CLH Digital - Issue #225

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Sector Issues Support Guidance in Wake of Riots...

Editor's Viewpoint

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital


and highlights the need for dialogue and understanding in our communities

In any free society, the right to protest is a fundamental pillar that allows citizens to voice their concerns and push for change It is a manifestation of democratic values that must be protected

However, it is crucial that these protests remain peaceful and orderly, respecting the rights and safety of all individuals, including those who work in the hospitality sector

Hospitality venues ser ve as places of work, providing livelihoods for countless individuals No one should ever feel unsafe or intimidated in their workplace , just as they should not feel unsafe in places of worship or any other public spaces

Ensuring that protests do not infringe on the safety and well-being of workers and patrons is a responsibility we all share

Sector organizations have been commendable in their swift response , providing suppor t and guidance to affected businesses

We at CLH News are pleased to feature an insightful ar ticle by Ian Hurst, a leading employment lawyer from Duncan Lewis Solicitors, on page 4 His guidance offers valuable advice for those navigating these complex times

On a positive note , it is encouraging to see initiatives aimed at revitalizing our high streets The Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) has unveiled a package of measures to transform our evolving high streets, suppor ting pop-ups, creating mobile loyalty programs, and showcasing local streets in tourism campaigns These effor ts are vital for breathing new life into our town centres and suppor ting the next generation of entrepreneurs, which is essential for a thriving economy

As a publication based in Bournemouth town centre , we have witnessed firsthand the decline of once-bustling business areas Initiatives to reinvigorate our high streets are not just welcome but necessar y to restore the vibrancy and economic health of our communities

It does seem a bit of a


, and delighted to say had a thriving lunchtime trade , with business accounts, a

early evening trade and always bustling

Sector Issues Support Guidance in Wake of Riots


Arch13, a wine and cocktail bar in the area, closed early at 6pm, posting on Instagram: “While it’s absolutely bloody rubbish to have to close for the evening, the safety of our team and customers always comes first We hope you all understand and we will be back open as normal on Thursday ”

The Church, another venue in the Jeweller y Quar ter, also closed early, and in n Bristol, The Volunteer Tavern and Bristol Bear Bar closed for the whole day

Posting on Instagram, The Volunteer Tavern said: “We will be closing the pub all day out of concern for staff and customers This is a difficult decision because the goal of terrorists is to spread fear Closing the pub feels like letting them win

“But in reality, we recognise that our role as a community pub is to provide a space that spreads love , fights loneliness and builds solidarity Closing for one day for the safety of our staff and you, our customers, is not letting them win It is taking the precautions necessar y to ensure we can allow our community to thrive


Michael Kill CEO, Night Time Economy Association said; “As the CEO of the Night Time Economy Association I am compelled to address the escalating concerns regarding the safety of our staff and customers amidst the recent unrest and riots sweeping across the UK ”

“The night time economy comprising bars clubs restaurants and enter tainment venues has always been a vibrant and vital par t of our communities, bringing people together, providing joy, enter tainment, and significant economic contributions ”

“The surge in violence and disturbances in various cities has caused immediate physical damage and led to numerous closures, severely impacting trade Many businesses now face an uncer tain future , with long-term financial repercussions looming large The damages sustained and the subsequent loss of trade are significant blows to a sector that has already endured tremendous challenges over the past few years Millions of pounds could be lost in a matter of days as businesses are forced to close in fear of damage and threats to public safety ”

“The safety of our staff and customers is paramount We urge the authorities to take decisive action to restore order and ensure the protection of ever yone within the night time economy Our workers should not have to fear for their safety when coming to their place of employment, and our patrons should be able to enjoy their evenings out without the threat of violence ”

“We call on local and national governments to provide immediate sup-

por t to affected businesses This includes financial assistance to repair damages, a clear plan to restore public safety, and measures to prevent future unrest It is crucial that we work together to ensure our sector can recover and continue to thrive ”


“The night time economy is resilient but we cannot do this alone The long-term impact of these disturbances could be devastating if we do not act swiftly and decisively We must prioritise the safety and security of our communities to ensure that our beloved venues can continue to be places of enjoyment and social connection ”

“We stand united with our staff patrons and fellow business owners during these challenging times Together, we will work towards a safer, more secure environment for ever yone involved in the night time economy


Industr y trade bodies have published guidance to suppor t venues who suffer criminal damage or loss due to the riots, UKHospitality has published a suppor t hub for affected businesses and staff

Kate Nicholls, Chief Executive of UKHospitality said:“It was hear twrenching to see the awful scenes in some of our towns and high streets over the weekend and to see hospitality businesses workers and guests targeted and affected

This will have been an extraordinarily distressing time for those affected and there is an abundance of resources available to help, from business compensation and safety to wellbeing suppor t, and we ’ ve collated that into one place for easy access

“I hope that critical ser vices like insurance providers and banks as well as local authorities, will all be on an emergency footing to help those affected businesses swiftly, to ensure they can recover quickly ”


The British Beer and pub association (BBPA) have shared general advice from the Metropolitan Police Business Crime Prevention Team

Where pubs have concerns for staff and customer safety, the ProtectUK website offers some broad advice on evacuation, invacuation, lockdown, protected spaces Whilst this is focused on counter-terrorism mitigations, the advice will also be useful for publicans that want to be prepared Updating risk assessments and ensuring all staff are aware of what to do in the event of an incident are the key steps to take

In the meantime , the Police have offered the following general advice to pub operators

• Despite the apparent formality of having a list of potential protests , they are

in the main fairly spontaneous events i e likely an individual posting and hoping to get suppor t For that reason operator s should be minded they can occur anywhere It can be difficult to predict where protests will ar ise

• Although the recent focus of protests has been on locations that they believe asylum seeker s are res ding it could spread into wider areas This can result in general disorder inc luding widespread cr iminal damage and loot ng

• High value and por table goods are obvious targets and that can nc lude alcohol stoc ks that a pub may hold

• Pr imar y focus s to keep staff and customer s safe and if necessar y evacuation or evacuation as appropr iate

• Some sensible precautions can be taken by pubs: keeping all glass container s c leared as soon as possible;

• Not using outside spaces f there s early ind cations of a protest;

• Clear ing away any street furniture that can used as missiles;

• Removing or keeping high value stoc k secure and or out of sight

• Polycarb/plast c container s is always a good option as is decanting dr inks – it helps to prevent the use of bottles and glass wear used as weapons


Details of the Government’s compensation scheme for riot damage is available here In the event of a riot victims of the resulting criminal damage to proper ty and insurers who pay out for riot damages are entitled to claim for cer tain types of loss from the claims authority responsible for the geographical area where the riot took place

Claims must be received by the claims authority within 43 days after the riot For disturbances lasting more than one day, the 43 days star t from the day on which the riot ends – the riot reference date


The unrest has resulted in more than 400 arrests and 100 people charged, Prime Minister Keir Starmer has pledges a standing army of around 6,000 police officers on standby to tackle any fur ther riots

During a visit to a mosque in Solihull, the prime minister told broadcasters: “We were able to demonstrate the criminal justice system working speedily, so yesterday we saw the sentencing of individuals who had been involved in disorder days ago, some of them getting sentences as long as three years That sent a ver y powerful message , adding that it was “impor tant that we don’t let up here”

Riots, Civil Unrest and Your Responsibilities as an Employer

As rioting and unrest continue due to right-wing extremists spreading misinformation regarding the tragic death of three children in Southpor t, many businesses are rightly concerned about their obligations to their staff in these challenging times This issue is par ticularly per tinent to catering retail and hospitality businesses which face unique challenges during periods of social unrest

Wisely, many businesses in areas where ‘protests’ were scheduled to take place shuttered up early, but what are your responsibilities as an employer in the catering, retail and hospitality businesses industr y?


Employers have a duty of care to their employees, which includes providing a safe workplace Businesses such as pubs, shops, restaurants, and hotels may choose to temporarily close to ensure the safety of their employees and customers This decision often results in temporar y layoffs for employees In such cases businesses are typically required to continue paying employees who are ready and willing to work unless there is a specific contractual right to lay them off or reduce their hours It is essential for employers to review their contracts to understand their obligations clearly

In the catering and hospitality sector, where businesses rely heavily on face-to-face interactions and a steady flow of customers, incidents of civil unrest can severely disrupt the business, many of which are already struggling due to the economic situation Temporar y closures not only affect revenue but also put a strain on employees who depend on regular work for their livelihoods


Moreover, depending on the terms of the employment contract, it might be possible for employers to request employees to take annual leave during periods of closure However, most employment contracts stipulate that holidays should be taken at a mutually convenient time Therefore , it is unlikely that an employer could impose holiday leave on an employee especially at shor t notice without breaching contractual terms Employers should communicate transparently with their staff about any necessar y changes and seek agreement where possible to maintain good employee relations


Employers should also be flexible with star t and finish times to accommodate employees who might face disruptions in their journey to work due to the unrest Adjusting work hours can help employees avoid traveling

during periods of heightened disruption, thereby ensuring their safety and well-being


Forcing an employee to work when they do not feel safe could result in claims of constructive dismissal

Constructive dismissal occurs when an employee feels forced to resign due to their employer's behaviour, which they consider a significant breach of their contract the employer’s duty to provide a safe working enviroment Employers must take employees' concerns seriously and act reasonably to address them to avoid such claims

Constructive dismissal claims can be costly for employers even when dealing with staff on zero hour contracts Legal fees for both par ties tribunal fees and potential compensation awards including basic and compensator y damages, can quickly add up Employers might also face reputational damage , operational disruptions, and a decline in staff morale and productivity

Mitigating these risks requires clear contracts, fair treatment of all employees, effective communication, and strict adherence to employment laws and best practices Employers should address grievances promptly to avoid costly claims and maintain a positive workplace environment


Additionally, employers must recognise the increased risks posed to some staff due to their beliefs or ethnicity During such volatile times, individuals from cer tain backgrounds often face heightened threats

Offering additional suppor t, adjusting work arrangements, or providing security measures can be a great way of making people feel more safe and improving the productivity in the long run


It is vital to that employer’s be mindful of the mental health impact on their employees The stress and anxiety caused by the unrest can affect employees' well-being and productivity Providing access to mental health resources and suppor t can help employees cope with these challenging times


Employers in the catering, retail and hospitality sector must consider the impact of unrest on their customers and the broader community Ensuring that their establishments remain safe and welcoming can help mitigate some of the negative effects of the unrest This might involve enhancing security measures, providing clear communication to customers about safety protocols, and working with local authorities to stay informed about potential risks Navigating these turbulent times with care and consideration is crucial, ensuring the safety and well-being of employees while maintaining compliance with legal obligations

While closing early for a few hours may be expensive , nothing is more valuable than the health and safety of you, your family, your staff, and your customers

Hospitality Charity Only A Pavement Away Appoints Seven New Ambassadors

The pioneering UK charity, Only A Pavement Away, that suppor ts people facing homelessness and those wanting to rebuild their lives through employment, has announced the appointment of seven new ambassadors

Mar tin Williams CEO of Rare Restaurants brings with him a wealth of leadership experience from the hospitality sector, along with Janene Pretorious, Group Director of People and Culture at The Wolseley Hospitality Group, who can share her understanding of the value of suppor ting and championing the people working in the industr y

Anthony Pender, founder of Yummy Collection, and Nick Mackenzie , CEO of Greene King, are established exper ts with many years of experience from the pub and bar industr y, with Nick previously being CEO of Merlin, whilst Matthew Beard, Cluster Managing Director of Strand Palace Hotel comes armed with knowledge of the hotel sector and a pioneer of cultivating happiness and wellbeing of staff within large scale operations

Greg Maguire , Founder of Manchester Hospitality Network, brings over 15 years of experience within the hospitality sector specialising in sales and commercial par tnerships and Lucy Noone Blake is co-founder of Pear a hospitality communications consultancy based out of Manchester She brings a wealth of contacts and context in the nor thern market to the charity

Each of the new ambassadors will play a vital role in the charity, helping to communicate Only A Pavement Away’s values and mission statement Their positions as prominent figures in the hospitality industr y allows them to share their combined knowledge and exper tise around the benefits of working within this dynamic sector, helping to highlight the hard work the charity does on a day-today basis

Greg Mangham, CEO and Founder of Only A Pavement Away, commented:

“We are delighted to announce the appointment of seven new ambassadors at Only A Pavement Away, each picked for the incredible work and remarkable impact they have made within the hospitality sector They have already contributed magnificently, and can’t understate how much their hard work means to us We can’t wait to progress these par tnerships and feel their involvement with the charity will help us to continue to highlight the impor tance of hiring from different talent pools and show how by suppor ting people who need it, we can better the industr y ” Only A Pavement Away has recently announced the placement of their 500th member into employment, calculating an estimated £25 6 million bonus to the British economy through reduced government suppor t, financial independence , and increased household expenditure

the employment depar tment at Duncan Lewis Solicitor s (www duncanlewis co uk)

Consumer Confidence Reaches Three Year High Says PwC

The latest PwC Consumer Sentiment Sur vey shows consumers are finally feeling more confident after three years of instability

The sur vey, conducted in July, in the immediate aftermath of the general election, highlights encouraging trends in confidence that will hopefully translate into pounds spent on the high street

The sur vey, a key indicator of the propensity to spend over the following 6 to 12 months has been running for over sixteen years

In September 2022 it hit a record low of 44 but has been slowly increasing over the last eighteen months The latest sur vey shows that sentiment increased from -5 over Easter weekend to 0 the weekend after the general election This improvement is above the long-run average and is seen across most demographics, excluding ABs and 35-44s

These positive developments have been felt across the board Notably, lower socioeconomic groups and individuals aged 65 and above have seen the biggest improvements in confidence

Moreover, individuals aged 65 and above now exhibit the same level of optimism as those aged 35-44 Factors contributing to this improvement include lower inflation, wage and benefit increases, pension rises and NI cuts This uptick has meant an increase in the number of consumers repor ting more money left over for luxuries or savings, up from 27% in September 2022 to 34% in the latest research

This means the gap between the most and least affluent, which we saw widen in the past year - to its largest since we star ted measuring consumer sentiment - has begun to close

Spending on holidays, fashion and grocer y have seen the biggest improvement, with 38% of consumers now planning to spend more on groceries, 21% on holidays and 13% on clothing, shoes and accessories

Last minute holiday bookings for this summer have boomed, with more consumers waiting until closer to depar ture to finalise their plans As a result, holidays have become the most impor tant discretionar y spending categor y in our July sur vey, eclipsing spending on health and wellbeing and home improvement

Despite the positive trends, consumers remain careful with their spending The sur vey reveals that the same

percentage of individuals (72%) are planning shor t-term cutbacks as last summer More affluent groups, such as As and Bs, are equally likely to be cutting back on spending as less affluent groups, which will affect retail and leisure operators targeting consumers at both ends of the spectrum

Preliminar y sur veys suggest a cautiously optimistic outlook for festive spending In July 20% of consumers indicated plans to spend more on Christmas shopping and celebrations with younger demographics par ticularly upbeat Although this isn’t a substantial rise , it marks an improvement from last year ' s figures Historically, spending intentions tend to grow more positive as Christmas approaches

However more people plan to travel abroad for the holidays potentially reducing domestic spending on gifts This aligns with a broader trend of prioritising holidays over other discretionar y expenditure

Lisa Hooker Leader of Industr y for Consumer Markets comments: “It is good to see the improvement in consumer sentiment this summer to the highest level in three years as this, together with more money in shoppers’ pockets from falling inflation and pay and benefit increases, means the outlook for spending should improve This will be a welcome relief for retailers after a challenging first six months of 2023 It also gives us more confidence for the all impor tant Golden Quar ter and Christmas periods par ticularly in categories that consumers are seeking to prioritise more such as fashion and groceries ”

“But it is not all plain sailing, we still need to be mindful of the engrained consumer 'cut back' mentality that has developed over the past few challenging years and prioritisation of experiences over material goods Fur ther geopolitical or economic surprises can also impact unexpectedly This means consumers will be selective about where they spend and where they cut back and so not all with benefit from this uptick”

“However, overall, we do think the reasons to be cheerful outweigh the reasons to be fearful Savvy retail and leisure operators could steal a march on their peers by engaging effectively with consumers to give them a reason to spend profitably and responsibly”

Expert Shares 6 Alfresco Tips To Help Your Business Flourish During The Summer

With summer now here , bringing warmer weather, Brits will be excited about the possibility of enjoying alfresco dining at their favourite restaurants and food venues

Rachael Kiss from Alliance Online (www allianceonline co uk), one of the largest catering suppliers in the UK, has shared 6 tips for anyone who is interested in providing their customers with alfresco dining this summer

“Alfresco dining is par ticularly popular in the summer months when the weather is at its best However, there are cer tain things you should be aware of before opening up your business which may historically always have ser ved food indoors to providing alfresco dining ”

1. Ensure health and safety compliance is considered and met

“When considering adding alfresco dining to your venue ensure you have first carried out a health and safety check for the area This is a must as you will

The AVL A Licence – A Legal Requirement

When travellers check in at a proper ty, they expect a cer tain level of comfor t and enter tainment Television is indispensable While some may argue that TV is dying in the age of streaming and on-demand content, in reality it remains essential, especially in the UK Television still holds great value for the hospitality industr y However, with the convenience and benefits of offering television come cer tain responsibilities par ticularly respecting copyright laws Hoteliers must ensure they have the necessar y licences to broadcast content legally

The AVLA licence enables hotels, apar thotels, B&Bs and similar establishments to legally display in public TV channels containing audiovisual works (films, series, documentaries, car toons and other TV shows) from AVLA’s extensive reper toire It

covers TVs in bedrooms and in communal areas of the premises (e g in a hotel’s restaurant, bar, etc )

Operating without a licence constitutes a legal infringement of the rights of AVLA’s creatives AVLA represents the UK largest and most varied community of audiovisual creators comprising various categories of rightsholders: producers, authors, performers, directors, and visual ar tists The AVLA licence covers an immense catalogue of works and rights not covered by other licensors For clarity, the AVLA licence does not replace the licences of other entities, and vice-versa

Respecting copyright law is crucial not only to avoid legal or reputational risks, but also to suppor t the UK’s world-class creative industries So, by taking an AVLA licence , hotels are securing legal compliance and demonstrating their commitment to ethical business practices, while also helping to sustain and suppor t the creative individuals and businesses working hard to produce the TV and film content that is so valued by their customers

To learn more about AVLA and get the licence , visit www avla uk

July Card Spending Falls but Pubs, Bars & Clubs Record Sales Uplift

Harness Hospitality ’s Potential, Wales New First Minister Urged


of UKHospitality Cymru, said: “I’d like to congratulate Eluned Morgan on becoming the new First Minister and I look forward to working with her to achieve hospitality’s potential

Adding that she looked forward to the day when a “ woman becoming first minister is no

“The new First Minister’s commitment to listening, par tnership and economic growth is ver y welcome indeed and I hope we will enter a period of much-needed stability, where Government and businesses can

work together to drive economic growth, regenerate our towns and cities, and create fulfilling jobs in Wales

“Hospitality can be the central pillar to achieving those goals, with a presence in ever y par t of the countr y and its unique position at the hear t of communities

“Hospitality already ser ves Wales in so many ways and creates places where people want to live , work and invest, but we can do so much more I hope the First Minister recognises that and puts our sector at the centre of Welsh Government’s economic and industrial policy ”

Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs) Could Be the Next Big Thing for the Hospitality Industry



In the dynamic landscape of UK business, Employee Ownership Trusts (EOTs) have emerged as an increasingly compelling model, par ticularly for sectors like hospitality that thrive on a strong and motivated workforce

Introduced by the Finance Act 2014 EOTs offer a structured pathway for business owners looking to exit while protecting their legacy and ensuring continuity, employee engagement, and significant tax advantages WHAT IS AN EOT?

An Employee Ownership Trust is a mechanism that allows a business to be owned, indirectly, by its employees through a trust This model provides the team with a tangible stake in the company, fostering a strong sense of ownership and responsibility that has been proven to increase loyalty and personal investment Unlike traditional employee share ownership plans, an EOT holds the shares collectively on behalf of all employees, creating a more stable , long-term ownership structure , largely unaffected by inevitable churn BENEFITS FOR HOSPITALITY BUSINESSES The

5. Enhanced business performance:

o Researc h and case studies have shown that employee-owned businesses often

resilience Emp oyee owner ship can lead to increased innovation, productivity, and overall business performance


While the benefits are compelling, transitioning to an EOT requires careful planning and consideration:

• Valuation and financing:

o The business must be accurately valued, and a financing plan should be estab ished to fund the purc hase

• Legal and structural setup:

o Setting up an EOT involves legal complexities It’s essential to work with legal advisor s who are exper ienced in this field to ensure compliance with all relevant regulations and to structure the trust appropr ately

• Employee communication and engagement:

o For the trans tion to be the most successful c lear and transparent communication with employees is crucial It’s been shown that EOT transitions are more successful when employees under stand how the EOT works and what it means for both their individual roles , and the future of the business


For hospitality businesses in the UK, transitioning to an EOT can be a strategic move that ensures business continuity, enhances employee engagement, and provides significant tax benefits to the vendors By aligning the interests of employees with the success of the business, EOTs can create a sustainable and thriving business model that benefits all stakeholders As more businesses explore this innovative ownership structure the hospitality sector stands to gain substantially from the adoption of EOTs

New Report Sets Out Future Vision To Support And Transform Our High Streets

The UK’s biggest business group has unveiled a package of new measures to help transform life on our ever-evolving high streets for the millions of small firms based on them

Suppor ting pop-ups and temporar y use initiatives for new businesses, creating mobile phone-based loyalty programmes, and showcasing local high streets in major tourism campaigns are some of the recommendations set out to revive the UK’s village , town and city centres, in a landmark new repor t by the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)

The Future of the High Street repor t, published Monday August 5 builds up a picture of life for small firms in and around the high street and sets out a plan to help transform them into places that meet future needs and suppor t the next generation of entrepreneurs, which is essential for a thriving economy FSB is calling for a specialised fund to be created to suppor t popups, markets, and temporar y use initiatives for first-time businesses

set up on the high street With more than a third (39%) of high street small businesses saying

of affordable commercial space is impor tant for the future of an area,


will not only fill vacant sites but also provide oppor tunities for small firms eager to launch in a physical premises

The repor t which features in-depth analysis following a large-scale sur vey of small businesses also suggests a specialised fund to suppor t a mobile phone-based loyalty programme for high street firms, and launching community-specific online marketplaces to showcase local

tions and coordination of campaigns


• Plummeting consumer spending (70%), falling footfall (47%) and crime or anti-social behaviour (47%) are the biggest risks to high streets according to the small firms based on them

• Over half of

“Before the General Election we were pleased to see Labour’s emphasis on improving life on the

for small firms It’s now time for the new Government


Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS): Demystifying The Reforms

It’s no secret that businesses in the hospitality sector have been struggling under the weight of a highly volatile energ y market The recent findings of our annual Business Energ y Tracker confirmed that 40% of respondents said that energ y costs are still their top concern

With unpredictable costs, uncer tainty over energ y security and how the UK will facilitate the move to renewables, the need to plan for a more sustainable and dynamic energ y system has been a key focus of the recent General Election

For businesses in the sector to truly benefit from a secure , responsive , low-carbon energ y system that also suppor ts the UK’s net zero goals a radical remodelling has to take place This includes the ability to manage all aspects of electricity more efficiently We need to change the way we supply, trade , consume and interact with electricity, ensuring that the system becomes far more targeted, responsive and flexible

A key enabler of this energ y transformation will be Market-wide Half-

Hourly Settlement (MHHS) – a revolutionar y reform instigated by Ofgem, the energ y regulator Set to be one of the biggest transformations to the British electricity market since privatisation MHHS will enable more granular and timely data to understand how and when consumers use electricity


The industr y timeline for delivering MHHS star ts in April 2025 and runs throughout 2026 The level of the changes you may see as an organisation depends on the type of meter you currently have installed For example , if you already have an automated meter reading (AMR), Smar t or Half-Hourly meter it is unlikely that any change in meter will be required

If businesses have any remaining traditional meters in place the best way for them to access the benefits of MHHS and avoid any additional costs is to replace these with AMR or a Smar t meter as soon as possible This will allow owners and licensees to par ticipate in future opportunities, deliver immediate benefits by making billing more accurate , and eliminate the need to read meters manually

There are energ y monitoring and measurement platforms available that allow facilities managers to visualise , track and analyse a site’s consumption – often with enhanced repor ting to help maximise efficiencies and reduce costs as well as carbon emissions

Using these platforms such as our Intelligent Analytics tool means your data can then be transformed into actionable insights to be used across your organisation


The good news is that the businesses we spoke to for this year ’ s Business Energ y Tracker are already becoming more energ y data savvy It

is clear that the energ y crisis has resulted in them being much more aware of their energ y use with many actively monitoring their consumption data and using it to facilitate change in their organisations

However, there is a lack of awareness of MHHS - 53% said they weren’t aware of the reform - and the impact it could have

Almost a third (30%) of businesses say that they have changed their energ y meter to one that provides more detailed data as a way of managing energ y risk In addition, 40% say that they are now using more advanced technologies like AMR meters and 60% are using Half-Hourly meters to get a more granular picture of their energ y consumption


Once implemented MHHS will provide an incredible level of visibility into how much electricity is being consumed for ever y 30-minute period throughout the day and night – that’s 48 data points for ever y UK meter ever y 24 hours

Having access to this additional insight will help suppor t an energ y system that can forecast, generate and distribute electricity far more efficiently than ever before

MHHS will also suppor t the more flexible use of electricity We’re already star ting to see this with the popularity of ‘time of use ’ tariffs, which incentivise the use of energ y at times of abundant supply and away from peak-demand periods

By prioritising and understanding energ y data, owners and licensees can make informed decisions, demonstrate the value of investments, and take meaningful actions towards energ y management and sustainability goals For more information, visit nBS’s

Win A Keg Of Beer Every Month For A Year

Ross Kemp is offering one lucky licensee the chance to win a year of free stock, as par t of his par tnership with HEINEKEN Smar tDispense®

With the third episode of the Ross Kemp Behind Bars campaign launched this week, the actor, journalist and documentar y maker, Ross Kemp is celebrating by offering one licensee a free keg of beer ever y month for a year

In the final episode of the series (watch here) Ross visits two iconic London pubs The Elephant’s Head and The Henley Arms to investigate how HEINEKEN Smar tDispense® enables licensees to reduce beer, cider, water, CO2 and cleaning material wastage by up to 85%*, and pour the perfect pint ever y time

To fur ther suppor t the UK pub trade , at the same time he is launching a competition to win free beer for a year, open to any licensee that signs-up to install Smar tDispense® in venue between August and the end of October The winner will receive a free keg of any HEINKEN UK beer brand of their choosing, each month for 12-months in 2025 HEINEKEN’s leading beer brands include Heineken®, Foster’s, Cruzcampo, John Smith’s, Amstel, and Birra Moretti To enter, simply visit https://smar tdispense heineken co uk/events/behind-bars/ and fill in your details**

At the same time , a new consumer competition aimed at driving footfall into UK

Suncream Ice Cream - The Great Taste of the Summer

Euros Hangover Pushes Drinks Sales Down Year-On-Year

Popular Didsbury Pub Raises Thousands For Local Charity

Big-hear ted Mar tin also



Francis House provides

£1,400 for the



Managing director of Hydes, Adam Mayers, said: “It’s

his dedicated team at the Fletcher Moss motivating customers to suppor t such an impor tant local cause Suppor ting local charities is a

of how Hydes pubs interact with their communities It remains an activity that we have encouraged for years, working with individual pubs in their own communities and we will continue to do so moving forward

“At Hydes we fully recognise that pubs are an integral par t of the communities they operate in and as they are often hubs for these communities they must do ever ything they can to help deser ving causes ”

and young people with life-limiting illnesses and the necessar y suppor t and shor t-term care for their families It suppor ts approximately 2,000 people at any one time with respite care homecare sibling suppor t end of life care and emotional and bereavement suppor t Mar tin commented: “I like to suppor t a local charity as you can see where the money is going and what a difference it makes Francis House is a fantastic charity and my customers really do get behind suppor ting it by donating generously and getting involved with fundraising initiatives It’s

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Six Steps to Enhancing Guest Satisfaction

Guest satisfaction is at the core of the hospitality industr y This is a people-to-people business, so all hotels are aiming to have the highest performance in terms of guest satisfaction Those who consistently achieve high scores are more likely to generate customer loyalty and benefit from word-ofmouth adver tising, which ultimately helps them boost their revenue

I’ve always worked in operational depar tments and have been a myster y guest, auditor and quality assurance specialist, so I’ve had the pleasure of seeing first-hand how proper ties around the world are striving to achieve this It’s why they invest so much in tr ying to provide all the tools and resources their teams need to attain high customer satisfaction levels

When I star ted in the hospitality industr y over 20 years ago the environment was completely different But today, with social media reviews and all the information available to guests before they even arrive , expectations are now higher than ever We’re living in such fast-paced times and new trends are emerging all the time , so it s becoming even more of a challenge for hotels to adapt to changing guest behaviours and preferences They’re now having to not only meet but also exceed guest expectations And the pace at which they change means it’s incredibly difficult for hotels to stay aligned with them


When looking at how to increase guest satisfaction in hotels, understanding what a guest’s expectations are is critical So one of the things hotels almost always ask is the reason for a customer’s stay That simple clue helps hotels gain a basic understanding of what guest expectations will be For example , I’m not the same if I’m travelling for business purposes as I am if I’m travelling with my kids I’m the same guest but have completely different needs

All the new systems we have in hotels that allow us to build guest profiles provide crucial information for hoteliers And if it’s a loyal guest, hotels can build up a ver y clear picture about their preferences That data is incredibly helpful because it allows hoteliers to anticipate needs and prepare better for meeting expectations, which in turn helps them create memorable experiences and boost customer loyalty The resulting higher levels of guest satisfaction can, of course , lead to increased revenue

A good example of that is cultural awareness It can help so much when tr ying to create emotional connections with guests


One of the great ways of meeting and exceeding guest expectations and therefore achieving higher customer satisfaction levels is through providing a personalised ser vice

That’s why hotels focus on personalising ser vice , using the valuable customer information they have gained through previous interactions, purchase histor y and other personalisation techniques to deliver exceptional guest experiences There’s also a great oppor tunity to upsell and generate more revenue by tailoring guest experiences Because the more you get to know your guest, the more you can offer things for which they really are willing to pay a premium

It’s almost a vir tuous circle too, because those improved financial results will give you the funds you need to create good training programs for employees, which helps ensure they are equipped to deliver those memorable experiences to guests


Hotels can use many different techniques for creating a memorable experience for guests by personalising their stay, including leaving welcoming gifts in their rooms or offering complimentar y refreshments Often they are just little things that don t cost much but can create a lasting impression

However, in my personal experience , I do not remember how luxurious the hotel was or the specific ser vices offered I remember people Yes, the personalisation techniques are impor tant, but what really creates that customer loyalty are those human connections

So of course , hotels need to deliver a consistent high-quality product and ser vices adapted to the guests’ requests But at the end of the day, what enables them to create those memories is actually employee engagement

For management, it becomes a question of caring for employees and guests at the same time If you create that ‘hospitality mindset’ as the general manager, you will be co-creating those special memories Of course , you can build guest profiles from all the advanced technolog y you have at your disposal But sometimes you find out how you can make a stay truly memorable through just a small guest-employee interaction That’s why having employees who are engaged is so impor tant

There is a nice Japanese concept called Kuuki Yomenai that I love because it refers to reading the ambiance and having the sensitivity to notice , for example , if a guest wants to talk or not Once you star t being aware of a customer’s feelings you can really make a difference

It would be amazing to create ‘ wow ’ experiences ever y time we have an interaction with guests But in real life , that s not possible , even in the most luxurious hotels in the world However, if you foster that guest-oriented culture in which employees are engaged, at some point in what we call the ‘guest cycle’, there should be moments when you can create that emotional connection


When it comes to delivering more memorable guest experiences, I believe employee satisfaction is critical If you ’ re happy where you are working and if you know you have suppor t no matter what situation and are empowered, that will help you meet and exceed guest expectations

The industr y is facing many challenges at the moment and high employee turnover rates mean it’s difficult to retain the kind of talent you need to deliver memorable experiences So from my point of view ‘conscious leadership that is committed to employee engagement is what hotels need to meet those challenges

This is a people-to-people business and we should focus on employees who are the real stars of creating memorable experiences for guests If employees are being the best version of themselves, they will enable hotels to attain the guest satisfaction levels they need So they need to be given the suppor t, the tools and the feedback that will enable them to shine


Of course , as the saying goes, if you don’t measure something, you can’t improve it, so it’s critical for hotels to gather feedback from guests about their stays as well This not only helps them gauge the effectiveness of their internal processes, it also helps when it comes to personalising the interactions you may have with guests in future

Asking for feedback can be great for generating positive reviews that can lead to increased bookings, but it can be dangerous too For example , if you have a sur vey sample of 50 people and just two guests mention the buffet offer is not up to their expectations of course you need to follow it up but it’s not something that means you need to completely change your strateg y

Another thing hoteliers should consider is that complaints are also an oppor tunity to exceed guest expectations If a guest is taking the time to ask to speak to a manager, it’s because they really want to share what happened to them

That means you can gather information that’s useful for improving ser vice in future and maybe turn things around for the guest at the same time It’s also a chance to forge a connection, solve a problem and make the guest feel you have listened to them and care what they think

I’m still in contact with some guests who made complaints to me in the past They still send me messages, so despite the situation, they knew I was willing to help and tr y to solve their problem




Many of the larger hotel brands have different tiers designed to appeal to specific audiences and so align with their par ticular expectations During my time with Westin – par t of Marriott International – I was par t of a program looking at how to connect its brand promise with real life across all our different programs and offers

One of these was the value of ‘wellbeing’ and involved a range of initiatives such as ‘sleep well’, in which we provided lavender essential oils and different pillows depending on guests preferences Hotels have genuine oppor tunities to customise their offer to align with cer tain guest expectations and people for whom those values are impor tant will tend to gravitate towards such brands

Creating a brand identity and delivering on that brand promise helps you provide the kind of experience guests are expecting which in turn helps boost your guest satisfaction levels if you are genuinely delivering on them Not ever y hotel is able to provide personalised ser vice and that’s mainly due to a lack of resources But if brands create something specific that is aligned with their guests’ desires and expectations, they can create powerful connection with them

On the flip side , failing to deliver on those brand promises can create dissatisfaction, though again, that may provide you with the oppor tunity to put things right For example in my last proper ty we had challenges with guest satisfaction among our top tier loyalty program members They put a lot of business our way throughout the year, so whenever they were on holiday, they expected to stay in suites But in high season, we were not always able to accommodate those expectations

Again, it came down to small details and tr ying to recognise their loyalty level with simple extras to make those guests feel impor tant It didn’t cost much; it was more about making that emotional connection And we reached the highest satisfaction scores in the loyalty program for the whole of the EMEA region It was a question of appreciation and meant more than just sending them a complementar y gift or something

Human needs are always the same – we want to feel appreciated, cared for and that we belong In this case , as soon as we star ted making those customers feel that way by recognising their loyalty we were able to uplift guest satisfaction to unprecedented levels

Energy for Rural Hospitality Businesses –


“National Scandal Must Not Happen Again” – Campaign For Real Ale

In the wake of the one-year anniversar y which saw the iconic and much-loved Crooked House pub destroyed by fire and shocking the nation, the Campaign for Real Ale is calling for action to make sure this never happens again

Following the fire in Himley, Staffordshire , the pub was demolished – shining a light on the sheer number of unlawful demolitions that take place across the UK – which C AMRA declared a nationwide scandal ’

C AMRA and local campaigners have called for the Crooked House to be rebuilt ‘brick by brick’ C AMRA has also urged UK governments to act against unscrupulous developers with strong enforcement laws put in place , to protect the pubs

In 2023, 260 pubs were lost forever due to conversion or demolition, and repor ts from C AMRA volunteers across the countr y show that many pubs continue to be demolished or conver ted without apparent planning permission These include at least 10 in the six months in the run up to demolition of the Crooked House and a fur ther 29 in England since which are currently being investigated by C AMRA

It aims to draw attention to the


• The Burn Bulloc k Mitc

of work and thousands of pounds of fundraising that


In the wake of the fire and demolition C AMRA joined forces with the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMC A) to ensure pubs of value that are at risk are properly protected through a successful public ‘List your Local’ campaign

C AMRA’s Pub Campaigns Director Gar y Timmins said: “A year after the loss of the Crooked House the pain felt by locals and campaigners is still just as fresh In August last year, I wrote to Housing and Planning Minister, asking for central government to take action to deter unscrupulous developers and ensure that illegally demolished pubs are rebuilt ‘brick by brick’

A year later, our aims and our dedication have not changed We want there to be a happy ending to this tragic stor y and to see other pubs protected ”

Following a police investigation, people were arrested in connection with the fire

The six people that were arrested and bailed have been released under investigation pending fur ther enquiries

In the wake of the Crooked House , C AMRA has revealed a number of other pubs lost to fire in suspicious

C AMRA’s Pub Campaigns Director Gar y Timmins said: “In





that the Crooked House deser ved ” Now with a new Government in place , the fight continues to ensure improvements to

powers for councils

C AMRA Chairman Nik Antona said: “The events at the Crooked House were a tragedy that captured the emotions of pub lovers across the UK Yet the scandal of unlawful pub conversions and demolitions continues ”

“Over this last year, we have been tireless in our campaigning and our message that more protection is needed for pubs across the UK It is vital that this new Government echoes this sentiment, and we see

change to policy to secure the future of our pub stock and cultural heritage ”

Greene King Set to Trial Return and Refill of Glass Bottles Sold In Its Pubs

KP Snacks Launches New League of

Revealed: Food & Accommodation Sector

Faces 22% Decline in Self Employed

There are approximately 4 3 million self-employed workers in the UK contributing around £278 billion to the economy each year Post-pandemic , the sector suffered from rising costs and financial uncer tainty but has since slowly recovered New data, however, has revealed year-on-year self-employment numbers have fallen in all but 3 industries

The exper ts at Dolan Accountancy analysed the latest ONS data to reveal which industries are seeing the biggest changes in self-employment

The data shows a 3% decrease in self-employed workers year-year In total there were 4 250 self-employed workers in March 2024, compared with 4,373 in the same period before Just 3 out of the 14 industries repor ted an increase in the number of self-employed since March 2023

The Agricultural, Forestr y and Fishing industr y recorded the highest growth in self-employment, increasing by almost a third (28%) since March last year This is followed by the Public administration & defence sector which has grown 25% in the past year

The Construction sector has also witnessed a small growth in self-employment, increasing by 5% in the past year The Construction sector continues to have the highest number of self-employed workers than any other sector, reaching a high of 773 in 2024; the highest since pre-pandemic levels

When looking at the industries facing a decline in self-employment, the Finance and Insurance sector has

seen the largest decline in the past year Overall there has been a 24% decline in self-employed since March 2023 in the sector This is closely followed by the Food and Accommodation sector which has seen a 22% decline

Real Estate and Manufacturing industries have also witnessed a significant drop in self-employment over the last year The number of self-employed in the real Estate sector has fallen nearly 20% and the Manufacturing sector has seen a 15% decline

Zeeshan Anwar, Head of Compliance at Dolan Accountancy, says: “Self-employed workers are a significant par t of our economy The numbers naturally reflect the aftermath of the pandemic but more needs to be done to retain and suppor t the self-employed across all sectors The self-employed, especially the solo self-employed working by themselves, have experienced ongoing challenging financial conditions With persistent low incomes, and rising costs, these pressures are affecting their wellbeing and they need to continue to be suppor ted The new Labour government plan to strengthen rights and protections for self-employed workers including the right to a written contract action to tackle late payments and extending health and safety and blacklisting protections, we would hope to see more suppor t for the self-employed ”

Winterhalter Gets Ready for the Top Ten Countdown to the 2024 KP of the Year

2024 sees Winterhalter celebrate the 10th Kitchen Por ter of the Year competition, which aims to recognise the amazing work so many kitchen por ters do to keep the UK’s foodser vice industr y in peak condition

Since it was first held in 2013 KPOTY has become one of the biggest and most prestigious awards in the industr y, and has been praised for its focus on the vital role kitchen por ters play in catering and foodser vice In many businesses KPs are the secret weapons of the kitchen going above and beyond their standard duties to keep them running smoothly For many of the biggest names in the industr y the experience they gained during their time as KPs ser ved as the foundation to their future career

Over seven hundred nominations have been made over the previous nine competitions, representing all sectors of foodser vice , including the UK’s best hotels and restaurants, pubs bars and clubs, and institutional and contract caterers, demonstrating the importance of KPs throughout the industr y

“When we first came up with the idea for KP of the Year we had no idea that it would get the response it did,” says Stephen Kinkead, Winterhalter UK’s managing director “It’s all about putting KPs and the work they do in the spotlight It’s humbling to read the nominations – learning about the dedication and effor t so many of them bring to their jobs is always inspiring ”

The KP of the Year 2024 will be awarded the prestigious KPOTY trophy as well as

£1000 in vouchers and a celebrator y meal for friends and family in a casual dining restaurant of their choice Fur thermore , the winning KP’s employer will get a piece of Winterhalter equipment wor th up to £10,000

Along with this, three highly commended KPs will receive vouchers to hospitality experiences, and ever y nominee will get a bespoke KP of the Year apron designed by Oliver Hardy

“Over the years we ’ ve received nominations from a hugely diverse range of businesses ” says Stephen “For our tenth competition we ’ re looking forward to discovering more of the industr y ’ s exceptional kitchen heroes!”

Nominations are open until the 30th of August More information about the competition and previous winners, along with a link to the nomination form, can be found at www kpoftheyear com

Winterhalter provides a total solution for dishwashing and glasswashing, from presales advice to after-sales ser vice , training and maintenance , with sustainability fitted as standard Alongside its market-leading dish washers and glass washers, the company ’ s range includes utensil washers, advanced water treatment machines, and cleaning detergents and rinse aids For fur ther details, call Winterhalter on 01908 359000, visit or email

Croeso Pubs Opens Its Newest Acquisition, The Bear’s Head In Penarth

New First Minister Invited to their Local to Discuss the Future of Welsh Pubs

Fuller’s Acquires Lovely Pubs

Popular Wrexham Village Pub

Gears Up For Annual Festival

Revolution Bars Restructuring Proposal Approved in High Court

Revolution Bars has been given the

ahead to implement a restructuring plan that will see it close more than a quar ter of its bars, reduce its rental obligations and extend and amend its lending facilities, in a move designed to save the business from collapse following a drop in late-night trade after the pandemic Revolution Bars Limited, par t of a group owning the Revolucion de

Lawyers for the business said it was

on funding from the group “in order to sur vive” but it was predicted to “ run out of cash” in August

At a hearing in London on Thursday, Mr Justice Richards approved the plan, concluding it was “not unfair” to creditors, landlords and shareholders

The restructuring scheme will amend Revolution Bars

order to create a sustainable business” Tom Smith KC , representing Revolution Bars Limited, told the hearing that the firm and its parent company had run into financial difficulties and faced being unable to pay debts without the restructuring plan between it and creditors

Revolution Bars Limited was balance sheet insolvent with assets of £49 6 million

Liberation Shares Positive First Half

Greenleaf’s Christmas Collection Unveiled


Sipping on Spice: Savoring the Spicy Side of Wine

Wine consultant Sylvia Ba, a vinicultural exper t with the "VinoVoss" AI Sommelier wine

Ear thy, mineral, spicy these terms are commonly used to describe wine The spiciness in wine is like the spiciness in food, it is not a flavor but a sensation Spiciness in wine is one of those intriguing characteristics that can elevate a wine and add complexity to it It s a sensation that parallels the heat from a chili pepper or the warmth from a touch of cinnamon But what exactly makes a wine spicy? How can we identify it, and more impor tantly, how can we enjoy a spicy wine with food?


When we talk about spicy wine , we re referring to wines that evoke a sensation of warmth and tingling on the palate , much like cer tain spices do This spiciness can manifest in various forms

For instance , a wine with a pepper y character can remind one of the sharp bite of black pepper or the more subtle heat of white pepper On the other hand, a wine that exudes baking spices flavors might reveal the sweetness and warmth of cinnamon or nutmeg, adding a familiar touch to its profile Other wines might bring to mind the slightly sweet and woody heat of cloves or ginger, offering yet another layer of spiciness

Cer tain wines are par ticularly known for their spicy profiles Syrah, for example , is the most common spicy wine , known for its black pepper notes, especially in wines from regions like the Rhône Valley in France or the Barossa Valley in Australia Meanwhile , Grüner Veltliner, the iconic Austrian white wine , displays a white pepper spiciness setting it apar t among white wines

Gewürztraminer with its exotic and aromatic profile often carries a ginger-like spiciness along with floral and lychee notes In fact, “Gewürz” means “spicy” in German On the other hand, Zinfandel, a robust and often fruity red, can express a range of spicy characteristics, from cinnamon to cloves, depending on the region and winemaking style


The spiciness in wine can be attributed to several factors, primarily the grape variety and the winemaking process The inherent spiciness in cer tain wines often comes from the grape variety itself due to specific chemical compounds present in the grapes

Rotundone is the primar y aroma compound responsible for pepper y notes in wine Found in grape skins, rotun-

search engine and recommendation system developed by BetterAI (www vinovoss com)

done is par ticularly prominent in varieties like Syrah and Grüner Veltliner, making the wines feel pepper y and adding a layer of complexity to their flavor profiles Similarly, 4-vinylguaiacol is known for contributing clovelike aromas and flavors It’s more commonly found in wines made from grapes that have a higher phenolic content, influenced by the grape variety and growing conditions

Beyond the grape variety, the winemaking and aging processes can also play a significant role in developing spiciness in wine One of the key factors here is the use of oak barrels When wine is aged in oak barrels, it can take on additional spicy characteristics The type of oak the level of toasting and the length of aging all influence the final profile American oak for example tends to impar t more vanilla and coconut notes while French oak can contribute subtle spices like clove and cedar The interaction between the wine and the wood allows for the development of complex flavors that enhance the wine s overall spiciness


When it comes to wine and food pairing, the key is to complement and balance the wine’s spicy notes with the right dishes Just like light foods with crisp wines, sweet dishes with sweeter wines, one approach is to pair spicy wine with spicy food Similar flavor profiles can create a harmonious match where the flavors complement each other

For example , pairing Syrah with pepper-crusted meats can enhance the black pepper notes in the wine , creating a cohesive and robust flavor experience Grüner Veltliner pairs wonderfully with spicy Asian cuisine , balancing the heat of dishes like Thai green curr y or Sichuan cuisine with its fresh acidity and white pepper spiciness

Gewürztraminer can be a great match for dishes that have a touch of sweetness and mild spice such as Indian curr y The ginger-like spice in the wine enhances the overall richness of the dish

Similarly, Zinfandel pairs well with hear ty, smoky dishes like barbecue ribs, where the clove and pepper notes in the wine complement the smoky, tang y flavors of the ribs

In addition to the dishes with similar taste profiles, it s helpful to think about broader categories of foods that pair well with spicy wines Meats, par ticularly those with rich, robust flavors, often match well with spicy reds like Syrah or Zinfandel The spiciness in the wine can stand up to the bold flavors of the meat

For white wines with spicy notes, like Grüner Veltliner or Gewürztraminer, consider lighter fare that still offers complex flavors Asian and Mexican cuisine , with its intricate balance of sweet, sour, salty, and spicy elements, can be an excellent match, as can dishes with a touch of sweetness or mild spice , which help to highlight the spicy characteristics of the wine

Spiciness in wine is a multifaceted and enchanting characteristic that adds depth and excitement to the wine

Whether it’s the pepper y punch of a Syrah or the warm ginger y notes of a Gewürztraminer spicy wines offer more complexity to the wine and pleasure to the overall tasting experience

Trade Drinks Expo 2024 - The UK’s

Premier Event for the On & Off-Trade

Drinks Industry Returns to ExCeL London

Bar and pub owners, micro-brewers and international decision makers for the largest beverage brands across the countr y are eagerly awaiting the return of Trade Drinks Expo Known as Europe's leading event dedicated to on-trade and off-trade drinks, this trade show and industr y conference will return to ExCeL London on the 15th & 16th of October

This year promises to be the event’s most dynamic yet The expo is set to be attended by thousands of beverage-ser ving professionals ready to gather and explore a vast array of delicious drinks groundbreaking ideas deliver y solutions essential ser vices and more The Expo is designed to help businesses discover forward-thinking solutions to boost profits, attract guests, and retain clients It s an exceptional oppor tunity to discover emerging trends, cutting-edge products, and network with professionals shaping the future of beverages

Innovative Exhibitors: The show will feature a wide range of exhibitors at the forefront of the industr y, showcasing products and ser vices to give businesses a competitive edge From pre-mixed cocktail brands to electric point-of-sale technolog y, visitors can expect to find ever ything they need to drive profits and improve customer satisfaction

Inspiring Speakers: Attendees can expect to glean insights and inspiration from the brightest minds in the industr y The lineup of speakers will share exper tise on a range of topics, including the bar experience , nonalcoholic options, event promotion, and more It’s a great oppor tunity to learn from the challenges and successes of representatives of the sector’s biggest institutions

Sustainability Trail: With sustainability coming to the forefront of impor tance in the café industr y, we ’ ve curated a dedicated trail of exhibitors at this year ' s show that have best utilised and implemented sustainable strategies within their business

Innovation Awards: Time is set aside at the show to celebrate the most groundbreaking alcoholic and low-to-no drinks of the year in an Innovation Awards ceremony Recognising excellence and creativity in flavour and marketability, these awards highlight industr y game-changers offering a glimpse into the future of trade drinks

Networking Oppor tunities: The event offers attendees the oppor tunity to connect with like-minded professionals, industr y exper ts, and potential par tners The Expo provides countless chances to build relationships, collaborations, par tnerships, and business oppor tunities, with a diverse yet relevant clientele

Trade Drinks Expo is more than just an event; it’s a hub for innovation, education, and collaboration and with it running alongside six other industr y-leading events, it’s par t of the largest B2B event for the hospitality industr y ’ s growth This convergence offers attendees a comprehensive view of the industr y, exploring diverse oppor tunities and insights under one roof

So, mark your calendars for the 15th & 16th of October and secure your FREE ticket today to take advantage of countless oppor tunities to help your drinks business thrive Register now to be inspired informed and connected at the Trade Drinks Expo 2024! For more information and to secure your free ticket visit:

Chestnut Grows Norfolk Footprint with

Le Strange Arms Hotel Acquisition

The Rise of Pub Snacks: A Profitable Opportunity in the UK Hospitality Sector

In the ever-evolving landscape of the UK hospitality industr y, where trends come and go, one thing remains a steadfast companion to

backdrop of a major spor ting summer


Pub snacks have long been synonymous with the quintessential British pub experience These modest offerings play a pivotal role , especially during times when economic constraints or shifting consumer habits impact dine-out behaviour As people opt to eat out less frequently due to economic uncer tainty, pub snacks offer an accessible and affordable alternative , aligning perfectly with the pub's social ambiance The pub sector's reliance on snacks has deepened over the years

According to industr y data sales of pub snacks have experienced steady growth, with an increasing number of consumers opting for light bites or quick nibbles during their pub visits This trend underscores the impor tance of snacks as a revenue stream, contributing significantly to the overall profitability of pub establishments While snacking is popular all year round, consumers look to the savour y snacks categor y during summer holidays and spor ts events when they can enjoy quality time with friends and family Comfor t is key when it comes to pub and bar food choices and stocking customers’ favourite flavours will heighten their enjoyment

Snacks are an impor tant driver to increase out of home spend Snack sales in Pubs & Bars are now well exceeding pre COVID-19 levels and in a 2023 repor t, savour y snacks was wor th £4 16bn and growing at +13 8% Snacking occasions are growing +2% with savour y snacking (+20%) growing ahead of sweet (+11%) in pubs and clubs

• 38% of pub visitor s say they are interested in seeing snac k menus in Pubs

• 62% of out of home customer s buy snac ks




The convergence of major spor ting



To optimize snack sales and enhance the pub experience , operators can implement strategic measures:

• Diver sify the Snack Menu: Introduce new and innovative snac k offer ings to cater to var ying tastes and preferences , inc luding vegan and

Cleaning and Hygiene

CLE AN Do The Workwear, So You Can Do The Work

Cleanliness is Always in Season

Food Safety

Are You Natasha’s Law Compliant? Many Still Aren’t

Double Down on Temperature Management to fight E. Coli

ter k t so it s with n reac h at all times

• New thermometer s supp ied w th FREE calibration cer t ficates and annua reminder s at no extra cost to ensure you are up to date with your food safety protocols MD Tom Sensier : I m really proud of our money-saving food-safety kits for their quality, value and performance

Our C A2005-PK combines a high accuracy thermometer with 6 colour-coded probes you can stick in the dishwasher And for fast-paced kitchens, you can’t beat our MMWALLKIT: a heavy duty thermometer and probe complete with hygienic wall storage – recently filmed in action on one of the UK’s most popular TV food competitions!’

To help businesses even fur ther, TME is offering 25% off online orders Visit www tmethermometers com for more details Offer ends on 30 June 2024

The Kelsius Digital HACCP and Wireless Temperature Monitoring System

The Kelsius digital HACCP and wireless temperature monitoring system provides the hospitality industr y with a one-stop food safety system that protects food, customers and a business s reputation Digital probes allow for food temperature checks right before ser vice recording and date-stamping temperatures and data Automated sensors provide effor tless monitoring of fridges, freezers and other units Data is stored securely and can be accessed through a user-friendly por tal allowing for full regulator y compliance and traceability with access to repor ts and data at the touch of a screen

or freezer failure or doors left open

Designated managers and super visors have visibility of aler ts corrective actions and user data on site or remotely, providing peace of mind that food safety procedures and processes are being followed

The sensor system will aler t staff in real time where a temperature falls outside predefined

To learn more visit www kelsius com

Products and Services

793 Spirits Co. Holy Island Bloomsbury Flowers - The Luxury Florist


VK Enters Alcohol-Free Category with VK Blue 0.0%

alcohol compared to the previous year, with 32% intending to fur ther reduce their intake in the coming months The primar y motivation for 79% is a focus on mindful socialising and connecting, with only 6% driven by the ‘buzz’ of alcohol

VK Zero maintains the signature fruity flavour profile synonymous with VK Blue , but with 0% alcohol content, providing a more inclusive option by appealing to those looking to reduce their alcohol consumption or abstain

Unlike many competing brands in the categor y, VK Blue 0 0% offers an added caffeine boost (32mg per 100ml, similar to standard energ y drinks), ensuring con-


sumers stay energised throughout their night

Craig Chapman, spokesperson at VK, explains: We are proud to introduce our ver y first VK Zero available in our ‘OG’ Blue flavour Our loyal VK fans are at the hear t of ever ything we do, so recognising the changing drinking culture among 18-24s and suppor ting these choices through product innovation is incredibly impor tant to us

“The insights highlight a clear oppor tunity for on and off-trade stockists to suppor t consumers ’ changing needs and tastes, while providing greater choice when it comes to high-quality fun alcohol-free options ” Craig continued: “VK's mission is to bring people together to share unforgettable experiences With Blue being our best-performing flavour, the decision to launch it in 0 0% format was an easy one and we ’ ve already received strong interest from a number of customers

VK Blue 0 0% is not the only new product joining VK’s lineup ahead of summer The RTD brand is also announcing its newest VK flavour, which is set to launch following the successful #WEAREFLAVOUR campaign which has asked consumers to vote for the next product to join the lineup For fur ther information on VK Zero click here: www vkofficial com/vkzero/

Kinedo Launches Stunning NEW

Northern Ireland - Bringing Character to Your Business

Over 100 years ago Nor thern Ireland introduced whiskey to the world and now our distillers and craft brewers are in the midst of a vibrant renaissance Over the last decade our drinks sector has become one of the region’s most dynamic , innovative and expor t-driven industries Our drinks producers are winning awards across the globe , driving buoyant sales at home and abroad and our buzzing visitor centres and tap rooms are enticing tourists into cities, towns and villages across the four corners of our beautiful countr y

This resurgence is driven by a compelling blend of long-established distilleries such as Bushmills the world’s oldest licensed whiskey producer and a wave of innovative newcomers Bushmills doubled its production in 2023 with the opening of its £37mn Causeway Distiller y, taking sales to over 1 million cases for the first time Also taking strides are newcomers Echlinville Distiller y, a pioneer in field-to-glass distilling, McConnell’s Irish Whiskey, a brand with roots tracing back to 1776 and Rademon Estate Distiller y which has created the first peated whiskey in the region in over a generation Impressive visitor centres at Hinch, Belfast Distiller y and Titanic Distillers offer insight into the histor y and provenance of Nor thern Ireland spirits, whilst Killowen Distiller y and Two Stacks showcase genuine innovation with their unique flavours and product formats Killowen has enjoyed critical acclaim for its rum and

LittlePod’s Innovative Vanilla Paste in a Tube Popular All Over the World

LittlePod’s innovative vanilla paste in a tube is proving popular in professional kitchens all over the world

Hailed as ‘ a much-needed evolution for the kitchen’ we ’ re preparing to introduce our most-popular product to chefs in China following a successful trip to the Far East

From Tallin to Tokyo those using our versatile vanilla continue to recommend and endorse LittlePod

“We think our products speak for themselves,” said Janet Sawyer MBE BEM, the East Devon-based company ’ s founder and managing director who has been out and about speaking to chefs both at home and abroad in 2024 “We continue to receive recommendations and endorsements from customers all over the world Their comments are wor th more than anything we could say

During a recent trip to Japan, where LittlePod exhibited at FOODEX 2024, Janet renewed acquaintances with Frederik Walther – the Executive Chef at the British Embassy in Tokyo

“Frederik said LittlePod’s vanilla paste is an ‘upscale product with a beautiful design and a fantastic stor y ’ , ” said Janet “Frederik is recommending our vanilla paste to chefs in Japan ”

Janet also met with LittlePod’s distributor in Hong Kong, Frances Ma, who is planning to expand her operation

and take our products to China

Frances said, “LittlePod’s vanilla paste resonates with people in the Far East because it is such high quality It is convenient to use and the tube has a cool clean and elegant design LittlePod’s vanilla paste is natural and real This isn’t just another product from off the shelf ”

Closer to home our vanilla paste in a tube continues to prove popular in Europe with Juta Raudnask, a long-time LittlePod retailer in Estonia, amongst those helping us spread the word

“LittlePod’s natural vanilla paste exceeded all our expectations ” said Juta who sells LittlePod’s products at Umami, a gourmet food store in Tallin and Tar tu “It is loved by all kinds of people in Estonia, from families to professional chefs working at finedining restaurants

Janet added, “LittlePod’s natural vanilla paste is versatile – it makes using real vanilla so easy When LittlePod launched in 2010 we were the first to bring a vanilla paste in a tube to market It has been our most popular product ever since

• Like to find out more about LittlePod? Visit www littlepod co uk, email sales@littlepod co uk or call 01395 232022

Bidfood Reveals Listed Suppliers Taking Part in its SME Scheme, Open Doors

After the successful launch of its SME scheme last October

Bidfood, one of the UK’s leading foodser vice providers, is proud to announce the initial group of suppliers selected through the Open Doors Programme

Aimed at small food and beverage suppliers, the Open Doors Programme identifies the most innovative businesses tr ying to establish themselves within the industr y and raises awareness of their products so they can make their mark in wholesale

Despite the recent deceleration in inflation, the share of small businesses aspiring to grow this year has significantly decreased during the last six months Small businesses within the food sector have shown the biggest drop in confidence that their business will grow, at more than 70%

As a result, Bidfood’s Open Doors Programme has continued on its mission to unlock the potential of emerging suppliers, suppor ting their development journey while also providing its customers with first-hand access to some of the most interesting brands out there

Following a three-step development journey to nurture , champion and finally accelerate , the initiative has resulted in seven brands being officially listed with Bidfood, along with a selection of their products:

• Bio&Me – A B-cer tified brand, Bio&Me has a range of handy on-the-go porr idges created to suppor t gut health Bio&Me is also par t of the Buy Women Built community, whic h shines a light on brands built by women

• Boundless ¬– Using act vated ingred ents , Boundless snac ks suppor t gut hea th and are free from the top 14 allergens They're also member s of the ‘Buy Women Built’ community

• Flawsome! – Another B-cer tified


Photo cour tesy of Titan c Distiller s

Sustainable Resources

Foodles Partners with ReFood to Eliminate Unavoidable Waste



continent Michaël Ormancey, cofounder and co-CEO of Foodles, commented: Since setting up our ser vices in London, we ’ ve seen a variety of companies sign-up to receive daily deliveries We aim to offer complete


Elevate Your Space with Floral Image

Salvaging Solar Investments

Versatile and Innovative Labelling Solutions for Hospitality

With the rise in multi-channel ordering in the hospitality industry in recent years accompanied by increasing demand for customer collection, third party delivery and legislation around accurate ingredients and allergy identification, the requirement for efficient food and beverage labelling has surged Without a doubt, amongst the range of labelling solutions currently available, linerless labels stand out for their eco-friendly properties and operational efficiencies

In contrast to traditional labels with a backing paper direct thermal linerless labels are self-adhesive labels which can be applied directly to products or packaging Such labels are supplied with varying levels of adhesion, from high adhesive permanent labels to low adhesive repositionable labels which can be applied to virtually any surface and be removed easily and reapplied without residue

For all linerless media, a key benefit is the reduction in waste With no backing paper to discard, linerless media offers significant paper saving properties with more labels per roll than standard label rolls Thanks to fewer roll changes as well as the advantage of reduced shipping costs and storage space requirements given linerless labels are more compact than traditional labels, cost savings can be achieved alongside enhanced operational efficiency and sustainability

In terms of label size, linerless media is available in a range of widths, enabling businesses to create labels for any product type including larger labels for food deliveries to smaller, more compact beverage labels Equally, variable length linerless labels enable the printing of shorter orders or labels with less information on minimal paper, further promoting efficiency

As demand grows for labelling products in a variety of sectors, international POS hardware solutions provider Star

Micronics has introduced its mC-Label3 and TSP143IVSK printers, designed to print permanent and repositionable labels, food orders, delivery and takeaway labels

The printers respond to the growing requirement for allergy and food labelling clear delivery and takeaway customer order labels, particularly with linerless media Low adhesive, repositionable labels can track an order through the entire preparation process from initial order to delivery, providing the potential for greater order accuracy and efficiency

Thanks to its ability to print on a wide range of liner-free media including low adhesive re-stick labels as well as high adhesive permanent and semi-permanent labels, the Star mC-Label3 printer offers the ideal solution for printing different sized and types of labels from one easy-to-use device This includes variable length food and allergy labels, nutrition information as well as food delivery labels and bag seals from web-based apps or local services

In addition to a range of label printing options including fully adjustable label widths from 25mm to 80mm wide, the mC-Label3 features black mark and GAP sensors Capable of printing traditional liner pre-sized labels, continuous label rolls and receipt paper, the printer is ideal for businesses that use a variety of media or are planning to move from traditional labelling to linerless media in the future

Incredibly user friendly and with paper position, paper width detection and simple drop-in loading different media can be loaded with ease and given its jam free operation reliable printing is ensured Star’s Cloud-based free labelling app offers a wide range of pre-designed label templates whilst the one touch label function allows for storing and printing of up to three label designs

Alternatively, for businesses seeking a compact linerlessonly label and order printing solution the TSP143IVSK boasts optimal versatility and ergonomic design, printing on low tack linerless re-stick media from 40mm to 80mm Moreover the TSP143IVSK benefits from the power cable interface cables and paper guide included at purchase as well as a 4-year warranty as standard

In line with today s multi-channel ordering and printing expectations in hospitality, the mC-Label3 and TSP143IVSK benefit from multiple interfaces for local PC, network, tablet and Cloud connectivity Furthermore, both printers include Ethernet LAN and USB-C connectivity as well as direct sync and charge with supported tablets, together with hub connectivity to connect a scanner or customer display

mC-Label3 additionally features Bluetooth connectivity, whilst the printers equally benefit from a Wireless LAN option with Star’s MCW10 module Star’s CloudPRNT™ technology is included as standard on both models for printing directly from central ordering platforms and websites

With CloudPRNT widely used by hospitality establishments worldwide as part of an online ordering platform or ecommerce solution, Star also provides StarPrinter Online, a fully managed service for businesses to manage the printer estate with minimal set-up time and cost as well as near zero integration For enhanced online visibility of connectivity and print jobs over an entire printer estate, the service additionally offers device management via an online dashboard to provide an overview of all devices and activity including reliable tracking of print jobs with notification of device status changes barcode scans new device connections to a group, etc Additional printers and peripherals can simply be added without the need for server upgrades, further enhancing the versatility of the service

About Star Micronics

With over 75 years in the POS industry and a global presence, Star s strength and success is built upon product innovation alongside established relationships with leading software partners Its experienced technical team boasts in-depth technical and integration expertise to provide unique tailored solutions for an evolving hospitality industry Offering the versatility required to integrate traditional, tablet and cloud-based POS systems, Star ensures successful installation of its products into major hospitality operators as well as smaller independent venues

As a complete point-of-sale hardware solutions provider Star offers a wealth of options including a wide range of unique desktop POS, mobile and self-service terminal printers for printing receipts, tickets and labels from traditional systems, tablets and mobile devices as well as from web and cloud-based apps In particular Star’s compact and versatile cloud solutions are ideal for a variety of applications including Click & Collect food orders, home delivery and online or at table food ordering Additionally, Star provides tablet stands, display stands, barcode scanners and cash management solutions to complete the hardware offering

Hospitality Technology

Address F&B Profitability Before It Takes You Under, says Guestline

WaiterMate Debuts the World’s Fastest, Most Efficient Mobile EPOS

Technology To Enhance Hotels Sustainability

can really make a difference

Following on to the hotel staff, housekeeping is many times overlooked with teams left to wonder through the hotel looking for rooms to clean

Monitoring “Make Up Room” and “Do Not Disturb” signals (MUR/DND) in a centralised system help increase the overall efficiency as teams can be assigned to those par ts of the hotel that require more immediate attention

Combining this information with room occupancy and access controls enhance guest privacy and provide deeper knowledge of how our hotels work, for example giving information on how much time it takes to clean each room

Another big cost centre control systems help reduce drastically is Maintenance as these solutions allow the use of predictive and preventive

policies Sor ting issues before they become fatal or even before they appear decreases the amount spent in replacing broken units (for example AC units) but also minimizes the risk of refunds to guest because things are not working or because there has been an AC leakage nobody noticed before

A robust long-lasting control system combined with a Building Management System (BMS) that integrates with our hotel’s PMS is vital to get to know how our building operates to optimize all those little things that end up costing several thousand ever y year

These are the type of solutions Zennio develops and delivers in over 100 countries helping hotels all around the world become more efficient and sustainable and suppor ting all projects locally and remotely to make sure ever ything works ever y day

For fur ther information see the adver t on page

he S T pecialists T S echno in T l ogy Dep l loyment

Proactive and responsive resolution of technical issues

Over 130 highly experienced and trained FSEs providing full UK and Ireland coverage.

IaaS – Inventory as a Service, Vista stock over 5,000


Over 30 years’ experience and Hospitality IT projects.

and data cabling & Wi-Fi survey and installation opening projects, staging of technology, installation of all cabling, networks, and technology.

Digital transformation projects – installation of digital technology.

Fully attested and PCI P2PE compliant

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Focus On Blue Seal's New Induction Technology

Blue Seal Ltd are ver y mindful of the future equipment requirements for efficiency and carbon footprint and sustainability, with this everchanging food industr y and the cost of gas and electric usage

We currently produce a new range of free-standing & bench models of heavy-duty induction hobs with two or four zones Each hob has the versatility of 3 5KW or 5Kw round zone generators for focussed power or 5kw power full area zones to accept multiple pans across the cooking area The induction technolog y is incredibly responsive , with hardened 6mm thick glass cooking surfaces

Blue Seal R&D are conscious of the ever-increasing demand for induction product and we are in the process of launching our new induction- convection ranges, and wok induction hobs

The induction technolog y lends itself to a myriad of concepts, especially QSR restaurants where they need quick heat up on demand, which is also remarkably simple for the operator to use and maintain

The feature benefits of induction far outweigh the initial out lay, which is currently still relatively high for commercial heavy-duty product Induction for prime cooking is still relatively fresh to be accepted into the general commercial kitchen environment, however the big energ y savings and high efficiency

far outweighs the cost of changing the cookware and initial higher cost outlay for the product This cost will no doubt reduce and become more competitive as the trend & demand for induction manufacture inevitably increases Induction equipment also avoids the additional ver y costly legislation requirement involved with gas canopy extraction/make up air and interlock systems

When you compare the efficiency of using induction over gas, the induction is at approx 90% efficient compared to approx 45% efficiency for gas This is achieved by the magnetic fields heating up the entire surface of the cookware with vir tually all of the energ y transferred into the pan Where gas disperses the heat, licking around the sides of the cookware more so, losing energ y into the ambient air around the pan

Using induction massively reduces heat transfer into the air flow, lowers the overall temperature in the kitchen promoting a more comfor table working environment, as well as the practicality of a simple wipe down of the glass cooking area at the end of a shift, which is ver y appealing to an operator The appliances are much safer to use reducing injur y potential as well as being ver y simple to ser vice & maintain

David Chesshire - National Accounts Manager

See the adver t on page 2 for fur ther information

The Importance of Venting Floor Mounted Waste Water Pumping Systems

When designing or installing a commercial kitchen venting the floor mounted waste water pumping system may not be the first thing that is taken into consideration However understanding the impor tance of venting for the effective operation of the pump as well dispersing odours from the tank, is a critical factor for reliability in these situations

As wastewater drains from a sink or appliance the air inside the tank must be released to allow the flow of water into it If the tank is not vented correctly wastewater will be noticeably slower to drain away from sinks and appliances Odours and gurgling noises from equipment and sinks will also occur In these situations, the likelihood is that the pumping system is not properly vented

As the pump operates air needs to be drawn back into the tank so that a par tial vacuum is not created If this is allowed to happen the discharge flow of the pump will be reduced adversely affecting its efficiency

For these reasons all pump tanks need to be fitted with a suitable vent to allow them to breathe in and out Ideally this should be routed to atmosphere external to the building

In cases where the vent outlet can only be sited within the building, a filter must be used to minimise any potential odours escaping from the pump collect-

Two filters are available from Aldermaston based waste water pumping system specialists Pump Technolog y Ltd, the smaller CharcoVent and the larger MicroVent Both contain an activated carbon filter ideal for removing odours

The smaller CharcoVent, which is an easy to replace disposable car tridge should be used on systems that are typically sink only Its vent pipe should be 1 1/4

The larger MicroVent, which features a replaceable cartridge , should be used on systems that have multiple wastewater inlets, or with appliances such as dishwashers Its vent pipe should be 2” to allow the greater airflow Vents should be positioned as far above the collecting tank as practical This improves the life of the filter and its effectiveness and facilitates easy removal of the lid for cleaning and ser vicing It also ensures that, when pumping hot wastewater, any potential condensation will not adversely affect the activated carbon

The specialist team at Pump Technolog y Ltd are always happy to talk with any potential customers who are designing or installing a waste water pumping system and offer help and advice

More information: 0118 9821 555 www pumptechnolog y co uk

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Stay Cool with Gasket Guy

Temporary Catering Facilities For Events & Kitchen Refurbishments

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Fridge Seals Direct

Get a Grip on Food Prep with the New Onyx from Williams

Williams has launched the latest versions of its Onyx prep stations, with a sleek new look complementing the innovative features under the hood that deliver energ y efficient performance and ensure food safety

The Onyx prep station combines refrigerated storage beneath a worktop with refrigerated food wells on top –these provide instant access to regularly used fresh ingredients The wells are ergonomically designed to be at the ideal working height and are positioned within easy reach for the chef

The latest model combines practicality and good looks, with newly designed doors made from solid stainless steel featuring full-width integral door handles These provide an easy to use , non-slip grab while being quick to clean, with no dir t traps The generously sized work area makes the Onyx ideal for creating a range of foods including pizza, sandwiches, tapas, salad and desser ts Meanwhile the base of the unit has also been redesigned with a flatter surface making it easier to install transpor t and ser vice

The storage cabinets are designed to hold 1/1GN pans and the Onyx range is available in a choice of sizes from the compact space saving two door model up to the large 1043 litre capacity five door version The ingredient wells are capable of holding a selection of 1/3 and 1/6 GN pans up to four 1/3 pans on the two door model, with the five door model taking twelve , or up to 24 1/6 GN pans

Energ y efficiency is improved by EC (Electrically Commutated) brushless fans, which allow for precise control with reduced power consumption The new Onyx range uses natural hydrocarbon refrigerant which, as well as having low GWP/zero ODP, offers excellent thermodynamic proper ties which fur ther reduce energ y usage

Capable of operating in ambient conditions up to 43°C and constructed from sturdy, food safe stainless

• Be ready for your inspections

• Damaged fridge seals are unhygienic

• Next-day delivery service

• Discounted prices on large orders

Outdoor Spaces

Boost Profits This Summer with a Trailblazer BBQ

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

Outdoor Spaces

Cinders ‘Classic’ Barbecue Keeping Your Cool

Domestic & Trade Handmade

Garden Furniture From MG Timber

The impor tance of temperature controlled storage is understood by most within the hospitality and catering sectors, yet it is surprisingly often overlooked when making plans for outdoor events IceBox Refrigerated Trailers provides the perfect solution in such cases by means of our fleet of chiller and freezer trailers Operating one of the largest fleets in the countr y, we ’ re in the perfect position to help you keep your cool when all around is hotting up! Our fleet ranges from midi chillers to extra large freezers with storage capacities ranging from approx 6 to approx 12 cubic metres and covering temperature ranges between -20c and + 10c The ideal mobile temperature controlled storage solution!





needn’t worr y - we have it covered!


The trailer will be secured in-situ by means of our security devices The entr y doors are lockable and we leave you the key to ensure

The Perfect Refrigeration Solution for Your Outdoor Catering Needs

The Perfect Refrigeration Solution for Your Outdoor Catering Needs

IceBox UK provides the ideal solution to your refrigerated storage requirements when hosting outdoor catering events

Our extensive fleet of chiller and freezer trailers will keep your food and drink at the desired temperature and avoid food spoilage

Trailers are delivered and collected to / from the event / host location by our experienced staff who will situate the trailers in the required location and set them running at your required temperature.

• Nationwide delivery & collection service

• Chiller and freezer trailers available

• Powered by generator or standard wall socket

• Internal racking supplied per your requirements

• Short and long term rental rates available

• Rapid Response™ programme for emergencies

• Account facilities available subject to status

Mobile Coffee Is The Growth Sector!

Outdoor Spaces

Catering Equipment Ltd

Catering Equipment Ltd are the authorised UK Distributor for the range of Kängabox thermoboxes that keep items Hot or Cold Kängabox is a revolutionar y new high density EPP series of containers in which hot or cold items can be transpor ted with an average temperature loss of less than 1°C plus or minus per hour within a temperature range of -40°C to +120°C Kängaboxes are available

Elevate Alfresco Dining with Quality Wines from Lanchester Wines

no need to compromise on the quality of wine ser ved Lanchester Wines offers innovative solutions that ensure outdoor events can still feature exceptional wines INSPIRAL: PREMIUM HOUSE WINES IN SUSTAINABLE PET BOTTLES

Our Inspiral range features high-quality house wines in recycled PET plastic bottles making them perfect for any outdoor event or function where glass is unsuitable These rPET bottles are made from sustainable materials and are fully recyclable Specially designed for wine each lightweight bottle includes a barrier that extends its shelf life to at least 24 months four times longer than regular PET bottles WALLFLOWER: FUNKY AND FRESH WINE IN CANS

Introducing our latest range , Wallflower a collection of 187ml Spanish wines in a trendy can format Ideal for on-the-go occasions, festivals, events or as a single ser ve in ontrade settings, Wallflower ensures your wine offering is both stylish and convenient

The Wallflower range includes:

• Red Wine: A fruity blend of Temprani lo and Cabernet Sauvignon

White Wine: A zesty m x of Airen, Macabeo, and Sauvignon Blanc

Rosé W ne: A delightful Garnac ha Rosado

With Lanchester Wines, alfresco dining can be both environmentally conscious and a celebration of great taste Our innovative packaging solutions ensure you can offer high-quality wines that are practical and sustainable , enhancing the outdoor dining experience for your customers

See the adver t on the previous page for details

Gala Tent

Since 1999, the family-owned Gala Tent has supplied robust event shelters to hospitality businesses for many purposes From pop-up gazebos covering smoking areas and patio benches to commercial quality marquees large enough to cover an entire beer garden Gala Tent supplies them all POP-UP GAZEBOS

With five models available to suit your budget, the Gala Shade Pro Gazebo range is renowned as the tent that stays standing when inferior products crumble in poor weather The UV-protected, highly water-resistant PVC-coated polyester covers are available in 12 colours and can be printed to incorporate your business logos and information

Perfect for : Patios and Smok ng Shelter s COMMERCIAL MARQUEES

Incorporating patent-protected

Design and Refit

Pro Auction to Showcase Exclusive Savoy Hotel & The Dorchester Hotel Prestigious Auctions

Pro Auction is thrilled to announce exclusive auction sales at two of the world’s most famous and iconic hotels

The first, a fine classic and modern ar t on behalf of The Dorchester Hotel, London This prestigious sale follows a comprehensive refurbishment of the iconic hotel, and will take place on July 16, 2024, in the hotel's luxurious ballroom

The second auction at The Savoy Hotel which synonymous with luxur y, histor y, and prestige , is set to captivate the world once again with an extraordinar y auction event Over 1,800 captivating ar ticles will be sold as The Savoy undergoes a transformative refurbishment all while remaining open to guests The first phase auction will be held in The Savoy’s iconic ballroom on August 8th, 2024, star ting at 10 00am Viewing is by appointment on August 7th, 2024 The sale catalogue is available at Bidspotter THE DORCHESTER

The Dorchester Collection is a por tfolio of the world's foremost luxur y hotels in Europe and the USA, each reflecting the distinctive culture of its destination The Dorchester Hotel, London, is a flagship proper ty within this esteemed por tfolio

The auction at the Dorchester will feature an exceptional collection of ar t and sculptures from renowned ar tists such as Luigi Mayer, Antonietta Brandeis, and Alexandre Defaux and offers a wide selection of ar t across multiple genres, providing a unique oppor tunity for collectors and enthusiasts to acquire rare and valuable pieces Viewing is open on July 15, 2024, between 12 noon and 6 00pm The sale will be live and webcast from the hotel star ting at 10:00am on July 16 2024

The sale offers a wide selection of ar t across multiple genres viewing is open on the 15th July 2024 between 12 noon and 6 00pm with the sale live and webcast from the hotel from 1000am on the 16th July 2024 download the catalogue at:


The Savoy Hotel synonymous with luxur y histor y and prestige , is set to captivate the world once again with an extraordinar y auction event Over 1,800 captivating

ar ticles will be sold as The Savoy undergoes a transformative refurbishment all while remaining open to guests

The Savoy, a Fairmont Managed Hotel, has been at the forefront of the luxur y hotel scene for over 130 years offering guests an experience that continuously evolves to meet the desires of the modern traveller Situated in a prestigious location near London s most famous attractions, The Savoy's upcoming auction promises to be a monumental event offering an extensive range of items that have graced

lots on

Among the

from the


Bidders will








memorabilia linked to stars

and Sir Winston

Owning an item from these suites is not just about luxur y; it’s about owning a piece of histor y Imagine the stories these ar tifacts could tell the conversations, the decisions, and the moments of reflection that took place in their presence

In addition to the guestroom furniture the iconic Thames Foyer at The Savoy will be undergoing a major transformation Bookings for the Thames Foyer will close on Thursday, August 22, 2024 The next day, on August 23, a public auction will be held to sell the contents spearheaded by Pro Auction in preparation for a full renovation of the space

The Thames Foyer is set to reopen in early November 2024 with a completely new design name food and beverage concept, and menu Known for being the hear t

Commenting on the renovation, Managing Director Franck Arnold says, “This is going to be a complete transformation of the Thames Foyer and Upper Thames, and we are so excited to unveil our new, vibrant dining destination and outlets later in the year The new dining concept will harmoniously blend tradition with innovation, ensuring our guests have the perfect

The auction will feature an array of fine ar t bespoke furniture , and handcrafted luxur y pieces that have adorned The Savoy’s elegant rooms From intricately designed mirrors and plush sofas to exquisite tables and chairs, each item has been selected for its quality and historical significance The collection includes items from the hotel’s 267 luxur y rooms and suites, decorated in either

Edwardian or Ar t Deco style Simon Rose , the auction director, described it as a “landmark event for both The Savoy and us ” The auction is expected to draw significant interest, offering a

Design and Refit

The Absolute Solution To Your Interior Design Needs

It’s The Small Touches That Make A Big Difference: British Luxury Lampshades Design and Refit




Sanicom. Proven & Reliable Pump Solution for Hospitality Design and Refit

Leading the Way in Table Numbers & QR Code Labels for the Hospitality Industry

Brunel Engraving proudly stands as the UK’s foremost supplier of table numbers and QR code labels, catering to the evolving needs of the hospitality sector With a commitment to excellence and innovation, we offer swift and efficient solutions to enhance the dining experience for both establishments and their patrons

Our investment in cutting-edge equipment and software underscores our dedication to meeting the increasing demand for personalised table numbers and QR code discs These meticulously crafted items ser ve as invaluable tools for modern establishments, seamlessly integrating technolog y into their ser vice offerings By utilizing our table numbers and QR code labels businesses can streamline operations and elevate customer satisfaction Guests can effor tlessly access menus, promotions, and other per tinent information with a simple scan, eliminating the need for physical menus and expediting the ordering process

At Brunel Engraving quality is paramount Our ISO9001 accreditation ensures that ever y product meets stringent standards of excellence reflecting our

unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction Our reputation for reliability and superior craftsmanship is fur ther underscored by the continuous stream of 5-star ratings we receive on Trustpilot

In addition to our signature rotar y engraving we offer a comprehensive suite of printing and engraving techniques including laser engraving chemical etching and various printing methods This diverse range of capabilities allows us to cater to the unique needs of

establishments our

numbers and QR

labels can be seen installed across the UK Join countless satisfied clients in experiencing the Brunel Engraving difference Contact us today

Design and Refit


Mayfair Furniture

Find The Perfect Table For Your Restaurant Design and Refit

Restaurant Furniture Store

Property and Professional

Why Use a Specialist Hospitality Consultant?

With over 30 years of industr y experience in the Hospitality sector, The Bowden Group’s Managing Consultant David Hunter will work with you to address the following elements: Profitability, Operational Strateg y, Staff Management, Marketing and The Future of your business PROFITABILITY & OPERATIONS

Our exper ts will analyse your entire operation and also its key operating figures if they are available We then help you to identify strategies to manage costs and overheads associated with the core Profitability of running a Hospitality business

The largest overhead, even higher than Cost of Sales, is the Labour cost, so, with detailed analysis of your wages and being able to understand ‘’the way your business actually works’’ we can ensure that you are maximising the labour usage in your business Budgeting Forecasting Menu Management Stock Controls Purchasing and controlling Variable Costs are just a few of the other areas that David Hunter, your Restaurant Consultant, will work on with you, and improve with you MANAGING PEOPLE

Managing people brings with it a whole set of new skills that are now needed more than ever From ‘’Managing the Managers’’ through to Ser vice and Kitchen staff your team needs careful and skilful Management, Motivation, guidance and Development MARKETING

We will help you build a workable , planned Marketing Strateg y From Digital Marketing such as Social Media marketing,

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