CLH Digital - Issue #220

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Editor's Viewpoint

Welcome to the latest issue of CLH Digital


new chapter for the UK

The hospitality and licensed on-trade sector, in par ticular, [hopefully!] stands on the brink of transformation, eagerly awaiting the fresh ideas and bold strategies that Starmer's administration promises to bring

The past decade and a half have not been kind to our industr y The relentless challenges and piecemeal solutions provided by the previous government have often felt like sticking plasters on deep wounds

What we need now are not shor t-term fixes but long-term, suppor tive solutions that recognize the immense value our sector brings to the economy The hospitality industr y is a significant net contributor, and it’s high time it was treated with the respect it deser ves Sir Keir Starmer and his team must have obser ved the missteps of their predecessors As Napoleon famously advised, "Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake "

With the benefit of hindsight the new government must surely have a robust plan to rejuvenate one of the countr y ' s leading sectors A pivotal par t of this plan should be reducing the hospitality VAT This move is a win-win for the government and the nation It’s no secret that confidence is low; we ve endured many hardships in recent years A hospitality VAT cut would uplift the spirits of ever yone and, as many exper ts agree , ultimately lead to increased revenue

Now, more than ever, we need joy and community Nothing fosters these better than our beloved pubs and restaurants For those who need evidence of the power of hospitality to bring people together, look no fur ther than tomorrow’s match where England takes on Switzerland

Pubs will be packed with fans, cheering on our team a vibrant testament to the sector’s vitality Interestingly, retailer Co-op’s recent marketing misstep, attempting to deter

people from enjoying the match in pubs, highlights just how essential these communal spaces are

Personally, I’ll be joining the throngs at “The Hop” here in Bournemouth The atmosphere is always fantastic and like many others I’ll need to arrive early to secure a spot

As we embark on this new political journey let’s hope that our new leaders prioritise our sector s needs, instigating clear policies that will unlock its full potential There are no excuses for delays bold change is what we need, and bold change is what we expect

Here s to a brighter future under Sir Keir Starmer’s leadership, and to the revitalization of the UK hospitality and licensed on-trade sector Cheers! I can always be contacted at edit@catererlicensee com

Once more I would ask you to please follow us on X (Twitter), and encourage as many people you know in the trade to sign up to our digital issue fur ther details can be seen at www catererlicensee com

Britain Welcomes New PM Sir Keir Starmer As Labour Wins Election



“We now need to see this followed up with action in the first 100 days Delivering on manifesto commitments to replace business rates and reform the Apprenticeship Levy would be a clear sign that the Government backs hospitality as the central pillar of the ever yday economy

“Swiftly addressing business rates would fulfil a longstanding ask of the sector and avoid a cliff-edge in April, when current relief is set to end and rates are due to increase again

“Hospitality, with its presence in ever y constituency, can act as a powerhouse for driving economic growth, creating new jobs and regenerating our towns and cities I look forward to working in par tnership with the new Government to help deliver its manifesto commitments and realise hospitality’s growth ambitions ”



Night-time economies Czar for Greater Manchester Sacha Lord welcomed the new government but cautioned not to expect “overnight change

He said: “These results are beyond our expectations, and I am personally extremely pleased At last, changes here

“The message is clear, the people of the UK want a government they can trust, can deliver on their promises and rebuild the economy to make the lives of working people better ”

The challenges our hospitality industr y face are stark and while we cannot expect overnight change this vote should give our sector a confidence boost But there is a lot to do, not only in hospitality, but for business owners and hard-working employees across the countr y ”

“I will be hoping to see a greater level of suppor t for the industr y over the coming months and as an industr y we should continue to hold those in power to account ”


Michael Kill, CEO of NTIA says: "As CEO of the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA), I warmly welcome the new Labour Government Your commitment to our sector, vital to the UK s economy and culture , is appreciated However, the real work begins now Our industr y faces serious challenges and needs urgent attention to recover from years of neglect through the cost of living crisis and the pandemic ”

“We must also address tax disparity, reform business rates, protect independent operators, and align VAT with European standards ” “Immediate attention is needed in several key areas Firstly, we urge the new Government to appoint a dedicated Minister for the Night Time Economy This role will ensure focused attention and strategic direction for our sector at the highest level of government Additionally establishing regional representatives will then also facilitate effective


strateg y, communication and coordination across regions ”

“More impor tantly we urge you to take time to listen and consult on policies impacting our sector recognising our challenges and our true value in terms of the local economy, community shaping, and the impact on social, physical, and mental well-being ” PROTECT PUBS

C AMRA Chairman, Nik Antona said: “C AMRA would like to welcome Labour as the new UK Government, we look forward to working alongside them on the issues impacting consumers, pubs, social clubs and producers of beer, cider and perr y It was hear tening to hear Labour’s announcement of a five-point plan to “end the decline of British locals” during their election campaigning, and I hope that Labour will implement these proposals as soon as possible

“C AMRA will continue to fight for fairer tax with an increase in the differential between draught and off-trade duty rates, and a VAT reduction on beer and cider sold in the on-trade so consumers can continue to receive all the social and wellbeing benefits pubs offer

“In England, C AMRA hopes the Government will improve planning protection and enforcement to protect pubs and social clubs facing unfair demolition, and to order pubs to be built brick by brick if necessar y C AMRA has long called for Business rates to be completely reformed in order for pubs to avoid unfair overpayments It's great to see that Labour is committed to changing the outdated business rates system to make it fairer between online enterprises and bricks and mortar businesses like pubs

“We also welcome plans to introduce a genuine community right to buy, which will help many loved pubs stay open and create exciting new oppor tunities for the sector to thrive ”


Steve Alton, BII CEO commented: We are now looking forward to working with the new Government, to gain the vital investment that our members need to unlock their full potential Our pubs are unique in their contribution, bringing huge economic impact, accessible , skilled jobs in ever y local community across the UK, and provide vital social value ”

“Our sector has long been specifically referenced by all par ties as a key par t of our social fabric as well as our economy Our new Government must recognise the hugely unfair tax burden that our sector, and par ticularly the small, independent businesses have shouldered for decades Our priority will be centred around working with Ministers, MPs and officials to reduce excessive taxation, provide immediate cer tainty of a continuation of the current business rates relief due to end in March 2025, as well as a full reform of this outdated and unfair rates system

“The key to unlocking growth in ever y area of the UK is investment in small businesses towns and high streets and at the hear t of all of those lies the pub Our pubs provide skilled jobs careers and entrepreneurial oppor tunities for ever yone connecting people and communities in highly regulated, safe spaces, all whilst delivering significant tax revenue into

the Treasur y ”

“Our #MyPub campaign has helped members to engage with their local representatives, and with a large number of new MPs now in place , this is the perfect time to redouble our collective effor ts in inviting them to see first-hand the huge positive impact pubs have in ever y village , high street, town and city across the UK ” WISH LIST

The SLTA (Scottish Licensed Trade Association) has outlined its wish list for the new Labour UK Government, SLTA managing director Colin Wilkinson commented: “Nothing on our wish list is new – it’s what we ’ ve been calling for over many years now However, the General Election presents us with an oppor tunity to reiterate to the new UK Government that the licensed trade and hospitality sectors really do need some help

“We par ticularly highlight the need for the UK Government to reduce VAT for licensed hospitality businesses The temporar y reduction of VAT from 20% to 5% introduced in July 2020 gave suppor t to around 150,000 businesses in the UK and protected over 2 4 million jobs in the overall hospitality and tourism sectors and saved many businesses from going under during a ver y difficult trading period ”

On reviewing the commercial rating system – a call from all of the home nations within the UK – the SLTA asks that there is an understanding that here in Scotland licensed hospitality businesses are dispropor tionately burdened with commercial rates charges in comparison with other business sectors nor th of the Border and in comparison with licensed hospitality businesses in other par ts of the UK ”

Mr Wilkinson said: In par tnership with the Scottish Beer and Pub Association, the SLTA has already called for the introduction of a permanent non-domestic rates licensed hospitality-specific multiplier of 35p to suppor t our pubs and bars, encourage investment, help revitalise high streets, and rebalance the dispropor tionate business rates burden


“This would end the sticking plaster policies that only provide temporar y relief for the businesses that bring life to our communities and our city and town centres

Commenting on the SLTA’s ask on no duty increases and duty differential, Mr Wilkinson added: “Duty increases are always unwelcome and simply contribute to price inflation When it comes to duty decreases this is, of course , ver y much welcomed, especially by the large producers and retailers, and makes a significant difference to that sector However, when it comes to SME businesses what would make a difference is having a complete overhaul of the UK’s alcohol excise duty system ”

The SLTA has previously called on Westminster to introduce new measures that would create a differential between alcohol sold in pubs and bars, and supermarkets We believe that reducing duty for alcohol sold in pubs and bars would help sustain the licensed on-trade as it recovers from the pandemic and Brexit, and faces the current economic challenges ”

Mental Health in Hospitality - The Importance of Wellbeing During Difficult Times

ficient attention paid to the wellbeing of workers, resulting in demotivated employees and poor worker retention

In order to improve staff wellbeing and therefore motivation, operators should first ensure they provide open channels of communication between management and employees It’s impor tant that employees feel comfor table sharing any concerns and feelings and have appropriate channels to do so, such as the ability to arrange private meetings or through the use of feedback channels via apps Brigad, for example , provides hospitality workers the oppor tunity to leave feedback on the app about businesses they have worked with following a shift which can be seen and actioned by the business’ management Ensuring employees feel listened to and respected by management means that they then feel protected in the face of abuse from customers

During busier periods such as the summer when staff will be under additional pressure and customers are likely to have less patience , it’s impor tant that managers are able to easily recognise signs of stress and burnout amongst their staff Providing flexibility for staff, realistic work hours, and ensuring regular and sufficient breaks are taken can help staff avoid feeling overwhelmed within high pressure scenarios, while

also helping them create a healthy work-life balance Providing this flexibility can easily be done by utilising and employing external help if necessar y Employing external help, often at shor t notice , is simple for businesses to do via solutions such as Brigad To suppor t flexibility and a strong work-life balance , professionals should also feel empowered to explore other ways of working aside from permanent contracts This can allow to them to have more control over their work and own mental health too There are various platforms that can help facilitate different approaches to working which professionals can explore

Recently employees have been demanding additional and more diverse training in order to upskill and maintain existing skills In addition to providing this training it’s also necessar y that managers have an in-depth understanding of each employee’s role and skill set so that they are able to provide the correct suppor t and recognition This recognition will help boost morale and motivation amongst staff

Whilst work and role related training is necessar y, operators should also be investing in wellbeing practices for their staff Arranging for out of work sessions on meditation, mindfulness and yoga will help teams bond, while also reducing feelings of stress therefore improving their mental health and feelings of suppor t

Publican And Bake-Off Champion Encourages Publicans To Get Involved In Thank You Day

Great British Bake Off winner Candice Brown has hosted a Thank You BBQ at her pub to celebrate local legends and help inspire other pubs to get involved ahead of thank You Day on Sunday, 7 July

Candice was joined at The Green Man in Eversholt, Bedfordshire , by TV chef and entrepreneur Levi Roots who was on the BBQ to help feed local heroes including volunteers from the Milton Keynes Food Bank and NSPCC , teachers and students from a neighbourhood school and Women’s Institute members

Pubs getting involved are being encouraged to collaborate with others to arrange special activities that help foster community connections and celebrate great community spirit Candice said: “Pubs have always been at the hear t of our communities They are places where people come together to share stories, celebrate successes, and suppor t each other Thank You Day is a wonderful oppor tunity to recognise and celebrate the incredible people who make a difference in our local areas ”

She adds: I encourage pubs to do something special for Thank You Day, Whether that be a free drink for volunteers, or hosting a BB-Thank-Q Invite your community in and do a little something to give something back ”

John Longden, chief executive , Pub is The Hub said: “It’s wonderful to see many pubs across the UK getting involved in this year ’ s Thank You Day events Being involved in Thank You Day allows us to show our admiration for the volunteers that make a big difference to people living in their local areas It is another example of the invaluable role and social value good publicans continue to bring to their communities, particularly in this challenging time ”

The Perfect Snack for

He added: “Pub is The Hub wishes to also show appreciation to publicans, many of which are often local legends themselves, going above and beyond for their local people through the ser vices and activities they help provide and the daily acts of kindness they show to individuals, groups and charities ” Emma McClarkin Chief Executive of the British Beer & Pub Association said: “The value that pubs bring to local areas, be they on a busy urban high street or in a countr yside village , is more than the economic; it is also the social,


Euros Continues To Deliver For The UK On Trade

Charity Hospitality Action Expands Walk For Wellbeing Initiative

NTIA Says The Future of the UK’s Night Time Economy is 'Extremely Fragile'

The UK’s Night-Time Economy (NTE) faces a critical juncture as it grapples with an alarming rise in business failures According to recent data from Shakespeare Mar tineau a full-ser vice law firm the NTE’s fragility has intensified, evidenced by a 16% surge in business administrations in 2024 This year alone , 879 UK businesses have filed for administration in the first six months, reflecting a dramatic 42% increase from 2022 and a 16% increase from 2023 These figures underscore the immediate need for decisive action from the incoming government to prevent fur ther deterioration

The hardest-hit sectors include retail, manufacturing, construction, real estate , and hospitality, which together account for 57% of all business administrations Greater London has emerged as the epicentre of this crisis with 22% of the filings followed by the Nor th West at 17% and Yorkshire & The Humber at 11% Although current administration numbers have not yet reached pre-Covid levels (940 in the first half of 2019), insolvency exper ts warn of an impending wave of business failures unless the new government swiftly addresses inflation and rising interest rates Par ticularly concerning is the plight of the hospitality sector, a cornerstone of the NTE, which has seen 78 businesses enter administration in the first half of 2024 This figure represents 9% of all administrations, with year-to-date figures for the sector standing at 189 – a staggering 75% increase from the previous year Hospitality now ranks as the fifth most affected sector, following retail, manufacturing, construction, and real


Michael Kill, CEO of the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA), is calling for immediate and sustained inter vention from the new government “The anticipated governmental shift following the General Election offers a pivotal oppor tunity for ministers and MPs to suppor t and rejuvenate the night-time economy We urge all incoming MPs across the UK to engage in meaningful dialogue with the nightlife community Effective communication is crucial to understanding our challenges and developing practical solutions ”

Kill emphasizes that regional leaders, including mayors, city council heads, and key agencies, must prioritize the NTE’s needs “Policies should aim to alleviate the inflationar y pressures on businesses, stabilize the current trading environment, and protect our cultural landscape The sector is currently beset by infrastructure and regulator y challenges that hinder recover y and leave small and medium enterprises as well as our cultural heritage extremely vulnerable ”

The NTIA asser ts that the incoming government must act immediately and decisively to bolster the UK’s night-time economy Failure to do so risks the collapse of a sector that plays a vital role in the nation’s cultural and economic vitality “We are prepared to work collaboratively with our elected representatives to ensure a prosperous future for the night-time economy and the communities it ser ves The time for action is now; the sur vival of our sector depends on it

Greene King Predicts To Sell 1.1 Million Pints During Euros Quarter-Finals

Greene King predicts that it will sell 1,100,000 pints during this weekend’s Euros quar ter-finals

Unsurprisingly, England’s match against Switzerland is expected to be the most popular, with 425,000 pints sold throughout the ninety minutes, averaging out at more than 4,500 pints sold a minute

Greene King CEO Nick Mackenzie said: “The Euros have provided a great boost to the hospitality

er in their local pub to cheer on their national team “Following the exciting end to England’s win over Slovakia, we ’ re expecting Saturday’s game to be our busiest of the tournament so far and we ' re proud to host suppor ters in hundreds of our pubs to watch the match ”

Hospitality Operators: Make the Most of 2024’s Bumper Summer of Sport

The summer of 2024 is set to be a busy time for spor ts fans From the Euros in Germany, to the Paris Olympics, and even Wimbledon, these events will capture the attention of billions around the globe And in the United Kingdom, as people head to pubs bars and restaurants before during and after these live events are broadcast, hospitality operators have a unique oppor tunity to boost their future success by making the most of ever y customer that walks through their doors

The latest CGA by NIQ ‘BrandTrack’ sur vey revealed that nearly 27m Brits plan to watch the Euros in pubs or bars, and with this making up just a por tion of the live spor t being shown over the next few months, this number is likely to be much higher, especially when you take into account the extended licensing hours introduced by the UK government just a few months ago

Fur ther research from CGA by NIQ revealed that showcasing spor ting events can significantly increase customer spending and loyalty, with fans tending to stay longer and engage more deeply when watching their favourite spor ts

This surge , in both customers and the time spent in these venues, can offer more than just a shor t-term boost, but only if operators have the correct processes and technolog y in place

To do this, hospitality operators need to be actively har vesting, analysing and using data to enhance and improve customer experiences, both in the immediate and the long-term This increased footfall will mean more data is available to be collected on more customers, and if brands can analyse and use this in the right way, they can craft experiences which encourage repeat business amongst these customers

So, how can operators ensure they’re making the most of their visitors, and what does mature data analysis look like?


Intelligent customer data is any information gathered by a business that provides insight into the attitudes

and behaviours of customers This data is crucial for gaining knowledge into what attracts customers to your business, what makes them want to return, and how best to cater to their needs before , during and after their visit

By collecting and analysing data effectively, operators can personalise experiences based on customer preferences, fostering a sense of loyalty and delivering enhanced experiences which meet the needs of ever y customer


Ever y time a customer interacts with one of your business’ touchpoints, there is an oppor tunity to har vest their data Details such as their dietar y requirements, accessibility needs and contact information can be obtained through online booking systems while self-ser vice QR codes and automated feedback tools offer insight into their favourite menu items, allergens, and even how they like to pay Pre-visit, in-visit, and post-visit, brands must be actively har vesting this data, especially during busy periods What’s key is that brands have the right technolog y in place to make this possible boosting the effectiveness of their data collection


Mature data analysis means your business has clean, secure and segmented data, asser tive collection processes, large data quantities, and your communication and selling are specific to the customer’s individual needs Once this is achieved, you can begin to craft experiences based on real-time customer data, using information such as; When do they like to visit? What deals or offers do they usually use? How many people do they tend to visit with? Do they have any accessibility needs? What menu items do they choose most often? How do they usually pay the bill? Do they like to tip? How do they like to be marketed to? What times do they visit?

Once a business has the answers to these questions, they can begin to use their data to inform ever ything they do, from marketing strategies and special offerings to menu changes and staff rotations What is key is that this data is being collected, managed and analysed

The ‘ summer of spor ts’ in 2024 promises to be a busy time for the hospitality sector, with fans flocking to bars and restaurants to watch their favourite spor ts To make the most of this boost, both now and in the future , operators must seize the oppor tunity to learn more about their customers, their behaviours and what makes them choose a hospitality venue Having this information is crucial to be able to reach your customers in an impactful way which keeps them coming back time and again

Pro Auction to Showcase Exclusive Savoy Hotel & The Dorchester Hotel Prestigious Auctions

ar tists such as Luigi Mayer, Antonietta Brandeis, and Alexandre Defaux, and offers a wide selection of ar t across multiple genres, providing a unique oppor tunity for collectors and enthusiasts to acquire rare and valuable pieces Viewing is open on July 15, 2024, between 12 noon and 6 00pm The sale will be live and webcast from the hotel star ting at 10:00am on July 16, 2024

The sale offers a wide selection of ar t across multiple genres viewing is open on the 15th July 2024 between 12 noon and 6 00pm with the sale live and webcast from the hotel from 1000am on the 16th July 2024 download the catalogue at: www the-saleroom com/en-gb/auctioncatalogues/pro-auction/catalogue-id-pr10440


The Savoy Hotel, synonymous with luxur y, histor y, and prestige , is set to captivate the world once again with an extraordinar y auction event Over 1 800 captivating ar ticles will be sold as The Savoy undergoes a transformative refurbishment all while remaining open to guests

The Savoy, a Fairmont Managed Hotel, has been at the forefront of the luxur y hotel scene for over 130 years, offering guests an experience that continuously evolves to meet the desires of the modern traveller Situated in a prestigious location near London's most famous attractions, The Savoy's upcoming auction promises to be a monumental event, offering an extensive range of

items that have graced its rooms and halls

Among the remarkable lots on sale are treasures from the Personality Suites, named after some of the most famous guests who have stayed at The Savoy Bidders will have the chance to acquire memorabilia linked to stars like Frank Sinatra, Marilyn Monroe , and Sir Winston Churchill Owning an item from these suites is not just about luxur y; it’s about owning a piece of histor y Imagine the stories these ar tifacts could tell the conversations, the decisions, and the moments of reflection that took place in their presence

The auction will feature an array of fine ar t, bespoke furniture , and handcrafted luxur y pieces that have adorned The Savoy s elegant rooms From intricately designed mirrors and plush sofas to exquisite tables and chairs each item has been selected for its quality and historical significance The collection includes items from the hotel’s 267 luxur y rooms and suites decorated in either an elegant Edwardian or Ar t Deco style

Simon Rose , the auction director, described it as a landmark event for both The Savoy and us The auction is expected to draw significant interest, offering a rare and exciting oppor tunity for bidders to connect with The Savoy's rich histor y

The first phase auction will be held in The Savoy’s iconic ballroom on August 8th 2024 star ting at 10 00am Viewing is by appointment on August 7th, 2024 The sale catalogue is available at Bidspotter



at Bidspotter

Dorchester Hotel, London, is a flagship proper ty within this esteemed por tfolio

The auction at the Dorchester will feature an exceptional collection of ar t and sculptures from renowned

In addition to the guestroom furniture , the iconic Thames Foyer at The Savoy will be undergoing a major transformation Bookings for the Thames Foyer will close on Thursday, August 22, 2024 The next day, on August 23 a public auction will be held to sell the contents, spearheaded by Pro Auction, in preparation for a full renovation of the space

The Thames Foyer is set to reopen in early November

Euros And Father’s Day Power Beer Sales

A combination of the Euro 2024 football tournament and Father’s Day led to an 18% surge in beer sales, CGA by NIQ’s Daily Drinks Tracker shows

The big upswing - based on average sales in managed venues in the seven days to Saturday 22 June - helped to lift total drinks sales 9% above the same week in 2023 It marks a ver y welcome turnaround for operators and suppliers after four consecutive weeks of negative year-onyear numbers

Sales on England’s two Euro matchdays rocketed as consumers flocked to pubs and bars to watch with friends and family Sunday (16 June) brought both England’s first game against Serbia and Father’s Day lifting sales 43% above the same day in 2023 The second game , against Denmark on Thursday (20 June) generated an even sharper uplift of 53%

Trading was quieter elsewhere in the week, and faced tough comparatives with hot weather in June 2023 Sales

were negative on all five other days, with Friday and Saturday (21 and 22 June) down by 9% and 5% respectively Scotland’s game against Switzerland helped to stem losses to 2% on Wednesday (19 June)

Cider was the second best performing categor y of the week after beer, with sales up 7%, while wine continued a good run with a 6% rise Spirits achieved only 0 3% growth, though this is the categor y ’ s best week since early May Soft drinks sales were down 4%

After a tough month for the On Premise , Euro 2024 is giving drinks sales a much-needed shot in the arm ” says Jonathan Jones, CGA by NIQ’s managing director, UK and Ireland It s no surprise to find that beer benefits most from the football, and venues and suppliers will be hoping England can progress deep into the tournament and deliver several more bumper days However, with many consumers watching at home operators need to emphasise the special atmosphere of pubs and bars if they are to lure people off their sofas for the knock-out stages

Burnt Chef Project Starts ‘Change The Menu’ Campaign

The Burnt Chef Project, a not-for-profit social enterprise dedicated to improving mental health in the hospitality industr y, has announced the launch of its new campaign ‘Change the Menu’

This initiative , which is designed to drive recruitment to the industr y, aims to highlight the significant impact The Burnt Chef Project is making through its free-to-access ser vices and strong advocacy for improved working environments in the sector

The ‘Change the Menu’ campaign will roll out in conjunction with World Wellbeing Week from 24-30th June 2024 The campaign will be prominently featured across The Burnt Chef Project’s digital platforms and through out-of-home adver tisements in key locations across London and Bristol throughout the week

The campaign uses menus from two fictitious venues – The Struggle Inn and The Witts End – to illustrate the mental health challenges faced in the hospitality industr y These initial menus highlight issues such as antisocial hours, lack of management training, anxiety and

In a powerful transformation, these problematic ‘dishes’ are replaced with a new and improved menu featuring suppor tive structures, mental health training, and a better work-life balance

Kris Hall, founder of The Burnt Chef Project, said: Our goal with ‘Change the Menu’ is to raise awareness about the mental health challenges in the hospitality industr y and to promote the solutions that The Burnt Chef Project is providing

“We want to drive home the message that a healthier, more suppor tive work environment is not just necessar y but possible By changing the ‘ menu ’ of what the industr y ser ves its workers, we can create a more sustainable and positive career path for hospitality professionals ”

The Burnt Chef Project invites ever yone to engage with the ‘Change the Menu’ campaign share its message and join the movement towards a healthier and more suppor tive hospitality industr y

What Next for Town Centre Regeneration?


High streets and town centres are facing a plethora of problems, most of which are linked to the changing face of the retail industr y The Centre for Retail Research has described the British retail industr y as facing a “permacrisis” since the 2008 financial crisis, as a result of factors including the rise of internet retailing, changes in consumer preferences, store closures and other changes on the high street, many of which were accelerated by the Coronavirus pandemic

Challenges faced by high street retailers and the associated problems in town centres have seen the creation of several initiatives and funding schemes designed to help them adapt to an era in which traditional retail may no longer be the focal point of town centres These include the Future High Streets Fund, High Street Heritage Action Zones, the Long Term Plan for Towns and High Street Accelerators, as well as the creation of the High Streets Task Force , an organisation composed of high street exper ts providing tailored guidance , suppor t and resources to local authorities on high street issues

Despite this, our high streets and town centres continue to have ever-increasing numbers of empty units, many of which - par ticularly the larger units such as those previously occupied by Debenhams or Marks and Spencer - create large holes in the high street scene High streets also come under fire from the national press with complaints they now only contain charity shops or coffee shops, with the traditional variety of the high street a distant memor y

The High Streets (Designation, Review and Improvement Plan) Bill, introduced as a Private Members Bill in December 2023 sought to assist local planning authorities in their effor ts to improve high streets in towns

across England This would have required local authorities to designate high streets in their area, to undertake and publish periodic reviews of the condition of those high streets and to develop action plans for their improvement

This sounds ideal in principle , and the Bill did gain some suppor t on its route through the Commons However, not all were suppor tive of its aims, with the Local Government Association (LGA) criticising it as being “ unnecessar y ” and “ a distraction from what councils really need to protect and enhance the future of their high streets” Many suggest that a council’s ability to improve its high streets has already been hampered by successive extensions of permitted development rights and changes to the national Use Class Order, resulting in less control over land uses such as retail, offices and takeaways - meaning local people have less of a say over what their high streets can look like More recently, the size limit and vacancy requirement has been changed which means any Class E building can more readily be conver ted to residential, reducing fur ther the ability for councils to help protect and improve their high streets

However, it s impor tant to remember that shops are only one component of high streets, and a variety of uses can assist in ensuring the vitality and viability of our high streets and town centres We have seen many examples of the larger empty shop units being conver ted to leisure facilities be that escape rooms go kar

Greene King Invests £23 Million In Food And Drink Depot To Support Northwest Pubs Network

Winterhalter Gets Ready for the Top Ten Countdown to the 2024 KP of the Year

2024 sees Winterhalter celebrate the 10th Kitchen Por ter of the Year competition, which aims to recognise the amazing work so many kitchen por ters do to keep the UK’s foodser vice industr y in peak condition

Since it was first held in 2013 KPOTY has become one of the biggest and most prestigious awards in the industr y, and has been praised for its focus on the vital role kitchen por ters play in catering and foodser vice In many businesses KPs are the secret weapons of the kitchen, going above and beyond their standard duties to keep them running smoothly For many of the biggest names in the industr y the experience they gained during their time as KPs ser ved as the foundation to their future career

Over seven hundred nominations have been made over the previous nine competitions, representing all sectors of foodser vice , including the UK’s best hotels and restaurants, pubs bars and clubs, and institutional and contract caterers, demonstrating the importance of KPs throughout the industr y

“When we first came up with the idea for KP of the Year we had no idea that it would get the response it did ” says Stephen Kinkead Winterhalter UK’s managing director “It’s all about putting KPs and the work they do in the spotlight It’s humbling to read the nominations – learning about the dedication and effor t so many of them bring to their jobs is always inspiring

The KP of the Year 2024 will be awarded the prestigious KPOTY trophy, as well as

£1000 in vouchers and a celebrator y meal for friends and family in a casual dining restaurant of their choice Fur thermore , the winning KP’s employer will get a piece of Winterhalter equipment wor th up to £10,000

Along with this, three highly commended KPs will receive vouchers to hospitality experiences, and ever y

England Group Games Drove An Additional 25.6m Pints

Black and White Hospitality Opens First Marco Pierre White Pub

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The Power Of A Warm Welcome: Creating Memorable Hospitality Experiences

What we should all remember in the hospitality industr y is that we need to put people first Our primar y aim is taking care of customers and fulfilling their needs and expectations What makes the ser vices we provide memorable is when we are able to personalise them and make customers feel they are being treated exclusively Hospitality organisations have the power to make emotional connections with their customers and this is an industr y that depends on experiences and feelings, so it is super impor tant to create long-lasting memories And great first impressions that influence the customer experience

While providing value , tailoring ser vices and making things easier for customers helps deliver a positive experience , what elevates things to the level of truly memorable is often the little details

For example , one Halloween I noticed a customer who was with their grandchild admiring our display, so I star ted chatting and asked the child what was their greatest wish She replied: a purple unicorn While they were out I managed to find a toy purple unicorn, which I left in their room This little gesture didn t cost much, but it created an impression that has likely lasted ever since

What these emotional connections create is long-term engagement and loyal customers This can lead to customers becoming advocates and ambassadors for your establishment, which can go a long way towards improving your bottom line


Since we have established lasting memories are associated with customer loyalty and ultimately the bottom line , delivering exceptional experiences is clearly critical for hospitality While that has been true for as long as the industr y has existed, it has never been more impor tant than it is today And that is for a number of reasons

Principal among these is the huge amount of competition in the industr y Customers around the world have more choice than ever before and also many more ways of interacting with hospitality businesses and purchasing ser vices from them thanks to the proliferation of online travel agents (OTAs)

For example , according to Statista Research Depar tment estimates, more than 2,700 new hotels will open in 2024 That means hotels need to go even fur ther to stand out from what is already a crowd Not only that, with the power of social media and online reviews to cause serious damage to a brand’s reputation delivering great customer experience can mean the difference between thriving or barely sur viving

That is why unforgettable experiences are now more impor tant than ever and for me that means harnessing the power of a warm welcome Remember we only have one shot to make a great first impression And that first impression can affect so much

If you create a great first impression, you are setting the right tone and giving the customer the belief they made the right choice as soon as they arrive , which is a powerful emotional connection From that moment on, the customer believes you are there to fulfil their needs and desires Obviously, if you deliver a poor customer experience , the opposite happens and you have created a situation where they are more likely to complain And crucially, post details of their negative experience on the internet where other potential customers can see them


While technolog y can pose potential reputational challenges for hospitality businesses, increasingly it is providing them with oppor tunities to fur ther improve the customer experience For decades, we have been using technolog y to streamline operations and make our processes more efficient Now, it is enabling us to do something perhaps even more impor tant: getting to know our customers better

If you want to fulfil the needs and expectations of your customers, obviously the first step is to identify them And now, we have many solutions – often powered by AI – that are enabling us to understand not only what customers are looking for but also where they are looking for it how long they spend on our websites

which ser vices they are searching for, and many other things These insights help us anticipate and deliver on customer expectations and desires and make it easier for us to tailor our ser vices towards their individual preferences That is exactly the kind of thing that elevates customer experience from the good to the great What technolog y has also allowed us to do is make customer journeys – for example , customer interactions with the hotel – more convenient for them We are now so accustomed to unlocking our devices with fingerprints and contactless payments that consumers are expecting this level of convenience when they go to a hotel

Hospitality is in the business of making people feel ‘at home’ so it is right we should be offering customers the same levels of convenience they experience there such as choosing their own TV channels and controlling the air conditioning with their mobile devices Emerging technologies have enabled us to introduce all kinds of innovations that help us deliver that at home sensation that makes customers feel their needs and desires are being looked after

We should not expect technolog y to replace the human touch that is so vital to hospitality, we are seeing it enable us to exceed our customers’ expectations, which is incredibly impor tant in the modern age What’s more , customers do not mind paying extra for a ser vice when it feels exclusively for them Thanks to technolog y, we have the data we need to deliver on that


Customers naturally gravitate towards brands that have a reputation for delivering exceptional experiences

They want to be a par t of the brand’s legend, are willing to pay extra for the privilege , and are happy to remain loyal customers

That is why brands that prioritise positive customer experience above ever ything else are the ones who are rewarded with the kind of prized reputation that inspires customer loyalty and advocacy In fact, they recognise that only by delivering great customer experiences can they drive the results they are looking for and perform financially to the extent they desire

So the key to differentiating your brand from the others is consistently delivering excellence in customer ser vice But how do you do that in practice?


You need to concentrate not only on first but also last impressions They are equally impor tant

While first impressions set the tone last impressions will be what makes the difference between basic customer satisfaction and a customer actively promoting your brand due to their outstanding experience

And that means having the right attitude Yes you need to make sure your focus is on delivering on customer needs and desires But it is about more than that It is about having a ‘people first’ mentality and that covers customers and employees If your employees are proud to work for your organisation and love being par t of your brand s legend, that will be reflected in the ser vice they deliver It is impor tant to understand the needs and desires of your employees as well as keeping customers happy


Much of how to create a memorable customer experience boils down to attitude While there is not really a ‘one-size-fits-all’ checklist of customer experience strategies you must apply, some of the things you can do that will help create happy customers include:

Be friendly, warm and genuine It is difficult to overstate how impor tant this is to not only being able to deliver a great welcome but also in helping you build close and lasting customer relationships

Get to know your customers This is really essential in the hospitality industr y and will help you hyper-personalise the ser vices you offer, which helps create brand loyalty and advocacy when done right

Follow up with customers This is related to the other two, but it does nor cost anything to ask customers if ever ything is to their satisfaction or whether they need anything Spending that little bit of time with your customers will not only allow you to gauge their levels of satisfaction, it lets them know you care

Put yourself in your customers’ shoes Think carefully about how you would like to be treated when you arrive at a hotel What would make the experience memorable for you? Sometimes it is the little details that make the difference , so ask yourself what would make you delighted with the ser vice you are receiving

Above all, what really makes the difference is the mindset you have While getting the basics is impor tant –and that is as true for organisations as it is for individuals – what elevates the customer experience from the good to the great is the ‘people first’ attitude Get that right and you will go a long way towards differentiating your brand from the crowd

Energy for Rural Hospitality Businesses

former hotelier.

Advice for Sustainable Tourism:

5 X Ways Hotel Management Can Positively Impact The Local Community and Promote Sustainable Tourism

International hotelier and UN Advisor on sustainable tourism, Christian De Boer, sheds light on the tactics employed to keep Jaya House River Park Siem Reap 100% sustainable

Working in luxur y hospitality has led me to some of the best cities in the world and witness how the crème-de-la-crème of hotels operate within them But when it was time to leave one of my most memorable and inspiring roles as General Manager at, Shinta Mani Club in 2016, I decided it was time to star t something of my own, harnessing the lessons I had learned along the way

Sustainability is not a race or competition – it should be a universal effor t - and it is my responsibility to share my journey in setting up Cambodia’s first singleuse-plastic-free hotel, Jaya House River Park, to encourage others to follow suit


In 2024 as an industr y we are acutely aware of the impact of single-use-plastics on the environment and climate So why we are seeing such global discrepancy across international tourism effor ts to become single use plastic free? Ocean pollution and landfill pose a monumental problem around the world, but it is the developing nations that suffer the most Tourists are the single biggest culprit of single-use-plastic waste , and it is down to the hotels to motivate each other to take immediate action In 2016 Jaya House River Park pioneered the “Refill Not Landfill” plastic waste reduction campaign Ever y guest becomes a par t of this initiative and is given a reusable aluminium bottle on arrival which they can refill at stations throughout the hotel and around Cambodia This scheme now operates in Thailand, Laos, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Myanmar and New Zealand and has saved over 500,000 plastic bottles and other plastic waste from ending up in mountainous landfills, roadsides, waterways and oceans



When I first star ted to consider how Jaya House could operate as a 100% single-use-plastic-free business, the first step was identifying where hotels usually consume the most plastic It’s unsurprising that the usual culprits include spaces such as the kitchen and bars, laundr y ser vices, bedroom and bathroom amenities The next step was star ting a conversation with the suppliers We’ve established a kitchen system where fresh meat, fish and vegetable supplies are delivered in reusable hard-wearing plastic boxes which are swapped with each deliver y Thorough washing and cleaning protocols have been employed to ensure industr y health standards are met For laundr y, we use an eco-friendly laundr y ser vice which is complimentar y and unlimited for guests, with items collected and returned in sustainable linen bags When it comes to amenities, Jaya House offers alternatives for other typically plastic products, such as straws, disposable razors, toothbrushes and combs – produced locally from bamboo, providing local families with year-round income In 2019, I created our own Jaya Organics range of luxur y bathroom products, stored in glass containers and made on site using only local, organic ingredients and botanicals native to the cities around Siem Reap 3 GO LOCAL WITH YOUR SUPPLIES & STAFF

The beauty of travelling to new places is the introduction to different cultures and economies, so why do some hotels still impor t the majority of their produce when fresh local alternatives can be found on their doorstep? It is the responsibility of the hotel to incorporate local flavours and ingredients into their menu to

reduce their carbon footprint whilst giving an authentic taste of local culture

Jaya House’s restaurant, Trorkuon Khmer, ser ves vegan-friendly Western and Khmer cuisine where all ingredients are locally and ethically sourced from local suppliers who are paid a fair wage

Beyond the kitchen, truly enriching guest experiences exists in the one-to-one with the individuals who are local to Siem Reap We employ 100% local staff, and are currently the only hotel in Southeast Asia to invest in English classes for all employees a scheme consistently bolstered and improved by high guest bookings It provides an oppor tunity to impar t industr y knowledge on individuals who have never had the luxur y of travelling themselves, as well as providing inclusive employment oppor tunities to those with physical or learning disabilities All our staff are given food vouchers for fresh meat, fruit and vegetables to ensure that their basic living needs are met and their work benefits their life in a multi-faceted way


Identifying issues that are unique to the communities surrounding your proper ties is key in ensuring that you are making a genuine positive impact on the people that need it most

There are countless local initiatives that need suppor t in Cambodia I had been introduced to one of my personal heroes, Tania Palmer, in 2011, who founded the Green Gecko Centre for Street Children That year, Cambodia had experienced unprecedented rainfall – a byproduct of changing climates – leaving a large proportion of the countr y underwater, and thousands of citizens without food or water Suppor ting the Green Gecko Centre has always been a priority for Jaya House , and we split monthly donations between them alongside the Cambodian Landmine Museum an The Small Ar t School (SAS) We also proudly display the SAS ar twork on walls throughout the hotel

Moreover we are dedicated to improving the quality of air and natural beauty of the destination and since 2016 Jaya House River Park has planted more than 2150 trees native to Cambodia in public areas of Siem Reap


In my years of experience , time and time again I have been blown away by just how much guests want to give back to the destinations they are visiting but just don’t know how Creating bridges and connecting the dots between guests and aid oppor tunities is beneficial to both par ties and is an oppor tunity to help in areas that desperately need aid A big problem in Siem Reap is the limited access that local children have to education, restricting their future development This is why guests of Jaya House are encouraged to purchase educational books prior to arrival for donation to local communities, which are then delivered to local children directly by the Jaya House team We also love to get guests involved with planting trees and there is an option for them to donate funds and plant trees themselves around the neighborhood

We have an exciting future ahead at Jaya House and are inspired to be par t of the change that we want to see in Siem Reap over the next decade If we can do it why can’t others?

Co-op Under Fire Over Euro Football Advert

Profit before people This was when permitted development rights ludicrously allowed these conversions without the need for planning permission and the Co-op ruthlessly exploited this loophole without any regard for the loss of impor tant local pubs and community hubs (in a way that a supermarket can never be) ”

In a letter to the Co-op pressure group Campaign for Pubs has called adver ts disgraceful THE LETTER GOES ON TO SAY:

“You and your management team must surely be aware of what a challenging time it is for pubs and publicans, yet here you are , a supposedly ethical business, openly and deliberately undermining pubs and publicans livelihoods at this difficult time

“It frankly beggars belief At the time when businesses in England should be uniting in suppor t of the national football team, the Co-op has instead cynically and shamelessly sought to attack another impor tant business sector to tr y to boost your own profits from the tournament It really goes against ever ything that the Co-op movement stands for ”

“Who on Ear th thought this was an acceptable thing to do? Who signed this off? It shows appalling judgement on the par t of your marketing team and agencies as well as a worr ying lack of moral responsibility and ethical leadership We note , alas, that this is not the first time at the Co-op has behaved in a way that is completely at odds with its founding principles, when it comes to pubs For years, Co-op Food cynically and deliberately targeted pubs and was guilty of the predator y purchasing of viable , wanted pubs to turn them into Co-op Convenience stores against the wishes of communities flagrantly ignoring the impact of the loss of the pub on that community, simply to increase the Co-op’s estate and profits ”

“This was anti pub and anti community and to make it even worse , the Co-op hid behind and then broke a weak ‘protocol’ signed with the Campaign for Real Ale to continue yet more predator y purchasing something rightly criticised at the time by our own Campaign Director Greg Mulholland ”

“We could in response call for a boycott of all Co-op supermarkets which no doubt many publicans would back However, we are not going to do that, because in contrast to the disgraceful attitude the Co-op has shown towards pubs, we would not want to put at risk any of the jobs of your staff and we also recognise that in some areas, Co-op convenience stores are the only shop available to communities ”

“If only Co-op food has such simple guiding principles and leadership to guide its promotional activity Instead, we are asking you to apologise to UK publicans for this utterly crass and divisive adver t and to agree to pull it, so it is not shown any more during the Euros We also ask that you commit not to run any such adver ts telling people not to go to the pub in future or undermining pubs ”

“Please reassure us that as CEO for the Co-op that you will stop such divisive , crass and unethical marketing now and in the future ”

UHHospitality CEO Kate Nicholls said: “it’s a simple fact that the best place to watch football is in the pub, with fans coming together to create an

The ‘Karaoke Room Effect’:

Academic Research into UK Hospitality Venues Reveals Financial Benefits of Giving Customers the Opportunity to Sing

Aalto University

Finland’s Aalto University (www aalto fi/en) has under taken the first ever research project into the financial impact of karaoke rooms within UK bars, restaurants, and other hospitality venues At a time when the UK hospitality industr y is under increasing pressure (over 6 000 hospitality venues closing their doors between December 2022 - December 2023, according to data from CGA by NIQ and AlixPar tners), the findings present a potential silver bullet for the sector : the study of 53 UK venues during 2018-2022 revealing venues with karaoke experienced a 12 2% increase in return on assets (ROA) when compared to a control group without THE KARAOKE ROOM EFFECT - KEY FINDINGS FROM AALTO UNIVERSITY STUDY, AND ADDITIONAL RESEARCH

The research was commissioned by Singa (, the Finnish star tup revolutionising the karaoke industr y by providing innovative , professional karaoke software that gives venues access to a fully licensed song catalogue (frequently updated to add new hits), and customisable display and room management capabilities Singa currently provides professional karaoke tech and business consultancy to well-known UK hospitality venues such as Boom Battle Bar and Roxy Leisure (both of which featured in the analysis)

Singa asked Aalto University researcher Ngoc Anh Pham to explore the impact of karaoke rooms on financial performance in UK hospitality venues Aalto University is the leading university in Finland and, created through the merger of Helsinki University of Technolog y, Helsinki School of Economics, and the University of Ar t and Design Helsinki in 2010, is in the top universities for business and economics worldwide The study reveals a 12 2% increase in ROA for venues with karaoke compared to those with no such facilities (ROA measures how effectively a business uses its assets to create profit) In addition to booking fees, additional revenue is shown to be created through attracting a new customer base and a corresponding uptick on beverage , snack, and other purchases

The benefit to the business is not only financial, but has a positive experiential impact on patrons and customers who are able to enjoy an engaging and fun social activity with friends, increasing likelihood of return

The Aalto University insights suppor t the findings of European research conducted by Singa In spring 2018, Singa analysed 37 European venues, finding that karaoke resulted in a 31% increase in the number of customers, alongside a 35% increase in average customer spend In those venues that hosted occasional karaoke nights a 42% increase in average customer spend during these special events (2-4 times a month) was obser ved

The business benefits of a karaoke room can also be viewed in light of the current trend towards experiences, including ‘competitive socialising’ According to research from Savills published in November 2023, the competitive socialising sector has grown at “unparalleled levels” over the past five years (with a 38% increase in competitive socialising venues since 2015) This reflects a growing trend amongst Gen Z and Millennials for favouring defined experiences over ‘things’, and with sobriety or drinking less becoming more popular for Gen Z (the ‘sober curious generation’) venues which offer alternative enter tainment options are increasingly appealing to previously underser ved customer groups Competitive socialising is not a new concept - dar ts or pool being a mainstay of UK venues for centuries - but new options are increasingly sophisticated and often tech-enhanced

To fur ther demonstrate the interest in competitive socialising - and karaoke in par ticular - UK Google Trends data shows a marked volume increase in searches for ‘karaoke room ’ , with interest (measured by Google searches) more than doubling over the last five years (analysed up to Februar y 2024)

Atte Hujanen, Co-Founder and CEO at Singa, comments: “Our research confirms that Britons want escapism through song Anecdotally, I have always known that karaoke brings a huge benefit to hospitality businesses through the joy it brings, but for the first time the positive business impact to British venues can be quantified Hospitality as an industr y has faced serious challenges due to the Covid-19 pandemic and more recently the cost of living crisis in the UK, and it’s clear that karaoke can help venues adapt and continue to thrive by offering local communities additional fun, social experiences ”

Historic Thatchers Unveils First Phase of £5 million Revamp

The UK’s biggest RTD brand in the on-trade categor y*, VK, is entering the alcohol-free market for the first time with the launch of ‘VK Blue 0 0%’

The launch comes following shifting market dynamics and consumer behaviours which have seen low and no-alcohol products become the fastest-growing categor y in the on-trade sector in the last year, according to Neilson (NIQ) data

To suppor t its development, VK commissioned research among students in key university towns across the UK in a bid to better understand evolving drinking habits within the 18-24 age demographic

The findings reveal nearly half (49%) of students now consume less alcohol compared to the previous year, with 32% intending to fur ther reduce their intake in the coming months The primar y motivation for 79% is a focus on mindful socialising and connecting, with only 6% driven by the ‘buzz’ of alcohol VK Zero maintains the signature , fruity flavour profile synonymous with VK Blue , but with 0% alcohol content, providing a more inclusive option by appealing to those looking to reduce their alcohol consumption or abstain

Unlike many competing brands in the categor y, VK Blue 0 0% offers an added caffeine boost (32mg per 100ml, similar to standard energ y drinks), ensuring con-

sumers stay energised

Colliers Outline Ten Point Business Rates Manifesto For Growth

The new government cannot afford to continue brushing business rates reform under the carpet says John Webber, Head of Business Rates at Colliers The current system which provides £30 billion a year for local authority funding, is not fit for purpose ” and, with election day approaching, both political par ties need to adapt their policies to encourage businesses to expand and invest rather than downsize or even close down their bricks-and-mor tar estate

Business rates must be fundamentally reformed Reform should culminate in a fair proper ty tax that would be affordable , transparent and easy to administer At Colliers, we have long been campaigning for change Having launched our first Business Rates Manifesto in August 2018, we have made constant revisions, petitioning MPs on both sides of the house to listen

We believe any new government should have the following 10 key action points on its agenda if it is serious about saving the high street:


The uniform business rate used to calculate rate bills should be rebased to a sensible level that businesses can afford Currently at 54 6p in the £1, it is just too high, and should be re-based to £0 35, near its historical level The 2023 list was the first Rating List that star ted with a multiplier over 50p As time moves on and the multiplier rises with inflation (Consumer Prices Index), this figure will continue to increase unless the next Government inter venes A regular shor ter Revaluation cycle has removed the need for annual changes to the multiplier since the inflationar y change to rental values will take into account that growth

Nowhere else in Europe do businesses pay half the rental value of premises in proper ty taxes Set at this level, business rates deter new investment in business A lower UBR would reduce the barriers to entr y, expansion and innovation for businesses and encourage growth It could enable a broadening of the tax base , thus plugging any gaps in revenue for the Exchequer caused by a lower UBR


Re-basing the multiplier to something affordable means the whole question of reliefs can become simplified and resolved The Government introduced the complicated series of reliefs because rates bills were just too high and now roughly 700,000 proper ties out of a tax base of 2 15 million, are exempt More reliefs given, in turn, put pressure to increase the multiplier, creating a vicious circle In the absence of reform, the Government will have to ask for ever higher contributions from an ever-shrinking base of non-domestic ratepayers, if it wants to maintain revenues This is not sustainable

Whilst Small business rates relief is vital to suppor t the economy and local businesses while the multiplier is so high; in some places we have business rates deser ts, and this is inequitable We believe ever yone that benefits from public utilities and local ser vices should pay something towards them-but at a fair rate Reliefs should be reviewed at least ever y 3 years or at each revaluation cycle LOOK AT WAYS TO MAKE UP THE LOST REVENUE

Ideally, the next Government would recognize that the burden of business rates is simply too high and would cover the cost of reducing the UBR with other fiscal measures


• increasing the digital ser vices tax on the global tech giants until the review on international corporation tax has been completed;

• some form of online sales tax or local sales tax

• charging a low/reduced business rate to ever y small business that currently does not pay anything at all or receives relief (those in premises with a rateable value of under £15 000) We have never met the owner of a small business that does not feel they should have to pay something toward local authority ser vices

• Consider landlords/owners making a contribution to the business rates bill

• Phasing out the Retail, Leisure and Hospitality Relief long term -as the level of the UBR multiplier is reduced, this should not be needed

• Reforming council tax and looking at a pooling system, so that some funds can redistributed nationally, as per the business rates system

These options are all completely dependent on the Government reducing the multiplier to £0 35p These options should not be seen as an additional tax grab


The significant amount of long term empty commercial proper ty in England is due to a lack of market demand and long-term socio-economic factors not because proper ty owners want to keep their premises empty It takes a landlord on average a year to fill a proper ty with a long-term tenant when it falls empty Taxing them for that reduces the investment that they can make in upgrades

A three-month rate-free period for occupiers (a so-called “ new shops bonus”) would not incentivise long term occupation, because most new occupiers already enjoy a rent-free period as par t of their deal with the landlord

The next Government should instead extend the three- and six-month empty rates holidays to twelve months for all proper ty types, including retail and offices to encourage owners to keep proper ties in the rating list and maintain the tax base for the future In the first year, extending Empty proper ty relief to 100% for 12 months could cost the Exchequer £3bn per year, based on 2023 values; but over time , it would result in higher proper ty valuations and more revenue for the Exchequer as the rating list becomes more valuable


By introducing annual revaluations business rates bills will accurately reflect values reducing the likely significant shift in liability following a revaluation and allow occupiers and local authorities to benefit The increased occurrences of significant and unforeseen events, such as Brexit, the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine , fur ther emphasise the need for a system that can more accurately react to rapidly changing economic landscapes


There should be a wholesale and then regular review of what is or is not rateable in relation to plant and machiner y All plant that is an integral par t of the trade process should be exempted from business rates, as should investment in new technolog y that makes businesses more green/ sustainable This would allow the rating system to complement government policy and targets The amount of time spent arguing about the value of a CCTV camera or an air conditioning unit in a small shop highlights the ridiculous situation that has been created


The valuation process that allocates proper ties their rateable values is not transparent The VOA does not share the evidence that it uses to form the basis of its valuations The only way occupiers dissatisfied with their rateable values can access this evidence is by challenging the valuation through the “check challenge appeal” system (CC A), a lengthy and costly process for the occupier We expect that many challenges to the valuation process will be submitted over the coming months following concerns that the VOA uses flimsy evidence when conducting proper ty valuations The VOA have not been held to account sufficiently in recent years – they make the rules up as they go along leaving ratepayers fighting an opaque bureaucracy


The current system makes it too difficult for businesses to appeal their assessments Recent tinkering with the CC A system and plans to remove the Check par t of the system has only added to the confusion The request for the annual provision of information from the ratepayer, not only confirming physical details of the proper ty on an annal basis, but also updates on rent and lease and trading information will also add a significant administrative burden

We believe the current system of appeals is not fit for purpose – only those companies that can afford professional advisors get to the right answer The system should be transparent, easy to access for all and allow appeals to be resolved in 12 months

Over 13% of appeals at Challenge stage are excluded on technical grounds such as filling in a form incorrectly This has meant circa 20,000 businesses on the 2017 Rating List have been prevented from getting a fair tax bill and natural justice


The government must investigate new funding sources for councils as confidence in the current system dwindles The government should also consider reforming council tax funding, a tax that has not had a revaluation for over 30 years A funding model similar to Non-Domestic Rates where all receipts are largely pooled should be considered


Unhappiness with rates assessments and a complicated process of dealing with appeals system has driven smaller businesses into the arms of rogue rating agents who promise to negotiate lower bills, but often disappear after taking an upfront fee Unlike advisors in other financial disciplines, business rates advisors do not require a license to practise

We urge the next Government to regulate the industr y and set up a register of rating advisors, similar to the Financial Conduct Authority to make sure the cowboy and criminal element that prey on such businesses are kept at bay Until reformed, businesses need the best advice from professional advisers if they are to navigate the complex appeals (CC A) system We believe the issue of rogue traders will only get worse when the government introduces annual returns and imposes “the duty to notify” since this will put extra administrative burdens on rate payers who will need even more help to negotiate the system THE TIME IS NOW

A new government has a real oppor tunity to introduce key reforms to the business rates system – a system which, in its current form, is not working Over the past 30 years, various governments have over-complicated this tax, made it more opaque and increased its level dispropor tionately, leading to a growing chorus of criticism and contributing to destroying the high street

Webber concludes, “We need a well-managed and transparent business rates system that suppor ts growth, not hinders it; and we need it now That is why we have been campaigning to all par ties British business needs meaningful reform -not shallow sound bites”

Political Leaders Must Bridge The Cultural Divide To Regain Trust Says NTIA

Trust is the cornerstone of any fruitful relationship, especially between night time industries and political leaders In today s rapidly evolving world, industries are not only economic engines but also cultural powerhouses Yet there is a growing disconnect: How can an industr y trust leaders who seem utterly out of touch with the ver y fabric of contemporar y society?

Bars, clubs, festivals, and events are more than just enter tainment they are the lifeblood of our economy and culture The nightlife and events industr y is a powerhouse generating jobs boosting tourism and suppor ting a vast network of ancillar y businesses These venues are hotbeds of economic activity, innovation, and cultural expression, influencing global trends

However, political leaders without firsthand experience in these environments are ill-equipped to understand the complexities of these industries They lack the insight necessar y to navigate the challenges of running venues, organising largescale events, and fostering creative communities This ignorance leads to misguided policies that stifle innovation and growth, creating a regulator y environment that feels punitive rather than suppor tive

Legislation on licensing noise regulations and public safety often reflects this disconnect Leaders who have never dealt with the realities of the nightlife industr y impose restrictions that cripple businesses and stymie cultural expression This detachment not only alienates industr y stakeholders but also hampers economic and cultural development

Michael Kill CEO NTIA says: “The glaring disconnect between our political leaders and the nightlife industr y is unacceptable and damaging Our bars clubs and festivals are economic and cultural lifelines yet they are stifled by ill-informed policies from leaders who are out of touch with contemporar y society This lack of understanding is crippling our industr y and alienating stakeholders It’s time for our leaders to engage genuinely with our vibrant nightlife sector, understand its challenges, and suppor t its growth The sur vival of our industr y and the cultural richness it brings depends on bridging this divide immediately ”

Moreover, political leaders who remain disengaged from these cultural hubs miss critical oppor tunities to connect with the public Bars, clubs, and festivals are places where diverse communities come together fostering unity and shared experiences Leaders who avoid these settings remain oblivious to the needs, aspirations, and concerns of their constituents

To bridge this chasm and rebuild trust, political leaders must immerse themselves in the cultural hear tbeat of their constituencies This requires genuine engagement attending events visiting venues and interacting with industr y professionals not for photo oppor tunities, but to gain a deep, authentic understanding of the industr y ’ s dynamics

Open lines of communication are vital Industr y leaders must have regular, meaningful oppor tunities to influence policy discussions ensuring their exper tise is respected and their voices heard This collaborative approach can yield legislation that truly suppor ts and nur tures these vital sectors, benefiting the industr y and the broader community

Trust is earned through understanding and respect Political leaders must demonstrate cultural competence by embracing the diverse experiences that shape contemporar y society This means stepping out of their comfor t zones and engaging directly with the industries they regulate

By doing so, leaders can craft policies that foster economic growth and cultural enrichment They can build relationships based on mutual respect and understanding, creating an environment where industries feel valued and suppor ted This cultural competence is crucial to bridging the gap between political leadership and the vibrant industries driving our modern economy

In conclusion, the disconnect between political leaders and the industries they ser ve is a significant barrier to trust Political leaders must engage with the cultural life of their constituencies to craft informed, suppor tive policies This engagement is essential not only for the industries but also for strengthening the fabric of our society fostering a more inclusive and dynamic community

bar facilities

Simon Teasdale , Chief Executive Officer for LGH Hotels Management Ltd, added: “We are incredibly pleased with the refurbishment of the Queen at Chester, we have invested greatly to make sure this significant building continues to stand the test of time This iconic hotel is well regarded for hosting tourists and business guests from around the world, setting the scene for major events in the area and providing a welcoming place for locals to socialise in Chester, long may she reign

KP Snacks Launches New League of Tyrrellbly Good Taste

KP Snacks has announced the launch of a new initiative: the League of Tyrrellbly Good Taste , designed to suppor t the Out of Home (OOH) channel in driving the sale of bagged snacks The initiative enables OOH outlets to register their business via a bespoke platform, to receive exclusive POS and snack sales advice Launching at the beginning of July and running until the end of September, the initiative leverages the strength and popularity of Tyrrells as the number one hand-cooked crisp brand in the OOH channel

Par ticipating outlets will be able to “Fly the Flag for Good Taste”, with 200 exclusive POS kits available , including a branded wooden display unit, a window sticker marking out the business as a “Tyrrellbly Tasteful Establishment”, a clip strip and more The new POS has been designed to drive sales tempting customers to trade up on drinks-only visits By maximising the visibility of their bagged snacks range , outlets will attract more customers, with 85% of consumers more likely to buy a packet of crisps if they are on display

Outlets joining the initiative will also be in with a chance to win a year ’ s

supply of Tyrrells crisps, wor th over £5,000 Meanwhile , the first 50 outlets to join the League of Tyrrellbly Good Taste will also receive 5 exclusive Tyrrells branded t-shir ts

Sammy Harmer, Tyrrells Brand Manager, KP Snacks, says: “As a recognisable and well-loved brand that performs well within the Out of Home channel, Tyrrells is perfectly positioned to help businesses grow their bagged snacks sales We are excited to be launching the League of Tyrrellbly Good Taste , a long-term platform that will engage our OOH par tners with special offers and incentives, helping to drive sales with access to new and creative POS alongside guidance on how to capitalise on the bagged snacks oppor tunity ” Tyrrells is a leading premium snacking brand, delivering an ideal choice for customers looking for great-tasting high quality snacks With 91 Great Taste Awards across the range , Tyrrells offers a great accompaniment to a glass of wine and is available in classic and popular flavours including Mature Cheddar & Chive , Lightly Sea Salted and Sea Salt & Cider Vinegar To fInd out more and join the League of Tyrrellbly Good Taste , visit:

Brits Back CAMRA and Ask For Full Pints and Consumer Choice

New research shows that Brits want to see the new Government take action for pubs, pints and people –whilst just 12% say a pint is affordable

Consumer rights group C AMRA (the Campaign for Real Ale) members and the general public alike sent thousands of lobbying emails, laying out C AMRA’s vision for quality real ale and thriving pubs in ever y community ahead of this week's General Election

Now new research commissioned by the Campaign shows the strength of suppor t for the manifesto’s three core asks:


of Brits suppor t changes to give licensees the ability to ser ve independently brewed beer, rather than just the products manufactured by the few big players that control much of the pub market FAIRER TAX

The price of a pint of beer remains a key concern for consumers, with a mere 12%


The C AMRA manifesto also calls on the government to open up the pub market, making it easier for independent beer and cider makers to see their products on the bar not only suppor ts independent producers

The AVL A Licence – A Legal Requirement

When travellers check in at a proper ty, they expect a cer tain level of comfor t and enter tainment Television is indispensable While some may argue that TV is dying in the age of streaming and on-demand content, in reality it remains essential, especially in the UK Television still holds great value for the hospitality industr y

However, with the convenience and benefits of offering television come certain responsibilities, par ticularly respecting copyright laws Hoteliers must ensure they have the necessar y licences to broadcast content legally

The AVLA licence enables hotels, apar thotels, B&Bs and similar establishments to legally display in public TV channels containing audiovisual works (films, series, documentaries, car toons and other TV shows) from AVLA’s extensive reper toire It covers TVs in bedrooms and in communal areas of the premises (e g in a

restaurant, bar, etc ) Operating without a licence constitutes a legal infringement of the rights of

AVLA represents the UK largest and most varied community of audiovisual creators comprising various categories of rightsholders: producers, authors, performers, directors, and visual ar tists The AVLA licence covers an immense catalogue of works and rights not covered by other licensors For clarity, the AVLA licence does not replace the licences of other entities, and vice-versa

Respecting copyright law is crucial not only to avoid legal or reputational risks, but also to suppor t the UK’s world-class creative industries So, by taking an AVLA licence , hotels are securing legal compliance and demonstrating their commitment to ethical business practices, while also helping to sustain and suppor t the creative individuals and businesses working hard to produce the TV and film content that is so valued by their customers

To learn more about AVLA and get the licence visit AVLA offers a special 10% discount until 30 June .

UKHospitality CEO Kate Nicholls Joins

Industry Leaders In A Call To Transform The Perception Of Hospitality Careers

Five hospitality heavyweights gathered for an inspiring and thought-provoking discussion focused on transforming the perception of hospitality careers and attracting more young talent to the industr y The panel event took centre stage at the 2024 Nestlé Professional Toque d’Or awards ceremony earlier this month, creating the perfect setting to deliver a powerful message to more than 240 industr y professionals

The panel, which was chaired by TV presenter Mark DurdenSmith, featured UKHospitality chief executive Kate Nicholls OBE, Nestlé Professional managing director Katya Simmons, Sodexo’s food innovation & sustainability director David Mulcahy Chef Publishing editor Claire Bosi and CORE recruitment managing director Krishnan Doyle

Each speaker brought unique insights and perspectives on how to reshape the narrative around hospitality careers while all believing that in order to attract more young talent greater collaboration was needed “You can’t be what you can’t see ” , said Kate Nicholls, highlighting the important role young professionals in hospitality have to play in inspiring the next generation “We’re already doing some fantastic work to sell our industr y to school pupils, but we need more young ambassadors to step forward and go into schools themselves, as they re closer in age and more relatable So collaboration is key , she went onto say

Katya Simmons shared the successes of Nestlé Professional’s youth initiatives, Toque d’Or and the Choose Hospitality Pledge , which aim to transform young people’s perceptions of hospitality careers She commented: “This year has been a great success with almost 400 entries to the Toque d’Or competition Together with the Choose Hospitality Pledge , which we co-founded with Chef Publishing and Springboard, we are doing our best to inspire young talent and help them land exciting roles with fantastic career progression oppor tunities However, our industr y is highly fragmented, dynamic and creative which means we need to come together if we ’ re to make the desired impact For example , the Choose Hospitality Pledge depends on you – brilliant people from across our industr y – to take what we ’ re doing to transform the perception of hospitality careers, from strength to strength ”

David Mulcahy spoke passionately about the vast career oppor tunities available in hospitality Using the platform as an oppor tunity to inspire young people , he said: “Don’t limit your thinking to what you can do or where you can go in your careers Hospitality is the indus-




me ” Shedding light on some of the work Sodexo is doing in this area, David said: “In par tnership with the Choose Hospitality Pledge , we re delivering mass career workshops at key stadia sites, including Ever ton’s Goodison Park, Newcastle United’s St James’ Park and Brighton & Hove Albion’s American Express Stadium It’s fantastic work that enables us to give young people and their influencers – teachers and parents – more choices and oppor tunities to thrive ”

Claire Bosi addressed the media’s role in shaping perceptions of the industr y “Mainstream media often fails to por tray chefs as happy characters Hospitality has changed, and the oppor tunities to grow are endless It’s not just front-of-house and back-of-house; there’s a place for social media, textiles, mathematics, finance , technolog y and more To address this, Claire went onto say: “We need more communication – more positive communication – to ensure young people and their parents are aware of the broad range of career oppor tunities available in hospitality”

Krishnan Doyle shared his personal insights on the entrepreneurial spirit required to thrive in hospitality He said “Hospitality is one of those industries that doesn’t hold you back, regardless of your skill level You need to push yourself, almost thinking like you ’ re an entrepreneur, and not be afraid to ask for promotions at the right time and be inquisitive With the right mindset, you can go far in hospitality

The roundtable concluded with a shared agreement on the challenges and oppor tunities to improve the perception of hospitality as an aspirational career choice for young people The key solution, however, was greater industr y-wide collaboration to ensure young people get the information and suppor t they need to be able to make informed decisions regarding their careers

Stonegate Group Pubs Makes Finals

Of Great British Pub Awards 2024

Drinkaware Launches Campaign To Check Your Drinking

Shepherd Neame Celebrates £30,000

Donation To Its Charity Of The Year, Fareshare

of Fundraising Kirsty Ford and Warehouse Manager Emma White He said: “We are committed to doing the right thing for our communities, our people and our environment When we were choosing our charity par tner last summer, we wanted to work with an organisation which made a real difference to families and individuals in need, and FareShare does just that Their ethos also fits with our ongoing effor ts throughout the business to limit waste and recycle wherever possible , in line with our pledge to achieve zero waste to landfill by 2025

“We have been pleased to see our team

tinues to

tner with Pennies, the digital charity box Customers drinking and dining at selected pubs are invited to make a 25 pence donation when they spend over £25 and pay on a card via Chip & Pin Ever y penny given goes to charity: 90% to FareShare and 10% to Pennies

In addition to raising money for the charity, Shepherd Neame offered team members the oppor tunity to take time away from their roles to volunteer with FareShare In April, a group of 10 team members spent the day at The Felix Project, FareShare’s London deliver y par tner, in Poplar, East London They under took tasks including preparing and packing meals and delivering them to local charities Shepherd Neame’s Chief Executive Jonathan Neame marked the end of the par tnership by visiting the team at FareShare’s warehouse in Ashford Kent on Wednesday (June 26) and presenting a cheque to Head

Black and White Hospitality Opens

New Restaurant In Felixstowe

Secure Future Of British Food New Government Urged

UKHospitality joined forces with the wider food and drink supply chain to write to par ty leaders asking them to set out how they intend to ensure resilient supply chains

Together with the National Farmers’ Union (NFU) British Retail Consor tium (BRC) and Food and Drink Federation (FDF) they have expressed frustration at the lack of coverage during the campaigning for the General Election as to how the next government would approach the issue despite widespread agreement that “food security is national security”

In the letter, the organisations say this omission needs to be urgently addressed:

Our food system has shown itself in recent years to be efficient and resilient, maintaining UK food supply through a series of major challenges, including Covid-19, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine , and new trading arrangements by leaving the European Union


“At times those supply chains have come under severe strain, leading to shor tages of some food and drink products and increasing costs at all points of the chain from producer to consumer

“It would be foolhardy to assume that our food system will always withstand shocks, especially against the backdrop of increased geo-political instability and climate change

“The basic responsibility of any government is to ensure its citizens are safe and properly fed But while we have heard much about defence and energ y security in recent weeks, we have heard ver y little about food security The lack of focus on food in the political narrative during the campaigns demonstrates a worr ying blind-spot for those that would govern us

“Getting these policies right has multiple benefits for our countr y and the public beyond simply guaranteeing our food security A thriving food and drink sector is an engine for economic growth, one that is spread equitably across all par ts of the UK and which provides varied employment at all entr y levels

“Fur thermore , maintaining productive and profitable businesses across the food and drink supply chain not only contributes to our food security but also means with over two-thirds of our land used for farming that our natural environment can be managed sustainably to protect our environment and help meet climate ambitions


journey of protecting and enhancing the environment and most of all ensuring that British food remains on our shelves and available for all ”

Green Light For The Ivy Liverpool

Shepherd Neame Announces New Partnership With Air Ambulance Charity

How the Hospitality Sector Has Responded to its Recruitment and Retention Challenges

There has been no shor tage of recent headlines about the hospitality sector’s recruitment woes However, a glance at the headlines might not reveal that the hospitality sector is actually an increasingly popular choice for workers Indeed, hospitality is the third largest employer in the UK, with over 3 5mn workers employed across the sector Fur ther, despite a conception that the industr y is struggling and a difficult place to work, in The Sunday Times’ recently published list of the Best Places to Work, almost a quar ter of the businesses recognised in the Big Companies categor y were in the hospitality industr y A CHALLENGING BACK-


The hospitality sector has faced a number of challenges in recent years, which have arguably had an outsized impact on recruitment In par ticular, the pandemic saw many staff across the sector change careers with businesses in the industr y forced to shutter for months at a time This followed hot on the heels of Brexit which saw immigration restrictions tightened, which had an impact on the hospitality industr y ’ s recruitment pool

The hospitality industr y has also had to contend with systemic challenges, including high inflation and the cost-of-living crisis as well as being hit by shor t-term problems such as the disruption caused by train strikes which have cost the sector hundreds of millions of pounds in lost sales This may well have had an impact on perceptions about the viability of a career in hospitality, discouraging potential applicants with the corresponding headlines in national newspapers not helping either

The current economic climate has also made it more difficult for hospitality businesses to attract and retain staff just by offering higher wages, par ticularly because the expansion of the National Living Wage is increasing wages across the board That includes in industries that compete with the hospitality sector for talent This is creating fur ther financial pressure the hospitality sector, with wages being raised across entire businesses in response rather than just at the level where the National Living Wage applies


Attitudes and aspirations are changing across the workforce and businesses are having to change what they offer employees to reflect that In par ticular, research has repeatedly revealed that for the young adults now entering the workforce finding an employer that treats its employers, customers, and the planet well, is a top priority The hospitality sector has responded in a number of ways, with restaurants, for instance , par tnering with charities to ensure that unused food is donated rather than wasted, whilst businesses all across the industr y have created community-engagement or volunteering programmes

A good work-life balance is also a key consideration for a growing number This has posed a par ticular challenge to the hospitality industr y After all, where other industries have adopted hybrid working and flexible hours, the majority of hospitality roles still require work to be done in-person and following shift-patterns which may require less sociable hours

To compensate for this, a growing percentage of hospitality businesses have prioritised rewarding staff in other ways, by offering benefits such as free hotel stays and dinners, personal life experience vouchers, and hosting annual festivals or events where the whole workforce get together to celebrate with food and drinks provided

The hospitality sector has also demonstrated its willingness to invest in its employees For example , 92% of businesses sur veyed by UKHospitality are planning to invest in staff training, an increase of 16% 72% of businesses are also planning to invest in employee engagement, which has increased by 19% compared with 2023

It is a reflection of the success of these initiatives that, despite the difficult economic environment, job vacancy levels have fallen across the industr y Whilst they have not yet recovered to pre-pandemic levels, this is still unquestionably an encouraging sign – not least because there is scope for fur ther progress to be made , par ticularly if more targeted government suppor t was available

All businesses have to find ways of appealing to prospective employees and the hospitality sector is no exception But as The Sunday Times recognised the hospitality sector appears to have been par ticularly successful in accomplishing this adaptation It is still too soon to say that the hospitality industr y has conquered all of its recruitment and retention challenges, but the industr y has responded and we can say with growing confidence that the future looks bright

Ultimately the hospitality industr y has a lot to offer for prospective employees which is increasingly being recognised If this trend continues, don’t be surprised to see hospitality businesses claiming an even bigger share of The Sunday Times’ list of Best Places to Work in 2025

Cleaning and Hygiene


of Sport: A Golden Opportunity for the UK Hospitality


But Don’t Forget the Importance of Cleanliness & Hygiene

on-trade sector

siasts and the UK hospitality and

lineup that includes the Euros, the Olympics, Wimbledon, and a


of motor spor ts events, pubs, bars, and restaurants are preparing for a surge in footfall This period is not just an oppor tunity for social gatherings and celebrations but also a significant revenue driver For instance the Euros alone are expected to see a staggering extra 20 million pints sold during the tournament, compared to normal sales levels

However, with great oppor tunities come great responsibilities, par ticularly in maintaining cleanliness and hygiene As spor ts fans gather in large numbers, the potential for premises to become untidy and unhygienic increases Establishments must be prepared to manage this influx effectively ensuring that their venues remain appealing and safe for all customers


The financial implications of these events are monumental The Euros, in par ticular, are anticipated to be a major draw for patrons The predicted sale of 300 million pints underscores the vital role that pubs and bars play in bringing people together to enjoy live spor ts The economic boost from these sales estimated to be up to £1 4 billion highlights the importance of the on-trade sector to the UK economy This influx of patrons provides a unique oppor tunity for establishments to not only increase their sales but also to enhance their reputation and customer loyalty


With increased footfall comes the challenge of maintaining high standards of cleanliness and hygiene Spor ts fans are known for their enthusiasm which can sometimes translate into a more 'boisterous' atmosphere This can lead to spills, litter, and general wear and tear on facilities


Implementing a comprehensive cleaning regime involves several key steps:

1. Regular Cleaning Schedules: Establish frequent c leaning inter vals , especially dur ing peak times , to ensure that premises remain c lean and presentable This inc ludes regular w p ng down of surfaces , c leaning of restrooms , and ensur ing that floor s are free of spills and litter

2 Staff Training: Ensure that al staff are trained in proper hygiene practices and under stand the impor tance of maintain ng a c lean environment This inc ludes train ng on how to handle food and beverages safely, as well as how to quic kly and effectively c lean up spills and other messes

3 Adequate Supplies: Keep an ample stoc k of c leaning suppl es on hand, inc luding disinfectants , c leaning c oths , and f oor c leaner s This ensures that staff can quic kly address any issues as they ar ise

4 Waste Management: Implement effective waste management pract ces to handle the increased volume of rubbish This nc udes regular emptying of bins and proper disposal of waste


The cleanliness of a venue is directly linked to its reputation Patrons are unlikely to return to or recommend a place that they perceive as dir ty or poorly maintained In contrast, a clean, well-maintained establishment enhances the overall customer experience , encouraging repeat visits and positive word-of-mouth

As the various spor ts competitions progress throughout the summer, it is crucial for establishments to consistently maintain high standards of cleanliness and hygiene This not only ensures the safety and comfor t of customers but also helps to sustain the initial boost in business brought about by these events

The summer of spor t presents an exciting and profitable oppor tunity for the UK hospitality and licensed on-trade sector However, the key to capitalizing on this oppor tunity lies in maintaining impeccable standards of cleanliness and hygiene By doing so, establishments can ensure that they not only attract customers but also keep them coming back long after the final whistle has blown

In a season where ever y pint poured and ever y meal ser ved counts, the impor tance of a clean and welcoming environment cannot be overstated As the spor ts fans cheer and celebrate , let us ensure that our venues shine just as brightly providing a safe clean and enjoyable experience for all

Cleanliness is Always in Season

Food Safety

Are You Natasha’s Law Compliant? Many Still Aren’t

Double Down on Temperature Management to fight E. Coli

ter k t so it s with n reac h at all times

• New thermometer s supp ied w th FREE calibration cer t ficates and annua reminder s at no extra cost to ensure you are up to date with your food safety protocols MD Tom Sensier : I m really proud of our money-saving food-safety kits for their quality, value and performance

Our C A2005-PK combines a high accuracy thermometer with 6 colour-coded probes you can stick in the dishwasher And for fast-paced kitchens, you can’t beat our MMWALLKIT: a heavy duty thermometer and probe complete with hygienic wall storage – recently filmed in action on one of the UK’s most popular TV food competitions!’

To help businesses even fur ther, TME is offering 25% off online orders Visit www tmethermometers com for more details Offer ends on 30 June 2024

The Kelsius Digital HACCP and Wireless Temperature Monitoring System

The Kelsius digital HACCP and wireless temperature monitoring system provides the hospitality industr y with a one-stop food safety system that protects food, customers and a business s reputation Digital probes allow for food temperature checks right before ser vice recording and date-stamping temperatures and data Automated sensors provide effor tless monitoring of fridges, freezers and other units Data is stored securely and can be accessed through a user-friendly por tal allowing for full regulator y compliance and traceability with access to repor ts and data at the touch of a screen

or freezer failure or doors left open

Designated managers and super visors have visibility of aler ts corrective actions and user data on site or remotely, providing peace of mind that food safety procedures and processes are being followed

The sensor system will aler t staff in real time where a temperature falls outside predefined

To learn more visit www kelsius com

Products and Services

793 Spirits Co. Holy Island Bloomsbury



Jangro, the largest network of independent janitorial distributors in the UK and Ireland is proud to present its new Catering & Hospitality Supplies 2024/25 catalogue Boasting a fresh new look, the latest edition is the ultimate caterer s companion, offering a wide range of quality brands and choice at competitive prices

Enabling establishments to keep up to date with trends, the catalogue offers all the equipment and supplies required to stir up positive customer experiences From front of house to back of house casual to fine dining, the latest crocker y and table presentations to environmentally friendly catering disposables, Jangro’s new Catering & Hospitality 2024/25 catalogue has it all Jangro is committed to becoming a more sustainable business and helping its customers reach their own green goals This new edition, therefore , offers a plethora of eco-conscious products, from food packaging containers which are recyclable compostable and fully bio-degradable , to Jangro’s award-winning and innovative ntrl range of vegan cleaning solutions

The ntrl por tfolio comprises 13 products ideal for cleaning surfaces in a variety of environments, from kitchens through to washrooms Registered with The Vegan Society s Vegan Trademark all formulas are 100% biodegradable , contain zero petrochemicals, and can reduce the product’s

Chef's Buyer's Guide

TUGO - Innovative Food Solutions

We’re TUGO, a passionate team of food ser vice fanatics, committed to creating the freshest, most flavourful globally inspired food concepts

Our adventurous spirit, agility and positively restless dedication to innovation is what sets us apar t developing food concepts to suit operators across food ser vice

From our vibrant global street food to our hand-stretched fresh dough pizza & authentic corn tor tilla burritos, We seek adventure globally and are passionate about our produce as we are reducing our environmental impacts


From menu innovation and concept development, through to product training, marketing and sales suppor t We provide the tastiest, most

LittlePod’s Innovative Vanilla Paste in a Tube Popular All Over the World

LittlePod’s innovative vanilla paste in a tube is proving popular in professional kitchens all over the world

Hailed as ‘ a much-needed evolution for the kitchen’ we ’ re preparing to introduce our most-popular product to chefs in China following a successful trip to the Far East

From Tallin to Tokyo those using our versatile vanilla continue to recommend and endorse LittlePod

“We think our products speak for themselves,” said Janet Sawyer MBE BEM, the East Devon-based company ’ s founder and managing director who has been out and about speaking to chefs both at home and abroad in 2024 “We continue to receive recommendations and endorsements from customers all over the world Their comments are wor th more than anything we could say

During a recent trip to Japan, where LittlePod exhibited at FOODEX 2024, Janet renewed acquaintances with Frederik Walther – the Executive Chef at the British Embassy in Tokyo “Frederik said LittlePod’s vanilla paste is an ‘upscale product with a beautiful design and a fantastic stor y ’ ” said Janet “Frederik is recommending our vanilla paste to chefs in Japan ” Janet also met with LittlePod’s distributor in Hong Kong, Frances Ma, who is planning to expand her operation and take our products to China

Frances said, “LittlePod’s vanilla paste resonates with people in the Far East because it is such high quality It is convenient to use and the tube has a cool clean and elegant design LittlePod’s vanilla paste is natural and real This isn’t just another product from off the shelf ”

Closer to home our vanilla paste in a tube continues to prove popular in Europe with Juta Raudnask, a long-time LittlePod retailer in Estonia, amongst those helping us spread the word

“LittlePod’s natural vanilla paste exceeded all our expectations ” said Juta who sells LittlePod’s products at Umami, a gourmet food store in Tallin and Tar tu “It is loved by all kinds of people in Estonia, from families to professional chefs working at

Janet added, “LittlePod’s natural vanilla paste is versatile – it makes using real vanilla so

When LittlePod launched in 2010 we were the first to bring a vanilla paste in a tube to market It has been our most popular product ever since

Bidfood Reveals Its First Group of Listed Suppliers On The Path to Acceleration Through its SME Scheme, Open Doors

After the successful launch of its SME scheme last October, Bidfood, one of the UK’s leading foodser vice providers, is proud to announce the initial group of suppliers selected through the Open Doors Programme

Aimed at small food and beverage suppliers, the Open Doors Programme identifies the most innovative businesses tr ying to establish themselves within the industr y and raises awareness of their products so they can make their mark in wholesale

Despite the recent deceleration in inflation, the share of small businesses aspiring to grow this year has significantly decreased during the last six months Small businesses within the food sector have shown the biggest drop in confidence that their business will grow at more than 70%

As a result, Bidfood’s Open Doors Programme has continued on its mission to unlock the potential of emerging suppliers, suppor ting their development journey, while also providing its customers with first-hand access to some of the most interesting brands out there

Following a three-step development journey to nurture , champion and finally accelerate , the initiative has resulted in seven brands being officially listed with Bidfood along with a selection of their products:

• Bio&Me – A B-cer tified brand, Bio&Me has a range of handy on-the-go porr idges created to suppor t gut health Bio&Me is also par t of the ‘Buy Women Built’ community whic h shines a light on brands built by women

• Boundless ¬– Using act vated ingred ents , Boundless snac ks suppor t gut hea th and are free from the top 14 allergens They're also member s of the ‘Buy Women Built’ community

• Flawsome! – Another B-cer tified brand Flawsome! produces a var iety of juices , sparkling fruit water s and hea th shots made from wonky and surp us fruits

• Ninju – A true kitc hen table star t-up, Ninju s a range of fruit and vegetable-based c hi dren’s dr inks pac kaged in 100% rec yc lable car tons

• OGGS ¬– Offer ing a vegan alternative to eggs OGGS is the th rd B-cer tif ed brand out of the newly listed supplier s and will soon be a par t of the ‘Buy Women Built’ community

• TeaJoy – Designed to ser ve the growing

Sustainable Resources

Foodles Partners with ReFood to Eliminate Unavoidable Waste



continent Michaël Ormancey, cofounder and co-CEO of Foodles, commented: Since setting up our ser vices in London, we ’ ve seen a variety of companies sign-up to receive daily deliveries We aim to offer complete


Elevate Your Space with Floral Image

Salvaging Solar Investments

Versatile and Innovative Labelling Solutions for Hospitality

With the rise in multi-channel ordering in the hospitality industry in recent years accompanied by increasing demand for customer collection, third party delivery and legislation around accurate ingredients and allergy identification, the requirement for efficient food and beverage labelling has surged Without a doubt, amongst the range of labelling solutions currently available, linerless labels stand out for their eco-friendly properties and operational efficiencies

In contrast to traditional labels with a backing paper direct thermal linerless labels are self-adhesive labels which can be applied directly to products or packaging Such labels are supplied with varying levels of adhesion, from high adhesive permanent labels to low adhesive repositionable labels which can be applied to virtually any surface and be removed easily and reapplied without residue

For all linerless media, a key benefit is the reduction in waste With no backing paper to discard, linerless media offers significant paper saving properties with more labels per roll than standard label rolls Thanks to fewer roll changes as well as the advantage of reduced shipping costs and storage space requirements given linerless labels are more compact than traditional labels, cost savings can be achieved alongside enhanced operational efficiency and sustainability

In terms of label size, linerless media is available in a range of widths, enabling businesses to create labels for any product type including larger labels for food deliveries to smaller, more compact beverage labels Equally, variable length linerless labels enable the printing of shorter orders or labels with less information on minimal paper, further promoting efficiency

As demand grows for labelling products in a variety of sectors, international POS hardware solutions provider Star

Micronics has introduced its mC-Label3 and TSP143IVSK printers, designed to print permanent and repositionable labels, food orders, delivery and takeaway labels

The printers respond to the growing requirement for allergy and food labelling clear delivery and takeaway customer order labels, particularly with linerless media Low adhesive, repositionable labels can track an order through the entire preparation process from initial order to delivery, providing the potential for greater order accuracy and efficiency

Thanks to its ability to print on a wide range of liner-free media including low adhesive re-stick labels as well as high adhesive permanent and semi-permanent labels, the Star mC-Label3 printer offers the ideal solution for printing different sized and types of labels from one easy-to-use device This includes variable length food and allergy labels, nutrition information as well as food delivery labels and bag seals from web-based apps or local services

In addition to a range of label printing options including fully adjustable label widths from 25mm to 80mm wide, the mC-Label3 features black mark and GAP sensors Capable of printing traditional liner pre-sized labels, continuous label rolls and receipt paper, the printer is ideal for businesses that use a variety of media or are planning to move from traditional labelling to linerless media in the future

Incredibly user friendly and with paper position, paper width detection and simple drop-in loading different media can be loaded with ease and given its jam free operation reliable printing is ensured Star’s Cloud-based free labelling app offers a wide range of pre-designed label templates whilst the one touch label function allows for storing and printing of up to three label designs

Alternatively, for businesses seeking a compact linerlessonly label and order printing solution the TSP143IVSK boasts optimal versatility and ergonomic design, printing on low tack linerless re-stick media from 40mm to 80mm Moreover the TSP143IVSK benefits from the power cable interface cables and paper guide included at purchase as well as a 4-year warranty as standard

In line with today s multi-channel ordering and printing expectations in hospitality, the mC-Label3 and TSP143IVSK benefit from multiple interfaces for local PC, network, tablet and Cloud connectivity Furthermore, both printers include Ethernet LAN and USB-C connectivity as well as direct sync and charge with supported tablets, together with hub connectivity to connect a scanner or customer display

mC-Label3 additionally features Bluetooth connectivity, whilst the printers equally benefit from a Wireless LAN option with Star’s MCW10 module Star’s CloudPRNT™ technology is included as standard on both models for printing directly from central ordering platforms and websites

With CloudPRNT widely used by hospitality establishments worldwide as part of an online ordering platform or ecommerce solution, Star also provides StarPrinter Online, a fully managed service for businesses to manage the printer estate with minimal set-up time and cost as well as near zero integration For enhanced online visibility of connectivity and print jobs over an entire printer estate, the service additionally offers device management via an online dashboard to provide an overview of all devices and activity including reliable tracking of print jobs with notification of device status changes barcode scans new device connections to a group, etc Additional printers and peripherals can simply be added without the need for server upgrades, further enhancing the versatility of the service

About Star Micronics

With over 75 years in the POS industry and a global presence, Star s strength and success is built upon product innovation alongside established relationships with leading software partners Its experienced technical team boasts in-depth technical and integration expertise to provide unique tailored solutions for an evolving hospitality industry Offering the versatility required to integrate traditional, tablet and cloud-based POS systems, Star ensures successful installation of its products into major hospitality operators as well as smaller independent venues

As a complete point-of-sale hardware solutions provider Star offers a wealth of options including a wide range of unique desktop POS, mobile and self-service terminal printers for printing receipts, tickets and labels from traditional systems, tablets and mobile devices as well as from web and cloud-based apps In particular Star’s compact and versatile cloud solutions are ideal for a variety of applications including Click & Collect food orders, home delivery and online or at table food ordering Additionally, Star provides tablet stands, display stands, barcode scanners and cash management solutions to complete the hardware offering

Hospitality Technology

Address F&B Profitability Before It Takes You Under, says Guestline

WaiterMate Debuts the World’s Fastest, Most Efficient Mobile EPOS

Technology To Enhance Hotels Sustainability

can really make a difference

Following on to the hotel staff, housekeeping is many times overlooked with teams left to wonder through the hotel looking for rooms to clean

Monitoring “Make Up Room” and “Do Not Disturb” signals (MUR/DND) in a centralised system help increase the overall efficiency as teams can be assigned to those par ts of the hotel that require more immediate attention

Combining this information with room occupancy and access controls enhance guest privacy and provide deeper knowledge of how our hotels work, for example giving information on how much time it takes to clean each room

Another big cost centre control systems help reduce drastically is Maintenance as these solutions allow the use of predictive and preventive

policies Sor ting issues before they become fatal or even before they appear decreases the amount spent in replacing broken units (for example AC units) but also minimizes the risk of refunds to guest because things are not working or because there has been an AC leakage nobody noticed before

A robust long-lasting control system combined with a Building Management System (BMS) that integrates with our hotel’s PMS is vital to get to know how our building operates to optimize all those little things that end up costing several thousand ever y year

These are the type of solutions Zennio develops and delivers in over 100 countries helping hotels all around the world become more efficient and sustainable and suppor ting all projects locally and remotely to make sure ever ything works ever y day

For fur ther information see the adver t on page

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Focus On Blue Seal's New Induction Technology

Blue Seal Ltd are ver y mindful of the future equipment requirements for efficiency and carbon footprint and sustainability, with this everchanging food industr y and the cost of gas and electric usage

We currently produce a new range of free-standing & bench models of heavy-duty induction hobs with two or four zones Each hob has the versatility of 3 5KW or 5Kw round zone generators for focussed power or 5kw power full area zones to accept multiple pans across the cooking area The induction technolog y is incredibly responsive , with hardened 6mm thick glass cooking surfaces

Blue Seal R&D are conscious of the ever-increasing demand for induction product and we are in the process of launching our new induction- convection ranges, and wok induction hobs

The induction technolog y lends itself to a myriad of concepts, especially QSR restaurants where they need quick heat up on demand, which is also remarkably simple for the operator to use and maintain

The feature benefits of induction far outweigh the initial out lay, which is currently still relatively high for commercial heavy-duty product Induction for prime cooking is still relatively fresh to be accepted into the general commercial kitchen environment, however the big energ y savings and high efficiency

far outweighs the cost of changing the cookware and initial higher cost outlay for the product This cost will no doubt reduce and become more competitive as the trend & demand for induction manufacture inevitably increases Induction equipment also avoids the additional ver y costly legislation requirement involved with gas canopy extraction/make up air and interlock systems

When you compare the efficiency of using induction over gas, the induction is at approx 90% efficient compared to approx 45% efficiency for gas This is achieved by the magnetic fields heating up the entire surface of the cookware with vir tually all of the energ y transferred into the pan Where gas disperses the heat, licking around the sides of the cookware more so, losing energ y into the ambient air around the pan

Using induction massively reduces heat transfer into the air flow, lowers the overall temperature in the kitchen promoting a more comfor table working environment, as well as the practicality of a simple wipe down of the glass cooking area at the end of a shift, which is ver y appealing to an operator The appliances are much safer to use reducing injur y potential as well as being ver y simple to ser vice & maintain

David Chesshire - National Accounts Manager

See the adver t on page 2 for fur ther information

The Importance of Venting Floor Mounted Waste Water Pumping Systems

When designing or installing a commercial kitchen venting the floor mounted waste water pumping system may not be the first thing that is taken into consideration However understanding the impor tance of venting for the effective operation of the pump as well dispersing odours from the tank, is a critical factor for reliability in these situations

As wastewater drains from a sink or appliance the air inside the tank must be released to allow the flow of water into it If the tank is not vented correctly wastewater will be noticeably slower to drain away from sinks and appliances Odours and gurgling noises from equipment and sinks will also occur In these situations, the likelihood is that the pumping system is not properly vented

As the pump operates air needs to be drawn back into the tank so that a par tial vacuum is not created If this is allowed to happen the discharge flow of the pump will be reduced adversely affecting its efficiency

For these reasons all pump tanks need to be fitted with a suitable vent to allow them to breathe in and out Ideally this should be routed to atmosphere external to the building

In cases where the vent outlet can only be sited within the building, a filter must be used to minimise any potential odours escaping from the pump collect-

Two filters are available from Aldermaston based waste water pumping system specialists Pump Technolog y Ltd, the smaller CharcoVent and the larger MicroVent Both contain an activated carbon filter ideal for removing odours

The smaller CharcoVent, which is an easy to replace disposable car tridge should be used on systems that are typically sink only Its vent pipe should be 1 1/4

The larger MicroVent, which features a replaceable cartridge , should be used on systems that have multiple wastewater inlets, or with appliances such as dishwashers Its vent pipe should be 2” to allow the greater airflow Vents should be positioned as far above the collecting tank as practical This improves the life of the filter and its effectiveness and facilitates easy removal of the lid for cleaning and ser vicing It also ensures that, when pumping hot wastewater, any potential condensation will not adversely affect the activated carbon

The specialist team at Pump Technolog y Ltd are always happy to talk with any potential customers who are designing or installing a waste water pumping system and offer help and advice

More information: 0118 9821 555 www pumptechnolog y co uk

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Stay Cool with Gasket Guy

Temporary Catering Facilities For Events & Kitchen Refurbishments

Kitchen Equipment and Fit-Out

Fridge Seals Direct

Get a Grip on Food Prep with the New Onyx from Williams

Williams has launched the latest versions of its Onyx prep stations, with a sleek new look complementing the innovative features under the hood that deliver energ y efficient performance and ensure food safety

The Onyx prep station combines refrigerated storage beneath a worktop with refrigerated food wells on top –these provide instant access to regularly used fresh ingredients The wells are ergonomically designed to be at the ideal working height and are positioned within easy reach for the chef

The latest model combines practicality and good looks, with newly designed doors made from solid stainless steel featuring full-width integral door handles These provide an easy to use , non-slip grab while being quick to clean, with no dir t traps The generously sized work area makes the Onyx ideal for creating a range of foods including pizza, sandwiches, tapas, salad and desser ts Meanwhile the base of the unit has also been redesigned with a flatter surface making it easier to install transpor t and ser vice

The storage cabinets are designed to hold 1/1GN pans and the Onyx range is available in a choice of sizes from the compact space saving two door model up to the large 1043 litre capacity five door version The ingredient wells are capable of holding a selection of 1/3 and 1/6 GN pans up to four 1/3 pans on the two door model, with the five door model taking twelve , or up to 24 1/6 GN pans

Energ y efficiency is improved by EC (Electrically Commutated) brushless fans, which allow for precise control with reduced power consumption The new Onyx range uses natural hydrocarbon refrigerant which, as well as having low GWP/zero ODP, offers excellent thermodynamic proper ties which fur ther reduce energ y usage

Capable of operating in ambient conditions up to 43°C and constructed from sturdy, food safe stainless

• Be ready for your inspections

• Damaged fridge seals are unhygienic

• Next-day delivery service

• Discounted prices on large orders

Outdoor Spaces

Boost Profits This Summer with a Trailblazer BBQ

Café Culture - Pavement Profit

Outdoor Spaces

Cinders ‘Classic’ Barbecue Keeping Your Cool

Domestic & Trade Handmade

Garden Furniture From MG Timber

The impor tance of temperature controlled storage is understood by most within the hospitality and catering sectors, yet it is surprisingly often overlooked when making plans for outdoor events IceBox Refrigerated Trailers provides the perfect solution in such cases by means of our fleet of chiller and freezer trailers Operating one of the largest fleets in the countr y, we ’ re in the perfect position to help you keep your cool when all around is hotting up! Our fleet ranges from midi chillers to extra large freezers with storage capacities ranging from approx 6 to approx 12 cubic metres and covering temperature ranges between -20c and + 10c The ideal mobile temperature controlled storage solution!





needn’t worr y - we have it covered!


The trailer will be secured in-situ by means of our security devices The entr y doors are lockable and we leave you the key to ensure

The Perfect Refrigeration Solution for Your Outdoor Catering Needs

The Perfect Refrigeration Solution for Your Outdoor Catering Needs

IceBox UK provides the ideal solution to your refrigerated storage requirements when hosting outdoor catering events

Our extensive fleet of chiller and freezer trailers will keep your food and drink at the desired temperature and avoid food spoilage

Trailers are delivered and collected to / from the event / host location by our experienced staff who will situate the trailers in the required location and set them running at your required temperature.

• Nationwide delivery & collection service

• Chiller and freezer trailers available

• Powered by generator or standard wall socket

• Internal racking supplied per your requirements

• Short and long term rental rates available

• Rapid Response™ programme for emergencies

• Account facilities available subject to status

Outdoor Spaces

Summer’s Coming – Time For Espresso On The Go!


Outdoor Spaces



Gala Tent

Design and Refit

New Stock Chair Ranges from ILF

Design and Refit

The Absolute Solution To Your Interior Design Needs

Design and Refit


Mayfair Furniture

Cater For The Crowds With Brilliant Bar Stools Design and Refit

Restaurant Furniture Store

Property and Professional

Capitalise on the Summer Season with a Capify Loan


Motivation, guidance and Development MARKETING

We will help you build a workable , planned Marketing Strateg y From Digital Marketing such as Social Media marketing, Websites, eMail Marketing and online advertising, to print design, Promotions and offline adver tising, your

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