening of a new GelatoLove, and Proon-site pharmacy July 16 duceGood, a non-profit at the MHS mental health that reduces waste and center at 474 W. Vermont hunger by connecting Ave., Suite 104, Escondido. surplus produce to food Representatives believe insecurity will team up that those receiving phar- to host “Doing Good Nevmacy services in the same er Tasted So Good” from facility as their health noon to 3 p.m. Aug. 3 at care can more easily ob- the 300 Carlsbad Village tain medications, leading Drive, Ste. 104, Carlsbad. to improved medication ProduceGood has providadherence and lower rates ed GelatoLove with 100 of hospitalization and pounds of ruby grapeemergency care. fruit, harvested from Reed Ranch in Escondido. GelaSERVPRO HONORS OWNERS toLove created a grapeThe SERVPRO com- fruit gelato that will only pany, provider of fire and be available at the event. water cleanup and resto- A portion of all sales will ration services and mold go back to ProduceGood. mitigation and remediation, recognized franchise GRANT FOR FRESH START owner, Ernani Heldt, Jr., of Maximus Foundation SERVPRO Carmel Valley awarded Fresh Start Surgiwith the Director’s Gold cal Gifts $12,000 to benefit award. Franchise owner the Fresh Start Surgical Daniel Escoto, of SERV- Gifts Medical Program. PRO North Oceanside, Fresh Start is a nonprofreceived the Millionaire’s it, based in Carlsbad, that Bronze award. Franchise provides free-of-cost reowners Jose A. Araya and constructive surgery and Juan C. Araya, of SERV- healthcare related serPRO North Vista/San Mar- vices for kids with physical cos, received the Heritage deformities. Silver award.

Home Start Inc. has elected long-time volunteer and former board vice president, Cameron Clarke, as its new Board of Directors president. Clarke is an Escondido resident and has played a significant role in advancing Home Start’s mission to prevent child abuse and strengthen families in San Diego. Clarke has volunteered with Home Start for four years and served on the marketing and audit committees, as well as the philanthropy committee. BE A MEDICAL ASSISTANT The MiraCosta MedSPORTS GRANT FOR CLUB ical Assistant Program is Boys & Girls Clubs a low-cost alternative to of Oceanside (BGCO) re- private career colleges ceived a $5,000 Sports 4 and meets the demands Life grant from the Wom- of North County San Dien’s Sports Foundation to ego medical offices, hospistart an all girls’ volleyball tals, and clinics. Students program. learn physiology, patient advocacy, medical termiSMART GOLFERS nology, insurance billing, The Cal State San Mar- and patient processing. cos women’s golf team had The cost of the program is the highest cumulative about $2,000, but starting GPA in NCAA Division II in fall 2019, the MiraCosfor 2018-19, the Women’s ta College Promise waives

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JULY 26, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JULY 26, 2019


SuperGirl Pro surf competition returns By Samantha Taylor

OCEANSIDE — The largest women’s surf contest in the world is returning to the Pier. The 13th annual Nissan SuperGirl Surf Pro Festival is the only major all-women’s World Surf League event in North America and is held right here in Oceanside. Top professionals like three-time World Champion Carissa Moore, former SuperGirl champions Lakey Peterson, Tatiana Weston-Webb, Malia Manuel, Sage Erickson and Coco Ho, as well as Caroline Marks and Alana Blanchard, are slated to compete in this year’s contest. Bethany Hamilton, who never stopped surfing after she lost her arm in a shark attack 16 years ago at the age of 13, will also be competing in Supergirl Surf Pro this year. Rick Bratman, director of the SuperGirl Pro series and founder of parent company ASA Entertainment, said he is most excited to watch Hamilton compete. “Hamilton has the skill level that she could win any event she enters,” Bratman said. The overall event includes a festival village with 20 live concerts, an all-women’s DJ contest, fitness challenge, classes, speakers, autographs, makeovers, 40 vendor booths and a Celebrity Surf Invitational. Additionally, Grammy-nominated and Platinum recording artist Natasha Bedingfield is the festival’s headlining performer.

Padres’ big trade decisions in the hands of GM Preller

sports talk jay paris

B CARISSA MOORE waves to spectators during the 2018 SuperGirl Pro surf event, which she won. SuperGirl, the largest all-women’s World Surf League event in North America, returns to Oceanside this weekend. Courtesy photo

One of the Celebrity Surf Invitational participants is Lindsey Jacobellis, the voice of the Supergirl Snow Pro competition. Jacobellis is a four-time Olympian and silver medalist, six-time world champion and 10-time X Games gold medalist. During the surf competition, the decorated snowboarder will be interviewing surf competitors after their heats. Jacobellis was thrilled when she was first invited to come check out the SuperGirl Surf Pro festival. She explained that she is used to attending high-caliber competitions like the SuperGirl Surf Pro, but

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what amazes her about this particular competition is that it is women-dominated. Marketing the potential for women to successfully surf and snowboard is important for encouraging young girls to pursue those sports. “We’re highlighting these amazing women in the sport but we’re also unlocking limitless potential,” Jacobellis said. Not only is the festival bringing in world-class surfers to compete, it’s also bringing in worldclass gamers as well. In addition to the SuperGirl Surf Pro competition, the three-day festival is also hosting the third annual SuperGirl Gamer Pro, the only multi-title competitive women’s esports tournament in the country. The event will host open game play tournaments with popular titles like “Fortnite,” “League of Legends,” “Hearthstone,” “Super Smash Bros.,” “Ultimate” and “Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.”

Bratman said he is excited to continue to grow the Gamer Pro series in an industry that is often the “poster child” for treating women as second-class citizens. “This event gives women a safe space to come out and show how amazing they are in gaming, and ultimately encourage and inspire young girls to become more active in the esports industry,” Bratman said. Similar to Jacobellis, Stephanie Harvey, also known by her gamertag missharvey, is a professional gamer who wants young girls to be inspired by seeing women as successful, professional gamers. “It happened to me 15 years ago and here I am now making a living out of it,” Harvey said. The Surf Pro competition will be nationally televised and the Gamer Pro competition will be livestreamed on platforms like Twitch, Facebook Gaming, YouTube and Mixer. The festival runs from July 26 to July 28 and is free and open to the public.

uy or sell? Advance or retreat? Go for it or bide time for better days ahead? The Padres will wrestle with those conundrums into next week. Those with weak souls might shutter at the thought of deciding the direction of the local nine. What’s clear is that a local will make the call on if the Padres are aggressive at the July 31 trading deadline. It’s a Rubicon moment for every team in the Majors as they balance the present versus the future and Padres general manager A.J. Preller is the one weighing the pros and cons. Preller will have input on every personnel matter regarding the Padres being buyers are sellers. The man who lives in the shadow of Encinitas’ Moonlight Beach only has a few more sun ups and downs to chart the Padres’ path. Padres fans — bless their patient souls — are cognizant of the rocky road leading to this point. For eight straight seasons they’ve sat through baseball played at a level well-below .500 and needing a telescope to locate the National League West leaders. With it usually being the Los Angeles Dodgers, there’s no fun in that. Even this year’s Padres, despite brimming with fresh talent and confidence, are on the wrong side of the ledger. That’s not to say what’s down is up. But there is promise sprinkled throughout the clubhouse as Preller’s handiwork in reshaping the roster is finally paying dividends at the varsity level.

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Shortstop Fernando Tatis, Jr., at 20 years old, is already among the most exciting players in the majors. Second baseman Luis Urias, 22, was recently promoted and is penciled in to be Tatis’ running mate for years to come. Catcher Francisco Mejia, 23, could be the man that runs off fan favorite, but the weak-hitting, Austin Hedges. Manuel Margot has surged of late and power-hitting outfielders Hunter Renfroe and Franmil Reyes strike fear into pitchers. Speaking of hurlers, the Padres have many that would be carded, and some turned away, at any area watering hole. Joey Lucchesi, Chris Paddack, Cal Quantrill, Andres Munoz, and the latest boy wonder, Adrian Morejon, reveal poise and production beyond their years. Others, like MacKenzie Gore and Logan Allen, are in the pipeline. Back to the question: Does Preller veer from this slow, and sometimes maddening, rebuilding job by trading off peach-fuzz pieces for a potential slice of the postseason pie? When clubs dial the cell phone that seldom leaves Preller’s ear, they seek one of the kids killing it somewhere in the Padres’ organization. In return the Padres could receive a veteran with a baseball card full of statistics. But is it worth sacrificing what-might-be, for a chance at a one-game, winner-take-all playoff shot? The Padres are light years away from the division-leading Dodgers but in the hunt for a National League wildcard berth. The two teams with the best records, and not being a division champion, will square off to advance in the playoffs. Is peddling Padres prospects worth gambling a sustainable winning future by potentially improving their chance for this year’s postseason? How the Padres perform leading up to the deadline will make Preller’s predicament easier. The fading Padres have the look of sellers after losing three-game series to the lowly Miami Marlins and steady Chicago Cubs after the All-Star break. Plus, there are five teams ahead of the Padres in the wildcard race, with them being five games off the pace through Monday. Padres ownership has always pointed to 2020 as the season in which this recast team is competitive. It’s not hindsight to state that should remain the mission.

JULY 26, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Departing Palomar College VP of HR lands no-bid contract from school By Steve Horn

A $20,000 study will soon be in the works to examine the fiscal opportunities presented to Palomar College if it offers Supplemental Retirement Plan packages to its aging faculty base and administrators. And the VP of Human Resources for the community college, Lisa Norman, recently announced she would be leaving the school at the end of July—but not before landing a $92,000 no-bid contract to maintain the college as a freelance client for the consulting firm she will now run fulltime. These were two topics loaded into the backend of the Palomar College Governing Board’s July 9 meeting, initially placed on the consent calendar. Items on the consent calendar do not receive discussion by governing bodies and are voted on as

a grouping. As its name implies, the items placed on it are generally ones with a broad basis of agreement among elected officials. At the July 9 meeting, though, Trustee Nina Deerfield said she believes items like these should not be placed on the consent calendar. “I don’t like that sort of complicated issue being on a consent calendar at all. It just it makes me uncomfortable,” said Deerfield, speaking about the looming end to Norman’s tenure. “I don’t think we should be asked to vote on anything that needs more information given to us. So I said this before and I am just standing by that.” Deerfield further asked for the $20,000 contract given to the firm BrightPath Consulting Services to study the potential

I don’t think we should be asked to vote on anything that needs more information given to us.” Nina Deerfield Palomar College board trustee

benefits of offering of early retirement packages to Palomar College faculty and administration to be tabled. She sought to have the item moved for further discussion at the next Board meeting. Deerfield said, too, that money like that could pay for live streaming of Governing Board meetings, a proposal which was

Vista moves forward with plan to address homelessness By Steve Puterski

VISTA — Homelessness is a sincere concern for every city in San Diego County. And Vista is no different as the City Council held a marathon special session on June 4 to break down the city’s strategic plan. Although no formal plan was adopted, city staff will return in September with another presentation and possible action item for the council, according to Amanda Lee, the city’s housing programs manager. Staff presented numerous concerns, tactics and strategies to the council, and the council returned with five core areas of focus for the next meeting. Those include reduction, prevention, improving quality of life, enhancing community outreach and legislative outreach. The city has also contract with H.G. Consulting Group to assist with the creation of the plan. Lee said the council is also considering forming a Homeless Outreach Team (HOT), like those in Carlsbad and Oceanside, although those cities combine those efforts with their respective police and housing departments. Vista contracts its law enforcement with the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department, so its potential HOT may have a different structure, Lee added. “They want a deeper dive of all the strategies,” she said. “The Point-inTime Count only gives, really, a narrow scope of what homelessness is.” In the meantime, Lee said city staff is researching what other cities are doing, taking a deeper dive into their programs, while also evaluating service providers, law enforcement, financial assistance programs and desire outcomes.

As of the 2019 Pointin-Time Count conducted countywide, Vista had 296 homeless residents; although Vista and Bonsall were combined by the county. She said Vista’s figure is roughly 285. “This is an important issue,” Councilman John Franklin said. “I want to get into the details. How many people from year-toyear get into chronic homelessness?” Of those, 174 in Vista are sheltered, 143 are in transitional housing, 122 are unsheltered and 31 in emergency shelters, according to the staff report. Still, it’s a decline in homelessness since 2018, where 490 homeless individuals were counted. In North County, 1,540 individuals were identified as homeless, whether sheltered or unsheltered, according to the count. And while city finances are scarce, Lee said a line item in the Fiscal Year 2019-20 state budget recently passed $1 million for homeless prevention for the four cities in Assembly District 76 with up to $250,000 for each city to address the issue through Encinitas-based Communi-

ty Resource Center. “North San Diego County, and specifically the communities I represent including Carlsbad, Oceanside, Encinitas, Vista, and Camp Pendleton, has struggled in years past to get their fair share of resources.,” Assemblywoman Tasha Boerner Horvath said in a statement. “Since taking office in December, I have made it my top priority to advocate for our region, and I am proud to say that it has resulted in significant investments for Assembly District 76 from this new state budget.” Other approaches, in addition to HOT, being considered are hiring a homeless coordinator; creating an inclusionary housing program, resource guide and jobs program; and more affordable housing, such as tiny homes, to name a few. Additionally, the council also discussed at length the root causes of homelessness, such as drug addiction and housing. “The council’s main thing is what does the homeless population look like,” Lee said. “It’s a tough subject and the council is taking this seriously.”


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shot down at the Board’s previous meeting. “So, I really don’t think that should be on consent either, because we haven’t really discussed that,” said Deerfield. Palomar College President Joi Lin Blake, responding to Deerfield, said that 85 to 87 percent of the college’s budget goes toward paying personnel. “So, that doesn’t give us much wiggle room in terms of making reductions to the budget without touching personnel,” said Blake. According to Blake, 30 percent of the college’s faculty base is currently of retirement age and over 50 percent will be in the next five years. Further, Blake said that administrators could be considered for a retirement plan, as well. Blake added that it depends on what the study

eventually shows. An expedited timeline for completion of the study exists because the topic will be up for discussion at the Board’s budget retreat in the next couple of months. According to Brightpath’s website, it has an expertise in healthcare plan design and procurement, retirement plan designs, as well as pension and executive benefits planning. The Board eventually voted on the proposal for Brightpath to do a study, with only Deerfield dissenting, passing 4-1. After that item passed, Teresa Laughlin—co-president of the Palomar Faculty Federation union and an economics professor—also chided the Board for putting the departure of Lisa Norman and the $20,000 retirement plan study on the consent calendar. “We’re told repeated-

ly the district is in financial distress and does not have money for anything, such as livestreaming board meetings, etc.,” said Laughlin. “Yet, it seems to find a lot of money for consultants. An institution’s budget illustrates the institution’s priorities and values.” According to California Secretary of State documents, Norman incorporated her firm Universal Personnel Services Inc. in November 2018. In a list of contracts published as part of the consent calendar voting process, Norman’s firm will receive a $200 per hour, not to exceed $92,000 contract. The contract is set to begin immediately after she leaves her current position at Palomar College, expiring at the end of June in 2020.

Summer Season

of Fun Continues at Del Mar Racetrack The excitement continues with reggae and country performances, wine tasting and more Highlights include weekly food and drink specials and exclusive access to the Turf Club: • J BOOG – On Friday, July 26, join us for an epic performance by reggae legend, J Boog! Presented by the San Diego County Toyota Dealers, the band will take the Seaside Stage shortly after the last race. Racetrack guests will receive free admission if they enter before the final race of the day. Concert admission will cost $30 after the last race. All concerts are 18+. • SIP IN STYLE – New at the track this summer, kick off your weekend at the Turf Club with Sip in Style. Track-goers can enjoy a table at the exclusive Turf Club, a featured Drink of the Week and complimentary drink tastings from different beverage partners from 4-6 p.m. Sip in Style admission is $80 and includes Turf Club admission and a table reservation. The beverage partner for Friday, July 26, is Stags’ Leap. • MIDLAND – Midland has burst onto the country scene with their versatile harmonies. Kick it trackside with your friends as this phenomenal Grammy-nominated trio make their Del Mar debut Saturday, July 27—presented by Patrón. The band will take the Seaside Stage shortly after the last race. Racetrack guests will receive free admission if they enter before the final race of the day. Concert admission will cost $30 after the last race. All concerts are 18+. • UNCORKED WINE FEST – Grab your hats and bowties, uncorked is coming to the track! Enjoy over 150 wines, gourmet food and music all while sitting trackside watching the races. General admission includes wine tasting, racetrack admission and an exclusive viewing area. Guests can upgrade to VIP admission to gain early access to the event at 2 p.m., as well as special reserve wine and a racing tip sheet! • FREE AND EASY WEDNESDAYS – Every Wednesday, beginning July 24, is Free & Easy Wednesday. Receive free Stretch Run admission, a free program and a free Seat. We’re adding more surf to the turf with $3 fish or carnitas tacos served fresh from the Brigantine in the Plaza de Mexico, $6 pints of Coors Light and $3 hot dogs throughout the facility. • DONUTS DAY – Saturday, July 27, just got a lot sweeter with Donuts Day! From 8-10 a.m., enjoy free coffee, orange juice and decadent donuts while listening to Q&A sessions led by track announcer Trevor Denman and watching the beautiful horses during their morning workouts. There will also be several activities for kids, including face painting, entertainers, free prizes and a meet and greet with Del Mar Mascot, Pony Boy! • DAYBREAK AT DEL MAR – Saturday and Sunday, July 27 and 28, the Clubhouse Terrace Restaurant will welcome early risers from 7:30-9:30 a.m. Fans will be able to dine and watch morning workouts while learning behindthe-scenes details from horsewoman and racing broadcaster Michelle Yu. There is no charge for admission, but a $10 parking fee applies. • FAMILY WEEKENDS – Bring the whole family to the Infield for Family Weekends on Saturday and Sunday, July 27 and 28 to enjoy numerous attractions, including pony rides, a giant obstacle course, face painters, a game zone and more! • TASTE OF THE TURF CLUB – Sunday, July 28, fans can enjoy the mouthwatering menu of one of San Diego’s most celebrated chefs, Brian Malarkey, at the exclusive Turf Club. Seats are $100 per person and include Turf Club seating for the race day, Turf Club admission, choice of appetizer, entree, dessert and bottomless mimosas, Del Marys or Chandon. Tables are limited.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JULY 26, 2019

Food &Wine

In Paso Robles, Cabs Black Plague Brewing teams up and Zins dominate with skate legend for latest batch taste of wine frank mangio


fter an over eightyear search, some 13 years ago Daniel and Georges Daou planted their first Cabernet Sauvignon vines on what would become DAOU Mountain in the Adelaida District of Paso Robles. It was the pinnacle of what would become the largest wine district in California. It was then that they vowed to create California’s “first growth” wine, fulfilling the district’s promise as the world’s next benchmark for Bordeaux varieties based on the supreme red wine leader, Cabernet Sauvignon. Of DAOU Mountain,

Daniel Daou was quoted as saying “this terroir is naturally inclined to produce wines of great staying power. We spare no amount of imagination or technology in harnessing that power to make wines of dimension and elegance.” After rallying their Paso winery neighbors whose Cab thoughts aligned with theirs, Daniel and Georges Daou in 2012 organized the Paso Robles Cab Collective and in their fourth year, in 2016, stood tall with pride as Paso Cabs stunned a world gathering of Cabs of Distinction competition, gathered at the Allegretto Resort in Paso. Judges declared that Paso cabs were on a par with Napa and Bordeaux-style wines. “This event has shown the world that like other great regions of the world TURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON 20

DAOU MOUNTAIN, in the vicinity of the Adelaida District of Paso Robles, stands alone at an elevation of 2,200 feet with every asset necessary for perfect Cabernet Sauvignon. Photo courtesy DAOU

craft beer in North County Bill Vanderburgh


ceanside’s Black Plague Brewing (2550 Jason Court) released a new beer last weekend. It is an IPA. Neither of those things is especially unusual in San Diego. It comes with a celebrity endorsement. Even that isn’t so unusual: Escondido’s Stone Brewing and the band Metallica did a beer together earlier this year, for example. What is unusual is that the celebrity is professional skateboarder and San Diego native Tony Hawk. I grew up in Canada, where skateboarding isn’t so much of a thing (snowboarding, now we’re talking). But even I know the name Tony Hawk. He has been famous as a skateboarder and entrepreneur for almost four decades. Hawk turned professional at age 14 and won his first pro skating contest a year later. It wasn’t beginner’s luck: he went on to win at least 63 pro skateboard competitions between 1983 and 2002, an unbelievably long career for such a physically demanding sport. Hawk has been the name behind — and sometimes the main character in — a series of 18 skateboarding video games since 1999. He has had amusement park rides named after him at

BLACK PLAGUE BREWING has had a skateboarding connection since it opened in 2017. The Oceanside brewery’s president is Jordan Hoffart, a pro skater and friend of Tony Hawk, above, the inspiration for the brewery’s latest offering, the Tony Hawps IPA. Courtesy photo

Six Flags, and a waterpark ride. He has been in movies, television shows, and music videos. Hawk was the first skater to successfully land a 900-degree spin trick. He has even skated in the halls of the White House. The fact that Hawk is friends with Black Plague president, fellow pro skater Jordan Hoffart, and is willing to attach himself to this beer project is a sign that he believes in the brewery and the beer. As Hoffart said in a press release, “Tony Hawk’s level of dedication to his craft is unmatched and that is something that unites us in our journey as well. The beer needed to be light and crushable after a skate

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session while also having enough heft to be your goto when you are ready to party.” Black Plague has had a skateboarding connection since it opened in 2017, and it has a stable of “brand ambassadors” from the skating world. The video on the Black Plague website landing page shows a character called Plague Doctor, dressed head-to-toe in black leather with a big hat and a beaked mask worn by some doctors who attempted to treat plague victims in the middle ages. The video hits a lot of themes connected to the brand, including skateboarding, motorcycling, tattoos, and music. The tasting room at Black Plague’s brewery is large and open with plenty of seating. The long bar includes a copper strip down the middle that is cooled by glycol so you can keep your glass of beer cold. The space is kid- and dog-friendly, and they host a variety of events to draw in customers. There is live music on the weekends, plus Taco Tuesdays, Beer & Beats Wednesdays, and Trivia Thursdays every week. They also host sometimes host other one-off events, including skateboarding demonstrations and movie nights. If it sounds like Black Plague is working hard to earn your business, you are right. One of the ways Black Plague tries to earn your business is that they have much more extensive opening hours than many other breweries. They are open every day, for one thing, whereas a lot of breweries close on Mondays and Tuesdays. And they are open later than most breweries, too: until 10 p.m. most nights, 11 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, and 9 p.m. on Sundays. The most important

way that Black Plague tries to earn your business is by making excellent beer. Black Plague won gold at the 2019 San Diego International Beer Competition for its Hazy Scandal Hazy IPA — an intensely competitive category. I’ve had eight or 10 different Black Plague beers since they opened a couple of years ago, and they have all been good to very good. I’m particularly a fan of their Samoa Cookie milk stout (brewed with coconut, cocoa nibs, maple syrup, and graham crackers), their Day Walker red ale, and their flagship 1347 IPA (crisp, citrusy, moderately bitter, and refreshing). The new Tony Hawps IPA (I see what they did there!) is billed as “a unique IPA brewed with Simcoe and Amarillo hops for a resinous pine foundation, dry-hopped with a massive amount of Citra and Centennial hops for an outstanding aroma of orange citrus with hints of fresh grapefruit.” It is available now in cans and on draft at select bars and retail outlets in Southern California. And, naturally, at the brewery.

JULY 26, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Food &Wine

Go big or go home at Richard Walker’s Pancake House


hen I was notified of Richard Walker’s Pancake House opening in the new Square at Bressi Ranch and it included the line “diminutive is not on the menu,� I had a feeling that this was a go big or stay home type of place. Sure enough, my brunch experience there took care of my appetite for the rest of the day and included two healthy portions of leftovers. Richard Walker’s Pancake House is a third-generation family restaurant with five locations: three in San Diego County and two in Illinois. In 1948, the family restaurant legacy began when Victor and Everett Walker started operating snack shops in the Chicago area. The Walker name has since become synonymous with quality family dining. Richard Walker Sr. and Richard Walker Jr. are carrying on the family legacy, expanding across San Diego County. Each location of Richard Walker’s Pancake House still gives that wel-

GUESTS DINE on the patio at Richard Walker’s Pancake House in the new Square at Bressi Ranch. Expect hearty portions. Photos courtesy @swellsphoto

Strawberry Crepes; the fa- hash browns and a pickle. mous Baked Apple Pancake My favorite was actually with fresh Granny Smith the Mediterranean Omelette apples; the delicious straw- with cheese, fresh spinach, berry waffle and piping tomatoes, onions, oregano hot soufflĂŠ-style baked om- and Kalamata olives rolled elettes. Another good thing with gourmet feta cheese. I is Richard Walker’s Prime made a breakfast sandwich Roasted Coffee, sourced out of this the next morning from Central America exclu- that was as good as hot out of sively for the Walker family. the oven. How many restaurants can The German Pancake say that? seems to be a popular choice I tried the Danish Har- and is an example of the vest, which is a unique, heaping portions. They acquiche-like oven baked de- tually describe it as a “garlight and very hearty. It’s gantuan bowl-shaped — fillfilled with fresh broccoli, ing baked pancakeâ€? that is onion, tomato, mushrooms served with butter, lemon and topped with Havarti and powdered sugar to make cheese from Denmark. I’m your own lemony syrup. Eggs Benedict is reprea big BLT fan so I had to try Richie’s BLT served with sented in several varieties thick sliced bacon and of along with a nice selection course lettuce and tomato of crepes and eggs done just stacked between thick Texas about any way you want bread and served with crispy them. That sweet apply aro9DLM16037_Taste of Turf Club Ad Post July 22_CoastNews__RUN DATE: 07_26_19__TRIM: 10.25x7.25

coming family feel, even in the middle of a brand new

shopping center development. The family likes to support the communities it serves and does so by donating a portion of revenue to community events, neighborhood cleanups and local youth groups. The business is 100% family-owned, family-funded and family-operated, which translates into them expanding at their own pace, into neighborhoods that suit their style. Richard Walker Sr. and Richard Walker Jr. are both San Diego residents. Carlsbad is the third San Diego location and fifth overall and the 1,700-squarefoot eatery includes a spacious, pet-friendly outdoor dining space that adds an additional 700 square feet. They were looking for the

ideal North County location and the Bressi Ranch was a perfect fit being surrounded by family centric neighborhoods. The new location also shares a shopping center with Sprouts, BevMo!, Mendocino Farms and Bird Rock Coffee Roasters, among others. So go to Richard Walker’s for breakfast or lunch then get some shopping done at some of these fine establishments. As far as the food goes trust me, you will not leave hungry. Richard Walker’s Pancake House serves award-winning, fresh and hearty breakfast and lunch items made from-scratch daily. Gourmet oven-baked pancakes, omelettes, crepes and waffles are big sellers. Other highlights include silky, sumptuous Fresh French



Non-Turf Club members get in to the exclusive Turf Club* for $80, which includes one free specialty drink of the week, access to a Turf Club table, and free sampling from 4-6 p.m. Limited number of tickets available! Go to to reserve your tickets.

Experience our exclusive Turf Club Champagne Lunch featuring a special menu prepared by Chef Brian Malarkey. $100 gains you admission and a table in the private Turf Club* where Malarkey’s custom menu will include a choice of appetizer, entrÊe, dessert, and bottomless mimosas.

JULY 26 Stags’ Leap Wine Sampling

AUGUST 16 Maker’s Mark Bourbon Sampling

AUGUST 2 Grey Goose Vodka Sampling

AUGUST 23 Bacardi Rum Sampling

AUGUST 9 PatrĂłn Tequila Sampling

AUGUST 30 Ballast Point Craft Beer Sampling

*Turf Club dress code applies

JULY 17 - SEPT 2

ma you get a whiff of when entering the restaurant likely comes from one of their baked pancakes that are baked to order and they state that up front so be prepared for 10 to 20 minutes of building your appetite ... that will be rewarded. I should note that there are several options that do not entail going big. I would have been perfectly content with the Chopped Greek Salad with romaine, tomatoes, onions, olives, feta and garlic cheese croutons and tossed with a light Greek vinaigrette dressing and a dash of oregano. Richard Walker’s Pancake House Bressi Ranch is open daily, 6:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. For more information on its menu and location, visit


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JULY 26, 2019

A rts &Entertainment

Moonlight Amphitheatre preps for 40th By Steve Puterski

CARLSBAD — Over the past 39 years, the Moonlight Amphitheater has become a regional destination for the performing arts. From plays and musicals to concerts, the iconic spot has brought the house down to thousands of fans. But as the days pass, the nonprofit arm of Moonlight Amphitheatre is working hard and fast to ramp up its 40th anniversary celebrations next year. Jeff Pashby, president of the board of directors for the nonprofit Moonlight Cultural Foundation, said the one highlight for the ruby anniversary will be the addition of a fifth play. Traditionally, only four shows, minus the concerts and one-time performances, run during the summer for several weeks each. “We had to set aside certain monies, do fundraisers and do different campaigns with different donors to put ourselves in a position to do something extraordinary for the 40th,” Pashby said. “The biggest accomplishment will probably be the fifth show, and people have been asking for that for some time.” Constructed in 1980, the amphitheater has steadily grown over the past four decades. Owned by the city of Vista, the Moonlight

MOONLIGHT AMPHITHEATRE in Vista is preparing for its 40th anniversary next year through fundraisers and improvement projects. The theater will host a fifth show next year for the first time ever. Photo by Steve Puterski

has become a destination for actors, musicians and stage performers. Additionally, the quality and audience experience has lured fans from all over Southern California and beyond, Pashby said. But now, the foundation is hard at work raising funds to also improve the experience by replacing seating and renovating an older building, he said. Pashby added several other ideas and potential plans

are in place, but he was not able to discuss them. Colleen Kollar Smith, managing director for Moonlight Staging Productions, which is the cityowned entity, said the ruby anniversary stage productions will kick off in May, compared to the traditional June start. Smith and Pashby said new lawn chairs have been installed and other projects around the venue are being tended to venue. Smith also


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The TGIF Concerts in the Parks lineup presents Rumba Y Soul’s salsa clásica to make your body move from 5 to 8 p.m. July 26 at Calavera Hills Community Park, 2997 Glasgow Drive, Carlsbad. Parking and free shuttle: Sage Creek High School, 3900 Cannon Road



The city of Carlsbad is hosting “Light and Space: Contemporary Continuations“ Tuesday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 to 5 p.m. through Aug. 25 at William D. Cannon Art Gallery, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad. Admission is free. For MUSICA EN LA PLAZA more information, visit Música En La Plaza presents Bulevar Descaega at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido and sponsored by Mission Fed- ‘FOOTLOOSE’ eral Credit Union, from 7 Encinitas-based Ovato 10 p.m. July 26 at 340 tion Theatre presents N. Escondido Blvd., Escon- “Footloose” with perfordido. The series will bring mances at 7 p.m. Aug. 2 live music, dancing, tacos and Aug. 3 and Aug. 9 and and tequila to the Califor- Aug. 10 and at 2 p.m. Aug. 4 nia Center for the Arts. and Aug. 11 at Howard Brubeck Theatre at Palomar ‘SWEENEY TODD’ College, 1140 W Mission The Star Theatre stag- Road, San Marcos. Tickets es "Sweeney Todd: The are $20 online at ovationtDemon Barber of Fleet heatre.brownpapertickets. Street" July 26 through com; $22 at door. For more July 28 at, 402 N. Coast information, visit www.ovaHighway, Oceanside. Showtimes are on Friday and Saturday and 2 p.m. CARLSBAD MAKES MUSIC Saturday and Sunday. The Carlsbad Music Tickets at startheatreco. Festival will run Aug. 2 com/box-office. through Aug. 4. Get performance schedules and locations at Perks include VIP PANTEON ROCOCO lounge access, reserved Mexican band, seating at indoor venues, Panteón Rococó heads to free food and drinks, artist the California Center for meet-and-greets and indoor the Arts, Escondido to perTURN TO ARTS CALENDAR ON 13 form at 8 p.m. July 28 in

AUG. 2


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said they will replace its microphone system, which includes body mics for the performers. “We’re taking a look around and going, what needs a little TLC?” Smith said. “We’ll be doing some extra special events with the foundation as we approach the 40th.” As for the entertainment, the theater will also continue its fall run of concerts and movie nights, which has widened Moonlight’s reach with different audiences, Smith said. “The big thing is preparing for that fifth show,” Smith said. “There’s a lot of things the foundation is able to do this year. Also, the Moonlight will continue it cabaret performances from January 2020 through March 2020. Dubbed the “Supper Club,” Smith said the theater hosts former performers who’ve moved on to the stages of Broadway in New York, but return for more intimate shows at Club M. In addition, the City Council approved naming the stage after Kathy Brombacher, who founded the Moonlight Amphitheatre. The five shows will be “An American in Paris,” “Something Rotten,” “Cinderella,” “Ragtime” and “Kinky Boots.” Currently, “Matilda” is running through Aug. 3, followed by “West Side Story” from Aug. 14 to Aug. 31 and “Victor-Victoria” to close out the stage season from Sept. 11 to Sept. 28. Family movie nights include “The Goonies” on Oct. 25 and “Elf” on Dec. 7.


the Concert Hall, at 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido. Tickets for the show are $25 to $75 and are on sale online at or by calling (800) 988-4253. Get more information at panteon-rococo/.

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Bob Coletti


t an early age, Tim Bessell was exposed to the world of art by his mother. As a result, he gained an interest and appreciation for the subculture that would shape his future to come. By the age of 13, Bessell was making a name for himself as a surfer and as a shaper in his hometown in La Jolla. Later on, he opened Bessell Surfboards, and by 1987, the company had grown into one of the largest surfboard manufacturers in Southern California. Tim Bessell also made a name for himself as an artist, with exhibitions as far away as Japan. In the Artist Series, he created surfboards that combine graphics inspired by famous artists and Bessell’s most popular board shapes.

TIM BESSELL is a shaper who designs boards using graphics from famous artists such as Andy Warhol. Courtesy photo

His first Artist Series were released in limited editions in collaboration with the Andy Warhol Foundation, having been on exhibit at the Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego. Tim’s surfboards will

be on display at the Front Porch Gallery in Carlsbad through Aug. 17. See more of Tim's work at More at www.bobcoletti. com/CAArtNews

JULY 26, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

A rts &Entertainment Private trove of French impressionist comes to Center for the Arts By Steve Horn

ESCONDIDO — A new exhibit at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido displays the private collection of the French impressionist Edgar Degas. Called “Edgar Degas: The Private Impressionist, Works on Paper by the Artist and his Circle,” the exhibit offers a rare glimpse at the private work of the artist, a pioneer of the impressionism artistic genre. Additionally, it features the work of “his circle,” or art collected by Degas from his peers in the mid-1800s. This particular exhibit has traveled across the U.S. since 2011, co-curated by Oklahoma State University art history professor Louise Siddons and Robert Flynn Johnson, curator emeritus of the Achenbach Foundation for Graphic Arts, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. The two formerly worked together at the San Francisco museum. Siddons said the exhibit is a way to reimagine Degas, a titanic figure of his time who lived from 1834 to 1917, as well as the people he surrounded himself with. “I think the significance of the exhibition is not simply that it was Degas’ collection, although as a superlative artist himself he had a wonderful eye, but the way in which looking at a wellknown artist’s collection reminds us that any individual artist is part of a broad and sometimes surprising network,” Siddons said. “Museums and academics have historically given short shrift to artists who they have considered marginal, or who don’t fit neatly into innovative movements. When we look at social networks rather than individuals, however, those margins — and their overlaps — often become the most interesting part of the story.” The over 100 pieces on display include drawings and prints, photographs, sculpture and more. It includes a mix of art which shows some Japanese in-


restrooms (instead of portable toilets). VIP pre-sales are available now for $230. Concerts at the Festival will be free (with a suggested donation), with the option of purchasing VIP passes. MUSIC AT OMA

As part of the Oceanside Art Walk, The Mercedes Moore Band will provide Music At The Museum 7 p.m. Aug. 2 at 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside. Free admission, cash bar. Explore the exhibitions and stay for the free concert as Art Walk extends into the night. Reserved tables are available at https://

fluence, as well as imagery paying homage to the classic Egyptian, Roman, Greek, and Assyrian civilizations. The images on include portraits, impressionistic paintings and drawings of horses, and a fixation on brothels. In an essay introducing the exhibit, Johnson unpacked the contrarian collection approach he has taken over a span of four decades to obtain the rare art of a legend in the field. “Collecting has always carried an undercurrent of one-upsmanship, social status, and investment, but in recent decades the activity has escalated into a degree of shrillness and excess that would make even the robber baron collectors of the turn of the last century blush,” wrote Johnson. “In its purest form, however, collecting is a way of attempting to understand the work of art in question, the artist who fashioned it, and in turn, oneself as the collector ponders what qualities the work possesses that make one want to own it.” On Aug. 17, Johnson will give a lecture titled, “Chasing Degas: My Four Decades Collecting this Artist and his Circle.” Though celebrated for his role in spearheading impressionism, Siddons called Degas a “person of his time,” influenced by the world around him in mid-19th century France. This included art and a worldview that some have described as misogynistic. And toward the latter part of the 19th century, he also conveyed a strong sense of anti-Semitism in both public life and in his art. “He was from an aristocratic family and he was coming from a context where people had very prescribed social roles,” Siddons said. “I think that he had this kind of strange combination of conservatism and really radical openness, because he didn't have models. And so his responses to people are really unexpected.” Beyond Degas, the new

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to an artists’ reception at the Off Track Gallery from 4 to 9 p.m. Aug. 3 at 937 S. Coast Highway 101, Suite C-103, Encinitas, featuring the jewelry of Cindy Alcoset and the artworks of three MiraCosta art students: Jermaine Morales, Andy Brandon Portillo, and Joshua San Nicolas. More information at pr@sandieguitoartguild. com,

AUG. 6


Oceanside Museum Of Art offers a two-day Papermaking workshop, Tuesday and Thursday, from 1 to 4 p.m. Aug. 6 and Aug. 8 at 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside. Cost is $90. Materials will be provided but students are encouraged to bring in papers, fibers, plants, and MEET THE ARTISTS flowers to create unique paThe public is invited per pulp.

AUG. 3

exhibit also features a long wall of paintings and drawings of area K-12 school students, who completed projects inspired by Degas’ impressionism. Open from Tuesday to Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m., admission to the Center for the Arts is $12 for adults and $5 for seniors and students. The Degas exhibit is on display until Sept. 15. A book by the namesake of the exhibit, published in 2012 and cataloguing all of the work on display, is available for check out at the Uni- IMPRESSIONISTIC art from area K-12 students on display at the California Center for the versity of San Diego. Arts, Escondido, in conjunction with the Edgar Degas exhibit. Photo by Steve Horn

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JULY 26, 2019

Residents speak out on reinstatement of Del Mar gun shows By Lexy Brodt

Shows, as well as several gun advocacy groups and gun show merchants, to file suit in January. In mid-June, U.S. District Judge Cathy Ann Bencivengo issued a preliminary injunction to allow Crossroads to continue holding shows pending the final outcome of the lawsuit. For the past 30 years up until 2019, Crossroads has held five shows a year in Del Mar. In her memorandum opinion, the judge called the board’s ban on the event “presumptively unconstitutional. As of mid-July, the lawsuit’s discovery process is on hold as the parties begin set-

tlement discussions, according to Crossroads Attorney Tiffany Cheuvront. Cheuvront told The Coast News that if a settlement has not been reached by Sept. 10, the plaintiffs will once again pursue litigation. “I think everybody is trying to work towards a solution that will work for everyone,” Cheuvront said. At the somewhat atypical July meeting, residents lauded the board’s original decision to ban the event while studying the possibility of holding gun shows for solely educative purposes, and implored the state-appointed board of directors

to “(do) the right thing” in light of the injunction. The only item in question was the lawsuit, and officials and residents were given a total of 30 minutes to address the board before closed session. The board did not make any comment on the lawsuit. Most of the meeting’s attendees were members and supporters of NeverAgainCA, filling the room with orange in their signature anti-gun T-shirts. The Del Marbased organization actively opposes the sale of firearms and ammunition at the stateowned property, and has done so since the high school shooting in Parkland, Flori-

da, in early 2018. Despite recent outcomes favoring Crossroads, NeverAgainCA members and advocates remained optimistic. Rose Ann Sharp, the group’s founder, pointed to a bill by Assemblymember Todd Gloria (D-San Diego) that would ban the sale of guns and ammunitions at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. The bill could be passed by 2021. “The arc of history is bending in your direction,” Sharp said. “It should now be clear to everyone how the story will end in Sacramento.” The meeting also drew public officials from the cit-

ies of Del Mar, Solana Beach and Encinitas — all of which have passed resolutions opposing the sale of firearms and ammunition at the fairgrounds and are “foursquare against having gun shows at the fairgrounds,” said Del Mar Mayor Dave Druker. One speaker, Lance Pelky, spoke in support of the gun shows, citing second amendment rights. “Let’s educate about gun safety,” Pelky said. “But trying to ram rules down our throat and change the law is not the way to do it.” According to the Crossroads website, the gun show will return to the fairgrounds on Sept. 28-29.


will allow California-based freelancers to continue to work and media companies to continue to hire them,” wrote the organization in a July 15 blog post. “As introduced, the bill would have required newsrooms to make freelance writers part-time employees — something editors will tell you is easier said than done for reasons that have nothing to do with the worker exploitation this bill seeks to address.” California News Publishers, a trade association representing the state’s news industry, also opposes AB 5, publishing its own amendments in response. Many of the prongs are similar to those in the latest version of AB 5, but there is no limit on the number of times

a reporter can “provide content” to any client and it would only apply to a defined “news organization.” In response to the Society for Professional Journalists article, Gonzalez threatened to pull the media industry amendment provision in its entirety. “You’re troubled by recent changes?” she wrote on Twitter. “I will be happy to cut them all out to have no mention of journalists if that’s what you prefer?” Gonzalez did not directly cite which media organizations or associations helped craft the 25 pieces of content number in response to a request for comment. “After many discussions with dozens of journalists and publishers, it’s clear

that there is a bright line between a true freelance journalist and what would otherwise be a part-time employee because of the amount of control a publication has over a journalist’s work that is regularly receiving assignments,” Gonzalez said. “It’s clear that producing content more regularly than every other week — or 25 times a year — for the same publication shows that business has the kind of control that you see from an employer.” But Gonzalez did cite a few unions who had expressed concerns with the California News Publishers framework on Twitter. “It would allow a company to convert 100% of their workforce to IC, would

threaten current International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Screen Actors Guild — American Federation of Television and Radio Artists & Writers Guild of America West jobs,” she wrote. “Also could be used anytime a newsroom tried to unionize.” Senator Jerry Hill (D-San Francisco), the chairman of the Senate Labor, Public Employment and Retirement Committee, called for more transparency in how certain industries landed exemptions in the minutes before the AB 5 vote took place at the July 10 hearing. “One of the most commons questions I get from my constituents is why the bill looks the way it does. In

some cases, the answers are easy and in other cases, less so,” Hill said. “In a bill this far-reaching, there's a need for maximum transparency and communication in why some occupations are in the bill and others aren't.” Sept. 6 is the last day any bill can be amended and Sept. 13 is the last day for any bill to pass. Hill said that, when all is said and done, many workers might be disappointed with the end product. “I want to make one thing clear, we’re not able in this bill to address every individual who has reached out to the legislature for some solution,” Hill said. “I think that’s clear. We’re not going to see that in the legislation.”

DEL MAR — The 22nd District Agricultural Association Board room was filled with a few dozen impassioned community members at a July 16 meeting, with residents speaking against the temporary reinstatement of a longstanding gun show at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Community members implored the 22nd DAA board of directors to “stay the course,” after the fairgrounds’ governing body voted in September 2018 to put a moratorium on the event for the duration of 2019. The move spurred show operator Crossroads of the West Gun


agents, truckers, and others. The amendments have addressed some of those grievances. One of the more vocal opponents, however, has been the journalism industry — including The Coast News — and the latest amendments aim to resolve some of those concerns. But qualms still remain among some, including the Society for Professional Journalism’s San Diego chapter. “While we agree that employers need clarity on how to classify their workers, SD-SPJ and other media organizations have asked Gonzalez to consider adding exemptions to the bill that

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These include steps such as medication reform — administering nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories no less than 48 hours before a race or workout, for example. Other changes include prohibiting the use of a riding crop during morning workouts, stationing veterinarians to oversee morning workouts, and putting all race horses through an entry review panel. The Del Mar racetrack had 17 deaths in 2016, five deaths in 2017 and six in 2018. According to a press release, the track had previously reduced its racing season from eight weeks to seven weeks to “(provide) additional time to prepare the racing surfaces and to allow horses to acclimate to new surroundings.” Other changes included hiring a new director of racing surfaces maintenance in 2017, reducing the number of horses on the ground from 2,100 to 1,850, and employing additional veterinarians for pre-race inspections. Dan Smith, a senior media coordinator with the Del Mar Thoroughbred Club, told The Coast News that “everything that can be done is being done to ensure we have safe racing,” although he said he understood the concerns of many of the protesters. “Their heart is in the right place,” he said. “We lost quite a few horses at Santa Anita…that’s too many horses, that’s too many injuries.” Smith is confident the Thoroughbred Club “won’t have a situation like they had at Santa Anita.” “We’ve had no problems through the first week of the season,” Smith said. “The implementation of these checks and balances is so far working very well.”




h, the good old summertime. Around my house it means leisurely mornings and slow summer evenings, open windows, long days at the beach, Popsicles, barbecues and the annual fruit wars. Suddenly, it seems, just as I am beginning to relax, my back yard is full of produce. My husband picks it, then heaps buckets and buckets of it on my kitchen table and waits impatiently for me to “do something with it” before it rots. My husband loves this season. It is his link to the rural environment in which he grew up. Needless to say,

small talk jean gillette his mother never made him help with the canning, but it set him up with high expectations of what women do with excess fruit. First of all, I really don’t care that much for jam. Secondly, I have a tiny freezer. Thirdly, just the idea of standing for hours skinning and pitting mounds and mounds of fruit makes my legs throb. I use some for baking, but

remember this is bathing suit weather — hardly the time to load up on cobbler and pie (which, by the way, my kids won’t eat, leaving it all for me). One year, my children wanted to sell the fruit. They got bored after 10 minutes. I got bored after five minutes. Sales just weren’t brisk enough to make me want to sit out in the hot sun for hours feeling like some character from “The Grapes of Wrath.” You may be imagining a small orchard in my backyard. Oh no. All this grief stems from one apricot tree, one peach tree and two plum trees.

These busy trees insisted on growing in the hideous clay subsurface we are built on. Wet winter or dry, while other plants die all around it, these trees produce enough fruit to open our own Smucker’s outlet. Our trash cans leak so much sticky, fermented fruit juice, I am amazed the trash collectors will even stop here. I hate to see summer end, but I could really use a good cold snap right about now. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer who is looking up recipes for plum wine. Contact her at


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rise has been decoupled from the crime rise in the early-‘90s and police budgets went up even as crime went down.” Much of that spending, Beck said in pointing to a scholarly paper he co-wrote about the topic in 2018, has aimed to bolster real estate development investments in an era of overall lowering crime rates and a decline in the manufacturing sector. That decline in manufacturing has made jobs in the real estate sector and real estate investments even more central as an economic growth force, Beck said. And thus, police have become “more and more central in city economies,” Beck stated, with his scholarship pointing to a correlation between police budget growth and real estate market growth. “Cities that underwent larger housing market growth also spent more on police because, we hypothesized, home prices and crime rates are so closely correlated that cities became dependent on housing market growth for their economic growth,” Beck said. “They wanted to protect that housing market growth, so they spent more on police to try to protect it.”

The spoils of summertime include fruit

uth So

While most local leaders downplayed concerns about large budgets for law enforcement, Brenden Beck — a professor of Sociology and Criminology & Law at the University of Florida — said that scholarship has shown that lowering crime rates nationwide have also led to disproportionate policing of people of color and in poverty for low-level offenses. He also said that as police departments have moved away from “broken windows” style policing and toward community or social work oriented policing to tackle issues like homelessness, drug abuse and mental illness, budget expenditures for policing have risen in metropolitan areas nationwide. “Historically, nationally, police budgets have been growing pretty steadily since the 1970s, which is interesting because crime was rising from the ‘70s to the ‘90s, but then it peaked in most cities and certainly nationally in the early-‘90s,” Beck said. “And since then, crime has been declining steadily and really enduringly. So, this police budget

Two horses died the day after opening day during a training session in Del Mar, but Smith said the incident was a rare fluke, “like a head on collision on the freeway.” According to the most recent Jockey Club Equine Injury Database, Del Mar was ranked as one of the safest racetracks in the U.S. in 2018. The Database reported that Del Mar had a rate of 0.79 fatal injuries per 1,000 starts in 2018, with the national average amounting to 1.68. In a recent commentary, Del Mar Thoroughbred Club Chief Executive Officer Joe Harper called the race track an “economic engine for the local community,” highlighting the 5,150 jobs create by the track per year. And some of those employees opted to support the track on opening day. About a dozen lined up across from the animal rights protesters, holding signs with captions such as “protect our horses and our jobs,” or “I love horses, I love my job.” Racetrack employee Marcus Semona said this is the first year employees have protested in support of the horse races, in order to “counter the PETA protesters,” he said. “My livelihood depends on the industry,” Semona said. The two groups stood at either side of the fairgrounds front entrance, as attendees rushed through, largely unperturbed. “I think the majority of people have no idea,” Riley-Carrasco said. “They’re here to drink and socialize.” Attendance at this year’s opening day was 31,276, down 1,836 from 2018. It is anticipated that the track will bring in more than 500,000 attendees over the course of the season. The summer season will run until Sept. 2, with a total of 36 race days.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition


JULY 26, 2019

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@



The Life lecture series presents Christopher Tenorio, “Stop the Hate” at 1 p.m. July 26 and Dr. Patricia Ariadne on “Interpretations of Dreams” at 2:30 p.m. in the Administration Bldg. at the Oceanside College Campus, 1 Barnard Drive. Pick up a $1 parking permit in Lot 1 A and park in lA.


MiraCosta College English Language Institute (ELI) is looking for host families for six Japanese students while they are studying in the U.S. Aug. 17 to Dec. 16. The students are ages 19 to 21. For more information, contact Y.E.S. ESL or


Kento Takeichi at (209) 724- tions, farmer’s market, koto 3671 or ktakeichi@yeseslin- performance and talks on Buddhism at 3 p.m. Free ad- HANDS OF PEACE FAREWELL Tickets can be gotten mission, free parking. More now for the Hands of Peace information at community gathering July or (760) 941-8800. 28 at the culmination of YOU SCREAM, ICE CREAM the Summer Program, La The Vista Historical So- COCKTAIL CRUISE Costa Canyon High School, ciety will hold its annual Old Join a Sunset Cocktail 1 Maverick Way, Carlsbad. Fashioned Ice Cream Social Cruise, July 27 with the Hear moving reflections, July 27 at the Vista Histor- Gloria McClellan Center. view short films, and learn ical Museum, 2317 Foothill Sip cocktails and nosh hors firsthand from Israeli, PalDrive, Vista. Cost is $3 each d’oeuvres as the 82-foot estinian and American parfor children 10 and under yacht sails through the San ticipants what they learned and $5 for each adult, for Diego Bay at sunset. The bus about leadership and conunlimited ice cream, root leaves the Gloria McClellan flict resolution. beer floats, and soft drinks. Center, 1400 Vale Terrace Vendor spaces for crafters Drive in Vista, at 4 p.m. and and others are still avail- returns at 9:30 p.m. Cost is FAITH AND FRIENDS The Catholic Widow and able for $25 each with the $84.To reserve, call (760) Widowers of North County museum providing tents, ta- 643-2828. support group will attend bles, and chairs. Further information at (760) 630-0444. GET YOUR BOOK PUBLISHED Mass at Mission San Luis Rey Serra Center and lunch Join Publishers & Writat Fratelli’s Italian Kitchen, OBON FESTIVAL ers of San Diego for “Best Oceanside July 28 and play The Vista Buddhist Practices for Book DistriBocce Ball with dinner to Temple welcomes all to its bution” at the meeting at follow at the Elk’s Club, VisObon Festival from noon 10 a.m. July 27 at the Carlsta July 30. Reservations are to 8 p.m. July 27 and July bad Dove Library, 1775 necessary at (858) 674-4324. 28, 150 Cedar Road, Vis- Dove Lane, Carlsbad. Cost ta, with Bon Odori dances is $20. More information at at 6:30 p.m. plus Japanese or by food, taiko drumming, contacting Karla@publishBINGO NIGHT martial arts demonstra- Tickets are available now for the San Marcos Republican Women of California – San Marcos BINGO! fundraiser 4 to 8 p.m. Sept. 14 offering Bingo Prizes The City of San Marcos Sheriff’s Senior Silent Auction -Dinner at Volunteer Patrol needs help. We know St. Mark Golf Club, Fairway Room, 1750 San Pablo volunteers are sought by every service or Drive, Lake San Marcos, organization out there. We’re no different in CA. 92078. All proceeds go that regard but we currently find ourselves to Troops Direct, a non-profshort-handed and unable to assist our great it providing mission critical City as it should be. supplies to active-duty military. For reservations or If you find you have some extra time questions, e-mail Susie Glass on your hands and care about people, at Mail consider checking us out by contacting reservations to 1164 Sunrise Mike Gardiner, 760-510-5290 at Way, San Marcos 92078.




the San Marcos Sheriff’s Station. He will introduce you to all the pluses of being part of this great team of volunteers. You have talents and experience we are looking for.



Free Spirit Quilters present “Where does color take you?” running through Aug. 24 at Rancho Buena Vista Adobe Gallery, 640 Alta Vista, Vista. For more information, visit ran-

JULY 26, 2019



The Carlsbad/North County Travel Club will meet at 4 p.m. July 30 in Swami’s Restaurant, 1506 Encinitas Blvd., Encinitas, with a presentation on the various train trips in several countries including, USA, Canada, Europe, Africa and Asia. For information, call (760) 603-8030.


Palomar Health will host a session on Heart Disease in Simple Terms from 1 to 2:30 p.m. July 30 at Palomar Health San Marcos, 2nd Floor Classroom, 120 Craven Road, San Marcos. Register at or call (800) 628.2880


The Breastfeeding Support group will meet Mondays 2 to 3:30 p.m. at the Palomar Medical Center Escondido, 2185 Citracado Parkway, Escondido, 2nd Floor Resource Center. Call (442) 281-3089 for details.


San Diego Humane Society hosts a Farm Camp for children 7 to 11 years of age to meet farm animal friends from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. July 31 to Aug. 2 at the Humane Society’s Escondido Campus, 3500 Burnet Drive, Escondido. To register, visit http://support.


San Dieguito Interfaith Ministerial Association discusses Essential Leadership Qualities and The Lord’s Prayer in Aramaic, as examined in three different text, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. July 31 at Seaside Center for Spiritual Living, 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas

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On July 27th, our Korean War Veterans will mark the 68th anniversary of the end of a 3 year war that changed their lives & changed the world. The three years of fighting cost more than 33,000 U.S. lives and many of the surviving veterans are now in their 80s. It is important that we take the time now to listen to their stories and thank them for their service. The men and women who served in the Korean War were called to protect a people they had never met and to defend a country they have never seen. They answered the call and helped stop the spread of communism at a crucial point in world history.

Submission Process

Please join us in honoring our Korean War Veterans on July 27th & every day!



Please email obits @ or call (760) 436-9737 x100. All photo attachments should be sent in jpeg format, no larger than 3MB. the photo will print 1.625” wide by 1.5” tall inh black and white. Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publicatio in Friday’s newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the customer for approval by Tuesday at 10 a.m.

Rates: Text: $15 per inch Photo: $25 Art: $15

Approx. 21 words per column inch

(Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)


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AUG. 2


Sprouts Farmers Market will finish construction on its new store in Vista, in October and needs to fill approximately 150 full- and part-time career opportunities. Jobs include department managers, assistant department managers and clerks (produce, meat and seafood, deli, grocery, bakery, vitamins and body care and more) cashiers, courtesy clerks, backup receiver, administrative coordinator and scan coordinator. Apply at or call (866) 925-2396 for non-managerial roles.


The Life lecture series presents “A New Look at Morocco, its Culture and Cuisine” at 1 p.m. Aug. 2 and “Brooking Winery” at 2:30 p.m. in the Administration Bldg. at the Oceanside College Campus, 1 Barnard Drive. Pick up a $1 parking permit in Lot 1 A and park in lA. Get a new learning experience and check us out on or call (760) 757-2121, ext. 6972.

AUG. 3


Encinitas Friends of the Library Bookstore holds a book sale from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 3 at 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. Most books will be from 50 cents to $2, with CD’s for 25 cents and DVDs typically $2 Visit


Participants must sign up by the Sunday prior to the Aug. 8 Carlsbad City Library Teen Talent Show, for grades seven to 12, held from 7 to 8 p.m. at the Carlsbad City Library at 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad. To register, contact Ashleigh Hvinden at (760) 434-2866 or This last show is for skits and other non-dancLEGOS AT LIBRARY Have you ever wanted to ing, non-singing talent. The play with thousands of Lego Teen Talent Shows are open bricks? The Oceanside PubTURN TO CALENDAR ON 22 lic Library invites children of all ages and their families to the STEM focused Lego Brick Building program with Hey Hey Entertainment at 2 p.m. Aug. 1 at Mission Branch Library, 3861-B Mission Ave., Oceanside. The program will be broken up into a few segments including free-play and learning how to build towers, cars, and arches. CINEMA CLUB

Charles Douglas Ferges, 81 Constance Chapla, 81 Carlsbad Escondido July 12, 2019 July 1, 2019 Frances Maxine McIntosh, 94 Harvey Beal Atkinson, 85 Carlsbad Escondido July 12, 2019 July 3, 2019 Ralph Alexander Marsh, 74 Elizabeth Joann Lippert, 84 Oceanside Escondido July 7, 2019 July 11, 2019 Leandro Martinez Munoz, 74 Arlene R. Cooper, 86 Oceanside Vista July 8, 2019 July 6, 2019

Register at ncstanddown. org North County Veterans Stand Down is an annual four-day event in Vista, that enables homeless veterans to receive much-needed services in a safe, friendly, drug-free and secure environment. For questions, e-mail assaultthegreen@ or call Carrie Everts, Everts Events, at (760) 522-0862.

The Carlsbad City LiCROP brary.93Cinema Club will screen “Ralph Breaks the .93 at 6 p.m. July 31 at Internet,” 4.17 the Schulman Auditorium, 1775 4.28 Dove Lane, Carlsbad. Admission is free. Seating is first come, first served.

AUG. 1


Get your spot now for the VFW Post 1513 golf tournament Sept. 7 at Twin Oaks Golf Course, 1425 N. Twin Oaks Valley Road, San Marcos to raise money for the North County Stand Down.

JULY 26, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Broch of Mousa a sight to behold in the Shetlands fog hit the road e’louise ondash


VIEW from the top of the Broch of Mousa, a 44-foot-high, circular fort in Scotland’s Shetland Islands.

no mortar. I’m wondering why the entire structure doesn’t just topple, then quit thinking about this because, if this fort has been standing for 2000-plus years, why would it fall apart today? Also, I want to reach the top. The diameter of the corkscrew stairway is narrow and the so are individual steps. Two millenniums ago, the broch’s residents obviously were smaller in every way and the steps were not meant to accommodate

THE BROCH of Mousa in the Shetland Islands in Scotland is estimated to be 2,000 years old. At one time, there were more than 700 of these distinctive forts throughout Scotland. Photos by E’Louise Ondash

clunky, chunky hiking boots. I step carefully and purposefully until I reach the top. The absence of a roof allows us to walk on a ledge most of the way around the circular tower and take in the expan-

residents had more than two millenniums ago. Visit For more photos and commentary, visit www.facebook.ccom/elouiseondash.

sive view of the rolling emerald landscape, the ocean and the shore. The mist has cleared for the most part, and I realize that my view is probably the same one that the broch’s


















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ameters, but at 44 feet high, is the tallest, still-standing broch. It’s also the best preserved. And unlike most 2,000-year-old national treasures, we are allowed to enter and climb to the top. Before we ascend, we sit for a while on the circular stone bench that hugs the inside wall and listen to our native-Scot guides debate the whys and wherefores of the broch. We marvel at the construction — flat stones with


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e step off the gangway and into the waiting Zodiac raft, much as we have done and will do throughout our voyage through the Scottish Isles. The raft tosses us about like so many rubber duckies in a turbulent bathtub. Our driver, Ian Tamblyn, looks through the mist and declares, “This is the Scotland I know.” The 10 passengers aboard understand why he says this. This last week in the Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland Islands have been, except for a bit of mist or fog, generous with the sunshine. We’ve lucked out; the weeks previous to our visit were nothing but rain. This morning, we are still without rain, but our Zodiac is cutting through wet fog, and our ship disappears when we are about a thousand feet out. Eventually, the island of Mousa, at the southern end of the Shetlands, emerges through the mist. Our 7 a.m. start was worth it. This is Day 10 of our trip with Adventure Canada, a family-owned, Toronto-based company that brings visitors to the less-traveled areas in the upper Northern Hemisphere. We’re cruising aboard the Ocean Endeavour, a 190-passenger converted Russian ferry. Our manifest lists 170 passengers. After landing onshore in the Zodiac, we follow a squishy trail that circumnavigates Mousa, and though the island is uninhabited by humans, there are plenty of noisy birds that are not pleased by our presence. The preceding evening aboard ship, our guide warned us about the dive-bombing birds who want to protect their nests. “Don’t run if this happens,” we were told. “Stay still and put your hiking pole in the air.” That works, perhaps, if you have one, and as we move along the trail, I’m wishing I’d brought my pole. It isn’t long before it’s clear that the Northern gannets who claim these cliffs as home are not thrilled with our presence and start to get aggressive. One swoops in just a couple of feet above my head, and on reflex, I duck. Fortunately, this bird realizes that I’m not that much of a threat and moves on — or up — continuing to circle, but at a distance. Eventually the trail brings us to an ancient broch (fort), a circular stone tower or roundhouse built, scientists theorize, between 100 B.B and 100 A.D. At one time, there were 700-plus brochs scattered across Scotland. The Broch of Mousa has one of the smallest di-


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

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JULY 26, 2019


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Inside: 2016 Sprin g Home & Gard en Section


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By Steve Putersk

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Emi Gannod , 11, observe exhibit is s a Banded open now through April 10. Purple Wing butterfl Full story y at the on page A2. Photo San Diego Zoo Safari Park’s by Tony Cagala Butterfly


Commun Vista teacity rallies behind her placed on leave

Jungle exhibit. The

By Hoa Quach

i ESCON enviro amendment DIDO — An port nmental impact to the lution of from April rereso- ternati 2012. AlCitracado necessity for ves the sion projectParkway exten- with residenwere discussed ts in four munity Wednesday was approv ed of publicmeetings and comby the Council. gatherings. a trio City “The project Debra rently Lundy, property real cated designed as curcity, said manager for and plannewas lothe it was due to a needed manner that will d in a compatible omissionsclerical error, be most the est with attached of deeds to public good the greatbe private and least adjustm to the land. The injury, ent said. ” Lundy parcel beingis the only acquired fee the city, which is by city She also reporte ty, she added. a necess and proper d the i- have ty owners had The project, eminent domain meetings inmore than 35 the past in the which has been years to develo four works for years, will However, p the plan. several erty complete the missing the mit owners did not proproadway section of a counte subthe ny Grove, between Harmo city’s statutoroffer to the ry offer and AndreVillage Parkw - April 14, 2015. on ason Drive. ay to Lundy, Accord The the owners ing not feel a review city conduc did the ted offer matche which was of the project what the land , outlined is worth, d in the alTURN TO

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JULY 26, 2019


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that grow Cabernet Sauvignon, Paso can deliver world class wines,” declared the chairman of the Paso Robles Cab Collective and DAOU Vineyards winemaker Daniel Daou. DAOU’s entry was their 2013 Estate Soul Of A Lion. This wine was the summit of a dream, to discover an unrivaled wine to change the paradigm of California Cabernet Sauvignon. While Cabernet and Red Bordeaux varietals continue to be perfected in Paso, on our visit to the mountain, we learned that other exciting DAOU wines of “affordable elegance” THE ZIN KING of Paso Robles, Larry Turley, proprietor of Tur- were being marketed for ley Wine Cellars, shown directing his skills with food and the new season. The “Bodyguard” is wine at one of his many public Zinfandel-featured BBQs. Photo courtesy Turley Wine Cellars one to wait for, a Petite Ver-

dot with Petite Sirah blend that Daniel Daou calls “approachable luxury.” Another next generation wine, already out, that made one our Top Ten Tastes selections for the first half of 2019 is “Unbound,” a blend of Petite Sirah, Tannat and Tempranillo, 2016. It has a rich nose of blueberry and cedar. Two new projects are powering a buzz around the tasting room these days. One is a soon-to-be-20-acre parcel on the mountain top for Patrimony Winery and Wine Caves. The other is a newly purchased property in Cambria, DAOU Ocean, a restaurant with 360 degree views of the Pacific Ocean, about 20 minutes away from the winery. Our sincere thanks to Georges and Daniel Daou for sharing their wonderful


Outrun your aches and pains


ne of the best defenses against the growing threat of osteoarthritis as you age is simply to outrun your aches and pains. While this strategy doesn’t seem intuitive to everyone, the fact is that a balanced approach to physical activity decreases pain, improves joint function and quality of life, improves your mood, and helps manage other chronic health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Plus, it doesn’t have to consume the bulk of your time and attention, either. “Exercise is a major factor in healthy joints,” said Dr. Andrew Hartman, an orthopedic surgeon affiliated with Tri-City Medical Center. “Spending just two and a half hours of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week or one hour and 15 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity every week will set up a healthful defense around the perimeter of your body.” Making time to exercise is important and there are ways to ensure you are set up for success along the way. What Exercises Should I Do? Aerobic activity is anything that will make your heart beat faster and breathe a little harder than when you are resting. To start with, some good low-impact activities to pick from include brisk walking, water aerobics, gardening, dancing, and group exercises. If you want to take it up a notch, some examples of moderate-intensity activities are brisk walking, bicycling, swimming, mowing the grass or heavy yard work, doubles tennis, social dancing, hiking, tai chi or yoga, and sports like softball, baseball, volleyball, skiing, roller skating, and ice skating. If you can still talk comfortably but can’t sing, you’re on the right track. For the more ambitious, a vigorous-intensity activity means finding something you can do where you find yourself unable to sing or talk comfortably without stopping. Some of these exercises include jogging, running, singles tennis, jumping rope, and sports like soccer, basketball, racquetball, aerobic dance, or spinning classes. Don’t Pick Just One To maximize the benefits to your body, choose a variety of different exercises each time you exercise, and remember that any physical activity is better than none. Try to exercise in addition to doing your other daily activities; it doesn’t have to be all at once. If you prefer, you can break up your exercise time into smaller increments throughout the day. Moderate,

low-impact exercises are the safest, but more health benefits are gained with more exercise. In general, the benefits of exercise outweigh the risks. Also attempt to mix in some muscle strengthening using weights, resistance bands, or calisthenics. An ideal regimen should work all the major muscle groups of the body - legs, hips, back, chest, abdomen, shoulders, and arms - and it should be performed two or more days per week. Dr. Hartman agrees, “Incorporating resistance and strength exercises into your fitness routine supports the muscles, tendons, and ligaments of the body. An increase in muscle strength leads to better protection and shock absorption abilities of the muscles surrounding your joints.” For people who are at risk of falling, balance exercises are another important component. Some examples of balance exercises are walking backwards, standing on one foot, and tai chi. Exercise SMART Our doctors recommend the SMART approach to an exercise routine: Start low and go slow. Modify activity when arthritis symptoms increase, but try to remain active. Activities should be joint friendly. Recognize safe places and ways to be active. Talk to a health professional or certified exercise specialist about the proper exercises for you. When the Pain Sets In Pay close attention to the feedback your body is giving you while exercising and make appropriate adjustments to avoid excess pain and unnecessary injuries. And while some soreness or aching from exercise is normal for the first four to six weeks, and the good news is it should lessen

over time. If you experience pain after establishing an exercise regimen, here are the most common tips: Decrease the duration and frequency of your workout, modify the types of activities you are performing, warm up before and cool down after your workout, exercise at a comfortable pace – one where you should be able to talk, and wear good-fitting, comfortable shoes. “Reducing joint pain after exercise is important to ensure proper healing of the tendons and ligaments of the joints,” said Dr. Hartman. “One way to help reduce pain is to apply a towel-wrapped ice pack for no more than 20 minutes at a time, three to four times per day.” Any soreness that lasts longer than 48 hours means you need to take it easier next time you exercise. That pain may be telling you that you’ve overstressed your joints, muscles, or tendons, and working through it may lead to injury or damage. You’d better call your doctor if the pain exhibits any of these warning signs: It becomes sharp, stabbing, or constant; it causes limping; it lasts more than two hours or worsens at night; it is not relieved by rest, medications, or hot or cold packs; you observe large increases in swelling, redness, or warmth; or the joint feels hot. In the end, a balanced and consistent exercise plan is one of the most beneficial treatm e n t s for your progressing osteoarthritis condition. Plan a little exercise into your daily life and outrun your aches and pains. Dr. Andrew Hartman is an orthopedic surgeon affiliated with Tri-City Medical Center. To learn more about Dr. Hartman or to make an appointment call 855.222.8262.

JULY 26, 2019 wine experience with us. Also, a grateful thanks to Lisa Raders, Daou private client experience specialist and Katherine Daou-Veroschi, trade ambassador, both totally dedicated to the DAOU experience. See for yourself at daouvineyards. com. Hidden Oak Winery is a jewel of a Cabernet Sauvignon favored winery, owned by Mike and Martha James. The San Francisco Chronicle competition has awarded Hidden Oak with several Double Gold awards for their wines, finessed so that the current reserve vintage from 2013 can be enjoyed to perfection without being aged. James attributes this to Paso soil perfectly suited for Cab wine grape production. Expect great cherry notes on the nose with blackberry and spice accents. The resultant flavors are velvety smooth and savory. Visit

lots of sun and cooler nights resulting in strong tannins and an acid backbone, that’ll make you take another breath after intake. Stunning wines, brooding and complex, will have you at hello. See more at Next week, the final 5 from Paso Robles. Don’t miss them. Wine Bytes

• A Chardonnay Tasting Shootout happens at Winesellar and Brasserie from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. July 27. Cost is $35 per person for tastings of over 14 renditions, from unoaked to luscious buttery and bubbly. Cost is $30 for club members. Call (858) 4509557 for an RSVP.

• North County Wine Company starts Happy Hour pricing 4 to 7 p.m. every Tuesday through Thursday. Half-price wines by the glass plus a wine special price every mid-week that will change weekly. Turley on top with Paso Check it out on San Marcos old vine Zinfandel Larry Turley has never Boulevard in San Marcos. met an old vine Zinfandel • Craftsman Tavern in vineyard he didn’t like, so he makes 47 different Zin Encinitas has a winemaker wines from over 50 vine- dinner with special guest William Allen of the Noryards. Turley was on our Cal Rhone Ranger Associamust-visit list, having been tion at 6 p.m. July 31. Cost named a Top Ten Taste in is $65 each for a five-course our recent award-winning dinner with two Shepherds column. It was for his Ue- wines. All wines are guided burroth Vineyard Zinfan- along with no oak intervendel 2016. Ueburroth scored tion. Mouthfeel and flavor a 94 rating from Wine are natural. Contact Mike Spectator for its powerful at (760) 452-2000 for depersonality offering jam- tails. my, berry fruitcake spices • Meritage Wine Marand licorice flavor. In his “away “moments, he dab- ket in Encinitas will have bles in Petite Syrah. His its next Friday night tastHayne Vineyard 2016 is ing from 6 to 8 p.m. July head trained, dry farmed 26 with the Battle of the and organic, sourced from Valleys. Sonoma and Napa Valley duke it out. EnNapa Valley. Another exceptional joy a Lewis, Chalk Hill, wine is the Rattlesnake Oakville, Martinelli and Ridge Zin from Howell others. Cost is $30 each. Mountain Napa Valley from Check it out at meritagew2,600 feet elevation. It gets

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

1. TELEVISION: What was the name of the robot maid on the animated series “The Jetsons”? 2. GEOGRAPHY: What is the capital of Greenland? 3. MUSIC: Who composed the 18th-century “Messiah”? 4. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What was the purpose of the Berne Convention of 1886? 5. GAMES: What is the goal in the board game “Risk”? 6. MOVIES: In which Martin Scorsese film did a group called The Dead Rabbits appear? 7. HISTORY: Who was the longest-reigning king in European history? 8. ANATOMY: What part of the human body is affected by a temporary paralysis called Bell’s palsy? 9. DISCOVERIES: Who is credited with discovering sickle cell anemia? 10. ASTRONOMY: How many times does the moon orbit the Earth in a calendar year?

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Technology snafus tax your patience. But before you throw that computer or other hardware into the trash, take a deep breath and call someone knowledgeable for help. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Don’t be too upset if your generosity goes unappreciated. These things happen, and rather than brood over it, move on. A new friend could open up some exciting new possibilities. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) A loved one helps you get through an especially difficult emotional situation. Spend the weekend immersed in the body and soul restorative powers of music and the other arts. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You are pretty much in charge of what you want to do this week. However, it might be a good idea to keep an open mind regarding suggestions from people you know you can trust. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Another chance to shine (something always dear to the Lion’s heart) might be resented by others. But you earned it, so enjoy it. The weekend brings news about a family member. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) A suggestion that never took off could become viable again. Dust it off, update it if necessary, and resubmit it. In your personal life, a new relationship takes an “interesting” turn.

LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Confronting a new challenge to your stated position could work to your advantage by settling all doubts once you’re able to present a solid defense backed up by equally solid facts. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) You enjoy doing nice things for others. But this is a good time to do something nice for yourself as well. You might want to start by planning a super-special getaway weekend. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Some changes you feel you need to make might be reasonable and appropriate. But others might lead to new problems. Think things through carefully before you act. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Good instincts usually keep the sure-footed Goat on the right path. So, what others might see as stubbornness on your part, in fact reflects your good sense of what is worth supporting. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A period of introspection could lead to some surprising conclusions — and also equally surprising changes — involving a number of your long-held positions on several issues. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) The financially practical Pisces might want to take a sensible approach to spending as well as investing. Being prudent now pays off later. A romantic situation moves into another phase. BORN THIS WEEK: Your sense of curiosity keeps you continually alert for what’s new about people, places and things. © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.

TRIVIA TEST ANSWERS 1. Rosie 2. Nuuk 3. George Frideric Handel 4. Agreement for international recognition of copyright 5. Take over the world 6. “Gangs of New York” 7. Louis XIV, the “Sun King” of France (72 years) 8. The face 9. Dr. James Herrick 10. About 13 times

JULY 26, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JULY 26, 2019

Planning Commission approves memory care housing on Carlsbad border By Steve Horn

SAN MARCOS — A new assisted living center for individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and other memory care needs received a 7-0 affirmative vote at the San Marcos Planning Commission’s July 15 meeting. Owned by the company Artis Senior Living, the 64-bed and nearly 40,000-square-foot facility would sit on just over 2 acres of land at the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and San Elijo Road on the west side of San Marcos bordering Carlsbad near the San Marcos Creek. Artis has 45 facilities throughout the U.S., with the West Coast currently eyed as an expansion area. The facility will have 46 parking spots for guests and will employ 26 people.

Terry Mathew, who spoke on behalf of Artis in her capacity as a project planner for the San Marcos land use planning firm Consultants Collaborative Inc., described Artis as a “premier” operator of senior care facilities. “They have the highest quality of memory care and individually designed programs with compassion and dedication to each resident’s comfort and needs,” Mathew said. “I know we’ve all heard and read so much about Alzheimer’s and I know there’s also a very unique need for people with Alzheimer’s when they can no longer be cared for by family members, so this will be a unique facility to address their needs of loss of memory.” After Mathew’s presen-

tation, San Marcos Planning Commissioner Christopher Carroll expressed consternation about potential safety issues of the residents, asking if fire departments would have access to the facility. Mathew said the facility would have an emergency left-turn access lane for first responders to enter into the property. “In addition to that, you have instituted an organization that has on-site staffing to handle the residents and responses to falls,” Mathew said. Planning Commission Chairman Kevin Norris also raised the issue of residential safety at the facility, noting that the intersection of Rancho Santa Fe Road and San Elijo Road is heavily trafficked with cars moving at hasty speeds. He then

asked if any type of alert system existed for residents who leave the premises. “Each door is alarmed with a delay, which is why care partners will escort them,” Mathew responded. “And there are other spaces, the community center and outdoor spaces for people to go to that can be managed and where people won’t necessarily to wander off. There’s also key pin access and alarms, so I think Artis has done as much as they physically can to secure the perimeter.” In the domain of affordability, Planning Commissioner Kevin Oleksy questioned whether Artis would make any of its units available for low-income individuals. Rick Bell, a consultant for Artis, said the company’s business model only exists

in the private space for now. “My understanding is that there’s two reasons,” Bell said. “One, the economic model that we have as you’ll notice they’re all private units and we believe that’s in the best interest of the resident. Secondly, my understanding is that the state has a limited number of subsidized beds that are available and they’re very difficult to get. But really honestly, it’s mostly the former in terms of the economics.” According to Artis’ presentation documents, units at the facility will cost a range $5,251 to $7,632 per month for its residents. And yet even as a for-profit facility, according to Planning Commission staff report documents, San Marcos would run Artis at an eco-

nomic deficit. "By developing the project site with an assisted living facility ... the economic output of the City would be approximately $1,890,349 less than if the property was developed with a light industrial project,” reads the staff report. “Direct employment created under the current Light Industrial designation would typically be more technology-oriented jobs that generally have higher wages, as opposed to lower wage service jobs which are typically associated with an assisted living facility." Receiving a zoning designation change from light industrial to senior residential from the Planning Commission, the facility now awaits the approval of the full City Council.


coach for a two-night stay at the Riverside Hotel, Laughlin, NV. On Aug.4 and will also offer a day at the Del Mar Race Track, Del Mar Aug. 4. Reservations are necessary: (858) 674-4324.

class is offered for anyone anticipating the purchase of, or who already own, a handgun, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 4 at the shooting range located east of Lake Wohlford, 16525 Guejito Road. Cost is $60. Register at (760) 746-2868

$45 per person price includes all food and 10 drink sample tickets. Tickets can be purchased online at and at the Encinitas 101 office, 818 S. Coast Highway 101, Encinitas.


to participants in grades 7 to 12. The first place winners are invited to perform during preshow at TGIF Concerts in the Parks on Aug. 16. FAITH AND FRIENDS

The Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County support group for those who desire to foster friendships through various social activities will walk on the Oceanside Strand followed with dinner at Bagby’s Beer Company, Oceanside on Aug. 3; take a motor

AUG. 4



The Vista Rod Run, with a classics cars “Rumblefest,” will roll into historic Main Street in Vista from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Aug. 4 in Historic Downtown Vista, plus lots of great raffles, live music and vendors. Online car/vendor registration can be found at More information can be found at or info@ The event date was listed incorrectly as Aug. 14 in a previous publication.

AUG. 5


The American Cancer Society needs more drivers to support the Road To Recovery® volunteer program, which provides cancer patients with free rides to treatment. To learn more about volunteering for the Road To Recovery program, visit

The Oceanside Public Library invites all ages to the Franklin Haynes Marionettes bilingual show, “Las Marionetas en Desfile,” at 4 p.m. Aug. 6, at the Civic Center Library, 330 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside.


A Networking Brunch & Food Drive for Wounded Warriors Homes will be held from 9:30 to 11 a.m. Aug. 6 at the San Luis Rey Bakery, 490 N. El Camino Real, Oceanside. Bring two TASTE OF ENCINITAS non-perishable food cans or The Encinitas 101 boxes. RSVP to HOME FIREARM SAFETY MainStreet Association A monthly four-hour hosts the 31st annual Taste WOMENHEART familiarization and safety of Encinitas, Aug. 6. The San Diego North Coastal WomenHeart Support Group welcomes women with interests and concerns about cardiac health to share information and sisterhood to its monthly meeting 10 a.m. to noon Aug. 6 at Tri-City Wellness Center, 6250 El Camino Road, Carlsbad, in the Executive Board Room.

AUG. 6

AUG. 8



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Become a vendor, sponsor and/or volunteer at Cardiff Dog Days of Summer set for 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 11, presented by Cardiff 101 Main Street and the city of Encinitas at Encinitas Community Park, 425 Santa Fe Drive, Cardiff-by-the-Sea. Bring your reusable cups to help reduce waste and stay hydrated throughout the event thanks to MIZU hydration stations and Palomar Water.


The North County Widows and Widowers group will meet for happy hour at 3 p.m. Aug. 8 at Kings Fish House, 5626 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad. RSVP to Johny at (760) 207-3387.

JULY 26, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

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No down payment required. Offer may vary by location. Other rates and payment terms available. Cannot be combined with any other incentive. Financing for well-qualified applicants only. Length of contract is limited. Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval and vehicle availability. See participating retailers for details. Must take delivery from retailer stock by July 28, 2019

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JULY 26, 2019

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