23 COVID-19 Edition

Page 46


Working with people who can feel, see and hear things others can’t, is amazing. It’s not always easy and sometimes growth hurts, but who doesn’t like pain?


eing a business coach is a dream job. The click you have with your coachee is indescribable. The things you share, the actions you agree on, the progress you make. The intimacy is almost like a marriage.

One of the most impressive times I felt and saw the impact of a great coach was back in 2014. That year I had the honour to attend the Master Coaching course at the Cruyff Institute. A yearlong course based on the philosophy of the famous Dutch soccer player Johan Cruyff. This philosophy was more than applying tactical and technical knowledge. It was about managing yourself, the players, staff members, the team and the surroundings. After all, how can you coach others, if you cannot coach yourself first.

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