Clifton Merchant Magazine - February 2021

Page 22


Opposites Attract

If you’re looking for an adventurous couple, check out Ryan White and Heather Ranges. For the former Clifton Mustangs, traveling the world and trying new foods are part of what they love to do most. However, their next big adventure is happening later this year. Ryan (CHS 2012) and Heather (CHS 2013) are getting married on Nov. 26. They plan to get married at the Rock Island Lake Club in Sparta.


February 2021 •

Even when they recall their engagement, it could be considered an adventure. It also happens to be Ryan’s favorite “couple” memory. “It was the perfect day, not a cloud in the sky,” said Ryan, 26. “What happened was … I had gotten the ring five months before I actually proposed. Then for the actual day - July 13, 2019 - I hired a photographer.” “I told Heather that we were going to brunch because we had talked about getting engaged and were looking at different venues, so I said that I planned a brunch at some place I made up,” he continued. While she did her makeup, Ryan went to the beach where the photographer was set up and got her to meet him there. Once she saw the photographer, Ryan said she knew what was happening. Then, seeing as it was a week before her birthday, he asked her if she wanted her birthday present early. “She ugly cried,” he teased. “I got all Kim Kardashian,” agreed Heather, 25. The couple, who currently live in Lincoln Park, plan to return to Clifton. The reason, Heather said, is because Ryan will be on call for work often for the City of Clifton in the Department of Public Works. However, their ties in the city go back. Part of these ties include Ryan’s father, Kevin White, being a funeral director at Shook Funeral Home on Van Houten Ave.

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