Take Note Issue 2 (June & July 2012)

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2012 - Issue 2

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40 Days with Jesus

by Sarah Young A handy little booklet of daily readings to help you draw closer to God on your holiday.

Travel Essentials!

ISBN: 9781404189942


Download & Go!


Soul Surfer Story (Audio Book)

Tragedy to triumph in this thrilling biography about surfer, Bethany Hamilton. ISBN: 9781598599220 The Message Bible (MP3 CDs) Listen to God’s Word each day as you move about on your holiday. ISBN: 9781598594560







Was: £14.99

New! NLT Waterproof Bible

(New Testament, Psalms & Proverbs) ISBN - Pink: 9781609690113 ISBN - Blue: 9781609690106

Also available in: ESV, NIV, KJV




£6.99! Was: £8.99

Travel Pocket Journal Full of quotes and verses this journal will add inspiration to your adventures! It contains everything you need to capture memories of your trip: writing space, a pocket for mementos, and an elastic band to hold everything together. ISBN: 9781935416531

Carry Along Bible Fun (Pack) This is a great travel pack of full of stickers, stories, markers, Bible maps, and more... Perfect for keeping little ones entertained on longer trips. ISBN: 9781859856123

Love to shop local? Why not join our Loyalty eClub and receive an email each month with new releases, special promotions, plus a shop voucher! Cut off this sign-up form and hand it in with your next purchase over £15 to receive 10% off! *Not valid with any other offer or discounts. Expires 15/07/12. Name:___________________________________________________________________________ Email:____________________________________________________________________________

£4.99 Novels!

Travel E



Facing the Giants by Eric Wilson

Nelson - ISBN: 9781401685263 Was: £7.99

After six consecutive losing seasons, high school football coach Grant Taylor believes things can’t get any worse. With fear and failure defeating him in football and in life, he turns to God in desperation. Coach Taylor and his Shiloh Christian Eagles soon discover how faith plays out on the field. Never give up. Never back down. Never lose faith.

No Place Like Holmes by Jason Lethcoe Griffin travels to London to spend the summer with his uncle, Dective Holmes, who is a detective, just not a good one. But when he meets a woman with a case that Sherlock Holmes has turned away for being too ridiculous, he and his uncle decide to investigate. Along the way, Griffin shows his uncle just Nelson - ISBN: what it means 9781400317219 Was: £6.99 to have true faith in God, even while everything about this case challenges it. Book Trailer:


(A C.H.A.O.S. Novel) by Jon S. Lewis Review by Christopher Markwell (CLC Ipswich Volunteer) Publisher: Nelson ISBN: 9781401685423 Was: £6.99

Being a sci-fi (science fiction) fan, this book appealed to me from the first mention of the word ‘aliens’. This fictional story will grip you and make you want to read on with awe at flying motorcycles, an alien invasion, a conspiracy, plus an underlying plot about God. I would recommend this book for people who are sci-fi fans as a perfect gift. Have a listen to a sample excerpt of the audio book version here:

Lonestar Sanctuary & Sweetwater Gap

Nelson - ISBN: 9781595547668 Was: £6.99

by Colleen Coble & Denise Hunter Lonestar Sanctuary is a romantic suspence set in Texas calling readers to practice forgiveness and godly relationships; while Sweetwater Gap is a story of love and second chances. This ‘2 in 1’ book set is a great way to enjoy a quiet evening or a rainy day.

Surrender Bay by Denise Hunter Samantha Owens’ estranged stepfather has died, leaving her his cottage in Nantucket—a place she fled years ago, never planning to return. As a single mum, Samantha can’t afford to pass up a financial windfall like oceanfront property. So she travels home to fix up the house and sell it... never suspecting that Landon Reed Nelson - ISBN: still lives two doors away. 9781595549129 Only: £4.99

Garden of Madness by Tracy L. Higley For seven years the Babylonian princess Tiamat has kept her family’s secret, waiting for her father, the mad king Nebuchadnezzar, to return to his family and his kingdom. Married for treaty at fourteen and widowed at twenty-one, she revels in her newfound independence, determined to control her own destiny. But when a nobleman is found dead in the palace, Tia must discover who is responsible for the murder, Nelson - ISBN: even if her own freedom is 9781401686802 threatened. Was: £6.99

Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore

Nelson - ISBN: 9781401686352 Was: £6.99

Brielle’s best friend is dead. And it’s her fault. Guilt splinters her life. When she returns to her home-town to finish her senior year, she attempts to reassemble the remaining puzzle pieces. The murder, the numbing cold that engulfs her, and Jake — the boy next door with flaming eyes and impossible gifts — are just a few of those pieces.

Complete Surrender

Life Change: 15 Men Tell

by Julian Wilson

Their Extra-ordinary Stories by Mark Elsdon-Dew

ISBN: 9781860248412

Discover Eric Liddell (Chariots of Fire), the Scottish 400m Olympic champion (Paris, 1924) turned missionary to China anew with Wilson’s new vivid biography. This book draws upon interviews with Liddell’s surviving family and friends, fascinating anecdotes, reminiscences, and extracts from his letters. Also includes a number of rare photographs.

ISBN: 9781905887743

Some were freed from addictions. Some turned from lives of Now: violence and £3.99! crime. Some Was: were healed, £5.99 some overcame disaster. All were completely transformed by an encounter with Jesus. Ugo Monye’s story is included!



£5.99! Was: £7.99

Amazing Biographies by Kim Carpenter ISBN: 9781433675799

Son of the Underground



by Isaac Liu & Albrecht Kaul

Was: £6.99

ISBN: 9780857211996

This remarkable testimony from Brother Yun’s son, Isaac, is a must-read! Scan the QR Code for a sample chapter of the book!


Film Trailer:

The Vow



£7.99! Was: £9.99

Review by Jane Morin (CLC Finance department) A newly married couple with their whole future stretched out ahead of them. A car crash and everything comes tumbling down. Or does it? Kim’s life is on hold and Krickett’s life is hanging by a thread. But despite Krickett’s memory loss, (she has no memory of Kim or their wedding), she does know how important God is to her. Her faith is strong. Despite the tough times, the set-backs, she and Krickett hold on to their vows. Day by day they heal from the injuries sustained in the crash and set about building a new life together. When you read this book, you will realise just how unimportant all those little arguments are, that with God in your life and commitment to your marriage in your heart, you can overcome anything. If Kim and Krickett can make it, so can you. (B&H)

Fantastic Prices!

Choosing to see

by Mary Beth Chapman ISBN: 9780800720858

by Jonathan Carswell

ISBN: 9781850786122

Here are 11 true stories Now: about students £4.99! coming to Was: £6.99 know Jesus. It details a variety of different obstacles to Christianity and how each individual overcame them with God’s help. These testimonies are honest, inspiring and exciting - recounting that thrilling moment when God welcomes another into his Kingdom.

My Enemy... My Brother by Hanna Shahin


ISBN: 9780875089980


£5.99! Was: £7.99

Mary Beth’s story is our own story... wondering where God is when the worst happens. In Choosing to See, readers will hear firsthand about the loss of her daughter, the struggle to heal, and the unexpected path God has placed her on.

A gripping story of the liberating grace of God, which took a young man bent on hate and made him an instrument of healing and redemption in the war torn Middle East. From the orphanage to the airwaves, Shahin’s life demonstrates the change God can make in anyone who becomes a Now: true Christ £5.99! Was: follower. £7.99


£12.99 Was: £14.99

CLC World Updates: But I need that book now.... I don’t know about you, but I think waiting for a book to arrive is one of the most ‘annoying’ things in life! You simply cannot wait to dive into the book and explore new worlds, concepts, and teachings. We might only have to wait a couple of days for it to arrive ... but it feels like forever! Imagine however, if it did take forever! Months pass by and you know exactly where your books are, but you can’t access them because customs hasn’t or won’t release them. This is a daily/ weekly/ monthly frustration for many of our teams around the world! Read about some current situations below: PNG: Two shipments of stock that were due to be delivered last December and March but, at the time of writing, had not yet been cleared through customs. The current situation is very time consuming and costly for the ministry. Central Asia: Currently we are experiencing a real shortage of books and other goods for sale. As a result, sales remain low and it is increasingly difficult to pay our accounts, staff, etc... Bangledash: Praise the Lord for an improving situation regarding customs clearance for our stock. This procedure is still not without problems, but the shop manager hopes they will have a more regular supply of imported books in the future.

CLC UK - Summer 2012:

This summer looks like it is going to be an exciting one with so many events, such as the Olympics, the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee, and numerous Christian festivals and camps! Please remember to pray for our many shops and teams who will be devoting plenty ‘extra’ hours to the work they already do as they prepare for and participate in these various events.

S u m m e r 2 0 1 2 CLC Venezuela takes a leap of faith!

With our International Council conference in March came the exciting news that CLC Venezuela was granted ‘established country’ status. This means that they are now eligible to plant and support CLC ministries in other areas of the world! With great joy, they request prayer for the project to open a CLC bookshop in Bolivia. The legal requirements are being worked through at the time of writing, and it is hoped that a shop may be ready by the end of the year. Pray too for Gamaliel Padilla, the Venezuelan Director, as he and his family consider moving to Bolivia to initiate the ministry. Gamaliel writes, “May God guide us in all things and may we do His will.”

Summer Prizes! Are you ready? (HB) by Catherine MacKenzie ISBN: 9781845507909

The race begins and Eric Liddell thunders down the track. The crowd cheers him on. He has spent months preparing himself for the Olympics. But he has also spent years getting Now ready to serve God. Which is more important — winning a gold medal or £3.99 Was: honouring Jesus Christ? Can Eric £4.99 do both? (CF4Kids)

Never Give Up On Your Dreams

ISBN: 978-0340954836

by Mary Weeks Millard ISBN: 9781846252716 Gabrielle is six years old when her swimming instructor realises that she has a natural talent and believes that with dedication, self-discipline, and the support of her family, she would be able to compete in the 2012 Olympics. Gabrielle dreams of winning an Olympic gold, but one day, disaster strikes. What will happen to her Olympic dreams now? (Day One)

Jackie Pullinger, a young English woman, trying to follow God’s direction, finds herself in the centre Now of Hong Kong’s under£5.99 world. What she discovers Was: £8.99 about herself, the society around her, and the spiritual resources available to her, form the basis for an exciting, but also thoughtprovoking story. (Hodder)

True Gold: An Olympic Adventure by Cliff Rennie ISBN: 9781845506551 The race is about to start. The huge Olympic stadium in London is full of cheering spectators. The competitors are under starter’s orders. Everyone holds their breath — and they’re off. Although all run as if their lives depended on it, one runner’s life does hang in the balance. There is only one way that he can survive, and it’s up to Jason to find it. (CF4Kids)

For Older Youth: Chasing the Dragon (A Graphic Novel) by Jackie Pullinger


£4.00 Was: £5.00


£4.99 Was: £5.99

Evangelistic Resources THat Are Pure Gold!

Heart Mind & Soul - Gospel of Mark (Pack of 5) ERV (Easy to Read Version) ISBN: 9781860248368 Why use this Gospel? • ERV is ideal for the un-churched and those for whom English is not their first language. • It includes profiles of Christian sports men and women likely to take centre stage at the Games such as Allyson Felix, Debbie Flood and Maya Moore. Now • It also contains £3.99 the Gospel presentation, Was: plus contact details for £4.99 response and follow-up. (Authentic)

Personal Best! (24 page booklet)

by Alex Taylor ISBN: 9781844276967 Here’s a great children’s resource booklet for the 2012 Games! It contains puzzles, information on nine of God’s champions from the Bible, and interviews with Christian sports people, together with space to personalise the resource with photos, drawings, etc. They are also available in packs of 20 so ask Only your local bookshop 99p! to place an order. (SU)

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ISBN: 9781418549015 Price: ÂŁ19.99

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