The Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. continued its leadership efforts by hosting another successful Third District Undergraduate Summit. Charles Young Brigadier General the Regular Army.
The Brothers of the Psi Nu Chapter, Third District, of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., host the 89th Annual Third District.

We held and celebrated our first District in-person meeting in two years. All had a great time, as it allowed for the Brothers to fellowship in true Omega fashion while exercising the provided COVID protocols. Congratulations to all elected 2022-2023 officers and District awardees, as you are deserving. We pray for the supreme Basileus to provide you with continued success, discernment, health, and strength to lead this great District as you continue to blaze the path while making noble sacrifices and providing unselfish service to your family, community, Dis trict, Fraternity, and the world. We are sincerely grateful to Brother Dr. David Marion – Grand Basileus for attending and presenting $35,000 total to our HBCUs in the Third District. We offer a sincere thank you to Brother James A. “Mitch” Mitchell (2022 District Marshal), Brother John Gordon (Basileus of Psi Nu Chapter), and the entire membership of the Psi Nu Chapter for their unwavering commitment to making the 89th Annual Third District Meeting a success.
Greetings Brothers of the Third District, I humbly greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The District continues to flourish and embark on exciting new endeavors. We continue to be represented by 43 chapters. Additionally, our membership has grown to 2,414 Brothers supporting our commu nities. I sincerely thank all Brothers for their confidence in allowing me to serve another term as District Representative of the mighty Third – “The Birthplace of Omega.”
Brother Conrado B. Morgan 30th Third District Representative
Brothers, we have not missed a beat as we continue to lead and navigate the Third District through the challenges of the ever-changing COVID-19 virus. Brothers continue to do the work of Omega, as demonstrated by the hosting of our talent hunt programs, fatherhood and mentoring engagements, Brother Dr. Charles Drew blood drives, distribution of scholarships, and health initiative events. Our St Jude giving campaign continues to reach new heights as we strive to achieve our goal of $50,000. We appreciate the $5,000 awarded to the Third Dis trict from Good Health WINs through Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, inc. Congratulations to all our graduates who have met their academic requirements for graduation. We wish you the best in your future endeavors and careers.
On April 29, 2022, Brother Charles Young made history as he was posthumously promoted from Colonial to Brigadier General, an honor long overdue. Brother Young persevered through adversity, racism, social isolation, and illness. Through it all and surpassing the odds, he had a distinguished military career, elevating him to the highest-ranking Army Officer during his ser vice.We met the various challenges face-to-face and persevered, seeing it through as real men do. Without the brotherhood’s dedication and commitment to Omega and Service, these accomplishments, recognitions, and support of our youth and communities would not have beenBrothers,possible.Iwant to thank you for your willingness to serve and support the Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. The COVID virus continues to impact us all in one way or anoth er. May God continue to bless you, your families, the Third District, and the Omega Psi Phi Fra ternity, Incorporated. We pray that all remain safe and healthy, knowing God is our protector.

THIRD EXECUTIVE CONRADO 30th District SHAWN R. LACEY 1st Vice District Representative DEONDRE DAVIS 2nd Vice District Representative CRAIG M. SPRAGGINS District Keeper Of Records & Seal JAY ALLEN District Keeper Of Finance Page 4

DISTRICT EXECUTIVE COUNCIL B. MORGAN Representative REV. COURTENAY L. MILLER District Chaplain CALVIN C. BEIDLEMAN, III Director Of Public Relations J. KEVIN MCINTYRE, ESQ District Counselor KEVIN BROWN Immediate Past District Representative Page 5

DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES 1934 Edward R. Archer -Presdent Lambda Omega 1935 Theodore L. Taylor Vice President Lambda Omega 1935 – 1936 A.B. Green - President Lambda Omega 1936 – 1937 Oliver W. Hill - President Gamma Alpha 1936 – 1937 C.W. Seay 4th District Representative Delta Omega 1937 – 1938 A.M. Banks - President Delta Omega 1938 – 1940 A.G. Macklin - President Gamma Alpha 1940 – 1942 E.F. Corbett 4th District Representative Lambda Omega 1940 – 1942 Harry T. Penn Gamma Alpha 1940 – 1942 J. B. Blayton – President Alpha Alpha 1942 – 1946 R.J. Kenny, Jr. – Basileus Phi Phi 1942 – 1946 Harry T. Penn District Representative Gamma Alpha 1946 – 1947 Harry T. Penn – Basileus Gamma Alpha 1947 – 1949 Thomas H. Shields Lambda Omega 1949 – 1950 Walter H. “Crow” Riddick (Served as Grand K.R.S) Lambda Omega 1950 – 1954 James D. Gill Lambda Omega 1954 – 1956 James B. Williams Phi Phi 1956 – 1958 Hiliary Jones Lambda Omega 1958 – 1961 Charles D. Paige Delta Omega 1961 – 1965 Hiram F. Jones Alpha Omega 1965 – 1967 Frederick D. Nance Lambda Omega 1967 -1970 Sylvester Blue Delta Omega 1970 -1974 Melvin J. Washington Alpha Omega 1974 – 1976 B. Thomas Garnette Lambda Omega 1976 – 1978 Charles D. Chambliss, Jr. Delta Omega 1978 – 1981 Kenneth A. Brown Alpha Omega 1981 – 1983 James R. Clark, Sr. Delta Omega 1983 – 1986 Vernon E. Johnson (Served as 2nd Vice Grand Basileus) Lambda Omega 1986 – 1987 Robert W. Howard, Sr. Alpha Omega 1987 – 1990 Robert W. Fairchild Alpha Omega 1990 – 1993 Marion L. Barnwell Psi Alpha Alpha 1993 – 1995 Joseph C. McKinney Delta Omega 1995 – 1997 Gary C. Clark Alpha Omega 1997 – 1999 James “Pete” Peterson Lambda Omega 1999 – 2002 Rayford Harris Jr. Phi Phi 2002 – 2004 Curtis Baylor Psi Alpha Alpha 2004 – 2006 Robert H. Lewis Psi Alpha Alpha 2006 – 2009 Mark E. Jackson, Sr. Alpha Omega 2009 – 2012 Anthony Knight Lambda Omega 2012 – 2015 Robert C. Warren, Jr., ESQ Alpha Omega 2015 – 2017 Ezekiel “Zeke” Dennison Jr Delta Omega 2017 – 2020 Kevin “KB” Brown Kappa Iota Iota FORMER Page 6

A lexandria, VA – The Brothers of the Psi Nu Chapter, Third District, of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. hosted the 89th An nual Third District Meeting on March 31 – April 3, 2022. The decision to conduct the meeting in person was to allow the Brothers to fellow ship as it has been some time since the onset of BrotherCOVID.Conrado B. Morgan – Third District Representative, was enthused about the Brothers being able to gather in person for this year’s Third District meeting. This year’s District Marshal was Brother James A. “Mitch” Mitchell, Psi Nu Chapter. The Deputy District Marshals were Brothers Walter Clarke, Markus Gaines, John Gordon, Donte Jiggetts, Turner Mebane, Christopher Powell, Melvin Fowler, James Goodman, Roger Hicks, TraVaughn Lincoln, James Pierce, Owen Wilson, Shawn Brown, and Anthony Foxworth. The Brothers of Psi Nu Chapter hosted an excellent District Meeting. There were over 450 Brothers regis tered for the meeting. A few of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Grand Officers (current and former) were in attendance. Brother Dr. David Marion, 41st Grand Basileus, attended the district meeting. The 89th Annual Third Dis trict meeting was an overwhelming success, and the business of Omega was conducted withOnexcellence.Thursday,the District meeting weekend kicked off with fun-filled Tee-up activities with a sold-out Third District Charity Golf event at the Old Hickory Golf Club in Woodbridge, Virginia. The weather was nice most of the
MARCH 31 - APRIL 3, 2022

The new Third District leadership of the OmegaPsi Phi Fraternity, Inc. ison the move in 2022. The changeover in leader-ship and elected DistrictCouncil members as of April 2, 2022, are as Districtfollows:Representative
day, allowing the teams to demonstrate their golfing skills. Teams competed with great enthusiasm while en joying the fellowship with the Brothers, friends, sponsors, and guests. There was $15,000 in sponsorship received from a Senator and 11 State Dele gates. Brother State Delegate Luke E. Torian led the effort on the golf tournament and get ting sponsorship. The winners of the Golf Tournament were Brother Luke Torian’s Team (Luke Torian, Dan Torian, Joe Torian, and Kevin White) On Friday, the business of Omega was conducted. The Grand Basileus reported on the state of the fraternity. Brother Conrado B. Morgan – Third District Representa tive, Executive Council, Area Supervisors, and Committee Chairman, who all provided their reports. Additionally, the election of District officers was conducted. Grand Basileus Dr. David Marion presented $35,000 by donating $5,000 to Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) in the Third District. The funds will be placed into each chapter’s (Howard University, University of the District of Columbia, Hampton University, Virgin ia State University, Norfolk State, Virginia Union Universi ty, and the Virginia University of Lynchburg) endowment fund. After the business of Omega was complete, the day concluded with a spec tacular Step Show consisting of four teams competing for the grand prize and bragging rights. Nu Psi Chapter won the Step Show. The step show was followed by an evening of fel lowship allowing the Brothers to bond and build friendships.
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Brother Conrado B. Morgan Vice District Representative Brother Shawn R. Lacey Vice RepresentativeDistrict Brother Deondre Davis Keeper of Records and Seal Brother Craig M. Spraggins Keeper of Finance O. Jay Allen Chaplain Brother Rev. Courtenay L. Miller Director of Public Relations Brother Calvin C. Beidleman, District Counselor Kevin McIntyre, ESQ Past District Representative Brother Kevin Brown District Marshal Brother Craig Branch
First Place Blake Armstrong ($1,000) Violinist – Lambda Omega Second Place Emily Yeh ($500)
The Talent Hunt was con ducted on Saturday, April 2, 2022. The Talent Hunt was a phenomenal event execut ed to perfection by Brother Owen Nixon. The event con sisted of 14 fabulously talent ed youth, all competing for the opportunity to showcase their talent in the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity’s international competition. All participants received a certificate of par ticipation. A total of $2,950 was awarded. Fourth place and below received $100 each. The top three winners were:
Pianist – Pi Lambda Lambda Third Place Ted J.C. Thomas ($350) Zeta Iota
Brother J.

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George E. Meares Brother Ronald Dingle Virginia Union University Omega Man Of The Year Undergraduate Chapter Brother Daniel Dunn Nu Psi Chapter Colonel Charles Young Military Leadership AwardBrother Jacques Nixon Pi LambdaChapterLambda
Brother Deondre Davis Nu Psi Chapter Father Of The Year Gamma Xi – Brother Harvis Yarborough
Youth Academy Program – Large Chapter Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter Large Chapter Of The Year Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter
Grand Basileus Award Brother Daniel Dunn Virginia State University GraduateGrantScholarship Brother Zuogwi Reeves Howard UniversityVirginia Graduate Superior Service Award Brother Michael Frazier Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter Undergraduate Basileus of the Year Brother Daniel Dunn Nu Psi Chapter High School Essay Contest Winner Janae B. Thompson Delta Omega Chapter Fatherhood Initiative Of The Year – Small Chapter Zeta Mu Mu Chapter Omega Man Of the Year Graduate Chapter
Founder’sScholarshipMemorial Brother Colin Dickens Howard University Dr. W. Montague Cobb Medical Scholar Award Brother Stafford Brown III EVMS/W & M Founders AchievementLifetimeAward Brother Alcindor Rosier Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter Graduate Basileus of the Year Brother Robert Myles, Jr. Sigma Mu Mu Chapter Citizen of the Year Brother James Thompson Kappa Psi Chapter Fatherhood Initiative Of The Year – Large Chapter Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter Undergraduate Chapter Of The Year Nu Psi Chapter
Third District Scholar of the Year Brother HowardAdanlawoTemiloluwaUniversity
Social Action Large Chapter Of The Year Pi Lambda Lambda Youth Academy Program – Small Chapter Kappa Iota Iota Chapter Small Chapter Of The Year Sigma Kappa ChapterKappa
Brother Rossie Johnson Delta Omega Chapter Dennis R. Gates II, Student-Athlete Award Brother Nicholas Edwards Hampton University Dr. Benjamin Mays Divinity Scholarship Brother RegentMcLaughlinJamesonUniversity Undergraduate Superior Service Award

On Sunday, the 89th District Meeting concluded with the Ecumenical Service. Brother Bishop Enoch Perry, III, Esq, brought the gospel message. Song selections were provided by Third Dis trict’s own Omega Chorale, who sang with tremendous enthusiasm and spirit. The attendees were highly engaged and blessed by the song selection and the word brought forth by the man of God. The new administration is thankful for the unwavering and continuous support of the 2320 Brothers and 43 outstanding chapters throughout Washington, D.C. and Virginia. A special thank you to the Former District Representatives, Area Supervisors, Committee Chairmen, and Basilei for their leadership.
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O n January 8, 2022, the Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. continued its leadership efforts by hosting another successful Third District Undergradu ate Summit. The summit is designed to provide uplift, leadership, and training to the undergraduates on various topics, procedures, and guidelines. The event was led by Brother Daniel Dunn – 2nd Vice District Representative. Brother Conrado B. Morgan – Dis trict Representative, brought forth greetings, words of encouragement, and remarks during the program. Numerous Brothers (Graduate and Undergraduate) throughout the Third District and other Districts attended the event. The Third District undergraduates had full participation from all active under graduate chapters. Additionally, all were provided with a wealth of knowledge that can be used to better all chapters. Informa tion and training were provided on member ship, protocol, finance, leadership, and social media.Ourprayer is that events such as this will continue to provide the brothers with the tools they need to achieve their aspirations, be great leaders in their profession and com munity, and rise to their full potential. Brother Daniel Dunn stated: “I want to thank Brother Conrado Morgan – District Representative, for his leadership and guidance in ensuring that the undergraduates had this opportunity. Additionally, thank you to the members of the District Council for their hard work in bringing this undergraduate summit to fruition, espe cially Brother District Keeper of Records and Seal Craig Spraggins, for the major role he played in our efforts.”

CONGRATULATIONS SPRING 2022 UNDERGRADUATESUNDERGRADUATES NAME CHAPTER UNIVERSITY Jamaine Barnes Gamma Epsilon Hampton University Robinson Davis Gamma Epsilon Hampton University Justin Dingle Gamma Epsilon Hampton University Seth Dortch Gamma Epsilon Hampton University Marcus Greene Gamma Epsilon Hampton University Craig Johnson Gamma Epsilon Hampton University Deandre Mcewen Gamma Epsilon Hampton University Cameron Ray Gamma Epsilon Hampton University Derrick Richardson Gamma Epsilon Hampton University Sean Richardson Gamma Epsilon Hampton University Ricardo Roberts Gamma Epsilon Hampton University Eric Thomas Gamma Epsilon Hampton University Anthony Whitehead Gamma Epsilon Hampton University Jordan Wimberly Gamma Epsilon Hampton University Mekhi Barnes Alpha Howard University Isaiah Joseph Alpha Howard University Betangabeh Khumbah Alpha Howard University Ocean Latimer Alpha Howard University Xavier Manning Alpha Howard University Noah Thomas Alpha Howard University Javon Burks Nu Psi Virginia State University Jaylon Dean Nu Psi Virginia State University Jeremiah Edwards Nu Psi Virginia State University Tyrone Fisher Nu Psi Virginia State University Jaiden Harris Nu Psi Virginia State University Cortez Jackson Nu Psi Virginia State University Rodney Jones Nu Psi Virginia State University Justin White Nu Psi Virginia State University John Johnson Beta Delta Delta James Madison University Dwight Jones Eta Lambda Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (TECH) Nile Alkebulan Lambda Zeta University of Virginia Jestus Johnson Lambda Zeta University of Virginia Sean Bryant Phi Delta Virginia Commonwealth University Terrance Gregory Phi Delta Virginia Commonwealth University Page 12

CONGRATULATIONS 2022 BROTHERSGRADUATESGRADUATES NAME CHAPTER Quinn Osborn Zeta Mu Mu Ernest Barnes Zeta Mu Mu James Bradley Zeta Mu Mu Kristopher Day Zeta Mu Mu Cleon Disnew Zeta Mu Mu Brian Heyward Zeta Mu Mu Charles Holloway Zeta Mu Mu Courney Joyner Zeta Mu Mu Simon Richardson Zeta Mu Mu Rodney Winston Zeta Mu Mu Alexzander Ballard Kappa Psi William Johnson Kappa Psi Evaton Blackwood Beta Delta Delta Javon Hubbard Gamma Omega Carlos Hutcherson Gamma Omega Maurice Ferrell Rho Iota Withers Jackson Rho Iota James McLaughlin Rho Iota DeLarris Powell Rho Iota Corey Reynolds Rho Iota Ryan Russell Rho Iota Adrian Earle Rho Iota Maleek Henderson Rho Iota Jonathan Thomas Rho Iota Ivan Orr Xi Iota Page 13

2nd Vice District Representative T hird District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.
Part of the objectives and goals for the undergraduates is to continue solidifying, enhanc ing, and building stronger relationships with their Graduate Chapter. Although my term has been short, this goal and bridges continue to be built and accomplished daily through various endeavors.Theundergraduates
Summer break is upon us. Some of us will return home to our families, take a well-desired break, take on an internship, volunteer within our community, or continue our academic as pirations. Whatever your journey, continue to be great and do the best you can do – “See It Brothers,Through!”be safe, and I look forward to seeing everyone in the Fall.
reetings Brothers, I greet you all in the name of the Supreme Basileus. First and foremost, I would like to thank the brothers of the Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. for trusting me enough to elect me as the Second Vice District Repre sentative of the Third District. I am humbled to serve in this capacity and maintain my com mitment and enthusiasm to doing the work of Omega. Congratulations to all District elected officers, award winners, and the Psi Nu chap ter for hosting and all Brothers for supporting the successful 89th Third District Meeting.
continue to live their creed and reach for the stars. I am proud to an nounce that this past Spring, the Third District had over twenty Undergraduates graduate from their respective Universities. Additionally, more than half of them plan to attend graduate school in hopes of building upon their scholarly attainments. Congratulations to our gradu ates. In this short time, I have built strong relationships with you all and wish you nothing but the best in your future endeavors in life and Omega. I leave you with one of my favorite quotes, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”
BrotherYIO, Deondre A. Davis

CONGRATULATIONS 2022 FALL GRADUATES NAME CHAPTER UNIVERSITY DEGREE Rodney Godfrey, Jr. Eta Lambda Virginia Tech B.S. Studio Art Minor Industrial Design Myles Williams Eta Lambda Virginia Tech B.S. Business Information Technology Minor Spanish Daniel Dunn Nu Psi Virginia State B.S. Political Science Brandon Moses Nu Psi Virginia State B.S. Computer Science Jeffrey Jones Nu Psi Virginia State B.S. Criminal Justice Antoran Chandler Nu Psi Virginia State B.S. Criminal Justice Darius Hagans Nu Psi Virginia State B.S. Sociology & Criminal Justice Tyrone Fisher Nu Psi Virginia State B.S. Sport Medicine Carrington Hill Phi Delta CommonwealthVirginia B.S. Health Science Sean Bryant Phi Delta CommonwealthVirginia B.S. Biomedical Engineering Ricardo Roberts Gamma Epsilon Hampton B.S. Business Management Joseph Wells Gamma Epsilon Hampton B.S. International Studies Nicholas Edwards Gamma Epsilon Hampton B.S. Economics Resmond Williams Gamma Epsilon Hampton B.S. Business Management Calen Johnson Gamma Epsilon Hampton Masters in Business Administration Timothy McDowell Gamma Epsilon Hampton B.S. Marketing Jehlan Williamson Gamma Epsilon Hampton B.S Business Management Nile Alkebulan Lambda Zeta Virginia B.S Computer Science * Electrical Engineering Denzel Brown Lambda Zeta Virginia B.S. Sociology Page 15

Wednesday, April 6, 2022, the Brothers of Gamma Epsilon, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., continued their Fried Chick en Wednesday. Fried Chicken Wednesday is a staple at Hampton University that the men of Omega have decided to use to uphold their tradition of service on campus. The brothers of the Gamma Epsilon Chapter serve students in the cafeteria. On this Wednesday, for about 2.5 hours, approximately 400 – 500 students were served. Members initiated in 2020 and the newly mint ed members of Spring 2022 came together to serve the campus in a special way. The cafeteria workers assign the brothers to various teams to execute tasks. Some tasks included salad preparation, food delivery, clean up, and trash pickup. The cafe workers thanked the Brothers for their con tinued efforts to help in the cafeteria. Workers also gave the fraternity praise for our work ethic and willingness to complete all tasks. “This week has been an especially difficult one because we have recently been under staffed. Any help we can garner goes a long way to relieve the pressure off us,” said one worker. Cafeteria workers were eager for the brothers to return this up coming Wednesday.
OMEGA MEN LEADING n April 10, 2022, the Gamma Epsilon chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., hosted another Sunday student and community workout with the brothers. The event was geared to wards pushing its student body to get out and move. The “WorkOwt” class takes place every Wednesday and Sunday and is open to all students and members of the Hampton Roads Community. Class sizes range from 12 to 50 on any given day. These classes last about one hour and can include physical activity, from cardio training and stretching to fun events such as relay races. “As the school year begins to wind down and prepa ration for finals begins, the brothers noticed a lack of health awareness, not only in the mental aspect but also in the physical sense. Many students hold them selves up in their rooms to study and prepare for final projects and presentations. Having extended periods of restricting themselves in their room could be an un healthy habit and harmful to students in the long run. The goal of these classes is to help some students, even just one, realize that” said current Basileus ON

O ver the weekend of February 12, 2022, the Gamma Epsilon chapter celebrat ed 75 years since being chartered on February 12, 1947. The weekend began with “Fellowship Night” which is something the chapter has been doing virtually via Zoom every Thursday at 9pm ET since the pandemic began. How ever, this weekend marked the first time hun dreds of Brothers could fellowship in-person in over two Saturdayyears.morning began with service in col laboration with the Dreams of Hope Founda tion to serve food and clothing to the home less of the Hampton Roads area. Throughout the morning, approximately 50 homeless peo ple were fed and provided with clothing to survive the harsh conditions of the winter. The event was sponsored and led by GE under graduate Brothers under the leadership of Ba sileus Bro Nicholas Edwards 4-20-GE, Vice-Ba sileus Bro Resmond Williams 8-20-GE and Bro Georquel Goodwin 9-20-GE who chaired the service initiative and ensured brothers signed up to provide coverage for the duration of the event. Brothers fellowshipped for the en tireTheafternoon.75thformal anniversary Gala began on Saturday evening. During the Gala’s cocktail hour, the GEAA presented Hampton University President Bro Dr. William R. Harvey $285,000 as a gift on behalf of the GEAA to the brothers beloved alma mater. Bro. Harvey accept ed the monetary donation from his fraternity brothers and was moved as he stated “I was always taught if you can help somebody, do it and that’s what you [GE] brothers are do ing…Thank you MY BROTHERS!”
GAMMA EPSILON Celebrates 75th Chapter Anniversary
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While brothers and guests dined, a video was shown that highlighted an interview with chapter founder Bro Dr. L. Julian Haywood 45-A and Bro Jerry T Hodges 11-47-GE. The video also showcased Gamma Epsilon from 1947 to 2022 through various pictures and clips.Acongratulatory messages was given by 1st Vice Grand Basileus Bro Ricky Lewis who commended GE “for your service and to your families for allowing you to serve…long live Gamma Epsilon Chapter and long live Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.” Our 30th 3rd District Representative Bro Conrado B Morgan 82-PG read “Invictus” and brought greetings on behalf of the District, Officers, and the 41st Grand Basileus Bro Dr. David Marion. Bro Morgan further congratulated the chapter on their 75 years of service of which he acknowl edged witnessing 40 years of them.

TRIPLE HEADER S aturday, February 5, 2022, was a triple-header day of community ser vice for the men of the Nu Psi Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Engagement at all levels has undoubtedly been a chal lenge due to the pandemic. However, the Nu Psi chapter has and continues to find ways to engage and provide service to the community. Maintaining consistent com munication and building bridges are essential parts of any successful community uplift program on or off-cam pus. The Nu Psi chapter takes great pride in upholding those obligations. The morning began as the Nu Psi, Delta Omega, and Upsilon Nu brothers partnered to participate in the Breast Cancer Awareness – 10th Annual Coaches for the Cure Cancer walk. The walk was hosted by Brother Kevin Bettis and the Team Loaded Foun dation at Virginia State Uni versity’s Multi-Purpose Center. The event was designed to increase awareness of the various types of cancer, raise money to help fami lies of those affected by the disease, and celebrate the life of loved ones who have succumbed to cancer. Fol lowing the walk, the brothers continued the day of service, assisting where needed as they participated in loading numerous boxes of food for the on-campus (Virginia State University) Food Pantry. The staff at the Food Pantry were appreciative of the support they received from the young men of Omega. The second group of broth ers rounded out the trio of events in the afternoon, lending a helping hand at the newly remodeled Ettrick Elementary school by build ing wooden tables for new exterior spaces of the school. The addition of the tables provides the children a place where they can sit, eat, and fellowship outside the school. The school’s administrative staff were pleased with the service and assistance afford ed to them by the brothers of Omega.
Although the Gala was attended by over 375 Gamma Epsilon Brothers and guests, the event was also streamed virtually over 50 Brothers and friends of the chapter that were unable to attend due to concerns regarding the pandemic including chapter founder Bro L Julian Haywood’s family. Brothers of Gamma Epsilon have been a part of chartering at least 14 chapters and have been instrumental in expanding Ome ga’s reach including UVA, Duke, Temple on the undergraduate level; Military chapters from Fort Bragg, Fort Eustis and Joint Base McGwire-Lakehurst-Dix; and expansion inter nationally in Panama, China, Mexico, Abu Dhabi, and most recently in the Dominican Republic.Theevent concluded with a rousing and emotional benediction led by Bro Reverend
Caralis Kimbrue 8-79-GE who exclaimed “The torch of Omega still lives on and GE will still be the light of the world and so God we thank you on this day we celebrate your presence and your spirit and in God’s name we say Amen, Amen and Amen!” In his final appearance in front of the chap ter,Bro Dr. L. Julian Haywood stated he looked for people “that were Serious, Capable and have character…and look what happened. You all are a testament that that approach worked!” Over 300 Brothers travelled from across the country and internationally to be in attendance to exemplify what chapter founder Bro Dr. L Julian Haywood envisioned. The celebration will continue throughout the year at the Grand Conclave in Charlotte, NC and at Hampton’s Homecoming on October 22, 2022!
NU PSI Page 18

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n the weekend of December 10-12, 2021 - The Nu Psi chapter has, in effect, tripled down on its efforts. Service is a word used often in the chapter. In alignment with Nu Psi’s 94th Charter day, a weekend-long chapter retreat, the first of its kind, organized duly in part by Daniel Dunn, current chapter Basilieus and 2nd Vice District Representative. The event spanned three days with numerous sessions for brothers from past lines to fellowship and conduct panels and meeting with the current undergraduates. Among the themes discussed were ways to increase the opportunities for community service, and the undergraduates are keeping good on their word

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Sigma Mu Mu supports this event each year to honor the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and demonstrate its commitment to com munity service. The Brothers supported the event by transporting water from the local Wegmans to the march destination, operat ing the camera used to stream the march, helping to monitor traffic, and leading songs during the parade. To make shuttle seating available for others, Sigma Mu Mu Brothers walked to the march starting point instead of riding on the shuttle. By marching in the parade and providing logistical support for the celebration, the Chapter enhanced the festive atmosphere, helped to promote unity in the community, and encouraged partic ipants to volunteer throughout the year to uplift others.
n January 17, 2022, Sigma Mu Mu Chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., braved harsh weather conditions to participate in the 31st annual MLK March and Celebration in Leesburg, VA.
Sigma Mu Mu Chapter Brothers leading parade in the MLK March and Celebration in Leesburg, VA. VA
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After the march, the Brothers returned home to view the virtual portion of the cele bration on YouTube. The program included opening speeches by Leesburg Mayor, Ms. Kelly Burk, Leesburg Vice-Mayor, Mr. Fernando (Marty) Martinez, and Purcellville Mayor, Mr. Kwasi Fraser. U.S. Congresswoman Jennifer Wexton and Ms. Sherelle T. Carper, President of the National Association of Negro Business and Professional Women’s Club, also made remarks which were followed by musical and artistic performances by local area youth and adults. The formal program concluded with a speech by keynote speaker Dr. W. Andy Knight, distinguished Professor of International Relations, University of Alberta, Canada. He spoke on this year’s MLK March and Celebra tion theme, “In Pursuit of Equal Rights, Social Equity, and Human Dignity.”

Tinner Hill is a historic area of Falls Church, Virginia, named after Charles and Mary Tinner, an African Amer ican couple who bought land there in the late 19th century. Descendant Joseph Tinner and a small group of African Americans got to gether in 1918 to form the Colored Citizens Protective League in Falls Church, which transitioned into the first rural branch of the National Asso ciation for the Advancement of Colored People.
lthough many activities were canceled or post poned in the area due to inclement weather, the brothers of Psi Alpha Alpha, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. found a way to make their presence felt in celebration of the MLK Day of Service. The brothers attend ed a rally in front of the Tinner Hill Monument in Falls Church, VA, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr on Monday, January 17, 2022. The theme of this year’s event was “Save Our Democ racy — Vote,” with remarks focusing on voter suppression and voting rights. Speakers at the event included US Repre sentative Don Beyer (VA -8th) who spoke on the oppression against our democracy in the form of “more subtle and in sidious acts” to keep people of color from voting by hav ing fewer polling locations, restricting hours, and making it so that the long lines are unbearable. Senator Mark Warner (VA) also had remarks around voter suppression adding, “I’m not sure what some of the things that are taking place in these states that have gone about trying to restrict voting rights, I don’t think there’s very much sub tle about any of those things when you talk about purging voters, or in Georgia where Black voters wait in lines, not 1 or 2x but 5 or 10x longer in line than white voters or re stricting people’s right to get water or food in line, there’s nothing subtle about that.” Senator Warner also added the expansion of voting rights should be a bipartisan effort; adding in VA it led to a 25% higher turnout in 2021 than in 2017 even though it did not work out as planned. After speaking about the upcom ing vote in the Senate around the voting rights bills, he closed by saying “…we have to make sure that the prom ise of America becomes the reality of America.”
The MLK holiday continues to be a Day of Service and not a day off for Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter brothers.
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O n January 1, 2022, brothers from the Alpha Iota Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. com bined forces with Brother Derik Green and his non-profit organization (Conscious Effort) to hold a food and clothing drive for the com munity of Suffolk, VA. This drive provided food and clothing for the less fortunate in the local community of Suffolk, VA. This group part nered with a local black-owned business/ restaurant in the area, Ryan’s Steaks and Cakes.
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O n January 10, 2022, the Delta Omega Social Action Committee, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., donated over 15 coats to CARES, Inc. Petersburg, VA, a local orga nization that provides various assistance to families in need in the community. The coats were provided for distribution to members of the commit tee to help protect them from the harsh winter elements. CARES staff humbly received the coats. Additionally, words of appreciation were extend ed as the Chapter supports this organization throughout the year with food, clothing, and other assistance as re quested.
The restaurant provided food and dinner for this community service event. Members of Alpha Iota, Shaka Miller, Victor Achcie, and Ramone Pierce provided clothing and assist ed in distributing clothing to the members of the community that were in need. Several individuals benefited from this drive and were able to get clothing and food that would sus tain them through the winter

APPOINTED PRESIDENT OF THE NATIONAL PAN-HELLENIC COUNCIL, INCORPORATED OF PETERSBURG, VIRGINIA n January 25th, 2022, Brother Dr. Bruce L. Brown was appoint ed president of the National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC), Inc. of Petersburg, Virginia. The NPHC of Petersburg, VA., supports the three indepen dent cities of Petersburg, Co lonial Heights, and Hopewell, Virginia, and portions of the adjoining counties of Ches terfield, Dinwiddie, and Prince George counties in south central Virginia. The unincor porated neighboring com munities of Ettrick and Fort Lee are also supported by the NPHC in Petersburg, VA. Brother Dr. Bruce Brown has faithfully served on the Peters burg, VA NPHC for nine years, with various accolades and recognition for his remark able achievements in bolstering unity in the community. The NPHC of Petersburg, VA. pro motes the cooperative actions of its twelve council chapters that focus on matters of mutual interests of its affiliate fraternities, so rorities, and local com munity organizations. As president, Brother Dr. Bruce Brown will lead the organization’s efforts to enhance the current activities of local fraternities and sororities, in partner ship with its community service organizations, to uplift and improve the neighborhoods in which they serve.
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rothers of Zeta Omicron Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorpo rated congratulate Brother Alonzo L. Smith (Zeta Omicron – 2000) for being awarded the 2022 BEYA Modern Day Technology Leader Award. This award is given to men and women who have demonstrated outstanding performance in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Brother Smith’s passion for develop ing healthy communities has led him to provide mentorship through several facets. Ome ga continues to influence the STEM arena through our ideals, but this is a story about friendship and how that rela tionship shapes our lives and the world around us. The cer emony was held in Washing ton, D.C., virtually on February 18,Alonzo2022. is a native of Gas ton, North Carolina. Broth er Smith led the successful implementation of Qual ity-of-Life initiatives that touched 10,000 plus shipbuild ers. Quality of Life is designed to improve overall employee wellness. He also established

the solidDivisionTradesroadmapsTransformationfortheOperationandbuiltafoundationto ex pand Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) Time to atorSmithnessnectsleadingciencybuilding’sNewportdevelopmentBrothereralByacceleratinginitiativesProficiencyfocusedonlearning.workingwithsevkeystakeholders,SmithledtheoftheNewsShipfirstprofimetric.Thisindicatorcontrainingtobusiperformance.In2000,Brotherwasaco-creofCorporateCareer Day, which ex posed Northampton County Public Schools System students to STEM professions. Since 2013, he has been a mentor and STEM pre senter for the Empowering Males to Build Opportunities for Developing Independence (E.M.B.O.D.I) and Youth Academy Programs in Hampton, Virginia. Alonzo served as the President of the Hampton Omega Founda tion from 2016 to 2017. The E.M.B.O.D.I. orga nization focuses its efforts on scholarship and social action initiatives. Also, in 2016, Brother Smith was elected to the Board of Directors for the African American Shipbuilders Asso ciation. In 2019, Brother Smith was a Coach/ Team Mentor for the Hampton Parks and Rec reation Woodland Wildcats. That same year, Brother Smith organized efforts to provide two scholarships to Northampton County High School graduates in Gaston, North Carolina. Brother Smith has held several elected posi tions and committee chairs in the Zeta Omi cron chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., from Keeper of Peace to KRS, Vice Basileus, and Basileus since his initiation in 2003. Broth er Smith stated, “His story is about friendship, and how that relationship shapes the lives and the world around us. Brother Smith wanted to give special thanks to Dr. Marcus Tillery, his Freshman Advisor at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University. Dr. Tillery, like Alonzo, was a product of eastern North Carolina, and it was this connection that drew him to be around Dr. Tillery. He also wanted to give special thanks to Mr. Xavier Beale, Vice Pres ident of Trades Operations at Newport News Shipbuilding. Brother Smith works at Newport News Shipbuilding, the largest industrial em ployer in Virginia, the sole designer, builder, and refueler of U.S. Navy aircraft carriers, and one of two providers of U.S. Navy Submarines. Under Mr. Beale’s leadership, Brother Smith broadened his leadership skills and demon strated a more significant impact at Newport NewsOneShipbuilding.ofAlonzo’sproudest moments as an Omega Man and a shipbuilder was when the Navy laid the keel for the USNS Charles Drew (T-AKE-10). The USNS Charles Drew was chris tened and launched on February 27, 2010, sponsored by Mrs. Bebe Drew Price, the el dest daughter of Dr. Drew. Although Newport News Shipbuilding did not build this ship, it certainly is an excellent tribute to an Omega Man who has impacted humanity. Omega continues to manufacture Bridge Builders. Brothers who continue to make a positive impact on people and their environments. This is illustrated by Brothers like Dr. Marcus Tillery, Mr. Xavier Beale, and Dr. Charles Drew. This rich legacy continues to build paths to areas originally thought inaccessible. Around and through obstacles deep and wide, and despite the environment, there is no place for fear. It is replaced with a responsibility to hu manity and to make the world a better place, realizing it starts with you. It is only fitting that the USNS Charles Drew is a cargo ship designed to move resources from one place to the other. A mobile bridge ensuring the appropriate resources are avail able to complete the mission. The result of building bridges usually ends with the suffix “ship,” the state or condition of being some thing. Be a “ship” builder. Omega builds rela tionships; Omega builds fellowships; Omega builds scholarships, and may we all strive to continue to build Friendships that are Essential to the Soul.
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Brother Henderson’s family members were in attendance for the ceremony, including his grandson, Edwin Bancroft Henderson, II. Representatives of the University, including the President (Ronald Mason, Jr.), who offered remarks in honor of the occasion. A proc lamation was given to Brother Henderson’s grandson on behalf of the University and Trust ees.
John Thompson, III presented a check for $200,000 to the University on behalf of Monu ment Sports and Entertainment and the Ted Leonsis Foundation (owner of the Washington
GREAT BROTHER Edwin Bancroft Henderson Sports Complex A trailblazer is defined as a pioneer or innovator. Brother E.B. Hender son was clearly a pioneer and an innovator throughout his life. On Saturday, February 19, 2022, from 11:00 am until 1:00 pm, the Alpha Ome ga and Omicron Gamma chapters, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc., in conjunction with the University of the District of Columbia (UDC) and Dr. Henderson’s family, participated in the renaming of the Sports Complex on the campus. Dr. Edwin Bancroft (“E.B.”) Henderson was a pioneer of physical health education and basketball, ath lete and coach, and civil rights advo cate. Brother Henderson of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. was a proud graduate from the Miner Normal School (the predecessor to UDC) in 1904 and a Charter member of Alpha Omega Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. in 1922. Known as the “Father of Black Basketball,” he was inducted into the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame in 2013. The renaming of the Sports Complex on the cam pus of the University of the District of Colum bia to the “Edwin Bancroft Henderson Sports Complex” is a tribute to his life and legacy. Dr. Edwin Bancroft (“E.B.”) Henderson was born in Southwest Washington, D.C., on No vember 24, 1883. He was an honors graduate of M Street High School (Now called Dunbar High School). He was an American educator and National Association for the Advance ment of Colored People (NAACP) pioneer. He introduced basketball to African Americans in Washington, D.C., in 1904, and was Wash ington’s first male African American physical education teacher (and possibly the first in the country). Many National Basketball Asso ciation (NBA) players owe a great debt and respect to Dr. Henderson, who created the path for them to pursue the game. From 1926 until his retirement in 1954, Henderson served as director of health and physical education for Washington D.C.’s black schools. An ath lete and team player rather than a star, Hen derson taught physical education to African Americans and organized athletic activities in Washington, D.C. and Fairfax County, Virgin ia, where his grandmother lived and where he returned with his wife in 1910 to raise their family. A prolific letter writer both to news papers in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area and Alabama (where he spent many of his last years), Henderson also helped orga nize the Fairfax County branch of the NAACP. Dr. Henderson served twice as President of the Virginia NAACP in the 1950s. Dr. Hender son died of cancer in 1977, at age 93, at his son’s home in Tuskegee, Alabama.

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“[The American Negro] is fecund, having maintained under adverse conditions a consistently high birth rate which has raised his numbers to approximately thirteen million despite a high mortality rate. He is physically strong, showing great endurance at strenuous labor under severe climatic and nutri tional hardships, and producing a disproportionately large number of champions in representative fields of athletics. He is mentally able, having produced individuals of exceptional attainments in nearly every line of intellectual endeavor and integrated himself into all phases of modern life in which op portunity has opened.”
Wizards and Capitals), towards a $2 Million fund to complete improvements to the Sports Complex, including a statue to be commissioned and placed outside of the Sports Com plex. Additionally, “Omicron Gamma Chapter made a $500 donation on behalf of the chapter to the Dr. E.B. Henderson Memorial Fund Campaign because Brother Henderson was an alumnus of UDC, and he was our well-respected fraternity Brother,” said Brother Javan White (Omicron Gamma Chapter 2021). In addition, special recognition for participation and organizing the event goes to the following dignitaries and honoredRonaldguests:Mason, Jr. – President, University of the District of Columbia (UDC) Rodney Trapp – Vice President, UDC Chris topher D. Bell, Esq. – Chairman, Board of Trustees, UDC Bar rington D. Scott, I – Member, Board of Trustees, UDC Patricia Thomas – Director of Athletics, UDC John Thompson, III – Vice President of Player Development and Engagement, Monu mental Sports and Entertainment (former head basketball coach, Georgetown University, and son of legendary Coach John Thompson) Rev. Lucius Dalton, Basileus, Alpha Omega Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. Brother Mark Robin son, Alpha Omega Chapter, Centennial Committee Chairma Brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. What a beautiful edifice that pays tribute to a great man, history-maker, and Brother whose light continues to shine and make an impact on the community.
William Montague Cobb
“The Negro as a Biological Element in the American Population,” 1939 C alled a “Renaissance Man” repeatedly by those gathered to recognize his achievements, Dr. W. Montague Cobb was honored with the naming of the “Dr. Montague Cobb Way” on the campus of Howard University on March 27, 2022. Dr. Montague Cobb Way is located at 6th and W Streets, NW, and falls between Howard University’s College of Medicine and College of Dentistry. Brother Cobb was born in Washington D.C. on Oct. 12, 1904, and entered Omega Chapter on Nov. 20, 1990, at the age of 86. Brother Cobb graduated from Dunbar High School in 1921. At Dunbar, his Latin teacher was Brother Clyde McDuffie, a charter member of Alpha Omega Chap ter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., the chapter at which Brother Cobb would later serve as Basileus. He earned his bachelor’s degree from Amherst College in Massachusetts in 1925. He was initiated into the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., through Gamma Chapter in 1922.

In 1926, Brother Cobb chartered the Kappa Psi Chapter of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., as an intermediate chapter for the pro fessional students at Howard University. From 1926 until 2000, Kappa Psi Chapter initiated undergraduates from Georgetown, George Washington, and American and Catholic uni versities. It became Washington, D.C.’s sec ond graduate chapter in 2000. Brother Cobb taught for numerous years at Howard University, earning his medical de gree in 1929 and becoming the university’s first distinguished professor in 1969 and pro fessor emeritus in 1973. Brother Cobb earned his Ph.D. in anthropology from Case Western Reserve University in 1932, making him the first African American in the country to earn a Ph.D. in anthropology and the only one until after the Korean War. From 1934 to 1937, Cobb served as Basileus of the Alpha Omega Chapter. He also served as president of the NAACP (1976-1982), the American Association of Physical Anthropolo gists (1957-1959), and the Anthropological So ciety of Washington (1949-1951). He was also president of the National Medical Association (1964-1965) and chaired the Department of Anatomy of Howard University’s College of Medicine from 1969 to 1974.
Brother Cobb advocated for health im provements and civil rights for all, and his ef forts led to expanding access to health care. He testified before Congress leading up to the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. He was also present at the signing of the bill into law, being personally invited to the cere mony by President Lyndon B. Johnson. In addition to Howard University faculty members and administrators, and the Brothers of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., includ ing the fraternity’s Grand Keeper of Records and Seal, Brother Mark E. Jackson, other organizations who sent representatives to the ceremony honoring Brother Cobb were: the W. Montague Cobb Institute; National Med ical Association; and the Washington, D.C. City Council. Many of Brother Cobb’s family members were also in attendance for the program.“Thisisa grand occasion,” said Grand KRS Jackson. “If today’s program had a subscript, it would probably read, ‘A tribute long over due.’”Brother Jackson said, “He was a giant in Omega and a trailblazer. Dr. Cobb walked amongst our founders, and like our founders, Dr. Cobb personified our beloved Cardinal Principles of Manhood, Scholarship, Perse verance, and Uplift. Dr. Cobb’s legacy con tinues today. For his legacy lives within me and you. And just as importantly, his legacy lives through the Omega Foundation, the Dr. William Montague Cobb Educational Foun dation, which supports District of Columbia students and prepares them for success in global citizenry. Since its inception, the foun dation has positively impacted thousands of students in Washington, D.C. Additionally, I like to think of it in this fashion, ‘because he was, therefore I am.’ I stand on his shoulders. A tribute long overdue.” Amy Wilkinson, the granddaughter of Brother Cobb, said, “In addition to being an educator, civil rights leader and advocate, prolific writer, historian, researcher and recip ient of numerous awards, Montague Cobb was a renaissance man and a character. He had many pursuits and talents. He played the violin, a raconteur, actor, painter, and collec tor of beautiful objects. Additionally, he took a movie camera with him wherever he went to record historical events, like the March on Washington and various family activities. He had a great wit and sense of humor. He was always working to move forward, make things better, end discrimination in medicine, make health care affordable to millions of people, and make the world a better place.”
Dr. Roger A. Mitchell Jr., professor and chair of pathology at the Howard University Col lege of Medicine, called Cobb “a giant” at the university. “No one word could describe him, or one organization could tell his full story. He was a professor, scholar, researcher,
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mentor, leader, activist, humanist, thought leader, and brother,” he added. “We were able to carve out just a small piece of real estate and name it after [Dr. Cobb], where people walking by can look up and wonder who that man was. And then when they find out, they will realize it is hallowed ground that they stand upon,” Mitchell said.
Howard University’s Provost and Chief Ac ademic Officer, Anthony Wutoh, Ph.D., R.Ph., said, “If you only knew of Dr. Cobb as a fac ulty member in the College of Medicine, that he authored of more than 1,000 publications, that he taught over 6,000 anatomy students, that he was a star cross-country athlete and a star boxer who won championships you have only scratched the surface of knowing who this man was,” saidKenyanWutoh.McDuffie, Esq., Ward 5 Council Member, said Cobb “left an imprint on Wash ington, D.C., this country, and the world. He manifested in life the essence that calls on us all to serve as guides leading those who come after us. His legacy helps us all to be true, live strong and bold to battle the wrongs of this world.”
Dr. Randall Morgan Jr., president and CEO of the W. Montague Cobb Institute, said, “Dr. Cobb serves as the compass along the jour ney for many following the same path seek ing solutions for health disparities and health care inequities.” Dr. Rachel Villanueva, president of the National Medical Association, said Dr. Cobb “impacted all facets of African American life in our country through his leadership in civil rights and his activism in policy issues. His lega cy means so much to many, and we owe him so very much. His reach far exceeded that of medicine and science. But for us at the NMA, his career and life personify the mission and vision of our organization.”
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Thomas Hienbockel, Ph.D., professor, and interim chair of the Department of Anatomy at Howard University College of Medicine, called Cobb a “doctor father” and “aca demic father” who “shepherded” many to their degrees and “keenly observed” them on their career paths, “as a parent would do.”

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n Thursday, March 3, 2022, at the Taylor Bend Family YMCA in Chesapeake, Virginia, the Fold (youth mentorship program) mem bers, mentors, and brothers from Alpha Iota Chap ter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. learned and played the wonderful game of Chess.Chess is a game for two players that originated in the sixth century and gradually evolved into the form that is played today. It remains one of the world’s most popular games. In this training session, Fold members are given a general introduction to Chess.According to Brother Rick Green, the goal of Chess is to trap the enemy’s king so that it cannot avoid being captured. If an enemy piece could capture the king in the next move, this is either
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n February 24, 2022, Brothers of Alpha Iota, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., and other Omega Brothers and sisters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority gathered at Indian Lakes Elemen tary School in Virginia Beach, VA, to support the efforts of the principal Brother Dexter Warren (Zeta Iota) to promote Black History Month. Brothers in attendance were Brothers Ramone Pierce – Alpha Iota Chapter, several Brothers from the Zeta Iota Chapter, Sigma Kappa Kappa Chapter, and the Pi Gamma Chapter.
As a part of the statewide reading imitative, Brother Pierce volunteered to go into several classrooms and read books to the students, demonstrating the cardinal principles of Schol arship of Uplift. He also participated in small group workshops with the students, where he guided several STEM-related activities, including the science of sound and the importance of mathematics. To conclude the Black History celebration, there was even a step-show featur ing the Brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. and the sisters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc., which the kids and staff thoroughly enjoyed!
Brother Pierce was given the opportunity to tour the school, interact with the staff and stu dents, and share information about our distinguished fraternity.

“check” or “checkmate.” Brother Keith Wilson mentioned by playing Chess, kids can improve and develop cognitive skills, includ ing memory, logical thinking, criti cal thinking, concentration, prob lem-solving, and visual processing. It also helps them develop life skills such as creativity, verbal commu nication, reading comprehension, self-discipline, self-confidence, and sportsmanship.Theyouthenjoyed the interac tion with the Brothers as they learned new skills. Some of the mentees had not been exposed to the game of Chess. They are looking forward to the next learning opportunity.
O n February 3, 2022, at the Harmony School of Excellence in Northeast DC, a Black History Month event sponsored by Brother Ransom Miller’s Project Give back organization was held. Brother Miller’s organization partnered with Washington Commaders’ football play er William Bradley-King, a rookie defensive end. This partnership came about when Mr. Bradley-King’s pub licist reached out to ask if he could participate in today’s event. He was welcomed and encouraged to join the festivities that started at noon. The Harmony School of Excellence is a DC Charter School focused on providing education to underserved communities in Washington DC. The school teaches Pre-K to 5th grade with an edu cational focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). Most of the students in attendance are bused in primarily from Southeast Washington DC neighborhoods that are tradi tionally underserved. Brother Miller and his wife picked this school for its remarkable work in serving these students who have challenges in their com munities in receiving a quality education. Project Giveback plans to do other events such as providing holiday gift baskets, school supplies with bookbags, and hosting other guest speakers. The event culminated around Mr. Bradley-King reading (Superheroes Are Everywhere) to the students, which emphasized you can be anything you want to be by applying yourself and believing! The students were very engaged and spirited during this interactive activ ity. Following the reading, a catered lunch with cupcakes and approximately 25 Black history month books was pro vided by Project Giveback. It was a great time had by all. The school administra tors were very pleased with the impact made upon the students. Brother C. Delray Brown stated, “I can humbly say, we are planting seeds to day that will bring forth great fruit for our future!”
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T he Brothers of the Omi cron Omega Chapter, Third District of the Ome ga Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. assist ed the children of Hopewell City Public Schools in cele brating Black History Month on February 25, 2022. For the past three years, the students have participated in a “living wax museum” project that brings both high school and elementary students togeth er while learning important historical facts. The high school students spend a few Americans.entialraphiesstudyingnon-fictionreviewingweeksandbiogofinfluAfricanThen high school students are provided the opportunity to bring biogra phies to life for the elementa ry students!
The students were encour aged to write a speech. Having the students write speeches and present in front of an audience of young BROTHERS
A lpha Omega Chapter Brothers recently partic ipated in a Pan Hellen ic Panel Program designed to spark the interest of STEM programs in youth, as well as celebrate the legacy of one of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.’s most esteemed Broth ers.Vice Basileus Frank Borris was part of a Pan Hellenic panel that discussed “Medi cal Pioneer of 1922: Dunbar High School Style” at Paul Laurence Dunbar High School in Washington, D.C. Feb. 11. This spring marks 100 years since Omega Psi Phi Frater nity, Inc. Brother Dr. Charles Drew graduated from Dunbar High School, formerly known as the M Street High school and at the time, considered to be the elite public high school for African Americans in Washington, D.C. In addi tion to Brother Drew, some of the Omega men who grad uated from M Street High School/Dunbar High School included Omega Psi Phi Fra ternity, Inc., Founders, the Honorable Frank Coleman and Oscar James Cooper, poet Sterling Brown, Judge William Hastie and Robert Weaver. Brother Dr. Carter G. Woodson was one of its illustri ous faculty members. The Dr. Charles Drew Engi neering Academy at Dunbar sponsored and hosted the Pan Hellenic panel discussion to further encourage interest in STEM fields. “This event was a collaboration with the Pan Hellenic Council of D.C., as well as stakeholders in the En gineering and STEM commu nity,” stated Brother Michael McCrimmon, chair of Alpha Omega Chapter’s Pan Hel lenic Council OMEGACommittee.OMICRON

children served as a complete learning expe rience for all. On the wax museum event day, high school students showed up at each ele mentary school in costume. Students had to choose a statue-like pose for their wax figure and remain still and silent until a visitor pressed the “button” to make the figure come to life!
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P si Alpha Alpha, Fairfax Virginia | The MANUP Program hosted their first annual Black History Program at John Lewis High School in Springfield, Virginia, on February 11, 2022. The program featured Brother Clarence Demory giving a riveting oration and history of Black History. Brother Demory expounded on Black History and its importance to society. Additionally, students learned about Carter G. Woodson, Kemet (also known as Egypt) contributions to civilization, Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH).Students engaged in answering questions and learning about the beginning of Black history. Additionally, the students developed an understanding that Black history did not begin with slavery. Students were exposed to teachings on Kemet, widely recognized as PSI ALPHA ALPHA the birthplace of mankind and the cradle to civilization. Kemet has given the world knowl edge of spirituality, medicine, agriculture, architecture, and science. The program concluded with a healthy and lengthy engaged dialogue between students, members of Psi Alpha Alpha, and administrators of JLHS. Students shared their thoughts and feelings on Black History, re capped the teachings of Brother Demory, and gave uplifting testimony on their diverse backgrounds and desire to continue to learn more about Black History.
“…every man has two educations: ‘that which is given to him, and the otherthat which he gives himself.…the latteris by far the more desirable… What we are merely taught seldom nourishesthe mind like that which we teach ourselves”.
The Brothers of Omega volunteered by help ing 40 students write, review, and present their influential African Americans to students in 3 elementary schools. Some of the African Americans portrayed were Muhammad Ali, Jackie Robinson, Maya Angelou, and Brother Jesse Jackson.
Carter G. Woodson

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Ms. Kim Mosely, educator at Indian Lakes Elementa ry, organized this event and reached out to Brother P.R. Green II. He in turn placed it into the capable hands of Brother Tyler Gray and the rest was history. Furthermore, the principal of Indian Lakes Elementary School, Brother happens to be a member of our beloved fraternity. This was the first of many collab orations between the Indian Lakes Elementary and the brothers of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and the sisters of Delta Sigma Theta Sorori ty, Inc. representing the true bond of Coleman Love. For more information about upcoming events and activities for The Sigma Kappa Chapter, please dation.org/.https://chesapeakecropfounC.R.O.P.Youhttp://chesapeakeques.org.visitmayalsofrequentourFoundationwebsite,
On Thursday, Febru ary 24, 2022, at Indian Lakes Elementary School, the men of Sigma Kappa Kappa Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. participated in a Black History Program with an exhibition showcasing their enthusiastic show for the students of Indian Lakes Ele mentary School. Boys and girls; children of elementary school ages gathered to see a perfor mance by the brothers of the Sigma Kappa Kappa Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. This display of complex performance that blends folk traditions with popular culture and involves synchronized percussive movement, sing ing, speaking, chanting, and drama. In addition, the sisters of the Epsilon Theta Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. rendered their steps and answered questions about so rorities and Black History. The students enjoyed every as pect of these demonstrations by the respective fraternities and sororities. Also, brothers went into various classrooms and read to the students. Eastern Area II of the Third Dis trict of Omega Psi Phi Fraterni ty, Inc. was well represented. These chapters include Alpha Iota Chapter, Suffolk, VA; Sig ma Kappa Kappa Chapter, Chesapeake, VA; and Zeta Iota Chapter, Portsmouth, VA.

The Fraternity had a previous initiative called “Assault on Illiteracy” that was well-received. Brother Edwards wanted to bring that spirit back during Black History Month. Upsilon Nu read 42 books during February, with the range of books varying across the readers. Many Brothers were introduced to different authors and their work. A special book raffle was held for the Brothers that verified they read a book during Black History Month. Four winners were selected and gifted books.
F ebruary 1, 2022, through February 28, 2022, the Brothers of Upsilon Nu Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Frater nity, Inc., celebrated Black History Month by conducting its first Black History Month read ing challenge. The challenge consisted of Brothers reading books by African-American authors or books where the main content was around African-Americans or their causes. The inspiration and coordinator for this effort was Brother Michael Edwards, Upsilon Nu Achievement Week Committee Chairman.
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Sterling, VA - On February 12, 2022, Sigma Mu Mu Chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., supported the NAACP Loudoun County 1st Annual Health and Well ness Fair by providing sponsors, volunteers, health services, and donations for the event. The event was held at the Claude Moore Recreation Center in Sterling, VA, and attract ed more than 40 attendees. It featured local businesses that promote movement, mainte nance, nutrition, mindfulness, and more. The available services and attractions at the fair included health consultations, live interactive demonstrations, on-site blood pressure testing, COVID-19 vaccine shots, and keynote speak ers from Howard University and Inova Com munity Health. These services helped increase

The NAACP Loudoun Health Committee Chairman, Mr. Ben Johnson, publicly thanked all volunteers, sponsors, and community stakeholders for their sup port. Community stakehold ers other than Sigma Mu Mu supported this health initia tive, including the Virginia Department of Health and a host of local area gyms.
attendee awareness of general and personal health issues/risks and lifestyle/diet changes and treatments to address the issues. Further, attendees learned strategies for improving their overall health. Sigma Mu Mu members who served as event sponsors and offered free health consultations to attend ees were Brother Dr. John Jones of Jones Orthodontics, Brother Dr. Lawrence Smith of Dominion Center for Behavioral Health Ser vices (DCBHS), and Brother Derrick Clarke of Cocoon Strategy. The Chapter also donated water, fruit, and other healthy snacks to the NAACP for distribution to fair attendees. Brother Dr. Jones (Orthodontics) tailored his consultations for the Health and Wellness Fair. In the interest of privacy, he only shared general information about orthodontics, discussed his office’s services, and allowed attendees to schedule a more detailed fol low-up office consultation. Similarly, Brother Dr. Smith provided general information about Dominion Center for Behavioral Health Ser vices (DCBHS) and its services, including those he offers. Brother Dr. Smith is a Licensed Pro fessional Counselor and Licensed Professional School Counselor specializing in treating chil dren/adolescents between the ages of 5 and 18 years of age. Brother Clarke is the founder of CocoonStrategy, which provides strategic functional coaching and consulting services. The outcome of these services provides a “therapeutic” effect on the client’s cocoon (physical body, emotional body, mental body, and spiritual body).
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WORSHIP & PRAYER THIRD DISTRICT COVID-19 Hosted By Third District Chaplain, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity,EVERYONEInc. Date: Every Sunday Time: 7:11 PM EST or 1911 Hours Zoom: Meeting ID: 770 6700 5487 Password: 090950 Dial In: (301) 715-8592 FaceBook live/www.facebook.com/3rddistrictques/Live: Page 40

The Third District Worship & Prayer Service facilitated by Third District Chaplain Rev. Courtenay L. Miller, under the leadership of District Representative Brother Conrado B. Morgan. This service has provided a forum for uplift in an uncertain and unsteady time. while also providing a vehicle for reconnection and connection to participants across the county and indeed around the globe. The Third District acknowledges the contributions of the many worship leaders, musicians, and the automation team for their contribution to this great worship and friendship experience.
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T he Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated instituted the weekly Third District Worship & Prayer services on Sunday nights at 1911, starting in April 2020. Initially, the prayer services were designed as a prayer service for COVID-19 pandemic relief. The prayer service mission developed into opportunities for fellowship and celebration across the District and beyond. Over the past year, the Third District Worship and Prayer service has combined powerful words of uplift, great music, fervent prayers, and fellowship in True Omega fashion. This event is open to Brothers of Omega, family, and friends alike. We have enjoyed special services that celebrated Omega Legacy on Father’s Day, Service Members on Veterans Day, and couples married for more than 50 years on Valentine’s Day, with two of our celebrants sharing 68 year partnerships. We have showcased the future leadership of the Fraternity, and nation, with student led services commemorating HBCU Homecoming, College Graduation, and Mother’s Day. Both local, regional, and national representatives of the National Pan-Hellenic Council have participated along with every member of our Supreme Council.

Chapter | Third District | Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. | Prince William Coun ty, Virginia – In the Fall and Winter of 2021, PLL Brother Jacque Nixon, Chief War rant Officer Five, assigned to the Pentagon as the Assis tant Executive Officer for the Secretary of the Army, was instrumental in facilitating submission of the request for Honorary Promotion of Colo nel (Retired) Charles Young to Brigadier General in the Reg ularCOLArmy.(RET)
Young honor ably served in the Army for 38 years. He was the third Afri can American to graduate from West Point. After grad uation, he went on to serve in cavalry commands in all ranks from Second Lieutenant to Lieutenant Colonel be tween 1889 and 1917. Young also held stints as an instructor at Wilberforce University, as superintendent of Sequoia National Park (the Army man aged national parks at the time), and as a military at taché to Haiti, the Dominican Republic, and Liberia. While deserving of the promotion to general during his lifetime, the racial sentiment of the day forced a premature medical retirement out of fear of a Black officer leading white troops during World War I. Brother Young was medically retired as a Colonel in 1917, but was recalled in 1920 to again serve as military at taché to Liberia. Although he was deserving of a pro motion to general, the racial sentiment of the day forced a premature medical retire ment out of fear of a Black officer leading White troops during World War I. In the fall of 2020, the for mer Secretary of the Army, Honorable Ryan McCarthy, the 41st Grand Basileus, Brother Dr. David Marion and members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., the National Pan-Hellenic Council, and sixteen Historically Black Col lege and University Presidents conducted a Diversity Sym posium at Jackson State Uni versity. At the conclusion of the symposium, a conversa tion between the former Sec retary of the Army, Honorable Ryan McCarthy and Brother Dr. David Marion ensued, ref erencing a potential request for an Honorary Promotion of Colonel (Retired) Charles Young to Brigadier General in the Regular Army. Consider ation was granted, and the processThroughoutbegan.2021, Brother Nixon coordinated with the office of the 41st Grand Ba sileus, the office of Congress man James E. Clyburn, the grandniece of COL Charles Young- Mrs. Renotta Young, and historian Mr. Brian Shel lum to administrate the pro cess for an Army honorary promotion. The honorary
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P i Lambda Lambda (PLL)

On March 12, 2022, at 6:00 pm, in the true Omega fashion, the Brothers of the Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. held our annual memorial service to honor the memory and legacy of our Omega Chapter Brothers over the past year. The Brothers of Pi Lambda Lambda Chapter hosted the virtual event. The 41st Grand Basileus – Brother Dr. David Marion, Grand Officers, District Representatives, and Brothers worldwide attended the event.
promotion request included COL Young’s military records and report of separation, offi cer records of service, military biography including awards and decorations, and docu ments submitted by historian Mr. Brian Shellum. In addition, Brother Nixon helped allevi ate administrivia. He ensured the documents presented met the United States Stat uary Code requirements to be considered through an Army Advisory Board, the Secretary of the Army’s office, and the Office of the Secre tary of Defense for Person nel and Readiness. Then, ultimately to the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate, the Committee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives, and the requesting member of Con gress, Congressman Clyburn. On November 1, 2021, the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness approved the Honorary Pro motion of Colonel (Retired) Charles Young to Brigadier General in the Regular Army. On 29 April 2022, the Under Secretary of the Army, the Honorable Gabe Camarillo hosted a Posthumous Hon orary Promotion Ceremony at the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York. Also in attendance at the ceremony were numer ous members of the Young Family led by Ms. Renotta Young (Great niece), Lieu tenant General Darryl A. Williams, Superintendent of the United States Military Academy, Lieutenant Gener al (Retired) Kip Ward, Brother Dr. David Marion, 41st Grand Basileus of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., Brian Shellum,
“The thing then to be desired above all others is confidence in one’s self...” Charles Young
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Author of four now-BG Young books, Robert Stewart, Su perintendent of the Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers Nation al Monument in Ohio, and members of Phi Nu Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. We salute Brother Jacque Nixon for his efforts in facili tating this process to correct an injustice committed to our worthy Brother Colonel Charles Young.

P i Lambda Lambda (PLL) chapter, Third District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., held a virtual affair for its 18th Annual Talent Hunt Program on February 26, 2021.
Brother Dr. C. Victor Herbin, III (PLL Talent Hunt Chairman) led the committee for our most diverse program presentation with eight out standing and talented high school students within Prince William and Stafford County to showcase their musical, dance, oratorical, and vocal talents in grand fashion. The per formances were prerecorded and presented via the Zoom platform before a nationwide audience, where a total of $2,500 in cash priz es was awarded. This year’s 1st Place Winner, Ms. Emily Yeh, Colgan High School, in Woodbridge, Virgin ia, took home the top prize with a moving piano performance. The 2nd Place Winner, Ms. Samia Nelson, from Colgan Senior High School in Woodbridge, Virginia, performed a dynamic dance that captivated the au dience. The 3rd Place Winner, Mr. Antonyo Douglas, from Colgan Senior High School in Woodbridge, Virginia, displayed his talent in dance to include him in the winner’s circle.
P ortsmouth, VA. On March 6, 2022, Zeta Iota and Sigma Kappa Kappa Chapters, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi, Fraternity, Inc., held their annual Talent Hunt at Fourth Baptist Church in Portsmouth, Va. This year there were over Twenty par ticipants representing twelve High Schools, performing vocal, instrumental, spoken word, dance, and visual art. The Talent Hunt serves to provide exposure, encour agement, and financial as sistance to talented young people participating in the performing arts. This year’s Talent Hunt winner of $500 was Ted J.C. Thomas from Western Branch High School, Chesapeake, VA, who pre sented a rousing perfor
PLL thanks the contestants and their par ents, Brother Dr. C. Victor Herbin, III., Talent Hunt Chair; Brother Jeffrey W. Allen, Basileus, PLL; the George M. Hampton Foundation; Chapter members and supporters for ded ication and hard work to make the 2022 Pi Lambda Lambda Chapter Virtual Talent Hunt a success.
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mance of Hail Johnson’s song “Witness.” The second-place winner of $300 was Kristia na Jones from Smith field High School who sang “Your Daddy’s son-Ragtime” by Stephan Flaherty. The thirdplace winner of $100 was Mary Reins from Princess High School, Virginia Beach, VA sang “Why do they shut me out of heaven” by Aaron Co peland.Atthe 89th Third District Meeting Talent Hunt, Mr. Thomas repeated his rendi tion of “Witness” and won third place in the competition
T he Brothers of Psi Alpha Alpha, Third Dis trict of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., held an extraordinary Talent Hunt program virtually on Saturday, February 26, 2022. The Men of Psi Alpha Alpha met the challenge head-on and conducted a magnificent event resulting in another Talent Hunt Compe tition enjoyed by all in attendance. The program began promptly at 11am in front of a supportive audience of over 100 people, including Brothers, family, and friends glued to their screens to support a great group of students displaying their talents in the performing arts. The showcase was at tended and recorded via Zoom, featuring 11 extraordinarily talented high school students from across the DMV area. Performances included dance, piano/keyboard recitals, instrumentation, and vocal renditions. All the competitors performed admirably and received a certificate of appreciation from the chapter and a monetary prize from the Bernie L. Bates Foundation. Nevertheless, as with every competition, one winner had to be selected. Taking the grand prize of $1000 and winning first place was Mr. Lawrence Wingfield, an accomplished pianist and Se nior at Bishop McNamara High School. Win ning the second place $500 prize was Miss Daneya Celestin, a well-trained dancer and freshman at Bishop McNamara High School. Our third-place prize winner of $250 was Miss Kishara Bates, a dancer and sophomore at Kipp DC College Prep School. Our winner, Mr. Lawrence Wingfield, is an 18-year-old, an Honor Roll student and mem ber of the School Jazz Ensemble, FAME Jazz Ensemble, and a letterman in Track. Law rence captivated the audience and judges with his pianist/keyboard performance of the classic jazz ballad “Body & Soul” by Johnny Green. He enjoys listening to music, exercis ing, and spending time with family and friends in his free time. An active member of First Baptist Church of Glenarden in Glenarden, Maryland, Lawrence is humbled and grateful to have received such special musical gifts from God. Mr. Wingfield was recently accept ed to attend the University of California Berke ley School of Music, where he will matriculate in the Lawrencefall. proudly represented Psi Alpha Alpha at the Talent Hunt Competition during the 89th annual Third District Meeting on Saturday, April 2, 2022, at the Westin Hotel in Old Town, Alexandria, VA. Mr. Wingfield once again put on an excellent performance impressing the judges and the audience. Although he did not place in the top three in the competition, he represented himself, his family, and Psi Alpha Alpha exceptionally well.Brother Darren Haynes returned to help the Fairfax County Ques serving as MC. Brother Haynes motivated and encouraged the per formers and kept the audience engaged and attentive by providing historical facts about the fraternity, its mandated programs, and the numerous community service activities that Psi Alpha Alpha participates in through out the year. Moreover, his questions to the contestants allowed the audience to get an inside take on how and why the performers enjoy and showcase their talents. Our esteemed panel of judges included Ms. Christie J. Blackmon, an accomplished and
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professionally trained vocalist who has sung at many engagements, including church choirs, weddings, sporting events, and the President Barack Obama campaign trail; Mrs. Stacey Y. Claytor – CEO and Founder of C4 Performing Arts Academy in Fairfax, VA; and Dr. Michael Nickens, Associate Professor of Music and Director of the Green Machine Jazz Band En semble at George Mason University. This year, selecting a winner was no easy feat with such an incredibly talented group of contestants, but our judges rose to the challenge.
n 19 March 2022, Sigma Mu Mu Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., presented its virtual Talent Hunt Program to the public via Zoom Webinar and announced the winners of $1150.00 in prizes for the com petitors. Each contestant’s video perfor mance was shown during the program, providing exposure for the students and highlighting their individual talents. Five contestants competed and performed in the areas of vocal music, dramatic in terpretation, and instrumental music. Ms. Dillan Vanzego, a third-year student at Tus carora High School in Leesburg, VA, won the competition with her solo vocal performance of “Days of Plenty” by Jason Howland. As the winner, Ms. Vanzego was awarded a $500.00 scholarship and represented Sigma Mu Mu in Omega’s 3rd District Talent Hunt Program in Alexandria, VA, on April 2, 2022. The first runner-up, Ms. Zahria Ford, is a junior at Rockridge High School in Ashburn, VA. Ms. Ford performed a dramatic interpretation of an original poem entitled “Colors” and was awarded a $300.00 scholarship. The second runner-up, Mr. Elijah Woodward, is a senior at Duke Ellington School of the Arts in Washing ton, D.C.; Mr. Woodward performed an instru mental solo of an original composition enti tled “Back to the Norm” and was awarded a $200.00 scholarship. Honorable mention con testants Mr. Shire Sexton and Mr. Mason Wes Manassa each received a $75.00 award; Mr. Sexton performed a saxophone instrumental, and Mr. Manassa performed an oboe instru mental.Thecontestants, their family and friends, and the Brothers of Sigma Mu Mu Chapter were in attendance. Under the leadership of Sigma Mu Mu Chapter’s Talent Hunt Com mittee Chairman, Brother Zedric Teague, the Talent Hunt Program was executed safely and flawlessly in a virtual format this year. Appli cants submitted video recordings of their performance in digital format. Subsequently, the chapter held a preliminary adjudication session via Zoom on 12 March 2022, during which the video submissions were reviewed and scored by expert judges. This year’s judges included Mrs. Syndie Ligett-Dennis, Mr. Michael Girdy, and Mr. Shun McGhee, whose areas of expertise included dance, instrumen tal music, and vocal music, respectively. The adjudication session was facilitated by the Talent Hunt committee and was open to the Brothers of Sigma Mu Mu. The final scores were tallied, and the 2022 Talent Hunt winners were select ed during this preliminary adjudication session.Thisyear’s Talent Hunt was an out standing event. The Brothers of Sigma Mu Mu are looking forward to the op portunity to showcase the talents of our youth next year.
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MARCH 5, 2020 TAU RHOTALENT HUNT F redericksburg, VA – The Brothers of the Tau Rho Chapter, Third District, of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., hosted its annual Talent Hunt virtually. The Theme for the event was “An Evening of Future Stars.” Basileus Broth er Tracy Whitehurst presided over the program organized by chairman and master of ceremonies, Brother Rob ert Evans and co-chairman Brother Thomas Williams. The ceremony began with the Invocation by Chapter Chap lain Brother Baron Braswell. Brother Tracy Whitehurst ac knowledged the 3rd District Representative Conrado B. Morgan and 3rd District Talent Hunt Chairman Brother Owen Nixon per protocol. Each contestant was grad ed on their performance. The winners were determined based on their total score. The following contestants below received a trophy and the following award amount: First place - $500 Thaira Williams Second place - $300 LaMarrio Pittman Third place - $200 Emily Warnick Brother Tracy Whitehurst – Basileus, presented the awards presentation and the closing remarks. Brother Baron Braswell – Chaplain, gave the Benediction.Thefollowing Tau Rho chapter committee members Brothers Jan Youmans, Steve Gilchrist, Madrice Hamn, Eu gene Cox, and Phillip Lamb, assisted with the production of this amazing event. The production was a pre-re corded video program that received accolades from the fifty attendees, including par ents, families, and friends. We thank our professional judges, Kevin Taylor, Tyrone Hodge, and Michelle Lewis. Page 47

n March 19, 2022, the Brothers of the “Mighty” Zeta Omi cron Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, celebrated their 75th Anniversary at the Marriot Hotel in Hampton, Vir ginia. Brother Eric Leach, Zeta Omicron’s Basileus, presented “The Scroll of Honor” to Broth ers Burnett “Burnie” Peters, Haywood “Woody” Holder, Robert B. Lee III, C. Roland Dixon, Ralph Ransom, Danny Myers, James Jackson, John Coles, Ralph Randolph and Ervin “Sarge” Melton for their many years of faithful service, not only in the Chapter but also in the Fraternity. Brother Leach stated, “During Zeta Omicron’s eventful history, the Zeta Omicron Chapter has served the city of Hamp ton and surrounding com munities with distinction and proudly sets an example for others to follow.” Brother Rev erend Emerson Louis Boyer was the Master of Ceremony and talked about “What is Your Next Revolution?” Zeta Omicron Chapter was officially chartered on Thursday, March 20, 1947. The Chapter Brothers continue to pay homage to our char ter members and lineage are Brothers Dr. Fred D. Inge, Dr. Don A. Davis, Herman G. Cook, Arthur E. Burke, and Colonel William H. Moses. Upon its birth, Zeta Omi cron’s Brothers immediate ly began to carry out their duties. Given the issues of the time and the heavy military presence in the Hampton community, the chapter’s goals and objectives were centered on discriminationconfrontinginthemilitary and education. Throughout the years, the Fraternity has been at the forefront of the struggle.During this period of turmoil, the charter members set out to increase its membership by recruiting men willing to work to achieve the fraterni ty’s objectives. More broadly than just in the military, civil rights were an ongoing strug gle for the nation as well as the city. Many brothers pledged their allegiance to this cause by attending and participating in meetings held by the NAACP. In 1948, Broth er Dr. Fred Inge encouraged as many brothers as possible to become members of the Urban League, another orga nization whose mission was to remove racial discrimina tion. During this time, one of Omega’s notable men, Broth er Langston Hughes, visited Hampton Institute to speak on racial discrimination. The members of Zeta Omicron embraced him and decided to support his cause while in Hampton roads and fellow ship together before Brother Hughes returned home. For 75 years, the Brothers of the Zeta Omicron Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. have constantly been working toward the goals and objectives of the Founders. It is no wonder the community has always relied on the men of Omega Psi Phi, Fraternity, Inc. in their time of need. Men of like-attainment and similar ideas committed to a cause. The Chapter’s historical mis sion of removing discrimina tion from the education and military systems has been the grounding force of our efforts and continues today as a prominent voice in the Hamp ton Roads community. Zeta Omicron has initiated 168 worthy Brothers – 62 Brothers have entered Omega Chap ter.
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T he men of Omicron Kap pa Kappa Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., from Janu ary to March 2022, the Chair man of the OKK FIMC pilot program, has spearheaded tutoring and mentoring with a faithful cadre of ten Brothers, with a minimum of four solid Brothers being present for each session. They meet ev ery other Thursday afternoon at Langston Hughes middle school in Reston, Virginia. The program began with a group of four students and has now attracted ten devoted and attentive students. Unfortu nately, two dropped due to scheduling conflicts. Still, the program’s impact on the school grounds has attracted a buzz between the students, and the curiosity brings in re cruits during each session. The program covers group mentorship and transitions into one-on-one counseling with buy-in from their par ents. The allotted time on Thursday afternoons begins in the classroom setting and convenes with sports and outdoor activities. Based on responses from the students, the team-building exercises and after-action discussions seem to be the most influen tial to them because it allows them an opportunity to open up about topics they refuse to discuss with their parents.
The students have devel oped “Over Time” as the name for their group. They have collectively created a logo and are working on their Values and Mission State ment, which will help them learn more about responsi bility and accountability by setting their own rules and morals for the group. The Chairman envisions letting the pilot program run organ ically until its culmination in the latter part of May of this year. The program will allow the participants to develop a structure that will be tracked into the high school across the street at South Lakes HS and hopefully as they prog ress on to enrollment in col lege.This initiative’s growth and success have proven appar ent, and the students’ lives continue to be positively impacted thus far. As the commitment, consistency, and accountability continue, the initial premise of the pro gram will continue to have a lasting effect on the lives of all involved for many years to come.
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The Third District’s website is a beacon of light for the world to see that the Omega Men of the Third District are nobly serving and meeting the community’s needs and standing at the ready to meet any challeng es requiring their attention. Some community
Greetings Brothers of the Third District, I t is with great enthusiasm that I inform you that on May 25, 2022, the Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. reached one million views on its website!!!! The Third District’s website (https://3rddistrictques.org) broadens its reach via social media and shares valuable and informative stories with the world surrounding the District’s 43 Chap ters and over 2,364 Brother’s leadership, great work, unselfish living, and community service transpiring in the Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated. The Third District’s website is linked to our rich unapproachable history. History: The founding of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity at Howard University in Washington, D.C. on November 17, 1911, the four Founders, the twenty-nine Former District Representatives, and all the brothers that have served and are currently serving in this District. This history is easily found via the Omega Psi Phi Frater nity, Incorporated Third District Archive, an ever-expanding catalog of the Fraternity’s artifacts. Members of the Third District deter mine which of these artifacts have historical value and from which provenance in some way is, or has been, associated with fraternity members and other interested parties residing within the Third District (currently Washington, District of Columbia and Virginia).

C. Beidleman III Director of Public Relations Third District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. (email) 3rdDistrictPR@OPPF.org
MILLIONactivitiesVIEWSinclude Voter Registration, St. Jude Fundraiser, Scholarships, Fatherhood Initiatives & Mentorship, Health Initiatives to promote in formation related to COVID-19, Military Affairs, and so much more. Because of the unwavering, tireless, and heroic efforts of the Third District’s leadership (Brother Conrado B. Morgan, District Rep resentative), Third District Automation team (Brother Cornelius M. Beidleman, Chairman), Chapters, Brothers, and partners, the website remains relevant and a source of information for the world. More importantly, the website’s relevance is linked to the District, Chapters, and Brothers capturing, reporting, and sub mitting articles for publication. If not for the stories, the world would not know of the tre mendous service conducted throughout Washington, D.C., and Virginia. Additionally, the amazing content on the website has en abled the District sponsorships and 16 orga nizations with paid advertisements. We invite all to visit and share the Third District website. Brothers, continue to diligently write and pub lish the stories of Omega for our family, friends, and the world to see the contributions, lead ership, and uplift the Omega men residing in the “Birthplace of Omega” are bringing to BrotherInsociety.Friendship,Calvin
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n March 2, 2022, Omega men partic ipated in the Reading Across Amer ica campaign to continue their en gagement with the youth in their respective communities on the value of reading. With Scholarship and Uplift being two of the fra ternity’s cardinal principles, brothers exuded the true meaning of these principles as they volunteered numerous hours for this worthy event. The program strives to promote literacy and encourages students to make reading a daily habit. The mission is to increase literacy among youth in the community. The brothers believe the students can soon learn to do it as the brothers and volunteers continue to promote good reading habits among the youth.Third District Chapters brothers continue to live their creed by participating in this worthy event. The Delta Omega Chapter Brothers participated at Sussex Central Elementary School located in Sussex, VA. The Brothers of the Omicron Omega Chapter came together to read to students at Walnut Hill Elementary School in Petersburg, VA. The Brothers of Up silon Nu Chapter were at Overby-Sheppard Elementary School, Richmond, VA., and Mar guerite Christian Elementary, Colonial Heights, VA. On this day, the Brothers and other com munity members gathered to encourage the importance and joy of reading while making the event fun and interactive so that the stu dents would remember and appreciate the learning experience. In addition to the brothers, various com munity leaders and volunteers supported the event by reading to kindergarten through fifth-grade students. Volunteers read to nu merous students in-person and virtually as the students gathered in the classrooms. The focus was on creating an enjoyable experi ence through spending time with the children and motivating them to develop and enjoy good reading habits. Several books were read throughout the day, including but not limited to – Brother Roderick Walker’s read ing of the book Luke Goes to Bat by Rachel Isadora to the 5th Grade class. After reading, the students were able to explain the moral of the story never to give up, also known as perseverance! Brothers Don Bentley, Michael Edwards, and Peter Hammond had very in teractive reading sessions with the Kindergar teners and 5th Graders. They read the books Schooled, by Gordon Korman, Flo Jo, by Allen Benable, The Good Egg, by Jory John, and The Bad Seed, by Joy John. All schools were very appreciative and ex pressed their gratitude for the brothers of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc’s participation and support. Additionally, the school admin istration, staff, students, and Omega men will continue to look for ways to support and promote education and uplift our youth and communities.
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n December, the Brothers of Upsilon Nu continued their spirit of giving and unselfish living and provided 150 Christ mas food baskets to needy families in the Richmond area. Upsilon Nu was identified as one of the Chapters in the 3rd District to bless a family by purchasing $200 worth of gro ceries during the holidays. On December 23, 2021, the Broth er of Upsilon Nu blessed Ms. Treyonne Harris with groceries for her and her family at the 25th Street Market in Church Hill. Ms. Harris was very grateful and expressed her thanks.
The Brothers of Upsilon Nu will continue to look for ways to be a blessing to our com munities and provide uplift to the Richmond area.
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F redericksburg, VA – The Brothers of the Tau Rho Chapter, Third District, of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., on behalf of the Third District Foundation and in honor of Brother Nathaniel “Nate” Paul, donated $500.00 to the Phoenix Education Center in Stafford, VA. The Phoenix Education Center offers an alternative high school diploma completion program. Students looking to enroll in this program are typically students who, due to various challenges, find it difficult to attend school during regular school hours. Brother Paul worked at the center and provided se curity and administrative support to the alter native education center. Brother Paul passed away in April of 2021, leaving his wife and family, chapter, community, and students to carry on his legacy. He was a beloved mentor to many current and past students of the cen ter. Principal Steve Bishop’s students and staff led a school-wide ceremony that involved planting a tree on the school’s field to honor hisTaumemory.Rhochapter Basileus Brother Tracy
Whitehurst presented the check to Mr. Wil liam Boatwright. Brother Whitehurst discussed future partnerships that will benefit the cen ter and local students. Additionally, Tau Rho Keeper of Finance Brothers Purcell Clark and Eugene Cox were present at the ceremony. The Brothers of Tau Rho are aware it is im perative to continuously uplift Brother Paul’s legacy and continue to make a positive change in the lives of those students that con tinue to admire him.

redericksburg, VA – The Brothers of the Tau Rho Chapter, Third District, of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., volunteered their services as bell ringers for the Salvation Army Fredericksburg, VA Corps, at Giant Grocery 550 Celebrate Virginia Pkwy, Fredericksburg, VA. In recent years, the Salvation Army strug gled to get enough people to ring bells for their annual fundraisers. Basileus, Brother Tracy Whitehurst coordinated and organized efforts to reach out to the community and counties that the Tau Rho chapter serves. The Salva tion Army kettle monetary donations help provide Christmas to hundreds of kids. Ad ditionally, the donations are used to enable multiple Rappahannock area families to pay their mortgage, rent, utility, energy payments, and food stability. The Tau Rho Chapter kettle brought in $965.99. The Tau Rho volunteer bell ringers were Brothers, Tracy Whitehurst, Ed ward Hayes, Norris Arceneaux, Steve Gilchrist, James Lott, Michael Pullman, and Eugene Cox.Building a strong community involves taking care of each other. Many in the Rappahan nock area community struggle to stay warm each winter. Sadly, the numbers continue to rise. Brother Edward Hayes chaired and coor dinated with local non-profits and churches to make the Coat Drive mission a huge suc cess. Thanks to the dedication and hard work from the Brothers of Tau Rho Chapter, dona tions exceeded expectations. The coat drive netted 80 coats and sweaters. These items will be distributed to local people in need. Due to Covid-19, Centers for Disease Control and SIGMA MU MU
S terling, VA – On Decem ber 11 and December 18, 2021, the Brothers of Sigma Mu Mu Chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., volunteered at multiple local community food and toy drive events.
Sigma Mu Mu partnered with Christ Redeemer Church for its annual end-of-year food distribution and Christmas tree giveaway program on both dates; the chapter also supported the Burg Family Re union charity organization’s annual Turkey and Toys give away project in Leesburg, VA on December 18. Sigma Mu Mu’s ongoing partnership with Christ Redeemer Church spans more than six years, while the chapter’s support of the Burg Family Reunion is approaching two years. At the Christ Re deemer Church events, the Brothers helped direct parking lot traffic and provid ed the loadedDecember40boxesBrothersinerysistedeventservicehicles.ofneededmanpowertoloadboxesfoodintofamilyveThisvolunteerhelpedensuresafetyandaswithfooddelivtoneedyfamiliesthecommunity.Theloadedfoodintoatleastfamilyvehicleson11thandeachof55to60
cars with one or two boxes of food on December 18. For the Burg Family Reunion Turkey and Toy giveaway, the Sigma Mu Mu Chapter donated ap proximately 100 turkeys and 100 toys towards the cause. During a time when the needs of so many are sig nificant, the Brothers always endeavor to provide hope, cheer, and uplift. Sigma Mu Mu’s volunteer “work” contin
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he Brothers of the Omicron Omega Chap ter Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraterni ty, Inc. kicked off the year with a food and clothing drive to help an underserved section of the community in Emporia, VA. Brothers worked together throughout January to col lect shirts, pants, and suits for those in the community. The items were delivered to the Samaritan Helping Hands Home and Kitchen on February 5, 2022. Rev. Charles Moore, President and Founder, opened the facility in 1999 to meet a nec essary need in the Emporia community. He met the Brothers as they delivered the items to the facility. The Chapter collected enough clothing items to clothe 40 men and feed 20 families. This social action project was a top priority for the chapter due to the recent toll that COVID-19 had on the rural community.
SIGMA KAPPA KAPPA THE SEQUEL IZZY THE DJ’S 2ND ANNUAL UP ALL NIGHT VIRTUAL FUNDRAISER N ORFOLK, VA— December 21st through December 22, 2022, from 3:00 PM - 3:00 PM, on several social media platforms, DJ Izzy and the men of Sigma Kappa Kappa Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc. combined their efforts for The Sequel: Izzy the DJ’s 2nd Annual Up All Night VirtualBrothersFundraiser.ofSigma Kappa Kappa Chapter and members of the C.R.O.P. Foundation supported their chapter brother and member, Derrick Isabell, affectionately known as “Izzy the DJ,” in his second annual virtual fundraiser to help families in need that were nominat ed. Brother Isabell’s playlist included: I Miss Homecoming; East Coast vs. West Coast; RNB Dinner Party; Izzy and Friends; Club Izzy; Love Below; Soul Lounge; Hits from the Decades; Sample Breakfast Scramble; Holiday Sea son; Reggae vs. Afrobeats; and Praise Break while entertaining his followers on numerous social media platforms. The most notable guest that dropped in virtually was Virginia native Pusha T. With the efforts from this event, Brother Isabell and the Sigma Kappa Kappa Chapter raised over $6,200 to donate to four local families for the holiday season. With the contributions from this event, over $7,000 was provided to local families in the Hampton RoadsSpecialarea.thanks to all who supported, donat ed, and rocked out to the virtual sights and sounds of Izzy the DJ. We appreciate your continued support and help with this and our future endeavorsOMICRON

Working in conjunction with J. Glenn Hop kins, President/CEO, and Brother Garvey Wright, Chief Operations Officer of the Hop kins House, 40 families were selected to re ceive the Christmas food baskets donated by the Brothers of the Psi Nu Chapter. The bas kets were delivered utilizing a drive-through model to the families chosen to ensure social distancing and adherence to safety proto cols. The Brothers of Psi Nu were on hand to greet the families and provide holiday cheer. Brother Turner Mebane, the lead for this initiative, stated, “Prayerfully, these donations from the Psi Nu Chapter will help make the Christmas holiday a little easier for the Hopkins House families during these unprecedented and challenging economic times.”
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A lexandria, VA - On the morning of Sat urday, December 18, 2021, the Brothers of the Psi Nu Chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., partnered with the Hopkins House for the 10th Annual Psi Nu Holiday Food Basket Initiative, just in time for Christmas during December 2021. This initia tive has existed since 2012 and provides holi day food baskets to vulnerable families in the Northern Virginia area. Since 1939, the Hopkins House’s mission has been to provide high-quality, high-impact educational programs and learning oppor tunities to children, youth, and their families, regardless of income, to help them achieve their full intellectual, economic, and social potential.ThePsiNu Chapter Brothers picked up the Christmas food baskets from the Archdiocese of Washington, Catholic Charities’ SHARE Food Network warehouse lo cated in Landover, Mary land. The food baskets consisted of a turkey, a roasting chicken, 1lb. of sirloin tips, 1lb. of ground pork sausage, 1lb. of el bow macaroni, potatoes, onions, celery, apples, and oranges. The Chap ter donated $1,680.00 to purchase the Christmas food baskets.

n December 26, 2021, the men of the Psi Alpha Alpha Chap ter (Fairfax County Ques), Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., met at the Eagles Point Community Center in Woodbridge, VA, to honor the chartering of our beloved chapter. This year’s celebration would utilize three black-owned vendors (Jessica Logan Art, Tiflyn & Co. Creative Designs, and Lyaja’s Little Loves) to exe cute a new experience for this most deserving occasion. Twenty-five Brothers of the Psi Alpha Chapter witnessed the newly created charter member portrait unveiling, built wooden keepsake mem orabilia pieces, and fellow shipped with the Brotherhood throughout the day. Jessica Logan Art was commissioned to create a 36 X48 work of art capturing the thirteen char ter members of the Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter. On this day, Jessica unveiled the artwork to the Brothers in attendance, providing background into its creation and ultimate delivery to the chapter. In addition, Charter member Brother Connie Brown pro vided thanks and words of wisdom to the Brothers in attendance, harking back on the day International Head quarters charted the chap ter to our continued efforts in the community presently. Brothers Bradford Caldwell, Calvin Beidleman, and Mar vin Chisolm also added words of wisdom, encouragement, and motivation in honor of this special day. After being framed and photographed for prints, the Psi Alpha Al pha charter member com missioned portrait will rotate between living charter mem bers’ homes to be dawned proudly in a location of their choosing for a year at a time. After losing two charter mem bers over the last two years, each shall forever live on captured in this work of art.
Ready to move into the next celebration phase, Tiflyn & Co. Creative Designs led the Brothers to create a wood en keepsake memorabilia piece to honor this day. Par ticipating Brothers selected one project type, including decorative wooden planks, coat racks, or circular dis plays/lazy susans. Over the next three hours, the ladies of Tiflyn & Co. Creative Designs guided the Brothers in their projects’ painting/staining, lettering, and final assembly before concluding the event with a large group photo. Throughout the time nec essary for creation, Brothers enjoyed friendship, fellowship, and food on this 26th day of December in the year of our Lord two thousand twen ty-two. The Psi Alpha Alpha Chapter Brothers are thankful for celebrating another chap ter anniversary honoring what began on December 26,1980, in Fairfax, VA. We are blessed to support three black-owned businesses Jessica Logan Art, Tiflyn & Co. Creative Designs, and Lyaja’s Little Loves to execute the day’s events. The Fairfax County Ques look for ward to another year when we can assemble again to give thanks to our chapter and fraternity.
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As the night came to a close, one of the Brothers said, “we need a bigger kettle next year!” after some of the Brothers had to push many donations through the narrow opening on top of the kettle after it became too full. Many shoppers thanked the Brothers of the chapter and foundation for giving back to the community. One shopper said, “I’m so glad you all are out here supporting the Sal vation Army.”
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n Saturday, December 18, 2021, The Lambda Omega Chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Fraternity Incorporated, along with the Hampton Roads Uplift Foun dation, partnered with the Salvation Army for their annual “Red Kettle Campaign.” A cam paign used to raise funds for those in need during the holiday season. This campaign started back in 1891 by Captain Joseph McFee to raise money to feed San Francisco’s less fortunate for Christ mas. He took the idea from his hometown of Liverpool, England, where a large kettle pot hung by the docks so the people who passed by could drop coins in to help the city’s poor. Lambda Omega and The Hampton Roads Uplift Foundation participate in this campaign annually. This event gives the chapter and foundation an opportunity for the public to see the organization working in the commu nity and a chance to bring some Christmas spirit at the same time. Saturday was a perfect day to ring the bell. The weather was beautiful, and Christ mas shoppers from all over hustled to get their last-minute shopping completed since there were six days till Christmas. The Brothers showed up and shared the responsibility of ringing the bell. Brother Boyd showed up with his famous “school bell” that could be heard throughout the mall’s parking lot.
n April 22-23, 2022, twenty Young Men of Distinction (Kappa Iota Iota (KII) Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. – mentorship program) from An Achievable Dream Middle/High School, Woodside, and Warwick High Schools visited Virginia Tech. YMOD young men ranged from seventh to eleventh graders. The trip consist ed of a Meet & Greet with Virginia Tech offi cials, Barbershop Talk, Step Show, and STEM events at the Helmet and Ware Labs. Friday afternoon started with an outstand ing session between YMOD and students from Virginia Tech with a “Barbershop Talk” theme. Rayquotez Butler, CEO of Relentlessly Better Company, provided the initial scene-setter by laying out his top ten recipes for success.

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1. Create a Vision 2. Prepare for the Unexpected 3. When they say you can’t do it or it’s im possible, do it twice.
4. Failure isn’t the End; Quitting is! 5. Find JOY in the Journey! 6. Chances make champions! Take that risk and leap into your future! 7. Figure out what you love and invest EV ERYTHING in it! 8. DARE TO BE DIFFERENT! 9. Cling to those beside you because they are the ones who will propel you for ward. 10. NEVER STOP DREAMING!
J. Perkins said, “I learned that a player can experience a tremendous amount of “Gs” to the head from a head-on collision.” The Ware Lab removes boundaries that often separate engineering professions. In real-world practice, engineers from different disciplines will work together. Students who work in the lab are highly recruited by top-tier companies who frequent the lab looking for well-rounded, globally minded engineers who have had hands-on experiences. M. Hayden learned “How they built the go-karts and the different parts and how they are using them in races.” Z. Blackson learned that “electric cars have faster acceleration than gas cars.”
Many of the young men quoted several of the following thoughts on the trip survey:
Q. Jackson learned “That VT engineering is all-encompassing.”Thetripwasanoverall success, as evi denced in the end-of-trip survey each of the YMOD young men had to provide. Responses indicated this trip piqued their interest.
Ten Virginia Tech (VT) students from the Black Male Excellence Network (BMEN) intro duced themselves. They then created a dia logue with the young men over various topics: how to prepare yourself for college, choose a degree, and what your family/neighborhood think about you wanting to go to college? Af ter asking each of the YMOD young men their goals in life, many said they did not know. The Virginia Tech students told the young men not to worry because they were in their shoes a few years earlier with the same thoughts. A couple of key points were emphasized during the discussion. The first point was time man agement and how important it is to put that in place. N. Driver, learned: “Having good time management means you don’t have to rush to figure out what you want to do.” The next topic that drew the most discussion was termed “What is your Why? That theme fo cused on self-motivation, which intrigued the young men and generated great dialogue. Later that evening, YMOD attended the Overton R. Johnson Step Show and Memorial Scholarship Announcement. There the young men were exposed to Divine Nine students and had the opportunity to witness a step show competition. Eta Lambda Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc (Virginia Tech) participated in the step show. Unfortunately, they did not walk away with the trophy. After the show, the brothers did take time to speak with the YMOD and welcome them to Virgin ia Tech. The energy was great between Eta Lambda Brothers and YMOD. On Saturday morning, the YMOD were introduced to the Helmet and Ware Labs. The Virginia Tech Helmet Lab allows researchers to provide unbiased helmet ratings that allow consumers to make informed decisions when purchasing helmets. The helmet ratings are the culmination of over ten years of research on head impacts in sports and identifying which helmets best reduce concussion risk. B. Buchanan learned “How to measure the im pact of a hit.” K. Jarman said, “I learned that concussions can be easily caused in sports.”

ALPHA OMEGA O n December 15, 2021, the Brothers Alpha Chapter, Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., located in Washing ton, D.C., blessed the young scholars of the Statesmen College Preparatory Acad emy for Boys in Southeast Washington, D.C. with a to ken of duty to the communi ty. As the Chapter approach es its Centennial Celebration, Brother Reverend Aaron Don nelly (Alpha Omega, 2020) had a vision and, with the assistance of Social Action Chairman Brother Wendell Bugg, exhibited ingenuity for the Chapter by successfully implementing and complet ing its “100 Bikes for 100 Boys” project.TheFraternity’s Cardinal Principles are embodied in Statesmen Academy’s mis sion, vision, and philosophi cal statement of equipping young African American and Latino boys with academic skills and encouragement through bonded relationships. More importantly, our orga nization will serve as a village of men to insulate and help young scholars navigate life’s pitfalls, snares, and distrac tions. Brother Melvin Smith, who is on the staff at the school, enthusiastically and resolutely lives a sermon in the presence of the students. Because of his daily walk, the young men at Statesmen entrust him with their struggles and vulnerabilities and see him as a refuge. They clearly observe how he serves as a covering for them.
Alpha Omega Chapter is under the leadership of Basileus Reverend Lucius M. Dalton, who encouraged Brother Donnelly to present the project at the Novem ber 2021 Chapter Meeting. The enthusiastic support of The Men of Alpha Omega Chapter brought their vision to fruition within a matter of 30 days and left an indelible imprint within our community. Through a detailed plan of action, assembly of a team of like-minded Brothers, and the grace of God, 100 bikes (along with 100 safety hel mets) were presented to the academy’s CEO Shawn Hardnett by Basileus Dr. Lucius M.“ThisDalton.iswhat we are capa ble of doing when industry and ingenuity couple them selves with God and prayer. This is what we are doing.” –Brother Rev. Aaron Donnelly. As Alpha Omega Chapter approaches its Centenni al Celebration, continue to expect other “100” themed Mandated Programs. The Chapter is committed to upholding the tenets of this esteemed organization.
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O n March 19, 2022, the Brothers of Up silon Nu Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., partici pated in the second annual Civil Rights Race Series Selma to Montgomery 51-mile Relay Race and Bike Ride. Brothers Freager Sanders and Eric Monroe rode the 51 miles to com memorate the 1965 world-renowned march led by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., leading to the Voting Rights Act of 1965. The race started in Selma, Alabama, and ended at the Montgomery State Capital building. Brother Sanders and Brother Monroe finished in the top 20% of all riders. Great job to Brothers Sanders and Monroe for staying in fighting trim.
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Upsilon Nu will continue to highlight the civil rights of people to ensure equality, freedom, justice, and human rights for all humanity.
Sarah Pinder, EGC chaperone, mentioned that the young ladies were in awe as they toured the museum and learned about the significant contributions of Black Americans throughout entertainment, politics, business, and beyond. The youth mentoring program members were also amazed by the famous blacks and their contributions that are not widely known or taught in schools.
O n Saturday, March 5, 2022, members of The Golden Fold Youth Mentoring Program, Alpha Iota Chapter, Third District of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., and the Excellence Girls Club toured the National Great Blacks In Wax Museum. The museum is located at 1601-03 East North Ave, Baltimore, Maryland. The event was a collaboration between The Golden Fold (TGF), a male mentoring program, and Excellence Girls Club (EGC), a female mentoring pro gram. According to Brother Rick Green, the museum tour was a success. The two groups bonded and enjoyed the tour. As one of the nation’s only wax museums dedicated to preserving African American history, the Great Blacks in Wax Museum offers one of the most enlightening and educational experiences.Themuseum is known for its life-sized replica of a slave ship that gives you a realistic idea of the harrowing journey for Afri cans traveling the Middle Passage. The two mentoring groups learned about the historical figures with ties to Baltimore in the “Outstanding Marylanders” exhibit, featuring Eubie Blake, Billie Holiday, John Murphy, and Bea Gaddy.


THIRD DISTRICT DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC RELATIONS THIRD DISTRICT REPORTERS BRO. CALVIN BEIDLEMAN, III GRADUATE CHAPTERS ALPHA OMEGA Bro. C. Delray Brown KAPPA PSI Bro. Justin Smith DELTA OMEGA Bro. Darl Everett LAMBDA OMEGA Bro. Shaye Southall OMICRON OMEGA Bro. Larry Cherry PHI PHI Bro. Adrian Robertson ALPHA ALPHA Bro. Darryl Smith GAMMA OMEGA Bro. Clinton Beverly) ALPHA IOTA Bro. Michael Artis ZETA IOTA Bro. Roosevelt Green, Jr. XI IOTA Bro. Mitchell “Omari” Minor RHO IOTA Bro. Brandon Byrd ZETA OMICRON Bro. Wardell Coward TAU OMICRON Bro. Matthew Brown TAU RHO Bro. Eugene Cox LAMBDA NU Bro. Travis Griffin UPSILON NU Bro. Allee Ponton PSI NU Bro. Don Wright GAMMA XI Bro. Alvin Swilley PSI ALPHA ALPHA Bro. James Cherry KAPPA IOTA IOTA Bro. Kameron Dabney OMICRON KAPPA KAPPA Bro. Harry Metellus SIGMA KAPPA KAPPA Bro. Paul R. Green GAMMA ALPHA Bro. Timothy Blassingame PI LAMBDA LAMDA Bro. Darnell Dennis SIGMA MU MU Bro. Brian Johnson ZETA MU MU Bro. Scottie Gilbert UNDERGRADUATE CHAPTERS ALPHA Bro. Colin Dicken ZETA Bro. John Beverly NU PSI Bro. Ahmir Lawson GAMMA EPSILON Bro. Timothy McDowell PHI OMICRONDELTAGAMMA Bro. David Patterson III LAMBDA ZETA Bro. Denzel Brown ALPHA DELTA SIGMA Bro. Greg Cuffey ETA LAMBDA GRAPHIC DESIGN & LAYOUT PSI ALPHA ALPHA Bro. Matthew Williams OMICRON KAPPA KAPPA Bro. Harry Metellus Page 63