Children in the Bible - English

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Children in the Bible

ISBN: 978-1-928437-16-1


To: __________________________ With love fro : __________________________

Contents 1. Abraham and Sarah’s miracle baby


2. Baby Moses in the basket


3. The boy Samuel


4. A little slave girl helps General Naaman


5. Young Josiah becomes king


6. Jesus goes missing


7. A little boy shares his food


Children in the Bible

1. bra a

and Sara ’s iracle baby

– Genesis 18:1–15 and 21:1–8

Abraham and Sarah longed for a baby, but they were too old to have children. One day three men (who were really angels) visited Abraham. After they had eaten together, the men told Abraham that Sarah was going to have a baby boy. Sarah laughed when she heard this.


Why do you think she laughed – had she forgotten that God can do anything? Guess what? Exactly a year later a beautiful baby was born! They called him Isaac, meaning ‘He who laughs’. When Isaac was three years old, Abraham and Sarah gave a big party to tell their friends how good and wonderful God is.

Look and Learn Sammy and Amy need your help to find the Bible again. The Bible teaches us that God can do anything.


Remember the Bible story What happened in the story of Abraham, Sarah and Isaac? When you look at the people in the first picture, how do you think they are feeling? Why did Abraham and Sarah name their baby ‘He who laughs’? Say out loud, “Remember, God can do anything!”


Prayer Dear Lord, Thank You that You can do anything. This makes me so happy that I want to jump for joy, because there is no-one like You. I want to praise You, because You are good and wonderful! Amen

Activity Everyone’s name means something. Isaac’s means ‘He who laughs’. Find out what yours, as well as the rest of your familys’ names mean. Talk about the wonderful things God has done for you and your family. Then thank God because He is wonderful and He can do anything.


2. Baby

oses in t e basket – Exodus 2:1–10

The mean old Pharaoh wanted to kill all the Jewish baby boys. God had a plan for Moses though. His mother made a reed basket and lovingly placed him inside it. Then she carefully hid the basket among the reeds along the banks of the River Nile. There it floated like a tiny ark, while Miriam, his sister, sat quietly nearby watching over him. After a while baby Moses began crying! Pharaoh’s daughter, who was close by heard him, she picked Moses up to comfort him.


Miriam hurried over to see what was happening. Pharaoh’s daughter asked Miriam to find a Jewish woman to take care of Moses. And guess whom Miriam quickly ran to fetch? Yes, Moses’ own mother! That’s how God made sure that Moses was safe!

Look and Learn Did you spot the Bible in the picture? The Bible teaches us that God has a plan for our lives.


Remember the Bible story What a beautiful story! What happened to baby Moses in the story? Have a look at the people in the first picture. How is each person feeling?

Although the basket wasn’t very strong, God made sure that Moses was safe inside, like He did with Noah in the ark.


Prayer Dear Lord, I want to sing You a song because You take care of me every day. I want to stay close to You! Amen

Activity Think what you can use to make a boat: Try using a small wooden block maybe, or sticks tied together with string. You could ask someone to show you how to fold a boat from paper. When you’ve made your boat see how long it will float on the water. You can also draw Moses in his basket-boat.


3. T e boy Sa

el – 1 Samuel 1–3

Hannah was sad because she longed for a baby! God heard her Prayer and He gave her a baby, whom she named Samuel. His parents loved him very much! When Samuel was three years old, his mother took him to Eli, the priest. Hannah had promised God that Samuel would work for Him. Eli took good care of Samuel, and Samuel obeyed Eli. Whenever she came to visit him, his mother brought Samuel a lovely new coat that she had made especially for him. Everybody helped to look after Samuel.


One night Samuel heard a voice calling his name. He got up and ran to Eli’s room, but it wasn’t Eli who was calling him. The third time this happened, Eli knew that it was God who wanted to speak to Samuel. So when Samuel heard the voice again, he listened carefully to what the Lord had to say to him.

Look and Learn Sammy and Amy need your help to find the Bible, they are standing far away from it. The Bible teaches us that God uses other people’s kindness to show us that He loves us.


Remember the Bible story Look at the picture on the first page again. How do you think Samuel is feeling? Who are the grownups with him? Why is Samuel so happy?

Samuel’s mother and father were visiting him and they brought him a present. Eli also loved Samuel very much.


Prayer Dear Lord, Thank You for all the people who love me and who take care of me. Thank You that You also love me and take care of me. Amen

Activity Talk about the good things that people who love you do for you. Have you ever thanked them for their kindness? Why not go and say thank you right now if they are nearby? Remember to thank the Lord too! One of the ways that God shows His love is through the people who are good and kind to you.



little slave girl elps General Naa an

– 2 Kings 5:1–14

A little girl from Israel was taken to a faraway country to work in the house of General Naaman, a very important man. Naaman was a leper. In those days it was a very serious illness. One day the little girl saw Naaman’s wife crying. She wanted to help, so she told her about the man of God in Israel who could cure Naaman.


Naaman travelled to Israel, but before he got there, Elisha sent him a message, “Wash yourself seven times in the River Jordan, then God will heal you.” Naaman was angry, he didn’t want to wash in the muddy river. But he did what Elisha said. And when he came out of the water the seventh time, he was healed! From that time on Naaman and his wife also loved God.

Look and Learn Find the Bible hidden on the banks of the river. The Bible teaches us that God also uses children to do wonderful things.


Remember the Bible story Tell the story of the little girl and what she did. Look on the previous page. How is Naaman feeling now?

If children allow God to use them He can do wonderful things through them. He can use them to help unhappy people to feel better.


Prayer Dear Lord, No-one is as great as You are. Thank You for using even a child like me to help others. Help me to tell people about the wonderful things that You do. Amen

Activity What can you do to help people and make them happy? Do you know someone who is sick or unhappy? Even though you are a child, you can tell them that Jesus loves them and that He will take care of them. Think what else you can do for the person?


5. Yo ng Josia

beco es king

– 2 Kings 23:4–20, Psalm 119:105

Josiah was only eight years old when he became king. He loved God with all his heart! But his people had forgotten about God, and they were doing bad things. This made God very sad. One day, when Josiah’s servants were cleaning up the temple, they found a Bible under a pile of old rubbish. Josiah asked someone to read the Bible to him. He listened to God’s Word.


Then he promised God that he and his people would obey God, and that they would live the way the Bible said they should. Josiah obeyed God and His Word. By doing this, he showed everybody how much he loved God.

Look and Learn Help Sammy and Amy find the Bible. The Bible teaches us that God talks to us through the Bible, and shows us how to live.


Remember the Bible story Turn back to the picture on the previous page. What happened to Josiah and what did he find? How do the people standing around him feel? How did Josiah show the people that he loved God?

If we love God, we must also live as the Bible teaches us.


Prayer Dear Lord, Thank You for giving me the Bible to tell me how I must live. If I do as the Bible says, I will be happy. I will be like a tree standing beside a river that bears a lot of fruit. Amen

Activity When you’re together with your family tonight switch off all the lights. Try walking around – what happens? Switch on a torch, or light a candle. Can you see where you are going now? The Bible says, Your Word is like a lamp that shows me the way. It is like a light that guides me.


6. Jes s goes

issing – Luke 2:41–52

Joseph and Mary lived in Nazareth. Jesus grew up there, played with His friends, went to school and helped His father with the woodwork. When Jesus was twelve years old, His parents took Him to Jerusalem to celebrate Easter. There were lots of people travelling on the road with them. In Jerusalem there were crowds of people. After the feast, Joseph and Mary left to go home, suddenly they realised that Jesus was missing. They looked everywhere, but could not find Him.


So they returned to Jerusalem. After searching for three days, they found Jesus in the Temple. He was talking to the priests about God and answering their questions. They sat listening to all the wonderful things He had to say. Joseph and Mary were very happy when they found Jesus.

Look and Learn How many scrolls do you see? Help Sammy and Amy to find the Bible. The Bible teaches us that parents must take care of their children.


Remember the Bible story What happened in the story? How do the people in the picture on the previous page feel?

Parents must take care of their children; and God takes care of parents and children.


Prayer Dear Lord, You look after me like my own mom and dad do. You make sure that the rivers are full of water. You make the corn and grain grow in the fields. Everybody and everything on earth should sing and dance, because You are good! Amen

Activity Take a piece of paper. On the one side list the ways your parents take care of you. On the other side list the ways God takes care of your family. Decorate the pages if you like. Then roll the paper up like a ‘scroll’ and show it to your parents. Ask the person who looks after you to teach you your address and their cell number, so that if you get lost you will know how to contact them. If you can write then practise writing it out aslo.



little boy s ares is food

– John 6:1–15

A large crowd gathered at the lake in Galilee. They were listening to Jesus and watching Him heal the sick people. After a while they became hungry. Jesus’ friends wanted to send the people home; but Jesus said they must feed them first. The problem was they had no food! Andrew, one of Jesus’ friends, brought a little boy to Him. “This boy has two fish and five small loaves of bread, but it’s not enough to feed all these people.” Jesus smiled at the boy and took his food. He thanked God for the food. Then he began handing it out.


The fish and bread became more and more. Even though there were 5 000 men and even more women and children, they all had enough to eat. The leftovers filled twelve baskets. What a miracle!

Look and Learn Do you think that Amy and Sammy will find the Bible? Show them where it is. The Bible teaches us that because Jesus felt sorry for t he hungry people, He did a wonderful thing to help them.


Remember the Bible story How many fish did the boy have? And how many loaves of bread? Now tell what happened to the boy and his food. Who helped Jesus feed the thousands of people? How did the people feel after they had eaten?

God uses everybody – even children – for His work.



Prayer Dear Lord, Only You can do such great, special things! You know when people are tired and hungry. You feed Your children. Amen

Activity Talk to your parents or your caregiver about how your family can help people who are hungry. Do they know of people who are helping to feed the hungry? Maybe there is a soup kitchen at your school or church, then you could all go and help out?



Copyright ©2021 Christian Media Publishing Christian Media Publishing P.O. Box 3228, Matieland Post Office, Stellenbosch, 7602, South Africa All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means – electronically or otherwise – without the prior written permission of the publisher. Reg no 2010/008573/07 Author: © Ewald van Rensburg Illustrations: © Magriet Brink Layout: Zelda Botha Concept and Managing Editor: Noeline N Neumann First edition, first printing 2021 ISBN 978-1-928437-16-1



Children in the Bible

ISBN: 978-1-928437-16-1

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