Inland edition, december 5, 2014

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The Coast News




VOL. 28, N0. 39

DEC. 5, 2014

An update to the playground is the only project that has funding at this point. About $237,000 will go towards adding a splash pad and other structures. It’s expected to be finished by the middle of next summer. Photo by Ellen Wright

Artist Garry Cohen, right, hosts a weekend glass art demonstration at Glass Ranch, his Del Dios residence. John Pourroy, background, works a piece of glass into a bowl. Photo by Tony Cagala

Grape Day Master Nature shines through in artist’s works Plan firms up By Tony Cagala

ESCONDIDO — The meandering walkways that have been cut into the slopes of a North County home are lined with succulents, cacti, palms and pepper trees, intermingling with numerous translucent glass art creations — almost as if they were a part of the natural surroundings themselves. At the top of a walkway stands Garry Cohen, dressed in black, a pair of thick-rimmed glasses over his eyes. He’s welcoming visitors to Glass Ranch, his home and glass art studio in the unincorporated Escondido neighborhood of Del Dios, which borders along the north shore of Lake

Hodges. Twice a year, Cohen hosts a weekend of glass art demonstrations and also as a chance to sell his and other local artists’ works. During the early days of glass art in San Diego, around the ‘80s and ‘90s, Cohen said there were a lot of hot shops around. Now, he said, there are only a few, including his own, where he works and gives private glass blowing lessons. The former Palomar College ceramics instructor and glass blowing program director now starts his workdays by firing up his studio – quite literally. The furnaces he uses to melt and shape the glass there can reach upwards of 2,000

degrees. Since the early ‘70s, when he discovered the natural character of Del Dios, Cohen said his creations are absolutely shaped by his surroundings. “I wake up every day and I am surrounded by nature and beauty and it really does effect the creation of my art — in the form of color, form, shape — because everything is subconsciously involved in nature anyway,” Cohen said. Working three months on, three months off, Cohen spends anywhere from four to six hours a day, four days a week creating anything from glass bowls to shot glasses. Yet, after more than 25

years, he’s still able to find innovation in working with glass. “When you work with glass, it is not a short term endeavor,” he said. “Even though it is a trade, to work the art glass, you need many, many years in it to get the feel for the material and the glass. “There’s always room for innovation on that level,” he said. For pieces in public there’s “huge, huge” room for innovation, he said, which is where he wants to turn his attentions to next. The majority of his works have been for the gift market, manufacturing TURN TO ARTIST ON 18

Amnesty International awareness takes new direction By Promise Yee

VISTA — Amnesty International traditionally raised attention to its mission of speaking up for human rights through its annual candlelight walk. After 25 years as an impactful humanitarian organization the group decide to change tactics this year, and hold global write-a-thons. The writing sessions reflect the start of the organization that was formed in 1961 by a group of like-minded friends, who wanted to make a difference. Founding members began a letter-writing campaign to bring attention to the unjust imprisonment and inhumane treatment of humanitarian leaders. Their efforts yielded success, with increased media attention, and government action to provide basic necessities, due legal process and release for numerous prisoners of consciousness.

Rancho Buena Vista High School students have supported Amnesty International efforts for 25 years. This year a write-a-thon will be held at the high school.. File photo by Promise Yee

“So many prisoners of consciousness benefited worldwide,” Alessandra Colfi, volunteer with Amnesty International Group 471, said. “Their captors knew the world was paying atten-

tion.” In addition to promoting the legal and humane treatment of political prisoners, the group has also directed its letter-writing campaigns toward human trafficking

victims. This has also raised awareness, and prompted change. “We really can save somebody’s life and change TURN TO AMNESTY ON 18

By Ellen Wright

E S C ON D I D O —T he Grape Day Master Plan update is one step closer to being finalized. On Dec. 3, the Historic Preservation Committee received a presentation and offered their comments on the design. The park will receive an update to its master plan, which is the guiding document that dictates what can and cannot be built. Having the plans in writing also makes it easier for the city to secure funding for the projects, some of which are currently unfunded. According to Loretta McKinney, library and community services director, the design and construction of the playground is fully funded to about $237,000. Doug Grove, from RHA Landscaping, which was contracted to design the plan, said the playground should be finished by mid-summer 2015. As part of the conceptual designs, a splash pad was included. Grove also plans to highlight the park’s historically agricultural background with concrete benches of oranges and avocados. Another design element included was concrete crates that function as benches with agricultural labels. Grove said that the tree stump, which currently sits in the park, will be sanded down and used for benches. He said he had five different manufacturers looked at the stump in an effort to turn it into a tree house but they couldn’t figure out an option that was safe. Three public work-

shops were held to get input on the master plan update. One of the ideas that was popular was the inclusion of a permanent food cart in the park. Doug Grove told the commission Tuesday that a permanent cart wasn’t possible. “Right now the current ordinance doesn’t allow any permanent food service north of Pennsylvania (Avenue),” Grove said. However, multiple picnic areas will be planned throughout the park and Grove said they will be accessible to food trucks. Connections at critical intersections will also be added in an effort to draw more visitors to the park. “We identified some areas at Broadway and Woodward and Pennsylvania and Maple Street Plaza, to just accentuate what happens in the street and to bring the attention to the drivers so they are (aware) they are coming along to a place where people will be crossing into the park, as well as to identify places for the pedestrians and community to see where they can enter the park,” Grove said. Landscaped medians will be added to North Broadway and Woodward Avenue to “green it up” a little, Grove said and to “expand the park into the streets a little bit.” The commissioners commented that they wanted drought tolerant and native California landscaping to be added. “Eventually whether it’s next year or withTURN TO GRAPE DAY ON 18


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

DEC. 5, 2014

Law enforcement agencies band together to combat DUIs By Ellen Wright

REGION — In an effort to combat people driving under the influence on state Route 78, eight law enforcement agencies have banded together to create the “Avoid the 8 on 78” campaign. “There’s one thing that we have in common in North County, the 78 joins us from the ocean to the San Pasqual Valley,” Escondido Police Chief Craig Carter said at a press conference weeks ago. Carter said that by joining together, each agency will benefit from a force multiplier. By pooling resources, each agency will have eight times more manpower to help with DUI checkpoints, roving patrols and saturation points to

combat DUIs. “The force multiplier is huge for us because we’re all generally small agencies so we can all come together and work together and put more people on the problem and have a bigger impact,” Carlsbad Police Chief Gary Morrison said. A saturation point is when officers “saturate” a specific geographic area to look for drunken drivers, Morrison said. Between 2010 and 2013, the California Highway Patrol made more than 1,600 DUI arrests on the 78. Carter said that of those drivers, about 12 percent caused a crash resulting in injury. Throughout San Diego County, 2,236 people were injured in alcohol related

crashes, according to the California Highway Patrol. Carter said while the DUI rates along the 78 may not be much higher than countywide; all of the agencies see the importance of combating DUIs. “The numbers may not be off the charts, they may not be more than any other part in the county but we feel as a community that we can make a difference so that’s why were choosing to make this a campaign,” Carter said. DUI responses and alcohol related crashes cost the city of Escondido $100,000 in public safety resources. The campaign will come out of each individual agency’s budget, Carter said, adding that it will most likely extend past the holidays, too. According to a report done by the court-mandated drinking program for DUI offenders, the Place of Last Drink Program, 41 percent of DUI offenders had their last drink at a bar or restaurant. The enforcement agencies taking part include Carlsbad, Oceanside, Vista, Cal State San Marcos, the coastnewsgroup

The mangled Toyota Corolla was involved in a DUI accident on Oct. 12 that killed two men. The “Avoid the 8 on the 78” campaign is hoping to cut down DUI incidents along state Route 78. Photo by Ellen Wright

city of San Marcos, Escondido, Palomar College and the California Highway Patrol. Morrison said DUIs negatively affect the lives of people in North County. “It’s damaging families and affecting the quality of life in our counties,” Morrison said. Lorena Ramirez, lost her son and brother in an accident on Bear Valley Parkway Oct. 12 and spoke at the press conference to caution against drunk driving. She is allowing the Es-

condido Police Department to use the crushed Toyota Corolla her family members were killed in for demonstrations. The driver of the Corolla, who was under the influence, caused the crash. “Don’t drink and drive, it’s not worth it,” Ramirez said while fighting back tears. Escondido Councilman Ed Gallo was at the conference to show support. He said over the years, he’s attended lots of DUI checkpoints and was shocked by what he saw.

He said one man driving on Lincoln Avenue could hardly stand. “He was so drunk and yet he was driving a car,” Gallo said. “These are the type of people that need to be taken off the roads.” Carter said that because of the partnership between agencies, patrolling will increase on the roads. “The idea here is you don’t know where we are but we’re going to be out there and we’re going to be out there in force,” Carter said.

DEC. 5, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Council thanks voters, Diaz absent for installation ceremony By Ellen Wright

ESCONDIDO — City Council voted to approve the election results, officially accepting Mayor Sam Abed for his second term and Councilmembers John Masson and Ed Gallo in their respective districts. This was the first election in which voters chose a councilmember based on the district they live in, voting Gallo for District One and Masson for District Two. Councilman Michael Morasco from District Four was named deputy mayor, which is a rotating position based on seniority. Former Deputy Mayor and Councilwoman Olga Diaz did not attend the installation ceremony, a point that Abed commented on during a vote to approve Morasco. “Four yes votes, Diaz absent,” City Clerk Diane Halverson said. “Exactly,” Mayor Abed replied. Diaz will continue to serve the final two years of her term. She ran against Abed for mayor and lost with 35 percent of the vote. Abed received 59 percent of the vote. During the election season, Diaz was the only councilmember to say she was in favor of Proposition H, or the Lakes Specific Plan, which would have allowed developer Michael Schlesinger to develop over 400 homes on the Escondido Country Club. The plan failed, with 60 percent of voters voting against it. Diaz had said she believed it was a compromise that would save the city from a costly legal battle. Escondido Country Club

Mayor Sam Abed thanks his wife, Mona, left, and two daughters Julie and Linda during the installation ceremony for the new Escondido City Council on Wednesday. Photo by Ellen Wright

Homeowners Organization, or ECCHO, attended the ceremony to cheer on the winning candidates. They lobbied council to declare the country club golf course permanent open space, which the council approved in August 2013. The developer, Schlesinger, is taking the city to court because he believes the city unlawfully made the land he purchased worthless. Abed, who didn’t choose a side on the Lakes Specific Plan

during the election, congratulated ECCHO for their campaigning during the election and on the failure of the passing of the Lakes Specific Plan. “Congratulations to all the country club community for your hard work, for your perseverance,” Abed said. “I’ve never seen a community come together like this in my 28 years and now is the time to find a solution to this problem that can make not only our country club community, but our whole city proud.”

Masson thanked ECCHO for their support and promised to help their cause in the future. “I want to thank ECCHO. All you guys stood behind me as I did behind you and helped to get me elected,” Masson said. “I look forward to supporting you in the next chapter that we need to go through to get our community back.” Another controversial move that may have cost Diaz the election was her vote on the shelter for unaccompanied minors in Oc-

tober. She was the only councilmember to vote to appeal the planning commission’s decision that the 96-bed shelter violated land-use conditions. “I may lose an election but I will not lose my humanity,” Diaz said at the time of her vote on Oct. 15. A nonprofit agency, Southwest Key, was funded by the federal government and tried to convert a former nursing home facility on Avenida del Diablo into a temporary shelter to house unaccompanied migrant children who crossed into the country illegally. Gallo thanked his family and his volunteers among others and said out of the five elections he’s ran in, this was the first one he used a campaign consultant. “I’ve never used a consultant before, but this time I did because it was kind of a different type of election,” Gallo said of his consultant John Franklin. This was Masson’s first time being elected, since council appointed him to the position two years ago. “It’s really a good feeling to be vindicated by the voters, after serving as an appointee for two years,” Masson said. After giving thanks to his family, supporters and volunteers, Abed talked about the future of the city. “We must continue to build strong families and a strong community,” Abed said. “Let us make every family more prosperous, let’s make every business more successful. Together we can make Escondido the best city to live, visit and do business (in).”

10,000 people are waiting in line for a cup of coffee --Found something good at Costco

You’ve heard about the electrolyte-rich benefits of coconut water, and the dense nutrients and multiple health benefits of coconut oil. But what about coconut coffee, tea, and cocoa? Southern California’s CACafe makes these delicious antioxidant-rich beverages with premium coconut oil, coconut milk, Arabica coffee, green tea, and cocoa. Both health affirming and tasty, CACafe Coconut Coffee & Tea can help with weight control, digestive and heart health, and can improve the body’s immune system. Coconut also scavenges free radicals that prematurely age skin, regenerating and stimulating collagen production. Combined with the antioxidants in coffee, tea, and cocoa themselves, with no artificial flavors or preservatives, CACafe beverages are designed to do more than just taste great. According to Colorado’s non-profit Coconut Research Center, coconut is low alkaline, rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals such as potassium and manganese. Cancer survivor Lisa Richmond attests “I began drinking coconut tea in a beauty aid. In 2006, I was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of breast cancer...(but) to everyone’s surprise, my cancerous cells had not metastasized.” Richmond credits CACafe coconut tea with “keeping me strong,

before, during, and after my cancer experience. I remain cancer-free and CACafe coconut tea plays a major role in my life.” In fact, A.P. John Cancer Institute for Cancer Research has recommended the addition of coconut oils to the diet to reduce free radicals and cancer risk. For weight loss, too, CACafe can’t be beat. User Malia Owen lost 12.5 pounds in just three and a half weeks. “I felt an incredible energy boost after the coconut coffee, and also less hungry.” Owen says she’s experienced less eating and snacking overall since enjoying the beverage daily. Coconut boosts metabolism and improves thyroid function. Unlike many foods which contain primarily long-chain fatty acids, coconut contains medium-chain fatty acids quickly burned up by the body, leading to weight loss and significantly lower incidence of heart disease and obesity. Residents of the Philippines, India, and the Pacific Islands who consume high amounts of coconut coffee and tea in their diets have far fewer cases of heart disease and obesity than those in countries that don't. So you know they’re healthy, but how do CACafe products taste? The short answer is amazing. Sweet and rich, it’s unnecessary to add creamer or milk.

Delightful, good for you, and tasty - something everyone in the family can enjoy. And CACafe not only does right by you - the company donates resources from every product sold to fight world hunger and support sustainable coconut crop development worldwide. Actor Dustin Hoffman once said “The two basic items necessary to sustain life are sunshine and coconut milk.” Maybe he was onto something. Made with real coconut, premium coffee, cocoa, and green tea, CACafe's patented products were created to deliciously improve your body’s defenses, heart and digestive health, as well as assisting with weight control. The coconut coffee is available at Costco San Marcos (725 center drive, san marcos, CA 92069), Costco Carlsbad (951 palomar airport rd, carlsbad, CA 92009), and Costco Lake Elsinore (29315 central ave, lake elsinore, CA 92532). To find out more, visit


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

DEC. 5, 2014


Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coast News

Community Commentary

Put family farmers back into farm to school By Wyatt Fraas

Brown reverts to his youth with newest court appointee California Focus By Thomas D. Elias here is no doubt about the intelliT gence and diligence of Leon-

dra Kruger, 38, Gov. Jerry Brown’s new appointee to the California Supreme Court. But this graduate of the elite, private Polytechnic School adjacent to the Caltech campus in Pasadena has not spent substantial time in California since 2000, and very little in the six years before that. Essentially, Kruger left California to attend Harvard University and Yale Law School, returning only for short stays, including summer interships in the U.S. attorney’s office in Los Angeles in 1999 and with a large Los Angeles law firm the next year. That raises a question Brown ignored in his firstgo-‘round as governor in the 1970s, when he loudly proclaimed he was scouring the nation for “the best and brightest” to populate his administration. There is little doubt Kruger fits that category today, at least in theory. She clerked for a U.S. Supreme Court justice, John Paul Stevens, a plum job for any recent law school graduate. She has been a top lawyer in the federal Justice Department and argued substantial cases before the nation’s top court while a deputy solicitor general. But she has no experience as an adult in California. In that way, she’s reminiscent of Adriana Gianturco, perhaps the least successful of Brown’s first-term appointees. Gianturco, a graduate of Smith College, UC Berkeley and Harvard Graduate School, was brought in from Massachusetts to freshen up Caltrans. One of her first fiascos was making the two center lanes of the I-10 Santa Monica Freeway, then the world’s busiest highway, into carpool-only lanes. So infuriated were Los Angeles

commuters, whose existing gridlock suddenly became much worse, that Gianturco became known on radio talk shows as the “Giant Turkey,” “the madwoman of Caltrans” and “Our Lady of the Diamond Lane.” She was, she once said, “besieged, vilified, crucified.” Because she also had not bothered to develop rapport with either local officials or state legislators, her project and her tenure as Caltrans director were doomed to flop. There still are no carpool

sentence in her entire court tenure. She also authored several regulatory-related decisions that infuriated the state’s business lobby. “They put up the money to oust her, with the governor at the time, (Republican) George Deukmejian, campaigning hard on that, too,” recalled Stern. “They used the death penalty to get at her, but were actually more interested in her business decisions.” So it will behoove Kruger to familiarize herself

But this graduate of the elite... has not spent substantial time in California since 2000... lanes on that freeway, and all carpool lanes established elsewhere since then have been added on, not taken from existing traffic lanes. All this because Gianturco didn’t understand California and Californians. Similar pitfalls could await Kruger, who is all but certain to be confirmed by the state Commission on Judicial Appointments, consisting of state Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye, Attorney General Kamala Harris and Joan Dempsey Klein, senior presiding judge of the state Court of Appeal. “She reminds me more of Rose Bird than Gianturco,” says Robert Stern, longtime president of the former Los Angeles-based Center for Government Studies. Bird, appointed California chief justice at 40, just two years older than Kruger is now, also had no judicial experience, but had been a California lawyer, working as a public defender and teaching at Stanford Law School. Like Gianturco, she did not understand some California sentiments, and thus was voted out by a 2-1 margin in her first confirmation election in 1986. Bird never approved an appealed death

quickly with California politics and attitudes. She will fail to do so at her own peril. Her supporters don’t seem concerned about that. “She is super-smart, crazy well-prepared and the type of person who only cared about getting it right, not about getting in good with the boss,” said her ex-boss, former acting Solicitor General Neal Katyal, who moved her into that office’s No. 2 slot. Katyal, now a Georgetown University law professor, said watching Kruger work was “like watching a master.” Given her lack of any California background as an adult, Kruger will need to be masterful to become widely accepted. If she’s as good as her old colleagues say, she’ll do the necessary homework, become a full-fledged Californian and be just fine. Email Thomas Elias at His book, “The Burzynski Breakthrough: The Most Promising Cancer Treatment and the Government’s Campaign to Squelch It,” is now available in a soft cover fourth edition. For more Elias columns, go to

Farm to School programs appeared in the ‘90s with a three-way focus: fresh, local foods in schools; agriculture and nutrition education in classrooms; and purchases that support local family farms. Years since have seen these programs grow to include 40,000 schools and 23 million students. However, the focus has slipped from “local family farms” to “local food.” Schools and program administrators alike don’t know the difference between nearby corporate, industrial farms and smaller, family farms that derives their income from the management and daily labor on their own land. It’s far easier for schools and administrators to define ‘local’ than it is to define “family farm.” Family farmers, schools, and rural communities are losing out. Family farmers lose out on income from sales when schools don’t make the distinction between food grown by a farm family and food grown by a corporation. Schools lose

out when they don’t choose a farmer who can demonstrate how crops and livestock are raised. And communities lose when food dollars go to a corporation headquartered elsewhere instead of to a local family business that buys its supplies right there in the community, where the money can recirculate. In fact, family farms generate among the highest economic multipliers of all industries, which should make them the darling of economic development directors. Hazy Farm to School program goals are a part of the problem. Goals should define a preferred local food supplier to ensure “local family farms” are truly supported. Established in 1973, the Center for Rural Affairs is a private, non-profit organization working to strengthen small businesses, family farms and ranches, and rural communities through action oriented programs addressing social, economic, and environmental issues.

Make sure to call before you dig By Marie Waldron

We are constantly surrounded by potential threats to our safety. We’re all aware of the hazards faced each time we get into a car or take a walk down a busy highway. Strong Santa Ana winds remind us about fire safety and the threat of wildfires, especially if we live near brush covered hillsides. One thing few may consider is the hazard faced when we start to dig, even if it’s a small project on our own property. Buried oil or natural gas pipelines, underground power lines, water and sewage pipes, cables and conduits crisscross many parts of our state and region. We are often only vaguely aware of these pipelines. Unfortunately, even when they appear to be clearly marked, it is often only an

approximation and the exact location can be hard to determine. I recently attended a seminar dealing with these issues. Horror stories about people who inadvertently ruptured underground pipelines were shared from across the country. In some cases the resulting explosions or fires caused multiple deaths and massive property damage, sometimes to entire communities. These hazards can easily be avoided. Whether you are just planting a tree, installing a deck or digging for any project, visiting or calling 8-1-1 at least two days before digging can help you avoid fines, serious injury or even death. Please consider making the call before you dig.

The service is free, and avoiding fines, costly damage or worse is well worth any small cost in time or inconvenience. You might be surprised, shocked and relieved after you learn what lies just beneath the surface. Marie Waldron is Assemblywoman of District 75. Letters to the Editor and reader feedback are welcomed. Please keep submissions relevant and respectful. Please submit letters or commentaries, including your city of residence and contact information (for confirmation purposes only) to letters@

The CoasT News P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850


MAKING WAVES IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD The Coast News is a legally adjudicated newspaper published weekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. It is qualified to publish notices required by law to be published in a newspaper of general circulation (Case No. 677114). Subscriptions: 1 year/$45; 6 mos./$34; 3 mos./$27 Send check or money order to: The Coast News, P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550. In addition to mail subscriptions, more than 30,000 copies are distributed to approximately 700 locations in the beach communities from Oceanside to Carmel Valley. The classified advertising deadlines are the Mondays before each Friday’s publication.

Contributing writers BianCa KaPlaneK Promise yee ChrisTina maCone-greene david Boylan e’louise ondash franK mangio Jay Paris

Photographer Bill reilly


Chelsea Baumann


Contact the Editor Tony Cagala

DEC. 5, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

The Vista Community Clinic’s holiday home tour will feature several distinguised residences. The Homes Tour begins Dec. 7 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets are available by calling (760) 631-5000, ext. 1139. Courtesy photos

Holiday Home tour benefits children in need By Noah S. Lee

VISTA — Vista Community Clinic (VCC) hosts the 28th Annual Holiday Homes Tour to lend a helping hand to children via the Kare for Kids Fund. A long-cherished seasonal tradition for many North County residents, the Holiday Homes Tour allows guests to walk through four marvelous Vista houses, as well as to pay a visit to the Rancho Buena Vista Adobe, the city’s birthplace. Each year Vista Community Clinic selects four homes for this winter holiday event, opting for candidates possessing plentiful parking space for visitors and striking architecture different from the previous ones. 2014’s lineup includes the following residences: “Thoroughly Modern,” “Mediterranean Jewel,” “Villa Del Vino,” and “An Ode to Italy.” “We’ve pretty much done a great job of picking four homes that are architecturally different on the outside as well as on the inside,” says Betsy Heightman, VCC’s chief development officer. “And let me add, too, that the homeowners are fantastic.” Thanks to the cooperation from Suzie Goebel-McGehee & Genesee de Rijka, Beppie Mostert & Elizabeth Gane (assistant), Keely

Brewer, and Sandra Kelly, this year’s tour promises to captivate its guests with a combination of cheerful holiday spirit and incredible home designs. And each home has its own share of beautiful elements, both on the outside and on the inside. Patty and Dave Sliney’s “An Ode to Italy” is a symphonic portrait in and of itself, its five-section garden carefully composed and its worldly art and antiques timelessly connected. Many of these wonderful items were once Patty’s grandmother’s, who collected them during her days as an Italian prima ballerina. There’s no question that June and Toby Dunn have a mutual appreciation for wine, food, and travel; the “Villa Del Vino” is a perfect reflection of their unified taste. Whether it’s the 2,000-bottle wine cellar or antique European furnishings, the magnificence of the couple’s elegance is unmistakable. As for Michelle and Keith Berman’s “Mediterranean Jewel,” the real treat is not the arched windows or even the 11-foot eating island, but the original Disney artwork adorning their walls. These belong to Walter Peregoy, Michelle’s grandfather and a living Disney Hall of Fame artist

who contributed to animated classics such as “101 Dalmatians” and “Lady and the Tramp.” Then there’s the contemporary abode, “Thoroughly Modern,” inhabited by Jazzercise founder/CEO Judi Sheppard Missett as well as her husband Jack. With custom-designed metal sculptures, a woodfloored dance studio, and Andy Warhol’s pop art, only one word can describe this modern residence: incredible. And of course the Rancho Buena Vista Adobe can’t be ignored, as it represents a rich history dating back to the mid-1800s. This historic dwelling has accommodated various owners from different walks of life, and its reputation as one of the best-preserved examples of early Californian housing is well-deserved. Complementing the 28th Annual Holiday Homes Tour is an artisans’ bazaar showcasing a colorful array of jewelry, accessories, and home décor. Guests will also have the opportunity to win gift baskets, and, should they get hungry, an on-site gourmet food truck offers breakfast and lunch meals for purchase. After the main event’s conclusion, the participants can enjoy hors d’oeuvres and wine on Main Street’s Art Beat, a Vista

MCC students hold vigil for missing students By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — Students at MiraCosta College set up a vigil by the central school library to bring attention to the 43 missing Mexican students, who have not been seen since September. Associated Student Government (ASG) Vice President Brayan Astorga said efforts on Nov. 20 were sparked by students’ desire to help fellow students. “We wanted to make it specifically on Nov. 20, Mexican Revolution Day,” Astorga said. “There were other silent protests happening (that day to support the missing students) around the world.” Astorga said they hoped to spark interest in the students’ plight. “We tried to educate, and initiate talk at MiraCosta,” Astorga said. The ASG, Black Student Union and MEChA clubs set up photos of each of the missing students and lit candles around the fountain in the school’s central plaza. They also put up “missing”

signs around campus. “It is a student issue,” Astorga said. “They were shut down because they wanted to protest, and were students.” “It could have happened to us.” The display grabbed fellow MiraCosta students’ attention. “It’s a very busy spot in our school,” Astorga said. “By 11:30 students were taking pictures.” Later that day MiraCosta students joined California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) and Palomar College students in a march to Twin Oaks Valley Road to bring further attention to the situation. Astorga said the missing Mexican college students were traveling by bus from Guerrero, Mexico, to Iguala, Mexico, to take part in a rally, and speak out against the wife of the Iguala mayor. “The mayor heard of this, and sent local police to get rid of them,” Astorga said. Mexico’s attorney gen-

eral confirmed the mayor of Iguala, Jose Luis Abarca, handed the 43 students over to a drug gang to be executed. All 43 students are males ranging from 18 to 25 years old, from the same college, and all hope to become teachers. Astorga added a mass grave of badly burned bodies was found, but the remains have not been identified. Efforts are underway to identify the deceased through DNA. Many believe the bodies are those of the missing students. Astorga said students’ families still have hope the students will be found alive. He added MiraCosta students also have hope, and will continue their efforts to raise awareness. Astorga said all efforts have been student-driven. Abarca and his wife, Maria de los Angeles Pineda, were arrested in Mexico City on Nov. 4. Abarca has been charged with six counts of homicide. The missing students have not been found.

downtown art gallery. But what truly instills a sense of purpose and fulfillment in the Holiday Homes Tour is the fact that it raises awareness of Vista Community Clinic’s Kare for Kids Fund, which provides quality medical services to North County’s underprivileged youngsters. Proceeds from the event’s ticket sales, raffle prizes and sponsorships will be donated to the fund. “There are so many patients that are being served by the work that we do here at the clinic,” Heightman remarks. “These funds historically go to support our Kare for Kids Fund.” It is because of the Kare for Kids Fund that tens of thousands of North County children receive excellent preventive medical care, upholding VCC’s vow to always do its best to help. Those who can’t afford the services need not wor-

ry about costs, as the fund itself takes care of them. Much of Kare for Kids’ success comes from the Holiday Homes Tour, which serves as a major fundraiser. The 28th Annual Holiday Homes Tour takes place

Dec. 7, and will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tickets cost $20 for an advance purchase, and $25 on the day of the actual event. In order to buy tickets for the tour, call (760) 631-5000, ext. 1139.


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

DEC. 5, 2014

SANDAG faces hurdles over transportation plan By Ellen Wright

REGION — The San Diego Association of Governments, or SANDAG, is facing difficulties with its long range 2050 Regional Transportation Plan. On Nov. 24 the Fourth District California Court of Appeal, Division 1, voted 2-1 that the plan violates state law because it doesn’t adequately assess or take steps to reduce greenhouse gases in the environmental review of the long-range transportation plan. In 2005, former Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed an executive order to dramatically reduce greenhouse gases in

the state by 2050. The appellate court found SANDAG’s plans conflicted with the directive and failed to disclose environmental risks of the transportation overhaul. “We’re definitely disappointed and concerned with the precedent that the judges ruling will affect, in not only SANDAG’s projects, but anybody else that does (California Environmental Quality Act) documents,” Executive Director at SANDAG, Gary Gallegos said. SANDAG approved the $214 billion transportation plan in October

2011 towards improving transit, highways and local roads and streets throughout San Diego. Many local and state environmental groups ar-

dy, a senior attorney with the Center for Biological Diversity. “If we’re going to make the changes necessary to avoid global warming’s worst effects,

The Court of Appeal confirmed that San Diego County officials can’t sweep the threat of climate disruption under the rug.” Kevin Bundy Attorney, Center for Biological Diversity

gued the plan was too reliant on widening and extending freeways, which they argue, increase the amount of drivers on the road. Cleveland National Forest Foundation, the Center for Biological Diversity and the Sierra Club challenged the environmental review of the transportation plan under the California Environmental Quality Act. “The Court of Appeal confirmed that San Diego County officials can’t sweep the threat of climate disruption under the rug,” said Kevin Bun-

our leaders must be honest with us about the long-term consequences of their choices. California’s extended drought is teaching us that the stakes are very high.” The court found that SANDAG didn’t “analyze a reasonable range of project alternatives” and failed to “adequately analyze and mitigate the transportation plan’s air quality impacts,” and understated the transportation plan’s impacts on agricultural lands. “Other regional planning agencies throughout California have proper-

ly analyzed the environmental and public health impacts associated with their long-range transportation and land use plans; SANDAG didn’t even try to complete an accurate analysis,” said Kathryn Phillips, director of Sierra Club California. SANDAG Executive Director Gallegos disagrees. “Not every region throughout the state got the same target. So our target in San Diego got a higher target than the central valley did,” Gallegos said. He said the state legislative laws and the executive order from Governor Schwarzenegger use different measurement methods of greenhouse gas emissions, which can make drafting plans confusing. “They’re not very clear and easy to understand and they are very conflicted,” Gallegos said. The California Air Resources Board regulates the amount of pollutants and Gallegos said, gave SANDAG greenhouse reduction emission targets for 2020 and 2025 but not for 2050, which is

Young Artist concert launches series ESCONDIDO — Escondido Public Library “2nd Saturday” concert series presents FanFaire Foundation’s Young Artist Concert at 3 p.m. Dec. 13, 239 Kalmia St., in the Turrentine Room. Young artists, ages 7 to 16 years, will perform classical selections on piano and cello in styles ranging from the Baroque

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to the Romantic. The 2nd Saturday Concert Series is free, open to the public, and sponsored by Friends of the Escondido Public Library. The 2nd Saturday Concert Series runs through May 2015 and features classical, jazz and other musical styles. January’s concert presents “Opera Exposed!” providing a primer on opera appreciation with commentary by San Diego Opera’s Nicolas Reveles as he accompanies young, aspiring singers who perform selections from opera classics. For more information about future performances in this series, visit, or contact Senior Librarian, Paul Crouthamel at (760) 839-4814.

the projected plan completion date. SANDAG board members will review the court’s ruling at their next meeting Dec. 5 to decide whether or not they will appeal the decision. Some of the plans in the project include the widening of Interstate 5 and expansion of the trolley system. The environmental groups argued the plan “front-loads” projects geared towards automobile transportation and reinforces San Diego’s dependence on car-oriented transportation. Gallegos said the projects are done based on the date funds are available. Some projects, including trolley and light rail options, can’t get started until projected funding is available, which isn’t for a long time. Funding for the project comes from the federal, state and local level, as well as TransNet, which is a countywide half-cent sales tax exclusively dedicated to transportation. SANDAG is currently working on an update to the environmental review for the transportation plan, as required by law.

Join the Sheriff’s Senior Patrol VISTA — Are you retired? Are you bored? Looking for something to do — perhaps something that is productive, fun and useful? Become the “eyes and ears” of the Sheriff’s Department in Vista. The Vista substation of the San Diego County Sheriff is looking for volunteers for its Senior Patrol. Call (760) 940-4434 and ask for the Sheriff’s Senior Patrol recruiter. The basic requirements are that you be at least 50 years old, an American citizen, and can pass a background check for volunteer patrol service within Vista. A candidate needs to be available for an interview, then background check, then do a two-week academy. Patrol members are then supplied with uniform, belt, and badge to become a Sheriff’s Senior Volunteer. A marked vehicle is provided for a two-person patrol within the boundaries of the city of Vista. You will be authorized to place citations on vehicles that are parked illegally in Handicapped Parking and/or Fire lanes, look for vandalism, graffiti and other misconduct. Every day is different and you will be a direct support for the community of Vista.

DEC. 5, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

I love the smell of cookies in the morning

small talk jean gillette

RISING STARS The Vista Chamber of Commerce honored high school seniors, from left, Julian Morales (Rancho Buena Vista High School), Natalie Guy (Major General Raymond Murray High School), Jose Hurtado (Guajome Park Academy), Vivian Portillo (Vista High School) and Mallory Muehlbauer (Mission Vista High School) at its November Rising Star of the Month program. Rising Star salutes seniors for demonstrating character, integrity, love of learning, involvement in school and community activities and/or the ability to overcome challenging life circumstances without compromising their education. Courtesy photo

Changes planned for Moonlight’s season VISTA — The city of Vista’s Moonlight Stage Productions has created Moonlight Presents, a sister brand that will introduce expanded performing arts programming at the Moonlight Amphitheatre beginning in 2016. Three new series will be offered featuring various genres and artists presented around the annual summer season of Broadway musicals. “For our first Moonlight Presents season in 2016, we will feature three series,” said Daniel Kays, managing director. “One series will focus on music and will feature jazz, world music and popular artists. Dance, circus acts and children’s touring shows take center stage in another series. “Our third series features cabaret artists performing in a new intimate

setting we are creating by enclosing the stage and placing the audience and the artists on the stage. Optional table dining and drink service will be available from the Artisan Cafe. Moonlight Presents will feature nine events between January and October, but will be dark during the summer for Moonlight Stage Productions’ Broadway musicals.” To allow for the creation of Moonlight Presents, the winter productions at the AVO Playhouse will come to an end following its 2015 season. This move allows the AVO to become a rental facility year-round, opening up an additional 13 weeks on the rental calendar and providing greater flexibility for renters. Moonlight Presents

will announce programming and ticketing details in the spring. The final AVO Playhouse Winter Season opens in January with James Goldman’s “The Lion In Winter” followed by “Sondheim on Sondheim” and concluding with “Anna in the Tropics.” For more information, visit or call (760) 724-2110.

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The city of Vista produces Moonlight Stage Productions and Moonlight Presents as part of its cultural arts program.

Best holiday news ever! Some sweet soul, who doesn’t know my track record for setting off the smoke alarm, has invited me to a Christmas cookie exchange. I love these things because, despite my love of holiday goodies, I tend to flag on the days of baking required to create all the exotic kinds I like best. I used to watch my mom do a week of baking and thought, foolishly, what fun she must be having. As much as I love the sweet results, cooking anything that takes more than about 20 minutes start to finish, and — whoa, there — involves a rolling pin, is a stretch for me. It’s not that I can’t do it. It’s just that I seek an uninterrupted block of time, which usually finds me atop my bed reading. So, I guess I need an uninterrupted block of time and some guy with a bullwhip encouraging my backside into the kitchen. I believe I will blame it on my pathetic, every-present impatient nature. OK, I’ve mixed one bowl full of stuff and now you want me

to mix the dry ingredients separately? And then slowly blend them? Then chill for eight hours? Un-uh. And heaven forfend it calls for sifting! I believe I am a Guinness World Book candidate for square feet of kitchen surfaces covered with flour-sugar mixture. Which brings us to the really annoying part of the whole undertaking — cleanup. These days, I don’t even have a dog to lick up the spills. I’m impatiently waiting for the local robotics club to make me a waTURN TO SMALL TALK ON 14

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

DEC. 5, 2014

Tips for your holiday travel: Have a plan hit the road e’louise ondash Answer: 94 million. Question: How many people in this country will be traveling over the Christmas holiday? While many of us want or feel obligated to be with the ones we love for the holidays, this statistic from the Department of Transportation is enough to make you run to your room, hide under the covers and not come out until 2015. But don't panic. There is a plan — and it’s to have a plan. “The most important thing to have when you walk out the door is a plan,” said Dave Austin, vice president of marketing for AARP Services, in a phone interview from Washington, D.C. “You need to know how much you can spend, where will you stay and what you will do when you get there.” While spontaneous travel can be a wonderful and exciting thing, it’s not the way to approach trips during the end-of-the-year holidays. People without a plan set themselves up for a lot

The gray whales’ 14,000-mile, round-trip journey from Alaska to Mexico began a few weeks ago, so the giant mammals are currently passing by the shores of Southern California. The whale is so named because of the gray patches and white mottling on its dark skin. They move between 3 miles-and-hour and 6 miles-an-hour. Andrew Toring Photography

of anxiety and frustration, so replace spontaneity with flexibility, if possible. “Most people travel just before and just after the holiday, so if you can travel on the holiday, you won’t be in the middle of the crowds,” suggested Austin who typically travels early on Thanksgiving or Christmas morning. He still arrives in time for the family celebration. Many of the 94 million holiday travelers will take to the roads, espe-

cially with the price of gas less costly than a year ago. Others will fly, and with all those extra charges for baggage, it makes sense to ship the presents ahead of time or give gift cards, Austin added. Overall, the travel industry took a big hit between 2010 and 2013 because of the recession, but people are starting to spend again. (Those 50 and older spent more than $12 billion on travel in 2013.) That’s the good news; the

Great skiing and lodging at a good price is only two hours away from North County through Big Bear Mountain Resorts. Package deals offer lift tickets good at both Snow Summit and Bear Mountain’s more than 435 developed acres, 26 lifts, four high-speed chairs, and 1,800 vertical feet. Courtesy photo

bad news is that this means more folks in trains, planes and automobiles. “So don’t just hit the road,” Austin said. “Map out where you are going, where to eat and stick to a budget.” Planning ahead will score some good deals with ski-and-stay packages at Big Bear Mountain Resorts. Discount packages (as low as $89 midweek and $109 weekends) include lodging in private-home rentals,

lodges, bed-and-breakfasts, condos and cabins; and allday, interchangeable lift tickets good for both Snow Summit and Bear Mountain. A minimum of two nights’ lodging and two days’ lift tickets for weekend packages are required. Check-in dates run from now until the end of the 2014/2015 ski season. Some restrictions apply. Visit or call (800) 424-4232. For Southern Califor-

nians, the arrival of December marks the beginning of the gray whale migration. Actually, they began their 14,000-mile, round-trip journey from the Bering Sea to the lagoons of Baja California weeks ago, but the first gray whales begin passing our shores about now. A 45-minute drive north to Dana Point Harbor gives you a ringside seat in one of Dana Wharf’s several vessels. They take passengers a few minutes offshore to view not only the gray whales, but some of the area’s other sea life — blue whales, humpbacks, several species of dolphins, sea lions and birds. Discounts available for seniors, military and kids; children 2 or younger free. Sightings guaranteed or ride free on another trip. 34675 Golden Lantern, Dana Point. (949) 496-5794. E’Louise Ondash is a freelance writer living in North County. Tell her about your travels at eondash@

DEC. 5, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


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Schools have title hopes on the line It’s the most wonderful time of the year for Rivers By Aaron Burgin

sports talk jay paris In No. 17 they trust and you got any other ideas? The Chargers are riding quarterback Philip Rivers arm into Sunday’s game with the Patriots. It’s the first of a regular-season ending, four-game sprint which isn’t meant for the queasy. But it’s meant for Rivers and your worn 2014 calendar says so. December is to Rivers what Valentine’s Day is to florists. Rivers eyes the final month like a good kid expecting Santa’s offerings. Rivers, fresh off orchestrating Sunday’s thriller in Baltimore, saddles up with a 30-6 December mark. St. Nick? St. Philip? Not quite and we didn’t forget Rivers struggles of November. But the Chargers (8-4) are leaning on Rivers like a reveler needing support. With the team’s running game hit-and-miss, a pass rush, which is swing-and-miss and a secondary that is second to many, a flowing Rivers is the Chargers’ best weapon. Especially this season and especially this month. “Philip is the one that gets hot in December,’’ teammate Malcom Floyd said. Rivers was never better than Sunday, when the Chargers scored 21 fourth-quarter points to steal a road win. NFL fans in Baltimore hadn’t been this stunned since the Colts backed up the moving vans and high-tailed it for Indianapolis. With Rivers packing his “A” game, the passing attack is the phase of the Chargers’ game that is humming. Pass rush? Good luck to that search party. After three sacks in 20 quarters, if seeking heat, it’s not from these cool cats. With a tepid rush, the back end gets the business end of rivals passes. It’s easy to cringe when Shareece Wright and crew get beat. But with no rush, it’s no contest tracking opposing receivers. The running game goes

as does Ryan Mathews, but he needs helps. The blocking has been suspect and when a team’s on its fifth center in 12 games stuff happens. But the stuff ain’t hitting the fan because of Rivers. The quarterback with the slow drawl and quick release is why the Chargers have won three straight, after losing three straight, which followed winning five straight. Straight up, I’m not sure how they’re doing it either. Well, besides having a quarterback others gaze upon with envy. It was Rivers’ going 3-1 last December which snapped the Chargers’ threeyear skid of missing the playoffs. That pushed his December win total to 30 and since 2006, it’s the most by any quarterback. No. 2 is the Patriots’ Tom Brady with 28 — and look who’s coming to town Sunday. “They are all big from here on out,’’ Rivers said. “You never can let your guard down and we are going to have to gear up one more week at a time to play the best in the league.’’ If New England isn’t the Hatfields to the Chargers’ McCoys, it’s close. The teams have had epic battles of late — that 2007 AFC Championship Game loss still stings. And of yesteryear — you don’t recall the 1963 AFL title tilt when the Chargers demolished the Boston Patriots? “If you can’t win these, you’re probably not good enough,’’ Rivers said. The Chargers are better than good, but shy of spectacular. What they possess is a leader in Rivers, and why not follow him? “I’m just so thankful we have Philip as our quarterback,’’ Floyd said. “We TURN TO RIVERS ON 12

KRISTA CONFER Your Rancho Santa Fe, Solana Beach & Del Mar Territory Manager Call Krista for all your advertising needs.



REGION — Last season, the La Costa Canyon Mavericks stunned St. Augustine to claim the CIF San Diego Section’s inaugural open division title, one of three teams in North County to claim a sectional crown. As the calendar has turned to December, the Mavericks will look to defend its open division crown, and teams across North County start the season with newfound title hopes — or perhaps just hopes of an improved showing over last year.

1. Can anyone beat La Costa Canyon? La Costa Canyon boasts a starting lineup that saw three players sign Division 1 letters of intent on Signing Day, unheard of in North County. The trio — forward Travis Fuller, point guard Tommy McCarthy and swingman Brady Twombly — give the Mavericks a decided advantage over its competition in the Avocado West League. Fuller, a versatile 6-foot-9 “stretch forward,” is headed to Brown of the Ivy League; McCarthy, a 6-foot point guard, will compete against Fuller at Ivy League power Harvard, while Twmbly, an athletic 6-foot-6 wing, will play his college basketball at Northern Arizona University. With league stalwart El

Camino in a transition year after longtime head coach Ray Johnson departed to take a coaching position at Loyola Marymount University, the Mavericks could face the least resistance it has in several years during league play. That doesn’t mean that The Mavericks won’t be challenged during its nonleague schedule, as already seen in its first game of the season, when the Mavericks needed a fourth-quarter comeback to defeat La Habra Sonora. The Mavs will likely face other potential stumbling blocks during early season matchups against San Clemente and the yet-to-be-announced Under Armour Holiday Classic field, which is traditionally stiff. The Mavs must also find a way to soften the blow of the transfer of Patrick Fisher, the team’s defensive ace, who moved on to Vermont Academy before the start of school.

2. New coaches abound A tumultuous offseason saw a record amount of turnover in head coaching positions across the county, and North County was not immune to the defections. Seven schools had to replace coaches: El Camino, Army Navy, Carlsbad, Ramona, Pacific Ridge, Rancho Bernardo and San Dieguito Academy all have new faces at the helms of

their programs. Of the group, El Camino head coach Tom Tarantino, Rancho Bernardo coach Marc Basehore and Army Navy coach John Maffucci probably inherited the most talent. Tarantino, who departed Army Navy, has a group that includes a talented frontcourt duo of Sam Bockman and Quen Meadows, solid blocks to build around as he incorporates his system. Maffucci, who is the academy’s

longtime athletic director, has one of the top young prospects in the West Coast in sophomore forward Richard Polanco, a senior leader in Caleb Morris, and, in January, will receive an injection of talent by way of 6-foot-7 forward Aziz Seck, who was a dominant force for the Warriors during fall league. Rancho Bernardo might be a surprise, considerTURN TO BASKETBALL ON 15

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

M arketplace News Small businesses: Are you ready for 2014 filing deadlines? For small businesses, January’s arrival usually brings one very important task: issuing W-2s and 1099 forms to employees and independent contractors. The good news is this year, due to the typical filing date of Jan. 31 falling on a weekend, businesses have a builtin buffer and a couple extra days to complete these tax reporting documents. Feb. 2, 2015, is the date to remember when preparing your business’ tax reporting forms this season. But don’t forget, even with the additional days, getting a head start on cutoff dates can protect you and your company harsh consequences, wasted time and unneeded hassle. According to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), businesses must send their employees’ W-2s by Feb. 2 and provide all W-2s and the transmittal Form W-3 to the Social Security Administration (SSA) by March 2, 2015. This has also been extended because the normal due date falls on a weekend. In the event that an employee does not receive a W-2 from their employer on time or at all, they can contact the IRS for assistance. Even with the extended reporting date for businesses, the IRS requests that employees wait until at least Feb. 14, allowing for slow mail delivery and other varying factors. After Feb. 14, the IRS will contact the employer for the employee, request the missing form, and send the employee Form 4852 to complete, which is a substitute for the original W-2. The payer will be notified of the penalties if it fails to comply with government regulations, which can include significant fines. The same applies to issuing 1099s, used for reporting company payments to freelance and contract workers or other non-employees. In general, businesses need to supply workers with a copy of their 1099 form by Feb. 2. Employers who unintentionally misclassify workers also run the risk of significant penalties and interest, so being overly cautious never hurts, according to the experts at Greatland Corporation, a company that provides W-2 and 1099 forms and e-filing services to small businesses. What’s more, if a small business fails to file a W-2 or 1099, it can be fined up to $500,000, which can accrue interest if it remains unpaid. Estimates are that 30 percent of businesses misclassify workers; so make sure your business knows how to correctly report your workers when issuing W-2 and 1099 forms.

DEC. 5, 2014

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New hybrid training facility opens in Oceanside OCEANSIDE — If loving what you do is the key to success, Mike Confer is set to hit it big. His recently opened specialty training facility, MROC Training, was conceived out of a passion for fitness that began more than a decade ago. Mud Run & Obstacle Course Training is a hybrid fitness program at an adult obstacle park. “Our entire facility has been fitted from wall to wall with custom-fabricated functional equipment,” Confer said. “We don’t have cable machines or bench presses, but we have monkey bars and climbing ropes. We don’t have Thigh Masters or step machines, but we have squat racks, cargo nets and spears.” The facility also has military-themed and “as seen on TV” obstacles like the Warped Wall and Double Salmon Ladder. “There are literally infinite possibilities to how many workouts and mini-obstacle courses we can create here,” he said. “That is what makes it so fun.” Confer describes MROC Training as “American Ninja Warrior” meets “The CrossFit Games.” Those who know what that means will be excited at the prospect. Those who don’t might be intimidated. But Confer says his program can help anyone. “We coach a roster of athletes ranging from those who have never run a 5K to po-

MROC Tranining in Oceanside is a hybrid fitness facility and adult obstacle course ready to help train anyone for anything from a 5K race to the Zombie Apocalypse. See more photos at

dium-finishing elite Spartan racers,” he said. “Although our gym is built for obstacle course racing, our program is suited for everyone,” he said. “From your first race to your 50th, we’re here to guide you with expert instruction on fundamental, functional human movement. We’ll teach you to sprint, climb and crawl both fast and efficiently.” He said these skills are transferable to racing, living — even surviving the Zombie Apocalypse. “That, ultimately, is what this type of training boils down to. Being prepared for the unexpected and having

the ability to conquer any obstacle, anytime, anywhere.” Confer has intimate knowledge about what it takes to be prepared. He served from 2002 to 2007 from Okinawa to Africa, including a deployment to Iraq where he trained troops as a Marine Corps martial arts instructor. When his tour ended he settled in Southern California and began studying kinesiology and working as a personal trainer. It was during this time that he participated in his first Tough Mudder race. “Most people are missing something, and sometimes

they don’t even know what it is until they’ve tried it,” Confer said. “For me, it was obstacle course racing.” The feeling he got from obstacle course racing is one that he wants to share with his clients. “I want everyone to experience that, to know that they are training for something bigger than themselves and that anything is possible,” Confer said. “I want to rip people off the couch and remind them how great it feels to be alive … really alive.” Confer started MROC Training as a specialty class and outdoor boot camp, but a few months lat-

er suffered a major ankle injury that took him out of competition and forced his business into a temporary hiatus. “I struggled recovering from surgery and contemplated whether I would be able to continue racing, or if I should focus my energy on building a place where anyone could train for these types of events,” Confer said. He chose the latter, and he’s not looking back. “I want to build balanced bodies, from the ground up and the inside out, which includes a harmony of speed, power and endurance,” he said. “I want the people who come here to leave stronger, more flexible.” Confer has designed a program he calls Hybrid SGX. “It’s a blend of CrossFit Endurance, Spartan Group-X and High Intensity Interval Training,” he said. “It’s a program that allows each of our members to realize their true athletic potential, because we all have a competitor inside somewhere.” MROC Training will be featured on an upcoming episode of a new television series called “Saving Heroes” on the American Heroes Channel in a segment about military entrepreneurs. To learn more about MROC Training’s offering and schedules, visit

Focusing on how our skin’s color changes The aging face has three basic changes: volume loss, collagen loss and color changes. A lot has been made of the use of fillers such as Juvederm, or fat to replace age-related volume loss. We have previously written about using topical creams, chemical peels and lasers for the restoration of collagen loss, but this month I want to focus on the color changes that we see in the face and what we can do about them. Like collagen, the three basic modalities for treatment are topical creams, chemical peels and laser. What makes the three color changes in the face particularly annoying is that most of these changes are “spotty” in nature. What we like to see is smooth, even skin. White, red and brown spots mess this up. Before we consider the benign color changes, a quick word about cancer. Melanoma is scary — any spots that are changing or look significantly different than other spots need to be evaluated for malignancy. Now let’s consider white spots. There’s a common reason for white spots include, vitaligo, hypomalanoisis and scars. The only treatable cause is a fungal infection called tinea versicolor. Unfortunately, for most of those unwanted white spots there is no good treatment. Sunscreen and make-up are the mainstays of treatment. Sunscreen won’t actually help

The before (photo above) and after (right) show how “spots” on our face can be remedied at Dermacare. Call (858) 487-3376 for information.

the white; it just reduces the contrast between the patch and the normal skin. Red in the skin consists of two basic problems-distinct vessels and rosacea. There are four stages of rosacea, which can range from “rosy” cheeks to severe acne forms of rosacea. Topical creams can help for mild pinkness to the cheeks, products containing caffeine will temporarily reduce the redness and for more severe forms of rosacea, topical and oral antibiotics are sometime helpful. Chemical peels and microdermabrasions generally are not helpful. This leaves lasers, which really are the best treatments for reds in the face. Broken capillaries and vessels re-

spond very well to our “YAG” laser in one to three treatments. For diffusing redness, there are two lasers that help, IPL’s or “Photofacial’s” and the Genesis. With more severe symptoms the combination of the two lasers works the best. These lasers are effective, have minimal discomfort and have no down time associated with them. The last and most common color change that we have to deal with is brown spots. There are several causes of these spots and books can be written on the variety. Sun-induced changes such as freckles, solor-lentigenes and common moles make up the majority of these spots. The other problem is melasma. The first step in treating brown spots is prevention.

Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen! Hats and clothes also prevent the formation and progression of pigment-related problems. It’s OK to enjoy our beautiful San Diego weather, but always protect yourself. The next things to consider are topical agents. These products, often referred to as “bleaching agents,” don’t actual remove the pigment, but they block the production of new pigment. It will take two to three months for the skin to remove the pigment, so be patient for the results. My favorite is hydroquinone. This product has been used for over 20 years and has been shown to be very safe in humans (you may be out of luck if you are a lab rat). Exfoliating procedures, such as microdermabrasions and peels

will also help with reduction of dark pigment in the skin. Finally, there are lasers that I find to be the best treatment for brown spots. IPL’s or “Photofacials” work very well for most pigment. Unfortunately, IPL cannot be used on African-American skin and we also need to be careful with medium-dark skin tones. Fraxel is the other laser choice for dark spots, and is the treatment of choice for melasma. In addition to helping with pigment, Fraxel is a great choice for collagen stimulation. If evening out your complexion is a concern for you, come talk with our staff or schedule a consultation. We can look at your skin and come up with a plan that will help you achieve your goals.

DEC. 5, 2014

T he C oast News - I nland E dition


Students from Guajome Park Academy, received thank-you certificates from Farmer Jones to celebrate their service as community volunteers for the Fall Fun Festival at Alta Vista Botanical Gardens. Volunteers included, from left, front, Morgan Adams, Julia Ermis, Emily Griego, Matthew Nelson, with, from left, back, Nancy B Jones, Isak Bunda, Macayla Lemons, Tereza Bautista, Cristina Zafra, Shepherd Baucom, Victor Orea, and Principal Bob Hampton.Not shown: Angela Colores, Jayne Hascall, Bryan Hascall, Jessica Orea, Rowan Ranjbar, Jade White and Tereza Zafra Courtesy photo



Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ HAVE YOUR SAY The city of Encinitas invites residents to the conversation about future housing in Encinitas. Join the conversation by visiting e-Town Hall and tell them where you think the city should plan for future housing in Encinitas. Offer your comments at

origami crane and write a wish on the gift tag. There is no cost or purchase required to participate. The Merry Tree of Wishes will be up through Dec. 25. AMAYA SALUTED The Optimist Club of Carlsbad recently honored Val Amaya for his longtime service to the Club by designating him as a Christian D. Larson Partner. Val Amaya, is currently serving on club board of directors. For more information on just what an Optimist club does, please contact: Irene Chow, President: (714) 619-1125,

WISHING TREE LUSH Coffee and Tea, 324 Main St., Vista, replaces the usual tree of ornaments and tinsel with the Merry Tree of Wishes. CHANGEOVER AT The tree becomes home to MIRACOSTA MiraCosta College hundreds of wishes from getting a dog to beating Board of Trustees honored cancer. Come in, pick an TURN TO WHO’S NEWS ON 18



T he C oast News - I nland E dition

DEC. 5, 2014

the aw-shucks face of this Without question, De- franchise. “We don’t care what cember is his month. Without question, he’s the scoreboard says,’’ Rivcouldn’t do it without Philers added. “We are just going to play crazy for each other.’’ You’re nuts in doubting Rivers. In a month where belief is king, the Chargers believe Rivers is a gift that keeps on giving. “That’s why,’’ Floyd said, “he is the best quarterback in the league.’’ Others might disagree. But nobody matches Rivers in saving their best for the year’s last month.




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Contact Jay Paris at Follow him on Twitter at jparis_sports. He talks Chargers football on 1360 AM on Monday mornings at 8. PRINT DATES: 10/10, 10/17, 10/31, 11/14, 11/28, 12/12; & INLAND Edition: 10/10, 10/24, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5, 12/19

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DEC. 5, 2014

T he C oast News - I nland E dition

A rts &Entertainment

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arts CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

DEC. 5 SEASONAL GUITARS The Encinitas Guitar Orchestra will perform its holiday and seasonal program “A Christmas, Renaissance and Baroque Guitar Or-

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chestra” at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 5 at Bethlehem Lutheran Church, 925 Balour Drive, Encinitas. For more information, contact Peter Pupping at Guitar Sounds, (760) 943-0755 or JUMPIN’ JAZZ Jazz on Cedros from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. Dec. 5 at 320 S. Cedros Ave, #400, Solana Beach, hosted by Anna Danes Presents and Carruth Cellars. Tickets are $10 online at jazzoncedros.eventbrite. com. INDIE SCREENING Enjoy a free screening of the Indie Spanish comedy ‘La Despedida’ at 7 p.m. Dec. 5 in the Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad. SISTERHOOD THEATRE The new all-woman theater group is seeking female performers, age 40 on, for 2015 shows. Tryouts by appointment only. Weekly rehearsals start January 2015. Contact director at or (619) 846-7416. DEC. 6 CAROLS OF CARLSBAD Carlsbad Educational Foundation’s free Carols of Carlsbad by Carlsbad Unified School District classes will be held from 3 to 5 p.m.
at the Omni La Costa Resort & Spa, 2100 Costa del Mar, Carlsbad. Sponsored by Omni and Jazzercise. TURN TO ARTS CALENDAR ON 23


The fact is, Hutchinson is back in a good place

By Alan Sculley

Eric Hutchinson was well aware going into his third album, “Pure Fiction,” that he was reaching what for many artists is a critical point in their careers. “Some of my favorite artists, their third album ends up being where I feel like they really started to nail their sound and really break through,” Hutchinson said in a recent phone interview. “I had that in the back of my mind when I was making this album. I feel like there was some learning curve on the first album and then refining that some on the second, and being able to sort of take what I’d learned, I feel like everything was leading up to making this record.” Time will tell what the “Pure Fiction” CD does to further (or dampen) Hutchinson’s career. But Hutchinson said he feels like he’s at a good place in his career and clearly believes he made a third album he can stand behind. His enthusiasm for passing the third album test began to build early in the writing process for “Pure Fiction.”

Eric Hutchinson will perform at the House of Blues, San Diego Dec. 7. Photo by Jeff Lipsky

“This album was a little different because some of the songs started coming so fast in a way I wasn’t used to,” Hutchinson said. “I immediately booked some studio time in L.A., jumped on a plane and went on out there and was recording some of this stuff like almost instantly because it just felt so good and it felt like I knew exactly what to do with it. And I had some great producers, Jerrod Bettis and Aben Eubanks, that I think really took the songs to another level.” The music that emerged for “Pure Fic-

tion” will sound familiar enough to Hutchinson fans. Always an artist who has written cheerful pop songs, Hutchinson on “Pure Fiction” leans even further toward peppy, bursting-at-the-seams-with melody pop. If smiles made noise, they’d probably sound a lot like “Tell The World,” “A Little More” or “A Love Like You.” That said, there are a couple of acoustic-oriented tracks that have a bit of melancholy (“Goodnight Goodbye” and “Sun Goes Down”), but they’re pleasTURN TO HUTCHINSON ON 23

• Specializing in Drought Tolerant Plants • Cactus & Succulents • Shrubs & Foundation


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

DEC. 5, 2014


terproof, bowl-grabbing, dish-scrubbing electronic friend to work at my elbow. I have clearly watched too many cooking shows. I want all the ingredients premeasured in cute little

bowls and every new electric mixer/squeezer/roller at my elbow. Instead I drag hard-asrock bags of sugar out of the pantry, leaking flour bags and butter from the freezer, try to find the cinnamon amid the basil and pepper flakes, and always

discover the vanilla is down to fumes. But as visions of sugarplums, aka shortbread, cranberry, oatmeal, iced, chocolate chunk, pecan, peanut butter, toffee cookies, gooey layered bars and more, fill my head, I am rolling up my sleeves to add to the madness. I’m going for four dozen. If I’m going to cream butter and sugar, melt chocolate, stir endlessly over medium heat and get seriously sticky, I’m going to go big. What? Four dozen isn’t all that big? Hey, I need to ease into this. I don’t want to pull a hammie. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer double-knotting her apron and dreaming of a sweet Christmas. Contact her at

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DEC. 5, 2014


ing that former coach James Choe won 16 games the past two seasons and graduated several key contributors, but Basehore has a talented trio of backcourt players, including sophomore Jamison “JJ” Overton, junior Beni Mokili and junior Lamarr “LJ” Crouch, a transfer from Cathedral Catholic High School. If their showing against Cathedral in the first game of the season — a closerthan-the-score-indicates 64-50 loss against one of the section’s top teams - is any indication, the Broncos could be a sleeper in Division 3. 3. Key departures impact top teams As mentioned earlier, La Costa Canyon lost arguably the section’s top on-ball defender in 6-foot-4 guard Patrick Fisher, who transferred to Vermont Academy and reclassified to the class of 2016. The Mavericks will try to replace his output by committee, with junior forward Jack McNulty — a transfer from Wilsonville, Ore. — and senior guard Matt Hartman getting the first crack. But the Mavericks are not the only team with key losses due to graduation or transfer. Torrey Pines, which advanced to the state playoffs last season, was stunned when star junior guard Brandon Cyrus, originally from Canada, transferred to La Lumiere High School in Indiana. Cyrus was a unique player for John Olive, as no one on the current roster can replicate his game-changing athleticism and versatility. But don’t weep for Olive too much- the Falcons still have a talented roster, which includes fringe Division 1 basketball prospect Dominic Hovasse, who could be poised to have a breakout season during his senior campaign. Also, look for 6-foot-5 senior forward Marek Sullivan to be one of the surprise storylines of the basketball season. The soft-spoken wing is one of the best players in San Diego you’ve never heard of — but could become a household name by season’s end. 4. Freshmen, transfers continue to have impact A number of factors over recent years — the increasing number of youth playing on competitive travel basketball teams, parents starting their children later in school or having their kids repeat grades to gain athletic advantages — have resulted in freshmen basketball players having a much quicker impact at the high school level than in previous seasons. Last year, Orange Glen saw four freshmen — Deven and Michael Diaz, Gabriel Macias and Trevor Owens – contribute to the team’s Division 4 title, the school’s first basketball title in 15 years. This year is no different, as several


T he C oast News - I nland E dition freshmen are expected to play key roles on their varsity teams. At the top of the list in North County is Vista point guard Taurus Samuels, who had an impressive fall campaign and could earn a starting role early in his career for head coach Charlie Mercado. Warren Washington, a versatile 6-foot-7 forward, will also have a major role on an Escondido team that is one of the top teams in a stacked Division 1. El Camino will break in freshman guard Jalen Flanagan, a 6-foot defensive ace, and Poway freshman Zach Reiter, a 6-foot-1 bruiser of a guard, could play a key role on a Titans team that lost many of its role players to graduation. In addition, another recent phenomena — the high-school transfer — has also played a significant role in the high-school scene. Fueled by a change a few years ago that allows basketball players to compete with their new steams after sitting out 30 days — rather than a full season — transfers have become a staple to the hoops landscape. This year’s biggest transfers

hail south of State Highway 56, but Cathedral Catholic has one of the top transfers in 6-foot-5 junior utility guard Austin Beech from Vista Murrieta. In addition, Joey Lagrua, Calvin Christian’s leading scorer the past three seasons, joins Orange Glen in January and only bolsters a team that will be a major force in Division 3. Aziz Seck, who transferred to Army Navy from the East Coast, could be a game changer in the rugged Coastal League. Jack McNulty, who transferred from Wilsonville, a strong Oregon program, could have a key role for the Mavericks in their quest to repeat as Open Division champions. 5. Championship aspirations The Mavericks are not the only North County team with legitimate title hopes. Torrey Pines hopes to knock off the Mavericks in the same Open Division, a season removed from falling five point short of a berth in the championship game. Three North County teams – Escondido, San

In loving memory of

LAUREN MARIE OGEE November 21, 2014

Lauren Marie Ogee, 33, passed away on Friday November 21, 2014 in Oceanside, California. She In loving memory of

Marcos and Army Navy — all are strong contenders in a Division 1 that boasts no fewer than six teams with a shot at winning the title. Mt Carmel, which has taken its lumps during the early season, could be a dark horse in Division 2. Orange Glen – which will suit up Lagrua in January – is considered by many to be the favorite in Division 3, despite suffering an early season loss to Santana. Rancho Bernardo also has a solid chance in Division 3 due to its stellar guard play and scrappy defense. North County Preseason Top 10 1. La Costa Canyon 2. Torrey Pines 3. San Marcos 4. Escondido 5. Army Navy 6. El Camino 7. Mission Hills 8. Poway 9. Mt Carmel 10. Vista Honorable mention: Westview, Santa Fe Christian, Orange Glen, Rancho Bernardo, Carlsbad, Fallbrook, Oceanside.

was born August 18, 1981, in Torrance California, the daughter of Alicia Ogee and Todd Ogee. Lauren grew up in Vista, California. She enjoyed playing softball as a young girl and continued playing on a local softball team. She enjoyed camping and hiking with her family as a young girl and enjoyed vacationing with her mother in Kauai. Lauren was an avid San Diego Chargers football fan and rarely missed a game with her “Charger” friends. She worked at Corner Bakery in Carlsbad, California. Lauren loved to help

others and was a mentor for women in recovery. Lauren is survived by; her mother, Alicia, her father Todd, her brother Bradley and his wife Nina and their two children. She also leaves behind her beloved aunts, uncles, cousins and close friends. Funeral services will be held Tuesday December 9 at 4:00 pm at Eternal Hills Memorial Park, Oceanside California. Lauren loved her dog Cali, her Boston Terrier, and in lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made to the San Diego Humane Society in Oceanside, California.

memory of her Daddy and stepchildren



ELINORE GOLEMBIEWSKI their family dog Mickey, or Ron Golembiewski, and her November 26, 2014

Like the intensely flavored foods that Elinore Golembiewski (née Neelson) adored, Ellie lived her life with gusto: whether laughing at bawdy jokes, her two daughters’ goofiness, or an oft-repeated favorite silly story; crying over a sentimental movie with her husband, a cherished Elmer E. Labbe, 85 Vista March 17, 1929 - Nov. 25, 2014 Carl Robert Pendell, Jr., 64 San Marcos Jan. 30, 1950 - Nov. 22, 2014 Ann Cara McCoy, 72 Encinitas Oct. 16, 1942 - Nov. 25, 2014 Normand Martin Ouellette, 66 Carlsbad Aug. 18, 1948 - Nov. 22, 2014

her own life’s misfortunes; or playing with bold color, beauty and whimsy in her jewel-toned wardrobe, artfilled home, and sumptuous garden. Born in the South Shore neighborhood of Chicago in 1940, Ellie raised her own family in both Park Ridge and Highland Park yet lived her last decade amongst the sunny hills of San Diego. Ellie passed on November 26, 2014 after a long, valiant fight against the after-effects of a brain tumor. She is survived by her doting daughters Laura Shames and Wendy Shames (Anthony Lyons), her devoted husband Daniel Golembiewski, her beloved grandson Asher Shames-Lyons, her loving

darling dogs Munchkin and Harry. Ellie was predeceased by her adoring parents William and Rose Neelson, her infant daughter Allison, and her dear sister Judy Buben. Ellie was a fun, dignified, and courageous woman. We are all better for having known and loved her and we will miss her more than words can ever convey. A celebration of life memorial is being held in her honor on Friday, December 5, 2014 at her Oceanside, CA home. In lieu of flowers you may make donations to the Alzheimer’s Association, the San Diego Botanic Garden, or the Bichon Fur Kids of San Diego.

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“LEST WE FORGET” Seventy-three years ago, on December 7th, 1941, the Japanese attacked American forces at Pearl Harbor, killing over 2,400 Americans, wounding 1,282, destroying 188 aircraft, sinking four Navy battleships, and, as the world later found out, awakening a sleeping giant. President Franklin D. Roosevelt described December 7, 1941, as a “date which will live in infamy.” May every generation remember the battles fought on that day, remember the heroes, and all those who were lost that day. We owe these men and women our eternal gratitude and honor them today and every day for the freedoms we, as Americans, enjoy!




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T he C oast News - I nland E dition


DEC. 5, 2014

Camp P endleton News


The CoasT




AUG. 1, 2014




Region feeling effects of drought Burg in By Aaron

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The Inland Edition

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North Park Produce, Vista Way Café, Los Reys Tortilleria, Vista Chamber Of Commerce, Postal Annex, Rancho Vista Market, Holiday Liquor & Wine, Country Feed Store, Tommy’s Market, Barnicles Enterprises, North County Intl’ Market, Pat’s Bait & Tackle, Mossy BMW, Nutrition Zone, Allen’s Alley, Iron Fist Brewing Co, Coffee Cart Biz, Curbside Cafe, Lush Coffee & Tea, Hennessey’s Tavern, Fifty Barrels Urban Winery, Mother Earth Brew Co, Little Cakes Cupcake Kitchen, Couple Berry Farms, Coyote Cafe, Royal Liquor Of Vista, Corner Café, Vista’s Icebox Deli, Bit O’Britian Grocery Store, Book Place, Nucci’s Italian Café & Pizza, Egg Market Liquor, Feliccia’s Italian Deli, Vista Motorcycle, Dairy Queen, La Vista Liquor & Deli, Country Market, Vista Wine & Spirits, Superior Court Of Cal, Discount Tire, The Original Pancake House, Niko’s Steak Burgers, Vista Courthouse, Mobil Gas, La Quinta Motel, IHOP, Frazier Farms Market, Coco’s, Primo Foods, North County Ford, Entertainment Center, (Bus Stop B) 99 Cent Store, Street Rack Harbor Freight Tools INGWAY FINDING HEM

nt West was g forward more than Vista reside rtson, with weather in Keysaid he’s definitely lookin Robertson West, Fla. Robe Robertson said the courtesy Tom d cat. He week. d toy six-toe ff and Phoenix, Az. Photo contest last Cardi carrying a stuffe sweater and his residences between Collins, splits

SAN MARCOS Palomar Station Apts, CVS, AAA, Grocery Outlet, Home Sweet Home Cafe, Corner Liquor, Postal Annex, Chateau Lake San Marcos, San Marcos Library, Us Colleges Of San Marcos, Cal State San Marcos, Discount Tire Co, Jersey Mikes, My Kitchen, Chevron G&M, Lake San Marcos Club Room, Stumblefoot Brewing Co, Cal State San Marcos, San Marcos Car Wash, Rancho Vallecitos, Dos Desperados Brewery, Capella Coffee Co, Mariah’s West Wind Restaurant, Turner Outdoorsman, North County Yamaha, NCY, George Burger, Pizza Nova, Ryan Brothers Coffee, Tinas Deli, Market & Liquor, Nordahl’s Liquor, Compadre Grill Chicken, Joslyn Senior Center, Boys And Girls Club, Twin Oaks Valley Park, Fosters Donuts, Bubble Tea, The Ups Store, San Marcos: Senior Center, Boudin Sf Bakery Deli, Menchies Frozen Yogurt, Oscar’s Mexican Food, Chevron G&M, Rancho Santa Fe Gas, Highlander Center, Philly Frank’s Cheestakes, Crispy’s Donuts, Gourmet Liquors, The Tropical Connection, Ralphs Privately Owned, Cal State San Marcos, Cal State San Marcos, Froyo Love, Yogurt Utopia, Liquor Deli Stop, Lake San Marcos Country Club, Broodale Place Of San Marcos, Broken Yolk, L&L Hawaiian Barbecue, Twin Oaks Valley Market, San Marcos Deli, S.M. Community Health Cntr., Lee’s Aquarium & Pet Products, Fish House Vera Cruz

ESCONDIDO Panda Express / Bus Stop, Los Charros, IHOP, Escondido Transit Ctr, Arco, J&M’s Family Restaurant, IHOP, Albertsons,Vons, Auto Park Car Wash, Panera Bread, Stone Brewing World Bistro & Garden, Gray Bill Medical Group, Kettle Coffee & Tea, O’Sullivan’s Irish Pub, Salon Sultry, Cuscatlan Comida Salvadoreña, Latinos Market, Plan 9 Alehouse, Swami’s Cafe, Swirlz Candy, Grand Dentistry, Visit Escondido, Vinz Wine Bar, Donut World, Laundry Service, Big O Tires, Synfast Oil Change, Vons 2156, Circle K, East Valley Community Center, Mikki’s Café, Town & Country Club Park, Wrangler Family Barbecue, J & M’s Midway Liquor, Yum Yum Donuts, Agrusas Super Sandwiches, Subzero Ice Cream & Yogurt, Elixir Espresso & Wine Bar, North County Tavern+Bowl, Panera Bread, Springs Of Escondido, Marte’s Donuts, Lenas Liquor, Smokey’s Lake Wohlford Cafe, Meadow Lake Golf Course, Escon. Chamber Of Commerce, Kaiser Permanente, Palomar Family YMCA, Casa Escondido/ Rec Center, Mr Blue’s Donut Shop, City Hall, America’s Best Value Inn (Escon) Circle K, Sun Valley Fuel, Charlie’s Family Restaurant, 7 Eleven, Corner Liquor & Market, Park Avenue Community Center, Prudential, Pet Haus, Motel Mediteranian, Jimbo’s Naturally, Trader Joes, Major Market, Discount Tire, Georgias Liquor, Varso Gas, Center City Café, Peterson’s Donut Corner, Hacienda De Vega, Green Tree, Escondido Public Library, Escogelato Continental Delicatessen, Westside Cafe, Twin Oaks Animal Hospital, Hodges Golf Learning Center, Escondido Humane Society, Sprouts Farmers Market, Tom’s Famous Family Restaurant, Acacia Animal Health Center, Chase Bank, Cal Postal, El Norte Medical Group, Go Mart Liquor, Shell Union 76 Station, Blue Mug Coffee & Tea, Hungry Bear Sub Shop, Donut Star, Marcus Liquor, The Yogurt Place, Filippi’s Pizza, A Delight Of France, California Avocado Grill, Pedro’s Downtown Deli, Grand Avenue Barber Shop, Bellamy’s Restaurant, Joe’s Italian Dinners, Pounders Sports Pub, Escondido World Mkt, Stater Bros, Golden State Market, Golden Egg Omelet House, Farmer Boys, Natural Best Foods Deli, Oriental Food Market, CVS, 7 Eleven, Family Care Dental, Mike’s BBQ, Fatburger, Signature Bagels & Deli, Savoy Donuts, Juice It Up, Coco’s Family Restaurant, Rite Aid Pharmacy, Kotija Taco Shop, Heriberto Taco, Tortilleria La Esperanza, Antonios Mexican Food, Vallarta Super Market, Mini Market Midway, Coast News Office Copies

10,000 copies delivered to 350 locations every other week

Marines with 2nd Platoon, Force Company, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, I Marine Expeditionary Force, prepare combat rubber raiding crafts for helocast operations off the coast of Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Calif., Nov. 19, 2014. Helocast operations allow recon Marines to move from air to land in a quick and stealthy manner. Photo by Cpl. Joshua Murray

Marines take beach

By Cpl. Joshua Murray

CAMP PENDLETON — If you saw helicopters hovering along the coast, you may have seen the Marines with 2nd Platoon, Force Company, 1st Reconnaissance Battalion, conducting helocast exercises off the coast of Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton Nov. 19. Helocasting is a method of insertion into coastal regions in which Marines jump from helicopters into the ocean and use combat rubber raiding crafts. They are then capable of moving quickly and silently to the shore to conduct reconnaissance and surveillance operations. Corp. Jeff Sanders, a reconnaissance Marine with Force Company, said insertion methods like helocasting give the Marines of Force Company another tool to complete their mission. “Helocasting is really vital to us when it comes to doing R&S missions in pretty much any coastal area,” Sanders said. “It drops us

close to the beach but still allows us to make our way onto land undetected.” Helocast training exercises enhance the Marines’ tactical proficiency so they are prepared to deploy wherever they are needed. Staff Sgt. Blake Flannery, a reconnaissance Marine with Force Company, said the training is an excellent way for Marines to learn more efficient ways to conduct drops. “Whenever we go on training ops our main priority is to perfect the skills that allow us to complete our mission and find ways to improve our standard operating procedures,” said Flannery. “We take everything that happens during the training, good and bad, and evaluate and study it over and over to find ways to make us the best we can be.” While all training exercises have some safety concerns, jumping from a helicopter into the ocean

presents its own unique risks. Sanders said the members of Force Company take Marine Corps safety procedures very seriously. “There are a lot of different aspects that come into play when we are helocasting,” said Sanders. “From the moment we step inside the bird until the time we are back on the beach, safety is our number one priority. The last thing we want is for our training to end with a trip to the hospital.” As the Marine Corps re-shifts its focus on its naval roots, conducting seato-shore training plays an essential role in successfully fulfilling the needs of the Corps. “The Marine Corps is a unique beast,” Flannery said. “We are meant to be on the water and to be able to go ashore wherever we are needed at a moment’s notice, and I’m going to ensure that all of the Marines with me can do just that.”

Christmas trees and more on base CAMP PENDLETON — The holiday season will kick off on base with the Dec. 5 Trees for Troops event. The Christmas SPIRIT Foundation and FedEx will once again deliver fresh Christmas trees to Camp Pendleton. This holiday expo will be filled with fun events, sponsor booth and free food and beverage sampling from you favorite on-base restaurants. The two Trees for Troops locations are: • Paige Fieldhouse Parking Lot, Bldg 1110 (Mainside) Tickets given out at 7 a.m. • San Onofre TRS Center, Bldg 51919 (Formerly Community Center) Tickets given out at 6 a.m. The annual Holiday Toy Express train is scheduled to arrive at 6 p.m. at the Pacific Plaza and Commissary area Dec. 8. The train, sponsored by Metrolink, will be making a

stop at Camp Pendleton for the seventh year to entertain families and collect toys for the less fortunate. The 41-stop tour, which passes through six counties, brings a brightly-lit, 450-ton train decorated with holiday displays and 50,000 twinkling lights. The visit will also provide an opportunity for families to donate gifts to the Toys for Tots foundation and enjoy free entertainment provided by Metrolink and the base. The event will feature a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus, family activities, giveaways, free refreshments and a musical performance. On Dec. 6 will be the Monarchs for Marines Holiday Lunch with Santa at noon in the Paige Fieldhouse. Sponsored by the Mater Dei High School Dance Team and Football Team. Registration begins at 11 a.m. for the first 200 children ages 3 to 13. Enjoy lunch, a visit with Santa

and stocking gifts for each child. It’s time for the Frostbite Regatta Dec. 7 at the Del Mar Marina and Sailing Center. Join us for a race clinic Dec. 6 with water drills and a day of racing on Dec. 7 with a barbecue and trophies. Call (760) 725-SAIL for fees and registration. There will be a Family Readiness Resource Fair from 1 to 5 p.m. Dec. 10 in the Stuart Mesa Housing Area. For more information, call (760) 725-9052 On Dec. 25, Panda Express has a Military Appreciation Day from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Pacific Plaza Panda Express. Receive a free two-item combo meal with a small drink. All active duty military, family members, retirees and DOD are eligible. Military identification is required. Additional charge for premium entrees.

DEC. 5, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

Food &Wine

What’s in your glass? Marina Kitchen’s Blind Tasting taste of wine frank mangio

Farmer Leo is growing with excitement over the successes his Encinitas farmstand is having since opening earlier this year. Photo by David Boylan

Hanging out at Farmer Leo’s

guna, which I remember the degree, which had little practical farming experibeing excited about. ence, I trained to be a chef. Tell me a bit about your Eventually, I had my own path to owning a farm in catering company in EmEncinitas. What people eryville, Calif. called Daily and places were influential Harvest Catering- featuring all local, farm-fresh in making this happen?

My first farming men- organic produce prepared tor picked me up hitchhik- vegan. The business was ening near Carmel, (Calif.). I was heading home for joyable for a couple years, Spring Break from Berke- but I wanted to return to ley, and John picked me up farming. With two friends, in his farm truck. Turns out who had just completed the he was not only an organic CASFS apprenticeship, we farmer, but also going to started Sol Food Farm in visit his boyfriend in San- Sebastopol, Calif. These ta Barbara. I subsequently two friends taught me just spent

a lot of time at his about everything about very remote farm way up running a small farm. I Carmel Valley, and learned was seeking farmland a lot of the techniques and near to my home in South style that I still practice to- Orange County area, and day (both of farming and eventually with the help being gay, ha-ha), almost of a friend in Encinitas, I 20 years ago. Not long after began searching in North meeting John, I decided to County. My first location take off to Australia to pur- was along 101 in North Leusue WWOOFing. A friend cadia — a nice lot between had told me about the pro- Scott’s Automotive and the gram — 1/2 day’s work on Bar Leucadian. The trana farm traded for the day’s sition to this current propfood and accommodation erty happened partly due Before departing, I applied to Facebook. Allegedly, for the Agro ecology and my current landlord was Sustainable Agriculture searching for a farmer for degree program, also at this spot and typed “farmUCSC. While WWOOFing er� in the Facebook search on one of the five farms bar, and Farmer Leo’s in I visited during those six Leucadia popped up. This months, I got notice of ac- new property is fantastic, ceptance for the degree TURN TO LICK THE PLATE ON 18 program. After completing


fter hearing about Farmer Leo from my friends at Fish 101 months ago as someone I should know in the local foodie/ farming scene, I finally had the opportunity to meet him at the Leucadia Farmer’s Market recent ly. Leo is very passionate about what he does and I think it’s great that he is making it work in Encinitas. We had a conversation recently and here are some highlights.

Where did you grow up? Was there any farming going on in your family? There was no farming in my family. My folks, both born in New York City, had separately migrated to California and united in the swinging 1960’s of Los Angeles. I grew up in Capo Beach and Dana Point, which was a smallish town then. There was farming surrounding my junior high school and grazing cattle in North La-


here is no more knowledgeable or h a rder-work i ng advanced sommelier in San Diego than Josh Orr at Marina Kitchen at the Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina, who in a short time in the wine presenting business has distinguished himself as the acclaimed winner of the prestigious national Top/ Somm competition. He has recently wowed wine tasters with a unique series of “Wine Wednesdays,� an opportunity to learn from and taste alongside Orr. The sessions begin each Wednesday at 6 p.m. and go until 7 p.m., although guest interest usually takes the get-togethers well beyond that time. On the night I covered the event, the charge was $40 per person for six generous glasses of wine plus three to four paired dishes from Executive Chef Aron

Marina Kitchen’s Top Sommelier winner Josh Orr pours a red wine at a recent Blind Tasting seminar. Photo by Frank Mangio

Schwartz. But the real treat is an hour or so with this phenomenal sommelier that is a world encyclopedia of wine knowledge. Blind Tastings are at once humbling and exciting. With no visual telltale label, tasters are asked to reveal their sense of sight, smell, swirl and sip on the palate. It is the ultimate test

in wine. One such session was on the schedule of Wine Wednesdays at Marina Kitchen and Josh Orr was at his best. “There is no label to influence tasting, no tasting room, you are sitting around discussing and giving an opinion about what is in your glass. Is the juice delivering or not,� he pointTURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON 18




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T he C oast News - I nland E dition




ed out. “You can put your nose into the glass and process the aroma and identify what you are smelling. Is it a strong berry scent like California wines, or a strong herb and mineral scent like an Italian or French wine? Each grape has its own signature and personality.” I came to a red wine that I sensed was from an old world country like France or Italy, but it smelled initially like garbage. A small bite of bread and cheese and the scent and taste blossomed into a work of art. Suddenly I had a special wine, which turned out to be a Rhone Valley French Syrah from Hermitage. “That one has lots of flavor that people don’t normally associate with wine,” said Orr. “Especially if it isn’t from the west coast of America, and comes from the old world with its earthy notes, like olives, black pepper, oregano, smoky meat. These wines need a chance to grow on the palate. I have fallen in love with Syrah, a complex wine, amazing with food pairing,” he concluded. His December Wine Wednesdays are Dec. 3 Australian Wines, Dec. 10 Holiday Food and Wine Pairing, and Dec. 17 Bubbles for the Holidays. Call (619) 234-1500 for reservations.



the course of a region,” Colfi said. Amnesty International has grown to 3 million volunteers worldwide. This year global writea-thons will be held Dec. 7 to reflect the year round efforts of the organization. “People will write on their own, and also be gathering with local groups at schools and religious institutions,” Colfi said. Locally, Amnesty International Group 471 will hold a write-a-thon at Rancho Buena Vista High School. The school’s teachers and students have been longtime supporters of Amnesty International. High school teacher Erica Glennon has participated as a volunteer, and involved her students as a club and individuals for 25 years. Last



what he calls, “pretty pieces of glass,” for people’s home décor, but he’s looking to move out of that, he said. Where he’s looking to turn to now is fine art, including sculpture and more public pieces. With a background in crafts and a degree in ceramics it was the process that attracted Cohen to working with glass. “It’s a very succinct process that you have to hone in to do the same thing over and over and over again — it’s very hypnotic. “It’s a lot like medi-

DEC. 5, 2014

peas as well as cabbage and broccoli on the way. I also am growing about eight times the size Hatch, N.M. chilies and eggof the previous space and plant in the greenhouse for this corner of Encinitas is as long as I can! very special- with San Elijo Lagoon views and very few You have a farm stand, a neighbors. CSA program and are at the Leucadia Farmer’s Market, Are you selling to any local are there other locations for restaurants? folks to purchase your proI sell to many local duce? restaurants, including SolThe produce stand at terra Winery and Kitchen, the farm will re-open in the Priority Public House, Ur- spring and for now we are reban Pi, and Seaside Market placing it with the Wednescurrently. Farmers markets day Encinitas Station Farmare a place where restau- ers Market. CSA pick up rants can access my produce, happen at this market and along with hundreds of other the Leucadia market on Sunamazing local produce and days. I often have labeled products! produce at Seaside Market. CONTINUED FROM 17

Wine Spectator has named the Dow’s 2011 Vintage Port from Porto, Portugal, the No. 1 wine in the world. Photo courtesy Dow

Portugal Hits the Jackpot in Wine Spectator’s Top 10 It was a surprise to some, shocking to others, when Wine Spectator revealed its Top 10, with Dow’s 2011 Port coming in No. 1. First time ever for a port, plus two other Portuguese wines turned up in the Top Ten, and six Portuguese wines turned up in the top 100. Remarkable! Port is Portugal’s most famous and popular export, intoxicating, and the pride of the Douro Valley. Although Port has been produced here for centuries, it was only after the British discovered a taste for it, at the end of the 17th century, that word of the quality spread across the continents. What gives authentic “Porto” its unique quality, flavor and aroma is the ideal rocky acidic soil, a warm, sunny climate and sweet grapes

found in the upper Douro Valley about 60 miles east of the city of Porto. With fermentation, grape brandy is added to the wine. This stops fermentation and allows the winemakers to make adjustments for taste and sweetness. Some of the most popular styles of port include: Tawny Port, which is lighter and not as sweet as ruby or vintage ports. Aged Tawny, blended from a range of different aged wines and Vintage Port, intense in color, left in a cask two to three years and aged in bottles for many years. Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. He is one of the leading wine commentators on the web. View and link up with his columns at Reach him at and follow him on Facebook.

year she was honored for her service. “She’s amazing in motivating the students about conditions outside of Oceanside (where many students live), and taking them outside themselves,” Colfi said. “Students can learn from (historical) past mistakes and change the future.” Amnesty International groups in Ocean Beach and Hillcrest will also hold write-a-thons. The event at Rancho Buena Vista High School will feature human rights defender and keynote speaker David Bu Dongwei, who was a former prisoner of consciousness in China. Dongwei will speak about his imprisonment, and his outlook that got him through the ordeal. “He’s amazing and remarkable,” Colfi said. His testimony will in-

spire a night of letter writing for current political prisoners. Background on prisoners and addresses to contact government officials will be provided to participants. Ngugi wa Thiong’o, writer and former prisoner of consciousness of Kenya, and Enrique Morones, human rights defender and event presenter, will also speak. Last year the annual candlelight walk held at the Oceanside Pier drew 1,200 participants. Colfi said 300 people are expected to attend the first write-a-thon, which will be held in the school theater as an open house that allows participants to come and go. Refreshments and music will part of the evening. The write-a-thon at Rancho Buena Vista High School will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. Dec. 7. For more information on the event visit facebook. com/Amnesty471.

tation,” Cohen said. “You have to A, pay attention, and B, you’re in the now, completely in the now. There is no extraneous conflict, or any kind of static going on around you. The ability to focus on the glass is so intense that it puts you in a completely different state of mind.” John Pourroy, who started in 2001 at Palomar College studying with Cohen, said that enrolling in the glass program had changed the course of his life. While Pourroy still works as Cohen’s assistant at Glass Ranch studio, he now manages his own studio, Mars Glass. Working with Cohen,

Pourroy said, has become almost a synchronized procedure. As his assistant for several years, Pourroy said that he and Cohen can move around the dance floor (what the work area is referred to as) without much communication at all. “There are steps that you have to go through from start to finish, and having been exposed and been around him and glass for so long, I can recognize where he’s at in the project and I know what’s coming up,” Pourroy said. Tours of Glass Ranch are available by emailing garrycohenstudio@

What’s in season right now? Tomatillos are cranking. Bok Choy and related dark leafy greens are bumping. All things lettuce- from micro mix, baby salad mix, mini heads, to full-sized Romaine are all celebrating life. We’ll be seeing more

I’ve heard a lot about your farm diners and brunches, tell me about those and do you have any coming up? The farm meals are my favorite junction of the farmland and the community’s nourishment. The opener this past year was put on by Outstanding In the Field


Pd.D. in Organizational Management and Development plus degrees in business and psychology. Nonprofit Hospice of the North Coast was established in 1980 to fill the need for comprehensive, compassionate hospice care in North County San Diego.


Trustee Ron Ruud at its Nov. 19 meeting, Ruud represented trustee area 2, covering Solana Beach, Cardiff and Rancho Santa Fe. He will be replaced by Rick Cassar, who will be sworn in Dec. 10. NEW OFFICE FOR ROBERTS Supervisor Dave Roberts expanded his reach on Thursday as county supervisors from across the state elected him to serve as second vice president of the California State Association of Counties. In addition to the new leadership role, Roberts will continue to serve on three CSAC panels: Health & Human Services Policy Committee, Administration of Justice Policy Committee and the Urban Counties Caucus Board of Directors. NEW HOSPICE DIRECTORS Mike Davis and Leonard Martyns have joined the Hospice of the North Coast (HNC) Board of Directors. Davis is a seasoned leader as Fire Chief for the city of Carlsbad and holds a master’s degree in Public Administration. Martyns is a retired professor and corporate director with a


in 20 years, we’re going to be addressing the city’s demonstration of water conservation so I just wanted to make sure you’re taking that into extreme consideration,” the newest commissioner, Mathew Taylor told Grove. “I just want to make sure it’s representing Escondido, where it’s going as well as where it is.” A main walkway will be added to give pedestrians a route to go from the Maple Street Plaza to Pennsylvania Avenue. Some pedestrian and bike paths will be widened to make for easier access.

NEW VISTA EXPANSION Dempsey Construction has completed the ground-up construction of at 4,200-square-foot multitenant retail building and customer drive-through at the North County Square Shopping Center, 1810 University Drive in Vista. According to Project Manager Paul Prellwitz, the new freestanding building is located on an outparcel at the North County Square Shopping Center. The new multi-tenant building features three individual tenant spaces, with Starbucks occupying the end suite. Dempsey Construction handled all site and building improvements. in collaboration with Whisk n Ladle to produce a phenomenal feast for 140 guests. More typical is 20 to 40 guests to come to the farm, have a cocktail and tour of the fields, and settle in to a linen-covered, flower and candle-lined table in the center of the farm for a sensational 5-course meal prepared with my peak-season produce as well as other local products. Now that the time has changed and the days are so short, I am hosting Brunch on the Farm! Visit for event update, links to Facebook and other social media for updates. Lick the Plate can now be heard on KPRi, 102.1 FM Monday - Friday during the 7pm hour. David Boylan is founder of Artichoke Creative and Artichoke Apparel, an Encinitas based marketing firm and clothing line. Reach him at or ( 858) 395-6905. transfer, as well as promoting collaboration among the institutions of higher education in North San Diego County. Additionally, Lori Schneider, administrative secretary to the dean of Academic Information Services, will be serving a two-year term as the NCHEA coordinator. FUNDRAISER SUPPORT GFWC Contemporary Women of North County volunteers Laura Wilson, Lisa Pratte, Cheryl Prater and Lynn Eades, made the silent auction happen at Casa de Amparo’s “Crystal Ball” In addition, CWONC member, Kim Ashby, made a quilt from material painted by the children at Casa de Amparo, which sold for $1,500. Casa de Amparo - a nonprofit organization, offers support programs and services aimed at treating and preventing child abuse and neglect. Visit

NEW APPOINTMENTS MiraCosta College Steven Deineh, instruction librarian, has been appointed to a two-year term as director of the North County Higher Education Alliance (NCHEA). NCHEA is charged with increasing the rates of student persistence and

SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Oceanside’s Springs Charter Schools’ La Fuente Student Center 1985 Peacock Blvd., Oceanside, hosts Community Nights on the third Thursday of the month, 4 to 6 p.m. Dec. 18 and Jan. 15. For additional information, contact Amy Heald at (951) 395-2591 or amy.

Among the other additions commissioners were shown, included a new stage behind the current train depot in the park, which Grove said, needs anchoring. He showed the commission plans to add concrete stamping of train tracks, and wood, which is cheaper to upkeep than the real thing. Another recommendation was brand new restrooms, since Grove said, restoring the old ones would cost almost as much as building new ones. Also, as a means to incorporate the James Stone Pool on Woodward Avenue, a walkway will be added

through the park and a half basketball court and horse shoe courts to the east of the current pool. Depending on approval and funding, either the pool will be completely redone to a competition-sized pool, or the current pool will get a facelift. At a recent meeting, McKinney told the council the pool is obsolete and in need of major upgrades. It currently isn’t accessible to people with disabilities, since it was built before the Americans with Disability Act passed in 1990. The plans will go in front of city council early next year for final approval.

DEC. 5, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition

ing to learn new skills. Take a close look at the qualifications you need to land a top position and start the ball rolling.

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

By Eugenia Last FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2014

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

Stay calm and plan every move in advance when dealing with money matters. Resist the pleas from anyone asking for a loan or handout. A strict budget will keep you from getting in over your head and allow you to save for something special. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) -Keep anyone trying to persuade you to do something that goes against your morals or beliefs at arm’s length. Don’t give in to temptation or you will damage your reputation and confidence.

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) -- Difficulties while traveling will be aggravating. Keep a level head during traffic delays or poor weather conditions. It’s best to slow down and let everything around you unfold naturally.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) -- Get out and interact with people who appreciate your attributes and stimulate your senses. Beneficial personal and professional connections will be made if you network. Share what you have to offer.

CANCER (June 21-July 22) -- You can reduce your stress level if you refuse to let others take advantage of you. Following your intuition will enable you to make the best choice.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) -- Don’t be tempted to reveal your personal secrets. Deal CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) -- Busi- with unfinished projects and chores. You ness and pleasure will go hand-in-hand. will accomplish all you set out to do and You will make a favorable impression on still have time left over for relaxation. your peers with your friendly and relaxed VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) -- The key to manner. Useful advice will come from an a current situation can be resolved if you unexpected source. discuss your dilemma with someone you AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) -- You will trust and respect. The expertise offered be overtly emotional to remarks or ges- will ensure that you are on the right path. tures made in your presence. Step away LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) -- Decisions refrom the situation before a heated discusgarding your financial future should take sion breaks out. It’s better to retreat than top priority. Make a list of everything you to have regrets. already have in place and set realistic PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) -- Take time to have some fun. Spend the day at a spa, take a hike or listen to music. Time spent alone or with someone you love will ease your jangled nerves.

goals to achieve your desired outcome.

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) -- Deception is evident. Someone will keep important information from you. Don’t believe everything that you are told or shown. Get ARIES (March 21-April 19) -- Your earn- the facts firsthand and you won’t make a ing potential can increase if you are will- costly mistake.

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


ALLEY OOP byJack & Carole Bender


CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@

DEC. 5 COLLEGE ART Palomar College will have art sale with live demonstrations from glass and ceramic artists, noon to 7 p.m., Dec. 5 at Palomar College Art Department Complex/ Courtyard, 1140 W. Mission Road, San Marcos. BEES AND MORE The Vista Garden Club will meet at noon Dec. 5 at the Vista Senior Center on Vale Terrace Drive, to make small dish gardens for shutins and hear the latest on

T he C oast News - I nland E dition bees. For more information call (760) 726-8737. LIVING NATIVITY See the Living Nativity, 6 to 8 p.m. Dec. 5 and Dec. 6 and 3 to 5 p.m. Dec. 7 at Lifeway Church, 1120 Highland Drive, Vista. Drive through or park and walk through. Admission is free. For more information, call (760) 724-2280 or visit DEC. 6 COIN SHOW The Oceanside-Carlsbad Coin Club will feature coins and currency for sale and trade from North County collectors at a free coin show from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Dec. 6 at the Carlsbad Dove Library, 1775 Dove Lane. For further information, contact Thor Strom at (760) 696-2821.

DEC. 7 MAGIC VILLAGE The Contemporary Women of North County will be among San Marcos residents helping at the Santa’s Magical Village opening at 9 a.m. Dec. 7 at the San Marcos Community Center Main Hall, 3 Civic Drive, San Marcos. Photos with Santa and a pancake breakfast until 11:30 a.m. Photos are $5. Holiday hair chalking will be available for a donation of $2. For more information, visit GOODIES AT THE MARKET San Marcos Certified Farmers Market presents a Holiday Craft Boutique 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dec. 7 at San Marcos Olde California Restaurant Row, 1020 W. San Marcos Blvd. For more information, text or call (760) 580-0116.

DEC. 5, 2014

HOME TOUR Vista Community Clinic invites all to its Holiday Homes Tour from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 7 of homes in Vista and Rancho Buena Vista Adobe, plus a bazaar, to benefit Kare for Kids fund. Tickets are $20 in advance at vistacommunityclinic. org/hht or call (760) 6315000, ext. 1139, or $25 at the door.

mia St., Escondido. CLUB LUNCH “Season of the Heart” is the theme of the San Marcos Christian Women's Club luncheon at 11:30 a.m. Dec. 8 with marriage and family counselor, Adrienne DiCamillo, at the St. Mark Golf Club, 1750 San Pablo Drive, San Marcos. Cost is $18. RSVP by Dec. 4 to Donna (760) 432-0772 or Martha (760) 471-7059. For more information, go to Stonecroft. DEC. 8 CHECK OUT E-BOOKS org. Escondido Public Library will offer “eReaders eX- DEC. 9 BOOK CLUB Escondiplained,” providing instruction and demonstra- do Public Library invites tions on how to access and adult readers to join the download free Library eB- 2nd Tuesday Book Club at 6 ooks and online magazines p.m. Dec. 9, 239 S. Kalmia to your smartphone, tab- St., Escondido in the Turlet, eReader, or computer. rentine Room. This month’s nonficeReaders eXplained, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. Dec. 8 and tion selection is “Destiny again Jan. 20, in the Tur- of the Republic: A tale of rentine Room, 239 S. Kal- madness, medicine and the

This Holiday Season

murder of a President” by Candice Millard. DEC. 10 SALUTE TO MARINES The Woman’s Club of Vista will meet at 10:30 a.m. Dec. 10 at the Shadowridge Country Club, 1980 Gateway Drive, Vista. The luncheon speakers will be HMLA 369 Family Readiness Officer Crystal Gates and two members of this Camp Pendleton helicopter squadron. RSVP to (760) 822-6824 or DEC. 13 GARDEN MUSIC From 10 a.m. to noon Dec. 13, join the Kids in the Garden class with Farmer Jones for a “Music in the Garden” program and singalong at 1270 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista. Cost is $5 per child. Adults will need to stay with their children and pay the $3 Garden entry fee. Pre-registration with Farmer Jones is required at or (760) 822-6824. DEC. 14 TEA TIME Santa Claus is coming to town with the Vista Historical Society’s annual Christmas Tea from 2 to 4 p.m. Dec. 14 at the Gloria McClellan Senior Center, 1400 Vale Terrace, Vista. The Encore Youth Choir with members of Vista’s Encore Youth Theatre, ages 7 to 17, will present Christmas music. For more information, call (760) 630-0444.

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DEC. 5, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


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VOL. 28,


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JUNE 20,

Council clo ser


Two commer be demolis cial structure hed to make s at Carlsba of retail d’s La way for and a revamp Costa Towne Center above, would apartment building that will retail. Courtesy include 48 apartmes. The larger includes the addition rendering nts, a courtyarnew building s , shown d for resident s, and

Carlsbad reta revamped il center to be with apartm ents

By Rachel


CARLSBAD for five years, — With the 33-yea it’s primary the corner By Jared storefr Whitlock last gettingof El Camino r-old La Costa Towneont empty Real and a ENCIN ITAS Center La Costa The ownerrevamp. another — The counci Avenue at molish two of the step toward is at cific View commercialproperty gained acquiring l took ter and site on Wedne the Pareplace approval Counc and half them structures favor of il members sday night. 2.3 times apartments with buildin in the shoppi to desion on April voted 3-2 ng centhat price.” from Carlsb gs that are conditionsa $50,00 0 deposi in Counc Edding ad’s Planni half retail t spelled Planning 16. dum of unders vocate of ilman Tony Kranz,ton said. out in a and other ng Comm Commissione coming memoranistandin an adty. That million the purchase, forwar figure ping center d with plans rs praised document g for the proper final purcha erty’s curren was based said the $4.3 the owner paves to redeve that they sign, and on the se agreem the way for t public council was only a main tenantsaid curren lop the dated s for zoning. propent, which a majority intend tly lacks shop“(La And ed as a first the end . signage, Additi of May. hopes to approv the wall. You Costa Towne Center offer. it deed in favoronally, Kranz e by But the is) just this said Plannihave no idea said he of upping agenda long debate ing that what’s inside, big long votng Comm item the ter EUSD price white sparke has issione it’s not invitin been long had a strong should have over whethe case, which knowd a overdue.” r Hap L’Heureux. Commissione rezoning even agreedr the counci g,” million much more would have l “This cenmall an to pay valuable. made the land Encinitasto acquire the eyesore. r Aurthur Neil The city Black called Union School site from $10 could the distric the Resident the little t’s rezonehave tried to fight Jeff EddingDistrict. excited would likely request, have but owning at the prospect ton said he’s pensive the court battle,resulted in anthat TURN TO cil is gettingsite, but worrieof the city TOWNE Last Kranz added. exCENTER ON “bamboozled d the counauction month, EUSD A15 “The Pacific View was due Pacific View the propercity offered $4.3 .” bid set at to with a minim Elementary, million past, and ty in the not-too ticking, $9.5 million. With um for cade ago. The which the city is now offerin the clock -distant dum of understacouncil approve closed a de- just before submit d a memora nding at meeting g more the deadli ted an offer , bringing n- delayed Wednes than the ne. day night’s the city site. Photo closer to a safegu the auction by two EUSD has Mosaic, by Jared acquirin ard, in case part 2 Whitlock months g Artist Mark By Promis as the deal e Yee Patterson with the has plans OCEANSIDE up to his for a follow announcemen Kay’s husban — TURN TO Surfing DEAL ON A15 donna mosaic t that an The Parker helped banLIFT d Dick MaUr. A5 accept the building grant will fund grant at the the Kay City Counci meeting ow to reacH Message Family Resour Parker April l 16. the honor The final remains ce Center (760) 436-97 us the planne of namin He said at source A&E.............. 37 on Eden installment affordable d Mission Cove center after g the reCalendar housing Gardens tells of Classifieds............ A10 bought project wife was well deservhis late Calendar@coa OUSD takes the commu ..... B21 nity’s reasons. applause for two ed. The Food stnewsgroup. the affordable Mission Cove to youth. commitment to reduce wastepledge Legals& Wine....... B12 com Comm Community form “green A6 housing and ........... mixedwere glad unity membe Community@News aimed at teams” Opinion......... ....... A18 rs sion use project on and resource to have a family recycling. Avenue coastnewsgro MisB1 Sports........... .......A4 oped throug is being develthe city’s center as part Letters h a partne ....... A20 of betwee low-income ing project rship Letters@coa hous- tional n the city , and pleased and Nastnewsgroup. the name equally sance Community Renais com center will nonprofit of the developer. Kay Parker honor the late The , a belove ground project will break housing this summe d, fair advocate. r. Grad-

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

DEC. 5, 2014

DEC. 5, 2014


T he C oast News - I nland E dition


ant and don’t deflect the upbeat (and often danceable) tone of the album. The mood of “Pure Fiction” matched Hutchinson’s outlook. He didn’t get too specific, but Hutchinson sounds content these days. “I live in New York City. I have a nice life,” Hutchinson said. “I can do what I love for a living and I try to remember that every day when I’m out there traveling around and I get to meet all of these people that come out and support what I do. Not everyone has a job where they get to have people come and


HOME ART SALE Chris and Tracey Ahrens host a Christmas art sale at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 6, 
2376 Newcastle Ave., Cardiff. First-edition signed books and original artwork. Food Music by Bruce & Claudia De Soto.

applaud them at the end of the day. So I’ve just tried to appreciate that.” Hutchinson, in fact, had a few setbacks, especially early in his career. He recorded his fullfledged debut album, “Sounds Like This,” for Maverick Records, the label owned by Madonna that was a subsidiary of Warner Brothers Records. But when Maverick was rolled into Warner Brothers in 2006, Hutchinson was dropped by the parent label. Undaunted, he put out “Sounds Like This” on his own Let’s Break Records label in August 2007. It became a success almost overnight.

One of Hutchinson’s high school friends emailed celebrity blogger Perez Hilton a link to Hutchinson’s MySpace page. Hilton listened, recommended “Sounds Like This” on his blogs and Hutchinson’s album shot into the iTunes Top 10 alongside the likes of Kanye West and Dave Matthews. It eventually reached No. 5 on the iTunes album chart, the highest-charting record by an unsigned artist in iTunes history. That caught the attention of the press, as well as three major record labels that came around to court Hutchinson. Ironically, Hutchinson

signed with Warner Brothers, which re-released “Sounds Like This” in exactly the same form as Hutchinson had put it out on his label. Then Hutchinson hit the road — and stayed there for three years as a pair of singles — “Rock & Roll” and “OK, It’s Alright With Me” — made an impact at pop radio. Finally, four and a half years after “Sounds Like This” first surfaced, Hutchinson returned with his second album, “Moving Up Living Down.” A single from that album, “Watching You Watch Him” was featured on the television show “Grey’s Anatomy” and

will host a reception and announce winners of its Small Image Show 3:30 to 6 p.m.Dec. 7 at 937 S. Coast Highway 101, Suite C-103, Lumberyard Shopping Center, Encinitas. They will also present a $500 check to the Stardust Arts youth art program. SOUNDS OF MEXICO Mexican-American singer-songwriter Perla Batalla will host a free concert
at 2 p.m. Dec. 7 at the Carlsbad City Library, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad. STAGE 4 Encinitas Library’s 1st Sunday Music Series presents STAGE 4 from 2 to 3 p.m. Dec. 7 at 540 Cornish Drive, Encinitas.

Gallery in Carlsbad, 2903 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad, is hosting “Perspectives: The Berlin Wall” to honor the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, featuring works of art comprising of original sculptures, paintings, mosaics and graphics from the Berlin Wall.

Dec. 9 in Music Bldg. 2200, Studio A, Room 2218, 1 Barnard Drive, Oceanside. Tickets are $10; students/seniors $8 online at or call (760) 795-6815. DEC. 10 ART FOR THE ARC The Arc of San Diego, a local nonprofit serving people with disabilities, is hosting an art show from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the San Marcos Senior Center, 111 Richmar Ave., San Marcos. VIOLIN CONCERTO December’s free family music program, sponsored by the Friends of the Carmel Valley Library, will feature violinist Eileen Wingard at 7 p.m. Dec. 10 in the Library’s community room at 3919 Townsgate Drive in Carmel Valley. For further information call (858) 552-1668.

DEC. 7 PATIO PLAYHOUSE The Patio Playhouse will hold auditions for the play “…this…” from 7 to 10 p.m. Dec. 7 and Dec. 8 at 116 S. Kalmia, Escondido. From 7 to 7:30 p.m., singing auditions for part of jazz singer Marrell. For more information, visit patioplayhouse. com. DEC. 8 ART WINNERS The REMEMBERING San Dieguito Art Guild, BERLIN WALL Through and Off Track Gallery Jan. 5, the Front Porch

DEC. 9 SWING TIME Friends of the Solana Beach Library present a free concert by the Sweethearts of Swing trio, at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 9 at La Colonia Community Center, 715 Valley Ave., Solana Beach. Further information at 858755-1404. JAZZ AND MORE MiraCosta College’s Applied Jazz & Commercial Music Showcase with Dan Siegel will be at 7:30 p.m.

gained some attention Hutchinson is doing his part to spread the word about “Pure Fiction” with a fall/winter tour. With three albums to his credit now, Hutchinson feels he can craft a stronger set list than ever for his shows. “We have more material to choose from and we

can sort of trim the fat and be nothing but the hits, as they say,” he said. “That’s exciting to me, to be able to play a show where people can come out and hear a bunch of songs and sing along. I’m excited to see which of these new songs people really gravitate toward.”

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T he C oast News - I nland E dition

DEC. 5, 2014

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