Inland edition, january 16, 2015

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VOL. 2, N0. 2

Mayor Abed discusses win, looks to future By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO—Mayor Sam Abed gave a presentation Jan. 6 to the Escondido Chamber of Commerce to meet with local business leaders and discuss his goals for the new term. He plans to focus on four major priorities, financial management, economic growth, neighborhood improvement and public safety. He also spoke about his election success. He said getting nearly 60 percent of the vote was both humbling and rewarding, although it wasn’t easy. “All of the hard work by myself, my colleagues on city council and our staff pays off,” Abed said. He said he spent $25,000 on polling, which helped him narrow down important issues with the voters. “Illegal immigration was (second most important), did our opponents know that? I don’t think they had a clue what was going on,” Abed said. The polling helped him target specific areas by issue with mailers. The polling showed him who cared about what and where. It was broken down by council district, gender and ethnicity. “You do not send an immigration mailer to all the voters. You send it to the people who have an issue with immigration,” Abed said. “You exclude the people who do not care about immigration. So this is a very targeted campaign that we did.” His polls found the most important issue to be jobs in the city and the economy. Abed said he was pleased with the election results although consid-

JAN. 16, 2015

Harsher punishment for illicit massage businesses approved By Ellen Wright

Mayor Sam Abed speaks to Escondido Chamber of Commerce members on Jan. 6 about his election win and what he hopes to see in the future. Photo by Ellen Wright

ered the failure of Proposition G a loss. Prop. G would have made Escondido a charter city if it had passed. He blamed its loss on bad luck. The mayor considered the failure of Proposition H a huge success. Prop. H would have made it possible for developer Michael Schlesinger to build up to 430 homes on the defunct Escondido Country Club. Schlesinger hoped the residents would see his proposed development as a compromise since it offered public amenities like a recreation center,

pool and trails for use by all residents. Abed said his neutral stance on Prop. H helped him get 50 percent of the democratic vote from residents surrounding the country club. In the past, Abed supported turning the country club into permanent designated open space. Councilwoman Diaz, who ran against Abed, supported Prop. H as a compromise that would avoid costly litigation. Abed also said that Stephen Siaw TURN TO ABED ON 2

ESCONDIDO— City council passed the first ordinance of 2015 on Jan. 7 to combat illicit activities in massage parlors. According to Jay Peterek, assistant planning director for the city, the amount of massage establishments has doubled since 2009 when a state senate bill passed to regulate the licensing of massage practitioners. The state bill focused on licensing massage therapists but made it difficult for local regulation. It led to an increase in illicit activities, Peterek said. Mayor Sam Abed said the majority of new massage parlors are fronts for illegal activities, like human trafficking and prostitution. “I can tell you these are not good businesses, not all of them but most of them are coming to Escondido for the flexibility,” Abed said. On Jan. 1, a new state bill became effective, called the Massage Therapy Act, which re-establishes local jurisdiction over massage parlors.

The city can now increase penalties for massage facilities that violate the law. Abed said that with the new assembly bill he wants to get rid of the “bad apples.” “It’s a struggle from a policy perspective not to penalize good business but at the same time, I will not allow one establishment to misuse the massage places to provide prostitution and misuse. We need to clean the city up,” Abed said. The ordinance mandates nine shopping areas in which massage businesses can operate out of. Peterek said they were chosen because they have high traffic and are well maintained, which means it would be difficult for illicit activities to take place. People wishing to open or continue to operate a massage business outside of the centers must apply for a Conditional Use Permit. The new ordinance will target owners and operators as well. TURN TO MASSAGE ON 14

New Vista skatepark receives construction funding Busy roads to get busier in San Marcos this month By Rachel Stine

VISTA — Vista City Council allocated $1.8 million for construction of the city’s new outdoor skatepark and other funds for city park improvements at its Tuesday meeting. With an increase in development over the past two years, the city collected a higher sum of building fees than originally estimated. City staff proposed financing the skatepark and repairs for existing parks with the new funds, which are designated for recreation projects. A new skatepark has long been on the City Council’s agenda since Vista’s original skatepark was leveled in 2008 to make way for the city’s Civic Center. Though no citizens spoke about the skatepark at Tuesday’s meeting, supporters in the past have said that an outdoor skatepark would promote a healthy lifestyle for Vista’s youth. “Just having something creative and active to do,… it’s a great opportunity for kids especially in an underserved neighborhood,” said Jack Flaherty, president of the nonprofit Vista Skatepark Coalition. City Council voted

Deputy Mayor John Aguilera said that the city needs to focus on funding new recreation projects that benefit Vista’s youth. Photo by Rachel Stine

in March last year to construct the skatepark at two locations on Santa Fe Avenue, one for intermediate/ advanced skaters and the other for beginners. Each site is over 10,000-squarefeet. Aura Skateboard Training Facility, a private indoor skatepark, is the only skate venue in Vista and charges a fee for use of the course.

Flaherty mentioned that there have been several fatalities over the years of people skating in city streets. He said that having an outdoor, concrete skatepark that is free to the public may take some skaters off the streets. Now that construction funding is set aside, the skatepark is anticipated to open sometime in 2016. The city had previously

allocated $50,000 for planning the skatepark and is currently selecting a designer for the project. The remaining development fee funds, totaling over $3 million, were appropriated for improvement projects including replacing the gazebos and picnic tables at Brengle Terrace Park, adding restrooms at Buena Vista Park and Pond, and installing shade sails at several city playgrounds. Deputy Mayor John Aguilera spoke in favor of moving forward with the skatepark, and urged that the city focus on creating more sports and recreation outlets for the Vista’s youth. He said that he understand that the park repairs are needed, but pointed out that they do not support the city’s goal of “creating youth opportunities.” Mayor Judy Ritter said she was worried that after the prosed park projects are constructed, that the city will be nearly built-out, leaving little land for new recreation facilities. Having expressed their concerns, City Council unanimously supported allocating the extra funds to the skatepark and park improvements.

By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — San Marcos residents should expect a busy stretch of roads in the San Marcos Creek area to be even busier during the month of January, due to some preliminary testing that will pave the way for road improvements in connection with the major Creek District developments. City officials warn that the following streets will be subject to lane closures throughout the month

• Bent Avenue between Discovery Street and San Marcos Boulevard • Discovery Street between Bent Avenue and Via Vera Cruz • Via Vera Cruz between Discovery Street and San Marcos Boulevard. The streets could be reduced to one lane Monday through Friday between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. Traffic control teams will be there to direct on-

coming traffic during the closures. The closures will help crews to do soil and geological testing that will give them the information to start laying the ground work for two major projects: a four-lane bridge across San Marcos Creek along Via Vera Cruz and a two-lane bridge across the Creek at Bent Avenue. Construction on the bridges is expected to start in late 2016. Both of these streets currently have to get shut down when the creek overflows during the rainy season. But officials said the larger benefit of the bridges is that it will provide the necessary street infrastructure to accommodate the city’s 214-acre makeover of the creek district, which will include hundreds of new housing units and mixed-used projects, a 73-acre habitat preserve, and other improvements. This project will take 15 to 20 years, but it is one of the region’s most widely anticipated projects.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JAN. 16, 2015

When in drought, call the Girl Scouts


The Vista Chamber of Commerce honors its Rising Star of the Month winners, from left, Darius Young (Mission Vista High School), Jesus Tello (Maj. Gen. Raymond Murray High School), Karalee Baldwin (Tri-City Christian School), Cynthia Hernandez (Rancho Buena Vista High School), Cassidy Kaumeyer (Vista High School). Courtesy photo


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SAN MARCOS — Armed with a mission and a timely message, Girl Scout Brownies from Troop 1165 went door-todoor in San Marcos Dec. 28 to remind residents to “save water every day, every way.” The troop volunteered to pass out informational pamphlets and speak to residents about water conservation as part of the Vallecitos Water District’s drought outreach campaign. Residents are being asked to use every opportunity to decrease water consumption and prepare for the likelihood of reduced water supplies in 2015. The 6- and 7-year-old Girl

Scouts, first visited the district to receive background information on the need to conserve water, then distributed more than 200 packets. For more information on Girl Scout Troop 1165, contact Kimberly Monaco at (760) 505-6754. As an independent, special district, Vallecitos is dedicated to providing water, wastewater and reclamation services to approximately 97,000 people in a 45-squaremile area that includes San Marcos; the community of Lake San Marcos; portions of Carlsbad, Escondido and Vista.


Abed also talked about campaign spending. Abed said he and Diaz each spent about $175,000, although he raised $100,000 more. He believed he spent his campaign funds more wisely with the targeted mailers. He was disappointed by the Latino voter turnout, with about 33 percent of registered Latinos voting. He went on to say that people shouldn’t come to city council complaining about not having enough representation. “Don’t complain,” Abed said. “You have enough votes to select a council member, but you don’t exercise that option.” In the next election, Abed hopes there will be a Hispanic candidate in District 3 to represent the community. “I believe that we need somebody to truly represent the Hispanic community,” Abed said. “What we have right now doesn’t represent the best interest of the community.”


was hired by Schlesinger’s “buddies.” “Siaw was hired by Schlesinger’s buddies to screw up the election and be vindictive,” Abed said. Schlesinger didn’t respond to the Siaw comment but said focusing on the past won’t help come to a positive future. “It’s now time for all of us to put our past differences behind us and work together to find the best way to develop the former country club site that is consistent with the existing neighborhood. Rehashing the bumps and grinds of a political campaign that ended more than two months ago does not contribute to that process,” Schlesinger said. Schlesinger and the city are still in court but he and the mayor hope to come to a compromise that works for all of the residents in the city. The hearing will be held Feb. 26.

JAN. 16, 2015


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

City Council simplifies adding meeting items By Rachel Stine

VISTA — With members referring to the present policy as “cumbersome” and “ineffective and wrong,” the City Council collaborated to change the way items are added to its meeting agendas on Tuesday night. City policy currently requires three councilmembers’ approval before an item is added to a city council meeting agenda. Councilmember Cody Campbell explained that to get approval, a councilmember must propose a future item to the rest of the council during an ongoing meeting. The request results in councilmembers discussing the proposed item to decide whether or not to put it on a later meeting agenda. Campbell said the “cumbersome” process effectively causes the City Council to discuss pro- Councilmember Amanda Rigby, right, said that the City Council’s current policy of posed items at meetings where requiring three councilmembers’ approval to add new agenda items is “ineffective and the matter is not mentioned on wrong.” Photo by Rachel Stine

that night’s agenda. He initially suggested allowing any councilmember to add an item to an agenda for city council discussion. He said that this process would allow Council to talk about whether or not the item should be added as an action item on a future agenda more openly and would properly notify the public about the matter. Councilmember Amanda Rigby agreed that there are problems with the current policy. She said that requiring a council majority to add an item to the agenda restricts councilmembers’ ability to represent citizen interests and is “ineffective and wrong.” But Deputy Mayor John Aguilera voiced unease about Campbell’s idea. He said that allowing any councilmember to add an item to an agenda independently could cause members to waste

time with “pet projects” during meetings. “If I decide that I want to have a duck pond in my neighborhood, I could bring that to put that on the agenda. Now I think you would think that’s pretty ridiculous,” he said. Aguilera instead recommended that approval from two councilmembers would be required to place an item on the agenda. Councilmember John Franklin added that a council majority should still be required to put an old item already dismissed by council onto a future agenda for reconsideration. Campbell and the rest of the City Council agreed with the compromise. With unanimous council approval, city staff will amend the policy and bring the changes back before council for a final vote to enact the new procedure.

Encina Power Station to be replaced by 2020 By Ellen Wright

CARLSBAD— The California Energy Commission held two public workshops on Jan. 12 and Jan. 13 to update the public on the “peaker” style power plant proposed by Carlsbad Energy Center LLC, which will take the place of the Encina Power Station. The applicant, Carlsbad Energy Center LLC, is a subsidiary of NRG Energy and is in the process of amending its past application, which was approved by the California Energy Commission in 2012. Mike Monasmith, senior project manager at California Energy Commission said the applicant hopes to be finished with the demolition of the fuel oil storage tanks by the third quarter of this year. He said if everything goes according to plan, construction on the new power plant will begin this November or December and will last 22 months. The natural gas combined turbines will produce about 558 megawatts, making it 30 percent more efficient than the 60-yearold Encina Power Station, according to California Energy Commission Media Officer Michael Ward. It will be located on 30 acres near the Encina Power Station. The lower profile peaker-style power plant will be built first and then NRG will decommission the Encina Power Station. After the new power plant is built, pre-demolition work will last about a year, according to Monasmith. Staff will recycle and reuse portions of the old power plant. The demolition of the Encina Power Station will begin in late 2018 and is expected to be finished by the end of 2020, said Monasmith. Kerry Siekmann, an intervener for Terramar residents, expressed concern about the noise. “Noise and vibration is a huge issue to us,” Siek-


The Board of Supervisors began its new year by voting unanimously to appoint two members from North County into leadership positions, with first-term Supervisor Dave Roberts earning the vice chairman’s seat and veteran Supervisor Bill Horn named as chairman for 2015. Courtesy photo

Tickets available for San Marcos state of the city event By Aaron Burgin

The 400-foot smoke stack at the Encina Power Station will be removed after a new power plant is built. Construction is expected to start in either November or December of this year. Photo by Ellen Wright

mann said. “Terramar has just gone through all the noise and everything that’s been happening with the (desalination) project, and now we’re going to have five years of noise from the demolition, the building, etc., on this project.” One official said the construction and demolition will be limited to the hours between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. on weekdays and between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. on weekends, to limit disturbance for residents. Bob Therkelsen, from the Carlsbad Municipal Water District, said the new plant will not be able to operate between midnight and 6 a.m., unless required for reliability purposes, in an effort to reduce noise. NRG Energy proposed

to build the new power plant in 2007 but did not include a commitment to tear down the existing power plant. The city didn’t have the authority to deny NRG and the California Energy Commission approved the project. However, after the power plant at San Onofre closed, NRG, SDG&E and the city entered into negotiations for a new project. NRG agreed to build the lower-profile peaker plant, which will only run during peak hours of demand. Officials also agreed to tear down the old Encina Power Plant. SDG&E will move its operations yard in order to free up valuable coastal land for city use.

If there is no feasible location to move the operations yard, NRG will pay the city $10 million. Dr. Alvin Greenberg, owner of Risk Science Associates, looked at worker and public safety. Since the 400-foot smoke stack will not be imploded or felled, there will be no off-site impact, Greenberg said. He also determined that the new power plant will not pose a health risk to the surrounding public or employees. The public can comment on the project online until Jan. 21. Energy Commission staff will publish the Final Staff Assessment Feb. 17 and it will then be reviewed for safety and compliance.

SAN MARCOS — San Marcos Mayor Jim Desmond is delivering his state of the city address on Feb. 24 during a luncheon at Green Gable Estates. The event, co-hosted by the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce, this year’s event will combine the state of the city address with the chamber’s installation and award ceremony. Desmond’s speech will highlight the city’s significant accomplishments during 2014 and touch on upcoming goals in 2015 in the areas of public safety, parks and community services, community develop-

ment, traffic and transportation, and other quality of life issues, according to a city news release. Tickets for the event are on sale for $50 per person or $500 for a sponsored table of eight, either through the city or the Chamber of Commerce. Contact Hal Martin at the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce for corporate sponsorship information at (760) 744-1270 or hal@ sanmarcoschamber. com. For general event information, contact Sarah Divan, communications officer at San Marcos, at (760) 744-1050, ext. 3174or

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JAN. 16, 2015


Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coast News

Community Commentary

Pace of infrastructure planning for coastal flooding a countdown to disaster By Jeffrey Meyer

Red light camera plague abating a bit California Focus By Thomas D. Elias or many California drivers, there have F been few worse plagues

than the red light cameras that once operated in more than 70 cities across the state. At their peak, red light cameras featured tickets costing upwards of $450 for “offenses” like stopping for a red light, but with the front bumper a foot over a painted restraining line, or stopping before making a right turn, but having the camera “see” it as not a stop. Judges never allowed cross-examination of camera operators to be certain their machines were not running faster than life speed. But things are getting steadily more sane on the red light camera front, where only about 50 California cities still run such systems, operated by outfits like Redflex Traffic Systems and American Traffic Solutions, both based in Arizona. Over the last few years, more than 40 cities around this state have given up on photo-tickets, from Belmont and Cupertino in the San Francisco Bay Area to Los Angeles and Poway in Southern California, plus Fresno in the Central Valley. Also, voters in Anaheim, Murietta and Newport Beach all nixed red light cameras when the question appeared on their ballots. Results were the same from votes in 24 other cities. There may be few law enforcement tactics more widely detested than red light cameras. But cities like Beverly Hills, San Francisco and Culver City still have them. Now the crucial, related issue of how long yellow lights should stay on has

been resolved in favor of motorists. Relatively short yellowor amber-light intervals at intersections can amount to traps for unsuspecting drivers if they are traveling too fast to stop when a light turns yellow, but not so fast they can make it across the intersection before the light goes red. For many years, yellow lights have been set to correspond with speed limits, but prevailing traffic speeds in many places are higher than the posted limits. So Caltrans, spurred in part by legislation intro-

Over the last few years, more than 40 cities around this state have given up on photo-tickets...

second, violations fell by 76 percent. A full second more yellow time in Loma Linda brought a 92 percent reduction in tickets. There are also the questions of whether red light cameras make streets safer or even make much money for the cities than authorize them. In Oakland last year, city officials claimed to have netted just $280,000, while Redflex said the city got just over $1 million. Either way, the take was so paltry, Oakland doesn’t bother anymore. As for safety, there are claims — never substantiated — that because red light cameras can inspire to drivers to slam on their brakes while traveling at fairly high speed, they lead to more rear-end collisions. Longer yellows should reduce that danger as well as the peril of getting a ticket that can cost well over $500, when all expenses are done. None of this, of course, speaks to the serious constitutional issue of whether any legal proceeding can be valid when defendants can’t cross-examine the people responsible for maintaining the red light cameras. The bottom line: All signs point to the eventual expulsion of red light cameras from this state. They’ve been demonstrably unfair for years, which has led to their phenomenal unpopularity. Add that to the questions about reliability and increased safety, and you have a program that probably won’t last many more years.

duced last year by Democratic state Assemblyman Adrin Nazarian, from the San Fernando Valley area of Los Angeles, has changed the rules, demanding that from now on all yellows must be set according to the prevailing speeds of traffic, not the speed limits. This may amount to a change of less than half a second, but it’s enough to make an enormous difference in the number of tickets issued. For example, reported the Safer Streets Los Angeles organization, when the city of West Hollywood Email Thomas Elias at tdeincreased its yellow-light in- His book, “The terval by just three-tenths Burzynski Breakthrough: The of a second, violations at its Most Promising Cancer Treatred light cameras dropped ment and the Government’s by at least 40 percent. Campaign to Squelch It,” is In Fremont, Safer now available in a soft cover Streets said, when Caltrans fourth edition. increased yellow signal For more Elias columns, go to time by seven-tenths of a

A few weeks ago, San Diego coastal cities were given a stark reminder of the threat to public safety and our $15 billion a year tourism industry by increasing tides and coastal flooding. With this problem becoming more severe, year after year, the lack of substantive coastal infrastructure planning can become a countdown to disaster. The latest combination of high astronomical tides and elevated surf caused strong rip currents and some flooding at low-lying areas along beaches. Known as king tides, they are expected to return to our coastline Jan. 19 through Jan. 21 and Feb. 17 through Feb. 19. They have become a harbinger of damage to our coastline as we confront increasing sea levels during this century. The warnings have been clear and consistent. There have been numerous local studies that show anticipated damage, but the only new infrastructure proposals to deal with rising sea levels in San Diego came from the U.S. Navy. Last year it submitted a draft proposal to the EPA for 24 military construction projects on Coronado Island that would be constructed over 10 years at a cost of $700 million. Although it was kicked back for a better assessment of environmental impacts it is an effort not seen in city halls lining our coast. Although scientists have been reporting increasing sea levels for years, we have only one city, Imperial Beach, currently conducting a beach sea lev-

el rise study. Del Mar has applied for a grant for a similar study, but there is not a combined coastal effort to move beyond studies to actually planning anything. A 2013 report by the ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability clearly outlined what must be done to prepare the San Diego coastline for increasing sea levels. In their report, however, they noted that many cities in our region lack

What seems to be lacking is a synergy of purpose between San Diego communities and public pressure for action. “even broad-brush qualitative sea level rise vulnerability assessments.” Without those assessments, we are unable to fully explore what is needed to avoid damage to ecosystems, existing infrastructures and our economy. Still, we seem to have enough data to initiate some infrastructure planning. City politicians on our coastline need only read “Sea Level Rise Adaptation Strategy for San Diego Bay” or the San Diego Foundation’s “Regional Wakeup Call.” These reports say our coastline TURN TO FLOODING ON 14

Tips for finding the right school for your child By Andrew Campanella

If you’d like to send your child to a different school next year, now’s the time to start the process of researching your options. As California prepares to commemorate National School Choice Week later this month at 990 events across the state, and nearly 11,000 events nationwide, many parents will begin evaluating the educational opportunities that are available for their children. Believe it or not, seats in schools are already beginning to fill up for the 201516 school year. Interest in school choice — the process of actively choosing a public, charter, magnet, private, or online school — is high. That means that waiting until the spring or the summer to begin researching schools for your children could restrict your options. No handbook or tip sheet can truly guide parents through the entire process of selecting a school, because choosing

schools is an individual experience that will be unique to every family. However, parents can start by making a list of the attributes that they hope to find in an ideal school. Ask yourself: what’s most important to you and to the academic, social, and emotional well-being of your child? Is it the academic performance of a school, school safety, the instructional methods, the qualifications of teachers, the school’s educational theme, a school’s shared values, or other factors? Once you’ve identified what matters most, start looking into the options available to you. In addition to the local public school, you may be eligible to send your child to a school outside of your ZIP code, or in a different school district. Look into nearby charter schools and magnet schools. Don’t leave private and faith based schools off your list! You TURN TO SCHOOL CHOICE ON 14

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JAN. 16, 2015


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

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Besset’s training career took an unexpected turn with California Chrome

sports talk jay paris It was a stretch drive, the likes not seen even in horse racing. That didn’t deter Paula Besset. Besset, of Encinitas, had a hankering to work for Sherman Racing Stables. But the local horse trainer didn’t know anyone associated with the crew. She didn’t have a formal interview, but informally, presented herself to California Chrome’s handlers. She did have gumption, motivation and a resume which revealed she knew her way around ponies. Still it was stretch in November when Besset climbed in her car and drove to the Los Alamitos Race Track. She was determined to join the Sherman stable and if it didn’t happen, so be it. “I wasn’t sure where anything was,” Besset said, about roaming the Orange County oval where the Sherman bunch hangs its shingle. She sniffed a trail to the right area and found Art Sherman. Besset’s story was quick and to the point. “I told him I just wasn’t a California Chrome follower trying to get in,” she said. “I was a true, dedicated person that has a passion for thoroughbred race horses. I just introduced myself and that is kind of how it started.’’ It’s a start without a finish, and why would Besset want it to end? “They just scooped me up,’’ Besset said. That has Besset, 50, at the Sherman table in Florida for Saturday’s Eclipse Awards. California Chrome, a 3-year-old colt and winner of two legs of the Triple Crown, could be named the 2014 Horse of the Year. Is this the spot Besset pinches herself?

Escondido High School point guard Khyber Kabellis verbally commits to playing for North Dakota State University. Courtesy photo

Kabellis defies odds, commits to D1 school By Aaron Burgin

Paula Besset, a Torrey Pines High School alum and Encinitas resident is helping train California Chrome, a candidate for horse of the year. Courtesy photo

If Al Michaels wasn’t busy peddling his new book, he could deliver a nifty, “Do you believe in miracles?” “I had no expectations,” said Besset, a Torrey Pines High graduate. “This is more than I could ever dream of.’’ Before getting too far ahead — it’s easy when California Chrome is the subject — let’s retreat to last fall. Besset’s training pitch was enough to intrigue Art and Alan Sherman, the owners of Sherman Racing Stables. So they invited her to Del Mar to watch California Chrome run in November’s Hollywood Derby. Although when she RSVP’d, it wasn’t just for the race. Besset was among trainers helping in the week-long Del Mar lead-up and that’s where her bond with California Chrome became clear. “Whoa,’’ Art Sherman said when spotting California Chrome nuzzling Besset. “You guys really have a con-

nection.” It’s not surprising considering Besset’s background. She was training offtrack horses for their new life at Grindstone Farms before finding the Shermans. She rode and competed on horses as a youth. She’s a self-described “tom boy” and doesn’t mind getting dirt under her finger nails or boots. “I can definitely hold my ground,” Besset said, and if you doubt her, that’s on you. “And I’m definitely confident around horses.” That’s obvious when she’s sharing space with the high-strung California Chrome. “Most people can’t get close to him and not that many people are even allowed to get close,” Besset said. “He’s pretty aggressive and if you get too close, he’ll TURN TO BESSET ON 14

ESCONDIDO — Khyber “Khy” Kabellis heard it his entire life — you’re not a Division 1 basketball player. You’re too slow. You’re too short. You’re too skinny. “Skinny” was the one that stuck. Kabellis heard it from scouts, opponents and coaches. But he didn’t let it deter him. This month, Kabellis finally got to prove them wrong. The 6-foot-3, 165-pound Escondido High point guard verbally committed to play basketball at North Dakota State University, becoming the fifth North County basketball player from the 2015 class to commit to a Division 1 school. “It’s unreal, it’s such a great opportunity for me,” Kabellis told The Coast News this week. “I had been hearing ‘You’re too skinny’ my entire life. It’s a blessing to be in this position.” But it wasn’t easy. Entering into his sophomore year, when he transferred to Escondido from La Jolla Country Day,

Kabellis stood 5-foot-10 and weighed less than 140 pounds. The left-handed guard, who said he knew he wanted to play college ball since he was in the 6th grade, knew he had his work cut out for him. He began to train every day during the offseason, lifting, working on his explosiveness, hoping to add weight and pop to his slight frame. At the same time, Kabellis started to grow physically. By the end of his sophomore year, he was 6-feet. By the start of his junior year, he was nearly 6-foot-2. He currently hovers just under 6-foot-4. Still, even with the growth spurt, colleges weren’t convinced Kabellis could withstand the

beating that a point guard takes in the paint at the Division 1 level. Schools would show interest, but it would be fleeting. By the start of his senior year, Boston University, the one school seriously recruiting him at the time TURN TO KHYBER ON 14

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JAN. 16, 2015


CAR DONATED FOR FAMILY Veronica Sixto Santiago, left, thanks Victor Banuelos, general manager, Centric Auto Repair, for the donation of a car through the Boys & Girls Club of San Marcos’ Adopt a Family program. Centric Auto Repair approached the Boys & Girls Club with a car they had repaired and were interested in donating to a family in need. The club knew the Santiago family would be a perfect match. Courtesy photo


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Free birthday cake will be given away Jan. 24 celebrating the Vista Farmers Market’s 34th year, the longest-running farmers market in San Diego County. The Vista market has been running every Saturday since 1981 from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the County Courthouse, 325 S. Melrose Drive, Vista. For more information, go to or call (760) 9457425. Courtesy photo

Nannette Stamm, chief health promotion officer of Vista Community Clinic, shares her concerns about proposed city alcohol regulations. New laws will allow beer and wine sales at fast food restaurants. Photo by Promise Yee

O’side plans to put limits on alcohol sales; some Run with your sweetheart think laws fall short

ESCONDIDO — Find out if you are the fastest couple. Register now for the Sweetheart Walk/Run Relay race Feb. 14 at Kit Carson

Park, 3333 Bear Valley Parkway. Register at Entry fees for the 5K are $35 and $45 after Feb. 1, $55 day of race. For 18 & Under, fee is $25 with a shirt or $20 without until Feb. 1. For the Relay Race (two runners), the fee is $50 with shirt, $40 without. There will be a 5K Walk/ Run Couples Competitive 5K Relay Race, Famous Couples costume contest, Cute Cupid Kids costume contest, Postrace carnival games.and a picnic in the park. Late registration and pickup is at 6 a.m. Awards will be given to the top three finishers, the “Fastest Couple In San Diego” and Top Men’s, Women’s Relay Finishers along with a signature first-year shirt. The race is produced by Legendary Event Management in partnership with North County Road Runners.

By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — Oceanside is putting limits on alcohol sales at fast food restaurants. Proposed regulations, discussed at a workshop Jan. 14, would ban sales of hard liquor at fast food restaurants, and allow sales of beer and wine consumed on site. Councilman Jerry Kern said the city is playing catch up with changing restaurant operation models that increasingly include sales of alcohol. He gave the example of the Starbucks Coffee Company chain, which is piloting the addition of beer and wine to its beverage list. Oceanside’s laws would also prohibit all alcohol sales at fast food restaurants with a drive-thru or walk-up sales window. Drive-thru sales were seen as trouble by most.


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VOL. 28, N0. 25

JUNE 20, 2014

Two commercial structures at Carlsbad’s La Costa Towne Center will be demolished to make way for a revamp that includes the addition of retail and apartment buildings. The larger new building, shown above, would include 48 apartments, a courtyard for residents, and retail. Courtesy renderings

Carlsbad retail center to be revamped with apartments By Rachel Stine

Sophia Ceja, 3, of Oceanside, shows off a handful of eggs she found. Four city egg hunts are planned for April 19. See the full story on page A9. Photo by Promise Yee

Council closer to finalizing Pacific View deal By Jared Whitlock

ENCINITAS — The council took another step toward acquiring the Pacific View site on Wednesday night. Council members voted 3-2 in favor of a $50,000 deposit and other conditions spelled out in a memorandum of understanding for the property. That document paves the way for a final purchase agreement, which the council majority hopes to approve by the end of May. But the agenda item sparked a long debate over whether the council should have even agreed to pay $10 million to acquire the site from the Encinitas Union School District. Resident Jeff Eddington said he’s excited at the prospect of the city owning the site, but worried the coun- Pacific View Elementary, which closed a decil is getting “bamboozled.” cade ago. The council approved a memoran“The city offered $4.3 million for dum of understanding at Wednesday night’s the property in the not-too-distant meeting, bringing the city closer to acquiring past, and is now offering more than the site. Photo by Jared Whitlock

2.3 times that price.” Eddington said. Councilman Tony Kranz, an advocate of the purchase, said the $4.3 million figure was based on the property’s current public zoning. And it was only intended as a first offer. Additionally, Kranz said he voted in favor of upping the price knowing that EUSD had a strong rezoning case, which would have made the land much more valuable. The city could have tried to fight the district’s rezone request, but that would likely have resulted in an expensive court battle, Kranz added. Last month, EUSD was due to auction Pacific View with a minimum bid set at $9.5 million. With the clock ticking, the city submitted an offer just before the deadline. EUSD has delayed the auction by two months as a safeguard, in case the deal with the

CARLSBAD — With it’s primary storefront empty for five years, the 33-year-old La Costa Towne Center at the corner of El Camino Real and La Costa Avenue is at last getting a revamp. The owner of the property gained approval to demolish two commercial structures in the shopping center and replace them with buildings that are half retail and half apartments from Carlsbad’s Planning Commission on April 16. Planning Commissioners praised the owners for coming forward with plans to redevelop the dated shopping center that they said currently lacks signage, design, and a main tenant. “(La Costa Towne Center is) just this big long white wall. You have no idea what’s inside, it’s not inviting,” said Planning Commissioner Hap L’Heureux. “This center has been long overdue.” Commissioner Aurthur Neil Black called the little mall an eyesore.


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Two Sections 48 pages

Artist Mark Patterson has plans for a follow up to his Surfing Madonna mosaic. A5

Message remains

The final installment on Eden Gardens tells of the community’s commitment to youth. A6

OUSD takes the pledge to reduce waste and form “green teams” aimed at recycling. B1

A&E..................... A10 Classifieds.......... B21 Food & Wine....... B12 Legals.................. A18 Opinion................A4 Sports.................. A20


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Community News Letters

Center to be part of housing project By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — The announcement that an UrbanLIFT grant will fund building the Kay Parker Family Resource Center at the planned Mission Cove affordable housing project bought applause for two reasons. Community members were glad to have a family resource center as part of the city’s low-income housing project, and equally pleased the name of the center will honor the late Kay Parker, a beloved, fair housing advocate.

Kay’s husband Dick Parker helped accept the grant at the City Council meeting April 16. He said the honor of naming the resource center after his late wife was well deserved. The Mission Cove affordable housing and mixed-use project on Mission Avenue is being developed through a partnership between the city and National Community Renaissance nonprofit developer. The project will break ground this summer. GradTURN TO CENTER ON A17

City Council members expressed concern about these sales in the downtown area, saying drinking in public is already an issue police are addressing. Residents and representatives from Vista Community Clinic and North Coastal Prevention Coalition said proposed laws are not going far enough. Speakers pointed out that downtown fast food restaurants are located by homes and schools, which makes it an unsuitable area for more alcohol sales. They asked that a conditional use permit be required to allow the city to look at license approvals on a case-by-case basis, and consider if it’s a fit for the surrounding neighborhood. “We do not need to give restaurants carte blanche to sell alcohol,” Nadine Scott, Oceanside resident, said. “Every alcohol license should be vetted by the police department.” The City Council requested that mandatory education for restaurant employees be included in license requirements. The cities of Encinitas, Solana Beach, Vista, San Marcos and Poway have adopted a Responsible Beverage Sales and Service ordinance that requires employee training. Erica Leary, program manager of North Coastal Prevention Coalition, said the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control provides alcohol sales and service training free of charge. City staff was directed to speak to the 130 fast food restaurants that will be affected by proposed laws before an ordinance returns to City Council. Following the meeting city Associate Planner Scott Knightingale said a workshop would be scheduled to address questions and concerns of restaurant owners within 60 days. Knightingale said he expects restaurant owners to embrace the education component, and oppose any added restrictions. City planning staff has already met with a stakeTURN TO ALCOHOL ON 14

JAN. 16, 2015

Odd Files By Chuck Shepherd Spidey Sense Gets Real Among the breakthroughs demonstrated by the computer chip company Intel’s RealSense system is a cocktail dress from Dutch designer Anouk Wipprecht that not only senses the wearer’s “mood,” but also acts to repel (or encourage) strangers who might approach the wearer. Sensors (including small LED monitors) measure respiration and 11 other profiles, and if the wearer is “stressed,” artistic spider-leg epaulets extend menacingly from the shoulder to suggest that “intruders” keep their distance (in which case the dress resembles something from the movie “Aliens”) — or, if the wearer feels relaxed, the legs wave invitingly. The experimental “spider dress” was showcased at January’s Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Government in Action Because Congress and presidents often change their minds, NASA recently continued to build on a $349 million rocket testing tower in Mississippi for a “moon” project that had been canceled back in 2010. The now-idle tower sits down the road from a second rocket testing tower being built for its “replacement” mission — an “asteroid” project. Critics, according to a December Washington Post examination, blame senators who believe it smarter to keep contractors at work (even though useless) because, Congress and the president might change their minds yet again. Said a high-profile critic, “We have to decide ... whether we want a jobs program or a space program.” NASA’s inspector general in 2013 identified six similar “mothballed” projects that taxpayers continue to maintain. Un- Gover nment: About 240 of the 351 police departments in Massachusetts claim their SWAT and other specialty operations are not “government” services, but rather not-forprofit corporate activities and are thus entitled to avoid certain government obligations. Even though their officers have the power to carry weapons, arrest people and break down doors during raids, these “law enforcement councils” refuse to comply with government open-records laws for civilian monitoring of SWAT activities. The latest refusal, by the 58 police agencies of the North Eastern Massachusetts Law Enforcement Council, was filed in state Superior Court in December.



T he C oast News - I nland E dition


conserve water and prevent runoff. “The MP800SR360 rounds out our short-radius offering with a 360º Business news and special full-circle pattern and achievements for North San complements the 90º-120º Diego County. Send information adjustable arc model introvia email to community@ duced earlier this year,” said Kelsey Jacquard, Hunter Product Manager. REMEMBERING THE DAR PLANTS TREE ‘60S The Rancho Buena Escondido resident and former SDSU professor Er- Vista National Society rol Cowan announced the Daughters of the American release of his book, “The Revolution chapter added Calm Lake: Satchidanan- a live oak tree at Leo Carda” through rillo Ranch Historic Park It recounts the authors ex- in Carlsbad, dedicating it periences in counter-cul- in honor of the founding tural San Francisco of the members of their NSDAR 1960s and his 30 year close chapter, and Martha Garassociation with the icon- ren Gujda, founding Reic, bearded yoga master gent. A bronze plaque was from India who opened the installed at the base of the Woodstock Festival. young oak tree in late December. GOVERNOR MAKES APPOINTMENT ASSISTED LIVING Gov. Edmund G. Brown AWARD Jr. reappointed Xavier Silvergate Retirement Martinez, 69, of San Mar- Residence was presented cos, to the California Phy- with a 2015 Best of Assistsician Assistant Board, ed Living Award for rewhere he has served since ceiving consistently high 2014. Martinez has been ratings from residents and owner of Martinez and As- their families in the past sociates Inc. since 1995. year on, the premier ratings are reWATER SAVER views site for senior care Hunter Industries, and services nationwide. 1940 Diamond St., San Marcos, announces the release CHAMBER WELCOMES of the new MP800SR360, MEMBER a short radius version of A ribbon-cutting was its MP Rotator, featuring held for new Encinitas rotating streams of water Chamber member, La Cosapplied at a slower rate to ta Kids, 372 N. El Camino


Real, Encinitas and owner Jennifer Hamler. The store sells new and gently used children’s clothes and items. PALOMAR PROFESSORS ON PANEL Palomar College chemistry professor Jackie Julien, and Graphic Communications professor Lillian Payn, will be two of six panelists featured at an event designed to help women connect with careers in technology Jan. 17 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Women’s Museum of California in Liberty Station, 2730 Historic Decatur Road, Suite 103, San Diego. NEW MIDDLE SCHOOL Jan. 6 was an exciting day for Pacific Ridge students and faculty, as it opened a new Middle S c hool /Ad m i n ist r at ion Building. Classes in the 22,750-square-foot building are already in session. The completion of a 23,000-square-foot Arts and Technology Center is scheduled later this month. BEST SPA AWARD The Spa at Pala Casino Spa & Resort has been named one of the Top 10 spas in California, one of the Top 10 in the casino industry and one of the Top 100 in 2014 by Spas of America in its annual rating of the Top 100 Spas in North America.

Nominate a business hero VISTA — Heroes of Vista 2015 will be honored on April 11 and the Vista Chamber of Commerce is encouraging all to participate and nominate a Vista company. Applications are due by 5 p.m. Feb. 6 Go to to download an application. Past Heroes of Vista winners will be honored for: — Small Business of the Year (50 employees or less) — Large Business of the Year (51+ employees) — Innovative Business of the Year — Business Person of the Year ‘Heroes” winners in 2014 included: — Large Business of the Year: Children’s Paradise — Small Business of the Year: Prohibition Brew

Company — Innovative Business of the Year: Vista Gardens Memory Care — Business Person of the Year: Jeff Ritchie, EDCO If you cannot make it on April 11, but you would like to support this event, promote your business by donating items to the silent

and/or live auction. The chamber needs all sorts of items, small to large. All donations are willingly accepted and your company’s name will be listed in the event program, on the auction item itself, and more. The Vista Education Foundation is a 501(c)3 for tax purposes and letters of donation.

A dress so perfect it will be forgotten small talk jean gillette


am thinking hard about every wedding I have ever attended, along with the six for which I was a bridesmaid. I could not tell you what the mother of the bride or groom was wearing at any of them, including my own. And yet I am being slowly sucked into a maelstrom of indecision and worry about what I will wear at my son’s wedding in just four short months. I began my quest for the perfect outfit two months ago and yet am still searching. Only mothers can imagine what is involved in creating that outfit. It needs to be a color that is not the same as the bridesmaids, not the same as the mother-of-thebride, not black, not gray, probably not bright red and certainly not white. It needs to be a certain length; it needs to be suitable for sitting, standing, sprinting (should anyone

need anything last minute) eating and possibly, with enough champagne, dancing. It needs to be warm enough for a Philadelphia spring evening and cool enough for an overheated room. Most of all, it needs not to be flat-out ugly or dowdy, and believe me, that rules out about nine-tenths of the selection. I searched the Web for “Mother of the Groom” dresses. The items offered were either lace-draped, matronly chiffon horrors in gray, beige or brown, or I could find bright, skintight, off the shoulder, low-cut designs that would make Frederick’s of Hollywood proud. I did find a few lovely suits and dresses, somehow mostly in beige, TURN TO SMALL TALK ON 14

KRISTA CONFER Your Rancho Santa Fe, Solana Beach & Del Mar Territory Manager Call Krista for all your advertising needs.




T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JAN. 16, 2015

Book highlights paintings of L.A.’s lesser known views hit the road e’louise ondash


t’s probably fair to say that most people view Los Angeles as a sprawling megapolis through which you can’t drive fast enough, but that’s not the way artist Barbara Thomason sees it. “Los Angeles is really a collection of neighborhoods and I live in one of those neighborhoods,” explained the longtime Los Feliz resident who was born in San Diego. “I can go to the hardware store and people know me. When I’m at home I’m in the mountains, but I go to the bottom of the hill and I’m in the city.”

The 2.61-square-mile Los Feliz neighborhood is part of what locals know as Central Los Angeles. The area sits just south of Griffith Park and according to census information is “highly diverse ethnically” and includes a pocket of multi-million-dollar homes. Thomason shares her views of the City of Angels in her recently published “100 Not So Famous Views of L.A.” (oversized hardback; Prospect Park Books). As the title suggests, readers will not find paintings of the usual Los Angeles landmarks. What they will find is a collection of atypical, “intimate and quirky” scenes of L.A. as visualized by Thomason and others who call the city of 3.8 million home. “My objective was to pay homage to both Los Angeles and Hiroshige’s won-

Artist Barbara Thomason was inspired to paint scenes of lesser known places in Los Angeles after seeing prints created by 19th century Japanese artist Utagawa Hiroshige. She began painting her series in 2007, and after reaching 107 paintings, says it took an intervention to get her to stop. “I left out seven so the book would This one-tenth-scale model of the space shuttle Challenger is a memoshowcase an even 100,” she writes. Courtesy photos rial to astronaut Ellison S. Onizuka, the first Asian American in space. He was well known in L.A.’s Little Tokyo. Los Angeles City Hall in the derful prints,” Thomason anese printmaker whose background is “oddly almost the same shape as the shuttle statue,” works Thomason discov- Thomason notes. said.

Utagawa Hiroshige ered in 2006 at Chicago’s was a 19th century Jap- Art Institute.

   

In loving memory of

ROBERT J. WUESTE May 11, 1942 - January 6, 2015

Robert J. Wueste passed away at his home on January 6, 2015 after a long illness, he was 72. Born in Montreal, the Wueste family moved to Carlsbad, CA, where Bob learned hard work and perseverance. He was an athlete and accepted a basketball scholarship to the University of California, Berkeley where he was recruited by the legendary Pete Newell. While at Cal, Bob met his wife Linda, the love of his life. They were married over 40 years. A self-made man, Bob had a successful career in the jewelry industry. From salesman to Chairman of the Board, he was a leader

in his field. Upon retirement, Bob reinvented himself into a cattle rancher in Montana. He was a true visionary. Bob was preceded in death by his parents, Pauline and Henry, brother Paul and his wife, Linda Adams Wueste. Bob is survived by his daughters, Stacey Wueste (Joe Davis) and Kimberly Wueste Schnell (Tim) and the grandchildren whom he absolutely adored Jackie, Cate and Sarah Schnell and Victoria, Charlotte and Madeline Davis. Bob was a true gentleman, charming, handsome and fun. He loved his family and his friends with a passion. We will find it hard to live without him but he made our lives beautiful and ever so happy and we will be forever grateful. In lieu of flowers, please direct donations to the Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad, A celebration of life will be held at 3pm on January 17, 2015 at St Mary’s Star of the Sea, Oceanside, CA.

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In loving memory of

BOYDD DIXON GALLAND December 29, 1941 - January 7, 2015

Boydd Dixon Galland December 29, 1941-January 7, 2015, died at 73 with his family at his bedside. Boydd is survived by relatives and friends who miss him dearly. His memorial service will be held on Sunday, January 18, 2015 at 3:30pm at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas.

His family requests that in lieu of flowers, donations are sent to the San Dieguito Alumni Foundation (SDAF). Please put Boydd’s name on the memo line and mail checks to: SDA Foundation Alumni Committee, Mustang Legacy Project PO Box 235109 Encinitas, CA 92023.



Submission Process

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Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publicatio in Friday’s newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the customer for approval by Tuesday at 10 a.m.

Text” $15 per inch

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Felix the Cat has been perched atop a Chevrolet dealership at Figueroa and Jefferson since 1959. Winslow Felix, the dealership owner, obtained permission from Felix’ creator to use the cartoon cat as the mascot of the business. Some neon purists were angry when the current owner changed the lighting in 2012 to LED, but the electric bill to keep Felix smiling was $3,000 a month.

“I brought back a book of his ‘One Hundred Famous Views of Edo,’ a series of woodblock prints that I’ve always loved.” Three months later, Thomason decided to create her own series of 100 paintings done in cell vinyl — paint that resembles woodblock ink in texture and tone. To be included in the artist’s collection, locations had to be within the Los Angeles city limits. For instance, one painting was created after she accidentally discovered the Los Angeles Police Academy firing range “while driving around the hills in Ely-

sian Park … I heard lots of gunfire, so I stopped my car and walked over to the edge of the road where it drops off to the south, and there at the bottom of the hill was a target range packed with shooters.” In another painting, the artist shares her favorite view of Hollywood, which is from the upper deck of the Hollywood Home Depot parking lot. Yet another painting features a view of the city from Forest Lawn Cemetery, where there are enough stars buried “to fill up the Vanity Fair Oscars after-party.” Thomason discovered TURN TO HIT THE ROADON 14

JAN. 16, 2015

T he C oast News - I nland E dition


From left, Robin LaValley, Chelsey Moore, Sandra Kopitzke, Patti Goodwin, Jennifer Scibatta, and Melissa Beamish (seated), take on the roles of the women of “ Steel Magolias” at Vista’s Moonlight Amphitheatre opening Jan. 16. Get tickets at (760) 806-7905 or online at Courtesy photo

Vista’s civic leaders to attend luncheon VISTA — More than 150 of Vista’s business, community and civic leaders are expected to attend the Vista Chamber of Commerce State of the Community luncheon to connect with and hear from local elected and community leaders including Vista Mayor Judy Ritter, Vista Unified School District Superintendent Devin Vodicka and Chief Executive Officer of the Jack-in-the-Box Corporation Lenny Comma. The gathering will be from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Jan.

26 at the Vista Civic Center, 200 Civic Center Drive, Vista. “This is a great community leadership gathering where leaders across ever segment of our community can come together to network,” said Bret Schanzenbach, CEO of the Vista Chamber of Commerce. “Dialogue between our business, community and civic leaders is always positive and the Chamber is please to help facilitate that.” The event will feature

networking from 11 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. followed by a three-course lunch and program. Tickets are $60 per person and include the networking as well as lunch. Tri-City Medical Center is the Presenting Sponsor this event. Sponsorship opportunities range from $1,000 to $5,000 and all sponsorship levels include a table for nine and recognition at the event. For tickets, contact the Vista Chamber of Commerce at (760) 726-1122 or


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Food &Wine

JAN. 16, 2015

Here and there in the wine world taste of wine frank mangio


s many of my regular readers know, every once in a while I gather my most recent press release and emails relating to “insider” information in the wine world. It’s fascinating how fast things change. This is column No. 510 of my “no repeat” pledge. Oldies may be fine for pop music, but it doesn’t work for the dynamic wine and food world. So let’s stay in the present and review a fitting top story for the new — the fantastic move into the world of sparkling wine. If we could have, we would be wowed at the number of new year’s eve parties where sparkling wine was served instead of Champagne. Prosecco has been instrumental in the surge of wine sales as it has risen some 32 percent from a year ago. Mionetto is the big name ($14). It was founded in 1887 in Northeast Ita-

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Sparkling wine led by Prosecco from Italy, is sweeter and less expensive than the traditional French Champagne. Photo by Frank Mangio

ly. Flavors of honey, golden apple and white peach abound. The wine is very trendy and seems to add a party atmosphere to any get-together. You won’t find it on anyone’s “ best tasting wine” list, but its fruitiness and bubbly good looks will being a party to life. And yes, sugar is added in the process. The Italians seem to have an edge in sales, like other varietals of wine they import. Other sparkling wines to try include: Lambrusco, Asti Spuman-

te, Moscato di Asti, Bellini and their versions of Brut, especially the Blancs Noir made from red grapes and can match up nicely with a poultry or pork dish. Get set for calorie counts for wine on the menu of chain restaurants with 20 or more locations, along with the food choices of course. The other number that you see constantly is the alcohol content, mandatory if the percentage is 14 percent or above, although most brands reveal the number anyway. I was privileged to sample the new wine list at the recently renovated Bijou French Bistro on Prospect in La Jolla. It was expertly prepared by Wine Director Elizabeth Heutinger, who is also the master mind at Addison and Amaya in the Grand Del Mar Resort. I was struck by the four descriptive categories used to list the wines: Sparkling, Light to Heavy Whites, Rosé, and Lighter to Lush & Heavy Reds. A few of the more intriguing wines engaging my attention were: Domaine Mogneard Mugneret Vosne, a 2011 Burgundian French Pinot Noir; Vallin Syrah 2012 from the Santa Ynez Valley in California and Chateau Respide Cabernet 2011 from Bordeaux France. Small, less familiar, crafted wines from a selective wine director… Bravo! Paso Robles Wine Country, one of the largest in California, is launching the inaugural “Blendfest” Feb. 21 in conjunction with Cambria, San Simeon and Wine Coast Country Tourism Center. Many of Paso’s distinct wineries will be featuring two blends at a location near San Simeon. Some 32,000 acres are home to 200 wineries that grow most of the favorite grape varietals in the world. For more information on this unique wine event, visit One of Paso’s most popular wineries, Cass, has announced that most of their wines will move to screwcaps and scrap the corks securing their bottles. Wine buyers and writers (including myself) favor screw caps mostly because it prolongs the life of a bottle of wine, once it is opened. TURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON 14

JAN. 16, 2015

T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Food &Wine


Restaurant trends for 2015 with consultant Kim Menzies

thoughts and observations heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday - Friday during at 4:10 and look forward to seeing and 7:10 p.m. some of them take shape in David Boylan is founder 2015. of Artichoke Creative and ArLick the Plate can now be


eing in different restaurants weekly for Lick the Plate, I can recognize trends as they are taking shape and those on their way out. I tend to be very opinionated on the subject, especially when I see restaurateurs relying so heavily on a trend that has already peaked. I walk into those places and sometimes want to scream, what are you thinking? That said, I found a professional culinary consultant who actually makes her living advising restaurants and in many cases helping to shape the trends long before they hit menus. Here is a conversation with Kim Menzies on what to expect in 2015.

Your background includes positions at some of the biggest restaurant brands in the country. What did those positions in product development and culinary innovation entail and what were some of the highlights, including your current role at Garden Fresh Restaurant Group. I have been very fortunate to work with so many great chains both as a corporate employee and as a consultant. The positions entailed the development of concepts and turning those concepts into successful craveable new products for my clients. Some of my clients were interested in product improvement and re-development of their items to improve quality and remove some additional costs. One of my highlights before GF was the complete development of a Mexican menu including the successful implementation of the concept. At Garden Fresh, I was tasked with the development of several new products that were on trend as well as the reformulation of older recipes to bring them more up to date. At Garden Fresh, the highlight for me is working with all the fresh, healthy ingredients to create flavorful new items for our new and current guests. I love that we begin with a small recipe in our test kitchen and then work to make a larger batch for our kitchens to make for each and every one of our restaurants daily. Fast casual has been a growing segment, will that trend continue and can you give me examples of some chains that are doing that right? I definitely see that trend continuing and taking on more of a twist with fine dining chef’s creating their own fast casual restaurants in an effort to get their cuisine to more people at an affordable cost. One example is Jaime Martin Del Campo and Ramiro Arvizu taking

Culinary Consultant extraordinaire Kim Menzies advises restaurants, and in many cases, helps to shape the trends long before they hit menus.

Photo by Uproar PR

their fine dining concept La Casita Mexicana in Bell, Calif. and creating a fast casual concept called Flautas to bring their cuisine to more people. And of course, Souplantation and Sweet Tomatoes is a great example of fast casual restaurants as they allow our guest to create their own meals with an incredible amount of fresh, high quality ingredients. I’ve noticed chains claiming to source locally when possible. That’s definitely a move in the right direction but realistically, how much can a high volume fast casual restaurant source locally and still maintain healthy margins? I agree that locally sourced ingredients is definitely a move in the right direction and something that chains need to focus on and continue to grow. Chipotle states that they source local whenever possible. I think that more and more chains will be going that direction as best they can in the future.

and trendy brunch for a more adventurous consumer. Fusion continues to be on trend both with different types of cuisines combined and spices and flavors combined. Feel Good takes the place of better-for-you, our consumers are adding foods to their diets instead of removing them in an effort to increase the nutrients and health benefits. Ranch dressing — I see this making a come back as it is something our consumers have loved, but now in a new way like our Sriracha Ranch Cole Slaw.

Let’s finish this off by giving me your top five, non-chain restaurants in San Diego at any price point‌and your favorite dish there. Juniper and Ivy for the Carne Asada Cruda. The Culotte Steak at Cucina Enoteca . Vintana for the Macadamia and Coconut Crusted Sea Bass. The Slow Braised Beef Cheeks at Urban Solace. And I’ll round out my list with the Triple Threat at Carnitas Snack Shack. I’ve eaten at all those Are there examples of chains places and can second her picks. I’d like to thank Kim doing that in San Diego? It is a lot more feasible to Menzies for her insightful get all of the produce locally in California, than it might be in Illinois in the winter, but at Souplantation/Sweet Tomatoes we do our best to pick seasonal items for our menus and to use the produce that is available locally. Consumers want to know where their food is coming from and Souplantation is has made a tremendous effort to work with our local farmers. I have been to our mushroom grower in Escondido and it is amazing to me that the same day they are picked they are being cut for use in our kitchens so our restaurants can put them on the bar as well as being made into our delicious Cream of Mushroom Soup. Broccoli Bob is another one of our great local farmers, where he times his harvest for maximum freshness and quality and then is hand cut in our kitchens for our Broccoli Cheese soup and our Broccoli Madness salad. What other food and restaurant trends can we expect to see in 2015? I think that we will continue to see a move towards locally sourced ingredients in 2015 as consumers increasingly require this. Other trends I see are brunch — a move toward a more hip

tichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at or ( 858) 395-6905.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JAN. 16, 2015

A rts &Entertainment


Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@ JAN. 16 SISTERHOOD THEATRE announces its new show for 2015, “Colors of Love,” a production of songs, poetry, and comedy about the different aspects of relationships and love. Perfect for Valentine's Day and beyond! Shows range from 35-40 min to over an hour. Contact Carlyn at (619) 846-7416 or for more information and booking details.

JAN. 17 MOONLIGHT MURAL Celebrate a new mural from 2 to 4 p.m. Jan. 17 on the east wall of Moonlight Beach 7-Eleven, 105 West D St., presented by Paint Encinitas, a Beautify Earth project, and created by home-grown artist Micaiah Hardison (who donated the original pieces of art to this wall in 2000). Live music, childrens' activity, and a prize drawing. BEST BARBERSHOP The Barbershop Champions Westminster Chorus will perform at 7:30 p.m. Jan. 17 at the California Center for the Arts, 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido. Tickets at

Send your arts & entertainment news to

Terrace Drive, Vista. All seats $21.50 Get tickets, at (760) 806-7905 or online at

‘GUNMETAL BLUES’ The North Coast Repertory Theatre presents “Gunmetal Blues” Jan. 17 through Feb. 8 at the theater, 987 Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Suite D, Solana Beach. For times and tickets, visit SOUTHERN WOMEN Moonlight Amphitheatre presents “Steel Magnolias, Thursday through Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday at 1 p.m. Jan. 16 through Feb. 8, 1200 Vale

JAN. 18 CHAMBER MUSIC San Diego Youth Symphony and Conservatory's chamber groups present the Artist Series Concert, at 4 p.m. Jan. 18 at the Center Theater, California Center for the Arts, Escondido. Tickets, adult $25, student $10 on sale now or (619) 233-3232, ext. 115. GUITAR CELEBRATION Six String Society “Celebrates the Guitar,” 8 p.m. Jan. 18 with Robin Henkel, Buzz Campbell and TURN TO ARTS CALENDAR ON 15

G. Love & Special Sauce will perform Jan. 18 at the House of Blues in San Diego in support of their new album, “Sugar.” Photo by Noah


‘Sugar’ makes it all nice for G. Love & Special Sauce By Alan Sculley


The version of “Sugar,” the new studio album that was released in by G. Love & Special Sauce, is not at all the album Love thought he was ready to release when he returned from a recording session in Seattle last year. Prior to that recording session, Love (real name Garrett Dutton) had done what has become standard procedure for his albums. He brought in a stack of new songs to Emmett Malloy, president of his label, Brushfire Records, Josh Nicotra, general manager of Brushfire and his personal manager, Jason Brown. Then this “committee” reviews the songs, offers its critiques and eventually chooses a group of tunes that are likely to make the album. “Every one of the tunes is like my song, so it’s a little hard to hear (them say) ‘This verse needs to be re-written’ or ‘This groove is nothing,’” Love said of the process during a recent phone interview. “It’s pretty hardcore. So a lot of s**t gets left on the cutting room floor. But I’ve made myself comfortable with the process.” But for “Sugar,” the process became less comfortable than usual for Love when he returned from Seattle.

“After the Seattle session, I was like wow, we really did it. We really got it this time,” Love said. “And we played it for the label, and (Brown) and they all just felt like it was falling short. I was really pissed off, man. “I went in and did it (the album) and like excelled at it and killed it,” he said. “And now you say you don’t like it? What the f***?’” That wasn’t the end of the confusion for Love. His committee further said they liked only one song from the Seattle session, “Come Up Man.” Ironically, that song had been rejected in the initial review. Love recorded it anyway, feeling the song brought a different direction to his funky blend of blues, hip-hop, folk and rock. Stung by the reaction to his new recordings, Love decided he’d give Malloy, Noctra and Brown what they now wanted — an entire album built off of “Come Up Man.” “I went back and picked out all of the tunes that I had that fit in with that (song),” Love related. “That’s how we got this record.” Actually, Love got something more with “Sugar.” He actually got a CD TURN TO G. LOVE ON 15

JAN. 16, 2015

M arketplace News Expand and enhance your job search with social media (BPT) — If social media isn’t at the top of your list when starting your job-searching endeavors, you might find the process slow and tedious. That’s because social networks are the way nearly all U.S. companies are finding new employees, according to Jobvite. As you finalize your resume and create drafts for cover letters, be sure to plan your social media strategy as well. • Brand consistency. Make sure your profile is professional and reflects the job you’re looking for across all social media platforms. Ensure your privacy settings are secure (especially on Facebook). On LinkedIn, make sure your profile is complete with skills and recommendations. On Twitter, link to your website, blog or online resume. And don’t forget Pinterest, YouTube, Google+ and Foursquare. * Know your audience. Your audience on Facebook is different from your audience on Twitter or LinkedIn, so make sure your updates reflect that. On LinkedIn, share articles and blogs on industry-related topics. On Facebook, post more personal (but not too detailed) updates to remind your friends that you’re in the job market. • Be proactive. Use social media to connect with recruiters, employers and employees of companies you’d like to work for. Join — and participate in — organizations, groups and blogs in your industry or alumni groups. Become an industry expert or thought leader. • Research. Use social media to create your target list of companies, then research those companies and their employees. Use hashtags on Twitter to find jobs. For example, if you are interested in fashion, search #fashionjobs. Sites like Twellow let you search people’s bios and the URLs in their bios; you can easily find, follow and engage key employees of those companies so they get to know you before you approach them for a job. Prepare for a job interview by using social media to research the interviewer and find common topics to break the ice. • Know your online profile. Google yourself and make sure what you see is what you want it to be. Go to so you can see your “klout” score, which reports how influential and engaged you are across platforms. Another great site is wefollow. com, a Twitter directory organized by shared interests or categories. Users can add themselves to the categories that best fit their interests.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article. If you would like an article on this page, please call (760) 436-9737

Small changes yield big returns for home sellers REGION — You’ve heard the expression, “It’s the little things in life that count.” The same is true when it comes to selling your home, according to Realtors Paul and Emily Hervieux of Keller Williams. The husband and wife duo has an innovative take on home selling. Their methodology is built on a threestep process combining “intelligent fix-ups,” staging and a local and global marketing campaign. The first step is intelligent fix-ups, which are small — but smart — changes a seller can make to a home prior to listing that can have a great impact on the home’s value. “We define intelligent fix-ups as things a seller can do to get a 3:1 return,” Emily Hervieux said. “Every $1 spent will yield a $3 higher sales price.” “We do a room-by-room review of the client’s home,” Emily Hervieux said. “We find that sellers have an amazing opportunity to build equity in their home in every room of the house.” “It is very home-specific,” Paul Hervieux said. While some homes may benefit from several intelligent fix-ups, others might only need one or two. “It’s all about the return for the client,” Emily Hervieux added. “We don’t recommend any changes that they don’t need.”

Paul and Emily Hervieux of Keller Williams have an innovative take on home selling. Their methodology is built on a three-step process that includes “intelligent fix-ups,” staging and a local and global marketing campaign.

The second step is staging, which the Hervieuxs provide free of charge to their clients. According to the National Association of Realtors, staging typically costs from 1 to 3 percent of the list price and increases the value of a home by 8 to 10 percent. “This is a great return, but most agents don’t stage because it is very costly,” Emily Hervieux said. The Hervieuxs believe in staging so much that they have their own inventory of pieces ranging from furniture to accessories. “We have a warehouse with basically everything we need right there,” Paul Hervieux said. “Staging helps distract

from any imperfections and helps the home with both in-person showings and advertising.” Once a home is ready to be seen, the Hervieuxs set to work on the third step in their process — finding prospective buyers. And they set their sights on both local and global markets — a smart move considering last year 10 percent of homes sold in San Diego were to international buyers. “Through Keller Williams we have a program called Buyers Without Borders,” Emily Hervieux said. “Our listings are advertised through 84 MLS systems outside of the U.S, reaching 500,000 international agents

in 100 countries.” When it comes to marketing, the Hervieuxs cover all of the bases. “We have professional photos, a virtual tour, an aerial tour and a unique property website,” Emily Hervieux said. “We’ve been doing aerial videos in the last year,” she said. “We use state-ofthe-art equipment and we’re able to video the house from the air. It allows you to gain perspective. And it’s one thing to say there are beautiful canyon views, but it’s another thing to actually see it.” Each property is given its own website, which is listed above the sign. “The website offers a virtual tour,

the aerial videos, a calendar of open houses and you can even schedule a showing,” Paul Hervieux said. The Hervieuxs also hold weekly home selling events, free to anyone who wants to become more educated about maximizing their sales price. The meetings cover topics such as intelligent fix-ups, staging, marketing and negotiating. The next two workshops will be held at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 20 and Jan. 28 at the Courtyard by Marriott at 5835 Owens Avenue in Carlsbad. To contact Paul and Emily Hervieux, visit or call (858) 210-5241.

Now is the time to get control of your weight with LifeSculpt One of the more common lines of questions that come up during a LifeSculpt consult is about the effects of weight loss on the liposuction procedure. Is there an ideal weight? Should I lose weight first? How will weight loss affect the procedure? Etc. The ideal candidate is at a healthy weight with a stubborn fat pocket that needs to be reshaped. Then there are the rest of us. The first thing to know is that liposuction, laser assisted or otherwise, should not be considered a weight loss procedure. If your concern is health and weight loss is the number one goal then a weight loss program is the better choice. At Dermacare we use the Medifast and the Take Shape for Life program. The typical procedure only removes two to four pounds of fat. The good news, however, is that because the fat is strategically removed the cosmetic impact is much greater than that. As stated above the ideal candidate for the procedure is a person who is at healthy weight but with stubborn fat pockets. This person has enough of problem that removal of the fat will make a noticeable difference, but not so much that the skin cannot tighten back down. If one is too thin,

The before (photo above) and after (right) show the successful effects of Dermacare’s weight loss program. Call (760) 448-8100 to see if LifeSculpt is right for you.

then there will be very little difference seen after the procedure. There is also risk of leaving the skin looking uneven and irregular. When a person is greater than 20 percent overweight, for safety reasons the procedure should not be done in an outpatient setting. People that are overweight by less than 20 percent are still candidates as long as their expectations are appropriate. The dilemma here is that removing larger amounts of fat will leave some loose skin.

I will ask if the goal is to look good in your clothes or to look good in a bikini. In clothes, the shape will be much improved but the skin will not be noticeable. Using the SlimLipo laser will increase this skin tightening by greater than 70 percent, but depending on a person’s genetics this may still not be enough. During the consultation process, we will go over the range of possibilities and make sure your expectations match what we can achieve. As far as weight loss

prior to or after the procedure, I always support getting to a healthy weight. If a person is overweight by > 20 percent, then they need to lose weight prior to considering laser assisted liposuction. For everyone else, I like to see some weight loss after the procedure. It has been a great joy to see people after the procedure get so motivated by the result that they follow through on their lifestyle goals and get healthier. Weight loss after the procedure is very beneficial.

Not only do the effects of weight loss improve the results in the treated area, but also proportionally gives greater cosmetic results in non-treated areas. This is a win-win-win situation. If this is the time for you to get your body under control come in for consultation. We can help you decide if LifeSculpt, a weight loss program, or both is right for you. For more information or to book a consultation, call (760) 448-8100 or visit


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Soroptimists protest human trafficking VISTA — Soroptimist International of Vista invites all members of communities in North San Diego County to attend its ninth annual Human Trafficking Awareness Day Program and Walk, from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Jan. 24 at the New Community Church, 165 Eucalyptus Ave. The program is followed by a one-mile walk with concerned residents carrying placards in show of support. For more information, see or email Speakers this year include Guido Hajenius, Southern California representative for Truckers Against Trafficking; law enforcement officers from the Oceanside Police De-



and the school he called “his dream school,” opted to offer another guard, again because of concerns about his frame. This was the one time, Kabellis said, that he started to doubt if he would every realize his dream. “I didn’t have any Division 1 interest, so I really started to think about Point Loma Nazarene seriously,” Kabellis said about the local Division 2 university, which had recruited him since his junior year. Then, one day in October, his varsity coach, Paul Baldwin, approached him after nutrition and told him that a coach from North Dakota State called and sounded interested in him. Kabellis called back, and the conversation lasted for 20 minutes, and he and


partment; and Crystal Anthony, director of North County Lifeline. “Project Life,” which works with law enforcement, has rescued 50 trafficking victims in less than two years, and which provides follow-up services for them. “Our direction this year is stressing the importance of male education‚ the demand side of sex trafficking,” said Kaye Van Nevel, of Soroptimist International of Vista, who has been spearheading the event since it first began. “Of course, we still actively support service organizations, and maintain our mission, which is to educate and raise awareness about human trafficking.”

the coach texted each other back and forth for another hour. A few weeks later, Bison Assistant Coach Jayden Olson was at Kabellis’ practice to watch him work out. The school quickly scheduled Kabellis to visit the campus January 2 and 3, the day of a big home game against Summit League rival Oral Roberts University. Kabellis, who maintains a 3.8 grade-point average, toured the school’s academic and athletic facilities and got to check out some of Fargo, where the university is located. “The trip was amazing,” Kabellis said. “Before I visited, I thought Fargo was just some town in the middle of nowhere, but it was a very nice city. “The biggest thing that stood out to me was their tremendous fan support.

They were able to practically sell out a large arena on winter break when most of the students were away,” Kabellis added. Shortly after he returned from the trip, Kabellis made his pledge, completing the Bison’s four player class. Kabellis said committing has taken a huge weight off of his shoulders, and has allowed him to turn his full attention to his senior year and leading his Cougars team to a CIF championship, a year after falling short in the Division 1 semifinals. “I can finally kind of relax now that I am committed,” Kabellis said. “I just really want to win league, beat San Marcos and beat Mission Hills (Escondido’s chief rivals) and make a run and possibly be in the (CIF) Open Division or Division 1 and win CIF.

connection.’’ So for the week before the Hollywood Derby, Besset was hands-on. “I even walked with him to the race that day,’’ she said. “I was with him every moment.’’ The same is true today. Besset is in Los Alamitos by 5:30 most mornings, helping with all 20 of the horses in the Sherman Racing Stables. Who says long shots don’t hit? Besset is among the twolegged variety to find her own winner’s circle.

Kudos to Besset for shooting for the moon. Kudos to the Shermans for letting her help train their sport’s biggest star. “They just took me under their wing,’’ she said. Proving that California Chrome had nothing on the Shermans.“I think,” Besset said, “they had a sixth sense about me, too.”

pop sound at the moment it separates from the bottle) but the time has come for With cork, oxidation kills this change. the true taste of the wine within 48 hours. With a Wine Bytes cap, the air is kept out and • PAON Restaurant & the wine life is lengthened Wine Bar in Carlsbad has a to a week or more. There Keenan Wine Dinner Jan. is also the problem of “cork 22 in the dining room, and taint,” caused by poor corks Feb. 12, Tablas Creek Winthat allow air into the bot- ery in Paso Robles comes to tle. town for a wine tasting in A premium Napa Val- the PAON Wine Shop startley winery, Plumpjack, re- ing at 5:30 p.m. For details portedly has also changed and reservations, call (760) most of its bottles to a 729-7377. screwcap system. Yes, there • Vittorio’s Italian are instances where quality Restaurant in Carmel Valcorking on a premium bot- ley San Diego hosts a wine tle is romantic ( I love the dinner with Hope Fami-

ly Wines, Treana, Liberty School and Austin Hope, Jan. 29 at 6 p.m. $49.50 pp. RSVP at (858) 538-5884. • Meritage Wine Market in Encinitas invites you to its Tour of Italy wine dinner Jan. 30 from 6 to 9 p.m. $75. Phone (760) 479-2500.


fective job of making L.A.’s otherwise unremarkable places quite memorable. “100 Not So Famous Views of L.A.” is available at Barnes & Noble and through


bite you.’’ That same is true with Besset, but California Chrome nibbles instead of chomps. “He’s very sweet and almost romantic with me,” Besset said. “He gives me these tiny little love bites and is very gentle. “I think horses have a sixth sense on things, as all animals do really. He’s leery about people but we have a



most of the scenes she painted by driving around L.A. for hours. When she had finished 100 works, she had a showing at Los Angeles City Hall, which is where she connected with an editor from Prospect Park Books. Until that point, she

had never thought of creating a book with the paintings. In the foreword of Thomason’s book, the words of urban and media historian Norman Klein are cited: “Los Angeles remains the most photographed and least remembered city in the world.” That may be true, but Thomason has done an ef-

Contact Jay Paris at Follow him on Twitter at jparis_sports and at

Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. He is one of the leading wine commentators on the web. View and link up with his columns at Reach him at and follow him on Facebook.

E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at eondash@



In an effort to penalize commercial landlords, properties found to have illicit activities will not be allowed to have another massage business in the same property for five years. City staff originally asked for a one-year ban but councilmembers wanted to give the ordinance more “teeth” in addressing the problem. City staff hopes to deter commercial property owners from allowing illegal businesses to rent space with the five-year ban. “If they choose to do business illegally in Escondido, than we have the tools to



holders group that included North Coastal Prevention Coalition, Oceanside police, MainStreet Oceanside, Oceanside Chamber of Commerce, and the San Di-


that would only set me back a few thousand dollars. I have some ideas hatching that involve a silk Chinese jacket and a long skirt, but I keep balking in fear of being a bit too “Auntie Mame.” I know. I know. I am going to have to actually


might be able to find scholarships to cover the costs of tuition. And for some families, online learning and homeschooling work best. To find the options available to you, look at information from the California Department of Education, as well as information on state-based education reform or school choice organization websites. For a directory of most schools in your area, along with parent rankings and some performance metrics, parents can visit this website: With your list of requirements and your list of schools in hand, start making appointments to visit the schools.


faces a litany of threats, including not only smaller beaches but some that will completely disappear. This should be enough to inspire limited plans that can be initiated without vulnerability assessments. What seems to be lacking is a synergy of purpose between San Diego communities and public pressure for action. To get some traction on this issue it might help to ask our political leaders to join a local effort to raise awareness about increasing sea levels in our area. There is an upcoming art project in Mission Beach near the roller coaster at Belmont Park to show the high tide flood line that is anticipated for

JAN. 16, 2015 put them out of business,” Escondido Police Department Captain James Stuard said. In the past, owners and operators of illicit massage parlors didn’t face repercussions. Stuard said the new ordinance will solve past regulation problems that frustrated the police department. Councilman John Masson expressed concern that some of the regulations would make it difficult for massage therapists who follow the law. He was worried that sole proprietors weren’t allowed to lock their doors or take cash payments. Peterek and Stuard assured him that provisions for sole proprietors would allow

them to lock the door when they’re in with a patient and to take cash payments. The ordinance does not apply to businesses in which 15 percent of the space or less is used for massage. For example, a 1000 square foot gym would not have to abide by the ordinance if the gym housed a massage space that is 150 square feet or less. All massage therapists must be certified and licensed in the state to practice in Escondido. The changes go into effect Feb. 14. Councilmembers hope the new enforcement ordinance will drive out illegal businesses and leave only legitimate massage therapists.

ego Restaurant Association. No restaurant owners addressed City Council at the Jan. 14 workshop. Currently two Oceanside fast food drive-thru restaurants are licensed to sell alcohol. Both sell hamburgers in

the downtown area. These restaurants will be grandfathered in and allowed to keep their alcoholic beverage license. Adopted regulations will apply to fast food restaurants that seek an alcohol license going forward.

go out shopping. Shop- married. That outfit has to be ping is great if you have hours and hours to kill or something special for evpiles and piles of money eryone to forget. to burn. I’m going to do Jean Gillette is a it anyway, because out freelance writer expectthere, somewhere, is hanging to see the inside of ing that perfect outfit that far too many dressing will make me a stunning rooms. Contact her a yet modest mother-of-thejgillette@coastnewsgroom with impeccable or jeanhartg@ taste who looks far too young to have a son being Ask to sit in on classes, and make sure to ask as many questions as possible of teachers, the administration, and support staff. You’ll want to find out what motivates the adults in the building, while also seeing how the students in the classes respond to their teachers. Ask yourself: is this a place where I’d want to send my child for most of his or her weekday waking hours? Finally, make sure to talk with other parents — and to your own children. Ask parents how the schools’ administrators treat parents, and whether they welcome, or discourage, parental involvement. And most importantly, ask your children about their perceptions of the schools

that you’ve visited. Find out what excites and motivates your child at school, but also ask about their worries, concerns and apprehensions. Making the decision to change schools certainly isn’t easy. And switching schools isn’t a piece of cake, either. But if you start now, and plan out the journey, you’ll find that the destination — a great school for your child — is well worth the diligence and effort.

the year 2050. The “HighWaterLine” project will be Jan. 19, according to organizers from SanDiego350. They will be drawing a chalk line along Mission Boulevard from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. showing a coastline we will likely face in 35 years. Politicians can stand on the chalk and perhaps better visualize the problem at their feet. We need to look into the necessity of structures like bridging berms, as part of an overall flood protection system from increased sea levels. Our community has to figure out how to pay for it, perhaps looking at New York City’s “Green Bonds,” which are issued to fund environmental mitigation and sustainability capital projects. We might also look at catastrophe bonds

that cover storm-surge risk. Lots of projects to keep politicians busy but they need to get to work. It is well past time for action on this issue. Climate action plans being produced throughout the county need to more fully address sea level rise, with specific plans for vulnerability assessments. We need to urge coastal city leaders to begin serious infrastructure planning for increased sea levels to mitigate what can be a formidable disaster for our community.

Andrew R. Campanella is the president of National School Choice Week. National School Choice Week, which runs from Jan. 25 Jan. 31, is America’s largest-ever celebration of opportunity in education. Andrew lives in Miramar Beach, Fla.

Jeffrey Meyer is a SanDiego350 volunteer. SanDiego350 is an all-volunteer team of San Diegans dedicated to raising awareness, developing leaders, and advocating for climate change action.

JAN. 16, 2015


album. “Sugar,” though, is not a re-run of the first album. Where the debut was laid back, with Love frequently rapping his lyrics over songs that mostly featured acoustic instrumentation, “Sugar” is decidedly harder edged. “Come Up Man,” the album’s opening track sets the tone, with Love unleashing some electric slide guitar around the greasy hard-hitting groove generated by Prescott and Clemens. Songs that follow, such as “Nite Life” (which sounds like it could have been on a classic album by War), “Good Life” (with Love letting loose on harmonica), “Nothing Else Quite Like Home” (which might remind some of Ben Harper),” and the sharp and sassy title song also fit the rocking blues/hip-hop mold. Now the reunion of the original G. Love & Special Sauce is getting extended to a live setting, as the trio returns to the road this winter.


that took him back to his 1994 debut album, “G. Love and Special Sauce.” For the second recording session at Brushfire’s solar powered studio in Los Angeles, Love brought back Jimi “Jazz” Prescott, the original bassist in Special Sauce, to play with the other original member of the group, Jeffrey “Houseman” Clemens.” Prescott had recorded with Love in Seattle, but the second recording session marked the first time in eight years that Prescott had worked with Love and Clemens. It wasn’t just the musicians that connected back to the “G. Love and Special Sauce” album. Like the debut, “Sugar” was also recorded mainly live in the studio by the three musicians. What’s more, Love feels “Sugar” draws from the same blues and hip-hop influences that shaped the sound on that 1994 debut


Love has gone on to release 10 studio albums since the debut (including “Sugar”) — with several albums featuring the original Special Sauce — and built a following that allows him to play theaters, large clubs and the occasional amphitheater or casino. And as much as he’s proud of “Sugar” and what the original lineup created on that album, Love still sees that first album (which went gold with more than 500,000 copies sold) as the key to his career. “It’s such an important record for us. I mean, it’s the record that really has given us legs for the whole 20 years we’ve been doing this,” Love said. “So we wanted to do something special for it and memorialize it. “That’s a really magical record,” he said. “So I think, I don’t know what it is or how we did it. But we did it, and it definitely is unique and it still holds up, and the songs hold up and the vibe holds up and everything else.”

JAN. 21 ART AT LIBRARY The JAN. 24 Sargent Art Groups will meet from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Jan. 21 at the Solana Beach Public Library, 157 Stevens Ave., Solana Beach. Julie Weaverling of the Carlsbad Front Porch Gallery, will speak on “Presenting Your Work From A Gallery PerEMMA’S REVOLUspective” including tips for TION The Unitarian Unicollecting emerging artist versalist Fellowship of San art as an investment. For Dieguito will host a concert additional information con- with the duo of activist mutact Donald Pallia at dpal- sicians, Pat Humphries & Sandy O, Emma’s RevoluJAZZREACH Jazz- tion from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. reach featuring the Metta Jan. 24, Founder’s Hall, Quintet will perform at 7 1036 Solana Drive, Solap.m. Jan. 17 at the Califor- na Beach. Advance tickets nia Center for the Arts,, 340 $18 at emmasrevolution. N. Escondido Blvd., Escon- com/live or $22 at the door. dido. Tickets at artcenter. Questions or to request org/event. childcare, contact Vicky at E A S T C O A S T VIEW The Matuse B l ac k sp ot welcomes p h ot o g r a pher Jonat h a n Nimerfroh for a onenight event fe a t u r i n g Nantucket Island Photography, from 6 to 8 p.m. Jan. 22 at 1150 Camino del Mar, Suite B, Del Mar. For more information visit


Thomas Leeb and guest Billy Watson and MC Gregory Page at the Belly Up Tavern, 143 S. Cedros Ave., Solana Beach. YOUNG ACTORS Registration is open now for Intrepid Shakespeare Company Young Actors Drama Classes for ages 7 to 13, Mondays 3:30 to 5 p.m. running Jan. 26 through March 16. Cost is $220/session. Contact Director of Education Sean Cox at HYPERLINK “mailto:seancox@” seancox@ or phone (760) 295-7541. JAN. 19 LIBRARY READINGS Intrepid Shakespeare Company presents staged readings monthly, beginning with “Luv” by Murray Schisgal at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 19 at the Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas. Readings offer complimentary wine and appetizer reception and is followed by an opportunity to talk with the director and actors. Flex-Pass” subscriptions available for 3 to 12 plays. For seat reservations, e-mail or phone the Intrepid Office at (760) 295-7541.

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AUG. 1, 2014




Region feeling effects of drought Burgi n By Aaron

The — REG ION conti nued of effec ts cond ition s drou ght t the state are throu ghou resid ents in set to hit ty in comi ng Nort h Coun home ownfrom — s — week l child ren icts ers to smal wate r distr as many make volun are set to r-con serva tion . tary wate mand atory meas ures Wate r n Olive nhai amon g the orDistr ict was wate r auth to first local the coun ty its in ities el 2” of activ ate “Lev nse plan, drou ght respo of the State in the wakeurces Cont rol Wate r Resothe San Dieg o Boar d and r Auth ority Coun ty Wate ar decla ramaki ng simil tions . and Vista Valle citos are Distr icts Irrig ation to vote on acsched uled

development m Mountain for the Merria ng New plans s. Courtesy renderi mixed review

The Inland Edition

project draw

ntain Merriam Mou ng plans receivi s w mixed revie

to appr oach Newl and’s is disti nctly priplann ing than the COS — Rita SAN MARs behind diffe rent loper,” said of or deve Newl and’s seThe deve loper d iteration Brandin, dent and the secon ial North vice presi tor. a contr overslopm ent un- nior direc deve lopm ent nt proCounty deve HT ON 16 plans to local The curre 64 perTURN TO DROUG — veile d its for this mont h posa l calls s to resid ents ws. in the of the homeunits , er plays Di- cent to mixe d revie ily Dilynn WhitakSunset Park in San San be single-fam at being The t consplash pads Newl and the rest tory drough an and ego-b ased mas- with Marcos. Manda the water off this s, force oration, the unity town home q u a r e - f o o t Corp ditions will Cagala s 00by Tony d comm week. Photo ter-planne behind 4-S 8 1 , 0 borh ood-s hopp ing deve loper prop osing a neigh that will inclu de a Ranc h, is proje ct on plaza ry store that would 2,135 -unit in the Merr i- groce both the new com1,983 acres area north servety and neigh bortain muni as Hidam Moun os. areas suchand Twin of San Marc ty Boar d ing ows den Mead The Coun rs, by a Oaks . 200 , of Supe rviso Marc h 2010 A comb ined the 3-2 vote inthe previous attended ach Or- people outre rejec ted osed by loper ’s plan, propCounty-ba sed deve ings on July 22 and meet h time it ange Deve lopm ent 23, at whic Stone gate a 2,600 -unit July ded the public of for provi t the Group, matio n abou n, citin g traflopm ent subd ivisio dens ity con- infor deve prop osed mina ry fic, fire and gave a preli cerns . New- and line of its next Offic ials with to time they hope steps . ipate s land said in Key of the misy Joe’s Bar Newl and antic avoid some to the preuls at Slopp gway Look-Alike gway hopef led ON 16 steps that osal’s demi se. Ernest Hemin l Ernest Hemin TURN TO PLANS a hunting among other the 34th annua ed out the contest in r, Wally vious prop that third from left, stants participated in sweat ve winne row and belie The first . humid tson, “I very hot and Tom Rober 100 other conte to trying it again Burgi n By Aaron


North Park Produce, Vista Way Café, Los Reys Tortilleria, Vista Chamber Of Commerce, Postal Annex, Rancho Vista Market, Holiday Liquor & Wine, Country Feed Store, Tommy’s Market, Barnicles Enterprises, North County Intl’ Market, Pat’s Bait & Tackle, Mossy BMW, Nutrition Zone, Allen’s Alley, Iron Fist Brewing Co, Coffee Cart Biz, Curbside Cafe, Lush Coffee & Tea, Hennessey’s Tavern, Fifty Barrels Urban Winery, Mother Earth Brew Co, Little Cakes Cupcake Kitchen, Couple Berry Farms, Coyote Cafe, Royal Liquor Of Vista, Corner Café, Vista’s Icebox Deli, Bit O’Britian Grocery Store, Book Place, Nucci’s Italian Café & Pizza, Egg Market Liquor, Feliccia’s Italian Deli, Vista Motorcycle, Dairy Queen, La Vista Liquor & Deli, Country Market, Vista Wine & Spirits, Superior Court Of Cal, Discount Tire, The Original Pancake House, Niko’s Steak Burgers, Vista Courthouse, Mobil Gas, La Quinta Motel, IHOP, Frazier Farms Market, Coco’s, Primo Foods, North County Ford, Entertainment Center, (Bus Stop B) 99 Cent Store, Street Rack Harbor Freight Tools INGWAY FINDING HEM

nt than West was g forward Vista reside tson, with more weather in Keysaid he’s definitely lookin Robertson West, Fla. Rober Robertson said the courtesy Tom d cat. He week. d toy six-toe f and Phoenix, Az. Photo contest last Cardif carrying a stuffe sweater and his residences between Collins, splits

SAN MARCOS Palomar Station Apts, CVS, AAA, Grocery Outlet, Home Sweet Home Cafe, Corner Liquor, Postal Annex, Chateau Lake San Marcos, San Marcos Library, Us Colleges Of San Marcos, Cal State San Marcos, Discount Tire Co, Jersey Mikes, My Kitchen, Chevron G&M, Lake San Marcos Club Room, Stumblefoot Brewing Co, Cal State San Marcos, San Marcos Car Wash, Rancho Vallecitos, Dos Desperados Brewery, Capella Coffee Co, Mariah’s West Wind Restaurant, Turner Outdoorsman, North County Yamaha, NCY, George Burger, Pizza Nova, Ryan Brothers Coffee, Tinas Deli, Market & Liquor, Nordahl’s Liquor, Compadre Grill Chicken, Joslyn Senior Center, Boys And Girls Club, Twin Oaks Valley Park, Fosters Donuts, Bubble Tea, The Ups Store, San Marcos: Senior Center, Boudin Sf Bakery Deli, Menchies Frozen Yogurt, Oscar’s Mexican Food, Chevron G&M, Rancho Santa Fe Gas, Highlander Center, Philly Frank’s Cheestakes, Crispy’s Donuts, Gourmet Liquors, The Tropical Connection, Ralphs Privately Owned, Cal State San Marcos, Cal State San Marcos, Froyo Love, Yogurt Utopia, Liquor Deli Stop, Lake San Marcos Country Club, Broodale Place Of San Marcos, Broken Yolk, L&L Hawaiian Barbecue, Twin Oaks Valley Market, San Marcos Deli, S.M. Community Health Cntr., Lee’s Aquarium & Pet Products, Fish House Vera Cruz

ESCONDIDO Panda Express / Bus Stop, Los Charros, IHOP, Escondido Transit Ctr, Arco, J&M’s Family Restaurant, IHOP, Albertsons,Vons, Auto Park Car Wash, Panera Bread, Stone Brewing World Bistro & Garden, Gray Bill Medical Group, Kettle Coffee & Tea, O’Sullivan’s Irish Pub, Salon Sultry, Cuscatlan Comida Salvadoreña, Latinos Market, Plan 9 Alehouse, Swami’s Cafe, Swirlz Candy, Grand Dentistry, Visit Escondido, Vinz Wine Bar, Donut World, Laundry Service, Big O Tires, Synfast Oil Change, Vons 2156, Circle K, East Valley Community Center, Mikki’s Café, Town & Country Club Park, Wrangler Family Barbecue, J & M’s Midway Liquor, Yum Yum Donuts, Agrusas Super Sandwiches, Subzero Ice Cream & Yogurt, Elixir Espresso & Wine Bar, North County Tavern+Bowl, Panera Bread, Springs Of Escondido, Marte’s Donuts, Lenas Liquor, Smokey’s Lake Wohlford Cafe, Meadow Lake Golf Course, Escon. Chamber Of Commerce, Kaiser Permanente, Palomar Family YMCA, Casa Escondido/ Rec Center, Mr Blue’s Donut Shop, City Hall, America’s Best Value Inn (Escon) Circle K, Sun Valley Fuel, Charlie’s Family Restaurant, 7 Eleven, Corner Liquor & Market, Park Avenue Community Center, Prudential, Pet Haus, Motel Mediteranian, Jimbo’s Naturally, Trader Joes, Major Market, Discount Tire, Georgias Liquor, Varso Gas, Center City Café, Peterson’s Donut Corner, Hacienda De Vega, Green Tree, Escondido Public Library, Escogelato Continental Delicatessen, Westside Cafe, Twin Oaks Animal Hospital, Hodges Golf Learning Center, Escondido Humane Society, Sprouts Farmers Market, Tom’s Famous Family Restaurant, Acacia Animal Health Center, Chase Bank, Cal Postal, El Norte Medical Group, Go Mart Liquor, Shell Union 76 Station, Blue Mug Coffee & Tea, Hungry Bear Sub Shop, Donut Star, Marcus Liquor, The Yogurt Place, Filippi’s Pizza, A Delight Of France, California Avocado Grill, Pedro’s Downtown Deli, Grand Avenue Barber Shop, Bellamy’s Restaurant, Joe’s Italian Dinners, Pounders Sports Pub, Escondido World Mkt, Stater Bros, Golden State Market, Golden Egg Omelet House, Farmer Boys, Natural Best Foods Deli, Oriental Food Market, CVS, 7 Eleven, Family Care Dental, Mike’s BBQ, Fatburger, Signature Bagels & Deli, Savoy Donuts, Juice It Up, Coco’s Family Restaurant, Rite Aid Pharmacy, Kotija Taco Shop, Heriberto Taco, Tortilleria La Esperanza, Antonios Mexican Food, Vallarta Super Market, Mini Market Midway, Coast News Office Copies

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JAN. 16, 2015 something nice for yourself or someone you love.

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 2015

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Potential partners can be found in many places. An educational or business function could provide an introduction to someone who will have a positive influence on you. CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Eliminate thoughts or habits that impede your progress. Keep your mind on your future, and don’t fritter away your hard-earned cash on frivolous purchases or fast-cash schemes.

Take time to discover what you really want to accomplish this year. You will be able to gain the support you need if you use your eloquence and persuasiveness, along with a well-thought-out plan. Your LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Don’t feel that intuition will provide a valuable guide to you speak for everyone. Give others the lucrative projects. opportunity to provide input regarding CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Be a events or decisions that involve a group. participant, not a spectator. Find a venue Taking a back seat will give you a differthat grabs your attention and enjoy what it ent perspective. offers. Rewarding friendships and social VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Deal with connections will result. legal, financial or time-sensitive docuAQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Dealing ments in order to put your mind at ease. with institutions or authority figures will be Go through items you have collected over problematic. Get all of your documents in the years that are outdated or no longer order before you face any red tape or needed. confrontational situations. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- You will have PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Re-eval- the ability to defuse an argument today. uate your past actions; if you have been Keeping the peace will be your reward for neglecting your personal or professional being able to see both sides of the situresponsibilities, do whatever it takes to ation. make amends. You will face complaints if SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Make you haven’t been pulling your weight. someone you love the center of attention. ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Disagreeing An offering of a small gift or setting aside colleagues will ask for your opinion. Di- time to discuss plans for the future will plomacy will be needed in order to avoid bring you closer together. being blamed or alienated by people who SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Imthink you are meddling. provise a social evening with friends or TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Elderly relatives will call on you for assistance with financial or personal matters. Do what you can, but plan to take a little time to do

relatives. A game or contest will add a challenge to your life that will enable you to show off your competitive, playful nature.

JAN. 16, 2015


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VOL. 28,


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JUNE 20,

Two commer be demolis cial structure hed to make s at Carlsba of retail d’s La way for and a revamp Costa Towne Center above, would apartment building that will retail. Courtesy include 48 apartmes. The larger includes the addition rendering nts, a courtyarnew building s , shown d for resident s, and

Carlsbad reta revamped il center to be with apartm ents

Sophia Ceja, 3, of planned for April Oceanside, shows 19. See the full story off a handful of eggs on page she found A9. Photo . Four city by Promis e Yee egg hunts are

Council clo ser


By Rachel


CARLSBAD for five years, — With the 33-yea it’s primary the corner By Jared storefr Whitlock last gettingof El Camino r-old La Costa Towneont empty Real and a ENCIN ITAS Center La Costa The ownerrevamp. another — The counci Avenue at molish two of the step toward is at cific View commercialproperty gained acquiring l took ter and site on Wedne the Pareplace approval Counc and half them structures favor of il members sday night. 2.3 times apartments with buildin in the shoppi to desion on April voted 3-2 ng centhat price.” from Carlsb gs that are conditionsa $50,00 0 deposi in Counc Edding ad’s Planni half retail t spelled Planning 16. dum of unders vocate of ilman Tony Kranz,ton said. out in a and other ng Comm Commissione coming memoranistandin an adty. That million the purchase, forwar figure ping center d with plans rs praised document g for the proper final purcha erty’s curren was based said the $4.3 the owner paves to redeve that they sign, and on the se agreem the way for t public council was only a main tenantsaid curren lop the dated s for zoning. propent, which a majority intend tly lacks shop“(La And ed as a first the end . signage, Additi of May. hopes to approv the wall. You Costa Towne Center offer. it deed in favoronally, Kranz e by But the is) just this said Plannihave no idea said he of upping agenda long debate ing that what’s inside, big long votng Comm item the ter EUSD price white sparke has issione it’s not invitin been long had a strong should have over whethe case, which knowd a overdue.” r Hap L’Heureux. Commissione rezoning even agreedr the counci g,” million much more would have l “This cenmall an to pay valuable. made the land Encinitasto acquire the eyesore. r Aurthur Neil The city Black called Union School site from $10 could the distric the Resident the little t’s rezonehave tried to fight Jeff EddingDistrict. excited would likely request, have but owning at the prospect ton said he’s pensive the court battle,resulted in anthat TURN TO cil is gettingsite, but worrieof the city TOWNE Last Kranz added. exCENTER ON “bamboozled d the counauction month, EUSD A15 “The Pacific View was due Pacific View the propercity offered $4.3 .” bid set at to with a minim Elementary, million past, and ty in the not-too ticking, $9.5 million. With um for cade ago. The which the city is now offerin the clock -distant dum of understacouncil approve closed a de- just before submit d a memora nding at meeting g more the deadli ted an offer , bringing n- delayed Wednes than the ne. day night’s the city site. Photo closer to a safegu the auction by two EUSD has Mosaic, by Jared acquirin ard, in case part 2 Whitlock months g Artist Mark By Promis as the deal e Yee Patterson with the has plans OCEANSIDE up to his for a follow announcemen Kay’s husban — TURN TO Surfing DEAL ON A15 donna mosaic t that an The Parker helped banLIFT d Dick MaUr. A5 accept the building grant will fund grant at the the Kay City Counci meeting ow to reacH Message Family Resour Parker April l 16. the honor The final remains ce Center (760) 436-97 us the planne of namin He said at source A&E.............. 37 on Eden installment affordable d Mission Cove center after g the reCalendar housing Gardens tells of Classifieds............ A10 bought project wife was well deservhis late Calendar@coa OUSD takes the commu ..... B21 nity’s reasons. applause for two ed. The Food stnewsgroup. the affordable Mission Cove to youth. commitment to reduce wastepledge Legals& Wine....... B12 com Comm Community form “green A6 housing and ........... mixedwere glad unity membe Community@News aimed at teams” Opinion......... ....... A18 rs sion use project on and resource to have a family recycling. Avenue coastnewsgro MisB1 Sports........... .......A4 oped throug is being develthe city’s center as part Letters h a partne ....... A20 of betwee low-income ing project rship Letters@coa hous- tional n the city , and pleased and Nastnewsgroup. the name equally sance Community Renais com center will nonprofit of the developer. Kay Parker honor the late The , a belove ground project will break housing this summe d, fair advocate. r. Grad-

to finalizin g Pacific




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VISITATION INFORMATION FOR FRIENDS AND FAMILY OF MELBA BISHOP: A private cremation ceremony will take place at the family’s convenience. There will be a Memorial Service at North Coast Church, 2405 N. Santa Fe Rd, Vista, California on Friday, January 16, 2015 at 6pm. In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to either the City of Oceanside: Melba Bishop Park and Recreational Center or Oceanside Valley Little League.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JAN. 16, 2015

JAN. 16, 2015

CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

Factory” between 5 and 8 p.m. Jan. 19 at the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos. Sing a one-minute excerpt from song of your choice. OK to bring instrumental CD. Bring school photo and a short list of past stage experiences. Beginners welcome. Performances will be Feb. 19 through Feb. 22. For further information call (760) 744-9000 or go to

JAN. 16 KABBALAH COURSE Jewish Collaborative of San Diego presents “The Tree of Life: Unraveling the Mystery that is You” a 10-week Kabbalah course, at 5927 Balfour Court, Suite 203, Carlsbad. A donation of $18 per class is suggested for NEW YEAR, NEW YOU non-members. For more information, times and to reg- “A New You” is the theme of the San Marcos’ Christian ister, call (760) 707-7111. Women’s Club luncheon at FRIENDS OF JUNG 11:30 a.m. Jan. 19 at the St. The Del Mar Friends of Jung Mark Golf Club, 1750 San will meet at 7:30 p.m. Jan. Pablo Drive, San Marcos. 16, at The Winston School, The cost of the luncheon is 215 9th St., Del Mar, featur- $18 inclusive. ing Allison Stieger, mythologist, writer and speaker JAN. 20 NEW YOU Encinitas from Seattle. Admission is $10 for full-time students physician Alexandra R. and $20 non-members. Call Bunyak, will speak on “Re(858) 259-8155 for more in- generate Your Health in the formation. A workshop will New Year” at Library Chat, follow on Jan. 17 at a loca- 6:30 p.m. Jan. 20, and at 11 a.m. Jan. 22 at the Solana tion to be announced. Beach Library, 157 Stevens Ave. Solana Beach. JAN. 17 WATER WISDOM A TEA PARTY POLITICS free workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. Jan 17 Jake MacAulay, Chief Opat the Green Thumb Nurs- erating Officer for the Instiery, 1019 W. San Marcos tute on the Constitution will Blvd., San Marcos, to show- be a guest at the Tri-City case drought-tolerant plants Tea Party along with Ruth and explain the benefits of Weiss and Matthew Merli water-efficient landscape. at its meeting from 6 to 7:30 OMWD staff will discuss re- p.m. Jan. 20 at Boomer’s, bates for water-saving devic- 1525 W. Vista Way, Vista. es. For more information or Contact Tri-City Tea Party info@tri-cityteaparty. to register for the workshop, at visit org. or call (760) 436-4641. JAN. 21 GROW YOUR OWN Gardening 101: Grow Your Own Food, 9:30 a.m. to noon Jan. 17 to Feb. 7 at Solana Center, 137 N El Camino Real, Encinitas. Cost is $40. Learn the basics for starting your own organic, edible garden in this fourweek course. Visit to register. CHANGE YOUR OIL Free Encinitas Oil Filter Exchange for Del Mar, Solana Beach and Encinitas residents, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 17 at O’Reilly Auto Parts, including 180 N. El Camino Real, Encinitas. Bring in your used oil filters to be recycled and receive a free oil filters. JAN. 19 THEATRE WEST City of San Marcos Theatre West invites youth ages 7 to 17 to audition for the musical, Charlie and the Chocolate


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

HAPPY HOUR POLITICS Join Happy Hour Politics from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Jan. 21, at The Crossings, 5800 The Crossings Drive, Carlsbad to meet Carlsbad’s Mayor Matt Hall, speak on the state of the city and issues for the city’s future. There is a $15 cash cover charge (includes appetizers). Drinks are available for purchase. For more information, contact Coordinator Melanie

Burkholder at (307) 6907814 or hhpcbad@gmail. com. Reservations are required. Happy Hour Politics is a satellite club of Carlsbad Republican Women Federated DISCUSSING DEATH Lynne Calkins will again partner with Silverado Senior Living to host the second Encinitas Death Café from 3 to 5 p.m. Jan. 21 at Silverado, 335 Saxony Road. It is called a Death Cafe because friendly, interesting people gather to discuss death, dying and living. RSVP to with “Death Café Encinitas” in the subject line. SURGICAL WEIGHT LOSS Palomar Health will host “Advances in Weight Loss & Metabolic Surgery,” for an introductory seminar about gastric bypass, adjustable gastric band and sleeve gastrectomy, 6 to 7:30 p.m. Jan. 21 at Palomar Health Downtown Campus, Graybill Auditorium, Lobby Level, 555 E. Valley Parkway, Escondido.

Non-members. For more information, contact Niki at (760) 931-9420 or

ist at the Encinitas Sheriff’s Station Community Coffee from 6 to 7 p.m. Jan. 26 at the Del Mar City Hall Annex Building, 1050 Camino FEEL FIT A free Feel- del Mar, Del Mar. ing Fit Club class, for seniors 60+, begins from 8:45 VISTA UPDATE Make to 9:45 a.m. Feb. 2 and will reservations for the Annube held Mondays and Thurs- al State of the Community days at the Vista Library, luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 700 Eucalyptus Ave., Vista. 1:30 p.m. Jan. 26 at the Vista Civic Center, 200 Civic DIABETES HELP Palo- Center Drive, Vista. Guest mar Health will host Di- speakers will be Mayor abetes 101, 1 to 2:30 p.m. Judy Ritter, Superintendent Thursdays, Jan. 22 through Devin Vodicka and Lenny Feb. 12 at Arch Health Part- Comma, CEO of the JackCorporation. ners, 120 Craven, Ste. 205, in-the-Box San Marcos. To register, call Tickets are $60/person. To (800) 628-2880 or visit Palo- reserve a seat, call (760) 726-1122. JAN. 23 BEST BOARD GAMES The Escondido Public Library introduces Board Game Afternoon, a new weekly program especially for teens and tweens every Friday from 4 to 5:30 p.m., beginning Jan. 23, at 239 S. Kalmia St., Escondido. JAN. 24 BEER FEST The 2015 North County Beer Festival from 1 to 5 p.m. Jan. 24 at the Moonlight Amphitheatre, 1200 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista. For tickets, visit

TOASTM ASTERS North Coast Toastmasters meets Wednesdays, from 7:30 a.m. to 9 a.m. at St. Peter's Episcopal Church, 334 14th St., Del Mar. Toastmasters offers a “learn by doMARK THE CALENDAR ing” approach to help peoCOFFEE WITH DEPUple develop public speaking TIES Chat with the Station's and leadership skills. Visit Captain, Lieutenant and nor t hcoast.toast master- Crime Prevention to learn more. JAN. 22 NEW BNAI BRITH CHAPTER The Jewish Collaborative of San Diego (JCo) has launched a Bnai Brith Youth Organization (BBYO) chapter for Jewish teens. For more information and to get your child on the BBYO mailing list, contact Elizabeth Jacobson at JCo is located at 5927 Balfour Court #203‚ Carlsbad. ELECTION OVERVIEW Reservations are due by Jan. 22 for Republican County Chairman Tony Krvaric’s presentation “A Look Back At The 2014 Elections and The Plan For 2016” at the Carlsbad Republican Women luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Jan. 27, in the Wave Crest Room at the Hilton Garden Inn, 6450 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad, Cost is $30 Members/$35

BURRITOS & BOOKS Escondido Public Library is hosting a teen book club, “Burritos & Books” from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Jan. 29 at 627 N. Escondido Blvd., Escon-

dido and again each month, at 239 S. Kalmia St., Escondido. The group discusses a selected title plus free burritos. For more information, call (760) 839-4283 or visit SHOW YOUR STUFF The city of San Marcos seeks fine art and craft vendors for the March 8 San Marcos Alive Celebration of the Arts at the San Marcos Civic Center, 3 Civic Center Drive. Vendor fees range from $25 to $50. For an application or more information, go to specialevents or call (760) 744-9000.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JAN. 16, 2015

$1,995 due at lease signing 36 month lease 15 at this payment (Standard 2.5i Automatic model, code FFB-02). $1,995 due at lease signing. $0 security deposit. Tax, title and registration fees extra. Other leases available on other models. Cannot be combined with any other incentives. Special lease rates extended to well-qualified buyers and are subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval and vehicle availability. Lessee pays personal property and ad valorem taxes (where applicable), insurance, maintenance repairs not covered by warranty, excessive wear and tear and a mileage charge of 15 cents per mile for mileage over 10,000 miles per year. Retailer participation may affect final cost. Cannot be combined with any other incentives or offers. Must take delivery from retailer stock by January 31, 2015.

Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years or 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 12-31-2015 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility.

Cannot be combined with any other incentive. Financing for well-qualified applicants only. $20.83 thousand financed. Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval and vehicle availability. No down payment required. See participating dealers for details. Must take delivery from dealer stock by January 31, 2015.

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760-438-2200 ** EPA-estimated fuel economy. Actual mileage may vary. Subaru Tribeca, Forester, Impreza & Outback are registered trademarks. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 1-31-2015.

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All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 1-18-2015.

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