Ccy2 the coast news oct 15 2010 web

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VOL. 24, NO. 40

OCT. 15, 2010

Hwy. 101 design plans set to begin

THISWEEK CITIZENS REVOLT A group of citizens protests in front of Encinitas City Hall demanding the mayor’s resignation A3

JUST DUCKY The Del Mar Rotary

By Bianca Kaplanek

Club holds its annual Chili & Quackers Challenge fundraiser B1

BOOK FEST The Encinitas Library hosts a festival bringing authors and readers together to celebrate B1 books



Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . A6 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . B20 Consumer Reports . . . . . B5 Crime . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A8 Doorman Diaries . . . . . . A9 Eye on the Coast . . . . . . A5 Frugal Living . . . . . . . . A15 Hot Off the Block . . . . . A15 Legal Notices . . . . . . . . B10 Local Roots . . . . . . . . . A15 Not That You Asked . . . . A4 Obituaries . . . . . . . . . . A22 Odd Files . . . . . . . . . . . . A3 Pendleton News . . . . . . A16 Pet of the Week . . . . . . A12 Sea Notes . . . . . . . . . . A12 Small Talk . . . . . . . . . . . B1 Taste of Wine . . . . . . . . B4 Who’s News? . . . . . . . . . B3


FREE CLASSIFIED ADS Sell your car at any price, or any one item $150 or less for free! Go online to or call our free ad hot line at (760) 436-1070. Deadline is Monday at 4 p.m.

PUMPKIN FLOATS Encinitas residents Francis Radcliffe and Aine Gallahue of the San Dieguito Synchronized Swimmers gather pumpkins for the Pumpkin Plunge. Photo by Daniel Knighton


CARLSBAD — The annual Pumpkin Plunge took place Oct. 9 at Carlsbad’s Monroe Street Pool. The family-friendly event featured the San Dieguito Synchronized Swimmers and Dive San Diego, a floating pumpkin patch, carnival games, a giant slide and creepy contests like bobbing for brains and fishing for sea monsters.

SOLANA BEACH — After voting unanimously at an Oct. 4 meeting to participate in a long-term financing plan to fund improvements along Coast Highway 101, City Council directed staff to move forward with final design plans for phase one of the project. The city has been discussing plans to revitalize and enhance that roadway since 1996. During a series of public workshops and meetings, residents said their top priorities included wider sidewalks along the entire corridor, bike lanes on both sides of the highway, roundabouts and slower vehicle traffic. Preliminary plans include all those elements as TURN TO 101 ON A21

School Chamber hosts breast cancer awareness seminar shooting shakes ENCINITAS for world-class health care community By Lillian Cox

ENCINITAS — To celebrate October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month the Encinitas Chamber of Commerce is hosting a Breast Cancer Awareness Seminar from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Oct. 19 at the Encinitas Library. The event will be moderated by Deputy Mayor Maggie Houlihan. Guests are encouraged to participate by bringing questions of special concern for the four panelists. “ Fo r t y - t h o u s a n d women, young and old, lose their life to breast cancer every year,” said Dr. Rupa Subramanian, a presenter from the San Diego Cancer Center in Encinitas. “Two hundred thousand new cases occur every year. You do not need to be one of these women. There are estimates that up to 30 percent of breast cancers can be prevented by even simple things like lifestyle modification.” Dr. Subramanian will discuss strategies for prevention and the latest developments

fourth in a continuing series Health care destination...

We have it all. in chemotherapy and innovative agents that target cancer cells. In 2005, Dr. Subramanian founded a comprehensive multispecialty breast care center at the San Diego Cancer Center in Encinitas. She

has established a bimonthly breast cancer tumor board that reviews treatment plans with surgeons, radiologists, radiation oncologist and supportive staff. In addition, she has developed networks with community physicians and

UCSD faculty to identify high-risk patients and offer preventative care. Prior to coming to San Diego County she established one of the most respected comprehensive breast centers in Orange County as a member of the Compassionate Cancer Care Medical Group. She was also assistant clinical professor of hematology and oncology at UCI Medical Center. Dr. Subramanian advises women to follow recommendations for yearly mammograms starting at age 40. To assess individual risks for breast cancer Dr. Subramanian suggests visiting the website www. where women can use the online breast cancer risk calculator. “Risks include late pregnancy, early onset of puberty, no breast-feeding, family members with the disease, breast biopsies, etc.,” she TURN TO SEMINAR ON A17


CARLSBAD — Little 8year-old Andy was eating his lunch in the cafeteria on Friday when he heard the first shot fired from a crazed gunman who blasted six bullets into the playground scattered with children at Kelly Elementary School, 4885 Kelly Drive. The gunfire caused injuries to two second-grade girls, who were airlifted to Rady Children’s Hospital with nonlife-threatening wounds to their arms, according to Lt. Kelly Cain of the Carlsbad Police Department. The suspect is 41-year-old Brendan L. O’Rourke, who was arrested at 12:12 p.m. Oct. 8, according to Carlsbad Police. No lives were lost to the horrific event that caused TURN TO SHOOTING ON A20

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OCT. 15, 2010



OCT. 15, 2010


Decision on harbor slip fees postponed


LEAD STORY — More Creative Alternate-Site Surgery: Doctors from the University of California, San Diego, and the University of Washington announced in September that they could just as well handle certain brain surgeries by access not in the traditional way through the top of the skull but by drilling holes in the nose and, more recently, the eye socket. (Since classic brain surgery requires that the top of the skull be temporarily removed, the breakthroughs mean fewer complications.) These innovations follow on the inroads in recent years in performing kidney-removal and gallbladder surgery not by traditional abdominal incisions but through, respectively, the vagina and the anus.

The Continuing Crisis — In a heartwarming climax to an adopted son’s emotional search for his birth mother (who gave him up for adoption 33 years ago), Richard Lorenc of Kansas managed to track down mom Vivian Wheeler, 62, living in Bakersfield, Calif., where she is retired — as a circussideshow “bearded lady” (the result of hypertrichosis, also known as “werewolf syndrome”). Lorenc said he can see their similarities right through Wheeler’s beard, which she keeps now at a length of 11 inches. The relationship was to be confirmed by a DNA test paid for by the Maury Povich TV show, but at press time, the result had not been announced. — Sports Fans Over the Line: (1) Marie Murphy, a fifth-grade teacher in Stratford, N.J., and her husband lost almost everything in a house fire in April, but when she arrived at the burning home, she defied firefighters and dashed inside to retrieve a single prized possession: her Philadelphia Phillies season tickets.“My husband was so mad at me ... ” (Later, a Phillies representative gently informed her that the team would have reprinted her tickets for free.) (2) Justin Witcombe, 31, showed a reporter in Geelong, Australia, in September his full body of tattoos of his three idols in life: boxer Mike Tyson, the rock group KISS, and his local Collingwood soccer team, whose mascot is inked prominently on Witcombe’s penis. — At least 13 percent of U.S. teenagers report having intentionally injured TURN TO ODD FILES ON A11

By Promise Yee

CITIZENS REVOLT Leucadia resident Steve Meiche addresses a crowd in front of City Hall on Oct. 13 as part of a demonstration against the city’s questionable business and ethics practices alleged by a group of residents. Photo by Wehtahnah Tucker

Demonstration calls for transparency By Wehtahnah Tucker

ENCINITAS — At least 100 people gathered in front of City Hall before the regular City Council meeting on Oct. 13 to attend a “citizens revolt.” A group of selfdescribed “concerned citizens” staged a protest against what they consider to be questionable business practices and ethics violations within the city government. “We need T.N.T. from our

government,” Cardiff-by-theSea resident Andrew Audet told the crowd. “Trust and transparency.” “After voting favorably for friends who have business before the city, our mayor, Dan Dalager has shown us the tip of the iceberg of corruption at the ‘pay for play’ City Hall,” according to the group. Audet told the crowd that, “City Hall is not for sale.” Steve Meiche, a

Leucadia resident, called for Dalager’s resignation. In fact, when a large number of the protesters went inside to attend the City Council meeting, Meiche and Audet made their demand directly to Dalager. “It’s ridiculous what you’ve done, you need to step down,” Meiche told Dalager. “If you get elected again, we’re going to recall you.” Dalager called the resignation demand election year

politics and dismissed the allegations of ethics violations. He has stated publicly that he “screwed up” by not reporting a $100,000 loan on forms required by elected officials as well as accepting a deeply discounted set of kitchen appliances from a person with business in front of the council. Meiche also questioned TURN TO DEMONSTRATION ON A18

Candidates face off in League of Women Voters forum By Alyx Sariol

CARLSBAD — Local residents gathered to hear Carlsbad’s mayoral and City Council candidates answer audience-submitted questions at a candidate forum hosted by the League of Women Voters on Oct. 7. Around 40 residents attended the forum — one of the last before Election Day — held at the Dove Library’s Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium. Each attendee was invited to submit a question and many did, touching on a wide range of city issues. City Council candidates Jon Wantz, incumbent Mark Packard, Farrah Douglas and William Jubb spoke on their ideas for sustaining Carlsbad’s quality of life; views on The Crossings golf course; and the impact of CalTrans’ proposed I-5 widening project. “Purchasing more open space is a priority in the next five to 10 years,” Wantz said,


when asked if the city should buy more vacant land. The other candidates agreed as long as Carlsbad has the money earmarked to do so. In a shotgun question round, all four candidates applauded Carlsbad’s efforts to secure a drought-resistant water supply and supported making a move with the Farmers Insurance Building, which has sat vacant for several years. When asked if Carlsbad should run under district representation, the council candidates supported “running at large” to better meet the community’s needs. “You want candidates that embrace all of Carlsbad,” Douglas, a small business owner, said. Current Councilmen Keith Blackburn and Matt Hall, as well as Walt Meier and Glenn Bernard, are campaigning for the top seat as Carlsbad’s mayor. Longtime Mayor Claude “Bud” Lewis is



set to retire this December after more than two decades as mayor. Residents were happy to hear that Envision Carlsbad, a community-wide project to create a plan for the city’s future, would be a guiding light for the next mayor. “It’s consistent with what I’ve believed in for Carlsbad,” Blackburn said. “Envision Carlsbad will be my Holy Grail,” Meier said. “All the things in there will be what I strive for over the next four years.” Three of the four mayoral candidates, the exception being Blackburn, support Proposition G, which gives voters the power to vote on whether to increase safety personnel pension benefits. The four were unanimously opposed to Proposition 23, which could suspend air pollution control laws if passed. Candidates said they support or would entertain the


idea of the Carlsbad Yard project, a skateboarding museum and skate park proposed for a building on Oak Avenue. The four also said they would like to see more projects in the Barrio neighborhood. “My heart is in the Barrio,” Hall said. “It’s all in the master plan and will come in time.” California’s general election will be held Nov. 2. Visit — the League of Women Voters’ source for election information — to learn more about candidate platforms and issues on the ballot.

Correction: The Oct. 8 article “Pirates, tall ships, music hit O’side” was incorrectly attributed. The article was written by Promise Yee. The Coast News regrets the error.


When first elected in 2006 I promised to support

open government, community-sensitive development, environmental stewardship, and fiscal responsibility. That’s what I’ve done and that’s what I will continue to do.

I ask for your vote and continued support.

OCEANSIDE — Overwhelming citizen objection to proposed harbor slip rental fee increases moved City Council, acting as the Beaches and Harbor board of directors, to put off making a decision on raising fees Oct. 6. A workshop will be scheduled for residents and boat owners to have their say before a decision is made. The proposed increase raises current fees of $10.10 to $11.30 per foot of slip per month to $13.50 to $17.30 per foot per month for new renters. The additional live aboard fee will increase from $2.60 per foot per month to $5 per foot per month. The increases are based on the average rates of similar size marina harbors in San Diego, South Bay, Mission Bay and Dana Point. Extra monies will help balance the harbor budget and cover the costs of needed maintenance and repairs. Without an increase the harbor will have a cumulative $3.4 million budget shortfall for operations and $21.3 million shortfall for capital improvements over the next 20 years. Several members of the Beaches and Harbor Advisory Committee spoke, some in support of the proposed increases, and others asked that details get ironed out before an OK is given. “It’s a fiscally responsible decision with very little impact on current slip renters,” Scott Thompson, live aboard boat owner and Beaches and Harbor Advisory Committee member, said. Richard Trusty, boat owner and Beaches and Harbor Advisory Committee member, opposed the increases. “During these economic times it’s not appropriate to do,” Trusty said. “Right now is not the time or place to raise rates in any way.” Among the concerns shared Oct. 6 were objections to loopholes in the proposed agreement that subject current slip renters to the new, higher rates if they transfer boat ownership to a family member, or add or remove a spouse’s name on the permit. Jim TURN TO HARBOR ON A23


This campaign is not about ME it’s about WE. Together we can maintain our five unique communities, protect our fragile environment and keep Encinitas a wonderful and safe place to live today and far into the future.

Serving the Communities of Cardiff-by-the-Sea • Historic Encinitas • Leucadia • Olivenhain • New Encinitas

Paid for by Friends of Teresa Barth for Encinitas City Council 2010 FPPC#1288623



Views expressed in Opinion & Editorial do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coast News.


Blazing trousers Am I the only one feeling assaulted by the attack ads candidates are spending such obscene amounts of money putting on the air lately? And is the volume not jacked up when they come on, blasting us from whatever state we’d been lulled into by the regular programming? And what about how the fine print flashes by so fast there’s no way for a normal person to read it? And if we did catch a piece of it, does not a trip down a chute of no return await as locating sources of funding becomes a game of hide-andseek, the money laundered and streamed through so many culverts as to make original benefactors unidentifiable? If even half of what spews out is true, how could we in good conscience vote for any of these advertised people? Opponents’ pictures of one another show complexions of prison pallor and expressions that convey guilt, hypocrisy, denial, unconscionable self-indulgence, blissful cluelessness, viciousness, bile and deceit. Never mind what’s true and not true in the copy. The quickness of the flash of dense white print about who paid for the yelp at the bottom of the screen when the commercials come mercifully to an end — all in capital letters, by the way, adding to the arduousness of trying to read it — is deceptive in itself. During the ads, the tags revealing the unimpeachable sourcing for the various claims peel by like the smoking tires of a dragster. Poof, it’s gone before you know it. Did one pop up that actually cited a state budget document from 30 years ago, or do I just read too slowly? How does a candidate’s having a nose like Pinocchio’s help us make an educated choice at the polls? We are sliding in the lava of a volcano of hot gases otherwise known as name-calling and distortion. I guess the exercise for us is to figure out who’s telling the whitest of white lies. The commercials are such that they are not true and also not not true. This exercise of the guiding principle of campaign advertising propels us into a netherland where up is down, black is white and right is wrong. A lot of journalists have done a lot of digging to sort out just a fraction of fact from the torrent of fiction that spirals up


BRUCE KAUFFMAN Not That You Asked to create this tower of political Babel. When we’re looking to justify our rampant skepticism if not outright disbelief, we could check them out. (Anyone with any ideas, by the way, about how these millions for commercials could be better spent?) My favorite is, from the St. Petersburg Times in Florida, especially because the “truth-o-meter” there went off the scale, all the way to “pants on fire,” for both our candidates for U.S. Senate, incumbent Barbara Boxer, a Democrat, and her GOP foe, Carly Fiorina. Here’s what comes up: In August, the San Francisco Chronicle asked Boxer about her 2007 comment to then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice about Rice not paying a “personal price” in the Iraq War because no immediate members of the secretary’s family served in the military (even though Rice has no children). Boxer told the paper no, wait, she’d asked Rice how many Americans had died in Iraq and was criticizing the secretary for not knowing the answer. “Absolutely I was.” A video of the event at which the exchange took place, though, a hearing by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, turns up the uncomfortable fact, for Boxer anyhow, that she never, ever asked such a question. As for Fiorina, one of her TV ads shows a clip of Boxer noting that “one of the very important national security issues frankly is climate change.” Then, pow, the Republican comes on screen to say, “Terrorism kills, and Barbara Boxer’s worried about the weather.” Here’s Politifact’s take: The Pentagon and the CIA both promote the idea of climate change threatening national security; wondering about whether to carry an umbrella on a cloudy day is vastly different from, say, TURN TO ASKED ON A23

COMMUNITY COMMENTARY The Community Commentary section is open to everyone. Opinions expressed in the Community Commentary section are in no way representative of The Coast News Group. Send submissions no longer than 700 words to Submission does not guarantee publication.

Highlighting the positive amidst the negative council campaigning By Mayor Dan Dalager

It has been my honor and privilege to have served the community as a member of the City Council and I would be honored to have your vote again. The truth is, I’m very proud of our accomplishments during my time on our City Council. Through these difficult economic times: — We maintain one of the largest financial reserves of any city, initiated pension reform, and our fiscal policies have earned us the highest possible credit rating. — We’ve had zero layoffs, that has allowed us to continue with capital projects, and have no cutbacks in city services. — We’ve made public safety a top budget priority, resulting in one of the lowest crime rates in the county. — The EPA honored us as one Contact a Reporter CARLSBAD ALYX SARIOL

P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550 • 760-436-9737 • Fax: 760-943-0850






The Coast News is a legally adjudicated newspaper published weekly on Fridays by The Coast News Group. It is qualified to publish notices required by law to be published in a newspaper of general circulation (Case No. 677114). Subscriptions: 1 year/$35; 6 mos./$26; 3 mos./$21 Send check or money order to: The Coast News, P.O. Box 232550, Encinitas, CA 92023-2550. In addition to mail subscriptions, more than 30,000 copies are distributed to approximately 700 locations in the beach communities from Oceanside to Carmel Valley. The advertising deadline is the Monday preceding the Friday of publication. Editorial deadline is the Friday proceeding publication.




of the nation’s most energy efficient city halls. — We were also awarded bestrestored beach for our work on Grandview Beach — using only transient occupancy taxes! — We’ve won hard-fought approvals for the Hall Community Park, performing arts center at San Dieguito Academy and Scripps Hospital expansion. I’ve been part of this community my whole life, but now my political opponents — the same individuals who opposed all of these approvals — are trying to tear me down right before the election. The nasty negative politics we all see at the national and state level has now unfortunately come to our wonderful small city. An honest debate of the issues that will impact the citizens of Encinitas is now buried in this storm of personal attacks. Their last-minute attacks, however, can’t undo my five decades of commitment to Encinitas and I will not participate in this negative campaigning.

It’s an interesting coincidence that most of the dirt that has been tossed about comes from people opposed to our wonderful Hall Park and a necessary Scripps Hospital expansion. I strongly support both of these community improvements. If I have to be on the receiving end of this treatment for my support, so be it. With your continued faith and support, we will finish the work we’ve started: — Protect the Hall Community Park approval, and get it built. — Assist Scripps Hospital in its expansion to better serve our needs. — Initiate the northern Highway 101 and Cardiff specific plan. — Replenish the sand to protect our beaches and bluffs. Together, we will make Encinitas an even better place to live. Thank you. Mayor Dan Dalager has been a member of Encinitas City Council for eight years.

Seeking Community Commentaries As a community newspaper, our readers are our news. We would like to open the opportunity for you to write a Community Commentary to run on our Op Ed pages. We are looking for submissions 500 to 700 words, in a first person voice, that explore an issue or idea rele-

vant to you as a North County resident. Submissions longer than 700 words will not be considered. Not all submissions will be published. Send finished editorials to lsutton@coastnewsgroup. com.You will be contacted if your piece is chosen for publication.

OCT. 15, 2010



Taxpayers group rates Flower Capital candidates Based on responses

shelf when it came to the funding part.

Encinitas Taxpayers Association recently announced the results of its evaluation of the four City Council candidates based on Q&A responses, record and position statements. Teresa Barth, seeking a second term, received the highest score. Candidate Tony Kranz was a close second, followed by Mayor Dan Dalager and candidate Kristin Gaspar was last. Consideration included responses to pensions and compensation, secrecy, tax rates, debt policy, competitive process, real estate transactions and San Dieguito Water District. Read the full report at www.encinitastax

Ready now

$4 mil. for choice parcel A choice 22,000-square-foot parcel on Balboa Avenue in the Surfside City was sold for $4 mil. at auction recently. That’s enough gedes to pay off a $3.5 mil. debt the city owes on a Ninth Street site it plans to convert into a community park and the Balboa Avenue parcel will be back on the property tax rolls for the city. The Ninth Street parcel also will remain as the Winston School site and will provide a permanent location for the historic Case de Alvarado now housed at the fairgrounds and during the fair is an exhibit in the Flower & Garden Show.

Prop. P to decide future A $44 mil. bond measure is on the ballot on behalf of the Encinitas Union School District. Trustees say funds are needed for improvements. One group of parents agrees, another sez may be so but this is the wrong time to ask for approval becuz folks are already overtaxed. The choice is up to voters in the district to decide. All but trustee Maureen Muir are in support of the measure.

Rx prescription drop box A secure drop-box for prescription drugs is now located at the Encinitas Sheriff’s Station, 175 N. El Camino Real. County sheriff and the board of supes are co-sponsoring the program.

Taxis ordinance A Solbeach ordinance has been adopted to regulate taxis and prevent them from roaming all over the city seeking fares. Most popular is at the train station. Taxi owners now


ARBALLO Eye on the Coast must carry $1 mil. in liability insurance.

In-N-Out Burger that has sought an Escondido location for years now has one in operation at 1260 W.Valley Parkway west of I15. It’s the 247th eatery in the Cal-based burger chain. One in Carlsbad off I-5 was SRO from the time the first double double came off the grill.

La Colonia Park plan to Rancho Santa Fe Association and board Coastal Commission

Village roundabouts

Solbeach electeds have directed staff to of supes are currently evaluating the merits of three roundabouts on Paseo Delicias. Ques- submit a proposal to the Coastal Commission tion is not if they are to be installed but when for a La Colonia park redo. Cost for the upgrades will be in the neighborhood of $5 and their design. mil. Included will be a skateboard park and remake of the amphitheater. Cookie collection St. James Catholic Community in Solbeach is seeking to collect more than 240 One-liners Prop. 21 will provide an added tax on dozen home-baked cookies to distribute to inmates at the Otay Mesa correctional facility vehicle registration earmarked for Cal parks the weekend of Oct. 16 Oct. 17. It specifies ... Board of supes has approved more tuff regs they must be homemade, not packaged or for allocation of grants from the Neighborbought, and be contained in clear, zip-lock hood Reinvestment Program ... Horse of the freezer bags so they can pass inspection. Why Year Rachel Alexandra has been retired and 240 dozen? That’s the number contributed will be bred to Curlin Horse of the Year in last year and there’s a desire to top that fig- 2007 and 2008 ... The Governator has signed 21 new laws including one that prohibits ure. More info by calling (858) 682-1118. motorcycle owners from modifying their machines to make more noise ... S.D. County O’side marketing bureau With San Diego North Convention & Vis- Credit Union that has branches in C’bad, Solitor Bureau being taken over by San Diego beach and the Flower Capital will be the PoinConvention & Visitor Bureau, North County settia Bowl sponsor to 2012 ... Leucadia Town cities are forming individual organizations to Council has scheduled Howl-O-Ween on Oct. promote their own communities. Most recent- 30 from 5 to 8 p.m. featuring a pet parade and ly O’side has announced the formation of the costume contest ... Linda Zweig sez the Conference & Visitors Bureau with funding Scream Zone on weekends at the fairgrounds coming from a 1.5 percent Tourism Marketing is so scary some folks don’t make it through all District tax. Its office will be with the Califor- the really frightening zones ... According to nia Welcome Center Oceanside. Leslee Gaul the County Water Authority the Coast to Crest Trail from I-15 to Lake Hodges has will head the bureau. reopened ... Encinitas Preservation Association will present the inaugural Boathouses Permanent vs. temporary? North County Transit District is giving Plus Architectural Tour Oct. 17. Info and tixs consideration to a Coaster station to serve vis- at itors to the fair and races and possibly other Hasta la Vista events that attract large crowds. Several proposals each have their pros and cons. Bottom line is the dough to fund any of them. Several Bill Arballo is a retired, highly opinionated columnist in the years ago when the 22nd District Agricultural Flower Capital of the Universe and is the father of Association went so far as to develop schemat- Councilwoman Teresa Barth. E-mail barballo@coastnewsics of a proposal it quickly put the idea on the

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Hit piece boomerangs Last week, Encinitas voters received a revealing slate mailer. This hit piece, targeting Teresa Barth, was paid for by Dan Dalager and Kristin Gaspar. By providing falsehoods on seven issues and insinuating misuse of a city credit card, it presents disturbing insights into these candidates’ lack of ethics and character. Some truths: Barth routinely supports the Hall Community Park but objects to 9story-tall stadium lights that violate the city’s General Plan. Regarding Scripps Encinitas’ expansion, Barth objected only to staff-imposed recommendations taxing local residents through a Special Assessment District for future road improvements. Barth, Bond and Houlihan all opposed contracting for desalinated water at unspecified future rates. Regarding the Performing Arts Center, Barth opposed changing height limits for the entire campus from 30 to 34 feet, again violating the General Plan. Barth supports the Sand Replenishment Tax but vetoed paying extra for a separate election, six months after voters approved an 8 percent increase, to increase vacation rental TOT tax by 2 percent specifically for sand replenishment. Using her city credit card to pay specifically for expenses accrued while attending authorized official functions that benefit the city, Barth spent $2,500 per year for registration fees, transportation, etc. In contrast, Dalager has spent only $20/year. How has he been working for us? Kathleen Lees Leucadia

Letters to the Editor and reader feedback are welcome. Views expressed in letters do not necessarily reflect the views of The Coast News. Letters are subject to editing for length and clarity. Unsigned letters and letters without city of residence will not be published. Letters should be no longer than 300 words and include a contact telephone number. Submission does not guarantee publication. Send letters via e-mail to

Campaign flier misleading I’m afraid the entire city of Encinitas received the $5k flier paid for by special interests that do not want open government and do not want to lose their control of City Hall. Personally, I would not vote for anyone who thinks he or she must misinform voters to win. Anyone who would like the truth can go to Teresa’s website www.barthforencinitas. Let’s start with two facts just as examples: Teresa supported the Scripps Hospital Expansion, but voted against a city-imposed condition that could require surrounding homeowners to pay for future mitigation measures needed to deal with traffic impacts created by the hospital. The city never voted to support or oppose desalination. The council voted against a proposed San Dieguito Water District contract to purchase desalinated water from Poseidon at an undetermined future price. The vote was Bond, Barth and Houlihan to protect ratepayers with Stocks and Dalager opposed. Teresa represents the entire community of Encinitas. That flier was a slick way of misleading the voters of Encinitas. Please support the two candidates who are running a grassroots campaign and telling you the truth. Please check the facts before you vote. Rachelle Collier Encinitas

Out with the old Farrah Douglas has credentials that are implacable. I had the privilege getting to know her when she ran for counsel seat the first time. Met her at a Carlsbad fair, she had a booth and seemed very concerned about our city. Liked what I saw and heard. We talked at her business place. For almost two hours I must have asked a million questions about my concerns for Carlsbad. She answered in a patient manner, never losing her cool. I’ve gone to her home to receive some instructions and found it very nice. Keeping a place neat, tells me a lot about a person. We need people like her to make our city better then ever. Someone with business savvy, good ideas and forward thinking. I do my best to vote out incumbents (power goes to their heads) and vote for women candidates often. Farrah Douglas is a woman and a new candidate, my vote goes for her. William Hart Carlsbad

All for selling fairgrounds to the city This letter supports the sale of the Del Mar Fairgrounds to the city of Del Mar. At the present time the fairgrounds is supervised by board members appointed by the California governor who rewards large TURN TO LETTERS ON A19

COMMUNITY COMMENTARY The Community Commentary section is open to everyone. Opinions expressed in the Community Commentary section are in no way representative of The Coast News Group. Send submissions no longer than 700 words to lsutton@ Submission does not guarantee publication.

Chuck Lowery gets my vote By Mandy Barre

Chuck Lowery has proven himself to be the most valuable member on the Oceanside City Council. With his thoughtful approach, positive changes are happening for the residents and businesses of Oceanside. Prior to his election, the council was very divided between the build-it-anywhere-anytime troika of Kern, Feller, Chavez and the pro-neighborhood bloc of Mayor Jim Wood and Councilwoman Esther Sanchez. When Rocky Chavez abruptly left in December 2009, the council entered a six-month phase of absolute gridlock on important issues. Now the council is moving forward again in a positive direction thanks to Lowery and his philosophy that we can have a robust economy and protect our wonderful neighborhoods and the people who live in them. He wants to protect our neighborhoods and children. In a recent vote, Lowery voted to keep Fire Station 8 near Peacock Hills in full service. Before his vote, that station had no firefighting or paramedic transport vehicles. He believed that everyone in the city should have adequate public safety protection. Who wouldn’t support that? He voted to fund an at-risk community center near where one of our police officers was gunned down. Residents there begged for it as they were fearful for their children should the center remain closed. Who could tell these parents no? He voted to uphold rent control in Cavalier mobile home park that is populated with veterans and seniors. Rent control at the park affords them an opportunity to live near their families and support system at an affordable price. Many of these people live on only $900 a month or less. They often choose between food and medicine. After Lowery was assured by city staff that the park owner was making a good profit, he balanced the needs of the residents with the park owners business needs. What heartless person could throw these folks out of their homes? Chuck Lowery is a gentleman at all times and respectfully listens to the public, city staff and others on the council. He finds out the facts before he votes so he can vote intelligently and from an informed position. He has brought calmness to our city when none previously existed. When people come to council meetings, he treats them with respect. He talks to all the members of the council in a respectful, thoughtful manner. Isn’t this what residents want and expect? Everyone always complains about a 3-2 voting bloc but Lowery has demonstrated that he can work with every council person and will vote for what is best for Oceanside. He has voted 3-2, 4-1 and even been the only “no” vote. He isn’t afraid to make decisions based on all the facts and circumstances. Recently he listened to the business community and voted to enact changes to Mission Avenue that they wanted. This is what residents and businesses should want — a council member who listens. Lowery also voted to make the firefighters pay 4.5 percent of their pension contribution. They never contributed before Lowery was on the council. This move will save the city millions of dollars and will likely lead to getting them to pay the full 9 percent in the next contract negotiations. The majority of Kern, TURN TO LOWREY ON A23


OCT. 15, 2010


Pride at the Beach event aims to support youth community CALENDAR By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — The annual Pride at the Beach celebration focused on support services for youth on Oct. 9. In addition to all-day entertainment, information booths and children’s crafts, there were youth speakers and teen support groups on hand. “This year we’re putting more of an emphasis on support for all the youth who are bullied throughout the year,” Max Disposti, chair of the North County Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Coalition, or LGBT, said. “This is about everyone.” Groups that focus on youth crisis were on hand to share resources. The Trevor Project works with cities, equal rights groups and school districts to prevent youth suicides. Phone hotline support is available around the clock in Los Angeles and New York; and online resources, Facebook posts and chat rooms help youth across the United States. “It’s a dark subject, but a lot of good things are coming out of this,” Glen Wellbrock,

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TAKING PRIDE The annual Pride at the Beach event was held Oct. 9, where October was proclaimed Diversity Month by the mayor’s office. Photo by Promise Yee

co-chair of the San Diego chapter of The Trevor Project, said. The event provided a safe, supportive gathering place to enjoy entertainment and get information.“The idea is we’re open to our own diversity and it shouldn’t be something to hide,” Morganna Miodoch, North County LGBT social jus-

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OCEANSIDE — City Council took a stand against state Proposition 23 and OK’d sending a letter of

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opposition to state legislative representatives on Oct. 6 in a 3-0 vote, in which Councilmen Jerry Kern and Jack Feller abstained. Proposition 23 suspends AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 that calls for significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. There was strong com-

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belief or sexual orientation. Council members Esther Sanchez, Jerry Kern and Chuck Lowery presented the proclamation at the Pride at the Beach event. “It wasn’t until I was 30 that I came out to my family,” Laura Jane, performer and event emcee, said. “They said

Oceanside takes a stand to oppose Prop. 23 By Promise Yee


tice coordinator, said. “I feel a change from the mayor’s office on down.” A proclamation was awarded by Oceanside Mayor Jim Wood that declared October Diversity Month and called for open and fair employment of all citizens regardless of race, religious

they knew this. It’s more than sexuality, it’s who we are.” Numerous organizations that serve the gay and lesbian community were on hand. The Gay and Lesbian Yellow Pages lists gay and lesbian friendly businesses in San Diego and 30 other cities. “It’s less of a chance of facing discrimination,” Kate Stemmer, cofounder of Gay and Lesbian Yellow Pages, said. “Luckily North County is becoming more open.” 2 Men and 1 Camera create and sell scenic calendars to raise funds for neighborhood support groups. The team of model Mark Hollan and photographer and stylist Benson are taking a year to travel across the United States to take photos and put together the cowboy and Indian themed calendars. Awareness and support is key. One goal of the LGBT is to establish a center in North County where gay and lesbian community members can go for support, resources and services. “It establishes a firm sense of community to have the bricks and mortar place we can call home,” Miodoch said. The organization is holding fundraisers and seeking grants to raise money to establish a center.

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brake for California businesses,” Kern said. “Proponents of Prop. 24 want to go back on that deal. It’s not a long stretch to call Prop. 24 a job killer.” Others supported Proposition 24. “This is a tax break to one part of our sector in California,” Councilwoman Esther Sanchez said. “It’s not clear weather or not jobs would be created. I don’t believe it’s a job creating mechanism for us here.” No action was taken after discussion of Proposition 24.

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munity opposition to Proposition 23. Some spoke of the irreversible damage to the environment that unregulated greenhouse gases will cause, others pointed to California’s leadership in sustainability. “It’s an opportunity to demonstrate leadership in sustaining a clean, healthy environment,” Peggy Dormish, president of North County League of Woman Voters, said. Councilman Jerry Kern initiated discussion of opposition to Proposition 24, which repeals corporate tax breaks. “It’s a targeted tax

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Got an item for the calendar? Send the details via e-mail to

OCT. 15 DOG DINNER Dinner with the Dogs will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. Oct. 15, Rancho Coastal Humane Society, 389 Requeza Street, Encinitas. Children will get the opportunity to dine with the animals, make crafts and take a behind the scenes tour of the shelter.Visit or call (760) 753-6413 to learn more.

OCT. 16 CHRIS CROSS North County Solutions for Change will bring the sound of Christopher Cross to Moonlight Amphitheatre at 6 p.m. Oct. 16. This will benefit North County homeless children through North County’s Finding Our Way of San Diego and the cities of Carlsbad, Escondido, Oceanside, San Marcos and Vista. For tickets, visit EASY RIDERS GoldWing Road Riders Association will meet at 8:30 a.m. Oct. 16, Grandma’s Hill Top Hide-AWay Café, 539 Vista Bella, Oceanside. Owners of all types of motorcycles are welcome. Call Len and Carolyn Foley at (760) 476-9450 to learn more. GOING SOLO The 101 Artists’ Colony will present a free solo guitar concert by Peter Sprague at 1:30 p.m. Oct. 16, Encinitas Library, 540 Cornish Drive. The event will celebrate the release of a novel by A. Paul Bergen. Call Danny Salzhandler at (760) 944-6027 or e-mail salzhand to learn more. HALLOWEEN CARNIVAL Kelly Elementary School will host its annual community Halloween Carnival from 1 to 7 p.m. Oct. 16, 4885 Kelly Drive, Carlsbad. Proceeds from the event will benefit Kelly School’s art, music, dance and P.E. Call (760) 3315800 to learn more. NURSERY TOUR The MiraCosta Horticulture Club will sponsor a nursery tour 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 16. The tour begins at the MiraCosta College Horticulture Department, 1 Barnard Drive, Oceanside. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 on the day of the tour. E-mail Carol Fehner at or call (760) 721-3281 for tickets. WRITE ON Veterans Writing Group will meet from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 16, Oceanside Library, Mission Branch, 3861 Mission Ave., Oceanside. Veterans and active duty military are invited to attend. Call Gail Chatfield (858) 205-2600 to TURN TO CALENDAR ON A21

OCT. 15, 2010



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Born in Georgia and raised in Houston, Texas, Dr. Rose received her B.A. from Yale University in English literature and her M.D. from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Following Medical School, she completed residencies in both Internal Medicine and Radiation Medicine at Harvard University in Boston and is board certified in both specialties. Initially a Staff Radiation Oncologist at the Harvard Joint Center for Radiation Therapy, Dr. Rose was based at Beth Israel Hospital and the Breast Evaluation Clinic of the Dana Farber Cancer Intitute. She subsequently served as Chief of Radiation Oncology at St. Anne's Hospital in Fall River, Massachussetts prior to relocating to San Diego in 1993. Dr. Rose has worked in private practice in the San Diego area for nearly 15 years, serving as Medical Director at Palomar Medical Center in Escondido and Medical Director of the Vantage Oncology Centers in both Temecula and Wildomar. Dr. Rose came to UCSD in 2007 and is Professor of Radiation Oncology and Medical Director of the UCSD North County facility in Encinitas. She has published numerous articles on the treatment of breast cancer and genitourinary cancers, and has continued interest in these areas as well as in general radiation oncology, Dr. Mary Ann Rose medical ethics and palliative care.

Anne Wallace, M.D. UCSD Moores Cancer Center

Born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky, Dr. Yashar graduated Summa Cum Laude (3rd in class) in 1986 from Vanderbilt University with a B.A. degree in Biology. She received her M.D. from Northwestern University in 1991, and completed an internship and residency at the University of Michigan Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Ann Arbor, MI. After a 2-year fellowship in Gynecologic Oncology at the University of Louisville, Dr. Yashar entered the field of Radiation Oncology and completed her Radiation Oncology Residency at the University of Louisville. Dr. Yashar served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Louisville, and now is Associate Professor at UCSD. Dr. Yashar's clinical and research focus has centered on cancers in women, notably breast and gynecologic cancers. Her surgical training is invaluable particularly in the application of brachytherapy in both breast and gynecologic tumors and is the chief of these services at UCSD. She has also been an invited speaker on Gynecologic Oncology issues at numerous national meetings including the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG), the Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) and the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS) Dr. Catheryn Yashar

Rupa Subramanian, M.D. San Diego Cancer Center

3855 Health Sciences Drive #0987 La Jolla, CA 92093-0987 858-822-6193

1200 Garden View Road, Suite 200 Encinitas, CA 92024 760-634- 6661



Dr. Anne Wallace is a specialist in breast cancer surgery, breast reconstruction, and aesthetic surgery for the breast. Dr. Wallace is certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Wallace has been the Director of the Breast Care Unit at the Moores UCSD Cancer Center since 1995. This unit is a team of health professionals who work together to provide excellent care and the latest available treatments for breast cancer patients. Dr. Wallace participates in the Translational Oncology Program at the Moores UCSD Cancer Center where she studies the causes, behavior, and treatment of breast cancer and melanoma. Her special research interests include breast cancer prevention and improvement in techniques for sentinel lymph node biopsy. She is an investigator in the ongoing National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) study of breast cancer treatments. She also collaborates with basic science researchers to develop early detection methods in high risk individuals. Dr. Wallace holds leadership positions in several national and local cancer organizations, including the American Cancer Society, the American Melanoma Society, and the California Breast Cancer Research Council. In 1999, the Komen Foundation honored Dr. Wallace as Breast Cancer Clinician of the Year. She was named the Clinical Teacher of the Year Dr. Anne Wallace for 2000 in the UCSD Division of Plastic Surgery.

After completing medical school at Lady Harding Medical College in New Delhi, India, Dr. Subramanian completed her residency at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles and her Fellowship in Hematology/Oncology at UCI Medical Center in Irvine. Dr. Subramanian received special honors in Residency being honored Resident of the Year for all of UCLA Medical Center from 1998 through 1999. She was an Assistant Clinical Professor of Hematology and Oncology at University of California Irvine Medical Center. Joining Compassionate Cancer Care Medical Group in Orange County in 2003, she established one of Orange County's exclusive comprehensive breast center dedicated to the care of women in breast cancer. Since 2005, Dr. Subramanian has set up a comprehensive multispecialty breast care center in North County. She has established a bi-monthly breast cancer tumor board that reviews treatment plans with surgeons, radiologists, radiation oncologists, and supportive staff. She has developed networks with community physicians and UCSD faculty to identify high risk patients and offer preventative care. Dr. Subramanian has ten years clinical experience and has been devoted to breast cancer. Dr. Subramanian is also a dedicated wife and mother. She loves to travel all over the world, read, and do yoga. Dr. Rupa Subramanian


OCT. 15, 2010


crime REPORT A weekly log of neighborhood crime. Compiled by Shelli DeRobertis A report for the week of Oct. 5, 2010 to Oct. 12, 2010

WAY BETTER Farr Better Spirits, a liquor store in Encinitas, was better off on Oct. 11 at 4:09 a.m. when a man was arrested for burglary and charged with nearly 125 counts of stolen liquor and cigarette items. FAKE FUNDS Pizza Port in Solana Beach became a fraud victim for circulating unauthorized paper money on Oct. 5. UNREAL A male suspect got away with passing a fake $100 bill at a Carlsbad Rite Aid on Oct. 7. He was spotted carrying a bag and leaving the store in a White Nissan Altima with tinted windows. 911, ON REDIAL A 911 operator in Carlsbad received a call from a caller who quickly hung up the phone. According to records, the call came from a woman who said her husband was out of town and that she was just putting the number in her phone in order to have it on redial in case she needed it during the night. PUMPING IRON A female weight trainer, 39, was arrested in Carlsbad on Oct. 5 and charged with domestic battery. FRAUD! A Solana Beach business owner reported on Oct. 7

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that a fraud occurred in June when she was embezzled of more than $18,000. TOUCHÉ Some cash and the cash register were stolen from a Subway on Encinitas Boulevard at 10:30 p.m. Oct. 9.The cash register was valued at more money than the loss of cash. ADULT SUPERVISION Two people were arrested for furnishing a minor with a BB device on Oct. 7 at a college campus on Foothill Road in Vista. Another person was also arrested at the same time for possession of a weapon on a college campus; not a firearm. GEARING UP A juvenile was arrested in Vista for possession of burglary tools on West Los Angeles Drive, at 3:07 p.m. on Oct. 9. NOT VERY NICE A call alleging a cruelty to animal report for a Hilo Drive address was made in Vista on Oct. 11.

CRIME LOG Compiled by



tion and has been known to freJason Derek Brown is wanted quent nightclubs where he enjoys for murder and armed robbery in showing off his high-priced vehiPhoenix, Ariz. During November of cles, boats, and other toys. He has 2004, Brown allegedly shot and been described as possibly having killed an armored car guard outbisexual tendencies. side a movie theater and then fled Brown has ties to California, with the money. Arizona and Utah. Additionally, he Brown was born July 1, 1969, may be in the possession of a in California. He is 5 feet 10 inches JASON BROWN Glock 9mm and a .45 caliber handtall and weighs about 180 pounds. Brown speaks fluent French and has a gun. The FBI is offering a reward of up to Masters Degree in International Business. He $100,000 for information leading directly to is an avid golfer, snowboarder, skier, and dirt the arrest of Brown. If you know of Brown’s biker. Brown enjoys being the center of atten- whereabouts, contact the nearest FBI office.

San Diego County’s


Never attempt to arrest a fugitive yourself. These files should not be relied upon for any type of legal action. If the subject is a fugitive from our 10 Most Wanted page, e-mail San Diego Crime Stoppers or call their hot line at 888-580-TIPS 24 hours a day. For details, log on to For warrant inquiries or information use the sheriff’s online Tip Form.

Shelli DeRobertis The following information was gathered from law enforcement’s most available records for the week of Oct. 5, 2010 to Oct. 12, 2010.

SAN MARCOS Petty Theft 5, Burglary 8, Vandalism 5, Assault 0, Grand Theft 6, Robbery 1,Vehicle Theft 3 ENCINITAS Petty Theft 2, Burglary 5, Vandalism 0, Assault 0, Grand Theft 1, Robbery 0,Vehicle Theft 2 VISTA Petty Theft 5, Burglary 7, Vandalism 9, Assault 0, Grand Theft 3, Robbery 2,Vehicle Theft 3 OCEANSIDE Petty Theft 4, Burglary 2, Vandalism 2, Assault 0, Grand Theft 3, Robbery 1,Vehicle Theft 0 CARLSBAD Petty Theft 1, Burglary 0, Vandalism 0, Assault 0, Grand Theft 0, Robbery 1,Vehicle Theft 0 SOLANA BEACH Petty Theft 0, Burglary 1, Vandalism 1, Assault 0, Grand Theft 0, Robbery 0, Vehicle Theft 0

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Seyyed Nasser Alavi Loftabad Battery, Unlawful Penetration, 2005

Ramiro Lizarraga Murder November 2007

Brandon Scott Ellis Conspiracy September 2008

Julio Cesar JacoboCuriel Murder San Marcos, 2008

Gerardo M. Gomez Attempted Murder December 2004

Imedo Molina Laurel Murder December 2005

Jose A. Lopez Attempted Murder December 2004

Ricardo Persona Rape, Child Molestation San Diego, Jan. 1997

Julio Romero Child Molestation Ramona, 2005

Arturo G. Gomez Rape with Force San Diego, May 2007

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DO YOU KNOW THIS MAN? The FBI seeks public assistance to identify this Wells Fargo Bank robber. Courtesy photo

FBI seeks assistance to identify bank robber By Shelli DeRobertis

SAN MARCOS — At least three local banks have been robbed of cash within nine days of each other, and San Diego County detectives and the Federal Bureau of Investigation are seeking a suspect or suspects. The most recent bank robbery took place at a Wells Fargo Bank located inside of the Woodland Parkway Albertsons grocery store at 10:54 a.m. Sept. 30 by a male suspect who used a demand note. A bank note was used in all three robberies, according to San Diego Sheriff’s detective Benny Cruz. “The most common thing robbers use is a note,” Cruz said. He said that local officials are teaming with the FBI to investigate the robberies. Records show that the robber or robbers were successful in stealing money in all three attempts. For investigation purposes, it was requested the amounts stolen not be disclosed. Details about the Wells Fargo robbery suspect were released by the FBI, and said that along with the robber presenting a demand note for cash, he also made a verbal demand for money, including specific denominations. “The teller complied with the robber’s demands and put the money into a plastic shopping bag. After receiving a sum of money the robber walked out of the store,” Darrell Foxworth, special agent of the San Diego FBI, said in a release. The robber is described as a Hispanic male in his mid20s to early 30s, with a medium build weighing approximately 175 pounds and standing about 5 feet 8 inches tall. He was wearing black TURN TO FBI ON A21



OCT. 15, 2010

Mayor and his wife and longtime volunteer named Citizens of the Year By Alyx Sariol

CARLSBAD — Three fixtures in the Carlsbad community — Mayor Claude “Bud” Lewis, his wife Bev and volunteer Doris Lee Ritchie — were honored as Citizens of the Year for 2009 at a ceremony Oct. 5. Friends and family packed the council chambers as the trio received the honor, which is awarded to “people in Carlsbad that have uniquely enriched the city,” Steve Tague, a member of the Citizens of the Year Committee, said. Doris Lee Ritchie was recognized for her decadeslong dedication to a number

of charitable and civic causes within Carlsbad. She has a doctorate in adult education and specializes in voluntarism, Mayor Pro Tem Ann Kulchin said. A permanent resident since 1983, Ritchie is a 22year member of the Hi-Noon Rotary; a founding member of the Carlsbad Foundation and Carillo Ranch Foundation; and on the board of directors for Hospice of North Coast, Kulchin said. “She’s listed in the Who’s Who of American Women and if we had such a book, she time friend of Ritchie, said. Ritchie also served 10 would certainly be included in the Who’s Who of years with the Housing Carlsbad,” Kulchin, a long- Commission and six years with the Senior Commission,

There’s a mythical monster in our midst CORY WATERHOUSE Doorman Diaries A tip has been thrown my direction from an astute Encinitas Paranormal Research Society member whose name rhymes with Penny Hunt. She mentioned pictorially that we are living side by side with a cryptozoological legend of mythic proportions. The boo-beast that captivates and frustrates on a daily basis. He is the be-all, end-all holy grail and grand poobah of things that go bump in the night. And he’s here. The Yeti lives in Encinitas. Or Leucadia. It depends on who you ask. And Leucadia is Encinitas, right? Or vice

versa. Oh who cares, Bigfoot is here! Who expected that hirsute hunky hippie to bunk down here in our sleepy little beach town? Who is Bigsquatcheti? OK, here’s a bit of background for those people who’ve been using their head as a rectal thermometer. Bigfoot, or the Yeti, has spooked ill-informed people for hundreds of years, and evidence of its existence has accumulated in many different locales. This includes frighteningly nipple-numbing places in mountainous Asia, sweaty stinky swampland in Florida, and woodsy Zen-like Washington state. I know I garnered international attention a few years ago and titillated scientists and celebrities alike when I discovered and documented TURN TO DOORMAN ON A20

Classic Youth Theatre Inc Gallery & Boutique Dare To Break Away From the Herd Classic Youth Theatre Inc Presents The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde October 29th - November 14th 263 S. Coast Hwy 101., Solana Beach November 12th - 14th show to be held at the Olivenhain Meeting Hall Encinitas For Tickets and Show Times please call our Box Office

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CITIZENS OF THE YEAR From left, Mayor Pro Tem Ann Kulchin; Doris Lee Ritchie’s son Russell Ritchie; Doris Lee Ritchie; Mayor Claude “Bud” Lewis; Councilman Matt Hall; and Councilman Mark Packard. Photo by Alyx Sariol

where she participated in the design of the Senior Center on the Architectural Design Committee. “This is awesome — I

The Lewises were also honored at the ceremony. Longtime Mayor Lewis, with the support of his wife, has played an active role in Carlsbad for more than 40 years in several different think I’ve just won the Oscar,” capacities, including high Ritchie said upon receiving school teacher, football coach, her Citizen of the Year councilman and lastly, mayor, plaque. “This is a peak TURN TO CITIZENS ON A20 moment in my life.”


OCT. 15, 2010


City loses community leader

GAZEBO RELOCATION The Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary worked for three years to raise the funds to repair and move the historic Twin Inns Gazebo by selling inscribed bricks and pavers which will surround the gazebo, and hosted a groundbreaking ceremony for the relocation at 9 a.m. Oct. 14 at Magee Park, 258 Beech Ave. Originally located behind the historic Twin Inns on Carlsbad Boulevard, the historic gazebo roof has been carefully restored. The Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary Club meets every Monday at 12:10 p.m. at the Hilton Garden Inn, Carlsbad. Visit www.carlsbadhinoon Courtesy photo

By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — Charles “Chuck” Newton, a community advocate and beloved husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, passed away at his Del Mar home Sept. 30 with Dorothy, his wife of 67 years, by his side. He was 93. Chuck was born Sept. 1, 1917. He met Dorothy while attending high school in Glendale, Calif. They later married and had four sons. A graduate of the University of Missouri journalism school and a veteran of World War II, Chuck had a career in business communications, working in advertising, public relations, art direction, promotions and consulting. He was the founding editor of The Sandpiper, Del Mar’s community journal, and a community leader who volunteered for city boards and commissions. Chuck, who saved rainwater, also served as a director for the San Diego County Water Authority. “Chuck was a pro on water issues,” former Del Mar Mayor Bill Arballo said. He enjoyed reading, community theater, looking for a good creek to fish and working in his yard. Skilled and knowledgeable in everything from old-fashioned techniques to modern technology, Chuck could make adobe bricks, set type and send e-mails to his grandchildren. “I can say from personal experience that he was

Tea Party gathering looks at state propositions By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — A crowd of more than 1,000 filled the Pier Amphitheater for a Tea Party rally and open carry meet-up on Oct. 10. The rally focused on California propositions and political stands of local activist groups. The Tea Party supports Proposition 23, to suspend AB 32, the Global Warming Act; says yes to Proposition 26, a supermajority vote to pass new taxes; and says no to Proposition 25, a simple majority vote for legislature to pass the budget. Those present took an active stand for their beliefs. “We have to get actively involved in who’s running our TEA PARTIERS Tea Party rebeller Linda Reedy of Mission Bay counts down the days until the November country,” Linda Reedy of Mis- election. Photo by Promise Yee TURN TO LEADER ON A23 sion Bay said. “They need to work for us.” Felien had campaign booths at “We mean business,” the rally. Both are outspoken Paul Hofman of San Diego about being against more said. “We’re standing together taxes. “We can’t keep spendshowing we are solid and one- ing and taxing,” Kern said. minded.” “We’re taxed enough.” Kern Hofman, a former Repub- opposes any new taxes includlican, is now registered as an ing the proposal to charge Independent. He said he is dis- Oceanside business owners for pleased with Democrats and fire inspections. “We’re killing the price of Republicans. “I don’t like the way Democrats are going,” industry,” Kern said. “If we Hofman said. “Republicans keep stepping on the golden Since 1990 goose that lays eggs we’re are just as bad.” 701 Palomar Airport Rd. Councilman Jerry Kern going to kill it.” Suite 300 • Carlsbad Second Amendment and council candidate Gary Right supporters also used the event to meet up for an open SENATOR SPEAKS Arizona Sen. Russell Pearce, author of SB carry of guns. Other activists opposed 1070, speaks out about stopping a little Cowboys on illegal immigration. Blair illegal immigration. Photo by McGranahan of Oceanside Promise Yee the Coast? wore sandwich board signs that showed his support of SB 1070, Arizona’s anti-immigration law, and encouraged a boycott of San Diego. “San Diego supports illegals,” McGranahan said. “The featuring: police department won’t coordinate with ICE (U.S. ImmiEarl Flores and gration and Customs EnforceHoly Toledo ment).” $2.50 PBR • No Cover Arizona Sen. Russell Pearce, author of SB 1070, took the stage to share his beliefs that most Americans support the anti-immigration law that gives police officers the power to ask for identification of citiwboy o c e th , p ! -ste zenship if there is a reasonable learn the 2tep and line dancing pm 0-s suspicion that a person is an cha cha, 1structions: 7:30-8:30 illegal immigrant. “It’s inherIn e c n a D ent to citizens, to us,” Pearce 1542 N. Coast Hwy. 101, Leucadia said. “Three to one citizens support it.”


Shut up...



every Monday nite!




City revisits contract for weed abatement By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — Whoever said you can’t fight city hall has obviously never spent time in Del Mar. Council members authorized an agreement that would have allowed a private company to provide a year-round weed abatement program. But after residents expressed various concerns about Fire Protection Services Inc., the city held a public workshop and then adopted a different program two months later. On Aug. 2, Fire Marshal Robert Scott presented three options for weed abatement to decrease the risk from fires caused by overgrown or dead vegetation. His department recommended using Fire Protection Services because it would provide a consistent, year-round program requiring minimal staff time at essentially no cost to the city. The company, used by 10 local cities including Encinitas and Oceanside, would get paid by billing property owners for forced abatement. Many residents said this presented a possible conflict of interest. “Who wants to voluntarily put themselves in a situation where we’re having people come onto our property who don’t get paid unless they find fault?” asked resident Charlie Curry. “No credible threat justifies a bounty hunter for brush abatement,” John Haraden said. After reviewing their initial decision, council members agreed the contract could be problematic. “If you pay somebody to inspect something that they will then turn around and abate …… and get paid for it, there is no way to avoid at least the appearance of a conflict of interest, even if there isn’t one,” Mayor Richard Earnest said. Residents said an Internet search also revealed some negative reports about Fire Protection Services. In 2004, Fallbrook terminated its contract with FPS after receiving complaints about possible conflict of interest and poor customer service. According to a 2008 story in the San Diego Reader, “the company was overzealously harassing people in the backcountry,” and in May 2007, “the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection wrote to San Diego County concerning complaints it was receiving” about FPS. “The letter suggested Fire Prevention Services may have been misrepresenting the law and requiring landowners to do environmental damage,” the TURN TO WEED ON A18

Who’s NEWS? Business news and special achievements for North San Diego County. Send information via e-mail to community@



OCT. 15, 2010



themselves as cries for help, and among the more extreme manifestations is “embedding” — the insertion of glass, wood, metal and other material, just under the skin. Writing in the October issue of the

journal Radiology, a doctor at Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio, followed up on 11 cases involving 76 self-embedded objects in arms, neck, feet and hands, including an astonishing 35 placed by one boy (staples, parts of a comb, parts of a fork). — Jennifer Tesch’s

daughter, Kennedy, was kicked off her cheerleader squad (supporting a youth flag-football team) in Madison Heights, Mich., after complaining to her mother about the saucy language of one of the cheers in the girls’ repertoire: “Our backs ache!/Our skirts are too tight!/We shake our

booties!/From left to right!” Kennedy and Jennifer thought that was inappropriate, considering that Kennedy is 6 years old. The team, given the chance to renounce the cheer, voted in September to keep it and instead to punish Kennedy for taking the dispute public.

Bright Ideas — The older the religion, the seemingly more likely its practitioners are to adopt clever workarounds to theological obligations that modern society has rendered inconvenient. Orthodox Jews are TURN TO ODD FILES, CONT’D ON A18


Join the parade ENCINITAS — Applications are now being accepted for the 2010 Encinitas Holiday Parade at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 4. This year’s Parade is themed, “Illuminate the Season with Gifts of Service.” Parade entry applications can be picked up at the Encinitas Parks and Recreation office, Encinitas Community Center, or at or by calling (760) 633-2740.

Inspirational ENCINITAS — Richard Muscio, an Encinitas resident and co-founder of “Move Your Feet Before You Eat” Fo u n d a tion, was one of four awardees of the Inspiration Award from The Center for RICHARD Wealth and MUSICO Legacy at University of San Diego Sept. 28. The awards recognize unique individuals in the business community positively impacting their community through philanthropic efforts. Muscio is the also co-founder of the Oceanside Turkey Trot and the Vista Strawberry Festival 5K.

In the pink CARLSBAD — Carlsbad Premium Outlets is teaming with Susan G. Komen for the Cure to support breast cancer awareness. Oct. 23 and Oct. 24. Shoppers can text “PINK” to 90999* to donate $10 to Susan G. Komen for the Cure and then enjoy a day of shopping at the on-site Premium Outlets Pink Event at 5620 Paseo Del Norte Drive. Shoppers who can show the receipt on their phone at the event registration table at 6 p.m. receive a special savings card.

Hollywood memoirs ENCINITAS — From the composer who brought you “Have Yourself a Merry TURN TO WHO’S NEWS? ON A18


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$125, which includes microchip, vaccines, spay or neuter, collar, ID tag, and free vet exam. Hours of operation are from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. For details, call (760) 7536413 or e-mail info@

Getting in shape for winter surfing have caught on to the point that it is not uncommon to see tight packs of a dozen or more paddlers, steadily moving parallel to Coast Highway in a similar fashion to bicycle racers. What you won’t see from shore is the length (between 12 and 16 feet) and the sleek lines of paddleboards. For a closer look, I would recommend walking into Patagonia and looking up to see the works of PalosVerdes resident Joe Bark,or that of our own Brian Syzmanski, whose boards often cross the line first, with Brian aboard. My No. 1 goal prior to December is to burn off some fat, something that keeps the body warm, but is of no help when pushing through nonstop sets intent on knocking all that extra flab back to shore.And so I am once again off to my kickboxing class, running stairs and eating better and less. All of this, of course, is counterintuitive as colder days end earlier and I want nothing more than to curl up for an extra hour and slug down comfort foods. Rewards of winter, however, are not for the soft or the lazy.They come slowly but surely, a payoff for all that sacrifice. It feels good to slide into a fullsuit without it widening in the middle.It feels even better paddling outside without breathing hard. Best of all is the feeling of sliding into a gun-barrel gray, six-foot north-west set wave, dropping to the bottom making that first turn and knowing that your legs and arms will hold out for the entire session. Go ahead; snag another.You’ve earned it.


Not many surfers in Southern California will be sorry to see this summer end. With the coldest water and the smallest, windiest, most crowded surf on record, it was hard to find much to celebrate this season. Of course there were those 2- to 3foot glassy days with a few friends out, but those were all too rare this year. While nonsurfers will never understand this, winter is really the best season for surfers. Of course the water can be numbingly cold,but the crowds are thinner and the waves generally a lot bigger. In a way late September is like Jan. 1 for surfers, a time when we vow that we will get in shape for waves that will be more demanding. Many surfers will order winter guns, boards that won’t come to life until the surf is well over 10 feet, tested on an annual pilgrimage to Oahu’s North Shore, or maybe something within driving distance like Todos Santos or Maverick’s, or those twice in a decade days that hit North County.A new wetsuit may also be in order. Equipment aside, one of the most important things a surfer can do is build up their lung capacity, stamina, flexibility and paddling strength. For some this means time spent in the gym or the pool. For others, stroking for miles on paddleboards is a better call. Over the Chris Ahrens is a surfer and author of past few years paddleboards four books on surfing. E-mail him at

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DA seeks double jury in murder case By Shelli DeRobertis

VISTA — A district attorney asked the court on Oct. 4 to pre-assign a single trial judge, with the hopes of being granted a double jury, for the murder case against two Marines accused of the slaying of an Oceanside auto shop owner in August 2009. “We were asking the court to pre-assign to one judge,” Deputy District Attorney Minaz Bhayani said. But in order for the double jury to be executed, Bhayani said it needs to be ruled by a trial judge, and needs to be pre-assigned. Superior Court Judge Joan P. Weber was assigned as the judge, and on Oct. 18 Bhayani, the two defense attorneys representing the defendants, and Judge Weber will have their first meeting to deal with certain motions. “Being that a dual jury request is a trial — she will decide if that is something she will grant or not,”Bhayani said. He said that judges are

normally reluctant to grant a double jury, but that it has happened in the past. “Some judges allow it, some don’t,” he said. He said if the double jury is granted that both juries will hear all common evidence, and that during times of the noncommon evidence being presented that one jury would be excused. One aspect not common to both defendants are the statements they made, Bhayani said. Former Pfc. Xavier

Adams, 19 at the time of the homicide, and Lance Cpl. Raphael Ramey, then 20, are both charged with carjacking, robbery and the first-degree murder of Charles Evan Williams, along with the special allegation they both used a knife and were lying in wait, according to previous reports from The Coast News. A benefit to the double jury is that there would only be one trial. Bhayani said that the

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Paid for by Pardee Homes (6025 Edgewood Bend Court, San Diego) in support of efforts by residents of Pacific Highlands Ranch and surrounding neighborhoods to complete community facilities approved by voters in 1998, including parks, library, trails, recreation and transportation facilities, YES on Prop C.

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OCT. 15, 2010

SARA NOEL Frugal Living



OCT. 15, 2010


By Promise Yee Visit to see video footage of this week’s Hot off the Block


Do you support Proposition 23, which will suspend air pollution control law AB 32

Learn about our Torrey pines, inside and out

Frugal to the core Don’t let your apples rot. Make applesauce, apple butter or baked goods, or add to oatmeal or pancakes. If they’re heavily bruised or mushy, use them for a simmering potpourri by putting the apples in a pot of water with cinnamon sticks, and simmer on your stovetop or in your slow cooker. You can even save and freeze apple cores until you have enough to make applesauce. The first reader tip shares another way to freeze them. Add ascorbic acid for the best results. Frozen apples can be microwaved to make quick and easy applesauce, too. Just add a little water and the frozen apples to a microwave safe bowl. Microwave on high three minutes or until softened. Add desired sweetener and spices. Freeze apples: There is no such thing as a bad apple. Just grate them and freeze them to make apple bread or apple muffins in the winter. I freeze the exact amount the apple bread calls for — 1 cup. Then I just pull it out in winter and make some bread. — Gottadance, Illinois Laundry soak: When doing laundry, specifically the white load and towels, I add borax along with the minimal detergent and soak for an hour or so. This really helps the whites and all to smell better. My mother in law would soak her whites all night. I save the more delicates to toss in as I start the washer later. Also I add vinegar to the first or second rinse, depending on whether I get there on time. — Mary L., email Curtain tip: I buy a pair I really like and cut them in half lengthwise, then stitch up the cut side. I hang the curtains with the cut side toward the wall and the original finished side to the window. That way, the homemade side is not noticeable. Now I have four curtains for matching windows. Of course, this only works for decorative TURN TO FRUGAL ON A18


JON WICKHAM ENCINITAS Don’t know enough about it to give you a good answer. I’m a little bit off studying for those things right now.

DAVID LAUGHBOURGH CARSBAD I worked for an oil field for awhile. Everything that has to do with oil production is nasty and destructive. No.

CLAUDIA BELL ENCINITAS I don’t really know enough about it.


I think it’s supported by the oil companies. Anything they support I don’t really think is a good idea.

Candidates emphasize differences on issues By Wehtahnah Tucker

ENCINITAS — The four candidates for two seats on City Council looked to distinguish themselves from one another at a forum sponsored by the New Encinitas Business Network on Oct. 7. The League of Women Voters moderated the panel discussion at the Grauer School as approximately 70 people had an opportunity to ask written questions. The city’s blueprint, known as the general plan, was a point of concern for some residents. When asked how many of the community meetings each candidate attended and what they learned, both Kristin Gaspar and Mayor Dan Dalager responded that neither had participated. Dalager said he thought his presence might “skew the discussion.” Gaspar said she was having a baby. “Sometimes life happens and it was happening then,” she told the audience. Tony Kranz said he attended four of the five workshops. “Traffic was a big focus,” he said. Councilwoman Teresa Barth attended all five meetings. “I think it’s critical for me to hear their (citizens’) voices not filtered though the staff,” she said. The Hall park development was a hot topic as in previous forums. Both Kranz and Barth said they support building the park as it is approved Grow your business


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CANDIDATE FORUM City Council candidate Tony Kranz stands to give an answer at a forum Oct. 7 while other candidates Kristin Gaspar, Dan Dalager and Teresa Barth wait for their opportunity. Photo by Wehtahnah Tucker

by the California Coastal Commission. “That doesn’t include 90-foot lights,” Kranz said. “Stadium lights means we’ll have to change our general plan,” Barth said. “That’s a very serious intensification of a small area with the traffic impact in a very small section of the community.” On the other hand, both Gaspar and Dalager said they supported the inclusion of the lights. “We need as many recreational opportunities as possible,” Gaspar said. However, she said she sup-

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ports a “light curfew” of 9 p.m. On the issue of widening Interstate 5, the candidates drew clear distinctions. As Caltrans proposes to widen 27 miles of the coastal freeway between Oceanside and La Jolla, several possibilities include the addition of six lanes. Both Dalager and Gaspar agreed that increasing vehi-

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cle lanes was necessary. While Gaspar said she didn’t support the widest proposal, she does see the need for more lanes. ”We need a smaller-scale project that’s going to reduce the bottlenecking that we experience,” TURN TO CANDIDATES ON A18

# Hannah’s


I used to be a climber. Not a social climber, but a tree climber equipped with a hand saw, Husqvarna limbing saw, climbing belt, hooks, clip line, pig tail, roping line, pole pruner, earphones and Raybans. I was quite the cool character back then, even if I did come home full of sawdust and sometimes covered in sap. I loved the heights tied in to the top of a 100-foot tree, busting a free workout and getting paid for it. Balancing a tree’s shape or balancing on a 40foot limb while walking out to its tip roped in above to the central leader satisfied my addiction for adrenaline and creative impulse. But few trees were as fun and beautiful to work with as our own Pinus Torreyana. Although you would come home covered with sap, the tree smells so amazing fresh cut or above in the crown that it becomes intoxicating. The clear fresh sap dripping from an end cut tastes like wintergreen and sugar mixed together and coats your teeth deliciously. I learned to simply take a rubbing alcohol sponge bath or soak a washcloth with rubbing alcohol and pull the sap from my hair before showering. It was an easy cleanup. The Torrey, I learned, is a warm weather pine. It has many cousins, some rare and some not so rare. It is TURN TO LOCAL ROOTS ON A18

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OCT. 15, 2010


Fallen heroes honored with memorial quilt By Lance Cpl. Michelle S. Mattei

CAMP PENDLETON — With more than 4,000 hours dedicated to sewing, almost 6,000 fallen heroes’ names are now recognized in eight woven quilts displayed in their honor. Camp Pendleton’s South Mesa Club is the temporary home of these eight works of art created by Elaine McDonald, who has spent the last six years sewing in memory of those who lost their lives in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. “I began my sewing project in 2004 for the Operations Iraqi and Enduring Freedom,” McDonald said. “I had a lot of catching up to do, but it wasn’t just about writing their names.” McDonald wanted to learn the history of each fallen service member, she

WARM REMEMBRANCE The names of 5,953 service members cover the memorial quilts, displayed in honor of America’s lost heroes at Camp Pendleton’s South Mesa Club. The eight World War II-inspired quilts were made by Elaine McDonald, and sewn in memory of those who lost their lives in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. Photo by Lance Cpl. Michelle S. Mattei

explained. On each textile, four military names, their home of record, and the date of their passing during the war were carefully embroidered. “The troops who fight for our country are more than brave,” McDonald said. “They deserve as much recognition as anyone could give them, so as an American citizen, it’s our job to make sure our men and women who serve are recognized.” The quilts are made with cloth known as muslin, which is often used as a backing or lining for quilts and made from corded cotton yarn. Inside each square is a circle separated into four triangles. Each triangle represents a fallen hero with their information embroidered above. “Most of the material I TURN TO QUILT ON A19

Marine valor has no boundaries By Pfc. Evan Santy

CAMP PENDLETON — While sitting on the porch waiting for a home cooked meal in Long Beach on Oct. 6, Pfc. Anthony Rolden and his two friends and brothers in arms, Pfcs. Ryan Shuey and Christopher Smith, heard a gun fire in the distance. Without hesitation the three Marines sprung into action, with nothing but raw instincts and Marine Corps training leading them. They raced down an alley behind the house where they found a police officer fighting for his weapon and his life. “It’s rewarding to know he’s alright,” said Pfc. Ryan Shuey, 20, a combat engineer, with 1st Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Division. “I’m glad we were there to potentially save his life.” The three Marines were taking a break from the mess hall, and having a relaxing night with family and friends before their deployment to Afghanistan in the next few days. That night had different plans for the young engineers and they had to show the true valor of the title United States

MARINES 24/7 Pfcs. Anthony S. Roldan, Christopher M. Smith and Ryan J. Shuey, combat engineers with 1st Combat Engineer Battalion, 1st Marine Division, were presented with 1st CEB Sapper Coins by Lt. Col. Andrew Niebel, commanding officer of 1st CEB, for their actions Oct. 6 when they assisted a police officer with the Long Beach Police Department who was attacked by a suspect yielding a knife. Roldan is an 18-year-old from Long Beach. Smith is a 20-year-old from Lemoore, Calif., and Shuey is a 20-year-old from Huntingdon County, Pa. Photo by Pfc. Glen Santy

Marine. “It looked like David versus Goliath,” said Pfc.Anthony Rolden, 18, a combat engineer, with 1st CEB, 1st Marine Division. “It all happened so fast.” “He was a big guy,” said Pfc. Christopher Smith, 20, a combat engineer, with 1st CEB, 1st Marine Division. “I don’t think I could have taken him down myself, so I’m glad all three of us were there.” When they heard the gunshot the Marines reacted instantly. The Marines rushed to get Rolden’s younger brothers and sisters inside the house, then making their way to the noise. What they found was a police officer, who had been stabbed and was fighting for his life and his fire arm with another man, and struggling to hold on. “They saw what was going on and didn’t stand by, they jumped in and assisted,” said Jim McDonnell, Long Beach Police Department chief of police.“Had this intervention not been done, it’s anybody’s guess how it would have turned out.” The Marines immediately TURN TO VALOR ON A20

Pendleton children donate hair to charity By Lance Cpl. Damien Gutierrez

CAMP PENDLETON — Though many children may dread receiving a haircut, Camp Pendleton’s San Onofre Elementary School students smiled and cheered for an opportunity to chop off inches of their existing locks. San Onofre Elementary School held its second annual Locks of Love donation event in an effort to aid those who suffer from hair loss illnesses, including those receiving cancer treatments Oct. 7. More than 30 elementary school girls participated in this year’s event by donating their hair to a nonprofit charity program known as Pink Heart Funds. Donations made to the program go toward helping financially disadvantaged children who are suffering from medical conditions obtain prosthetic

DONATING LOCKS Harley Tratchel and Larissa and Jorden Zimmerman donated their hair together during Camp Pendleton’s San Onofre Elementary School second annual Locks of Love donation event, Oct. 7. The three charitable sisters contributed 15 inches of hair together. Photo by Lance Cpl. Damien Gutierrez

hairpieces. hair loss illnesses is alopecia One of the most common areata. This illness is a skin

disease that results in hair loss on the scalp and body. Almost 4.7 million people in the United States are affected by the disease. While inside the school, parents and children filled the theater room and awaited to cut their locks. A majority of those participating in the event were children who attended the school, grades kindergarten through eighth. “I donated my hair because I know someone out there needs it more than I do,” said 11-year-old Harley Tratchel. “Besides, I think this new hairstyle makes me look cute.” Tratchel’s generosity runs through the family and proved it by bring along her two sisters Larissa and Jorden who also donated their hair. Together, the three charitable TURN TO HAIR ON A21

HAND-TO-HAND A squad of Company B recruits uses teamwork and communication to quickly accomplish one of their missions during the 12-stall portion of the Crucible at Edson Range, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton on Sept. 28. One of the primary reasons recruits must do the 12-stall exercises during the crucible is to improve their leadership, teamwork and communication abilities which many believe to be key to an effective fighting force. Photos by Cpl. Matthew Brown

Grueling training teaches leadership and teamwork By Cpl. Matthew Brown

CAMP PENDLETON — There are many reasons well-rounded Marines make the Corps what it is today. However, all the traits that make effective warriors are useless unless they can be tied together to transform a bunch of well-trained “guys with guns” into a nearly unstoppable force. For the Marines of Company B, these traits are first instilled during recruit training and then tested and hardened at the 12-stall event of the Crucible, Sept 28. The Crucible is a 54-hour training event conducted during Marine Corps Recruit Training at Edson Range, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton. The Crucible requires Marine recruits to overcome mentally and physically demanding obstacles as a team. “We aren’t super men,” said Staff Sgt. Leo Librando, drill instructor, Platoon 1028, Company B. “We have to work as a team to accomplish what we do.” They undergo simulated combat stress scenarios that consist of food and sleep deprivation in addition to the rigors of the many obstacles they are required to overcome. “Communication and teamwork are everything,” Librando said. “If they can’t use teamwork and communicate while on the Crucible, how are they going to be able to use it when in combat?” The course consists of 12 different stations, 11 of which require recruits take turns as the squad leader and attempt to lead their team to accomplish different types of missions. “The whole mission of 12-stall is to introduce leadership traits so if you haven’t been in a leadership position, now is your time to shine.” said Cpl. Miguel Bautista, field instructor, Field Co., Weapons and Field Training Battalion. “Most of these recruits are straight out of high school and don’t have any real leadership experience so we have to build from scratch.” On the variety of obstacles, there are areas painted red that, if touched by a recruit, means death. As a

result, they must carry ammunition cans up and down the nearby road before they continue to participate with their squad. “If the squad leader dies, then another recruit has to be able to take his position and know what’s going on and what the plan was,” Bautista said. “In actual combat, if something happens to a fire team leader or any leader, the next Marine needs to be able to take the position and each Marine under him as well.” Bautista added that communication becomes less necessary during exercises if the team has communicated and planned properly before the

ON THEIR FEET Company B recruits put their feet out as they await a Navy corpsman who will check their health prior to engaging in the 12-stall exercise of the Crucible. The Crucible is a 54hour-long training event in which recruits undergo food and sleep deprivation to create a simulated combat stress and are almost always on their feet. Courtesy photo

event. “If everybody understands what’s going on, you really don’t need to talk, you just do your part and see what others are doing and do what you know needs to get done,” Bautista said. “If the first plan doesn’t work though, communication and cooperation become key if the mission is to get accomplished.” According to Librando, the communication recruits had learned thus far turned out to be effective because mission failure was rare. These skills are only the beginning of what recruits will learn during their time in the Corps. “It’s a foundation that they will bring with them and build off of during additional training and eventually, when they join the fleet,” Librando said. “It’s the first step to them becoming wellrounded Marines.”



OCT. 15, 2010

MS WALK About 260 people begin the recent three-day, 50-mile walk from the Flower Fields in Carlsbad to downtown San Diego in a $1.2 million fundraiser for multiple sclerosis research. Roughly onefourth of the walkers, 65 of the 260 walkers at the ninth annual Southern California Challenge Walk MS, have multiple sclerosis, a chronic, unpredictable and disabling disease of the central nervous system with no known cause, cure or prevention. The Challenge Walk MS was presented by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Carlsbad-based Pacific South Coast Chapter. The walkers traveled from 17 states and throughout Southern and Northern California, as well as Mexico, to participate. Courtesy photo

Senior Citizens Day Expo shares talent and resources By Promise Yee

OCEANSIDE — The annual Senior Citizens Day Expo held at El Corazon Senior Center on Oct. 9 allowed seniors to share their talents and connect with useful resources. Talented seniors performed live music and dance and 82 booths offered information on volunteer opportunities, club memberships and services. “I bring a little sound of music to the group,” Piper Bob of San Diego said. “Me being a senior citizen, I volunteer and give it (the expo) good support.” The expo provided a onestop shop for senior services. “The most useful thing was the transportation,” Rocio Machado of Oceanside said. “My dad is visiting. They arranged a tour for him in Spanish to educate him on how to take the buses where he wants to go. It was very useful.”

THE RED HATTERS OF OCEANSIDE Ellie Novosel, Miriam Corvin, Dorothy Orney, Norma Lamascus, Penny Huber and Pat Hoglund. Photo by Promise Yee

Numerous health and wellness organizations were also on hand. The North County Parkinson’s Support Group shared support services

for those with Parkinson’s disease and their caregivers. “It’s a progressive disease you live with,” June Brunson, Vista Parkinson’s Support Group

Radiation Therapy, Dr. Rose before,” she said. “New techwas based at Beth Israel Hos- niques have reduced side pital and the Breast Evalua- effects and shortened the said. “Women with greater tion Clinic of the Dana Farber course of therapy. Women than a 21 percent lifetime Cancer Institute. She subse- should not be afraid to pursue quently lumpectomy and risk of developing served as radiation as an alterbreast cancer on the chief of radinative to mastectomy calculator can be ation oncoloin early stage breast eligible for an annugy at St. cancer.” al breast MRI.” Anne’s HosThe third preDr. Subramanpital in Fall senter is Dr. Anne ian adds that the River, Mass., Wallace, who will SDCC has a breast prior to relospeak about the surcancer prevention cating to San gical management of clinic where she can Diego in breast cancer, includdiscuss a woman’s DR. RUPA 1993. Dr. DR. MARY ANN ing options for reconindividual risk with ROSE has struction. her and develop a SUBRAMANIAN Rose Dr. Wallace has been the risk reduction and surveil- worked in private practice in the San Diego area for nearly director of the breast care unit lance program. Dr. Mary Ann Rose, M.D., 15 years, serving as medical at the UCSD Moores Cancer will speak about the role of director at Palomar Medical Center since 1995. She is a external radiation therapy for Center in Escondido and med- specialist in breast cancer surboth early stage and advanced ical director of the Vantage gery, breast reconstruction Oncology Centers in both and aesthetic surgery for the cancers. breast. Dr. Wallace particiDr. Rose came to UCSD Temecula and Wildomar. Dr. Rose will report on pates in the Translational in 2007 and is professor of radiation oncology and med- strides that have been made Oncology Program at the ical director of UCSD Radia- in the treatment of breast can- Moores, where she studies the causes, behavior and treattion Oncology North County cer. “Women with breast can- ment of breast cancer and in Encinitas. Initially a staff radiation oncologist at the cer now have more options for melanoma. Her special Harvard Joint Center for breast conservation than ever research interests include



leader, said. “My husband got Parkinson’s in 1999. I denied it for two years. At a certain point you have to get involved.”

The expo also featured $4 to $8 meals and a raffle drawing to raise funds for SENIOR SPIRIT Gail Stebbins, Oceanside’s two senior cen- 70, of Oceanside, shows off her senior spirit. Photo by Promise Yee ters.

breast cancer prevention and ation oncology that allow for her clinical and research focus improvement in techniques less surgery and better cos- has centered on cancers in for sentinel lymph node biop- metic outcomes,” she said. “I women, notably breast and sy. She is an investigator in the will also discuss the I-spy trial, gynecologic cancers. Her surongoing National Surgical which is an innovative neoad- gical training is particularly Adjuvant Breast and juvant trial valuable in the Bowel Project offering application of (NSABP) study of patients with brachytherapy in breast cancer treathigh-risk both breast and ments. She also coltumors the gynecologic tumors. laborates with basic opportunity Dr. Yashar is the science researchers to receive chief of these servicto develop early new systemic es at UCSD. She a g e n t s detection methods has also been an before surin high-risk individuinvited speaker on gery, hopefulals. In 1999, the gynecologic oncoloDR. ANNE ly to better DR. CATHERYN gy issues at numerKomen Foundation WALLACE YASHAR the treathonored Dr. Wallace ous national meetas Breast Cancer Clinician of ment of their cancer and ings including the Radiation the Year. She was named the enhance the downstaging of Therapy Oncology Group, the Clinical Teacher of the Year the tumor. This trial is only Gynecologic Oncology Group for 2000 in the UCSD Division being offered by 20 institu- and the American Brachythertions throughout the United apy Society. of Plastic Surgery. She will discuss advances States, with UCSD being the “This lecture will focus in breast surgery to include only one in San Diego.” on the science behind partial Finally, Dr. Catheryn breast irradiation, and the oncoplastic techniques for lumpectomy defects, proper Yashar, M.D., will discuss new technologies available in breast surgery planning, nip- techniques of partial breast 2010,” Dr.Yashar said. ple sparing mastectomy and irradiation for early stage The Encinitas Library is options for post-mastectomy patients. located at 540 Cornish Drive reconstruction As associate professor or (between D and E streets). “I will detail some of the radiation oncology at the The event is free. Food and advances in medical and radi- UCSD Moores Cancer Center, drinks will be served.


the management of the city’s interim city manager, who retired this summer but has been retained on a monthly salary of $15,000 until a replacement is hired. “I’m disgusted in you,” Meiche told



said that the rarest sub species is the Pinus dalatensis found on only two hills in Dalat Viet Nam as recently as 1960. Our Torrey, however, can grow to be a monster. I personally cut down (with permission) in Del Mar a 100-foot tree that had a trunk diameter of six feet or more. The tree was losing limbs on top of a beautiful home off 13th Street in Del Mar. The Torrey pine, (depending on the city) is protected there unless it threatens life, limb or property when growing within 12



curtains, not if you actually want to close them. — Meegan, e-mail Compare prices Oddly enough, I have found a few instances where the store brand was more expensive than the name brand, even when no sales were featured! I was at Target and noticed



article stated. “There are some reasons for concern about FPS,” Councilman Don Mosier said. But not all residents were opposed to the program presented in August. “I’d like to express my strong support for Del Mar’s plan to reduce fire hazards,” Chris Ludlow, who lives in a high-risk fire zone, wrote in an e-mail. Frank Chisari suggested in an e-mail that the city contract with FPS for inspections and another contractor to do the work. The fire marshal said his experience working with FPS


Little Christmas” and “The Trolley Song,” comes his sparkling memoir, “Hugh Martin: The Boy Next Door” (Trolley Press, $29.95, Nov. 1). Part of the Golden Era of Broadway and MGM musicals, Martin captures the energy and excitement of those magical times with firsthand accounts of Mickey Rooney and Judy Garland, Gene Kelly, Ethel Merman, Carmen Miranda, Irving Berlin and Cole Porter.

Schukoske moves up DEL MAR — On Sept. 22, the Del Mar Union School District board of trustees appointed Cara Schukoske as the new director of pupil services. Schukoske was most recently the director of special education with the San Dieguito Union High School District. Schukoske’s first day of employment with the Del Mar Union School District is sched-

OCT. 15, 2010

THE COAST NEWS Cotton. “City Hall stinks.” Others expressed concern about the unsustainable pension obligations that the city has and said that the true financials are being covered up. Charlie McDermot told the crowd that the financial obligations have caused a “tsunami of pension costs.”

“These are superior obligations which means that they get paid before any other city services,” McDermot said. Access to public documents was another topic of concern the group brought up. Attorney Diane Bond said the council repeatedly vio-

lates the state’s open government law — the Brown Act — by giving inadequate notice of closed session meetings to the public. “They (council members) destroy city related e-mails, they keep documents from the public by labeling them drafts,” she said.“This is completely against the spirit

of the law.” “I think it’s too bad that we have to march in order to be heard,” Patricia Townsend said. “I’m not very politically involved and I generally think things are OK with the city, but if this is even a little bit true we need to get some answers,” she said.

feet of a structure. The bark on the local Torreyana is very thin. Inside, the wood is clear and white, quite a color variation from the exterior silver we all know and love. The wood splits easily and burns hot when dry as you would expect most pitchy pines to do. The rings on a Torrey pine are clear and easily defined. When you make a final trunk cut, you can count the approximate number of years the tree has seen without trouble. Some rings on older trees show fat from heavy winter rains and then grow thin as the drought cycles become evident in sub-

sequent years. If you have been to Torrey Pines State Park, you may have seen these trees growing on the sides of the cliffs and in the hard sandstone. The Torrey Pine will actually create pollen from a structure called Stroebili, not from flowers. This pollen is received by the lower branches where cones are formed. In the case of the Torrey, this seed production can take three years to complete. Many times the cones in production do not come to fruition due to drought or other stressors in the environment. Most cones will produce about 100 winged seeds

that pop from the cone casing after it falls to the ground or dries up on a limb. The most interesting thing about the propagation and disbursement of the Torrey seed is that man is in second place for spreading these trees around. It is the Scrub Jays who love these trees even more. They hide the pine nuts regularly in the dense carpet of needles below the tree or in fissures along the sandstone cliffs. Having bird brains, they often times don’t remember where they put their last meal and so a seedling Torrey pine begins the cycle anew. If you love the Torrey

pine, remember that it is a fast-growing pine if given adequate water. This tree prefers full sun and moist ocean air where it can actually hydrate through each five-fingered clump of long gray green needles. Give your Torrey pine space to breathe and don’t plant it close to your home. The roots of a Torrey pine are invasive and will destroy concrete with ease.

that when purchasing medicinal items, such as pain relievers, look at the different kinds of the store brand. the Store brand of Advil, Motrin, etc., can have a different price even if they are both ibuprofen! I noticed one store brand had a nicer bottle with an orange top, while the other was just a regular, less attractive bottle — with a significant price difference!

Additionally, at the same store, I noticed that both markers and crayons were cheaper if you got the bigger pack. The 24-pack of crayons was 25 cents, while the eightpack (not a different size/product, just quantity) was 77 cents! Odd things like that seem to be popping up for me frequently. — Shannyn, e-mail Use for drawer carts: I

love the drawer carts. I have one without wheels sitting under the end of my sewing table (which is a cheap but sturdy folding table). I have another one with my crochet/knitting supplies. It still has the wheels, and I can keep it beside my rocker or wheel it out of the way when not in use. I’ve found that putting the yarn I am working with in a lower drawer and

almost closing it is a nice way of keeping the yarn contained. — Ressa, Texas

has been positive and he has seen no evidence of conflict of interest, especially since he grants final approval, based on written documentation and photographs, for forced abatement. He also said no one is allowed to trespass on private property to conduct inspections. The San Diego Better Business Bureau, according to its website, “has processed no customer complaints on this company in its three year reporting period.” Council members ultimately opted to move forward with a plan to hire a temporary seasonal inspector between April and August

who would be employed by the city and work under the fire marshal. Again, no one would be allowed to trespass on private property to conduct an inspection and all forced abatement must be approved by the fire marshal. This type of program, which is used in Carlsbad, would cost Del Mar an estimated $7,500, which is available due to an estimated $20,000 savings from a recent reduction in the fire services contract, the city manager said. “This is a really minor cost for the level of protection I think we would achieve,” Mosier said. He said given the city’s

“very small, geographically unique setting with a lot of vegetation and a lot of sense of community,” this alternative seemed to be the best option. “I think a more personal touch for this kind of program is absolutely essential,” he said, adding that the job would be difficult for someone who doesn’t know the history of Del Mar and its unique vegetation. “I think fire protection is very important,” he said. “I think the way you do it has to be sensitive to the unique character of Del Mar and to our unique populous.” In a related move, council members adopted a code

amendment that gives the city the authority to abate a nuisance after sufficient notices have been sent and the owner disregards them “for no good reason,” Scott said. The new ordinance, which is consistent with state laws, also allows the city to notify the county assessor if a property has been abated so a lien can be placed on the tax bill and the city can recoup the abatement cost. The law also declares it a misdemeanor for property owners to allow the existence of a public nuisance on their property by permitting a fire hazard to remain.

day contest (74-71-77-73) and Collins promoted came away as the National CARLSBAD — Ann Auxiliary needs you championship for the Champi- Collins has become the newest COAST CITIES — North onship Flight. member of The Carlsbad CharCounty Women’s Auxiliary for itable Foundation. Rady Children’s Hospital Singing honor Collins, a CPA, is a former extends an invitation to join ENCINITAS — Rachel board member of the Friends their group of women from all Luce of Encinitas was chosen of the Carlsbad Library, one of over North County and outly- as a member of the Taylor Uni- the founders of Castles of ing areas. The group is looking versity Concert Chorale for the Carlsbad and a member of for new members willing to 2010/2011 concert season. Carlsbad Hi-Noon Rotary. donate time and talents to help Membership in the Taylor For more information on raise funds for Rady Children’s University Chorale is open to the Carlsbad Charitable FounHospital that benefits children all Taylor students on an audi- dation, contact John Duca at throughout San Diego County. tion basis. or at The next meeting will be held (760) 269-3882. at 9:30 a.m. Oct. 20 at the First Help our beaches Methodist Church, at 341 COAST CITIES — Auditions Kalmia St. in Escondido. Friends of Cardiff & Carlsbad SOLANA BEACH — ClasFor information, contact State Beaches is looking for sic Youth Theatre, Inc. presents Danette at (760) 749-0333 or two volunteers to join their auditions for experienced Margie at (961) 767-1940. board in the roles of events actors ages 8 to 18 for “Peter chairperson and secretary. Rabbit & Jemima PuddleGolf champ They are also looking for Duck” from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. CARLSBAD — Local volunteers who might want to Oct.23 at 263 S.Coast Highway golfer Don O’Connor from spearhead individual future 101. Call Production Director Carlsbad recently won the Golf events, including a Classic RV Loralie McGill at (858) 794Channel Amateur Tour Nation- Rally and a History of Coastal 9447. Camping project. E-mail board al Championship. O’Connor battled hun- member Bill Mahoney at Changing firms dreds of competitors and shot a to get involved CARMEL VALLEY — combined 295 over the four- in this growing nonprofit.

Carmel Valley resident Kathleen “Kitty” Juniper has joined the firm of Hooper Lundy & Bookman, PC, as a partner in the firm’s San Diego Office. Most recently a partner at Juniper Sanderson Wiggins, LLP, Juniper brings with her more than 25 years of experience representing health-related businesses.

uled for Nov. 1.

Kent Horner is a local landscape contractor and designer with 30 years of experience in all aspects of your garden. For information concerning your project or questions involving your surroundings, e-mail him at

Sara Noel is the owner of Frugal Village (, a Web site that offers practical, money-saving strategies for everyday living. To send tips, comments or questions, write to Sara Noel, c/o United Media, 200 Madison Ave., 4th Floor, New York, NY 10016, or e-mail



she said. Dalager said it was out of the city’s control. He said residents needed to realize that the state controls the widening plans, not the city. He said he has been in private meetings with Caltrans to secure improvements to the area where I-5 crosses Encinitas Boulevard but did not expand on the outcome of the discussions. Barth and Kranz agreed that Caltrans should consider making more modest improvements to the freeway corridor. She called the current plans “grandiose” and doubted they would ever come to fruition. Kranz disagreed with Dalager that local governments were powerless over the impacts of the proposed widening in each coastal city. He said it showed a lack of leadership that the mayor didn’t take a stronger stand on the issue. “We have people asking that the widening be put on the (council’s) agenda and you wouldn’t even do that,” he told Dalager. Kranz said he believes that Caltrans should not acquire any additional land and should limit its improvements to the area within the freeway’s existing right-ofway. Finally, a question from the audience on the candidates’ positions on Proposition P, an Encinitas Union school bond, caught at least one candidate off guard. “I’ve just been busted,” Dalager said after as he asked the moderator to tell the audience what the proposition entailed and she declined. He said he hadn’t made up his mind. Gaspar refused to say how she was voting. “I hope you can respect that,” she said. Kranz said he was “uneasy” about what the district is borrowing the $44.2 million for. “I’m glad it is just extending the bond and not raising taxes,” he said, concluding that he was still undecided.


New Kidsville CARLSBAD — Amber Rodgers and partner Kelly Skoglund, owners of Kidsville Playtown, recently celebrated the grand opening of the Kidsville Playtown in the Plaza Camino Real shopping mall in Carlsbad. Inside Kidsville Playtown contains everything from a simulated pizza parlor and theater, to a police station and market for kids to interactively play and explore. For more info on Kidsville Playtown, visit

among the most creative, as Odd Files has demonstrated, reporting their imaginative treatments of divorce rituals and expanding the concept of the “home” in which practitioners must remain during the Sabbath. In September, in preparation for the Yom Kippur holy day, caffeine addicts — traditionally hard-hit by the day’s fasting requirement that prohibits ingesting anything “by mouth”— reportedly made a run on drug stores in Jewish neighborhoods in Brooklyn,N.Y.,to buy caffeine suppositories. — A Breakthrough in Political Campaign Technology: New York gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino, waging a particularly contentious battle, mailed out a flier in September suggesting that Democratic state politicians are corrupt, with photos of seven of that party’s current and recent office-holders and accompanied by a special odor-triggering paper that TURN TO MORE ODD FILES ON A20





use is from my old dresses and cloths from around my home,” McDonald explained. “Each quilt is sewn together in 290 spots.” In order to ensure McDonald never misses a name, she frequently watches the news, checks the Internet and is on numerous calling lists to keep up with her remarkable sewing accomplishment. “These quilts are a great way to remember the lives of those who have dedicated their time and service to our country,” said Mike McDonald, Elaine’s husband. “But it’s still up to us to keep their memories alive.” Elaine McDonald plans to continue her dedication to American troops, and honor her country until Americans no longer have to sacrifice their lives in these treacherous wars, she said. “These were strong brave Americans who have made a difference,” McDonald said. “We have to recognize not only their efforts to preserve the glorious gift we have as Americans, our freedom; but the everyday moments they passed onto their friends, family and acquaintances. I salute you.”

contributors with this perk. When we observe this method of governance in foreign countries we call it crony capitalism. The purchase of the property by the city of Del Mar will put public lands in the hands of another public agency operated by elected officials. Representative government is the norm in this country, not government by the friends of the governor. All fairgrounds employees will be retained by this transfer of the property. The only ones to lose jobs will be the fair board members and probably General Manager Tim Fennell whose relentless antagonism to Del Mar is the main reason the city wishes to gain control of the property. Finally, I cannot help being amused by Mr. Nussbaum and Fennell crying about not being heard, they who ignore speakers at their board meetings. Both these gentlemen are notorious for holding private conversations during public testimony: a behavior forbidden by the ethics rules for those engaged in public service. Jacqueline Winterer Del Mar



victim’s family lives in Colorado, and that it would be more economical for them to come to only one trial instead of two. But certain things must be considered first, such as making sure the courtroom could accommodate two juries. Bhayani said in earlier reports from The Coast News that the pair of Marines, who were both stationed at Camp Pendleton, made an appointment with the victim on a Sunday — a slow day when there is virtually no one around. He said they stabbed Williams more than 14 times in the neck. Williams, 23, owned an automotive restoration shop, and Ramey was mad about the time period it was taking for his car to be restored, according to reports. Ramey faces additional charges of torture, reports said. Last January Bhayani announced that the death penalty would not be sought. Their felony jury trial is set to begin on Jan. 25.



OCT. 15, 2010

McDowell an asset to DMUSD The Del Mar Union School District is not unlike Solana Beach School District a few years ago. Solana Beach hired a new superintendent that was not a good fit for their district and a year later hired their current superintendent who has been very successful. Del Mar now has strong calm leadership and is maintaining a staff that is focused on learning and children versus facilities issues. Experienced leadership will benefit our students for many years to come. Steven McDowell understands that the board’s job is to update priorities, mission statement, and policies to ensure we are providing the learning environment where our students can succeed. He believes it is important to prepare students for the future by providing enriched standards based programs that push them to be creative, to be responsible, make them believe they can succeed. Our excellent API (961) scores support student achievement. Steven McDowell has participated in California School Board Association Governance training, San Diego County Office of Education Strategic Planning Committee, DMUSD Rep. Legislative Action Network, Schools Education Foundation, and North City West Facilities Finance Authority. Steven McDowell has financial strength. He has encouraged the district to maintain strong reserves and provide effective financial management in tough economic times. As a result of questions he has asked, the district was able to avoid teacher layoffs. He listens to the community and thoroughly reviews the analysis provided by district staff. Four years ago Steven McDowell’s goal was to raise the bar across the board. Our district today is in better shape to serve the students of

it’s future. Steven McDowell is running again, to support our community and to keep our district the best in the county. Jennifer McDowell Del Mar

Violations of ethics and public trust Acknowledged ethics violations by Dan Dalager, Encinitas’ mayor, have placed him on front pages of local papers. In response to citizens’ complaints, the Fair Political Practices Commission is investigating three violations. However, those charges are only some of Dalager’s actions violating public trust and thwarting democracy. Did you know the only reason Dalager is mayor now is that the three “Good Ol’ Boys” overrode Encinitas’ traditional practice for mayoral rotation so he would be mayor during this campaign? On 7/26/2009, they ruled that putting items on a council meeting agenda required three votes, not one or two. So, they control what items are discussed and Encinitas is governed by these three, not the five elected councilpersons, silencing the minority. Councilpersons cannot add short statements to meeting minutes clarifying positions on votes? Are these your ideas of democracy and transparent government? While Dalager takes credit for the city’s 2001 purchase of the Hall property, he wasn’t elected until late 2002? Dalager falsely claims the park will be “redesigned” if he is not re-elected. In fact, all council members favor the park! Only 9-story-tall stadium lights, not part of the original concept and violating the city’s General Plan for height, are opposed! Despite Dalager’s claim, the only objection to San Dieguito Academy’s Performing Arts Center was changing height limits for the entire campus from 30 to 40 feet, again violating the General Plan. Likewise, the plan to expand Scripps Hospital was not opposed. However, some disapproved of city staff’s plan to tax neighbors with a new Special Assessment District for future road improvements required by the expansion! Do you think Dalager should have disclosed conflicts of interest and recused himself from those votes? Dalager’s cavalier handling of these ethical issues shows poor judgement and/or arrogance. How can we trust him to represent us with integrity? Dennis Lees Leucadia

Encinitas deserves the best! I agree entirely with the U-T and Sheriff’s Association in their sole recommendation for Encinitas City Council. As a citizen who wants a clean “SWEEP” — “Starting With Each Elected Politician” — this November, there aren’t many choices in our council elections. Incumbent Dalager seems to have shot himself in the foot and incumbent Barth has her own unique baggage in not being able to “play nice” with oth-

ers at a cost to the city. So we are left with two unknowns — both of whom have no prior experience in government. Kranz, aligned with Barth, has recently amended his financial statement following a complaint made to City Hall in which he apparently accepted more than permitted from a single donor and does not warrant my support accordingly. However, I do know, support and recommend Kristin Gaspar. She is the youthful, intelligent, fairminded, financially-responsible, civic-oriented mother of three we solely need to end the rancor at our City Hall. Encinitas deserves the best and Kristin Gaspar, as one of the council’s new members, will prove herself to be the best for our city! Harry Eiler Encinitas

Barth and Kranz votes mean transparency in government Dear fellow citizens, I am asking your help in restoring fiscal responsibility in Encinitas by voting for Teresa Barth and Tony Kranz. Both are demanding full transparency and access to public records. This is the best way to know exactly where our tax dollars are being spent. On the other hand, while Dan Dalager has been in office he has added 35 percent to the pension liability, attempted to negate more than $200,000 in city fees for a developer who loaned him money, and, if he has his way, will spend over $100 million over 30 years to build a sports facility for private sports clubs — without asking for a vote. Taxpayers never had the opportunity to vote on whether or not they wanted to invest so many of their dollars on such a large project. That is an unconscionable abuse of power. Vote Barth and Kranz for access and accountability in city government. Tammie Sharp Encinitas

Thanks to Kelly shooting heroes Hooray! Something potentially deadly was challenged and defeated . . . I mean the deranged gunman who jumped the fence at Kelly Elementary School in Carlsbad and started shooting at our city’s children. Heartiest congratulations to those who reacted with speed and efficiency. To Carlos Partida, who used his truck to knock the gunman down, to Steven Kane and Mario Contreras for running down the shooter and Scott Chandler for offering another set of hands to assist.The gunman was tackled, stripped of his weapons and held for the police. The children were held safely by their teachers and administrators until parents picked them up. The two little girls who were shot are also brave and I wish them a speedy recovery. This attack could have been so much worse had it not been for fast-thinking action. On behalf of the Carlsbad Charitable Foundation, we thank Carlos, Steve and Mario (from Chula Vista) and all our Carlsbad residents who worked so well together

— school personnel, law enforcement, parents and children. “Bad things happen when good people do nothing” is not the way we live in San Diego County. We take action. Thanks to each of you. Yvonne Murchison Finocchiaro Chairman of the Board, Carlsbad Charitable Foundation Carlsbad

Vote to have a voice It’s your money. Do you care where and how your tax dollars are spent? Mr. Dalager did not bother to ask taxpayers if the city should spend $45 million to purchase the Hall property. Construction and added costs will put the figure closer to $100 million. And did you know that this “park” is not for the average citizen to enjoy? No, it will be a sports’ facility built for the exclusive enjoyment of less than 10 percent of Encinitas residents who are enrolled in private sports leagues.You, as an Encinitas taxpayer, get to subsidize private, for profit sports clubs (with about 2,500 players, not all from Encinitas) to the tune of $40,000 per team member! Did you know that Dan Dalager in his zeal to maximize the number of soccer fields managed to squeak out just one tot lot on 44 acres available, that all of the trails and picnic features are enclosed in the buffer zone that is supposed to shield adjoining residences from park activity? No, this is not a community park where you can use all those fields whenever you want — they will be reserved for the private sports leagues first and foremost. How then can you have your voice heard? The only guaranteed way to ensure that this park is a park for our local children’s teams to use is to vote for Teresa Barth and Tony Kranz in November. They have promised to take the special interests out of this glorious park and keep it open for all to enjoy. Cerc Schwaebe Encinitas

Need a new council This on the Dalagar/Gaspar election mailer I received: Dalager/Gaspar support Hall Community Park — $14 million for an athletic park when there are no free after school programs in any Encinitas Public schools. Dalager/Gaspar Support Scripps Hospital Extension — Federal law requires Scripps expand their emergency facilities or face multi-million dollar lawsuits. While Gaspar/Dalager snoozed Scripps parlayed this expansion into a zoning variance for a third 68,000-square-foot office building and added paid parking for the whole facility, increasing local traffic and making your $10

copay a $15 copay. All courtesy of our inept city council. Dalager/Gaspar Support Sand Replenishment paid for by tourists, not residents — A bunch of trucks bearing sand show up and drop sand, at great expense, on our beaches. Two months later, the sand has washed down the coast. Find a better way to spend tax money. Dalager/Gaspar Supported Performing Arts Center at San Dieguito Academy — When SDA’s test scores are compared with other schools drawing from families with similar education and income, SDA’s test scores are in the bottom 10 percent of the rankings. This is a school with more important things to worry about than a performing arts center. May I comment on the uniformly tasteless development we have had in Encinitas? Every time a nursery in Encinitas is sold, a new development is built that makes the town look more like Poway. Cardiff shopping center puts up office space in its prime ocean views and builds two claustrophobic restaurants downstairs. The new condominiums on 101 with their two-story overhangs and cheap construction promise to further degrade the look of our city. We need to get rid of this council and elect people with some taste who care about our city. Brian Gulino Encinitas

The meaning of Gaspar’s claim It’s emblazoned on her large signs next to those of her co-candidate Dan Dalager, “LAW ENFORCEMENT’S CHOICE.” It turns out this claim is based on the endorsement of one group Deputy Sheriffs Association of San Diego County, or DSASD, whose website describes itself as “the professional labor organization” of the county’s Sheriff’s deputies. Any public official who has too cozy a relationship with their government employee’s union has an inherent conflict of interest, since it is his or her responsibility to represent the taxpayers in negotiating salaries and benefits. This conflict is so clear that candidate Teresa Barth previously refused this union’s invitation to be considered for its endorsement. As a country, we face paying for disproportionate pensions of government unions that displace other vital services, while still creating economy-destroying deficits. It’s a shame that candidate Gaspar seems oblivious to this. Al Rodbell Encinitas

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OCT. 15, 2010




proceeded in helping the officer. Using their skills in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program and detainee handling, the three quickly sub-



Tague said. Lewis ran for council on a dare from his civics class and was elected as councilman in 1970. He has been mayor since 1986 and will retire this December at the end of his current term. “Mayor Lewis’ grade —



parents and community members to wait in anguish as the 450-student grade school was sent into lockdown mode for nearly three hours. Police units and crime scene tape barricaded the school and part of the quiet neighborhood on Kelly Drive. The fact that a gunman had jumped over the school’s fence and fired a lethal weapon into the playground was unexpected and unimaginable to parents, who clamored around the scene while waiting for updates and to scoop up their children and go home. “I can’t comprehend why someone would do that,” said Andy Fulenwider, who rushed home from work when his wife called him and told him of the ordeal. Fulenwider said his kindergarten daughter had been picked up by her babysitter at 11:15 a.m., before the shooting happened. He said his family has only lived in the neighborhood for a year, and moved there because of its quality reputation. As word spread through media outlets, parents were

dued the suspect. They then proceeded to administering first aid on the officer by checking for bullet wounds and stopped the bleeding from the officer’s stab wound. “We knew what we had to do,” Rolden said. “When

we heard the gunshot we did what we were trained to do; which was to run toward the fight, not from it.” For many people a work day is from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., but for service members the job isn’t over just because

you take off the uniform. For these Marines, that reputation was put to the test by having to go above the call of duty, running into the face of danger to save the life of a fellow defender of freedom. “This is a perfect exam-

ple of Marines being Marines 24/7,” said Lt. Col. Andrew Niebel, 43, battalion commander of 1st CEB, 1st Marine Division. “Even after the uniform is taken off they are still living up to Marine Corps standards.”

because of his background in education — for being our mayor would be an A plus,” Tague said. During his tenure, Lewis has boosted funding for Carlsbad’s open spaces through developer fees and most recently, secured a drought-resistant water supply with a desalination plant through a partnership with

Poseidon Resources. “This was a unanimous vote by our committee,” Tague said of selecting Lewis and his wife. “We knew it was long overdue, but it was at the right time.” Although Citizen of the Year committee member Knox Williams said Lewis originally objected to his nomination, the mayor was

clearly touched by the outpouring of support shown for him and his wife, who was unable to attend due to her health. “As you know, it takes a total team to make things work,” Lewis said. He credits his wife as his rock throughout his many careers. “I’m overwhelmed by this.”

The Citizen of the Year program is more than 40 years old and is a chance to celebrate outstanding residents in the Carlsbad community. Citizen of the Year committee members Steve Tague, Knox Williams, Peggy Savary and Pat Kurth selected this year’s award recipients.

informed to pick up their children at Laguna Rivera Park, which is behind the school, after the lockdown on the school was released. “I heard a big boom,” Andy said as he described the shooting after he had been picked up by his family at about 3:20 p.m. “I thought it was Camp Pendleton,” he said. The neighboring military base routinely practices artillery training and such and the sound of explosives is no stranger to North County residents. But Andy realized the noise of booms wasn’t coming from Camp Pendleton when he said he saw kids running and two construction workers hit the gunman with their shovels. Authorities confirmed that three men had been working on a construction project on campus when they heard shots fired followed by screams of children, and the men took immediate action and apprehended the suspect. Steven Kane, Mario Contreras and Carlos Partida, all of Chula Vista, were the witnesses who stopped the shooter as he ran toward his vehicle. “As Kane and Contreras chased O’Rourke, he appeared

to be attempting to reload his handgun,” Cain said of the suspect. The other construction worker, Partida, jumped into his own vehicle and drove to the east side of the school near the playground, where the shooter had parked his car and was trying to escape. Partida then struck the suspect with his truck and knocked him to the ground, Cain said. The three men, whom police are calling Good Samaritans, tackled the man and held him down until authorities arrived. O’Rourke was arrested shortly after the episode, and officials said that he was believed to be the only person involved in the shooting. O’Rourke was taken to the Carlsbad Police Department for questioning, and after complaining of having back and neck injuries was transported for treatment and then released for booking, Cain said. The gunman was booked into the Vista Detention Facility on six counts of attempted murder and numerous violations involving weapons. Officials said the San

Diego County Sheriff Bomb Squad located a propane tank next to O’Rourke’s vehicle when they responded to the scene, along with a gas can the suspect had taken onto the playground. No other explosive devices or hazardous materials were found near his vehicle, according to police. The two female victims, ages 6 and 7, were both reported to have through-andthrough bullet wounds to their arms. No other victims were reported. But the family,friends and neighbors who responded to the melee all became emotional victims of the senseless act of violence. Joan Bray, a teacher at the school, was caravanning at 12:20 p.m. back to the school from a field trip with 37 students and nine parents when she was realized something had happened. “We were turning left and saw a police car turn in and a fire engine follow us,” she said. She was able to park near the school, but behind the yellow crime scene tape that blocked off the entrance to the school on Kelly Drive. As her van-full of students unloaded, one of them spotted his father, a local police officer who was working on scene. “Dad!” yelled the young boy to his uniformed father. The two ran toward each other and hugs and smiles ensued. “It’s really hard,” Bray said as she absorbed the news and looked at the dozens of police cars, news vans, cameras and people who lined the street in anticipation of what had happened. Shortly after 3 p.m. the students were released to their parents at the Park Drive location, and they rushed out to their families. Several fathers dressed in

casual business attire, and some in suits, had left work early and darted to the school to pick up their kids. Many parents declined interviews, as worry showed on their faces. One young boy hunched over the curb and clutched his stomach before he could get into the car with his mother. “Does your stomach hurt?” she asked him. He nodded. Andy’s family was among the group of people walking with their kids after the area was deemed safe and students were allowed out of the classrooms. Andy’s mother said that she was at home when her mother-in-law called her and said that she had received a phone call from a client who told her there was a shooting at Kelly school. Linda Anderson is Andy’s grandmother, a local realtor, who broke the news of the shooting to Andy’s family. “I was terrified,” Andy’s mother said. Andy talked in fast sentences about being the first kid to get to his classroom safely, while his parents stood by his side and listened intently to their son recount his experience. By late night Friday, Carlsbad Police had issued a release that said earlier reports of the gunman carrying a jack-o-lantern while he shot at the kids were unfounded. School was back in session on Monday and professional counselors were on the site to help students, staff and families deal with the residual effects of this near-tragedy, according to the Carlsbad Unified School District. Green ribbons and balloons decorated the school’s fence upon the return to school and a family picnic was held where the construction workers were lauded as heroes.

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releases a “garbage-scented” smell when exposed to air (and which supposedly grows even more foul over time). — Sherin Brown, 23, happened to be walking through a Brooklyn, N.Y., neighborhood in August at the exact moment that a tractor-trailer accidentally clipped a light pole, sending it crashing to the sidewalk. First responders found Brown pinned under the pole, screaming for help, and had her taken to a hospital. Afterward, investigators discovered a nearby surveillance camera, which revealed that Brown had stepped out of the way of the falling pole but then, with no one else around, had crawled underneath and began wailing in “pain,” perhaps in anticipation of a future lawsuit.



concrete evidence about Bessie the Batiquitos Lagoon Monster (plush toys, coffee mugs and trendy sardonic T-shirts available on my website). After dancing amid and around that hullabaloo, I told myself I needed a new target to set the hunt ablaze. Something that had nothing to do with shallow lagoons and murderous Questhaven cults. Though Questhaven has been lined up as an investigation in the future. Stay tuned. Anyway, apparently he’s been here the whole time. He hates testes-numbing and batwing-inducing weather alike. And lo and behold, he has shown up in a photo on a side street on Leucadia. I’d like to say up front, he’s a bit more pale than I remember from the Patterson video. And shockingly less mobile. I’d also like to say he’s rather stoic for a beast mostly known for evading photographic documentation for the past sincecameras-were-invented. I felt the next logical step was to track him down and shoot him. For science. Documentation. Ya know, research. Tax-on-uh-me. I have to admit, all magnanimous philanthropy aside, I’d love to wear his fur around my cul-de-sac for Halloween. It’s coming up and I don’t have a costume yet. If I wore his stink ape hide, I could use my everfamous guttural trill and tell everyone I’m Chewbacca. Think of the candy I could scare out of every house on Greenwich Street. For my daughter. Not for me. So I’m asking each and every one of you to help with the search for our very own Sassy Quatch. He’s out there and I’m enlisting your help to jazz him up and make him come alive. Your irrefutable proof will help fuel a realistic and important zoological expedition toward truth and reality. Oh shaddup, quit being such a pessimist. Can you find him? “Doorman Diaries” is a biweekly column. Contact Cory Waterhouse via e-mail at doorman@coastnewsgroup. com, or read his blog at



OCT. 15, 2010





sisters contributed 15 inches of hair. “Our hair will grow back for the rest of lives,” Larrissa said .“So why not give it to someone who can’t get it back?” Although the three sisters provided Pink Heart Funds with more than a foot of hair total, it was 6-year-old Isabella Scott who donated the most with 11 inches of her hair. “My daughter’s hair has never been cut and it’s something she takes great pride in having,” said Isabella’s mom Teresa Scott. “I was so proud of her when she asked me if should could donate her hair. I know it is going to a good cause.”


learn more.

SURF ART The Green Flash Art Gallery will host an opening reception for its newest gallery showing from 6 to 10 p.m. Oct. 16 titled, “The Last Frontier: A Surfer's Inner Journey”, 111 Chesterfield Drive, Cardiff.

OCT. 17 COME ON IN Preservation Association will host the Boathouses Plus Architectural Tour from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 17. This walkable architectural tour will open the doors of six examples of downtown Encinitas architecture. Tickets are $25 and limited to the first 1,000 people, Visit for tickets and to learn more LOL! North County Sunday Soirée will present an afternoon of music from comic light operas at 3:30 p.m. Oct. 17, Meadowlark Church, 1918 Redwing St., San



pants, a gray T-shirt, a black hat and black sunglasses, according to Foxworth. Detectives have not released suspect information on the two other recent bank robberies in San Marcos. Sheriff’s records show that the first robbery in the set happened on Sept. 22 at the Citibank on South Rancho Santa Fe Road. A female teller at the Citibank was handed a note demanding money at 1:40 p.m. Cruz said that the suspect or suspects’ identity was concealed, and that sunglasses and ball caps are also common disguises. The FBI is requesting that anyone who has information concerning the Wells Fargo robbery call the FBI at (858) 565-1255 or Crime Stoppers at (888) 580-8477. Callers may remain anonymous, and Foxworth warns that the suspect described above should be considered armed and dangerous.


well as a proposal to add reverse-angle, back-in parking and reduce the north side of the roadway to one lane in some areas. As part of phase one, many of the center medians would be eliminated or reduced to accommodate additional bike lanes and wider sidewalks. If roundabouts are used as a traffic calming measure, they would not be installed until the next phase. Residents and city officials are hoping the changes will encourage people to visit the area and discourage drivers from using the approximately 1-mile stretch of Coast Highway as an alternative when traffic backs up on Interstate 5. Only a handful of residents and business owners addressed council and all were in favor of the project. “This is very exciting,” resident Gerri Retman said. “Thank you for keeping this revitalization and enhancement of 101 a priority. “It’s really going to transform the city in a lot of ways to have those contiguous side-

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Marcos. A $10 donation at the door will benefit Interfaith Community Services. Call (760) 525-7233 to learn more. RIGHTEOUS WALK The North County Chapter of Amnesty International will host its 22nd annual Candlelight Walk for Human Rights at 5:30 p.m. Oct. 17, Oceanside Amphitheater and Pier. Refreshments, music and speakers are included prior to a brief walk on the pier. Call (760) 7319174 or visit www.Amnesty to learn more.

OCT. 18 FALL CAMP Rancho Coastal Humane Society will offer two weeks of camp from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct. 18 to Oct. 22, 389 Requeza St., Encinitas. Appropriate for children ages 6 to 12, this camp will highlight how animals adapt to the upcoming winter months. Visit www.rc or call (760) 753-6413 to learn more. JEWISH STUDIES The

walks and the reduced lanes to slow that traffic down,” she said. “It will allow people to see the shops better. I think it will be good all the way around for businesses.” “I’m pretty ecstatic about the project, to tell you the truth,” property owner Jim Rogers, an advocate of reverse-angle parking, said. City Manager David Ott said that if everything goes right, construction could begin in about a year.The estimated cost for phase one is $4 million, with the entire project expected to cost between $12 million and $15 million. Phase one funding will come from a financing plan being offered by the San Diego Association of Governments that issues bonds to advance construction projects. In 1987, San Diego voters approved TransNet, a 20-year, half-cent sales tax for transportation projects. It was extended to 2048 in the November 2004 election. Cities receive regular payments from TransNet funds. SANDAG is issuing federal Build America Bonds and allowing jurisdictions to use their TransNet money to

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obituaries/memorials Rates:

Text: $15 per inch Approx. 21 words per column inch

Photo: $25 Art: $15 (Dove, Heart, Flag, Rose)

Submission Process

Please email or call (760) 436-9737 x100. All photo attachments should be sent in jpeg format, no larger than 3MB. The photo will print 1.625” wide by 1.5” tall in black and white.


Obituaries should be received by Monday at 12 p.m. for publication in Friday's newspaper. One proof will be e-mailed to the customer for approval by Tuesday at 10 a.m.

Agency for Jewish Education will host its Scholar Lectures on Jewish Studies at 7 p.m. Oct. 18, Carlsbad Dove Library, Schulman Auditorium. Lawrence Baron of SDSU will kick off the monthly series. Call (858) 2689200, ext. 102 or visit to learn more. WOMEN’S CLUB San Marcos-Vista Christian Women’s Club will meet at 11:30 a.m. Oct. 18, Lake San Marcos Country Club, 1750 San Pablo Drive. All ladies are invited. Visit or call Donna at (760) 432-0772 to learn more.

OCT. 19

FEELING ROSY The Califor- litical landscape during Coffee nia Coastal Rose Society will meet at 7 p.m. Oct. 19, Heritage Hall, 2650 Garfield St., Carlsbad. This meeting will honor one of the group’s late members who loved old garden roses. Visit www.californiacoastalrose. com to learn more.

and Conversation from 8 to 9 a.m. Oct. 21, The Inn at Rancho Santa Fe, 5951 Linea Del Cielo. To attend, call Deana Carter at (858) 756-1566 or e-mail

OCT. 20


Costa College will host a dance and music performance as part of A Season of Chagall at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 20, MiraCosta College Theatre, 1 Barnard Drive, Oceanside. The event is a series of programs celebrating Jewish art and culture inspired by the art and life of Marc Chagall. Call (760) 795-6815 or visit www. for more details.

OCT. 21

Gregoria Bardolaza Alarcon OCEANSIDE Nov.28, 1918 to Oct. 5, 2010 Pearl Joan Bertics CARLSBAD Sept. 10, 1929 to Sept. 25, 2010 Frederick Bonamici CARLSBAD Dec. 28, 1922 to Oct. 1, 2010 Marie Rose (Nichols) Brimner SAN MARCOS Dec. 29, 1926 to Oct. 4, 2010 Harold J.E. Deibert OCEANSIDE Dec. 22, 1932 to Oct., 2010 LaVerna Dollarhide FALLBROOK Feb. 11, 1929 to Aug. 29, 2010 Pat “Paka” Fonseca ESCONDIDO July 21, 1933 to Sept. 18, 2010

tionworks will present the Sea-

CHAGALL SEASON Mira- side Open Stage Theatre Café at

OPEN HOUSE The Cardiovascular Disease Foundation will host an open house from 3 to 6 p.m. and a panel talk from 6 to 7 p.m. Oct. 19, 3088 Pio Pico Drive, Suite 202, Carlsbad. Topics include reading the labels, cooking substitutions and more. CHANGING TIMES Paul RSVP to (760) 730-1471 or by e- Dietrich, CEO and Chairman of Foxhall Capital, will share his mail at insights on the changing geopo-

make payments. Solana Beach, one of only about four cities that chose to take advantage of the program, is seeking to borrow up to $6 million.The city currently receives about $333,000 annually in TransNet funding. Council members were happy to see the project move forward. “It seems like we’ve talked for years about this,

OCT. 22

but tonight we acted,” said Councilman Dave Roberts, who thanked Councilwoman Lesa Heebner for presenting the SANDAG plan to the council. “I think it’s a great thing and I think that even more funding will materialize when people see what we’re doing,” he said. “I never thought I’d see it so soon,” Councilman Mike

Dennis L. Ford OCEANSIDE Sept. 29, 2010 Ray D. Gardner ESCONDIDO July 9, 1954 to Sept. 30, 2010 Barbara “Kay” Garner SAN MARCOS Sept. 10, 1944 to Oct. 3, 2010 Mary Schneider Hargrove SOLANA BEACH March 7, 1960 to Oct. 1, 2010 Charles A. Hayward ESCONDIDO Mar. 7, 1917 to Sept. 21, 2010 Eugene Henry ENCINITAS Feb. 4, 1925 to Sept. 29, 2010 Harry J. Homer OCEANSIDE Jan. 14, 1932 to Sept. 30, 2010

7 p.m. Oct. 22, Seaside Center, 1613 Lake Drive, Encinitas. Theatre Cafe is a spontaneous, unrehearsed, experimental venue for performers to do whatever they wish. Reserve your space at

ONGOING PAPERWORK The Eric Phleger Gallery will host PaperWork*, a group show of drawings, collages, watercolor, monoprints, lithographs and sculpture through Nov. 6, 828 N. Coast Highway 101, Encinitas. For details, call (760) 436-1440.

Nichols said. Councilman Joe Kellejian predicted success once the entire project is finished. “We will be, really, the darling of not only North County, but we’ll be the darling of the entire region and people will want to come to see what we’ve done,” he said.

Willie David Hoyle OCEANSIDE April 6, 1957 to Sept. 29, 2010 Joe J. Knepper OCEANSIDE June 12, 1926 to Sept. 25, 2010 Patricia Knight BONSALL Oct. 9, 1913 to Oct. 5, 2010 Violet Lanyon CARLSBAD Aug. 22, 1918 to Oct. 3, 2010 Herbert A. Lux CARDIFF Nov. 18, 1925 to Sept. 3, 2010 Gary Lowell Mack FALLBROOK Sept. 24, 1942 to Sept. 15, 2010


OCT. 15, 2010


Legals 800

CITY OF ENCINITAS PUBLIC NOTICE INVITING BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Encinitas, California, is inviting sealed bids for construction of an Engineering Services Projects titled "Melba Road - Northerly Sidewalk Improvements (CMS10B, A Federal CDBG Project)” and “Melba Road South (CMS10E, A State Safe Route to School Funded Project)." State of California Class “A” General Engineering Contractors may bid on this project. Bids will be received at the office of the City Clerk until 2:00 p.m., November 9, 2010 at which time they will be opened and read aloud by the City Clerk. They shall be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to: Deborah Cervone, City Clerk, City of Encinitas, 505 S. Vulcan Avenue, Encinitas, CA 92024. The outside of the envelope shall be stated: "Melba Road - Northerly Sidewalk Improvements (CMS10B, A Federal CDBG Project)” and “Melba Road South (CMS10E, A State Safe Route to School Funded Project)." BID, DO NOT OPEN UNTIL 2:00 p.m., November 9, 2010.” Project Description: All work to be done in accordance with these contract documents including Drawing No.0080-SI entitled “Melba Road - Northerly Sidewalk Improvements” and Drawing No. 0082-SI entitled “Melba Road South”. The work consists of: o Construction of standard concrete curb & gutter, sidewalk, driveways, street pavement, sidewalk underdrains, curb returns, pedestrian ramps, cross-gutters, miscellaneous relocations, grading, and other appurtenant work including retaining walls on the north and south side of Melba Road, from Nardo Road to Bonita Drive. Bids shall be submitted in sealed envelopes upon the blank forms furnished by the CITY in the bid documents. Each bid shall be accompanied by security in a form and amount as required by law. The CITY requires the awarded contractor to obtain Payment and Contract Performance bonds, issued by an admitted carrier, qualified to do business in California. See information for Bidders and all other contract documents for bidding procedure and other requirements of the bid. Copies of the bid package will be available at the Engineering Services counter, City Hall, 505 S. Vulcan Avenue, Encinitas, CA 92024 for $50.00 each. Additional bid packages will cost $50.00 each. For further information, contact the Engineering Services Department at (760) 633-2770.

Legals 800

This project is financed with federal funds. Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), Underutilized Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (UDBEs), and other small businesses are strongly encouraged to participate in the performance of work financed with federal funds. The bidder shall ensure that UDBEs and other small businesses have the opportunity to participate in the performance of the work that is the subject of this solicitation and should take all necessary and reasonable steps for this assurance. It is the bidder's responsibility to be fully informed regarding the requirements of 49CFR, Part 26 and the State of California Department of Transportation's Race Conscious DBE program developed pursuant to the regulations and Chapter 9 of the Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures Manual “Civil Rights and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises”. The City has defined a project-specific UDBE goal of 7% for this project. All contractors bidding on this project must make a good faith effort to meet this UDBE goal. This is a State-funded Safe Route to School (SR2S) Grant Project, a CDBG Project, and a CDBG-R (Recovery Act) Project, and is subject to the Federal Davis-Bacon Act. Prevailing wage rates for this locality and project are dependant on the higher of the wage rates, determined by either: the Federal Secretary of Labor or the State Director of Industrial Relations. PURSUANT TO THE STATE LABOR CODE SECTION 1770, ET. SEQ. A COPY OF THE FEDERAL AND STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES SHALL BE POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BY THE CONTRACTOR. THE PRIME CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ENSURING COMPLIANCE WITH RELATED FEDERAL REGULATIONS AND LAWS, AS SPECIFIED IN SECTION F OF THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The City reserves the right, after opening bids, to reject any or all bids, or to make award to the lowest responsible bidder and reject all other bids, to waive any informality in the bidding and to accept any bid or portion thereof. Peter Cota-Robles, P.E. Director of Engineering Services CN 10617, Oct. 15, Oct. 22, Oct. 29, Nov. 5, 2010

to be: 4045 Marvin Street, Oceanside, CA 92056 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Said sale will be made, but without Encinitas will hold a public hearing to introduce covenant or warranty, expressed or Ordinance 2010-19 amending Municipal Code Section 10.04 incorimplied, regarding title, possession, porating provisions of the 2009 International Fire Code and 2010 or encumbrances, to pay the California Fire Code. The code amendments recommend and remaining principal sum of the enhance fire safety for fire apparatus access roads, fire sprinkler note(s) secured by said Deed of systems for dwellings and commercial building, fire protection water Trust, with interest thereon, as prosupply, emergency access via security gates, storage of flammable vided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of and combustible liquids and provides new definitions for hazardous Trust, fees, charges and expenses of fire areas and response time. Several sections of previous fire the Trustee and of the trusts creatcode amendments are recommended to be repealed. ed by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of Meeting date: Date: October 20, 2010; Time: meeting comthe obligation secured by the propmencing at 6:00 P.M.; Place: City Council Chambers, 505 South erty to be sold and reasonable estiVulcan Avenue., Encinitas, CA. All interested parties may be mated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication heard. The City of Encinitas is an equal opportunity public entity of the Notice of Sale is $475,781.04 and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national oriThe beneficiary under said Deed of gin, sex, religion, age or disability in employment or the provision of Trust heretofore executed and service. Please notify the City Clerk 72 hours or more prior to disdelivered to the undersigned a writability accommodations being needed. ten Declaration of Default and S/Deborah Cervone, City Clerk Demand for Sale, and a written CN 10581, Oct. 8 and Oct. 15, 2010 Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to sell to be recorded in the County where the real property is located. Demand for Sale, and a written Trustee Sale No.: 20100169808047 Date: 10/8/2010 First American Title Notice of Default and Election to Title Order No.: 100393804 Insurance Company First American Sell. The undersigned caused said FHA/VA/PMI No.: NOTICE OF Trustee Servicing Solutions, LLC Notice of Default and Election to TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN f/k/a/ First American LoanStar sell to be recorded in the County DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF Trustee Services, LLC 3 FIRST where the real property is located. TRUST, DATED 05/11/2005. AMERICAN WAY SANTA ANA, CA For Trustee Sale Information Please 92707 The beneficiary or servicing UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO Call: Priority Posting & Publishing, agent declares that it has obtained PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT Inc. 17501 Irvine Blvd., Suite One MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC from the Commissioner of Tustin, CA 92780 714-573-1965 SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLACorporations a final or temporary NATION OF THE NATURE OF THE NDex order of exemption pursuant to PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU West, L.L.C. as Trustee Dated: California Civil Code Section 10/09/2010 NDex West, L.L.C. may SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. 2923.53 that is current and valid on NDex West, LLC, as duly appointed be acting as a debt collector the date the Notice of Sale is filed attempting to collect a debt. Any Trustee under and pursuant to and/or the timeframe for giving information obtained will be used Deed of Trust Recorded on Notice of Sale specified in subdivifor that purpose. P751488 10/15, 05/17/2005 as Instrument No. 2005sion (s) of California Civil Code 10/22, 10/29/2010 CN 10615 0414306 of official records in the Section 2923.52 applies and has office of the County Recorder of been provided or the loan is exempt San Diego County, State of from the requirements. First TSG No.: 4010610 TS No.: California. Executed By: Cedric T. American Trustee Servicing 20099134001337 FHA/VA/PMI No.: Oglesby, will sell at public auction Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American to highest bidder for cash, cashier’s APN: 166-532-20 NOTICE OF LoanStar Trustee Services, LLC check/cash equivalent or other form TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN may be acting as a debt collector of payment authorized by 2924h(b), DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF attempting to collect a debt. Any TRUST, DATED 11/14/2006. (payable at time of sale in lawful information obtained may be used UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO money of the United States). Date for that purpose. For Trustee’s Sale PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT of Sale: 11/04/2010 Time of Sale: Information Please Call (714) 573MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At the 1965 P756443 10/15, 10/22, SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLAentrance to the East County 10/29/2010 CN 10609 NATION OF THE NATURE OF THE Regional Center by statue, 250 E. PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU Main Street, El Cajon, CA. Street SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Address and other common desigT.S. No. 10-0668-11 Loan No. On 11/4/2010 at 10:00 A.M., First nation, if any, of the real property 8011329383 NOTICE OF described above is purported to be: American Trustee Servicing TRUSTEE'S SALE A copy of Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American 3625 Vista Oceana #20, Oceanside, California Civil Code Section California 92057 APN#: 160-140-17- LoanStar Trustee Services LLC, as 2923.54 (SB 7) declaration is duly appointed Trustee under and 20 The undersigned Trustee disattached hereto and incorporated pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded claims any liability for any incorherein by reference. YOU ARE IN 11/22/2006, as Instrument No. 2006- DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF rectness of the street address and 0834153, in book, page, of Official other common designation, if any, TRUST DATED 3/22/2004. UNLESS Records in the office of the County YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or war- Recorder of San Diego County, YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE ranty, expressed or implied, regard- State of California. Executed by: SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU Karla Turcios, WILL SELL AT PUBing title, possession, or encumNEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE brances, to pay the remaining prin- LIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDNATURE OF THE PROCEEDING cipal sum of the note(s) secured by DER FOR CASH, CASHIER’S AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT or said Deed of Trust, with interest CONTACT A LAWYER. A public thereon, as provided in said note(s), other form of payment authorized auction sale to the highest bidder by 2924h(b), (payable at time of advances, under the terms of said for cash, cashier's check drawn on a sale in lawful money of the United Deed of Trust, fees, charges and state or national bank, check drawn States) At the entrance to the East expenses of the Trustee and of the by a state or federal credit union, County Regional Center by statue, trusts created by said Deed of or a check drawn by a state or fed250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA Trust. The total amount of the eral savings and loan association, or All right, title and interest conunpaid balance of the obligation savings association, or savings bank veyed to and now held by it under secured by the property to be sold specified in Section 5102 of the said Deed of Trust in the property and reasonable estimated costs, Financial Code and authorized to situated in said County and State expenses and advances at the time do business in this state will be described as: As more fully of the initial publication of the held by the duly appointed trustee described in the above mentioned Notice of Sale is $189,314.50. The as shown below, of all right, title, Deed of Trust APN# 166-532-20 The beneficiary under said Deed of and interest conveyed to and now street address and other common Trust heretofore executed and designation, if any, of the real prop- held by the trustee in the heredelivered to the undersigned a writ- erty described above is purported inafter described property under ten Declaration of Default and and pursuant to a Deed of Trust


Legals 800

described below. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Trustor: Scott P Leclerc And Darcy N. Walker, husband and wife as joint tenants Duly Appointed Trustee: The Wolf Firm, A Law Corporation Recorded 04/09/2004 as Instrument No. 20040305844 in book , page and rerecorded on --- as ---, of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County, California, Date of Sale: 11/5/2010 at 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At the entrance to the East County Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $284,797.83, estimated Street Address or other common designation of real property: 3562 Winslow Road, Oceanside, CA 92056 A.P.N.: 169-301-14-00 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. Date: 10/7/2010 The Wolf Firm, A Law Corporation 2955 Main Street, 2nd Floor Irvine, California 92614 (949) 720-9200 Foreclosure Dept. Fax (949) 608-0130 Sale Information Only: (714) 573-1965 Renae C. Murray, Foreclosure Manager Loan Number: 8011329383 (Leclerc) TS Number: 10-0668-11 Declaration to Notice of Sale as required by California Civil Code Section 2923.54 (1) The mortgage loan servicer ( ) has (X) has not [check one] obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date this Notice of Sale is filed. (2) The timeframe for giving notice of sale as specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 (X) does ( ) does not [check one] apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or 2923.55. Jennifer Buser Signature Jennifer Buser Print Your Name Foreclosure Specialist Print Your Title Navy Ferderal Credit Union Print Company Name Mortgage Loan Servicer P756217 10/15, 10/22, 10/29/2010 CN 10605 TSG No.: 3796863 TS No.: 20089070805099 FHA/VA/PMI No.: APN: 157-220-20 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 02/12/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 11/04/2010 at 10:00 AM, First American Trustee Servicing Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American LoanStar Trustee Services LLC, as duly appointed Trustee under and

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state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conAn Ordinance of the City Council of the City of veyed to and now held by the Carlsbad, California Approving Amendments to the City of trustee in the hereinafter described Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance (ZCA 10-03) and the Local Coastal property under and pursuant to a Program (LCPA 10-02) Regarding Inclusionary Housing Deed of Trust described below. The Requirements (Carlsbad Municipal Code 21.85) sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or The ordinance proposes changes to the various sections of implied, regarding title, possession, Chapter 21.85 of the Carlsbad Municipal Code (part of the or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the Carlsbad Zoning Ordinance). The changes clarify that inclusionary note(s) secured by the Deed of requirements apply to rental projects only if the project developer Trust, with interest and late charges agrees by contract to limit rent as consideration for a “direct finanthereon, as provided in the note(s), cial contribution” or any other forms of assistance specified in denadvances, under the terms of the sity bonus law. The proposed amendment affects only the applicaDeed of Trust, interest thereon, tion of inclusionary requirements to rental projects. The application fees, charges and expenses of the of inclusionary standards to ownership projects, including the conTrustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the version of apartments to condominiums, would not change. Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The A certified copy of the full text of the proposed ordinance is posted amount may be greater on the day in the Office of the City Clerk, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive, of sale. Trustor: CHARLES C Carlsbad, CA 92008. CHAPMAN JR., AN UNMARRIED MAN Duly Appointed Trustee: Law PASSED AND ADOPTED at a Regular Meeting of the City Council Offices Of Les Zieve Deed of Trust of the City of Carlsbad, California, on the 5th day of October 2010, recorded 11/1/2005 as Instrument No. 2005-0947089 in book --, page -by the following vote, to wit: of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County, AYES: Council Members Lewis, Kulchin, Hall, Packard and California, Date of Sale:11/5/2010 at Blackburn. 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At the NOES: None. south entrance to the County ABSENT: None. Courthouse, 220 West Broadway, CN 10600, Oct. 15, 2010 San Diego, CA Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $213,965.66 Note: Because the Beneficiary reserves the right to bid less than the total debt owed, it is pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded possible that at the time of the sale 02/16/2007, as Instrument No. 2007- 09/29/2005 as Instrument No. 2005the opening bid may be less than 0108189, in book , page , of Official 0844916, in book , page , of Official the total debt owed. Street Address Records in the office of the County Records in the office of the County or other common designation of Recorder of San Diego County, Recorder of San Diego County, real property: 4244 VISTA State of California. Executed by: State of California. Executed by: PANORAMA WAY #206, OCEANAlfredo Munoz, WILL SELL AT Steven Strauss, WILL SELL AT SIDE, California 92057 Described PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST as follows: PARCEL 1: AN UNDIBIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIER’S BIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIER’S VIDED 1/38TH INTEREST IN AND CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT or CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT or TO LOT 9 OF MISSION VIEW UNIT other form of payment authorized other form of payment authorized NO. IV, IN THE CITY OF OCEANby 2924h(b), (payable at time of by 2924h(b), (payable at time of SIDE, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, sale in lawful money of the United sale in lawful money of the United STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDStates) At the entrance to the East States) At the entrance to the East ING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 11091, County Regional Center by statue, County Regional Center by statue, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN All right, title and interest conAll right, title and interest conDIEGO COUNTY ON NOVEMBER veyed to and now held by it under veyed to and now held by it under 28, 1984. EXCEPTING THEREsaid Deed of Trust in the property said Deed of Trust in the property FROM THE FOLLOWING: (A) situated in said County and State situated in said County and State UNITS 179 THROUGH 190 AND described as: As more fully described as: As more fully 203 THROUGH 222 AND 263-268, described in the above mentioned described in the above mentioned INCLUSIVE, AS SHOWN ON THE Deed of Trust APN# 157-220-20 The Deed of Trust APN# 157-315-13 The CONDOMINIUM PLAN RECORDstreet address and other common street address and other common ED DECEMBER 12, 1984 AS FILE designation, if any, of the real prop- designation, if any, of the real prop- NO. 84-462923 OF OFFICIAL erty described above is purported erty described above is purported RECORDS, AND AS DEFINED IN to be: 4929 Verde Drive, Oceanside, to be: 4906 Tyler St, Oceanside, CA THE DECLARATION OF CA 92057 The undersigned Trustee 92057 The undersigned Trustee dis- COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND disclaims any liability for any incor- claims any liability for any incorRESTRICTIONS RECORDED FEBrectness of the street address and rectness of the street address and RUARY 11, 1983 AS FILE NO. 83other common designation, if any, other common designation, if any, 045561, AND ANY AMENDMENTS shown herein. Said sale will be shown herein. Said sale will be THERETO, OF OFFICIAL made, but without covenant or war- made, but without covenant or war- RECORDS. (B) THE EXCLUSIVE ranty, expressed or implied, regard- ranty, expressed or implied, regard- RIGHT TO POSSESSION OF ALL ing title, possession, or encuming title, possession, or encumTHOSE AREAS DESIGNATED AS brances, to pay the remaining prin- brances, to pay the remaining prin- PATIOS, DECKS, PARKING cipal sum of the note(s) secured by cipal sum of the note(s) secured by SPACES AND GARAGES AS said Deed of Trust, with interest said Deed of Trust, with interest SHOWN UPON THE CONDOMINIthereon, as provided in said note(s), thereon, as provided in said note(s), UM PLAN, ABOVE REFERRED TO. advances, under the terms of said advances, under the terms of said PARCEL 2: UNIT 206 AS SHOWN Deed of Trust, fees, charges and Deed of Trust, fees, charges and UPON THE CONDOMINIUM PLAN expenses of the Trustee and of the expenses of the Trustee and of the REFERRED TO ABOVE. PARCEL trusts created by said Deed of trusts created by said Deed of 3: THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT TO Trust. The total amount of the Trust. The total amount of the POSSESSION AND OCCUPANCY unpaid balance of the obligation unpaid balance of the obligation OF THOSE PORTIONS OF LOT 9 secured by the property to be sold secured by the property to be sold DESCRIBED IN PARCEL 1 ABOVE, and reasonable estimated costs, and reasonable estimated costs, DESIGNATED AS PATIO---, DECKexpenses and advances at the time expenses and advances at the time 206, PARKING SPACE--AND of the initial publication of the of the initial publication of the GARAGE-206, ON THE ABOVE Notice of Sale is $394,180.43. The Notice of Sale is $395,651.76. The REFERENCED CONDOMINIUM beneficiary under said Deed of beneficiary under said Deed of PLAN, AS APPURTENANT TO Trust heretofore executed and Trust heretofore executed and PARCELS 1 AND 2 DESCRIBED delivered to the undersigned a writ- delivered to the undersigned a writ- ABOVE. A.P.N #.: 158-440-02-16 ten Declaration of Default and ten Declaration of Default and The undersigned Trustee disclaims Demand for Sale, and a written Demand for Sale, and a written any liability for any incorrectness Notice of Default and Election to Notice of Default and Election to of the street address or other comSell. The undersigned caused said Sell. The undersigned caused said mon designation, if any, shown Notice of Default and Election to Notice of Default and Election to above. If no street address or other sell to be recorded in the County sell to be recorded in the County common designation is shown, where the real property is located. where the real property is located. directions to the location of the Date: 10/07/2010 First American Date: 10/06/2010 First American property may be obtained by sendTitle Insurance Company First Title Insurance Company First ing a written request to the benefiAmerican Trustee Servicing American Trustee Servicing ciary within 10 days of the date of Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American first publication of this Notice of LoanStar Trustee Services, LLC 3 LoanStar Trustee Services, LLC 3 Sale. Pursuant to California Civil First American Way Santa Ana, CA First American Way Santa Ana, CA Code §2923.54 the undersigned, on 92707 The beneficiary or servicing 92707 The beneficiary or servicing behalf of the beneficiary, loan seragent declares that it has obtained agent declares that it has obtained vicer or authorized agent, declares from the Commissioner of from the Commissioner of as follows: The beneficiary or servCorporations a final or temporary Corporations a final or temporary icing agent declares that it has order of exemption pursuant to order of exemption pursuant to obtained from the Commissioner of California Civil Code Section California Civil Code Section Corporation a final or temporary 2923.53 that is current and valid on 2923.53 that is current and valid on order of exemption pursuant to the date the Notice of Sale is filed the date the Notice of Sale is filed California Civil Code Section and/or the timeframe for giving and/or the timeframe for giving 2923.53 that is current and valid on Notice of Sale specified in subdivi- Notice of Sale specified in subdivi- the date the Notice of Sale is filed sion (s) of California Civil Code sion (s) of California Civil Code and/or the timeframe for giving Section 2923.52 applies and has Section 2923.52 applies and has Notice of Sale Specified in subdivibeen provided or the loan is exempt been provided or the loan is exempt sion (s) of California Civil Code from the requirements. First from the requirements. First Section 2923.52 applies and has American Trustee Servicing American Trustee Servicing been provided or the loan is exempt Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American from the requirements. Dated: LoanStar Trustee Services, LLC LoanStar Trustee Services, LLC 10/8/2010 Law Offices of Les Zieve, may be acting as a debt collector may be acting as a debt collector as Trustee, 18377 Beach Blvd., Suite attempting to collect a debt. Any attempting to collect a debt. Any 210, Huntington Beach, California information obtained may be used information obtained may be used 92648 Automated Sale Information for that purpose. For Trustee’s Sale for that purpose. For Trustee’s Sale Line: (714) 848-9272 or Information Please Call (714) 573Information Please Call (714) For Non1965 P756076 10/15, 10/22, 1965 P755525 10/15, 10/22, Automated Sale Information, call: 10/29/2010 CN 10604 10/29/2010 CN 10603 (714) 848-7920 Christine O'Brien, Trustee Sale Officer THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A TSG No.: 4041597 TS No.: T.S. No. 10-09841 APN: 158-440-02- DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION 20099019200996 FHA/VA/PMI No.: 16 Loan No. 1002893449 WE OBTAINED WILL BE USED APN: 157-315-13 NOTICE OF NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE FOR THAT PURPOSE. EPP 5652. TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A 10/15, 10/22, 10/29/2010. CN 10602 DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF DEED OF TRUST DATED TRUST, DATED 09/20/2005. 10/19/2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLAAN EXPLANATION OF THE NATION OF THE NATURE OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. CONTACT A LAWYER. On 11/04/2010 at 10:00 AM, First A public auction sale to the highest American Trustee Servicing bidder for cash, cashier's check Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American drawn on a state or national bank, LoanStar Trustee Services LLC, as check drawn by a state or federal duly appointed Trustee under and credit union, or a check drawn by a

CITY OF CARLSBAD Summary of Ordinance No. 109 per Government Code §36933(c)

See more Coast News Legals Page B7



OCT. 15, 2010



an amazing man,” his grandson Tyler Newton wrote in an online guestbook. “I believe he was the wisest man I knew, which is a shame that the world lost another one. There was so much to learn from him. I will miss him greatly.” In addition to his wife, Chuck is survived by his sons Tom and John, daughters-inlaw Mary Sullivan and Julie and Kate Newton, five grandchildren and seven greatgrandchildren. He was predeceased by his sons Terence and Stanley.

Jenkis, boat owner and Beaches and Harbor Advisory Committee member, pointed out there is a double death penalty when a deceased spouse’s name is removed from a permit and a son or daughter’s name is later added when the child is 18. Both cases warrant new permits and additional fees.




Feller and Chavez had threeplus years to enact pension reform and didn’t. They voted on a new contract a few years ago and failed to include pension reform. They failed to put it into the secretly developed charter document when other cities uniformly do so. Who would be against this pension reform? Chuck Lowery is the kind of councilman that everyone wants — fiscally responsible, independent, a smart businessman and a caring person about the community he grew up in. So who is against everything Lowery voted for? Jerry Kern and Gary Felien. They don’t want to protect your neighborhoods, your kids, our seniors and vets and they aren’t all that nice to the people they are supposed to represent. My vote will go to Lowery and yours should too. He is a councilman with a heart and a brain!


Those who currently pay to remain on a waiting list would also be subject to the new higher fees for a slip rental after January. “Three dollars doesn’t sound like much, but when you add that up per foot per boat that is astronomical,” George Rhea of Oceanside said. “Don’t vote on this, we need to work on it.” There was also objection to money going toward the

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Many did not want an harbor events go to support increase at all. “There’s a say- the harbor, and fee increases ing about a rose being a rose, be postponed until July. I feel taxes are the same way,” Kramer Jackson of Oceanside said. “It’s a 20 percent Follow us on increase in my rent.” A future workshop will discuss community concerns and possible solutions. Some Go to the solutions already suggested are that funds raised from Coast News and click link

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Mandy Barre is an Oceanside resident.



the potential perils of global warming; and,finally,the public record lists a score of antiterrorism measures that Boxer supported. Fiorina’s pounce, Politifact suggests, trivializes the matter at hand and twists,distorts and misleads so much as to constitute deceit. Grab the extinguisher. There are two pairs of pants now ablaze. It looks as if our politicians and their handlers find there’s an advantage to be gained by shading the truth or, for that matter, lying outright. Since a candidate this November only needs one more vote than the other guy to get elected, heck, let it be cast by a citizen who in a weak moment thought he detected a note of harmony amid the din of noise.

improvement of shared harbor restroom facilities and not toward needed repairs on facilities used by boaters. “You’re asking boaters to fund a bathhouse on the beach that campers and surfers are going to use,” Dan Felts, an Oceanside live aboard boat owner, said. “Why put the burden on the back of the boat owners?”


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OCT. 15, 2010



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OCT. 15, 2010


Beach fundraiser goes a ‘fowl’ JEAN GILLETTE Small Talk

Getting by in the age of high-tech There are plenty of opportunities these days for technology to knock me into a deer-in-the-headlights state of mind. That made it extra sweet to be, for a change, the knowledgeable one. I want to immediately notify my generally scornful children and co-workers, and then perhaps shout it from a rooftop. I had one jubilant day this week where I got to be the smartest kid in the class, not once but twice. I will cherish that sensation for some time to come. Probably until Monday morning when I accidentally push some button I’ve never even noticed before on my computer at work, causing something important to disappear, or cause some meaningless but very ominous message to pop up on my screen. It was glorious when I got to blush modestly and say “Oh, not really” as my lovely college chum declared me absolutely cutting edge because I have a Facebook page. This lovely friend is plenty bright but prefers the simple life in somewhat rural Nevada. She only just graduated from a dial-up connection. Her children and I were more than thrilled. Even with that, she does her darndest to avoid the computer, so she thinks I’m Steve Jobs. As we sat at lunch with friends, she just bragged on me. I leaned back, smiled and drank it in. Later, as I was leaving the supermarket, a nice lady not that much older than I, asked me how to use the self-checkout. I gleefully dropped my own order mid-way through to walk her through it, feeling TURN TO SMALL TALK ON B23

By Bianca Kaplanek

DEL MAR — Family fun, fiery food and a flock of featherless fowl highlighted the Rotary Club of Del Mar’s second annual Chili & Quackers Challenge held Oct. 2 in front of Powerhouse Park. With 10-year-old Gianna Gallo serving as the Duck Princess, the fundraiser featured a chili cook-off for restaurants and individuals, crazy hair designs, live Caribbean music and a 50/50 cash drawing worth about $250. The event culminated with Del Mar Lifeguards releasing 1,891 rubber ducks into the Pacific Ocean. The owners of the first 14 ducks to cross the finish line won prizes that included a flatscreen TV, an Apple iPad and iPods, artwork, diamond earrings and magnums from Duckhorn Wineries, of course. The cost to enter the chili cook-off was $50 for restaurants and $20 for individuals. Tastes were $1 each. Judging was based on aroma, consistency, red color, taste and after taste. Americana’s chipotle chili beat out Jimmy O’s and Via Capri II in the restaurant division. Di Holker’s Bewitchili, a winner in last year’s event, earned top honors among the 16 individual contestants, while Brian and Stephanie Grasso’s Chililicious won for best presentation. Rubber ducks were available for $10 for a single

CHILI DOG Four-year-old Mackenzie Buchan is more interested in befriending Cooper, a 15-month-old Yorkshire terrier, than tasting chili. Photo by Bianca Kaplanek

FOWL PLAY Above, beachgoers and Chili & Quackers attendees help retrieve rubber ducks as they come ashore. Left, with inflatable duck in hand, Dan Henderson, president of the Rotary Club of Del Mar, is ready to swim out and monitor the release of nearly 2,000 rubber ducks into the Pacific Ocean. Photos by Bianca Kaplanek

quack or in discounted packs that ranged from $25 for a quackers trio up to $100 for a flock of 20. Del Mar lifeguards emptied four buckets of ducks into the ocean. The rubber racers bobbed around for about five minutes before one good wave took them ashore, where everyone, including lifeguards with

Community party to benefit young cancer survivor By Wehtahnah Tucker

CARDIFF BY THE SEA — Superheroes really do still exist. At least for 6-yearold Max Kleckner there is hope that the good guys will win. That’s why the community is having a party to benefit him Oct. 22 in the courtyard at Cardiff Town Center. “Mighty Max” as his many friends and family know him, has been in the battle of a lifetime for the past two years and needs all of the super-strength he can get to support him and his family. After a series of ear infections and colds that he couldn’t seem to shake, doctors at Rady Children’s Hospital diagnosed then 4year-old Max with embryon-

ic-type rhabdomyosarcoma. A large tumor had formed near his right eye, causing it to seize up. Further testing showed that the cancer had metastasized-spreading into his bone marrow — making it stage 4 cancer. The tumor was inoperable because of its proximity to the optic nerve and brain. Max’s parents, Mark Kleckner and Natalie Young, were told that the survival rate ranged from 20 to 50 percent in children with the rare cancer. Max believed his parents when they told him that his “superhero cells” were going to battle the “bad guy” cells invading his body. Just TURN TO CANCER ON B23

SUPER KIDS Tyler Carder, Teal Carder, Max Kleckner, Caden Martin and Miles Riley enjoy a beach outing. Courtesy photo

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nets, collected them for reuse next year. Ducky Derby winners were Sue Silva, Gary Levitt, John Hayden, Dick Wheelock, Ryan Feartherson, Tracy Clippinger, Ron and Nancy Stinson, Janet Handzel, Chris Vandewater, Saleh Hassanein, Niki Bradley, Pete Fernandez, Fernanda Rodriguez and John Sorenson. The event raised about $20,000 that will be used to fund various Rotary Club projects. Founded in 1954, the Rotary Club of Del Mar has more than 80 active members and is one of 32,000 clubs worldwide. The group meets weekly at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church. For more information or to join, e-mail or visit www.del


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OCT. 15, 2010


Shakespeare in the Park series returns to amphitheater By Alyx Sariol

VISTA — After a brief hiatus in North County, Shakespeare’s timeless work returned to the masses with a recent production of “As You Like It” at Vista’s Moonlight Amphitheater Oct. 6 through Oct. 10. Carlsbad’s New Village Arts Theater and Vista’s Moonlight Cultural Foundation paired up for the most recent installment of Shakespeare in the Park at the newly renovated Moonlight Amphitheater. The performances were

held at the 2,100-seat theater for a successful five-night run. “It’s really great to have two arts organizations collaborating for the good of the community and share in the vision of making Shakespeare’s words come alive,” Moonlight Cultural Foundation’s Executive Director Diana Aaron said. The nonprofit foundation provided funding for the performance, while New Village Arts took over the artistic direction. Seventeen

cast members performed an updated version of the play that also included several original songs written by cast member Summer Spiro, the theater’s founder and artistic director Kristianne Kurner said. “It’s really exciting to see New Village Arts’ work, which we normally see on a small scale, up on the big stage with all of the bells and whistles,” Kurner said. Through foundation underwriting and sponsorships, tickets were affordable

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AS YOU LIKE IT Lead actors Justin Lang and Karson St. John, with Summer Spiro, perform a scene in New Village Arts’ take on Shakespeare’s play, “As You Like It” at the Moonlight Amphitheater. Courtesy photo

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OCT. 15, 2010

Dancers of all ages hit the floor Friend of the garden Bill Teague dies By Lillian Cox

ENCINITAS — While some people spend their weekend anticipating “Dancing with the Stars” on Monday night, others have taken matters into their own hands by learning how to dance like the pros themselves. New York City has the Roseland Ballroom, and Encinitas has Dance North County, which attracts hoofers from Southern California and beyond who simply “gotta dance.” In the mid-1990s David Tomko came up with an idea for a facility where he could rent studio space to dance schools that were struggling to keeping their doors open. He and fellow dancer Melissa Dexter opened Dance North County in 1995 with one dance floor. Today there are three rooms to accommodate the demand. “When ‘Dancing with the Stars’ came out in 2005, business grew by 20 percent,” he said. “It dropped off last year because of the recession, but seems to be slowly increasing as the economy improves.” According to Tomko, Americans were considered poor dancers by the rest of the world until the 1980s when both ballroom dancing and competitions became popular. “Back then there were four competitions a year in the United States,” he said. “Now there is one or two every week.” Today, 20 dance schools and 40 instructors operate out of Dance North County offering everything from dance lessons for toddlers and their moms to social dances for seniors. In between there is tap, hula, belly, pole, hip hop, jazz, swing, lindy hop, country twostep, nightclub two-step, Argentine tango, salsa, ballroom dancing and instruction in just about every other dance form. Private lessons are also available for couples who want to choreograph their wedding dance. Mary Nierman had no interest in learning how to dance until she accompanied a friend to Dance North County three years ago and saw instructor Daniel Vasco at work. Since then Nierman has become a competitive dancer herself who, with Vasco as her

DANCE DUO Mary Nierman had no interest in dance when she accompanied a friend to Dance North County three years ago. All that changed when she met instructor Daniel Vasco. Since then Nierman and Vasco have competed in the California Open 2009, Hollywood Dance Sport 2009, San Diego Dance Sport 2008 and various showcase events. “Dancing has given me confidence and a sense of accomplishment,” she said. “Now that my children are more independent, I have time to pursue a hidden passion. My husband doesn’t dance but he thinks it’s wonderful.” Photo by Lillian Cox

partner, has participated in the San Diego Dance Sport 2008, California Open 2009, Hollywood Dance Sport 2009 and various showcase events. “Dancing has given me confidence and a sense of accomplishment,” she said. “Now that my children are more independent, I have time to pursue my hidden passion. My husband doesn’t dance but he thinks it’s wonderful.” On Friday and Saturday nights Dance North County is transformed into a nightclub venue for dance parties that attract people from throughout San Diego and Orange

counties. Admission ranges from $7 to $12 for the evening, which includes instruction and nonalcoholic refreshments. The second Saturday of the month the San Diego Hustle Club rents the studio from 8 p.m. to midnight.A beginner lesson from 8 to 8:30 p.m. is included with admission. Dancers in their 70s and as young as college age gather to do the hustle as well as salsa, cha-cha, night club twostep and the West Coast swing. Dancer Naida Malchiodi, TURN TO DANCERS ON B15


DEL MAR — Master gardener and horticulturist William Henry “Bill” Teague died Sept. 29 in his home in Del Mar. Teague, who was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease) in 2009, was 66 years old.Teague, who had lived in Del Mar with his wife of nearly 50 years, Linda, since 1978, was known both in San Diego and in the horticultural world, for his natural and environmentally sensitive landscape designs and for generously donating his time to design public gardens and landscapes. Teague once remarked that his goal in life was to make the world a more beautiful place, and this he most assuredly accomplished, said Sally Sandler, a personal friend of Teague’s who worked with him as docent at the San Diego Botanic Garden. “During his tenure as a horticulturist at the San Diego Botanic Garden, Teague was personally responsible for bringing most of the beauty to the botanical. In recent years, he contributed to the Seeds of Wonder Children’s Garden, Undersea Succulent Garden, Hamilton Children’s Garden, Landscaping for Fire Safety Garden, Succulent Display Garden, and the newly remodeled African Bank Garden,” Sally recalled. “A modern day Johnny Appleseed,Teague filled his

GREEN THUMB Willam Henry “Bill” Teague. Courtesy photo

truck to the brim with favorite plants, cuttings and seeds to share with friends and clients. Several of the most unique and bullet-proof plants in our gardens today were introduced in this area or propagated and promoted


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OCT. 15, 2010


Veteran’s widow walks for those who can’t COAST CITIES — Diane Musselmann, the widow of disabled veteran Kenneth Musselmann, will lead a 90-mile, six-day walk through North County to raise awareness and donations for the first national memorial dedicated to the disabled veterans from all wars, The American Veterans Disabled for Life Memorial. “Walking For Those Who Can’t” is the theme of Musselmann’s walk, which kicks off Oct. 18, at the Veterans Affairs Medical Center in Long Beach and ends on Oct. 23 at the V.A. Medical Center in San Diego. Pushing her late husband’s wheelchair the entire way, Musselmann will be joined by active members and veterans of the Armed Forces along the route,and will stop to speak with spectators about the importance of supporting the memorial. The route will take Musselmann through Camp Pendleton, Carlsbad and Del Mar. Musselmann served with her late husband, a double amputee, in many local and national leadership positions in organizations that impact the quality of life for millions of disabled American veterans. She continues to effectively advocate for the rights of disabled veterans on important issues including education, training, services, financial assistance and a responsive healthcare system. Based on her experience, she believes that what happens TURN TO WIDOW ON B15

Four SoCal winemakers making a difference Big box Southern California does wine world. Linkogle is now premium wines that are made so many things in such a big the southern district director from the Nebbiolo grape). way. The rest of the world can “Our 2007 Nebbiolo is of the prestigious Wine Instionly follow, and when trends tute. You must try the wines, released and the $30 price is catch on elsewhere, SoCal is but keep in mind, you must way lower than the Italian FRANK on to something else. People also make a reservation. Call style price. The Cellar Club MANGIO flock here to catch the trendy (951) 308-1098. The website price is just $21. The mouthTaste of Wine wave of opportunity. is feel is rich and round with Ryan Baker, winemaker, blueberry and blackberry Population has swelled to some 13 million in five coun- are expensive, with some reds Witch Creek Winery, notes,” he said. “I’m conties, yet the big puzzle is why as good as any in the Valley. Carlsbad. stantly experimenting, trying Ryan Baker cut his teeth new combinations and blends. hasn’t the wine industry kept Tasting is by appointment pace. After all, the first wine only. That makes him a wine in the wine industry in the You have to try my latest, Due in the state was made in the making contrarian and that is Napa-Sonoma area before Pastore, a combination of arriving at Witch Brunello and Aglianico.” We 1700s by the missionaries in a label he will gladly Creek Winery, an did and we loved it. Visit San Diego. Now more than 50 wear over his heart. “We are very difurban operation in wineries operate in the counJon McPherson, master the tourist-friendly ty, mainly in Ramona and ferent and like to feel beach resort of Carls- winemaker, South Coast Julian. Temecula in Riverside we are like those bad. He makes Winery, Temecula. County has 1,300 acres plant- smaller, premium Jon McPherson, along mostly Meditered in wine grapes and plans to boutique wineries in ranean style wine in with Assistant Winemaker create up to 5,000 more acres Napa Valley,” he said. the tasting room, Javier Flores, have put South of “citrus/vineyards” in a pro- He and his wife Dorirarely more than 200 Coast Winery on the state and tected zone. It is fast becom- an opened the doors national map by capcases, and ing Southern California’s of Briar Rose Winery turing the Gold Bear the variWine Country with easy in 2007, converted it RYAN BAKER California State Fair etals sell access to more than 30 winer- from a country cotaward for best winery ies. Elsewhere, vineyards and tage home built with the wist- out quickly. Grapes in the state two of the wineries show up in such ful imagination of a Disney are brought in from last three years. This urban areas as Malibu, down- builder in the 1970s who fash- Northern California year it earned 56 town Los Angeles, Rancho ioned it from Snow White’s and the Guadalupe medals at the fair. Valley in Baja, MexiCucamonga and Westlake Vil- cottage. Linkogle considers his co. A decision was “It’s about letting the lage. grapes speak. We lisIf we look a little closer, wines “art in a bottle.” Dis- made in 2009 to ten and then carefulwe can find some competitive cerning locals and even Holly- enter seven variwood celebrities etals, including less- JON MCPHERSON ly nurture the and dedicated procaught on to the er known Italian process.” fessionals making Briar Rose wine wines sourced from the He planted grapes in high quality wines, experience and soon Guadalupe Valley, into the Texas as a kid, helping his mainly in San Diego orders for Briar Rose San Francisco International father in the wine industry, and Riverside counwines were coming Wine Competition. All seven then came to Southern Calities. Here are four from such diverse took medals, including Witch fornia, determined to make you’ll want to know. locations as the Creek’s 2006 Nebbiolo that great sparkling wines. He got Les Linkogle, White House and the was awarded “Best of Class!” his chance in 1986 as winewinemaker/owner Playboy Mansion. Briar Rose Winery, Baker, who was a chemist maker in what is now known His reds were gather- before the epiphany and lis- as Thornton Winery in TemecTemecula Valley Les Linkogle LES LINKOGLE ing medals by the tening to the call of winemak- ula. The winery eventually will be the first one to tell you bushel, especially small batch, ing, calls his Nebbiolo as good earned the title of “America’s that he makes only ultra pre- barrel enhanced Cabernets as any Barolo or Barbaresco in TURN TO TASTE OF WINE ON B15 mium handcrafted wines that that are turning heads in the Piedmont Italy (those are the

Former Palomar student subs for Kelly Ripa SAN MARCOS — Former Palomar College Radio and TV, or RTV, student Kristin Cruz recently won the opportunity to serve as guest

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host on the “Live! With Regis and Kelly” morning TV show which airs on ABC. On Aug. 19, Cruz replaced Kelly Ripa as co-host with Regis Philbin, interviewing guests including Jennifer Aniston, Jordin Sparks and Kyle Maclachlan. Cruz, who currently is a radio personality at Los Angeles station KOST 103.5 FM, co-hosting the Mark & Kristin Show, was chosen along with five others, after competing against thousands of women in the Women of Radio CoHost for a Day Search. In addition to her work in radio broadcasting, Cruz has a

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through her husband Matt, now a Los Angeles firefighter, who went through Palomar’s Paramedic program and also played on the football team. “He knew Palomar was known nationally for its RTV program and radio station,” Cruz said. At his suggestion, she called Palomar professor Meg Banta. “Once I talked to Meg I was convinced Palomar was for me.” To view part of the “Live! With Regis and Kelly” episode that includes Cruz, visit http://bventertainment. andkelly/host_chat.html.

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opponents set to host fundraiser

CARLSBAD — North County Advocates is hosting an evening of wine tasting, hor d’oeuvres and dessert from 5 to 8 p.m., Oct. 23 at Carlsbad Wine Merchants, 5814 Van Allen Way, Suite 155. Send a $50 donation check to North County Advocates and mail it to NCA, 7668 El Camino Real, Suite 104-258, Carlsbad, CA 92009 by Oct. 20. Tickets will be mailed to attendees if check is received by Oct. 16; otherwise they will be held at the door. For questions, call (760) 931-7796. North County Advocates is a nonprofit community grass-roots special project under a 501c3 nonprofit corporation fighting to kept big box stores out of La Costa.

New resident artist at Lux Art Institute ENCINITAS — Lux Art Institute, 1550 S. El Camino Real, will welcome New York City-based David Humphrey as the next artistin-residence of the 2010/2011 season. Humphrey, a senior critic at Yale School of Art, will turn Lux’s 2010/2011 Season on its head with paintings that employ kitsch, landscape, figuration and iconography in an incisive commentary on the intersection of desire and consumerism in middleclass America. From Nov. 18 through Dec. 4, Humphrey, also known for his installation and multimedia art, will be living and working at Lux as he creates a wall painting linking Lux’s architecture and his exhibit in a dramatic, unexpected way. Visitors can “see art happen” while he is in studio and view his show, featuring examples of his painting and sculpture, through Jan. 1, 2011. Humphrey creates canvases in which a cavalcade of surreal, kitsch images and exuberant, Play Doh-like hues provide a humorous and sometimes biting narrative of bourgeois malaise. A dedicated collector of amateur paintings that he finds online, in thrift and antique stores, and at flea markets and yard sales, Humphrey loosely paraphrases anonymous efforts with his own renditions of landscapes, still-lifes and portraits in which elements of the original artworks have been mutated and exaggerated to yield intensely layered images in terms of color, shape, ideas and discourse. “Having painter/sculptor/critic/scholar/philosopher David Humphrey on site will be a mind-bending joy that all of us at Lux look TURN TO LUX ON B15

Is an electric car right for you? By the Editors of Consumer Reports

You’ll soon be hearing a lot of buzz — and a dose of sales hype — about a new wave of electric cars that will begin humming down our roads. The first cars to come from major automakers will be the much-publicized Chevrolet Volt and the Nissan Leaf, each expected to go on sale in selected areas by the end of this year. Models from Ford, Honda, Mitsubishi, Toyota and other companies will follow. Consumer Reports’ auto experts have driven prototypes and preproduction models of most of the forthcoming electric cars and have found them to be very quiet, quite quick, and viable alternatives to conventional cars. Electric vehicles (EVs) allow drivers to commute moderate distances using no gasoline and producing no tailpipe emissions. They can reduce overall driving costs for some people. And EVs can be charged by simply plugging them into a household wall outlet, although the time it takes to recharge depends on the vehicle and the electrical circuit. But those cars require basic changes in driving habits and often some hefty household electrical work. Before you consider plugging in, you should weigh all factors — cost, convenience and environmental impact — and fully understand the pros and cons of EVs.

What is an EV? Plug-in electric cars represent the next step beyond hybrids for consumers who want to cut their gasoline consumption. A full-hybrid car continuously switches between a gasoline engine and an electric motor to power the car, and the gas engine recharges the battery while the car is driven. By contrast, an EV can go much father using only electric power, but it needs to be plugged in to fully recharge. There are three main types of plug-in models: — Dedicated EVs. The Nissan Leaf is an example of a pure battery-electric car that runs solely on its electric motor and has no gasoline engine. On a full charge, the Leaf can go up to 100 miles before it needs recharging. — Extended-range EVs. That is how GM classifies the Volt. The car runs only on its electric motor and can go up to 40 miles on electric power.After the battery’s charge drops to a certain level, a small gasoline engine kicks in to provide enough additional electrical power to let the car continue driving. That extends TURN TO CONSUMER ON B10



OCT. 15, 2010

Book festival brings readers and authors together By Wehtahnah Tucker

ENCINITAS — The San Diego County Library Book Festival hosted a myriad of activities and speakers for hundreds of residents on Oct. 9 at the Encinitas branch library. From award-winning actor Richard Dreyfuss to best-selling local authors, participants were treated to lectures and interactive events during the annual festival that stretched across the street into a neighborhood park. Encinitas Branch Librarian Amy Chandler said the festival was “designed to bring readers and authors together to remind us all how important reading is.” “The festival provides a new dimension to the reading experience,” Chandler said. In fact, the keynote speaker, actor and activist Richard Dreyfuss doesn’t have a book out at all. He spoke to a packed room about his new nonprofit,The Dreyfuss Initiative, which seeks to bring civics education into the classroom. Other non-book-related activities piqued the interest of those who wouldn’t otherwise spend a Saturday afternoon at the library. Worldclass skateboarder Lynn Kramer conducted the “Deck Out Your Deck” skateboard design workshop on the picturesque patio of the library. Kramer, a local resident, is a seven-time Women’s Slalom Skateboarding World Champion. Her three world records for slalom skateboarding were not lost on the groms looking to redesign their skateboard decks with her help. “This is the most fun

I’ve had at the library,” said Samuel Duponte, 10, an Oceanside resident, as he spray-painted his board. “Our core values are to inform, educate, inspire and entertain,” Chandler said. To this end Gretchen Schomer Wendel, author of the awardwinning series of children’s books “Becka and the Big Bubble,” read her stories and interacted with the children. The main character’s boots and a wig helped keep the participants excited. Along with the six books, Schomer Wendel and her brother, Adam Schomer, have a television show based on the books which airs regularly on PBS. “My brother is the comedian so he’s great at keeping everyone entertained,” Schomer Wendel said. For the book-lovers at the festival, Rae Armantrout was on hand to speak about her most recent book, “Versed,” which received the Pulitzer Prize and the National Book Critics Circle Award. The Professor of Poetry and Poetics at UCSD was part of the “dream list” of authors according to Chandler. “We got incredibly lucky this year with the number of quality local authors,” she said. Adding to the excitement at the festival was the project The People’s Post. Local residents across the county are encouraged to share stories about relevant people, places and events in order to keep an active historical narrative archived. A professional videographer films the session while the storyteller gets a free recording of the finished product. “There are so many ways

FAMOUS FACE Award-winning actor turned civics in the classroom champion Richard Dreyfuss accepts thank you letters from teacher Ann Cerny’s eighth-grade U.S. History class during the San Diego Book Festival. Photo by Wehtahnah Tucker

the library can contribute to the well-being of a community and this is an important event to show how crucial it is to support your local library,” Pam Wescott said. The Cardiff-by-the-Sea resident is a regular at the library with her three children. “Especially in the tough economic times, it’s important to know there is a place with all of this information to go that’s free of charge.” FACEPAINT FUN Helen Farenc, 5, enjoys one of the many activities at the San Diego Book Festival held at the Encinitas branch of the San Diego County library Oct. 9. Photo by Wehtahnah Tucker

Halloween Carnival kicks off season CARLSBAD — Kelly Elementary School, 4885 Kelly Drive, invites the community to join them at the annual community Halloween Carnival from 1 to 7 p.m. Oct. 16 on the school grounds. Proceeds from the event will benefit Kelly School’s art, music, dance and P.E. programs in addition to supporting its Books & Beyond Reading Program and funding teacher mini-grants that help subsidize classroom expenses. Open to the public, this year’s theme, The Nightmare before Halloween, promises to bring an outstanding lineup of local performers, restaurants,

new carnival games and entertainment that includes Lazer Tag, silent auction, professional face-painting, costume contest, pumpkin patch and the annual Haunted House. This year’s live entertainment line-up includes: — 1 p.m. Kjel Holmes accordion player — 2 p.m. Carlsbad High School Choir — 2:30 p.m. Costume Parade and Contest — 3 p.m. Carlsbad High School Lancer Dancers — 4 p.m. Goju Karate — 4:20 p.m. Family Fun Contests — 5:30 p.m. Carlsbad

Dance Center performers New this year will be local favorite food vendors serving their specialties, including Señor Grubby’s, Little Caesar’s Pizza, Olive Garden, Souplantation, Pat & Oscar’s, Hot Dog on a Stick and Sun City Italian Ice. Carnival tickets can be purchased in advance at the Kelly School front office, or on Oct. 16 on the Kelly School campus. Credit cards may be used (via PayPal) to purchase tickets and silent auction items. Food vendors will be on a cash basis and all other activities will operate with tickets.

Spooky good time set in Village CARLSBAD — Get ready for a spooktacular time at the city’s first ever Halloween on Elm (did you know Carlsbad Village Drive used to be called Elm Avenue?) from 2 to 9 p.m. Oct. 30 in locations throughout the Village, primarily on State and Roosevelt streets. “Halloween on Elm is a great place for people to meet their neighbors and enjoy fun activities for kids of all ages in the heart of the Village,” said Housing & Neighborhood Services Director Debbie Fountain. “From carnival games and costume contests to the outdoor movie and the farmers market, there is some-

thing for everyone.” Activities will include: — Halloween-themed carnival games and jump houses — Costume contests for people and pets — Halloween story-telling — Trick-or-treat at Village businesses — Outdoor Halloween movies — Safe costume checks — Halloween “how-to” makeup demonstrations — Live music and entertainment — Farmers market with Halloween activities (pumpkin patch, jumping for apples, pie baking contest)

— Haunted House at the Boys & Girls Club — Themed storefront decorating contest Several of the event’s activities are made possible by partnerships with local businesses and community groups. These partnerships include the Carlsbad Village Association’s pumpkin patch and children’s games at the farmers market; The Boys & Girls Club’s haunted house; and the Carlsbad Educational Foundation’s face painting and fortune telling. For more information on the event, visit www.carlsbad, or call (760) 434-2815.

Holiday Theater Festival announces auditions VISTA — Premiere Productions recently announced auditions for its 18th annual Holiday Theater Festival in Vista. Over the course of three weeks,Vista’s Avo Playhouse,The Broadway and Off Broadway Theater’s will be brimming with live theater. The shows auditioning this year are “The Drowsy,” “Oliver!,” “Santa Clause is Coming to Town,” “A Christmas Story” and “Winnie the

Pooh and Christmas Too.” Auditions are being held from 5 to 8 p.m. Oct. 17 and from 4 to 9 p.m. Oct. 18 at Off Broadway Theater. There will be more than 100 children cast as well as 50 adults between the five shows. To find out more about the auditions, visit www. or call festival director Randall Hickman at (760) 806-7905.

Author to visit local library SAN MARCOS — The San Marcos library, located at No. 2 Civic Center Drive, is celebrating Teen Read Week by hosting an author visit with Nancy Holder from 4 to 5 p.m. Oct. 22. Holder will be promoting her new book “Crusade,” as well as her popular series such as “Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” and “Sabrina the Teenage Witch.” This teen event is being sponsored by the Friends of the San Marcos Library and will feature a question and answer session with the author and book signing. Attendees can bring their books, or purchase a copy. Teens can also enjoy refreshments and take part in games and a prize-winning

raffle. Costumes are recommended, with vampires, Goths, and other spooky getups encouraged in the spirit of Halloween. For more information, contact the San Marcos library staff at (760) 8913000 and visit



OCT. 15, 2010

ABOVE AND BEYOND The Grauer School’s Board Chairman David Meyer has been selected as the 2010 Volunteer of the Year from the North County Philanthropy Council, by the Grauer Advancement and Development Committee. The award is bestowed upon individuals who devote their time, talent and resources to help others in North County. “My service to Grauer is an 18-year labor of love and I need no honors to perform my work here,” Meyers said. The NCPC is an association of professionals, board members and volunteers of nonprofit organizations serving North County communities. The council provides education and training in fundraising and leadership development, promoting the values of philanthropy, fostering communication among those in the nonprofit sector and recognizing individuals whose efforts positively impact the community. Courtesy photo

Why take Xalatan for glaucoma diagnosis? DR. GOTT Second Opinion Dear Dr. Gott: I am a 78year-old white male, 6 feet 2 inches and weigh 195 pounds. I use glasses that cost $1 to read sometimes. I have been seen by two doctors. Both say I have glaucoma. I would like to know what the devil this is because both doctors said to use Xalatan at bedtime for the rest of my life. Dear Reader: Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the optic nerve in the eye(s) that results in diminished vision, leading to blindness. The light-sensitive optic nerve connects the retina to the brain, transmitting visual information. There are different forms of the disorder, but the most common is known as openangle glaucoma. The front of the eye has a space known as the anterior chamber, through which a clear fluid flows, nourishing surrounding tissues. The fluid leaves the anterior chamber and flows through a drain area and leaves the eye. There are times, however, when it passes too slowly through this drain, resulting in a buildup of fluid. The buildup of pressure that results can damage the optic nerve, resulting in open-angle glaucoma and may lead to a loss of vision. It should be noted that an increase in eye pressure is not an indication a person has glaucoma. Rather, it indicates a person is at risk for glauco-

ma. Then there is the diagnosis of glaucoma without an increase in pressure. This is slightly less common but is known as low or normal-tension glaucoma. Some people are able to withstand higher eye pressure than others. It all depends on how much pressure your optic nerve can handle. The key is early detection. Eye exams should be performed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist every three to four years for Caucasians and two to four years for African-Americans aged 20 to 39, every two to four years for both races aged 40 to 64, and every one to two years for both races aged 65 and older. Under ordinary circumstances, if a person follows these timelines, visual abnormalities can be corrected and treated early. If glaucoma is discovered, medication in the form of eyedrops or pills can be prescribed to either lower the pressure or cause the eye to make less fluid. It may be necessary to take the prescribed medication several times a day. If you experience burning, stinging or redness, advise your prescribing specialist, who can make a modification. It is important to understand that glaucoma often has no symptoms, and you may be inclined to discontinue your medication. Continued use is extremely important.The purpose of the medication is to either lower the production of fluid or to reduce the pressure of the fluid. The Xalatan drops you have been prescribed will reduce the pressure in your eye(s). You should wash your TURN TO SECOND ON B15

WELCOME TO THE CLUB The Vista Garden Club welcomed three new members at their October meeting. Pictured from left, Membership Chairperson Marilyn Seay, Barbara Pool, Barb Miller, and Judy Smith. The Vista Garden Club meets monthly at the Gloria McClellan Senior Center. For details, call Kate O’Brien at (760) 726-8737. Courtesy photo

OCT. 15, 2010

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Coast News Legals From Page A22 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE T.S No. 1289228-02 APN: 260-681-10 TRA: 19027 LOAN NO: Xxxxxx3066 REF: Ashcraft, J. Annie IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED July 05, 2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On November 04, 2010, at 10:00am, CalWestern Reconveyance Corporation, as duly appointed trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded July 14, 2006, as Inst. No. 2006-0498798 in book XX, page XX of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California, executed by J. Annie Ashcraft, An Unmarried Woman, will sell at public auction to highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank At the entrance to the east county regional center by Statue, 250 E. Main Street El Cajon, California, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: Completely described in said deed of trust The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 950 Greenlake Court (city Is Also Known As: Encinitas) Cardiff CA 92007 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be held, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, condition or encumbrances, including fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to pay the remaining principal sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $633,278.64. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located. Regarding the property that is the subject of this notice of sale, the "mortgage loan servicer" as defined in civil code § 2923.53(k)(3), declares that it has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to civil code section 2923.53 and that the exemption is current and valid on the date this notice of sale is recorded. the time frame for giving a notice of sale specified in civil code section 2923.52 subdivision (a) does not apply to this notice of sale pursuant to civil code sections 2923.52. DECLARATION PURSUANT TO CALIFORNIA CIVIL CODE SECTION 2923.54 Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.54, the undersigned loan servicer declares as follows: 1. It has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed; and 2. The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or Section 2923.55. Chase Home Finance LLC Name: Ann Thorn Title: First Vice President For sales information: Mon-Fri 9:00am to 4:00pm (619) 590-1221. CalWestern Reconveyance Corporation, 525 East Main Street, P.O. Box 22004, El Cajon, CA 92022-9004 Dated: October 12, 2010. (R-349055 10/15/10, 10/22/10, 10/29/10) CN 10598 TS No. T10-63813-CA / APN: 153043-09-00 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 11/30/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, Cashier’s Check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit



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union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a deed of trust described below. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer, or authorized agent, declares as follows: [X] The mortgage loan servicer has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed and [X] The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or 2923.55 Trustor: Jason N. Anderson, and Deborah A. Anderson,. husband and wife as community property with right of survivorship Duly Appointed Trustee: CR Title Services, Inc. C/O Pite Duncan, 4375 Jutland Drive, Suite 200, San Diego, Ca 92117 877576-0472 Recorded 12/06/2006 as Instrument No. 2006-0863720 in book , page of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County, California, Date of Sale: 11/5/2010 at 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At the entrance to the East County Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $584,252.93 Street Address or other common designation of real property: 1646 Alvarado St Oceanside, CA 92054 A.P.N.: 153043-09-00 Legal Description: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. The Trustee shall incur no liability for any good faith error in stating the proper amount of unpaid balances and charges. For sales information please contact Priority Posting and Publishing at or (714) 573-1965 Reinstatement Line: 877576-0472 Date: 10/15/2010 CR Title Services, Inc., 1000 Technology Drive, MS-314 O’Fallon MO 6338 Jill Bryant, Trustee Specialist Federal Law requires us to notify you that we are acting as a debt collector. If you are currently in a bankruptcy or have received a discharge in bankruptcy as to this obligation, this communication is intended for informational purposes only and is not an attempt to collect a debt in violation of the automatic stay or the discharge injunction. P755548 10/15, 10/22, 10/29/2010 CN 10597

missioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed and [X] The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or 2923.55 Trustor: Francisco Saavedra and Barbarita Saavedra, husband and wife. Duly Appointed Trustee: CR Title Services, Inc. c/o Pite Duncan, 4375 Jutland Drive, Suite 200, San Diego, CA 92117 877-576-0472 Recorded 02/27/2004 as Instrument No. 20040160160 in book , page of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County, California, Date of Sale: 11/5/2010 at 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At the entrance to the East County Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $243,587.65 Street Address or other common designation of real property: 1445 Eastmore Place Oceanside, CA 92056 A.P.N.: 161461-47-00 Legal Description: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. The Trustee shall incur no liability for any good faith error in stating the proper amount of unpaid balances and charges. For sales information please contact Priority Posting and Publishing at or (714) 573-1965 Reinstatement Line: 877576-0472 Date: 10/15/2010 CR Title Services, Inc 1000 Technology Drive, MS-314 O’Fallon MO 63368 Jill Bryant, Trustee Specialist Federal Law requires us to notify you that we are acting as a debt collector. If you are currently in a bankruptcy or have received a discharge in bankruptcy as to this obligation, this communication is intended for informational purposes only and is not an attempt to collect a debt in violation of the automatic stay or the discharge injunction. P755030 10/15, 10/22, 10/29/2010 CN 10595

DEED OF TRUST DATED 7/7/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier's check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a Deed of Trust described below. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Trustor: JOHN M NAVARRO Duly Appointed Trustee: LAW OFFICES OF LES ZIEVE Deed of Trust recorded 7/27/2006 as Instrument No. 2006-0531934 in book --, page -- of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County, California, Date of Sale:11/5/2010 at 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At the south entrance to the County Courthouse, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $357,022.66 Note: Because the Beneficiary reserves the right to bid less than the total debt owed, it is possible that at the time of the sale the opening bid may be less than the total debt owed. Street Address or other common designation of real property: 283 FISHERMAN LANE #1 OCEANSIDE, California 92054 Described as follows: PARCEL 1: AN UNDIVIDED FEE SIMPLE INTEREST AS A TENANT IN COMMON IN AND TO THE COMMON AREA WITHIN THE BUILDING ENVELOPE IN WHICH THE RESIDENTIAL UNIT DESCRIBED BELOW IS LOCATED EQUAL TO THE RECIPROCAL OF THE NUMBER OF RESIDENTIAL UNITS LOCATED WITHIN SUCH BUILDING ENVELOPE, AS SHOWN ON THE CONDOMINIUM PLAN OF PELICAN COVE, PHASE 4 RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY ON NOVEMBER 9, 2005 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2005-0975345 ("CONDOMINIUM, PLAN"), WHICH IS SITUATED WITHIN MODULE D LOCATED WITHIN LOT 1 OF PELICAN COVE, IN THE CITY OF OCEANSIDE, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 15171, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, NOVEMBER 7, 2005. RESERVING THEREFROM, NON-EXCLUSIVE AND CERTAIN EXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS FOR THE PURPOSES DESCRIBED IN THAT CERTAIN DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS OF PELICAN COVE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ON NOVEMBER 7, 2005 AS DOCUMENT NO. 2005-0967711 AND ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO ("DECLARATION"), INCLUDING EASEMENTS. FOR ACCESS, ENCROACHMENTS, MAINTENANCE, SUPPORT, REPAIR AND OTHER PURPOSES DESCRIBED IN THE DECLARATION. PARCEL 2: RESIDENTIAL UNIT NO. 16, AS SHOWN AND DEFINED ON THE CONDOMINIUM PLAN. FURTHER RESERVING THEREFROM NONEXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS FOR MAINTENANCE, ENCROACHMENT, SUPPORT, REPAIR, DRAINAGE AND ALL OTHER PURPOSES AS DESCRIBED IN THE DECLARATION. PARCEL 3: A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR ACCESS, INGRESS AND EGRESS, ON, OVER, UNDER, ALONG AND ACROSS THE ROADWAY MODULE. PARCEL 4: AN EXCLUSIVE USE EASEMENT OVER THE PORTION OF THE COMMON AREA AND/OR ASSOCIATION PROPERTY (ALL AS DEFINED IN THE DECLARATION AND AS SHOWN IN THE CONDOMINIUM PLAN) DESIGNATED AS BEING APPURTENANT TO THE RESIDENTIAL UNIT IN THE CONDOMINIUM PLAN. PARCEL 5: A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT, IN COMMON WITH OTHER OWNERS, FOR INGRESS, EGRESS, USE AND ENJOYMENT, OVER, IN, TO AND THROUGHOUT THE ASSOCIATION PROPERTY SHOWN ON THE CONDOMINIUM PLAN AND OVER, IN, TO AND THROUGHOUT THE ASSOCIATION PROPERTY OF THE OTHER PHASES OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE DECLARATION EXCEPTING THEREFROM ANY EXCLUSIVE USE COMMON AREAS SITUATED THEREON, WHICH EASEMENTS ARE APPURTENANT TO THE PARCELS DESCRIBED ABOVE,

SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF THE DECLARATION. THIS EASEMENT SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE AS TO EACH OF SAID OTHER PHASES, RESPECTIVELY, UPON (I) RECORDATION OF A SUPPLEMENTARY DECLARATION, DECLARING SUCH PHASES, RESPECTIVELY, TO BE SUBJECT TO THE DECLARATION, AND (II) CONVEYANCE OF THE FIRST CONDOMINIUM IN EACH RESPECTIVE PHASE, ALL AS MORE FULLY SET FORTH IN THE DECLARATION. THE ASSOCIATION PROPERTY REFERRED TO HEREIN AS TO EACH OF SUCH PHASES SHALL BE AS SHOWN AND DESCRIBED ON THE CONDOMINIUM PLAN COVERING EACH SUCH PHASE RECORDED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, THIS NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT IS FURTHER SUBJECT TO ANY EXCLUSIVE OR NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENTS RESERVED IN THE DECLARATION AND THE CONDOMINIUM PLAN. RESERVING FROM PARCELS 1, 2, 3, 4, AND 5 SUCH EASEMENTS DESCRIBED IN THE DECLARATION DESCRIBED AND THE MAP OF RECORD REFERENCED ABOVE AND SUCH OTHER EASEMENTS AS MAY BE OF RECORD AS OF THE DATE HEREOF. RESERVING THEREFROM THE EASEMENT AND OTHER RIGHTS RESERVED IN FAVOR OF GRANTOR IN THE DECLARATION FOR MARKETING AND DEVELOPMENT, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, SUBJECT TO ALL EXCLUSIVE USE EASEMENT AREAS, THE RIGHT OF GRANTOR TO MAINTAIN MARKETING UNITS IN THE CONDOMINIUMS OWNED BY GRANTOR, AS WELL AS THE RIGHT OF ACCESS, INGRESS, AND EGRESS FOR VISITORS TO THE SALES OFFICE AND MARKETING UNITS AND THE RIGHT TO MAINTAIN SIGNS OR OTHER MARKETING MATERIALS WITHIN THE ASSOCIATION PROPERTY OF THE PROJECT. FURTHER RESERVING THEREFROM, FOR THE BENEFIT OF GRANTOR AND ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, AN EASEMENT FOR INGRESS AND EGRESS, IN, ON, OVER, THROUGH AND ACROSS THE ASSOCIATION PROPERTY TO PERMIT GRANTOR TO INSTALL IMPROVEMENTS THEREON. THE GRANTOR FURTHER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO PREVENT ACCESS OVER PORTIONS OF THE ASSOCIATION PROPERTY BY PLACING A CONSTRUCTION FENCE OR OTHER BARRIER THEREON PRIOR TO COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS WITHIN THE PROJECT. HOWEVER, NO SUCH BARRIER SHALL PREVENT INGRESS OR EGRESS BY GRANTEE TO AND FROM HIS OR HER RESIDENTIAL UNIT. A.P.N #.: 158-051-19-16 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. Pursuant to California Civil Code §2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer or authorized agent, declares as follows: The provisions of California Civil Code §2923.52 do not apply because: The loan was made, purchased or serviced by a California state or local public housing agency or authority, including state or local house finance agencies established under Division 21 (commencing with Section 50000) of the Health and Safety Code and Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 980) of Division 4 of the Military and Veterans Code. The loan is collateral for securities purchased by a California state or local public housing agency or authority, including state or local house finance agencies established under Division 21 (commencing with Section 50000) of the Health and Safety Code and Chapter 6 (commencing with Section 980) of Division 4 of the Military and Veterans Code. Dated: 10/6/2010 Law Offices of Les Zieve, as Trustee, 18377 Beach Blvd., Suite 210, Huntington Beach, California 92648 Automated Sale Information Line: (714) 848-9272 or For NonAutomated Sale Information, call: (714) 848-7920 Christine O'Brien, Trustee Sale Officer THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION WE OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. EPP 5646. 10/15, 10/22, 10/29/2010. CN 10591

FINANCIAL, INC. , dba Trustee Corps, as the duly appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust Recorded on 09/30/2004 as Instrument No. 20040932489 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County, CA, executed by: Fabiola Terriquez, a married woman, as her sole and separate property, as Trustor, in favor of Mcmillin Real Estate and Mortgage Company, Inc, as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, that certain property situated in said County, California describing the land therein as: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 4940 Luna Drive , Oceanside, CA 92057 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the Note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said Note(s), advances if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligations secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Trustee’s Sale is estimated to be $263,233.83 (Estimated), provided, however, prepayment premiums, accrued interest and advances will increase this figure prior to sale. Beneficiary`s bid at said sale may include all or part of said amount. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept a cashier`s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the California Financial Code and authorized to do business in California, or other such funds as may be acceptable to the trustee. In the event tender other than cash is accepted, the Trustee may withhold the issuance of the Trustee`s Deed Upon Sale until funds become available to the payee or endorsee as a matter of right. The property offered for sale excludes all funds held on account by the property receiver, if applicable. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder`s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. DATE: 10/15/2010 MTC FINANCIAL, INC. dba Trustee Corps TS No. CA05001677-10-1 17100 Gillette Ave Irvine, CA 92614 949-252-8300 Clarisa Gastelum, Authorized Signature SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE AT AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 714-573-1965 Compliance with California Civil Code Section 2924f: The Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agent has indicated that the requirements of California Civil Code Section 2924f have been met. Regarding the property that is the subject of this notice of sale, the "mortgage loan servicer" as defined in Civil Code § 2923.53(k)(3) declares that it has obtained from the Commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Civil Code section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date this notice of sale is recorded. The time frame for giving a notice of sale specified in Civil Code Section 2923.52 subdivision (a) does not apply to this notice of sale pursuant to Civil Code Sections 2923.52. Clarisa Gastelum, Authorized Signature TRUSTEE CORPS IS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. P751073 10/15, 10/22, 10/29/2010 CN 10588

ings association, or savings bank At the entrance to the east county regional center by Statue, 250 E. Main Street El Cajon, California, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: Completely described in said deed of trust The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 1221 Sea Village Drive Encinitas CA 92007 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be held, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, condition or encumbrances, including fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to pay the remaining principal sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $333,888.40. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located. Regarding the property that is the subject of this notice of sale, the "mortgage loan servicer" as defined in civil code § 2923.53(k)(3), declares that it has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to civil code section 2923.53 and that the exemption is current and valid on the date this notice of sale is recorded. the time frame for giving a notice of sale specified in civil code section 2923.52 subdivision (a) does not apply to this notice of sale pursuant to civil code sections 2923.52. California Declaration I, John Kennerty, of America’s Servicing Company (“Mortgage Loan Servicer”), declare under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, that the following is true and correct: The Mortgage Loan Services has obtained from the Commissioner of Corporation a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to California Civil code Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the accompanying Notice of Sale is filed. AND/OR The timeframe for giving Notice of Sale specified in subdivision (a) of Civil Code Section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or 2923.55. Date and Place: 7/03/09 Fort Mill, South Carolina Name of Signor: John Kennerty Title and/or Position VP Communication For sales information: Mon-Fri 9:00am to 4:00pm (619) 590-1221. Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation, 525 East Main Street, P.O. Box 22004, El Cajon, CA 92022-9004 Dated: October 15, 2010. (R-346949 10/15/10, 10/22/10, 10/29/10) CN 10587

TS No. T10-63730-CA / APN: 161461-47-00 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 2/2/2004. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, Cashier’s Check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to a deed of trust described below. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer, or authorized agent, declares as follows: [X] The mortgage loan servicer has obtained from the com-

Trustee Sale No.: 20090187503612 Title Order No.: 922562 FHA/VA/PMI No.: NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 5/9/2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NDex West, LLC, as duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust Recorded on 05/20/2005 as Instrument No. 2005-0427394 of official records in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California. Executed By: Arturo Ramirez Mendoza, will sell at public auction to highest bidder for cash, cashier’s check/cash equivalent or other form of payment authorized by 2924h(b), (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States). Date of Sale: 11/4/2010 Time of Sale: 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At the entrance to the East County Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA Street Address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 4749 Calle Estrella, Oceanside, CA 92057 APN#: 157-295-09-00 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $356,291.79. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to sell to be recorded in the County where the real property is located. For Trustee Sale Information Please Call: Priority Posting & Publishing 17501 Irvine Blvd., Suite One Tustin, CA 92780 714-573-1965 NDex West, LLC as Trustee Dated: 10/6/2010 NDex West, LLC may be acting as a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. P755449 10/15, 10/22, 10/29/2010 CN 10592 T.S. No. 10-09681 APN: 158-051-1916 Loan No. 0215899 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A

NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE T.S No. 1288813-10 APN: 157-322-04 TRA: 07030 LOAN NO: Xxxxx3043 REF: Martin, Trevor IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED June 08, 2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On November 04, 2010, at 10:00am, Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation, as duly appointed trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded June 11, 2007, as Inst. No. 2007-0393246 in book XX, page XX of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, State of California, executed by Trevor Martin, A Single Man, will sell at NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE T.S public auction to highest bidder for No. 1288021-10 APN: 261-233-04 TRA: 19036 LOAN NO: Xxxxxx6677 cash, cashier’s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check REF: Yeomans, Jeff IMPORTANT drawn by a state or federal credit NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan associaDEED OF TRUST, DATED August tion, savings association, or savings 01, 2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE bank At the entrance to the east ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR county regional center by Statue, PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT 250 E. Main Street El Cajon, A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED California, all right, title and interAN EXPLANATION OF THE est conveyed to and now held by it NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING under said Deed of Trust in the AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD property situated in said County CONTACT A LAWYER. On Trustee Sale No. CA05001677-10-1 November 04, 2010, at 10:00am, Cal- and State described as: Completely Loan No. 1004810378 Title Order No. 100407962-CA-LPI APN 157-213- Western Reconveyance Corporation, described in said deed of trust The street address and other common as duly appointed trustee under 27 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE designation, if any, of the real propYOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A and pursuant to Deed of Trust erty described above is purported recorded August 08, 2005, as Inst. DEED OF TRUST DATED No. 2005-0672881 in book XX, page to be: 124 Harding St Oceanside 9/22/2004. UNLESS YOU TAKE XX of Official Records in the office CA 92057 The undersigned Trustee ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR disclaims any liability for any incorof the County Recorder of San PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT rectness of the street address and Diego County, State of California, A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED other common designation, if any, executed by Jeff Yeomans, A AN EXPLANATION OF THE shown herein. Said sale will be Married Person, will sell at public NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS held, but without covenant or warauction to highest bidder for cash, AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD ranty, express or implied, regarding cashier’s check drawn on a state or CONTACT A LAWYER. On title, possession, condition or national bank, a check drawn by a 11/9/2010 at 10:00 AM, At the encumbrances, including fees, state or federal credit union, or a entrance to the East County charges and expenses of the Trustee check drawn by a state or federal Regional Center by statue, 250 E. and of the trusts created by said savings and loan association, savMain Street, El Cajon, CA MTC


OCT. 15, 2010


Legals 800

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Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located and more than three months have elapsed since such recordation. This Firm Is Attempting To Collect A Debt. Any Information Obtained Will Be Used For That Purpose. Date: 10/1/10 Integrated Lender Services 2411 West La Palma Ave. Suite 350, Building No. 1 Anaheim, CA 92801, as Trustee (714) 822-3342 For Sale Information please call: (714) 573-1965 Sem Martinez, Trustee Sale Officer FORM 7 FOR ATTACHMENT TO NOTICE OF SALE AFTER JUNE 15, 2009 Ts no. 60377 Loan no. 902734892 ADDENDUM TO NOTICE OF SALE CIVIL CODE §2923.54 The Mortgage Loan Serviceer has (__) has not (_X_) obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Civil Code Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date filed of execution of this addendum, and the Mortgage Loan Servicer is not aware of any pending or threatened rejection or suspension of the Order of Exemption by the Commissioner. and The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does (_X_) does not (__) apply pursuant to the Section 2923.53 or 2923.55. “I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct, and that this document was executed on 8/04/10, at Wilmington Delaware.” ING Bank, FSB By: Rebecca Hoffman (Print Name Legibly) Its: Default Associate (Print Title Legibly) P754027 10/8, 10/15, 10/22/2010 CN 10579

NATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. A public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier's check drawn on a state or national bank, check drawn by state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings association, or savings bank specified in Section 5102 to the Financial code and authorized to do business in this state, will be held by duly appointed trustee. The sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by the Deed of Trust, with interest and late charges thereon, as provided in the note(s), advances, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): C. SAMUEL MARASCO III AND ANNE L. MARASCO, HUSBAND AND WIFE AS COMMUNITY PROPERTY WITH RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIP Recorded: 10/25/2006 as Instrument No. 2006-0758732 in book xxx, page xxx of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of SAN DIEGO County, California; Date of Sale: 10/29/2010 at 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At the South entrance to the County Courthouse, 220 West Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $1,996,331.36 The purported property address is: 710 COLE RANCH RD ENCINITAS, CA 92024 Assessors Parcel No. 265-352-04 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the property address or other common designation, if any, shown herein. If no street address or other common designation is shown, please refer to the referenced legal description for property location. In the event no common address or common designation of the property is provided herein directions to the location of the property may be obtained within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale by sending a written request to OneWest Bank, FSB 2900 Esperanza Crossing Austin TX 78758. Pursuant to California Civil Code 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer or authorized agent, declares as follows: [ 1 ] The mortgage loan servicer has not obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed; [ 2 ] The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 does apply to this notice of sale. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or the Mortgagee's Attorney. Date: 9/27/2010 Quality Loan Service Corp. 2141 5th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 619-645-7711 For NON SALE information only Sale Line: 714-730-2727 or Login to: Reinstatement Line: (877) 908-4357 Quality Loan Service, Corp. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holder's rights against the real property only. THIS NOTICE IS SENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF COLLECTING A DEBT. THIS FIRM IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT ON BEHALF OF THE HOLDER AND OWNER OF THE NOTE. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED BY OR PROVIDED TO THIS FIRM OR THE CREDITOR WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. ASAP# 3752010 10/08/2010, 10/15/2010, 10/22/2010 CN 10573

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charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to-wit: $272,056.00 (Estimated) Accrued interest and additional advances, if any, will increase this figure prior to sale. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located and more than three months have elapsed since such recordation. Requirements of SB1137 have been met pursuant to the Notice of Sale Declaration of record. The mortgage loan servicer has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the notice of sale is filed. DATE: 9/30/2010 Elaine Malone, Assistant Secretary & Assistant Vice President Aztec Foreclosure Corporation c/o 4665 MacArthur Court, Suite 250 Newport Beach, CA 92660 Phone: (800) 731-0850 or (602) 222-5711 Fax: (847)627-8803 For Trustee's Sale Information Call 714-573-7777 P753324 10/8, 10/15, 10/22/2010 CN 10571

of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holder’s rights against the real property only. This notice is sent for the purpose of collecting a debt. This firm is attempting to collect a debt on behalf of the holder and owner of the note. Any information obtained by or provided to this firm or the creditor will be used for that purpose. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. P752629 10/8, 10/15, 10/22/2010 CN 10570

Legals 800

CASHIER’S CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT or other form of payment authorized by 2924h(b), (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States) At the entrance to the East County Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: As more fully described in the above mentioned Deed of Trust APN# 254-16408-00 The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 860 Capri Road, Encinitas, CA 92024 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common T.S. No. 2010213 Loan No.: designation, if any, shown herein. 1715167183-18/MORRIS NOTICE Said sale will be made, but without OF TRUSTEE’S SALE UNDER covenant or warranty, expressed or DEED OF TRUST YOU ARE IN implied, regarding title, possession, DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, DATED 2/29/2008 UNLESS or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT note(s) secured by said Deed of YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU Trust, with interest thereon, as proNEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE vided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING Trust, fees, charges and expenses of AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD the Trustee and of the trusts creatCONTACT A LAWYER. Notice is ed by said Deed of Trust. The total hereby given that UNIONBANCAL amount of the unpaid balance of MORTGAGE CORPORATION, as trustee, or successor trustee, or sub- the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estistituted trustee pursuant to the mated costs, expenses and advances Deed of Trust executed by Stephanie Brooks Morris, an unmar- at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $792,826.92 ried woman recorded 03/05/2008 TS # CA-10-339791-BM Order # The beneficiary under said Deed of Inst.# 2008-0114165 of Official 30216011 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S Records in the office of the County Trust heretofore executed and SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT delivered to the undersigned a writRecorder of San Diego County, UNDER A DEED OF TRUST ten Declaration of Default and California, and pursuant to the DATED 5/5/2005. UNLESS YOU Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT Sell thereunder recorded 3/29/2010 Notice of Default and Election to YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU Inst. # 2010-0152579 of said Official Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE Records, will sell on 10/29/2010 at sell to be recorded in the County 10:00 AM: At the entrance to the NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING where the real property is located. East County Regional Center by AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS Date: 09/29/2010 First American statue, 250 E. Main Street, El CONTACT A LAWYER. A public No. 09-0041921 Title Order No. 09-8Title Insurance Company First Cajon, CA at public auction to the auction sale to the highest bidder 126966 Investor/Insurer No. for cash, cashier’s check drawn on a highest bidder for cash (payable at American Trustee Servicing 156190866 APN No. 259-380-45-00 state or national bank, check drawn time of sale in lawful money of the Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A LoanStar Trustee Services, LLC 3 United States) (Note: Cashier’s by a state or federal credit union, DEED OF TRUST, DATED First American Way Santa Ana, CA check(s) must be made payable to or a check drawn by a state or fed01/08/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE 92707 The beneficiary or servicing eral savings and loan association, or UnionBanCal Mortgage ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR agent declares that it has obtained savings association, or savings bank Corporation) all right, title and PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT from the Commissioner of interest conveyed to and now held specified in Section 5102 to the A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED Corporations a final or temporary by it under said Deed of Trust in Financial Code and authorized to AN EXPLANATION OF THE order of exemption pursuant to the property situated in said do business in this state, will be NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING California Civil Code Section held by duly appointed trustee. The County and State described as: As AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD 2923.53 that is current and valid on more fully described in said Deed sale will be made, but without CONTACT A LAWYER." Notice is the date the Notice of Sale is filed of Trust The property heretofore covenant or warranty, expressed or hereby given that RECONTRUST implied, regarding title, possession, described is being sold “as is”. The and/or the timeframe for giving COMPANY, N.A., as duly appointed Notice of Sale specified in subdivistreet address and other common or encumbrances, to pay the trustee pursuant to the Deed of designation, if any, of the real prop- sion (s) of California Civil Code remaining principal sum of the Trust executed by ERNESTO Section 2923.52 applies and has erty described above is purported note(s) secured by the Deed of TADEO, AND AGUEDA TADEO, been provided or the loan is exempt Trust, with interest and late charges to be: 7574 Gibraltar St B HUSBAND AND WIFE AS JOINT thereon, as provided in the note(s), Carlsbad, CA 92009 APN# 216-300- from the requirements. First TENANTS, dated 01/08/2007 and American Trustee Servicing 27-05 The undersigned Trustee disadvances, under the terms of the recorded 01/17/07, as Instrument Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American claims any liability for any incorDeed of Trust, interest thereon, No. 2007-0033402, in Book -, Page LoanStar Trustee Services, LLC rectness of the street address and fees, charges and expenses of the 8947), of Official Records in the may be acting as a debt collector Trustee for the total amount (at the other common designation, if any, office of the County Recorder of attempting to collect a debt. Any time of the initial publication of the shown herein. The total amount of San Diego County, State of information obtained may be used Notice of Sale) reasonably estimat- the unpaid balance of the obligaCalifornia, will sell on 11/05/2010 at Trustee Sale No. 60377 Loan No. for that purpose. For Trustee’s Sale tion secured by the property to be ed to be set forth below. The 902734892 Title Order No. 1138615- 10:00AM, At the South entrance to Information Please Call (714) 573sold and reasonable estimated amount may be greater on the day the County Courthouse, 220 West 05 APN 158-383-15 TRA No. 07102 costs, expenses and advances at the 1965 P752671 10/8, 10/15, of sale. BENEFICIARY MAY Broadway, San Diego, CA 92101 at NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE time of the initial publication of the 10/22/2010 CN 10564 ELECT TO BID LESS THAN THE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A public auction, to the highest bidNotice of Sale is $55,596.03. The TOTAL AMOUNT DUE. Trustor(s): der for cash or check as described DEED OF TRUST DATED Christopher A. Musel & Venessa N. Beneficiary may elect to bid less below, payable in full at time of 02/11/2008. UNLESS YOU TAKE Musel, husband and wife as commu- than the full credit bid. In addition T.S. No. T10-63211-CA / APN: 158sale, all right, title, and interest ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR nity property Recorded: 05/13/2005 to cash, the Trustee will accept a conveyed to and now held by it PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT 051-19-29 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S cashier’s check drawn on a state or as Instrument No. 2005-0407891 in under said Deed of Trust, in the A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT national bank, a check drawn by a book XXX, page XXX of Official property situated in said County AN EXPLANATION OF THE UNDER A DEED OF TRUST state or federal credit union or a Records in the Office of the and State and as more fully NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS DATED 6/30/2006. UNLESS YOU check drawn by a state or federal Recorder of San Diego County, described in the above referenced AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT California; Date of Sale: 10/29/2010 savings and loan association, savDeed of Trust. The street address CONTACT A LAWYER. On YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE ings association or savings bank at 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At the and other common designation, if 10/29/2010 at 10:00AM, Integrated SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU specified in Section 5102 of the entrance to the East County any, of the real property described Lender Services, A Delaware NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE Financial Code and authorized to Regional Center by statue, 250 E. above is purported to be: 736 Corporation as the duly appointed NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING Main Street, El Cajon, CA Amount do business in this state. In the CREST DR, ENCINITAS, CA, Trustee under and pursuant to AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD Trustee Sale No. 09-509036 INC event tender other than cash is of unpaid balance and other 920244035. The undersigned Deed of Trust Recorded on 2/19/08 CONTACT A LAWYER. A public Title Order No. 090309218-CA-DCI charges: $241,405.54 The purported accepted, the Trustee may withhold auction sale to the highest bidder Trustee disclaims any liability for as instrument No. 2008-0082995 of APN 162-322-23 NOTICE OF the issuance of the Trustee’s Deed property address is: 5010 Los official records in the Office of the any incorrectness of the street for cash, Cashier’s Check drawn on TRUSTEE'S SALE YOU ARE IN Morros Way Unit 22. Oceanside, CA until funds become available to the a state or national bank, check address and other common designaRecorder of San Diego County, DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF 92057 Assessors Parcel No. 157-040- payee or endorsee as a matter of tion, if any, shown herein. The total California, executed by: Laura drawn by a state or federal credit TRUST DATED 12/21/2007. right. Said sale will be made, but 52 The undersigned Trustee disamount of the unpaid balance with Marissa Ruelas, a married woman union, or a check drawn by a state UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO without covenant or warranty, claims any liability for any incorinterest thereon of the obligation as her sole and separate property, or federal savings and loan associaPROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT rectness of the property address or expressed or implied, regarding secured by the property to be sold as Trustor, ING Bank, FSB, as tion, or savings association, or savMAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC title, possession or encumbrances, other common designation, if any, plus reasonable estimated costs, Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBings bank specified in section 5102 SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLAto satisfy the indebtedness secured of the Financial Code and authorexpenses and advances at the time LIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST NATION OF THE NATURE OF THE shown herein. If no street address by said Deed, advances thereunder, ized to do business in this state will or other common designation is of the initial publication of the BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, with interest as provided therein, shown, please refer to the refertime of sale in lawful money of the Notice of Sale is $630,651.37. It is be held by the duly appointed YOU SHOULD CONTACT A enced legal description for property and the unpaid principal of the possible that at the time of sale the United States by cash, a cashier’s trustee as shown below, of all right, LAWYER. On 10/29/2010 at 10:00 note secured by said deed with opening bid may be less than the check drawn by a state or national title, and interest conveyed to and AM, Aztec Foreclosure Corporation location. In the event no common interest thereon as provided in said now held by the trustee in the hereaddress or common designation of total indebtedness due. In addition bank, a check drawn by a state or as the duly appointed Trustee Note, fees, charges and expenses of inafter described property under the property is provided herein to cash, the Trustee will accept federal credit union, or a check under and pursuant to Deed of the trustee and of the trusts creatdirections to the location of the drawn by a state or federal savings cashier's checks drawn on a state or and pursuant to a deed of trust Trust Recorded on 12/31/2007 in property may be obtained within 10 ed by said Deed of Trust. The mort- described below. The sale will be and loan association, savings associ- national bank, a check drawn by a Instrument No. 2007-0802487 of state or federal credit union, or a ation or savings bank specified in made, but without covenant or warofficial records in the Office of the days of the date of first publication gage loan servicer,, beneficiary, or authorized agent has not obtained of this Notice of Sale by sending a check drawn by a state or federal section 5102 of the Financial Code ranty, expressed or implied, regardRecorder of San Diego County, form the commissioner a final of written request to MetLife Home savings and loan association, savand authorized to do business in ing title, possession, or encumCalifornia, executed by: William N temporary order of exemption pur- brances, to pay the remaining prinLoans a division of MetLife Bank ings association, or savings bank this state.) At the entrance to the Smith and Irene L Smith Husband suant to Section 2923.53 The timeeast county regional center by stat- specified in Section 5102 of the cipal sum of the note(s) secured by and Wife, as Trustor, OneWest Bank NA 4000 Horizon Way Foreclosure frame for giving notice of sale spec- the Deed of Trust, with interest and Financial Code and authorized to ue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, FSB, as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT Dept. #6205 Irving TX 75063. ified in subdivision (a) of Section Pursuant to California Civil Code CA, all right, title and interest con- do business in this state. Said sale late charges thereon, as provided in PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGH§2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf 2923.52 has been met. Unionbancal the note(s), advances, under the will be made, in an ''AS IS'' condiveyed to and now held by it under EST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable Mortgage Corporation 8248 of the beneficiary, loan servicer or tion, but without covenant or warsaid Deed of Trust in the property terms of the Deed of Trust, interest at time of sale in lawful money of Mercury Court, M-520, PO Box authorized agent, declares as folranty, express or implied, regarding situated in said County, California thereon, fees, charges and expenses the United States, by cash, a 85416 San Diego, California 92186title, possession or encumbrances, describing the land therein: As of the Trustee for the total amount cashier's check drawn by a state or lows: [ 1 ] The mortgage loan ser5416 By Toni Scandlyn, Asst. Vice vicer has not obtained from the more fully described in said deed of to satisfy the indebtedness secured (at the time of the initial publicanational bank, a check drawn by a President P752364, 10/8, 10/15, commissioner a final or temporary by said Deed of Trust, advances trust The property heretofore tion of the Notice of Sale) reasonstate or federal credit union, or a 10/22/2010 CN 10566 order of exemption pursuant to described is being sold “as is”. The thereunder, with interest as providably estimated to be set forth check drawn by a state or federal Section 2923.53 that is current and ed, and the unpaid principal of the street address and other common below. The amount may be greater savings and loan association, savvalid on the date the notice of sale designation, if any, of the real prop- Note secured by said Deed of Trust on the day of sale. Pursuant to ings association, or savings bank is filed; [ 2 ] The timeframe for giv- TSG No.: 4412525 TS No.: with interest thereon as provided in erty described above is purported California Civil Code Section specified in section 5102 of the ing notice of sale specified in subdi- CA1000196852 FHA/VA/PMI No.: said Note, plus fees, charges and to be: 4472 White Pine Way, 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf Financial Code and authorized to vision (a) of Section 2923.52 does expenses of the Trustee and of the Oceanside, Ca 92057. The underof the beneficiary, loan servicer, or APN: 254-164-08-00 NOTICE OF Loan No. Title Order No. 05802932 do business in this state), At the apply to this notice of sale. If the signed Trustee disclaims any liabili- trusts created by said Deed of authorized agent, declares as folentrance to the East County TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN Ref. Trustee’s Sale No. 10-10081 Trustee is unable to convey title for DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF Trust. DATED: 07/02/2009 RECONty for any incorrectness of the lows: [X] The mortgage loan serRegional Center by statue, 250 E. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE TRUST COMPANY, N.A. 1800 Tapo YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Main Street, El Cajon, CA, all right, any reason, the successful bidder’s street address and other common vicer has obtained from the comTRUST, DATED 05/13/2005. sole and exclusive remedy shall be Canyon Rd., CA6-914-01-94 SIMI designation, if any, shown herein. missioner a final or temporary title and interest conveyed to and UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO DEED OF TRUST DATED the return of monies paid to the Said sale will be made, but without VALLEY, CA 93063 Phone: (800) order of exemption pursuant to now held by it under said Deed of PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT 10/13/2008, UNLESS YOU TAKE Trustee, and the successful bidder 281 8219, Sale Information (626) covenant or warranty, express or Section 2923.53 that is current and Trust in the property situated in MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR shall have no further recourse. If implied, regarding title, possession, 927-4399 By: - Trustee's Sale Officer PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT valid on the date the notice of sale said County, California described SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLAthe sale is set aside for any reason, NATION OF THE NATURE OF THE is filed and [X] The timeframe for RECONTRUST COMPANY, N.A. is a A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED or encumbrances, to pay the as: 3529 BUFFUM DRIVE, debt collector attempting to collect AN EXPLANATION OF THE remaining principal sum of the Oceanside, CA 92057 The property the Purchaser at the sale shall be PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU giving notice of sale specified in entitled only to a return of the a debt. Any information obtained note(s) secured by said Deed of subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 heretofore described is being sold SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. NATURE OF THE OF THE PROdeposit paid. The Purchaser shall will be used for that purpose. Trust, with interest thereon as prodoes not apply pursuant to Section "as is". The undersigned Trustee On 10/28/2010 at 10:00 AM, First CEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU ASAP# 3753240 10/08/2010, vided in said note(s), advances, if 2923.52 or 2923.55 Trustor: Gary disclaims any liability for any incor- have no further recourse against American Trustee Servicing SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee, or 10/15/2010, 10/22/2010 CN 10574 any, under the terms of said Deed rectness of the street address and Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American Winters, a married man as his sole On 10/29/2010, at 10:00 AM., C&H the Mortgagee’s Attorney. Date: of Trust, fees, charges and expenses and separate property Duly other common designation, if any, LoanStar Trustee Services LLC, as Trust Deed Service, as the duly 9/29/2010 Quality Loan Service of the trustee and of the trusts creAppointed Trustee: CR Title shown herein. Said sale will be duly appointed Trustee under and appointed Trustee, or substituted ated by said Deed of Trust, to wit, pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded Services, Inc. c/o Pite Duncan, 4375 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE TS # Trustee, under the certain Deed of made, but without covenant or war- Corp. 2141 5th Avenue San Diego, $355,167.17 (Estimated) Accrued 05/16/2005, as Instrument No. 2005- Jutland Drive, Suite 200, San Diego, Trust executed by: Jerald Sliffe and ranty, expressed or implied, regard- CA 92101 (619) 645-7711 For NON CA-08-227600-TC Order # SALE information only Sale Line: interest and additional advances, if 080164211-CA-DCI YOU ARE IN 0411763, in book , page , of Official CA 92117 877-576-0472 Recorded Melissa Sliffe, husband and wife, as ing title, possession, or encumany, will increase this figure prior brances, to pay the remaining prin- (714) 573-1965 or Login to: www.pri- Records in the office of the County 07/06/2006 as Instrument No. 2006Trustor, to secure obligations in DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF to sale. The beneficiary under said 0478761 in book , page of Official cipal sum of the note(s) secured by Reinstatement Recorder of San Diego County, favor of Ron Franzese and Holli TRUST DATED 10/12/2006. Line: 619-645-7711 Quality Loan Deed of Trust heretofore executed Records in the office of the said Deed of Trust, with interest State of California. Executed by: Franzese, husband and wife asa UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO and delivered to the undersigned a PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT Recorder of San Diego County, thereon, as provided in said note(s), Service, Corp. If you have previous- Brad English, a single man, WILL community property with right of written Declaration of Default and California, Date of Sale: 10/29/2010 SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO survivorship, as to an undivided one advances, if any, under the terms of ly been discharged through bankMAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC ruptcy, you may have been released HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, Demand for Sale, and a written at 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At the the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, half interest, and John E. SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLADeed of Trust, to pay the remaining principal sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $357,238.70. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the county where the real property is located. Regarding the property that is the subject of this notice of sale, the "mortgage loan servicer" as defined in civil code § 2923.53(k)(3), declares that it has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to civil code section 2923.53 and that the exemption is current and valid on the date this notice of sale is recorded. the time frame for giving a notice of sale specified in civil code section 2923.52 subdivision (a) does not apply to this notice of sale pursuant to civil code sections 2923.52. Pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf of the beneficiary, loan servicer, or authorized agent, declares as follows: The mortgage loan servicer has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date this Notice of Sale is filed. (2) The timeframe for giving notice of sale as specified in subdivision (a) of section 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to Section 2923.52 or 2923.55 The undersigned loan services authorizes CalWestern REconveyance Corporation to execute the Notice of Sale on its behalf containing or attaching the above declaration required by California Civil Code Section 2923.54 regarding its exemption from California Civil Code Section 2923.52 CitiMortgage, Inc By: Aaron Menro Title: VP For sales information: Mon-Fri 9:00am to 4:00pm (619) 590-1221. Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation, 525 East Main Street, P.O. Box 22004, El Cajon, CA 92022-9004 Dated: October 12, 2010. (R-344387 10/15/10, 10/22/10, 10/29/10) CN 10586

Dudenhoeffer and Margaret M. Dudenhoeffer, Trustees or Successor Trustees of the J&J Revocable Trust Dated August 23, 2004, as to an undivided One Half Interest, as beneficiary, recorded on 10/24/2008, as Instrument No. 20080557534 in book --, page --, of Official Records in the office of the County Recorder of San Diego County. Will sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, or cashier’s check (This Trustee requests that cashier’s checks be made payable to C&H Trust Deed Service directly) (payable at time of sale in lawful money of the United States, by cash, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or national bank, a state or federal credit union, or a state or federal savings and loan association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the financial code and authorized to do business in this state) At the entrance to the East County Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by in under said deed of trust in and to the following described real property situated in said the aforesaid County and State, to wit: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust The Street address or other common designation, of the abovedescribed property is purported to be: 4782 Sleeping Indian Fallbrook, CA 92028 Assessor’s Parcel No. 121130-43 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and/or other common designation, if any, shown hereinabove. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trusts, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to wit: Said property is being sold for the express purpose of paying the obligations secured by said Deed of Trust, including, fees and expenses of sale. The total amount of the unpaid principal balance, interest thereon, together with reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Trustee’s Sale is $242,354.25. Beneficiary may elect to bid less than the above debt amount at the time of sale. The beneficiary under said deed of trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned Trustee caused said Notice of Default and Election to Sell to be recorded in the County were the real property is located and more than three months have elapsed since such recordation. For sale information, please call (714) 5731965 or Online at Dated: 9/30/2010 C&H Trust Deed Service, as Trustee By: Heather Halavais, Trustee Sale Officer 1 Orchard Road, Ste 110 Lake Forest California 92630-8315 P753627 10/8, 10/15, 10/22/2010 CN 10572

OCT. 15, 2010

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County Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA All right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: As more fully described in the above mentioned Deed of Trust APN# 122-386-21 The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 4809 Marblehead Bay Drive, Oceanside, CA 92057 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances

AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 11/2/2010 at 10:00 AM, At the entrance to the East County Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA MTC FINANCIAL, INC. , dba Trustee Corps, as the duly appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust Recorded on 10/31/2005 as Instrument No. 20050946453 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County, CA, executed by: Lance K. Arsenault and Valerie A. Arsenault, husband and wife as joint tenants, as Trustor, in favor of Opteum Financial Services, LLC, as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, that certain property situated in said County, California describing the land therein as: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 1411 San Simeon Street , Oceanside, CA 92054 The under-

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thereon, as provided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $297,086.86. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to sell to be recorded in the County where the real property is located. For Trustee Sale Information Please Call: Priority Posting & Publishing, Inc. 17501 Irvine Blvd., Suite One Tustin, CA 92780 714-573-1965 NDex West, L.L.C. as Trustee Dated: 10/02/2010 NDex West, L.L.C. may be acting as a debt collector attempting to collect a debt. Any information obtained will be used for that purpose. P748647 10/8, 10/15, 10/22/2010 CN 10554

expenses of sale. The total amount of the unpaid principal balance, interest thereon, together with reasonably estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Trustee’s Sale is $157,404.74. In compliance with California Civil Code 2923.5(c), the mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent declares: that it has contacted the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosure; or that it has made efforts to contact the borrower(s) to assess their financial situation and to explore options to avoid foreclosure by one or more of the following methods: by telephone, by United States mail; either 1st class or certified; by overnight delivery; by personal delivery; by e-mail; by face to face meeting or the borrower has surrendered the property to the mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent and that the compliance with Civil Code Section 2923.5 was made at least thirty (30) days prior to the date of this Notice of Sale. The mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or authorized agent declares: it has obtained a prior to the date of this Notice of Sale. The

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county regional center by Statue, 250 E. Main Street El Cajon, California, all right, title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: PARCEL 1: RESIDENTIAL LOT NO. 3 AND GARAGE LOT NO. 4 OF SEA BLUFFE VILLAGE, IN THE CITY OF ENCINITAS, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7274, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MAY 3, 1972, TOGETHER WITH ALL STRUCTURES, IMPROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANCES THEREON. PARCEL 2: A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT TO BE USED IN COMMON WITH OTHERS, FOR ROAD PURPOSES OVER THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 422, 423 AND 425 OF SEA BLUFFE VILLAGE, IN THE CITY OF ENCINITAS, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7274, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MAY 3, 1972 AS SHOWN AND IDENTIFIED ON THE MAP OF SAID TRACT AS SEWER EASEMENTS. (SHOWN AS PARCELS 1 TO 11, INCLUSIVE, ON SHEET 10 OF SAID MAPS). PARCEL 3: A NON-EXCLUSIVE EASEMENT FOR INGRESS, EGRESS AND/OR DRIVEWAY PURPOSES, OVER THOSE PORTIONS OF LOTS 422 AND 423 OF SEA BLUFFE VILLAGE, IN THE CITY OF ENCINITAS, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ACCORDING TO MAP THEREOF NO. 7274, FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAN DIEGO COUNTY, MAY 3, 1972 THAT LIES BETWEEN PARCELS 1 AND 2. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 1871 Haymarket Rd Encinitas CA 92024-1018 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be held, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, condition or encumbrances, including fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust, to pay the remaining principal sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is: $107,456.20. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a writ“Having worked closely with Adam for over 15 years I can personally attest to his ten declaration of Default and competency and professionalism. He works hard to stay at the forefront of tax law Demand for Sale, and a written and his commitment to his clients is paramount. Our relationship has evolved over Notice of Default and Election to the years to the point where Adam is one of the first people that I call before followSell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to ing through on any financial transaction. He is an expert strategist while still keepSell to be recorded in the county ing his eye on the nut and bolts of tax preparation. I would strongly recommend where the real property is located. Adam as a CPA and tax strategist to anyone.” – Bob Ctvrtlik, Olympic gold Regarding the property that is the A Professional Corporation medalist, businessman and member of the International Olympic Committee subject of this notice of sale, the "mortgage loan servicer" as defined in civil code § 2923.53(k)(3), declares that it has obtained from the commissioner a final or temporary order of exempat the time of the initial publication signed Trustee disclaims any liabili- DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORmortgagee, trustee, beneficiary, or tion pursuant to civil code section of the Notice of Sale is $578,828.11. ty for any incorrectness of the authorized agent declares: it has MATION OBTAINED WILL BE 2923.53 and that the exemption is The beneficiary under said Deed of street address and other common Trustee’s Sale No. 05-SF-97325 YOU obtained a final or temporary order current and valid on the date this USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Trust heretofore executed and of exemption and said order is cur- notice of sale is recorded. the time designation, if any, shown herein. P750174 10/8, 10/15, 10/22/2010 CN ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A delivered to the undersigned a writ- Said sale will be made, but without 10555 DEED OF TRUST DATED rent and valid as of the date of the frame for giving a notice of sale ten Declaration of Default and 4/12/2006. UNLESS YOU TAKE Notice and the time frame set forth specified in civil code section covenant or warranty, express or Demand for Sale, and a written ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR in California Civil Code § 2923.54 implied, regarding title, possession, 2923.52 subdivision (a) does not Notice of Default and Election to Trustee Sale No.: 20100169808078 PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT does not cover this loan. Dated: or encumbrances, to pay the apply to this notice of sale pursuant Sell. The undersigned caused said Title Order No.: 100393979 A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED 10/8/2010 REGIONAL SERVICE remaining principal sum of the to civil code sections 2923.52. This Notice of Default and Election to FHA/VA/PMI No.: 81972842 AN EXPLANATION OF THE CORPORATION, Trustee 616 1st Note(s) secured by said Deed of California Declaration is made pursell to be recorded in the County NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING Avenue, Suite 500 Seattle, WA Trust, with interest thereon, as pro- NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE suant to California Civil Code where the real property is located. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD 98104 By Jean Greagor, AUTHOvided in said Note(s), advances if Section 2923.54 and is to be includDate: 09/27/2010 First American CONTACT A LAWYER. NOTICE OF RIZED AGENT Agent for Trustee: any, under the terms of the Deed of DEED OF TRUST, DATED ed with the Notice of Sale. I, Title Insurance Company First 10/29/2008. UNLESS YOU TAKE TRUSTEE’S SALE On 10/29/2010, PRIORITY POSTING & PUBLISHTrust, estimated fees, charges and Jaimee Gonzales, of Wachovia American Trustee Servicing ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR at 10:00 AM, At the entrance to the ING 17501 IRVINE BLVD, SUITE #1 Mortgage, FSB (‘Mortgage Loan expenses of the Trustee and of the Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American trusts created by said Deed of PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT East County Regional Center by TUSTIN, CA 92780 Telephone Servicer’), declare under penalty of LoanStar Trustee Services, LLC 3 A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED statue, 250 E. Main Street, in the Number: (800) 542-2550 Sale Trust. The total amount of the perjury, under the laws of the State First American Way Santa Ana, CA AN EXPLANATION OF THE City El Cajon, County of San Diego, Information: (714) 573-1965 or unpaid balance of the obligations of California, that the following is 92707 The beneficiary or servicing NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING State of California, REGIONAL P746650 secured by the property to be sold true and correct: The Mortgage agent declares that it has obtained and reasonable estimated costs, AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD SERVICE CORPORATION, a 10/8, 10/15, 10/22/2010 CN 10553 Loan Servicer has obtained from from the Commissioner of CONTACT A LAWYER. NDex West, California corporation, as duly expenses and advances at the time the Commissioner of Corporation a Corporations LLC, as duly appointed Trustee appointed Trustee under that cerof the initial publication of the final or temporary order of exempa final or temporary order of tain Deed of Trust executed by NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE T.S Notice of Trustee’s Sale is estimated under and pursuant to Deed of tion pursuant to California Civil exemption pursuant to California Mike Wyborney, Jr and and No. 1287454-02 APN: 254-440-02 to be $443,009.36 (Estimated), pro- Trust Recorded on 10/31/2008 as Code Section 2923.53 that is curCivil Code Section 2923.53 that is Roxanne Wyborney, who are marTRA: 19141 LOAN NO: Xxxxxx9829 rent and valid on the date the vided, however, prepayment premi- Instrument No. 2008-0572384 of TSG No.: 3997386 TS No.: current and valid on the date the ried to each other, as Trustors, REF: Gonzales, Arlene K IMPORums, accrued interest and advances official records in the office of the 20099073500158 FHA/VA/PMI No.: accompanying notice of sale is filed Notice of Sale is filed and/or the County Recorder of San Diego recorded on 04/28/2006, as TANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY will increase this figure prior to APN: 122-386-21 NOTICE OF AND The timeframe for giving timeframe for giving Notice of Sale sale. Beneficiary`s bid at said sale County, State of California. Instrument No. 2006-0300154, of OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN notice of sale specified in subdivispecified in subdivision (s) of Executed By: Shirley Burnett, will Official Records in the office of the UNDER A DEED OF TRUST, may include all or part of said DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF sion (a) of Civil Code Section California Civil Code Section sell at public auction to highest bid- Recorder of San Diego County, DATED April 05, 2007. UNLESS amount. In addition to cash, the TRUST, DATED 08/25/2006. 2923.52 does not apply pursuant to 2923.52 applies and has been proder for cash, cashier’s check/cash State of CALIFORNIA, under the YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT Trustee will accept a cashier`s UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO Section 2923.52 or 2923.55. Date: vided or the loan is exempt from equivalent or other form of paypower of sale therein contained, YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE check drawn on a state or national PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT 7/22/09 Name of Signor: Jaimee the requirements. First American ment authorized by 2924h(b), WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU Gonzales Title and/or Position: Vice bank, a check drawn by a state or MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC Trustee Servicing Solutions, LLC (payable at time of sale in lawful TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, for NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE President For sales information: federal credit union or a check SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLAcash, or cashier’s check (payable at NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING drawn by a state or federal savings money of the United States). Date NATION OF THE NATURE OF THE f/k/a First American LoanStar Mon-Fri 9:00am to 4:00pm (619) the time of sale in lawful money of AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD and loan association, savings associ- of Sale: 10/28/2010 Time of Sale: PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU Trustee Services, LLC may be act590-1221. Cal-Western ing as a debt collector attempting the United States) without warran- CONTACT A LAWYER. On October Reconveyance Corporation, 525 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At the ation or savings bank specified in SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. to collect a debt. Any information ty express or implied as to title, entrance to the East County 28, 2010, at 10:00am, Cal-Western Section 5102 of the California On 10/28/2010 at 10:00 AM, First East Main Street, P.O. Box 22004, El obtained may be used for that pur- Financial Code and authorized to Regional Center by statue, 250 E. use, possession or encumbrances, Reconveyance Corporation, as duly Cajon, CA 92022-9004 Dated: American Trustee Servicing all right, title and interest conveyed appointed trustee under and purMain Street, El Cajon, CA. Street Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American pose. For Trustee’s Sale Information do business in California, or other October 08, 2010. (R-343806 Please Call (714) 573-1965 P751390 such funds as may be acceptable to Address and other common desigto and now held by it as such suant to Deed of Trust recorded LoanStar Trustee Services LLC, as 10/08/10, 10/15/10, 10/22/10) CN 10/8, 10/15, 10/22/2010 CN 10556 nation, if any, of the real property Trustee, in and to the following April 25, 2007, as Inst. No. 2007the trustee. In the event tender duly appointed Trustee under and 10552 described above is purported to be: described property situated in the 0280841 in book XX, page XX of other than cash is accepted, the pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded aforesaid County and State, to-wit: 524 Via De La Valle E, Solana Official Records in the office of the Trustee may withhold the issuance 09/01/2006, as Instrument No. 2006Beach, CA 92075 APN#: 298-560-21- TAX PARCEL NO. 161-642-30-00 County Recorder of San Diego of the Trustee`s Deed Upon Sale 0625323, in book , page , of Official Trustee Sale No. CA08000823-10-1 T.S. No. T10-63193-CA / APN: 160From information which the Trustee County, State of California, execut- 360-50-00 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S until funds become available to the 25 The undersigned Trustee disRecords in the office of the County Loan No. 9000416341 Title Order claims any liability for any incordeems reliable, but for which ed by Arlene K Gonzales, An No. 100382467-CA-GTI APN 144payee or endorsee as a matter of Recorder of San Diego County, SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT Trustee makes no representation or Unmarried Woman, will sell at pub092-32 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S right. The property offered for sale rectness of the street address and State of California. Executed by: other common designation, if any, warranty, the street address or lic auction to highest bidder for excludes all funds held on account Agustin Hernandez, WILL SELL AT SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT other common designation of the cash, cashier’s check drawn on a UNDER A DEED OF TRUST by the property receiver, if applica- shown herein. Said sale will be PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST state or national bank, a check DATED 10/26/2005. UNLESS YOU ble. If the Trustee is unable to con- made, but without covenant or war- above described property is purBIDDER FOR CASH, CASHIER’S ported to be 1346 Via Isidro, ranty, expressed or implied, regarddrawn by a state or federal credit TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT vey title for any reason, the successCHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT or Oceanside, CA 92056. Said property union, or a check drawn by a state YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE ful bidder`s sole and exclusive rem- ing title, possession, or encumother form of payment authorized brances, to pay the remaining prin- is being sold for the purpose of pay- or federal savings and loan associaSOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU edy shall be the return of monies by 2924h(b), (payable at time of tion, savings association, or savings NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE paid to the Trustee and the success- cipal sum of the note(s) secured by ing the obligations secured by said sale in lawful money of the United Deed of Trust, including fees and said Deed of Trust, with interest bank At the entrance to the east ful bidder shall have no further States) At the entrance to the East NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS entrance to the East County Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $397,965.98 Street Address or other common designation of real property: 305 Island Way, Unit 5 Oceanside, CA 92054-4771 A.P.N.: 158-051-19-29 Legal Description: Parcel 1: An undivided fee simple interest as a tenant in common in and to the common area within the building envelope in which tile residential unit described below is located equal to the reciprocal of the number of residential units located within such building envelope, as shown on the Condominium Plan of Pelican Cove, phase 3 recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County on November 9, 2005 as Instrument No. 2005-0975344 (''Condominium Plan''), which is situated within Module C located within Lot 1. of Pelican Cove, in the City of Oceanside, County of San Diego, State of California, according to map thereof no. 15171, on file in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, November 7, 2005. Parcel 2: Residential Unit No. 29, as shown and defined on the condominium plan. further reserving therefrom non-exclusive easements for maintenance, encroachment, support, repair, drainage and all other purposes as described in the declaration. Parcel 3: A non-exclusive easement for access, ingress and egress, on, over, under, along and across the roadway module Parcel 4: An exclusive use easement over the portion of the common area and/or Association Property (all as defined in the declaration and as shown in the Condominium Plan) designated as being appurtenant to the Residential Unit in the Condominium Plan. Parcel 5: A nonexclusive easement, in common with other owners, for ingress, egress, use and enjoyment, over, in, to and throughout the association property shown on the Condominium Plan and over, in, to and throughout the association property of the other phases of the property described in the declaration excepting therefrom any exclusive use common areas situated thereon, which easements are appurtenant to the Parcels described above, subject to the provisions of the declaration. this easement shall become effective as to each of said other phases, respectively, upon (i) recordation of a supplementary declaration, declaring such phases, respectively, to be subject to the declaration, and (ii) conveyance of the first condominium in each respective phase, all as more fully set forth in the declaration. The Association Property referred to herein as to each of such phases shall be as shown and described on the condominium plan covering each such phase recorded in the Office of the County Recorder of San Diego County, California, this non-exclusive easement is further subject to any exclusive or nonexclusive easements reserved in the declaration and the Condominium Plan. The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. The Trustee shall incur no liability for any good faith error in stating the proper amount of unpaid balances and charges. For sales information please contact Priority Posting and Publishing at or (714) 573-1965 Reinstatement Line: 877576-0472 Date: 10/8/2010 CR Title Services, Inc. 1000 Technology Drive MS 314 O’Fallon, MO 63368 Kimberly Lee, Trustee Specialist Federal Law requires us to notify you that we are acting as a debt collector. If you are currently in a bankruptcy or have received a discharge in bankruptcy as to this obligation, this communication is intended for informational purposes only and is not an attempt to collect a debt in violation of the automatic stay or the discharge injunction. P751498 10/8, 10/15, 10/22/2010 CN 10562

recourse. DATE: 10/8/2010 MTC FINANCIAL, INC. dba Trustee Corps TS No. CA08000823-10-1 17100 Gillette Ave Irvine, CA 92614 949-252-8300 Clarisa Gastelum, Authorized Signature SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE AT AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 714-573-1965 Compliance with California Civil Code Section 2924f: The Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agent has indicated that the requirements of California Civil Code Section 2924f have been met. Regarding the property that is the subject of this notice of sale, the "mortgage loan servicer" as defined in Civil Code § 2923.53(k)(3) declares that it has not obtained from the Commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Civil Code section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date this notice of sale is recorded. The time frame for giving a notice of sale specified in Civil Code Section 2923.52 subdivision (a) does not apply to this notice of sale pursuant to Civil Code Sections 2923.52. Clarisa Gastelum, Authorized Signature TRUSTEE CORPS IS A


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More Legals Page B16


OCT. 15, 2010


Russian literature focus at library

San Dieguito Academy rummage sale is back ENCINITAS — The San Dieguito Academy Foundation and its Athletic Council will host the second annual Rummage Sale from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Oct. 16 at the San Dieguito Academy, 800 Santa Fe Drive in the student parking lot, on the northwest corner of the campus. SDA Mustangs athletic teams are sponsoring spaces in a fun “swap-meet” environment, with a wide variety of items for sale, including food and refreshments. “We were excited by the success of last year’s inaugural rummage sale and hope this adds to the traditions of our school and our neighbors getting together for a fun day of community,” said Athletic Council Co-Chair Robert MacPhee. “What better way to spend a day than finding bargains and great deals on things you just can’t live without? Best of all, all proceeds go to support our students and their extracurricular programs.” Any unsold items will be donated to AMVETS of San Diego.

Fabulous foliage up for a steal ENCINITAS — Gardening enthusiasts, or those wanting to spruce up their yard, won’t want to miss the interesting and diverse plant sale coming up at San Diego Botanic Garden 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Oct.16 and Oct. 17. Admission is $12 for adults, $8 for seniors, students and military. San Diego Botanic Garden will hold one of its most popular events of the year — the Fall Plant Sale, now in its 28th year. Donations from more than 100 local growers, wholesalers, retail nurseries and individuals make this sale unique. Because plants are donated, the garden can sell them at discount prices. Plant selections include California natives, cacti, succulents, bromeliads, fruit trees, and subtropicals. Also for sale are garden-related items, used books, jams and baked goods. They suggest you bring a small wagon to carry your prized purchases out.There will also be an opportunity drawing and the popular Bakery Shoppe. For information call (760) 436-3036, ext. 206 or visit www.SDB

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EAGLE SCOUT Alexander Morris, 18, of Oceanside recently earned his Eagle Scout rank. Morris is a member of Boy Scout Crew 729 and attends UCSD where he is majoring in computer science. To complete the requirements to earn the Eagle rank, Morris completed a leadership project of light installation and refurbishment of the admissions booth for the Antique Gas & Steam Engine Museum. Courtesy photo

Quail Gardens at the annual Del Mar Fair. In spite of his advanced ALS, which confined him to a wheelchair, Teague continued to consult with others and offer his landscape advice (always free) up until the very end of his life. In fact, according to his wife, Linda,Teague’s last day was most fitting: he died on the way home from a trip to the San Diego Botanic Garden to show his daughter, Susan, one of his recent landscape creations. “Bill Teague has had a very important and lasting impact on this garden, which began with his having helped establish the American Bamboo Society at Quail Botanical Gardens in the late 1970s,” said Julian Duval, president of the San Diego Botanic Garden. “His ability as a plantsman and garden designer and how he was able to share this and develop these talents in other people will clearly live on forever. He will be so terribly missed not only for his amazing talent but also for the welcoming and unique and gentle manner he expressed to all.Also never one to permit —let alone tolerate— the recognition he so rightly deserved, it will be impossible for anyone to recount his many accomplishments.” A Celebration of Teague’s life is planned for Nov. 14 at the San Diego Botanic Garden in Encinitas. For more information, call (760) 436-3036. A service is also planned for the Del Mar community at Del Mar Powerhouse Park. In lieu of flowers, the Teague family

suggests donations to: San Diego Botanic Garden, Bill Teague Garden Fund, P.O. Box 230005, Encinitas, CA 92023; Friends of Powerhouse Park, P.O. Box 297, Del Mar, CA 92014; or the ALS Association. In addition to his wife, Linda, Teague is survived by his sister Mari Lynn Teague of Corona; his son Christopher Teague and wife Marilyn of Irvine; his daughter Susan and husband Michael Bergevin of Tustin; and grandchildren, Katie, Cassady, and Kevin. Teague loved plants so much that this was even reflected in his choice of a mate. Like Teague, Linda holds a degree in Ornamental Horticulture from Cal Poly and was a founding member of the Del Mar Garden Club. Teague and Linda opened their unique and eclectic garden to several garden tours to raise money for public landscape projects. “Teague was a naturalist and a plants man in the truest sense of the word,” said fellow Del Mar gardener and author Pat Welsh. “His passion for the natural world can be seen in countless gardens throughout San Diego County. He so loved landscape design, he often joked he would ‘pay people to let him design their gardens.’ Teague favored the natural look as opposed to more formal designs, but could bring magic and something new and unique to both. Key elements of a Bill Teague design are year-round color, expertly placed boulders, and varied elevations. His design aes-

thetic was also informed by the travels that he and especially his artist/floral designer wife Linda made to Japan.” Welsh and other Teague friends and neighbors recall the days before Teague became ill, when he would rise before dawn and — while most folks were still asleep — drive around the neighborhood, depositing well-chosen plants in public landscapes and medians throughout Del Mar, without charge or fanfare. Many people who saw Teague unloading plants from his familiar gray van and sticking them in the ground didn’t have the vaguest idea who he was. At the Del Mar Post Office garden, members of the Del Mar Garden Club would weed out a patch of earth on a Tuesday morning and by Wednesday morning, as if by magic, it would be filled again with an excellent choice of new plants — all freely chosen, donated, and planted by Teague. More often than not, he would discover new and exceptional plants that few people knew about. He would plant and promote them so that eventually they became widely used. “Teague liked doing his good deeds secretly and then driving away unseen like the good angel he was,” said Welsh. “He did not care for any kind of thanks or publicity. I can imagine that now he will be one of Heaven’s best new angels since he already was well-practiced at doing good deeds in secret ways so no one could guess who did them.”

Priuses for commercial use, is not a factor if you don’t no plug-in hybrids are expect- mind using gasoline. CONTINUED FROM B5 — Will an EV save you ed for retail customers until money? Depending on your the Volt’s overall range to 2012. electricity rates, driving an more than 300 miles before it needs to stop for a fill-up or Questions to consider EV can be less expensive than — How far do you drive? filling up at the pump. Elecrecharge. — Plug-in hybrids. They If you will be using the car tricity costs an average of 11 are essentially conventional only for running local errands cents per kilowatt-hour in the gas/electric hybrid cars with a or you have a relatively short United States. At about 3 larger battery that allows commute, say 20 to 30 miles miles per kWh (the rough effithem to operate on electric each way, a dedicated electric ciency engineers estimate for power more of the time, car with a 100-mile range, most of today’s EVs), that’s although they can’t go gas- such as the Leaf, would prob- about 4 cents a mile. With gas free for long stretches. While ably fit your needs. With an costing about $2.80 a gallon, a Toyota is field-testing plug-in extended-range EV, distance car such as the Toyota Corolla,

which gets very good fuel economy of 30 mpg, would cost about 9 cents a mile for fuel. — How will you charge your car? A standard 100-volt outlet might work for charging the Volt, but you could be hard-pressed to charge a dedicated EV overnight. You’ll also need a charger, which currently costs between $700 and $1,200.



passions was teaching. Teague generously and patiently gave his time to inspiring others and sharing his immense plant knowledge. He continued to conduct garden tours and talks until within a month of his passing.” Teague was born May 2, 1944 in Palo Alto and raised in Corona. His great-grandparents laid the foundation for citrus production in Corona with the Jameson Citrus company. In 1967,Teague graduated from Cal Poly University Pomona with a bachelor of science degree in Ornamental Horticulture. He then spent a long and successful career — 33 years — as a protea and eucalyptus grower in North County, where he was one of the early commercial floriculturists specializing in protea and Australian flowers. Teague retired as a commercial grower approximately a decade ago, and began working as a horticulturist at what was then the Quail Botanical Gardens. At this time, he also began to design private gardens and donate many hours of time and expertise for public landscaping and garden projects. He often collaborated with the Del Mar Garden Club, resulting in the Del Mar Post Office garden, the landscaped median across from the Del Mar Fairgrounds, just to name a few. For the last several years, Teague designed numerous award-winning gardens for both the San Diego Horticultural Society and


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OCEANSIDE — Readers fascinated by major political and religious changes in Russian history will find many opportunities to expand their studies of this rich culture at 6 p.m. Oct. 19 at the Oceanside Public Library, 330 N. Coast Highway 101. The guest speaker will be Amelia Glaser, an assistant professor of Russian and Comparative Literature at UCSD. Glaser is currently completing a book, “To and From the Fair,” which reveals the importance of Gogol to Russian, Ukrainian and Yiddish literature. A free lecture and discussion focused on Nikolai Gogol, Russian novelist, dramatist, satirist, and founder of so-called “critical realism” in Russian literature, best-known for his novel “Dead Souls,” will be presented at the Civic Center Library. The 19th century was the Golden Age for Russia’s national literature. In this period Russian literature developed its tradition, history and distinct language. Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Chekhov, and Gogol were all part of “the century of classics,” as the period of these core writers is known. The program will be in the Board Room (enter through Library Administration, second floor). This event is sponsored by the Friends of the Oceanside Public Library. For more information, visit or call (760) 4355657.

Event set to celebrate Carlsbad man’s life CARLSBAD — William Loomis Todd, born Oct. 15, 1984, died in his sleep in Mountain View, Hawaii, on Sept. 28. Todd is the son of Robbin Todd of Carlsbad and is also survived by younger brothers Evan Phillip Todd and Adam Miles Todd and by his grandparents Norma and Bill Graves of Redmond,Ore. A celebration of life will be held at 3 p.m. Oct. 15 at Cadencia Park, 3310 Cadencia St. near Carpa Court. Bring a chair or blanket. Todd was a 2003 graduate of San Dieguito Academy High School. He was attending the University of Hawaii, Hilo, with plans to graduate in December with a Bachelor of Arts degree in English literature. After graduation, he had planned to go to Japan and teach English. Todd loved reading and writing, and there are plans to publish some of his work posthumously. “Many who knew him TURN TO CELEBRATION ON B15

OCT. 15, 2010



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CARLSBAD Single story in private Aviara Point, 3BR/4BA MLS# 100040317 $1,895,500 CARLSBAD Stunning remodel, custom cabinets and sinks both baths MLS# 100058308 $347,000 CARLSBAD Lots of privacy this 2BR/1BA single story end corner unit MLS# 100052002 $318,000 CARLSBAD Bike to beach, close to all, very nice single story MLS# 100059162 $314,000 CARLSBAD Biggest lot in Vistamar w/detached casita MLS# 100047460 $689,000 CARLSBAD Beautifully remodeled property featured on HGTV MLS# 100050607 $537,500 CARLSBAD Located in award winning Carlsbad School District MLS# 100054550 $575-$625,000 CARLSBAD Immaculate single story home on over-sized parcel MLS# 100050811 $579,500-619,000 CARMEL VALLEY Tastefully upgraded 3BR/2BA home, spa/waterfall, BBQ MLS# 100056272 $520,000 CARMEL VALLEY Wonderful 3BR floorplan with great room and fireplace MLS# 100025183 $729,000 CARMEL VALLEY Nicely updated "Haycyon" condo with dual master BR MLS# 100045227 $449,500 ENCINITAS Classic Beach Crafstman designed by Don Grover MLS# 100026691 $1,099-1,200,000 ENCINITAS Breathtaking 280 degree view of ocean and city lights MLS# 100048757 $2,495,000 ENCINITAS Come & experience gorgeous ocean vus from most rms MLS# 100043192 $689-729,000 ENCINITAS Almost 1/3 level acre, currently a duplex, value in land MLS# 100050467 $575-595,000 ENCINITAS Particularly nice view lot and quiet location this 4BR/2BA MLS# 100051999 $569,500 ENCINITAS Traditional signature estate rebuilt in 2002, privately gated MLS# 100052057 $2,998,000 ENCINITAS Amazing home situated on over .50 acre w/pano vus MLS# 100051497 $1,695,000 ENCINITAS Encinitas fixer, needs a lot of yardwork, large yard MLS#100051156 $424,998 ENCINITAS Minutes from Pacific ocean this opp to own l/4 acre w/hm MLS# 100000450 $650,000 ENCINITAS Hidden Leucadian neighborhood, pano ocean views MLS# 100040785 $765,000 ENCINITAS Absolutely the best cul-desac location, superior floor plan MLS# 100056529 $669,900 ENCINITAS Immaculate, well-kept older home, move in ready MLS# 100047696 $485,000 ENCINITAS Approx 1 acre graded with panoramic views MLS# 100050163 $645,000 ENCINITAS Ocean front with adorable 1BD guest home MLS# 100045056 $2,990,000

ENCINITAS Great vacation home, fantastic investment opportunity MLS# 100050636 $925,000 ENCINITAS Rare opp to own a one of a kind property on the water MLS# 100029930 $5,385,000 ENCINITAS Few steps to I Street Beach and few blocks to Moonlight MLS# 100024791 $829,900 ENCINITAS High Country Villa unit with private front and back yards MLS# 100032098 $295,000 ENCINITAS Beautifully renovated and upraded tis 2BR/2BA twinhome MLS# 100024602 $499,000 ENCINITAS Completely remodeled 2BR/1BA with ocean view MLS# 100041636 $439,000 ENCINITAS Exceedingly delightful 2BR/1BA townhome, private patio MLS# 100058194 $329,300 ESCONDIDO Property is zoned CG General Commercial per City. MLS# 100017232 $159,988 ESCONDIDO 5.79 flat acares on Del Dio Hwy east Via Rancho Pkwy MLS# 090066835 $645,000 PT LOMA Serene ocean views and dramatic sunsets, 2BR/1.5BA MLS# 100053288 $799,900 OCEANSIDE Completely gated this 3BR/2BA that backs to open field MLS# 100058875 $299,000 OCEANSIDE Elegant home with whitewater and harbor views MLS# 100048965 $725,000 OCEANSIDE California pool home has a secluded, fun for parties yard MLS# 100058914 $595,000 OCEANSIDE Great organic veggie garden in big sunny yard MLS# 100040817 $239,000 OCEANSIDE Fire Mtn like new home with two lots and ocean views MLS# 100050412 $899,000 OCEANSIDE Beautiful Fire Mtn area, located on large corner lot MLS# 100019202 $485,000 OCEANSIDE Absolutely beautifully upgraded single level home MLS# 100027482 $370,000 OCEANSIDE San Luis model with two master bedrooms on split level MLS# 100035360 $265,000 OCEANSIDE Short sale price approved at $335,000, clean and bright MLS# 100043027 $335,000 OCEANSIDE Clean, comfortable, moveready home w/great curb appeal MLS#100055153 $350-375,000 OCEANSIDE Move in ready this beautiful single story 55+home MLS# 100047893 $145,000 RAMONA Private, very quiet, come see panoramic views MLS# 100042619 $599,000 RANCHO STA FE Beautiful Spanish style one story home in the covenant MLS# 100040724 $1,750,000 RANCHO STA FE Lovingly maintained by one owner, Whispering Palms MLS# 100007576 $895,000 SAN MARCOS Nice floor plan with 4BR/3BA, one of each downstairs MLS# 100043020 $340,000

SAN MARCOS Sought after complex this great end location MLS# 100054423 $227,000 SAN MARCOS 2.5 level acres in prestigious area of Twin Oaks Valley MLS# 100037345 $349,500 SAN MARCOS Ready to move in this one story 55+ 2BR/2BA, gated MLS# 100024786 $239,900 SAN MARCOS Location Location this 6BR/4.5BA on large lot w/views MLS# 100049981 $749,900-$775,900 SAN MARCOS Shows like a model this Larkspur Heights Plan 2 MLS# 100046584 $270,000 SAN MARCOS Home features 2BR/2BA/wood flooring/vaulted ceilings MLS# 100055488 $219,000 SOLANA BEACH Utilities below ground this wonderful corner ocean vu lot MLS# 100041485 $799,000 SOLANA BEACH All utilities underground and plans for smart home w/vu MLS# 100041487 $699,000 SOLANA BEACH Two story very open and bright home on private road MLS# 100045858 $1,130-1,180,000 SOLANA BEACH Wonderful 2BR/2BA loft home in prime Triple Crown Loc MLS# 100058323 $485-515,000 VISTA Well cared for executive home w/pool, spa, and view MLS# 100053299 $650,000 VISTA Almost l/2 acre on border of Oceanside, cute house MLS# 100007479 $340,000 VISTA Living room features adobe fireplace, built in seating MLS# 100020061 $275-325,000 VISTA Absolutely gorgeous estate property on five rolling acres MLS# 100033287 $999,999 VISTA Charming 3BR/2BA on almost a half acre, open floor plan MLS# 100053640 $289-335,000 VISTA Home needs some TLC, but loads of potential, 3BR/2BA MLS# 100054167 $279,000 VISTA Beautiful 4.52 acres with amazing views MLS# 090063624 $250-299,000 VISTA Beautiful 3BR/2BA on 1/2 acres with amazing views MLS# 100034885 $349,000 VISTA .54 acres, beautiful spot for home with mature trees MLS# 10000195 $97,000 VISTA Private, tropical oasis with 5BR/3BA resort style home MLS# 100053722 $575,000 SAN DIEGO Downtown living at its finest at the Mills MLS #100023074 $145-155,000 SAN DIEGO In Little Italy neighborhood, Aqua Vista building MLS# 100051046 $260,000 SAN DIEGO Vintage home, detached granny flat and another home MLS# 100051486 $1,090,000 SAN DIEGO Excellent opp to own a building w/great rental history MLS# 100050062 $1,300,000 SAN DIEGO Exclusive Bay Park home close to Mission Bay MLS# 100052955 $529,990 SAN DIEGO Spacious 3BR/2.5BA University Canyon townhome MLS# 100048861 $430,000 SAN DIEGO Beautiful showplace in University Heights, come see MLS# 100058470 $149,900-169,900 SAN DIEGO Great vacation/first home close to the beach MLS# 100018565 $330,000

Encinitas/Rancho Santa Fe


Carlsbad/La Costa/Oceanside

Del Mar/Solana Beach

Vista/Escondido/San Marcos






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OCT. 15, 2010


What’s old is new again at Vintage Sanctuary By Lillian Cox

OCEANSIDE — Stephanie Meek celebrates “dress up” 365 days of the year at her Vintage Sanctuary shop located at 625 S. Coast Highway 101. She says it was actually a terminal case of “Beatlemania” and an affinity for 1960s-era clothing that inspired her to open the resale store 12 years ago. “The Beatles not only changed music but also the way we looked at the world and fashion,” she said. Today the boutique specializes in clothes, accessories and memorabilia from the 1920s through the 1980s. This includes spats, flapper dress-

es, poodle skirts, crocheted bell-bottomed pants and an original Wonder Woman costume. She also has beaded purses, clothes and vintage jewelry. “The price is determined by the label, the condition and the demand,” Meek said. “The 1950s, 1960s and 1970s are the best sellers with the best profit.” Meek acquires her best merchandise at estate sales that she scours early on weekend mornings. It takes at least a week to prepare her purchases for sale. “My mother is the backbone of my business — she’s washing, she’s ironing, she’s steaming, she’d mending,”

Meek said. “I pride myself in carrying pristine clothing.” Meek said she also gets a lot of clothes from patrons at the nostalgic 101 Café next door. “They’ll come in and say, ‘I have so many clothes, I should get rid of things,’” she said. “I’ll go to their home. That’s where I get the good stuff, especially men’s clothes and ties.” Costumers and designers from the entertainment industry in Los Angeles travel to Vintage Sanctuary to have the opportunity of picking through Meek’s racks. Hearst Castle also uses vintage clothing from the store for its evening shows in

which actors are dressed up as guests at a 1930s-era party hosted by Hearst himself. Last summer Susanna Kurner of the New Village Arts Theatre in Carlsbad visited the shop for help with the production of “The Seven Year Itch.” “Stephanie was gracious enough to allow us to raid her store,” she said. “We decided to go with ‘Mad Men’ style. Since I was the costume designer I was able to dig through everything and get some great stuff.” In addition to what’s available in her 500-squarefoot store, Meek has so much TURN TO SANCTUARY ON B15

NO PLACE LIKE HOME Vintage Sanctuary specializes in preowned, one-of-a-kind costumes from Wonder Woman to Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, including ruby slippers. Photo by Lillian Cox

Pala Casino hosts free October concert series PALA — Pala Casino Spa & Resort continues its free concert series featuring tribute bands at 8 p.m. on Saturdays during October in the Grand Cabaret. The Video Dance Parties will continue on Fridays. DJ Tunetyme spins dance and R&B hits while original videos of the artists play on a large screen. The schedule includes: — Video Dance Party at 9

p.m. Oct.15 — Travis Allen, A Tribute to Elvis Presley at 8 p.m. Oct. 16 — Video Dance Party at 9 p.m. Oct. 22 — Vitalogy, A Tribute to Pearl Jam at 8 p.m. Oct. 23 — Video Dance Party at 9 p.m. Oct. 29 — Don’t Stop Believin’, A Tribute to Journey at 8 p.m. Oct. 30

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1. Henry’s Oceanside: 471 College Blvd. 2. Henry’s Encinitas: 1327 Encinitas Blvd. 3. Henry’s Carlsbad: 2618 El Camino Real 4. Henry’s Carlsbad: 3243 Camino de los Coches 5. Henry’s Solana Beach: 659 Lomas Santa Fe

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Spooky fundraiser for cheetah preservation ENCINITAS — The San Diego chapter of the Cheetah Conservation Fund is joining together with Soup Plantation, 109 N. El Camino Real, on Oct. 28 to help save cheetahs from extinction. Soup Plantation will donate 20 percent of each bill to support the Cheetah Conservation Fund. “The San Diego Chapter is thrilled to be working together with Soup Plantation to host our first Halloween fundraising event. Costumes are welcomed,” Christine Marino, public relations officer for CCF San Diego Chapter, said. Supporters may download a copy of the flier found on CCF’s website at and present it to the cashier.The flier is good for takeout or dine-in and with a minimum purchase of one meal and a beverage, Soup Plantation will donate 20 percent of the bill to CCF. CCF was founded in Namibia by Laurie Marker in 1990 with the mission: “to be the world’s resource charged with protecting the cheetah and ultimately TURN TO CHEETAH ON B15

Del Mar cuts parking fees for holidays DEL MAR — Although not quite free, at 50 cents per hour, parking in Del Mar is now considerably more of a bargain. Each year during the pre-holiday shopping season, Del Mar reduces the parking meter fees as part of the city’s effort to encourage more shoppers to visit the Village area. This lower parking rate took affect Oct. 4, for the meters under the Inn L’Auberge on 15th Street. The meters are user friendly and show the time purchased on a clear digital display. The meters accept quarters that are available from a nearby change machine. The meters are enforced every day from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. After 8 p.m. parking is free. The Inn parking garage entrance is on 15th Street, one block west of the corner of Camino Del Mar. The garage is close to the Plaza shopping area, the Post Office, and within walking distance to Seagrove Park, the Powerhouse Community Center, and the beach. The city offers oneyear permits to park in the L’Auberge lot and pre-paid permits for use throughout the city. Call (858) 755-9354 for more information about the permits or visit the Parking Information page on the city website.



OCT. 15, 2010

Renovation ready for Del Mar Highlands center CARMEL VALLEY — Responding to the wishes of local residents and community members, Del Mar Highlands Town Center will soon be home to three new restaurants and a luxury boutique movie theater. Coming soon is Rimel’s Rotisserie, an active Southern California lifestyle inspired restaurant, featuring Mexican and Asian influences; The Counter, a 21st-century version of a burger joint; and Carmel Valley Swirls, a frozen yogurt shop. Additionally, the existing UltraStar Cinemas movie theater will undergo an extensive upgrade inside and out, converting to a new boutique concept premiering at the Del Mar Highlands Town Center. “We’ve listened to our guests and they’ve made it clear that they would like more food and entertainment options in the community,” said Elizabeth Schreiber, vice president and general manager for Donahue Schriber, owner and operator of the Del Mar Highlands Town Center. “Our team has been working with existing and potential tenants to ensure our reimagined Del Mar Highlands Town

Center offers a variety of quality dining and enhanced entertainment in line with the community’s desires, based on the feedback we’ve gathered.” After conducting a national search of boutique theater operators, Donahue Schriber concluded that UltraStar Cinemas would provide the community of Carmel Valley upscale movie experiences through its new UltraLuxe cinema concept complete with unique amenities. Among the features the revamped theater will offer include Pure Digital Cinema technology; luxury high-back reclining chairs; eight auditoriums featuring four state-ofthe-art Pure Digital 3D screens; in-seat food ordering; special VIP viewing rooms with extra large leather chairs and private party opportunities; a Cinema Café offering an assortment of gourmet movie fare; and online ticketing. Another new feature of the theater will be the convenience of reserved seating, which allows movie patrons to reserve specific seats for any showing ahead of time.

Rimel’s Rotisserie is best known for their fresh ingredients including locally sourced meats, poultry and seafood. Since opening the first restaurant in 1993 on Torrey Pines Road, owner Matt Rimel has expanded Rimel’s

Restaurants with the newest at Del Mar Highlands Town Center. “Rimel’s is excited to expand to Carmel Valley,” Rimel said. “We hope to become a family fixture in the community as we have in our

other locations. We know our food speaks for itself — it’s all natural, healthy — and we’re pleased to bring it to the Del Mar Highlands Town Center.” Also coming to Del Mar TURN TO HIGHLANDS ON B14


OCT. 15, 2010


HOCKEY STARS Led by Coach Carly Sweeney and Coach Melanie Brill, the La Costa Canyon High School girls hockey team, including Aline Schmitz, Erica Dorr, Lauren LaBar, Caitlin Solomon, Jenna Maffucci, Megan Lax, Sara Nolte, Sarah Chamberlain, Caitlin Zirpolo, Blaire Bender, Eden Borsack, Jolie Kresch, Annie Lovell, Devon Ritchie, Kim Alcorn, Julia Heyman, Chloe Mungovan, Hannah Drawbridge and Natalie Ford, came home winners from the Serra Tournament with a 2-1 comeback victory over Fallbrook Oct. 3. Senior Annie Lovell was named the Most Valuable Player of the tournament. Courtesy photo


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Highlands Town Center is The Counter. The restaurant greets each guest with a clipboard and a list of fresh ingredients for them to use to design their own gourmet burger. The restaurant boasts a fun, family atmosphere and more than 300,000 possible custom burger combinations. A fourth new tenant, Carmel Valley Swirls, will be located in the soon-to-be renovated amphitheater area at the center. The yogurt shop is owned by Evan Wilensky, a graduate of Torrey Pines High School. Wilensky opened his first Swirls location in Del Mar and a second shop in Encinitas shortly thereafter. The Carmel Valley Swirls will be home to more than 51 rotating flavors, with 10 flavors available each day and many flavors created daily including Cake Batter, Red Velvet, Tart Pomegranate, Dolce De Leche, Plain Tart, Cookies & Cream and Dreamy Peanut Butter. The yogurt shop offers more than 30 toppings for customers to enjoy including fresh fruits prepared daily. Most of the yogurt flavors are nonfat and Swirls has a selection of no sugar added and non-dairy flavors. The yogurt’s claim to fame is that it is proven to lower cholesterol, improve digestion,

increase metabolism and stimulate the immune system. “Carmel Valley Swirls is a perfect fit for the amphitheater area in which guests will be able to grab a bite to eat, see a movie or enjoy some live entertainment,” Schreiber said. The existing movie theater will close in early January to undergo its extensive renovation and reopen approximately six months later. Rimel’s, The Counter and Carmel Valley Swirls are expected to open by the mid 2011. The Del Mar Highlands Town Center renovation is anticipated to be complete by summer of 2011. Originally developed by Donahue Schriber in 1989, the Del Mar Highlands Town Center continues to be the dominant community shopping center in the Carmel Valley area. The center is at the corner of Del Mar Heights Road and El Camino Real and is anchored by Ralph’s Fresh Fare, Rite Aid, Ultra Star Cinemas, Barnes & Noble and Jimbo’s … Naturally. Additionally, the renovation will improve parking, traffic flow and the overall pedestrian experience at the Del Mar Highlands Town Center. For more information about the Del Mar Highlands Town Center or the renovation, visit www.delmarhigh


VINTAGE WEAR Stephanie Meek models a designer dress from her collection at the Vintage Sanctuary in Oceanside. The price is $125. Her store attracts buyers STRAIGHT FROM THE far and wide including private parSTAGE This costume from ties, costume designers, indeVintage Sanctuary was pur- pendent film producers, represenchased from the New York City tatives from the television industry Opera. Photo by Lillian Cox and historic sites such as Hearst her is the new demand for Castle. Photo by Lillian Cox

retro audio systems. “Everybody was so excit- players and hi-fi console stereed about iPods when they os.” For more information, came out,” she said. “Now call Meek at (760) 439-4535. they want records, record

our Carlsbad home that we had grown from a seed, bringing a piece of our old will remember that Will house to our new one. As a loved trees,” his mother said. youngster, he brought home “We brought a small tree to a seedling pine home from a

friend’s house that now stands 20 feet tall.” The family asks, in lieu of flowers, that friends find a spot and plant a tree in Todd’s memory.

best practices in research, education and ecology and create a sustainable model from which all other species, including people, will benefit.” CCFUSA is a Registered Nonprofit 501(c) 3: #31-

1726923. Donations are fully tax-deductible. For more information on CCF’s research, conservation and education programs, contact CCF at (714) 363-8556 or visit

livelihood of more than three million disabled service men and women and their families. She will blog about her on Capitol Hill and in State Houses across the country experiences throughout the directly affects the lives and walk at http://walkingforthose To make a donation to the memorial, visit Musselmann’s Memorial Ambassador page at

divided between men and women. Sometimes there are even more men. “Guys finally figured out that women like to dance,” he said. “If you’re a guy and like to dance, you’ll meet more women.” Mary and Ken McArthur, charter members of the San Diego Hustle Club, met at a studio dance a few years ago. Mary says dancing also pro-

vides a rigorous workout while having fun. “If you dance two to four dances, that’s 10 minutes,” she said. “It gets my heart rate up.” Dance North County is located at 535 Encinitas Blvd., Suite 100, Encinitas. For class schedules and more information visit or call (760) 942-6362.

mation, I am sending you a copy of my Health Report “Medical Specialists.” Other readers who would like a copy should send a self-addressed stamped No. 10 envelope and a $2 check or money order payable to Newsletter and mailed to Newsletter, P.O. Box 167, Wickliffe, OH 440920167. Be sure to mention the title or print an order form off my website at Dear Dr. Gott: I am a marriage and family therapist and treat many children with ADHD. You mentioned herbal remedies for this condition. Please tell me where to get more information on this. Dear Reader: As you are aware, herbals, OTCs and prescription medications are not always effective. However, ginkgo biloba, lemon balm, valerian, hawthorn, lobelia, oat straw and German chamomile are but a few of

the herbals thought to assist with ADHD. An important consideration is the avoidance of sugar, because it may result in aggressive and restless behavior in some children.





ensuring its future on our planet. CCF will work with all stakeholders within the cheetah’s ecosystem to develop





an English teacher at Sunset High School, is not surprised. “Young people who were hip hop dancing wanted to try something new so they took the West Coast swing and added their own spin,” she explained. Tomko says that dance classes are usually evenly



hands before and after use. The medication should be taken in the evening unless your doctor provides other instructions. You may experience blurred vision, and your eyes may become sensitive to light. Refrain from driving or doing detailed work until you determine whether you experience any unwanted side effects. Never use more than the recommended dose. It appears both physicians you consulted are in agreement. My guess is the Xalatan is a completely appropriate recommendation that you should follow. Many people your age are on more medications every day than I have fingers and toes. You’re one of the fortunate ones that have reached the age of 78 without a plethora of problems. To provide related infor-

a lot of ‘07 and ‘08 varietals inbarrel and bottled them all. I CONTINUED FROM B4 want the wine in bottles and Most Honored Sparkling Wine out for sale 18 months to 2 Producer.” When South Coast years after harvest.” I asked him about the opened in 2003, Jon saw the opportunity and joined the unusual 2010 growing season team. The Wild Horse Peak and he answered, “I loved it! It series, with estate fruit har- was a cool season in a hot clivested from South Coast’s mate. We’ll have great flavor vineyard at nearby Palomar and a lower sugar count, with Mountain is the crown jewel, more hang time. We’ll get the producing best-of-breed 2006 acid up and the wines will be Sangiovese, Syrah, Merlot and more accented. There is great Cabernet Sauvignon. See potential here at Orfila and I more at want to step up the quality and Justin Mund, ratings with a fresher, winemaker, Orfila fruit forward style and Winery, Escondido a shorter vintage with lower alcohol. They Justin Mund is a will be balanced,” he winemaker with promised. swagger and self-conSouthern Califidence, like a quarfornia wines have terback in football pockets of tradition that always wants the and greatness and ball. He’s been a deserve our attention. winemaker for nine years, making a JUSTIN MUNDE Serious, quality wines name for himself in Sonoma can make their place among with Ferrari Carano, then in the “wine countries”of Califorthe Central Coast with nia. The new kids on the block Addamo. He has recently are growing up. come to Orfila replacing a winemaker legend in the area, Wine Bytes — Bernardo Winery in Leon Santoro, who had been in charge since the origins of Orfi- Rancho Bernardo has its 33rd la in 1994. “My challenge is to annual Fall Arts and Crafts continually improve the wines Fair Oct. 16 and Oct. 17. More while keeping the style on than 140 artisans will be on track. My wines are fruit driv- hand from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. en and vlean,” he said.“I found Live music, wine and food



inventory that she’s had to rotate it from her home and several storage units to make room for merchandise for seasonal events such as Halloween. That has changed since July, when she went into business with her daughter and son-in-law, Jessica and Michael Fairchild, in a second store called Vintage 101, located at 1307 S. Coast Highway 101. “I have a lot of new inventory that has never come in through the doors of the Sanctuary,” she said. “I have an extra inventory of fall and winter coats from the 1950s, ‘60s, ‘70s that my customers are waiting for that is priced between $25 and $75.” In addition to clothing, the new shop features lighting, lamps, barware and furniture from the 1950s and 1960s. “My daughter is into vintage kitchenware, fabric, toys and children’s things,” Meek said. “She has beautiful hanging macramé tables.” One thing that surprises



OCT. 15, 2010



forward to,” said Lux Director Reesey Shaw. “From his imitation of amateurs to combining kitsch with the classic, Humphrey’s journey takes you around the bend and through the woods. We’re glad that in November and

December, the woods he’ll find himself in will be ours.” Humphrey received a BFA from the Maryland Institute College of Art and an MA in liberal studies from New York University. His first show was with the McKee Gallery in 1984, and he has since been exhibiting nationally and international-

Go to the

Coast News and click link

Frank Mangio is a renowned wine connoisseur certified by Wine Spectator. His library can be viewed at (Average Google certified 900 visits per day) He is one of the top five wine commentators on the Web. Reach him at

ly. Institute hours are Thursday and Friday from 1 to 5 p.m.; Saturday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Cost is $10 for two visits. For more information about donations, memberships, and volunteer opportunities, visit www or call (760) 436-6611.


2 5 t Anniver h


Doctor Gott is a practicing physician and the author of the book “Live Longer, Live Better” (Quill Driver Books,; (800) 6057176). Write him at Dr. Gott c/o United Media, 200 Madison Ave., 4th fl., New York, NY 10016.

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available. Park on the grounds. More details at (858) 487-1866. — Holiday Wine Cellar in Escondido presents St. Francis Winery from 5 to 7 p.m. Oct. 16. Big, bold Sonoma-style wines will be tasted including Cabs, Merlots and Old Vine Zins. The cost is $10 per person. Call (760) 745-1200 for details. — Orfila Winery in Escondido starts Concerts in the Vines from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Oct. 17. Latin jazz kicks it off. The cost is $15 for club members, $20 for everyone else. Call (760) 738-6500 for details. — Girls Night Out parties rock on at Tesoro Winery Tasting Room in Old Town Temecula from 7 to 10 p.m. Oct. 22. The $24 cost includes wine tasting, appetizers, chocolate fountain and a chance to wine a prize basket. Call (951) 3080000 for details. — Meritage Wine Market in Encinitas is pouring Merlot Mania from 6 to 8 p.m. Oct. 22. The cost is $20 each. Call (760) 599-1200 for details and the list.

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OCT. 15, 2010


Legals 800

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vided in said note(s), advances, under the terms of said Deed of Trust, fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligation secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale is $1,393,383.92. The beneficiary under said Deed of Trust heretofore executed and delivered to the undersigned a written Declaration of Default and Demand for Sale, and a written Notice of Default and Election to Sell. The undersigned caused said Notice of Default and Election to sell to be recorded in the County where the real property is located. Date: 09/22/2010 First American Title Insurance Company First American Trustee Servicing Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American LoanStar Trustee Services, LLC 3 FIRST AMERICAN WAY SANTA ANA, CA 92707 The beneficiary or servicing agent declares that it has obtained from the Commissioner of Corporations a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to California Civil Code Section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date the Notice of Sale is filed and/or the timeframe for giving Notice of Sale specified in subdivision (s) of California Civil Code Section 2923.52 applies and has been provided or the loan is exempt from the requirements. First American Trustee Servicing Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American LoanStar Trustee Services, LLC MAY BE ACTING AS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. FOR TRUSTEE’S SALE INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 714-573-1965 P749803 10/1, 10/8, 10/15/2010 CN 10538

NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A and reasonable estimated costs, NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING DEED OF TRUST DATED expenses and advances at the time AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD 7/25/2005. UNLESS YOU TAKE of the initial publication of the CONTACT A LAWYER. A public ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR Notice of Trustee’s Sale is: auction sale to the highest bidder PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT $855,135.01 (estimated amount). for cash, Cashier’s Check drawn on A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED Accrued interest and additional a state or national bank, check AN EXPLANATION OF THE advances, if any, will increase this NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS figure prior to sale. If the Trustee is drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a check drawn by a state AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD unable to convey title for any reaUNDER A DEED OF TRUST CONTACT A LAWYER. On son, the successful bidder’s sole and or federal savings and loan associaDATED 3/1/2006. UNLESS YOU tion, or savings association, or sav10/22/2010 at 10:00 AM, MTC exclusive remedy shall be the TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT Financial Inc., dba TRUSTEE return of monies paid to the Trustee ings bank specified in section 5102 YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE CORPS as the duly appointed and the successful bidder shall have of the Financial Code and authorSOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU Substituted Trustee under and pur- no further recourse. The Beneficiary ized to do business in this state will NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE suant to Deed of Trust Recorded on under said Deed of Trust heretofore be held by the duly appointed NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING trustee as shown below, of all right, 08/04/2005 as Document No. 2005executed and delivered to the AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD title, and interest conveyed to and 0665993 of official records in the undersigned a written Declaration CONTACT A LAWYER. A public now held by the trustee in the hereOffice of the Recorder of San Diego of Default and Demand for Sale, auction sale to the highest bidder County, CALIFORNIA, executed by, and a written Notice of Default and inafter described property under for cash, Cashier’s Check drawn on and pursuant to a deed of trust Bryon Lucas and Barbara Lucas Election to Sell. The undersigned a state or national bank, check described below. The sale will be husband and wife, as Trustor, caused said Notice of Default and drawn by a state or federal credit made, but without covenant or warBankunited, FSB, as Beneficiary, Election to Sell to be recorded in union, or a check drawn by a state WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION the County where the real property ranty, expressed or implied, regardor federal savings and loan associaing title, possession, or encumTO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR is located and more than three tion, or savings association, or savbrances, to pay the remaining prinCASH (payable at time of sale in months have elapsed since such ings bank specified in section 5102 cipal sum of the note(s) secured by lawful money of the United States, recordation. Compliance with of the Financial Code and authorby cash a cashier's check drawn by California Civil Code Section 2924f: the Deed of Trust, with interest and ized to do business in this state will late charges thereon, as provided in a state or national bank, a check The Beneficiary or Beneficiary’s be held by the duly appointed the note(s), advances, under the drawn by a state or federal credit agent has indicated that the trustee as shown below, of all right, terms of the Deed of Trust, interest union, or a check drawn by a state requirements of California Civil title, and interest conveyed to and or federal savings and loan associa- Code Section 2924f have been met. thereon, fees, charges and expenses now held by the trustee in the hereof the Trustee for the total amount tion, savings association, or savings Compliance with California Civil inafter described property under (at the time of the initial publicabank specified in section 5102 of Code Section 2923.52: 1. Pursuant and pursuant to a deed of trust the Financial Code and authorized to California Civil Code 2923.54 the tion of the Notice of Sale) reasondescribed below. The sale will be to do business in this state). AT: At undersigned, on behalf of the bene- ably estimated to be set forth made, but without covenant or warbelow. The amount may be greater the entrance to the East County ficiary, loan servicer or authorized ranty, expressed or implied, regardon the day of sale. Pursuant to Regional Center by statue, 250 E. agent, declares as follows: X ing title, possession, or encumCalifornia Civil Code Section Main Street, El Cajon, CA The prop- Servicer does hereby state that brances, to pay the remaining prin2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf erty heretofore described is being Servicer has obtained from the cipal sum of the note(s) secured by of the beneficiary, loan servicer, or sold “as is”. All right, title and commissioner a final or temporary the Deed of Trust, with interest and authorized agent, declares as folinterest conveyed to and now held order of exemption pursuant to late charges thereon, as provided in lows: [X] The mortgage loan serby it under said Deed of Trust in Section 2923.53 that is current and the note(s), advances, under the vicer has obtained from the comthe property situated in said valid on the date of the notice of terms of the Deed of Trust, interest missioner a final or temporary County and State describing the sale is filed. 2. Timeframe for givthereon, fees, charges and expenses order of exemption pursuant to land therein: APN # 223-671-06 As ing notice of sale specified in subdiof the Trustee for the total amount Section 2923.53 that is current and more fully described in said Deed vision (a) Section 2923.52 ? Does X (at the time of the initial publicavalid on the date the notice of sale of Trust The street address and Does not apply pursuant to section tion of the Notice of Sale) reasonis filed and [X] The timeframe for other common designation, if any, 2923.52 or 2923.55 Dated: 10/1/2010 ably estimated to be set forth giving notice of sale specified in of the real property described MTC Financial Inc. DBA TRUSTEE below. The amount may be greater subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 above is purported to be: 7353 Sitio CORPS, as Successor Trustee By: on the day of sale. Pursuant to does not apply pursuant to Section Lima, Carlsbad, CA 92009 The Clarisa Gastelum, Trustee Sales California Civil Code Section 2923.52 or 2923.55 Trustor: Allison undersigned Trustee disclaims any Officer *TRUSTEE CORPS* 30 2923.54 the undersigned, on behalf liability for any incorrectness of the Corporate Park, Suite 400, IRVINE, Zisman, a single woman Duly of the beneficiary, loan servicer, or Appointed Trustee: CR Title street address and other common CA 92606 FOR SALE INFORMAauthorized agent, declares as folServices, Inc. P.O. BOX 16128, designation, if any, shown herein. TION CONTACT: (714)573-1965, lows: [X] The mortgage loan serT.S. No.: 10-37969 TSG Order No.: Said sale will be made, but without (714) 573-1965, (949) 252-8300 FOR Tucson, AZ 85732-6128 866-702-9658 vicer has obtained from the com33-80126821 A.P.N.: 150-232-07-00 Recorded 05/25/2007 as Instrument covenant or warranty, expressed or REINSTATEMENT / PAY OFF missioner a final or temporary NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE No. 2007-0356140 in book , page of order of exemption pursuant to YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A implied, regarding title, possession, REQUESTS CONTACT: (949) 2528300 P750449 10/1, 10/8, 10/15/2010 Official Records in the office of the Section 2923.53 that is current and DEED OF TRUST DATED 7/2/2004. or encumbrances, to pay the Recorder of San Diego County, remaining principal sum of the CN 10534 valid on the date the notice of sale UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO California, Date of Sale: 10/22/2010 Note(s) secured by said Deed of is filed and [X] The timeframe for PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT at 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At the Trust, with interest thereon, as progiving notice of sale specified in MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC entrance to the East County vided in said Note(s), advances, if T.S. No. T09-48115-CA / APN: 165subdivision (a) of Section 2923.52 SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLARegional Center by statue, 250 E. any, under the terms of the Deed of 362-26-07 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S does not apply pursuant to Section NATION OF THE NATURE OF THE Main Street, El Cajon, CA Amount SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT Trust, estimated fees, charges and 2923.52 or 2923.55 Trustor: R. PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, of unpaid balance and other UNDER A DEED OF TRUST expenses of the Trustee and of the James Beirne and Lois Beirne, husYOU SHOULD CONTACT A charges: $325,506.12 Street Address DATED 5/18/2007. UNLESS YOU trusts created by said Deed of band and wife, as joint tenants LAWYER. On 10/22/2010 at 10:00 or other common designation of TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT Trust. The total amount of the Duly Appointed Trustee: CR Title AM, Old Republic Default Services, Inc. c/o Pite Duncan, 4375 real property: 3568 Paseo DeLos YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE Management Services, a Division of unpaid balance of the obligation Jutland Drive, Suite 200, San Diego, SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU Californianos #147 Oceanside, CA secured by the property to be sold Old Republic National Title CA 92117 877-576-0472 Recorded Insurance Company as duly 03/06/2006 as Instrument No. 2006appointed Trustee pursuant to the 0153876 in book , page of Official Deed of Trust, Recorded 7/8/2004 as Records in the office of the Instrument No. 2004-0636883 in Recorder of San Diego County, book --, page -- of Official Records California, Date of Sale: 10/22/2010 in the Office of the County at 10:00 AM Place of Sale: At the Recorder of San Diego County, entrance to the East County California, executed by: Meredith Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Winborn, an unmarried woman as Main Street, El Cajon, CA Amount Trustor, Downey Savings and Loan of unpaid balance and other Association, F.A., a federally charcharges: $239,148.80 Street Address tered savings association, as or other common designation of Beneficiary, Will Sell At Public real property: 3890 Vista Campana Auction To The Highest Bidder For South #50 Oceanside, CA 92057 Cash (payable in full at time of sale A.P.N.: 160-360-50-00 Legal by cash, a cashier’s check drawn by Description: As more fully a state or national bank, a check described in said Deed of Trust The drawn by a state or federal credit undersigned Trustee disclaims any union, or a check drawn by a state liability for any incorrectness of the or federal savings and loan associastreet address or other common destion, savings association, or savings ignation, if any, shown above. If no bank specified in section 5102 of street address or other common desthe Financial Code and authorized ignation is shown, directions to the to do business in this state). At: At location of the property may be the entrance to the East County obtained by sending a written Regional Center by statue, 250 E. request to the beneficiary within 10 TSG No.: 4010002 TS No.: Main Street, El Cajon, CA all right, days of the date of first publication 20099070802502 FHA/VA/PMI No.: title and interest conveyed to and of this Notice of Sale. The Trustee now held by it under said Deed of APN: 300-234-03 NOTICE OF shall incur no liability for any good TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN Trust in the property situated in faith error in stating the proper said County, and state, and as more DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF amount of unpaid balances and fully described in the above referTRUST, DATED 04/26/2005. charges. For sales information enced Deed of Trust. The street UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO SPACE COST ONLY - OUR LOWEST RATE please contact Priority Posting and PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT address and other common designaPublishing at tion, if any, of the real property MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC or (714) described above is purported to be: SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLA573-1965 Reinstatement Line: 877NATION OF THE NATURE OF THE 436 South Horne Street, Oceanside, 576-0472 Date: 10/1/2010 CR Title PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU CA 92054 The undersigned Trustee 80,000 readers 30,000 readers Services, Inc 1000 Technology Drive SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. disclaims any liability for any incorMS 314 O’Fallon MO 63368 Justine On 10/21/2010 at 10:00 A.M., First rectness of the street address and 28” 28” Dickey, Trustee Specialist Federal other common designation, if any, American Trustee Servicing Law requires us to notify you that Solutions, LLC f/k/a First American shown herein. Said sale will be 28” we are acting as a debt collector. If LoanStar Trustee Services, LLC, as made in an “AS IS” condition, but 14” 14” you are currently in a bankruptcy without covenant or warranty, duly appointed Trustee under and or have received a discharge in pursuant to Deed of Trust recorded expressed or implied, regarding bankruptcy as to this obligation, 05/11/2005, as Instrument No. 2005- title, possession, or encumbrances, this communication is intended for 0400070, in book , page , of Official to pay the remaining principal sum informational purposes only and is Records in the office of the County of the note(s) secured by said Deed not an attempt to collect a debt in of Trust, with interest thereon, as Recorder of San Diego County, violation of the automatic stay or provided in said note(s), advances, State of California. Executed by: the discharge injunction. P751339 if any, under the terms of the Deed RICK A HORST and INGE S 10/1, 10/8, 10/15/2010 CN 10545 of Trust, estimated fees, charges HORST, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC 28” and expenses of the Trustee and of AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER the trusts created by said Deed of FOR CASH, CASHIER’S Trustee Sale No. 09-00828-4 Loan 14” Trust, to wit: $777,337.63 CHECK/CASH EQUIVALENT or No. 00208236-99 / Westmoore Mgmt other form of payment authorized (Estimated) Accrued interest and Title Order No. 09-00828-4 APN 263- by 2924h(b), (payable at time of additional advances, if any, will 304-06 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S increase this figure prior to sale. It sale in lawful money of the United SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT States) At the entrance to the East is possible that at the time of sale EDITORIAL COST - MINIMUM $50 UNDER A DEED OF TRUST the opening bid may be less than County Regional Center by statue, DATED 1/3/2007. UNLESS YOU the total indebtedness due. The 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA Stor Client provides, we edit . . . . . . . . $50 y: TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT Declaration pursuant to California All right, title and interest conYOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE Civil Code, Section 2923.5(a) was veyed to and now held by it under Photo: Client sends photo . . . . . . no charge SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU said Deed of Trust in the property fulfilled when the Notice of Default Story: We write, you approve . . . . . . . . $100 NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE situated in said County and State was recorded on 3/30/2010 Date: NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS 10/1/2010 Old Republic Default described as: AS MORE FULLY Photo: We take, you approve . . . . . . . . $50 AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD DESCRIBED IN THE ABOVE MEN- Management Services, a Division of Editorial charges do not apply to 2nd paper buy. CONTACT A LAWYER. On Old Republic National Title TIONED DEED OF TRUST APN# 10/22/2010, at 10:00 AM, At the Insurance Company, as Trustee 500 300-234-03 The street address and entrance to the East County City Parkway West, Suite 200 other common designation, if any, Articles are BW only. Frequency: On demand. News Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Orange, CA 92868-2913 (866) 263of the real property described Events A 28” article is 700 words. A 14” article is 320 words. Who’s News Main Street, El Cajon, CA, Fidelity above is purported to be: 319 7TH 5802 For Sale Information Contact: Crime For articles with a photo, the word count will be less.* National Title Company, as the duly STREET, DEL MAR, CA 92014 The Priority Posting and Publishing Marketplace News appointed Trustee, under and pur*In the sample above, the 3 col. x 4” photo reduces the word count to (714) 573-1965 Rick Mroczek, undersigned Trustee disclaims any suant to the power of sale con350 (approximately 30 words per column inch size of the photo). liability for any incorrectness of the Foreclosure Specialist “We are tained in that certain Deed of Trust street address and other common attempting to collect a debt, and Recorded on 01/12/2007, as any information we obtain will be designation, if any, shown herein. Instrument No. 2007-0027466 of Said sale will be made, but without used for that purpose.” P750568 If you are interested in running an article in our Official Records in the office of the covenant or warranty, expressed or 10/1, 10/8, 10/15/2010 CN 10535 Recorder of San Diego County, CA , implied, regarding title, possession, MARKETPLACE NEWS page please call executed by: Westmoore or encumbrances, to pay the Management, LLC, a California lim- remaining principal sum of the Trustee Sale # CA0835790 Loan# ited liability company, as Trustor, in note(s) secured by said Deed of 0004586988 Order # 55004160 favor of Lehman Brothers Bank, Trust, with interest thereon, as pro- NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE

Legals From Page B9

FSB as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, that certain property situated in said County, California describing the land therein as: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust The property heretofore described is being sold "as is". The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 339 North Highway 101, Solana Beach, CA The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining unpaid balance of the obligations secured by and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust (together with any modifications thereto). The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligations secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of this Notice of Trustee`s Sale is estimated to be $917,290.51 (Estimated), provided, however, prepayment premiums, accrued interest and advances will increase this figure prior to sale. Beneficiary`s bid at said sale may include all or part of said amount. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept a cashier`s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the California Financial Code and authorized to do business in California, or other such funds as may be acceptable to the trustee. In the event tender other than cash is accepted, the Trustee may withhold the issuance of the Trustee`s Deed Upon Sale until funds become available to the payee or endorsee as a matter of right. The property offered for sale excludes all funds held on account by the property receiver, if applicable. DATE: September 22, 2010 Fidelity National Title Company, Trustee 0900828-4 135 Main St. Ste. 1900, San Francisco, CA 94105 415-247-2450 James Gips Authorized Signature Regarding the property that is the subject of this notice of sale, the "mortgage loan servicer" as defined in Civil Code § 2923.53(k)(3) declares that it has not obtained from the Commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Civil Code section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date this notice of sale is recorded. The time frame for giving a notice of sale specified in Civil Code Section 2923.52 subdivision (a) does not apply to this notice of sale pursuant to Civil Code Sections 2923.52 or 2923.55. Fidelity National Title Company, as Agent for the mortgage loan servicer as defined under California Civil Code section 2923.53 (k)(3) James Gips Authorized Signature SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE AT AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 714-573-1965 P750664 10/1, 10/8, 10/15/2010 CN 10544

Legals 800 92056 A.P.N.: 165-362-26-07 Legal Description: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address or other common designation, if any, shown above. If no street address or other common designation is shown, directions to the location of the property may be obtained by sending a written request to the beneficiary within 10 days of the date of first publication of this Notice of Sale. The Trustee shall incur no liability for any good faith error in stating the proper amount of unpaid balances and charges. For sales information please contact Priority Posting and Publishing at or (714) 573-1965 Reinstatement Line: 866702-9658 Date: 10/1/2010 CR Title Services, Inc. P.O. BOX 16128 Tucson, AZ 85732-6128 Stephanie Abcede, Trustee Specialist Federal Law requires us to notify you that we are acting as a debt collector. If you are currently in a bankruptcy or have received a discharge in bankruptcy as to this obligation, this communication is intended for informational purposes only and is not an attempt to collect a debt in violation of the automatic stay or the discharge injunction. P749321 10/1, 10/8, 10/15/2010 CN 10531 Trustee Sale No. 15813CA Loan No. 1010812426 Title Order No. 100382218-CA-MAI NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 12/13/2007. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 10/22/2010 at 10:00 AM, MTDS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION DBA MERIDIAN TRUST DEED SERVICE as the duly appointed Trustee under and pursuant to Deed of Trust Recorded 12/24/2007, Book , Page , Instrument 2007-0789505 of official records in the Office of the Recorder of San Diego County, California, executed by: Tania Cigna, a single woman as Trustor, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for IndyMac Bank, F.S.B., a Federally Chartered Savings Bank, as Beneficiary, will sell at public auction sale to the highest bidder for cash, cashier's check drawn by a

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OCT. 15, 2010

Legals 800

Legals 800

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state or national bank, a cashier’s check drawn by a state or federal credit union, or a cashier’s check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association, or savings bank specified in section 5102 of the Financial Code and authorized to do business in this state. Sale will be held by the duly appointed trustee as shown below, of all right, title, and interest conveyed to and now held by the trustee in the hereinafter described property under and pursuant to the Deed of Trust. The sale will be made, but without convenant or warranty, expressed or implied, regarding title, possesssion, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the notes (s) secured by the Deed of Trust, interest thereon, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee for the total amount (at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Sale) reasonably estimated to be set forth below. The amount may be greater on the day of sale. Place of Sale: At the entrance to the East County Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA Legal Description: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust Amount of unpaid balance and other charges: $374,060.56 The street address and other common designation of the real property purported as: 2352 Caringa Way Unit F , Carlsbad, CA 92009 APN Number: 215-240-29-25 See Declaration, as required by California Civil Code Section 2923.54, attached hereto and made a part hereof. CALIFORNIA FORECLOSURE PREVENTION ACT DECLARATION OF COMPLIANCE (California Civil Code § 2923.54 (a)) The undersigned mortgage loan servicer hereby declares under penalty of perjury, under the laws of the State of California, as follows: [ ] The mortgage loan servicer has not obtained a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Cal. Civ. Code § 2923.53 that is current and valid as of the date that Notice of Trustee’s Sale was filed or given. Therefore, the mortgage loan servicer has waited an additional 90 days before giving notice of sale as required by Cal. Civ. Code § 2923.52(a). [X] The mortgage loan servicer has obtained a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Cal. Civ. Code § 2923.53 that is current and valid as of the date that the Notice of Trustee’s Sale was filed or given. [ ] The timeframe for giving notice of sale specified in Cal. Civ. Code § 2923.52(a) does not apply because: [ ] The loan was not recorded between January 1, 2003 and January 1, 2008. [ ] The loan is not secured by residential real property. [ ] The loan is not secured by a first priority mortgage or deed of trust. [ ] The borrower did not occupy the property as his/her principal residence when the loan became delinquent. [ ] The loan was made, purchased or serviced by (1) a California state or local public housing agency or authority, including state or local housing finance agencies established under Division 31 of the Cal. Health & Safety Code and Chapter 6 of the Cal. Military & Veterans Code, or (2) the loan is collateral for securities purchased by any such California state or local public housing agency or authority. [ ] The borrower has surrendered the property as evidenced by either a letter confirming the surrender or delivery of the keys to the property to the mortgagee, trustee, beneficiary or authorized agent. [ ] The borrower has contracted with someone whose primary business is advising people who have decided to leave their homes on how to extend the foreclosure process and avoid their loan obligations. [ ] The borrower has filed for bankruptcy, and the bankruptcy court has not entered an order closing or dismissing the bankruptcy case or granting relief from the automatic stay. OneWest Bank, FSB By: Vicki Brizendine Attachment to Notice of Trustee’s Sale The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. DATE: 10/1/2010 MTDS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION DBA MERIDIAN TRUST DEED SERVICE, As Trustee 4675 Macarthur Court Suite 1540 Newport Beach CA 92660 Sales Line: (714) 5731965 (702) 586-4500 Jesse Fernandez, Foreclosure Assistant MTDS, INC., A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION DBA MERIDIAN TRUST DEED SERVICE IS A DEBT COLLECTOR ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. P749136 10/1, 10/8, 10/15/2010 CN 10530

FINANCIAL INC, dba Trustee Corps, as the duly appointed Trustee, under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in that certain Deed of Trust Recorded on 11/19/2004 as Instrument No. 20041101491 and re-recorded on July 17, 2009, as Instrument No. 20090396287 of Official Records in the office of the Recorder of San Diego County, CA, executed by: Shaun C Haberstroh, a married man as his sole and separate property, as Trustor, in favor Of Downey Savings and Loan Association, F.A., as Beneficiary, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER, in lawful money of the United States, all payable at the time of sale, that certain property situated in said County, California describing the land therein as: As more fully described in said Deed of Trust The property heretofore described is being sold “as is”. The street address and other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 3529 Knollwood Drive , Carlsbad, CA 92008 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the street address and other common designation, if any, shown herein. Said sale will be made, but without covenant or warranty, express or implied, regarding title, possession, or encumbrances, to pay the remaining principal sum of the Note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust, with interest thereon, as provided in said Note(s), advances if any, under the terms of the Deed of Trust, estimated fees, charges and expenses of the Trustee and of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust. The total amount of the unpaid balance of the obligations secured by the property to be sold and reasonable estimated costs, expenses and advances at the time of the initial publication of the Notice of Trustee’s Sale is estimated to be $748,112.76 (Estimated), provided, however, prepayment premiums, accrued interest and advances will increase this figure prior to sale. Beneficiary`s bid at said sale may include all or part of said amount. In addition to cash, the Trustee will accept a cashier`s check drawn on a state or national bank, a check drawn by a state or federal credit union or a check drawn by a state or federal savings and loan association, savings association or savings bank specified in Section 5102 of the California Financial Code and authorized to do business in California, or other such funds as may be acceptable to the trustee. In the event tender other than cash is accepted, the Trustee may withhold the issuance of the Trustee`s Deed Upon Sale until funds become available to the payee or endorsee as a matter of right. The property offered for sale excludes all funds held on account by the property receiver, if applicable. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder`s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. DATE: 10/1/2010 MTC FINANCIAL INC dba Trustee Corps TS No. CA08000445-10-1 17100 Gillette Ave Irvine, CA 92614 949252-8300 Clarisa Gastelum, Authorized Signature SALE INFORMATION CAN BE OBTAINED ON LINE AT AUTOMATED SALES INFORMATION PLEASE CALL 714-573-1965 Compliance with California Civil Code Section 2924f: The Beneficiary or Beneficiary's agent has indicated that the requirements of California Civil Code Section 2924f have been met. Regarding the property that is the subject of this notice of sale, the "mortgage loan servicer" as defined in Civil Code § 2923.53(k)(3) declares that it has not obtained from the Commissioner a final or temporary order of exemption pursuant to Civil Code section 2923.53 that is current and valid on the date this notice of sale is recorded. The time frame for giving a notice of sale specified in Civil Code Section 2923.52 subdivision (a) does not apply to this notice of sale. Clarisa Gastelum, Authorized Signature TRUSTEE CORPS IS A DEBT COLLECTOR. ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. P747819 10/1, 10/8, 10/15/2010 CN 10529

certain very important actions, however, the personal representative will be required to give notice to interested persons unless they have waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent administration authority will be granted unless an interested person files an objection to the petition and shows good cause why the court should not grant the authority. A HEARING on the petition will be held on December 3, 2010 at 9:30 a.m. in Dept. 4 located at 325 South Melrose Drive, Vista, California 92083. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may file with the court a formal Request for Special Notice (DE-154) of the filing of an inventory and appraisal of estate assets or of any petition or account as provided in Probate Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form is available from the court clerk. Attorney for Petitioner: William C. Pultz, Esq., 5864 Owens Avenue, Suite 102, Carlsbad, California 92008, Telephone: (760) 930-8080 10/15, 10/22, 10/29/10 CNS-1965865# CN 10616

Trustee Sale No. CA08000445-10-1 Loan No. 9041209040 Title Order No. 55013714 APN 168-291-51 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 11/17/2004. UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDINGS AGAINST YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. On 10/26/2010 at 10:00 AM, At the entrance to the East County Regional Center by statue, 250 E. Main Street, El Cajon, CA MTC



NOTICE OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE OF ROBERT D. NELSON CASE NO. 37-2010-00152050-PR-PWNC To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, contingent creditors, and persons who may otherwise be interested in the will or estate, or both, of: Robert D. Nelson A PETITION FOR PROBATE has been filed by Vera E. Nelson in the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego. THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requests that Vera E. Nelson be appointed as personal representative to administer the estate of the decedent. THE PETITION requests the decedent's WILL and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and any codicils are available for examination in the file kept by the court. THE PETITION requests authority to administer the estate under the Independent Administration of Estates Act. (This authority will allow the personal representative to take many actions without obtaining court approval. Before taking

ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOR CHANGE OF NAME CASE NUMBER 37-2010-00060548-CU-PT-NC SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO NORTH COUNTY BRANCH 325 SOUTH MELROSE VISTA, CA 92081 In the matter of the application of: JILL ELIZABETH PYRKO AND WILLIAM ADRIAN HEWITT for Change of Name(s) Petitioner(s): JILL ELIZABETH PYRKO AND WILLIAM ADRIAN HEWITT HAVE FILED A PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAMES FROM JILL ELIZABETH PYRKO TO JILL ELIZABETH DELAVEGA AND WILLIAM ADRIAN HEWITT TO ADRIAN D. DELAVEGA THE COURT ORDERS that all persons interested in this matter appear before this Court at the hearing indicated below to show cause, if any, why the petition for a change of name should not be granted. Any person objecting to the name changes described above must file a written objection that includes the reasons for the objection at least two court days before the matter is scheduled to be heard and must appear at the hearing to show cause why the petition should not be granted. If no written objection is timely filed, the court may grant the petition without a hearing. NOTICE OF HEARING: In Department 3 of the Superior Court of California, County of San Diego, North County Branch, 325 South Melrose, Vista, CA 92081 on November 14, 2010 at 8:30 a.m. Date: October 6, 2010 AARON H. KATZ Judge of the Superior Court OCTOBER 15, 22, 29, 2010 NOVEMBER 5, 2010 CN 10614 DISTRICT COURT CLARK COUNTY, NEVADA CASE NO.: A-09-597499 Dept. No.: XXI JAMES B. ASHWORTH, ELIZABETH BELL, ROBERT K. TOGERSON, JOHN WOODRUM, MIKE WOODRUM, GIL COHEN, DAVID J. ROITBUD, STEPHEN F. TURNER, DONALD CHERRY, ALAN ANDRES, JACK ARMSTRON and RICHARD HADDRILL, Plaintiffs, vs. NEW LAS VEGAS COUNTRY CLUB, A NEVADA NONPROFIT COOPERATIVE CORPORATION WITHOUT STOCK; and DOES 1 THROUGH 200 INCLUSIVE, and ROES 201 THROUGH 300, Defendants. NEW LAS VEGAS COUNTRY CLUB, A NEVADA NONPROFIT COOPERATIVE CORPORATION WITHOUT STOCK, Counterclaimant, vs. JAMES B. ASHWORTH, ELIZABETH BELL, ROBERT K. TOGERSON, JOHN WOODRUM, MIKE WOODRUM, DAVID J. ROITBUD, STEPHEN F. TURNER, DONALD CHERRY, ALAN ANDRES, JACK ARMSTRONG and RICHARD HADDRILL, DOES 1 through 50, inclusive, Counterdefendants.

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provided in Probate Code section 9100. The time for filing claims will not expire before four months from the hearing date noticed above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept Third Party Plaintiff, vs by the court. If you are a person interested in the estate, you may JAMES WARD, MICHAEL PARISH, file with the court a formal Request STEVEN MOLASKY, KEVIN for Special Notice (DE-154) of the AIVAZ, PHILIP ZAIDENBERG, filing of an inventory and appraisal JOHN MOEHRLE, SETA CHURCH, of estate assets or of any petition or VINCENT SCHETTLER, FRED account as provided in Probate GILLMANN, MICHAEL PEIKOFF, Code section 1250. A Request for KEVIN SWOPE, MICHAEL SMALL, Special Notice form is available J.P. OBERWISE, NAVNEET SHARfrom the court clerk. DA, SCOTT ACTON, GARY GARAttorney for Petitioner: William C. DENER, PETE FINDLEY, LARRY Pultz, Esq., 5864 Owens Avenue, HAAS, individuals, and DOES 1 Suite 102, Carlsbad, California through 50, inclusive, and ROE 92008, Telephone: (760) 930-8080 ENTITIES 1 through 50, inclusive, 10/8, 10/15, 10/22/10 CNS-1959521# CN 10580 Third Paty Defendants. NEW LAS VEGAS COUNTRY CLUB, A NEVADA NONPROFIT COOPERATIVE CORPORATION WITHOUT STOCK,


SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, NORTH COUNTY NOTICE! YOU HAVE BEEN SUED. JUDICIAL DISTRICT THE COURT MAY DECIDE CASE NO. 37-2010-00150323-PR-TRAGAINST YOU WITHOUT YOUR NC BEING HEARD UNLESS YOU RESPOND WITHIN 20 DAYS. NOTICE TO CREDITORS OF THE READ THE INFORMATION FELDMAN FAMILY TRUST BELOW. Created on 9/15/87 TO THE THIRD PARTY DEFENby BARNEY FELDMAN and DANT(S): A civil Complaint has BEVERLY NEUER FELDMAN, been filed by the Plaintiff against Decedents you for the relief set forth in the Complaint. Notice is hereby given to the 1. If you intend to defend this lawcreditors and contingent creditors suit, within 20 days after this of the above-named decedents that Summons is served on you, excluall persons having claims against sive of the day of service, you must the decedents are required to file do the following: (a) file with the them with the Superior Court, 325 Clerk of this Court, whose address S. Melrose Avenue, Vista, CA 92081 is shown below, a formal written and mail or deliver a copy to Meher response to the Third Party der Ohanessian, as successor Complaint in accordance with the trustee of the Feldman Family Trust rules of the Court. UTD 9/15/87 (the “Feldman Trust”) (b) Serve a copy of your response upon the attorney whose name and of which decedents were the settlors, within four (4) months after address is shown below. 2. Unless you respond, your default October 1, 2010, or, if notice is will be entered upon application of mailed or personally delivered to you, sixty (60) days after the date the Plaintiff and this Court may this notice is mailed or personally enter a judgment against you for delivered to you, or you must petithe relief demanded in the tion to file a late claim as provided Complaint, which could result in the taking of money or property or in Probate Code S 19103. A claim form may be obtined from the court other relief requested in the Complaint. 3. If you intend to seek clerk. For your protection, you are encouraged to file your claim by the advise of an attorney in this certified mail, return receipt matter, you should do so promptly requested. so that your response may be filed on time. 4. The State of Nevada, its Linda M. Grunow, Esq. (CB #159210), Attorney at Law political subdivisions, agencies, offices, employees, board members, 4405 Manchester Avenue Suite 202 commission memebers and legislators, each have 45 days after service Encinitas, CA 92024 (760) 632-8847 of this Summons within which to LINDA M. GRUNOW, Attorney for file an Answer or other responsive MEHER DER OHANESSIAN, pleading to the Complaint. Successor Trustee of the Submitted by: FELDMAN FAMILY TRUST LAW OFFICES OF JOHN October 1, 8, 15, 2010 CN 10547 BENEDICT, John Benedict, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 005581 and DZIMINSKI & ASSOCIATES, ORDER TO SHOW Brian R. Dziminski, Esq. Nevada Bar No. 008436 CAUSE FOR CHANGE Attorneys for New Las Vegas OF NAME Country Club CASE NUMBER 2190 E. Pebble Road, Suite 260, Las 37-2010-00059549-CU-PT-NC Vegas, Nevada 89123 SUPERIOR COURT OF (702) 333-3770 CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF STEVEN D. GRIERSON, CLERK SAN DIEGO OF THE COURT NORTH COUNTY DIVISION By: DeEVRA KNIGHT, Deputy 325 SOUTH MELROSE Clerk, Clark County Courthouse, VISTA, CA 92081 200 Lewis Avenue In the matter of the application of: Las Vegas, Nevada 89155 PAUL GARABED OUNJIAN for Date: March 10, 2010 Change of Name(s) The Coast News Petitioner(s): PAUL GARABED October 15, 22, 29, 2010 OUNJIAN HAS FILED A November 5, 12, 2010 CN 10599 PETITION FOR AN ORDER TO CHANGE NAME FROM PAUL GARABED OUNJIAN TO NOTICE OF PETITION TO PAUL CHARLES OUNJIAN ADMINISTER ESTATE OF GLADYS B. COMPTON THE COURT ORDERS that all CASE NO. 37-2010-00150467-PR-PWpersons interested in this matter NC appear before this Court at the To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors, hearing indicated below to show contingent creditors, and persons cause, if any, why the petition for a who may otherwise be interested in change of name should not be the will or estate, or both, of: granted. Any person objecting to Gladys B. Compton. the name changes described above A PETITION FOR PROBATE has must file a written objection that been filed by Randal G. Compton in includes the reasons for the objecthe Superior Court of California, tion at least two court days before County of San Diego. the matter is scheduled to be heard THE PETITION FOR PROBATE and must appear at the hearing to requests that Randal G. Compton show cause why the petition should be appointed as personal represennot be granted. If no written objectative to administer the estate of tion is timely filed, the court may the decedent. grant the petition without a hearTHE PETITION requests the deceing. dent's WILL and codicils, if any, be admitted to probate. The will and NOTICE OF HEARING: any codicils are available for examiIn Department 3 nation in the file kept by the court. of the Superior Court of California, THE PETITION requests authority County of San Diego, North County to administer the estate under the Division, Independent Administration of 325 South Melrose, Vista, CA 92081 Estates Act. (This authority will on allow the personal representative to October 26, 2010 at take many actions without obtain8:30 a.m. ing court approval. Before taking certain very important actions, howDate: September 14, 2010 ever, the personal representative AARON H. KATZ will be required to give notice to Judge of the Superior Court interested persons unless they have OCTOBER 1, 8, 15, 22, 2010 waived notice or consented to the proposed action.) The independent CN 10536 administration authority will be granted unless an interested person FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME files an objection to the petition STATEMENT and shows good cause why the court FILE # 2010-025441 should not grant the authority. The name(s) of the business: A HEARING on the petition will be A. Reputation Award. Located at: held on November 19, 2010 at 9:30 Highland Valley Rd., a.m. in Dept. 4 located at 325 South 14925 Escondido, CA San Diego 92025. Melrose Drive, Vista, CA 92083. Mailing Address: Same. This busiIF YOU OBJECT to the granting of ness is conducted by: An Individual. the petition, you should appear at The transaction of business began: the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered by the following the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by owner(s): 1. William Weede, 14935 Highland Valley Rd., Escondido, CA your attorney. 92025. This statement was filed with IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent creditor of the deceased, the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 20, 2010. you must file your claim with the court and mail a copy to the person- S/William Weede. October 15, 22, 29, 2010 November 5, 2010 CN al representative appointed by the 10619 court within four months from the date of first issuance of letters as

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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-025638 The name(s) of the business: A. Whimsical Creations. Located at: 660 N. Willowspring Dr., Encinitas, CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: 09/20/10. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Melissa McKay, 660 N. Willowspring Dr., Encinitas, CA 92024. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 22, 2010. S/Melissa McKay. October 15, 22, 29, 2010 November 5, 2010 CN 10618

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-025709 The name(s) of the business: A. Security Screen Supply. Located at: 910 Armorlite Dr., San Marcos, CA San Diego 92069. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: 09/22/10. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Dale Giddings, 910 Amorlite Dr., San Marcos, CA 92069. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 22, 2010. S/Dale Giddings. October 15, 22, 29, 2010 November 5, 2010 CN 10606

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-027491 The name(s) of the business: A. Feet In Joy. B. Perfect Fit Located at: 2507 Orthotics. Navarra Dr., #206, Carlsbad, CA San Diego 92009. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: A Corporation. The transaction of business began: 01/01/10. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. PerfectFit Orthotics, Inc., 2507 Navarra Dr., #206, Carlsbad, CA 92009. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on October 11, 2010. S/Rene Ringnalda. October 15, 22, 29, 2010 November 5, 2010 CN 10613 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-027090 The name(s) of the business: A. E Street Cafe LLC. Located at: 130 West E Street, Encinitas, CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. The transaction of business began: 10/15/09. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. E Street Cafe LLC, 130 West E Street, Encinitas, CA 92024. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on October 06, 2010. S/Dominic Alcorn. October 15, 22, 29, 2010 November 5, 2010 CN 10612 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-026087 The name(s) of the business: A. The Smoke Ring. Located at: 660 North Willowspring Dr., Encinitas, CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: A Husband and Wife. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Thad McKay, 660 N. Willowspring Dr., Encinitas, CA 92024. 2. Melissa McKay, 660 N. Willowspring Dr., Encinitas, CA 92024. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 27, 2010. S/Thad McKay. October 15, 22, 29, 2010 November 5, 2010 CN 10611 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-026442 The name(s) of the business: A. Reliant Senior Care. B. Reliant Located at: 4566 In-Home Care. Blackwell Rd., Oceanside, CA San Diego 92056. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: 10/04/05. This business is hereby registered by the 1. Susan following owner(s): Courtney-Lawrence, 4566 Blackwell Rd., Oceanside, CA 92056. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 29, 2010. S/Susan Courtney-Lawrence. October 15, 22, 29, 2010 November 5, 2010 CN 10610 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-027362 The name(s) of the business: A. HeadShot Forensics. 2. AceIt Pros. Located at: 6404 Nancy Ridge Dr., San Diego, CA San Diego 92121. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: A Corporation. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered 1. by the following owner(s): Predicate Logic, Inc., 6404 Nancy Ridge Dr., San Diego, CA 92121. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on October 08, 2010. S/James M. Lawler. October 15, 22, 29, 2010 November 5, 2010 CN 10608 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-024737 The name(s) of the business: A. OceanView Designers. Located at: 1760 Laurel Road, Oceanside, CA San Diego 92054. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: A General Partnership. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered 1. by the following owner(s): LeeAnn D. Hysham, 1760 Laurel Road, Oceanside, CA 92054. 2. Martha Sue Depka, 825 Osborne St., Vista, CA 92084. 3. Jo Ellen Depka, 4885 Hillside Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92008. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 13, 2010. S/LeeAnn D. Hysham. October 15, 22, 29, 2010 November 5, 2010 CN 10607

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-026212 The name(s) of the business: A. Strength and Solutions. Located at: 1925 Cassia Rd., #200, Carlsbad, CA San Diego 92011. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Karen C. Argila, 1925 Cassia Rd., #200, Carlsbad, CA 92011. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 28, 2010. S/Karen C. Argila. October 15, 22, 29, 2010 November 5, 2010 CN 10601 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-026971 The name(s) of the business: A. SdMarketPros. Located at: 1004 Vista Way, Oceanside, CA San Diego 92054. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: 10/01/10. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Conrad R. Rios, 1004 Vista Way, Oceanside, CA 92054. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on October 5, 2010. S/Conrad R. Rios. October 15, 22, 29, 2010 November 5, 2010 CN 10594 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-026748 The name(s) of the business: A. CrossFit Solana Beach. Located at: 2004 Glasgow Ave., Cardiff, CA San Diego 92007. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: A Limited Liability Company. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Strength Blas Athletics, LLC, 2004 Glasgow Ave., Cardiff, CA 92007. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on October 4, 2010. S/Patricia Davis. October 15, 22, 29, 2010 November 5, 2010 CN 10593 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-026875 The name(s) of the business: A. Mad Traffic. Located at: 3563 Roosevelt St., Carlsbad, CA San Diego 92008. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: 01/01/10. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Brian Fleck, 3563 Roosevelt St., Apt. B, Carlsbad, CA 92008. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on October 5, 2010. S/Brian Fleck. October 15, 22, 29, 2010 November 5, 2010 CN 10590 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-027022 The name(s) of the business: A. Haggo’s Organic Taco. Located at: 1114 N. Coast Hwy 101, #C, CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 235141, Encinitas, CA 92024. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. James R. Haggard, 1325 Urania Ave., Encinitas, CA 92024. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on October 6, 2010. S/James R. Haggard. October 15, 22, 29, 2010 November 5, 2010 CN 10589 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-026884 The name(s) of the business: A. Priority RN Nursing Services. Located at: 416 La Costa Ave., Encinitas, CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: A Corporation. The transaction of business began: 11/01/00. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. PRN Nursing, 416 La Costa Ave., Encinitas, CA 92024. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on October 5, 2010. S/Keith Fournier. October 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010 CN 10583


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FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-026822 The name(s) of the business: A. Compass Accounting & Tax Services. Located at: 690 Carlsbad Village Dr., 202C, Carlsbad, CA San Diego 92008. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered

by the following owner(s): 1. Kim Kelly Fontes, 605 Leonard Ave., Oceanside, CA 92054. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on October 4, 2010. S/Kim Kelly Fontes. October 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010 CN 10582

FILE # 2010-026644 The name(s) of the business: A. Neighborhood Pet Discounters. Located at: 1607 Linda Sue Lane, Encinitas, CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: 1607 Linda Sue Lane, Encinitas, CA 92024. This business is conducted by: A Husband and Wife. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered 1. by the following owner(s):





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Legals 800

Fernando Segre, 1607 Linda Sue on September 29, 2010. S/Bonnie Lane, Encinitas, CA 92024 2. Sherri Philips. October 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010 Segre, 1607 Linda Sue Lane, CN 10560 Encinitas, CA 92024. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Clerk of San Diego on October 01, STATEMENT 2010. S/Fernando Segre. October 8, FILE # 2010-024392 15, 22, 29, 2010 CN 10577 The name(s) of the business: A. EUCCA. Located at: 1005 N. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Vulcanm, #3, Encinitas, CA San STATEMENT Diego 92024. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted FILE # 2010-025406 by: An Individual. The transaction The name(s) of the business: A. Annalie Consultants Located at: of business began: Not Yet Started. 1512 Sand Dune Way, San Marcos, This business is hereby registered CA San Diego 92078. Mailing by the following owner(s): 1. Address: Same. This business is Lindsey J. Crabb, 1005 N. Vulcan conducted by: A Husband and Ave., #3, Encinitas, CA 92024. This Wife. The transaction of business statement was filed with the began: Not Yet Started. This busi- Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego ness is hereby registered by the fol- on September 08, 2010. S/Lindsey lowing owner(s): 1. DuWayne Crabb. October 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010 Decker, 1512 Sand Dune Way, San CN 10559 Marcos, CA 92078 2. Robyne Decker, 1512 Sand Dune Way, San Marcos, CA 92078. This statement FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME was filed with the Recorder/County STATEMENT Clerk of San Diego on September FILE # 2010-026298 20, 2010. S/DuWayne Decker. The name(s) of the business: October 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010 CN A. Lonely Island Pool Service. 10576 Located at: 1427 Arbor Ct., Encinitas, CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: A General FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Partnership. The transaction of busiSTATEMENT ness began: Not Yet Started. This FILE # 2010-025662 business is hereby registered by the The name(s) of the business: A. Skylar’s Home & Patio Located following owner(s): 1. Nick at: 2840 State St., Carlsbad CA Margiotta, 1427 Arbor Ct., San Diego 92008. Mailing Address: Encinitas, CA 92024. 2. Scott Same. This business is conducted Strong, 1253 N. Vulcan Ave., #3, by: An Individual. The transaction Encinitas, CA 92024. This statement of business began: Not Yet Started. was filed with the Recorder/County This business is hereby registered Clerk of San Diego on September 28, by the following owner(s): 1. Skylar 2010. S/Nick Margiotta. October 8, Ireton, 554 3rd St. Encinitas, CA 15, 22, 29, 2010 CN 10558 92024 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Diego on September 22, 2010. S/Skylar Ireton. October 8, 15, 22, STATEMENT 29, 2010 CN 10575 FILE # 2010-026173 The name(s) of the business: A. Oceanside Debt/Oceanside FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Business Mnagement. B. Oceanside STATEMENT Located at: Debt Management. FILE # 2010-025749 2111 S. El Camino Real, Suite 202, The name(s) of the business: Oceanside, CA San Diego 92054. A. On Point Promotions. Located Mailing Address: Same. This busiAn at: 127 W. Jason St #B, Encinitas, ness is conducted by: CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Individual. The transaction of busiAddress: Same. This business is ness began: Not Yet Started. This conducted by: An Individual. The business is hereby registered by the transaction of business began: Not following owner(s): 1. Michael J. Yet Started. This business is hereby Reminger, 2111 S. El Camino Real, registered by the following Suite 202, Oceanside, CA 92054. owner(s): 1. Scott A Clayton, 127 W. This statement was filed with the Jason St #B, Encinitas, CA 92024. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego This statement was filed with the on September 27, 2010. S/Michael J. Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego Reminger. October 8, 15, 22, 29, on September 22, 2010. S/Scott A 2010 CN 10557 Clayton. October 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010 CN 10567 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FILE # 2010-025972 STATEMENT The name(s) of the business: FILE # 2010-025487 A. Bella Ideale Diamonds & The name(s) of the business: Precious Gems. Located at: 7387 A. The Greener Things. Located at: Alicante Road, Carlsbad, CA San 1333 Caminito Septimo, Cardiff, Diego 92009. Mailing Address: CA San Diego 92007. Mailing Same. This business is conducted Address: Same. This business is by: A Corporation. The transaction conducted by: An Individual. The of business began: Not Yet Started. transaction of business began: Not This business is hereby registered Yet Started. This business is hereby by the following owner(s): 1. J. Paul registered by the following Buchanan & Associates, Inc., 7387 owner(s): 1. Devon McFerran, 1333 Alicante Road, Carlsbad, CA 92009. Caminito Septimo, Cardiff, CA This statement was filed with the 92007. This statement was filed Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego with the Recorder/County Clerk of on September 24, 2010. S/J. Paul San Diego on September 21, 2010. Buchanan. October 1, 8, 15, 22, S/Devon McFerran. October 8, 15, 2010 CN 10550 22, 29, 2010 CN 10565

Melissa A. Drake, 246 Meadow Vista Venegas Sherwood. September 24, Way, Encinitas, CA 92024. This 2010. October 1, 8, 15, 2010 CN statement was filed with the 10527 Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 23, 2010. S/David A. FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Drake. October 1, 8, 15, 22, 2010 STATEMENT CN 10543 FILE # 2010-025438 The name(s) of the business: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME A. The Chocolate Workshop. STATEMENT Located at: 2502 Unicornio Street, FILE # 2010-025410 Carlsbad, CA San Diego 92009. The name(s) of the business: Mailing Address: Same. This busiA. On the Go Mobile Notary. ness is conducted by: An Individual. Located at: 7326 Alta Vista, The transaction of business began: Carlsbad, CA San Diego 92009. 09/15/10. This business is hereby Mailing Address: Same. This busi- registered by the following owner(s): ness is conducted by: An 1. Nancy Sutphin, 2502 Unicornio Individual. The transaction of busi- Street, Carlsbad, CA 92009. This ness began: Not Yet Started. This statement was filed with the business is hereby registered by the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego following owner(s): 1. Jared Kadry, on September 20, 2010. S/Nancy 7326 Alta Vista, Carlsbad, CA 92009. Sutphin. September 24, 2010. This statement was filed with the October 1, 8, 15, 2010 CN 10523 Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 20, 2010. S/Jared Kadry. October 1, 8, 15, 22, 2010 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME CN 10542 STATEMENT FILE # 2010-025240 The name(s) of the business: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME A. Chiropractic Health & STATEMENT Happiness. 2. The Wellness FILE # 2010-024744 Experts. Located at: 345 S. Coast The name(s) of the business: Hwy. 101, Suite A, Encinitas, CA A. Nicely Balanced Naturally. San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: Located at: 2325 Seasons Rd., Same. This business is conducted Oceanside, CA San Diego 92056. by: A Corporation. The transaction Mailing Address: Same. This busi- of business began: Not Yet Started. ness is conducted by: An This business is hereby registered Individual. The transaction of busi- by the following owner(s): 1. ness began: Not Yet Started. This Hoffman Chiropractic Health & business is hereby registered by the Happiness Inc., 345 S. Coast Hwy. following owner(s): 1. Judi Nicely, 101, Suite A, Encinitas, CA 92024. 2325 Seasons Rd., Oceanside, CA This statement was filed with the 92056. This statement was filed with Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego the Recorder/County Clerk of San on September 16, 2010. S/Dr. Ian Diego on September 13, 2010. Hoffman. September 24, 2010. S/Judi Nicely. October 1, 8, 15, 22, October 1, 8, 15, 2010 CN 10519 2010 CN 10541

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-026170 The name(s) of the business: A. Richfield Marketing Group. Located at: 8049 Run of the Knolls, San Diego, CA San Diego 92127. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: A Corporation. The transaction of business began: 01/01/10. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Richfield Asset Management Group. Inc., 8049 Run of the Knolls, San Diego, CA 92127. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 27, 2010. S/Richard M. DiPietro. October 1, 8, 15, 22, 2010 CN 10548

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-025070 The name(s) of the business: A. Tom Plumb. Located at: 469 Summerview Circle, Encinitas, CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Thomas Parkinson, 469 Summerview Circle, Encinitas, CA 92024. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 15, 2010. S/Thomas Parkinson. September 24, 2010. October 1, 8, 15, 2010 CN 10512

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-026815 The name(s) of the business: A. BRIASTYLES. B. BRIA STYLES. Located at: 270 F El Camino Real, #221, Encinitas, CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: P.O. Box 231388, Encinitas, CA 92023. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: 10/01/10. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Bria E. Flores, 1907 Misty Circle, Encinitas, CA 92024. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on October 4, 2010. S/Bria e. Flores. October 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010 CN 10563 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-026210 The name(s) of the business: A. Bridges Global Leadership. Located at: 1351 Rubenstein Ave., Cardiff, CA San Diego 92007. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Helice Bridges, 1351 Rubenstein Ave., Cardiff, CA 92007. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 28, 2010. S/Helice Bridges. October 8, 15, 22, 29, 2010 CN 10561

Schools & Instruction HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA! Graduate in just 4 Weeks! PACE Program. FREE Brochure. CALL NOW! 1-800-532-6546 Ext. 412

Legals 800

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-026317 The name(s) of the business: A. Plum Purdie. Located at: 5302 Constitution Rd., San Diego, CA San Diego 92117. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Bonnie Philips, 5302 Constitution Rd., San Diego, CA 92117. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-024624 The name(s) of the business: A. Beach Happy. Located at: 2911 Highland Dr., Carlsbad, CA San Diego 92008. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Caroline Sager, 2911 Highland Dr., Carlsbad, CA 92008. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 10, 2010. S/Caroline S. Sager. October 1, 8, 15, 22, 2010 CN 10540 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-025701 The name(s) of the business: A. Sun and Coast Real Estate. Located at: 373 Sunset Dr., Encinitas, CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: A Corporation. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Home Builders Marketing Services Inc., 373 Sunset Dr., Encinitas, CA 92024. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 22, 2010. S/Marvin Hoiseth. October 1, 8, 15, 22, 2010 CN 10533 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-024016 The name(s) of the business: A. AMP. B. Leisure Adventures. Located at: 4072 Jonathon St., Oceanside, CA San Diego 92056. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: 08/30/10. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Allan Marvin Perlas, 4072 Jonathon St., Oceanside, CA 92056. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 03, 2010. S/Allan M. Perlas. October 1, 8, 15, 22, 2010 CN 10532

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-026117 The name(s) of the business: A. Direct Service Media & Marketing. Located at: 7320 Calle Conifera, Carlsbad, CA San Diego 92009. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Tony Carmean, 7320 Calle Conifera, Carlsbad, CA 92009. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 27, 2010. S/Tony Carmean. October 1, 8, 15, 22, 2010 CN 10546

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-025543 The name(s) of the business: A. Illustrative Inspections. B. Illustrative Home Inspections. Located at: 618 Oakbranch Drive, Encinitas, CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Thomas Arnold Hannah III, 618 Oakbranch Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 21, 2010. S/Thomas Arnold Hannah III. September 24, 2010. October 1, 8, 15, 2010 CN 10528

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-025788 The name(s) of the business: A. United Automotive Wholesale. B. United States Auto Wholsale. C. U. S. Auto Wholesale. D. United Auto Wholesale. Located at: 246 Meadow Vista Way, Encinitas, CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: A Husband and Wife. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. David A. Drake, 246 Meadow Vista Way, Encinitas, CA 92024. 2.

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-025431 The name(s) of the business: A. Loving Moving. Located at: 516 N. Acacia Avenue, Solana Beach, CA San Diego 92075. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: Not Yet Started. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Donna Venegas Sherwood, 516 N. Acacia Avenue, Solana Beach, CA 92075. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 20, 2010. S/Donna

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-025225 The name(s) of the business: A. Hair Designs by Abbe. Located at: 1114 Leonard Ave., Oceanside, CA San Diego 92054. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: An Individual. The transaction of business began: 05/04/05. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Abbe Bain, 1114 Leonard Ave., Oceanside, CA 92054 This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 16, 2010. S/Abbe R. Bain. September 24, 2010. October 1, 8, 15, 2010 CN 10518 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-025224 The name(s) of the business: A. Organic Body Lounge. Located at: 996 N. Coast Hwy 101, Unit A, Encinitas, CA San Diego 92024. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: A General Partnership. The transaction of business began: 08/01/10. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Neusa Maria Silva, 930 Bonita Drive, Encinitas, CA 92024. 2. Lashelle Konopasek, 1093 N. Vulcan Ave., Apt. B, Encinitas, CA 92024. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 16, 2010. S/Neusa Maria Silva. September 24, 2010. October 1, 8, 15, 2010 CN 10514

FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT FILE # 2010-025006 The name(s) of the business: A. Veritas Health Economics Consulting, Inc. Located at: 8033 Corte Sasafras, Carlsbad, CA San Diego 92009. Mailing Address: Same. This business is conducted by: A Corporation. The transaction of business began: 09/01/10. This business is hereby registered by the following owner(s): 1. Veritas Health Economics Consulting, Inc., 8033 Corte Sasafras, Carlsbad, CA 92009. This statement was filed with the Recorder/County Clerk of San Diego on September 15, 2010. S/Steve Duff. September 24, 2010. October 1, 8, 15, 2010 CN 10500

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OCT. 15, 2010



COMMUNITY HEALTHCARE FORUM An interactive evening with Encinitas’ finest medical practitioners

Tuesday, Oct. 19, 5:30-7:30pm • Encinitas Library 540 Cornish Dr., Encinitas


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Guest Moderator


Have your questions answered by the following guest professionals:

Mary Ann Rose, M.D.

DON’T MISS IT! Tuesday, October 19 5:30-7:30pm Encinitas Library

Catheryn Yashar, M.D.

UCSD Radiation Oncology North County

UCSD Moores Cancer Center

1200 Garden View Road, Suite 210 Encinitas, CA 92024 858-246-0500

3855 Health Sciences Drive #0843 La Jolla, CA 92093-0843 858-822-6040



Born in Georgia and raised in Houston, Texas, Dr. Rose received her B.A. from Yale University in English literature and her M.D. from Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Following Medical School, she completed residencies in both Internal Medicine and Radiation Medicine at Harvard University in Boston and is board certified in both specialties. Initially a Staff Radiation Oncologist at the Harvard Joint Center for Radiation Therapy, Dr. Rose was based at Beth Israel Hospital and the Breast Evaluation Clinic of the Dana Farber Cancer Intitute. She subsequently served as Chief of Radiation Oncology at St. Anne's Hospital in Fall River, Massachussetts prior to relocating to San Diego in 1993. Dr. Rose has worked in private practice in the San Diego area for nearly 15 years, serving as Medical Director at Palomar Medical Center in Escondido and Medical Director of the Vantage Oncology Centers in both Temecula and Wildomar. Dr. Rose came to UCSD in 2007 and is Professor of Radiation Oncology and Medical Director of the UCSD North County facility in Encinitas. She has published numerous articles on the treatment of breast cancer and genitourinary cancers, and has continued interest in these areas as well as in general radiation oncology, Dr. Mary Ann Rose medical ethics and palliative care.

Anne Wallace, M.D. UCSD Moores Cancer Center

Born and raised in Louisville, Kentucky, Dr. Yashar graduated Summa Cum Laude (3rd in class) in 1986 from Vanderbilt University with a B.A. degree in Biology. She received her M.D. from Northwestern University in 1991, and completed an internship and residency at the University of Michigan Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Ann Arbor, MI. After a 2-year fellowship in Gynecologic Oncology at the University of Louisville, Dr. Yashar entered the field of Radiation Oncology and completed her Radiation Oncology Residency at the University of Louisville. Dr. Yashar served as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Louisville, and now is Associate Professor at UCSD. Dr. Yashar's clinical and research focus has centered on cancers in women, notably breast and gynecologic cancers. Her surgical training is invaluable particularly in the application of brachytherapy in both breast and gynecologic tumors and is the chief of these services at UCSD. She has also been an invited speaker on Gynecologic Oncology issues at numerous national meetings including the Radiation Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG), the Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG) and the American Brachytherapy Society (ABS) Dr. Catheryn Yashar

Rupa Subramanian, M.D. San Diego Cancer Center

3855 Health Sciences Drive #0987 La Jolla, CA 92093-0987 858-822-6193

1200 Garden View Road, Suite 200 Encinitas, CA 92024 760-634- 6661



Dr. Anne Wallace is a specialist in breast cancer surgery, breast reconstruction, and aesthetic surgery for the breast. Dr. Wallace is certified by the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Wallace has been the Director of the Breast Care Unit at the Moores UCSD Cancer Center since 1995. This unit is a team of health professionals who work together to provide excellent care and the latest available treatments for breast cancer patients. Dr. Wallace participates in the Translational Oncology Program at the Moores UCSD Cancer Center where she studies the causes, behavior, and treatment of breast cancer and melanoma. Her special research interests include breast cancer prevention and improvement in techniques for sentinel lymph node biopsy. She is an investigator in the ongoing National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project (NSABP) study of breast cancer treatments. She also collaborates with basic science researchers to develop early detection methods in high risk individuals. Dr. Wallace holds leadership positions in several national and local cancer organizations, including the American Cancer Society, the American Melanoma Society, and the California Breast Cancer Research Council. In 1999, the Komen Foundation honored Dr. Wallace as Breast Cancer Clinician of the Year. She was named the Clinical Teacher of the Year Dr. Anne Wallace for 2000 in the UCSD Division of Plastic Surgery.

After completing medical school at Lady Harding Medical College in New Delhi, India, Dr. Subramanian completed her residency at UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles and her Fellowship in Hematology/Oncology at UCI Medical Center in Irvine. Dr. Subramanian received special honors in Residency being honored Resident of the Year for all of UCLA Medical Center from 1998 through 1999. She was an Assistant Clinical Professor of Hematology and Oncology at University of California Irvine Medical Center. Joining Compassionate Cancer Care Medical Group in Orange County in 2003, she established one of Orange County's exclusive comprehensive breast center dedicated to the care of women in breast cancer. Since 2005, Dr. Subramanian has set up a comprehensive multispecialty breast care center in North County. She has established a bi-monthly breast cancer tumor board that reviews treatment plans with surgeons, radiologists, radiation oncologists, and supportive staff. She has developed networks with community physicians and UCSD faculty to identify high risk patients and offer preventative care. Dr. Subramanian has ten years clinical experience and has been devoted to breast cancer. Dr. Subramanian is also a dedicated wife and mother. She loves to travel all over the world, read, and do yoga. Dr. Rupa Subramanian


OCT. 15, 2010



Visit us at:

readers every week!* F.Y.I. 100

Camp Pendleton




La Costa Leucadia


Solana Beach

Rancho Santa Fe

ANTIQUE free antique show, sunday, november 14,9amto3pm, 515 w.valley parkway, escondido, one year anniversery sale. (858) 232-9474

CLIP ON TUNER “CRAFTER” like new, cost $30, sell for $18. (760) 9425692.

PRINT So Ho New York, “new Village Corners”, framed glass, 30” W X 24” tall, Viktor Shvaiko, $18. (760) 5999141

Carmel Valley

FANCY BOOTS Western black leather, Nordstroms, as new, size 9 1/2, $100. (760) 643-1945

Garage Sales

FIREWOOD FOR SALE Several different types of quality firewood, seasoned & delivered, any size load available. (760) 942-7430.

Appliances HOT POINT WASHER & DRYER $100 OBO. (310) 890-2961

Computers/Electronics HP PRINTER 5440; $25 (760) 721825

F.Y.I..................................... ..100 HEALTH & WELL BEING ....150 ITEMS FOR SALE................200 BUSINESS SERV.............. ...300 FINANCIAL SERV.................310 HOME SERVICES................325 MISC. SERVICES............. ....350 PERSONAL SERV................375

SONY WEGA TRINITRON Flat screen 13” tv with remote. Model kv13fs100. $50.00 (760) 521-6793

HELP WANTED................ ....400 JOBS WANTED................ ....450 BUSINESS OPPS.................475 ROOMMATES.......................500 RENTALS..............................600 REAL ESTATE.................... ..700 LEGAL/PUBLIC NOTICE.... 800 AUTOMOTIVE..................... 900

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828 N. Hwy 101, Leucadia

DIGITAL RADIO CONTROL “Futabo” 75 MHZ, magnum sport, $18. (760) 599-9141.

Lost and Found

Items For Sale 200


DESIGNER SUNGLASS CASES Various collection & sizes, all new, $5 - 10 each. (760) 944-6460

LOST BLACK & WHITE MALE DOG SHIH TZU in the vicinity of Lago Linden, Encinitas (858) 756-0569

RUMMAGE SALE Second annual San Dieguito rummage sale, 800 Santa Fe Rd., Encinitas, Saturday, 10/16/10 from 8 am - 1 pm


CYMBALS A Zildjian crash 18” $100. A Zildjian china 22” $150. A Zildjian ride 20” $100. Sabian 16”AA crash $75. Sonor hihat stand and Scimitar cymbals $75. Tom tom 9X13 $20 (760) 419-7873.

DUVET COVER King size, custom made, pale rose with extra bolted material, $100, mint condition, like new. (760) 944-6460

Fairbanks Ranch

Del Mar

CARD TABLE 48” diam, portable, octagonal, chip pockets, cup holders, felt surface w/ cover $85. (760) 4369933 or (619) 756-5874.

PLAYING CARDS 6 double decks, 12 single; sealed & boxed, $10. (760) 845-3024

NIKKEN AIR WELLNESS POWER 5 PRO #1438, 16” W X 29” T, like new, paid $750, sell for $99. (760) 599-9141


Items For Sale 200

CLAIRISONIC CLEANING BRUSH for skin care; paid $200, sell for $100. (760) 672-4380

Health & Well-Being


Items For Sale 200

Free Stuff

HELP Help casita elementary win playground in a box worth $25,000 !! Vote at kaboom. Org for casita elementary today and tomorrow until 1pm at Anyone can help casita elementary at vote please

San Marcos

Items For Sale 200

WEBTV PLUS Philips Magnavox WebTV Plus; HP Scanner; $149. (760)599-7219

FLANNEL SHEETS 2 packaged king flat, $12 each. (760) 643-1945 FOLD-OUT MAPS Carton full; countries of the world-fold-out maps; approx: 100. Take all, $20. (760) 8453024 FUEL INJECTOR PUMPS Two new Ron’s Racing Fuel Injector Pumps 31/2 GPM and 2-1/2 GPM; $150 each. (760)599-7219

PRO FOOT MASSAGER 2-speed, heavy metal frame with rubber pad platform, A-1 condition, $150. 1-517648-1220 RAYBAN SUNGLASSES With case, Centennial red, white & blue style, Vagabond, excellent condition, collectible, $50. (760) 944-6460 SAN DIEGO AMERICAN CUP 1992 Sailboat Race, 18”W X 24” tall, print/plexiglass, $18. (760) 599-9141. STOP POISONING YOU Stop poisoning you pets New organic de-flea and de-wormer. Contact Organic Jan at: 760-331-4525 or go to: (760) 6341332 STORAGE LOCKER BOX Gold metal latch, white swan design, 16” W X 16” long X 10” tall, $14. (760) 599-9141 TEMPUR-PEDIC WONDERSEATS (2) from the “Healthy Back Store”. The comfort cushion built to provide comfortable seating posture. It’s portable, weighs 2 lbs and is 16” X 13”. One is brand new and the other gently used. Original packages $60 and $50. (760) 944-6460 TV SULLVANIA COLOR 27” everything included that is necessary, $40. (760) 942-7430

GARDENING POTS & PLANTS Terra cotta, ceramic and landscaper black pots; 1,5 & 7 gallons; saucers, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10”; cacti small, medium & large, $3-$25. (760) 944-6460

WOMAN’S PURSE Dooney & Burke Taupe with tan trim. Use with or without shoulder strap, with signature tab, nice condition, $100. (760) 944-6460.

GOLF PULL CART with associated club set, $30. (760) 632-1824

WOMAN’S WINTER JACKET Never used, light tan, zip in lining with pockets, size 16, $80 OBO. (760) 4368452

HEEL SUPPORTS Boxed & new, 3/4” in length, size for men (6-7), size for women (7-8), $10. (760) 944-6460 HOOVER STEAM VAC Sears price, $239, my price, $129. Never used, still in box. (760) 729-6044.

WORLD MAPS Carton full of miscellaneous foldout world maps of miscellaneous countries. Take all, $15. (760) 845-3024

2 ARMED WOODED RED CHAIRS $8 or two for $10. (760) 632-1824

HOT box of fifty hot wheels in original packaging. random models. $40 (760) 726-8491

Sporting Goods

KING SIZE BED Dark cherry wood, mattresses are in good condition, $150. (858) 759-2554.

INLINE SKATES K-2 Radical 100, size 10. Cost $375, sell for $125. (760) 942-5692

PARSONS CHAIRS Elegant design of navy blue, gray & off-white Parsons chairs, 3 mo. old, immaculate, both for $110. Original cost $258. (760) 634-1567

LADIES ENGLISH RIDING BOOTS Made inEngland “MARLBOROUGH” tan/brown, nice/good condition, size 7B, $100. (760) 944-6460

2 TENNIS RACQUETS Ladies Bancroft “Quart King”, Men’s Balding Ace Long “28-5” excellent condition, $15 each. (760) 599-9141


Miscellaneous PULSE JET ENGINE 100 lb. thrust. SS tig-welded; 64” long, 6” OD tailpipe. 760.599.7219 15-GALLON PLANTS Macadamia nut, fan palm, crown-of-thorns, jade, loquot, & black pines, $35 each. (760) 436-6604 22”X20” JADE CARVING Large Soochow jade carving, 22” x 20”. (760)599-7219. (760) 599-7219 37” SONY COLOR TV Excellent condition, with glass door cabinet stand, $150. (760) 729-1126 7 CHINCHILLAS to wear as a scarf, beautiful brown color, med. size, all for $150. (760) 757-2757. AFRICAN CARVED WOMEN One is black wood, gold/brown design, $21” tall statute; one is a woman wall plaque, carved, gold design, 18” tall X 7” wide, $14 each. (760) 599-9141 AUTO COOL FAN, NIB As seen on tv solar powered ventilation system, $15 (760) 599-7219 BLACK PLASTIC POTS Small, medium & large, like new, $10. (760) 9446460 BURMESE JADE PENDANT Heavily carved on both sides; multi-colored; 2-1/2”L x 1-1/2”W $40 (760)599-7219 CANON CAMCORDER $195 NEW ES65 8mm video camcorder NEW (760)599-7219

LARGE TREE STAKES 6” thick, 16’ tall, to support young growing trees, $15 each. LAWN & GARDEN 2-gallon sprayer, never used, $15. (760) 436-8452 MEN’S LEVI LEISURE JACKET Medium size, light blue, from the 1960’s, $25, like new. (760) 729-6044

BICYCLE Vertical DK7, dual rebound front forks, 2 times aluminum suspension in the back, under-pull breaks, 21 speed, great shape, $100. (760) 942-7430 BIKE TREE/RACK HOLDS TWO (2) BICYCLES, ARMS ROTATE, NO TOOLS REQUIRED, OVERALL HEIGHT 84 INCHES, RACK METAL, PERFECT CONDITION! $50 (760) 944-6460

GOLF PULL CART black portable with chair, extra pockets, holds complete set, $45. Also, golf balls, name brand, top condition, no water balls, 20 cents each for the first 50, 51 plus, 15 cents each. (760) 436-9933. SNOWBOARDS Two snow boards w/ boots 100.00 each (760)685-8222 TENNIS RACKET Head Metallix 10 powerful, excellent condition, $40. (760) 632-2487 TWO GIRL SPRING WETSUITS size 10 & 12, perfect shape, $30 each or two for $50. (760) 942-7430

Items Wanted JACK DANIELS Collector looking for old jd or lem motlow bottles and advertising items. Up to $149 each (760) 630-2480 WANTED Wanted Used Saxophones, flutes, clairnets, any condition, will pay cash. 760-346-9931 (760) 7050215. DIABETIC TEST STRIPS WANTED Any Type, Any Brand. Will pay up to $10 a box. Call Ronda at (760) 5937033.

Business Svcs. 300 COMPUTER SERVICES Install, configure, trouble-shoot, train; ms-office apps; soho projects & reports (858) 481-8078

Misc. Services 350

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MEN’S SOCKS From “ SIMCAN COMFORT SOCK, non binding, sag resistant fit, 98% cotton, 2% high stretch Lycra. Two crew & one over the calf, SIZE 14 & NEW, $15 for all. (760) 9446460 MOUNTAIN SCENE OIL stream/plant life/sky, lemon liner/wood frame, 31”W X 27” long. Beautiful, $45. (760) 599-9141 NEW CARPET 12 X12 ft, manufacturer: Fabrica; Collector: Sondoval, color: lisbon-holly (soft gray); Style: Friezze, $150. (760) 944-6460. OIL PAINTINGS Independent International art dealer forced court retirement ordered. 70% to 90% off wholesale cost. Large paintings, incredible selection, unbelievable life-tIme collection. MUST SEE, MUST SELL, SACRIFICE. Fantastic value, $150 or less. for more info, call 760-696-3600 OVERSIZE PONY FOR CHILD faux velvet material, leather saddle with metal stirrups, 30” W X 28” tall, chocolate/white, $14. (760) 599-9141. PAINTINGS (8) All for $150. (858) 759-2554.

Place your own FREE PRINT AD at If your item is under $150 dollars, you can place it FREE!

OCT. 15, 2010

Personal Svcs. 375

MASSAGE Open 7 days



9am to 9pm

Oriental massage, table shower & shampoo, Jacuzzi


255 North Ash #107 Lic. #162163

Automotive Cars 1985 NISSAN 300 zx 2dr 5 spd, t-tops, new clutch, brakes, engine rebuilt. this classic will sell fast. $2995.00. Call Ted (760) 805-9247 GREAT TRANSPORTATION 1988 ford taurus 92 k great shape no dents grandad car.smogged reg till march 2011 steven 760-458-6051 $850 (760) 458-6051 LEXUS GS300 Pristine 2002 with all maintenance done with records. 68k mi. Very clean and runs perfect. $12,000 obo (858) 837-1616 MAZDA SPORT Miata, mx, turbo, 2 seater, black soft top with cover, cd stereo, air, manual, (stick 6 speed), performance tires with spare, apprx. 38,000 miles. (760) 207-0073 San Marcos, $15,950.00 0B0.

Automotive MERCEDES CLASSIC! 1978 280E Mercedes. Exterior Excellent condition, pale yellow. Interior original leather, driver’s seat rip in seam, otherwise all others perfect. Tires & brakes good! Runs, but needs some work on radiator. $1999. OBO (760) 468-1830 1998 HONDA CIVIC 2-door, 5-speed, runs & drives great, licensed until 2011, $2,500 (760) 224-2020

Real Estate

LOOKING FOR VALUE? Try a home with 3 Br, 1.5 Ba, & bonus room for $199K. There’s also a garage, front yard with attractive masonry wall, fruit trees, & spacious back yard. Close to schools, market or shopping. (760) 7204488

SUV super clean 2006 chrysler pacifica, $13,799 New tires, custom wheels, cd, air, grey interion, 67,900 miles (858) 232-9474

OCEAN VIEW HOME ON 0.71 ACRES Single story, move-in ready, with room to expand up & out. Entire lot is usable, easy to access & “splitable” for development. Bike to the beach or The Village. $939K Lic 0130279 (760) 720-4488




Condos/Twnhs (Unfurn) SENIOR Lake San Marcos Chateau, $1850, 1 bd/1 ba spectacular garden condo, gourmet meals, maid service, 24-7 security, medical and more, (858) 688-1787.

Office Space Clean modern office space, prime Encinitas location, 1,975 sf, free standing building, kitchenette, plenty of parking.

Call 858-231-6225

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Homes For Sale

WATER FRONT HOME W/ 2br 2ba on carlsbad’s boat & ski playground. Suitable for everyday living or vacation home. Lagoon & canal views, beautiful upgrades, tandem 2 car garage + 2 driveway spaces. More info @ or call (760) 720-4488

Place your own ad at and SAVE MONEY!

760-436-5700 760-436-6555 fax




FOR SALE - $539,000 LA COSTA TOWNHOUSE Lovely, Upgraded 2BD+Den/2.5BA in the gated comm. of SeaCliff w/ comm. pool & tennis. Large patio w/ canyon views, 2 car gar, fireplace.





UNFURNISHED HOUSE ENCINITAS $3700 Amazing 3BD+ofc/2BA WEST of Coast Hwy & steps to BEACH. Wood floors, European style kitchen, ocean views, lrg patio, 2 fireplaces! No pets.





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UNFURNISHED HOUSE LA COSTA $2150 Lovely 2-story 3BD/2.5BA in quiet neighborhood. Large fenced yard, 2 car garage, fireplace, newer carpet, paint, blinds, fixtures & more! Pets negot.


UNFURNISHED TOWNHOUSE CARDIFF - $1900 Lovely 3BD/2.5BA 2-story home w/1 car gar, fireplace, large patio + deck. Comm. pool, spa, park. Walk to schools. No pets.



UNFURNISHED TOWNHOUSE CARDIFF $1850 Light, bright 2BD/1.5BA in Cardiff Cove. West of I-5 w/ 1 car garage, fenced patio, pergo floors. Comm. pool/spa. Pet negot. One Year Lease.

UNFURNISHED TOWNHOUSE CARDIFF - $1800 Lovely, 2-story 3BD/1.5BA in Park Place. Unit has fireplace, patio, steps to pool, park, and school. Carport prkng. Water & trash incl.



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UNFURNISHED COTTAGE ENCINITAS - $1750 PANORAMIC OCEAN VIEWS at this spacious 1BD/1BA in desirable neighborhood. Private deck, everything upgraded. W, T, SDG&E,DirecTV included.



CLASSIFIEDS Sell your car at any price, or any one item $150 or less for FREE! Go online to: www. or call our free ad hotline at


Deadline is Monday at 4 p.m.



UNFURNISHED STUDIO COTTAGE ENCINITAS - $1150 This charming STUDIO/1BA cottage is located WEST of 101 and just steps to BEACH & TOWN! Spanish tile,private patio, storage. ALL BASIC UTILS INCL. No pets.




CARLSBAD $975 UNFURNISHED APARTMENT Upgraded Jr.1BD/1BA upstairs apt. WEST of I-5. Full ktchn & bath, newer carpet, paint, blinds, applcs. Comm. lndry. Walk to beaches & town.

UNFURNISHED APARTMENT SOLANA BEACH $1450 Upstairs 2BD/1BA apt in small complex WEST of I-5 & steps to Cedros Design District, BEACH, and Fairgrounds! Newer everything! No pets.


UNFURNISHED APARTMENT ENCINITAS - $1025 Lovely, upgraded 1BDA/1BA upstairs apt. WEST of I-5. Off street parking, comm. laundry, short walk to downtown Leucadia & BEACHES! No pets..




OCT. 15, 2010

SOUP TO NUTS by Rick Stromoski

Friday, Oct. 15, 2010

FRANK & ERNEST by Bob Thaves

THE BORN LOSER by Art & Chip Sansom

BIG NATE by Lincoln Peirce

MONTY by Jim Meddick

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) - It will be no surprise that your leadership qualities are seeking expression, just be sure to do so in a manner that ingratiates you to others. Done right, it’ll be hail to the chief. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) Although you might be anxious to get a start on the weekend festivities, you’ll first need to finalize matters and tie things down, which you can do through your natural-born tenacity. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) - If someone with whom you have lost touch is on your mind, try to reopen lines of communication once again. Something this person is involved in would be perfect for you right now. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You could be luckier than usual in areas that can enhance your financial wherewithal and security. It would be a shame to waste your time on endeavors that yield no profit or growth. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) - Be self-reliant, because you could be particularly fortunate by putting your imprint on situations that are personally important. Don’t let others do what you can perform better. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) - It isn’t your nature need crowds in order to be happy. Seeking out a certain


“ L

by Luis Campos


Celebrity Cipher cryptograms are created from quotations by famous people, past and present. Each letter in the cipher stands for another. TODAY'S CLUE:

J equals X

ARLO & JANIS by Jimmy Johnson


COW & BOY by Mark Leiknes



amount of solitude to sort out all your thoughts would do you a world of good. ARIES (March 21-April 19) - Plan to engage in some kind of activity with friends who challenge your creativity and resourcefulness. You need to be mentally aroused as well as physically stimulated. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) Something great you did a long time ago, which you thought was totally forgotten, might be brought to light once again. Be gracious in how you handle this, keeping in mind it was in the past. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Grasping the essence of a new idea or concept before anybody else does will give you a competitive edge over your peers. Be sure to implement it the moment you recognize it for what it is. CANCER (June 21-July 22) Changes you’ve needed to make but were unable to implement until now can bring about something that everybody else has been trying to get their hands on. Use your edge wisely. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - Being the big dog isn’t as important to you as being able to please your companions and make them feel special. It’s this attitude that makes you so popular among your peers, and it will continue to do so. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Others might be looking for enjoyment and gratification in frivolous activities, but you will still be keeping your nose to the grindstone. Don’t look up until your goal is realized.



E W F H F N Z -


. . .

L’ X




D L Z L C K . ”


E V L H F E A .



G I H -

H V B U PREVIOUS SOLUTION: “You can do anything you set your mind to, but it takes action, perseverance and facing your fears.” - Gillian Anderson



OCT. 15, 2010



terribly 21st-century. This woman was so oldschool she even wanted to pay with real cash money. That stymied us both for a minute, but I figured it out and, in the process, felt 25 again. This was absolutely the antidote I needed to get over receiving photos and e-mail from my friend on her iPhone from Brazil. She is always bragging


in the Park series with free performances in Carlsbad’s parks for six years. Once the theater secured its permanent space in the Carlsbad Village, performances were relocated to the new venue on State Street in 2007, Kurner said. “We wanted to encourage people to come down and get accustomed to our new space,

about her apps and making me not only feel just a bit dull-witted, but really jealous, too. I am content for now with my silly, old flip-top phone, but I do what I can to stay reasonably competent with the leaping, racing changes in technology — because I remember. I remember being the young Turk sailing through training on the very first computers in the newsroom, and feeling nothing but pity and disdain for the oldsters

(over 50) who found it all so daunting. It is a cruel joke that just a short 35 years later, I am in the running to be that reluctant, pitiable old person. It’s the best motivation on earth. Wait. My screen just turned bright pink. It’s a lovely color, but that just can’t be good.

to know where we were,” Kurner said. A year later, the theater was invited to bring its popular Shakespeare productions to Vista’s Avo Playhouse, where they first established a relationship with the Moonlight Cultural Foundation. Shakespeare in the Park took a short break before moving to the Moonlight Amphitheater, which had been under renovation.

The theater now has permanent professional lighting and sound equipment that better suits a wider variety of needs and performances, Aaron said. “The renovations are done, Moonlight Amphitheater is celebrating their 30th anniversary, we’re celebrating our 10th — all the stars aligned that made this the right time to make Shakespeare in the Park happen,” Kurner said.


KNOCK OUT Tiffany VanSoest, of Encinitas, is now the new International Amateur Muay Thai Federation U.S. National Champion, after winning her fight against Gabriela Lemus with a knock-out in the second round. Her next Muay Thai venture is representing the United States in the USA versus China Championship in Las Vegas Nov. 13 at Harrah’s Las Vegas. Photo by Peter Ulatan



days after the initial diagnosis, doctors inserted a semi-permanent chemotherapy port under the skin in his chest. His parents said it was his “superhero port.” Max spent two weeks in the hospital undergoing his first round of chemotherapy and a blood transfusion. Intent on eradicating the cancer, Max’s family traveled to Houston,Texas, for six weeks of proton radiation therapy in a clinical trial at The University of Texas M.D.Anderson Cancer Center. Although they were evacuated during Hurricane Ike and feeling the painful separation from supportive friends, Young said Max responded well to the intensive treatment. Max enjoyed a “normal kid” year after the treatment before the cancer relapsed.The extremely rare and aggressive cancer that spread from a tumor in his head to his bone marrow now requires additional treatment. He underwent a year of chemotherapy and radiation and continues to be treated with premium-grade immunotherapy and alternative medicines. Although Max is insured, the cost of his treatment will exceed the $2 million lifetime cap soon. “We’re not sure about what to do after that,” Young said. The family is headed to Maryland for additional treatment at the National Cancer Institute. “There is a 2 percent success rate with this (treatment),”Young said. “It’s such a rare form of cancer, there aren’t any cures.” Max spent most of the summer in the hospital. “The minute he feels good we get out as much as we can,”Young said.

“We love our community and our life.” The close-knit community of friends has expanded as word of the family’s situation reaches more people. Rae Martin, whose family has known the family for four years, is not surprised at the outpouring of support. “They (Kleckners) are an amazing example of how to stay positive in the face of such adversity,” she said. “They are the greatest, easiest people to be around. Anyone who the Kleckners have touched feels the same way.” Thad Benshoof, co-owner of Rimel’s and Zenbu, along with Matt Rimel said participating in the fundraiser was an easy choice. “I’m just trying to be a good community member, we all have kids and we all feel good about helping a kid from the community,” he said. Rimel’s and Zenbu will donate all of the proceeds from their restaurants that day to benefit Max, and local businesses Sambazon, Seaside Market, East Coast Pizza and Ezia will also participate. Numerous activities at the party include a jam session where children are welcome to play the instruments, a silent auction with donations from local businesses, pro-surfers and skateboarders and “Mighty Max” inspired items for sale. For a little boy who loves to swim, surf and boogie board, the countless days in the hospital are difficult to endure. But with the love and support of his parents and friends, Max makes it though the painful shots and treatments. “At this point you try to be strong and enjoy the good days,” Young said. “Max told me recently that the good thing about him having cancer is ‘because I’m really strong and I

can handle it and my friends don’t have to get it,’” she said. “My favorite thing about Max is his passion,”Young said. “He’s fearless, he loves his friends and he’s a sweetheart, he’s a lover.” “I really appreciate all of the support. Everyone wants to help in some way,” she said. “I just wish they had a cure, I would give everything I own to find a cure.” For more information on Max’s progress and opportunities to donate to Max’s battle against cancer, visit www.max

Jean Gillette is a freelance writer riding drag in the computer cattle drive. Contact her at

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OCT. 15, 2010

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