Inland Edition, January 10, 2020

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VOL. 5, N0. 1

JAN. 10, 2020

New law adds time for sex assault claims By Steve Puterski

ish and English versions,” he said. “Both are still selling today.” According to Navarro, the song connects to the beach and lowrider cultures. “It's an unusual recording and hard to replicate,” he said. “Rosie and the Originals caught lightning in a bottle.” However, the realities of adulthood soon faced the teenagers from National City Sweetwater and Mission Bay High Schools when it came to seeking royalties. Before her death at 71, Rosie Hamlin said she and the band became victims of well-documented corruption in the music industry. According to federal registry copyright reports, it took Hamlin and her mother (Juana) 27 years to secure her monetary rights. By then, “Angel Baby” was released worldwide by at least eight different companies, making an accurate audit impossible. Conservatively, Hamlin lost about $6 million. Sidetracked by the court battles and later by advanced fibromyalgia, Hamlin could never record another hit. “Angel Baby” was officially honored in 1995

REGION — Among the horde of new laws enacted on Jan. 1 is one being roundly hailed for its attention to victims of sexual assault. Assembly Bill 218 extends the timeline for victims of childhood sexual assault to file civil lawsuits until age 40 or five years from discovery of the abuse. The previous limit was age 26 or within three years of discovery of abuse. San Diego-based attorney Steve Estey, who specializes in sexual abuse and assault cases, said the new law is a welcome change, but noted there will be challenges for victims. He said it will be difficult for many cases to be resolved in court because the evidence after 30 or 40 years is scant. Also, those involved may have died, memories fade and unless a report of “some kind” was filed, it could be challenging to win in court, Estey said. He said the bill’s author, Lorena Gonzalez (D-San Diego), was targeting institutions such as the Catholic Church, Boy Scouts of America, USA Swimming and other large entities who may have covered up claims of abuse. “Many times when it happens, they are younger and they’re afraid that people won’t believe them,” Estey said of victims. “There’s a lot of shame that goes along with it. They’ll be in their 30s or 40s and the statute of limitations have long passed.” Also, the bill expands the definition of childhood sexual abuse to childhood sexual assault, making it easier to bring a claim, according to a report in the Orange County Register. Estey, who has a number of active cases against Uber and Lyft for alleged abuses committed by some drivers, said AB 218 allows for those responsible for the crimes to be held accountable. “It’s going to affect the Catholic Church probably the most,” he added. “It’s going to pinch the Catholic Church, probably more than any other entity in California.” As for school districts, though, the new law brings




Rubber Ducky, a red-foot tortoise, is one of 200 reptiles, amphibians and arthropods at the EcoVivarium Living Museum in Escondido, which is planning to expand this year — its 10th anniversary — with a move downtown. STORY ON PAGE 8. Courtesy photo

Rep. Hunter to give up seat Monday By City News Service

REGION — Rep. Duncan Hunter, who pleaded guilty in December to a federal felony count for misusing $250,000 in campaign funds, announced Jan. 7 he will resign from Congress effective next Monday, Jan. 13. The Alpine Republican is facing a potential five-year prison sentence and said previously he would step down from his post, but he had not given a date for his departure. Hunter sent letters Tuesday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Gov. Gavin Newsom saying his resignation would be “effective close of business on January 13, 2020.” “It has been an honor to serve the people of CalTURN TO HUNTER ON 15

‘Angel Baby,’ born in San Marcos By Harvey M. Kahn

SAN MARCOS — Rosalie “Rosie” Hamlin died three years ago but her 1961 hit song “Angel Baby” will live forever say music industry analysts. Hamlin was 15 when she sang vocals for Rosie and the Originals. The group recorded its multi-million-dollar seller in a converted airplane hangar owned by Robert Kittinger. The site was on the defunct San Marcos Valley Airfield where no evidence of it now exists. Not only is “Angel Baby” the staple for oldie show hosts like Art Laboe, it continues to live through international rebroadcasts. In addition, the song is one of the anthems for the Mexican-American community. “The song was groundbreaking because it enabled Rosie and The Originals to become the first Hispanic group to have a national hit record,” said Jeb Navarro, general manager at Palomar College radio station KKSM-AM 1320. The lyrics to “Angel Baby” begin; "It's just like heaven being here with you. You're like an angel too good to be true. But after all I love you, I do. Angel Baby. My Angel Baby. When you are near me my

ROSALIE HAMLIN, seen in an undated photo, was a teen when Rosie and the Originals recorded their 1961 hit “Angel Baby” at a defunct airfield. Photo via

heart skips a beat." Rosie's band members were Noah Tafolla, Carl Von Goodat, Tony Gomez, David Ponce and Alfred Barrett. Navarro says the simplicity of the song about young love will allow it to endure. “We play the Span-


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JAN. 10, 2020

Vista cupcake shop bakes up Little Free Library By Hoa Quach

VISTA — Vista residents will now have access to free books thanks to longtime bakery, Little Cakes Cupcake Kitchen. Don Hein, owner of the bakery on Main Street, said his team was inspired to create a Little Free Library by a customer. The Little Free Library is a nonprofit created a decade ago that inspires people to offer free books to the public. The library at the Little Cakes Cupcake Kitchen now joins more than 90,000 other registered free “libraries” around the world. “We thought this would be a great addition to our business and looked into setting one up,” Hein said. “Since our bakery has a focus on the quaint aspects of the past, making products from scratch, decorations

A LITTLE FREE LIBRARY can now be found inside Little Cakes Cupcake Kitchen in Vista. Courtesy photo

reminiscent of a 1930s era home, etc., we loved the idea of our customers sharing actual, physical books with one another. We look forward to more customers taking some time, sitting to enjoy a classic dessert while reading a good book.” Christina Mayer, a manager at the Little Cakes Cupcake Kitchen who im-

plemented the idea, said she was inspired by a regular customer, who also created a Little Free Library. “Having a Little Free Library right in our shop appealed to us so much because we hope it will encourage more conversations about books, and make more books more accessible to the community,” Mayer said. “To me, it means more meaningful connections and storytelling with members of our community, which in the long-run, I believe can bring people together for a common good.” Since launching its Little Free Library in recent weeks, the bakery is now home to a variety of reads including children’s books, young adult titles and selfhelp books. All books were donated by employees, Hein said. The team hopes to receive more books in the new year and plans to run promotions to increase its library’s offering. The addition of the Little Free Library comes during the Little Cakes Cupcake Kitchen’s 10th anni-

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versary. Since its opening a decade ago, the bakery has seen major milestones. It’s been featured on the Food Network’s “Cupcake Wars,” winning the competition two times. It has also expanded by offering its baked goods inside Gelson’s Markets. A longtime baker inspired by his mother, Hein said he hopes to continue the bakery’s reach by partnering with more markets in its 10th year. “There are some amazing opportunities we have in the coming months and we would just love to offer our cupcakes to as many people as possible in the area as well as in other areas of the U.S. if possible,” Hein said. “The people of Vista and North County have been so supportive of our little bakery for so long and we are extremely grateful and pleased to have been a part of this community for so long.” In the meantime, the staff behind the Little Cakes Cupcake Kitchen are excited to introduce customers to its latest offering of free books. “I used to frequently visit used bookstores and loved the idea of finding something I might not have otherwise thought to read,” Hein said. “It is very early, but people have already expressed excitement and enthusiasm over the concept.” Mayer, who has been working at the bakery for more than two years, said she hopes their version of the Little Free Library will continue to expand with offerings for all age groups. “I want us to have a huge bounty of family/age-appropriate books that everybody can enjoy,” Mayer said. “The goal is to see more families go home with not only a cupcake, but a book too.” For more information about Little Free Library, go to

Rep. Levin reflects on first year in office By Samantha Nelson

REGION — Rep. Mike Levin, a Democrat who represents California’s 49th District, had a busy first year in office. Levin, who lives in San Juan Capistrano, was elected to office in late 2018 to represent parts of North San Diego and South Orange counties. According to a recently released “Progress Report” detailing Levin’s work in the past year, the representative passed nine bipartisan bills through the House of Representatives including two that were signed into law by President Donald Trump. All nine of those laws targeted improving veteran welfare. The two specifically that were signed into law were the Protect Affordable Mortgages for Veterans Act, which maintains liquidity in the veteran home loan market, and H.R. 2196 which expands veterans’ access to STEM scholarships. Levin sits on the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs, chairs its Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity and is a member of the Subcommittee on Health. Levin also helped to secure $128 million in military construction funding for Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. “At the heart of the district is Camp Pendleton,” Levin told The Coast News. “I’m grateful to serve military families and our wonderful marines and sailors on funding infrastructure projects that were long overdue.” The first bill Levin introduced last year was

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the bipartisan Ensuring Safe Housing for our Military Act. This bill would increase accountability and oversight of private military housing. In 2019, a Reuters investigation found Marine families both on base and at other bases around the country were struggling with mice infestations and mold. Levin also focused a lot of his work on environmental issues. He introduced the Spent Fuel Prioritization Act, which would prioritize the removal of spent nuclear fuel from decommissioned nuclear sites in areas with large populations and high seismic hazards. This bill specifically aimed to prioritize the removal of spent nuclear fuel from temporary storage on the decommissioning San Onofre Nuclear Generation Station (SONGS), also located in the 49th District. Levin specifically noted his negotiating for $300 million in federal funding to be included in the United States — Mexico — Canada Agreement (USMCA) for the Border Water Infrastructure Program that will target pollution in the Tijuana River Valley. “This is something that’s been a big issue on the minds of San Diegans,” Levin said. Levin also said the trade deal is a “big win” for the regional economy. “About one in four dollars that flows between the U.S. and Mexico impacts our local regional economy,” Levin said. Levin has also strived to keep up with his constituents on a regular basis. At his first town hall in Oceanside last January, Levin restated his promise to host monthly town hall meetings throughout the 49th District. The congressman held exactly 12 town hall meetings last year. “No months were skipped,” said Eric Mee, a spokesman for Levin’s office. Levin also hosted more than a dozen “Constituent Coffees” throughout the district and in Washington and participated in several other town hall or paneled events to speak with and hear from constituents. 2020 is another election year for Levin, who will be an incumbent candidate this time around. According to Ballotpedia, other candidates vying for his spot include Democrat Nadia Smalley, Republicans Mara Fortin and Brian Maryott and Independent Ryan Doheny. Levin said he is encouraged by his campaign’s grassroots support from the community and is excited for the year ahead. “I’ll continue to fight very hard to deliver results to North County,” Levin said.

JAN. 10, 2020


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Vista road projects approved with $2.7M in TransNet funds By Steve Puterski

VISTA — A pair of road projects got the green light from the City Council during its Dec. 10 meeting. The City Council approved three projects, which include an annual street construction and overlay and resurfacing. The total cost is more than $2.7 million, which comes from Vista’s share of TransNet taxes collected and distributed by the San Diego Association of Governments. TransNet is a half-cent sales tax approved by voters for transportation projects. Those funds are distributed by SANDAG to municipalities based on population and number of miles maintained, said Sara Taylor, a Vista senior management analyst.

Vista has 200.3 miles of roads to maintain, which is the sixth-most in the county behind the city and county of San Diego, Oceanside, Escondido, Chula Vista and Carlsbad. Vista’s project is in conjunction with SANDAG’s Regional Transportation Improvement Program. “This amendment aligns our RTIP programming for these projects for our five-year Capital Improvement Program budgets,” Taylor said. Two of the bigger projects include Civic Center Drive between State Route 78 and East Vista Way and Olive Avenue from North Melrose Avenue to Maryland Drive. Those will consist of repair and rehabilitating high-priority distressed pavement and resurface streets noted in

the Pavement Management System. In addition, the improvements include replacement of damaged curb and gutters, sidewalk and storm drain culverts. Those are all required upgrades such as installation or replacement of curb ramps and traffic signs. The second project consists of multiple locations citywide, such as arterials, collectors and residential streets in need of work, per the city’s annually priority ranking in the CPMP. Those repairs consist of distressed pavement areas and overlay streets with asphalt concrete, the staff report reads. SANDAG, acting as the Regional Transportation Commission, is required by the San Diego Transportation Improvement Program

Ordinance and Expenditure Plan to develop and adopt a RTIP, Taylor said. The RTIP is a multiyear program of proposed major highway, arterial, transit, pedestrian and bikeway projects, according to the staff report. It also includes eligible projects to use TransNet funds submitted by local jurisdictions. The TransNet sales tax extends through 2048 and is also the source of contention between SANDAG and the County Board of Supervisors for more transit funding, dubbed “5 Big Moves.” The original TransNet tax was passed in 1987 and renewed in 2004. The 2004 forecast called $14 billion to be raised through sales taxes, but after re-examining those projections, it will generate around $6 billion.

San Elijo Town Square gets new owners

keting materials, the lot will be sandwiched between Everbowl and Lourdes Mexican Food offering 1,100

square feet. It is the last vacancy on the square. Lachoff did not have a comment as to what might occu-

py the space. Ambient Communities still owns a vacant lot north of the square that has yet to be built offering leasing opportunities to small businesses and various retail operations. Recently, two new tenants announced they would be opening restaurants on the square including Tapa Tapa Restaurant and SETS Kitchen & Bar. In an interview with The Coast News, Duncan Budinger, director of retail development with Ambient Communities, said Tapa Tapa will feature authentic Spanish cuisine. The owners of neighboring Lourdes Mexican Food decided to open Tapa Tapa. Budinger also said SETS (which stands for San Elijo Town Square) will offer dishes inspired by its Colorado-based owner. According to marketing materials, in its final phase of completion the San Elijo Hills Town Center is proposed as a highly traveled thoroughfare with about 32,000 cars passing through the area per day by 2020.

million, Salvati said. Estey said it will be difficult to resurrect cases against school districts unless there is a conviction or reports discovered, especially for those incidents that happened decades ago. Others are concerned about the potential financial blowback AB 218 sets up. A number of government agencies are exempted, but not school districts, which are on edge according to Salvati. “There are going to be more lawsuits occurring for a given period of time,” he said. “There is a three-year period starting Jan. 1 and goes until 2023, and that three-year period has virtu-

ally no statute of limitations. It also allows a lawsuit to be revived that was dismissed because it was beyond the previous statute of limitations.” San Diego-based legal investigator Tonya Sabo, who has worked cases for defendants and plaintiffs regarding sexual abuse, said the intent of the law was more based on bigger organizations such as the Church or Boy Scouts of America. However, she disagreed with Estey’s assessment of the difficulty, saying law firms are already using targeting advertising to find potential victims of abuse. Sabo said it could open up

the door for false allegations. “There’s no going back for the everyday person,” Sabo said. “How do you go back 20, 30 or 40 years and prove this teacher didn’t touch this kid? We are now a society where we assume we can always go back and get a receipt. They just have to show this person was around someone.” California joins New York and New Jersey, which passed similar laws last year, and other states such as Maine, Delaware and Utah, which have completely abolished civil statutes of limitations in these kinds of cases.

By Stephanie Stang

SAN MARCOS — The heart of San Elijo Hills is once again under new ownership. Recently Gershman Properties purchased the San Elijo Hills Town Center from Ambient Communities for $16 million. Gershman Properties is a Los Angeles-based firm founded in 1998 by Ronald Gershman. According to the Gershman website, in 2008 the firm started to “restructure its portfolio to focus exclusively on the acquisition of California neighborhood shopping centers while reducing its triple net portfolio.” Some of the shopping centers Gershman owns are located in Chula Vista, Mission Valley and Vista. “They will not be making any changes to the square,” Executive Managing Director David Lachoff of Newmark Knight Frank said. “We are very happy with it.” He said that they are looking for a tenant to acquire a property next to Everbowl. According to the mar-


many concerns of witnesses counts, a lack of records, police reports, arbitrary dates or insurance coverage at the time of the alleged abuse, said Steve Salvati, executive director of the San Diego County Schools Risk Management Joint Powers Authority. The JPA provides liability insurance coverage for districts in the county holding a layer of liability coverage up to $1 million. They also work with outside carriers for more coverage, which includes $4 million and a statewide pool of $50


ONE VACANCY remains on the San Elijo Town Square. A couple of new restaurants will be opening soon along with new development north of the square. Photo by Stephanie Stang

A story published in the Dec. 27 edition of The Coast News Inland Edition titled, “Vista OKs housing agreements with Solutions for Change,” included a reference to Councilwoman Amanda Rigby, stating that she had noted past transgressions with Solutions for Change. Rigby did not make any such statement during the meeting. The story also incorrectly stated that Solutions for Change had retained Kingdom Development for construction and incorrectly wrote that Kingdom Development would operate an emergency shelter on-site. Solutions for Change will operate the shelter. The Coast News regrets the errors.

Of the $6 billion, $3.7 billion is required to pay down debt and the remainder, $2.3 billion, is what is left over. SANDAG and some North County cities have negotiated to include several highway projects as a result of the backlash from the “5 Big Moves,” which is attempting to address the county’s state-mandated greenhouse gas emission levels. “State Route 78 ends in stoplight. It’s a total outrage,” Councilman Franklin said during an August meeting. “I support the vision, but devil is in the details and you have figure out how to pay for it. You have to be realistic with rev-

enue projections.” Vista receives its monetary allocation from SANDAG funds for the current repairs and improvements to local streets and roads. However, the funds must be programmed by the city into the RTIP before they can be spent. The programming of funding is required to assist SANDAG with managing the cash flow needs of each local agency, the staff report said. Currently, has six CIP projects in the 2018 RTIP. The city can make adjustments via the quarterly RTIP amendment process to adjust the amount of disbursements for individual projects or between projects, when needed.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JAN. 10, 2020

Opinion & Editorial

Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of The Coast News

Gov. Newsom’s first year: ‘Biggest problem’ unresolved

T Big things in store for 2020


s we are now fully in 2020, I thought this would be a great time to talk about the current status of the County of San Diego. One of the questions I get asked most when I’m out is, what does a Supervisor supervise? Well, there are five San Diego County Supervisors and we are in charge of a variety of things from public health, food stamps, Registrar of Voters and many other items. We also manage state and federal dollars for local programs. I have the privilege of not only representing the cities of Carlsbad, San Marcos, Oceanside, Vista as their representative on the Board

around the county Jim Desmond of Supervisors, but I’m also the government for a lot of the unincorporated areas. Those areas don’t have a city council, they don’t have a mayor, so I am their government official. Some of the District 5 unincorporated areas are Borrego Springs, Fallbrook, Fairbanks Ranch, Palomar Mountain, Rainbow, Ranchita, Rancho Santa Fe, Valley Center and Warner Springs. The Coun-

ty is in charge of your roads and highways, so if you have a problem, reach out to my office! We have many new projects coming to the unincorporated area including adding new sidewalks in Borrego Springs, working with the community on an evacuation plan in Valley Center and creating community driven plan for the Fallbrook Village area and formed based code. I’m excited to see all this transpire as we move ahead in 2020 and hope to see out in the community! Jim Desmond represents District 5 on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors

Expect an exciting year in San Marcos


t’s the dawn of a new decade, and exciting improvements are on the horizon in San Marcos. Last year, San Marcos was named one of America’s best suburbs in a study, confirming what folks who live here already know – that San Marcos is an excellent place to live, work and do business. A slate of innovative projects, events and initiatives will make San Marcos an even better place to call home in 2020. This year marks my 14th consecutive year serving San Marcos as an elected official and my second year as mayor. It has been incredibly fulfilling to see initiatives come to fruition that started as ideas in my early years on the City Council. For example, we broke ground on the San Marcos Creek Project, the largest capital improvement project in City. The $104M project will minimize flooding risks, build two new bridges, add new street lanes for vehicles and bikes, preserve and enhance 1.5 miles of Creek habitat, and build a new park and 1.2 miles of trails. The current scope of this project has been in the works for about a decade and it will improve the quality of life for residents, businesses and visitors in San Marcos. You can sign up for project updates and alerts at

mayor’s minute Rebecca Jones In terms of public safety, crime rates are trending down thanks to the efforts of the San Diego County Sheriff's Department San Marcos Substation and the City’s continued investments in public safety. We have the lowest crime rate in San Marcos’ history and the second lowest crime rate in San Diego County. Our overall crime rate dropped 40% in the last five years and 18% in the past year alone. Innovative new businesses are continuing to set up shop in San Marcos. Adding to our brew-culture, Karl Strauss is expected to break ground on their new location this year. Plans are also moving forward on Area-of-theArts—a project that will one day transform nine acres of vacant land at the intersection of Grand Avenue and Linda Vista Drive into a thriving village anchored by arts, makers, craft brewers and distillers with an interactive park at its core. Our City now boasts approximately 4,000 businesses, up more than 25% from

a decade ago. With more than 45,000 jobs in the City and an annual GDP totaling nearly $8 billion, local businesses continue to thrive and are making San Marcos an economic powerhouse. Our dynamic North City neighborhood is transforming into a buzzing downtown district with new restaurants, a modern co-working space, a cider-tasting room, apartment homes, the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce office, plenty of parking, and more. The International Economic Development Council recently honored the City of San Marcos with a prestigious award for an article series we produced to showcase our many economic development strong points. Thanks to years of thoughtful City planning and economic development, San Marcos is no longer a drive-through community. We are a drive-to destination. As we like to say, there’s never been a better time to Discover Life’s Possibilities in San Marcos. I look forward to sharing more San Marcos news at the annual State of the City address on Feb. 18 at Cal State San Marcos in the University Student Union Ballroom at 11 a.m. Visit the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce website to learn more.

he utility company blackouts that accompanied the first severe blast of the fall fire season in October quickly became the signal events of Gov. Gavin Newsom’s first year in office, triggering the most heated public response and causing more public inconvenience than any others. Those outages by Pacific Gas & Electric Co. and the Southern California Edison Co. among other things demonstrated how far Newsom still must go to solve the problem he identified as California’s largest back when he was a mere candidate — income inequality. Not that Newsom didn’t try to mitigate that problem. He spurred state legislators to pass widespread rent control, encouraged incentives to build more affordable housing, expanded Medi-Cal health care coverage and signed many more new laws aiming to benefit middle and lower income Californians more than the upper crust. But while he did that, financial inequality grew in California during Newsom’s first year, the rich gaining even more of an edge over their middle class and poor compatriots. The blackouts put those differences in bas relief. For the knowledge they were coming spurred thousands of Californians to buy solar panels and gasoline-powered electric generators that could keep their homes going — even if only sporadically in many cases — through the blackouts. Those became longer and more widespread than any outages during the energy crunch of the early 2000s, which put the first nails in the political coffin of recalled former Gov. Gray Davis. With millions of Californians unable to afford basic needs like rent, food

hundreds of new dwellings, they must deal with land prices far above those in desert or other inland areas, including the Central Valley. So “affordable” housing usually sells for at thomas d. elias least $350,000, well beyond and medicines, generators the reach of hundreds of that can cost thousands of thousands of first-time buyers. That price also dollars and solar panels excludes virtually all of the that often run $20,000 or homeless. more for a single home One constructive move were not on the radar of that could help with land most Californians outside prices, though, was creatthe upper income levels. ing a new register of vacant And yet, Newsom’s going along with the plans or available state-owned lands. If those properties of PG&E and Edison for those outages, even in plac- are sold off cheaply and developed, they could es where high, hot winds never occurred, exacerbat- help the housing shortage, even if they won’t alleviate ed the existing economic homelessness. differences he bemoans. Newsom also made His tolerating those constructive moves on gun plans — until they were actually carried out, when control, signing several laws previously vetoed by he pronounced them “inex-Gov. Jerry Brown, intolerable” — established cluding one Brown vetoed him as even more of a twice that allows increased utility company ally than use of gun restraining he was during July, when he helped arrange the new orders. Newsom signed a bill allowing child care state Wildfire Fund that workers to unionize and may eventually provide another banning smoking more than $20 billion to cover electric company lia- in state parks and on most bilities in future fires. The public beaches. He okayed a compromise making charmoney will come largely ter school finances more from a monthly charge to transparent, set public electric customers. school start times an hour So the blackouts, especially their extremely later and nixed a measure to end the practice of wide range in Northern California, could eventual- paying initiative petition ly cause political problems carriers for signatures they collect. for Newsom. He’s tried to But he greatly watered head this off by disapproving PG&E’s proposed $13.5 down a public health meabillion settlement with fire sure designed to prevent bogus medical waivers victims. from allowing parents to Meanwhile, actions exempt their children from Newsom spurred on housing probably won’t resolve getting vaccinations on false grounds. that problem, either. By All this made Newworking to force housing som’s first year a mixed expansion everywhere, bag, preventing a definNewsom assured that a itive reading on the new great share of any new governor. Which means units won’t be affordable Californians will have to to many first-time buyers, stay tuned. even if they carry the “affordable” label. Email Thomas Elias When cities like Newat port Beach work to create

california focus

Inland EdItIon

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JAN. 10, 2020

Tiger Woods joins field for Torrey Pines REGION — Tiger Woods has committed to the 2020 Farmers Insurance Open at Torrey Pines, during which he'll pursue an eighth tournament victory and the chance to become the PGA Tour's all-time winningest golfer, event organizers announced Jan. 9. Woods, at 82 wins, needs only one more victory to move ahead of World Golf Hall of Famer Sam Snead. Woods, the tournament's all-time leading money winner with nearly $7 million earned, will look to add to his tournament legacy with an eighth win at the event across 19 overall appearances. “The fact that Tiger will have his first opportunity to set the all-time record for PGA Tour wins at the Farmers Insurance Open is truly fitting,” Century Club of San Diego CEO Marty Gorsich said. “Tiger has had such remarkable success here, dating back to his eighth career victory, when he won this tournament for the first time in 1999. What he has done since returning from his back injuries has been great for the game of golf, and we are excited to welcome him back for a fourth consecutive year.” The Farmers Insurance Open now includes 16 of the world’s top 50 golfers according to the Official World Gold Rankings, and nine past Farmers Insurance Open winners have committed, including the last 10 winners, including defending champion and No. 8-ranked Justin Rose. The field for the Jan. 23-26 tournament does not finalize until Jan. 17. — City News Service



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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Pickleball for all: San Marcos hosts first tournament By Stephanie Stang

SAN MARCOS — It’s been said that pickleball is the fastest growing sport you’ve never heard of, but don’t tell folks that who have been playing it for years. Martin Vazquez, from Corona, California, said his wife talked him into it three years ago after he lost interest in racquetball. “She said hey, ‘I found this new game called pickleball.’ And I said, ‘Pickle what? You hit a wiffleball with a paddle and I said is that a real sport?’ She said, ‘Yeah you have to play with me’ and I said I wasn’t interested ... and so finally ... love at first sight.” The sport continues to grow in popularity around the country and now also has a place in San Marcos. After some research, the San Marcos Parks and Rec Department decided to host its first tournament Jan. 4 and Jan. 5 at the Corky Smith Gymnasium with about 30 teams signed up. “It’s been a great thing.” said Dorcy Norton, pickleball tournament director. “Hopefully, we’ll get more going here. They only have limited time because basketball is such a priority in this space.” Norton is independent and runs tournaments on the weekends all around the West Coast. “San Marcos is very innovative,” she said. “They always have been. My kids played sports in San Marcos.” She said San Marcos desires to bring new recreational programs that are current and interesting. “I have to say the city of San Marcos is really good about catching onto what is latest and greatest,” she said. “The community service program here is phenomenal.” Tournaments attract folks like Vazquez and his elected Richard Vásquez as its president and Patrick Sanchez as its vice-president for 2020. Vásquez, a retired civil engineering designer, has served as the chair of the district’s public affairs, fiscal policy, and water sustainability committees. Sanchez has served on the board since March 2017 and represents Division 4, which encompasses the Shadowridge area of Vista. Sanchez, a retired director of parks, recreation and community services, worked in public service for 34 years and recently served as chair of the public affairs committee and on the water sustainability committee. Vásquez and Sanchez are joined by directors Marty Miller (division 1), Paul Dorey (division 3) and Jo MacKenzie (division 5) to form the VID board of directors.

The Escondido Library Foundation has donated six new AWE Early Learning Stations and six new AWE Early Learning Tablets to the Escondido Public Library, at 239 S. Kalmia St., Escondido. The stand-alone stations have the latest educational software, a touchscreen interface and are bilingual in English and Spanish. The tablets are for use inside the library with a valid library card. The six tabletop stations are available for use in the Youth Services Department and the six tablets are expected to be avail- TOP ATHLETES able at the Youth Services Redshirt junior Marcus desk by the new year. Brown of men’s basketball and junior Emma Forel of VID ELECTS LEADERS women’s basketball were Vista Irrigation District named the Cal State San (VID) board of directors Marcos Student-Athletes of

PICKLEBALLERS Amy and Joe Barrion played in the San Marcos pickleball tournament Jan. 4-5. The two-day event started with a round-robin competition leading to playoffs in nine indoor courts at the Corky Smith Gymnasium. Photo by Stephanie Stang

wife, who love the sport but enjoy meeting new people while travelling the country, more. “We have travelled to play in Hawaii, Texas, Oregon, Florida and Arizona,” he said. “We have met so many people. At the national tournament at Palm Desert, we met people from Canada, Australia, Mexico and all over. It’s social game and we’ve met a lot of friends. The majority of our circle of friends right now are pickleball players.” There are many similarities to any “paddle” sport yet many different rules to pickleball. “It’s kind of like ping pong,” Vasquez said. “It’s kind of like tennis. It’s kind of racquetball but different. It’s a similar thing that you are trying to get your ball past your opponent but trying to get your opponent to get the ball out or into the net.” the Month for December. TYPE O BLOOD NEEDED

San Diego Blood Bank is asking those who have type O blood, to donate blood immediately. Supplies of O positive and O negative blood are at critically low levels. Type O positive is the most common blood type, and therefore needed by many hospital patients, while type O negative is the universal blood type and can be given to any patient, and is often used in emergency rooms when there is no time to determine the blood type of the patient. To be eligible to donate blood you must be at least 17 years old, weigh at least 114 pounds and be in general good health. Make an appointment at or by calling (800) 469-7322. Walk-ins are also welcome.


Kendal Cliburn of Carlsbad and Mary Holmberg of San Marcos achieved the Dean’s List at Belmont University for the Fall 2019 semester.

Norton managed racquetball tournaments when the sport was popular as well. “Thirty something years ago racquetball was getting ready to boom and take off,” she said. “That’s exactly where pickleball is. When we started playing pickleball four or five years ago, it was mostly an older person sport. Nowadays the median age, I’m not 100% sure but I’m gonna say it’s probably down in the 40s.

There are lots of 20-yearolds playing. They are teaching it in the schools.” What was once considered a sport only for baby boomers has become popular for all ages according to co-director Vicente Rodriguez. “It’s a quick game to learn and it’s also a lot of fun to play right away,” he said. “You don’t have to be an expert to enjoy it. Although, there’s plenty of room to become a nuanced

player or an expert player. So, there are high-caliber players that play pickleball as well.” Depending on the part of the country people are playing in, it’s typically outdoors but can be indoors as well. There are televised professional matches as well now with prize money totaling $25,000 to $50,000. Once a player steps on the floor, he or she is considered a 2.0 or 2.5 level out of 5. The players can sometimes take the sport very seriously. That’s why tournament Rodriguez always reminds them, “part of pickleball is sportsmanship.” At the San Marcos event, signs were posted all over the gymnasium encouraging players to “have fun.” Along those lines, he said the sport can quickly become addictive and uses a good game of golf as an analogy to describe the fun behind pickleball. “When you are playing golf and you hit the ball just right and the right distance and you get the satisfaction, your brain rewards you for that,” Rodriguez said. “You are forever chasing that feeling again in golf. In pickleball, you get that feeling every third shot.” Players looking for other tournaments and players in the area can search or

Behavioral Health Services North Inland Region Community Engagement Forum

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Woodland Park Middle School, Performing Arts Center 1270 Rock Springs Road, San Marcos, 92069 Saturday, January 25, 2020 • 10:00am to 11:30am (9:45am Check-In) Continental Breakfast will be provided. Community members will be eligible to receive a $10 gift card for participating.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JAN. 10, 2020

Escondido school to live-stream wide-ranging lecture series ESCONDIDO — A January lecture series is being video-streamed live through Jan. 23 at Escondido’s Calvin Christian School. The 2020 January Series will be from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Monday through Friday on campus, 1868 N. Broadway. Each of the 15 presentations will be shown live on a large screen and are free and open to the public. The 15 speakers will offer perspectives on a wide range of today’s most relevant topics. Presenters in 2020 will include: — Jan. 10. Sandra Postel, “Replenish: The Virtuous Cycle Of Water And Prosperity.” An authority and author on global water issues, Postel promotes the preservation and sustainable use of freshwater. She directs the independent Global Water Policy Project, based in New Mexico, and is the co-creator of Change the Course, a national water

stewardship initiative. — Jan. 13. Jonathan Haidt, “The Coddling Of The American Mind: How Good Intentions And Bad Ideas Are Setting Up A Generation For Failure.” Haidt is a social psychologist at New York University’s Stern School of Business. — Jan. 14. Cathy O'Neil, “Weapons Of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality And Threatens Democracy.” O’Neil is the author of “Weapons of Math Destruction,” and a columnist for Bloomberg View and founded the company ORCAA, an algorithmic auditing company. — Jan. 15. Deborah and James Fallows, “Our Towns: A 100,000-Mile Journey Into The Heart Of America.” Fallows, a writer for the Atlantic, and Deborah, a linguist and writer, spent five years visiting small towns and cities in America, flying a small propeller air-

THE LECTURES are being video-streamed live this month at Escondido’s Calvin Christian School. Speakers include the Browns, above, a set of five piano-playing siblings all accepted simultaneously to the Juilliard School. Courtesy photo

plane, to capture firsthand a portrait of the civic and economic reinvention happening across the country, outside the spotlight of national media. — Jan. 16. “The 5 Browns In Concert” The piano playing quintet, The 5 Browns - Ryan, Melody, Gregory, Deondra and Desirae - became the first family of five siblings ever accepted simultaneously to New

York’s Juilliard School. — Jan. 17. Bob Fu, “When Caesar Demands To Be God: Religious Freedom In China.” Fu was born and raised in mainland China and was a student leader during the Tiananmen Square demonstrations for freedom and democracy in 1989. A former dissident and pastor of an illegal underground church in Beijing, Fu and his wife Hei-

di fled to the United States as religious refugees in 1997. — Jan. 20. Alice Marie Johnson, “After Life: My Journey From Incarceration To Freedom.” In 1996, Johnson was sentenced to a mandatory life sentence plus 25 years without parole for her role in a nonviolent federal drug case. This was her first and only conviction. After she served 21 years, her life sentence was commuted in 2018 by President Donald Trump, with the help of Kim Kardashian West. — Jan. 21. Mitch Albom, “A Little Girl, An Earthquake, And The Making Of A Family.” Albom is an author, columnist, radio host, and philanthropist. — Jan. 22. Ann Compton, “Up Close And Very Personal: My 41 Years In The White House Press Corps.” Compton is a veteran of the White House press corps. She joined ABC News in 1973 and was the first

woman assigned to cover the White House by a television network. — Jeremy Everett, “Solving America’s Hunger Crisis” Jan. 23. Everett is the founder and executive director of the Texas Hunger Initiative. — Jan. 24. Johan Norberg, “Progress: 10 Reasons To Look Forward To The Future,” Norberg is an author, lecturer, documentary filmmaker, and a native of Sweden. He lectures about entrepreneurship, global trends and globalization. — Jan. 27. Karen Gonzalez, “The God Who Sees: Immigrants, The Bible, And The Journey To Belong.” Gonzalez is an immigrant from Guatemala—now living in Baltimore, Maryland—a non-profit professional, currently working for World Relief, an organization in Baltimore, Md., that serves immigrants and refugees.

Skatepark planned for San Elijo Hills By Stephanie Stang

TO HELP STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING, Soroptimist International of Vista, along with its sister club in Oceanside-Carlsbad, will hold an Annual Human Trafficking Awareness Event and Walk from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Jan. 11 at the Vista Library, 700 Eucalyptus Ave., Vista. Courtesy photo

CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

JAN. 10


The Senior Anglers of Escondido will present, the club’s annual Year in Review Show at 9:30 a.m. Jan. 10 at the Park Avenue Community Center, 210 Park Ave., Escondido. The program will highlight photos of the club’s Trout challenges, Catfish derby, Surf fishing tournaments, saltwater charters, picnics, and RV camping trips around the state. The club’s meetings are held the second Friday of each month, open to all anglers age 50 and above.


Join the North County Widows and Widowers Club for a Twilight Dinner Dance at 5 p.m. Jan. 10 at Vista Elks, 1947 E. Vista Way, Vista. $15 at door plus $2 table charge. RSVP to Dottie at (760) 438-5491.


Carlsbad Community Church is holding a free Family Movie Night featuring “God's Not Dead,” at 6 p.m. Jan. 10 at 3175 Harding St., Carlsbad. Popcorn and water provided. Open to the community.


Annual Human Trafficking Awareness Event and Walk from 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. Jan. 11, rain or shine, at the Vista Library, 700 Eucalyptus Ave., Vista. A $10 donation is requested but not required. Register at event or online at For more information see soroptimistvista. HISTORY HUNT The Legacy Users org or e-mail Group, sponsored by North San Diego County Genea- HEALTHY NEW YEAR logical Society, will meet The Escondido Library from noon to 2 p.m. Jan. 10 is hosting a Wellness Fair at Georgina Cole Library, for all ages from 10:30 a.m. 1250 Carlsbad Village to 1 p.m. Jan. 11 at 239 S. Drive. Bring a laptop (not Kalmia St., Escondido. Apple). No reservation required. For information, KIDS IN THE GARDEN e-mail Saturday Kids in the or call (760) 542-8112. Garden theme is “Scavenger Hunt for Nature’s TreaREADING CHALLENGE sures” from 10 a.m. to noon Escondido Public Li- Jan. 11 at Alta Vista Botanibrary has begun its Winter cal Gardens, 1270 Vale TerReading Program for all race Drive in Vista. Class ages, running through Jan. fee is $5 per person, pay 31 at 239 S Kalmia St., Es- at class. Pre-registration condido. Fill out the back required at farmerjonesavof a tracking sheet to track or call (760) your progress. Tracking 822-6824. sheets are available at the Youth Services desk or displays around the Library. For details, call (760) 839- FRIENDS AND FAITH 4684. The Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County support group for those who desire to foster STOP HUMAN TRAFFICKING friendships though various Soroptimist Interna- social activities will host a tional of Vista, along with meeting and potluck at St. its sister club in Oceans- Margaret Catholic Church, ide-Carlsbad, will hold an Oceanside Jan. 12, with A Gem Faire will be held noon to 6 p.m. Jan. 10, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Jan. 11 and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 12 at the Del Mar Fairgrounds, 2260 Jimmy Durante Blvd., Del Mar. Admission $7 weekend pass.

JAN. 12

JAN. 11

Bowlero bowling and dinner to follow, San Marcos on Jan. 16. Reservations are necessary: (858) 674-4324. MAKE A WALL OF GREEN

Learn to build a Succulent Wall Planter from 9 am to noon Jan. 12 at the San Diego Botanic Garden, 230 Quail Gardens Drive, Encinitas. Learn the basics of planting a vertical living wall made out of succulents. Register at classes.htm. SDBG members: $110, non-members $116 (materials included).


The city of Encinitas is hosting Cyclovia, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Jan. 12, along South Coast Highway 101 between D Street and J Street. It is a free, open, street event where streets are temporarily closed to cars and open to allow cyclists, skaters and pedestrians access to local businesses on open streets. Explore local businesses and the neighborhood in a new way.

JAN. 13


The Bonsai Club meets at 11 a.m. Jan. 13, at the San Diego Botanic Gardens, 230 Quail Gardens Drive, Encinitas. Remember to bring your plants, gloves, and TURN TO CALENDAR ON 15

SAN MARCOS — A longtime vision to bring a skate park to the San Elijo Hills community in San Marcos may soon become reality. Recently, owners of a new multisport complex announced they would house the next skatepark. Edenpark, an old recycling plant, will soon offer many indoor and outdoor activities, including a skatepark. “The plan is to open it in 2021,” Edenpark cofounder Jason Simmons said. “The skatepark will be partially covered and against the building.” The announcement comes after years of work from a local group to bring a skatepark to the area. San Marcos resident Jeannine Melville originally started the group, San Elijo Hills Skatepark, more than four years ago. “I think there’s a big need,” she said. “San Elijo has done such a great job of accommodating the needs of the younger kids here. But the needs of the older kids is kind of an afterthought.” Efforts from the group include meetings with city leaders, a Facebook group, a YouTube video, and an online petition with 700plus signatures. Melville said the group quickly found out that there are many things that can make a site not viable. “We were on a mission to go to work with the city to look at sites that were unused or that seemed like a good location,” she said. “We just kept on encountering hurdles.” She emphasized the importance of city planning. “For example, it can’t be too far tucked away because you won’t

be able to keep an eye on it from the streets or too close to a home or an area that’s not flat enough,” she said. “The recently updated park master plan approved by our City Council in June of 2018 recognized a need for another skatepark in our city in the future,” Buck Martin from the San Marcos Parks and Recreation Department said. “The location of the skatepark would be determined by public input and the availability of land.” Although several signs prohibiting skateboarding are posted around the San Elijo Town Square, older children can often be seen jumping rails or curbs with skateboards around the local businesses. Melville said that was a primary reason for pushing for a park. “I think it really all came from a combination of seeing all the complaints from the parents about the teens that were getting in trouble and just trying to put myself in their shoes and how frustrating it would be to not have a place to go,” she said. “I think if they had somewhere to go … it would be a great help for the community.” Several neighboring skate parks are in the area, including one in San Marcos, but Simmons says this new one would differ. “This will be privately run and a private park,” he said. “Most of them are municipal areas. Those are all about 20 minutes away. For most skateboarders to walk to them, it will be very difficult. There are quite a few homes in the area in San Elijo Hills. We are hoping TURN TO SKATEPARK ON 15

JAN. 10, 2020


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

CSUSM unveils lineup LPGA rookie seeks public’s help to fund season of Arts & Lecture guests By Hoa Quach

SAN MARCOS — Cal State San Marcos has announced its slate of speakers and performers for its spring semester Arts & Lecture series. The list includes musical performers, a dancer, scholars on issues such as criminal justice and climate change, an inspirational speaker and more. Many of the guests originally hail from California, with some San Diego guests in the mix as well. “This season really is exciting,” said Gina Jones, Arts & Lectures program planner for the CSUSM College of Humanities, Arts, Behavioral & Social Sciences. “We have renowned speakers and excellent performances in store. Some definite can’t-miss events that the public should be aware of.” Flores Forbes, a professor and administrator at Columbia University in New York and a San Diego native, will kick off the series on Feb. 12. Forbes, a former member of the Black Panther Party civil rights activist group, will speak about the issue of mass incarceration through the lens of “race, literacy and education in America.” The brochure says he will discuss how they were all “used as a weapon against the enslaved and how it is currently used to measure demand for the carceral state.” And it will be through the lens of the “exceptions clause” in the 13th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. Forbes — whose scholarship focuses on urban planning and who authored the books “Invisible Men: A Contemporary Slave Narrative in the Era of Mass Incarceration” and “Will You Die With Me? My Life and the Black Panther Party” — said he looks forward to coming back to where he grew up. “I am very interested in the work that is going on around criminal justice change, and I think there is great work going on in California in general and San Diego County in particular, so any contribution I can make to that dialogue is a high priority for me,” said Forbes. “We need to change the narrative about what is happening to the people in prison as they are slaves for the economies of states who make money of their labor.” Another California native, Grammy-nominated jazz pianist Judy Carmichael — who is now based in New York City — will also return home to put on a March 5 show and discussion for the CSUSM crowd. San Diego guitarist Larry Koonse will join her in an event co-sponsored by the Museum of Making Music in Carlsbad. Carmichael called Koonse one of her “favorite collaborators” and that she will “jump at any excuse to come back” to the Golden State.

“I’ll talk about improvisation, what makes jazz special and how I feel jazz could only have been invented in America and how it reflects the American experience,” said Carmichael. “We’ll illustrate how improvisation works and discuss how listening skills can be improved by listening to jazz, especially in an age when people have become more visual and inward looking instead of genuinely noticing what’s around them around them and listening with intent.” Climate change and the issue of domestic violence will also be part of the schedule. For the climate issue, Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Kerry Emanuel will speak about the issue of hurricanes in the era of global climate change. His talk, scheduled for March 24, is titled “Hurricanes and Climate: A Physics-Based Approach.” Emanuel said in an email that his talk at CSUSM is part of a broader effort he is making to speak to younger crowds at universities “to get them interested in bringing science (not just statistics) to bear on estimating climate change risks.” “A good estimation of risk is, in my view, essential both for preparing for climate change and for motivating people to do something about it,” Emanuel said. “Many risk assessments, for example by the insurance industry, are strictly actuarial and are based entirely on historical data. These are often badly misleading because there has already been enough climate change to make them out of date. I will illustrate these points using the problem of hurricane risk.” Jackson Katz will speak the day before Emanue on March 23. He will focus on the “bystander approach” within the issue of domestic violence in a lecture titled “Violence and Silence.” “In my talk, I will address the ongoing problem of domestic and sexual violence by defining it not as a ‘women's issue’ that good men help out with, but as a men's issue — across the racial/ethnic and socioeconomic spectrum,” said Katz, who runs the group Mentors in Violence Prevention and formerly lived in the Los Angeles suburb city Long Beach. “I will also be talking about the ways in which friends, teammates, classmates, colleagues and co-workers — of all genders, but especially men — can challenge and interrupt the abusive behaviors of their peers, ranging from casual sexist comments to catcalls on the street to potential sexual assaults.” All of the events will be held in either the University Student Union Ballroom or in the CSUSM Performance Hall in the Arts Building.

ESCONDIDO NATIVE Haley Moore, a San Pasqual High School graduate, led the University of Arizona to the NCAA title last year and is playing her rookie year on the LPGA tour this year. She has launched a GoFundMe page to help cover tournament expenses. Courtesy photo

big break when she scored big in August by competing in the qualifying school for the LPGA. “When I hit my second shot onto the green on my last hole of the final stage of Q-School I was safely on the green and had a good chance to make birdie,” Haley Moore said. “I knew I was clearly inside the top 45 and was going to get my LPGA card. It did not sink in until a couple of days after when I was getting calls

for interviews and texts from all my family and friends and close fans congratulating me.” Today, Haley Moore is relying on the public support to carry her through her rookie year of the LPGA. She recently launched a GoFundMe campaign to pay for tournament expenses and is hoping the public will help her raise $60,000 for the year. “As a rookie it is hard at first with the expenses

as you have to earn money and then save some of it for the future tournaments you want to play in,” Haley Moore said. “Any dollar amount will be extremely helpful and even if you cannot donate money, helpful things such as hotel points or airline miles greatly help also to save the costs on those.” For now, Haley Moore is competing with the support of her biggest fans such as her mother, Michele Moore. Michele Moore, who is actively involved in her career, has been on the road with her daughter from the beginning. “It was very rewarding to see that all of her hard work paid off when she was awarded her LPGA card,” Michele Moore said. “We all had tears of joy after we got into the car and headed back to the house that we were staying at. I knew that her life would be changing overnight, but at the same time, she knows she still needs to work hard each and every day because in order to keep her status, she would need to make cuts and do well in her rookie season. The hard work and grind never stops.” As Haley Moore continues living her dreams alongside top golfers from around the world, she hopes her story will inspire others, particularly the next generation of golfers. “I hope that by telling them my story that will inspire them to not let bullying or whatever hardships they might be going through get in their way of achieving their dreams,” Haley Moore said. For more information about Haley Moore or to donate to her GoFundMe campaign, go to gofundme. com/f/haley039s-path-to-lpga.

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By Steve Horn

ESCONDIDO — Haley Moore’s earliest tournament memories include skipping down the course while other golfers played the game. These days, she is doing more than just celebrating the game of golf. The 21-year-old’s talent has led her all the way to the Ladies Professional Golf Association where she’s currently playing her rookie year. The Escondido native said her love for golf began at the age of 5. “I got into golfing through my family. I started touching a club and swinging when I was 5,” Haley Moore said. “My brother is two years older than me and plays golf as well. I went to the range one day with him and my grandpa and they helped me hold the club and get a swing going.” A year later, at the age of 6, she played in her first tournament where a moment when she skipped down the golf course was captured by a local news station, she said. Haley Moore, who also dabbled in soccer and softball, continued her passion for golf at San Pasqual High School. “I chose golf over these other sports because I fell in love more with this sport,” Haley Moore said. “I was committed to being a good golfer and taking the time to practice every day, and one day being able to be a top junior golfer and college golfer and eventually, being a professional golfer.” Haley Moore’s commitment stayed true. She went to the University of Arizona where she led the team to the NCAA Women's Golf Championship last year. After graduating with a degree in general studies in just three years, she got her


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JAN. 10, 2020

Once you go Mac … EcoVivarium turning 10 — and growing


t’s been a slightly trying arrival into 2020. My 10-year-old MacBook chose not to celebrate the holidays. I’m not sure what prompted me to go with an Apple 10 years ago. Probably input from friend who went to high school with Steve Jobs. Possibly the promise of no viruses. And my little laptop had served me faithfully, well past the time when many things hit their obsolescence. Having such a dated bit of technology became a point of pride. I would sometimes take it into the Apple store, just to see the young staffers wince. But I had been expecting its demise of late. It had gotten quite reluctant to do any number of tasks and moved very slowly on those it would do. I had begun research on a less-expensive PC to replace it, trying to be penny-wise. I turned to the “experts” and made a decision, but when they tried to transfer my data, “Computer said ‘no.’” On to purchase two, with advice from my tech-savvy, PC-loving daughter. The next PC did talk to my Mac and home I skipped, prepared to master the nuances of a not-Apple computer. I have used a PC, but not recently. In fact, I cut my teeth on them back in 1973, and retrained three or four more times on different versions at different newspapers. I could find my way around it, but that just sucked me into a false sense of security. I spent a full week trying to make it my friend, but the new creature was just too high-strung and temperamental. I knew where to find everything, but it seemed I had to manage way too many extra steps to get there. The biggest hurdle, however, was the touchpad. Apparently, I use a touchpad much like I drive. Heavy foot, heavy fingers. Unintentional touches kept sending me

small talk jean gillette flying off to places and settings that mystified me. Often, getting back to my original intent was a serious challenge. I may have muttered copious curses. I truly gave up when the PC mysteriously changed the language on my Facebook page to German and refused to let me change it back (Autsch!). I agonized about it, getting opinions from my resident expert — my daughter — and then called that same friend of Steve Jobs. “Well, “ she laughed. “Having an Apple is much like living at the Hotel California.” She was teasing, but for me it rang true — especially after 10 years. She then turned my attention to the world of refurbished computers, and I was a happy woman. I felt so guilty returning the PC, after all the time and effort to get all my data transferred, and days of trying hard to get on easy footing with it. I hate to admit defeat and I reassure myself that I could have, and would have, eventually mastered it. I just wasn’t up for the learning curve. Be kind to me, PC fans. Don’t chastise or write me mean letters. I am well aware of my limitations. I hold no grudge and am aware of the positive side of PCs. However, I would offer that life is demanding enough without adding extra, unnecessary struggles. I’m a big fan of the shortest route to simplicity and the absence of gnashing my teeth. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer who is content to go on living in the Hotel Apple. Contact her at

Escondido zoo celebrating anniversary with move to larger space downtown By Hoa Quach

ESCONDIDO — Ten years ago, four people had the dream of saving reptiles, amphibians and other creatures, while also educating the public about their unique traits. Today, the dream has transformed into the EcoVivarium Living Museum, a space that’s home to 200 animals frequented by thousands of visitors. But, leaders behind the unique Escondido space have even bigger plans this year. In 2020, the museum and its reptiles will move from a small building on Juniper Street to the popular Grand Avenue in downtown Escondido, providing a space that’s three times the size, said Susan Nowicke, president of the EcoVivarium Living Museum. Nowicke, who was one of the four founders of the EcoVivarium, said the museum has grown tremendously since starting as a mobile attraction 10 years ago. It will continue to grow with new programs in the new year, she said. “The current museum location was a grassroots effort made from a combination of new and reclaimed lumber, reclaimed glass from office buildings and fences, and lots of good old-fashioned hard work,” Nowicke said. “We had entire families pitching in, doing everything from materials collection to the actual construction. There are some great memories here, and we look forward to many more years of memories at the new location.” Nowicke said 98% of the animals were rescued. The nearly 3,000-squarefoot space the museum will

SUSAN NOWICKE, EcoVivarium’s co-founder and president, holds a Nile monitor. Photo by Steve Horn

move into this spring will allow for more exhibits and more programs such as the first “Bio-STEAM Lab” she said. “Our collective excitement is beyond words,” Nowicke said. “The new space will allow for more elaborate enclosures to improve the lives of ambassadors on display and provide more space so we can accommodate larger tour groups, schools, and visitors from around the world in a spacious and relaxed environment.” The museum’s leaders also plan to showcase artifacts and art aimed at enhancing the educational experience for visitors. More room will also allow for more interaction between the animals and guests, Nowicke said. “History and cultural lessons come to life when you’re holding a living creature that connects you to it,” Nowicke said. “We are very

excited to open doors to people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to learn about the world we live in, the impact we have on it, and the role its inhabitants play in our lives. It is through that connection we will grow the next generation of the planet’s stewards.” Donald Carl, museum manager, said he began volunteering for the EcoVivarium in 2016 and immediately fell in love with the animals. He hopes the museum’s 10th year will allow for the organization to further thrive as it fulfills its mission of educating the public while caring for the animals. “We offer a one of a kind interaction with animals that most people know very little about,” Carl said. “I am even learning more and more as I interact with the animals one on one. I hope to see more people with similar passions for these animals and for them

to share it with their friends and family.” However, moving into a larger space with new programs will require more of the museum’s team of four employees and roughly 20 volunteers. Nowicke said the museum currently costs $17,190 to operate but will increase to $36,560 when it moves into the new downtown space. “As you can imagine, this is a huge undertaking, and it will require strong support from our community, businesses, and grantors,” Nowicke said. “When it is all done, it will be a cutting-edge facility attracting visitors from around the world into the hotspot historic downtown Escondido district and serving and educating students throughout the region.” Nowicke said the public can support the EcoVivarium and its animals by visiting the museum, being a member or sponsor. For now, the founder of the EcoVivarium is thankful for its current team that has helped the museum in the last decade. “Here at the museum, volunteers are involved in everything from animal care to marketing, web design to education, grant research and writing, literacy outreach to bookkeeping, social media, networking, business relations and maintenance,” Nowicke said. “A museum provides a wealth of opportunities to explore in terms of careers, and we are always looking for dedicated individuals.” For more information about the EcoVivarium Living Museum, go to

Nominations accepted for Vista Hall of Fame VISTA — Nominations are now open for 2020 selections for the Vista Hall of Fame, sponsored by the Vista Historical Society. The Hall of Fame celebrates Vista’s history by highlighting individual accomplishments in support of Vista.



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The deadline for nominations is Feb. 21. Nominations can be made by calling (760) 6300444, by mail at P.O. Box 1032, Vista, CA 92085-1032 or by e-mail to vhm67@1882. Details of the nominee’s service, a photo and other supportive information must be included for consideration. A minimum of two members will be elected each year. One of these members will be from the regular division and one from the early residents division. The regular division nominee can be living or dead and must meet the first three criteria listed below. The early resident’s division nominee must also

meet the first three criteria and plus the fourth criteria, that he or she must have been dead for 20 years or more. The reason for the difference in the divisions is to ensure that early residents who made significant contributions to Vista are remembered. The criteria for election to the hall of fame are: 1. Each nominee must have lived in Vista at least 20 years. 2. Each nominee must have made significant contributions to the betterment of the community. The accomplishments must be verified to the society’s satisfaction. 3. Married couples, who both meet the criteria, may be nominated together

as one nominee. 4. The early resident nominee must have died in 1999 or prior to that year. Those selected will be honored during a ceremony at the May 18 Vista Historical Society meeting at the Shadowridge Country Club, and their photographs will be placed in the Historical Society Museum. The Vista Historical Society board of directors will appoint a committee of former Hall of Fame inductees and community representatives to review nominations received from the public. Existing hall of fame members can be found on the Vista Historical Society web site and Facebook page.

30 abandoned roosters need new homes

ESCONDIDO — More than two dozen abandoned roosters are in need of a new home, the San Diego Humane Society announced Jan. 8. The owner of the 30 roosters left them overnight on Dec. 28 at a feed store in Escondido, with a note explaining he could no longer

take care of them, according to SDHS spokesman Dariel Walker. The birds were then brought to the Humane Society. The roosters are all healthy and social and are available for adoption at the San Diego Humane Society’s Escondido campus. The Humane Society

urges potential adopters to check local ordinances where they live to be sure they are allowed to keep a rooster, which is prohibited in some cities. Get more information about the Humane Society at — City News Service

JAN. 10, 2020


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

M arketplace News Tri-City Medical Center and American Heart Association join forces Marketplace News is paid advertorial content. If you would like to buy space on this page, please contact the Coast News Group.

OCEANSIDE — With a like-minded focus on helping all North County residents become engaged in their health, Tri-City Medical Center has spent the last three years collaborating with the American Heart Association. “We want to encourage more people to take ownership of their own heart and brain health and pursue a healthy lifestyle,” Aaron Byzak, Tri-City Medical Center’s Chief External Affairs Officer, said. One of the American Heart Association’s goals is to ensure that your freeway exit doesn’t determine your health. “The American Heart Association envisions a North County where heart disease and stroke are a thing of the past,” Stacy Weaver, American Heart Association Executive Director, said. “Where healthy choices are equitable and accessible. We are working to make this a reality.” “Tri-City Medical came to us to see how we could together start a program for the North County market-

A SUCCESSFUL VENTURE between Tri-City Medical Center and the American Heart Association is the North County Heart & Stroke Walk, which attracted more than 2,000 participants last year. Courtesy photo

place to elevate awareness around health and wellness,” Weaver said. One of the most successful efforts the collaboration touts is training the community in hands-on CPR. “We are approaching having trained 1,000 people in bystander CPR,” Byzak said. “Early in my

career, I worked in Emergency Medical Services for seven years. Often when our ambulance would arrive on a scene of a cardiac arrest, there would be 10 people standing around doing nothing. If those bystanders had been trained in CPR, some of those patients would have had a decent chance

of survival. We can’t stress enough the importance of being trained in hands-only CPR.” Another successful venture between Tri-City Medical Center and the American Heart Association has been the North County Heart & Stroke Walk, which last year attracted a little more than

2,000 participants. “Coming up on March 7, this year’s walk will be at the Carlsbad Flower Fields,” Byzak said. “We hope this new picturesque location will attract even more people. It will be right as the flowers are beginning to bloom and we are teaming up with supporters such as Legoland and Hunter Industries to promote the walk and healthy lifestyles.” “Events like the North County Heart & Stroke Walk, the Carlsbad Street Fair, the Strawberry Festival and community-based workshops are perfect for increasing awareness about heart and brain health and the steps one can take to help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke,” Weaver said. “We also want residents to celebrate their health by getting up and moving and highlight the work we are doing as part of our ongoing efforts for a healthier North County.” Heart diseases and stroke are the No. 1 and No. 5 killers of all Americans. “We work to find out what’s

happening within the North County community specifically and what we can do to help our residents prevent heart disease and stroke,” Weaver said. Improving access to healthy food, blood pressure management and reducing tobacco’s toll on North County are among the goals. “Registration for the North County Heart & Stroke Walk is free, while the knowledge you gain and the impact you will make via the dollars you raise are priceless,” Weaver said. For more information on the North County Heart & Stroke Walk at the Carlsbad Flower Fields on March 7 and to register, visit www. or call (858) 410-3827.


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VOL. 3,


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N0. 7






Inside: 2016 Sprin & Garde g n Sectio n

Citracad extensio o Parkway n project draws on MARCH

By Steve

It’s a jun

gle In there

Emi Gannod exhibit , is open11, observe s a Banded now through April 10. Purple Wing Full story butterfly on page at the San Diego A2. Photo

Comm Vista teunity rallies be acher placed hind on lea ve by Tony

By Hoa



Zoo Safari







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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JAN. 10, 2020

Food &Wine

Deluxe wines chosen as Top Ten for 2019 Mt. Brave Cabernet Sauvignon Mt. Veeder Napa Valley, 2016, $100. This Bordeaux blend of Cabernet Sauvignon (87.5%) with accents of Merlot (5%), Cabernet Franc (3%) and Petit Verdot (1.5%) benefits from Mt. Veeder’s elevation typically 10 to 15 degrees cooler Napa Valley. The nose has black and blue fruits with floral notes along with ripe structured tannins working in harmony for a long, balanced finish. Visit

DAOU Mt. some 13 years ago, has become the most talked about vineyard in California. Its latest triumph is Bodyguard, sleek yet powerful with an opulent finish. Visit

taste of wine frank mangio


bounty of the finest wines line up on the Taste of Wine top shelf, led by the 2016 vintage, universally touted as the best in years with its influence now spilling over to 2017. Tech Director Rico Cassoni and I had a great time putting this list together for our readers. The excellence is best exemplified by Cabernet Sauvignon, the most popular varietal, revealed in a recent nationwide Costco poll. These most noteworthy wines were selected for flavor, body, value in the wine’s price point and the “wow factor.” Wines appearing are listed alphabetically.

DAOU Estate Soul of a Lion Adelaida District Paso Robles, 2016, $125. It is rare for us to double down on a single winery for our Top 10s, but it was an easy decision for DAOU. Soul of a Lion is DAOU’s halo product and what the DAOU brothers, Daniel and Georges, are setting the new standard in Bordeaux wines with. This 84% Cabernet Sauvignon, 10% Cabernet Franc, and 6% Petit Verdot free-run blend is aged for 22 months in 100% New French Oak creating silky smooth tannins today. However, you will want to put a couple of these in your collection for down the road special occasions.

CADE Cabernet Sauvignon Howell Mountain, 2016, $110. This 91% Cabernet Sauvignon, 6% Petit Verdot, and 3% Merlot blend creates a potpourri of aromas exploding from the glass with notes of black cherry, cocoa and a hint of floral lavender and rose. The palette is full bodied with ripe black fruit featuring red cherry and plums, hints of tobacco and earth and deep rich color. Visit

Duckhorn Merlot Atlas Peak Napa Valley, 2016, $78. Dan Duckhorn is considered to be the premier Merlot winemaker in Napa Valley after a life-changing visit to Bordeaux’s right bank in France. With notable depth and structure, the top wine in the world in 2017 as reported by Wine Spectator was the Duckhorn Merlot. We pass the baton to 2019. Visit

DAOU Bodyguard Adelaida District Paso Robles, 2017, $36. DAOU Vineyards, since its first planting atop

Fattoria di Felsina Chianti Classico Reserva Tuscany, 2016, $35 Fermentation and storage in three-story casks emit a classic earth flavor

DAOU VINEYARDS’ newest wine, Bodyguard, is a Petite Poliziano Vino Nobile di Verdot and Petite Sirah that Montepulciano Tuscany, winemaker Daniel Daou calls 2016, $30 “approachable luxury.” CourStarting with 55 acres, tesy photo

Poliziano now can boast of 420 acres of single-vinewith density and focus. Ex- yard bottlings. Made mostpect almond and leather ly from Sangiovese, the notes with a firm backbone signature grape of Tuscaof tannins. Visit ny, it also has smaller portions of Colorino, Canaiolo Jayson Cabernet Sauviand Merlot. Deeply ruby gnon Napa Valley, 2016, red, similar to Syrah. Visit $80. This is primarily Cabernet Sauvignon (95%) Turley Zinfandel Uewith splashes of Petit Ver- berroth Vineyard Paso dot (4%) and Merlot (1%). Robles, 2016, $55 The nose has black fruit Ueberroth is the oldaromas and hints of plum, est and wisest of the 50 licorice and vanilla. The Turley-run vineyards. Lopalate starts off fruit for- cated closest to the sea, ward and finishes with co- these Zin vines are plantcoa and floral hints. Visit ed on very steep limestone slopes. The high pH of the soil makes for a high acid Lewis Cellars Reserve wine, elevating the ripe Cabernet Sauvignon fruit flavors from this cerCoombsville Napa Valley, tified organic vineyard. 2016, $175. Visit www.turleywinecelDense layered sweet cocoa with alluring oak spice with “wow-factor” Happy New Year! frontal fruit. Creamy berFrom our Taste of ry factor gives way to sup- Wine and Food team to you ple muscle. Long, lavish and yours, we wish all our finish. Visit lewiscellars. readers a healthy and proscom. perous 2020.

THE BREWBIES beer festival is Feb. 8 at Bagby Beer Company in Oceanside. Photo courtesy

Brewbies beer festival promotes breast health


all me biased, but of all the punnily named breast cancer awareness organizations, Brewbies is my favorite. On Feb. 8, the 11th annual Brewbies beer festival will be held at Bagby Beer Company in Oceanside (601 South Coast Highway). Attendees will enjoy beers from more than 50 specially invited breweries. All the proceeds from the event will go to the Keep A Breast foundation, which works globally to provide breast health education and support. Melanie Pierce founded Brewbies in 2010. Her vision was to bring breast health education to the masses through the craft beer. The San Diego craft beer community is especially focused on charitable causes (2018 donations were estimated at $5 million in the 2018 San Diego Craft Beer Economic Impact Study conducted by Cal State San Marcos). So,

craft beer in North County Bill Vanderburgh this festival was a natural fit. Pierce credits the camaraderie and attitude of mutual support in the craft brewing industry for keeping the festival going for so long. In fact, it has been so successful that annual Brewbies beer festivals now take place in Alameda, California, and Charlottesville, Virginia, too. In its first 10 years, Brewbies has raised more than $540,000 for Keep A Breast. Tickets for the event are $49 in advance, $60 at the door. Tickets can be purchased at the Brewbies website, To add to the fun, the 2020 Brewbies festival inTURN TO CRAFT BEER ON 14

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JAN. 10, 2020


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Cool discoveries in chilly Ann Arbor hit the road e’louise ondash


ne might think, when winter arrives in Ann Arbor, Michigan, (45 minutes west of Detroit), that the number of visitors to the University of Michigan Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum ( would plunge, but exactly the opposite happens. “People come here to get warm and see all the beautiful plants,” director Robert Grese said of the gardens-under-glass conservatory. As if to prove his point on this frigid December day, we come across a woman who has set up an easel and is making broad strokes of green on her canvas. Her finished image will be in sharp contrast to the garden’s outside acres, now brown and dormant until the spring months. The tour of this warm glass house brings, at each turn, collections of plants from climates that vary from arid to super-tropical, all necessitating careful management of their contiguous environments. It’s like walking through a giant, well-tended terrarium. The botanical garden’s 90-acre property also offers a children’s nature playground, a community garden and the Discovery Trail, a quarter-mile walk with interactive signs. Later, I find myself hiking one of three other longer trails, but I couldn’t tell which one, despite the lovely, color-coded maps at various junctions. All around is a woodsy, wintery environment with the accompanying sounds of snapping twigs and leaves and the musical, mini-rapids of Fleming Creek. I feel as though I’m passing through a three-dimensional, sepia-toned photo that will transform come warmer weather. Seeing this landscape, it’s easy to understand why the change of seasons here is so celebrated. (In all, the university manages more than 700 acres of gardens, greenhouses, natural preserves and research and teaching facilities in the Ann Arbor area.) Back in Ann Arbor’s downtown, a good time seems assured as we are greeted by the giant Slinky tree at the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum (aahom. org). Ostensibly for children, this museum has plenty to do and learn for kids of all ages. “Our primary purpose is to provide guests of all ages with moments of discovery as they relate to science, technology, engineering, arts and math,” Mel Drumm, executive director, said. “All of our programs are conducted in environ-

A SLINKY TREE, left, greets visitors to the Ann Arbor Hands-On Museum, which has exhibits that fascinate kids of all ages. Right, a desert landscape thrives in the conservatory at the University of Michigan Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum despite the frigid temperatures on the other side of the glass. Photo by E’Louise Ondash (left); courtesy University of Michigan Matthaei Botanical Gardens and Nichols Arboretum (right)

ments that promote social interaction where people of all interests and backgrounds interact with the exhibits, our programs and each other. For example, just yesterday there were 2,000 people (here), all enjoying programs, hands-on activities, musical perfor-

mances, our temporary climate exhibit and more.” It is difficult to decide where to go first in the museum, so I’m glad to have Drumm as a guide. We explore the water-play exhibit with its streams, turning wheels, bobbing balls, chutes and slides that all

teach about the nature and force of water. A massive set of “choppers” (teeth) teaches about oral hygiene, a lifesize ambulance about first responders, and in the preschool gallery, an engineering exhibit and a one-person bubble chamber. “Many of our exhibits

I’m Ready . . . For Peace of Mind

are designed by University of Michigan professors and students … truly unique experiences often not found in other museums,” Drumm says. “Our one-person bubble chamber is an all-time favorite. (Visitors) completely surround themselves in a larger-than-life bubble.”

And who wouldn’t like that? For more on Ann Arbor and its many fine museums, visit For more photos and commentary, visit ondash. Want to share your travels? Email eondash@

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JAN. 10, 2020

A rts &Entertainment

arts CALENDAR Shen Yun to perform this month in Escondido Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

JAN. 10


California Center for the Arts, Escondido’s newest winter exhibitions, “Endangered: Exploring California Changing Ecosystems” and “Finding Heaven in Hellhole Canyon” will run through March 8. An opening reception starts at 6 p.m. Jan. 10 at 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido. Tickets $15 at


New Village Arts announces its third annual New Play Festival, “Final Draft,” scheduled for Jan. 10 through Jan. 12 at 2787 State St., Carlsbad. Tickets are $10 per reading, or $35 for the All-Access pass at or by calling (760) 433-3245. This year’s festival will feature plays by local playwrights Morgan Trant Kinally, Tom Steward, Roy Sekigahama and Cynthia Ochoa.

JAN. 11






By Steve Horn

ESCONDIDO — At face value, it’s a beautiful presentation of traditional Chinese music and dance. But underneath the surface — and sometimes highly visible above it — Shen Yun puts decades-long political and human rights grievances on the map for its audiences. The group, an offshoot of the group Falun Gong or Falun Dafa — which also runs The Epoch Times, a conspiracy-filled newspaper and digital publication — will perform music and dance Jan. 17 through Jan. 21 at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido. They will be hosted by the San Diego Falun Dafa Association. “Shen Yun invites you to travel back to the magical world of ancient China,” the group says in promoting its show. “Experience a lost culture through the incredible art of classical Chinese dance, and see legends come to life. Shen Yun makes this possible by pushing the boundaries of the performing arts, with a unique blend of stunning costuming, high-tech backdrops, and an orchestra like no other.” Shen Yun Performing Arts did not provide com-

SHEN YUN will perform Jan. 17 to Jan. 21 at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido. Photo via Shen Yun Facebook

ment for this story. Getting off the ground in 1992 as a movement and what some call a religion, the Chinese government has described the group as a “anti-society cult” in an advisory published by its U.S. Embassy. The embassy also called Shen Yun a “performance is a tool of the cult and anti-China propaganda.” “They have been stag-

ing the so-called ‘Shenyun’ Performances in the U.S. in recent years in the name of promoting Chinese culture and showcasing the oriental charm,” wrote the Embassy. “But in fact, the performances were filled with cult messages and implied attacks against the Chinese Government.” But in both federal and California state legislation, the group is extolled as suf-

fering from human rights abuses in China, with the bills calling for solidarity with the plight of those practicing Falun Gong. One such bill moved through the California Legislature in 2017 but died after opposition from the Chinese governmental opposition. “This may deeply damage the cooperative relations between the State of California and China and seriously hurt the feeling of Chinese people and the vast Chinese community in California,” the Chinese Consulate in San Francisco wrote in a September 2017 letter published by the Associated Press. In 1999, Falun Gong committed the first case of mass political action in China since the Tiananmen Square actions that ended with violent repression in 1989. Like Tiananmen, the Falun Gong’s protest outside of the headquarters of the Chinese Community Party in Beijing ended with violent repression. The New York Times reported that 2,000 members of the practice, described as a sort of offshoot of Buddhism, went missing in the decade between 1999 and 2009 crackdown and another 8,000 say they experienced incarcer-

ation. As a result, the leadership of the group and many of its followers have fled to the United States. In that vein in 2006, Shen Yun got off the ground as a performing troupe. Shen Yun has received praise for its artistry and performance quality. Others, perhaps not realizing the deep political origins of the show, have critiqued it for doling out over-the-top messaging around human rights abuses. Indeed, Falun Gong’s founder Li Hongzhi advised those he worked with on Shen Yun to downplay the ties to the movement. “You needn’t insist on telling people that Shen Yun has ties to Falun Gong and make a big fanfare out of it,” Hongzhi has said, according to a March 2019 story published by Los Angeles Magazine. Today, Shen Yun performs throughout the United States and the world. The group will follow its time in Escondido by performing at the San Diego Civic Theatre from Jan. 24 through Jan. 26 and in Costa Mesa from April 3 to April 12. Tickets for the show at the Center for the Arts cost between $80 and $200.

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JAN. 10, 2020


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

A rts &Entertainment

Patio Playhouse’s ‘Fun Home’ will sing songs of Bechdel’s life By Alexander Wehrung

ESCONDIDO — When writer, cartoonist and “Dykes to Watch Out For” creator Alison Bechdel was 19, she came out to her parents as a lesbian. Not long after, Bechdel’s gay father, Bruce, stepped into the path of a delivery truck and died. The tragedy of her childhood and coming to terms with both her sexuality as well as her father’s apparent suicide is the underpinning of “Fun Home,” Patio Playhouse’s upcoming 2020 production. “Fun Home” is a Broadway musical based on Bechdel’s 2006 graphic memoir

“Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic,” adapted by Lisa Krone and Jeanine Tesori. Patio Playhouse’s Artistic Manager Matt Fitzgerald serves as the play’s director. Initially drawn to the production by Tesori’s score, which he calls “fantastic,” he also found himself relating on some level to some of the characters. “It’s easy as a father to see … as unkind as it might sound, to see a little bit of Bruce in myself, and have that egg me on become a better father, a better person,” he said, though he feels that he does not go to the same extremes.


Rosie and the Originals caught lightning in a bottle.” Jeb Navarro GM of KKSM-AM 1320

his mother open for the Rolling Stones at age 18 in San Diego on their first U.S. tour. “My mom wanted me to play on tour with her. I didn't. It’s a regret,” said Tafolla, who has been a guitarist for heavy metal rock bands such as Quiet Riot. “The inspiration from my parents remains in me,” added Tafolla, whose father died three months ago. Tafolla gives thanks to the Hispanic community for helping keep his mother's memory alive. He was honored by John Lennon who often said, “Angel Baby” was honest, real, and meant something. Lennon was one of many who recorded a version of “Angel Baby.” Disc jockey Larry Kratka has an oldie show on Palomar College Radio KKSM

of people who have found a home in this show,” he said. “A relatability, particularly those in the LGBT community, specifically young lesbian or bisexual women have found a protagonist in the show they can relate to specifically, rather than generally.” “But really, it’s a difficult but fantastic story with a beautiful score.” The show will play at Patio Playhouse’s black box theater on Kalmia Street in Escondido from Jan. 17 to Feb. 9, Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets range from $15 to $44.

on view until Jan.11 at the puppet masters. If you are Lux Art Institute, 1550 S. interested in volunteering, CONTINUED FROM 12 mail@escondidoEl Camino Real, Encinitas. e-mail Partnership Municipal lery hosts its first exhibition of the new decade Jan. 11, ”Wood: A Furniture VOLUNTEER IN THE ARTS Show XI,” with its opening The Escondido Arts ‘LION, WITCH & WARDROBE’ reception 5:30 to 8 p.m. at Partnership Municipal GalThe Community 262 E. Grand Ave., Escondi- lery community art space Players Theatre presents do, during the Second Sat- is always looking for volun- “The Lion, The Witch and urday Artwalk. Concurrent teers who can help us with The Wardrobe,” Jan. 17 exhibitions include a new installations of exhibits, through Jan. 19, and Jan. "Mini" Mingei Internation- artists receptions and fund- 24 through Jan. 26, at 7 al Museum. raising events like the Pa- p.m. Fridays and Saturdays nache Art Auction in March and 2 p.m. Sundays at ComPIANO CONCERTO and the Recycled Materi- munity Lutheran Church, Hear a solo piano con- als Runway event in June. 3575 E. Valley Parkway, cert by Steinway artist How about grant writing, Escondido. Tickets: $15 at Louis Landon, performing marketing, graphic design, his original compositions mailings, street teams, from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Jan. 11 general maintenance, use at the Escondido Library, of tour buses, vans or mov239 S Kalmia St., Escondi- ing trucks, audio & visual CONCERTS IN RSF do. techs, photographers, soCommunity Concerts cial media content harvest- of Rancho Santa Fe presLAST DAYS OF EXHIBITION ers, web designers, IT tech, ents singer/songwriter Explore the work and art instructors, set design- Shaun Johnson and The Big studio space of resident ers, DJs, musicians, models, Band Experience at 7 p.m. artist, Judy Tuwaletstiwa make-up artists, poets and Jan. 24 in The Fellowship

Hall at the Village , 6225 Paseo Delicias, Rancho Santa Fe. Individual tickets are $75 for adults and $15 for youth ages 13 to 18. Tickets and information at

each other about the character. He said he believes that whatever differences are visible in their respective performances will reflect on the growth of Alison as a person. To reflect the source material’s graphic novel origins, some of the props used in the play will be images drawn by some of the cast, as well as (possibly) pieces of some of Bechdel’s artwork. “We’re trying to match her style as best as possible with all of our props and stuff,” Fitzgerald said. The production will serve as Patio’s second musical in a row after “Miracles



as a “one-hit wonder” by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. At its peak, “Angel Baby” rocketed up to No. 5 on Billboard's hit music chart early in 1961, surpassing Elvis Presley, Paul Anka, Connie Francis and Marty Robbins. “Angel Baby” sold an estimated 900,000 copies of the 45 RPM vinyl disc in 1961, just missing the 1 million mark to qualify for Platinum Record status. However, it was more than enough at the time to qualify for a Gold Record. Joey Tafolla, son of Hamlin and Noah Tafolla, is sure his parents’ song eventually reached Platinum. At 14, Joey Tafolla was old enough to go on tour with his mom to see what the magic of making good music was all about. He recalled seeing oldie revues that included Chuck Berry, the Coasters, the Drifters and Shirelles. Tafolla was not old enough in 1964 to see

of the Season,” but two key things will set it apart from that production. First, instead of playing pre-recorded tracks, there will be a seven-piece orchestra in the black box theater. Second, there will be “alley seating,” meaning there will be bleachers set up across from the ordinary seats. Thus, managing the sound became the biggest design challenge of the play. Fitzgerald says that even if audience members don’t relate to Bechdel herself, they can still find meaning and enjoyment in a story about family. “I think there’s a lot

“Not to normalize (Alison’s) story, but the feeling of being an outsider, in high school or in college is, I think, relatable to most people. And that’s Middle Alison’s story … the awkwardness of discovering who you are and relating that to your life.” Bechdel is depicted in three stages of her life by three separate actresses: the child Small Alison (Emma Delaware), the college student Middle Alison (Caitlin Groome) and middle-aged cartoonist Alison (Dani Leandra). Fitzgerald hailed the actresses’ skills and their effort to inform

JAN. 14

ROSALIE HAMLIN and Rosie and the Originals lead guitarist Noah Tafolla were married as teens. Their son Joey Tafolla is a guitarist who has played for heavy metal bands. Photo courtesy Joey Tafolla

and says “Angel Baby” remains popular because it's simple and from the heart. “It's not over produced like Jimi Hendrix or Bachman/ Turner.” Kratka's show, titled nothingbutold45s can be heard Thursdays and Saturdays on KKSM. His coastto-coast syndication reaches 43 stations and nine countries. Kratka plans to give “Angel Baby” even more expanded air play. The magic of Angel Baby was more remarkable according to friends, who claimed Hamlin was very ill the day of recording. Another problem arose when Barrett, the saxophone player failed to show up, forcing drummer Tony Gomez to play the saxophone for the first time in his life. The imperfections of sound were obvious to the trained ear, something that John Lennon found intriguing. Hamlin often said she was surprised that “Angel Baby” became a hit. Likewise for Tom Wilson, then a student at Escondido High School in 1960, who worked in Robert Kittinger's simple San Marcos recording studio. He recalled the group recording the music and then having it pressed onto vinyl in the studios on site electro-plating shop. “I was astonished that ‘Angel Baby’ rose to the top of the charts,” he said. “Wilson had to be even more shocked when he first heard Rosie and the Originals were performing at Madison Square Garden.

JAN. 17

JAN. 24


Auditions will be held for “The Glass Menagerie” from 6 to 8 p.m. Jan. 27 with callbacks the same night, 8 to 10 p.m. at Vista’s Broadway Theater, 340 E. Broadway, Vista. No appointments will be taken. Show up anytime between 6 and 8 p.m. and audition. Make sure you keep the 8 to 10 p.m. slot open in case you are asked to come to callbacks. If you live more than 25 miles from the Broadway Theater you may submit a resume and headshot in advance. E-mail to

HOW TO SAFELY DISPOSE OF MEDICATIONS Deborah Seyl Wycoff, 78 Encinitas December 18, 2019

Joan Rotea Ley, 103 Oceanside December 29, 2019

Marsha McMahon, 66 Oceanside December 26, 2019

David Paul Cunningham, 58 Vista December 27, 2019

Share the story of your loved ones life... because every life has a story. For more information call


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Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publicatio in Friday’s newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the customer for approval by Tuesday at 10 a.m.

Rates: Text: $15 per inch Photo: $25 Art: $15

Approx. 21 words per column inch

(Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)

When a loved one dies, we are often faced with the question of how to safely dispose of their medications. “Flushing them” is not the answer. The San Diego County Sheriff’s Department and the San Diego Board of Supervisors recognized that unwanted, unused or expired prescription drugs presented substantial risks to our community by either falling into the wrong hands, or by damaging our environment through improper disposal. To solve this issue, most Sheriff Stations now offer secure collection drop-boxes. Residents are welcome to come to any of the facilities listed on their website where unwanted medications may be turned in anonymously. To see a list of stations with drop boxes and for more details, visit the San Diego Sheriff Department’s website at prescription-drugs/dropbox.html.


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JAN. 10, 2020

Economic Development Council honors North County business and civic leaders SAN MARCOS — Several hundred of North County’s top business and civic leaders gathered Dec. 12 to celebrate the growth of the region’s economy and acknowledge eight outstanding economic development achievements. Legoland General Manager Peter Ronchetti, who has led the resort’s expansion and development for the past 11 years, was presented with the event’s top award, the second annual Bill Horn North County Steward Award. “Legoland has grown to become so much more than first envisioned due in large measure to the vision and foresight of Peter Ronchetti,” said W. Erik Bruvold of the San Diego North Economic Development Council. “Twenty years ago, visionaries worked hard to attract LEGOLAND to Carlsbad. Under Peter’s stewardship the park has transformed from a oneday theme park to a multiday resort.” Palomar Colleges Transition Program was given the Higher Education Award. This innovative program has Palomar CC faculty delivering

courses within the Vista detention facility and then integrating formerly incarcerated individuals into a campus setting after their release. Excellence In Economic Development Awards were also given to: • San Diego AgHub, an innovative effort spearheaded by the San Diego County Farm Bureau to bring under one roof several organizations that serve North County’s multi-billion-dollar Agricultural Industry. • CSU San Marcos Extended Learning Building. CSUSM and Sea Breeze Properties collaborated to build CSU’s first building constructed under a public-private partnership. The New EL building is now the largest academic building at CSUSM. • The California Training Facility in Vista, is an indoor 24/7 training facility for skate sports. Opened last year, the center offers a training environment for world-class athletes and directly supports North County’s active sports industry. • The Oceanside Beach Resort. S. D. Malkin broke ground this year on what will be one of North

Still accepting custom t-shirt orders for pricing contact


County’s largest hotels and a key center of activity for the region’s visitors industry. It will be part of the continued revitalization of Oceanside’s Pierside district. • San Diego Tech Hub was launched last fall, bringing North County technologists, high tech companies and supporters together in a variety of ways. Explicitly committed to bringing more diverse and difficult voices to the conversation, the organization is creating a place where connections can be made. • Blue Star Families’ Spouseforce Program. San Diego is home to more than 110,000 active duty service personnel with an estimated 80,000 family members. Spouseforce helps military spouses make connections to employers and seek jobs – in a community where many do not have the extensive networks that many of us take for granted. The “Excellence in Economic Development Awards Luncheon,” was hosted by the San Diego North Economic Development Council and presented by San Diego Gas & Electric.

County gas prices rise REGION — The average price of a gallon of self-serve regular gasoline in San Diego County spiked 1.2 cents Jan. 9 to $3.60, a day after decreasing seven-tenths of a cent. The average price is four-tenths of a cent more than one week ago, 13.2 cents lower than one month ago, and 30.1 cents more than one year ago, according to figures from the AAA and the Oil Price Information Service. Some analysts fear that an escalation of tensions between the U.S. and Iran could lead to rising prices at the pump. — City News Service

WE WANT YOU! The City of San Marcos Sheriff’s Senior Volunteer Patrol needs help. We know volunteers are sought by every service or organization out there. We’re no different in that regard but we currently find ourselves short-handed and unable to assist our great City as it should be. If you find you have some extra time on your hands and care about people, consider checking us out by contacting Mike Gardiner, 760-510-5290 at the San Marcos Sheriff’s Station. He will introduce you to all the pluses of being part of this great team of volunteers. You have talents and experience we are looking for.


SOAPMAKER Scott Harms creates his cleaners using beer.

Courtesy photo

Craft beer inspires Vista soap business By Hoa Quach

the perfect bars. “Beer really affects the color of the soap,” Harms said. “I use IPA for light colors and stout for dark. The color has to match the smell and influences what fragrance I might choose.” Using natural products such as olive oil, coconut oil, fresh hopes and lye, Harms began giving bars to friends and family before selling his products. “For a whole year I gave soap away for free and asked for feedback,” Harms said. “I also watched a lot of other soapmakers on YouTube. It's a valuable resource for learning technique and there are some insanely talented people willing to show you some of their secrets.” But, the path to creating the perfect recipes was not easy, Harms said. For example, he learned that in order to use beer, you have to remove the alcohol portion. “I have tried many recipes,” Harms said. “Not all were successful.” One person who became crucial to his business, Harms said, was Stuart Lynch, a co-worker at Stone Brewing Co. Lynch assisted Harms with creating different flavors of soaps. “Scott told me about his soap line and ideas for flavors with beer,” Lynch said. “So, we collaborat-

ed on that, coming up with some really interesting and unique scents.” Describing Achieve Soap as a “unique product,” Lynch said he now keeps a bar of beer-infused soap at “every hand sink and shower in my house.” Friends are not the only ones excited about the craft beer soap bars. Harms, who also works as a creative director for a local ‘80s band, has been building a customer base as well. “So far the feedback has been very positive,” Harms said. “I had one customer tell me he uses it to shave and told me the lather was perfect. I took his advice and haven't bought shaving cream since.” Harms said he hopes to expand his niche in the beauty industry by building his business. He’s also working on creating a special Valentine’s Day soap that will smell like sour candy, he said. “I really enjoy thinking of a concept and trying to bring it to life — the smell, feel and visual elements are all really important,” Harms said. “There are a lot of people out there making soap so a well-executed idea can help you stand out.” For more information about Achieve Soap, go to or follow it on Instagram at instagram. com/achievesoapcompany.


North County breweries taking part this year include Bagby Beer Company, Pizza Port Brewing Company, Mother Earth Brew Co., Booze Brothers Brewing Co., Stone Brewing, Northern Pine Brewing, Culture Brewing, and Burgeon Beer Co. In addition, other well-regarded breweries from the rest of San Diego are participating, as well as others from farther afield including Eagle Rock Brewery, Faction Brewing, Smog City, Green Cheek, Firestone Walker and Sierra Nevada. Other things to look for-

ward to at the festival are a food drive, a voter registration drive, a cornhole tournament, and a raffle with some great prizes from Electra Bicycle Company, El Gato Charters, Ernie Ball, Obey and Schecter Guitars. Attendees are reminded not to drink and drive: Bagby is located four blocks from the Oceanside Transit Center. Take the train or bus, arrange a designated driver, or take a rideshare. Use the link https://www. ly f t .c o m / i nv it e / B R E WBIES10 to get 20% off two rides to or from Bagby Beer Company from Lyft.

VISTA — San Diego County’s love affair with quality craft beers has been taken to the next level this year by a Vista soapmaker. Scott Harms is the man behind Achieve Soap, a firstrate, homemade soap business completely inspired by brews. Harms, the longtime San Diego County resident, said it all began when his significant other introduced him to homemade soaps. Surprised by the cost of each bar, he decided to learn how to make the suds on his own while working at Stone Brewing Co. in Escondido. “I started with a few basic recipes and then found one that you could make with beer,” Harms said. “I always have more beer than I can drink so it was an easy decision to make my own beer soap.” Although Harms has been making beer soap for roughly two years, he decided to start selling his creations this year, he said. Since launching his company to a mostly online customer base, Harms has sold hundreds of bars. Harms said he has also learned a lot about how to make high-quality cleansers and what type of beer to use. He said he had to test numerous recipes, beers, fragrances and oils to create


cludes a Pink Beer Competition, in which brewers are allowed to make any sort of beer as long as it looks pink. In the past, unusual additions like beets, pink glitter and fruit took center stage — even one with dead bugs. The trophy is a ceramic breast cast handmade by artist Nora Alins-Carpentier. Last year’s winner was Eagle Rock Brewing from Los Angeles, who won for their Flander’s style red sour ale called Yearling with Tart Cherries.

JAN. 10, 2020


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

M arketplace News

Items on this page are paid for by the provider of the article. If you would like an article on this page, please call (760) 436-9737

CBDs, THC & other initials: A physician’s approach to medicinal cannabis This is part 2 in a series of three. Cannabis contains well over 400 different chemicals, of which at least 60 are cannabinoid compounds. That means that they effect changes in our bodies through, conveniently named, cannabinoid receptors. Think of this as a lock and key theory: a cannabinoid chemical (such as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, most commonly referred to as plain old THC) will attach itself to a receptor that is shaped specifically for it to fit in the brain (or elsewhere in the body) where it elicits a particular effect, such as euphoria. If the chemical doesn’t fit the receptor, it will not produce an effect. Let’s address THC for a moment; if one were to consume a salad made up of potent cannabis plants, he or she would not get high. The reason for this is that THC does not exist in a usable form in the plant. This is because it is bound to an acid group and is called THC- A. Exposure to heat, however, induces the acid group to fall off (called decarboxyl


people can walk there and enjoy it. The skate park isn’t the focal point but just one of many features.” Simmons said the park would be geared toward skate and bike scooters. This park could possibly offer both “pool” and “street” skate options. Pool skate emulates the inside of an underground pool and street skate gives people the opportunity to try tricks on flat land. In its initial phase, Edenpark already has 60,000 square feet of youth sports for basketball and sand volleyball. The space is also used for gymnastics and futsal. The sport and lifestyle facility was founded by two brothers and designed to be a state-ofthe-art complex offering 190,000 square feet of amenities. Simmons said they hope to start delivering new tenant spaces in 2021. “We are always looking for more investors,” he said. “But we have a good



ifornia’s 50th District, and I greatly appreciate the trust they have put in me over these last 11 years,” Hunter wrote. The district includes San Marcos and Escondido. In the letter, Hunter highlighted accomplishments and during his tenure in Congress, “from making sure veterans received the benefits they earned, to helping Social Security and Medicare recipients cut through red tape, to assisting immigrants seeking

cent of the THC-A to THC. Hence, what some producers do in order to boost the percentage of THC concentration in cannabis is to “decarboxylate” (i.e. subject to low heat for a period of time) their products after it is harvested. This is often done for “edible” products.] Cannabinoid receptors are located throughout the

body and are part of the endocannabinoid system. The effects for which they are most widely known involve pain control, appetite, mood and memory. There are subtypes: CB1 (found mainly in the brain) and CB2 (found in the immune system, in nerve endings, and elsewhere). Other receptors are suspected, but as of yet have

not been identified. With the current surge in popularity of cannabis products and the demand for information, research has stepped up so we will hopefully know more in the near future. Contrary to common belief, the benefits of cannabis are not all attributable to either the THC or the CBD content of a particular product. There is another large group of chemicals referred to as terpenes which are volatile hydrocarbons that contribute to the odor and taste of the plants, for example. While not inherently psychoactive themselves, they can mediate the effects of the chemicals that affect how a user perceives its highs. It should be noted that cannabis is most effective when the combination of all of these are ingested together. This is referred to as an entourage effect. Marinol (dronabinol) is a synthetic-derived THC pill that was developed for cancer and AIDS-related nausea and vomiting. However, it does not work nearly as well as a product that also contains


JAN. 15

JAN. 18

CONTRARY TO COMMON belief, the benefits of cannabis are not all attributable to either the THC or the CBD content of a particular product. Courtesy photo

ation) rendering the THC psychoactive. So, the THC compound in cannabis must be heated at some point in order to exert certain effects in the body. [Note that smoking a “joint” or using a “bong”/waterpipe is not the most efficient process; it is estimated that lighting a joint (marijuana cigarette) only converts about 30 perinvestment group to get us through our phase one. It will be built in phases as we go.” Among the possibilities being considered at Edenpark beyond the skatepark are a restaurant; a trampoline park; a swimming pool; fitness, health and wellness facilities; gymnastics, dance, restaurants and office space. “The vision is just mind blowing,” Melville said of the space. She emphasized the importance of a skatepark to provide a sense of community. “I would say that there are so many more reasons for the skatepark.” She said besides being a place to skate, skateparks build skills and provide exercise as well as a place to reconnect with friends and it’s a place the whole family can go. In March, Edenpark will start providing more information about phase two to the public. To learn more about the San Elijo Hills skatepark contact Jeannine Melville at sehskatepark@ legal citizenship, and countless others going up against the IRS, ATF or other government agencies.” He also noted his military service and his upbringing. “Growing up in East County San Diego, I learned from an early age the importance of liberty, the value of patriotism and what a strong and secure border can bring to a community,” he wrote. Hunter, who had been planning to seek another term in the November 2020 election, is scheduled to be sentenced March 17.



The Gloria McClellan imagination. For more information, call Cindy Read Center will host a Public Feedback Forum on “Shapat (619) 504-5591. ing our Aging Community,” from 8:30 to 11 a.m. Jan. 15 at 1400 Vale Terrace Drive in Vista. The county SINGLE TRAVELERS of San Diego wants to hear The Single Travelers from adults 60+, caregivClub will meet from 5 to ers, and those with disabil7 p.m., Jan. 14 at Hunter ities. Share thoughts and Steakhouse, 1221 Vista ideas on how to shape the Way, Oceanside. There will community for people as be Happy Hour specials. they age and give feedback The discussion will be “My on needed services and week in Malta, a revela- programs. To RSVP, visit tion.” Call Jackie at (760) or call (858) 438-1472 to RSVP. 505-6433.

JAN. 14


An intermediate genealogy class, sponsored by North San Diego County Genealogical Society, will be held at 9:30 a.m. Jan. 14 at Carlsbad Faraday Center, 1635 Faraday Ave., Oceanside. The speaker is former genealogy librarian Mary Van Orsdol with “Where’d I Put it? Organizing Your Genealogy Collection.” Reservation not required. For more information e-mail membership@nsdcgs or call (408) 849-5318. The 42-year-old former Marine was indicted along with Margaret Hunter, his wife, on five dozen criminal counts, including wire fraud, conspiracy and falsification of records, and had been facing a Jan. 22 trial date. Margaret Hunter, 44, pleaded guilty in June to a conspiracy charge and agreed to work with prosecutors on the case. She faces up to five years in federal custody and a fine of up to $250,000 when she is sentenced in April. Hunter told KUSI last month that while he expects


Join Buena Vista Audubon Society and Dennis Mudd, of Calscape, at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 15 at 2202 S. Coast Highway, Oceanside, to learn how to improve your own backyard, showing homeowners which plants are likely native to any location in the state and helping these gardeners figure out which plants they want, where to buy the plants, and how to grow them. For more information: (760) 439-2473 to spend time in custody, he hopes that his wife will not be incarcerated as “I think my kids need a mom in the home.” Prosecutors said Hunter and his wife went on expensive family trips and made scores of other improper personal purchases over the course of six years. Supposedly campaign-related events were planned around their family vacations in order to justify the expenses, prosecutors said. It was also alleged that Hunter used campaign funds to pursue extramar-


The Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County support group for those who desire to foster friendships though various social activities will see “Italian American Reconciliation” Jan. 18 at Scripps Ranch Theater, following dinner at Olive Garden, Scripps Ranch and go dancing at Elk’s Club and Happy Hour to follow at Brigantine Restaurant, Escondido. Jan. 19. Reservations are necessary: (858) 674-4324.

CBD and terpenes. The two species of cannabis, sativa and indica, have different effect profiles. Per sativas have been considered “cerebral,” “heady,”, “uplifting”, “energizing,” whereas indicas have been described as “relaxing,” “sedating,” “full-bodied,” “couchlock,” or “stony”. So, if one needs to remain fairly alert and energetic, a sativa strain would seem to be appropriate. Can’t sleep? An indica might be helpful (slang for indica is “in da couch!”). As caution, however, be aware that there are some hybrids that contain elements of both, but have different terpene profiles. These are generally advertised as having “sativa-like” or “indica-like” effects.

condido Library, 239 S. Kalmia St., Escondido. All ages will learn about the history and cultural significance of lion dancing as the Three Treasures Cultural Arts Society Lion Dance team performs a traditional dance celebrating the Lunar New Year.

Dr. Pearson is a board-certified Family and Sports Medicine physician who has been practicing in North County since 1988. His office is located in Carlsbad Village. Feel free to contact him with any questions at

JAN. 25


Join the Movie Matinée at the Escondido Library, with a film featuring Shia LaBeouf and Zack Gottsagen, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Jan. 25 at 239 S. Kalmia St., Escondido. The movie is rated 13+. ChilWIDOWS AND WIDOWERS dren should be accompaThe North County Wid- nied by a parent or guardows and Widowers Club will ian. meet for a Dinner Dance from 5 to 8:30 p.m. Jan. 19, at Shadowridge Country Club, 1980 Gateway Dr., BETA SIGMA PHI San Marcos. Cost is $42. RSVP by Jan. 27 for RSVP to Karin at (408) 438the Hidden Valley Vista 7310. City Council of Beta Sigma Phi International Queen’s Court Luncheon at 11 a.m. Feb. 8, at Elks Lodge, 1947 WELCOME LUNAR NEW YEAR East Vista Way, Vista. A Lunar New Year cele- Make a reservation by callbration will be held 6:30 to ing Rita at (760) 644-2394. 7:30 p.m. Jan. 23 at the Es- Cost is $16 per person.

JAN. 19

JAN. 27

JAN. 23

ital affairs and repeatedly used campaign credit cards or sought reimbursement for expenses that included resort hotel rooms, airfare, a skiing trip and Uber rides to and from the homes of five women with whom he had “intimate relationships.” Hunter had repeatedly maintained his innocence and accused the U.S. Attorney’s Office of a politically motivated prosecution. He maintained that two prosecutors on the case attended a La Jolla campaign event for then-Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary

Clinton in 2015, then indicted him two months before the 2018 election due to his public endorsement of Donald Trump. Former San Diego City Councilman Carl DeMaio, who is running for Hunter’s seat, urged Newsom to call a special election to fill the seat as soon as possible. “The people of the 50th Congressional District deserve their voice in Congress to be restored,” DeMaio said. “Leaving the 50th Congressional District vacant for a full year is wholly unacceptable.”


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

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JAN. 10, 2020

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Inside: 2016 Sprin g Home & Gard en Section



Citracado Par extension pro kway ject draws on MARCH 25,


By Steve Putersk

It’s a jung

le In ther

Emi Gannod , 11, observe exhibit is s a Banded open now through April 10. Purple Wing butterfl Full story y at the on page A2. Photo San Diego Zoo Safari Park’s by Tony Cagala Butterfly


Commun Vista teacity rallies behind her placed on leave

Jungle exhibit. The

By Hoa Quach

i ESCON enviro amendment DIDO — An port nmental impact to the lution of from April rereso- ternati 2012. AlCitracado necessity for ves the sion projectParkway exten- with residenwere discussed ts in four munity Wednesday was approv ed of publicmeetings and comby the Council. gatherings. a trio City “The project Debra rently Lundy, property real cated designed as curcity, said manager for and plannewas lothe it was due to a needed manner that will d in a compatible omissionsclerical error, be most the est with attached of deeds to public good the greatbe private and least adjustm to the land. The injury, ent said. ” Lundy parcel beingis the only acquired fee the city, which is by city She also reporte ty, she added. a necess and proper d the i- have ty owners had The project, eminent domain meetings inmore than 35 the past in the which has been years to develo four works for years, will However, p the plan. several erty complete the missing the mit owners did not proproadway section of a counte subthe ny Grove, between Harmo city’s statutoroffer to the ry offer and AndreVillage Parkw - April 14, 2015. on ason Drive. ay to Lundy, Accord The the owners ing not feel a review city conduc did the ted offer matche which was of the project what the land , outlined is worth, d in the alTURN TO

Republic ans endors Abed ove r Gaspar e EXTENSION

ON A3 VISTA — Curren former t ents are students and and pardemanding social studies a teacher Vista lowed to be alkeep his the admin job. Vincen By Aaron Romero istration to keep has workedt Romero, Burgin at Ranch Vista High o for the who REGIO Unified School. Buena Vista ty Repub N — The Coun- Krvaric A protest since 1990,School Distric lican Party Sam Abed’ssaid. “Clear thrown at the school was also held paid admin was placed t ly has its suppor long-ti . Escondido on t behind steadfast commi me and istrative “This from his Republican leave Mayor tment Abed in gry,” wrotemakes me so na Vistajob at Rancho BueSam anprinciples to ty Dist. the race for Coun- values earned of Fallbro Jeffrey Bright and March 7. High School 3 Superv ok, him port of who said on graduated isor. The committeethe suphe Now, of San Republican Party bers and we more than from the school memwith morean online petitio 20 years last weekDiego announced endorse him.” are proud to already ago. tures is than 1,900 signa-n that it endorse ucation fear that our “I Gaspar’s istration asking the admin A social Abed overvoted to reache edcampaign Republican apart. I system is falling d this fellow back to to bring Romer - placed on studies teacher week and Encini pressed disapp the classro at Rancho adminis tas Mayor not goingworry my kids o dents Buena are om. On and parentstrative leave in ointment exwho is also Kristin Gaspar - not receivi education to get a valuab early March. Vista High School to launch ro told his last day, Rome- Romero. Photo in ng the le , nomina at public The an online was anymo supervisor running for by Hoa Quach party’s schools leaving students he re.” petition move prompted seat currenthe several tion, but touted in support stuwas sorry held by David Whidd key endors nization because “the orgaof Vincent tly she I can’t be is seekinDave Roberts, who Marcos ements has receive with the rest change.” decided to make g re-elec called on of San out the campa d throug of the year. you for do “shameful.” a my choice tion. the move Abed, h— we’re It’s not “(They a polariz who has been “While ign. “This confidence ) no longer have it goes.” , but it’s the way until there’s going to fight I’m disaphis two ing figure during pointed not genuinely is a teacher fight with. nothing left know what in me that that terms In the to cares,” get ty endors to wrote. as mayor I plan to Escondido, I ute speech roughly I’m doing,” Whidd for your Romero, ement, the par“Both be back in proud senior year.” secured said I’m very coveted Mr. Romer of my sons on whose to studen4-minto have were record the of Romer remark emotional ts, an the suppor ment by party endors joyed his o and greatly had Mayor students o also urged on Facebo ed and posteds to fight the Romero vowed t Faulco ene- the class.” his to be kind than two receiving more administratio four Repub ner and new A former like what ok. “They don’t “I’m not Counc lican City n. but social studies to their mine studen committee’s thirds of I do. They ing,” like the the tors ilmembers, don’t not said Romer disappear- pal to give “hell” teacher RomerVelare of Vista,t, Jasvotes, threshold Senais what way I do it. So, to Princio Charles the and Bates and Anders said going away.o, 55. “I’m happens. this someth candidate required for teacher.” was “an amazin Schindler. Assemblyman on, Follow ing I’m really This is a Chavez g to receive ing endorsement Rocky nounce ,” “I that’s what I can fight, the the an- get himwas lucky enough party membe over a fellow “I’ve been Gaspar said. we’re goingand ture, a ment of his deparmyself,” to petition tive Repub a very effecto on Petitio “He truly she was “Endo r. lican mayor cares for wrote. a Democ, created publican rsing one what he ratic in Re- ing urging quires a over another on balanccity by focusTURN TO ed budget TEACHER — and 2/3 vote thresh re- economic ON A15 s, rarely happenold and GOP quality development, Chairman s,” continu of life Tony Board e to do so and will on the of Superv isors.”

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JAN. 10, 2020


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

1. ANIMAL KINGDOM: What are female elephants called? 2. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the oldest brewery in the United States? 3. MOVIES: To which destination is the McCallister family traveling in the movie “Home Alone”? 4. GEOGRAPHY: How many U.S. states are named after a president? 5. MUSIC: In the song, what did Frosty the Snowman do after a magic hat was placed on his head? 6. ANATOMY: Where is the glabella located in the human body? 7. LANGUAGE: What did the Russian Space Station “Mir” mean in English? 8. LITERATURE: What are the names of the young bunnies in “The Tale of Peter Rabbit”? 9. HISTORY: In what year was the sound barrier broken by a jet aircraft? 10. LANDMARKS: Which presidents are depicted in the Mount Rushmore National Memorial in South Dakota?

JAN. 10, 2020

ARIES (March 21 to April 19) That lower-than-acceptable performance you’re getting from others in your group might be the result of miscommunication. If so, correct it before serious problems arise later on. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) An unexpected situation could call for a change of plans. If so, you might feel that this is unfair. But it’s best to make the needed adjustments now. There’ll be time later for rescheduling. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) The new year brings opportunities you might want to look into. Some might be more interesting than others. But take time to look at all of them before you make any decisions. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) It’s a good idea to be careful about expenses until you’ve worked out that pesky financial problem. You might find it advisable to get some solid advice on how to proceed. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Romance looms large over the Leonine aspect. Single Lions looking for love should find Cupid very cooperative. Paired Cats can expect a renewed closeness in their relationships. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Making contact with a former colleague might not be high on your list of priorities. But it could pay off personally as well as professionally. Avoid bringing up any negatives about the past.


LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) A personal relationship could face added stress because of a situation involving someone close to both of you. Be supportive and, above all, try to avoid playing the blame game. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) You might well find some lingering uncertainties about a decision. If so, take that as a warning that you might not be ready to make that move yet. More study would be in order. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) Music is a dominant theme for Sagittarians right now, and it should remind you to make a greater effort to restore some much-needed harmony in that very special relationship. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Although family matters might demand much of the Sea Goat’s attention this week, you’ll want to try to make time to handle those all-important workplace situations as well. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A recurring unresolved issue might need to be revisited before you can move forward. Consider asking someone familiar with the situation to act as an impartial counselor. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Ignore pressure to make a decision. Keeping your options open is still the wisest course, at least until you’re sure you’ve learned all you need to know about the matter at hand. BORN THIS WEEK: You’re capable of great loyalty to those around you, which is one reason you can count on devotion from friends and family. © 2020 King Features Synd., Inc.

1. Cows 2. Yuengling 3. Paris 4. One, Washington 5. He began to dance around 6. Between the eyebrows 7. World or peace 8. Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail and Peter 9. 1947 10. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln


JAN. 10, 2020


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

JAN. 10, 2020

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