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CLAUDIA RAITÈ Mi chiamo Claudia Raitè e nel luglio 2017 ho conseguito la Laurea triennale in Design della Moda presso il Politecnico di Milano, specializzandomi in Design della maglieria. Ho in seguito deciso di conseguire un Master in Fashion Communication and Styling, al fine di completare la mia formazione e per approfondire alcuni aspetti fondamentali legati alla comunicazione in ambito moda. Mi definisco una persona creativa, ben organizzata, e molto attenta ai dettagli. Durante la mia esperienza universitaria ho sviluppato un’ottima capacità di team-working e di problem solving, nonché buone capacità comunicative e di multitasking. Ho anche imparato a ragionare tenendo in considerazione il processo progettuale nella sua totalità, dall’ideazione, alla

CONTATTI Via Sicilia 11, Malnate (Varese)

realizzazione, alla vendita. Amo molto viaggiare e andare alla scoperta di luoghi e spunti interessanti, che considero un grande arricchimento personale e professionale. Sono appassionata di cinema e di svariati generi musicali,

+39 346 5042963

che mi piace indagare al fine di capirne messaggio e significati. Mi reputo una persona dalla


mentalità aperta, odio i pregiudizi e credo fermamente nella libertà di pensiero e di espressione.


8 - 13

42 - 49



14 - 21

22 - 31

MARS 32 - 39



50 - 57

50 - 57



58 - 65








58 - 65


STILLAE AURI L’abito clericale reinterpretato. Questo è stato il punto di partenza per la creazione di una collezione ricca e raffinata, dal sapore elegante ma con un aspetto di dissacrante provocazione, che traspare senza clamore. Gli outfit proposti in questo lavoro di gruppo, realizzato durante il secondo anno del corso di Laurea in Design della Moda, sono caratterizzati da una palette colore che varia dai toni del nero e del beige a quelli del bianco e del rosso, tonalità tipicamente associate agli abiti papali e cardinalizi. Le decorazioni, ispirate ai profili delle chiese barocche, risaltano le forme e la silhouette della donna da noi proposta, che ama ricoprirsi e attorniarsi di bellezza regale e sofisticata. La fase finale del progetto ha comportato la realizzazione di una cappa di venuto rosso che sovrasta una fodera in chiffon di seta, che unendosi alle maniche dà l’illusione di una sovrapposizioni di due capi differenti, ma che in realtà è uno solo.


SCHEDA TECNICA CAPPA Composizione tessuto 1

Velluto 100% cotone

Alteza tessuto

150 cm

Consumo tessuto 1

250 cm

Composizione tessuto 2

Raso, 100% seta

Altezza tessuto 2

150 cm

Consumo tessuto 2

200 cm

Composizione fodera

100 % poliestere

Altezza fodera

150 cm

Consumo fodera

300 cm



Stampe/Ricami Filo/Cuciture

100% poliestere, 40 cm

Colore cuciture


Filo impunture

100% poliestere, 40 cm

Colore impunture



5, ricoperti di velluto,3 cm




nastro raso doppio 180 cm

Stagione A/I 2017/18 Range 36-46 Orlo al fondo rifinito a mano 5,50 cm Orlo e paramontura girocollo adesivato con teletta adesiva Asola di 3,5 cm a 1 cm dal centro davanti Spalline imbottote Rifiniture in taglia e cuci a 4 fili Polsino alto 4 cm senza abbottonatura

METAPROGETTO Tre icone di stile, un decennio storico e un famoso brand di moda: questi sono gli elementi cardine da cui prende spunto la collezione di 12 outfit disegnata per questo progetto di gruppo portato avanti durante il secondo anno della laurea triennale in Design della Moda. Immaginando di dover creare una collezione per Red Valentino e collaborando effettivamente con il brand, sono stati individuati tre moodboard ispirati ad alcune tra le piĂš celebri icone degli anni 80: Nastassjia Kinski, Debbie Harry e Vanessa Paradis. Per Nastassjia è stato scelto uno stile romantico e sbarazzino, per Debbie uno eccentrico e colorato e per Vanessa uno ispirato al design, caratterizzato da forme semplici e pulite. Come ultimo step sono state individuate le occasioni d’uso e i prezzi potenziali per tutti i capi, di cui sono state ipotizzate delle varianti colore e un lookbook con ulteriori outfit a completare la collezione.


IL GRANDE GATSBY Considerando la cultura americana come tema portante per questo progetto di maglieria del terzo anno del corso di Design della Moda, e immaginando di creare una collezione in stile Missoni (collaborando in parte con il brand), sono stati disegnati dodici outfit che traggono ispirazione dall’opera di Fitzgerald “Il Grande Gatsby”. Riferendosi non solamente al libro, ma anche al film del 2012 di Baz Luhrmann, sono state individuati tre filoni narrativi che riflettono le tre anime del film: la sfarzosità delle feste, la storia d’amore tra Gatsby e Daysy e la complessa passionalità che pervade molti momenti del film. La silhouette è slanciata, i volumi semplici, ma l’uso dei filati è ricco e caratterizzato da lurex, mohair, lana e cotone, così da creare un connubio di materiali dai pesi differenti e piacevoli al tatto. Dei dodici outfit disegnati per la collezione ne sono poi stati realizzati tre, che si riferiscono a ciascuna delle storie precedentemente individuate.






20 NOVEMBRE 2016



macchina rettilinea Brother

maglia calata

finezza 5


n. macchina: 12

orlo a mano PUNTI MAGLIA

campione cod.


punto, tensione

maglia rasata, base T=7,9 maglia rasata, righe T=3.9


MISURA A CAPO FINITO A. Larghezza spalla: 6,5 cm

E. Lunghezza giromanica: 19,7cm

B. Larghezza scollo: 25,3 cm

F. Lunghezza totale: 105,5 cm

C. Larghezza fondo davanti: 25,8cm

G. Profondità spacco laterale: 36cm

D. Profondità scollo: 7 cm


azienda produttrice




Linea Più spa

60% cotone 40% poliestere

nm 1/65000


Emporio Lanar

60% cotone 40% viscosa

nm 1/40000



51% PM 49% PA

nm 1/37500


Filati Biagioli Modesto Cardati Speciali

100% cashgora

nm 1/15000


Gruppo Filpucci Industrie Filati

80% cotone 20% viscosa

nm 1/6000

7a 70a



6p 15a



4a4a 11a


4a 4a 11a




56p 126p

126p 12a



3a 3a

43p 31a











MARS Per il mio progetto di tesi triennale in Design della Moda (con specializzazione in maglieria) ho scelto di ispirarmi a Marte, che viene universalmente definito come “Il pianeta rosso”. Facendo delle ricerche, tuttavia, sono venuta a conoscenza del fatto che le tonalità e le forme che caratterizzano questo pianeta sono molto variabili ed interessanti: i colori variano dal verde al blu, dal lilla al all’azzurro, senza tuttavia tralasciare l’ universalmente conosciuta anima rosso fuoco tipica dell’immaginario comune legato a questo pianeta. Da qui l’idea di creare una collezione di maglieria, composta da dodici outfit, che prendesse spunto da queste superfici particolari e mutevoli. Gli abiti hanno forme semplici, lineari e dal taglio deciso e presentano diversi tipi di lavorazioni e una gran varietà di filati, nonchè l’inserimento, in alcune occasioni, di tessuto in pvc, utilizzato al fine di rendere l’effetto finale maggiormente strutturato.




Filati Bracco MINI M978 100% lana merino 1/5500


Cotonificio di Franciacorta Panna 70% lana, 30% seta 2/14


Emporio Lanar Petrolio 60%lana, 40% acrilico 1/3500


Iafil S.P.A Kaki 1023


Emporio Lanar 453 Blu Cina 60%cotone, 40% viscosa 1/4000


Manifattura IGEA 36470


Emporio Lanar Blu 60%lana, 40% acrilico 1/3500


FULLONICA SNC Luna 5536 60% Viscosa, 40% PE 3/24


Emporio Lanar 453 Blu 60%cotone, 40% viscosa 1/4000


Emporio Lanar Blu 60%lana, 40% acrilico 1/3500

50% Cotone, 30% PA, 20% CU


50% PA, 35% Mohair, 15% Lana



COOL AT THE POOL All’interno del Master in Fashion Communication and Styling sono stati portati avanti tre progetti di Styling, con lo scopo finale di creare tre editoriali ipoteticamente adatti ad essere pubblicati su tre riviste a nostra scelta. L’argomento di partenza per il progetto di Styling Womenswear - Sportification - si concentra sul fatto che negli ultimi anni lo sportswear è diventato negli anni sempre più presente nella vita quotidiana di ciascuno di noi. Per questo motivo anche molti brands di moda hanno iniziato a prendere sempre di più ispirazione dai capi sportivi, inserendoli all’interno delle loro collezioni e trasformandoli così in veri e propri must have, che vengono spesso indossati non per una reale necessità di fare sport, ma piuttosto perchè “sono di moda”. Dopo aver analizzato 5 diversi sport, è stato infine scelto di incentrare l’editoriale sul nuoto, e di collocarlo sulla rivista italiana indipendente Muse.



Cool at the pool

Photography Anna Lapiccirella, Fashion Claudia Raitè Malnate, July 11th, 2018 Villa Monte Morone

“Sun is shining, make-up on point, coolest swimsuit on...And now, does dipping your feet in the pool count as a workout? Iif yes, I’m done for the day.”

Above: hat Stylist’s own. Opposite: sweatshirt Nike, underneath swimsuit Zara, swimming goggles Aquarapid.


Nika Mazi

Hair and


Make Up


Opening right: sweatshirt Seventy, underneath swimsuit Goldenpoint, sunglasses Naubau. Opposite: suimsuit Oysho, sunglassses and slippers H&M. Above: blouse Zara.

“And even though I didn’t go swimming, I still put on another swimsuit... and FYI my blouse is Dolce & Gabbana.”

Opposite: suimsuit Yamamay, sunglassses Max Mara, bag and slippers Adidas. Above: top Puma, swimming goggles Arena.

Opposite: swimsuit H&M, blouse Dolce&Gabbana, sunglassses stylist’s own, slippers Stradivarius.

DOUBLE/DOUBLE All’interno del Master in Fashion Communication and Styling sono stati portati avanti tre progetti di Styling, con lo scopo finale di creare tre editoriali ipoteticamente adatti ad essere pubblicati su tre riviste a nostra scelta. L’argomento di partenza per l’editoriale Styling Menswear - Metabstraction - analizza un tema che molti artisti, registi e scrittori hanno indagato nelle loro opere: la personalità multipla. Dal punto di vista clinico questo disturbo, chiamato scientificamente “disturbo dissociativo della personalità” consiste nella “presenza di due o più identità separate che a loro volta prendono il controllo del comportamento del soggetto”Proprio per la particolarità dell’argomento e per la necessità di astrarlo al fine di renderlo confusamente chiaro ho scelto di collorare questo editoriale su Dansk, rivista indipendente che ama sperimentare molto con le sue pubblicazioni.



Shirt: Model’s Own, Trousers: Zara

Left White Shirt: Zara, Jacket: Saintandrews Red Shirt: North Sails, Sweatshirt: Best Company, Trousers: Zara Right Shirt: Zara, Jeans Jacket: Wrangler, Trousers: Zara, Jacket: OVS, Belt: Model’s Own

Left Blouse: Model’s Own, T-Shirt: Champion,Sweatshirt: Kenzo Right Shirt: Zara, Jacket: Saintandrews

Left Trousers: Mango, Shoes: Nike Right Blue Jacket: Angelucci, Beige Jacket: Bertoni e Puricelli

INK YOUR SOUL All’interno del Master in Fashion Communication and Styling sono stati portati avanti tre progetti di Styling, con lo scopo finale di creare tre editoriali ipoteticamente adatti ad essere pubblicati su tre riviste a nostra scelta. L’argomento di partenza per l’editoriale Styling Menswear - Metabstraction - analizza un tema che molti artisti, registi e scrittori hanno indagato nelle loro opere: la personalità multipla. Dal punto di vista clinico questo disturbo, chiamato scientificamente “disturbo dissociativo della personalità” consiste nella “presenza di due o più identità separate che a loro volta prendono il controllo del comportamento del soggetto”Proprio per la particolarità dell’argomento e per la necessità di astrarlo al fine di renderlo confusamente chiaro ho scelto di collorare questo editoriale su Dansk, rivista indipendente che ama sperimentare molto con le sue pubblicazioni.







Tattoos leave violent and indelible traces on the skin. Sometimes they make

Having a tattoo is like having a life partner that will follow you anywhere. It

people more conscious about themselves: by doing that, they feel closer

contains lifelong emotions, dreams, tears and fears - but just like a swallow

to their deepest self. Therefore, tattoos can get to such an intimate and

flying free in the sky, tattoos may strengthen your persona and protect those

personal dimension that you may not want to show it off and keep it for

who are looking for peace and tranquillity.


LIGHTHOUSE Safety in the darkness: this is the meaning of a


lighthouse, that is so big and powerful that it teaches us that we are not alone. Also, giving up is not an option and fighting for staying

Tattoos may have many different meanings and also deep motivations behind. Sometimes people show it in order to look fashionable, others will do it to seek either help, guidance or support to be aware of themselves again and to find their own path in life.

true to ourselves in every situation - even in the toughest one, when we feel judged by society.

#NODIFFERENCES All’interno del Master in Fashion Communication and Styling sono stati portati avanti tre progetti di Styling, con lo scopo finale di creare tre editoriali ipoteticamente adatti ad essere pubblicati su tre riviste a nostra scelta. L’argomento di partenza per l’editoriale Styling Menswear - Metabstraction - analizza un tema che molti artisti, registi e scrittori hanno indagato nelle loro opere: la personalità multipla. Dal punto di vista clinico questo disturbo, chiamato scientificamente “disturbo dissociativo della personalità” consiste nella “presenza di due o più identità separate che a loro volta prendono il controllo del comportamento del soggetto”Proprio per la particolarità dell’argomento e per la necessità di astrarlo al fine di renderlo confusamente chiaro ho scelto di collorare questo editoriale su Dansk, rivista indipendente che ama sperimentare molto con le sue pubblicazioni.









FASHION EVENTS Uno degli aspetti fondamentali della comunicazione in ambito la moda riguarda l’organizzazione di eventi. In particolare, durante questo corso, svolto all’interno del Master in Fashion Styling and Communication, abbiamo avuto modo di apprendere e approfondire tutti gli step che portano alla buona riuscita di un fashion show. Per questo progetto di gruppo è stato preso in considerazione un brand, Dolce & Gabbana, e passo dopo passo si è ipotizzata la creazione di una sfilata per la primavera/estate 2019 seguendo i canoni e i codici stilistici tipici del brand. Dopo aver analizzato lo stile del marchio e dopo aver compreso gli aspetti fondamentali che caratterizzano gli eventi organizzati solitamente per promuovere il brand, è stato ipotizzato un casting di dieci modelli (compresi alcuni millennials), una location, e una strategia di marketing per promuovere l’evento. Il tutto è stato completato con un articolo, una press release e un invito.




Sfera Ebbasta

Brooklyn Beckham

Roger Dupé

Federico Spinas

Anwar Hadid

Bruno Fabre

Cordell Broadus

Jay Alvarez

Hao Yun Xian

Damiano David







WHEN: Sunday, June the 10th 2018 (one week before the fashion show)

WHAT: Creation of a special filter which recognizes the human face


and allows the user to customize him/herself in a typical Dolce & Gabbana style. WHAT: Anna Dello Russo takes over the official Dolce&Gabbana’s Instagram account.

WHY: People who cannot physically come to Milan on Sunday have the chance to

People have to follow some clues through Instagram stories and thanks to

take part to the contest as well.

them find four physical spots.

They have to take a picture with D&Gyourself filter.

Once they have found her in one of these spots, Anna will do the styling on

After that, they need to share the photo on their Instagram accounts with the

them in a real D&G way.

#D&GYOURSELF. Among all, the best picture chosen will be pick up and there will a winner for the

SCHEDULE: - 10.00 - 11.30: 1st spot - Arco della Pace

Web contest.

- Break - 12.30 - 14.00 2nd spot - Piazza Gae Aulenti

WHEN: From Monday, June the 4th 2018 (one week before the fashion show).

- 14.30 - 16.00 3rd spot - Bastioni di Porta Venezia

The filter will disappear Sunday, June the 10th2018 at 10.00 PM.

- 16.30 - 18.00 4th spot - Colonne di San Lorenzo

Once the people will find the different spots where the event will take place, there will be:

1 STAND with Dolce & Gabbana clothes from latest collections with:



STYLIST: Anna Dello Russo

one for the physical contest and one for the web contest The best pictures taken for the Physical and for the Web contest will win the access to Dolce&Gabbana Spring/Summer 2019


menswear fashion show and backstage, but not only: an entire

The duo will take pictures of the people who will take part to the initiative

day living the experience of Dolce & Gabbana.

in order to give more visibility to the brand itself and to promote the Dolce&Gabbana Menswear fashion

10.00 am

1.00 pm

3.30 pm

7.00 pm

8.00 pm

DOLCE & GABBANA CORNER inside “La Rinascente” Piazza del Duomo, Milano

MARTINI BAR Corso Venezia, 15, Milano

DOLCE & GABBANA STORE Via Montenapoleone, 4, Milano

DOLCE & GABBANA BACKSTAGE Palazzo Reale Piazza del Duomo, Milano

DOLCE & GABBANA FASHION SHOW Palazzo Reale Piazza del Duomo, Milano

FASHION COMMUNICATION Creare strategie di comunicazione per un brand è stato uno dei punti chiave del Master in Fashion Styling and Communication. Per questo progetto, portato avanti in coppia, ci è stato chiesto di prendere in considerazione un brand poco conosciuto e, attraverso lo studio della sua estetica e della filosofia che gli appartiene, di ipotizzarne una strategia comunicativa volta alla sponsorizzazione e alla crescita del marchio. Inoltre, ci è stato chiesto espressamente di improntare la nostra strategia tenendo conto di ogni mezzo disponibile, al fine di non concentrare il nostro studio considerando solamente i media online, ma anche quelli offline. Dopo aver contattato tramite Skype la designer fondatrice del marchio da noi considerato, Sandermann, e dopo averne compreso a pieno estetica e filosofia, abbiamo quindi creato una strategia che valorizzasse gli aspetti legati alla sostenibilità del brand, fornendo inoltre alcuni consigli per migliorarlo e per incrementarne vendite e visibilità.





Stine Sandermann got in touch with us and our agency in order for us to

Every step of the supply chain is focused on sustainability and ethics

develop a good communication strategy for her emerging fashion brand.

She knits high-quality products and consequently, they are durable

Denmark is one of the European countries which care the most about

SANDERMANN is based on cyclability of materials and sustainability as a

She focuses on handmade knitwear with as little waste as possible

sustainability. The capital hosts annually the Copenhagen Fashion Summit.

more general approach

The raw materials come from local farms

She knits made-to-order items herself and so they turn out to be

Stine Sandermann comes from Denmark and is 27 years old.

She graduated at Chelsea College of Arts in London and started the brand

possible in all phases of the supply chain.

Every piece is made-to-order and therefore special and unique.

She really believes in what she does

Understand the brand’s reference target for a better communication

She has a strong message to deliver to the fashion industry

and consequently, better sales.

Her pieces are both are both fashionable and wearable, as well as

the sustainability factor is crucial, as well as the personal effort the

garments are fully fashioned, and that means they are knitted into their

designer puts into the whole process personally.

shape – also zero waste. Set up a local event that may be useful for the brand and its values to be more known.

expensive garments. •

SANDERMANN hasn’t really established on the market yet •

She has an unclear selling proposition, which means that she doesn’t really know where her customers are

Even though it may be inevitable for a start-up at the very beginning, her prices are still quite high

There is a lack of a communication and business strategy (she only started in December with a business mentor)

Implement SANDERMANN presence on online media.

Needed budget: approximately € 3500,00.

She is part of Sylab, which is a community for start-ups within fashion and textile. They provide to her a place to work

Wool is very versatile

Sylab is located in Ikast, which is a small town with a long textile tradition.


Emerging competitors are always there

If she keeps on not knowing her target reference, she won’t sell eventually despite all her efforts

She went to UAL, so she should have contacts in the whole London scene.

with the loads of wool we didn’t collect and to my surprise she answered: “If

and thus my work with Danish wool began”.

Denmark is one of the wealthiest European countries, also very involved into sustainability. A lot of people can invest money on

and has even spun her own yarns on her wooden spinning wheel. When we

no one else picks it up, the farmer will discard it by burning it.” I was in chock

The brand has been on the market for over a year only, and therefore


“My mom has always been keen on using her hands for knitting, weaving

drove home from the sheep breeder I asked my mom what would happen

Place the brand on as much offline media as possible. Underlining

and dresses she uses a zero waste pattern design approach and the knitted

As the brand has been on the market for a year only, she has a very limited budget

modern, fresh and visually interesting

She sources end-of-roll newspaper for constructing garment patterns, using old bed linen for toiles and sorting waste for recycling. For the trousers, tops

“limited edition” pieces

Our aims are:

in late 2016. She produces every garment locally trying to be as mindful as


They are proud to be part of the Global Fashion Agenda, in which they have committed that by 2020 50% of their collections will be designed for cyclability

Once the product request rises, she may not be able to cope with the amount of work as there’s only three of them in the company





We would provide event coordination first on Facebook (for everybody to see it), and then we would have the

Editorial plan: we would research and contact websites that would like to interview her and they will hopefully give

special invitations on recycled paper (for selected

her some space to put some pictures of her collection.

people such as potential buyers and non-profit

An editorial on a free trade magazine could be another

organizations that care about sustainable fashion) delivered by air

great incentive for her message to be spread. One week earlier she would do the nterview and then she will be online

Invitation delivery + rsvp: first of all, the

Keep using social In theupfuture, hopes WeInwill develop forshe hopes up for a YouTube KeepSign using social the future, We will develop for Attend shows forInashe YouTube the future, she Attendtrade trade shows Keep usingsocial social Sign up for up a for a Sign Weshe will develop for Keep using In the future, hopes We will forprinted on recycled tend trade shows Sign YouTube Keep using social In the future, she hopes We will develop for invitations aredevelop going to be shibitor Sign up for a YouTube media as much as she to have minimized the her a lookbook and and channel, where she for will a YouTube Keep using social In the future, she hopes We will develop for s Sign up media as much as she to have minimized the her a lookbook and bothboth as as ananexhibitor and channel, where she will exhibitor mediaas as much much asasshe YouTube channel, where she willhopes to have her a lookbook and media she to have minimized the her aand lookbook and yarn as hook. paper will have a special hxpand as anherexhibitor and channel, media much as she to have minimized the her a lookbook and d channel, where she will can as until she reaches the discarding of wool a company profile in be able to showcase her canreaches until she reaches the discarding of wool athat company profile in media ascanshe to have minimized the her company a lookbook as visitor expand hermuch be able to showcase her d channel, where will the andher asto visitor to as until she where she beshe a company profile in make sure alland can the of for wool profile into he guests will have visitor to expand be will able to showcase her minimized can until shetoreaches theuntil discarding profile in Wea will budget be featured on she reachesbe in Denmark and toof wool discarding order heratocompany have rork, which able to showcase craftmanship and her her budget be featured on in and to order for to have business which craftmanship andof the invite by personally or wooldiscarding expandnetwork, her to be to ableto to showcase order for Denmark her to to have canbusiness until shemore reaches the of the wool aorder company profile in heremailing r tonetwork, be able showcase her offline often.the have aDenmark system forher right tools befor her to havereceived oing be products from a broader budget tobudget be featured on and toorder for her to have which craftmanship andbuilt her budget to bemedia featured on indiscarding and in to in Denmark hiness craftmanship and her calling them. Also the we will havetools to make mediapoint moreof often. have builtto a be system for right to be is definitely going from a and broader Denmark to have network, which isto on offline her craftmanship and It can bebe independent right tools collecting, it already the view to be featured on offline in for Denmark and toplaced for tools her to offlinefeatured media more often. have builtproperly athesystem for the right tohave be h to going craftmanship and from herproducts media more often. haveasbuilt a system theonright tools to be order definitely tooffline bebudget products a broader ewants products from a broader sure about the number of people who magazines happens competitive fashion can Itbe independent collecting, it already properly placed onarethe investors useful if she wants pointin oftheview built a UK system for definitely going to be to only if shemedia more It often. her products from a properly placed onasthe It can be independent collecting, as it for already properly placed on can be independent already properly placed on the the of view collecting, as it have point of view from apoint media more often. built a system right tools to the be eeful if she wants toItoffline products broader willing to take the horse-riding tour as well as would like to stick can be independent and Norway. And that marketfashion magazines only if she happens in the UK competitive fashion collecting, as it already useful if she wants to broader point of view look out for investors competitive only if shemagazines only if she happens in the UK happens in the UK competitive fashion properly fashion ok out for investorsmagazines for competitive food, in order not to It can placed onwaste the anything point of view with be her independent beliefs and consumers will see collecting, as it already would like to stick and Norway. And that happens in the UK market look out for investors magazines only if she market would like to stick would like to stick and Norway. that and Norway. And that market market philosophy that wool has great And happens magazines only if she in the UK competitive fashion and Norway. And that would like towith stick her beliefs and consumers will see with her beliefs and with her beliefs and consumers will see consumers will see properties in regards to would like to stick market Save the date for invitations: in this consumers willand see Norway. And that wool has great with her beliefs and philosophy sustainability philosophy that wool has great that wool hasthat philosophy great specific case, our event is going to take place that wool has great with her beliefs and philosophy consumers will properties see in regards to at the beginning of August around Copenhagen properties in regards to properties in regards to properties in regards sustainability philosophy that wool has great Fashion week and CIFF time sustainability sustainability

e shows

to sustainability

properties in regards to sustainability

(7th – 10th August, 2018)

Media plan: we will curate SANDERMANN’s newly-born YouTube channel. On the page, we will take care of music and videos, as well as reading all the comments to find out if there are potential customers/investors out there. We can also take care of the rest of her social media accounts, so that she can only focus on designing the collections, as well as having the brand’s Google AdWords planned

Product placement: she doesn’t believe her products would be worn by mainstream magazine readers. She wants her customers to really understand that there is a story behind every piece that she knits



Banner on the few strategic websites we mentioned earlier can turn out

Set up a guided bike tour of SANDERMANN’s wool journey (from

to be a profitable tool to get more views on the website and hopefully

fabric to finished product) for customers. In this way, customers

on the brand’s sales

can really see with their own eyes how respectful Stine is of the

There’s actually a whole story behind every garment she makes, so she needs to explain better the whole process. We can help her with the

First research and strategy development

Free € 30,00/hour x 18 hours

€ 540,00

environment, how much she cares about animals and their welfare, as well as actually seeing the places where the fabrics will be yarned

First presentation layout with Adobe InDesign 2018

€ 75,00

We will give to attendees a wool and leather keychain specially

Research and development throughout the year

€ 750,00

Banner on Instagram

€ 50,00

She needs to describe better the products she sells on her official website because it looks like she is selling polyestAer for a lot of money.

First meeting

designed for the occasion At the event, SANDERMANN will have a few less-expensive items

descriptions in order to make the products more appealing to potential

that can help her raise some money quickly (e.g. gloves, socks and


hats). Of course, she would always keep her philosophy of 100% Made

Banner on websites through Flat rate (fixed price)

€ 100,00each

€ 100,00

in Denmark We are willing to find someone attending local events if SANDERMANN can be sponsored in order to get more visibility, even for free at the

Keychains and other products will be given together with a recycled plastic bag with the name of both the brand and the supplier on it

very beginning (e.g. Designer Forum in Frederiksberg, Shopping Bazar in Fredericia and Revolver International Fashion Trade Show Copenhagen). During Dutch Sustainable Week, which takes place in Amsterdam, sustainable fashion is put in the spotlight and various sustainable brands

Guests willing to take the bike tour will be given “Gatorade-like” beverages (made with recycled plastic) with the name of the company


€ 500,00

Company profile

€ 150,00

Media plan

€ 450,00

and the supplier on it in order for the companies to take advantage of the advertising

Bike guided tour

will show their collections on the runway. We can put her in the Danish pavilion during Berlin Green Week together with the rest of Sylab brands. In this case, she will be showcasing some of her pieces and how

Food making will be handled by an intern who has attended a catering institute and therefore will be able to prepare vegan and vegetarian finger food for the guests

she is related to sustainability in her field For guests willing to stay at the place and not taking the bike tour, we We would ask a local packaging company to partner with Sandermann for free in order to have a better-looking box that gives justice to the product inside. It could be a win-win for both brands

will have a small book flea market with books on sustainability and fashion. They For guests not willing to take the bike but taking the tour, we can offer a horse ride (on request and admission with fee) from a local stable


2000 A5 leaflets

€ 50,00

Raw materials for 150 keychains

€ 10,00

Raw materials for the event

€ 50,00

Raw materials for paper invitations

€ 30,00

Catering for the day

€ 500,00

Book market

€ 100,00 € 3355,00

WEB COMMUNICATION Lo scopo del corso di Web Communication, erogato all’interno del Master in Fashion Styling and Communication, è stato quello di permetterci di comprendere a fondo gli aspetti fondamentali legati alla comunicazione di un marchio online, con focus particolare sui social media. Per questo progetto quindi, ho scelto di prendere in considerazione uno dei marchi che personalmente apprezzo maggiormente, Acne Studios, al fine di analizzarlo e, seguendo le consegne date dalla docente, rispondere ad alcune “situazioni-tipo” della comunicazione online. Alcuni esempi sono: creazione di contenuti sia visual che scritti da inserire sui principali social network per lanciare un nuovo prodotto, rispondere alle lamentele di clienti insoddisfatti dei loro acquisti online, replicare in modo adeguato, con una storia di Instagram, all’ attacco da parte di un’influencer che ha criticato il marchio, e creare una strategia di marketing per promuovere la collaborazione del brand scelto con Uber.




Acne Studios is a Stockholm-based fashion house with a multidisciplinary approach. Through founder and Creative Director Jonny Johansson’s interest in photography, art, architecture and contemporary culture, an alternative path has been found, turning



- Pink - Design-oriented - Denim Trousers - Srrange name - Pistol boots

- Minimal - Artistic - Contemporary - Unconventional - Open-minded

Acne Studios into a well-respected creator of ready-to-wear, magazines, furniture, books and exhibitions.

The collections are defined by Jonny Johansson’s signature juxtaposing design and attention to detail, with an emphasis on



- High-quality products - They encourage you to express yourself - They want to show that they are an innovative brand

- Swedish brand - Self-expression - Creativity - Strong personality - Sophisticated semplicity

tailoring and an eclectic use of materials and custom-developed fabrics. The collections cover men’s and women’s ready-to-wear, footwear, accessories and denim.




- High salary - Alternative - Creative - Strong - Indipendent

- Cool - Anti-conformist - Self-confident - Individualist - Refined



With this new sweatshirt collection you can be whoever you want. Discover the new #AcneStudios sweatshirt collection in stores and online at acnestudios.com

The t-shirt is too much high-necked, it’s quite difficult to wear it

level of criticism: LOW

Dear customer, thank you for writing to us. We are sorry you have spotted this kind of problem with your new t-shirt, but we would like to kindly inform you that this particular t-shirt model was designed in order to be high-neked. Consequently, we can suggest you to change the t-shirt with another model on our website or in one of our stores. For any information on returns and exchanges, please visit our assistance page on acnestudios.com Have a nice day, The Acne Studios Team

The color showed on the website is different from the real one

level of criticism: MEDIUM

Dear customer, thank you for writing to us. We are sorry for what happened to you. We put a lot of attention on showing our products as more realistic as possible on our website, and we can assure that the colors of the items shown online are exactly the same as the real ones. May it be possible that you have changed the settings of the screen of your laptop or of your phone? we wish you a wonderful day, The Acne Studios Team

The product I ordered has arrived ruined

level of criticism: HIGH

Dear customer, thank you for writing to us. We would like to apologize for the inconvenience and we will be happy to help you manage the shipment back to us, and make sure a new item is sent to you. Since we need to check the details of the damage, please do not send anything back to us without our confirmation. Please visit our contact page for contact information. Have a nice day, The Acne Studios Team


ABOUT THE EVENT During the inauguration, which will take place during the first day of Pitti Uomo, on Tuesday, January 8th, 2019, two events will be organized:

Moreover, from 1 January to 1 February, 2 UberBlack cars will be

are going to the private event: in the first story they will be aboard the

customized in Acne Studios style: they will be pink with the name of

customized Uber car and they will have to tell that they are going to

the brand written in white (like tram 10 in Milan in 2017).

the Acne Studios event in Uber, mentioning that it will be possible to buy the limited edition t-shirt. The other story will have to show the


two girls while they are getting out of the car, and they must thank Uber for their services and remind to the public that the launch of the

- from 7pm to 8pm: private event, dedicated exclusively to the guests

- Attend the events at least till 8.30pm

UberBlack Card is scheduled for the following week. Both the first and the second story must have the hashtag #AcnePlusUber

chosen by the brand - Publish a post on Instagram showing the influencer next to the pink



- from 8pm to 9pm: public event accessible after online registration

customized UberBlack car wearing the limited edition t-shirt (present

- Candela will have to speak in English in the stories and write the post



(places will be limited)

in the kit prepared for them). This post has to be published on January

published on instagram both in Italian and in English.

520k followers on Instagram

193k followers on Instagram

€1130 each post on IG

€495 each post on IG

During the event there will be the possibility to buy a limited edition

about the public event organized by Acne Studios as well as the

€1065 each story on IG

€395 each story on IG

t-shirt created in order to celebrate the opening of the store.

services that Uber will offer for that evening and for the following

At the public event all the guests will receive a pink bracelet and a

days (UberBlack Card). This post must also include the official hashtag

coupon with a 30% discount that can be used for a ride on Uber Black

#AcnePlusUber and two links: the one of the Uber website, in which

- Candela and Tamu must refer only to UberBlack, without mentioning

to come back home after the event.

will be illustrated in detail all the parameters and advantages of the

any other type of Uber service not present in Italy


8th, in the morning and must include a caption with all the information


UberBlack Card, and the link that redirects to the page of Acne Studios,

Acne + Uber is a partnership between Acne Studios, the famous fashion brand from Sweden, and Uber, the car transport service.

Guests can take advantage of the discount only on Tuesday, January

and in particular to the one dedicated to the event (where you can also

The final goal of the collaboration is twofold: on the one hand the

8th by showing the coupon and the bracelet received as a gift.

have a preview of the limited edition t-shirt).

- Do not make any comparison with other taxi / car sharing service

- Do not write an excessively short post by simply placing the link

sponsorship for the opening of a new Acne Studios flagship store in Florence, and on the other the launch of the UberBlack Card, a pass to

In addition, those who will buy the limited edition t-shirt will receive

use UberBlack (the only option of the company currently available in

a UberBlack Card which will allow the owner to use it for the entire

Italy) in a simple and fast way.

duration of Pitti Uomo (scheduled for 8-9-10-11 January ).

- Share the link to the instagram post on Twitter and Facebook - Do not mention the price of the limited edition t-shirt, it will be - Candela and Tamu have to make two Instagram stories while they

written on the website

Gennaio 2019

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