VOL. 5, N0. 15
AUG. 9, 2019
Erosion blamed for deadly bluff collapse By Abraham Jewett
ENCINITAS — A bluff collapse at Grandview Surf Beach killed three adult beachgoers and injured two others in the Leucadia neighborhood of Encinitas on Aug. 2. The collapse happened shortly before 3 p.m. and left a pile of dirt and rock up to 10 feet in height. Two of the victims were identified by the San Diego County Medical Examiner’s Office on Aug. 3 as Encinitas residents Anne Clave, 35, and 65-year-old Julie Davis, Clave’s mother. Both victims died after being transported to local hospitals. The third victim, who was pronounced dead at the scene, was later identified by the Medical Examiner’s Office as 62-year-old Elizabeth Charles, Clave’s aunt and Davis’ sister. BEACH CHAIRS and other items are left behind at the scene of a bluff collapse at Grandview Surf Beach in the Leucadia Charles had previously section of Encinitas on Aug. 2. Three people died in the collapse. Photo by Abraham Jewett been identified by multiple
news outlets as Elizabeth Cox. Brad Hanson, who lives down the street from the incident, said a sudden swarm of emergency personnel raised an alarm that something was wrong. “We’ve only had activity like this two or three times in the last three or four years,” Hanson said. “The whole neighborhood was alerted to what was going on. It was pretty dramatic.” Down on the beach, a chaotic scene was unfolding, as five people were pulled from the pile of dirt and rock, according to Encinitas Fire Chief Mike Stein. Hanson said the area is in need of sand replenishment, the process of bringing in sand from an outside source to restore what has been lost through erosion. TURN TO COLLAPSE ON 3
Amid hardships, farm community forges ahead By Steve Horn
ESCONDIDO — Frank Konyn has lived his entire life on his family-owned dairy farm in the San Pasqual Valley, land officially owned by the city of San Diego as an agricultural preserve, but which many may confuse as the eastern edge of Escondido. Owner of Frank Konyn Dairy, an 800-cow operation which produces milk as part of the second largest dairy cooperative in the U.S., Konyn says the dairy industry has seen better economic days in San Diego County, the state and nationwide. He attributes his farm’s hardships, which employs
35 workers, to a double whammy of market forces: expensive state regulations and the international trade war currently being waged by President Donald Trump. In the past two decades, Konyn said, there has been a major “exodus” of dairy farmers out of the business. He said that 20 years ago there were 14 dairy farms in San Diego County and now only two remain. “California is not necessarily a business friendly climate,” Konyn said. “You know, whether you produce milk in Colorado or Kansas or South Dakota, or you produce it in California, the price
of milk that you sell is generic product and the price that you sell is going to be very similar. Yet, in California we have a lot more environmental regulations, a lot more air regulation. And I think that that explains a lot of the exodus.” While he said he believes President Trump’s trade war is well-intentioned on behalf of segments of the U.S. labor force, he also sees it as having had negative repercussions so far in the agribusiness sector. “That’s whether it’s dairy farmers not being able to export
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COWS FEED at the Frank Konyn Dairy Farm in the San Pasqual Valley. Photo via Frank Konyn Dairy Facebook page
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AUG. 9, 2019
T he C oast News - I nland E dition
Concern over new mosquito species By Bradley Rollins
REGION — San Diego County ecologist Chris Conlan isn’t surprised that a particularly vicious genus of mosquitos has invaded Southern California. He’s surprised it took them so long to get here. “We’ve always had mosquitoes. What changed for us is, with the arrival of these new species, comes the possibility of new diseases that we didn’t think we had to think about,” Conlan said. “… Unfortunately, that has all changed. Now that risk is a more real possibility.” The invaders, primarily two species of the Aedes genus, are capable of transmitting viruses to humans that cause tropical diseases such as yellow fever, dengue and Zika fever. One of them, Aedes aegypti, first established populations in southern San Diego County in late 2014 and has been spreading northward ever since; another, Aedes notoscriptus, wasn’t recorded here in significant numbers until last year. A third related species commonly called the Asian tiger mosquito has been tormenting Los Angeles and
The city of Encinitas began a sand replenishment project in February, but Hanson said the area where the collapse occurred had not received any. “I hate it … it’s tough … I don’t even go to my own beach anymore because it’s so dangerous,” Hanson said. Any new sand that ends up on Grandview Beach can only come from its natural southward flow, according to Encinitas’ acting City Manager Jennifer Campbell, who released a statement to The Coast News which attributed the collapse to “the natural erosion process characteristic of California beaches,” and explained that Grandview Beach is “considered a sensitive marine habitat and is not a permitted area for direct sand placement.” The city said it would need to get a permit from five different agencies, including the United States Army Corps of Engineers and the California State Coastal Commission, in order to place sand in an area designated as marine protected – something determined by the area’s vegetation, animal and plant life. Further, the city said it would not speculate on whether direct sand replenishment at the site of the incident could have prevented the collapse. Signs warning of unstable cliffs dot the area, including one visible from where the collapse occurred, and more signage has been added in wake of the accident. “Our coastline is a beautiful area, but the coastline is eroding,” Encinitas Lifeguard Capt. Larry Giles said. The city also highlights the potential for bluff failures on its website, which has a section dedicated to
Orange counties since arriving in shipments of bamboo plants in 2001 and being re-introduced in 2011, but so far is not well-established in San Diego County, Conlan said. Aedes mosquitos are tenacious travelers, in part, because their eggs can remain viable in a dry state for months, easing their spread. Various Aedes species had footholds in southern Arizona and northern Baja California for years before expanding their territory to Southern California. “With all the people and all the backyard water sources, it was only a matter of time” before Aedes mosquitos established population that made their local eradication impossible, Conlan said. “Once they get in, people don’t recognize that there’s anything different. By the time we find out that they’re here, they have to too broad a range and it’s a matter of managing them instead of eradicating them.” Unlike mosquitos of the Culex genus native to the state, Aedes mosquitos lay their eggs at the water’s edge where they can live dormant for months. Consequently,
the county’s organized mosquito control efforts that involve treating larger bodies of fresh water with larvicide are ineffective against the invaders. Aedes mosquitos can reproduce in less than a quarter-inch of water making backyards, balconies and patios potentially fertile habitat in the form of bird baths, pet bowls or even tiny pools of rainwater collected in plant leaves or children’s toys. The county’s “Fight the Bite” education campaign emphasizes the importance of public participation in efforts to keep mosquito populations under control. “Aedes is adapted to live with human habitation. … You can go into a neighborhood with public education and vector control and knock down or eliminate those Aedes, but if you have a single property owner in the neighborhood who refuses to let in vector control or eliminate standing water, the mosquitos just proliferate,” said William Walton, a University of California entomology professor and a past president of the American Mosquito Control Association. In addition to public
health risks posed by the invasive Aedes mosquitos, they are an irritating nuisance that appear to prefer feeding on humans; native Culex mosquitos, by comparison, prefer birds and other animals, Walton said. Aedes mosquitos also actively feed during the day whereas Culex mosquitos bite primarily at dusk and dawn. Not that Culex mosquitos are harmless: They can spread West Nile virus and other diseases. Culex mosquitos are the primary target of the county’s use of larvicide applied by helicopter to lagoons, lakes and ponds. North County sites regularly treated for mosquitos include Lake Hodges and the San Dieguito River, between Rancho Santa Fe and Escondido. For that program, the Board of Supervisors last week approved a measure to designate two companies, Sanford, Florida-based ADAPCO and St. Charles, Illinois-based Clarke Mosquito Control Products, Inc. as the county’s sole vendors for larvicide. The authorization covers the annual purchase of up to $1 million of larvicide through 2024.
marine safety. “Please be aware that in most areas hiking near or directly on top of the bluffs is prohibited. It is also important for visitors to avoid standing or sitting directly underneath unstable bluffs, since they may collapse,” it reads. Emergency crews from multiple city fire departments — some armed with shovels — surrounded the site after the Aug. 2 collapse. A yellow tarp lay over a large chunk of rock, while left-behind towels, beach chairs and umbrellas sat close by.
Onlookers surrounded the area, including Carlsbad resident Robert Rossbach, who said things like this shouldn’t occur during what is supposed to be a happy outing. “I feel bad and terrible for these people that were there, it’s just an awful thing to happen when you go to the beach to have fun,” Rossbach said. A service-dog team was brought in to aid in a search for additional victims potentially trapped under the pile — which measured approximately 25 by 30 feet — but
no more bodies were found. “I’m surprised that more people didn’t get killed or hurt, because there were quite a bit of people in that area,” Rossbach said. Eventually, a skip loader truck came to help with
MAKING THE TRIP to Del Mar for a Day at the Races were, clockwise from back left, Silvergate Marketing Associate Brandie Lopez, Kay Fields, Nora Middleton and Norma Elich. More than 40 residents participated in Silvergate San Marcos’ annual adventure. Courtesy photo
Seniors play ponies at Del Mar SAN MARCOS — Local San Marcos seniors enjoyed a Day at the Races at Del Mar Racetrack. In July, residents and guests of Silvergate San Marcos, 1550 Security Place, tested their luck where the surf meets the turf. More than 40 seniors joined in the annual Silvergate adventure for a private lunch in the Stretch Run stands and an afternoon of races. “This is always one of my favorite events of the year,” said Fran Harmon – longtime resident of Silvergate San Marcos. “A day of fun in the sun with good the search, cleanup and removal of the debris. Officials closed the beach in both directions as a safety precaution. It was reopened the next day, however, the area of the collapse remains cordoned off and
friends. The energy and speed of the horses is just exhilarating.” For some, a return to the track was familiar territory and brought back memories. “My late first husband, if you can believe it, was a jockey before we met and before he joined the Army,” said Nora Middleton, resident of San Marcos and guest of Silvergate. “Seeing them ride today still brings back memories of some of the stories he used to tell me.” For more information, visit or call (760) 744-4484. a lifeguard station located in the immediate area has since been moved further away.
City News Service contributed to this story
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T he C oast News - I nland E dition
AUG. 9, 2019
Opinion & Editorial
Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not reflect the views of The Coast News
Will this be yet another phony PUC investigation?
Helping wildlife is imperative By Marie Waldron
Caring for animals, including California’s native wildlife, is one of my passions. Last session my legislation setting up the Native California Wildlife Rehabilitation Fund was signed into law, allowing voluntary contributions when you file your tax return to support injured, orphaned or sick wildlife. Helping finance organizations that support native wildlife is important. If you've found an injured animal and need information on where to take it, please call: 619-225-WILD (9453) for Project Wildlife. Fortunately, we have a number of outstanding local wildlife organizations in this region that can help, including Project Wildlife's North County drop off locations:
Humane Society – Escondido Campus, 3500 Burnet Drive, Escondido, CA 92027, 619-299-7012, ext. 2737. Injured wild animals can also be dropped off at Oceanside Humane Society, 572 Airport Road or the Mission Animal Bird Hospital, located at 655 Benet Road, also in Oceanside. Other North San Diego County sites include Acacia Animal Hospital, at 755 W. Citracado Parkway, Escondido, and in Ramona, the Fund for Animals Wildlife Center, focusing on rehabbing predators, including bobcats, coyotes and hawks. In the Temecula area, Animal Friends of the Valleys accepts wildlife and will transfer injured or sick animals to Project Wildlife. They are located at 33751 Mission Trail, in Wildomar. If you need assistance
containing a wild animal, call Wildlife Assist at 858278-2222. For emergency transport options, call the Humane Society at 619-2997012. Do not attempt to care for the animal yourself. Do not give it food or water because it could cause further injury. Please do keep the animal in a dark, quiet box or crate and bring it to a wildlife drop-off location. We Californians are blessed with amazing habitats and truly special native species. In so many ways, their well-being is up to us. These outstanding organizations can help us fulfill that responsibility.
Assembly Republican Leader Marie Waldron, R-Escondido, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature
Remembering Yaroslav Katkov
e often take many things for granted. The beautiful County we live in, the opportunities we are given and most importantly, the protection from our military, police and firefighters are things to be grateful for. Last week, we lost a young man named Yaroslav Katkov, an experienced CAL FIRE Firefighter from De Luz Station 16. Yaroslav proudly dedicated his life to serve and protect our community. Yaroslav was the definition of the American
around the county Jim Desmond
we’ve seen time and time again here in San Diego, when the Santa Ana winds pick up and the heat rises, the fire conditions become nearly impossible. Yet, our firefighters always rise to the challenge to defend lives and property in our County. I encourage everyone to take time this week and think about Yaroslav and all firefighters who put their lives on the line to serve and protect us.
Dream, having immigrated when he was a child from Russia, he graduated from Scripps Ranch High School in 2009. Then, he pursued his education at San Diego State University, before becoming a firefighter. We’ve already seen Jim Desmond represents several fires pop up across District 5 on the San Diego the County this summer. As County Board of Supervisors.
correct study, that demonstrates support or provides credence to Harless’ statement. Lacking any accurate support to the statement, I find it a baseless assertion that reflects a personal choice, a preferred morality, which should have no standing in government activity. It is not the role of gov-
california focus thomas d. elias law changes the rules. Formerly, it was up to the utilities to prove they acted “prudently,” whatever that means. To defend themselves now, companies need only show their acts were consistent with what a “reasonable” utility would do. The burden of proof has shifted 180 degrees. To oppose a finding that utilities were reasonable, consumers must now analyze the actions of virtually every utility in America. It’s a much tougher and more expensive standard for consumer advocates, who lack the funds and large-scale legal manpower utilities deploy in all their proceedings. “It’s a crazy standard,” says Mike Aguirre, the former San Diego city attorney now attempting to get the wildfire fund law (better known as AB 1054) thrown out by U.S. District Judge William Alsup, who presides over PG&E’s bankruptcy case. “We will be reminding the judge that we are dealing with a convicted felon that has violated probation.” Aguirre led the legal effort that forced a huge reduction in the San Onofre settlement years after its questionable approval. When he calls PG&E a convicted felon, it’s because a federal court criminally convicted PG&E for its actions in the multi-fatal 2010 San Bruno gas line explosion and Alsup this year ruled it violated probation before the more recent spate of fires. All this is background for the PUC “investiga-
Bill Stoops Solana Beach
Email Thomas Elias at
P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-274-2353
ernment to impose life style choices, particular philosophies, promote chosen behaviors or morals. It is the role of government to protect individual rights from threats of force and fraud, foreign and domestic, and stop there.
tion,” needed under AB 1054 if PG&E is to tap the taxpayer-financed wildfire fund in order to help pay tens of billions of dollars in claims it anticipates from fires it helped cause. Part of the very order setting up the PUC proceeding notes that the commission’s own Safety and Enforcement Division found PG&E “failed to follow industry best practices” and its “vegetation management practices and procedures were deficient and equipment operations were in severe condition.” Given that finding, it would be hard for the five commissioners to find PG&E acted prudently, as those words virtually define the opposite. But prudency no longer matters, under the law pushed urgently by Gov. Gavin Newsom and passed by huge majorities of legislators, the vast bulk of whom took campaign donations from PG&E in the last election. Newsom himself accepted more than $200,000 and has called queries about it “weird.” Newsom claims the culture of the PUC has changed, but the law he hustled through appears designed to preserve the old culture favoring utilities over their customers. That law also allows the PUC to authorize unlimited rate increases to pay back bonds the state can issue to cover utility wildfire liabilities, if companies are found to have acted reasonably. All of which makes the new “investigation” worth watching, if only because it is crucial to PG&E’s interests and could be very costly to its blameless customers and those of other utilities with big wildfire liabilities.
Inland EdItIon
Letter to the Editor In reference to the July 26 issue, page 14: “Residents speak out on reinstatement of Del Mar gun shows”: Solana Beach council member Harless is quoted as saying “You have the truth on your side, gun shows do harm our communities..” I am unaware of any facts, or any statistically
f you want to see a phony investigation, check out virtually every one of the last decade involving the California Public Utilities Commission. It will be no surprise if a new investigation due for a formal kickoff Aug. 13 in San Francisco turns out the same. This so-called “investigation” will determine whether Pacific Gas & Electric Co. should be sanctioned for apparently violating several laws and PUC orders while admittedly helping start many of the huge wildfires that afflicted California in 2017 and 2018. Unlike past investigations, this one most likely won’t have to use subterfuges or very mild penalties to let PG&E off the hook. One of those past investigations was into the PUC’s own apparent criminal collusion with the Southern California Edison Co. in forcing customers to pay most costs of dismantling the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. That one, which saw a few search warrants served and spurred a fearful PUC to use $10 million in public funds hiring criminal defense lawyers for its individual commissioners, disappeared quietly just after then-Gov. Jerry Brown endorsed former state Attorney General (now presidential candidate) Kamala Harris for the U.S. Senate in 2016. Other PUC “investigations” produced token fines for PG&E and Edison, later recouped via rate increases imposed on customers, whom bureaucrats like to call “ratepayers.” The new proceeding won’t need subterfuge because of the rushedthrough law creating California’s new wildfire bailout fund to protect privately owned utilities. That
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AUG. 9, 2019
T he C oast News - I nland E dition
San Marcos student receives AVID Top STEM Scholar Award By Lucia Viti
SAN MARCOS — Nhi Nguyen, a recent graduate of San Marcos High School, has been recognized by AVID for her scholastic achievements. AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) is a nationwide program that serves to bridge the achievement gap for underrepresented students through college readiness programs. In addition to graduating with a 4.34 weighted GPA and a 3.98 unweighted GPA, Nguyen was the recipient of AVID’s 2019 Top STEM Scholar Award. “Nhi Nguyen is why we do what we do at AVID,” said Kayla Burrow, AVID communication specialist. “Nguyen ran with AVID’s academic opportunities. Personal challenges never limited her ambition or her work ethic. We’re thankful that the Classroom of the Future Foundation selected to support Nhi’s future goals with a scholarship.” Nguyen also received a Bill Fuentes Scholarship as well as induction into the National Honor Society. The accolades continue with an Outstanding Young Women in Chemistry Award by the Iota Sigma Pi National Honor Society for Women in Chemistry; the Le Grand Concours Gold Medal (French Language); and a special commendation from San Diego City Council President Pro Tem
Barbara Bry. Extra-curricular activities include membership in the Science Olympiad Club, the Key Club, the AVID Club, and the Excalibur Knights, a club for those who exemplify leadership and community involvement. Nguyen was born in Vietnam and her father migrated to San Marcos in 2010 for better employment and educational opportunities for his family. Adapting to a new environment without speaking English was an arduous hurdle for Nguyen, one that established a blueprint for her ability to confront challenges without hesitation. “I struggled academically because of the language barrier, but I didn’t let this hold me back,” she said. “I taught myself English within two years.” Remembering the poor hospital conditions in hospitals in Vietnam, Nguyen became passionate about working in health care. In between a loaded schedule of AP and honor classes, she volunteered at Brookdale Nursing Homes and interned at Palomar Health Hospitals as a Pathmaker, where she learned “bedside patient care and how to interact with the hospital staff.” “It was interesting to observe the symbiotic relationship between the nurses, doctors, and lab technicians,” she said. “From the
NHI NGUYEN recently graduated from San Marcos High School with a 4.34 weighted GPA. She plans to major in chemistry at UC Berkeley. Photo courtesy Nhi Nguyen
doctor’s anatomical understanding to the nurses’ patient care knowledge, and the lab technicians’ chemical background, all were working toward the same goal of helping patients.” Touting a passion for
scientific research rooted from her love of chemistry, she also interned at Scripps Research Institute Engle Lab (organic chemistry) where she “transformed cheap abundant materials into complex molecules.”
“I enjoyed working with experienced scientists and being at the forefront of scientific research,” she said. “I enjoyed developing novel methods that could pave the way for making new compounds.” Nguyen also established the Intergenerational Club at San Marcos High to bridge what she labeled the generation gap. “Because of the dissociation I felt growing up with people from different generations, I took the initiative to create a small service project with my peers to volunteer at nursing homes, hoping to bridge this disconnection,” she said. Nguyen’s discussions with nursing home coordinators concerning the physical and mental challenges of the elderly were included in a classroom presentation that invited students to interact — and improve — the health status of the elderly. “I gave a class presentation about the struggles of the elderly and how we can improve these struggles by personally interacting with them,” she said. “I mobilized students from SMHS for activities such as letter-exchanging, exercises, art classes and board games. “This project was a huge success with the students and the elderly,” she said. “Hoping to expand this effort, I founded In-
tergenerational Club to extend our events to different nursing homes and engage a wider community of students with the goal of bridging the generational gap.” Nguyen noted that time management is “key to maintaining a balance between academics and extracurriculars.” Weeks are planned in advance with established priorities “to make sure that I check them off my list.” Nguyen said she strives to “approach everything with optimism because I believe that the first step towards overcoming a challenge is to have the courage to tackle it in the first place. It’s how we perceive ourselves, not where we started, that determines our outcome.” UC Berkeley bound to pursue a degree in chemistry, Nguyen plans to continue with a graduate degree in pharmaceutical research with prospects of inventing “new, safe and effective medications accessible for people throughout the world.” “Pharmaceutical research is the medium through which I can explore the compelling aspect of experimentation while simultaneously helping those in need,” she said. “After interacting with a diverse range of patients, I realize the growing need for new medicines to cure proliferating diseases.”
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T he C oast News - I nland E dition
AUG. 9, 2019
Council debates zoning law to curtail new drive-thrus, pawn shops By Steve Horn
plained that over 500 notice letters were sent out to potentially impacted area businesses, as well as two print advertisements published in The San Diego Union-Tribune, and that 24 people attended the noticed public outreach meetings. In the public comments section of the meeting, Escondido attorney James Lund said that many of his clients would worry about the possibility of always having to get a Conditional Use Permit — a license for a business to operate allowing for an exemption to prevailing city planning code — because they rely on regulatory stasis. “I know from negotiating long-term commercial leases, I represented over 1.5 million square feet of commercial property, that when somebody is doing a grocery market or fast food they need certainty and they need longterm ability,” Lund said. “They’re entering into generally 25, 30, 35 year leases and CUP’s scare people because
they think, ‘Well, the city may take back my use. They may change it, they may limit it.’” Others, however, praised the ordinance for making tobacco and vaping products less prevalent and available to youth. One of them was Haley Guiffrida, a program coordinator for Vista Community Clinic’s tobacco control program. “We know that higher-density retailers that sell tobacco increase the amount of tobacco use in the city,” Guiffrida said. “By not allowing any new vape or smoke shops to come in, we’re helping to reduce access to kids who could potentially have access to a lifelong addiction.” Council member John Masson expressed concerns from a different perspective, saying he believes the ordinance could potentially box out businesses from operating in the city. In particular, Masson said it could impact the city’s Auto Park Way car dealer-
ships and asked that city staff do direct outreach to them on the ordinance. “We’re requiring them to stripe their parking lots when displaying their cars and to me, that’s going above and beyond what we need to be doing as a city, telling people how to operate their business and where they should park them and how they should park them,” Masson said. “As a free market guy, I’m kind of going, ‘Well, do we really want to do that if it serves a purpose and it’s legit and lawful and everything else?’” Deputy Mayor Consuelo Martinez used her time at the dais to ask Strong how the proposal compares to that of other North County cities. Strong said that the City of Carlsbad, as one case in point, has a ban in place for new drive-thru businesses. And he said that for the other items listed in the proposed ordinance, Escondido is the “most permissive” in the entire region. Mayor Paul McNamara
2 p.m. Aug. 9 at the Mission Branch Library, 3861-B Mission Branch Ave., Oceanside and again at 11 a.m. Aug. 10 at the Civic Center Library, 330 N. Coast Highway, Oceanside.
Oceanside Pier. This year’s event celebrates Women in Surfing with a Pro Women’s Invitational with $5,000 in prize money. The coalition event will have a huge beer garden with Oceanside’s local Breweries, catered by Hunters Steakhouse and a Saturday night concert from the Surf Rockers performing a tribute to the late Dick Dale.
AUG. 10
ESCONDIDO — At its Aug. 7 meeting, the City Council discussed a new city zoning ordinance which could — among other things — place greater restrictions on drive-thru establishments and ban new pawn shops, while curtailing the proliferation of vaping and tobacco shops. The proposed 37-page ordinance, No. 2019-09, is the product of a months-long Zoning Code and Land Use Study and accompanying community outreach sessions conducted by city staff. Rather than take a vote, due to questions raised by City Council members, the Council voted 5-0 to table it for further study and deliberation until convening again on Aug. 21. In his presentation to City Council members, Assistant City Planner Mike Strong called the plan “the outgrowth of conversations between the Council, Planning Commission and the community.” He also ex-
Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@
AUG. 9
Oceanside Longboard There will be a Franklin Haynes Marionettes Surfing Club’s 35th annubilingual puppet show for al Surf Contest and Beach youngsters and families at Festival is Aug. 9-11 at the
weighed in from the vantage point of road congestion and the work he does representing the city as a Board member for the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG). He said that perhaps with less drive-thrus, it could help get cars off the roads. And he also tied in climate change concerns associated with idling vehicles. “Of course drive-thrus essentially create hotspots and put more greenhouse gases [into the atmosphere],” McNamara said. “Got that in your Climate Action Plan, Mike? It is kind of counter to what we’re trying to do if you really think about. And look, I go through drive-thrus and I don’t want to sound like I’m above everyone else, but when you’re going to be serious about greenhouse gases, you’ve got to be serious about these things.” City Council member Olga Diaz, for her part, called attention to the fact that a major part of the initiative is to promote public health and more nutritious food options.
It is an approach which has become increasingly common in municipalities nationwide. “Sometimes it’s the quality of food that’s available in certain areas in certain neighborhoods,” Diaz said. “So, you have food deserts and when you have too many drive-thrus, studies show that people that live in areas like that tend to have higher rates of obesity and other medical issues, so there’s different layers to this.” For Diaz, she thinks the ordinance could have a major impact on the development of the character of Escondido going forward. “I think it’s important that we give our city these tools to be able to more properly guide the kind of future development that we have,” Diaz said. “I hope the folks in the audience that have concerns realize that this is not intended to stop business, prohibit business, hinder business. It’s just to ensure we get the right quality of business in our community.”
Aug. 15. Reservations are through Aug. 24 at Rancho necessary: (858) 674-4324. Buena Vista Adobe Gallery, WALK INTO HISTORY 640 Alta Vista, Vista. For On second Saturday of more information, visit raneach month, the Oceanside Historical Society offers SPROUTS WILL BE HIRING Downtown History Walks Sprouts Farmers Mar- TEE UP FOR VETERANS at 9 a.m. through Septemket will finish construction Get your spot now for ber. The walk starts at the on its new store in Vista, in the VFW Post 1513 golf tourOceanside Civic Center October and needs to fill nament Sept. 7 at Twin Oaks Fountain at North Coast approximately 150 full- and Golf Course, 1425 N. Twin Highway and Pier View part-time career opportuni- Oaks Valley Road, San MarWay. Meet at the plaque ties. Apply at cos to raise money for the commemorating Oceanscareers or call (866) 925- North County Stand Down. ide's founder, Andrew Jack2396 for non-managerial Register at ncstanddown. son Myers. roles. org North County Veterans Stand Down is an annual WALK FOOD & WINE TOUR four-day event in Vista, that There are still tickets enables homeless veterans left for the Culture Caravan MEET THE NEW MAYOR to receive much-needed Carlsbad Food & Wine Tour Meet the Escondido services in a safe, friendly, on Aug. 18, visiting historic, mayor from 10 to 11 a.m. Aug. drug-free and secure encultural, and architectural 13 at the Synergy Co-Work- vironment. For questions, buildings, as well as eaterassaultthegreen@ ing Centre, 140 N. Escondi- e-mail ies and wine tasting rooms do Blvd., Escondido. Come or call Carrie in Carlsbad. The bus leaves meet Escondido’s new may- Everts, Everts Events, at the Gloria McClellan Cenor, Paul “Mac” McNamara, (760) 522-0862. ter, 1400 Vale Terrace Drive at a series of monthly comin Vista, at 10:45 a.m. and munity meetings that will returns at 3:30 p.m. Cost is be held throughout the city $94. To reserve, call (760) and are open to the public. MIRACOSTA ALUMS GATHER 643-2828. The MiraCosta Alumni Association will welcome AFRICAN VIOLET SOCIETY CONSERVANCY VOLUNTEERS The San Diego County alumni and friends back to The Escondido Creek African Violet Society will the college at its inaugural Conservancy is partnering meet at 10:30 a.m. Aug. 13 event at 6 p.m. Aug. 16 at the with Olivenhain Municipal in the Vista Public Library MiraCosta College OceansWater District (OMWD) to Community Room, 700 Eu- ide Campus, 1 Barnard recruit volunteers to help calyptus Ave., Vista. Au- Drive, Oceanside. Tickets at protect Escondido Creek gust's meeting will have a For and the Escondido Creek demonstration by Marge more information, contact watershed with an open Siirila and Joe Phares plus France Magtira at fmagtihouse from 10 a.m. to noon a method of replanting Af- or call Aug. 10 at the Elfin Forest rican Violets into a larger (760) 757-2121, ext. 6961. Recreational Reserve, 8833 container. Harmony Grove Road, Escondido. Visit for more VISTA GARDEN TIME information or to register. The Aug. 17 Kids in the HOST A STUDENT MiraCosta College En- Garden class is "Water is glish Language Institute Wonderful” from 10 a.m. to (ELI) is looking for host noon at Alta Vista Botanical FAITH AND FRIENDS families for six Japanese Gardens, 1270 Vale Terrace The Catholic Widows students while they are Drive in Vista. Class fee is and Widowers of North studying in the U.S. Aug. 17 $5 per person Pre-registraCounty support group for to Dec. 16. The students are tion required at farmerjonethose who desire to foster ages 19 to 21. For more infor- or call friendships through various mation, contact Y.E.S. ESL (760) 822-6824. social activities will have or Kento a Aug. 11 meeting and potTakeichi at (209) 724-3671 luck at St. Elizabeth Seton or ktakeichi@yeseslinternaCatholic Church, Carlsbad, SORORITY GATHERING have dinner at the AmeriThe Hidden Valley Viscan Legion, Vista on Aug. 13 ta City Council of Beta SigFOCUS ON QUILTS and bowl at Surf Bowl and Free Spirit Quilters ma Phi International will dinner to follow at Hunter present “Where does colSteakhouse, Oceanside on TURN TO CALENDAR ON 9 or take you?” running
AUG. 12
AUG. 13
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AUG. 16
AUG. 15
AUG. 17
AUG. 11
AUG. 20
AUG. 9, 2019
Suspected brewery burglar charged with 13 felonies By Steve Puterski
REGION — After months of searching, local authorities finally made an arrest in the case of a man burglarizing dozens of breweries across two counties. Nathanial Maynard, 42, was arrested July 21 after he was caught attempting to break into Wiens Brewery in Temecula. He promptly bailed out, but police arrested him a second time on July 26 after conducting a search at Maynard’s residence in Hemet. Another search at a residence on Lonnie Street in Oceanside on July 31 revealed stolen property from the brewery breakins, according to Sgt. Det. John KcKean of the Oceanside Police Department. Authorities also arrested two women, one potentially in connection with the case, McKean said. Maynard, though, was charged with 13 felonies including four for burglary and nine relating to possession of stolen property and identity theft, McKean said. Police recovered items inside his vehicle linking Maynard to several of the other burglaries from both San Diego and Riverside counties. He and Leticia Esparza, 35, were booked July 21 and Maynard bailed out, while Esparza was released pending charges. “I don’t think she was too much involved,” McKean said of Esparza. “I think she just got caught up and then we did a search warrant in Oceanside … and found more stolen property. I don’t know her level of involvement yet.” Maynard is being held on $450,000 bond at the Vista Detention Facility. Maynard is suspected of beginning the spree in March and hit at least 25 breweries, wineries, small family restaurants and other family-owned businesses, McKean said. The typical method for entry, per surveillance videos, was breaking a small window or busting a lock, and racing for the registers or visible safes, he added, which led authorities to believe
T he C oast News - I nland E dition
the crimes were related. According to an April 17 story in The Coast News, breweries from as far north as Temecula and Murrieta and throughout Vista, Oceanside, Rancho Bernardo, San Marcos and as far south as Scripps Ranch and Sorrento Valley have reported burglaries and vandalism. “We got more stolen property from his house in Hemet and then booked him on four counts in San Diego County,” McKean said. “Mainly, breaking a window and going in, punching out a lock and going in, get off the molding around the window and going in. He was going after anything easy to get out.” Eve Sieminski, co-owner of Iron Fist Brewery in Vista and Barrio Logan, said she was relieved to hear the suspect had been arrested. Her brewery in Vista was broken into during the spree in March and April. She said the man broke a small window, crawled through and headed straight for the registers after viewing security camera footage. However, no cash was in the box and other valuables had been locked away. Sieminski said other burgled breweries were hit in the same way. The man would break a window, crawl through and attempt to steal any cash not protected or already deposited for the night. “I think it’s great they arrested him and hope they expose him for who he was and pay restitution,” Sieminski said. “Thankfully, he didn’t steal anything from us, that we knew.” The Oceanside Police Department took the lead to investigate these cases based on input from all investigating agencies. This includes the San Diego, Carlsbad, Escondido and Murrieta police departments and San Diego Sheriff’s Department Vista and San Marcos stations, Riverside Sheriff’s Department, Temecula, Hemet and Lake Elsinore Stations. If anyone has any information they would like to provide they can contact Sgt. John McKean at (760) 435-4861 or Detective Bob Moore at (760) 435-4435.
Camp Pendleton welcomes new commander By Samantha Taylor
CAMP PENDLETON — As of late July, the United States Marine Corps base has a new commander. Brig. Gen. Daniel B. Conley assumed command of Marine Corps Installations West, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton on July 22. In his new role, Conley is the commander of the base itself as well as the region. Five Marine Corps bases and stations are in the Southwest: Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Marine Corps Air Station Camp Pendleton, Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, Marine Corps Air Station Yuma and Marine Corps Logistics Base Barstow. Marine Corps Installations West also directly supports Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego and Air Ground Combat Center, Twentynine Palms. “I look forward to serving the Marines, sailors, civilians and their families that call our bases home,” Conley said in a statement provided to The Coast News. “I am committed to providing state of the art range and training facilities that sustain the readiness and lethality of America’s expeditionary force in readiness.” Conley is now responsible for the combat readiness of the Marines he oversees. He is also responsible for providing training opportunities, facilities and other support for Marines, sailors and their families. Originally from Falmouth, Massachusetts, Conley was commissioned in 1988 following his graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy. After that, he began training to become a Marine Corps logistics officer. Conley graduated the
U.S. MARINE Brig. Gen. Daniel B. Conley signs documents for his assumption of command for Marine Corps Installations West, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Dylan Chagnon
Conley replaces Brig. Gen. Kevin. J. Killea, who officially retired from the Marine Corps on Aug. 1. According to Camp Pendleton communications officer Capt. Luke Weaver, Killea “is pursuing career opportunities in the civilian world.” During his retirement ceremony in late June, Killea told an audience that included his fellow Marines, family and Rep. Mike Levin (D-San Juan Capistrano) how he figured out what it meant to be a Marine. “I think we all joined kind of for the sense of adventure of it all initially,” Killea said. “But once you deploy, especially if you deploy in harm’s way, you quickly figure out that it’s about defending our way of life and supporting the flag that represents everything that’s great about this nation, not what’s wrong with it.” Killea, who served for 31 years, also said the people and the mission itself, which for him was supporting “that Marine on the ground,” also define what it means to be a Marine.
US Marine Corps Com- uty commander for the U.S. mand and Staff College National Support Element and has previously served — Afghanistan. as commander of Marine Wing Support Squadron 274, Marine Wing Support Group 27 and 3d Marine Logistics Group. He has RADIO served at bases on both the East and West coasts, in Iwakuni, Japan and in Felix Taverna Mons, Belgium. Tommy “D” Dellerba Conley deployed during the Gulf War (codeLarry Zap - Toby Turrell named Operation Desert Shield by the U.S. govern& Guests ment) in 1991, and multiple times throughout the Global War on Terrorism (OperSaturday 9-10 a.m. PDT ation Enduring Freedom) & Sunday 12-1 p.m. EDT and the Iraq War (Operation Iraqi Freedom). In July 2016, he deployed to Afghanistan to serve as commander of Ba“We don’t just talk horse racing, we cover it!” gram Air Field and as dep-
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VISTA — Solutions for Change’s day-to-day operations rely on volunteers, working to help transform the lives of the families it serves. There are multiple areas that require volunteer help, and anyone interested can contact Emily Fauber at Areas that always need extra hands include: Preparing and serving dinner (any age); Kid Zone helpers (ages 16 and older); quarterly graduation child care (ages 14
T he C oast News - I nland E dition
AUG. 9, 2019
Halloween? Still plenty of summer left San Marcos planners small talk jean gillette
erhaps it is time we contact our attorneys. Or perhaps we need to round up some muscle from our local dive bar. We have to take action. But first, I want to meet the mother who thinks she can buy her child’s Halloween costume the first week of August. And I want to be there to say “I told you so” on Oct. 29, when her child has
changed his or her mind about their costume choice for the third time. I am incensed — yes, incensed to have spotted children’s Halloween costumes on sale in three different stores this week. No, no, no and no. That is just wrong in so many ways. I am seeing the death throes of spontaneity. I know life is busy, but I am very leery of planning things this far ahead. October should not have creeped into our mental agendas yet. For pity’s sake, the corn isn’t even as high as an elephant’s eye. Our best beach weather is ahead of us. Yes, you might need to think about some back-to-school stuff, but
you should also be mindful of the rising ocean temps and start deciding if 70 degrees is warm enough to dive in, or if you will hold out for 73. It has only just begun to get above 80 degrees outside and there are still root beer floats to sip. Our floaties haven’t popped. There are summer tomatoes still ripening and zucchini getting huge when we’re not looking. Watermelons have only just hit their peak and there are popsicles that need to be eaten. Heck, our summer clothes aren’t even tattered. You can still see the stripes on our beach towels. My straw sunhat hasn’t gone limp yet. There are
flip-flops to blow out, potato salad to be made and the second half of that bottle of sunscreen to be used up. There is at least a Labor Day barbecue to plan, before we should get even a whiff of the winter holidays. In my youth, we were only just packing for a blissful two-week stay in a beach house. So, please, for the sake of not wishing our lives away, hold off on Halloween. Marketers be darned. Somebody get me my tranquilizer dart gun. Jean Gillette is a freelance writer hanging on to the season with both hands. Contact her at
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OK trilingual preschool By Steve Horn
SAN MARCOS — A permit for a proposed trilingual preschool combining instruction in English, Spanish and French was approved 5-1 by the Planning Commission on Aug. 5. The permit is for a 4,436-squarefoot indoor facility and an adjacent 2,015-square-foot playground. The school’s maximum enrollment is 60 students. Owned by the chain Vision, the company has its roots in Canada. If approved by the City Council, this will be Vision’s first U.S. location, slotted for 403 N. Twin Oaks Valley Road. Though Vision got a Planning Commission green light, it did not come before questions raised by members of the Planning Commission. Most of those questions centered on the safety of children and the location of the school, located in a 103-car parking lot (93 if the preschool opens for business) which also has a hookah lounge, a pool hall, a billiards lounge — and if it ever gets the permit, a crematorium. The solo “no” vote came from Eric Flodine. He said he supported Vison’s vision, but not in its current location. Flodine’s biggest concern, he said, is the possibility of traffic coming in at high speeds in the parking lot from the intersection of Twin Oaks Valley Road and Richmar Avenue. The playground for the preschool will sit 24 feet away from the school. To ease those concerns, the parking lot will include two speed bumps and a children crossing sign. This, however, did not satisfy Flodine. “People just come in and take that curve pretty quick,” said Florine. “So, while there’s been an effort to put speed bumps in on either end, the fact that this is a separate playground from the school itself, that’s very peculiar to me and seems to set a very unsafe condition for the kids.” The preschool’s principal and franchise owner Karyne Bégin said that instructors will always accompany students to and from the playground, with a rope system in place to ensure a safe passageway across the parking lot. “They’re going to go out two groups at a time with three teachers and we have specialized ropes for children to go outside,” said Bégin. “So, there’s going to be one teacher in the front and all the children are going to be tight within this rope.” Bégin also said that the previous school for which she served as principal, located in Québec City in Canada, initially had similar concerns. “At first, we were kinding of freaking out about all of this, but we put speed bumps in the parking lot, it really worked super well,” she said. “It really takes time to educate the peo-
ple that come in because they’re not used to that ... But we honestly never had any problem, so we just had to educate people to ensure that it was safe for everyone.” Planning Commission member Ed Musgrove expressed similar concerns about the location for childrens’ safety and the physical separation of the school from the playground. But he said it would be hard, no matter where proposed, to find a “perfect” locale. “I completely agree with Commissioner Flodine’s concerns about the layout, but I have to also factor in to find a perfect location is almost impossible,” said Musgrove. Planning Commission member Jeff Oleksy said he believes the concerns about fast-moving vehicles is “unfounded.” “I also live very close to this and I honestly find these fears of cars flying through this area is a little bit unfounded,” said Oleksy. “They only come from direction, from the west, and it needs to be a left turn to get in there ... It feels pretty narrow when you drive in there. I have to shamefully admit that I drive pretty fast, but I don’t see a lot of people being able to have any real speed coming through making that left turn into there.” Kevin Norris, the chairman of the Planning Commission, asked Bégin to negotiate the potential to join the playground and preschool together as one contiguous property. But he agreed with Musgrove, stating, “to find an ideal, perfect place is probably not going to happen.” The journey to San Marcos started for Bégin when she was looking for a place to vacation in California in early 2018. Her niece chose San Diego, a city she had not heard of as a longtime resident of Québec. She said she quickly fell in love with the area, visiting multiple times after the initial trip, eventually deciding to upend life in Canada to come to San Marcos and build something new. Bégin said her and her son moved into an apartment in San Marcos a week ago, in preparation for the looming school year for both of them. Her son, 16, will attend Mission Hills High School, while Bégin hopes that Vision will open its doors by November. The school will have six instructors, open between 6:45 a.m. and 6 p.m., with school hours scheduled for 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The hours before and after school will focus on day care and “free play,” as opposed to scholastic instruction. The changing demographics, growing population and comparatively lower cost of living in San Marcos — as opposed to a place like La Jolla — are what Bégin said drew her TURN TO PRESCHOOL ON 16
AUG. 9, 2019
NEWS? Business news and
special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via email to community@ NEW FACES AT CSUSM
Cal State San Marcos head softball coach Stef Ewing introduced former New Mexico State assistant coach Pam Stone as the new assistant softball coach. Baseball head coach Matt Guiliano named Eric Hutting as that team’s new assistant coach. In addition, men’s basketball head coach BJ Foster welcomed Adam Ellis as that team’s new assistant coach.
For the 12th year in a row, the Del Mar-Solana Beach Rotary Club handed out thousands of chilled water bottles to homeless vets, their dependents, and the volunteers assisting them, manning the “Water Tent” again this year at Stand Down San Diego 2019, June 28 to June 30.
At its July 24 board meeting, OMWD’s board of directors authorized the refinancing of its Reassessment District 96-1 bonds. The deal closed on July 29 and will reduce repayment costs to property owners within OMWD by approximately $2.8 million.
Cal State San Marcos has been ranked first in the state by in its list of 2019 Best Online RN to BSN programs. There were 15 schools that met the website’s criteria to be ranked. RN to BSN programs allow registered nurses with an associate degree to advance their education by receiving a bachelor of science in nursing. CSUSM offers an accelerated online program that gives nurses the opportunity to earn their BSN in just 16 months.
The Patio Group has launched a new line of Swell Coffee Co. product called Jeanie Bean
T he C oast News - I nland E dition — a collagen coffee made with turmeric and black pepper available at the Swell Coffee Co. Café in Del Mar and various locations. The collagen protein mixed with a traditional roast makes Jeanie Bean a smooth brew with added health benefits including supporting joints, skin, bones and hair, plus inflammation-fighting curcumin from the turmeric added to your morning cup. Jeanie Bean is a collaboration between Swell Coffee Co. and Jean Courtney, coffee creator and long-time friend of The Patio Group’s CEO, Gina Champion-Cain. Jeanie Bean is also partnering with Rough Draft Brewing Company to create a small 5-gallon batch of collagen coffee beer available only at the brewery in the La Jolla area. VOLUNTEER WITH LIFELINE
North County lifeline continues to offer spots for volunteers within five service area and 40 programs. If you are interested in learning about volunteer opportunities, visit
Seacrest Village, a local nonprofit senior housing and health care organization, is celebrating its 75th Anniversary. From 1944, the organization enjoyed tremendous growth, from expanding to a home on 54th St. for 30 seniors in 1955 to opening 98 independent living apartments in Encinitas in 1989 with the addition of a health care center in 1990. Later development included assisted living and memory care.
SANDAG congestion pricing a hot topic By Steve Puterski
REGION — San Diego Association of Governments “5 Big Moves” has been the source of much discussion and debate, and SANDAG Executive Director Hasan Ikhrata has proposed a full commitment to expanding the county’s transit system. He broke down his position on the strategies during a presentation at the July 23 Carlsbad City Council meeting. Part of the plan is to explore all options including congestion pricing, which many elected officials, on the SANDAG board and otherwise, are already discussing. Carlsbad Councilman Keith Blackburn said congestion pricing has taken on a life of its own, due to its name. He urged Ikhrata and the SANDAG staff to be detailed when discussing the
be celebrating Beginning Day from 3 to 6 p.m. Aug. 20 at Sundance Mobile Home Park Clubhouse, 2250 N. Broadway, Escondido. Reservation by calling Sherry at (951) 760-0086 or Rita at (760) 644-2394 by Aug. 13.
AUG. 21
Celebrate National Senior Citizen Day with a look at adventures, past and future, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 21 at the McClellan Center, 1400 Vale Terrace Drive, Vista.
Ainsley Cobb of San Marcos recently attended Space Academy at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center. Cobb spent the week training with a team that flew a simulated space mission to the International Space Station (ISS), the Moon or Mars. Graduating from Fort Lewis College, Alexander Marr of Oceanside received a degree in geology and Aitana Rivera of San Marcos received a degree in ExerSci-Exer Specialist Option.
Tickets are available now for the San Marcos Republican Women of California – San Marcos BINGO! fundraiser 4 to 8 p.m. Sept. 14 offering Bingo Prizes Silent Auction -Dinner at St. Mark Golf Club, Fairway Room, 1750 San Pablo Drive, Lake San Marcos, CA. 92078. All proceeds go to Troops Direct, a non-profit providing mission critical supplies to active-duty military. For reservations or questions, e-mail Susie Glass at Mail reservations to 1164 Sunrise Way, San Marcos 92078.
WE WANT YOU! The City of San Marcos Sheriff’s Senior Volunteer Patrol needs help. We know volunteers are sought by every service or organization out there. We’re no different in that regard but we currently find ourselves short-handed and unable to assist our great City as it should be. If you find you have some extra time on your hands and care about people, consider checking us out by contacting Mike Gardiner, 760-510-5290 at the San Marcos Sheriff’s Station. He will introduce you to all the pluses of being part of this great team of volunteers. You have talents and experience we are looking for.
matter. “Just be sensitive to the fact that it has been a huge distraction for what you’re trying to get done,” he said, “because of all the misperceptions of what it might be.” Several forms of congestion pricing are in operation throughout the world. London and Stockholm currently use a congestion charge in specific zones throughout those cities. New York will also implement congestion pricing in Manhattan in 2021, per the New York Times. San Diego County has another form, with managed lanes on Interstate 15, which allow single-occupant vehicles voluntarily paying to use HOV lanes with ExpressPass and FasTrack passes. However, Ikhrata said SANDAG does not have the authority to implement congestion pricing
as it must be passed through the state legislature. “When we did I-15, we had to get the legislation,” he said. “The laws of the land just don’t allow us to arbitrarily approve it.” Ikhrata said a London or Stockholm-style of congestion pricing would not be used as part of SANDAG’s plan; however, he is favor of keeping all options open. Supervisor Jim Desmond said it could mean all cars on all roads could be charged for driving. Or vehicles on any lane on a highway, along major and secondary city and county arterial roadways could be charged. Then, there is the matter of tracking and residents already paying several transportation taxes. “It’s too broad, too vague and quite frankly, too early to consider an-
other tax,” Desmond said. “You can only have so many lanes, but I think we should be investing in technology and autonomous vehicles and those types of things that make the roads more efficient.” Ikhrata said SANDAG will research the potential for a managed system on highways and major arterials; although no decision regarding congestion pricing has been made. The goal is to take at least 5% to 10% of single-occupant vehicles off the highway system and redirect those motorists to transit options as part of the “5 Big Moves.” However, Ikhrata said SANDAG cannot expect people to take transit if takes two to three hours to reach work or home, which is why building a robust transit system is critical to the future of the region.
Summer Season
of Fun Continues at Del Mar Racetrack The 10th Annual Food Truck Festival and More at the Del Mar Racetrack
Enjoy SoCal’s variety of delicious culinary offerings during week four at the track • DEL MAR, CALIF. – Bring your appetite to Del Mar for a delicious meal in the Turf Club, tasty bites at the annual Gourmet Food Truck Festival, and free decadent donuts on Donuts Day! On Friday, August 9, the nation’s top touring Red Hot Chili Peppers’ tribute band, the Red Not Chili Peppers, will take the Seaside Stage at Del Mar. Other events taking place August 7-11 include Free and Easy Wednesdays, Sip in Style, Daybreak at Del Mar, and Family Weekends. • RED NOT CHILI PEPPERS – Just announced, on Friday, August 9, guests will be reminded of the high energy performances and funk rock hits of the Red Hot Chili Peppers as the ultimate tribute band shakes up the stage. Guests can maximize their concert experience by upgrading to a spot in the South Terrace VIP area where they will receive an elevated viewing platform next to the stage, complete with a private bar, bathroom and other amenities. Racetrack guests will receive free admission if they enter before the final race of the day. Concert admission will cost $30 after the last race. All concerts are 18+. • SIP IN STYLE – New at the track this summer, kick off your weekend at the Turf Club with Sip in Style. Every Friday, track-goers can enjoy a table at the exclusive Turf Club, a featured Drink of the Week and complimentary drink tastings from different beverage partners from 4-6 p.m. Sip in Style admission is $80 and includes Turf Club admission and a table reservation. The beverage partner for Friday, August 9, is Patrón. • FOOD TRUCK FESTIVAL – Calling all food lovers! You won’t want to miss the annual Gourmet Food Truck Festival taking over Del Mar on Saturday, August 10. Taste some of SoCal’s most delicious food on wheels. More than 30 food trucks are expected, all in one location, with gourmet chefs serving their eclectic bests at affordable prices. • DONUTS DAY – Saturday, August 10, just got a lot sweeter with Donuts Day at Del Mar! Kickstart your day at the racetrack from 8-10 a.m. with free coffee, orange juice and decadent donuts. While you enjoy these delicious treats and watch the beautiful horses during their morning workouts, kids will love the free activities being offered, including face painting, free prizes, and a meet and greet with Del Mar’s mascot Pony Boy! • FREE AND EASY WEDNESDAYS – Every Wednesday is Free & Easy Wednesday. Receive free Stretch Run admission, a free program and a free seat. We’re adding more surf to the turf with $3 fish or carnitas tacos served fresh from the Brigantine in the Plaza de Mexico, $6 pints of Coors Light and $3 hot dogs throughout the facility. • DAYBREAK AT DEL MAR – Saturday and Sunday, August 10 and 11, the Clubhouse Terrace Restaurant will welcome early risers from 7:30 - 9:30 a.m. Fans will be able to dine and watch morning workouts while learning behind-the-scenes details from horsewoman and racing broadcaster Michelle Yu. There is no charge for admission, but a $10 parking fee applies. • FAMILY WEEKENDS – Bring the whole family to the Infield for Family Weekends on Saturday and Sunday, August 10 and 11, to enjoy numerous attractions, including pony rides, a giant obstacle course, face painters, a game zone and more! • TASTE OF THE TURF CLUB – Sunday, August 11, fans can enjoy the mouthwatering menu of one of San Diego’s most celebrated chefs, Brian Malarkey, at the exclusive Turf Club. Seats are $100 per person and include Turf Club seating for the race day, Turf Club admission, choice of appetizer, entree, dessert and bottomless mimosas, Del Marys or Chandon. Tables are limited.
T he C oast News - I nland E dition
AUG. 9, 2019
Food &Wine
Raising the bar for beach concessions at Moonlight
Folks flock from all over San Diego County and beyond to enjoy the fabulous amenities at Moonlight. Several I talked to came from Escondido, Vista, Valley Center, Rancho Bernardo and as far away as Temecula. All shapes, sizes and ethnicities are represented and it’s a nice melting pot of people beating the high temperatures where they live and enjoying mild beach temperatures and the refreshing ocean. Did you know the two boat houses on Third Street in Encinitas were built in 1929
with wood from the burned-down dance hall at Moonlight Beach? In the
ne of my favorite weekend activities is to get on my bike and ride into Encinitas to run some errands. My route always takes me through Moonlight Beach and in the summer I will make a pit stop at the concession stand called the Café Aqua and enjoy lunch or a shave ice and some great people watching.
1920s, land prospector J.S. Pitcher, who owned much of Encinitas, built a bathhouse, playground, boardwalk and the dance hall where Moonlight Beach. Horse racing on the beach was not uncommon. So yes, this place has a lot of history. Another highlight of Moonlight is the world-class volleyball happening there. It’s hard not to notice the tall, talented volleyball players on beach courts at the north end of Moonlight. They all look like they have played at least in high school and many of them at a much higher level. Since the early 1950s, two-man volleyball has been played at Moonlight Beach and many players from the Pro Tour frequent the courts. And, of course, the annual Switchfoot Bro-Am happens every summer along with regular live music events. There is always a wide range of music coming from speakers at the pop-up tents that reflect the diversity of people at Moonlight on any given summer day. The aromas wafting from Moonlight are always a treat with the smell of campfires and people grilling the standard beach cookout fare of hot dogs, hamburgers and more. More frequently these days I see local restaurants delivering to the beach,
SIBLINGS Cambria and Gage Escribano and Ashton Lassig came from Temecula for the shave ice and Moonlight Beach. Photo by David Boylan
which is a convenient service for beachgoers. My last time through I saw Phil’s BBQ making a huge delivery to a large family gathering. Leucadia Pizzeria is another common local restaurant seen delivering to the beach. Speaking of hot dogs, the beach and a baseball game are my favorite places to eat one and the Aqua Café at Moonlight serves up a delicious 100% beef Nathan’s famous with a bag of chips and a Coke that hits the spot every time. I’ve made it a point over several visits this summer to eat my way through the rest of the menu at Aqua Café and was quite
impressed. The “hand-crafted” sandwiches, as they call them, are really nice, though I’m not quite sure what hand-crafted means, but hey it sounds good. The North Shore has roasted turkey breast, mozzarella, basil, sprouts, arugula and red onion on squaw bread. The Lanai Wrap is another favorite with Black Angus roast beef, smoked turkey breast, Havarti cheese, red onion, sprouts, cucumber and organic mixed greens in a spinach wrap served with garlic ranch. There is also a really good Veggie sandwich and a PBJ with cashew butter and strawberry jam. All
9DLM16039_Taste of Turf Club Ad Post August 5_CoastNews__RUN DATE: 08_09_19__TRIM: 10.25x7.25
Non-Turf Club members get in to the exclusive Turf Club* for $80, which includes one free specialty drink of the week, access to a Turf Club table, and free sampling from 4-6 p.m. Limited number of tickets available! Go to to reserve your tickets.
Experience our exclusive Turf Club Champagne Lunch featuring a special menu prepared by Chef Brian Malarkey. $100 gains you admission and a table in the private Turf Club* where Malarkey’s custom menu will include a choice of appetizer, entrée, dessert, and bottomless mimosas.
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are a very good value at $6. Chicken, roast beef and veggie paninis are also solid and only $7. The Hawaiian Shave Ice and Premium Shave Dessert are what the kids are lining up for though, and they are a perfectly refreshing treat and so fun to eat. It’s fun hearing the kids debate what combo they prefer as they stand in line. The BuildA-Bowl lets you pick any three flavors of shave dessert topped with honey graham crackers and white cap. The beverage selection is extensive as well with a nice variety going on including their Aqua Drinks that have alkaline water infused with fruit and electrolytes, perfect to hydrate during a day at the beach. Specialty drinks include a Shirley Temple, Blue Cream Soda, Cherry Vanilla Soda and M Kombucha on tap. I’d say Aqua Café raises the bar on beach concessions and is another reason to visit this fine slice of Encinitas. I’d also like to give a big shout-out to the Encinitas Lifeguards who do a fine job of keeping the large crowds of beachgoers safe and following the rules they put in place to make it an enjoyable experience for everyone. Check out Aqua Café at www.aquapurenutrition. com.
AUG. 9, 2019
T he C oast News - I nland E dition
Food &Wine
Iron Fist Brewing in Vista grows from within to expand craft beer in North County Bill Vanderburgh
ron Fist Brewing (1305 Hot Spring Way #101, Vista, CA 92081) began operations in 2010. Originally a family affair, son Brandon Sieminski brewed, while parents Greg and Eve Sieminski invested and helped out around the brewery. In 2016, they brought on partners Wayne and Cindy Seltzer. The Seltzers have lots of experience in the hospitality industry, plus ties to the Padres, which allowed Iron Fist to begin selling at Petco Park. They opened a tasting room in Barrio Logan, the first of five breweries and tasting rooms in the neighborhood now. Then, in 2017, they brought on Tom Garcia as brewing production manager to help them plan and execute “phase two” of Iron Fist’s growth. According to Garcia, Iron Fist was 95% there and it was just a matter of some tweaks to get it to the next level. Garcia should know:
He was at Stone Brewing in Escondido for several years before starting his own brewery, Off Beat Brewing, in 2012. Off Beat was a well-regarded spot, popular with workers from Stone after their shifts. But with new family responsibilities Garcia found that he was spending too much time at the brewery and not earning quite what he needed, so he decided to change directions and reluctantly closed his brewery in 2017. Luckily, coming on at Iron Fist has been a great fit for everyone concerned. In addition to bringing in talent from the outside, Iron Fist also develops talent from within. Chris Fitzgerald, head brewer, began working at Iron Fist in 2013 as a beertender. Now Fitzgerald, together with Garcia and recently hired assistant brewer Jose Rios, brew a variety of beers that are mostly European in style. They aren’t interested in chasing trends and would rather make “beer flavored beer.” When they do brew with “adjuncts” (as brewers call additions that are not malt, hops, yeast or water), they focus on the making the base beer excellent. Their blood orange IPA, they emphasized to me, is
IRON FIST’S brewing production manager, Tom Garcia; head brewer Chris Fitzgerald; and assistant brewer Jose Rios. Photo by Bill Vanberburgh
an excellent IPA first, with a subtle addition of real fruit (not syrups or concentrates). As Fitzgerald puts it, “Beer first.” This small crew runs tightly and efficiently. They are brewing between 3,000 and 5,000 barrels annually. Peaks and troughs are based on demand. For example, they brew a lot more
when Petco Park is busy. Garcia says that, “With every batch we brew, we are making a statement,” about who the brewery is and what its ideals are. Their competitive spirit and drive for excellence comes out even when they are enjoying beer at other breweries for fun. Fitzgerald says that when he tries
a really good beer made by someone else, he has the dual response of, “I love this! Damn you!” The drive to always be better means that Iron Fist beer is excellent and consistent. The emphasis on following processes perfectly and ensuring quality at every step comes through in beers that are well-made,
clean and delicious. They do tasting panels every day to make sure there are no problems with their beers. The crew prides themselves on running clean, and they point out that they do heat treatment when cleaning the brewing system, not just chemical sanitation as most other small breweries do. Iron Fist beer has long been available in large and small bottles, but that era is over. A newly purchased canning line allows the three-person crew to fill 40 cans per minute. Currently, five core beers plus various one-off releases are available in cans. The most recent new beer release, in July, was Catalina’s Revenge, a golden copper colored, mildly bitter West Coast Pale Ale with a caramel maltiness and citrus, floral and tropical hop notes. Iron Fist’s next can release, on Aug. 9, is a Double Black IPA that clocks in at 8.5% ABV. It has the flavor and aroma of an IPA. While it is jet black and has a lot of body, it is clean tasting: They wanted to avoid the ashy, leathery and roasty flavors sometimes present in black IPAs, and from what I sampled, they succeeded.
Ocean influence at Orfila wine dinner in Oceanside
he big stylish O logo on all that is Orfila winery was very much in evidence for a recent Winemaker Dinner, and appropriate in that it was held at its new Tasting Room in Oceanside. Winemaker and General Manager Justin Mund presided over the narrative on the wines and menu. All the wines served had to be able to enhance a variety of seafood, a unique deep dive into the lore of ocean flavor that he and his talented chef, Luke Morganstern, had created. In scanning the menu, I realized we were in for a very special evening, one that would change my concept of what ocean cuisine can achieve. Luke Morganstern is a matter-of-fact, easy to understand builder of thematic menus. The former chef of Amici in San Diego, Morganstern has delighted the daily diners at Orfila’s Tasting Room, a few blocks from the pier in Oceanside, with a universal menu of Mediterranean influenced plates with suggested paired Orfila wines. Openers include Charcuterie and Artisanal cheese boards, moving up to a wide range of light foods that could include Avocado toast with Montepulciano or Sangiovese wines, Kobe sliders paired with Merlot, Cabernet or Syrah, or a Caprese salad with Pinot Noir, Lotus or
taste of wine frank mangio Chardonnay. In commenting on his winemaker dinner featured in the fourth course, the Branzino, he had this to say: “Branzino is related to the sea bass found off the shores of Naples Italy. Here you have in place, old-world-style stuffed ingredients, lightly salted and pureed to release the
fish’s ocean bouquet, surrounded by garden fresh zucchini and summer squash, grilled peaches and pickled fennel. Inside the Branzino I infused the Italian old world tastes of celery, onions, bread crumbs and sweet sausage. I keep the tail and head in place for an authentic old world display.” I was thrilled when the wine chosen for this magnificent signature menu selection was the 2017 Estate Petite Sirah, one of my Top Ten Picks for the first half of 2019. Learn more at orfila. com.
An ‘artificial cork’ wine opener that works The worst words in the wine industry that I have found are “artificial cork.” They ought to ban them forever. Artificial, or “agglomerated” cork, made up from ground cork and bonded into a solid form (read cemented), are a cheap way to cover a wine bottle. Wineries that should know better, in an effort to save a few cents a bottle, are using this cheap cork to put your kitchen-quality opener at risk. At a 25,000 cork production rate, they’re only 11 cents each. The only
wine opener I know that can challenge and win over bogus wine corks is the Brookstone “Connoisseur’s Compact Wine Opener.” The forged steel “worm”
also makes a true quality cork a pleasure to extract from a bottle, and hear that resonant “pop.” TURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON 20
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T he C oast News - I nland E dition
AUG. 9, 2019
Pickleball doubles team takes state crown Improving Wright is a By Steve Puterski
CARLSBAD — The transition from tennis to pickleball has been smooth for Cammy MacGregor and Jennifer Dawson. The two longtime friends picked up the sport nearly five years ago and have quickly become one of the most formidable doubles teams in the country. The duo took the senior doubles title at the Golden State Championship in Concord on July 28. With temperatures over 100 degrees, the two North County residents paddled the field to capture another title. Now, the two will begin to prepare for the Tournament of Champions in Brigham, Utah, from Aug. 21 to Aug. 24, followed by the U.S. Pickleball National Championships at Indian Wells, where the two also won the title in 2018, from Nov. 2 to Nov. 10. “The conditions for Saturday and Sunday were brutal,” MacGregor said. “But it was good competition.” Both MacGregor, of Vista, and Dawson, of Carlsbad, were former professional tennis players, each cracking the top 100 in the world. Although each retired from professional tennis, both have remained dedicated to the sport. MacGregor is a tennis
CAMMY MACGREGOR, of Vista, right, and Carlsbad’s Jennifer Dawson won the pickleball senior doubles title at the Golden State Championship on July 28. Courtesy photo
and pickleball pro at Omni La Costa Resort & Spa in Carlsbad, while Dawson and her husband, Steve Dawson, own the Bobby Riggs Racket and Paddle in Encinitas. About five years ago, Dawson was introduced to the sport by her husband. After she realized the potential and how social it was, she called on MacGregor to try it out. Both found a great fit, became doubles
partners, and began climbing through the ranks and winning. “It’s a totally different atmosphere than tennis,” MacGregor said. “It was the social aspect of it all and just how unique pickleball is. You can have people with knee replacements and hip replacements out there. Covering a tennis court is a lot bigger.” Their styles are different, with Dawson more of
the power player and MacGregor is consistent with soft hands and control, they said. Pickleball is played on a court 20 feet by 44 feet and has aspects of tennis, badminton and table tennis. Players use paddles and a plastic ball with holes in singles or doubles action. The sport has gained popularity throughout the region over the past several years. As a result, the cities of Vista and Carlsbad are currently installing pickleball courts due to the demand. Some of the reasons for the rise in popularity, MacGregor and Dawson said, are it’s a more social sport, it has a smaller court, it’s not as taxing on the body and it’s fast paced. “There’s a little bit more to the game and you have to use a lot more strategy,” Dawson added. “It’s just a really fun game and a sport that anyone can pick up right away.” Another reason for the popularity, she said, is word-of-mouth, like the way Dawson recruited MacGregor to the sport. “We have a lot of great athletes that come into the sport,” Dawson said. “We have so many younger players coming into it … and they’re growing with the sport.”
MacMillan is ‘Forever Legend’
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ESCONDIDO — The Future Legends Awards Group (FLAG) is introducing its nominees for the Forever Legend award created by the Escondido History Center, with a $10,000 sponsorship from the Rincon Band of Luiseño Indians for 2019. The FLAG committee wants to introduce all nine residents being honored with the Forever Legend award, leading to the award presentation in October. Each Forever Legend will have a $1,000 honorarium given in their name to students from nine different high schools in October. Soccer standout Shannon MacMillan has been selected as one of nine 2019 Escondido Forever Legends. She is likely the most celebrated athlete to attend an Escondido high school. After graduating from San Pasqual High School in 1992 and being named the San Diego County Female Athlete of the Year, she was a four-year All-American and on the dean’s list at Portland University. In 1995, she received the MAC Award and Hermann Award (soccer’s version of the Heisman Trophy). In a 12-year international soccer career, MacMillan scored 60 goals in 176 games for the U.S. national team. She retired in 2005 and still ranks ninth in career goals and assists. She was a member of the 1999 World Cup champions.
gem, on and off diamond sports talk jay paris
he row of stitches on Rachel Wright’s head tells where she’s been. But Wright provides the clues on where she’s bound. “I want to be ready for the season,” Wright said. Wright, the La Costa Canyon High School softball coach, was thrown a curve ball the day after Easter. A brain tumor rocked her world and knocked her down, but not out. “I want to stay in softball,” Wright stressed. “And I’m slowly coming along.” There’s nothing wrong with how North County’s softball community, and others, rallied around Wright. She’s not only the Mavericks’ coach, but she also provides backslaps and guidance to countless teenagers on club teams. “She’s like really understanding with everyone,” said Julianna Wilkens, 15. “She’s patient with the players.” Now Wright is easing into returning to the diamond. Despite not being at full strength, she going to workouts and is looking toward LCC’s next season. Wright has had two surgeries in her four visits to the hospital since suffering a seizure. She’s soon starting another round of chemotherapy and radiation. But her voice is strong and filled with positive thoughts. It sounds like someone continuing her fight rather than reaching for a white flag. After turning 32 in the hospital, Wright is eager to turn the page on her life-changing event that she didn’t see coming. “I had no idea,” said Wright, an Encinitas resident. “I’ve been an athlete my whole life and then a coach. As a player you play through things and sometimes there are some long days as a coach.” Then there’s the night she won’t forget when she had a seizure that had her boyfriend reaching for the phone. He dialed 9-1-1 and the couple’s life hasn’t been the same. “I had never even had headaches,” she said. “It was crazy.” The majority of tumor was removed and subsequent tests show the procedure was a success. She still has a long road ahead, but others are trying their best to make it a smooth path. Recently the La Costa 35 Athletic Club honored her at its Sunday softball games. Wright was surprised she was invited and
RACHEL WRIGHT, La Costa Canyon High softball coach, learned she had a brain tumor the day after Easter. The softball community has rallied around her. Courtesy photo
battled tears when presented with a check to defray some of her medical costs. “I didn’t know anybody there and they really didn’t know me,” she said. But those men, from age 35 to 87, had something in common with Wright. They hold softball dear to their hearts and they showed how big theirs was when passing the cap. While some are challenged to sprint down the baseline, they sprang into action when learning of Wright’s predicament. “When we heard about what happened, we wanted to help,” LC35AC president Steve Collo said. What Wright gleaned from the afternoon was more than some dough. She was introduced to senior-style softball and she said watching it was a hoot. “Even though they are a little older they want to keep playing and having fun,”’ Wright said. “That’s what softball is all about.” Wright was a standout at LCC and Palomar College. She took pride in her game and feels the same when shaping players looking to improve. “I tell them you have to work hard to get something,” Wright said. “That’s the way it was for me and it’s the way it has always been.” Wright’s sermons have heft but they come with a deft touch. “Rachel is always so supportive on and off the field,” said Ryan Baillargeon, 14. “She shares her love for softball with us and to push ourselves and to do better.” Wright is making strides and that’s the main pitch of this story. But medical aid doesn’t come cheaply and those wishing to assist can. Encinitas’ St. Mark Lutheran Church is accepting contributions at http:// “She’s always our cheerleader,” Baillargeon said. “Now it’s our turn to be hers.” Contact Jay Paris at Follow him @jparis_sports.
AUG. 9, 2019
T he C oast News - I nland E dition
A rts &Entertainment SALUTE TO STYX “Mr. Roboto — An Unofficial Styx Musical” features North County youth including, from left, standing, Audrey Stillwell, Poway; August Ruterbusch, Cardiff; Carley Rhinehart, Anaheim; Aaron Hunter, Poway; Izaiah Rhinehart, Fallbrook; Wyatt Rhinehart, Fallbrook; Abby DePuy, San Diego; Daylyn Reese, Carlsbad; Dewikus Van Ziji, Rancho Penasquitos, and, from left, front, Millie Robinson, San Marcos, and Shasta Fox, Escondido. For dates and times, see Aug. 9 listing in Arts Calendar on Page 14.
PAINTED BY Australian artist George Rose, last year’s mural at KAABOO Del Mar from the PangeaSeed SeaWalls program had festival-goers lining up to take photos. Photo courtesy of PangeaSeed
Mural brings ocean to life at KAABOO By Kelli Kyle
DEL MAR — Anyone who’s attended KAABOO Del Mar, the three-day music festival held at the Del Mar Fairgrounds each September, knows there is plenty to take in. Popular music acts are always a huge part of the appeal — this year has several big names on the books, including Dave Matthews Band, Kings of Leon and Mumford & Sons. Still, there is another major piece of this festival aside from the music: the art. “The owner, Bryan Gordon, wanted to create an event where the art was as important as the music,” Amanda Lynn, art director for KAABOO, said. “He has always been very art forward and art centric, engaging people in a visual manner as well as musical.” Because of this initiative, festival-goers at KAABOO Del Mar are surrounded by art on stages, in galleries and at other locations throughout the fairgrounds. This year, one of the featured works tackles another KAABOO priority — sustainability. In a project sponsored by the environmental nonprofit PangeaSeed and its program, SeaWalls: Artists for Oceans, an artist will live-paint a 30-foot mural to highlight the importance of a healthy ocean. “For us to be able to engage with a whole new audience — especially one that is so captive, like people at a music festival — is really exciting,” Akira Biondo, director of operations for PangeaSeed, said. KAABOO has partnered with PangeaSeed since the festival started five years ago. The partnership goes beyond just the art — this year, PangeaSeed and a few other organizations are assisting with efforts to reduce plastic waste at the festival. The SeaWalls: Artist for Oceans program commissions artists to paint murals around the world that advocate for ocean conservation. So far, they have about 350 murals in 15 different countries. Art is a universal language, Biondo explains, which has led to the SeaWalls program’s impact across the globe. “We can engage with these communities on
these very important issues through beautiful storytelling,” Biondo said. This year, Santa Cruzbased artist Caia Koopman has been selected to bring the piece to life. Several of her works contain subtle messages on the environment, and she says she is looking forward to creating something crowds will want to stop and see.
Photo by Alexis Friedman
“My goal is to create something beautiful to look at that has an ocean theme, a great message, plus a lot of color, a lot of eye candy, and maybe even a spaceship, just for good measure,” Koopman said. According to Lynn, the live-painting aspect of this mural adds another layer of engagement, especially because PangeaSeed’s
outreach booth will be stationed next to the work. “The message will mean more, because crowds were able to be a part of it, watch the process, talk with PangeaSeed,” Lynn said. Last year, Biondo said people were lining up to take selfies with the completed mural, which featured the phrase “Be Kind, Sunshine” on a backdrop of
flora, fish and marine debris. This year, Biondo says she hopes the mural will have the same effect while also educating passersby. “We will be right on the ocean, which most people kind of forget once they’re on the ground and enjoying themselves,” Biondo said. “I hope that people will do a sort of double take and start thinking about their
own impact.” This year, 1% of festival ticket proceeds will go toward PangeaSeed, as well as other organizations. KAABOO Del Mar takes place at the Del Mar Fairgrounds from Sept. 13 to Sept. 15, and attendees can catch the finished mural for SeaWalls and PangeaSeed on the final day of the event.
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T he C oast News - I nland E dition
AUG. 9, 2019
A rts &Entertainment ‘Game of Thrones’ actor among CSUSM Arts & Lectures series guests By Steve Horn
SAN MARCOS — The famed HBO show “Game of Thrones” will make its way to California State University-San Marcos as part of the university’s fall Arts and Lectures series. Kristian Nairn, the Irish actor and DJ, will be on campus Oct. 15 for a moderated question and answer session, followed by audience questions. The show completed its eighth and final season in May. The “Game of Thrones” star is one of nine people to come to the university between Sept. 16 and Nov. 12. Others include a poet slated to speak about indigenous rights and immigration, military veterans to discuss post-traumatic stress disorder, a journalist who reports
arts CALENDAR Know something that’s going on? Send it to calendar@
AUG. 9
New Village Arts Theatre announces the production of “A Weekend With Pablo Picasso,” written and performed by Culture Clash co-founder Herbert Siguenza, from Aug. 9 to Aug. 25 at 2787 State St., Carlsbad. Tickets: $25 to $36 online at, or via phone at (760) 433-3245. Showtimes: Wednesdays: 7:30 p.m., Thursdays 7:30 p.m.; Fridays 8 p.m.; Saturdays 3 p.m. and 8 p.m.; Sundays 2 p.m. and 7 p.m.
on the U.S.-Mexico border and an academic who will discuss poor students’ experience at elite universities. Arts and Lectures’ Sept. 16 kickoff will feature a one-woman theatrical production, titled “Intrusion,” which focuses on the issue of rape culture. It is directed, written and performed by actress Qurrat Ann Kadwani, who in a single hour plays eight different characters. Kadwani said she wrote “Intrusion” prior to the dawn of the #MeToo movement. “I started writing it in 2015, well before the #MeToo movement started,” she said. “In fact, I finished the script two months before the Weinstein scandal. I was initially going to write welcomes the soul, folk, electronic and funk of Gene Evaro Jr. from 5 to 8 p.m. Aug. 9 at Alga Norte Community Park, 6565 Alicante Road, Carlsbad. Parking and free shuttle at 5815 El Camino Real. The free outdoor concert series run every Friday through Aug. 16. DEGAS UP CLOSE
KRISTIAN NAIRN, who played Hodor on “Game of Thrones,” will appear on campus Oct. 15. Courtesy photo
about India's rape culture but after researching, I realized that the U.S. is the 10th most sexually violent country in the world. I felt I had a responsibility to show
audiences how important it is that we move swiftly to find solutions for sexual violence.” And though it has been performed outside of the campus context, including at the 2018 San Diego Fringe Festival, Kadwani said she wrote it “with the intention of performing it at colleges.” “Students are the new voters. I feel I can play my part in society through theater and entertainment by creating art that presents our social woes with accuracy, logic, and impetus so that students can be changemakers,” Kadwani said. “I strive to give students a voice, to speak up if they have been assaulted, and to speak out against injustice.” Later in the season on Nov. 4, San Diego’s Alex
Montoya will have the spotlight on his own motivational message, as well. Montoya only has one leg and is reliant on prosthetics for mobility and functionality. The author of six books, Montoya formerly worked as the manager of Latino affairs for the San Diego Padres and as director of communications for the San Diego County Hispanic Chamber of Commerce. He has penned books including “Swinging for the Fences,” “See the Good” and others. “My story is about the power of education enabling me to overcome being an immigrant and triple amputee,” said Montoya, adding that he gives about four talks per month, with one usually taking place on a college campus. “What bet-
ter setting than CSUSM, known for being progressive, innovative, and a beacon of hope for all people?” In previous years, Arts & Lectures has brought in guests such as the founder of the #MeToo movement, Tarana Burke; Black Lives Matter co-founder Alicia Garza; CNN correspondent Lisa Ling; and African-American public intellectual Cornel West. “We have a very exciting and diverse lineup coming up this fall, with big names, topical and important conversations happening in word and performance, and multiple authors and motivators,” Gina Jones, Arts & Lectures program planner, said. “There are certainly many must-see events this semester.”
College, 1140 W. Mission Road, San Marcos. Tickets are $20 online at ovationtheatre.brownpapertickets. com; $22 at door. For more information, visit
of Being Earnest,” from 1 to 4 p.m. Aug. 11 and from 5 to 7 p.m. Aug. 12. Roles for men and women 18 to 88. For more information, visit or call (858) 756-2441, ext. 110
“Mr. Roboto — An Unofficial Styx Musical,” is being staged at 7 p.m. Aug. 9 through Aug. 11, with matinees at 2 p.m. on Aug. 10 and Aug. 11, written by Izaiah and Wyatt Rhinehart of Fallbrook. All shows will be held at the California Center for the Arts, Studio 1, 340 N Escondido Blvd., Escondido. Seats can be reserved for a minimum OVATION THEATRE’S production of the musical “Footloose” $15 donation at paradisetis at the Brubeck Theatre at Palomar College in San Marcos heatreproductions@gmail. for three shows this weekend, beginning tonight at 7. Reece com.
The California Center for the Arts, Escondido Center Museum announces the inaugural exhibition of “Edgar Degas: The Private Impressionist, Works on Paper by the Artist and his Circle” through Sept. 15 at 340 N. Escondido Blvd, Escondido. Admission is $12 for adults. Military and children under 12 are free. Museum Hours: Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. Ryden, above, stars as new kid in town Ren McCormack. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 to 5 Courtesy photo p.m., closed Monday. tion Theatre presents the Aug. 9 and Aug. 10 and at 2 CONCERTS IN THE PARK musical “Footloose” with p.m. Aug. 11 at Howard BruGET LOOSE Concerts in the Parks Encinitas-based Ova- performances at 7 p.m. beck Theatre at Palomar
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Outlaw-Classic Country will be featured at Hidden City Sounds Music Series at the California Center for the Arts, Escondido starting at 7 p.m. Aug. 9, with classic country musician, Sara Petite, at 340 N. Escondido Blvd., Escondido. The Ticket Office can be reached at (800) 9884253 or online at artcenter. org.
Oceanside Parks & Recreation Division presents the Big Band Jazz Hall of Fame Orchestra from 5 to 8 p.m. Aug. 11 at the El Corazon Senior Center, 3302 Senior Center Drive, Oceanside. Admission $10, includes two beverages and hors d'oeuvres, socializing, music and dancing. Tickets at the door or at http:// apm.activecommunities. com/oceansiderec /Activity_Search/7369.
AUG. 12
Rancho Santa Fe Art Guild presents “Exploring the Abstract,” a new exhibit exploring abstract painting through Oct. 21 at Rancho Santa Fe Library, 17040 Avenida de Acacias, Rancho Santa Fe. For more information, contact Cheryl Ehlers at artbuzz1@gmail,com or (760) 519-1551.
AUG. 10
AUG. 13
The 2nd Saturday Concert Series presents singing duo Lisa Sanders and Karen “Brown Sugar” Hayes from 3 to 4:30 p.m. Aug. 10, at the Escondido Library, 239 S. Kalmia St., Escondido.
There is a call for artist submissions for the Art Interfaith exhibition, to be exhibited from March through May 2020. Art submission deadline is Aug. 31. Send inquiries and submissions to Soori McEachern at or call (619) 866-8808.
AUG. 11
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The Carlsbad Village Association’s Art in the Village will return from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Aug. 11, bringing local and regional fine artists together for a one-day, open-air art show near Carlsbad State Beach, along State Street and Grand Avenue.
AUG. 15
Taste Of Art: California Impressionism And Landscapes“ is open to the public from 6 to 8 p.m. Aug. 15 at the Oceanside Museum Of Art, 704 Pier View Way, Oceanside. Cost is $50. Enjoy appetizers and drinks with a brief presentation by AUDITIONS Auditions are being Robin Douglas. All materiheld at Village Church Com- als provided. munity Theater for Oscar Wilde’s “The Importance TURN TO ARTS CALENDAR ON 15
AUG. 9, 2019
T he C oast News - I nland E dition
A rts &Entertainment
‘West Side Story’ set to play at Moonlight Amphitheatre By Alex Wehrung
VISTA — Coming to Vista is the musical that took Romeo and Juliet, plopped them in the 1950s and added a turf war between rival New York City gangs to their star-crossed romance. The enduring “West Side Story” is the upcoming show at Moonlight Stage Productions, the latest entry of its 39th summer season. “West Side Story” will run Aug. 14-31. The beloved and enduring musical tells the tale of two members of a pair of warring rival New York City gangs—the white ‘Jets’ and the Puerto Rican ‘Sharks’—Tony and Maria. They fall in love and sing their hearts out, but as this story is based on Shake-
speare’s most infamous romance, strife lurks right around the street corner. “West Side Story” was born from the collective minds of director and choreographer Jerome Robbins, composer Leonard Bernstein, lyricist Stephen Sondheim and playwright Arthur Laurents. It was nominated for six Tony Awards upon its debut on Broadway in 1957 and won two. Since then, the production has been revived numerous times for the stage and has also been adapted to film. Even Steven Spielberg has his own take on West Side, which will arrive in theaters next year. This particular show is being played in tribute to Harold “Hal” Prince, the
producer of the Broadway production, who died at the age of 91 on July 31. Prince is noted for having essentially saved the original production by securing its finances, after the previous producer backed out over concerns regarding the musical’s tone. Prince won 21 Tonys over the course of his career, the most of anyone in history. The show stars Orange County High School of the Arts graduate Bella Gil as Maria, the sister of Sharks leader Bernardo. Gil has performed as the lead in Sweeney Todd, She Loves Me, The Mystery of Edwin THE CAST of “West Side Story” at Vista’s Moonlight Amphi- Drood, The Secret Garden, theatre, from left to right: Michael James Byrne, Bella Gil, Bye Bye Birdie, Follies, and Taylor Simmons, Steven Glaudini, Hector Guerrero, Court- Beauty and the Beast. Lending a tinge of auney Arango and Armando Eleazar. Courtesy photo
thenticity, New York Citybased actor Michael James Byrne plays Tony, a former Jet. Byrne returns to the Moonlight Amphitheatre after portraying Chad in the 2015 show of All Shook Up. Byrne has also performed in leading roles locally with Mary Poppins, South Pacific, 42nd Street, and Smokey Joe’s Cafe. Taylor Simmons plays Riff, leader of the Jets. This run will mark Simmons’s sixth production of “West Side Story,” having already played numerous other characters from the musical. Armando Eleazar will be making his Moonlight Amphitheatre debut as Sharks boss (and Ma-
TOU Tips Phase 5__Coast News + RSF News_RUN: 07_19_2019__TRIM: 8.525”x10”
A watercolor art exhibition will be displayed by Escondido artist Ranka Vukmanic through Aug. 31 at Carlsbad Senior Center at 799 Pine Ave., Carlsbad. An artist reception will be held at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 15.
Artist Don Reedy opens a show at Art Wall @ O’side Bakery, 3815 Mission Ave., Oceanside, Suite 101 from 6 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily. Music by Stefani Stevens and Friends.
AUG. 17
The city of Carlsbad is hosting “Light and Space: Contemporary Continuations“ Tuesday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday 1 to 5 p.m. through Aug. 25 at William D. Cannon Art Gallery, 1775 Dove Lane, Carlsbad. Admission is free. For more information, visit arts.
AUG. 18
Artist Kene Lohmann will be on hand from noon to 2 p.m. Aug. 18 at the San Marcos Library, 2 Civic Center Drive, in the Conference Room, to talk about his work, answer questions and give a demonstration. His "Watercolor Passion" exhibit will continue for the month of August.
Here are a few of my favorite summer tips to help you save between 4pm and 9pm when energy prices are highest: Use a portable or ceiling fan to save big on AC. Keep blinds and curtains closed during summer days to block out direct sunlight and reduce cooling costs. Precool your home until 4pm, then set AC higher until 9pm.
Artists of all ages and skill levels are invited to drop in between 2 and 4 p.m. Aug. 18 at 3861 Mission Ave., #B3, Oceanside, to join instructor Kelly Zijlstra for an underwater art adventure. Fee: $5 Suggested Donation per family. Projects take 30 to 45 minutes. Children 7 and under must be accompanied by an adult. To register, call (760) 730-5203 or visit studioace. org/events/2019/0818artexplore.
Charge an electric vehicle before 4pm or after 9pm. If you have a pool, run the pump before 4pm or after 9pm.
Find more tips at
© 2019 San Diego Gas & Electric Company. Trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All rights reserved.
Time to save.
T he C oast News - I nland E dition
M arketplace News
AUG. 9, 2019
Marketplace News is paid advertorial content. If you would like to buy space on this page, please contact the Coast News Group.
Craft wines come together in new tasting room OCEANSIDE — Skip and Maureen Coomber knew they were making good wine. Their wines were featured in top San Diego restaurants and they had the ratings to prove it. What was missing, however, was the experience of interacting with the people who were enjoying those wines. The couple searched the coast for the perfect place to open a winery and tasting room. Oceanside fit the bill in every way. Thus, Coomber Craft Wines Oceanside opened May 1 and has been bringing wine drinking to locals, family and friends together ever since. In 2008 the Coombers partnered with investors to open a $40 million winemak-
that Oceanside was looking ing facility in Santa Barbara for a business like ours and County. “We knew exactly it was a perfect match,” Skip what kind of wines we wantsaid. “The really wonderful ed to make,” Skip said. “We thing is how nice and genuwere able to buy really good ine the people who live here grapes and had world-class are. Everyone is supportive winemakers on staff. and giving, and the busiYou can’t make a better nesses here all support each wine than the grapes you other.” buy. All you can do is mess Although they feature it up. And our winemaker world-class wines, their doesn’t mess it up.” tasting room is designed for In 2010, the Coombers comfort and fun. “We’ve submitted their Cabernet tried to create a fun experiSauvignon to Wine Enthuence for anyone who comes siast for a rating. “We got in,” Skip said. a call from them that alTheir large patio is kid most made us fall out of our and dog friendly and feachairs,” Skip said. “They tures live music four nights told us that our wine would a week. receive a 95 rating. We are “We have several wine so proud of that.” clubs, including a limited With everything falling secret club for locals only,” into place, they searched for a friendly city to open their THESE SUMMER sunsets are calling for a glass of wine! Skip said. “Our business is predicated on the philostasting room. “It turns out Cheers! Courtesy photo
ophy of taking care of the locals first while making a welcoming environment for tourists. We have fun events and trips. It’s a community.” Don’t be surprised to find Skip and Maureen in the tasting room on any given evening. “We are here regularly and we’ve made a lot of new friends,” Skip said. “We support local organizations and are really involved. We are excited to support female empowerment with the upcoming launch of our new brand of Surfer Girl wines in partnership with the Super Girl Pro as well.” Coomber Craft Wines is open Monday to Thursday from 4 to 9 p.m. and Friday and Saturday from noon to 9 p.m. at 611 Mission Avenue. Find them at
Rogers Behavioral Health in San Diego
New mental health treatment for children, teens and adults To address the need for more evidence-based mental health treatment, Rogers Behavioral Health is on a mission to increase access to care throughout the country with one of its newest clinic openings located in San Diego. Rogers’ San Diego location, 17140 Bernardo Center Dr., Suite 300, is part of Rogers Behavioral Health—one of the largest not-for-profit behavioral healthcare providers in the U.S. since 1907, headquartered in Wisconsin. Rogers opened its first California location in Walnut Creek in March 2018, and will soon open a third in Los
Angeles. “With this expansion in San Diego we’re able to bring our specialized behavioral health services to more people in need of mental health treatment in southern California,” says Pat Hammer, CEO and president of Rogers Behavioral Health. “Our continued growth speaks to the increased demand from our local communities for treatment that’s proven to work.” With admissions occurring within hours, patients at Rogers receive direct access to board-certified psychiatrists and specialized treatment from a multidis-
“To learn before we’re 5 years old, everything happens before we’re 5 years old,” said Bégin. “Why? Because it’s play-based. So, even if they’re playing with someone that speaks Chinese and they’re language is French, the language is not words, it’s more what they’re doing together. So they will eventually understand each other.” Bégin believes that for those learning multiple languages, it’s the “younger the better” because the brain at that age is like an “empty drawer” in which information can be placed. “It’s really easy because they’re not shy like us,” Bégin said. “If I’m trying to make you say some words in French, you might feel more self-conscious. For them, it’s easy and they almost have no accent whatsoever. And there’s a lot of studies that prove that.” Beyond its 23 locations which serve 3,000 children in Quebec, Vision also has preschools in Morocco, Senegal and Ukraine. Tuition at Vision will cost $15,080 per school year for students who attend five days per week, $8,905 for those who attend three days a week and $6,175 for those who go to days a week.
to the city. She has been a preschool instructor since 2005, becoming the principal of La petite école Vision Sillery in Québec in 2013. As a transplant from Québec, Bégin’s native language is French. She said Vision instructors must teach the language that is their mother tongue and that the preschool used a “play-based” educational model.
ciplinary team of mental health experts. Together they work with children and families to provide necessary medications and compassionate care. Nader Amir, PhD, serves as clinical director in San Diego. Medical leadership also includes psychiatrists Sanjaya Saxena, MD, Brett Johnson, MD, and clinical supervisor Demet Çek, PhD. “At Rogers, the emphasis is always on the patient and the family,” says Dr. Brett Johnson. “We work to address the mental health AT ITS NEW San Diego location, Rogers Behavioral Health challenges as one part of the offers some of the most comprehensive programs for OCD, person but making sure they anxiety and depression treatment in the country. Courtesy photo
don’t define the person.”
OCD and depression treatment leader Rogers offers some of the most comprehensive programs for OCD, anxiety, and depression treatment in the country. Rogers treats more patients daily for OCD than any other behavioral health provider, and its Focus programs offer clinically effective treatment of depression, bipolar disorder, and other mood disorders. Free screenings are the first step in the admissions process. Call 833-783-7411 or visit
Community Volunteers
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AUG. 9, 2019
T he C oast News - I nland E dition
Sometimes plan B makes for grade A adventure hit the road e’louise ondash
hen you’ve met Hollie Shaw, you’ve met about 2% of the population of Fair Isle. This 3-square-mile, Scottish island in the North Sea supports 55 residents, and we meet a goodly number of them in their community center on this unusually sunny June day. Shaw is manning the Made in Fair Isle booth where she sells the Shetland wool clothing that has made the island famous. Scarves, hats and leg warmers feature intricate, unique patterns designed by Shaw and six other Fair Isle women. From creating the patterns to the finished product, the women expend dozens of hours on each item. Shaw, the mother of four (ages 26 to 15) started the business in 2011 after leaving her job at the local bird observatory. “At first it was just me and my neighbor, Triona, who taught me to knit, and we just made small things to sell to cruise ships,” she said. “Then it got busier and more folks joined. We are an eclectic mix of women —
some very good friends. We all work different amounts on the knitting, as we fit it around all our other jobs.” For Shaw, that includes working 10 hours a week for both the local school (three students) and a nature-tour company. She and husband Deryk also are crofters (farmers) who care for “70 breeding ewes, two rams, 20 hill sheep, 20 hens, two dogs and a cat.” The Shaws’ farm land is owned by the National Trust for Scotland which, since 1955, has worked to keep the remote island occupied and productive. One way to do that is to provide a full-time nurse practitioner, who also happens to be a knitter. “If we need more medical care — like when my son broke his arm and needed surgery,” Shaw said “they fly us north to Lerwick (on Mainland, the Shetlands’ largest island; population 7,000).” Kids also leave Fair Isle after seventh grade (age 11 or 12) for boarding school in Lerwick. Shaw’s 15-yearold is there and comes home every third weekend. Except for having to send her kids off the island for school, Fair Isle “must be one of the best places in the world to raise children,” Shaw says. “It’s safe, secure … and has a real connection with the land, nature, weather and the sea.” Shaw, raised mostly
NORTH ATLANTIC puffins can be seen by the thousands throughout the Scottish Isles. These birds reside on Fair Isle and take tourists in stride; they allow visitors to come close. Photo by Jerry Ondash
in South England, and her husband, who is from southwest Scotland, moved to Fair Isle to run the bird observatory in 1999. Besides caring for the farm, his jobs include deck hand on the island ferry, firefighter, member of the coast guard and lighthouse keeper. Fair Isle was not on our original itinerary, but changes happen when you
travel with Adventure Canada, a family-owned tour business based in Toronto. When it was apparent that the weather was not going to cooperate, the expedition leader went to Plan B, and that meant that Fair Isle residents had to hustle. “I was away for one night in Lerwick when Matthew (Swan, the expedition leader) called,” Shaw said,
“so I had to phone round the catering team, drivers, museum guide and all the stall holders to check they were all on board. Everyone was happy to help. Drivers (for those who couldn’t walk distances) were in short supply, but luckily two of the Fair Isle ferry crew (including my husband) agreed to drive once they finished their 10-hour shift.”
So thanks to the behind-the-scenes scramble, the 170 passengers of the Ocean Endeavour were able to invade this speckof-an-island and enjoy the expansive verdant scenery, curious land forms, dramatic coastal cliffs, friendly people, 5,000 years of history, and thousands of birds, including our favorites — puffins. The residents welcomed us at the community center with arts, crafts and a long table of pastries and tea. Then, on our return hike to the beach to board the Zodiacs that will return us to the Ocean Endeavour, we pass what looks like a sizable chunk of metal in a far-off field. We learn from a nearby sign that the metal is the remains of a World War II airplane. In January 1941, a German Heinkel 111 was shot down by allied aircraft. Three crew members survived and were arrested by Fair Isle citizens. After several delays, a boat finally arrived to take the crew into custody. It happened to be the 21st birthday of the pilot, Karl Heinz Thurz. In 1981, Thurz revisited Fair Isle to meet those who had arrested him. He made several return visits and made lifelong friends. Visit For more photos and commentary, visit ondash.
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T he C oast News - I nland E dition
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AUG. 9, 2019
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VOL. 3, N0.
Inside: 2016 Sprin g Home & Gard en Section
Citracado Par extension pro kway ject draws on MARCH 25,
By Steve Putersk
It’s a jung
le In ther
Emi Gannod , 11, observe exhibit is s a Banded open now through April 10. Purple Wing butterfly Full story at the on page A2. Photo San Diego Zoo Safari Park’s by Tony Cagala Butterfly
Commun Vista teacity rallies behind her placed on leave
Jungle exhibit. The
By Hoa Quach
ESCON enviro amendment DIDO — An port nmental impact to the lution of from April rereso- ternati 2012. AlCitracado necessity for ves the sion projectParkway exten- with residenwere discussed ts in four munity Wednesday was approv ed of publicmeetings and comby the Council. gatherings. a trio City “The project Debra rently Lundy, property real cated designed as curcity, said manager for and plannewas lothe it was due to a needed manner that will d in a compatible omissionsclerical error, be most the est with attached of deeds to public good the greatbe private and least adjustm to the land. The injury, ent is said. ” Lundy parcel being the only acquired fee the city, which is by city She also reporte ty, she added. a necess and proper d the i- have ty owners had The project, eminent domain meetings inmore than 35 the past in the which has been years to develo four works for years, will However, p the plan. several erty complete the missing the mit owners did not proproadway section of a counte subthe ny Grove, between Harmo city’s statutoroffer to the Village ry offer and Andrea Parkw - April 14, son Drive. ay to Lundy, 2015. Accord on The the owners ing not feel a review city conduc did the offer ted of what the project matche which was the land , outlined is worth, d in the alTURN TO
Republic ans endors Abed ove r Gaspar e EXTENSION
ON A3 VISTA — Curren former t ents are students and and pardemanding social studies a teacher Vista lowed to be alkeep his the admin job. Vincen By Aaron Romero istration to keep has workedt Romero, Burgin at Ranch Vista High o for the who REGIO Unified School. Buena Vista ty Repub N — The Coun- Krvaric A protest since 1990,School Distric lican Party Sam Abed’ssaid. “Clear thrown at the school. was also held paid admin was placed t ly has its suppor long-ti Escondido on t behind steadfast commi me and istrative “This from his Republican leave Mayor tment Abed in gry,” wrotemakes me so na Vistajob at Rancho BueSam anprinciples to ty Dist. the race for Coun- values earned of Fallbro Jeffrey Bright and March 7. High School 3 Superv ok, him port who on graduated the supisor. of commi The said he Now, ttee memof San Republican Party bers and we more than from the school with morean online petitio 20 years last weekDiego announced endorse him.” are proud to already ago. tures is than 1,900 signa-n that it endorse ucation fear that our “I Gaspar’s istration asking the admin A social Abed overvoted to reache edcampaign Republican apart. I system is falling d this fellow back to to bring Romer - placed on studies teacher week and Encini pressed disapp the classro at Rancho administ tas Mayor not goingworry my kids o dents Buena are om. On and parents rative leave in ointment exwho is also Kristin Gaspar - not receivi education to get a valuab early March. Vista High School to launch ro told his last day, Rome- Romero. Photo in ng the le , nomina at public The an online was anymo supervisor running for by Hoa Quach party’s schools leaving students he re.” petition move prompted seat currenthe several tion, but touted in support stuwas sorry held by David Whidd key endors nization because “the orgaof Vincent tly she I can’t be is seekinDave Roberts, who Marcos ements has receive with the rest change.” decided to make g re-elec called on of San out the campa d throug of the year. you for do “shameful.” a my choice tion. the move Abed, h— we’re It’s not “(They a polariz who has been “While ign. “This confidence ) no longer have it goes.” , but it’s the way until there’s going to fight I’m his two ing figure during pointed not genuinely is a teacher fight with. nothing left know what in me that that terms as In the to get thedisapcares,” ty to I Escond wrote. endors plan I ute speech roughly mayor in I’m doing,” Whidd for your parto be back Romero, ement, “Both ido, secure senior year.” said I’m very coveted Mr. Romer of my sons on whose to studen4-mind the proud to have were record Romer remark emotional ts, an the suppor of Mayor ment by party endors joyed his o and greatly had students o also urged on Facebo ed and posteds to fight the Romero vowed t Faulconer ene- the class.” receiving his to be kind than admin ok. four new A and “They more Counci like what two Repub istration. social studies to their mine former studen “I’m not committee’s thirds of I do. They don’t ing,” but lmembers,lican City like the the tors don’t not said Romer disappear- pal to give “hell” teacher RomerVelare of Vista,t, Jasvotes, threshold Senais what way I do it. So, o, 55. “I’m to Princio Charles the and Bates and Anders said going happens. this candidate required for teacher.” was “an amazin Schindler. Assemblyman on, Follow ing I’m really something away. This is a Chavez g to receive endorsement Rocky nounce ,” “I that’s what I can fight, the the an- get himwas lucky enough party membe over a fellow “I’ve been Gaspar said. we’re goingand ture, a ment of his deparmyself,” to petition tive Repub a very effecr. to on Petitio “He truly she was “Endorsing lican mayor cares for wrote., created publican one Re- a Democratic what he in urging city ing on quires a over another balanced by focusTURN TO TEACHER budgets, — and 2/3 vote thresh re- economic ON A15 rarely happenold and GOP quality development, Chairman s,” continu of life Tony Board e to do so and will on the of Superv isors.”
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AUG. 9, 2019
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AUG. 9, 2019
Vista resident wins top award at fair for wreath “When we took it in … I gave it to the lady and said get a hook and hang it over the main door,” he said, “because this is the fair. A lot of people came by an admired it. In my opinion, this was the epitome of the theme.” At times, Frank Gould said, his wife is so tuned in he now stomps his feet to let her know he’s entering her workspace. In the space, Felicity Gould threads carefully, but isn’t afraid to tear it all down and start anew if the wreath isn’t meeting her standards. It’s her creative process to perfectly attack each project. Those typically take between six and eight weeks, although she is not putting in an overwhelming workload each day. She has created more than 20 wreaths over the past three years. Some of her creations and themes include nautical, the San Diego Zoo and Safari Park, wine and tea. Her latest project, a birthday present, has an English theme, with cottages, teacups and other items for her best friend, who visited Felicity Gould’s homeland and loved it. “I’ve done quite a lot,” she said. “I love doing it. All of these are pretty carefully engineered. I hand sew all these things in. I do incorporate a lot of the knowledge I had in dentistry, something the dental society probably didn’t have in mind.”
VISTA — Steady hands and meticulous attention to detail come in handy for a dentist. But 78-year-old Felicity Gould of Vista never thought it would lead to building wreaths. For many, the decorative pieces are synonymous with the holiday season, but the former dentist has found a passion and is creating intricate and vibrant pieces for friends and family. It also led her to winning a special award at the San Diego County Fair for her creation and telling of the fair’s theme, “The Wizard of Oz.” “I thought I could really do something with that,” Felicity Gould said. “I didn’t realize this is almost a cult thing in America. Everybody who looked at it looked for their character or for their saying.” A native of Saltash, Cornwall, England, Felicity Gould became a dentist and was later one of just two women accepted into the Royal Service in 1965, being assigned to the Royal Marines. There, she met Frank Gould, now 82, in 1967 and within months the two were married. She immigrated to the U.S. several years later and the couple have made their home in Vista since 1973. Three years ago, she stumbled upon wreaths and a new passion
FELICITY GOULD of Vista displays her winning wreath from this year’s San Diego County Fair. The wreath earned Gould a special award for its portrayal of the fair’s “Wizard of Oz” theme. Photo by Steve Puterski
was born. Hyper-focused and determined, Felicity Gould goes all out with her productions. She tells a story with each one, clockwise and decorated with a bountiful array of miniature knick-knacks she buys online. With “The Wizard of Oz,” though, she had never even seen the movie or read the book until about six weeks before the submission deadline. Since the book and
movie are so different, for example Dorothy’s slippers are sliver in the book, Gould opted to use the movie for her inspiration. She scoured eBay for every character, found material for the golden-brick road and told Dorothy’s story. When it was completed and she submitted it to the fair, Frank Gould proudly told the staff they should hang it at the entrance because it was the runaway winner. He was right.
Award Winning Retirement, Without the Coastal Premium
By Steve Puterski
S1 3
Cork trees are cultivated in Tuscany Italy, Portugal, Algeria and France and live about 200 years. The first 25 is for growth and cannot be used for cork harvest. After the bark of a natural oak tree is handstripped and shaped for bottle corks, 12 years have to pass before another harvest. Harvesting is done completely by hand, so you can assume that natural corks are getting more expensive to produce. That Brookstone opener will be more in need as time goes by in the wine bottle opener business. Wine Bytes • Orfila Vineyards & Winery in Escondido has its 26th annual Grape Stomp and dinner feast from 4 to 8 p.m. Aug. 24. Open to 21 and older only. Includes wine tasting, gourmet dinner, grape stomping, vineyard rides, lawn games, live music and raffles. Cost is $95 for the public, $85 for wine club members. Details at (760) 738-6500 x 322 or (800) 868-9463. • Sal Ercolano’s Seasalt Seafood Bistro in Del Mar is pleased to present two nights of wine dinners with Valle de Guadalupe starting at 6 p.m. Aug 22 and Aug. 23. You’ll enjoy two fine wineries, Cava Maciel and Villa Montefiori, with wines that have a French and Italian flavor. Menu is authentic Mexican cuisine. Price is $65 per person. Reserve your seat today at (858) 755-7100. • The sixth annual Carlsbad Brewfest is Sept. 7 presented by the Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club at Holiday Park in Carlsbad. Entrance noon to 4:30 p.m. for VIP for $75 and 1 to 4:30 p.m. for General Admission for $55. Details at • The seventh annual Latin Food Fest is Aug. 16 and Aug. 17 at the Embarcadero Marina Park North. Experience California’s top Hispanic culinary celebration. Cost is from $25 up to $149. Visit for details at
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ria’s brother) Bernardo— he will also be partaking in the Broadway revival of West Side later this year. Courtney Arango will also be making her Moonlight debut as well, in the role of Anita. The show is being directed by Steven Glaudini, Moonlight’s Producing Artistic Director. He is working in cooperation with choreographer Hector Guerrero, who is endeavoring to match the original choreography of Jerome Robbins. Elan McMahan is directing the music and will conduct the 29-piece orchestra to bring Leonard Bernsetein’s original score to life. Tickets are on sale at, and are priced from $17 to $57, with discounts available for senior citizens, students and members of the military.
T he C oast News - I nland E dition
1. ANATOMY: Which vitamin is necessary for normal blood clotting? 2. GEOGRAPHY: Which state lies directly south of Missouri? 3. PSYCHOLOGY: What fear is represented by the condition called pogonophobia? 4. GENERAL KNOWLEDGE: What is the basic currency of the nation of Georgia? 5. FOOD & DRINK: What is a latke? 6. ADVERTISING: Which breakfast cereal features a leprechaun in advertisements? 7. LITERATURE: Who wrote the Greek play “The Trojan Women”? 8. U.S. PRESIDENTS: Who was Abraham Lincoln’s first vice president? 9. MOVIES: Which early 20th-century film actress was dubbed “America’s Sweetheart”? 10. GAMES: How many balls are used in pocket billiards?
(c) 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
ARIES (March 21 to April 19) A chaotic atmosphere taxes the patience of the Aries Lamb, who prefers to deal with a more orderly environment. Best advice: Stay out of the situation until things settle. TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Tension runs high in both personal and workplace relationships. This can make it difficult to get your message across. Best to wait until you have a more receptive audience. GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) This is a good time to take a break from your busy schedule to plan for some well-deserved socializing. You could get news about an important personal matter by the week’s end. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) An offer of help could come just when you seem to need it. But be careful about saying yes to anything that might have conditions attached that could cause problems down the line. LEO (July 23 to August 22) Sometimes a workplace colleague can’t be charmed into supporting the Lion’s position. That’s when it’s time to shift tactics and overwhelm the doubter with the facts. VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) You continue to earn respect for your efforts to help someone close to you stand up to a bully. But be careful that in pushing this matter you don’t start to do some bullying yourself.
LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) Don’t ask others if they think you’re up to a new responsibility. Having faith in your own abilities is the key to dealing with a challenge. P.S.: That “private” matter needs your attention. SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) This is a good time to use that Scorpian creativity to come up with something special that will help get your derailed career plans back on track and headed in the right direction. SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) While change is favored, it could be a good idea to carefully weigh the possible fallout as well as the benefits of any moves before you make them. CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) The Goat continues to create a stir by following his or her own path. Just be sure you keep your focus straight and avoid any distractions that could cause you to make a misstep. AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) A colleague’s demands seem out of line. But before reacting one way or another, talk things out and see how you might resolve the problem and avoid future misunderstandings. PISCES (February 19 to March 20) A personal matter appears to be making more demands on your time than you feel you’re ready to give. See if some compromise can be reached before things get too dicey. BORN THIS WEEK: You’re able to communicate feelings better than most people. Have you considered a career in the pulpit or in politics? © 2019 King Features Synd., Inc.
TRIVIA TEST ANSWERS 1. Vitamin K 2. Arkansas 3. Fear of beards 4. The lari 5. A pancake usually made of grated potato 6. Lucky Charms 7. Euripides 8. Hannibal Hamlin 9. Mary Pickford 10. 16 balls (15 numbered balls and the cue ball)
AUG. 9, 2019
T he C oast News - I nland E dition
AUG. 9, 2019
Extension for Harmony Grove developers By Brad Rollins
ESCONDIDO – San Diego County supervisors granted a two-year extension on Wednesday to developers who say they need more time to complete infrastructure for the Harmony Grove Village residential subdivision on the outskirts of Escondido and San Marcos. Miami-based Lennar Corp. won approval from the Board of Supervisors for additional two years to complete $5.7 million in roads, drainage, sewer and water facilities for portions of the development that total 228 single-family home lots on about 213
powder to China, or cheese to Mexico, or it’s the corn farmers and the soybean farmers not being able to sell their products,” he lamented. “And so it has extended our downturn that we’ve been in and as you look around, for dairymen it’s become very emotionally taxing on them.” Within Escondido, Konyn’s travails are far from unique. Instead, they embody an industry with a long legacy in the city but one currently adjusting to changing times as land which was once agricultural shifts increasingly to “sprawl” style housing development. Shrinking availability of agricultural land, albeit, is not the chief concern
acres. The county previously granted a two-year extension to January 2017 for completion of the infrastructure. The developer said it has completed about 80 percent of the public facilities it is required to complete under development agreements, according to a board memorandum outlining terms of the request. When built out, Harmony Grove Village will include 742 homes on 468 acres south of San Marcos and west of Escondido near Lake Hodges. A year ago, supervisors amended the county’s master deof agribusiness these days, according to the Escondido-based San Diego County Farm Bureau Executive Director Eric Larson. He said little flat agricultural land is left to protect to begin with. Instead, he pointed to the increasingly high price of water as a shared concern among the Farm Bureau’s members. That high price of water stems mostly from a regional water shortage, with much of the state still recovering from a years-long drought, Larson said. “We benefit from being in a metropolitan area because of the security of the water supply,” Larson said. “But we don’t get a benefit because that water supply is very, very expensive,” Larson said the Escondido City Council’s recent vote
velopment plan to allow for two other subdivisions in the area: 453 homes on 111 acres in the Harmony Grove Village South development and 326 homes on 238 acres in the Valiano development. Also on Wednesday, supervisors voted to accept ownership of three public parks in Harmony Grove Village: the 2.5-acre Fourth of July Park, the 3.5-acre Community Park and the 3.6-acre Equestrian Park. They also approved the dedication of a 2.6acre park in the 332-home Park Circle subdivision in Valley Center. to approve a new location for the Hale Avenue Resource Recovery Facility (HARRF), a facility which will bring treated wastewater to the city’s agricultural community, will help that cause. Larson said that within Escondido, avocado farms still reign supreme as the crop with the highest amount of yield produced, which he called “historically the crop of choice in Escondido.” Those farms growing them sit mostly on the most eastern and northern edges of the city. Nurseries, too, have expanded within the city, Larson said. Beyond water, Larson cited a shrinking fleet of skilled farmworkers as a central concern for the farming community in Escondido. He said a comprehensive federal immigration reform
Members of GFWC Contemporary Women of North County hold a quarterly “SewIn” at the San Marcos Community Center. Members bring their scissors and sewing machines, and the latest project was creating 60 teddy bears that will be donated to the Vista Community Clinic. Courtesy photo
policy would get to the root of the problem. “We’d like a work visa program that could be used by workers who are already in the United States to create some permanence for them, so they can continue to work,” Larson said. “The second part is we’d like some kind of a guest worker program that would allow a defined number of workers to move back and forth across the border each year.” As large-scale agriculture production has downscaled, Larson said that some niche operations have arisen. One of them is Mountain Meadow Mushroom Farms, which sits in the far northern edges of Escondido. “We produce approximately 6 million pounds of your typical white button
mushroom,” said Roberto Ramirez, the owner of the mushroom farm, who employers about 100 workers on 17 acres of land. “However, we also produce close to 1 million pounds in other varieties: cremini mushrooms, portobello, shiitake, oyster and king oyster mushrooms.” Ramirez also boasts a worldly workforce at Mountain Meadow. “Our workforce is about 30% to 40% refugees from Burma (Myanmar), Congo, Kenya, Egypt, Somalia, and other small countries,” he said. “What we enjoy the most about growing mushrooms is the fact that we can offer a product that is not only sustainable, but nutritious and it has great value. Our mushrooms are the freshest in the market and
are certified organic, plus pesticide free. Something that not even some organic farmers can say.” Konyn said that for him, the dairy business amounts to more than just a profession or career and that’s what keeps him going during tough times. It is a way of paying homage to his past, too. With an aging mother and deceased father, he would like his mother’s last days to be spent where she raised him and he grew up. “You know, typically people don’t come out of college and say, I’m going to go out I’m going to become a dairy farmer. This is tradition … family tradition,” said Konyn. “You grew up into it. So because you grew up into it, you keep trying and you keep trying.”
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1645 South Centre City Parkway, Suite B, Escondido, CA 92025
*Offer valid at the Escondido branch for accounts opened between June 1, 2019 through Dec 31, 2019 only. Checking offer is not available to existing members with a Frontwave Checking and/or Savings account. Limit one $100 offer per unique Social Security Number per 12-month period. Offer not available to those with fiduciary accounts or those whose accounts have been closed within 90 days with a negative balance. To receive $100 checking bonus, members must meet all of the requirements to include: 1) Open a new Frontwave Primary Checking with VISA Debit and Savings account, zwhich is subject to approval; 2) Deposit a minimum of $100 into Checking account and deposit a minimum of $5 into Savings account upon account opening; 3) Sign up for eStatements; AND 4) Have one or more direct deposit(s) with a minimum of $250 made into new Savings or Checking account within 60 days of account opening. Direct deposit(s) need to be an electronic deposit of your paycheck, pension or government benefits (such as Social Security) from your employer or government. After you have completed your direct deposit into the account, the $100 bonus will be deposited in Savings account as a dividend adjustment within 90 days of account opening. Bonuses are considered interest and will be reported on IRS Form 1099-INT (or Form 1042-S, if applicable). Closed Account Fee: If the account does not remain open 6 months after account opening, the $100 will be charged against the account balance at time of closing. See current Schedule of Fees and Charges for account details. Other terms and conditions apply. **If the account has a single or aggregate dollar amount of overdrafts totaling more than $20.00, they will be charged a fee in accordance with Frontwave’s current Schedule of Fees and Charges, for each occurrence up to a maximum of five (5) per day. If Frontwave declines to pay an overdraft, the check/ACH will be returned and will also be subject to standard Non-Sufficient Fund fees in accordance with Frontwave’s Schedule of Fees and Charges for any item not paid.
AUG. 9, 2019
T he C oast News - I nland E dition
No down payment required. Offer may vary by location. Other rates and payment terms available. Cannot be combined with any other incentive. Financing for well-qualified applicants only. Length of contract is limited. Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval and vehicle availability. See participating retailers for details. Must take delivery from retailer stock by September 3, 2019.
Purchase or lease any new (previously untitled) Subaru and receive a complimentary factory scheduled maintenance plan for 2 years or 24,000 miles (whichever comes first.) See Subaru Added Security Maintenance Plan for intervals, coverages and limitations. Customer must take delivery before 12-31-2019 and reside within the promotional area. At participating dealers only. See dealer for program details and eligibility.
No down payment required. Offer may vary by location. Other rates and payment terms available. Cannot be combined with any other incentive. Financing for well-qualified applicants only. Length of contract is limited. Subject to credit approval, vehicle insurance approval and vehicle availability. See participating retailers for details. Must take delivery from retailer stock by September 3, 2019
5500 Paseo Del Norte, Car Country Carlsbad
Car Country Drive
Car Country Drive
760-438-2200 ** EPA-estimated fuel economy. Actual mileage may vary. Subaru Tribeca, Forester, Impreza & Outback are registered trademarks. All advertised prices exclude government fees and taxes, any finance charges, $80 dealer document processing charge, any electronic filing charge, and any emission testing charge. Expires 9/3/2019.
T he C oast News - I nland E dition
AUG. 9, 2019
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