16 Enterprise Edition

Page 28

A famous quote says “A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way” I’ve came across and read about several game-changing coaches, as you probably have too. If you watch them closely they all possess one thing in common and this is true regardless of their reach and impact. The truth is they all started out just like the rest of us – as ordinary people. But they never stopped there like rest of others rather nurtured their coaching skills in them to stand out tall among the crowd. What makes them a remarkable coach is their remarkable drive and passion to make a difference. Enthusiasm coupled with an aspired “reach” or “vision” that was bigger than ‘normal’. Are you looking to change the world with your coaching skills? These 10 coaching qualities are for difference-makers of every size and stature. Hazel knows what is takes to change the world and is an active member and contributor to UN Women Australia National Committee and Voice of Hope to many nations, delivering empowerment workshops and programs to transform policies and improve the lives of women and youth globally. She has used her values to empower and equip more than 20,000 entrepreneurs in Southern Africa to become economically independent and self-sufficient and spoken to audiences of 40,000 and more globally facilitating community development and contributing to the sustainable development of nations.

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