2018 Prayer Focus Issue 2 - Large Print

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April 2nd - 8th

Week 14: Global Praise Points Monday (2nd) – Philippines:

This quarter CLC Philippines is hosting a Daily Vacation Bible School (DVBS) Seminar/Workshop on April 9, 2018. Many churches have been invited to send at least five delegates to participate in the event. Pray that many churches and church leaders will attend enabling them to conduct DVBS programmes that are more relevant to their community so that many children, young people and their parents will be reached for Christ.

Tuesday (3rd) – Canada:

Thank you Father for clearly showing us Your plan for CLC Canada’s distribution department because it wasn’t cost effective and was, in fact, losing a lot of money. After obediently following Your plan to restructure this department, we are now seeing positive results.

Wednesday (4th) – Sierra Leone:

We thank God for the year-long celebrations of our Golden Jubilee. We launched our first event in February 2017 and built up these joyous occasions to finish with an Anniversary lunch on February 11th, 2018, and a Grand Thanksgiving Service on February 18th, 2018. The celebrations were a real blessing to our team because we were privileged to meet with past CLCers who helped to bring the ministry to where it stands today.

Thursday (5th) – Papua New Guinea (PNG):

We praise God for the safe arrival of CLC PNG’s order of children’s resources from Scandinavia Press in the United States. These books arrived just in time for the ‘Back to School’ sale in Port Moresby. This is a big event for CLC’s ministry as many come from miles around to attend.

Friday (6th) – Venezuela:

We thank God that recently, after an extensive wait due to our country’s financial difficulties, Ruby Arrieta, a member of the CLC Maracaibo bookshop team, was able to receive a necessary operation. Praise God the surgery went well! Please continue to pray for her recovery. *Photo

The Weekend (7th/8th) – Dominica:

Praise the Lord that CLC Dominica now has a part-time helper, Patricia Laudat, to cover for Tajya Winston, who is on maternity leave since the birth of her baby daughter, Yahna. Please remember both of these wonderful women as they settle into their new roles.

April 9th - 15th

Week 15: International Prayer Requests Monday (9th) – Sierra Leone:

At the time of writing, Sierra Leone was planning to elect a new president on March 7, 2018. Please continue to pray for this nation as well as CLC’s ministry and team as the post-election era is always a serious concern for every Sierra Leonean.

Tuesday (10th) – Liz Patten, CLC Africa Regional Director:

“Please pray for my travels to Ivory Coast (Abidjan and Bouaké) and then to Burkina Faso in the first half of April. I am looking forward to seeing our teams there. Emmanuel Ladeyo (FWA director from CLC Benin) and Bernhard Koecke from CLC France will accompany me. May we travel in safety and be an encouragement to our brothers and sisters. May we find practical ways to help them grow the ministry in their own countries. Thank you!” Liz Patten

Wednesday (11th) – France:

At the end of March, CLC France completed the annual stocktake in its warehouse and in its 13 bookshops. The team is currently checking all the results and integrating these figures into some financial software. This is a lot of work that must be accurate, so please pray for the team and especially for Etienne Audier as he oversees this task. May the Lord inspire us to continue developing our ministry and projects so that we may better serve our clients in 2018, both personally and professionally.

Thursday (12th) – Antigua:

The government will be calling an election this year. Please pray for guidance and safety. Please also continue to pray for the CLC team, their families, friends and customers.

Friday (13th) – Canada:

We ask you to pray for us as we need wisdom and innovation from the Lord to face 2018. New opportunities and ideas are required to help increase our presence in the country so that we can provide the best possible service to our community. Pray, too, for our upcoming meetings with church leaders as we discuss hosting Thompson Bible seminars for them.

The Weekend (14th/15th) – Colombia:

“As a team that is also a publisher and wholesaler, we ask for your prayers as we make a number of trips to visit other countries during May. We thank God for His provision and ask that you pray also for safe travel mercies for those traveling. May these opportunities strengthen our partnerships in these countries.” David Pabon, National Director April 16th - 22nd

Week 16: Upcoming Events Monday (16th) – Gary Chamberlin, Europe Regional Director:

Please pray for a blessed and productive time at the CBA Marketsquare Europe meetings in Budapest from April 16 – 20. CLC directors from all over Europe (with the addition of Colombia, Korea and Kenya) will be meeting with many US Christian publishers and rights’ agents to evaluate new books on the market for their own countries. In addition, there will be three days of training to better our capabilities in publishing, partially in collaboration with CBA. Please pray that these days will be very beneficial and instructive for all of the CLCers 2

and other publishers attending, mostly from Eastern Europe.

Tuesday (17th) – Switzerland:

On the 6 May, CLC Switzerland will attend the ’Culto Cantonale,’ the general meeting of Italianspeaking believers here in south Switzerland. We are thankful to God that pastors have decided to repeat this meeting annually instead of every two years. Our CLC team will have a book table there, so it will be a blessing for our ministry and for them. It’s probable that the mayor will be there, and it is the CLC team’s hope that more and more people will be blessed by this event.

Wednesday (18th) – United States:

Please pray for the CLC USA annual conference (April 22 – 23) as we spend time together in prayer and seeking God for His will for the next year of ministry. Pray for discernment and unity in decisions and a strengthening of the fellowship.

Thursday (19th) – Spain:

On Friday, June 1st and Saturday, June 2nd, the Thompson Bible seminar will be held in Madrid. Another two seminars will be held in Barcelona and Gerona in the week of June 4th to 10th. Pray that these events will be a great blessing to the Christian people in Spain and that the local team that is being formed for the continuity of this seminar will be consolidated. Also, pray for the economic and logistical resources for the development of the seminar in Equatorial Guinea. *Photo

Friday (20th) – Papua New Guinea:

“Please pray for our bookshop staff as we plan to have a short retreat soon to encourage and refresh us as a team. The time will also serve as a reminder to help us stay focused on the task the Lord has given us. Since many of our team members are also family members, we ask that the Lord would help us to remain united as a team and as families. Pray too for our team as we set up book stalls in public places where we can be a witness to those in our city as well as highlight helpful resources to those in need.” Vere Babona, National Director

The Weekend (21st/22nd) – Panama:

During May, CLC Panama will be hosting a Thompson Bible seminar in the Ngobe Buglé region. Please pray for those who are working behind the scenes to make sure everything is ready for the event and that it will be well attended and a blessing to many. Please also continue to pray for our team as some members are leaving to dedicate themselves fully to their university studies. Please help those remaining to find new staff or ways to fill the gaps and grow together in unity. April 23rd - 29th

Week 17: Evangelism & Outreach Opportunities Monday (23rd) – France:

CLC France National Director Hervé Lessous will be making a presentation at the next board meeting of Livr’Afrique in June. Please pray for a blessed meeting with wisdom from the Lord. CLC and Livr’Afrique are hoping to help about ten French-speaking countries in Africa, plus Madagascar and Haiti. Together, they would like to find a way for these countries to receive Christian literature and Bibles for less money than normal. This is a very big challenge, but we know that with the Lord’s help, all things are possible.

Tuesday (24th) – Ruud ‘Rudy’ Kuijer, Global Mobiliser and Evangelism Development:

Please pray for clear guidance for Rudy Kuijer in developing a God-given strategy for getting 3

new people with a heart for evangelism through Christian literature to join CLC. Rudy has been networking with other missions, such as WEC, OMF, Frontiers, Wycliffe and CAMA. We thank the Lord that these relationships are growing. We aren’t just interested in having book tables at their events, but also in being a bridge that supports and serves all types of mission organisations through lasting relationships.

Wednesday (25th) – Kenya:

We thank the Lord for your prayers as CLC Kenya explored different children’s orphanages to donate books to. The search led the team to the New Life Home in Nairobi, and it is hoped that our ministry can be a real blessing to these children. CLC Kenya usually donates books at the end of every year; however, it is felt that their need for books is urgent. Please pray that the Lord will provide a way for the team to make the donation sooner. *Photo / Scan the QR code graphic to learn more about the New Life Home Trust.

Thursday (26th) – Switzerland:

“We are hoping to partner with Compassion and hold an event this autumn in the bookshop in an effort to make believers in the area more aware of the needs of the poor. If the Lord is in this, then it will happen! Please pray for us as we meet with Compassion workers to discuss and plan this event. Pray too that many children might be sponsored through this event.” Carlo Ciafani, Manager

Friday (27th) – Cyprus:

CLC Cyprus often has customers from other countries and faiths—mainly refugees or asylum seekers—who come to the shop to do photocopying. At times, the team members have the opportunity to share the Gospel with them or give them a Gospel tract. Please pray that the Lord will work in their hearts and that the Lord will provide more of these opportunities.

The Weekend (28th/29th) – Central Asia (CA2):

“Please continue to pray for the protection of our CLC Central Asia team and for opportunities to share the Gospel with those who visit the shop. Please pray that God will open the spiritual eyes and ears of the people we share with.” The Director April 30th - May 6th

Week 18: Prayer Requests from the CLC World Monday (30th) – Dominica:

Please pray that God would continue to grant Davis Laudat (Manager) wisdom and vision for CLC’s ministry here in Dominica.

Tuesday (1st) – Benin:

As 2018 marks the 20th anniversary of CLC Benin’s ministry, please join with us in thanking God for what He has brought us through. Pray that we trust Him for all that is to come! Also, please pray for the special ways in which our team is planning to commemorate the anniversary so that God is glorified, customers are blessed and CLC is made better and more widely known. Over the years, CLC Benin has repeatedly asked for prayer that the LORD will provide the opportunity for the team to purchase its own property. Again, we request intercession for this. We would love for this team to have its own place, centrally located, as a means of securing the future of the ministry. Please pray for God’s provision. 4

Wednesday (2nd) – United States:

Pray for CLC USA bookstores during this busy time as we promote Christian resources as options for those purchasing gifts for upcoming special occasions. Many give gifts to unbelieving family members, so please pray with us that God’s Spirit will open the eyes of the blind.

Thursday (3rd) – Antigua:

As mentioned yesterday, a number of special occasions occur during this quarter. We ask that you will pray for the safe and timely arrival of necessary stock, especially for CLC Antigua. Please pray that these items will lead to greater sales in the shop so that the team can pay its invoices on time and continually reinvest these funds into CLC’s ministry and the people it serves.

Friday (4th) – Colombia:

We ask that you pray to the Lord for CLC Editorial (Spanish CLC Publications). The team is making some adjustments and changes that are not easy, but they are necessary so that the ministry can continue to sustain itself abroad. We believe that the Word of God should reach every corner of the earth where Spanish is spoken. Although these are drastic and crucial changes, please pray with us that the Lord will support, strengthen and guide the team in each step. We also ask for your prayers for the presidential elections that will be held this year in Colombia. Please pray, too, for the current situation in Venezuela since the high number of immigrants coming to Colombia has been putting a real strain on the economy and government.

The Weekend (5th/6th) – Kenya:

Praise the Lord for the partnership we are developing with Robert Carr of Metro Philly Church Planting Partnership (USA). We are keen to see how things will develop this year. Please pray for the Lord’s wisdom, direction and unity. There will also be a large conference for pastors in Nairobi during June at The Deliverance Church. Please pray that CLC Kenya will be able to find new ways to partner and be a blessing to the (over) three thousand pastors who will be gathering for annual prayers. May 7th - 13th

Week 19: Encouraging Stories Monday (7th) – Portugal:

After National Director Carlos Cunha recently attended his seventh Global Leadership Summit in Ponte de Sôr (Alentejo), he shared, “It was a great opportunity because we had about fifty attendees from local churches and around twenty non-believers too. Several of these nonbelievers work for the local government. It is the second year in a row that they have attended, bought leadership books and, in some cases, Bibles. It is so encouraging to see their desire to apply some of the leadership principles that they have learned at the conference into the local government. This annual event is not only making a great impact on our community, but it allows us the chance to put the seed of the Gospel into these people’s lives too! What a great blessing to be part of this project!”

Tuesday (8th) – United Kingdom:

“We are grateful for the way our customers have responded to our Bible Projects, including the Mozambique Economy Bibles and the Thai easy-to-read Bibles. People are happy to identify with what we are doing. In fact, a customer recently sent £200 in cash through the post!”

Give a gift that keeps on giving!



Help us bring affordable, easy-to-read Bibles to those seeking to know God in Thailand!

in partnership with


Wednesday (9th) – Papua New Guinea:

“Last Christmas Eve, my children decided to cook containers of food and give them to the street people that live on Okari Street. These are people we see often but rarely interact with. What a blessing it was to see God use my children that night to bring some Christmas cheer in their lives. This one act has brought us closer to these unfortunate souls who now refer to us as ‘the Bookshop People.’ It was an eye-opening experience that reminded me that we have a big responsibility to look out for those around us in order to build a bridge for the Gospel. Please pray for us as we build these relationships and for the resources to do these food packs again soon.” Vere Babona, National Director

Thursday (10th) – Colombia:

CLC Editorial (Spanish CLC Publications) has just published nine books for children that have been very well received by adults and are a delight to children. These books have been prepared with very attractive images and simple texts, adapted for each age. We rejoice with the Colombian team because children can hold in their hands the Bible presented in didactic and entertaining ways that amuse them and teach them to love the Word of God.

Friday (11th) – Central Asia (CA2):

“Praise God that we finally have received official registration as a Christian Bookstore! On top of that, we have even managed to get permission from the Religion Committee to import and sell nearly twenty new titles in Russian and in the local language. This is in addition to the ones already being sold elsewhere in the country.” The Director

The Weekend (12th/13th) – Colombia:

“The OM ship Logos Hope visited our country recently, staying in the Bay of Santa Marta during December, in the Port of Barranquilla during January and in the Port of Cartagena in February. David Pabon (Colombia National Director) and I were blessed to visit the ship and to set up a book table on the ship. The team from the CLC Barranquilla bookstore attended the book table and also put up a banner highlighting CLC’s ministry. This ship takes the Gospel to the nations of the earth. It is the largest floating bookstore in the world and sells books at very affordable prices to sustain itself. It has become a unique tourist attraction. It attracts believers and non-believers and impacts them through their work. CLC sold a large number of books, more than 2000 from different publishers—including ours—at very favourable prices to support this evangelistic work. We donated books from our own publishing house to the ship as a way to encourage missions and to contribute to their spread of the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus Christ in the world. Praise be to the Lord!” Blanca Garzón, CLC Editorial May 14th - 20th

Week 20: Working Together Monday (14th) – CLC Russia & CLC Korea:

In the last couple of years, CLC Russia has been able to publish titles in a joint effort with a number of other CLC countries in Europe. Praise God that the team has just completed—for the very first time—a joint publication with CLC Korea. May the Lord continue to open doors that will allow CLC teams to support each other’s publishing efforts.

Tuesday (15th) – CLC & Pastors in Florence:

“Praise God for the growth of fellowship within the CLC team in Florence. Doors are opening for 6

evangelism from the bookshop due to its prominent tourist location. Recently, the team invited thirteen local pastors to join them for a meal. May the Lord provide more opportunities like this, enabling CLC to build stronger relationships within the local Christian community.” Ruud ‘Rudy’ Kuijer, CLC Global Mobiliser / Evangelism Development

Wednesday (16th) – CLC PNG, Government & Churches:

There is an opportunity for CLC PNG to partner with the Department of Community Development and Religion to provide counselling services and resources to victims of family and gender-based violence. Pray that this will become a reality as we negotiate and liaise with different church leaders to strengthen our ministry.

Thursday (17th) – CLC Editorial (Colombia) & Publishers:

God is opening amazing doors for CLC Editorial (Spanish CLC Publications). Many favourable alliances have been made with Scandinavia and Copenhagen Publishers to produce beautiful children’s books at very low prices. The team has also partnered with a Biblical organisation to print Bibles for Colombia, as well as with other authors and publishers who will be a great blessing for our ministry. Praise the Lord!

Friday (18th) – CLC Bolivia & Events:

Pray for CLC Bolivia as it prepares to participate in the 2018 International Book Fair in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. More than 50,000 people normally attend. Please pray for good sales. Please pray that through those that the team encounters at the event, God will open new doors for the placement of Christian literature in churches, universities, markets, events and fairs.

The Weekend (19th/20th) – CLC UK & the Vineyard Church:

We thank the Lord for the growing relationship with the Vineyard Churches in the UK. They are actively planting and growing churches in this country and beyond. CLC UK has recently established a relationship that enables the team to supply them with a website, book tables at their events and necessary ongoing resources from the CLC Warehouse in Chester. Please also pray for our Annual Conference that begins this weekend (May 20 – 22) as CLC UK seeks the Lord for the way forward. There are multiple challenges to the ministry, and the team wants to be both relevant and sustainable. May this also be a time for reflection and personal renewal. Following the conference, the UK trustees will meet on May 22nd and 23rd. Pray for them in their responsibilities. CLC UK is blessed to have an excellent group of trustees with experience in various areas. May 21st - 27th

Week 21: CLC Publications Monday (21st) – United Kingdom:

Praise God as CLC UK recently participated with Scandinavia Publishing to produce three children’s books. It has been many years since the UK team has been involved in publishing locally, and we pray that this is only the beginning. Please also continue to pray for the development and implementation of various digital technologies in these months, including websites, eBooks and Print-on-Demand (POD). The demands of the market—anywhere, anyhow, any time—are a challenge for us, but they also come with opportunities that we wish to grasp.

Tuesday (22nd) – Portugal:

Last November, CLC Portugal’s publishing department translated and published two popular titles into Portuguese. Already 87 copies of the first title, The Christian’s Pocket Guide to Loving 7

Old Testament (Christian Focus), have been sold, and 84 copies of The Starter Bible (Thomas Nelson). “We cannot thank the Lord enough for the opportunities to publish such strong Christian titles into our native language,” shares Carlos Cunha, National Director. *Photo

Wednesday (23rd) – Colombia:

“We thank the Lord for the book we are working on, The Genealogies of Genesis, written by the Rev. Abraham Park, a Korean writer and pastor. He has written five wonderful books. We hope to publish them and develop seminars on each book for different countries. Pray that God will allow these books to reach the hands of thousands of pastors and leaders who need to understand the providence of God in the history of redemption.” Blanca Garzón, CLC Editorial

Thursday (24th) – France:

CLC France has recently published two new titles by an American Rabbi in an effort to help Christians better understand the Jewish culture and customs. These ‘what every Christian should know’ style of books explore understanding Jesus as a Jewish man and understanding the Passover. It is hoped that through these publications, Christians will be able to reach more Jewish people by building better relationships with those in this community.

Friday (25th) – Kenya:

CLC Kenya just released its very first children’s publication. The book, Conceive Achieve for Teens, has already sold a good number of copies. Pray with us that this book will be a blessing that helps teenagers in Kenya to conceive ideas and dreams (in accordance to God’s will) and then gives them the tools and motivation to work hard to achieve them.

The Weekend (26th/27th) – Russia:

Last January, CLC Russia celebrated the safe arrival of the Key Verse Bible (in Russian) for children. This joint production between CLC and Scandinavia Publishing House has been long awaited. Upon seeing the new arrival, one of the bookshop assistants said, “This is the best book we’ve done (so far)!” May 28th - June 3rd

Week 22: News, Prayers & Praise Monday (28th) – Italy:

CLC Italy is excited that Gerardo Scalante (CLC International Director) and his wife, Silvia, will be attending its annual conference being held just outside Catania, Sicily, June 10 – 14. Please pray for their safe arrival and a blessed time for all. May the staff find refreshment and be challenged to move forward together in accordance with God’s will.

Tuesday (29th) – Italy:

CLC Italy currently has eight bookshops in Italy’s biggest cities and a large warehouse on the outskirts of Catania. There is a ninth shop in the Italian speaking part of Switzerland. With the increase in Internet sales, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep all of these shops open. Pray that the shops and warehouse can grow and be centres of witness.

Wednesday (30th) – Central Asia (CA2):

Pray that the Lord would help this CLC team to develop deeper relationships with local churches and their leaders. Pray too that this will lead to new opportunities for outreach and 8

enable them to better support one another. Recently, CLC CA2 has been able to put some of its books into a ‘church bookshop.’ Praise God for these opportunities, which are key to financially supporting CLC’s ministry in this country.

Thursday (31st) – United States:

Please continue to pray for the regular shipments coming from around the world for CLC’s Multi-Language Media department. It is not unusual for boxes to be lost or damaged, so please pray that our Bibles and books will arrive on time and in good condition.

Friday (1st) – Burkina Faso:

Let us continue to pray for Luc, Gerard and all those that assist (including their families) in the CLC bookshop in Burkina Faso. This small but faithful team is committed to the Lord and to seeing their nation reached through Christian literature ministry. May God bless their hard work and continuing efforts to pay back the loan they received from CLC Colombia and reestablish the payments towards their pension plans. Pray too that a local prayer support team will be established for the ministry and that those in the area would be open to participating in new ways in order to keep the ministry sustainable.

The Weekend (2nd/3rd) – Philippines:

Regional Director Romualdo Macinas shares, “Praise God for the many new opportunities we have received to have book tables in state universities/colleges and in private universities run by the Catholic Church. We have even been able to reach out to introduce our ministry to the private and public libraries in schools and universities. We also thank the Lord for a new wholesale customer in South Luzon.” June 4th - 10th

Week 23: Projects Updates & New Opportunities Monday (4th) – Kenya:

CLC Kenya’s Print-on-Demand (POD) system is touching lives in ways we had not imagined. So many authors have been able to get their messages out, and we are grateful to God for using this team to facilitate this. This project is also a financial blessing to the ministry in Kenya. When bookshops are struggling, the POD system helps the team to manage its cash flow. CLC Kenya also feels that there is a need to engage in training others to use books as the core resource. The team is currently in talks with several organisations on how to partner together. Please pray for direction and wisdom for the Kenyan team, that it will engage only with those that God has appointed.

Tuesday (5th) – Colombia:

CLC Colombia has several prayer requests, but asks especially for prayer for the new CLC bookshop in Chocó, a region with a majority of Afro-Colombians and indigenous people that have many beliefs that contradict the Bible. The team has been doing several activities, supporting the community and inviting them to the shop for Bible studies, Sunday school activities and seminars. Pray with us that the Word of God will produce much fruit in this region.

Wednesday (6th) – Sierra Leone:

During the period when CLC Sierra Leone was printing the Scripture Union devotionals on its Print-on-Demand (POD) system, the team ran out of supplies. Thank God with us that the supplies arrived just when they were needed most. Pray too for this team as it plans to launch the Africa Study Bible on June 8, 2018. Pray for God’s zeal for every member so that they do not get weary or discouraged in their planning. 9

Thursday (7th) – Canada:

CLC Canada is working hard to develop a project that seeks to influence pastors to engage their audiences in good reading habits. The team has joined together with the Francophone Christian publishing community to create this programme. Please continue to pray for opportunities to share and encourage church leaders to take part in this endeavour.

Friday (8th) – Central Asia (CA2):

In response to the praise point from May 11, at the time of writing, CLC CA2 was preparing to place an order for new Russian Christian books. Please pray for the safe arrival of these new Russian titles and for the Lord to help the team continue to participate in translation projects to make quality Christian books in their local language available.

The Weekend (9th/10th) – Ecuador:

Join us in praying that CLC Ecuador’s bank loan application for a new wholesale warehouse (including offices and a shop) will soon be approved. The team would like to begin construction on its property in the city of Guayaquil in August, but this loan is needed to proceed. CLC Ecuador is also awaiting various building permits and soil checks from the municipal authorities. These permits are a bit complex due to the latest earthquakes, but the team (and the rest of CLC) are trusting that God will be working a special way for these approvals to be granted.

June 11th - 17th

Week 24: More Global Praise Points

Monday (11th) – Cyprus:

It may seem like a small thing, but the timely arrival of books for customers and ministries that are holding events or meetings is a real struggle at times in Cyprus. Since the majority of CLC’s inventory comes from publishers outside of the country, we give praise to God that, once again, a customer’s special order of books arrived just in time! Thank you, Father.

Tuesday (12th) – Papua New Guinea (PNG):

Book Aid Australia (BAA) has promised in the near future to donate, a pallet of good secondhand Christian books and Bibles to CLC PNG. Please pray that CLC’s partnership with BAA will continue to grow and that many will come to faith and maturity in our Lord through these quality resources.

Wednesday (13th) – Portugal:

On February 18th, CLC Portugal had a book launch for its latest Portuguese publication, Mulheres Sem Nome no Velho Testamento (Anonymous Women in the Old Testament), in the Coimbra bookshop. Written by local author, Clarisse Barros, this is CLC Portugal’s second publication with her. Join us in giving thanks to God for this partnership and that the team had such a successful event. *Photo

Thursday (14th) – India:

We thank God for the good dedication service of CLC India’s new Tamil title, Biblical Interpretation, that was held at the New Life Assembly of God Church, the biggest church in India, on the February 11. By God’s grace, nearly 500 books sold on the day itself. Pray for CLC India’s publishing team and that the Lord would provide the funds needed to soon publish other much-needed titles. 10

Friday (15th) – Kenya:

We thank God for CLC Kenya’s partnership with Leadership Partnership Development (UK) as it has been a source of great encouragement for the team. Working with Brian and Sheila Keel is refreshing and, together, CLC and the Keels are looking for ways to better support each other as they co-labour with God to do the Great Commission.

The Weekend (16th/17th) – Philippines:

Praise God that with its Print-on-Demand (POD) system, CLC Philippines was able to publish over ten titles in 2017! Four of these titles were written by local authors. Pray with us that these titles—and those the team prints during 2018—will make a real impact in our readers’ lives. June 18th - 22nd

Week 25: Ongoing Prayers & Concerns

Monday (18th) – Papua New Guinea:

Pray for the churches in Port Moresby and especially for their leaders as the CLC team have noticed a drop in visitors to the bookshop. Online sermons, which are easy to download and do not require much time spent studying the Bible, are creating a society that doesn’t read or have good Bible study habits. Please pray that as a bookshop ministry, CLC PNG will find a way to revive interest as it becomes proactive in getting the message out and encouraging Christians to be active readers and students of the Word.

Tuesday (19th) – Venezuela:

The prayer needs of CLC Venezuela continue to be for the political and economic situation of the country, which affects all the economic, social and daily life activities of the population. Please pray for the CLC ministry in Venezuela and for the provision for the team and their families. We ask God that His provision may never be lacking since, at the present time, each day it becomes more difficult to buy the necessities like food, medicine and clothing due to high prices. Inflation has depleted most of the purchasing power of the population. Each day this produces a greater outflow of Venezuelans to other countries in search of a better future. They must leave the country to help their families.

Wednesday (20th) – Germany:

Praise God that a lot of people are still coming and using CLC’s service in Germany, but each year this figure seems to be dropping. Please pray that God would help us discover new ways and opportunities to draw people back in to the Hamburg shop.

Thursday (21st) – Canada:

Praise God that CLC Canada was able to break even last year, yet it remains financially fragile. Please pray for the team as it continues to find ways to stabilise and sustain the ministry. CLC Canada needs a volunteer who can work one or two days a week at one of our branches. Please pray that God will send the right person with a heart for literature ministry our way.

Friday (22nd) – Bolivia:

We give thanks to God for the new location of the Bolivian bookshop as there is a lot more footfall, providing opportunities for new people to find it. Unfortunately, the CLC team has discovered that this new location is also an area where many protest demonstrations occur. At times, tear gas is used to break up these marches, but, thank the Lord, we have not yet had any broken windows. Please join us in praying that God will continue to protect this shop that is in such a visible and central location to reach thousands each day! 11

The Weekend (23rd/24th) – Benin:

Please pray for an improvement in the overall economic development of Benin, which depends heavily on the cotton trade for income. Pray for improvements to the business environment, boosts to the infrastructure investment, transformation of the agricultural sector and more inclusive growth. Our CLC bookshop is located in Cotonou, a large port city on the south coast.


the peace of the city where I have caused you to be carried away captive, and pray to the LORD for it; for in its peace you will have peace.” Jeremiah 29:7 (NKJV)

June 25th - Julyl 1st

Week 26: Answers to Prayer Monday (25th) – Dominica: “Alleluia. Alleluia is the highest praise to our God Almighty. Join us as we give thanks. Sandra

Robinson, CLC Director for Antigua, Dominica and Trinidad, was recently over to help with our annual stocktake. She had a conversation with our landlord, and the Lord prevailed. Now, we will not need to move! To God be the glory, great things He has done.” Davis Laudat, Manager

Tuesday (26th) – Portugal:

Praise God that after many years of CLC Portugal having only a single full-time missionary, due to recent growth, the ministry is now financially able to support another part-time missionary working in the bookshop. Thank you Father for this answer to prayer! Please pray that God would send the right person to work alongside Carlos Cunha so that he will have the necessary support he needs.

Wednesday (27th) – Ecuador:

We share our thanks to God for His faithfulness! Although CLC Ecuador started this year by closing its shop in the south of Guayaquil City, sales at the shop in the north have skyrocketed! The customers from the closed shop are regularly visiting our CLC shop in the north. Glory be to God! He is always good and faithful.

Thursday (28th) – Canada:

Thank you for your prayers! After a two-year wait, CLC Canada has finally obtained recognition as a charitable organisation for its distribution department. Thank you Father for Your provision!

Friday (29th) – Russia:

“We praise the Lord for the safe arrival of children’s Bibles by Scandinavian publishers, all in good condition. This was the first ‘import’ project for us. Praise the Lord—it went well! We have also introduced some changes to our customer service protocol in an effort to be even more available to our customers. Naturally, there are adjustment challenges, so please pray for us as we adapt to these changes. Pray that we will become better stewards of the Lord’s riches.” Nikita Sapunov, National Director

The Weekend (June 30th/July 1st) – Central Asia (CA2):

Due to shipping, customs and distributor costs, it is not always possible to keep CLC’s prices as low as some online sources. Despite this, CLC CA2 were greatly encouraged by one of its customers who decided to remain faithful and still placed her order with the team. When asked why, she shared that it was because the CLC team always worked fairly with her and responded promptly. Thank you Father! What an answer to prayer. Lord, please continue to help CLC teams around the world to provide the kind of service and ministry that keeps people returning to our shops and choosing to support our ministry. 12

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