Inland Edition, February 8, 2019

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VOL. 5, N0. 4

FEB. 8, 2019

Measure Z rollout hit by critics

Two days in jail for false accusation

By Steve Horn

“We are definitely building both ways,” Olavide said. “Being bilingual and biliterate … both academically and socially in both languages is a huge advantage.” It took some convincing of the parents, but the results since August have been overwhelmingly pos-

ENCINITAS — A judge has sentenced a North County woman who falsely accused former State Assembly candidate Phil Graham of sexual misconduct to two days in county jail and three years probation, after the woman pleaded guilty Feb. 5 to criminal charges stemming from her claims. Superior Court Judge Sim Von Kalinowski rendered his sen- Burgan tence Tuesday afternoon after Graham, who lost in the June primary, called on the judge to render a harsher sentence. Von Kalinowski ruled that Nichole Burgan, the woman who falsely accused Graham of forcibly kissing her in May 2018, should receive a more lenient sentence — which included a 90-day jail term that was stayed pending completion of her probation, $655 fine, 10 days public works service and a mental health evaluation — because she did not



VISTA — Receiving an up vote by over 7.5-percentage points in November, the roll-out of Vista’s Measure Z — which legalizes the selling of medical marijuana — has proven to be anything but smooth sailing in its two months on the books so far. The turbulence began Dec. 21, 2018, when Vista City Manager Patrick Johnson published an implementation memorandum outlining how Measure Z would manifest itself in the months ahead. Critics of the city’s handling of Measure Z say they believe the city has taken things into its own hands in unfurling the law. One of the biggest lines of contention centers around the creation of a lottery system for applicants aspiring to open cannabis storefronts in the city, as opposed to the first-come, first-served regime called for by Measure Z. That lottery system led to confusion on application day on Jan. 22, culminating in four different lawsuits now ongoing against the city. One of those lawsuits, filed on behalf of Manuel Migueles Collective by San Diego attorney Michael Cindrich, alleges that Vista officials went above and beyond the mandate of Measure Z in implementing a lottery. “The measure that was voted on by the people and passed by them, did not include any language which would permit the city to utilize a lottery process to accept these applications,” TURN TO MEASURE Z ON 7

By Aaron Burgin

FAVIAN TORRES, kindergartner at Grapevine Elementary School in Vista, works on his English skills with teacher Lara Sims as part of the school’s dual language immersion program. Photo by Steve Puterski

MUY BUENO: Dual language program a hit Vista Unified sees districtwide potential as Grapevine effort gets high marks By Steve Puterski

VISTA — Ellos están aprendiendo lo básico. The translation is: They are learning the basics. These kindergartners are the first of their kind at Grapevine Elementary School as they embark on the first-ever dual language immersion program in the Vista Unified School District. Fifty-two youngsters enrolled in

the program, which kicked off this year as part of the district’s push to close the academic achievement gap and address a community need. Principal Rafael Olavide said his staff and the district prepared for one year to figure out how to best deliver the program. In the end, a 50-50 directive was found to be the best, meaning 50 percent of class work is in English and the other half is in Span-


Jacob pitches countywide CCE effort in State of the County Address By Aaron Burgin

REGION — San Diego County is poised to become the next agency to move toward energy independence from San Diego Gas & Electric, Board of Supervisors Chairwoman Dianne Jacob announced during

her State of the County Address. Jacob said that she and Supervisor Nathan Fletcher would bring a proposal for a countywide community choice energy plan, becoming the ninth agency in the county to explore the

independent energy market. “It’s time the County of San Diego does the same,” Jacob said after naming the eight cities working on CCE plans — Encinitas, La Mesa, Santee, Chula Vista, Oceanside, Del Mar, Carls-

bad and San Diego. Solana Beach became the first city in the county to successfully launch a CCE program late last year. CCEs, also known as community choice aggregation, refers to the process in which a jurisdiction forms

Mariachi Dinner Concert

Featuring Mariachi Juvenil de San Diego Veterans Association of North County Saturday, February 23 • 1617 Mission Oceanside ADVANCED TICKET SALES Manny Astorga 760.681.2576 Angie Magaña 760.757.6276 Ida Acuña 760.717.3309 Jerry Alaniz 760.583.3870

Sponsored by: American GI Forum Education of Oceanside Scholarship Fundraiser - Donations accepted

Ticket Price

00 40 (dinner



an entity that buys power on the open market — as opposed to from a utility company — and chooses the source of power based on the community input. Jacob, a vocal critic of TURN TO ADDRESS ON 12


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

FEB. 8, 2019

FEB. 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Jones readies for her first State of the City Address By Aaron Burgin

SAN MARCOS — For the first time in eight years, there will be a new face delivering San Marcos’ State of the City Address. Newly elected Mayor Rebecca Jones is set to give the annual speech on Feb. 26, her first since taking over for Jim Desmond, who was elected to the County Board of Supervisors. The address is organized by the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce, and coincides with the chamber’s annual business recog-

nition luncheon. The luncheon begins at 11 a.m. Jones said she will discuss the city’s economic importance, public safety and highlight some of the last year’s accomplishments, while looking ahead to upcoming goals for the city in the 2019. “As North County’s education hub and safest city, San Marcos is a rising star,” Jones said. “ We have we gone from 25 to 37 parks in just 10 years, and our world-class educational institutions are creating a talented workforce — a pipeline

for regional talent capable of keeping and attracting high-paying jobs and industry to our region. “With tremendous success, comes new challenges — I’m all Jones about the solutions and ready to work collaboratively so that future generations can have the same opportunities to thrive right here in San

Marcos,” Jones said. Jones defeated former City Councilman Chris Orlando in the race to replace Desmond. The San Marcos City Council recently unanimously appointed Escondido Assistant City Manager Jay Petrek to fill her vacancy on the council. The State of the City Address is held in the University Student Union Ballroom at Cal State San Marcos. Tickets are available on the Chamber’s website at https:// events/details/state-of-the-city-address-9751. For sponsorship opportunities, contact Melanie Jamil with the Chamber at (760) 744-1270 or San Marcos TV will rebroadcast the speech beginning in midMarch on Cox Communications Channel 19, Charter Spectrum Channel 24, AT&T U-Verse Channel 99 or on demand at www. and

49th Congressional District

50th Congressional District

Levin holds first monthly town hall

Campa-Najjar taking another run at Hunter

By Samantha Taylor

OCEANSIDE — Rep. Mike Levin (D-San Juan Capistrano) hosted the first of what he said would be monthly town hall meetings on Jan. 26 in the Oceanside High School Performing Arts Center. Levin, who was elected to represent California’s 49th Congressional District in the fall, started his time in office in the midst of a 35-day partial government shutdown. The longest shutdown in U.S. history ended the evening before Levin’s town hall when President Donald Trump signed a bill to fund the government until Feb. 15. Levin said he was happy that the president reopened the government, and emphasized the need to keep it that way. Trump is demanding new legislation that would fund his border wall, and if an agreement between the president and Congress isn’t reached by the mid-February deadline, another shutdown could occur. “We need to make sure that we do not have a precedent where every time we have a partisan agreement we shut down the government, because it will happen again and again and again,” Levin told a nearly full auditorium of constituents. The congressman said there was opportunity for Congress members to work across the aisle to better secure the border, noting implementing new technology at ports of entry as a place to start. “Ninety percent of drugs coming into the country are coming through ports of entry,” he said, explaining that new technology would help to capture those drugs before they make it any further than the ports. Levin said he voted 11 times to reopen the government. The congressman also went over bills he has supported since officially taking office, such as the For the People Act (H.R. 1). Levin described H.R. 1 as a “comprehensive bill to end the culture of corruption” and the influence of “dark money” and foreign interests in Washington. He also said the bill would restore and protect voting

REP. MIKE LEVIN discusses the recent government shutdown, how the country needs to tackle climate change and more during his first town hall meeting as representative of the 49th Congressional District. Photo by Samantha Taylor

rights. According to the Brennan Center for Justice, the bill would “create a more responsive and representative government” by making it harder for gerrymandering to occur, by making it easier for voters to cast a ballot, by changing how campaigns are funded and by bolstering election security and government ethics. Other legislation Levin said he supports includes H.R. 8, which establishes tighter regulation to prevent gun violence; another bill that would raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour; two bills that he said would protect the coastline from offshore drilling and another bill to help better fund California’s wildfire disaster relief. He also said he supports the Equality Act, which would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and outlaw discrimination against LGBTQ+ citizens in work and services, and a “Medicare-for-all” bill as well. Levin also told the audience he recently joined

the House Committees on Veterans’ Affairs and Natural Resources, and hopes to be put on the new select “climate crisis” committee. The congressman, who has been involved in environmental and energy issues for quite some time, said he supports the creation of a “Green New Deal,” a proposed economic stimulus plan that would work to address economic inequality and climate change. “I hope we are able to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy so that we rightfully address the concerns that were raised in the fourth climate assessment, giving us only 12 years to reduce our greenhouse gas footprint,” Levin said. In November, the government released Volume II of the Fourth National Climate Assessment, which confirmed that “evidence of human-caused climate change is overwhelming” and that climate change is already hurting Americans. The world has just 12 years to dramatically

reduce its greenhouse gas emissions to avoid irreversible changes, according to the report. Levin said the 49th District and much of Southern California is “leading the way” through the transition to sustainable energy. “We need some of that California innovative thinking in Washington,” he said. The congressman took several questions from the public during the town hall, going over his allotted time to include a few more people at the end. One question asked if he would put forth and support legislation to “reignite the flame” of the Green New Deal. Levin said he has and will continue to do so. “Never let anybody tell you that if we protect the environment or try to reduce our greenhouse gas footprint that we’re going to destroy the economy,” he said. “Whenever we’ve invested in clean energy, the exact opposite has happened.” Karen Abrams, a founding member of the North County Justice Allies, asked what San Diego representatives are doing to address the “humanitarian crisis” at the border. Levin took a moment to explain what he understands the crisis to be. “The crisis is one of those seeking asylum not being treated with humanity and decency,” he said. “When people arrive at the border, they are desperate, they are seeking refuge in many cases from political persecution or from violence, and historically our country under international law has welcomed those fleeing violence and has done everything possible to try to live up to the tenants on the Statue of Liberty.” Another question dealt with rising minimum wage costs being countered by increased cost of living. Levin responded by saying he believes in a living wage, which means different things for different parts of the country, and that an increased minimum wage won’t solve everything alone. Levin said he would have a town hall meeting once every month in the 49th District.

By Steve Horn

REGION — Is it future or is it past? It’s a question made famous by the cult favorite show “Twin Peaks.” And it’s one equally applicable to Democrat Ammar Campa-Najjar, who has already announced that he will run once again to represent the 50th Congressional District for the 2020 presidential campaign cycle. Filing again as a candidate on New Year’s Eve 2018, 29-year-old Campa-Najjar would presumably face incumbent Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Alpine), who won a surprisingly tight race in the 2018 midterms. The 50th District covers San Marcos, Escondido, Ramona, Alpine, Valley Center and El Cajon. Campa-Najjar spoke to The Coast News for his first wide-ranging interview about his campaign, discussing why he has chosen to run again and what he learned from the first go-around. “(T)he reason I decided to announce early was because I wanted to begin the listening and learning phase of the campaign early,” Campa-Najjar said. “Now we have two years of a runway to take this thing off and I want to spend my time immersing myself in the communities, again listening and learning.” Pointing to the negativity which imbues modern U.S. politics, Campa-Najjar said he created a motto to stem the tide: “When they go low, we go local.” “And a good way to kind of circumvent the polarization, the nastiness of politics today, is to really focus on the community that you're trying to serve,” Campa-Najjar said. “So, not focusing on the personal politics, the party affiliation, but more about people's personal health, their personal safety, their personal financial dignity. Focusing on those things for the next two years I think will put us in a very good place come March and come November 2020.” Millennials like Campa-Najjar running for Congress and winning is rare. But at least one, U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York), has made a major splash in her first weeks as a member of the U.S. House of Representatives.

Asked about Ocasio-Cortez, Campa-Najjar said that he drew inspiration from the freshman legislator. “I think that she is making a really big splash and she's being disruptive to the status quo, which I think any time you have that, it's a good thing,” Campa-Najjar said. “You get more people engaged, even that was what Trump did from the other side. And I think it's a good thing to have some Campa-Najjar new energy, new enthusiasm kind of rattle the status quo.” AS in the first campaign, Campa-Najjar said he will not accept the funding from corporate political action committees, or PACs, because he believes it skews priorities away from the desires of constituents. “And if your bread is buttered with the voters, then that's how you win elections, then that's where your focus is going to be,” he said. “But if you're able to raise a lot of money and out-message and out-campaign your opponent because you're receiving a lot of funds from corporate interests, then I think it's safe to say, more often than not, you're probably beholden to special interests in Washington and not people's interests back home.” Interviewed on the final day of the federal government shutdown, Campa-Najjar slammed President Donald Trump for what he said compromised national security in the name of promoting it. “When you start impacting our airports to be able to fully operate, the majority of terrorists come through and the majority of our foreign threats come from,” he said. “This was not in the name of security, this as in the name of self-aggrandizement and I think finally our president was feeling the political cost of that.” Hunter declined to comment through his spokesman, Mike Harrison. Hunter and his wife face federal criminal charges for fraud and misuse of campaign finance money. Their trial is scheduled for Sept. 10.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

FEB. 8, 2019

Opinion & Editorial

Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of The Coast News

New zoning nullification plan has the same old flaws


Why can’t we elect our elected officials? By Robert Hemphill

Well, it happened again. On Tuesday, Jan. 15, the San Marcos City Council decided that being dictators was more satisfying than being democrats (small “D”), and announced that by fiat they would fill their vacant city council seat, created when a sitting council member was elected mayor. They appointed Jay Petrek, a local city administrator in Escondido, to fill the vacant position. When Escondido appointed him as assistant city manager in 2016, the Mayor remarked, “Jay knows and loves our community (emphasis added). As the author of the City’s General Plan and work on various specific plans, he has attended over seventy community meetings, getting to know the residents, businesses and culture of Escondido.” How exactly this love for Escondido makes him a good council member for San Marcos, one cannot determine. There were 24 San Marcos residents who applied. And why not? If the council likes you, all you have to do is send in a bio, fill out a financial form, and get interviewed for half an hour. No need to raise money from all your friends, put out yard signs, go to neighborhood “meet and greets,” walk door to door to introduce yourself to your potential constituents, and participate in debates where you actually have to confront the other candidates. Hey, that’s real work. Right, it’s called “democracy.” It’s not just San Marcos that this authoritarian virus has infected. Oceanside had a similar vacancy in December. When they

called for candidates, 29 people threw their hats in the ring. Included were a former Oceanside mayor, a former councilman, the former city treasurer, a school board trustee, a former planning director and deputy city manager, and four previously unsuccessful City Council candidates. At least some of these people had participated in the electoral process before. And who did they select? A former Oceanside police officer with no electoral experience. The list goes on. Encinitas did the same thing when Tasha Boerner Horvath abandoned her council seat after less than half of her four-year term, running for and winning a California Assembly seat. As has happened two times before in Encinitas, no elections were held, but the City Council appointed someone from a field of eight, including two with electoral experience. The decision to forgo an election was based on the alleged cost of $400,000 to run a special election. So democratic principles aren’t necessary when they cost too much? In her newsletter just before the recent election, Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear wrote: “When I worked as a news reporter at the Associated Press and the Los Angeles Times, the whole newsroom was abuzz on election night … Such diverse visions of the future. This excitement is why I still physically go to my local polling place to vote. I love the voting ritual! (emphasis added).” But she doesn’t love it enough to allow Encinitas to vote to fill a vacancy, when she can lead the

council in selecting someone the four of them want, not someone the 36,000 voters in Encinitas want. A person who has never run for any elected office, by the way. The $400,000 cost estimate is spurious. If Encinitas holds a mail-in ballot election — no polling places — and if you assume 9,000 voters per district, then the cost for a single district election should be well under $100,000. A dollar a ballot for printing, a dollar a ballot for postage, and it can’t cost more than $2 a ballot for mechanical counting and re-counting. Throw in a 20 percent contingency and you’re at $5 a voter, or less than $50,000. Surely we can afford that price for democracy. This problem can be easily fixed. You could simply change the law and bar using appointments to fill elected offices. Either run a special election, or leave the seat vacant until the next regular election. If the cost of the election is a real problem, then require any person elected to the Council to post a $50,000 bond. If he or she leaves before the term is up, other than due to death or disability, the bond is forfeited to the city and the money used for an election — NOT an appointment — to fill the vacancy. If the elected official serves out the full term, the bond is canceled. Either or both of these reforms would dramatically advance the cause of representative democracy in North County. If we really believe in electing our leaders, then let’s have elections. Robert Hemphill is an Encinitas resident

alifornia’s housing crisis was bad enough last year, when Gov. Gavin Newsom – then a mere candidate – called for building 350,000 new units every year for the next decade. The crunch is worse this year, with some of those who lost their homes to last fall’s disastrous wildfires now added to the tens of thousands already homeless and living on streets around the state and hundreds of thousands more who are housed, but overcrowded beyond the limits of many local codes. This scene last year led San Francisco’s Democratic state Sen. Scott Wiener to push a proposed law allowing builders to override local zoning ordinances and place high-rise apartment buildings with a plenitude of “affordable” units near light rail stations or heavily used bus routes. This proposal didn’t last long in the Legislature last year, shot down by a coalition of local governments, homeowner groups and lack of enthusiasm by former Gov. Jerry Brown, an advocate of local government controls since his years as mayor of Oakland. But there is more pressure now to override local controls on development, and Wiener is back with a slightly redone version of his building plan, which would reverse a century of California urban sprawl by concentrating development in areas long believed to be built out. Wiener has touted the changes he’s made to his proposal for the last couple of months, stressing ways the newer version panders to the desires of left-wing “progressives” dissatisfied with the previous version. Now known as SB 50,

california focus thomas d. elias the measure would let cities delay building in areas where longstanding apartment tenants might be at risk of eviction to make way for newly mandated high rises. If a tenant has been in a building more than seven years, for example, that building couldn’t be demolished to make way for a new, far taller one. This is meant to appease tenant groups that dominate politics in cities like Santa Monica, San Francisco and other currently dense places. But the essence of Wiener’s original plan remains: It allows new buildings of six to eight stories in all areas within half a mile of any light-rail station or within one-quarter mile of a frequently used bus route. Preferences of local voters, city or county governments and nearby homeowners or apartment dwellers wouldn’t matter. As Wiener says, such development could probably never occur unless the state mandated it. Few local officials could survive politically if they okayed high-rises overlooking the yards of thousands of single-family homes or caused the teardowns of expensive condominiums. But Wiener claims many elected officials tell him they want dense development, but can’t publicly admit it. He told The New York Times that “City councils, mayors, county supervisors have (told) me, ‘We can’t say this, but we need help. We need to be able to tell our constituents, “We have to approve

this project because the state requires it.” ’ ” But just as the state’s high-speed rail project has seen years of delay and opposition over attempts to take land by eminent domain, forced new development could also run into legal buzzsaws. Especially new development with virtually no new parking spaces required. For example, Wiener’s plan is founded on the notion that denser housing won’t worsen gridlocked traffic because new residents will ride nearby trains and buses. Figures from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority in Southern California suggest that’s pie in the sky. The bus and light rail agency reported last year that bus ridership shrank in the region by 15 percent in 2017 from levels of five years earlier, while rail ridership was up 4 million – less than the drop in bus ridership. Translation: There’s been some switching from buses to trains, but little net increase in mass transit riders despite creation of several new lines costing billions of dollars. So the logic behind Wiener’s plan remains false and would worsen existing gridlock in cities he wants to densify. It ignores many thousands of homeowners who invested their life savings in residences Wiener’s plan could radically downgrade. The bottom line: Some other solution must be sought, because it accomplishes little to begin solving one serious problem while making other problems far worse. Email Thomas Elias at For more Elias columns, go to

Inland EdItIon

P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850



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FEB. 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Boys & Girls Club of Vista announces 2018 Youth of the Year High school Special to The Coast News

VISTA — Being recently named the Boys & Girls Club of Vista’s 2018 Youth of the Year is a proud moment for Emely Rosales and one she won’t soon forget. “It’s very exciting and rewarding; a whole new experience,” she said. “I was shocked when I first found out.” Rosales, 16, a junior at North County Trade Tech High School, was honored along with 24 club members at the celebration on Jan. 31. The award is based on youth contributions to their club, school, community and family, as well as on academic success, healthy lifestyles, leadership and obstacles overcome. The distinguished Youth of the Year award was presented by the club’s CEO, Matt Koumaras. The Boys & Girls Club of Vista’s Foundation trustees will also present Rosales with a scholarship at the club’s Diamond Gala on March 2 at the Westin Carlsbad. Rosales said she became involved with the club four years ago when she was about 12 for middle school community service hours as a volunteer. “I do recommend the club to other kids because it’s fun, the club is like another home, you can meet kids and you are not judged,” she said. “Besides making friends you can learn other activities like guitar, dancing, sports and more. “Since I’ve been at the

EMELY ROSALES, 16, is a junior at North County Trade Tech High School in Vista. Photo by Mikayla Zaitz

club, I’ve taught some of the kids how to play the ukulele,” she said. “Once we went to a charity event where I played the ukulele while the kids sang. I’ve also taught both boys and girls baton.” Rosales also participates in her high school’s robotics team, has performed Folkolorico dancing from an early age, and enjoys baton twirling and reading. Her favorite subjects in school are math, English and computer programming. “I’m currently thinking

of biomedical engineering or biomedical technician,” she said of potential career choices. Rosales said the club has helped her grow and become more social over the years. “It has also helped me a lot with depression and anxiety,” she said. “I’ve had problems at home and the club has helped my family to grow together and get connected. The kids here are happy and make me feel happy; that they are safe while at the club makes me

feel happy. I like that they know they can rely on me no matter what.” The recent event recognized youth of all ages who have shown outstanding achievement, leadership or citizenship while participating in Boys & Girls Club of Vista’s programs and activities. Other award winners included: • Donaven Vague, Social Recreation • Eric Alcala, Technology • Olive Beebe, Arts & Crafts • Sophia Reyes, Education • Marley Alvarez, Performing Arts • Joshua Garcia, Athletics • Sophia Sharp, K Club • Jayde Mccurry, Poetry • Alejandro Ruiz, Scholar, Madison Middle School • Jay Smith, Athlete, Madison Middle School • Julian Hernandez, Youth of the Year, Madison Middle School • Crystal Hernandez, Scholar, Vista Magnet Middle School • Saul Bocanegra, Athlete, Vista Magnet Middle School • Michael Corcoran, Vista Magnet Youth of the Year • Kelly Mckinley, Scholar, VIDA • Sophia Hill, Athlete, VIDA • Sophia Kumar, VIDA Youth of the Year • Miguel Martinez,

teacher charged with sex abuse

Scholar, Raintree Park • Reynaldo Juarez, Athlete, Raintree Park • Danielle Martinez, Raintree Park Youth of the Year • Brianna Robles, Cali Volleyball MVP • Sophia Sweeney, Female Athlete of the Year, Middle School Sports • Jake Henderson, Male Athlete of the Year, Middle School Sports “The Youth of the Year competition is important to our members, especially those who need us the most, because it helps keep them centered, focused and happy throughout a critical time in their lives,” said Raul Castillo, director of operations/programs. “It gives them the opportunity to become leaders and gain a sense of pride and confidence in themselves.” The mission of the Boys & Girls Club of Vista is to empower every club member through safe and impactful experiences to graduate high school with a plan for college and career, contribute to their community and live a healthy life. The Boys & Girls Club of Vista serves 2,750 youth ages 5 to 18 and provides outcome-driven programs that emphasize academic success, good character and citizenship, and healthy lifestyles. For more information, visit http://www.bgcvista. org; https://www.facebook. com / BoysGirlsClubVista;

ESCONDIDO — An Orange Glen High School social sciences teacher accused of sexually abusing underage teens — none of whom were his students — was charged Feb. 1 with four counts of lewd acts with a child. Travis Lee Putnam, 32, who's being held in lieu of $500,000 bail, pleaded not guilty to the charges at his arraignment. He was taken into custody shortly after 1:30 p.m. Jan. 30 during a traffic stop on Interstate 5 in Oceanside. Putnam, an Escondido resident, was booked into county jail in Vista on four counts of committing lewd acts with children ages 14 or 15, according to San Diego County Sheriff's Lt. Michael Blevins. He faces up to five years in prison if convicted of all counts. The alleged crimes were unrelated to the suspect's job, Blevins said. A statement from Escondido Unified High School District likewise asserted that the accusations “do not involve students from EUHSD” and were not “believed to have occurred on any EUHSD campus.” Putnam has been placed on administrative leave pending resolution of the charges, according to district officials. — City News Service









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CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

FEB. 8


Tickets must be purchased by Feb. 8 for the Friends of the Powerhouse fundraiser Valentine’s Dinner & Dance, “Paella with Passion!” starting at 6 p.m. Feb. 14 at the Powerhouse, 1658 Coast Blvd., Del Mar. Wear a smile and something red. Dinner will be followed by an auction and dancing. Cost $75. Mail check to: Friends of the Powerhouse, PO Box 297, Del Mar, CA 92014, or pay with credit card online at by Feb. 8. Complimentary parking at the old train station.


Mira Costa College’s Life lectures will host “Essential Science to Enhance Lives” at 1 p.m. Feb. 8 and “Tariffs and the Trade War” at 2:30 p.m. at Mira Costa College, 1 Barnard Drive. There is a $1 parking permit at the machine in Lot A. Visit or call (760) 757-2121, ext. 6972.


Legacy Users Genealogical Group will meet at noon Feb. 8 in the Community Room of Cole Library, 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad. Free, reservation not required. For information, call (760) 542-8112 or e-mail


The North County Widows and Widowers Club invites you to a Twilight Dinner Dance at 5 p.m. Feb. 8 at the Vista Elks Club,1947 E. Vista Way, Vista. Cost $17. RSVP to (760) 438-5491.

FEB. 9


As a prelude to Valentine’s Day, an ensemble from the Music Men Chorus will entertain visitors to the Escondido Chocolate Festival between 12:45 and 1:45 p.m. Feb. 9 at the Maple Street Plaza.


Invite a friend or loved one to a tea service, sandwiches and sweets at the Sikes Adobe Historic Farmstead on Feb. 9 and Feb. 10 at 1 p.m. or 3 p.m., to celebrate Valentine’s Day, presented by the Friends of Sikes Ado-

T he C oast News - I nland E dition be. Reservations $15 each at e-mail The restored Victorian Adobe farmstead welcomes you back in time to early San Diego and the days of pioneer farmers.

come an authorized water safety instructor or lifeguard. Courses include Lifeguard Training, Water Safety Instructor (train to be a swim instructor) and more. For more information, call (760) 434-2826.


The San Diego County Cymbidium Society will hold its annual Orchid Auction at noon Feb. 9 at the San Marcos Community Center, 3 Civic Center Drive, San Marcos. Preview at 11 a.m. Free admission and free parking. For more information, contact Ivan Allen at (760) 533-4975.


Kids in the Garden Body and Brain Yoga for Kids from 10 a.m. to noon Feb. 9 at Alta Vista Botanical Gardens, 1270 Vale Terrace Drive in Vista. $5 per child. Pre-registration required at (760) 822-6824.


“Nourished,” the gluten free, allergy and special diet festival is returning to the Del Mar Fairgrounds Feb. 9 and Feb. 10, offering gluten-free and nut-free zones, Paleo, keto, and plant-based zones. Tickets can be purchased at or at the door. A one-day ticket is $15 for adults and $5 for children. POP-UP IN DEL MAR

The city of Del Mar will host an Artisan Pop-Up market from noon to 4 p.m. Feb. 9 at Del Mar Plaza, 1555 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar.


The Brother Benno’s Auxiliary Membership Brunch for new and renewing members will be held from 10 a.m. to noon Feb. 9 at the Shadowridge Country Club, 1980 Gateway Drive, Vista. Price is $20 for the brunch. Contact auxiliary@ to purchase tickets.


Yoga For Everybody is offered at 8:30 a.m. Feb. 11 at the Encinitas Senior Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive, Encinitas. Register at

FEB. 12


The Catholic Widows and Widowers of North County support group for those who desire to foster friendships through various social activities will meet for Happy hour and dinner at Miguel’s Cocina, Carlsbad Feb. 12 and attend the Coastal Community Concert Band concert followed by dinner at KoKo Beach Restaurant, Carlsbad Feb. 17. Reservations are necessary at (858) 674-4324.


FEB. 10


The Carlsbad Parks & Recreation Department provides American Red Cross training each spring. Get a head start on a career in aquatics by training to be-

more information, call (760) 602-4650. REPUBLICAN CLUB

Republican Club of Ocean Hills will welcome Christopher Rodriguez, newly elected Councilman representing District 2 of Oceanside at noon Feb. 20 at the Broken Yolk Café, 2434 Vista Way, Oceanside. Lunch is $15 per person. Cash or check only at the door (sorry, no credit cards accepted). RSVP Colleen at (760) 842-8735.

FEB. 21


Carlsbad Parks and Recreation offers the AARP Smart Driver course on third and fourth Thursdays, emphasizing how participants can adjust driving in response to aging. Each CIAO, BELLA two-class session costs $15/ Join the Italian conver- AARP members, $20/nonsation class at 1 p.m. at the AARP members. Call (760) Encinitas Senior Center, 602-4650 for a reservation. 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive, Encinitas. Register at Encin- MEN’S LUNCH LEAGUE The Men’s Lunch League gathers from noon THOUGHT-A-THON to 1 p.m. Feb. 21 and Feb. 22 Seaside Center for Spir- at the Encinitas Recreation itual Living campus will Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park be host to an Open House Drive, Encinitas. For more Extravaganza and “New information, call (760) 943Thought-A-Thon,” from 1 to 2260. 5 p.m. Feb. 17 at 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas. For further information, contact Susan Sullivan at 760-208-3382 WOMEN’S LUNCH LEAGUE e-mail: sully4realestate@ The Women’s Lunch League hits the gym from 11 a.m. to noon, Feb. 22 at the Encinitas Recreation Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park LET’S DANCE Drive, Encinitas. For more A Social Dance will be information, call (760) 943held at 2 p.m. Feb. 18 at the 2260. Encinitas Senior Center, 1140 Oakcrest Park Drive, Encinitas. Register at EPIC TWEEN NIGHT Drop off your tween from 6 to 9 p.m. Feb. 23 at Pine Ave. Community CenOCEANSIDE TALKS COAST ter & Park, 3300 Harding St., The Oceanside Plan- Carlsbad, for a night with gining Division will hold a sec- ant inflatables, Zorb balls, ond community workshop on laser tag, virtual reality, vidits Local Coastal Program eo games, photo booth, comfrom 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Feb. petitions, and more. Ages 10 19 in the City Council Cham- to 14 years old are allowed bers, 300 N. Coast Highway, to attend. For more inforOceanside, to introduce and mation, call (760) 602-7519. discuss possible coastal haz- City staff as well as Marine Corps volunteers and securiards adaptation strategies. ty will chaperone the event. All activities are included FAITH & FRIENDS The Catholic Widows with admission. Food and and Widowers of North beverages are available for County support group, for purchase. those who desire to foster friendships through social OCEANSIDE TAX HELP activities, will meet for hapFree tax preparation py hour and dinner Feb. 19 assistance will be available at Black Angus Restaurant, to lower-middle income Escondido. On Feb. 21, they Oceanside residents on will go bowling at Surf Bowl from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. with dinner at Hunter Steak- 23 at the Oceanside Public house, Oceanside. Library, 330 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside. While walkins are welcome, interested BUILD A BONSAI Bonsai and Beyond taxpayers are encouraged to meets at 6 p.m. Feb. 19 at the visit San Diego Botanic Gardens, or call (888) 268-1666 to 230 Quail Gardens Drive, make an appointment. Encinitas. Bring your plants, gloves, and imagination. Ex- ITALIAN GENEALOGY EVENT tra plants appreciated. Call The Sons and Daughters Cindy Read, (619) 504-5591. of Italy are sponsoring a free Italian genealogy workshop, complete with antipasto and drinks, from 1 to 4 p.m. Feb. 23 at the Valley Club, 2280 CARLSBAD NEWCOMERS The Carlsbad Newcom- Calle Barcelona, Carlsbad. ers Club for age 50 and up For more information, conmeets at the Carlsbad Parks tact Salvatore Provenza at & Recreation Center, 799 or call Pine Ave., Carlsbad. For (760) 845-3279.

FEB. 17


Learn about the Sunrise Movement’s story and about its efforts to push climate policy forward with increased urgency at the Climate Change Event at 5:30 p.m. Feb. 14 at the Vista Library, 700 Eucalyptus Ave., Vista, presented in conjunction with North County Climate Change Alliance.


Sign up now to build and launch a rocket, play Frisbee with a robot, climb aboard a flight simulator or view the surface of the sun from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. March 9 at the free science festival Super STEM Saturday at California State University San Marcos. Register at html. Children of all ages are invited. The event will CARLSBAD TAX HELP The Carlsbad City Li- close the nine-day San Diego brary Learning Center, in Festival of Science and Engipartnership with the non- neering. profit organization AARP, will provide tax assistance VISTA WOMEN’S LUNCHEON The Woman’s Club of on Wednesdays, 9:15 a.m. to 3 p.m. Feb. 6 through April Vista GFWC will meet 10:30 10 at the Library Learning a.m. Feb. 13 at the ShadowCenter, 3368 Eureka Place, ridge Golf Club, Vista, hostCarlsbad. Participation is ing Liz Sheehan, VP of Defree and registration is re- velopment at the San Diego quested, though walk-ins Food Bank. For luncheon kdkyan@ are also welcome from 10 reservations, a.m. to 1 p.m. To schedule an or (919) 847-2786. appointment, call (760) 931- Cost is $18. 4500.


FEB. 14

FEB. 13

Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation docents will host a free birding event from 9 to 11 a.m. Feb. 9 at 7380 Gabbiano Lane, Carlsbad. Migratory birds are arriving in big numbers. Bring your binoculars. Visit

FEB. 11

al Dane Kuta to taste and den annual “5K Paw Walk in compare. the Garden” will take place from 8 to 11 a.m. Feb. 16 at 230 Quail Gardens Drive. Day of event registration starts at 7:30 a.m. and paws VALENTINE’S SERENADE Every year at this time, cross the starting line at 9 the Music Men’s chorus is a.m. Register yourself, your divided into quartets that team, or for a virtual 5K Paw are available to go anywhere Walk in the Garden online, in North County in order to visit https://rchumanesocisurprise loved ones with two songs, a long-stemmed in-the-garden/. rose, and a personalized Valentine card. Personal PROFESSIONAL STORY TELLER deliveries will be available The Oceanside Public from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. both Library invites families to Feb. 14, and Feb. 15. Pricing enjoy international folktales is $50 if delivery is request- with Michael D. McCarty at ed during a two-hour time 11 a.m. Feb. 16 at the Civframe and $60 if delivery ic Center Library, 330 N. must be made within 15 Coast Highway, Oceanside. minutes of requested time. For more information, visit To book a time, contact Tom Redler ( 310) 650-0810 or or call (760) 435-5600. For additional information, visit

Single Travelers Club meets from 5 to 7 p.m. Feb. 12, at Hunter Steakhouse, 1221 Vista Way, Oceanside, with Happy Hour specials and discussion on Best Val- QUILTS AND HISTORY ue Travel Destinations. Call El Camino Quilt Guild Jackie at (760) 438-1472 to meets at 9:30 a.m. Feb. 14 RSVP. at QLN Conference Center, 1938 Avenida Del Oro, Oceanside, hosting SouthMEET THE CRC The Community Re- ern California quilt historisource Center is hosting an an, Leah A Zieber. Parking Open House from 3:30 to is limited, so carpool if you 4:30 p.m. Feb. 12, at 650 2nd can. Guest fee for the meetSt., Encinitas. Join CRC for ing is $10. a tour of their center and a special presentation in rec- VALENTINE’S DAY LUNCH ognition of Teen Dating ViThe Gloria McClellan olence Awareness Month. Center will hold a “ValenWear orange to show your tine’s Day Luncheon” at support for teen dating vio- 11:00 a.m. Feb. 14, at 1400 lence prevention and educa- Vale Terrace Drive, Vista, tion. Register at for dancing and entertainment by Ricky Rivas. Reserve by 1 p.m. one day prior at (760) 643-5288.


FEB. 8, 2019


Vista Friends and Newcomers February Coffee will be held at 10 a.m. Feb. 14 at Pegah’s Kitchen, 945 Santa Fe Ave., Vista. Call Sandy at (760) 390-2397.

FEB. 15


The Carlsbad Visitor Center, 400 Carlsbad Village Drive, Carlsbad, is seeking volunteers to meet and greet visitors three to four hours per week. The hours are flexible and duties include sharing knowledge of the area answering phones and other light projects. Call Lee at (760) 434-6093. BE A TOE-TAPPER

The Toe Tappers are a non-profit group of senior, tap-dancing ladies who is looking for new dancers. The group performs in the North county area. Must have tap-dancing experience and be over 55 years of age. If interested, call (760) 212 6030 or hannahjax123@

Join the MiraCosta College San Elijo Campus “Wine Tasting: Old World vs. New World” class at 7 p.m. every Wednesday through March, in Room 406, 3333 Manchester Ave., Cardiff. Join Certified Sommelier PAW WALK and Italian wine professionSan Diego Botanic Gar-

FEB. 16

FEB. 22

FEB. 18

FEB. 23

FEB. 19

FEB. 20

FEB. 8, 2019

Hunger strike targets SeaWorld By Steve Puterski

CARLSBAD — For the past three weeks one shaman is fulfilling her drive to free captive orcas. Rachel Grayner, 35, who goes by Kali Ren, is a Hermetic Kabbalah who began her quest on the shores of Carlsbad State Beach to fight until SeaWorld releases all orcas they have in captivity — either into the wild or by transferring RACHEL them to sea- GRAYNER, side sanctu- aka Kali Ren aries. She began the strike Jan. 17 and is also calling out Hollywood elites. Ren, 35, said the hypocrisy from celebrities is another motivating factor. She used to be the personal assistant to the late actress Brittany Murphy. “I’ve always had a really deep connection with the orcas,” said Ren, who was raised in Carlsbad. In 2013, CNN released “Blackfish,” a critically acclaimed documentary about the conditions and treatment of orcas at SeaWorld. The film moved Ren, who as a child had season passes to SeaWorld, leading her to become more proactive for social change. “I was painstakingly


Cindrich told The Coast News. “And Vista decides to come in and come up with their own system, which ultimately is a lottery and it's our position that the language and the system Vista created goes against the language and intent of the ordinance.” Others have decried the zoning ordinances called for in the city manager’s implementation memorandum, which would cordon off many areas of the city for medical marijuana dispensaries under the banner of “sensitive uses.” “The purpose of this regulation is to identify sensitive uses and separation requirements between those uses and medical cannabis businesses,” reads the implementation memorandum. “It further provides for tools to assist the public in determining the location of those uses as well as potential locations for medical cannabis businesses.” Language about “sensitive uses,” however — defined largely as areas with child care centers, public parks, elementary schools and preschools, and other areas heavily trafficked by youth — is nowhere to be found in Measure Z. One critic, former Vista City Councilman Cody Campbell, says he believes that some city officials have taken matters into their own hands in rolling out the law.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

shook up,” she said after viewing the movie. “To me, the orcas are probably the most important species on the planet. If we can take care of them the right way, then we can get through this kind of apocalyptic atmosphere, the greed, the delusion and the collusion.” She has lost six to seven pounds, but she said she is strong physically and mentally, despite not eating for three weeks. Her routine consists of walking five to 10 miles per day, with periodic trips to get coffee. “The deeper you go into the shaman world, you begin to see things really clearly,” Ren said. “To sustain the level of magic or mastery, you really have to walk your talk. Otherwise, you are just a fake.” She admits it’s a long shot SeaWorld releases all the orcas, which is another reason she is attempting to leverage Hollywood star power. She would allow for those celebrities to provide nutrition, thus creating a larger social awareness campaign. “Really, this was a ruse to get them to start using their power to push this forward,” Ren said. “They’ve really made lackluster attempts. These people … make miracles happen and they can’t find a way to get together and free these orcas? They’re not really standing up for anything.” They have purposely made it difficult for the will of the citizenry to become a reality for Measure Z, he said. “If they wanted to make this simpler for local people to get into the business, they would not have made it difficult as it's been so far,” said Campbell, who campaigned for the pro-Measure Z group Vistans for Safe Community Access during the 2018 election cycle. “The simplest answer is the city will do anything and everything they can to undermine the process. I think their hostility towards cannabis will continue on and on and on in an ongoing basis until, either the city staff that are currently there that have some sort of personal vendetta against cannabis are gone, or the City Council steps up and fulfills its role as representative of the voters.” Campbell also pointed out that in the city’s implementation memorandum, a few of the children-centric businesses and establishments listed as off-limits beyond the legal setback limit of 1,000 feet actually have wrong addresses listed. Those include Linda Rhoades Park and Recreation Center (incorrect address), Glowzone (no longer in business) and the Metropolitan Area Advisory Committee on Anti-Poverty of San Diego (no longer in Vista), according to a review done by The Coast News. Another location originally on the city of Vista’s list, Nippon Sports Center, came

Alta Vista High won’t close without a fight By Steve Horn

that it will save the school district $1.2 million. “VUSD currently has two continuation high schools, Alta Vista High School and Major General Murray High School. Alta Vista has the capacity to serve approximately 300 students and is currently serving approximately 100 students,” Kimble said. “By merging the campuses, we will be able to offer career pathway opportunities for all VUSD students as well as continuing to provide students with credit recovery options.” The announcement has yet to come in front of the Vista Unified School District Board for a vote, though community members have come out against the proposed closure during the public commenting period of meetings. But the potentially imminent closure of the school has raised the ire of many community members, sparking the rise of a Facebook page named Save Alta Vista High School. “The superintendent, Dr. Linda Kimble, has unilaterally decided to close down Alta Vista High school without the approval of school board members. She did not give parents, teachers, students, or the community a chance to give their input on this matter,” wrote the Facebook group. “This decision is trying to fix the budget problems on the backs of the most vulnerable students in the district.” Continuation schools like Alta Vista allow for stu-

dents facing trying circumstances, such as instability at home or the birth of a child at a young age, to take time off of school and return back at a later date as continuation students. “Many students become credit deficient, they fall behind in credits/classes needed to graduate,” Mary Contreras, former principal at Vista Academy of the Visual and Performing Arts, a kindergarten through eighthgrade campus, who spent the last year and a half of her career as a teacher at Alta Vista High School, told The Coast News. “We don’t ‘hold students back’ so they often drop out realizing they won’t graduate. Continuation schools give them a chance to recover credits and have the chance to graduate.” Contreras says that the small class sizes at continuation schools like Alta Vista allow for some students to thrive in ways not plausible in bigger school atmospheres. “Teachers are able to make connections with these students who often had been ignored or disregarded because the campus and classes are much smaller on a continuation campus,” said Contreras. She added these dynamics could change if the student bodies at Murray High School and Alta Vista High School end up fused together. Noah Reynolds, a 20-year-old student at Palomar College in San Marcos who graduated from Alta Vista, said the school served

as a lifeline for him in the midst of trying times during his high school years. “To the community held within, Alta Vista truly is a family,” Reynolds said. “The teachers have become a close-knit group that welcomes in a new group of wayward students every year and helps form them into productive and often times service-orientated members of society. To me personally, Alta represented a last chance scenario.” Shiloh Strawbridge, whose first-grade daughter attends Vista Academy of the Visual and Performing Arts, said that she believes that beyond lack of transparency, lack of robust deliberation between all stakeholders has enabled an atmosphere of “manufacturing crises” within Vista Unified School District. “I think what you’re seeing is just a habit of manufacturing crises and then making unilateral decisions to solve the crisis when instead of saying, hey, we have what looks like a problem, let’s investigate this and see what’s really going on there and what we can do with community input,” said Strawbridge participates in an ad hoc group of parents advocating against the closure of Alta Vista and other school district policy proposals. Kimble did not respond to a request for comment for this story. The next Vista Unified School District Board meeting takes place at 6 p.m., Feb. 13 at Vista Civic Center.

off the list when the city said it discovered it no longer did business there. An examination of the implementation memorandum’s language also has strong resemblances to Measure BB, the ordinance struck down by Vista voters during the 2018 election which calls for “three delivery-only medical marijuana retailers and two testing facilities in the city.” Measure BB, the one proposed by the city’s conservative majority, has language found within it which also calls for 1,000foot setbacks near youth-oriented frequented locales. “It does not permit storefront marijuana stores in our downtown, in areas inhabited by families, or in close proximity to schools, areas where youth congregate, in parks, or near homeless shelters,” wrote conservative Vista Mayor Judy Ritter, and fellow conservative City Council members John Franklin and Amanda Rigby in an analysis penned in favor of Measure BB prior to the November election. “It stands in marked contrast to Proposition Z which permits all of these things.” Campbell pointed to the vote tally on Measure BB — 14,346 “no” votes to 12,430 “yes” votes — as an example of city officials going against the grain of voters’ desires for both Measure BB and Measure Z. “It's not that the people didn't understand the differences because that one's spelled out very clearly ...

And that's not what the voters wanted,” Campbell said. “(The city of Vista) decided to go ahead and implement it the way they would've done it if their measure had passed.” In response to questions about the “sensitive uses” language and how the language within the city’s Measure Z implementation letter came to be, Assistant City Manager Aly Zimmermann said, “Due to pending litigation against the city, we cannot comment on Measure Z questions at this time.” City Attorney Darold Pieper also said he could not comment on the specifics of the roll-out for Measure Z in the

midst of its implementation. The newest member of Vista’s City Council though, Corinna Contreras, said that she believes that much of this could have been avoided to begin with had the city tackled the issue head-on before the 2018 election. “With the data afforded to the public and the council, the desire of Vistans was clear; they wanted well-regulated retail storefronts,”

she said. “A pre-Measure BB survey conducted by the city of Vista with a cost of almost $35,000 illustrated overwhelming support for retail storefronts within the city,” she said. “It was an unfortunate missed opportunity. We as a city could have proposed a balanced approach with limited storefronts and a well-defined selection process, all written in strong unambiguous language.”

VISTA — A cherished untraditional school within the Vista Unified School District, Alta Vista High School, may soon come to a close. But parents, alumni and even an ex-Vista Unified school district principal told The Coast News that it will not happen without pushback. Leading the push to close Alta Vista is Superintendent Linda Kimble, who took over the helm as the school district’s chief executive in January 2018. Kimble, author of the 2010 book “The Savvy Superintendent: Leading Instruction to the Top of the Class,” first announced that Alta Vista may soon shut its doors in an address given to the Vista Chamber of Commerce. “One of the things we’re talking about is consolidating our programs and services to make them make sense,” said Kimble at the Jan. 28 Vista Chamber of Commerce State of the Community Luncheon. “So, Alta and (Major General Raymond) Murray (High School) are two continuation schools we have in our district. You might argue that a district our size doesn’t need two continuation schools, but they might need a little boost in childhood education. In fact, a big one. So, right now they are currently educating 700 of our kids in Vista and we will be opening Alta in the coming year as an early childhood center.” Kimble confirmed that the plan to shutter Alta Vista remains in place, saying






TO 69841


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

FEB. 8, 2019

Carson Valley restaurant honors Western roots hit the road e’louise ondash


t’s a take-your-breathaway-cold, late January evening in Gardnerville, Nevada, but the Christmas decorations still hang at JT Basque Bar & Dining Room. Nobody appears to care. It’s a mostly local crowd that’s tightly packed around the old Western bar and customers spill into the rest of the room. You can tell the first-timers (like us); they’re the ones staring at all the folded dollar bills stuck to the ceiling and the collection of former customers’ hats mounted behind the bar. The JT is obviously a popular watering hole, but it’s the food we’ve come for. The family-style meals are nearly the same as they were when the restaurant was a boarding house for Basque sheepherders. We’re talking four courses (salad, Basque beans, stew and soup) before we even get to the entrée. Also included in the price: red wine, soft drinks, ice cream and coffee. (All but the soup is gluten-free, but call ahead and they’ll make a gluten-free batch.) Unlike the old days, there are several entrées,

RIVER FORK RANCH PRESERVE in Nevada’s Carson Valley is owned and managed by The Nature Conservancy. Maintaining this open space helps preserve the flood plain and ecosystems. It partners with the historic Ranch One, which raises grass-fed beef using sustainable methods. Photo by Jerry Ondash

but there’s no menu. Our friendly and efficient server announces the choices. It’s safe to say that the JT is a favorite here in Carson Valley, a broad, high-desert plain nearly enclosed by the stunning, snow-covered Sierras and the Pinenut Mountains.

The valley’s three towns — Gardnerville, Minden and Genoa — lie southeast of Lake Tahoe; Carson City is only 20 minutes north. Visitors come to the valley for the scenery, to learn its history and to revel in the wide-open countryside. There is hiking; horseback

riding; skiing; snowmobiling; hot air ballooning; water activities at nearby Topaz Lake; golf; and annual events like Carson Valley Days; the 90-year-old Candy Dance; Genoa’s Cowboy Poetry Music Festival; and winter’s Eagles & Agriculture (more on that in the

next column) and more. Earlier, we met JT co-owner J.B. Lekumberry, whose father, Jean, immigrated from Europe’s Basque Country with three brothers. All returned but Jean, who worked as a sheepherder among other jobs, then bought the JT boarding house. His children — Robert, J.B. and Marie Louise — grew up playing and working in the restaurant and in the valley’s great outdoors. After Jean died in 1993, J.B. and Marie Louise took charge. “The freedom to enjoy the outdoors was practically uninhibited,” J.B. says, “(and) growing up in the restaurant, I was able to meet a lot of wonderful people and a great many characters.” J.B. and wife Lisa live in nearby Genoa on her family’s historic, 350-acre ranch, known as Ranch No. 1, so named because it is the first recorded land claim in Nevada. Lisa’s family bought it in 1909 — five generations ago — and now she’s in charge. “Growing up in Genoa was special because we had a close-knit community and did potluck dinners at different holidays,” she recalls. “We had our Halloween hayride every year, and I got to get on my horse every day after school. (Carson Valley) is a beautiful place to live and I’ve always just wanted

to live on the ranch.” In a unique arrangement, the Lekumberrys graze their grass-fed cattle on 400 acres that belong to the adjacent River Fork Ranch Preserve, owned by The Nature Conservancy. “I guess it is unique,” says J.B. of an organization that typically guards their lands for habitat restoration and conservation. “I’ve been happily surprised with what the Nature Conservancy is doing. I think they are doing a great job of partnering.” And the arrangement brings other benefits. “Yes, interfacing with the public like we do at the River Fork Ranch is a little more unusual than what I’m used to,” Lisa adds, “because … people walk through on the trail while we are working our cattle.” Ironically, J.B. comes from sheepherder stock; Lisa’s forbearers are cattle ranchers. Historically, the two factions have waged legendary wars over grazing rights in the West. “Love is a very strange thing,” muses J.B. “Historically, there was competition for feed. By the time Lisa and I were born, other entities were trying to kick cowboys and sheepherders all off the land, so we needed to stick together.” Visit For more photos and commentary, visit www. /elouise.ondash.

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FEB. 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Gun show owner files lawsuit against fairgrounds To take a few people who are anti-gun and let them be the opinion of the whole county is pretty far-reaching.” Crossroads President Tracy Olcott on debate over gun shows at Del Mar Fairgrounds By Lexy Brodt

DEL MAR — The courts may have the final word on whether gun shows will resume at the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Utah-based company Crossroads of the West filed a lawsuit with the United States District Court against the fairgrounds’ 22nd District Agricultural Association Board of Directors on Jan. 21, after the board imposed a yearlong moratorium on the long-disputed event in September. The company is seeking injunctive and declaratory relief for a decision it views as a violation of its first amendment rights to free speech and assembly, as well its rights to equal protection and due process. It is also seeking damages for lost profits, among other costs to their business. Crossroads has held a gun show on the fairgrounds’ property five times a year for the past 30 years. In early September, the board moved to cancel the event for the duration of 2019, until staff could develop a new policy regarding gun show events. The board’s Contracts Committee recommended the moratorium, further advising the board to put in place a policy that considers holding gun shows for only educational and safety training, banning the possession of guns on state property. In an email to The Coast News, the fairground’s Public Information Officer Annie Pierce reiterated that the board’s intent at the September meeting was not to permanently ban gun shows. The board has no further comment at this time. However, Crossroads President Tracy Olcott sees the board’s action as a “foregone conclusion,” a view shared by local pro-gun advocates. “I really have no faith that they’re going to come back next year and say, ‘oh hey, we’ve decided to continue on with the gun show,’” said Michael Schwartz, the executive director of the San Diego County Gun Owners PAC. “No matter what they call it, a moratorium or not, there was supposed to be a gun show in February and it’s not here … that’s a ban. The rest is semantics.” The latest of the Crossroads of the West gun shows occurred in mid-December, drawing about 6,000 people — many of whom showed up to witness “the last one.” The gun shows attract vendors from across the region, selling everything from artwork and crystal balls to ammunition and

semi-automatic assault rifles. Crossroads runs several such shows in California, Arizona, Utah and Nevada. A handful of frequent vendors and attendees are plaintiffs in the lawsuit, including South Bay Rod and Gun Club, a shooting club based out of Dulzura, California. Don Gussler, the club’s president, said South Bay has been attending the event for about six years, where the members hand out informational pamphlets and fliers. Gussler said the event is the club’s main venue for advertising and promotion. Gussler calls the event “a very educational thing,” and said he believes the board isn’t “looking at the actual facts.” Other plaintiffs include the California Rifle & Pistol Association and the Second Amendment Foundation. The lawsuit asserts that the board is discriminating against Crossroads and gun show vendors “based on irrational public policies that are based on flawed reasoning and dubious conclusions related to gun show operations and gun shows’ impact on public safety.” Olcott said the board is bringing its own opinions into the mix in deciding the fate of the event, and representing only the views of the immediately surrounding communities in making its decisions. “To take a few people who are anti-gun and let them be the opinion of the whole county is pretty far-reaching,” Olcott said, stating that the events are “highly regulated” and promote “100 percent legal” gun-related activities. The agricultural district’s statutory authority allows that the board, “without prior approval from the department, may arrange for and conduct, or cause to be conducted, or by contract permit to be conducted, any activity by any individual, institution, corporation, or association upon its property at a time as may be deemed advisable.” In keeping with its aim to present a new policy at the board’s December 2019 meeting, the board has appointed an ad-hoc committee to study the event. At the board’s Jan. 9 meeting, Committee Chair Frederick Schenk reported that the committee was beginning to meet with interested parties — legislative leaders, city officials and activists on both sides of the gun debate. He also pointed out the possibility of new legislation that might impact

KIRK REDMAN, with firearm supply store Ammo Brothers, displays an array of guns at the Del Mar Fairgrounds gun show in December. Photo by Lexy Brodt

the viability of gun shows across the state. Gavin Newsom, California’s newly elected governor, has voiced his opposition to the possession and sale of guns on public land. The board is governor-appointed. “If there’s going to be some legislative direction, we’re going to have to be consistent with whatever that will be,” Schenk said. Area residents have been protesting the event for years. Opposition started gaining traction in early 2018, after a high school shooting in Parkland, Florida, sparked far-reaching outcries against gun violence. Locally, it spurred the formation of NeverAgainCA, a Del Mar orga-

nization aiming to end gun violence. NeverAgainCA objects to gun show operators profiting from the proliferation of guns and ammunition sold on state-owned property, according to its founder, Del Mar resident Rose Ann Sharp. And NeverAgainCA is not alone in opposing the event — Del Mar, Solana Beach and Encinitas have all passed resolutions opposing the sale and possession of firearms on publicly-owned property. “I think people do see this as a public health risk,” Sharp said. “My belief is that they don’t want more guns in their community.” Del Mar Mayor Dwight

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Worden has been at the helm of local opposition at the city level — drafting Del Mar’s resolution in March and urging its neighbors to the north to do the same. Given the Parkland shooting and rising concerns over gun violence, Worden said local residents felt gun shows were “part of the problem.” Going forward, Worden hopes the board will “develop a policy that reflects community value and not be intimidated by a lawsuit that doesn’t have much merit.” Crossroads has been looking for a new venue to host the event, but according to the complaint, “the government has a monopoly

on venues of this size and type in the area.” Schwartz, an outspoken advocate of the gun show, has been helping Crossroads look at different venues in the area. “It’s turned out to be really difficult,” Schwartz said. “The reality is they need about 50,000 square feet of useable space and about 12,000 parking spots. There’s not many places like that.” With few legal precedents paving the way for Crossroads, Schwartz said this lawsuit could be a determining point for gun shows in the state — which have so far eluded local as well as state legislative efforts to put them to an end. “I think that if they lose this lawsuit, you probably won’t see a gun show on public property five years from now … on any state property,” he said. In a similar case that dragged on for over 10 years, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld the Alameda County Board of Supervisors’ authority to ban the possession and sale of guns in “sensitive places,” i.e. public property, after a gun show operator sued the board over its action. However, the case’s appeals process abruptly came to an end when the board reversed its policy, and allowed gun shows to commence as long as firearms were secured to tables or fixtures via a “sturdy cable.” Crossroad’s complaint follows close on the heels of a case out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, in which a gun show operator is suing the city for opting to end the event’s 30-year operation at a popular public park.

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

FEB. 8, 2019

Official: ‘More respectful’ homeless count strategy needed By Aaron Burgin

REGION — The local nonprofit that administered a local census of the homeless — as part of a nationwide effort — has expressed concerns about the method the homeless were counted, calling it “troublesome.” The 2019 WeAllCount effort was conducted countywide between 4 a.m. and 8 a.m. Jan. 25 as part of the federally mandated Point-In-Time Count of the homeless, which helps federal officials allocate dollars to counties to fight homelessness. The San Diego Regional Task Force on the Homeless oversees the effort regionally. Locally, the Encinitas-based nonprofit Community Resource Center oversees the county for an area that includes Encinitas, Del Mar, Solana Beach and portions of Rancho Santa Fe and Carmel Valley. A ranking official with Community Resource Center said that this year, volunteers were required to reach out to homeless people and interview and have them complete a questionnaire to find more information about the cause of their homelessness. This was a departure from previous counts, where volunteers would count the homeless without disturbing them, or mark encamp-

THIS YEAR’S countywide, federally mandated homeless count was conducted 4-8 a.m. Jan. 25. Courtesy photo

ments on maps, and use formulas to estimate the number of people living in those encampments. Rebecca Palmer, the chief program officer at the center, said that this meant that volunteers — who canvassed in groups of three — were in some cases waking homeless people up on the street and in their encampments before sunrise to fill out a survey, in exchange for a pair of socks and a gift card. “It was a little disruptive and somewhat troublesome of a methodology,” Palmer said. “You would approach someone

sleeping outside, and ask them to speak with you, which is a little intrusive.” Palmer suggested other methods of counting, such as finding a member of encampments in advance of the count to lead volunteers down to sensitive areas, and bringing food or coffee to make it less intrusive. Or, Palmer said, host a centralized breakfast and invite homeless to come and conduct the count there. “We would like to be part of a different strategy next year,” Palmer said. “So that it is a more respectful and dignified

approach to what can be a fearbased thing.” Kat Durant, an operations coordinator with the regional task force, said that the methodology was mandated by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, which oversees the nationwide count. Regionally, San Diego County has gone above and beyond many of the federal requirements, such as conducting tests annually rather than the biennial federal requirement. But the region’s counting methods were out of step with the national requirements, so this year they were asked to align them, Durant said. “We needed to basically step our game up,” Durant said. “They (HUD officials) recognized we have this great count that happens every year, we have this amazing volunteer base that is willing to get up at 4 a.m., 1,500 people countywide, but the next step was to engage the homeless, and that change was mandated by HUD.” Durant said that Community Resource Center was not the only agency countywide to express concern about the new approach, but that no agencies had expressed concerns following the count. Volunteers were paired with

an experienced outreach worker who was trained to do counts, and volunteers weren’t forced to knock on cars or tents unless they were comfortable, otherwise the outreach worker would do it, Durant said. When asked about the criticism that the counting methodology was intrusive, Durant said that the homeless population in general “is a population that does get awakened in the middle of the night.” “It is an important day and it’s important we reach these people where they are so we can get the proper policies and services in place,” Durant said. “In order to do that, we need to know more about them, and the best way to do that is to talk to them in the place where they are experiencing the homelessness.” Durant said that some of Palmer’s suggestions had been used in the past, and that some homeless people are left out of counts because they might not make it to the central location. “We did that in the past, come and be counted, and I think that works for people who are more functional and can answer those questions and be present,” Durant said. “That is a lot to ask for some of the population, so we need to go where they are.”

Homeless camps threaten Vista habitat Escondido City Council backs offshore drilling ban resolution Is this a By Steve Puterski

VISTA — The homeless situation in the city is a massive challenge. As such, the City Council approved an amendment to its Biological Preserve Overlay Zone ordinance to combat a sizable population of homeless using La Mirada Canyon as a residence. The Biological Preserve Overlay Zone protects sensitive biological habitat in conjunction with the Multiple Habitat Conservation Plan. The BPO is 296 acres and is owned by the city. The affected areas include a sports park near the Costco and BMW dealership by State Route 78 and La Mirada Canyon. The amended BPO would further limit construction of shelters, sanitation devices, removing vegetation, capturing wildlife, human waste, using cooking systems and causing any illegal discharge to surface waters. The council said it was

homeless issue or is this an environmental issue? It’s a little bit of both.”

Joe Green Vista councilman

not attempting to forcibly remove or ban the homeless, which would be left to the San Diego County Sheriff’s Office, but rather be proactive in combating the growing trash heaps in several areas, which affect the sensitive habitat and surface water. One resident was concerned the city was effectively attempting to ban homeless. She said the city needs infrastructure to support the homeless before trying to remove them. “Several of us have toured this land … it looks very much like you’d expect if you were visiting a landfill,” Deputy Mayor John Franklin said. “Many, many thousands of pounds of trash discarded. Huge quantities of unauthorized waste running off into the watershed. This initiative is really about protecting that land and the future effort to open this land.” Community Development and Engineering Director John Conley said the three main areas are of concern, but the primary concern is the canyon. “As a result of unauthorized use in these areas that is increasing damage to sensitive habitat and wa-

ter quality, staff is recommending some changes,” Conley said. The city and sheriff’s office are offering homeless individuals services. Franklin said the condition of the homeless is unacceptable and it is incumbent for all elected and community leaders to work together. “They need to access those services that are made available and they need to be in safe and sanitary living conditions,” he added. “The conditions they are in now are not fit for any animal or any human being. It is really a heartbreaking situation for any of us who have been there.” Councilwoman Corinna Contreas said the item was more about homelessness, with the environment as a secondary concern. For enforcement, the city has only a few options mainly through its water management program and the sheriff’s office. Councilman Joe Green had other concerns including potential lawsuits from the federal government and others for the condition of the watershed. As for the sheriff’s office, those deputies are not arresting the homeless as part of the region-wide effort to offer help, services and secure identifications to get them into transitional housing. “A lot of people are there because they don’t have IDs,” Green said. “Is this a homeless issue or is this an environmental issue? It’s a little bit of both. We need to work with them to solve this problem, but we do also have to protect our lands and our water that’s going into the ocean.”

By Steve Horn

Despite its inland location far from the Pacific Ocean, the Escondido City Council voted on Jan. 23 in support of a resolution calling for a ban of offshore oil and gas drilling on the Pacific Ocean. Passing by a 3-2 majority, with City Councilmen John Masson and Michael Morasco voting no, the resolution is one of dozens which have passed in city halls across Southern California, pushed by the environmental advocacy organization Oceana. Several resolutions passed in the aftermath of President Donald Trump’s announcement earlier this month that the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management would open up Pacific Ocean offshore plots for drilling. Brady Bradshaw, Oceana’s campaign organizer for Southern California, said after the meeting that he was pleased with the council’s vote. “It’s really great to see that the movement opposing offshore drilling is so strong that a city inland from the coast passed a resolution and it makes a lot of sense because this whole county is reliant on a clean coast economy,” Bradshaw said. “I think it’s really amazing that, some of the people were really strong speakers and you could tell that their hearts were in it and they’re very connected to the coastline.” Escondido is the furthest inland city within San Diego County which has passed a resolution of this sort. After over half a dozen supporters weighed in sup-

port of the bill, Morasco said he opposed it on the grounds that it included natural gas in the mix. “I’m not in opposition to natural gas drilling. I don’t think that’s as problematic obviously as oil,” said Morasco, who noted that during the summer, he goes to the beach nearly every Monday. “We can have a long discussion about that, but I am a proponent of natural gas and natural gas use.” Masson, who also dissented, voiced his support of natural gas, as well. But he also said he believed such a resolution existed beyond the purview of the duties of the business of the council. “I know the state passed two (bills) which prohibit any new pipelines or any new infrastructure along the coast of California,” Masson said. “I feel like this, I guess it just sends a statement, but we have the tools to control and the state to control our destiny with regard to offshore drilling. The ethical piece, I don’t think this comes down to ethics, it just comes down to who has control over what and what’s been done to control that.” Bradshaw said he believes that Masson was misinformed on the policy status of offshore drilling within California, saying that under state law, offshore drilling could still take place. “There’s still a proposal for federal drilling and we still expect to see Southern California included in the next iteration of the federal plans,” Bradshaw said. “Right now, anywhere from three miles to 250 miles offshore is still in the proposal ... In the state legislation he was referring to, there is still

the ability for the existing leases to be modified to support an increased capacity.” Councilwoman Olga Diaz, part of the three-member liberal majority which voted “yes” for the resolution, said she supported it because even those who live inland often spend time at the beach. “The protection of the California coast not only impacts our economy, but our health and our environmental stability,” Diaz said. “And so, whatever I can do, even if it is just a statement, even if it’s just a resolution with no authority, no power, no impact, I think it’s important that we take a moral and ethical stand on the fact that we oppose drilling off of the California coast.” In the moments before the vote, Mayor Paul McNamara said he appreciated Bradshaw and Oceana brining the measure forward, explaining that Bradshaw began advocating for it during campaign season. “Look, I understand these are very difficult choices we have as a community,” McNamara said. “We have to make some really hard decisions. But I think we really need to force ourselves. We need to force ourselves to start making the change and if we keep making exceptions and go, ‘Well, we’ll just let this one go in. We’ll just let this one go in,’ we’re going to set ourselves up for long-term failure. So, I think we’re just going to have to bite the bullet and begin the change.” In the aftermath of the resolution’s passage, Oceana disseminated a note of thanks on Facebook to the Escondido City Council.

FEB. 8, 2019

By Staff

SAN MARCOS — In recognition of decades’ worth of talent and dedication, Palomar College inducted eight new members into the Palomar Comets’ Athletic Hall of Fame, Class of 2018. The Jan. 26 ceremony at St. Mark Golf Club marked the Hall of Fame’s seventh induction class. The honorees included: • Paul Castro (baseball, football – 1961-63) • Jimmy Clark (football – 1978-79) • Tom Craft (coach – 1983-93, 1997-2001) • Ginalee Davis (softball – 2006-07) • David Funderburk (cross country/track & field – 1965-67) • Steve Krainock (football – 1978-79) • Tyler Lorenzen (football – 2006) • Alan Tanner (football, wrestling – 1976-78) The Palomar College Athletic Hall of Fame now stands at 93 members with the addition of the class of 2018. Photo plaques of the inductees can be seen on display above the foyer of the Comets’ iconic Dome gymnasium. To access biographies of this year’s class, visit general /2018-19 /releases/20190110roby3s.

My husband — living long and prospering


K, Trekkies. Help me out here. I’m pretty sure I married a Vulcan. OK, he’s like Spock, so half-human, half-Vulcan, but still ... If any of this sounds familiar, you too may know one. Oh, they’re out there. For starters, he has this absolutely unflappable personality, and he sees all things from that uber-logical standpoint. But I need to confirm that Vulcans tend to collect odd junk a human would throw away, then wander off into the wilderness to build stuff.

small talk jean gillette Well, we know they like to wander off into the wilderness. How much farther into the wilderness can you go than other universes? They live longer than humans and based on how well my husband has aged, that’s a given. He’s so fair, he’s almost translucent, and I recall Spock being pretty pale-faced. My mother-

Humane Society seeking info on abandoned puppies ESCONDIDO — The San Diego Humane Society is requesting information that would help identify the person or persons who abandoned nine puppies in a dogfood bag in Escondido. A third party found the puppies Jan. 31 at Kit Carson Park and promptly brought them to the organization's Escondido campus. The puppies, who appear to be weeks-old Shar Pei mixes, were cold, dehydrated and covered in urine and excrement inside the bag when found, the agency said. Humane Society medical staff fed, bathed and treated the puppies when they arrived at the shelter.

The puppies are now receiving care in the organization's partnered foster homes. After receiving the puppies, the Humane Society’s Humane Law Enforcement unit subsequently began a felony cruelty investigation. San Diego Crime Stoppers is also offering a $1,000 reward for information that leads to the responsible party's arrest. County residents with information regarding the case can contact the Crime Stoppers' anonymous tip line at (888) 580-8477 or Humane Society Law Enforcement at (619) 299-7012. — City News Service

in-law must have had his pointy ears altered at birth. My spouse seemed pretty human at first, but a few years after we were married, he also drove to Los Angeles every day to work, which right away would kill any average human. He can go a whole day without getting hungry. I can’t go two hours. But my final proof came when he announced one summer he was building a shack by the Salton Sea. Did I mention that Vulcans evolved from a planet which is mostly desert? And the Salton Sea? Desert. He built

a cube-shaped cabin with more junk from our garage. And he painted it silver. So, of course, it could be a spaceship. Talk about going where no man has gone before. It seems he became intrigued when he heard of the old, deserted military base out there, where one can squat free of charge. It must be Vulcan-like to love solitude and strange characters. He found both in that peculiar settlement of retirees, hoboes and misfits … in the desert. As soon as I get him to admit he’s part Vulcan, I’m

going to insist he teach me how to do a Mind Meld. If nothing else, I need to meld with someone who has a good memory. And I’m going to give him some real grief for not coming clean and using that Vulcan nerve pinch thing all those times the children needed a time-out. My research continues and, it is, as Spock would have said, “Very interesting.” Jean Hart Gillette is a freelance writer checking her children for pointy ears. Contact her at

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Palomar adds 8 to athletics Hall of Fame


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

FEB. 8, 2019

FDA recalls several blood pressure drugs DEAR DOCTOR: I've been taking a drug for blood pressure issues for a couple of years, but now I hear it's being recalled. What's the risk? Should I stop taking it? DEAR READER: You're referring to valsartan, an oral medication that belongs to a class of drugs known as angiotensin receptor blockers, often referred to simply as ARBs. The drug, which works by blocking a certain chemical that causes blood vessels to constrict, is prescribed for individuals with high blood pressure. It is also used to treat congestive heart failure and may be prescribed following a heart attack. Last summer, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced a voluntary recall of several blood pressure medications that contain valsartan, due to the presence of a particular chemical which has been identified as a probable human carcinogen. After trace amounts of another type of potential carcinogen were detected, the FDA not only widened the recall

SERVING THOSE IN CRISIS At their January meeting, Connie Kemp, above, and other members of GFWC Contemporary Women of North County donated and assembled 150 lunches to be provided free to individuals and families who come to the Interfaith Intake Center in Escondido. Interfaith Community Services provides the tools and resources for people in crisis. Visit Courtesy photo







SDG&E, stated that the county would be looking to work with all of the cities to potentially work on a regional CCE network. She previously tried to bring forth a CCE proposal to the county, but none of her colleagues at the time seconded the motion. The announcement was one of several major proposals outlined by Jacob in the address, her seventh and likely final one of her 26-year career on the board. She terms out of of-

Ask the Doctors

Dr. Elizabeth Ko

Dr. Eve Glazier

to include more blood pressure medications, but it also issued a warning to the manufacturer, Zhejiang Huahai Pharmaceuticals in China. Since the start of the initial recall in July 2018, investigators uncovered additional concerns, which have resulted in an ever-widening FDA recall. At this time, the agency has increased the recall list to include dozens of drugs used to treat hypertension, all due to the presence of trace impurities that are associated with cancer risk. In addition to many types of valsartan, the recall now includes losartan potassium tablets USP, as well as irbesartan tablets, which are also used to treat hypertension. The FDA has set up fice in 2020. Jacob’s address outlined initiatives aimed at addressing wildfire preparedness, affordable housing creation, behavioral health, elder care and energy independence, calling it a “new era” for the county. “We’ve got fresh voices, fresh perspectives and for the first time in a generation the new faces outnumber the old,” Jacob said. “This opens the window to the new and novel, to bold ideas and opportunities.” The senior supervisor announced she would team up with Supervisor Jim

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several web pages to help consumers identify whether or not their particular medications are affected. • The recalled valsartan drugs are numerous. The list is 11 pages long and the print is pretty small, so get ready to use the zoom function on your device. You can find this list at DrugSafety/ UCM615703. pdf. • The FDA has also created a website that lists valsartan drugs that are OK and have not been recalled. You can find that one at DrugSafety/ UCM615704. pdf. • To check whether your type of potassium tablets is on the recall list, visit ucm629261.htm. • Information about the recall of irbesartan tablets is available at Safety/Recalls/ucm624593. htm. The affected drugs are being recalled due to the presence of trace amounts of either N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) or N-nitrosodiethylamine

(NDEA), chemical compounds that have been identified as probable carcinogens. The latter chemical has been the subject of research that also associates it with liver and blood cell damage. According to the FDA, the chance of developing cancer as a result of taking these drugs is very small. If your particular medication is on the recall list, do not stop taking it. The medical risk of suddenly going unmedicated is far higher than the cancer risk posed by the drug. Instead, contact your physician immediately. Let him or her know your prescription is on the FDA recall list and make arrangements to find an alternative as quickly as possible.

Desmond on several fire safety initiatives, including strengthening the building code for construction in high-risk fire areas and a new grant program to encourage existing homeowners to install fire-resistant materials. In affordable housing, she and Supervisor Greg Cox are bringing forth a proposal to double the county’s $25 million affordable housing trust fund, which she said could lead to the creation of 1,000 homes countywide, including strengthening the building code for construction in high-risk fire areas and a new grant program to encourage existing homeowners to install fire-resistant materials. In addition to the county’s recent launch of a program waiving permit fees for the construction of accessory dwelling units, Jacob said that the county is exploring a plan to create pre-approved accessory dwelling units plans akin to the program launched in Encinitas in January. “We have 172,000 housing units on existing lots in our unincorporated

areas,” Jacob said. “If only 10 percent added an additional dwelling unit, that would go a long way to filling our affordable housing gap.” Jacob also announced several behavioral health initiatives, including working with Sheriff Bill Gore and District Attorney Summer Stephan to bolster the county’s psychiatric emergency response teams, known as PERT, and the possible creation of crisis stabilization centers that would allow for drop off by law enforcement, detox and care coordination. “These people don’t belong behind bars, these people need treatment,” Jacob said. “We need to focus on the individual, not on programs, and come up with a coordinated system of care.” In the area of senior care and dementia care, Jacob announced that the county would be expanding a recently created Alzheimer’s response team as well as touting a $1 million voucher program to help caregivers of family members who suffer from Alzheimer’s or dementia.

Eve Glazier, M.D., MBA, is an internist and associate professor of medicine at UCLA Health. Elizabeth Ko, M.D., is an internist and assistant professor of medicine at UCLA Health.

FEB. 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

3 killed in Oceanside collision

GRAPEVINE ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Principal Rafael Olavide helps a student with her Spanish in Rebecca Tartre’s class on Feb. 5, one of two classes at the Vista school participating in a first-year dual language immersion program. Photo by Steve Puterski


itive and word has already spread. With just two classrooms dedicated this year, Olavide and district Director of Communications Lisa Contreras said it is likely a third class will be included next year, possibly more. Parents must decide at the kindergarten level to enroll their child in the program, Olavide said. It’s too difficult to catch up for students attempting to join later in their academic careers. Long term, Contreras said, the goal is to spread this program throughout the district. And another bonus for Vista Unified is the program is attracting students from outside school and district boundaries. “This started about how to close the academic achievement gap, that was one (reason),” Olavide said. “We saw there was an interest in the community, especially with English and Spanish. And we saw Grapevine would meet the requirements.” As for the program, stu-

dents are shuffled between the classrooms of teachers Lara Sims (English) and Rebecca Tartre (Spanish). When students are in Tartre’s classroom, they are only allowed to speak and read in Spanish and vice versa when in Sims’ class. A natural byproduct, the teachers said, is the students help translate for their peers, yet students also learn to think on their feet and find the words, even if limited, to communicate. “We are set up so that we have a theme for each few weeks,” Sims explained. “There is a lot of bridging of what they are learning. There is a very strong relationship among the kids, and collaboration and willing to help each other and work together.” Additionally, each classroom replicates themes to teach the students, but different exercises and activities are used. Also, Tartre works with students in smaller groups, while Sims uses a more traditional approach instructing the whole group. The students are split

Man accused of fatally injuring sister pleads not guilty to murder ESCONDIDO — A man who allegedly inflicted fatal injuries on his older sister during a family fight in Escondido pleaded not guilty Jan. 25 to a murder charge and was ordered held without bail. Jose Enrique Bautista, 25, also faces an allegation

that he was out on bail on another case when he allegedly killed 27-year-old Laura Bautista, prosecutor Chandelle Konstanzer said. Patrol officers responding to a report of a medical emergency in the 100 block of East 15th Avenue found Laura Bautista badly hurt and unresponsive shortly before 1 a.m. Jan. 18. Paramedics took her to Palomar Medical Center, where she was admitted in critical condition. Jose Bautista was arrested the day of the fatal fight — his birthday — and charged with attempted murder. On Jan. 22, doctors pronounced the victim — a mother of three — dead, and her brother was re-booked on the murder charge. Authorities have not disclosed what might have prompted the fight or specified the injuries suffered by the victim. Bautista faces 28 years to life in prison if convicted. — City News Service

into separate classrooms for half the day, then switch. But when in Tartre’s class, she will only speak Spanish. “If they think I speak English, they won’t try to speak Spanish,” Tartre said of the English-only students. “But if they think I only speak Spanish, they feel so motivated that in order to communicate with me, they have to try to use Spanish.” Olavide, a native of Madrid, said one of the challenges was relaying to parents the benefits of dual immersion. Studies, he said, show between a student’s third- and fourth-grade years, they begin to test higher. Part of the vision is to run the program not only through elementary school, but until a student graduates high school and earns a seal of bilingual of literacy from the State of California. Not only do studies show cultural and academic understanding and success, but it opens more career opportunities, Olavide added. “The word is out and families are interested,” Olavide said.

OCEANSIDE — A 19-year-old Oceanside man was jailed on Feb. 5, after allegedly plowing a pickup truck into an extended family’s crowded car at an intersection near Buccaneer Beach while intoxicated, killing a 74-year-old woman and her two adult daughters and injuring three of their other relatives. Mason Robert Fish was heading south on South Coast Highway shortly before 1 p.m. Tuesday when he allegedly ran a red light at Oceanside Boulevard, crashing his 2007 Toyota Tacoma into the driver’s side of an eastbound 2003 Mazda sedan, according to police. The broadside impact sent the sedan spinning “violently” across the road crossing and ejected two of the four backseat passengers, 40-year-old Petra Arango of Oceanside and her 13-year-old daughter, onto the pavement, Sgt. Rick Davis said. Arango’s mother, Ru-

fina Arango Rodriguez of Oceanside, and 56-year-old sister, Eloina Arango of Mexico, died in the mangled car. Medics took the teenager, whose name was not released, and her mother to hospitals. Physicians pronounced Petra Arango dead about an hour after the crash. The two men in the front seats of the Mazda — 82-year-old Aquilino Arango Ojeda of Fallbrook and 43-year-old Rey David Velasco Herrera of Oceanside — wound up trapped in the wreckage. After firefighters freed them, they were taken to trauma centers for treatment of moderately serious injuries. Fish, who was uninjured, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of a controlled substance. Davis declined to specify what kind of drug Fish allegedly had in his system at the time of the deadly crash. The suspect was booked

into county jail in Vista on three counts each of gross vehicular manslaughter and DUI resulting in bodily injury, along with a misdemeanor count of possession of an undisclosed type of controlled substance. He was being held in lieu of $602,000 bail pending arraignment, scheduled for Thursday. As of Feb. 6, Aquilino Arango — the teen-ager’s grandfather and Rufina Arango’s husband — had been released from medical care, as had his granddaughter. Herrera, who was believed to be the girl’s father, remained hospitalized. It appeared that none of the family members were wearing seat belts at the time of the collision, Davis said. The Oceanside Police Department’s major accident investigation team was handling the crash investigation. — City News Service

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FEB. 8, 2019

A rts &Entertainment

Bacharach still going strong at 90


Music icon plays Pala next month Special to The Coast News

Burt Freeman Bacharach is a renowned composer, songwriter, record producer, pianist and singer who has composed hundreds of pop songs from the late 1950s through the 1980s, many in collaboration with well-known lyricist Hal David. Bacharach has also been one of the most honored and successful composers for six decades and his music is as diverse as his audiences, spanning generations and continents. He is celebrated as a pop culture icon and one of the world’s greatest contemporary composers. He’s performed all over the world at a variety of venues and said he chose to play at the Pala because “he’s never played there before.” Most recently he has been performing at other casinos throughout California. “I played in Palm Springs recently and many of these casino venues have great acoustics,” he said from his home in Los Angeles. When asked what his Who is Burt Bacharach? all-time favorite song was Born in Kansas City that he was part of, he inand raised in New York City, stantly said “Alfie” which REGION — At 90 years old, music icon Burt Bacharach — who is playing at the Pala Casino Spa & Resort on Feb. 23 — said he’s not about to retire until someone tells him to “stop or that he’s out of fashion.” Bacharach is the legendary Hollywood composer of such famous hits as “Alfie,” “Arthur’s Theme,” “Close To You,” “Do You Know The Way To San Jose,” “I Say A Little Prayer,” “Walk On By,” “What The World Needs Now Is Love” and “Wishin’ And Hopin.’” Throughout his career he has had 48 Top 10 hits and nine No. 1 songs, and he recently spoke with The Coast News about his upcoming show and his extraordinary life. The Pala performance is intended for folks of all ages and it will consist of “many songs that people know and grew up with, as well as some new stuff,” he said.

One might ask at his age why not retire and relax, enjoy a quiet life? No way, he said. “To me, I’m writing music, and we’re doing live concerts, performances and until someone says I can’t do it anymore or that I’m not fashionable, I’ll just keep going,” he said. As for today’s music scene, Bacharach said it certainly has changed since he entered it. “It’s drastically changed compared to when I started,” he said. “I think it’s safe to stay that some of my songs might not have ever seen the light of day … I kind of yearn for those good songs that you hear and say ‘wow, I like that song and I want to hear it again, and again.’ Now, it’s more about the electronics and the beat. However, there’s some good stuff … like Lamar; he’s brilliant. I do miss melodic songs of yesteryear … Every BURT BACHARACH is a recipient of three Academy Awards once and a while you do here and eight Grammys and is credited with revolutionizing the them.” music of the 1950s and 1960s.

he wrote for the 1966 motion picture of the same name starring actor Michael Caine and actress Shelley Winters. According to IMDb the film is about “An unrepentant ladies’ man who gradually begins to understand the consequences of his lifestyle.” It was remade in 2004 and starred actor Jude Law. “It’s hard to separate all of the songs but ‘Alfie’ was a

Courtesy photo

wonderful song to work on,” he said. “Some songs take longer than others to write, it just depends. It can be a long process. When I wrote ‘Alfie’ it was important to say what the song was about — it was an important song at the time and it also represented what was happening in England. I wanted to make it as good as I could make it.”

Lounge music, no way

And while some may refer to Bacharach’s music as “lounge, elevator, or even easy listening music,” Bacharach said lounge music is a term that was created in England ages ago. “They liked to put labels on songs, but I don’t think of my music as lounge music … but they needed to say what kind of music it was. I call it sophisticated

and urban music — not easy listening, lounge or elevator.” Married for a fourth time, to athlete Jane Hansen, since 1993, he remains friends with his ex-wives, including actress Angie Dickinson, and fellow musician Carole Bayer Sager. “My advice is don’t get married until you really know the person and when you’re not in your 20s,” he said. “The secret to a happy marriage is trust and getting married when you are really ready.” A recipient of three Academy Awards and eight Grammys (including the 2008 Lifetime Achievement Award and 1997 Trustees Award with collaborator Hal David) he is credited with revolutionizing the music of the 1950s and 1960s. He was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame and is the recipient of other tributes received from top music industry institutions to governments, universities and charitable and philanthropic groups. From helping charitable organizations raise funds (“That’s What Friends Are For”) to Broadway (“Promises, Promises”), movies (“Raindrops Keep Fallin’ on My Head,” for Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid) to scores of new recordings of his songs each year, Bacharach’s music seems to always be nearby for those in search of the “sophisticated and urban.”

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FEB. 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


A rts &Entertainment A photojournalist’s perspective on caravan


Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

FEB. 8


Encinitas-based Ovation Theatre presents the first community theater production in San Diego County of the new musical “Freaky Friday,” a heartfelt, funny and emotional update on the classic American story of an overworked mother and her teenage daughter who magically switch bodies — with just a day to put things right. Feb. 8, 15 & 16 at 7 p.m.; Feb. 9, 10 & 17 at 2 p.m, at Brubeck Theatre, Palomar College, San Marcos. Tickets: $20-$22; purchase online at For more information, visit


The Escondido Arts Partnership Municipal Gallery will highlight “Our Journey to this Place,” the art of Petey Dietz, Susan Avery Clark, Helen Shafer Garcia, Jane LaFazio, Lori Mitchell and Andrea Hein through Feb. 11 at 262 E. Grand Ave., Escondido. For more information, visit or call (760) 480-4101.

FEB. 13


The African Children’s Choir will perform at 6 p.m. Feb. 13 at Oceanside First Presbyterian Church, 2001 S. El Camino Real, Oceanside. For more information, call (760) 757-3560 or visit

FEB. 15


The city of San Marcos will host a Juried Art & Photography Show from March 1 through April 30. Entries will be accepted from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Feb. 19 at the San Marcos Community Center. Up to two entries per category per person will be accepted. $10 per entry. Art will be available for viewing Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. For more information, visit

A Cuban and Brazilian Drum class is now open on Wednesdays from 3:50 to 5:55 p.m. at Palomar College in San Marcos. The class highlights traditional rhythms on a variety of instruments. The instructor, Mark Lamson, is a percussionist, recording artist, producer and educator who has studied extensively in Cuba, Brazil and Mexico. Opportunities to play for a dance class as well as per- MEET THE ARTISTS formances are available. A Ship In The Woods Register at residential gallery presents an open reception for a group art exhibition and music event where color and JAZZ HISTORY surreal worlds dominate During Black Histo- the walls and corridors, 5-9 ry Month, the Oceanside p.m. Feb. 16 at 3007 Felicita Public Library invites the Road, Escondido. $3 parkpublic to a special perfor- ing at Felicita County Park, mance “Jazz and the Afri- 742 Clarence Lane, Esconcan American Vocal Artist” dido. Admission $10. by Michael Paul Smith and friends at 3:30 p.m. Feb. 9 at 330 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside. ART & PHOTOGRAPHY SHOW Entries for the city of JAPANESE WALL ART San Marcos Juried Art & The California Cen- Photography Show will be ter for the Arts, Escondido accepted 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. presents another free 2nd Feb. 19 at the San Marcos Saturday art lesson from Community Center, and 10 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Feb. 9 will be displayed March in Education Studio 2, 340 1 through April 30. Up to N. Escondido Blvd., Escon- two entries per category dido. February’s free art per person. $10 per entry. lesson will feature “Ka- For more information, visit kemono” Japanese Wall Art. Get more information at event/2nd-saturday-kakemono-japanese-wall-art/. ‘DANCING THROUGH PAGES’ The Education department at the California Center for the Arts, EsconART OF HISTORY dido hosts Center Stage: The California Center Performances for Youth for the Arts, Escondido Mu- with “Dancing through seum will be hosting a gal- the Pages” at 9:30 a.m. lery talk and photography Feb. 22 in the Center Thelecture at 2 p.m. Feb. 10 in ater. Performed by Mojalet the Center museum, 340 N. Dance Collective, “Dancing Escondido Blvd., Escondido. Through the Pages” uses Exhibiting artist, Wendy literature and language as Maruyama, discusses art- an inspiration for dance, work, followed by a lecture inspired by School House on the photography of Jap- Rock, stories, poems, picanese internment camps ture books and novels. All by UCSD professor, Ruth tickets are $5 Contact the Wallen. Admission to the Box Office at (800) 988lecture is $10. 4253.

FEB. 16

FEB. 9

By Steve Horn

ESCONDIDO — When Don Bartletti came to the U.S.-Mexico border in November to witness the Central American migrant caravan approaching the border fence in San Diego, he experienced a sense of déjà vu. After logging 40 years on the job as a photojournalist for The Los Angeles Times, a position that took the now-retired photojournalist across America and around the world. But the gravity of human migration through Mexico and into the U.S. kept pulling Bartletti back to the borderline. The retired Bartletti went to Tijuana to document photos and write a cover story and multi-page retrospective for The San Diego Union-Tribune. “When the Central American caravan reached Tijuana last month, I felt compelled to continue telling the migration story. But the latest surge of a thousand people running towards the San Ysidro Port of Entry from Tijuana on Nov. 25 was unlike anything I had witnessed in the past. It also felt like a breaking news story that had already happened,” wrote Bartletti. “The value of carefully researched and crafted photographs about the border help translate the mind-numbing statistics into something real.” Today, dozens of Bartletti’s photos line the walls at the The Photographer’s Eye: A Creative Collective gallery in Escondido. The pictures enmesh the 2002 six-part series titled, “Enrique’s Journey,” a story that earned Bartletti a 2003 Pulitzer Prize. The story’s protagonist,

DON BARTLETTI received a Pulitzer Prize in 2003 for his work on “Enrique’s Journey.” Courtesy photo

Luis Enrique Motiño Pineda, rides along the route known as “The Beast” atop a freight train from Tegucigalpa, Honduras to Nuevo Loredo, Texas. At the time, thousands of people seeking to come into the U.S. rode atop the train dubbed El tren de la muerte (The Death Train). One of them was Enrique, who eventually made it across the border to find his mother in North Carolina. Bartletti attempted to recreate that journey by taking the trip himself. Riding often hundreds of miles at a time, he said that the end product turned into the first piece of photojournalism of its era by a U.S. reporter portraying the long journey from Central America to the U.S.-Mexico border. Today, Bartletti said that he thought a similar project might not receive

a green light from national newspapers due to the heavy costs associated with the trip. “It’s not a, we call venues when we go to an assignment and see, they’re like in one place, one building, or one field if it’s a sporting event,” wrote Bartletti. “This was a venue that was 2,000 miles long. Skinny, but 2,000 miles of uncertainty day after day after day. So no one had ever done this story, no newspaper or magazine that I know of had ever done this story.” Growing up in Vista (Four decades later, Bartletti still lives in his childhood home), Bartletti said that he first trained as a photojournalist at Palomar College in San Marcos, earning his degree in 1968. After retirement, he spends his time lecturing at colleges nationwide. Part of the rollout of “Enrique’s Journey” has a

campus component too, with Bartletti giving a lecture at John Paul the Great Catholic University in Escondido. While riding along “The Beast” for the story, Bartletti said that he experienced rough patches, including having his equipment stolen, encounters with MS-13 gang members, and the physical discomfort of being a middle-aged man riding on top of a moving freight train. And yet, he felt a journalistic duty to continue doing the work. “Most of the time all you are in the United States is a number, you’re one of 10,000 this month, or one of a million last year, but to me you’re a real person, you have a real face, you have a real name, and a real story,” Bartletti said. “And If you let me stay close to you, the minimum I’ll do is photograph the truth. I’ll show exactly what you're going through. And if you allow me to get your name, talk to me for a few minutes, I’ll tell that part of your story, too.” Beyond his work chronicling human migration, Bartletti spent much of his career documenting migrant labor in North County, culminating in a book project titled, “Between Two Worlds, the People of the Border.” Bartletti’s work will remain on the walls at Photographer’s Eye until Feb. 13. The collective plans to rent dark rooms to photographers. It will be the first of its kind in the area, according to gallery director Donna Cosentino. The Photographer's Eye is on the eastern edge of downtown Escondido at 326 E Grand Ave.

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FEB. 19


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FEB. 22

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FEB. 10

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

RSF fire district launches foundation By Christina Macone-Greene

RANCHO SANTA FE — The Rancho Santa Fe Fire Protection District recently formed the Rancho Santa Fe Fire District Foundation, a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization, with the sole purpose of providing the district with the tools and equipment it needs to enhance community protection. When the Elfin Forest-Harmony Grove Fire Department absorbed into the district nearly a year ago, forming the foundation was a natural segue to assist its firefighters with resources and equipment. According to President Jim Depolo, the foundation provides additional resources above and beyond what taxes pay provide for a fire department. Depolo, who is a resident of Elfin Forest, said that district residents are

surprised to learn that even with the amount of taxes they do pay, there is still a shortfall. “In our fire district, we have an urban-wildland interface — we certainly have seen in recent years how quickly wildland fires develop and the danger it poses,” Depolo said. “So, our purpose is to help provide better education, better training, and better resources regarding equipment and other things that could be used for the fire department which helps all of us in the district.” The advancements in fire protection are ongoing. Depolo said the foundation was thrilled to donate a detox sauna — a unit designed for firefighters to use after battling a blaze. In hot temperatures, firefighters are at risk for carcinogen exposure both through skin and inhalation. The detox unit

assists in flushing out these carcinogens. “When their body temperatures go up, they can rid themselves of those toxins much more quickly and effectively,” Depolo said. Depolo said that providing the detox sauna wasn’t in the district’s budget, but the foundation was able to fill that financial gap to help support firefighter safety. More recently, on Jan. 16., the foundation presented a $110,000 check for a new septic system at the Elfin Forest Fire Station. The current system is 30 years old and in need of repair. Other items the foundation is considering for the district are solar panels as well as replacing traditional “jaws of life” with a new generation model which is lighter in weight, battery-powered and has more

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precision. Depolo wants community members to know that their involvement in its newly formed foundation is vital. The first step is raising awareness that it exists, and donations are both welcomed and encouraged. For those interested in being on the Rancho Santa Fe Fire District Foundation board, Depolo said it is looking for new members. “We actually have a couple of board seat openings that will be available, so we are always interested in talking with new people,” Depolo said. Looking ahead, the foundation also plans to have fundraisers, so Depolo encourages anyone with fundraising experience to connect with them. To learn more about the RSFFDF, visit or call (858) 367-0856.

FEB. 8, 2019

Authorities ID two women killed in four-vehicle crash VISTA — Authorities have identified two women who were killed in a four-vehicle crash on state Route 76 in Vista. Maria del Carmen Rodriguez, 48, and 25-yearold Stephanie Rodriguez, both of Santa Ana, were killed around 6:30 p.m. on Jan. 21 when the 2018 Hyundai Sonata they were in stopped for traffic at the intersection and was struck from behind by a 40-year-old man driving a 2014 Chevrolet Silverado pickup eastbound on state Route 76 near East Vista Way, according to the California Highway Patrol and the San Diego County Medical Examiner's Office. The impact sent the Hyundai into the back of a 2016 Mazda SUV, which then struck the back of a 2016 Ford Fusion, the CHP

said. Firefighters arrived and extricated Maria Rodriguez, who was driving the Hyundai, and Stephanie Rodriguez, who was a passenger in the Hyundai, but both women were pronounced dead at the scene, the Medical Examiner's Office reported. A man, who was also a passenger in the Hyundai, was transported to Palomar Medical Center with major injuries, the CHP said. The occupants of the Ford and the Mazda were uninjured. The Chevrolet driver remained at the scene and intoxication was not believed to have been a factor in the crash, the CHP said. — City News Service

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al, Wagner urges you to read on. “Some clients say the procedure is virtually painfree,” he said. “It’s called Scalp Micro-Pigmentation (SMP), and it’s non-invasive and uses a tiny needle to plant dots of ink into the skin, imitating the look of hair follicles.” While a traditional tattoo penetrates rive layers of epidermis, SMP only penetrates two layers. “It works by placing natural ink pigments via a micro needle at the epidermal level of the scalp, realistically replicat-

ing the appearance of natural hair growth and density.” While previous hair loss treatments either didn’t last or involved surgery, SMP offers a permanent solution to a problem that will only get worse over time. “By the time you recognize your

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can help you achieve the look you want. Some of our clients do it to avoid hair transplant surgery and its costs altogether, and others look to SMP to work in conjunction with previous or future hair restoration efforts.”

Each procedure takes approximately two to five hours, depending on the extent of the bald or thinning area. “It might take up to three sessions to achieve the look you want,” Wagner said. “It’s still about a third of the cost of a hair transplant and the results are also permanent and immediate.” Wagner invites anyone interested in Scalp Micro-Pigmentation and any other hair loss solutions to visit MyHairTransplantMD at 2103 S. El Camino Real, Suite 201 in Oceanside. For a step-by-step guide to their consultation, hair restoration processes, before-and-after photos and a complete explanation of pricing, visit their website at or call the office at (800) 262-2017.

Thinning hair? Try hair tattoo OCEANSIDE — Thinning hair is a fact of life for many men and women. It’s so common, in fact, that strides have been made in hair restoration making permanent solutions available at a variety of price points. These days, a thicker-looking head of hair is possible for anyone. Dan Wagner, CEO of MyHairTransplantMD, and his team of hair restoration specialists are excited about the latest solution they have to offer — hair tattooing. Yes, you read that right. If you have an aversion to tattoos, or needles in gener-

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FEB. 8, 2019


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M arketplace News

Marketplace News is a paid advertorial. If you would like an article on this page, please call (760) 436-9737

Connecting with patients:

The Heart of the matter for Blue Coast Cardiology group By Kelli Kyle

gets out of bed in the morning. “It’s a pretty profound impact that you have on people,” Dr. Bui said. “I think that makes you a little more grateful for that opportunity, and I think a lot more careful about what you do.” As an electrophysiologist and head practitioner at Blue Coast Cardiology in Vista, Dr. Bui is the person patients see when their heart rhythm is irregular. She’s installed pacemakers, catheters and defibrillators to improve the lives of people with cardiovascular disease. Whether she’s assessing a 30-year-old’s risk for cardiovascular disease, or installing a pacemaker in an 80-year-old patient, Dr. Bui wants folks to realize they are not alone in their journey. “There are a lot of pa-

tients who are going through exactly what they’re going through,” Dr. Bui said. “We’re going to be there to support them and help them through this process, start to finish.” With an undergraduate degree in history, Dr. Bui has always had a passion for learning people’s stories. This made for a seamless transition into the medical field, where Dr. Bui is able to analyze the human condition and engage with life on a deeper level. She and the doctors at her practice understand that there is more to patients than just their illnesses -- they are human-beings with questions, feelings and emotions that need to be addressed. “I think in our approach to managing our patients and taking care of them, we try to convey that level of sincerity

and respect and try to take ful and talented artist. When and give them that honor and Dr. Bui learned this, she respect that they deserve.” care of them in the totality went to see her paintof their lives,” Dr. Bui The team at Blue Coast ings and purchased Cardiology couples their said. one for the office. humanistic approach to paBecause of this The doctor ex- tients with a desire to lead philosophy, Dr. Bui and her team foster plained that there in the field. Dr. Bui and her a genuine connection is always more colleagues attend nationwith folks that walk to a patient than al conferences and weekly through the door. meetings at the hospital to meets the eye. For example, in the “Patients discuss cases and stay on the office right near that we see cutting edge with their treatcheck-in is a beaumight be ment. At the end of the day, tiful floral watersick, el- Dr. Bui said she is honored to color painting derly and save and impact lives in this hanging on the frail, but meaningful way. wall. The artThe Blue Coast Cardiolat some ist is one of p o i n t ogy team is located near the Dr. Bui’s pain time Tri-City Medical Center at tients. She they were 2067 Vista Way, Suite 225, is a small, healthy, vi- in the Vista Medical Plaza. frail elderly brant, attrac- They are open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. woman on tive, and living Monday through Friday. oxygen, and For more information their lives,” Dr. years back, Bui said. “What regarding insurance or offerthis woman I like to do is re- ings at Blue Coast Cardiology, was a successcall back to that call (760) 630-2550.


well as the endorsement and a number of high-ranking elected officials, and raised more money than his opponents combined. He unsuccessfully ran for Encinitas City Council in 2016. But just weeks before the election, Burgan told the media that Graham forcibly kissed her during the early morning hours of May 14, 2018, after a night of drinking at the 1st Street Bar in Encinitas. She later filed a police report, which prompted a San Diego Sheriff’s Department investigation of her claims. But variations in her story to different media outlets and a series of restraining orders filed against Burgan in the past that accused her of filing false reports raised doubts about the veracity of her claims. The Sheriff’s Department investigated and disproved the claims after reviewing video surveillance inside and outside of the bar and interviewing several witnesses. Graham vociferously denied the allegations, but Democratic activists quickly launched attack ads against Graham based on the allegations. An unknown party issued an illegal robocall al-

luding to the allegations but concealed the identity of the source of the robocall, which violates campaign finance laws. The Fair Political Practices Commission is investigating the robocalls. Graham alluded to these attacks in his statement, in which he said that Burgan’s actions adversely effected his supporters, campaign volunteers and wallet. “A business was illegally, electronically hijacked to disseminate Ms. Burgan’s false charges,” Graham said referring to the robocall. “I hope state and federal authorities get to the bottom of those activities as well and that justice is served.” Several of the groups pulled their ads once Graham was cleared of the charges, but Graham said that the damage had already

been done. “Sadly, I have also learned that the mere allegations were enough to deeply damage my reputation in the eyes of many people who did not know me well,” he said. “I learned that a mere allegation, in this era of social media and viral transmission of news, has lasting effects.” Graham finished third in the primary behind Democrats Elizabeth Warren and Tasha Boerner Horvath, who went on to win the seat in November, the first time a Democrat had ever claimed the Coastal North County Assembly seat. Prosecutors on June 14, 2018, filed a single misdemeanor charge against Burgan for filing a false police report, and she was arraigned July 3, 2018.

During her nearly 20year career in cardiology, Dr. Hanh Bui has saved many lives, but there is one case she will always remember. A young man in his 40s had suffered a massive heart attack and was rushed to the hospital, where he received 20 shocks and intense CPR. What Dr. Bui remembers most from this experience is the conversation she had with the man’s wife -- whose young children sat nearby -- about the somber next steps. “What we did that day could change their family history,” Dr. Bui recalled. “If this man dies, these two boys will grow up without a father.” Fortunately, the man lived, following a lengthy stay in the ICU. Cases like these are the reason Dr. Bui


have a criminal record. “I know it’s not the penalty you’d hope to see,” Von Kalinowski said to Graham. “But I have to weigh the crime against the fact she doesn’t have a criminal record.” The sentencing came after Burgan’s attorney withdrew her not-guilty plea the day the case was supposed to go to trial. Graham, in his five-minute victim impact statement, said he believes the accusation cost him the election. “The false accusations by Ms. Burgan had a devastating impact on my reputation and my life,” Graham said. “And I believe, more consequentially, interfered with and corrupted an election. In a free and democratic society, this is a reprehensible crime.” Graham was running for the 76th Assembly District seat left vacant when Republican Rocky Chavez announced he wouldn’t seek re-election. Graham, a Republican and the stepson of former California Gov. Pete Wilson, received the County Republican Party’s endorsement as

FORMER State Assembly candidate Phil Graham attended the sentencing of Nichole Burgan on Tuesday, Feb. 5, and read a victim’s impact statement after he was falsely accused of sexual assault. Courtesy photo

Deputy District Attorney Katherine Grabar argued for a 90-day jail sentence, arguing that Burgan’s false report cost law enforcement time and money, damaged the credibility of accusers of sexual assault during a time of national and worldwide reckoning and caused repercussions to the electoral process. “There can’t be a worse lie one can possibly tell in this case,” Grabar said. Grabar said that had the case gone to trial, a jury would have heard from six eyewitnesses, bar employees and three hours of camera footage from inside the bar that contradicts her recollection of the events. Burgan will serve her jail time on Feb. 23 and March 9. Burgan broke down in tears when Von Kalinows-

ki denied her request for a modified custody arrangement. She and her attorney, Deputy Public Defender Peter Tran, declined comment following the hearing. Tran during the hearing pleaded for no jail time, arguing that Burgan, when faced with facts from the investigation that refuted her claims, relented and did not wish to file charges. He attributed Burgan’s recollection of the events to being drunk. “She wants to put this matter behind her,” Tran told Von Kalinowski. Graham after the hearing said that he thought Burgan should have gotten “at least six months” in jail. “I wish it was longer,” Graham said of her sentence.


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Citracado Par extension pro kway ject draws on

MARCH 25, 2016

By Steve Putersk

It’s a jungl

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Emi Gannod , 11, observe exhibit is s a Banded open now through April 10. Purple Wing butterfly Full story at the on page A2. Photo San Diego Zoo Safari Park’s by Tony Cagala Butterfly Jungle exhibit. The


Commun Vista teacity rallies behind her placed on leave

By Hoa Quach

i ESCON environ amendment DIDO — mental An port to the lution of from Aprilimpact rereso- ternati 2012. AlCitracado necessity for ves the sion projectParkway exten- with residenwere discussed ts in four munity Wednesday was approv ed of publicmeetings and comby the Council. gatherings. a trio City “The project Debra rently Lundy, property real cated designed as curcity, said manager for and plannewas lothe it was due to a needed manner that will d in a compatible omissionsclerical error, be most the est with attached of deeds to public good the greatbe private and least adjustm to the land. The injury,” ent is the parcel being Lundy only fee said. acquired the city, She also which is by reported ty, she added. a necessi city and proper the - have ty owners had The project, eminent domain meetings inmore than 35 the past in the which has been years to develop four works for the plan. years, will However, several erty complete the missing the mit owners did not proproadway section of a counte subthe ny Grove, between Harmo city’s statutoroffer to the Village ry offer and Andrea Parkway- April 14, 2015. on son Drive. to Lundy, Accord The the owners ing not feel a review city conduc did the offer ted matche which was of the project what the land , outlined is worth, d in the alTURN TO

Republica Abed ove ns endorse r Gaspar EXTENSION

ON A3 VISTA — Curren former t ents are students and and pardemanding social studies a teacher Vista lowed to be alkeep his the admini job. Vincen stration By Aaron Romero to keep has workedt Romero, Burgin at Rancho Vista High for the who REGIO Unified School. Buena Vista ty Republ N — The Coun- Krvaric A protest since 1990,School Distric ican Party Sam Abed’ssaid. “Clear thrown at the school. was also held t paid adminiwas placed ly has its suppor long-tim Escondido on t behind steadfast commi e and strative “This makes from his Republican leave Mayor tment job Abed gry,” me at Rancho in na Vista so anwrote Sam principles to Buety Dist. the race for Coun- values earned of Fallbro Jeffrey Bright and March 7. High School 3 Superv him port of on graduated ok, who said isor. The committeethe suphe Now, of San Republican Party bers and we more than from the school memwith morean online petitio 20 years last weekDiego announced endorse him.” are proud to already than 1,900 n ago. tures is that it signaendorse ucation fear that our “I Gaspar’s istration asking the admin- A social Abed overvoted to reache edcampaign Republican apart. I system is falling studies d this fellow back to to bring Romer placed teacher week and Encini pressed disapp the classro tas Mayor not goingworry my kids o dents on administrative at Rancho Buena are om. On and parents leave ointment exVista High who is also Kristin Gaspar - not receivi education to get a valuab to launch in early March. ro told his last day, Rome- Romero. Photo in ng the School le , nomina at public The an online was anymo supervisor running for by Hoa Quach party’s schools leaving students he re.” petition move prompted seat currenthe several tion, but touted in support stuwas sorry held by David Whidd key endors nization because “the orgaof Vincent tly she I can’t be is seekinDave Roberts, who Marcos ements has receive with the rest change.” decided to make g re-elec called on of San out the campa d throug of the year. you for do “shameful.” a my choice, tion. the move Abed, h— “(They a polariz who has been but it’s It’s not until we’re going to “While ign. “This confidence ) no longer have it goes.” the way ing there’s nothin is a teache fight genuin I’m figure during pointed his two fight with. not to get disapknow what in me that r that terms as In the I plan to g left to wrote. ely cares,” Whidd Escondido, the parroughly I ute speech mayor in ty endorsement, I’m doing,” for your Romero, “Both be back senior year.” proud to secured said coveted Mr. Romer of my sons on whose to studen4-minwere recorde have theI’m very the of Romer remark emotional Romer ts, an ment by party endors joyed his o and greatly had support Mayor students o also urged d and posteds to fight on Facebo Faulco ene- the class.” the adminio vowed new his to be kind than two receiving more four Republ ner and like what ok. “They don’t stration. to their mineA former studen social studies “I’m not Councilmemb ican City committee’s thirds of I do. They but ing,” like the the tors ers, don’t not said Romer disappear- pal to give “hell” teacher RomerVelare of Vista,t, Jasvotes, threshold Senais what way I do it. So, o, 55. “I’m to Princio Charles the and Bates and Anders said going happens. this candidate required for teacher.” was “an amazin Schind ler. Assemb on, Follow ing I’m really something away. This is a Chavez lyman Rocky g to receive endorsement nounce ,” “I that’s what I can fight, the the an- get himwas lucky enough party membe over a fellow “I’ve been Gaspar we’re goingand ture, a ment of his deparsaid. myself,” to petition tive Republ a very effecr. to on Petitio “He truly she was “Endorsing ican mayor cares for wrote., created publican one Re- a Democratic what he in urging city ing on quires a over another balanced by focusTURN TO re- econom 2/3 vote TEACHER budget — and rarely threshold ic ON A15 s, GOP happens,” and quality development, Chairman of life continu Tony Board e to do so and will on the of Superv isors.”


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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Chocolate Festival returns to Escondido By Steve Horn

ESCONDIDO — “For the love of chocolate,” as the festival’s billing goes, Escondido Chocolate Festival will rear its head once more within the city’s downtown core on Feb. 9 — just days before Valentine’s Day. Not merely a chocolate-eating festival, though there will be plenty of that to go around too, the event will feature over 20 restaurants, shops and spas participating in the afternoon festivities. With pedicabs available as shuttle vehicles to take chocolate eaters from shop to shop, those indulging in chocolates will be able to pair it with locally produced wines and craft

beers. Being the second Saturday of the month, Chocolate Festival will fall on the same day as Second Saturday in Escondido, a day in which the downtown core of art galleries and museums maintain open hours and often special events. One of those galleries — Stone & Glass — will feature Valentine’s Day-themed glass-blowing demonstrations throughout the festival. “In honor of Valentine’s Day, Stone & Glass will be introducing a new line of ‘Fire in My Heart’ pendants. Each unique pendant is individually hand cast in color change crystal — a method similar to hot wax for gold jewel-

ry — set in a silver bezel on a delicate 18-inch silver chain,” the gallery stated in a press release. “The hearts will display an ever changing fiery array of color ignited by light and movement.” Ticket prices range from $30 to $50. The event goes from 1 to 5 p.m. Though now sold out, the day will also feature a chocolate-making session held in Cute Cakes Bakery & Cafe and led by Dayleen Coleman, owner of the San Marcos artisan chocolate shop, D'liteful Chocolat. For more information on the festival, including how to buy tickets, visit escondido-chocolate-festival/

FEB. 8, 2019


offices of Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage has launched Listing Concierge, a comprehensive marketing program that marries leading-edge technology with meticulous, personalized service to offer customized and automated property listing marketing.


Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ GRAND RE-OPENING

The Bar Method owner Jessi Bowman celebrated a grand-reopening Jan. 19 at 622 San Rodolfo Drive, Solana Beach with support from the Solana Beach Chamber of Commerce.


The Escondido Library Board of Trustees is looking to fill two positions up for re-appointment March 31, 2019 for three-year terms. If you are interested in applying, submissions are due

WIN AN AUDI Every Friday



Austin Ott by Feb. 15, 2019. The primary mission of the Escondido Public Library Board of Trustees is to be vocal and energetic advocates for the essential services that the Escondido Public Library provides to our community and to give sound and timely advice and counsel to the Escondido City Council and the City Librarian on the development of plans, policies and programs that are responsive to community needs and desires. Apply at https://library.escondido. org/home.aspx. NEW VEEP

Tim Flood, a community college leader who has held several top administrative posts in San Diego County, is the new vice president, administrative services at the MiraCosta Community College District. MiraCosta College’s vice president, administrative services is a newly created cabinet position to better align the district’s organizational structure with other 9lifornia Community Colleges.





Earn entries daily at the Audi Giveaway kiosk and additional entries by using your Privileges Card every time you play. Drawings begin at 6:00 pm. Must be present to win.

Cal State San Marcos baseball senior Austin Ott has been named to the 2019 National Collegiate Baseball Writers Association’s (NCBWA) Division II West Region Preseason Team. Ott received second team honors as an outfielder and was one of 14 California Collegiate Athletic Association student-athletes to earn a spot on the region’s preseason team.


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Encinitas Ballet Academy announced that four students were accepted to intensive summer ballet programs. Mia Ficher will attend the Kirov Ballet Summer Intensive in St. Petersburg. Sejal Janaswamy was accepted to an American Ballet Theatre session, Ariel Asatryan will again attend the Bolshoi Ballet Academy in Connecticut and Talia Savage has been accepted at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy and Boston Ballet.


George and Meryl Young, longtime community residents and Boys & Girls Club volunteers, have been named Honorary Chairs of Boys & Girls Clubs of Carlsbad’s 37th annual “Young at Heart” Gala at Omni Resort La Costa, at 6 p.m. Sept. 29. For more information, contact Pat Maldi at (760) 444-4893, e-mail, or visit


The San Diego County

Kumon Learning Center, an after-school math and reading enrichment program, has opened a new center 16236 San Dieguito Road, Suite 2-21, Rancho Santa Fe. For more information, call (760)652-3700. COLLEGE STANDOUTS

University of San Diego student Nicolas Moceri of Solana Beach recently participated in the USD Career Development Center’s signature Torero Trek to Washington, D.C. Moceri is majoring in history and plans to graduate in 2022. Ashley Falcone of Oceanside received a master of science in nursing from Wilkes University, Pennsylvania. Ashleigh Young of Oceanside was named to the fall 2018 honor roll list at Spokane Falls Community College. Colin Morrison of Carlsbad was among 61 Elmira College Soaring Eagles on the Empire 8 Conference’s semi-annual president’s list. Dashiell Gregory of Encinitas, a graduate of San Dieguito High School Academy majoring in music theater, has been named to the dean’s list for the fall 2018 semester at Baldwin Wallace University, Ohio. Worcester Polytechnic Institute named three North County students to the university’s dean’s list, including Oliver Thode of Rancho Santa Fe, majoring in computer science; Jonathan Shiery of San Marcos, majoring in interactive media and game development and William Schwend of San Marcos, majoring in aerospace engineering. Kyle Crumbaker a business administration major from Carlsbad, was named to the honor roll for the Fall 2018 semester at Culver-Stockton College in Missouri. Griffin Baker of Carlsbad has been named to the University of Delaware’s dean’s list for the Fall 2018 semester. Ithaca College congratulates acting major Lucia Vecchio of Encinitas, named to the dean’s list for the fall 2018 semester. Katia Susanna Mezey of Carlsbad has been named to Greensboro College’s dean’s list for the Fall 2018 semester. The University of Alabama honored the following North County students: Adam Cooper of Carlsbad, dean’s list Isabella Samietz of Carlsbad, dean’s list Kelsey McMullen of Del Mar, president’s list Sarah Norton of Del Mar, dean’s list Ally Doyle of Encinitas, dean’s list Daphne Tenuto of San Marcos, dean’s list Isabella Carroll of Encinitas, dean’s list.

FEB. 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

THATABABY by Paul Trap

have some good ideas that will make you stand out. Don’t let anyone take credit for your work or suggestions.

By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, FEB. 8, 2019

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender

Keep personal secrets, passwords and information to yourself. If you want to make changes, put your plans in motion before you share your intentions. The less others know about your business, the less interference you will face. You must complete your mission before you toot your horn.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- Weigh the pros and cons before you make a choice. Taking a responsible step forward will end up giving you greater freedom to use your ideas, skills and experience in the future.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Make plans to get out with people who inspire you to be your best. Networking will lead to a discussion that will promote a joint venture or new opportunity.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- Make plans with people you love to spend time with. A personal change will improve your life, and updating your appearance will invite AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- Don’t compliments. Romance is in the stars. use force when you can use intelligence to get what you want. An opportunity will LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Look for present itself if you put in the physical ef- something you can do with a loved one. A change of heart will help improve your fort required to get what you want. personal life and give you something to PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Don’t let your enthusiasm allow others to take ad- look forward to. Romance is encouraged. vantage of you. Only offer what’s reason- SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Do someable and required when lending a helping thing creative or try something you’ve hand. Donate time, not cash. never done before. Expand your interests ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Take care and friendships to discover a hidden talof business before you move on to more ent. Romance is highlighted. pleasurable pastimes. Being responsible SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -- Be will help protect you from falling out of careful with whom you share personal infavor when an opportunity or promotion formation. Someone will take advantage comes along. of your generosity. Use intelligence when TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Take a faced with a competitive situation. Get toclose look at what you are doing and gether with friends or relatives. consider what you want to do moving CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Add a forward. Making a couple of changes or little flair to whatever you do. A creative picking up additional skills will enhance approach to an old idea or project will inyour chance to advance. spire enthusiasm. If you evaluate an imGEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Think big, portant relationship, it will bring you and but don’t take on the impossible. You’ll the other party closer together.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

FEB. 8, 2019

Food &Wine

Need a fine dining suggestion for Valentine’s Day? taste of wine frank mangio


ast week we introduced our readers and viewers to “The Most Romantic Wine in the World,” a lovely sparkling wine, the Rosa Regale from Banfi in Italy. We recommended it for what is my special celebratory holiday, Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14. Although this is not a legal holiday, it is more

a celebration of our humanity and love for one another. Originally it was a Christian feast day honoring sainthood for early martyrs persecuted under the Roman Empire. One of them, later known as St. Valentine of Rome, signed his final farewell letters “Your Valentine.” It became associated with romantic love in the days of Chaucer of England in the 14th century. In 18th century England, it evolved into an occasion in which lovers expressed their love with flowers and sending greeting cards with heart shaped icons, doves and cupids. The oldest surviving valentine poem is from the 18th cen-

tury and goes like this: “The rose is red, the violet’s blue. The honey’s sweet and so are you. Thou art my love and I am thine. I drew thee to my Valentine. The lot was cast and then I drew, and fortune said it should be you.” You can’t make this up. It came from Wikipedia labeled “Valentine’s Day.” My in-bin is overflowing with restaurants whose hospitality is overflowing with menu items for the heart so make your choice and bring your hearty appetites to the restaurant of your choice. All dinners are on Valentine’s Day Feb. 14. • 20/Twenty in Carlsbad has California costal cuisine

with a three course Valentine’s dinner with several choices within the courses for $75 per couple. Call (760) 827-2500 for an RSVP. • Bask in romance at Kitchen 1540 in L’Auberge Del Mar from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Executive chef Nathan Lingle has created a special four-course menu with many options, all paired with perfect optional wines. Mains include choice of Rib Eye, Duck Breast, Scallops and Poached Lobster Tail. RSVP at (858) 793-6460. • Pinnacle Restaurant at Falkner Winery in Temecula will host a four-course wine dinner at this hill-top location from 5:30 to 9:30 p.m. Entrée choices include

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Angus Beef Filet Mignon or Chilean Sea Bass both with paired wines. Cost is $119 each, $99 for wine club members. RSVP at (951) 8231, ext. 4. • Café Champagne at Thornton Winery in Temecula has a special menu for $82 per person from 5 to 9 p.m. This three-course menu has choice of Entrée including Lobster Ravioli, Filet Mignon, Wild Salmon or Mediterranean Chicken Roulade. Call for an RSVP at (951) 699-0099. • Firenze in Encinitas has created a three-course special menu for $75 each. Pick one of five “Principale” choices including halibut, risotto, chicken, pork chop, Ribeye or Lasagna Firenze. Call (760) 944-9000. • Il Fornaio in Del Mar has an Italian-style Valentine’s dinner from the region of Umbria, the home of St. Valentine. Enjoy a selection of dishes including Cuore di Ravioli with heart shaped butternut squash. Another choice will be Risotto Umbro with carnaroli rice, Italian sausage and porcini mushrooms. RSVP at (858) 755-8876. • PAON Wine Bar is hosting a Rose’ Champagne wine dinner with champagnes from Veuve Clicquot and Moet & Chandon. Cost is $200, with wine club members reduced to $150. Go to for an RSVP and look for the PAON Valentine’s Day wine dinner. • In honor of Valentine’s Day all the Cohn Restaurants in San Diego County has special prix fixe menus. Spotlight dishes at The

Prado’s roasted sea bass, Vintana’s Triple Chocolate Seduction and Coasterra’s Grilled Rack of Lamb. Call the local restaurant near you. • Del Frisco’s Double Eagle Steakhouse on San Diego’s waterfront has its Surf n Turf feature. It’s an 8-ounce Filet Mignon, topped with butter poached lobster tail, sea scallops and asparagus. RSVP at (619) 272-5060. WINE BYTES

• Meritage Wine Market has a seminar on the “Ultimate Trio,” wine, cheese and chocolate, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Feb. 15. Cost is $59 and includes six wines, a premium selection of cheeses and chocolates. Tips will be given to help you understand that certain types of chocolates and cheese will go best with other types of wine. RSVP at (760) 479-2500. • Vintana Wine & Dine in Escondido is presenting a Markham wine dinner with four courses and wine pairings from 6 to 9 p.m. Feb. 8. Cost is $79 per person, with a specially created menu from Executive Chef Deborah Scott. Main course is New Zealand grass-fed lamb chops. RSVP at (760) 7457777. • North County Wine Company in San Marcos has a Molly Dooker wine tasting event Feb. 8 and Feb. 9, and Feb. 14 their famous Valentine’s Day Chocolate and Wine Pairings. Call (760) 653-9032 for times. Reach him at Frank@

8th annual Taste of Bressi set for March 9 By Steve Puterski

Serving North County Since 1987

The CoasT News 315 South Coast Hwy. 101, Suite W, Encinitas 760.436.9737 THE COAST NEWS SERVING: Oceanside, Carlsbad, La Costa, Encinitas, Olivenhain, Cardiff, Solana Beach, Del Mar & Carmel Valley INLAND EDITION SERVING: Vista, San Marcos & Escondido THE RANCHO SANTA FE NEWS SERVING: Rancho Santa Fe, Santaluz, Rancho Pacifica & Fairbanks Ranch

ews N T s a The Co

CARLSBAD — Beverages, bites and beats, otherwise known as the Taste of Bressi, is returning to Bressi Ranch. The annual Boys & Girls Club of Carlsbad fundraiser runs from 2 to 6 p.m. on March 9 with 100 percent of the proceeds benefiting the club, located at 2730 Bressi Ranch Way. Tickets are $55 and include eight tastings. All the proceeds go back to the club’s programming. “It’s just a fun afternoon and a time we open up the clubhouse,” said Pat Maldi, the club’s communications director. “It’s a good way for us … to get people inside the doors of that place because it’s pretty impressive.” The event has organically grown to include more features and offerings since the fundraiser started in 2011 at La Costa Wine Company. It began as a wine-tasting event at the Bressi clubhouse, then evolved into adding craft beer and food. Now, with the surge in popularity over kombucha

and spirits and mixology, those components have been added. Additionally, music has always been a staple, but as attendance has grown, so has the number of musicians. This year features a deejay and two live bands. “It’s kind of interesting how it has morphed,” Maldi said. “We’re not picky, we’ll take anybody.” This year, though, Maldi said they hope the weather doesn’t become a factor, as it rained last year and the club was forced to re-organize some of the layout and positioning of the music, while about 600 people crammed into the space. And while historically the event draws between 500 to 600 people, with good weather Maldi said it’s possible for an increase in attendance. Good weather allows the club to open its patio spaces to accommodate more vendors and attendees. In addition, this year the two live bands are slated to play outside to help reduce the noise inside the clubhouse.

FEB. 8, 2019


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

1 at this payement K3222354 MSRP $32,232 (incl. $975 freight charge). (Premium 2.5i model, code KDD). $2,999 due at lease signing. $0 security deposit. Net cap cost of $29,052 (incl. $295 acq. fee). Lease end purchase option is $16,515 Must take delivery from retailer stock by February 28 2019. Cannot be combined with any other incentives. Special lease rates extended to well-qualified buyers. Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval & vehicle availability. Not all buyers may qualify. Payments may be higher in some states. Net cap cost & monthly payment excludes tax, license, title, registration, retailer fees, options, insurance & the like. Retailer participation may affect final cost. At lease end, lessee responsible for vehicle maintenance/repairs not covered by warranty, excessive wear/ tear, 15 cents/mile over 10,000 miles/year and $300 disposition fee. Lessee pays personal property and ad valorem taxes (where applies) & insurance. Expires 2/28/19

Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years or 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 12-31-2019 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility.

1 at this payement KH467220 (model code KFB) Model not shown. $2999 due at lease signing plus tax, title license and 1st Month’s payment due at lease signing. $0 security deposit. MSRP $27,184 (incl. $915 freight charge). (incl. $0 acq. fee). Cannot be combined with any other incentives. Special lease rates extended to well-qualified buyers. Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval & vehicle availability. Not all buyers may qualify. Net cap cost & monthly payment excludes tax, license, title, registration, retailer fees, options, insurance & the like. At lease end, lessee responsible for vehicle maintenance/repairs not covered by warranty, excessive wear/tear, .15¢/mile over 10,000 miles/year and $300 disposition fee. Lessee pays personal property & insurance. Offer expires Feb 28 , 2019

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760-438-2200 ** EPA-estimated fuel economy. Actual mileage may vary. Subaru Tribeca, Forester, Impreza & Outback are registered trademarks. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 2/28/2019.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


All classes are held at locations below unless otherwise indicated. Tri-City Medical Center – 4002 Vista Way, Oceanside Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center – 6250 El Camino Real, Carlsbad Please note, classes are subject to change. Please call to confirm.

CLASSES & EVENTS 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3100 to register/fee involved.

2/12 Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider Course 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3100 to register/fee involved.

2/26 Basic Life Support (BLS) Provider Accelerated Course

8-11 a.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3100 to register/fee involved.

2/15 Heart Saver First Aid CPR AED

8 a.m.-3:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Visit to register/fee involved.


For even more classes & programs visit SUPPORT GROUPS


Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Update Course

Breastfeeding Support Group

11 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5500.

Meets Wednesdays Breastfeeding Outpatient Clinic

Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5500.

Breastfeeding Your Baby Class

6:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5500 to register/fee involved.

Call for Class Times Baby Safe Class - Infant CPR

6:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5784 to register/fee involved.

Next Class in March Baby Care Class

6:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5784 to register/fee involved.

Next Class in March 3 Week Childbirth Preparation Class 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.5750 to register/fee involved.

Next Class in March Maternity Orientation

Tri-City Medical Center. Registration required. Call 760.940.5784.

2/1, 6-6:30 p.m., 7-7:30 p.m., 2/19, 6:30-7 p.m., 7:30-8 p.m., 2/22, 6-6:30 p.m., 7-7:30 p.m. Orientación de Maternidad En Español

Quienes deseen más información pueden llamar al 760.940.5750. 2/15, 5:30-6 p.m.

eClass, Understanding Childbirth Online Classes $60, Available 24/7

Stroke Exercise

2nd Wednesday of Every Month Women’s Cancer Support Group

Meets Thursdays Mi Strength

10:30-11:30 a.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3540 for more information.

2nd & 4th Wednesday of Every Month Mended Hearts Support Group

10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.846.0626 for more information.

2nd Tuesday of Every Month WomenHeart Support Group

Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.803.2762 for 1st Tuesday, 714.655.9194 for 3rd Tuesday 1st Tuesday of Every Month 10 a.m.-12 p.m. 3rd Tuesday of Every Month 5:30-7 p.m. 1-3 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Dates may vary.* Call 760.470.9589 for more information. * Last

Friday of Every Month Diabetes Support Group

Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.644.1201 to register. 1st Thursday of Every Month 11 a.m.-12 p.m. 2nd Thursday of Every Month 7-9 p.m.

Aphasia Support Group

11 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.7151 to register.

Meets Thursdays Survivors of Suicide Loss

7-8:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 619.482.0297 for more information.

1st & 3rd Wednesday of Every Month Narcotics Anonymous

Various times 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.931.3127 to register/fee involved.

Monday-Friday Mi Cardio

9:30 a.m.-10:30 a.m., Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.931.3127 to register/fee involved.

Tuesdays & Thursdays Mi Ortho (Arthritis Foundation Aquatics integrated) 12 p.m., Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.931.3127 for more information, class schedule, registration/fee involved.

Mondays & Wednesdays Mi Neuro (Step by Step for Parkinson’s integrated)

Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 760.931.3127 to register/fee involved. Tuesdays & Thursdays 11 a.m-12:30 p.m. Wednesdays & Fridays 2:15-3:45 p.m.

Parkinson’s Exercise

11 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3617 for more information.

Meets Fridays Diabetes Self-Management Course

10 a.m.-12 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.644.120 for more information.

1st Three Wednesdays of Every Month


2:30-4 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 888.328.4558 for more information.

2/12, 2/27 Total Joint Replacement Class

4:30-6 p.m., Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center. Call 858.966.3303 for more information.

2/6, 2/20 Total Shoulder Replacement Class

Meets Fridays & Sundays Bereavement Support Group

Meets Wednesdays Alzheimer Caregiver-Only Support Group Meets 1st & 3rd Thursdays of Every Month


12-2 p.m.,Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3795 for more information.

12-2 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3795 for more information.

12-2 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3795 for more information.



“Stepping On” Fall Prevention Workshop 1 p.m.-3 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3617 to register. FREE class.

Next 8-wk Class 2/26 - 4/15


with Coronary Artery Calcium Screening

Offer ends 2/28/19. Appointments are limited. Visit for more information.

Call 855.222.8262

10-11 a.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.7272 to register.

7:30-9 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center.


Schedule your heart screening today!


Better Breathers

1-2:30 p.m., Tri-City Medical Center. Call 760.940.3055 for more information.

Ostomy Support Group of North County


FEB. 8, 2019

2 for 1

Two screenings for the price of one

Only $299

Tri-City Wellness & Fitness Center late February Special $0 ENROLLMENT FEE 1ST MONTH DUES FREE ON 12-MONTH MEMBERSHIPS


Contact membership team for additional details. Offer valid 2/19 - 2/25.



For more information call 855.222.8262 or visit

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