The Rollamo 1963

Page 264

Reinheimer, C. ] . Rice, ] . L.

Reininger, R. L. Richardson, M. R.

Reuling, D. 0. Riess, A. G.

Reynolds, C. L. Riech, L. E.

Rice, C. R. Riggs, K. R.


Sc. Louis, Mo.

lndependems: Ameri can Institute of Physics; Newman Cl ub.

Mounc Verno n, Ill.

REINI NGER, Roberc L. , ]r.-ME Independents; Fifry-Ni ner's Club; ASME.

Affton, Mo.

REULI NG, Donald 0 .- ME

Phi Alpha. Treasurer ; ASME; Alpha Phi Omega; Newman Club; Ho nor List.

REYNOLDS, Charles L.- CE

Rolla, Mo.

ASCE; Honor LiSt ; H . T . Mann Srhularsh ip; Phi K appa Phi Book Plate.

Rolla, Mo.

RICE, Cliff R.-CE Independents; Prospecwr·s Club: Persh ing Co-op Missouri State Highway Comm.

R ICE, john L.- CE


H o nor List:

Hannibal, Mo.

Independen ts; Eng ineers Club, Treasurer; ASCE; C hi Epsilon. Serretary; Phi Kappa Ph i; Tau Beta Pi ; H o nor List: Phi Kappa Ph i Book Plate Award ; Gold Key.


Moun c Vernon, Ill.


Sc. Louis, Mo.

RIESS, Andrew G.- ME

Indep endents; T ech Club; SAM E; A IC h E; ASME; N ewman Club; Rollamu Board ; H o nor LiSt.

Marshall, Mo.

RI ETH , Larry E.-ME Independents; Fifry-N iners Club; N ewman C lub.

RIGGS, Kenneth R. -Mec-Nuclear

Score Cicy, Mo.

T riangle; Shamrock Club; ASM; Nuclear Engi neering Society; Alpha Sigma Mu ; H onor LiSt; G lee Club.

Riley, R.


Ringhausen, R. ].

Ri nkel , G. E.

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