Cross Keys March 2013

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The Cross Keys The Monthly Newsletter of Lodge Houstoun St. Johnstone

March 2013

Walking the Road / Seeking the Light

In this issue: The National Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan Australia Day Masonic Villages of Pennsylvania Ensign Charles ewart Cross Keys with March. 2013 Dress Aprons a twist St John the Evangelist More Masonic Notices

Number 165

The National Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan The light of Freemasonry has burned in many Countries, sometimes being extinguished, but often re-ignited again. Perhaps at one time Freemasonry existed in Azerbaijan? But whether the Light has been lit for the first time or re-ignited, this fledgling Country; only independent since 1991, is seeing Freemasonry make its first tentative steps, as the Nation develops. Until around 2008 Freemasonry would not have been possible in Azerbaijan, being viewed as an illegal organisation, but the current President Ilham Aliyev, has relaxed this view, and permitted Lodges to exist. The President of Azerbaijan is making every effort to put Azerbaijan; at one time, a little heard of Country, onto the World Stage. The Eurovision Song Contest and various Sporting and Musical events have opened the Worlds eyes to this small (but Oil Rich) Country. The National Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan was consecrated on December 8, 2008 in Baku, Azerbaijan. On February 2009, it was recognized as a regular and recognized Grand Lodge by the Commission on Information for Recognition of North American Grand Masters Conference. Since then it has been recognized by the European Conference of Grand Lodges, as well as the European Grand Secretaries Conference and the World Conference of Grand Lodges. The National Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan has now applied for recognition by the Grand Lodge of Scotland. For readers of this article from outside the U.K., however, the National Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan has already been recognised by the following Grand Lodges (With several confirmed recognitions still to be received), and Brethren from these Constitutions I am sure will be most welcome to attend Lodge Meetings, should they ever visit Baku City: From Europe: Spain, Portugal, Russia, Grand Orient of Italy, Greece, Romania, Serbia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Cyprus, San Marino, Croatia From North America & Canada: New York, Washington (District of Columbia), Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, Iowa, Quebec, Manitoba, California, Missouri, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Newfoundland & Labrador From South America: Gr. Orient of Brazil, Sao Paulo, Chile, Espirito Santo. The National Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan, with the support of these Grand Lodges, have made remarkable efforts and surmounted countless difficulties; alien to us in the U.K., to establish “The Craft� In Azerbaijan. The success of their development is in no short measure, due to the efforts and hard work of their Grand Master, M.W. Bro. Robert Heyat, a man of extraordinary vision, talent and energy.

Cross Keys March. 2013

The National Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan ctd Now established, the main challenge facing Masonic development in Azerbaijan is their growth. Due to the inherent culture of the people of Azerbaijan, who are not used to this kind of organised society: a society based on “Disinterested friendship”, it is difficult to secure Candidates worthy of the Craft and so their selection process is very strict and most applications are rejected. This means, they are few, and growth will be very slow. It also means that the Brethren who do gain admission and do occupy Office are of the very highest calibre of intelligence and integrity, and with foundations like these, they hope to build up their Lodges, true and pure, and strictly in accordance with the principals of the Institution and the antient landmarks of the Order. Irrespective of the Politics of the Country, and independent and aloof of any associated issues, these Brethren have a passionate belief and impressive knowledge of The Craft, and with the support of their many friends, hopefully one day soon, The National Grand Lodge of Azerbaijan, will stand proud, “shoulder to shoulder” with the old established Grand Lodges of the World.

Cross Keys March. 2013

Mercedes Benz, the Devil and a Masonic Ring

For the 2013 Super Bowl, Mercedes-Benz sponsored a television commercial, titled “Soul,� about the new CLA. It features a character portraying Satan, who clearly wears a Masonic ring in plain sight on his left ring finger. This linking of Freemasonry to Satan is no joke. It was rumors like this that set the stage for the imprisonment and murders of thousands of Freemasons in Europe by Nazis during the Holocaust. The false rumor that Freemasons worship Satan is alive and well among millions of Americans today. Mercedes-Benz is adding fuel to the fire of that defamation with this television commercial. Surely, to sell cars, Mercedes-Benz would not jokingly link Jews to Satanism (another popular rumor during the Nazi era). It would be good to not jokingly link Freemasons to Satanism either. There are over a million Masons in the United States. Every single one of them is old enough to purchase and drive a car. None of them is pleased about this.

Cross Keys March. 2013

Australia Day This is representative Grand Lodge group marching in the Australia Day Parade through the city of Melbourne. This photo was taken in the gardens coming out of the assemble point across the bridge leading into the city. There are a variety of organisations invited to march in the parade for our National Day. The Grand Master is “under the Wands� seen talking to the Senior Deacon behind the 3 Grand Directors of Ceremony, 2 Grand Standard Bearers, (carrying the Australian flag and the Grand Lodge Standard, then the Grand Sword Bearer with sword drawn, the Grand Master and Past Grand Masters under Wands. They are then followed by, Masters and Brethren in regalia.

Cross Keys March. 2013

Masonic Villages of Pennsylvania The Elizabethtown campus of the Masonic Village has a long, rich history dating back to 1902, when Edgar Tennis called upon the Grand Lodge to establish, finance and administer a Masonic Home. Eight years later, the Masonic Home at Elizabethtown officially opened with 11 residents and the beginnings of a working farm and orchard. As the campus grew with new and remodeled buildings, so did the services provided and the number of residents. New facilities added over the years included a children's home, a health care center, a child care center, a Veterans' Grove Monument, formal gardens and many residences. At present day, 1,300 employees provide nursing, personal care and retirement living services for approximately 1,700 residents. The Elizabethtown campus covers more than 1,400 acres with 10 miles of roads through the Village.

Cross Keys March. 2013

Ensign Charles Ewart “The Hero of the Battle Of Waterloo” Charles Ewart, who, single-handedly captured the standard of the famous French Invincibles at the Battle of Waterloo. Ensign Ewart's grave is marked by a granite block on the esplanade of Edinburgh Castle. The standard he so bravely won can be seen in the castle itself. . On the 18th of June 1815, Charles Ewart was a Sergeant in the Royal North British Dragoons when he captured the standard of the French 45th Regiment, from which the badge of the Royal Scots Greys (now the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards) was derived. He was born in Kilmarnock in 1769 and enlisted in the 2nd Royal North British Dragoons (The Scots Greys) in 1789. At the time of the Battle of Waterloo, therefore, he was 45 years old and a veteran of many battles. As the Greys passed through the Gordon Highlanders, many of the Highlanders grasped their stirrups and shouting "Scotland Forever!" were carried headlong through the ranks of the leading French division. Sergeant Charles Ewart captured the Imperial Eagle standard of the French 45th Regiment (Les Invincibles) after a desperate fight and well deserved the commission later awarded by the Prince Regent. In commemoration the Eagle forms part of the cap badge worn by the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards to this day (formerly the cap badge of the Royal Scots Greys - shown above). Ewart had made straight for the French Standard Bearer, and on fighting his way through, three Frenchmen threw themselves in the way. In his own words, "One made a thrust at my groin, I parried him off and cut him down through the head. A lancer came at me - I threw the lance off by my right side and cut him through the chin and upwards through the teeth. Next, a foot soldier fired at me and then charged me with his bayonet, which I also had the good luck to parry, and then I cut him down through the head". Ewart lies buried on the Esplanade of Edinburgh Castle, while the Eagle and Standard are displayed in the Castle itself.

Ensign Ewart joined Lodge St. Andrew Kilmarnock No.126 (originally 165) in 1800 and it would be very interesting to know if he attended any meetings in which his regiment held a warrant under the GLoS at the same period when No.126 met.

The lodge at-

tached to the Scots DG was called St. Andrew’s Royal Arch Lodge No.158. Quite a coincidence.

Cross Keys March. 2013

From the Columns On Thursday 14th February, Bros Darren Alistair Coyle and Scott William Graham were raised to the third or high and sublime degree of a MM. On 28th February, Bro Joseph Scott Drennen was initiated into the lodge by the OBs. Congratulation also to Bro. Robert Hunt PM 275 HM 242 on receiving his 50 Year Jubilee certificate on 8th February by Bro. Anthony Warnock DPGM of Glasgow.

Bro. Dougie Dick (MM 242 and former office bearer) now Secretary of Lodge St Aethans No. 1227 in Burghead near Elgin with Bro. H. Mackie Tawse PPGM Banffshire and master of Lodge Bowfidle in Portknockie and Bro. Arthur Humphreys RWM 1227

Cross Keys March. 2013

New Memorial 6th October saw the unveiling and presentation of a work of art, given to the masons and their widows throughout Nova Scotia. Located to the left of the main entrance of the newly renovated Halifax Temple, this granite relief causes one to pause and reflect and bow one's head. The Master, V. W .Bro. Rami Saaloukeh and Bro. Kevin Robertson together with the officers and members of Royal Sussex No.6 had worked on this for almost 2 years to bring it to life. As a result of a bequest from Marian Rockwell and some of their own funds, the lodge proceeded down that long road of a plan to fulfilment. It involved working with Freemasons Hall Ltd. your Grand Secretary and Grand Treasurer, the Public Relations Chairman, Heritage Memorials, designers, researchers, historians, and contractor. Who was to know that at the end of the day columns of such specialized granite coming from the mountains in a sacred area of ancient China would now glisten in the sun and weep in the rain on Coronation Street in Halifax. The Master and his lodge have taken their $12,000.00 budget and turned over a $42,000.00 jewel of affection for our Masonic widows and our ladies who we do not herald enough. When you go to the Temple in Halifax, take a moment at the Broken Column Memorial. Please pause and give a thought - it is the right ting to do. If you ever see a brother thank him for the effort of his lodge over the past two years for such a wonderful contribution.

Cross Keys March. 2013

GL News The recently posted page about the International Conference on the History of Freemasonry 2013 has been hacked—no more posts meantime. The Brindley and Foster Organ was specifically designed for Grand Lodge and installed in Grand Hall in 1912. It has recently been refurbished to coincide with the 275th anniversary of the Grand Lodge of Scotland also the 100th anniversary of the completion of Freemasons' Hall, and now sounds as good as it did when first built. Click here to see a youtube clip—some good shots of the interior of GL.

PGL News Saturday 30th March, 2013— PGL Fund Raising Evening in the Masonic Temple, Barrhead at 7pm. ALL WELCOME - see Commissioned OBs for tickets at only £15. Further details in the Newsblog. Sunday 21st April, 2013—PGL Divine service in Stowe Brae Kirk, 82 Causeyside Street, Paisley. PA1 1YP. Monday 29th April, 2013—Tri-Annual Communication of the PGL in Barrhead

Behind Closed Doors WHO controls the British Crown? Who keeps the metric system down? We do! We do!” The infamous opening bars to the Stonecutters song from the Simpsons. With the notable exception of the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalos from the Flintstones, this was the closest I had ever come to a secret society. It transpires however, that secret brotherhoods are a very real part of our society and operate all over the world. This is the opening of a webpage looking into the Craft; unfortunately the author is not named. The article says nothing that has not been said before, but you can click on the image to go to the page. However, he does give a rare description of a well known PM: “On meeting Willie, I was slightly underwhelmed; there was nothing mysterious about him at all, he was a pleasant, smiling, slightly grey haired, middle aged man in a shirt and tie.” Guess who? Overall, Willie did present answers to the questions in an eloquent manner that were precise and accurate.

Cross Keys March. 2013

Ask In referring to the passage of Matthew vii. 7, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you," Dr. Clarke says: "These three words--ask, seek, knock--include the ideas of want, loss, and earnestness." The application made to the passage theologically is equally appropriate to it in a Masonic Lodge. You ask for acceptance, you seek for light, you knock for initiation, which includes the other two. Matt. 7:7

Scot who Created English Constitutions Dr. Anderson (1680 - 1739) born in Aberdeen in Scotland, was a Presbyterian minister who served the church firstly in Scotland and, later in London. He became a most dedicated Freemason in London and rose to the position of Senior Grand Warden in the grand Lodge of England. His greatest Masonic achievement was the compilation in 1723 - only six years after the establishment of the Premier Grand Lodge - of a 92 page 'Book of Constitutions' which is regarded as the most significant publication of early speculative days. The title 'Constitutions' had been the name used earlier by the London Company of Masons to describe their old charges. Anderson's 'Constitutions', which had strong links to the Manuscript Charges, presented a comprehensive history of Masonic regulations and developments over the centuries. A second edition, in revised form, was issued by Dr, Anderson in 1738. The 'constitutions' provides a sound basis for the order and is generally agreed that they had a profound influence on the growth of the Masonic philosophy all over the world in the years that followed. Cross Keys March. 2013

New Education Scholarship—The Way Forward? The Education Committee of the GL of Victoria in Australia has launched the Graeme Love Memorial Scholarship for research into, or related to, Freemasonry. The scholarship is open to tertiary students undertaking Masters or Doctoral studies where their research is significantly related to Freemasonry or Masonic activities in Victoria. Applications are invited across a wide spectrum including benevolence, buildings, health and aged care to name a few. The Directors of Research Offices in universities around Victoria have been contacted and invited to publish the scholarship in their university. Details are also available from the Grand Lodge Education Office.

March Events in 242

Thursday 14th—FCD by OBs Thursday 28th—PGL Visit & James Donald Memorial Lecture by Bro. John Samuel Miller PGM RE on the Symbolism of the EAD Visit: Thursday 4th April—FCD at Craigends 1042 (Linwood) at 7.30pm Sir William Wallace RAC 18th April—EM at 7.30pm

Cross Keys March. 2013

John Cecil Rhodes Cecil Rhodes' incredible achievements - one of the richest men in the world, the creator of the De Beers diamond empire, the founder of a new country, and the originator of the Rhodes Scholarships - were motivated by one single thing, his 'great idea'. This idea came to him at the age of 24 with the force of a religious revelation. What is interesting is that it struck him in the hours immediately following his initiation into Apollo University Lodge while at Oxford University in 1877. Although Rhodes was slightly contemptuous of the organisation he had just joined - 'I wonder that a large body of men can devote themselves to what at times appear the most ridiculous and absurd rites without an object and without an end' - the fact remains that whatever the Masonic induction he had gone through, it would appear to have triggered something of an epiphany in the young student. On the evening after the ceremony, Rhodes sat pondering what had happened that day. Then, as he puts it, the 'idea gleaming and dancing before one's eyes like a will-of-the-wisp at last frames itself into a plan'. He proceeded to pen his 'Confession of Faith' in which he outlined his ambition: to establish a secret society whose objective would be the furtherance of the British Empire and the uniting of the entire Anglo-Saxon race, including America, into one single empire. From that day, June 2, 1877, Rhodes was a man with a mission, with his 'Confession of Faith' his guiding star and inspiration. When he had grown to trust anybody, he would confidentially reveal his 'idea' to him and expect the man's life to be changed immediately. Having made a huge fortune in southern Africa, where Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) was named after him, he was able to found the Rhodes Scholarships and to leave ÂŁ100,000 to Oriel College. (Rhodes House shown below). He was a charter member of Bulawayo Lodge No. 2566, Rhodesia in 1895 and gave the site on which the lodge built a temple. Scottish lodges continue to meet there under the District Grand Lodge of Zimbabwe.

Cross Keys March. 2013

Looking for a Christmas Present?!!! Well, perhaps not for a Scottish mason who would not be allowed to wear one (at least I don’t think so although there have been some old nonstandard aprons seen in lodges), but certainly aprons with a bit of style. These are all hand made individually styled by The Craftman’s Apron found by clicking on any apron. PS I’m not getting a commission for this!!

Freemasons on TV A TV series that reveals the inside story behind exclusive men’s club the Freemasons is to run on Victorian community channel C31 next month. The series – called Freemasons: The Inside Story - aims to expose the myths associated with the fraternity, look back at its history and ponder the role Freemasonry plays within the community, according a press release from the group. The series is to be presented by 3AW radio presenter Wes Turnbull. The 26-part series, created by Melbourne-based production company Fuzzy TV, will run in 30-minute episodes from Monday 4 March.

Cross Keys March. 2013

St. John the Evangelist An old theory of Masonic origins that is gaining momentum is the hypothesis that Freemasonry evolved from the Knights Templar. The Saints John are also commonly referred to in Templar records and we know their festival days were of importance to the Templars. It is interesting to note that one of the charges of “heresy” brought against the Templars was that they had become followers of Gnostic Christianity and had in many ways left behind the more traditional Roman Catholic teachings. The basis of much Gnostic thought is the Gospel and Epistles of Saint John the Evangelist. In effect, the “crimes” of the Templars may have been that they venerated the theology of Saint John the Evangelist more than that of Saint Paul or Saint Peter, important saints in the Roman Catholic Church.

Masonic Advertising The following appeared in the summons of Fredericksburg Lodge No. 4 in Virginia where they are actively encouraging its younger members to seek possible candidates for the girls’ organisation. Should we do something for the Craft? Always a sore point with many brethren, but perhaps lodges should be actively looking for new members. If there is one, is there anything wrong with giving him a GL Yearbook and pointing him in the direction of good websites?

Cross Keys March. 2013

Masonic Bookplates Further to last month’s article about bookplates where I mentioned that they were all but dead it was brought to my attention by a good friend of mine Bro. Yasha Beresiner (bookplate to the right) that this is not actually the case. In fact, there is even a website with current information: Bro. Bob Cooper also replied with an image of his bookmark (shown below) so clearly all is not forgotten. An old document now available in pdf gives some great explanations about masonic bookplates with many fine images of all kinds including one from the Northern Supreme Council. This can be viewed at and is well worth a glance.

Thought of the Month Washington Chapter No. 3 of Portsmouth in New Hampton, USA announced its meetings via the town crier, who received from 6 to 25 cents for his work. Would he be stoned today if it was advertised that way?

Cross Keys March. 2013

Masonic Notices 1982

The above is a section from the Evening Times in 1982 showing only some lodges—too many to show all. How many lodges are now defunct and how many have changed their meeting places? Yet with the internet providing a better means of communication, we

In Memoriam The dead are like the stars by day … withdrawn from mortal eye… yet not extinct that hold their way In glory through the sky… .Spirits of bondage thus set free… .Vanish amidst immensity… While human thought… .Like human sight… .Fail to pursue…. Their trackless flight.

It is with deep sadness and much regret that we have to inform you of a loss sustained to the craft in Renfrewshire in the passing to the Grand Lodge above of the following Brother: Bro. Alexander Gairns Hutton PPGM RE, Hon Member 242 Cross Keys March. 2013

To submit an article, contact the Editor: Grant Macleod E-Mail:

Lodge Website

Thanks to Bro. Allan Stobo WSW for proof reading.

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Cross Keys March. 2013

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