23 COVID-19 Edition

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How to Thrive Under Pressure in Unprecedented Times. The world changed irreparably in early 2020 when the coronavirus pandemic spread across our planet, and as the devastation raged through countries and continents like wildfire; the fear, distress, and panic set in and our lives were instantly and drastically altered. While the virus itself is most certainly a terrifying prospect, many of us have found the potential financial ramifications to be even more ominous, and when the health crisis diminishes and we are left to pick up the shattered economic pieces, we will regrettably find ourselves facing a new and equally hazardous wave of fear and uncertainty. For many, this will evoke unprecedented levels of stress, worry, and anxiety. Statistics tell us that there probably isn’t a family on the planet unaffected by mental illness, and with the Covid-19 crisis and its subsequent burdens

thrust upon us, this mental health endemic has only been amplified. Depression and anxiety are everywhere, but so many people suffer in silence, partly because these conditions can be difficult to speak about, but also because care can be hard, or costly to access.

In half of the countries in the world today, there are fewer than 4 mental health workers for every 100,000 people, and with suicide remaining the leading cause of death for young people in most developed countries, it’s clear that we need better options that can be made available to more people, so we have two key challenges: Finding new ways to giving people access to treatments, and then ensuring the treatments we give people access to are effective and lasting.

Drug based treatment, talking therapy or psychotherapy are all forms of treatment that work for many, but as a Coach, you can offer and practice an effective alternative to these mainstream treatment options, with the aim of eradicating the root cause of stress, anxiety, burnout, and breakdown, which can manifest physically and mentally in so many damaging ways. Now more than ever, mindfulness and mind management are crucial. How we react to a difficult situation will affect how stress affects us and our overall health and wellbeing. A persistently negative response to challenges can have a detrimental effect on health and happiness, however, being aware of how you react to stressors and learning how to effectively manage them will help reduce the negative feelings and effects of stress.

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