Spring Newsletter 1

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The 4 C’s of Technology Integration

The easiest way to look at the role of technology is to understand that it is a tool that amplifies inherent abilities. Specifically, when integrating technology into the classroom it can amplify 4 student abilities. Those are the abilities to:


Critical Thinking Create Content Collaborate Communicate From a teaching perspective, technology can alter or change students abilities to do each of the 4 C’s. When presenting new tools, it is important to address which C’s the tool highlights or improves, and how it impacts the learning.


One tool you can incorporate all 4 of these into your classroom? Its easy, free, and you all have access to it every day. My Big Campus offers you tools to use the 4C’s with your students.


Critical Thinking - Schoolwork (Guided questions and activities done right on-line) Create Content - students can easily set up docs and pages on MBC that will allow them to create content Collaborate - MBC offers discussion forms and blogs to allow students to collaborate on projects Communication - students can communicate with teachers and their peers through posts and messaging

MaryAnn Urbanik PC SpecialistTechnology Integration Staley, Bellamy, Joy, & Ganse

Staley: Mrs Trnchik and Ms. Mason inquired about a project that could be completely done on the iPad. After being introduced to a variety of apps, students researched, organized, created and shared their final iMovie project. Sarah and Shelby, along with Eileen Banks, completed this project independently.

Rick Edmunds – SYSOP – Keyboarding and Word Processing. Rick introduced learning.com to the students and staff at Staley. He reinforced keyboarding skills and posture and monitored their progress.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.