COACH - The Professional Coaching Magazine

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CREATING A POWERFUL PERSONAL BRAND IN YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS CHANELLE SEGERIUS-BRUCE is an online entrepreneur who lives in South Africa and runs a very successful coaching business. She understands the true POWER OF BRANDING and shares here how to really build your brand in a busy and demanding online space.


he ongoing priority to remember (even though it sounds obvious!) is the fact that in the online world, your prospective clients aren’t meeting you in person so it’s imperative your personal branding is strong enough for them to feel connected to you and feel they know you without meeting you.

In a hyper-connected world, we’re more distracted than ever before. Think about it, when’s the last time somebody really listened to you? If you can hold space for people, make them feel heard and understood, genuinely, then you’ll create long-lasting relationships that will turn into people wanting to work with you when you put out an offer. We all do business with people we know, like and trust and the best way to create that connection is to show up on video. It’s the closest thing to speaking in-person. Live streaming shows your personality, gives value and pulls back the curtain on your life and business to reveal the real ‘you’ behind the business. Remember that people love a behind-thescenes peek..that’s why reality shows are so popular!

“Step up and be the person you envision yourself as a year from now”

So it’s not all about glossy branding pictures (which, as a professional photographer, I love by the way!) but about balance and real-life too. Your aim is to be the brand that attracts who you want to work with, so show up as you. Don’t pretend to be somebody else or copy what others do but step into that next-level and embody the kind of business-owner you want to be with the personal brand you aspire to.

Your personal branding is what will attract new clients to you, help people to like and trust you in order to sell you and your services- it’s how you’ll stand out and be memorable.

Step up and be the person you envision yourself as a year from now.

“Share your quirks, your likes and dislikes because people will remember these things. When I shared that I gave up coffee for 6-months to tackle anxious feelings I was having and how much it helped, people remembered it for ages!”

If you think your life is “too boring for Instagram” then maybe it’s time to design your days, weeks and months a little more creatively! Learn to see the beauty in the everyday. Document what you do and take people on a journey of your personal growth, business growth - throw in a few fun lifestyle pieces too.

What can you share that may seem insignificant to you but will actually stick in the minds of your followers? More than ever people are craving human connection.


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