Blessings for Transformation

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W W W . C L F U U . O R G

Blessings of Transformation

In the Christian Scripture that tells the story of Easter and the days before it, the prophet and teacher Jesus offered bread and wine to his disciples as a ritual to remember him by, and to connect his followers in a community dedicated to his teachings. At open and affirming communion tables today, all people are invited to partake in this blessing to connect us with the spark of the divine within each of us, to affirm our right to dignity and our inherent worthiness, and to remind us that none of us is alone. Today, we offer you this communion of blessings, and invite you to bless each other in turn

We honor the blessing of your presence in community. It matters that you show up to do the hard work of loving yourself and each other. It matters that you aspire to be your best self in the most difficult of circumstances. We see you and are grateful for your commitment to liberation.

We honor your wholeness, just as you are. We bless all of you–the beauty, the wounds, the joys, the sorrows, the struggles and the triumphs. We hold you in love and trust that you understand yourself to be worthy of that love.

We honor the blessing of your tireless aspiration to make the world a better place. It can sometimes feel like a thankless job, but know that the world you are building is for the generations to come. We are thankful for your commitment to Justice.

We honor your commitment to growth and change, even when the transformation that is necessary is scary and hard. We bless you with a container in which you can form, experiment, take root, bud, and blossom. We commit to growing with you.

We honor the blessing of your faith. You can’t visualize the end, or imagine the possibilities that result from your beloved community building, but it matters that you move forward towards the next right place anyway. We are grateful for your vision.

We honor how each of us is changed because you are here. You bring the uniqueness of you to the beautiful bouquet of us We are grateful for the ways in which you make us think and the things you make us feel.

These blessings illuminate what you already possess, what is deep in your heart and spirit. May these words offer a space for your transformation and remind you of all the ways your love matters in the world.

Community Blessings

In our Communities May there be Peace, Hope, Joy, and Love for ALL Beings!

May the loving kindness you show to others bless them and yourself as well.

Making and holding space

May this community be a place of continuous witness to the inherent worth, dignity and beauty of each of us.

We honour all in this beloved community. Who you are, who you love, how you live and where you are on your life journey enriches us all

I honor the breaths they take, the water within, the spirit they are, and the fire of their existence.

May you know yourselves to be whole and complete.

Community Blessings

We honour the stretching into wholenss that you bring every time we are together.

May this community be a place of peace and continue to bring love to all.

We often say this when a person dies but how about we think about it and say it now: may our life be a good memory to others, May our memory be a blessing! amen! blessed be!

May you be filled with lovingkindness. May you be happy. May you be healthy. May you be free from inner and outer harm. May you be whole.

We honour the challenge to become ourselves bravely, awkwardly, and completely.

Hosanna with gratitude for your presence!

Blessings for peace, and joy and compassion to all, remembering we are all connected in love and care.

Community Blessings

May the transformative power of self-actualization find you in this Springtime season and any time that you need it in the coming year!

We as persons are the workers of transformation. I bless each one of you as you continue with me to be transformed by the power of love.

I offer the blessing, especially for those like me whose identities (gender or otherwise) have changed over time, are maybe still changing: I bless you with the knowledge that who you once thought yourself to be is whole and holy, who you know yourself to be now is whole and holy, and whoever you may know yourself to become in the future is likewise whole and holy, as well.

Remember the Golden rule.

May everyone have the safety and strength to always be their truest self.

May everyone be humble and compassionate

May you be safe, and may you be brave

Community Blessings

May the divine power bestow its radiant light upon the blessed masses, guiding them towards their destined purpose, where joy and happiness harmoniously coexist.

The continuing of love and acceptance of new comers and the beloveds coming home from prison.

May you know rest and peace.

Blessings to our stamina in the struggle against violence and greed and individualism. Blessing to drawing the circle of our compassion wide.


I offer a blessing to each and every one to love who you are!


May we all be safe and find love in community

Community Blessings

May you know peace beyond understanding.

May you feel acceptance and belonging.

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