CMDA Annual Report 2022

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Stirring up LOVE and GOOD WORKS


from our Chief Executive Officer

As Christians, we are called to stir up, to provoke, unto love and good works. The writer of Hebrews uses the medical word paroxysm, a fit so strong (as with fever) that it makes the body tremble and shake. Our affection for Christ, the highest and fullest pitch of it, ought to overflow into “outbursts” of love and good works, not for justification but so that God is glorified and His faithfulness evidenced to the world.

Historically, our Annual Report highlights CMDA’s ministry to others; this year, I want to also praise God for how you are investing attentive, continual care in watching over one another and inciting one another to loving, serving, going and giving.

CMDA serves a community of believers in the healthcare profession who are living out their faith in their families, practices, churches and communities. As I traveled and met with many of you this year, I was inspired to hear how you are helping others grow in their relationship with God.

The pages of this report are filled with stories of courageous, charismatic and caring CMDA members of all ages and stages of life and career, from their 20s through their 70s and beyond. They represent all of you who are answering the call of God to bring the hope and healing of Christ to the world.

In the blue band that runs along the bottom of the pages are various ways CMDA is stirring up one another to love and good works. I pray this publication inspires you—and possibly even provokes you—to serve our King ever more dutifully and cheefully. Keep fanning the flame until He comes to get us!

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works”
(Hebrews 10:24, ESV)

from our Board of Trustees

The apostle Paul, in his letter to the Thessalonian church, exhorts them, and us today, to encourage one another and build each other up. One of the things I appreciate most about CMDA is that no matter your specialty, stage of training or age, there is a place and opportunity to inspire one another to glorify God.

As our culture grows increasingly hostile to those who hold to Judeo-Christian beliefs, we need each other more than ever. Our demanding schedules and the onslaught of moral, ethical and political issues in our profession are exhausting. Without deliberate effort to protect our marriages, build a strong family or grow our faith, we can find ourselves overwhelmed.

Thank you for being a vital part of this community of Christian healthcare professionals. Together, we are educating, encouraging and equipping one another to glorify God. As you read these inspiring stories of CMDA members who are stirring up love and good works, I hope you will greatly rejoice in how the Lord is using you and your CMDA to live out the gospel in our local communities and around the world.

Our Board of Trustees: Brenda L. Abraham, MD; Adrienne E. Abrenica, DNP; Cara E. Brown, MD; William P. Cheshire, Jr., MD, MA (Ethics); Michael E. Chupp, MD, FACS; Michael Crouch, MD; Mitchell W. Duininck, MD; Darilyn C. Falck, MD; Regina Frost-Clark, MD; Abby Gaffner; John H. Gill, MD; Amy Givler, MD; George C. Gonzalez, MD; Christina M. Goodwin, MD; Omari A. Hodge, MD; Brick A. Lantz, MD; John G. Pierce, Jr., MD; Jack R. Pike, PA-C, PA, BS; Paul R. Roberts, MD; Blake T. Westra, DMD; T. Lisle Whitman, MD T. Lisle Whitman, MD President Lisle

Lindsay (RN) was a CMDA student leader while in nursing school. After graduating from UT Health San Antonio, she received a CMDA new graduate gift membership. Lindsay is taking a one-year hiatus from nursing to pursue an internship with the San Antonio Area Ministry. In her role, she will be sharing the gospel and discipling healthcare students and professionals and coordinating local medical and dental mission outreaches.

“Thank you for connecting me with Dr. T. We were able to talk on the phone the week we were matched. On a free day before starting my residency program, I drove to meet her and shadow her for the morning. She is a true gem! A mother, wife, doctor, faithful leader… She’s all I could ask for in a mentor! I can’t wait to learn more from believers like her in the profession and life at large. I am truly so excited and grateful that God allowed that connection

Sharpening others through campus ministry

Exploring the benefits of a gift membership

Serving your local CMDA chapter through an internship

Learning and growing from a mentorship

to come to fruition!”
—Annie, dental resident
Pictured above: Ana and Karen, another happy mentee-mentor pair.


study the Bible; encourage and pray for one another; provide scholarships, gift memberships and internships; mentor new professionals and serve the needy in their communities.

2,247 Christian leaders ministered to fellow healthcare professionals, students and neighbors in 240 cities across the nation.

CMDA meets on more than 90% of medical and dental campuses in the United States.


CMDA conferences, such as Global Missions Health Conference, Remedy and the CMDA National Convention, help missionally-motivated healthcare professionals like Warren (MD) find opportunities to live out their calling to extend Christ’s love to vulnerable and marginalized people through healthcare.

CMDA Specialty Sections provide opportunities to network and fellowship with colleagues in specific healthcare specialties. Warren co-founded and chairs CMDA’s Addiction Medicine Section (AMS), a fellowship of healthcare and substance use recovery professionals and faith-based leaders working together to free communities from addiction and transform lives by the grace, love and power of God.

In his hometown in California, Warren is helping to revive the addiction ministry at his church and to build a faithbased recovery coaching program in his community.

Warren and fellow CMDA members take prayer walks to intercede for their communities and are seeing God break down barriers and build alliances among churches, clinics and recovery ministries.

Witnessing through local area ministries Deepening faith and knowledge at CMDA conferences Networking and fellowshipping through specialty sections Caring for the lost, poor and needy through healthcare missions

A few years ago, CMDA drafted a statement about CMDA’s position on race and race relations. Out of that came the idea to develop an advisory committee to our board of trustees. Omari (MD) serves as chair of this newly appointed R2ED Committee, commissioned to help CMDA grapple with the problem of racial reconciliation, equality and diversity.


biggest things we can give to our members, and to everyone else, is an opportunity to have civil discourse—a safe place where you can unpack whatever idea you may have about preconceptions, prejudices, struggles, whatever it is. You can unpack that in our environment, and we’ll walk through it together with a biblical mindset. All of us are broken individuals. All of us have suffered, so we can really connect with people who are suffering.”

Over time, the R2ED Committee is helping create a CMDA that is representative of the American demographic, a CMDA that is walking in a spirit of unity, ready to receive the blessing of the Lord. As program director for a family medicine residency, Omari oversees medical students and residents. He was a speaker at Remedy Orlando, a presenter for CMDA’s Faith Prescriptions video training series and a trainer of mission team leaders for Global Health Outreach.

“How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity! . . . For there the Lord bestows his blessing”
(Psalm 133:1, 3a, NIV).
Training mission team leaders Writing your patients Faith Prescriptions Transferring knowledge as conference speakers
—Omari, MD

CMDA CEO Mike Chupp (MD) was one of approximately 80 Christian healthcare professionals who advocated for the pre born on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court on December 1, 2021, the open ing day of arguments for the Dobbs v. Jackson Womens’ Health case. A health care professional’s voice carries weight, and “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves; ensure justice for those being crushed” (Proverbs 31:8, NLT) is clearly one way that together we can glorify God.

“I was experiencing burnout—losing weight, losing sleep, giving up vacation days and seeing less of my family. My 14-year-old son said, ‘Mama, I’m worried about you.’ Then one month before my 50th birthday, around 1 pm in broad daylight, I fell asleep at the wheel and drove off the road. Later that day, at a scheduled appointment for my worsening migraines, I was placed on medical leave. I knew I needed help and reached out. Through the Center for Well-being’s CoachingMinistry,I realized I’d been in a cycle of works instead of grace. I experienced the sweetness of repentance and the importance of boundaries. I resigned from the practice where I was working and joined a faith-based medical practice. My husband and I talk more than we have in years. God is working on my son, too, and I so enjoy helping him listen to and follow the Spirit’s leading. Psalm 18:19 says, ‘...he rescued me because he delighted in me.’ With gratitude to God and the Center for Well-being, this is my testimony!” —Zandra, MD

special interests on CMDA committees
your voice heard through Advocacy Being someone’s lifeline through Coaching 50s

In the 1990s, Steve (MD) and Jackie (DNP, ARNP) recruited a team of healthcare professionals from across the U.S. and Canada and then hosted month-long summer medical institutes in Vancouver for more than 30 CMDA healthcare students, training and discipling them, and giving many of them their first patient encounters with residents in low-income neighborhoods. They often rent out rooms in their home to medical students, discipling and equipping them to live strong for Jesus in their future medical practices.

For several years, Steve took a small group of students on a three-week backpacking mission trip into the mountains of Papua, Indonesia, where they met up with an indigenous doctor to serve the medical needs of the Papuan people.

Twenty-eight years ago, Steve and Jackie started a free clinic for the poor on their church’s property, where Steve is still the medical director. Steve also taught at Southwest Family Medicine Residency program for 20 years. Four years ago, he founded a Direct Primary Care clinic for the uninsured.

As a pediatric nurse practitioner at a local community health clinic for the underserved, Jackie has cared for children and families from eight different countries in a single day!

Steve is always looking for ways to connect young medical professionals and students, including leading discussions groups about faith and medicine and providing leadership to medical teams serving homeless camps in Vancouver.

Steve and Jackie lead a weekly small group study for young healthcare professionals. Recently, Steve took his medical staff and a few visiting healthcare professionals through CMDA’s Faith Prescriptions video training series during their lunch break.

60s Opening your homes to healthcare students Volunteering at free clinics Initiating creative discipleship opportunities Authoring Christian medical articles

CMDA is woven deeply into the fabric of Ruth’s life. Since her first year of medical school, when she started the first chapter of CMDA at Mayo Clinic until today, when she, as a retiree, is working to birth a CMDA chapter in her hometown, Ruth (MD) continues to represent CMDA proudly.

She has both taught and provided clinical care overseas, penned Christian medical articles in local and national journals, served on CMDA’s editorial board, ministered to students as a campus advisor and many times been a featured conference speaker.

She is a founding member of Women Physicians & Dentists in Christ (originally Women in Medicine & Dentistry, WIMD).

Understanding the value of work-life balance, Ruth has often relaxed with fellow CMDA members on CMDA-sponsored ski trips and golf outings.

CMDA is indebted to Ruth for 16 years of service on its Board of Trustees, including a term as its second woman president.

Jim (MD) has been a gospel carrier to more than 20 countries. As a lifelong learner, he also appreciates the enlightenment and camaraderie found through traveling internationally with CMDA. Jim regularly adds exclusive CMDA Life & Health Resources to his ever-expanding personal library and even donated much of his time to help with the setup of CMDA’s Learning Center.

491 Global Health Outreach (GHO) and Medical Education International (MEI) volunteers ministered to the poor and sick in 20 countries.

A record 250 women healthcare professionals were educated, encouraged and equipped at the Women Physicians & Dentists in Christ (WPDC) Annual Conference.

76 Biblical Tour participants deepened their knowledge of scripture, history and archeology.

70s and beyond
Traveling abroad to teach foreign national surgeons and medical students Finding joy in donating time and resources for lasting impact

2022 INCOME (ALL FUNDS) | $10,436,272*

A. Fox

(ALL FUNDS) | $12,890,051

• $90,490 in scholarships was awarded to 68 people for missionary service to the poor and sick, for continuing education and for participation in healthcare conferences.

• A generous donor/ donation facilitated the purchase of two portable dental units for use on the mission field.

These charts are derived from management’s reporting for the year ending June 30, 2022. An independent audit is available upon request and on CMDA’s website. Founded in 1979, ECFA provides accreditation to leading Christian non-profit organizations that faithfully demonstrate compliance with established industry standards for financial accountability, transparency, fundraising and board governance.

General Fund Bar Graph_updated AR FY2022, 3/16/2023, ji
Donations Dues Programs Donated Services & Supplies 65.5% 14% 10.5% Campus Ministries Medical Supplies & Services 37% 10% 9% 5% 21% 13% Fundraising & Membership Development Publications 3% , Education 2%
Net Assets,
FY2018 FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 MILLIONS 2 4 6 8 10 FY2019 FY2018 FY2017 FY2016 FY2015 8,394,115 8,476,452 INCOME EXPENSES 8,733,262 8,876,009 9,114,503 9,220,547 9,411,436 9,459,971 8,645,812 8,552,469 Total Income Total Expenses
Operating Loss, $2,453,779 GENERAL FUND
10% $9,411,436 $9,459,971 $8,645,812 $8,552,469 $8,020,338 $8,030,338 $6,603,316 $6,743,215 $8,654,035 $7,514,310
National Ministries & Support Services Missions Conferences & Seminars *Total includes loss on investments, $1,023,484 Rev. 2303

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