Overview & Comparison of National Green Finance Taxonomies around the World

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Overview and Comparison of National Green Finance Taxonomies

Sustainable Finance Think Tank & Consultancy

climateandcompany.org hello@climcom.org Berlin - Amsterdam - Salzburg

What are the Benefits of Green Finance Taxonomies? To strengthen the financial system that is facing the cascading impacts of climate change, it is vital to empower all market actors and promote the disclosure of private and public capital flows to green sectors. Green finance taxonomies are classification systems that identify which economic activities are considered environmentallyfriendly and define clear performance thresholds for each activity to meet key sustainability objectives (ICMA, 2021). These objectives can range from biodiversity protection and pollution prevention to climate change adaptation as well as mitigation. Taxonomies thus contribute to directing capital flows towards sustainable investments and help increase the financial disclosure of public and private market actors, hence reducing information asymmetries and increasing financial transparency. In essence, green finance taxonomies help investors, companies, issuers and project promoters navigate the transition to a lowcarbon, resilient and resource-efficient economy (EC, 2020).

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Methodology: Analysing Taxonomy Building Blocks The comparison of international approaches to green finance taxonomies will be based on analysing three of the most important and decisive taxonomy building blocks, which are introduced in the following:

Which environmental objectives does the taxonomy address/plan to address?

Are technical screening criteria (TSC) for economic activities that contribute substantially to one of the environmental objectives already defined? If yes, are quantitative metrics and dynamic thresholds provided or only descriptive metrics used? Are ‘Do Not Significant Harm’ (DNSH) criteria for the other environmental objectives defined? The principle of DNSH means that an economic activity, which contributes substantially to one of the environmental objectives, shall also not significantly harm any of other environmental objectives. Climate & Company | 3

Overview of National Green Finance Taxonomies Canada

European Union




United Kingdom





Dominican Republic

South Korea Vietnam

Taxonomy in development


Implemented regulation

Malaysia Colombia






Chile Source: Author’s own elaboration.

South Africa

Sri Lanka

Indonesia New Zealand

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International Experiences in Green Finance Taxonomies (1/2)

ASEAN* Environmental Objectives:

§ § § §

CCA CCM Circular Economy Biodiversity Protection

Bangladesh* § § §

Water Conservation Circular Economy Pollution Prevention

Brazil* In development.

Canada* In development.

Chile* In development.

China § § § §

CCA Circular Economy Pollution Prevention Biodiversity Protection

Colombia § § § § § §

TSC defined for:

In development.

In development.

In development.

In development.

In development.

Selected projects (only descriptive metrics used).

CCA CCM Water & Soil Mgmt. Circular Economy Pollution Prevention Biodiversity Protection

7 sectors contributing to CCM.

Dominican Republic* In development.

European Union CCA CCM Water Conservation Circular Economy Pollution Prevention Biodiversity Protection

§ § § § § §

In development.

3 sectors contributing to other environ. objectives.

13 sectors contributing to CCA and CCM.

India* In development.



In development.

In development.

Malaysia § § § §

CCA CCM Circular Economy Biodiversity Protection

In development.

In development.

In development.

Some economic activities contributing to CCA and CCM (only descriptive metrics used).

11 sectors contributing to other environ. objectives.

DNSH Criteria defined for:

In development.


In development.

In development.

In development.


7 sectors contributing to CCM.

In development.

Some of the 13 sectors.

In development.

In development.

In development.


Classification Code:


No reference.

No reference.

No reference.

No reference.

Classification of Strategic Emerging Industry


No reference.


No reference.

No reference.

No reference.

No reference.


ASEAN Taxonomy for Sustainable Finance

Bangladesh Bank: Sustainable Finance Policy for Banks and Financial Institutions

Taxonomia Verde da FEBRABAN

Defining Transition Finance in Canada

Taxonomy Roadmap for Chile

People’s Bank of China: Green Bond Endorsed Projects Catalogue (2021 Edition)

Taxonomía Verde de Colombia

MIMARENA, SIMV e IFC anuncian Proyecto de Taxonomía Verde en República Dominicana

EU Taxonomy for Sustainable Activities

Developing a Green Taxonomy for India: A Rulebook

Indonesia Green Taxonomy Edition 1.0

The AIFC developed and submitted a draft Resolution of the Government of Kazakhstan on Green Taxonomy

Bank Negara Malaysia: Climate Change and Principle-based Taxonomy

* N/A

(National) green finance taxonomies still in development, therefore potential information limitations.


Climate change adaptation

Not applicable.


Climate change mitigation

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International Experiences in Green Finance Taxonomies (2/2)

Mexico* Environmental Objectives:

In development.

Mongolia § § § §

CCA CCM Circular Economy Pollution Prevention

New Zealand* In development.

Peru* In development.

Philippines* In development.

Russia* § § §

Pollution Prevention Environ. Protection GHG Emissions Reduction

Singapore* § § § § §

CCA CCM Circular Economy Pollution Prevention Biodiversity Protection

South Africa* § § § § § §

CCA CCM Water Conservation Circular Economy Pollution Prevention Biodiversity Protection

South Korea* § § § § § §

CCA Water Conservation Circular Economy Pollution Prevention Biodiversity Protection GHG Emissions Reduction

Sri Lanka* § § § §

United Kingdom*


CCA CCM Pollution Prevention Ecological Conservation

In development.

In development.

TSC defined for:

In development.

Some economic activities from 8 sectors (only descriptive metrics used).

In development.

In development.

In development.

Selected projects from 8 sectors.

Some economic activities from 3 sectors.

Some economic activities from 8 sectors contributing to CCA and CCM.

69 economic activities.

Some economic activities from 8 sectors contributing to all environmental objectives.

In development.

In development.

DNSH Criteria defined for:

In development.


In development.

In development.

In development.


In development.

Some economic activities from 8 sectors contributing to CCA and CCM.

69 economic activities.


In development.

In development.

Classification Code:

No reference.

No reference.

No reference.

No reference.

No reference.

No reference.



No reference.

No reference.

No reference.

No reference.


Recomendaciones para el Desarrollo de una Taxonomía de Finanzas Sostenibles en México

Mongolian Green Taxonomy

Taxonomies Overview And Perspectives For Aotearoa New Zealand

MINAM: Hoja de Ruta hacia las Finanzas Verdes

The Philippine Sustainable Finance Roadmap

Russian National Green Finance System

ABS: Green Finance Industry Taskforce (GFIT) Taxonomy Public Consultation

South African Taxonomy Working Group

Introduction of KTaxonomy Guideline

Sri Lanka Green Finance Taxonomy

Sustainable Finance Initiatives for Thailand

UK Greening Finance: A Roadmap to Sustainable Investing

* N/A

(National) green finance taxonomies still in development, therefore potential information limitations.


Climate change adaptation

Not applicable.


Climate change mitigation

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Further Reading § CBI (2022). Global Green Taxonomy Development, Alignment and Implementation. Available at https://www.climatebonds.net/resources/reports/global-green-taxonomy-development-alignment-and-implementation. § EC (2020). Taxonomy: Final Report of the Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance. Available at https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/default/files/business_economy_euro/banking_and_finance/documents/200309-sustainable-finance-teg-finalreport-taxonomy_en.pdf. § FoSDA (2021). Taxomania! An International Overview. Available at https://futureofsustainabledata.com/taxomania-an-international-overview/. § ICMA (2021). Overview and Recommendations for Sustainable Finance Taxonomies. Available at https://www.icmagroup.org/News/news-inbrief/icma-publishes-overview-of-taxonomies-for-sustainable-finance-and-recommends-success-criteria/. § IESE (2021). Taxonomía Medioambiental y Productos Financieros Verdes: Finanzas para una Nueva Europa. Available at https://media.iese.edu/research/pdfs/ST-0617. § IPSF (2021). Common Ground Taxonomy – Climate Change Mitigation. Available at https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/default/files/business_economy_euro/banking_and_finance/documents/211104-ipsf-common-ground-taxonomyinstruction-report-2021_en.pdf. § Natixis (2021). The New Geography of Taxonomies. Available at https://gsh.cib.natixis.com/our-center-of-expertise/articles/the-new-geography-oftaxonomies. § OECD (2020). Developing Sustainable Finance Definitions and Taxonomies. Available at https://www.oecd.org/env/developing-sustainable-financedefinitions-and-taxonomies-134a2dbe-en.htm. § World Bank Group (2020). Developing a National Green Taxonomy: A World Bank Guide. Available at https://documents.worldbank.org/en/publication/documents-reports/documentdetail/953011593410423487/developing-a-national-greentaxonomy-a-world-bank-guide. Climate & Company | 7


Publication Details

Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG: Climate & Company – The Berlin Institute for Climate Training and Research gGmbH Ahornallee 2 12623 Berlin

Author: Daniel Scharwies Junior Analyst at Climate & Company

Vertreten durch: Ingmar Juergens David Rusnok

Version: 1.0, May 2022

Email: hello@climcom.org Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Ingmar Juergens & David Rusnok Ahornallee 2 12623 Berlin www.climateandcompany.org

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