Bexley Business Academy

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Business Academy Bexley

Primary School Prospectus

Contents Our Mission Statement.............................................01

The Role Of Parents And Carers..........................08

Extra Curricular Activities..........................................14

Our Aims..................................................................01


Specialist Facilities....................................................14

Welcome................................................................. 02

Helping Your Child at Home......................................08


About Our School..................................................03




The Curriculum......................................................09


Admission to the School...........................................03

The Early Years Curriculum.......................................09

Pupils with Special Educational Needs.....................14

The Early Years (Foundation Stage)...........................03

The Primary Curriculum............................................09

Equal Opportunities..................................................14

Key Stage One.........................................................04


Further Information...............................................16

Key Stage Two.........................................................04



School Times...........................................................04



School Uniform.........................................................05

Information and Communication Technology (ICT)....11



Design and Technology (DT).....................................11

School Meals............................................................17

Mobile Phones..........................................................05


Health and Welfare...................................................18




Transfer to Secondary School...................................05

Art and Design..........................................................11

Child Protection........................................................18

Our School Community.........................................06


School Security........................................................18


Physical Education (PE)............................................11

School Trips..............................................................18


Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education........13

School Journey........................................................18


Religious Education & Collective Worship.................13

Charging Policy........................................................19


Modern Foreign Language........................................14


Our Mission Statement

At The Business Academy Bexley Primary School we aim to provide our pupils with the highest quality of education in a positive and stimulating environment so that all our pupils enjoy learning and aspire to achieve excellence as no goal is beyond our reach.

At The Business Academy Bexley Primary School our aim is to provide an excellent education for all our pupils. We value

achievement and we work hard to ensure that each child reaches their full academic, personal and social potential.

We commit

to provide high quality teaching for all our children.

We understand

that children are individuals and have different needs.

We develop

confident, disciplined and enquiring learners who are able to make informed choices.

We foster

a love of learning.

We celebrate

the diversity of our pupils’ cultural backgrounds and encourage understanding and mutual respect for all members of the school community.

We expect

high standards of work and behaviour.

We help

children to recognise the rights, feelings and needs of others.

We encourage

children to be independent and have high self-esteem.

We provide

a safe and happy workplace where children are free to develop without being discriminated against by sex, gender, race, faith, language, ability or social class.

We embrace

links with the wider community and provide experiences beyond the school environment to enrich and enhance the children’s education.

We promote

a thoughtful attitude towards the immediate and wider environment.

We work together

to achieve a good working relationship between children, parents, governors and staff.


Welcome to The Business Academy Bexley Primary School This booklet is designed to give you helpful information about our school, which is a 2+ form entry primary school for children aged between 4 and 11 years old. We hope that you will find the information in this booklet useful but it is no substitute for visiting the school and seeing for yourself what our school has to offer. We welcome – in fact we’d recommend - visits from parents and carers of prospective pupils so that you can be well informed before making a decision to apply for a place for your child. Please make an appointment if you would like to see the school; one of our senior staff will be happy to show you round and discuss the work of the school with you.

We are very proud of the Primary School and believe that all the children can be encouraged to do their best and achieve well in this positive, hard-working, educational community. We look forward to meeting you. The Headteacher, Staff and Governors

The Business Academy Bexley is a publicly funded independent Academy, which is owned and managed by a charitable trust. Independent of the local authority, The Business Academy Bexley is the government’s flagship Academy, pioneering the way for other publicly funded independent schools of the future. The Primary School is a 2+ form entry school and, together with the neighbourhood nursery and the Secondary School, provides continuity of education from 3 months to 18 years old.


About Our School Organisation

Admission to the School

The Primary School has places for 420 children aged between 4 and 11 years old.

All places at the Primary School are allocated in accordance with our admissions criteria. Application forms are available from the Primary School office or can be made online by visiting

The children are grouped according to their age. The school is organised into year groups as outlined below:

The following criteria are applied when considering the admission of children to the school:


Year Group


Early Years Foundation Stage


3 – 4 years


4 – 5 years

Key Stage 1

Year 1

5 – 6 years

1. Students with statements of special educational needs where The Business Academy is named on the statement.

Year 2

6 – 7 years

2. Looked after children (children in public care).

Year 3

7 – 8 years

Year 4

8 – 9 years

3. Siblings of students currently on role at the Academy (Primary or Secondary).

Year 5

9 – 10 years

Year 6

10 – 11 years

Key Stage 2

In each year group there are two classes with a maximum of 30 pupils in each class. The children are taught in mixed ability classes. One teacher has the main responsibility for each class but is frequently assisted by a teaching assistant. There are also teachers who provide extra support for some pupils. During the school day a child may work with a range of adults.


4. Proximity of home address to The Business Academy Bexley. Admissions to the school are co-ordinated by the local authority. You have the right to appeal if your application for a place at the school is not successful.

The Early Years (Foundation Stage) Our aim is to provide a caring, happy, purposeful and challenging environment in which children can feel secure and confident enough to take advantage of the varied activities and experiences that are available. There is a strong emphasis on learning through structured play and helping children to become accustomed to school routines and practices. The start to school is gradual to help the children settle into school well. Parents are encouraged to help the children to settle quickly by working with the teachers and following their advice. Staffing is generous: 1 to 15 in the Reception classes. There is 1 qualified teacher and 1 Early Years Assistant in each room.

Reception Children join Reception in September of the academic year in which they will be five. Four children start each day during September; smaller groups allow the staff to greet you and your child in a more personal way. Children attend for mornings only for at least two weeks by which time they have usually settled and are ready to stay full-time. Prior to your child starting in the Reception class, you will be expected to attend a meeting with the Headteacher and the Deputy Headteacher while your child visits the classroom and meets the teachers. This will allow you to meet the senior

staff who will talk to you in detail about the school, its ethos and procedures as well as the arrangements for your child to start school. This meeting is viewed as a very important start to the crucial partnership between home and school. Children follow the specially adapted Early Years Foundation Stage of the National Curriculum, which incorporates the following areas of learning: • Language and Literacy • Mathematical Development • Knowledge and Understanding of the World • Creative Development • Physical Development • Personal, Social & Emotional Development Children’s progress is carefully monitored and discussed with parents. We want the time the children spend in the Reception classes to be happy and productive. By the time they have reached the end of this stage, children have the maturity and self confidence to move to Key Stage 1.

Key Stage One Year 1 and Year 2 The children now work on all areas of the National Curriculum. English and Mathematics lessons become more structured at this stage. The teaching staff plan and organise the work for each year group to ensure continuity

and progression in the children’s learning. Class teachers teach all subjects through a series of planned themes each half term. There is also at least one teaching assistant in each year group who supports the children’s learning. In Year 1 children are taught in ability groups for the teaching of reading and writing. In Year 2 they are also taught in ability groups for Mathematics. All staff have been trained to use the special programmes adopted by the school to teach English and Mathematics. Children’s progress is regularly assessed. Towards the end of Year 2 children undertake formal assessments for Reading, Writing and Mathematics, in line with government guidelines. The results are reported to the Local Authority and are monitored both internally and externally.

Key Stage Two Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 In each year group, children are taught in ability groups for English and Mathematics. They are also taught the full range of National Curriculum subjects, mostly through a series of planned themes each term. Both classes in each year group follow the same curriculum. There are also a number of teaching assistants who support groups of children with their learning.

Stage Two. Towards the end of their time in Year 6, they undertake formal assessments in English, Mathematics and Science, in accordance with government guidelines.

School Times Nursery: Morning Session

8.45 – 12 noon

Afternoon Session

1.15 – 3.15 p.m (Mon – Thur) 1.15 – 2.00 p.m (Friday)

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2: Morning Session

9.00 a.m – 12.15 p.m

Afternoon Session

1.15 – 3.15 p.m (Mon – Thur) 1.15 – 2.00 p.m (Friday)

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6: Morning Session

9.00 a.m. – 12.30 p.m

Afternoon Session

1.15 – 3.15 p.m (Mon– Thur) 1.15 – 2.00 p.m (Friday)

Hours spent on teaching in a week: Reception

21.5 hours

Year 1 and Year 2

22.75 hours

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6

24 hours

Pupils are assessed regularly, both formally each term and informally during their lessons, as they progress through Key


School Uniform At The Academy we expect all children to wear uniform. We believe the shared identity that a uniform brings helps children to work together for common goals. It shows that they belong to ‘The Academy Family’.

• Trainers (outdoor P.E.)

We have tried to make it as simple and reasonable, in terms of cost, as possible. Items of uniform can be purchased from the Primary School office.

We also request that if a headdress is worn, as is sometimes the case for religious reasons, it is in school colours, ie. plain white, grey, purple or black.

Children wear the following items:


• Plain white polo T-shirt • Grey school skirt / trousers / pinafore • Black school shoes (not trainers) • Black ankle boots (no high heels) • Grey or black or white socks / tights • Bookbag (Academy satchel not rucksack)

• Black plimsolls (indoor P.E.) • P.E. bag • Swimming costume / trunks, hat and towel (Year 5 only) Sensible footwear and socks must be worn at all times. Backless shoes are not permitted for health and safety reasons. All items of clothing must be clearly marked with your child’s name.

Jewellery, such as rings, necklaces and bracelets, should not be worn to school. If your child has pierced ears, please use small stud earrings in the interest of your child’s safety. We recommend that children in the Early Years and KS1 classes do not wear watches to school.

• Cap (optional in Autumn and Spring Term)

Mobile Phones

• Lilac or blue check summer dress

No mobile phones are allowed in school.

They also need the following items for PE lessons:


• Navy P.E. shorts • Navy polo shirt • Navy tracksuit bottoms (optional)


Children must not bring money unless it is requested by the school.

Transfer to Secondary School Children transfer to secondary school at the end of Year 6 when they are 11. During the Summer Term parents of pupils in Year 5 are provided with information about the secondary schools in Bexley. Parents are notified by the Local Authority if they have been successful in their application for a place at their first choice school. You may appeal to the Local Authority if you are unsuccessful. The application and appeals procedure are explained in detail in the Secondary Transfer booklet. The Headteacher is available to discuss any concerns or to give advice about secondary transfer.

Our School Community We are proud that the children who attend our school come from a wide range of cultures. We are also proud of the fact that there is a positive attitude of friendship and respect throughout the school. In order to achieve this, all those involved in the life of the school work closely together for the benefit of the children and are known collectively as ‘The Academy Family’.

Pupils The children are at the heart of our school community. We want the children to feel happy and secure at school so that they can learn effectively. The staff, governors and parents all work together to provide the very best education for all the children. There is a School Council that meets regularly with members of school staff. Two children from each class are elected to act as representatives on the School Council. They collect children’s views, reflect on current school policies and make suggestions for ways to improve the school. Each year all pupils complete a questionnaire about their school and have the opportunity to state what they like and what they would like to see improved. The results of the questionnaires are collated and used to plan and prioritise school improvements.

Staff The teaching staff and the support staff are viewed as the school’s greatest resource; they are all fully committed to the school’s central aim of providing the very best education for all pupils. A current list of our teaching and support staff is included in the loose-leaf section at the back of this prospectus.

Parents Your interest in your child’s education and your support for the work of the school makes a vital contribution to the success of our school community. We would like you to become as involved in the life of the school as you can. In addition to supporting your child at home and enabling your child to participate in all the activities that are on offer, you can help in other ways. Some examples of the ways parents become involved include: • Accompanying classes on visits and outings • Walking classes to the swimming pool • Listening to children read • Cooking with groups of children • Translating/interpreting If you would like to help in school or have particular skills to offer, please speak to the Headteacher or the class teacher. It is a legal requirement that anyone who assists in school is required to undergo a police record check (CRB check). This can be arranged at the school office.

Governors The Governing Body has responsibility for over-seeing the organisation, the curriculum and the budget of the school. They entrust the day-to-day management of the school to the Headteacher and the staff. A current list of Governors is also included in the loose-leaf section at the back of the prospectus.



The Role of Parents & Carers Good relationships between home and school are vital to a child’s success at school. We want you to be involved because your support and encouragement is very important to your child’s education. We believe in a real partnership with you so that your child is secure in the knowledge that home and school share similar expectations towards work and behaviour.

Homework Parents are informed about the expectations for homework at the beginning of each academic year and are given a weekly timetable so that they know what to expect. Homework tasks may include taking home books from the class libraries to read and enjoy together or simple activities that they have been learning at school. As they become older they will have more formal written work to do and important facts to learn. It is also expected that children will bring home their reading books regularly.


Helping Your Child at Home

Regular newsletters are sent home to inform you about activities that will involve your child and any other news or matters relating to the school and its community. There is also a website that is regularly updated to keep you informed about what is happening and a group call/text messaging service that informs parents about unusual events, eg. school closures due to bad weather.

The best help you can give is to show interest in what your child is doing.

There is an opportunity for you to meet your child’s teacher once every term to discuss the progress your child is making. There are also other meetings of a more general nature to which you will be invited; these are usually to let you know about specific aspects of the school’s work and how you may help at home. You are welcome to contact us at any other time if you would like to speak to the class teacher or a member of the senior staff. We will arrange a mutually convenient time. Each year we ask parents and carers to complete a questionnaire about the work of the school. Your views are important to us and tell us what the school is doing well. We use this information to make our school even better.

The time you spend talking and listening to your child is extremely important. The first steps in learning to read will come from looking at and enjoying books with your child from an early age. Learning songs and rhymes off by heart will help with memory training. Helping your child to be independent with dressing, toileting and tidying up at home will help the transition to school. Playing board games and puzzles will help your child with turn-taking, counting and with learning to win and lose. Spending time together in a fun and enjoyable way helps children develop a very positive attitude towards learning and we can build upon this at school. Parents have a very important role to play in encouraging their children to work hard, be positive about their work in school and complete their homework. Research shows that parental interest is a significant factor in children achieving well at school.

We ask parents to support and encourage their children with their homework by ensuring that they have a place to work and that it is completed satisfactorily and brought back to school on time.


The Curriculum At The Primary School, we aim to provide a stimulating, broad and balanced curriculum for all our children, including the most able and those with special educational needs. We firmly believe that all our pupils must leave us with good literacy and numeracy skills and so excellent English and Mathematics teaching is at the core of our work. However, our English & Mathematics teaching is linked to the wider curriculum. We also provide for the spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and physical development of all children, preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life.

Children are also encouraged to co-operate and show consideration for, and understanding of, others. Through active learning and play we support them to develop the skills they will need to move forward positively to the next stage of their education.

English, Communication and Languages Understanding Mathematics

Our aim is to develop a love of books in all children, give them the confidence to begin to write, develop their early mathematical skills and develop their interest in the world around them.

From Year 1 to Year 6 the curriculum we study at The Academy is based on the Primary National Curriculum and builds upon the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. It covers the following subjects within key areas of learning and understanding: English and Drama Modern Foreign Languages (Key Stage 2 only) Mathematics Science

Scientific and Technological Understanding

Design and Technology (DT) Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

The Early Years Curriculum We encourage children to learn through first hand experience, practical tasks and play. The staff plan activities in line with the guidelines in ‘Curriculum Guidance for The Foundation Stage’. The activities arise from observations of the children’s interests.

The Primary Curriculum

History Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding

Geography Citizenship Religious Education (RE)

Understanding Physical Development, Health and Well-being Understanding the Arts

Physical Education (PE) Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Art and Design Music

Some subjects are incorporated into the class themes while others are taught as separate subjects.





Children have a daily English lesson. We want our children to leave us as competent readers, writers, speakers and listeners. To support reading and writing in the early stages we follow a programme that is based on synthetic phonics. It builds the children’s confidence and enables them to decode words effortlessly. All staff are trained to use this programme. We also follow the programmes of study outlined in the Primary National Strategy so that children develop comprehension skills and read for both pleasure and information. Children bring home books to share with and read to you. Reading schemes are used to build your child’s confidence gradually but we also have a wellstocked school library. We want your child to enjoy reading and so we encourage them to read as much as possible.

Children have a Mathematics lesson every day. An important aspect of each lesson is the development of good mental arithmetic skills so every lesson begins with a ‘Mental Maths Starter’. We follow the guidance in the Primary National Strategy, which covers 4 areas: Using and Applying Mathematics; Numbers and Algebra; Shape, Space and Measure; Handling Data. We also use specialist programmes when it is appropriate and necessary. Calculators and computers are an integral part of our mathematics teaching, as are games, puzzles and activities that help children to memorise facts and to practise skills. We also use problem solving and investigational tasks to provide the children with opportunities to use their mathematical skills and understanding and make links with everyday situations.

We want our pupils to develop a sense of enquiry about the world. Where possible we base our work on practical investigations. Through such activities the children will make observations and comparisons, test their own ideas, consider evidence and provide their own possible solutions. They also learn essential facts and information about the world around them. The children follow a programme of scientific study that covers 4 main aspects: Experimental and Investigative Science; Life and Living Processes; Materials and their Properties; Physical Processes. Science may be the focus of a theme, part of a theme or taught as a separate subject.

Children are also given many opportunities to write for different purposes and for different audiences. From the beginning children are encouraged to write unaided and ‘have a go’. Spelling, punctuation and the conventions of standard written English are gradually developed as children progress through the school.


The Curriculum (Cont.) Information and Communication Technology At The Academy we are eager to help each child acquire the knowledge and skills relevant to life in the fast changing technological world in which we live. As a result we have invested heavily in up-to-date resources and facilities. All classes have a dedicated ICT lesson once a week but it is also used across all curriculum areas. Children are taught keyboard skills from Reception and how to use a range of software including word processing, databases and graphic programs. There is secure, screened access to the internet.

Design and Technology (DT) Children are taught to develop their design and technology capabilities through designing, making and evaluating a variety of products using a range of materials, tools and skills. This provides an open-ended approach to problem solving as well as a means of applying knowledge, understanding and skills learnt in other curriculum areas.




Children are taught about important episodes and developments in Britain’s past. They also study ancient civilisations and historical events in other parts of the world. Through these studies they learn how people lived in the past and make comparisons with how they live today.

All children have a weekly lesson during which they will be encouraged to sing and play percussion and tuned instruments. They will participate in a variety of musical activities that include: Performing and Composing, Listening and Appraising. We want our pupils to enjoy Music and to develop the self-confidence that comes through musical expression and performance.

Geography Initially the children learn about their immediate locality. This knowledge will then be extended to include the United Kingdom, Europe and the wider world. Children will study the human and physical processes that shape those places and will also learn about the people and their lifestyles.

Art and Design We have a dedicated and fully equipped Art Room where children are given a range of opportunities to develop skills in art, craft and design activities. They will use a variety of media to produce two and three-dimensional work. We also encourage the appreciation of art from other cultures and times. Visits to Art Galleries and Museums and working with artists in school provide a stimulus to this work.

Physical Education (PE) This is an essential part of your child’s social as well as physical development and all children are expected to participate. In order to provide a well-balanced programme of PE, every class from Year 1 upwards has 2 lessons each week: one indoors for gymnastics and dance and one outdoors for games and athletics. Year 5 pupils have weekly swimming lessons throughout the year at a local swimming pool. Older pupils have the opportunity to represent the school and participate in inter-school competitions, for example, for football, netball, athletics and swimming. Exemption from PE and swimming lessons is only permissible on medical grounds that have been discussed with the Headteacher. Pupils are expected to be appropriately dressed for PE and parents must provide a PE kit in line with uniform guidelines.


The Curriculum (Cont.) Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education (PSHCE) Our work in this area aims to enable pupils to live harmoniously with others and make a positive contribution to the school community and the wider community in which they live. Our school ethos, which values each individual and their achievements, plays an important role in developing such attitudes. We also teach children about healthy living, the importance of diet and exercise and the risks involved in harmful substances. Some carefully selected Sex, Drugs and Relationship education related to the age of the pupils will be given. Through such work we aim to help the children cope with the emotional and physical changes of growing up and to answer questions openly and honestly with due regard to cultural and religious considerations. The needs of the children and the sensitivities of the parents will be taken into account. Parents have the right to withdraw their children on application to the Headteacher.


Religious Education & Collective Worship We want the children at The Academy to understand and gain knowledge of the diverse religions practised worldwide and to understand and respect the position of people who do not hold such beliefs. We do not indoctrinate children into believing in or practising any specific religious or non-religious philosophy but recognise the importance of the parental role in developing the child’s faith. Children are taught to respect and appreciate different faiths and cultures. Assemblies are held in the school hall each day and, although they are broadly Christian in nature, all pupils participate as other faiths are recognised and respected. Assembly is seen as a particularly special time of the day in which all the children come together as ‘The Academy Family’. It is a time when we reflect upon on our own lives and our responsibilities as individuals. We also celebrate life, our work and achievements in school. Once a week parents are invited to join us at assembly as their child’s class celebrates and shares their work with the school.

Modern Foreign Language In accordance with government guidelines all children in KS2 learn a modern foreign language. They have a weekly lesson from a specialist teacher employed by the school and then practise what they have learnt at other times during the week. The language taught depends on the availability and expertise of staff.

Extra Curricular Activities Academic achievement is, of course, of paramount importance at The Primary School but we aim to develop rounded, balanced individuals equipped with all the skills essential to living a full and satisfying life. We therefore think that it is important that children have the opportunity to participate in voluntary activities in addition to the normal school timetable. As a result a variety of clubs are organised; the range of activities depends upon the availability and interests of staff who run them. Activities on offer have included art, basketball, football, funky dance, netball and cheer leading clubs. Sometimes a small charge is made for such activities.

Specialist Facilities We are fortunate to have a number of specialist facilities to enhance the teaching in some subjects:


ICT The well-equipped ICT Suite contains 24 computers and an interactive whiteboard. There is also a full-time ICT Technician on the staff who ensures that all the computers in the school are working properly. In addition, every classroom has a computer and an interactive whiteboard.

Library The school has its own library which houses a good range of fiction and non-fiction books. Children visit the library as a class regularly and they learn about how a library is organised and have the opportunity to browse and look at books. They are also able to borrow books for pleasure and to research information about topics they are studying in class.

Pupils with Special Educational Needs The Academy is an ‘inclusive’ school. We aim to successfully educate children with any special needs within the classroom and ensure that they have access to the full curriculum offered at the school. For some children this may require extra support with their learning or their physical needs. For others it may be that extra challenge is needed because they have been identified as gifted or talented. Whatever the child’s needs are, we look for ways to enable each one to realise their potential.

There is a member of the senior staff who is responsible for ensuring that pupils’ needs are met and that any support is co-ordinated throughout the school. Guidance is also sought from various external agencies, eg. educational psychologists, speech & language therapists, when it is appropriate. Parents are always kept informed and meet regularly with the appropriate member of staff to discuss their child’s progress.

Equal Opportunities At the Primary School we aim to give the best possible education to every child at the school. We recognise that a feeling of confidence and self-worth are essential for each child to make the most of the learning environment. With this in mind we want to provide an ethos where children develop without being discriminated against by sex, gender, race, faith, language, ability or social class. We recognise that a child’s own culture and language are central to their identity and we try to ensure that the curriculum reflects the varied cultural backgrounds to be found within the school.

There is a purpose built Science Lab which has an excellent range of scientific equipment and resources. Key Stage 2 pupils have regular practical science sessions in this room.



Further Information Behaviour Our main aim is to help our children become self-disciplined and enjoy working with each other in a harmonious atmosphere where successful learning and teaching can take place. This is done by firm and friendly supervision and with the co-operation and support of parents. Our Behaviour Policy is built upon the principle that individuals should treat one another with respect at all times. Children are expected to behave in a polite, courteous way. There is a clear set of school rules to support and guide the children with their behaviour. The school rules are kept to a minimum. They are a set of positive actions that we all have the responsibility to uphold. We ensure that the children understand the expectations for work and behaviour and constantly reinforce them through both our teaching and management of behaviour. We adopt a conscious policy of praise and encouragement; children are awarded Smiley Faces in recognition for good work, behaviour and effort which can be exchanged for rewards and certificates. In addition each week every teacher nominates a ‘Star of the Week’ recognising a child’s outstanding behaviour, effort or learning and achievements are celebrated weekly in a whole school Celebration Assembly. However, pupils understand and expect that, if the school expectations for work and behaviour are not met, there are sanctions. These are outlined fully in the school’s Behaviour Policy.

An important part of the partnership we enjoy with parents is the sharing of responsibility for children’s behaviour. Where children fail to develop the self-discipline that is expected in our school community, parents are informed and invited to discuss a common strategy for improvement. Success relies upon a consistent approach from both home and school.

Attendance We expect maximum attendance if your child is to benefit fully from the education we are offering at The Primary School. Research shows that children with poor attendance do not make the progress that is expected of them and often fall behind their peers with their learning. There is an Attendance Policy to which the school adheres and excellent attendance is encouraged and rewarded. Any concerns about your child’s attendance will be discussed with you. If your child is unwell it is expected that you will telephone the school on the first day of absence. Absence from school without a message from a parent/carer or a valid reason is counted as ‘unauthorised’.

Holidays should not be booked during term time without first obtaining permission from the Headteacher. As a general principle, we ask you to avoid taking children out of school for holidays. Pupils’ attendance at school is monitored closely by the Education Welfare Officer, who will contact you if your child’s attendance falls below a certain level. All attendance figures are collected nationally and are published in school league tables.

Punctuality The school day begins at 8.45 a.m. and children are expected to arrive on time for school. We attach great importance to making a prompt start to the day. The school day finishes at 3.15 p.m. and it is very important that children are collected on time at the end of the school day too. Punctuality is also monitored closely. Children up to Year 4 must be brought to school and collected at the end of the day by a responsible adult. Any parent wishing an older sibling to take this responsibility must see the Headteacher. Great care is taken to ensure that your child is handed to the correct adult at the end of the day. The staff will only let your child go with a known adult so, if there is a change in your arrangements for collecting your child, it is imperative that you let us know.


Further Information (Cont.) School Meals Children can have a cooked school lunch or, if parents prefer, can bring a packed lunch. School meals are cooked on site. They offer good value for money and provide a healthy balanced diet. There is always a choice of menu including a vegetarian dish and salad. Water is provided for children to drink. If parents prefer to send their child with a packed lunch, it should also be a balanced meal. Parents may change arrangements if it is necessary but we ask that one week’s notice is given and there is only one change per term as orders for food are made well in advance. We are not able to facilitate more flexible arrangements. Staff in the school office will advise parents of the cost of school meals. It is particularly helpful if school lunches are paid for weekly on a Monday morning. We request that it is sent in an envelope clearly marked with your child’s name, class and the amount enclosed. Parents may pay for lunches for the half-term or term if they wish. Families who are receiving specific benefits may be entitled to free school meals. For more information please speak to the staff in the school office. If for any reason, either religious or medical, your child requires a special diet, please let us know on the Admission Form. We will do our best to see that these requirements are met.


Members of the Senior Management Team are always on duty at lunchtime and are assisted by Lunchtime Supervisory Assistants, who try to ensure that the children have an enjoyable lunch break. They are responsible for organising games and activities, dealing with minor accidents and helping the children to play safely.

Health and Welfare


School Trips

Your child’s safety and well-being is our first priority.

Medicines should not be brought into school and are not administered by school staff. For children who suffer from asthma or other long-term medical conditions, special arrangements will be made to meet their particular need.

We like to extend the children’s learning by taking them on visits, either in the vicinity of the school or to places of educational interest, such as museums, galleries, religious buildings, theatres and concert halls. Educational visits take place largely in school time and are carefully planned to enrich the curriculum.

There is always a member of staff on duty during school hours who has responsibility for children’s welfare. Several of our staff are also trained First Aiders. Children who have had an accident or are feeling ill are seen by one of these people. If it is thought that a child needs further medical help or is unfit to be in school, then parents are notified immediately. Parents are requested to supply the school with an upto-date home address and telephone number and also details of where they can be contacted if they are at work. You should also nominate someone else as a contact if there are times when you are unavailable. It is most important that this information is accurate and up-to-date. Please notify the school office of any changes in address or telephone numbers. There is a School Nurse who visits the school to carry out health checks and medicals. Dental, vision and audiology checks are also made periodically. Parents will always be informed prior to any medical examinations and whether subsequent treatment is deemed necessary.

Child Protection We have a duty to ensure that all our children are well cared-for and safe. If we suspect any form of abuse or neglect, we are required to report our concern to Social Services. There is a member of school staff who is responsible for Child Protection and will make any referral to Social Services after investigation and discussion with the Headteacher.

School Security It is very important that all children and staff at The Academy are kept safe. Security cameras have been installed to monitor the school site. An intercom system and secure entry gate has also been installed to restrict unauthorised entry to the school. All visitors to the school are required to report to the school office, where they will sign in and be given a visitor’s badge. Parents are asked to support these procedures to maximise the management of security. There is no access to classrooms via external doors during the school day.

When your child joins the school, we ask you to sign a form giving permission for us to take your child to the places in the local area, eg. the library, park or the shops. For any trip that requires travelling further afield, we will send you a separate letter outlining all the details and requesting your permission. Before we ask you for written permission, we will carry out a risk assessment and provide you with full information about the nature of the proposed activities.

School Journey In Year 6 some pupils have the opportunity of going on a residential trip for five days. This depends on the availability of staff and an approved venue. The children are accompanied by members of school staff, who meet the parents beforehand to fully explain what the trip entails. This is an excellent experience for the children and contributes to their academic, personal and social development.


Charging Policy

If you have a concern‌

The school believes strongly in the value of educational trips during school time but does not have sufficient funds to subsidise every outing. Therefore we have to seek voluntary contributions from parents. There may have to be cancellations, however, if sufficient financial support is not raised.

‌please talk to us.

From time to time we also ask for contributions towards special performances and events in school or for specialist resources, such as cooking ingredients. The co-operation of parents is greatly appreciated. The school will also ask for a contribution towards the cost of repairing damaged property or replacing items of lost property, such as reading books.

Liability We are not insured to cover for loss or damage to personal belongings on school premises. Please do not send children to school with any expensive items. We are not liable for the loss of any personal belongings that are brought to school.


We hope that your child will be happy and successful while they are at The Primary School. We place a great deal of emphasis on providing a warm, welcoming and supportive environment in which your child can learn confidently. You are welcome to visit the school or contact us to discuss any concerns you may have regarding the progress or welfare of your child. Initially we advise that you make an appointment to speak with the class teacher or the Headteacher. We will do all we can to resolve your concerns. However, if you are still not satisfied please refer your concerns to: The Chair of Governors C/o The Business Academy Bexley The Business Academy Bexley Primary School Yarnton Way, Erith, Kent DA18 4DW Telephone: Fax: Email:

0208 320 4840 0208 311 9546


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Business Academy Bexley

Yarnton Way, Erith, Kent DA18 4DW Tel: Fax: Email: Web:

0208 320 4840 0208 311 9546

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