The Blaze - 1967

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The C la ss o f 1967 is proud to dedicate this y ear's Blaze to M r . & M rs. Theodore F. Linn, Jr. For the past ten years they have g iv e n unselfishly so that C a rd ig a n might be a better p la ce In which to live and learn.

We who have

known the Linn fa m ily w ill remem足 ber them for the high standards and ideals they set for themselves and for us.

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MR. CHARLES H. CHAMBERLAIN B .S ., University of C onnecticut 3ERLAIN M .E d ., Springfield C ollege ;ge Science, D irector of Green and AdvisWhite. Skiing, Varsity LaCrosse

MR. ROBERT B. FAHRNER A .B ., Joliet Junior C ollege Language Arts, English, Archery, Dram a Club


MR. JOHN M, FETSCHER B. S ., C ollege of the Holy Cross English, Skiing, C am pcraft, C anoeing.

MR. J. GASTON FAVREAU B .A ., Providence C ollege C hairm an of French D epartm ent Le C ercle Francais, Skiing.

MR. EDWARD G. GOODSPEED B .A ., Yale University Latin, Social Studies, Reserve Football, Tennis, Chess Club. MRS. EDWARD G. GOODSPEED Edgewood Park Junior C ollege Language T raining.

MR. DANIEL P. HAZEN B. A ., University of New Hampshire Algebra, Hockey, Baseball, Varsity F ootball.

MR. THEODORE F. LINN A .B ., Salem C ollege, M .L ., University of Pittsburgh Senior M aster, Social Studies, M athem atics, Tennis, "Skiing, Summ er School C o -D irector, T ravel C lub.

MR. NORMAN S. MACARTNEY B .A ., Colby C ollege M ath, Science, C am pcraft, C anoeing, Geology Club, Skiing

MRS. THEODORE F. LINN A .B ., Salem C ollege Language T raining, Handbook C om m ittee Advisor

MR. LANGDON F. LOMBARD B .A ., University of Massachusetts English, Varsity Soccer, Sailing, Music A ppreciation Club

MR. DOUGLAS B. MARSHALL B .A ., Norwich University Varsity Soccer, Skiing, Softball, A viation Club

MR. KARL NYHUS B. A, , Norwegian M ilitary School Shop, Ski C oach, Shop Club

MR. ANDREW F. STEWART B .A ., T rinity C ollege English, French, Ski Im prove足 m ent, Skiing

MR. THOMAS P. ROUILLARD B. E d ., Keene T eachers C ollege, M .A ., Bowling Green University C hairm an of English D epartm ent, Ski C oach, Varsity LaCrosse, L iter足 ary M agazine Advisor, Carving Club, C atholic Students' Advisor

MR. DAVID F. SHELTON B.A. , Texas A&M C ollege, M .A ., C olum bia University Social Studies, Language T ra in 足 ing, Rifle Club, Ski Im prove足 m ent

MR. JOHN S. STOUT B .A ., University of Hartford Math, Varsity Football, Ski C oach, Ski Im provem ent

MRS. JOHN S. STOUT B. A. , University of Hartford Art

MRS. LAWRENCE W. TALBERT Assistant to the H eadm aster, Office M anager MRS. DOUGLAS S, JOHNSON Office

MR. BRADFORD YAGGY, JR. A .B ., Dickinson C ollege B .S ., Shippensburg State C ollege D irector of Studies, Social Studies, Reserve Football, Skiing, Model Club, D ebate Club, Summ er School C o-D irector



MRS. EMMONS COBB Assistant Treasurer

MRS. HAROLD WYMAN Recording Secretary

DR. I, A. DINERMAN School Physician

MISS MARY HOWE, R. N. School Nurse




MR. RALPH B. COUTERMARSH Superintendent of Property


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LEFT to RIGHT: J. Sutton, Treasurer; C. G. G allagher, S e c re ta ry ;!. Alden, V ic e -P re sid e n t;!, Pauli, President.


To C ardigan our favored school By n ature's gifts benign - We raise in song our thankfulness For beauty which is thine; For w inter's snow; For after-glow When day fades into dreams Of goals toward which we all will strive To keep thy faiths alive; To keep thy faith in us alive, T ogether we will strive.

As C ardigan is m irrored in Our crystal lak e so clear - May we through life reflect thy truths And m em ories as dear: Of sum m er's green; F all's colors bright; Of glim m ering stars at night. God give us strength to carry on Through storm or w eather fair The peace, vouchsafed by living here, For all the world to share.


JAMES CRAWFORD ALDEN "Pogo" 3 Ward w ell Street, Adams, New York ACTIVITIES: Photo Club 8, Green and White C ouncil 9; Brewster II Floor Leader 9; Host C o m m ittee 8, 9; Class V ice-P resident 9; Religious A ctivities C ouncil 9; Blaze 9; C hoir 8, 9; C abinet 9; T ravel Club 8. SPORTS: Football 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 8, 9; Lacrosse 8, 9. HOBBIES: C onservation, Wild Life. "Ian and Sylvia, you're putting m e on!"


"Arny '

ACTIVITIES: W oodcarving 9; A viation 9. SPORTS; Football 8; R ecreational Skiing 7, 8, 9; Forestry 7, 8; Tennis 7, 8, 9; C anoeing 7, 8. HOBBIES: Skiing. "Food"

BYRON WILLIS AUSTIN "By" 146 W hite Street, Danbury, Conn. ACTIVITIES; Hopkins’ Classrooms 9, D ebate Club 9, A viation C lub 9. SPORTS; Tennis 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 8, 9; Lacrosse 9.


STEPHEN DECATUR AUSTIN "Steve" Tenney H ill Road, K ittery Point, M e. ACTIVITIES: M odel Club 9, Rock Hound 9. SPORTS: R ecreational Skiing 9, Baseball 9. HOBBIES: CB Radio O perating, M aking Radios. "D on't lik e w ater, no, I d o n 't. thing e l s e ."

But I lik e ev ery 足

RICHARD BRADBURY BERGESON "Dick" George H ill Road, Lancaster, Mass. ACTIVITIES: Chess C lub 8, Carving Club 9, Choir 8. SPORTS: Tennis 8, 9, C anoeing 8, Ski T eam 9. HOBBIES: Carving "Now pal, if you want the Sunday H erald, it's .

ROBERT DEAN BIRCH George H ill Road, Enfield, N .H . ACTIVITIES: French Club 9, Rock Hounds 9, S cience Club 9. SPORTS: Forestry 9, R ecreational Skiing 9. HOBBIES: Model Airplanes "I live all a lo n e ."


MARK LINNIE BURTON Buenos Aires, Argentina ACTIVITIES; A viation Club 8; M odel Club 9; Racketry 9. SPORTS: Soccer 8; Tennis 9; Sailing 8; C anoeing 9. HOBBIES: Radios. "South A m erica is going to p o t."

STEVEN HENRY CHAFFEE 20 Stone Tower Lane, Barrington, R .I.


ACTIVITIES: Model Club 8; Blaze 8; Photo Club 9 Boat Club 8. SPORTS: Sailing 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 8, 9; Lacrosse M anager 8. HOBBIES: W ater Sports, Skiing. "Right!"

ANTHONY PACKARD CHURCH Beaver Pond Road, Lincoln, Mass.


ACTIVITIES: Model Club 7, 8. 9; Blaze 8; Photo Club 7, 8, 9; A viation Club 9. SPORTS: R ecreational Skiing 7; Hockey 8, 9; Baseball 8; Softball 7; Sailing T eam 9; Ski Im provem ent 7. HOBBIES: M odel M aking, C ycling, Sailing.


RICHARD ALLAN CLANCY "Rich" C ardigan M t, School, C anaan, N. H. ACTIVITIES; M odel C lub 7, 8; Wood C arving Club 9; Choir 7, 9; Art Club 7, 8. SPORTS; Football 6, 7; M anager 8; Ski T eam 6, 7, 8, 9; Soccer 9; C ricket 8; Baseball 9. HOBBIES: Drawing, M odel Building, Wood C arving. "Did you see th a t sled go?"

G. RICHARDSON COOK "C ookie102 Leom inster Road, Lunenburg, Mass. ACTIVITIES: Religious, A ctivities C ouncil 8, 9; Host C o m m ittee 7, 8, 9; M odel Club 7,8, 9; Chess C lub 7; Radio Club 7, 8; D ebate Club 9; Science Club 9. SPORTS: Hockey 7, 8. 9; Football 8, 9; Baseball 7, 8. HOBBIES; Advanced T elecom m unicational electronics. "Expression: 10-4!"

JAMES GIBBS COWAN "Jim" 31 Twom bly Drive, Sum m it, N. J. ACTIVITIES; Chess Club 8; Bridge Club 8; Gun Club 8; Choir 9; C hronicle 9. SPORTS; Football 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 8, 9; Tennis 8, 9. HOBBIES: Skiing, Swimm ing. " Y e a h ... right?"


GORDON WILLIAM DEVEREAUX "Green" 33 Lone Pine Road, Bloomfield Hills, M ichigan ACTIVITIES: M odel Club 7, 8, 9; Art 7, 8; A viation C lub 9; T ravel Club 7. SPORTS: Forestry 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 7, 8, 9; F ootball 7. HOBBIES: Skiing. " I'll pound you through the w a ll ."

t: TIMOTHY OLIVER DUFF "Duffer" P .O . Box 455, K entfield, C alifornia ACTIVITIES: Model C lub 8; Chess Club 8; Choir 8, 9; D ram atics Club 9. SPORTS: Archery 8; Football 8; Sailing 9; Rec足 reational Skiing 8; Ski T eam 9; C am p -craft and C anoeing 9. HOBBIES: Chem istry, Cycling, Hiking, Cam ping, Sailing. "What a contrast of a m ouse!"

EDWARD HENRY FAY "Big Ted" 52 Green Street, Canton, Mass. ACTIVITIES: Literary M agazine 8, 9; Model Club 8 ,9 . SPORTS: Hockey 7, 8, 9; Ski Im provem ent 7, 8, 9; Tennis 7, 8, 9. HOBBIES: Snake C ollecting. "W aw h!"


CLAYTON GRIEST GALLAGHER M elvin V illage, New Hampshire

"C . G ."

ACTIVITIES: M odel C lub 8; Religious A ctivities C ouncil 8, 9; Host C o m m ittee 8, 9; C ab in et 9; Student C ouncil 9; Hayward H all Floor Leader 9; Varsity C Club 8; Blaze 8, 9; Green and W hite C ouncil 9, SPORTS: Soccer 8, 9; Hockey 9; Lacrosse 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 8. HOBBIES: Sports. " T h a t’s close!"

MICHAEL BRADFORD GARRISON "M ike" 742 Fernwood Court, Ridgewood, N. J. ACTIVITIES: M odel Club 7, 8; T ravel Club 8; Religious A ctivities C ouncil 9; Music A ppreciation 9; Stock M arket Club 9; Gun Club 7; Green and White C ouncil 9. SPORTS: W aterfront 7; Lacrosse 8, 9; Ski T eam 9; Soccer 9; R ecreational Skiing 7, 8; Forestry 8. HOBBIES: Listening to the Rolling Stones. "R ight!"

JOHN OTTOMER GILBERT "Day Tripper" 12 Eastway, Bronxville, N. Y, ACTIVITIES: Sailing Club 8; Photo Club 8; Scrabble Club 7. SPORTS: Football 9; Tennis 8; S ailing 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 7, 8, 9. HOBBIES: Cars, Skiing, Girls, Records.


EDWARD GIVENS GOODSPEED "Givens" C ardigan M t. School, Canaan, N. H. ACTIVITIES: School Leader 9; Student C ouncil 9; Job C abinet 9; A m erican Politics 8; Blaze 8; C hronicle 8; Stock M arket Club 9; Choir 8, 9. SPORTS: Football 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 8, 9; Tennis 8; Lacrosse 9. HOBBIES: Skiing. "D on't crack your shell!"

JOHN DOUGLAS GORMAN The Ledgs, Norwich, Vermont


ACTIVITIES: Chess Club 8; Model Club 8; Head of K itchen 9; C abinet 9; D ram atics Club 9. SPORTS: Soccer 7; R ecreational Skiing 7, 8; C anoeing 7; Football 8. HOBBIES; Skiing, Hunting, Girls. "Science is organized thought. "

OWEN BEARSF GRAY "Big O" 26 Shaw Drive, W ayland, Mass. ACTIVITIES: Art Club 7. 8, 9; Safety C om m is足 sioner 8, 9, SPORTS: Soccer 7, 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 7, 8, 9; Tennis 7; Lacrosse 8, 9. HOBBIES: Art, Drawing, Painting. "Muscle Man"

JAMES LEE HARD "Jay" RED 2, Hopewell Junction, New York ACTIVITIES: D ram atics Club 9; C hoir 9. SPORTS: Tennis 9; R ecreational Skiing 9; S ailing 9. HOBBIES: Sailing, Skin Diving, Coins, Swim m ing. "Zongga"

CARL ERIC HARTDEGEN "Happy" Navy Sofar Station, APO, New York 09856 ACTIVITIES; Student C ouncil 9; Host C om m ittee 8, 9; Public R elation D irector 8; Chess Club 7, 8, 9; Wood C arving 9; Gun Club 7; L iterature Club 8. SPORTS: W aterfront 6; R ecreational Skiing 6, 7, 8, 9; Touch Football 7; Softball 7, 9; Soccer 8, 9; C ricket 8. HOBBIES:

Chess, Wood Carving.

"Y ou've got a work d e t a i l ."

STEPHEN PHILEEN HEATH "Steve" 250 Albro Lane, Cedarhurst, L. I . , New York ACTIVITIES: Student C ouncil 9; Chess Club 8, 9; Hinman I Floor Leader 9; Bridge Club 8; T ravel Club 9. SPORTS: Soccer 8, 9; Hockey 9; Baseball 8; R ecreational Skiing 8. HOBBIES: Sports. "Oh, no!"


ROBERT HARRY HICKS. JR. "Butch" 6 Smokes C reek Road, Orchard Park, N. Y. ACTIVITIES: Student C ouncil 9; French I Floor L eader 9; Religious A ctivities C ouncil 9; M ath Club 8; Art Club 8; Music A ppreciation 9; Gun C lub 7, 8, 9; Chess Club 8; Host C o m m ittee 8. SPORTS: Lacrosse 7, 8, 9; Soccer 8, 9; Ski T eam 8, 9. HOBBIES: Skiing, W asting T im e. "Can I borrow your poles?"

MARC EDWARD HOWE 308 Indian T rail, Franklin Lakes, N. J. ACTIVITIES: M odel Club 8; Fishing Club 8; Chess Club 8; Photo Club 9; Green and W hite C ouncil 9. SPORTS: Football 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 8, 9; Archery 8. HOBBIES: Hiking, Fishing, Swimming, Skiing, Sailing. "It's all o v e r ."

ROBERT BARR KAYSER "Barr" 34 Green Lane, Weston, Mass. ACTIVITIES: Model Club 7, 8, 9; T ravel Club 7, 8, 9; Radio Club 8; Varsity C Club 8; Head of Child C are 9, SPORTS: Football 8; Soccer 9; Tennis 6, 7, 8; W aterfront 7; R ecreational Skiing 6; Ski T eam 7, 8 ,9 . HOBBIES: Cars, Car Building, Skiing.


KURT ARTHUR KNOWLES 111 Prospect Avenue, West Orange, N. J. ACTIVITIES: Fire C om m issioner 6; C lark M organ II Floor Leader 8; Student C ouncil 8, 9; Religious A ctivities C ouncil 7; Dining Room Superintendent 9. SPORTS; Soccer 7; Football 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 7, 8, 9. HOBBIES: Girls. "Boy, do you have a good h a irc u t!"

JAY DAVID LATTERMAN 2093 Beechwood B lv d ., Pittsburgh, Pa. ACTIVITIES: Shop Club 9; Blaze 8. SPORTS: Football M anager 9; Hockey M anager 9; Lacrosse M anager 8, 9. HOBBIES: Skiing, Sailing, M odel Rockets. "I plead the Fifth A m en d m en t."

RICHARD JAMES LAWSON 1 Lantern Lane Farm, Foxboro, Mass. ACTIVITIES: M odel Club 7; Radio Club 7; Gun Club 7, 8; T ravel Club 7, 8, 9; Bridge Club 9. SPORTS: Sailing 6, 7, 8; Lacrosse 7; Hockey 7, 8; R ecreational Skiing 6; Soccer 8; Ski Im provem ent 9. HOBBIES: S ailing. "A h-ya-harm er!"


WILLIAM RALPH MacINTYRE "Ralph" 2202 W. 16th S t., W ilm ington, D elaw are ACTIVITIES: Chess Club 8, 9; Music A ppreciation 9; P o litical Discussion 8. SPORTS: Football 8; Soccer 9; Lacrosse 8, 9; R ecreational Sliiing 8, 9. HOBBIES: Chess. "I also like L. A ., right or wrong?"

GORDON McCOWN, JR. "Scooter" 1268 Chestnut Street, M anchester, N. H. ACTIVITIES: Model Club 8; Choir 9; T ravel Club 8; French Club 9, SPORTS: Football 8, 9; C anoeing 8; R ecreational Skiing 8, 9; Lacrosse 9. HOBBIES: Sports. "Red h o t!"

ALAN PETER McDONALD "Pete" Apartado 7-838, M exico 7 DF, M exico ACTIVITIES: Religious A ctivities C ouncil 8, 9; Assistant Floor Leader 9; Bridge Club 8, 9; French Club 9. SPORTS: Tennis 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 8, 9; Lacrosse 9. HOBBIES: Coin and Stam p C ollecting. "You just follow m e . "

ROBERT EARLY MANLEY "Bob" 206 Devon Road, Essex Fells, N. J. ACTIVITIES: Job C abinet 9; Gun Club 8, 9; Student A ctivities D irector 9; C hronicle 8, 9. SPORTS: Soccer 8, 9; Hockey 8, 9; Baseball 8, 9. HOBBIES: Sports, M odels. "Howdy, Mr. G oodspeed."

DEAN CHARLES MARTIN 65 Lake Drive, M ountain Lakes, N. J. ACTIVITIES: C abinet 8, 9; Shop Club 7, 8, 9; Stock M arket Club 9; Gun Club 7, 8; Clark Morgan II Floor Leader 9; Chess C lub 7; T ravel Club 7, 8. SPORTS: W aterfront 7; R ecreational Skiing 7, 8, 9; Football 8, 9; Baseball 8, 9. HOBBIES: Woodworking, Girls. "Y ou've got a s l i p ."

THOMAS SCOTT MONSTED 16 Rosa Park, New Orleans, La.


ACTIVITIES: Chess Club 9; Model Club 9. SPORTS: Tennis 9; R ecreational Skiing 9. HOBBIES: Chess, Electronics, Recording Tapes, Stamps, Fishing, Swim m ing. "Look at the d o t."


RICHARD FORREST NEAL "Rich99 Spring Lane, C anton, Mass. ACTIVITIES: Religious A ctivities C ouncil 8; Scrabble Club 7; Rock Hounds 9; Music A ppreci足 ation 9; Art Club 8. SPORTS: Tennis 7, 8, 9; Skiing 7, 8; Hockey 9; Baseball 9. HOBBIES: Skiing. "Go clim b a t r e e ."

JOHN LEVISEUR NEWMAN "Scrapper" 50 North M ain Street, Essex, Conn. ACTIVITIES: Choir 8; T ravel Club 8, 9; Carving 9; A viation 9; Boat Club 8; C abinet 9; Religious A ctivities C ouncil 9; Chess Club 8. SPORTS: Soccer 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 8, 9; Lacrosse 8, 9. HOBBIES: Sailing, Model Building. "Surprise, surprise, surprise."

JOHN FORREST PAULL Com stock H ill Road, Norwalk, Conn. ACTIVITIES: Student C ouncil 9; T ravel Club 9; D ram atics 8; Music A ppreciation 9; C abinet 9; Job Forem an 9; Class President 9. SPORTS: Football 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 8, 9. HOBBIES: Sports. "Seriously"

DAVID ALEXANDER RITCHIE "Sandy" Norwood Heights, G loucester, Mass. ACTIVITIES: Student C ouncil 9; M odel Club 8; Varsity C Club 8; Gun Club 8; C hecker C lub 8; Boat Club 8; T ravel C lub 9; Stock M arket Club 9; C abinet 9; French II Floor Leader 9. SPORTS: Football 8, 9; Ski T eam 8, 9; Lacrosse 9, HOBBIES: Dances. "God"

GEORGE ALEXANDER ROBINSON Box 473, Saxtons River, Verm ont


ACTIVITIES: M odel Club 8; Boat Club 8; Choir 8, 9; C arving Club 9; Art 8; Shop 9. SPORTS: Football 8, 9; Hockey 8; Sailing 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 9, HOBBIES: Building Radios, Carving.

DAVID HARRISON SAVITT "M ole24 Norwood Road, West Hartford, Conn. ACTIVITIES: Radio Club 7, 8; Educational C hallenge 7; Music A ppreciation Club 7; M odel Club 9. SPORTS: Tennis 7, 8; R ecreational Skiing 7, 8; Forestry 7; Ski Im provem ent 8; Soccer 9; Hockey M anager 9; Baseball M anager 9. HOBBIES: Radio C om m unications. "0 -w e, o-w e, o-w e, o - w e ."

KENT LOWELL SEITH 4 W yoma Drive, Auburn, Mass. ACTIVITIES: M odel C lub 7 ,8 ; Blaze 9; Religious A ctivities C ouncil 9; Chess Club 9; Green and W hite C ouncil 9; K obalties' C lub 8; S cience C lub 8. SPORTS: Soccer 7, 8, 9; Baseball 7; Lacrosse 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 7 ,8 ; Ski T eam 9. HOBBIES: Coin C ollecting, Skiing. "Look out!

Here com es w olfm an. "

PAUL MARTIN SMITH "Sm ity" 3202 C leveland Avenue, N. W ., W ashington, D. C, ACTIVITIES: T ravel C lub 7, 8; D ram atics 8, 9; M odel Club 8; Gun Club 8. SPORTS: C anoeing 7, 9; Sailing 7, 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 7, 8, 9. HOBBIES: Scuba Diving. "You want to fight?"

ROBERT BARCLAY SMITH "Bob" W inding C reek Farm, Sodus, N. Y. ACTIVITIES: Rocket Club 8; M odel Club 9; D ebate Club 9; Chess Club 8; Bridge Club 8. SPORTS: Soccer 9; Football 8; Lacrosse 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 8, 9. HOBBIES: M odel Building, W ater Skiing. " I'm not an a th le te ."


WILLIAM PITKIN STEVENS III "Bill" 52 Salisbury Drive, Westwood, Mass. ACTIVITIES: Stock M arket C lub 9; Green T eam C aptain 9; Class Room Superintendent 9; C abinet 9; T ravel Club 7, 8; A viation Club 9; Chess Club 8; Dining Room Assistant 8. SPORTS: W aterfront 7; Soccer 8, 9; Baseball 7, 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 7, 8; Ski T eam 9. HOBBIES: Skiing, W aterskiing, Soccer, Girls. "I need a fix after this!"

JOHN ABBOTT SUTTON Cousins Island, Yarm outh, M aine ACTIVITIES: Student C ouncil 9; Class Treasurer 9; Auditorium Head 9; D ebate Club 9. SPORTS: Soccer 8; Hockey 8; Tennis 8, 9; Football 9; Ski T eam 9. HOBBIES: D ebate Club. "Guess n o t ,"

GUY ANDREW SWENSON III 18 Ridge Road, Concord, N. H.


ACTIVITIES: Green and White C ouncil 9; Blaze 9; M ath Club 8; A m erican Politics 8, 9; Map C lub 8; Model Club 9. SPORTS: Tennis 8; Ski T eam 8, 9; Soccer 9. HOBBIES: Rock C ollecting, Skiing. "Ri----- ght?"


CHARLES FOSTER THOMPSON 7 Edgehill Drive, D arien, Conn.


ACTIVITIES: Shop C lub 8, 9; Chess Club 8; Dining Room Assistant 9. SPORTS: Soccer 8, 9; Ski Im provem ent 8; Ski T eam 8, 9; Lacrosse 9. HOBBIES: W ater Skiing, Girls, Skiing. "I c a n 't b eliev e i t . "

ALAN IRA WEINER "Ing" 37 Tupelo Road, Swampscott, Mass. ACTIVITIES: Choir 9; P ublicity D irector 9; C abinet 9; C hronicle 8, 9; Blaze 9; Fire M arshall 9; Rocket Club 8, 9. SPORTS: Football 8, 9; Lacrosse 8, 9; R ecreational Skiing 8; Hockey 9. HOBBIES: Skateboarding. "You guys just d o n 't understand w olfm an!"

CHRISTOPHER HALE ZAMORE "Chris" Cross Point Road, North Edgecomb, Me. ACTIVITIES: Chess Club 7, 8, 9; Choir 7, 8, 9. SPORTS: Sailing 7, 8; R ecreational Skiing 7, 8; Soccer 9; Ski T eam 9; C anoeing 9. HOBBIES: M odel Building. "Why?"



OWEN GRAY Most M uscular BILL STEVENS Ladies' Man

JAY HARD Earliest Riser RALPH MAC INTYRE Class Clown

GIVENS GOODS PEED Done Most For C ardigan Most Popular Most Likely To Succeed

DAVID SAVITT Noisiest Fastest T alker


U /L

KURT KNOWLES Best Dressed STEVE HEATH Best A thlete



JIM ALDEN Most Alert


ALAN WEINER Class Optim ist TOD THOMPSON Best Looking

SITTING: A. Dann, J r., C. Botway, C. W akely. STANDING; M . A ciem o. G. McKinnon, Jr., G, Harkless, C, D ulm age, N. Drinker, J. Foster, J r..

^ eu en tL ^ ra d e *ei/encn K^rade

FIRST ROW: A, Butler, J. Sundborg, F. Pouliot, E. T rice, J. Ashe, S. Mervis, M. K irkland, C. Erickson, S. Lothrop, E. Enegren, J r ., D. A ldrich, W. Danforth, J r .. SECOND ROW: J. Goodspeed, R. Pigott, L. LaChance, J. C rane, M. C leveland, R. Graham , H. Sutton, C. M cG ill, P. G ardent, S. August, B. Browne, H. Gewandter, P. Swanberg. THIRD ROW: J. Pagenstecher, N. Lester, R. G illespie, S. Shanks, E. Hyde, K. Lary, T . Breton, D. Roberts, P. Krauss, T . Hunt, S. D ulm age, E. Arnold.

FIRST ROW: W. Bucksbaum, R. Lloyd, H. Hansen. J r . , R. C arpenter, J. C arruthers, B. Cum m ings, S. Bresky, T . D oggett, J r ., S. Johnson, G. Hutchinson, P. Abbott. SECOND ROW: J. Corroon, D. Dennison, C . M errick, C. Durling, T . Gurganus, A, C olem an, F. Kenly, III, W. C alder, H. H inm an, D. G iller, N. Davis, J r .. THIRD ROW: D. Latoff, J. Jeanneney, H. Turner, J. Ford, J. C arter, B. Ellis, G. Blair, T . Moran, G. Bentley, III, T , Lindberg, J. M acFadyen, J. M arshall.

FIRST ROW: S. T ucker, R. Perry, M. Lipski, G. Troy, R. T am bone, N. Paul, J r . , W. Singer, V. T oft, M. Rothschild, T . Schriber, J r ., P. Toohey, J r .. SECOND ROW: C. Wright, II, F. Rowe, R. Richards, W. Thom as, R. Whaland, R. Vickers, W. W alker, J r ., D. D. Ritchie, T . Marsden, III, J. Sculthorpe, THIRD ROW: T . T erragni, E. W hite, M. Shaheen, R. Whyte, P. Russ, W. W irene, J r ., S. Gerould, S. ReUy, H. Robson.


acu itu

SITTING: D. Yaggy, D. Blunt STANDING: L. Aldrich, S. Goodspeed.


T . H azen and J. W akely M. W akely with J. Stout

V- 1

ih :

D. Blunt, E. Aldrich, K. Channberlain K. Rouillard and S. Broadhurst T . Linn

M . W akely


^ ^ ootL u ii

FIRST ROW, Left to Right: J. M arshall. D. M artin, J. Pauli, H. Robson, E. Goodspeed, D. R itchie, III, G. Blair, J. Corroon, J. Alden. SECOND ROW: C. Wright, II, W. W irene, J r., C. M errick, F. Kenly, III, A. C olem an, K. Knowles. T . Marsden, III, A. W einer. THIRD ROW; P. Gardent, H. H inm an, J. Cowan, M. Howe, T . Gurganus, G. Cook, G. McCown, Jr. FOURTH ROW: Mr. Stout, R. W hyte, R. Vickers, J. Sutton, J. G ilbert, T . Moran, G. Robinson, Mr. H azen. FIFTH ROW: W. C alder, J. L atterm an, M anager; B. Taym ore, M anager; A. Rubins, N. Davis, Jr.

This year the Cardigan Football T eam was m arked as a failure. This failure was due to the size and power. Though the size was sm all in both respects and the power was lim ited , the am bition, drive, guts and coaches overruled the team spirit in our downfall of hard fought gam es. The first gam e played on Cardigan soil w ith T ilto n m arked our first defeat of 14-36. Our second defeat fell to the Proctor Reserves 6-12. Then in the third gam e C ardigan ventured to New Hampton and finished in a hard fought gam e with a tie of 6 -6 . The fourth gam e which we lost to Verm ont Academ y with a score of 10-14 was a close struggle. The fifth gam e of the season we were m et w ith another defeat with a score of 24-0 by K im ball Union A cadem y. Our last and final gam e was lost to Brewster Academ y with a score of 30-16.



FIRST ROW: M r. M arshall, A. B utler, J. Jean n en ey , P. A bbott, W . Stevens, III, R. Hicks, C . Z a m o re , S. Johnson, W. D anforth, J r ., M r. L om bard. SECOND ROW: P. Russ, M anager; R. C la n c y , G. B entley, III, J. S culthorpe, C . T hom pson, C . G allag h er, J r ., R. M anley, W. W alker, J r ., R. S m yth. THIRD ROW; G. T roy, C . D urling, O. G ray, W. Rowe, R. M acIn ty re, G. Swenson, III. FOURTH ROW: H. Sutton, N. Paul, J r ., K. S eith, S. H eath, J. N ew m an, Jr. T his y e a r's so ccer te a m beg an on a m u c h hig h er le v e l o f a b ility th a n la st y e ar. D uring th e first few p ra c tic e s the basic skills of passing, trapping, and k ic k in g w ere q u ick ly m a ste re d . T he first few sc rim m ag es c le a rly showed th e basic superiority of the offense as co m p ared to th e defen se. T h e offense was so c le a rly ta le n te d th a t we won our first th re e gam es ag ain st New H am pton, La S a le tte , and H olderness by scores o f 6 -0 , 3 -1 , and 5 -3 re sp e c tiv e ly . We lo st our first gam e on th e road to New H am pton on a ra in soaked fie ld 3 -2 . W e had a sn eak in g suspicion th a t th e opposition had w ater wings in a d d itio n to th e ir rig h t and le f t wings. T h e n ex t g am e was to be the best g am e of the season, the fin a l tu rn in g point to our w inning ways. K im b a ll U nion A cad em y , a te a m we had n e v er b e a te n , m an ag ed to .h o ld off our scoring bids for th e first h a lf and d e sp e ra te ly held on w liile we pum ped two shots through th e g o al. T he g am e ended in a 2 -2 tie . A t L a S a le tte we ag ain fe ll v ic tim , this tim e to ra th e r m ountainous te rra in on th e ir soccer fie ld . H olderness proved to be our only double win of the season w ith a score of 6 -2 . K .U . A. m a n a g e d to av en g e th e e a rlie r 2 -2 tie by b e a tin g us at hom e a t our fin al g am e 3 -1 . Our to ta l season reads 4 wins, 4 losses and 1 tie , but th e n u m ber of goals te ll a d iffe re n t story. We outscored our o pposition 2 7 -1 9 . N eedless to say, m u ch o f the c re d it goes to our two co ach es, M r. Lom bard and M r. M arsh all.




FIRST ROW: W. T h o m as, S. Shanks, J. C a rte r, T . T e rra g n i, S. A ugust, T . D o g g ett, J r . , R. T a m b o n e , T . B reton, T . S ch rib er, J r . , C , Erickson. SECOND ROW: C . A rnold, J. Ford, S. Bresky, D . L atoff, A. C hurch, E. W hite, R. Lloyd, J . G oodspeed, J. C ran e, S. T u c k e r, M . Lipski, B. C um m ings (M anager). THIRD ROW: M r. G oodspeed (C o ach ), S. M ervis, J. Ashe, J. P ag e n stec h er, N. D rinker, H . H ansen, J r ., H . T u rn e r, A. D ann, J r . , W. S inger, K. Lary, E. H yde, M r. Yaggy (C o ach ). FOURTH ROW: C . A rnold (M an ag er).

T h is fa ll th e reserv e fo o tb all te a m p lay ed th re e gam es under the c o a c h in g o f M r. Yaggy and M r. G oodspeed. T h e te a m never c a m e b a c k w ith a w in, b u t g a v e th e ir a ll in ev ery g a m e . T he first g am e a g a in st H artford Junior H igh, w e lost 1 8 -8 . T h e n ag ain st Sc a g a in st H artford Junior H igh, we lost 1 8 -8 . T h e n ag a in st Sacred H e a rt we lo st 2 3 -0 . On our la s t g a m e we h e ld Lebanon to a 0 -0 tie u n til th irty seconds in th e first h a lf. H ow ever, we lo st 1 4 -0 . We in d eed h ad an a c tiv e y e ar.



S .occep

FIRST ROW: S. D u lm ag e, T . L indberg, H . T u rn er, C . W akely, R. K ayser, III, W. B ucksbaum . SECOND ROW; J. C arru th ers, D. G ille r, T , H unt, C . H a rtd eg en , M . R othschild, D . A ld rich , S. L othrup, J . M acF ad y en . THIRD ROW: M r. B otelle (C oach), M . G arrison, R. G rah am , P. T o o h ey , J r . , S. G erould, J. F rie d lic h , B, Browne, M r. Blunt (C oach).

Reserve so ccer was a new a c tiv ity a t C ard ig an this fa ll. T h e boys th a t m a d e up th is te a m w ere th e boys who w o u ld n 't b e ab le to p a r tic i足 p a te enough on th e v arsity te a m . T h e ir c o a ch es Mr. B otelle and M r. Blunt le a d th e m through hard and d iffic u lt days. T h e reserv e te a m p la y ed th e second string v arsity and lost by a score of 3 - 0 . T h e reserve te a m p lay e d a good g a m e . N ext y e a r th e y hope th a t th e y w ill g et a c h a n c e to play v arsity so ccer.



FIRST ROW: M . K irk lan d , G. H utchinson, F. P o u lio t, C . Botw ay, J. Sundborg. SECOND ROW: R. Bergeson, E. Fay, R. N e a l, R. G ille sp ie , M . F ahrner, T . M onsted, R. P ig o tt, N, L ester. THIRD ROW: A. M cD onald, J. H ard, R. R ichards, R. L evine, B. A ustin, M r. Linn.

T his season o f fa ll ten n is, under th e d ire c tio n of M r. Linn, has given a c h a n c e for th e younger and u n ex p e rie n c ed to a p p re c ia te th e pleasure o f ten n is. A lthough th e w e a th e r, la te r in th e season, b e c a m e in c le m e n t th e t e n 足 nis group re p a ire d th e courts for n ex t y e ar and h e lp e d a t o ther areas to im p ro v e th e a p p e a ra n ce of our cam pus.


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LEFT T O RIGHT: S, A ustin, M r, M ac artn e y , E, Enegren, J r ., D . D ennison, F. P o tin , J r . , D . Roberts,

T hrough th e fa ll th e boys in c a m p c ra ft and c a n o e in g , under th e su p er足 v isio n of M r. M a cartn ey and M r. F etsch er, h a v e ex e rc ised a ll m e c h a n 足 ics of b ein g a good c a m p e r. T his a c tiv ity increases th e skills o f knot tie in g , ax e m a n sh ip , to p o g rap h ic , m ap w ork, com pass w ork, c a m p fire safety , m e a l p re p a ra tio n , c a n o e in g safety , h ik in g , b a c k -p a c k in g , c a m p and p a c k p rep aratio n s and first aid . O utside a c tiv itie s in th is group h a v e b e e n m a d e and w ere thoroughly e n jo y ed by a ll in v o lv ed . T hese trips in clu d ed ca n o e in g on C rystal Lake and Goose Pond, c lim b in g C ard ig a n M ountain, sw im m ing a t O range G orge, an overn ig h t to G rag C am p S h elter and h ik in g around n eig h b o rin g areas.


SITTIN G : G. M cK innon, G. D e v e re a u x .

STANDING: R. C a rp e n te r, P. Krauss, M r. B raym an, D . C o lie ,

R. B irch.

Our forestry group th is fa ll sta rte d out by c le a rin g th e w ooded area b e tw e e n th e ten n is courts and th e soccer fie ld . T h ey also c u t down a hu g e pine tre e n e a r th e b o a t house and trim m e d it. T hey are c u ttin g dow n tre e s th a t a re in th e way of the cam pus im p ro v e m e n t or not n e e d e d . O ccassio n ally th e ir le a d e r, M r, B raym an would tak e th em in to tow n.



J mppouem en t

FIRST ROW: R. Lawson, B. E llis, S. B each, M . S h ah een . V , T o ft, R. Sw anberg, S. R eily, M r. S helton.

SECOND ROW: M r, S tew art, R. Perry,

T h is y e a r's ski im p ro v e m e n t a c tiv ity was run by M r, S h elton w ith the assistan ce of M r, S tew art, T he boys th a t p a rtic ip a te d on this a c tiv ity w orked on th e sc h o o l’s ski slopes on th e P in n a c le . T hey c u t down trees and h a c k e d out bushes to w iden th e c u t off tra il th a t by passes the h e a d w a ll. T h ey also c u t a new tr a il from th e parking lo t up to th e c u t o ff tr a il. T hese boys c o m p le te d th e ir p ro je c ts by burning th e brush and tre e s th a t th e y had cu t dow n.


^ e c re c itlo n c ii

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S IT T IN G : R. G raham , G. B entley. G. Blair, C . M errick , R. M anley. S. H eath. A. W einer. J. W alker, E. Fay, R. L loyd. STANDING: D. S av itt. R. N eal, R. C ook, S. August, J. L a tte rm a n , M a n a g e r; P. G ardent, M an ag er; O. Gray, W . C ald er, M r. H azen , C o ach ; M r. Fetscher, C o ac h ; J. C orroon, M an ag er.

T h is y ear C a rd ig a n 's hockey te a m 's C o -C a p ta in s w ere Bob M anley and S te v e H e ath and th e C oaches w ere M r, H azen and M r. F etscher. T he te a m had e le v e n scheduled gam es and a ll w ere p layed e x c e p t th e New H am pton g am e, w hich was c a n c e lle d b e 足 cau se o f snow. On th e w hole, we had good lu c k w ith th e w e ath er m a n and the ic e was so lid . T h e lin e - u p w ent as follow s: Line - - Bob M anley, Rick G raham , C . G. G allag h er, Jay W alker, Bill C ald er, John M arshall M ac Lloyd, R ichie C ook, Bum per H yde, S tev e A ugust and T a y lo r B reton. D efense m e n w ere - - S tev e H eath, Richard N eal. Phil G ardent, Barry Robson, Owen G ray, and G eoff B lair. G oalees w ere - A lan W ein er and Chris M errick . Our season was wound up w ith a d e fe a t ag ainst E aglebrook. Our fin a l record was th re e wins and seven losses.




FIRST ROW: C . W right, J. Jean n en ey , P. A bbott, M . Burton, M anager; T , D oggett, B. Hicks, B. K ayser, D. Hanson, T . M oran, R. Bergeson, M an ag er. SECOND ROW; M r. Nyhus, C o ach; M . G arrison. T . T hom pson, S. R itch ie, B. Stevens, K. S eith , C . M cG ill, G. Swenson, T . Duff. B. D avis, M r. Stout, C o ach .

C a rd ig a n 's ski te a m has been very successful this y e a r. W e have won seven o u t o f our e ig h t o rig in a l m e e ts. Our N ordic te a m held up the m a jo rity o f the te a m this y ear. W e had m an y e x c e lle n t jum pers in the sev en th and e ig h th grades. T h ese boys w ill hold up th e te a m n e x t y ear. W e also had a strong cro ss-country te a m m ad e up o f R itchie, S e ith , Sw enson, Jean n en ey , A bbott, S tevens and D avis. Our strong jum pers w ere Davis, M cG ill, H anson and T hom pson. W e had a fin e c o a c h in g sta ff m a d e up of M r. S tout and M r. Nyhus. W e would lik e to th an k M r. Y aggy and th e N orpines for th e ir h e lp w ith th e o ffic ia tin g o f our ski m e e ts.


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In th e b eg in n in g o f th e y ear la te one n ig h t before our fa ll sport season had begun, M r. W akely led a Pep R ally from his house down the d riv e w here boys ran in the dorm s g a th e r足 ing th e boys from th e ir room s and te llin g th em to m e e t a t th e fla g p o le. In just five to te n m in u tes a ll of th e boys w ere in a m arch , m a rc h in g down by th e la k e w here we l i t a bon fire. W hen th e boys w ere a ll down th ere th ey had a few speeches and th en som e boys threw a dum m y into th e fire .


W ln ie r


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an ce

S aturday, D ec em b e r 10, was a hopping day on the C ard ig an cam p u s. N inety girls from the surrounding towns w ere in v ited to C ard ig an to a tte n d th e X m as d an ce and a play by th e D ram a C lub. A fter the p lay th e boys esco rted the girls over to the din in g room w hich was d e c o rate d w ith angels o v e r足 h ead and num erous bright co lo red tree s. M usic was supplied by th e M orloks and th e d an c e was a c o m p le te success. A w ild d a n c in g e v e n in g was thoroughly en jo y ed by a ll.



On D ece m b er 10th, the D ra m atics C lu b produced a ta k e o ff on the p lay Julius C ae sar, T h e c a st consisted o f Paul S m ith , Jay H ard, John G orm an, S kip Paul, Roger W hyte, C hapin W right, Chris M errick, John S tahl and John M ac F adyen. T he play was very w ell produced, thanks to the e x 足 c e lle n t d ire c tio n of M r. Fahrner and every o n e is w a itin g for th eir n e x t pro d u ctio n w hich w ill be produced la te r this y ear.


.A w a J i

B an au et

T his F all Awards B anquet was a g rea t success. Everybody sat down to a d e licio u s ste a k dinner su p p lied by C la n c y . A fter th e fillin g m e a l the re p resen tativ es of e a c h fa ll a c tiv ity spoke about his a c tiv ity . T h e speakers for th e school tea m s w ere A lan W einer for fo o tb a ll, C . G. G allag h er for S o c c e r and S tev e A ugust for lig h tw e ig h t fo o tb a ll. T he le tte rs w ere th e n given o u t to th e best players on e a c h te a m . T h e M ost V a lu a b le P layer and M ost Im p ro v ed P lay er w ere given o u t to th e two varsity te a m s . K en t S e ith re c e iv e d M .V . P. for so ccer, W indsor Rowe re c e iv e d M .I .P . for so ccer, Sandy R itc h ie won M .V .P . for fo o tb a ll and C orning K enly won M .l .P . for fo o tb a ll. A t th e end o f th e b a n q u e t C la n c y was g iv en a c h e e r for th e m e a l.



On S atu rd ay , F ebruary 4th, C ard ig an hosted a n o th e r group o f girls from the surrounding towns for th e second d an ce of the y ea r. O ne unusual fa c t is th a t we fin a lly h ad a d a n c e in th e a u d ito riu m . T h e m usic was supplied by "N asal Basal and the Four Noses" a lth o u g h som e old tim e rs just c o u ld n 't k ee p th e ir hands off the m ik e . Personal ap p e a ra n ce s w ere m a d e by Jay W alker and T om M oran. T h e au d ito riu m was m oon equ ip p ed w ith a huge m u ltic o lo re d " Phsycedelic cough d r o p ." We a ll owe our sin c e re st thanks to th e fa c u lty w ives, and to th e students who m a d e th e d a n c e such a success.


C^Lristmad (j^ca n

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On D e c e m b e r 15th, th e C hristm as dinner was held in th e dining ro o m . M r. C la n cy served a fin e m e a l. A fter th e m e a l one o f S an ta C la u s’s helpers a p p eared w ith presents for a ll th e m a ste rs' c h ild re n . T h e c h ild re n w ere p le a sa n tly surprised. A fter d in n e r we had the C a n d le lig h t S e rv ic e in the c h a p e l w hich in c lu d e d a play by C harles D ickens.


C ^at'd i^an C ^ondtfuction

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Son, you m ay not know in '59 I expressed nnyself in kind. Y o u 're e n tire ly d iffe re n t from brother D ave F o o tball, ho ck ey and b a se b all w ere his sw eets. T ennis, skiing and boating are your m e a t. Each in your own way A im ed for the m oon and c a u g h t a star. C ard ig an re a c h e d for you and took you far. W e 're proud as punch to know y o u 're ours G ratefu l still, we th an k H eaven for you, C ard ig an and th e boys o f '6 7 . N ancy G riffith Bergeson


ron icle

FIRST ROW; C . W akely, R. M an ley , M rs. B irch, C . M cG ill, D. S a v itt, D . GiLler.


J . G oodspeed, D . C o lie , A. W einer, J. C ow an.

m m

_^ A 5i6tan ts

SEATED; M . H ow e, R. Lawson, R. P ig o tt. STANDING; B. T a y m o re , F. Rowe, Mrs. S h elto n , C. A rnold, D. S a v itt, W. T h o m as, D. A ld rich , G. D ev ereau x , R. L evine, R. Richards.

O L BLcize

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LEFT TO RIGHT: S. T u c k e r, W. C a ld e r, J. A lden, K. S eith , M rs. C h a m b e rla in , G, Sw enson, III, C . G. G a lla g h e r, J r . , W. Singer, A. C o le m a n .

Teen u n

KNEELING: N . D avis, J r ., M . Howe, G. Swenson, III, J. A lden. STANDING: D. M artin, M . Garrison, M r. C h a m b e rla in , T . D o g g ett, J r ., K . S eith, C . G. G allag h er, J r ., C . T hom pson, W. Stevens, III.

e& C ^ouncii

SITTIN G : K . S eith , A. M cD onald, M . H icks. STANDING; M . G arrison, J . A ld en , C . G. G a lla g h e r, J r . , A. W einer, J, G ilb e rt, J. N ew m an, J r . , R. Lloyd.

FIRST ROW; R. C a rp e n te r, A. B utler, P. Sw anberg, T . H unt, G. H arkless, H . H ansen, J r . , C . B otw ay, R. C la n c y , M. A ciern o , G. M cK innon, J r . , A. D ann, J r . , W. D anforth, J r . , J. S tah l, SECOND ROW; J. M acF ad y en , R. P ig o tt, F. P o tin , J r . , N. L ester, R. Lloyd, P. T o o h ey , J r . , G. B lair, S. R eily, V. T o ft, J. C arrutliers. THIRD ROW; J. A lden, T . D uff, R. Bergeson, E. Goo'dspeed, A. W einer, J. C a rte r, E. W hite, C . Z a m o re . FOURTH ROW; R. W hyte, R. V ickers, G. M cC ow n, J r . , G. Robinson, J. G orm an,

J . H ard, J. C ow an, P. G ard en t.


.^J^ost (C om m ittee

KNEELING: B. C u m m in g s, J. A ld en, D, M artin , C . W akely. STANDING: R. M a n le y , G. C ook, D. S a v itt, C . G. G a lla g h e r, J r . , P. G ard en t, E. T r ic e , J. G oodspeed, K. K now les, J. C ow an.


FIRST ROW: J. C orroon, B. T a y m o re , J. Jea n n e n e y . S to u t, R. Lawson, F. K en ley , III, R. N e al,


SECOND ROW: R. G ille sp ie , P. G ard en t, M r.

Student C^ot uncL

FIRST ROW: J. G oodspeed, J. P a u li, E. G oodspeed, M r. W akely, D . A. R itch ie, III, T . M arsden, K. K now les, J. S utton. SECOND ROW: S. H e a th , D. C o lie , M. H icks, W. C a ld e r, N. D avis, J r . , C . G. G a lla g h e r, J r . .

FIRST ROW: J. Sutton, N. D avis, J r . , D. M artin , A. W einer, W. C a ld e r. SECOND ROW: J. G oodspeed, K. K now les, E. G oodspeed, R. M anley, C . G. G a lla g h e r, J r . , J. A lden. THIRD ROW: F. Rowe, W. Stevens, III, B. A ustin, A. M cD onald.

LEFT to RIGHT: R. C lan cy , C. H artdegen, K. K nowles, R. L evine, R. Lawson.

’F ren ch

LEFT to RIGHT: A . M cD onald, R. Birch, M . Lipski, M r. F av reau , P. A bbott.


^ l ie

n'poratlon HARVEY P, HOOD C h airm an H. P. Hood & Sons

COL. EARL H. BLAIK C h a irm a n o f th e E x ecu tiv e C o m m itte e Avco M a n u fa c tu rin g C o m p an y CHARLES E. C O TTIN G C h a irm a n o f th e Board L ee H igginson C o rp o ratio n

DONOLD B. LOURIE C h airm an T h e Q uaker O ats C om p an y

EDWARD S. FRENCH C h a irm a n of th e Board

FRED C . SCRIBNER, JR. F orm er U n d ersecretary o f the U nited S tates T reasury

M a in e C e n tra l R ailroad ROBERT S. GILLETTE P resid en t Rock of Ages C orp o ratio n

ROBERT W. STODDARD P resid en t W ym an-G ordon C o rporation

EDWARD B. HINMAN P resid en t In te rn a tio n a l P aper C o m pany

FRANK J. SULLOWAY A ttorney ERNEST L. WARD P resident S prague E le c tric C om pany

JOHN H . HINMAN H onorary C h a irm a n , D irecto r In te rn a tio n a l P ap er C om pany

SINCLAIR WEEKS C h a irm a n o f the Board U n ite d -C a rr F astener C o rporation

CHARLES H. HOOD A ssistant T reasu rer, V ic e -P re sid e n t H. P. Hood & Sons

ERSKINE N . WHITE P resident M useum o f S cien ce, Boston

tr u s te e d JERALD B. NEWTON P resid en t W est Lebanon, New H am pshire J.

WALKER WIGGIN V ic e -P re sid e n t M an ch ester, New H am pshire

WILLIAM R. BREWSTER East W aterford, M aine

CHARLES R, SCHUELER Boston, M assachusetts

CRAWFORD H, HINMAN, M .D . J a m a ic a P lain , M assachusetts

JOHN L. TOWER New York, New York


FRED A. WHITE H anover, New H am pshire


W ellesley Hills, Massachusetts JUSTIN M . SMITH T reasu rer N orw ich, V erm ont


ANTHONY KING W orcester, M assachusetts

RAND N. STOW ELL S ecretary D ix fie ld , M aine


i^oosterA GEORGE WM. BENTLEY COM PANY Food Brokers Since 1880 256 Second Avenue Waltham, Massachusetts THE MANOR West Orange, New Jersey

MR. and MRS.


DR. and MRS.








69 I

P a tronA

JAMES CAMPIONS, IN C ., Hanover, New Hampshire

"Three Stores"





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ACE ENGINEERING C O ., San Francisco, C a lif, MANUFACTURERS OF ASHFLASH, FLASHLIGHTS AN D LANTERNS ATWOOD STUDIO * DAVE A T W O O D * — PHOTOGRAPHER Box 383, Hanover, N .H . THE BOND BUYER — D aily and Weekly Edifions BOSTON TRUCK C O ., IN C ., Furniture Conveyors, 194 First Street, Cambridge, Mass., 02142 MR. A N D MRS. ELLIS F. BROWN BEST WISHES FROM COMBE CHEMICAL, IN C . DARTMOUTH N A TIO N A L BANK, Hanover, N .H . COMPLIMENTS OF LA CHANCE IN C . LAKESIDE OIL C O ., Canaan, N .H . MR. AN D MRS. E.D. M cDO NALD MR. A N D MRS. CHARLES N . MONSTED N A TIO N A L BANK OF LEBANON NORTHERN LIGHT C O ., Pittsburgh, Pa., 15212 BEST WISHES FROM PACKAGE SERVICE * Packaging for Proprietary Drug Industry, 1180 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains, N .Y . MR. AN D MRS. NORMAN S. PAUL MR. AN D MRS. J .M .C . RITCHIE MR. HERBERTS. ROTHSCHILD, Illinois Bronze Powder and Paint C o ., 300 East Main Street, Lake Zurich, Illinois, 60047 SCHULTZ' — Phone (717) 668-4410, The Largest Most Modern and Complete Retread Factory in Eastern U.S. Factory, R.D, 2, Hometown, Tamaqua, Pa. TRUCK POWDER, IN C ., R.D. 1, Carlisle, Pa. WHITE RIVER COACH LINES, IN C . WHITE RIVER PAPER CO. WILLIAMS LAUNDRY


S p o n so p s A FRIEND DR. and MRS.



MRS. CARL B. ALDEN MR. WILLIAM J. AUGUST ART BENNETT'S SPORT SHOP, H anover, N .H . MR. H. HARRY BRESKY, S eaboard A llie d M illin g C o r p ., 200 Boylston S tree t, C h estn u t H ill, M ass.



285 M ain S tre e t, C la re m o n t, N. H,

MR. and MRS. LORING W . COLEMAN COMPLIMENTS OF A FRIEND MR. and MRS. G. GARDNER COOK MR, and MRS. JAMES D. COWAN CURRIER and C O M PA N Y ., L ebanon, N .H ., Phone 4 4 8 -3 0 5 0 , 4 4 8-3051 C . H. DAVIS JEWELER DULAC'S BUILDING and HARDWARE SUPPLIES, 179 M e ch an ic S tre e t, L ebanon, N .H . DURLING FARMS EMERSON GARDENS MR. and MRS. GORDON I. ERICKSON DR. and MRS. ROBERT S. FIELDS MR. and MRS. HERBERT H. GARRISON GREYDON C . FREEMAN, IN C ., S tatio n a ry - O ffic e E quipm ent. W hite River J e t . , V t. HEATHER SHOP HIRSCH'S CLOTHING, L ebanon, N .H . MR. and MRS. WESLEY J. HOWE MR. and MRS. GEROGE H. HYDE LAKESIDE MOTEL LEWIS BROTHERS HARDWARE, Lebanon, N .H . COMPLIMENTS OF LINCOLN LOUNGE, IN C. BOBO'S MARKET - F ancy M eats and G roceries, W est Lebanon, N .H ., T e l. 2 9 8 -8540 McNEIL'S drug MR. and MRS. MR. and MRS. MR. and MRS.

store SHERWOOD R. MORAN BERTRAND PAULL, JR. FRANCAIS A. POULIOT, S chuyler P reparatory S chool In c .

MR. and MRS. JAMES L. RICHARDS MR. and MRS. ROBERT H. ROBERTS MR. and MRS. FRED A. SMYTH TELE-TAPE PRODUCTIONS, IN C . ALAN K . THOMPSON AGENCY. East A ndover, N .H ., 03231, T e l. 735-5339 T O M ’S TOGGERY - - L e b a n o n , N .H . TWIN STATE FRUIT CORPORATION. W holesale F ruit Produce Frosted Foods, C o n fectio n ary and A ll B everages, W hite River J e t . , V t., T e l. 2 9 5 -3 1 5 9 VOICE and VISION MR. and MRS. WILLIAM M . WALKER WEBSTER SHOP, H anover, N .H . HENDERSON and WHALAND, IN C ., INSURANCE, N ashua, N .H . MR. and MRS. WILLIAM G. WHYTE J. S. WOLFE, JEWELERS, L ebanon, N .H .


Photography by D ave Atwood H anover, N .H .





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L IT H O . IN U .S .A . BY Y EA R B O O K H O U S E

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