20 Career Edition

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FROM THE EDITOR Back in 2015 I had fallen in love with coaching. I had completed my training through to Master Coach and the world was my client, ready to learn and be all it could be. Speaking to people though, I was confronted with the perception that there was a new coach under every rock, and most were not worth lifting the rock to find. When faced with this kind of problem, I find there are three options, you can walk away, grin and bear it or roll up you sleeves and do something about it. This is how the magazine was born. I decided to do something for the industry and reputation of coaching. In order to have the most impact, I decided to include all coaches, regardless of focus. This may have been naïve, but I figured that Sports Coaches, Business Coaches and Life Coaches could all offer something to each other. Let’s showcase the best coaching has to offer, help coaches be better at improving human performance in all areas and make the world a more connected and constructive place. With my dreams set, I ploughed head-long into the first hurdle, the ICF (International Coach Federation) Board. I rang the ICF and was told that they would not support the magazine as they wanted to keep a distance from Sports Coaching. Undaunted, I found a magazine mentor, the amazing Keeley O’Conner, Founder and publisher of Haven Magazine. She helped me put together the first edition and launch Coaching Life. Having decided to include Sports Coachs, my research showed that the most organised sport for coaching in Australia was the AFL. So my first call… ever… was to Laurie Woodman, Head of Coaching for the AFL. With my most official voice, I announced that I was Editor of Coaching Life and would like to include an article from an AFL Coach. He immediately connected me with David Parkin OAM and we were underway.


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