The Rollamo 1963

Page 205

ulis. THIRD ROW: Gildehaus. Porterfield, Hayward , Hudso n . urall, N eale, Franklin, Gunn, Johnson.

Bill Gunn accepts Phi Alpha's first place APO Blood Drive trophy from Dennis Worley.

PHI ALPHA 1960 Phi Alpha got its start at the School of ines, and since that time it has gained a prominent sition among the fraternities on the campus. hi Alpha's social calendar included a very successful reet dance on the Homecoming weekend, a Pledge ance, the annual Shipwreck Party, St. Pat's and reek W eek. his past year Phi Alpha helped in the remodeling of 1e home of a needy Rolla resident, and held a hristmas party for some underprivileged children f Rolla.

Christmas Decorations. 201

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