Cleveland-Marshall College of Law Viewbook

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At Cleveland-Marshall, our academic program is rigorous and grounded in traditional legal theory. At the same time, our experiential learning opportunities, skills-based courses, and award-winning Pro Bono program prepare you to tackle contemporary legal issues. Whether you’re coming to C|M|LAW directly from your undergraduate studies, looking for an opportunity to advance your career, or ready to embark on a new career path with unlimited potential, we meet you where you are and provide you with a relevant legal education that fits your individual goals and expectations. Our academic program is flexible. Full-time enrollment at C|M|LAW provides a full immerson experience into the study of law. Our part-time day and part-time evening options allow you to juggle family and work responsibilities or the opportunity to ease into your legal studies at a slower pace. Whichever option works best, you are assured of an educational experience that meets the standards of excellence you expect and deserve. After the completion of the first year, C|M|LAW students can move between the full-time and part-time programs as needed. Part-time students must commit to the course load outlined here. Part-time students cannot take fewer credits during their first two years of legal study. After the successful completion of the first year curriculum, students may elect an optional concentration program of study or may elect an individualized course of study by selecting from courses representing the breadth and depth of legal inquiry.

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