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The aim of sport at Clifton High School is to provide a Sporting Programme that is based on positive, life changing ideals. We believe in the development of the whole child, the fostering of an ‘active life’ philosophy and the promotion of a lifetime investment in sport and physical activity.

‘Sport for all, with the pursuit of excellence’ Our Aims

This sporting ethos celebrates enjoyment, equality of access, breadth of participation and excellence both on and away from the sporting arena. Sport encompasses, embraces and promotes the School’s core values of ‘Curiosity, Empathy, Love and Direction’ to broaden our pupils’ life skills whilst challenging them in the many ways to strive to be the best they can be.

It should be considered an honour and a privilege to be selected to represent Clifton High School in sport and with this comes a number of pupil responsibilities, both on and off the pitches and playing fields and swimming pool.

Sporting fixtures provide a wealth of community spirit and enjoyment for the pupils, staff and spectating parents. In order to ensure all sports teams are as competitive as possible and full of enjoyment for all, the contents of this leaflet set out expectations from the School, the pupils and parents.

The outlined points are essential standards associated with our Clifton High School sporting culture; it is what we all wish sport to be. In effect, it represents a code of conduct for our community and is intended to be inclusive for all.

We, The Clifton High School Sports Department will:

• Ensure that the same passion, enthusiasm and commitment that the Games/ PE staff have is shared and embodied through the sporting ethos of Clifton High School.

• Provide the structure for enjoyable, fun and competitive opportunities to enhance the sporting aims and ethos of Clifton High School whilst promoting the School Values.

• Create opportunities to encourage leadership, teamwork and cooperation.

• Provide a safe and enjoyable environment for all players to be involved at their level.

• Select pupils to participate for representative teams based on their ability, attendance, approach and attitude towards that sport. This will be determined by each pupil’s contribution and commitment during their games lessons, the after-School training sessions as well as other co-curricular sports clubs. Selection will be based on talent as well as commitment and enthusiasm.

• Ensure that all pupils are safe and enjoy the highs and lows of regular competitive and non-competitive School sport.

• Publish team sheets on SOCS well in advance of fixtures and where possible, notify the pupils of upcoming fixtures and events. Pupils will be responsible for checking SOCS for their inclusion in teams.

• Ensure that team sheets will contain all details of the fixture and indicate when pupils should meet, where the fixture is and approximately what time we should return to School.

• Publish termly fixtures and ensure these are updated on the School website and be available through SOCS.

• Be contactable through the email address of the member of staff taking a team / year group, in the first instance, and then the Director of Sport.

I, The Pupil Sports Performer will:

• Embody the sporting ethos of Clifton High School.

• Ensure that I attend all games lessons, after-School training sessions and demonstrate a personal commitment to School sport. Should I be unable to attend, I will notify the respective member of staff prior to the session.

• Enjoy the game by respecting the officials and coaches and accepting the judgement of the officials.

• Recognise fair play and congratulate good performances by both teammates and the opposition.

• Play in the spirit of the game demonstrating good sportsmanship.

• On being selected to play for a School team, ensure that I read the SOCS notifications and inform my parents of the fixture and ask them to check SOCS or contact the Games/PE staff for further details if required.

• Ensure that I have all my equipment and be attired in the correct clothing and kit for all training and fixtures.

• If I am unable to play for any reason, let the member of Games/PE staff know as soon as possible in order that another pupil may be selected instead.

• Always try my hardest and represent Clifton High School to the best of my ability.

• Catch up on any academic work I may have missed during a midweek fixture.

I, The Parent/Guardian will:

• Support the sporting ethos of the School and encourage our young people to lead active and healthy lives, particularly through supporting their attendance at training and fixtures.

• Encourage and promote participation in sport and co-curricular opportunities that our children are interested in.

• Support our child’s involvement and help them to enjoy their sport; whilst encouraging and guiding them to accept responsibility for their own performance and behaviour.

• Check SOCS on a regular basis for details about forthcoming fixtures and contact the Games/PE staff if I have any queries or questions.

• Give permission for my child to attend fixtures if, and when, selected and support them in catching up on any missed academic work.

• Contact the Games/PE staff giving prior notice of unavailability for any fixture with the expectation that, if selected, my child will participate unless in extraordinary circumstances, including injury and illness.

• Notify the Games/PE staff at the earliest opportunity with regard to illness or injury that may affect selection of any team, prior to the fixture.

• Support and spectate at any fixtures in a positive and appropriate manner allowing the coaching staff and officials to perform their roles effectively.

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