a radical D’Army Bailey got booted from one university for leading civil rights protests. And then Clark came calling. ALSO INSIDE // David Angel maps the future // Green is the new Navy //Class Notes returns!
FALL 2010
Prof. Karen Frey and doctoral students Christie Wood and Luke Trusel (below, with Frey) spent much of their summer aboard an icebreaker in the waters off Alaska’s northern shores to study the effects of climate change on the environment. Read about this and other “Clark-tic” research on page 13.
ohn Kimelman ’79, whose profile of Clark
FALL 2010
President David Angel appears on page
A Radical Life
34, calls himself a “willing victim” of the
D’Army Bailey ’65 was booted
school’s upgraded alumni outreach. In late June,
from one university for leading
Karen Doherty from the Advancement Office
civil rights protests. Then Clark
e-mailed Kimelman, who is executive editor of
came calling., the website of the investment
By Jim Keogh
Greening the Fleet Assistant Secretary of the Navy Jackalyne Pfannenstiel ’69 sails into uncharted energy waters
By Anne Gibson, Ph.D. ’95
publication, to ask him if he was interested in profiling Angel for the alumni magazine. “I quickly replied that I would be happy to do it,” he says. “I was motivated partly out of guilt because I hadn’t given more of myself to the school over the decades.” In mid-July, Kimelman interviewed Angel at
the Barron’s office in midtown Manhattan. “One sort of expects a university president to be filled with a bit of ego and bravado,” Kimelman says.
clear that he’s an intellectual first and foremost
fall 2010
who sees his goal as president to execute on care-
clark alumni magazine
fully considered ideas.” Kimelman, who also holds a master’s in journalism from Northwestern and an MBA from Columbia, is a career journalist who specializes
A League of Their Own
an entertainment lawyer, and is the father
their ‘A’ game to campus
night diners.
redefine the liberal arts education at Clark
By John Kimelman ’79
was on the jukebox, and Clark’s first women athletes brought
fond memories of Worcester’s collection of late-
president, David Angel looks to
World War II raged, Glenn Miller
in financial issues. He is married to Nancy Rose, of two girls, Coco, age 16, and Ella, age 5. He has
Geographer, provost and now
By Jim Keogh
fall 2010
completely unpretentious and totally likable. It’s
Mapping the Future
clark alumni magazine
“I found David to be anything but that. He seemed
In This Issue
FALL 2010
Executive Editor Paula David
Lights! Camera! Proposal! ...
Fayaz Taher, M.A. IDSC ’09 is
Under the Midnight Sun ...
powering his corner of the world
Second-hand Chic
... one cow at a time
Red Square
Alumni News
Class Notes/ In Memoriam Births, deaths, and all of life in between as experienced by Clarkies
Jim Keogh
Design Red Ink Design Editorial Staff Jane Salerno, Angela Bazydlo, Anne Gibson, Ph.D. ’95, Melissa Hoffmann ’95, Kevin Anderson Creative Services Manager Kay Hartnett Vice President of Advancement and Alumni Affairs C. Andrew McGadney Director of Alumni Affairs Aixa Kidd Contributing Photographers Steven King, Tammy Woodard, M.A. ’98, Erika Sidor, Steve Jones, Sean Hennessy, Richard Orr, Champo Mapulanga ’13 Contributing Illustrators Cliff Alejandro, Paul Wearing, Alex Nabaum
Clark alumni magazine was printed on Opus Web manufactured by Sappi Fine Paper North America with
FSC Chain of Custody Certification. Over 80 percent of the energy used to manufacture Opus Web comes from renewable sources and as a result Sappi has one of the
Name Dropping
lowest carbon footprints of north American coated paper suppliers.
So he’s the reason there’s no football at Clark
Printed in USA by Dynagraf Inc. using 100 percent
renewable electricity.
Sports The Terrific 10: Athletes to watch this year
Their Other Lives Chemistry Prof. Mark Turnbull’s 45,000-volume hobby
I Witness Dr. Mark Pearlmutter ’80 recounts his fight to save lives in Haiti
The Clark alumni magazine is printed twice a year, in the fall and spring, and is distributed to members of the Clark community, including alumni, parents and friends. The magazine can be viewed online at: Address correspondence to: or mail to: Jim Keogh Clark University Marketing and Communications Department 950 Main St. Worcester, MA 01610
Letters to the editor are welcome.
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fall 2010
3 clark alumni magazine
My Clark Education HE CLARK MYSTIQUE. !"#$%&'"'())"*+,"-+."/$%*"'0/(1"!&2("-($34"'-$'"5-3$1("
fall 2010
JIM KEOGH Editor in Chief
clark alumni magazine
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`+,"1$04"*+,".$%'"'+"3($4" $8+,'"'-("3(1($3#-"8(0%9"#+%4,#'(4"-(3(<"'-("$##+/5)01-/(%'1"+7 "'-("1',4(%'1<"$%4"(2(%"9('" $"4+1("+7 "-01'+3*"F"$"%+4"'+"-+."*+,3"$)/$"/$'(3"/$4(<"$%4"#+%'0%,(1"'+"/$6(<"0'1"/$36: J-01"/$9$I0%("-$1"8((%"$")+%9"'0/("#+/0%9:"!"-+5("*+,"(%R+*"0'"$%4"'-$'"0'"/(('1"*+,3" (A5(#'$'0+%1:" a-<"$%4".()#+/("8$#6:" // Please e-mail me at with your comments, suggestions, letters to the editor and, most importantly, your story ideas. All are welcome.
Carolyn Matthews ’10 Major: Environmental Science
!"#$%&'# () *(&+
!" #$%& $' (#)$*+, THE WORLD NEEDS CLARK UNIVERSITY. CLARK STUDENTS ARE THE NEXT GENERATION of contributing citizens committed to creating positive change in the world. Go to to learn more about my summer in the charred forests of Colorado where I researched how disturbances such as fire, windstorms and beetles, and how the forest regenerates, will have a huge impact on future ecosystems. Your gift of any size matters to Clark students.
Give to The Clark Fund today.
Clark Newsmakers
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fall 2010
clark alumni magazine
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newsworthy activities of its members, who regularly are featured or mentioned in news reports around the world.
Try googling Clark sometime. Better yet, and to save yourself lots of time, visit Clark’s News & Media Relations website and click on “Clark in the News” for an online archive with summaries and links to complete articles. The site can be found at Here are just a few recent examples of faculty and alumni in the news: From the Psychology Department: JAMES CÓRDOVA appeared live on
CNN and also was a guest on “The Rachael Ray Show” to discuss his “The Marriage Checkup” book and relationship research. ABBIE GOLDBERG’S research and book, “Lesbian and Gay Parents and Their Children” garnered extensive coverage and was the foundation for a New York Times Magazine feature “What Gay Parenting Teaches Us All.” Of great interest to the Boomer audience were articles referencing JEFFREY JENSEN ARNETT’S research on emerging adulthood, including a New York Times Magazine feature "What Is It About 20-Somethings?" and an appearance on the Today show. Graduate School of Management professor of industrial relations GARY
CHAISON is often heard discussing labor-management issues on public radio’s Marketplace, or quoted in The Atlantic feature “Who’s the Boss?”, Wall Street Journal and other major dailies. An Associated Press article about the new psychology of genocide program at the Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies ran in hundreds of news outlets, featuring comments by Center Director DEBÓRAH DWORK, who was interviewed on several topics by CBS Radio, Smithsonian Magazine, the Washington Post, New York Times and others. Historian TANER AKÇAM was interviewed by CNN, BBC World News, "The Bob Edwards Show" on Sirius Satellite radio, Chicago Public Radio, The Times of London, and more as he passionately advocated for recognition of the Armenian Genocide. Mosakowski Institute Director JAMES GOMES talked about “Politics in the Age of Obama” on "The White House Chronicle." Reporters sought Gomes’ insights on the Massachusetts Senate race for articles in The Washington Times, Politico, Reuters, The Hill, Bloomberg News, and The Wall Street Journal. Political Science Professor MARK MILLER spoke to CNN and other media about the Kagan nomination to the Supreme Court.
MARLENE MCMANUS ’10 talked to the Associated Press about how “Imageconscious youth rein in social networking.” The article was carried by ABC News, Forbes, the San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Post and other major media.
News from the Campus
Animal Attraction
wenty distinguished animal-studies scholars from around the world came to Clark this summer to share individual research focusing on such
diverse topics as the human-animal dynamic, animal welfare and policy and the ethics of cloning extinct species. The University hosted the Animals and Society
Studies Fellowship Conference, May 24 to July 1. This was the fourth year of the program
Emel. Susan McHugh, a professor of English at the University of New England, was the adjunct host. Emel, who presented a talk on “Fighting Meat
fall 2010
O DOUBT, Ali Fedotowsky learned a lot about relation-
clark alumni magazine
ships at Clark before she graduated summa cum laude with a 4.1 GPA and a bachelor’s degree in psychology back in 2006. One could say she’s logged enough hours these days to earn both her master’s degree and a Ph.D. in the subject, having spent much of the last year in the middle of relationship dramas — real or exaggerated — on ABC’s “The Bachelor: On the Wings of Love” and as the star of “The Bachelorette.” On Aug. 2, millions watched as the 25-year-old Williamstown, Mass. native chose Roberto Martinez, a 26-year-old insurance agent from South Carolina over the favored 33-year-old landscaper Chris Lambton from Cape Cod. Martinez asked Ali for her hand in marriage at a romantic spot in Tahiti after meeting her family and approaching her father for his blessing. In a series “first,” Ali broke the bad news to Chris the day before the proposal and spared him the embarrassment of being rejected on the last day of filming. The former Facebook executive claims she’d never believed in love at first sight. “Now I absolutely do,” she said on the show. She was smitten with Martinez early in the program, and viewers sensed an immediate, undeniable chemistry between the two. Of course, she had to be sure, which meant enduring a long series of dates on scooters, horseback, in helicopters and on sandy beaches with her other suitors. And for someone who didn’t claim to be a “fancy girl,” every week she got to dress up like Cinderella
Sovereignty,” formally welcomed participants, Ali Fedotowsky ’06 spoke to Clark students and faculty on Sept. 7
along with Kenneth Shapiro, ASI executive
in Tilton Hall. Her fiance, Roberto Martinez, accompanied her.
director. Emel is co-editor of the oft-cited book “Animal Geographies: Place, Politics and
and travel to exotic places around the globe including Iceland, Turkey and Portugal. And with her brush with fame came the inevitable scrutiny — much of it unwelcome. Fedotowsky appeared on the cover of practically every supermarket tabloid, and has been judged alongside all the A-listers on her weight, her fashion sense and her whereabouts. Will there be a wedding? Who knows? The track record for the long-term romantic success of reality TV couples is hardly stellar. As we went to press, Ali and Roberto reportedly were renting an apartment in San Diego and enjoying each other’s company, something they weren’t able to do publicly before the show’s finale. As they are wont to do, Clarkies on Facebook weighed in on Fedotowsky’s quest for love, with some pulling for her to make the right choice and others expressing dismay with her participation in what they deemed a shallow pursuit. Perhaps one contributor best summed it up: “It is just a show, not really reality.”
Identity in the Nature-Culture Borderlands.” The ASI Human-Animal Studies Fellowship program is supported by the Animal Welfare Trust, the American Anti-Vivisection Society and Best Friends Animal Society. The Animals and Society Institute is a nonprofit, independent research and educational organization that advances the status of animals in public policy, and promotes the study of human-animal relationships.
Easing back on life’s throttle “Slow down, you move too fast/You’ve got to make the morning last.”
ew of us would heed the well-meaning advice of Simon and Garfunkel, not when our ringing cell phone pleads for attention, our e-mail in-box is overflowing, and the urge to fire off one more tweet is all-consuming. In fact, many of us would argue that giving up, or even cutting back, on our wired ways isn’t a choice anymore. The Difficult Dialogues Fall 2010 Symposium, “Slowing in a Wired World,” may disabuse you of that notion. The symposium, which kicked off in early September, features lectures, discussions and exhibits on topics ranging from the slow-food movement to the effect of the Internet on the human brain, all to illustrate the benefits of tapping the brakes once in a while on our high-speed life journeys. On Oct. 5, the Clark community is being invited to observe a Day of Slowing — a campus-wide voluntary fast from technology that encourages everyone to try and refrain from using the Internet, e-mail, cellphones, iPods, iPads, and MP3 players. We’ll try. But we must confess, our initial reaction is ... OMG! (Saying the actual words takes too long.) For more information on “Slowing in a Wired World” visit www.clarku. edu/difficultdialogues.
fall 2010
Lights! Camera! ... Proposal!
Graduate School of Geography Professor Jody
9 clark alumni magazine
and the first time Clark played host, led by
professor of Chinese history, as your guide on this special trip, May 10-22, 2011. Learn about the diversity of China’s regional cultures, from the metropolitan and modern to the rural and historical. You’ll traverse ancient ruins, royal palaces, cultural treasures and natural wonders, discovering Beijing, Xian, Hangzhou (the beautiful West Lake), the stunning Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), and Shanghai. You will also see major monuments of the past such as the Great Wall, the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, and the Terra Cotta Warrior Museum near Xian. Visit art galleries, museums and some of the modern architectural marvels of Beijing and Shanghai. Rest your head at four-star hotels and reinvigorate each day as you explore the glories of China’s past and its sometimes turbulent but energetic economic boom of today. For details, visit
John Granville’s legacy thrives in Sudan
new school for young women was dedicated this year in southeastern Sudan and it bears the name of two individuals, one a Clark University alumnus, who were shot and killed by Sudanese
gunmen in Khartoum in 2008. The Granville-Abbas Girls’ Secondary School was dedicated
on International Women’s Day, March 8, in the town of Kurmuk, Blue Nile State. It was named in honor of Clark alumnus John Granville and Abdelrahman Abbas Rahama. Granville and Abbas were working for the U.S. Agency for International Development on a program to bring radios to the population of South Sudan. At Clark, Granville received a master’s degree in International Development and Social Change (IDSC) in 2004. He had previously served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Cameroon and spent years in Sudan helping to implement a peace agreement between Sudan’s north and south that ended more than two Clark University IDSC alumni – peers and friends of Granville – Carrie Conway and Inez Andrews collaborated through their respec-
especially for girls, who have lower literacy and lower rates of school attendance than boys.”
tive agencies to have the name of their Clark colleague attached
Before his death, Granville was collaborating with Clark University
to the new school. William Fisher, director of Clark’s International
to bring Clark graduate students to southern Sudan to work with
clark alumni magazine
fall 2010
decades of civil war.
capacity to provide quality primary and secondary education,
Development, Community & Environment (IDCE) department;
him on geographic information systems taught as part of the IDSC
Conway, IDSC alum Ka Vang ’04, and former IDCE staffer Laura Kaub
master’s program.
attended the formal opening and dedication. The Granville-Abbas School’s mission is “to increase Sudan’s
“By honoring John we honor all of our alumni who put themselves at risk as they work toward making this a better world,” Fisher said.
In October 2009, Sophie Freud took
The 50-year anniversary of the birth-control pill attracted worldwide press, including a cover story in Time magazine that offered a comprehensive history of the Pill, with one glaring omission: no mention of Clark University. Even Wikipedia fails to note the Clark tenure of Dr. Gregory Pincus, the intellectual engine behind the creation of the Pill. Instead, the online reference guide notes Pincus’ earlier stint as a Harvard professor, then skips directly to his role in forming the Worcester Foundation for Experimental Biology, where the Pill was further researched, refined and, ultimately, introduced. The intervening seven years in which he served as a professor and endocrinologist at Clark are ignored. Oh, the disrespect. In his 2005 book “Changing the World: Clark University’s Pioneering People, 1887-2000,” former Clark President Richard Traina recounts that Pincus was recruited to the school in 1938 by former Harvard classmate Hudson Hoagland, chair of Clark’s Biology Department, after Pincus fell into disfavor at Harvard for his controversial genetics experiments on rabbits that “began to rock the world of biology, scientifically and philosophically.” Pincus was no shrinking violet at Clark, where, as Traina notes, “his research on female sex hormone biogenesis and metabolism helped prepare him for the ultimate work on the birthcontrol pill.” The famed scientist and his boss eventually abandoned academia, for a perfect storm of reasons. Traina writes: “In 1945, fed up with university politics, petty jealousies, undergraduate teaching, strained relations with other biologists on the regular faculty, President [Wallace] Atwood’s attitudes, and the Dr. Gregory Pincus in his Clark office. ‘inertia of academic life,’ Hoagland and Pincus left Clark to start the Worcester Foundation of Experimental Biology in Shrewsbury.” With little backing, the two scientists scraped to keep the foundation afloat in its early days — they performed their own janitorial duties, Pincus did most of the animal care-taking and Hoagland mowed the lawn. The duo eventually attracted the financial support of wealthy philanthropist Katharine McCormick, and with the added research prowess of Dr. Min Chueh Chang developed the final version of the Pill, which was released to the public in 1960. It’s a great story about the genesis of a social revolution. And, yes, despite what you’ve read, or didn’t read, Clark played a supporting part in that narrative. Now, it’s time to work on that Wikipedia entry.
the stage at Atwood Hall to talk about her famous grandfather, Sigmund Freud, and help celebrate the 100-year anniversary of his historic lectures at Clark. The professor emeritus of social work at Simmons College offered personal recollections of the renowned psychologist and about living in a “dysfunctional family” with “all the conflicts and sorrows that most families deal with.” She also told of the years spent evading, and then fleeing, Nazi occupation during World War II. “I lost the belief relatively early in life that we have rational control over our lives,” she told the rapt audience.
‘PRECIOUS’ MOMENT // On Feb. 22, 2010, a mere two weeks before the Motion Picture Academy of Arts and Sciences awarded a pair of Oscars to the film “Precious” (for best supporting actress and best adapted screenplay), Sapphire, author of the novel “Push” upon which the film is based, spoke at Clark. In a candid presentation that was part of the University’s celebration of Black History Month, Sapphire discussed the horrific circumstances marking the life of her book’s heroine and the lives of many real-life girls struggling with issues of race, poverty and abuse. The writer also marveled at the vagaries of fame. The movie has “put me out there in a way I had not anticipated, or wanted,” she said. “My life was all right. It has put me in the limelight again.”
fall 2010
Take advantage of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see China with Paul Ropp, Clark’s longtime
11 clark alumni magazine
Past and Present with Paul Ropp
SQUARE Second-hand Chic
fall 2010
enerations of Clarkies remember the unassuming storefront across Main Street as the home of Monahan Pharmacy and, later, Byram Healthcare. But the shelves of cough medicine, antacids and toiletries are long gone from the neighborhood fixture, replaced by displays of gently used clothing, solid if slightly nicked furniture, and pre-owned house wares — the kind of stuff you might find in a typical student apartment or dorm room. That’s the idea behind the Clark Community Thrift Store, the brainchild of Alexa Lightner ’11 and Rachel Gerber ’11, whose goal is to operate a business that promotes sustainability and affordability, not to mention timeless fashion sense. The store, which opened Aug. 22, offers inexpensive college essentials — from sweatshirts to desk lamps — as well as its share of non-essentials for those whose sartorial tastes range toward the pink boas, black fedoras and ruffled dresses that look like they were snatched off actors during a production of “Guys and Dolls” (yes, the store does boast a “Costumes” department). Lightner and Gerber hatched the idea for the thrift store as the capstone project of an entrepreneurship class they shared. They earned $3,000 in seed money by submitting the winning proposal in the U-Reka Big Idea Contest sponsored by Clark’s Innovation & Entrepreneurship program, and their business plan got the blessing from the administration. The Univer-
clark alumni magazine
Under the Midnight Sun
sity owns the building, and is allowing the students to use it rent-free. Any profit the store makes will be donated to the Clark University Sustainability Initiative. Lightner and Gerber seized on the altruistic tendencies of friends and classmates, who helped them clear out old furniture, paint shelves and sort through thousands of items in preparation for the opening. The two used the “dump and run” method of collecting items — putting bins in dorms where students could conveniently deposit their donations. Faculty, Clark staffers and alumni have stopped by to drop off unwanted items as well.
“So many people throw so much away during the year,” Lightner says. “A lot of value is lost.”
The students have aggressively promoted the store through word of mouth and social media. While their main target is students (there are no children’s clothes, for instance), the public is more than welcome to stop by and troll for second-hand treasures. “We’re learning the art of starting our own business. A lot of people are watching us, so we’d better not slack off,” Lightner laughs. “But we won’t.” The Clark Community Thrift Store hours of operation tentatively are Wednesday, 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Friday, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Saturday and Sunday, 1-5 p.m. For more information visit, e-mail, or call 508-751-5946.
I was dead for a minute and all of a sudden, bam, boom, I was back. They were smart kids, very smart kids. ARNOLD YODICE, recalling the evening of September 24, 2009, when he suffered a near-fatal heart attack on campus
and was revived by Clark’s student EMS squad. The team was honored with the Red Cross Heroes Award.
everal Clark researchers found themselves swimming in Siberia, admiring a June snowfall in Alaska, and sampling ice cores beside an icebreaker — with armed escorts spotting for polar bears — as they embarked on a variety of scientific expeditions during the summer of 2010. Call it Clark-tic research.
Here’s a breakdown of their projects:
all Class of 2011. In Alaska were Bruckner, Colin Rut-
Graduate School of Geography assistant professor
ner ’13, Alicia Barlow ’10, Miguel Reyes (Ph.D.) and
Karen Frey and doctoral students Christie Wood and
post-doctoral research fellow Daniella Swanton. Un-
Luke Trusel spent much of June and July studying
dergraduates Gabriel Kaknes ’11 and Audrey Seiz ’13
ice in the waters off Alaska’s northern shores with
assisted at Clark while others went to the field sites.
NASA’s ICESCAPE (Impacts of Climate change on the Eco-Systems and Chemistry of the Arctic Pacific Environment) mission.
The Polaris Project: Rising Stars in the Arctic Two undergraduates traveled to Siberia with an international team of scientists for
Frey leads a NASA project titled “Impacts of Sea Ice Decline and River Discharge
Shifts on Biological Productivi-
a four-week field course, part of the Polaris Project: Rising
Clark University was recently named
Stars in the Arctic, which is
to’s list of 50 Social Media Innovators in Higher
ty in the Chukchi and Beaufort
The Foster/Baker Lab
developing future leaders in
Seas.” Her research is based
(Check out the “Stickleblog”) biology/fosterbaker
climate-change awareness.
aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy icebreaker for 2010 and September 2011. In 2012, the scientists will join others aboard a Chinese icebreaker.
Ain’t it tweet
arctic research, education and Clark
Education, earning a bronze medal in the “Web 2.0 College
student Blaize Denfeld and
Olympics.” Clark landed 41st
The Polaris Project: Rising Stars in the Arctic
Cassandra Volatile-Wood ’12
among the 50 schools that
were among only 14 students
CollegeSurfing said “captivated us
in the world to earn slots
with their social media savvy.”
for the 2010 Polaris Project
The Foster/Baker Lab
field course, now in its third
The online affiliate of the College Bound Network writes: “Clark
This team of students, professors, and research
year. Clark has participated since the first of these
fellows is dedicated to the study of the three-spine
expeditions to the Northeast Science Station above
stickleback, a fish whose origins predate the last ice
the Arctic Circle, an area described as one of the most
(including lineups for [Cinema
age. Based in the Foster/Baker Lab in Clark’s Biology
remote and beautiful on the planet.
320 at Clark] that shows acclaimed
Department, the group conducts field research in
The Polaris Project is led by top scientists in Arctic
British Columbia and Alaska, focusing on the evolu-
Systems, including Professor Frey, who has been a
tion of stickleback behavior and growth.
primary investigator on the project since its inception
Students also maintain the lab’s famous Stickleblog of fun and informative online dispatches from the
in 2008. But wait ... there’s more! Two Polaris Project
tweets a healthy mix of school news
foreign and independent films) and intriguing topics like this one: Quarter-life crisis isn’t all turmoil, says Clark prof/author who coined
“alums” are continuing in the field. Claire Griffin ’10
the term ‘emerging adulthood’. You
is working toward her Ph.D. in Arctic river biogeo-
can also find Clark on YouTube and
Endowed Chair in Biology, and John Baker, asso-
chemistry at the University of Texas, Marine Science
ciate research professor and Research Fellow at
Institute, and Boyd Zapatka ’10 also spent the
Clark’s George Perkins Marsh Institute, are the lab’s
summer working for the U.S. Geological Survey on an
principal investigators.
Arctic Long-Term Research project in northern Alaska.
field. Susan
and Warren
The 2010 field team in British Columbia included
You can learn more about each of these scientific
Dianne Suggs and Justin Golub, both Ph.D. students,
projects and read lively and colorful dispatches from
and Josh Bruckner, Lily Hughes and Shannon O’Neil,
the field by visiting the websites listed in the box above.
Also appearing on the bronze winners list were Harvard, LSU and Vanderbilt among others. For a complete list, visit
li fe //
got booted from one university for leading civil rights protests. And then Clark came calling. D’ARMY BAILEY ’65
fall 2010
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clark alumni magazine
14 D’Army Bailey at the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis. Behind him is the bus on which Rosa Parks refused to relinquish her seat in 1955, sparking the Montgomery, Ala. bus boycott, a key event in the civil rights movement.
15 clark alumni magazine
fall 2010
a radical
t clark alumni magazine
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Bailey brought James Meredith (r.), the first African-American student to attend the University of Mississippi, to speak at Clark in 1964.
If you had taken the white kids at Clark and put them in Baton Rouge, they would have been in the front lines, perhaps not as ready for the vehemence of the southern reaction, but with the same spirit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fall 2010
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17 clark alumni magazine
fall 2010
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when&&!"#$%#!&' & & & & & came to clark HAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU DIAL MALCOLM X’S PHONE NUMBER? HE PICKS UP.
That was the shocking truth for D’Army Bailey, when in the
him, but Malcolm was so self-confident in his beliefs. He
spring of 1963 he called the Black Muslim leader with an offer
wasn’t mad, wasn’t hostile, he was just firm with what he
to speak at Clark. No secretaries, no middlemen, just Malcolm
was saying. He could smile sitting at that table.” to shrink the room — there were students and members
means necessary” philosophy toward achieving racial equality
of the public, a strong representation of black audience
had unsettled much of America, white and black. But Bailey
members who’d traveled from as far as New Haven, Black
embraced the notion of bringing a healthy dose of controversy
Muslims selling copies of the newspaper Muhammad Speaks,
to campus and shaking up the status quo in the process.
and security guards and police officers patrolling in response “It was an electric atmosphere,” Bailey remembers. “Malcolm
Movement board of advisers objected, with the chairman
was energized by this young, receptive audience. It doesn’t
threatening to resign if Bailey didn’t
mean that they believed what he
cancel the speech. The board insisted
believed in, but they were fascinated to
that rather than give Malcolm X his
have this man here to talk to us … and
own forum, he instead debate a civil
he wore them out. He was incisive, he
rights leader proposing peaceful resis-
was unforgiving, he didn’t back down.”
fall 2010 clark alumni magazine
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
Clearly. In his closing statements, as
Malcolm was intrigued by the sug-
Bailey records them in his memoir “The
gestion, though he insisted he would
Education of a Black Radical”, Malcolm
only participate if his opponent was
X threw down the gauntlet:
Martin Luther King.
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
to threats of violent retaliation against the Muslims.
speaking on campus. Members of the Worcester Student
“The time is up for the oppressor,
King’s people declined the offer, but
the end of time has come for whitism
Malcolm agreed to speak anyway.
and colonialism. The white man is on
Bailey calmed the board by pledging to
the way out. … We have reached the
bring in a more palatable speaker at a
stage where we no longer think you are
later date.
capable of treating us right. You do not
During a recent interview on the Clark campus, Bailey pointed to two trees where he’d hung a banner announcing
have it in your hearts. We are turning to God.” Malcolm later attended a reception in
Malcolm X’s impending arrival. One night the banner was torn
a student lounge, where he quietly answered the students’
down. Bailey got a tip that some students had removed it and
questions. In this intimate setting, Bailey was struck by the
carried it to their apartment. He and some friends confronted
man’s controlled demeanor so soon after issuing his fiery
the students, advising them to turn over the banner or there
pronouncements from the Atwood Hall stage.
would be trouble. It was returned, and re-hung. On April 11, Bailey ushered Malcolm X to appointments with
The evening concluded at Bailey’s apartment, where he and Malcolm X chatted about the day’s events.
the Worcester Telegram editorial board and a radio interview.
“At about midnight, he charged me $75 for his expenses
“He savored the experience,” Bailey recalls. “He was like a
and I paid him,” Bailey recalls. “And then he disappeared into
cat preying on a mouse. The editors thought they could trap
the night and back out of Worcester.”
fall 2010
Not everyone was enamored with the idea of Malcolm X
The Honorable D’Army Bailey, photographed at the National Civil Rights Museum.
The crush of people in Atwood Hall that evening seemed
This was no minor request. Malcolm X and his “by any
19 clark alumni magazine
on the other end of the line.
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Would you ask a mother whose baby was caught in a raging fire to gradually remove her child from the flames? Radical action is about agitation, agitation,agitation, which is required to bring about change.
fall 2010
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clark alumni magazine
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fall 2010
2#--'#8 '2%)**/*'-.)-'8#02/&'-./'*2.##%'-#'*.$-'4-*' &##0*')./)&'#8 '-./'*2./&$%/&'V.04*-,)*'!0/)+? "./5'./'0/-$05/&')8-/0'-./'.#%4&)(*<'B)4%/('1)*' *$,,#5/&' -#' -./' &/)5' #8 ' *-$&/5-*O' #862/?' ^/' 1)*'.)5&/&')'%/--/0'458#0,453'.4,'./O&'!//5'/Y= J/%%/&'$5&/0')'7)3$/'*-)-$-/'-.)-'1)*'5#0,)%%('24-= /&'8#0'-./'/YJ$%*4#5'#8 '.#,#*/Y$)%*<'!$-'1.42.' 45'4-*'-.0//'*4,J%/'1#0&*'3)7/'-./')&,454*-0)-4#5'
21 clark alumni magazine
"#$%&'(#$')*+')',#-./0'1.#*/'!)!('1)*'2)$3.-' 45')'0)3453'60/'-#'30)&$)%%('0/,#7/'./0'2.4%&'80#,' -./'9),/*:';)&42)%')2-4#5'4*')!#$-')34-)-4#5<')34= -)-4#5<')34-)-4#5<'1.42.'4*'0/>$40/&'-#'!0453')!#$-' 2.)53/?@ A#'B)4%/(')34-)-/&'C')-'*4-=45*')5&'0)%%4/*<')5&' 45',//-453*'14-.'*-$!!#05'*2.##%')&,454*-0)-#0*?' D5'E/2?'FG<'FHIF<'./'./%J/&'%/)&'K<LLL'*-$&/5-*'
fall 2010
23 clark alumni magazine
As World War II raged, Clark’s first women athletes brought their ‘A’ game to campus
clark alumni magazine
AT BRISSETTE AND MEG LINES, both Class of 1968, were attending a celebration of Clark athletics at the Dolan Field House three years ago, when Brissette noticed something amiss. The wall display that offered a retrospective of Clark sports made no mention of the Women’s Athletic Association, which thrived at Clark in the pre-Title IX days. In fact, all of women’s sports
prior to the 1970s appeared to have fallen into a black hole. Word of the snub found its way to Elyse Darefsky ’79. Darefsky had been a three-sport
athlete at Clark (softball, volleyball, basketball) and had coached volleyball for seven years, and despite her deep involvement in Clark athletics even she had never heard of the Women’s Athletic Association. Eventually, Darefsky, Brissette, Lines, Donni Rodman ’69 and Athletic Director Linda Moulton got together and decided the time had come to honor the pioneers of Clark women’s athletics, who began arriving on campus in 1942, the year female undergraduates were first admitted. Last summer, Darefsky and team hit the Clark archives, poring through old issues of The Scarlet, yearbooks and journals to research the WAA and women’s sports. Information was scarce at best. “There was only a shoebox full of documentation — so much history had just disappeared,” Brissette says. To gather first-person histories, the crew sent out letters of inquiry through the Alumni Office to all women who had graduated from 1946 through 1976 (as well as some who had graduated earlier because they’d transferred from other
colleges and were on accelerated academic schedules). The response was almost immediate, with the forgotten days of women’s sports being recalled in phone calls, e-mails and handwritten notes. “What we were really doing was learning about the life of women at Clark,” Brissette says. Women’s sports thrived during the 1940s under the leadership of M. Hazel Hughes, Clark’s legendary dean of women. But as men began returning from the war, support faltered. In 1952 women’s varsity sports were halted and turned into “club” sports — typical of the post-war trend in which men again dominated college athletics and schools began dropping women’s programs, Darefsky notes.
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“There were women who felt they’d only been allowed to play at the varsity level temporarily until the men came back,” she says. Varsity sports for women were reinstated in the early ’70s, beginning with basketball in 1972. Several initiatives are afoot to honor Clark’s women athletes. A fund is being set up in memory of Hazel Hughes, and the Patricia Hassett Fund will benefit the women’s athletic program at Clark. The “captains’ boards” in the Kneller Center and Dolan Field House, which list the captains of the athletic teams through the years, will be updated. The names of the women captains from 1942 to 1952, as well as a list of the Women’s Athletic Association officers from 1953 to 1970, will be added at each site.
– Jim Keogh
Stories and memorabilia about Clark women’s athletics from the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s are still being sought. Contact the Alumni Affairs office at 800-793-6246, by e-mail at, or mail items to Clark University, Alumni Affairs, 950 Main St., Worcester, MA 01610. A video featuring interviews with some of the University’s first women athletes can be viewed at:
fall 2010
fall 2010
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fall 2010
fall 2010
Andersen ’46 and Ruth (Butterfield) Robinson ’48 were stalwarts of the early days of Clark women’s basketball.
27 clark alumni magazine
(CLOCKWISE FROM BOTTOM) Mary (Giobellina) Goretti ’50, Barbara (Norris)
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Assistant Secretary of the Navy Jackalyne Pfannenstiel ’69 sails into uncharted energy waters
greening the fleet BY ANNE GIBSON, Ph.D. ’95
swath of green grass greets me as I emerge from the Washington, D.C. Metro. Thanks to a local friend who had clarified the difference between the Pentagon City Metro stop (a shopping mall) and the Pentagon stop, I’ve managed to arrive at my destination on time and
without getting lost. I follow several people proceeding in the direction of the nation’s
defense headquarters, to where an awning extends from a kiosk, and join the “official business” line. In just a few minutes I enter the approximately 12-by-12-foot kiosk for the required security check. Presenting two IDs, I explain that I have an appointment with Jackalyne Pfannenstiel ’69, the Navy’s recently appointed Assistant Secretary for Energy, Installations and Environment. I empty the metallic objects on my person into a tray, and submit it, my
clark alumni magazine !"#$"%&'"()*+,-./&))000;6*;5
I had been instructed, after clearing security, to phone Pfannenstiel’s office for an escort. Presently, a young man dressed in the Navy’s khaki uniform appears and introduces himself as Lieutenant Commander Jessie Santiago, USN. Entering the Pentagon, he escorts me past the random screening area to another checkpoint where, after being directed to stare into an electronic device, I receive an identity badge.
fall fall2010 2010
not need to remove my shoes.)
29 clark alumni magazine
fall 2010
shoulder bag, and myself for screening. (Unlike at the airport, I do
“The more people know and are able to deal with energy on a rational basis of tradeoffs, I think [the dialogue] becomes, not always easier, but perhaps less emotional. We’ve not, as a society, done a very good job educating people about energy.”
fall 2010
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
clark alumni magazine
Green is the new Navy P# +7$-=# @"&$&"# 4(-)%# 4!(# +@")0+# 4$&!# 65$"&# )5&!('$&3=# D,)%%"%+&$"7# 4)+# )@@($%&"1# &(# !"'# @(+&#23#D'"+$1"%&#Q)')*0#R2)-)#(%#L)'*!#S=# GICI9# :!"# $+# (%"# (, # ,(5'# )++$+&)%&# +"*'"&)'$"+=# ")*!# 4$&!# )# 1$,,"'"%&# )'")# (, # '"+@(%+$2$7$&3# $%# &!$+# *$.$7$)%# ;+"*'"&)'$)&># (, # &!"# T).3# !")1"1# 23# :"*'"&)'3# U)3-(%1# L)25+9# J%# *(%*"'&# 4$&!#&!"#R2)-)#)1-$%$+&')&$(%O+#"-@!)+$+#(%##
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NAVY ENERGY TARGETS // By 2020, half of the Navy’s total energy consumption, ashore and afloat, will come from alternative sources. // By 2020, the Navy will make half of its installations net-zero energy consumers, using solar, wind, ocean, and geothermal power generated on base. // By 2016, the Navy will sail the Great Green Fleet, a carrier strike group composed of nuclear ships, hybrid electric ships running on biofuel, and aircraft flying on biofuel. // By 2015, the Navy will cut in half the amount of petroleum used in its commercial vehicle fleet through phased adoption of hybrid, electric, and flex fuel vehicles. // The Navy and Marine Corps will change the way contracts are awarded to hold industry contractually accountable for meeting energy efficiency targets. Source:
Teaming with Schwarzenegger C3"##)#2$%)/' "$$*%E0$)2' ;04+' (3 ' +)*' 2044)22' $(' E)%#&' %#' $+)' *%&+$' 5/"4)' "$' $+)' *%&+$' $%;),' O+)#' 2+)' &*"10"$)1' 3*(;' D/"*>' %#' PQRQ' "2' "#' )4(#(;%42' ;"G(*6' 2+)' +"1' #(' %1)"' $+"$'' )#)*&.' !(0/1' E)4(;)' +)*' 5"22%(#' "#1' 4"*))*' 3(402,'S)*'7*2$'G(E'!"2'"2'"'2$"$%2$%4%"#'!%$+'$+)' D(##)4$%40$'F)5"*$;)#$'(3 'O)/3"*),'T0$'$+)#' 4";)'$+)'PQUV'WCXD'(%/');E"*&(6'!+%4+'!(>)' )4(#(;%2$2'$('$+)'3"4$'$+"$')#)*&.'!"2'"'=)*.' 24"*4)6' 4(2$/.' *)2(0*4),' C3"##)#2$%)/' 2".2' 2+)' I2$0;E/)1?'(#$('"#'(5)#%#&'"$'$+)'D(##)4$%40$' Y$%/%$%)2'D(;;%22%(#'+)/5%#&'$('5*%4)')#)*&.,' I-+"$'!"2';.'7*2$'%#$*(104$%(#'$(')#)*&.6'"#1' :'!"2'G02$'+((>)16?'2+)'*)4"//2,'I-+)*)'!)*)'2(' ;"#.'"25)4$2'(3 '%$'Z'5*%4%#&'"#1'4(#2)*="$%(#6' 1%33)*)#$' *)2(0*4)2' "#1' *)2(0*4)' 4"5"E%/%$%)26' 2$*04$0*"/'"#1'*)&0/"$(*.'%220)26'(!#)*2+%5,? -!(' "#1' "' +"/3 ' .)"*2' "#1' "' ;"2$)*<2'' 1)&*))' /"$)*6' 2+)' !"2' "' *)/"$%=)/.' )95)*%)#4)1'' 50E/%4' 0$%/%$%)2' )9)40$%=)' "#1' $+)' );E(1%;)#$' (3 '+)*'3"=(*%$)'K0($)'E.'[(0%2'C"2$)0*\'ID+"#4)'' 3"=(*2'$+)'5*)5"*)1';%#1,? O(*1'(3 '+)*')95)*$%2)'*)"4+)1'$+)'O)2$'D("2$6' "#1'C3"##)#2$%)/'!"2'*)4*0%$)1'E.'$+)'D"/%3(*#%"' C0E/%4'Y$%/%$%)2'D(;;%22%(#'"2'"'2)#%(*')4(#(H ;%2$,']*(;'$+)*)'2+)';(=)1'$('C"4%74'^"2'"#1'
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Coming of age in the Age of Aquarius C3"##)#2$%)/' "$$)#1)1' D/"*>' 10*%#&' $+)' 2(4%"/' "#1' 5(/%$%4"/' $0*;(%/' (3 ' $+)' PQRA2' "#1' 2+)'' #($%4)1'"'E%&'4+"#&)'(#'4";502'(=)*'$+)'4(0*2)' (3 '+)*'0#1)*&*"10"$)'4"*))*, Ic.' 7*2$' $!(' .)"*2' "$' D/"*>' !)*)' ;(*)' (3 ' "' $*"1%$%(#"/' 4(//)&)' )95)*%)#4)6?' 2+)' ;02)2,' Ic(*)' 3*"$)*#%$.' 5"*$%)26' 5*"#>26' ;04+' ;(*)' !+"$'5)(5/)'!(0/1'$+%#>'(3 '%#'$+)'PQdA2,'-+)' /"2$' $!(' .)"*2' !)*)' ;"*>)1' E.' e%)$#";' "#1'
fall 2010
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31 clark alumni magazine
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clark alumni magazine
NAVY BY THE NUMBERS Navy and Marine Corps
4.4 million acres 72,500 buildings 286 ships in battle fleet 3,800 aircraft 50,000 non-combat vehicles The federal government accounts for 2 percent of the nation’s energy use, with the Dept. of Defense consuming 90 percent of that. The Navy consumes about a third of all military-related energy.
Source: Remarks by Navy Secretary Raymond Mabus at Center for Naval Analysis Earth Day Luncheon, April 29, 2010
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33 clark alumni magazine
fall 2010
(CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT) Jackalyne Pfannenstiel ’69 outside the Pentagon. This photo of her grandparents, who met while both served in the Navy during World War I, adorns Pfannenstiel’s office. The Assistant Secretary of the Navy wades through the day’s paperwork.
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fall 2010
clark alumni magazine
34 34
CLARK’S NEW PRESIDENT Name: David Philip Angel Age: 52 Hometown: London, U.K. Education: Bachelor’s in geography, Cambridge University; master’s and Ph.D. in geography, UCLA Favorite sports teams: Chelsea F.C., the west London soccer club; the Boston Red Sox Favorite music: “I’m afraid I grew up on the Rolling Stones and never left.”
Best book read this year: Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson, an account of one man’s mission to promote peace and alleviate poverty by building schools for girls in Pakistan.
fall 2010
clark alumni magazine
> Geographer, provost and now president, David Angel looks to redefine the liberal arts education at Clark
fall 2010
clark alumni magazine
OCELYNE BAUDUY GREW UP IN HAITI, once lived with a Maroon tribal community in French Guiana, taught English to high-school kids in Cambridge and managed a multi-year study of homelessness in Worcester. She speaks four languages, manages a social-services website, and with her husband David Angel has raised two sons. That’s a pretty intriguing resume at every level — academic, professional and personal. Now, Clark University beckons. As the wife of Clark’s ninth president, Bauduy will be a visible presence on campus and in the community for years to come, but she’ll take some time to gauge where her talents and interests are best applied. “I’ll get acquainted with what’s going on and see what’s a good fit for me and how I can be of help,” she says. Bauduy moved with her family from Haiti to the United States in the 1960s to escape the brutal Duvalier regime. Her father, a lawyer, was not particularly political, but he was outspoken, which left the family vulnerable in an unstable, sometimes volatile, environment. Her mother’s family had already suffered at the hands of the government; one uncle was exiled and other relatives had been taken into custody, never to be seen again. She earned her undergraduate degree at Simmons College in Boston and pursued graduate studies in anthropology at UCLA. It was there, in 1981, that she met her future husband, David Angel, at the International Student Center.
researched a range of topics, mainly to do with children. She moved on
For her field work, Bauduy traveled to French Guiana where she
to the National Center on Family Homelessness where she worked as
spent a year and a half among the Boni tribe, studying the Boni’s
the field supervisor on a seven-year study of homelessness in Worcester,
migration patterns from the deep rainforest into the city and how those
following various families to trace the root causes and patterns of home-
movements affected family life, the local economy and the people’s
lessness in the area and feeding the information into a national databank.
cultural underpinnings.
For the past eight years she’s worked for CRI, a non-profit
She and Angel married in 1985 and moved to Worcester in 1987 when
organization that provides information about federal, state and local
he accepted a teaching post at Clark University. They purchased a house
programs for people in need living in Massachusetts. Her role has included
on Worcester’s west side, where they raised their sons, Sebastien, now
maintaining a website that collects the esential information in a single
22, who graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and is taking a
location, making it easier for people to locate the services they require.
year off before heading to law school, and Julien, 18, who is studying
She plans to cut back on her consulting work while making the
biochemistry at Brown University.
transition from the west side to Harrington House on Woodland Street.
Julien did apply and was accepted at Clark, but, as Bauduy notes with a laugh, “There can be a lot of pressure when your father works here.”
One downside to moving: leaving behind the perennial and vegetable gardens she’s nurtured for years.
Though most of her immediate family live in the States, Jocelyne
“Gardening is how I relax,” Bauduy says. Despite having a grounds
Bauduy retains ties to her native country. One of her brothers is a retired
crew that handles basic maintenance at Harrington House, she vows
World Bank economist and former Haitian senator. A second brother, a
to put her own stamp on the landscape, including expanding the
civil engineer, was buried under rubble and badly injured during the earth-
community gardens in the back yard.
quake that rocked Haiti in January. “Some of his colleagues in the firm where he works lost their lives,” Bauduy says. “He was lucky to have gotten out.” Bauduy has spent most of her career in the social-services field. While at the New England Research Institutes in Watertown, Mass., she
In time, she will cultivate her own role at Clark. “The life of the president and his partner is a very public one; it will be a change for me,” she says. “But I look forward to an exciting and challenging year getting involved in university life and working with David to help move Clark forward. It is a great privilege.”
–Jim Keogh
fall 2010
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37 clark alumni magazine
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clark alumni magazine
Carrol D. Wright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
SOME NOTABLE FACTS ABOUT PRESIDENT WRIGHT // In 1861 enlisted as a private in the Union army, rose to the rank of colonel and served as adjutant to General Philip Henry Sheridan during the Shenandoah Valley Campaign // Director (1873-88) of the Massachusetts Bureau of Statistics of Labor, the first of its kind in the U.S. // Appointed by President Chester A. Arthur as the first commissioner of the Federal Bureau of Labor (1885-1905) // Appointed by President Grover Cleveland to chair the commission to investigate the Pullman Strike of 1894 // President of the American Statistical Association (1897-1909) // President of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1903 // Recipient of the Cross of the French Legion of Honor, 1907, in recognition of his efforts to improve industrial conditions throughout the world
fall 2010
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39 clark alumni magazine
fall 2010
The People Behind the Names at Clark University
Men’s Soccer vs. Framingham State Wednesday, October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
Forward Brian Vayda will be looking to avenge last year’s two-point loss to Rhode Island College.
Women’s Soccer vs. Wheaton Saturday, September 25 !"#$%& #'(& )*+& ,-.'/& *#0+& /12#$+(& .33 & 4'& /.5+& ($#5#)46&#33#4$/&.0+$&)*+&7#/)&3+8&/+#/.'/9&'.'+& 5.$+& /.& )*#'& )*+& :;;<& =>?@A!& /+54B'#"/& 8*+'& ?*+#).'& /6.$+(& )*+& 5#)6*C/& ".'+& D.#"& 4'& )*+&<E)*&54'2)+&.3 &#6)4.'F&G*+&)+#5/&7"#-+(&).&#& /6.$+"+//&)4+&4'&:;;E9&/'#774'D&#&HIJ5#)6*&"./4'D& /)$+#%&)*#)&(#)+(&K#6%&).&HEE<F
Volleyball vs. Connecticut College Thursday, October 7 G*+& !.2D#$/& *./)& )*+& !#5+"/& 4'& #& 54(/+#/.'& '.'J6.'3+$+'6+& #33#4$& )*#)& 84""& /#-& #& 8*."+& ".)& #K.2)& 8*+$+& !"#$%& /)#'(/& 4'& )*+& $+D4.'F& !.'J '+6)462)& !.""+D+& #(0#'6+(& ).& )*+& /+54B'#"/& .3 & )*+&=>L!A!&G.2$'#5+')&#&/+#/.'&#D.9&B'4/*J 4'D& 84)*& #& ::JM& .0+$#""& "+(D+$F& !"#$%& 6.2')+$/& 84)*&#&7#4$&.3 &)*+&=>?@A!C/&5./)&3+#$+(&#)J )#6%+$/&4'&N2'4.$/&O$4/)4'&@6P4')-&QR#4"9&!.".FS& #'(&A54$#&G$#'6*+""&QT#"5.2)*9&@#//FSF
Men’s Basketball vs. Rhode Island College > Wednesday, November 17 !"#$%& 8#/)+/& '.& )45+& 4'& N2574'D& K#6%& 4').& )*+& 3$#-& #/& 4)& *./)/& 7+$+''4#"& ,4))"+& >#/)& 7.8+$& Z*.(+& Y/"#'(& !.""+D+& 4'& #& 5#)6*27& .3 & )+#5/&& )*#)& #(0#'6+(& ).& )*+& =!AA& G.2$'#5+')& 4'& :;;EJH;F&G*+&!.2D#$/&$+)2$'&84)*&#""J6.'3+$+'6+&& 3.$8#$(&]$4#'&R#-(#&QL)2$K$4(D+9&@#//FS9&#'(&)*+&& 526*J457$.0+(&@4)6*&Z+'/*#8&QZ2)"#'(9&@#//FS& 3.$54'D&.'+&.3 &)*+&K+/)&4'/4(+&6.5K4'#)4.'/&4'& =+8&>'D"#'(F&G*+&!.2D#$/&84""&"..%&).&#0+'D+& "#/)&/+#/.'C/&)8.J7.4')&".//&).&)*+&A'6*.$5+'F
Women’s Basketball at Bowdoin Monday, January 3 G*+&!.2D#$/&3#6+&.'+&.3 &)*+&'#)4.'C/&+"4)+&)+#5/& 8*+'& )*+-& 04/4)& ].8(.4'& 3.$& #& )8.J(#-& ).2$'#J 5+')& 4'& )*+& B$/)& 3+8& (#-/& .3 & :;HHF& G*+& ^."#$& ]+#$/& *#0+& 8.'& :;& .$& 5.$+& D#5+/& 4'& '4'+& .3 & )*+&"#/)&)+'&/+#/.'/&#'(&8+$+&84)*4'&/+6.'(/&.3 & #(0#'64'D& ).& )*+& L8++)& L4[)++'& #& /+#/.'& #D.F& !"#$%&$+)2$'/&/4[&.3 &4)/&).7&/+0+'&/6.$+$/9&4'6"2(J 4'D&$4/4'D&/.7*.5.$+/&O+"/+-&_.*'/).'&QL*4$"+-9& @#//FS&#'(&O+"/+-&P4+(-54'&QL*$+8/K2$-9&@#//FSF
Clark student-athletes to watch in 2010-11 BRIAN VAYDA, Junior, Sturbridge, Mass., Men’s Basketball
!"#$%&#'()"!**&+,-.!/"0+)$",12*314"-%()156"314".)156"/%17)8)19):"6)*)9#'%1;"<3=43"'6"%1">39)"#%" #%>"#?)"@;AAA&>%'1#"B388')8"'1"CA@A&@@D"E)"?36"6#38#)4"FF"%7 "FG"23()6"'1"?'6"938))8"314"?)*>)4"#?)"/%H2386" #%"#?)"6)9%14"8%H14"%7 "#?)"+/!!"I%H813()1#"'1"CAAJ&@AD
JOANNA CLARK, Graduate Student, Windham, Maine, Women’s Soccer !"#?8))&#'()"!**&+,-.!/"2%3*K))>)8;"/*38K"$36"13()4"L86#&#)3("!**&+)$",12*314"'1"CAAJ"36"6?)" >%6#)4"6)M)1"6?H#%H#6;"2'M'12"?)8"@J"7%8"?)8"938))8"N"ODF"6?="%7 "#?)"69?%%*"8)9%84D"PM)8"3"6)M)1&23()" 6#8)#9?"'1"#?)"?)38#"%7 "#?)"+,-.!/"6)36%1;"6?)">%6#)4"LM)"9%16)9H#'M)"6?H#%H#6"314"?34"3"6?H#%H#" 6#8)3K"#?3#"6>311)4">38#6"%7 ")'2?#"9%1#)6#6D" GIANLUCA RANALLO, [A] Sophomore, Scarsdale, N.Y., Men’s Soccer
P1)"%7 "#?)"B)6#">366)86"'1"#?)"+,-.!/;"Q313**%"*)4"#?)"#)3("$'#?")'2?#"366'6#6"314"$36"#?'84"%1"#?)" 6RH34"'1"#%#3*">%'1#6"0@C:"$?'*)"3>>)38'12"'1"SH6#"@G"%7 "@T"23()6D"E)"#')4"3"69?%%*&8)9%84"$'#?"7%H8"366'6#6" '1"3"23()"'1"SH6#"?'6"6)9%14"938))8"9%1#)6#D"E'6"B'22)6#"366'6#"93()"%1"#?)"23()&#='12"2%3*"'1"#?)"TC14" ('1H#)"%7 "#?)"+,-.!/"6)('L13*"323'16#"-?)3#%1D EILEEN GARCIA, [B] Junior, New York, N.Y., Women’s Diving !"#$%&#'()"!**&!()8'931;"U389'3"$36"13()4"#?)"CA@A"+,-.!/"V'M)8"%7 "#?)"W)38;"314"?%*46"3**"#?)" (3S%8"4'M'12"8)9%846"'1"69?%%*"?'6#%8=D"I?)"8)'21'12;"#$%&#'()"-%89)6#)8"/'#="/?3(>'%16?'>6"V'M)8"%7 " #?)".))#;"U389'3"$36"7)3#H8)4"'1"X>%8#6"Y**H6#83#)4"'1"Z)B8H38="CA@AD DIEGO ANGEL, Sophomore, Lima, Peru, Men’s Tennis I?)"CA@A"+,-.!/"Q%%K')"%7 "#?)"W)38;"!12)*"'6"SH6#"#?)"6)9%14"/*38K"()156"#)11'6">*3=)8"#%")M)8")381" 3**&9%17)8)19)"399%*34)6D"E)"$)1#"G&["'1"+%D"@"6'12*)6">*3="314"3*6%"$%1"7%H8"(3#9?)6"3#"+%D"@"4%HB*)6D"
MEL MELKONIAN, Sophomore, Worcester, Mass., Field Hockey/Softball I?)"+,-.!/"Q%%K')"%7 "#?)"W)38"'1"B%#?"L)*4"?%9K)="314"6%7#B3**;".)*K%1'31"*)4"#?)"9%17)8)19)"'1" >%'1#6">)8"23()"0CDT@:"'1"#?)"73**"314"*)4"#?)"#)3("'1"8H16"69%8)4"0[J:"'1"#?)"6>8'12D"X?)"$36"13()4"L86#& #)3("!**&Q)2'%1"'1"L)*4"?%9K)="'1"344'#'%1"#%"6)9%14&#)3("3**&9%17)8)19)"'1"B%#?"6>%8#6D CHRIS JOHNSON, [C] Junior, Amherst, Mass., Lacrosse !"K)="9%2"'1"#?)"8)6H88)9#'%1"%7 "#?)"*398%66)">8%283(;"\%?16%1"'6"#?)"/%H23865"*)34'12"8)#H81'12"69%8)8" ?3M'12"#3**')4"GC">%'1#6"0]G"2%3*6;"@G"366'6#6:"'1"?'6"L86#"#$%"6)36%16D"E)"L1'6?)4"CA@A"36"#?)"#)3(56"6)9%14" *)34'12"69%8)8"0[[">%'1#6"N"CF"2%3*6;")'2?#"366'6#6:"314"?34"6)M)1"23()6"$'#?"#$%"2%3*6"%8"(%8)D KATE MINISTER, Junior, Manchester, England, Women’s Basketball I?)"+,-.!/56"*)34)8"'1"#?8))&>%'1#)86"(34)"0@AC:"%M)8"#?)"*36#"#$%"6)36%16;".'1'6#)8"?34"1'1)"23()6" *36#"6)36%1"$'#?"#?8))"(34)"#?8))&>%'1#)86"%8"(%8)D"X?)"?36"6#38#)4"3**"F@"23()6"%7 "?)8"938))8"314"'6"%1" >39)"#%"B)9%()"#?)"@T#?">*3=)8"'1"69?%%*"?'6#%8="#%"8)39?"@;AAA"938))8">%'1#6D
RYAN GARR, [D] Junior, Kingston, R.I., Men’s Swimming
I?)" CA@A" +,-./" .)156" X$'(()8" %7 " #?)" W)38;" U388" $36" 13()4" !**&!()8'93" 7%**%$'12" ?'6" >)87%8& (319)"'1"#?)"@AA&=384"B39K6#8%K)D"I?)"8)'21'12"+,-.!/"9?3(>'%1"'1"B%#?"#?)"@AA&=384"314"CAA&=384" B39K6#8%K)6;"U388")381)4"#?)"9%17)8)19)"9?3(>'%16?'>"'1"#?)"CAA"314"6)#"6'^"'14'M'4H3*"69?%%*"8)9%846"'1" CAAJ&@A"314"'6">38#"%7 "7%H8"8)9%84&6)##'12"8)*3="#)3(6"36"$)**D KRISTIN MCGINTY, Junior, Vail, Colo., Volleyball P1)"%7 "#?)"(%6#"7)38)4"('44*)"B*%9K)86"'1"#?)"+,-.!/;".9U'1#="*)4"#?)"/%H2386"'1"K'**6"'1"CAAJ"$'#?" C]F"314"$36"6)9%14"%1"#?)"6RH34"$'#?"@FO"36"3"78)6?(31"'1"CAATD"E)8"938))8"#%#3*"%7 "]AC">H#6"?)8"%1">39)" #%"L1'6?"'1"#?)"#%>"#)1"'1"69?%%*"?'6#%8=D"Y1"344'#'%1"#%"?)8"%77)16'M)"L8)>%$)8;"6?)"?36"@@]"B*%9K6"'1"?)8" L86#"#$%"6)36%16"N"#?)"(%6#"%7 "31=%1)"%1"#?)"#)3("%M)8"#?3#"6>31D
fall 2010
Match-ups in the fall and winter that you’d hate to say you didn't witness
The Terrific Ten
Field Hockey vs. Mount Holyoke Saturday, October 23 G*+&!.2D#$/&84""&K+&.2)&3.$&$+0+'D+&#D#4'/)&)*+& ,-.'/9& 8*.& (+3+#)+(& )*+5& )846+& #& /+#/.'& #D.9& 4'6"2(4'D& #)& *.5+& 4'& )*+& =>?@A!& G.2$'#J 5+')&12#$)+$B'#"/F&!"#$%&$+)2$'/&#&7#4$&.3 &*4D*& /6.$4'D& 2'(+$6"#//5+'& 4'& /.7*.5.$+/& @+"&& @+"%.'4#'& Q?.$6+/)+$9& @#//FS& #'(& @#(+"+4'+& ,2))/&QL#"+59&@#//FS9&K2)&84""&*#0+&).&$+7"#6+&)*+& D$#(2#)+(& O#)*$-'& U#8/+-& QL#$#).D#& L7$4'D/9& =FVFS9&8*.&/)#$)+(&WX&.3 &)*+&"#/)&WE&D#5+/F
41 clark alumni magazine
Six Not to Miss
By Jane Salerno
Published and Presented !"#$% &'% ()*#% '+% ,-./&0"&$12% 3/)4560% 7)(-/'8% 9)0% (#4')&$/8% +$% &'0% 1)*#% &$% '"#% /)0'% 8#)42% ,4+:-(&$1% )% 9&:#% )44)8% +7 % .++50% )$:% +'"#4% (4#)'&;#% 9+450% '")'%')(5/#%'+,&(0%4)$1&$1%74+*%7+4*#4%0/);#06%0'4-11/#%7+4%#<-)/&'8%'+%'"#%(")//#$1&$1%)4'%+7 %'#)("&$1%&$%)$%-4.)$%0("++/=%>+4%)%(+*,/#'#%/&0'2%;&0&'%% 999=(/)45-=#:-?)('&;#/#)4$&$1?,4#0#$'?0)/-'#7)(=(7*= @%0)*,/&$1%+7 %0+*#%4#(#$'%+77#4&$10A
fall 2010
T WAS THE YEAR!"# !$"%!&'!()*%+!(),%-.),%!/%)-01.2+!,/%!301.4
clark alumni magazine
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1 2 3 4 5
CHINA IN WORLD HISTORY // By Paul Ropp A concise, wide-ranging history of China and the outside world from the profound impact of Buddhism on Chinese culture to China’s often uneasy relations with modern Japan and the west.
YOUR POCKET IS WHAT CURES YOU: THE POLITICS OF HEALTH IN SENEGAL // By Ellen Foley An analysis of the implementation of global health policies and how they become intertwined with existing social and political inequalities in Senegal. While offering a critique of neoliberal health policies, the book remains grounded in ethnography to highlight the struggles of men and women who are precariously balanced on twin precipices of crumbling health systems and economic decline.
IMPROVING THE ODDS: DEVELOPING POWERFUL TEACHING PRACTICE AND A CULTURE OF LEARNING IN URBAN HIGH SCHOOLS // By Thomas Del Prete A much-needed counterpoint to the sweeping rhetoric of reform, this book offers a nuanced depiction of the challenges and possibilities at the school and classroom level. Through the experiences of urban high school teachers who partner with their local university, Del Prete provides unique insight into teaching and learning in the midst of reform.
LESBIAN AND GAY PARENTS AND THEIR CHILDREN // By Abbie E. Goldberg A comprehensive overview of the research on same-sex parenthood, exploring ways in which lesbian and gay parents resist, accommodate and transform fundamental notions of gender, parenting and family. The book takes a family life-cycle approach, beginning with research on how same-sex couples meet and build healthy relationships, then describing how and why same-sex couples decide to have children and how they grapple with the changing roles each partner much adopt.
THE MARRIAGE CHECKUP: A SCIENTIFIC PROGRAM FOR SUSTAINING AND STRENGTHENING MARITAL HEALTH // By James CÓrdova The book is designed to help partners assess the most important domains of their marriages using information gathered from decades of marital research and therapy. The theme is about health, how to take your marital temperature, how to celebrate your strengths, and how to effectively attend to areas of concern.
fall 2010
Ultimate Beginners
43 clark alumni magazine
ALUMNI NEWS A Clark connection that’s by the books
clark alumni magazine
Alumni Association President
ON PACE AND STEPHANIE MARTINEZ! "#$%! &'$$()! (*+,! -%,(.!
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
fall 2010
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`BA;]A$2'&$*3.$/.6&4$'&$`]Q;a_$+,$3','&$'2 $*3.$/.6&$/'($7&6)(6*.); M/$ %.&0',61$ 7'610$ 2'&$ #/$ *.&#$ +,-1().$ *3.$ ).?.1'%#.,*$ '2 $ 6$ X?+&*(61Y$ 61(#,+$ -.,*.&$ >$$ 6$-',0*.116*+',$'2 $0.&?+-.0$6?6+16=1.$2'&$61(#0$?+0+*+,7$-6#%(0;$!"#$610'$1''9+,7$2'&$#'&.$2&.b(.,*$ *5'H56/$-'##(,+-6*+',$=.*5..,$*3.$C,+?.&0+*/$6,)$61(#,+\$6,)$6$7&'5*3$+,$%&'7&6##+,74$+,-1()+,7$ *3.$S.7+',61$8'##(,+*+.0$*36*$36?.$=..,$6$7&.6*$0(--.00$0'$26&; !"11$(%)6*.$/'($',$*3'0.$6,)$'*3.&$%&'7&6#0$+,$*3+0$0%6-.$&.7(16&1/$'?.&$*3.$,.W*$*5'$/.6&0;$!$610'$ .,-'(&67.$/'($*'$0+7,$(%$2'&$',1+,.$,.50$(%)6*.0$=/$7'+,7$*'$3**%EPP,.50;-16&9(;.)(P,.50P;$$!,$*3.$ #.6,*+#.4$+2 $/'($36?.$6,/*3+,7$/'(")$1+9.$*'$-',*6-*$#.$)+&.-*1/$6='(*4$%1.60.$2..1$2&..$*'$&.6-3$#.$6*$ 0:'=6-9c61(#,+;-16&9(;.)(;
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
45 clark alumni magazine
fall 2010
Reunion 2010 !"#$%&$'()*)'+,-','./,-01',$2'()**'34&5%-"-'0&'."'6#-0',-'5#78'9#$:';,<"'08"'2,0"-'&9 '=,>'()1'' (*',$2'(('0&'7,078'#3'+%08'9&45"4'7/,--5,0"-',$2'0,?"',2<,$0,@"'&9 ','9#//'-/,0"'&9 ',70%<%0%"-A !"($2'B$$#,/'!"#$%&$'C&/9 'D&#4$,5"$0'&$'E4%2,>1'=,>'() !"F/,--'2%$$"4!"G",4$'D84&#@8'H$I#%4>';"4%"-'9",0#4%$@'3,$"/-',$2'0,/?-'94&5'9"//&+',/#5$%' !"F4"+J-'K)08',$$%<"4-,4>'7"/".4,0&4>'"<"$0-
from left) Jonas Clark Hall is the perfect backdrop for a group shot. Blair Clarke, Ashley Wiggins and Shannon Franklin ’10 enjoy a reception and art show in Dana Commons. Clark may not have “Dancing With the Stars,” but “Dancing Under the Stars” is always a hit. Tom and Joan Dolan, and friend. A future Clarkie gets acquainted with the Cougar.
years later, the Class of ’65 was back on campus. Pat Brissette was all smiles at the reunion of Clark’s women athletes, which she helped organize. For the occasion Brissette wore a classic Clark gym uniform.
clark alumni magazine
Have suggestions for making Reunion 2011 even better? Interested in joining your Reunion Committee? E-mail
Patricia (Bubar) Henderson ’49, M. Catherine Butler ’46, Lillian Luksis ’44 and Ruth (Butterfield) Robinson ’48 recalled good times at the reunion honoring Clark’s women athletes.
fall 2010
47 clark alumni magazine
top: (Left) Wen-Yang Wen, George Billias, Roy Andersen ’43 and Barbara Andersen ’46 applaud at the conclusion of a program honoring retiring president John Bassett and wife Kay. Trustee Peter ’74 and wife Sue ’75 Eleftherakis.
fall 2010
1958 CHARLES A. DEGRANDPRE received the New
fused glass and travel. It’s a good thing I love to
on this topic with his colleague Lynn Pearl at
six U.S. regional business units. In his free time
Hampshire Bar Association’s Distinguished
travel because my second grandchild is due in
the annual convention of the Eastern Group
Barry travels and collects rock and roll memora-
Service to the Profession Award. He wrote the
Cambridge, England in March.”
Psychotherapy Society in November, and the na-
bilia and first-edition books written or illustrated
tional conference of the American Group Therapy
by the British artist Ralph Steadman. He would
FREDERICK GRINNELL, PH.D. had his new book,
Association in February, both in New York. He
love to hear from former classmates.
cated to DeGrandpre and may be viewed online
“Everyday Practice of Science: Where Intuition
lives with his wife, Lily Mercer, an actor and
and Passion Meet Objectivity and Logic,” recently
screenwriter, and three cats in mid-Manhattan.
selected by the U.K. Royal Society as one of the
You can visit his website at
his position as director of research and informa-
12 best books about science published in 2009.
tion management for the City of Philadelphia’s
ANTHONY AARONSON has been appointed
The judges said: “This is the most accessible and
director of the Presidential and Key Executive
comprehensible book on how science is done
LARRY HERSHOFF retired in April from Citizens
MBA program at Pepperdine University in Malibu,
that we’ve ever come across — indispensible to
Financial Group in Providence, after over 35 years
Calif. Prior to this position, he founded Aaronson
anyone who wants to understand the science
in banking. He continues as an adjunct lecturer
Textiles, serving as an agent for better imported
behind the headlines.”
in finance at Bryant University, and is active in
KIT HERRING writes, “I’m keeping jive alive via
many local charities including The San Miguel
my blog of Developing World travel tales and pho-
School. Larry recently completed a 9,000-mile
tography at Currently
fabrics sold to the contemporary women’s wear
Department of Behavioral Health and Mental Retardation Services in July 2009.
market. He has held senior executive positions
with Fortune Fashions, Forrest Fabrics, EMDAY
DANIEL RANALLI held a one-man art show
circumnavigation of the U.S., which included his
my literary agent in New York is shopping the
and Lorber Industries. He has served as a partner
in New York City at the Freight and Volume
first hole in one.
manuscript to my novel, ‘Descending the Cairo
and owner in a number of textile ventures with
Gallery last January and February. He also was
broad global interests. He earned a Presidential
the recipient of an Artist’s Fellowship from the
M.B.A from Pepperdine in 1989.
Massachusetts Cultural Council for this year.
1972 DAVID WOHL has been named Dean of the
Side,’ to the major publishing houses.”
College of Visual and Performing Arts at Winthrop
FAITH LINSKY recently accepted the position
University in Rock Hill, S.C.
of director of development and alumni relations
PAUL WERME retired after 18 years as chief of
LEE KASSAN’s fifth book, “Peer Supervision
administration and finance in the Sacramento
Groups: How They Work and Why You Need One,”
County District Attorney’s Office, preceded by
will be published this fall by Jason Aronson, a divi-
STEVEN DEPAUL and his wife Beth Rendeiro ’76
plementation and management of all fund-raising,
11 years as management chief in Sacramento
sion of Rowman and Littlefield. “It’s the first and
traveled to Kenya, Tanzania and Zanzibar with their
friend-raising, and alumni relations activities
County/University of California Mental Health
only book on an important aspect of professional
children Nicky, 18, and Rosy, 14. Steven writes,
within the division of Institutional Advancement.
programs. He was the former consultant to state
life in my field. Therapists in private practice can
“The animals were amazing, the people wonder-
This includes the cultivation and solicitation
education and private mental health services. He
become very isolated, and need a forum to bring
ful, and the poverty sometimes overwhelming.”
of major and planned gifts, supervision of the
served as adjunct faculty in psychology, sociology
and discuss difficult cases with colleagues,” he
Nicky is off to Johns Hopkins this fall.
annual fund and design of a newly formed Alumni
and behavioral research statistics at several col-
says. For the book, Kassan interviewed 34 people
leges and universities for many years.
from 20 different groups to reveal how peer
groups work, and the advantages and drawbacks
BARRY HERMAN M.D. of Radnor, Penn. says he
LESTER BLUMBERG, who is general counsel to
of being in such a group. He also gives guidelines
was thrilled when his daughter Anna Elisabeth
the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health,
and recommendations for forming and running an
was accepted for admission early decision to
was recently awarded the Executive Achievement
recently sold my D.C. home and moved to the
ongoing peer group. Kassan has been in private
Clark for the class of 2014. Barry left Pfizer, Inc.
Award from the Jewish Community Relations
greater Berkeley, Calif. area. I plan to establish
practice in New York City as a psychotherapist
last January after almost eight years to accept
Council of Boston. This annual award recognizes a
a private psychotherapy practice as I did in
and psychoanalyst since 1980. He specializes in
a position at Sanofi-aventis, Bridgewater, N.J.
member of the executive branch of state govern-
Washington, continue to act, sing, do pottery,
couples therapy, and will be offering workshops
as area chief medical officer of one of Sanofi’s
ment who has been instrumental in policy and
at Antioch University New England located in Keene, N.H. She is responsible for the design, im-
fall 2010
years; the spring issue of the Journal was dedi-
49 clark alumni magazine
“Lex Loci” column for the NHBA Journal for 40
International Studies in 1992.
disabled. He was recognized for his role in initia-
HELEN MELDRUM, PH.D. recently published
“Characteristics of Compassion: Portraits
of Exemplary Physicians”, which profiles
tives such as Mental Health Parity, the Children’s
DARLENE M. LOPRETE was awarded highest fac-
Amoratis announce the birth of their son,
recipients of the prestigious “Excellence in
Mental Health law, Civil Commitment reform and
ulty honors for outstanding teaching and research
Anthony Phillip Amoratis, on Feb. 4, 2009.
Medicine” award given by the American Medical
CHINS reform.
from Rhodes College in Memphis, Tenn.
Association. She is associate professor of As both a delegate for her congregation and a
Psychology at Bentley University.
member of UFETA (Unitarians for the Ethical
WILLIAM HEYNIGER ’85 married Hyla Matthews
Treatment of Animals), GRETCHEN (GRIMM)
president of Antioch University McGregor in
on Aug. 22, 2009, in Keene, N.Y. William is a
OSTRANDER ’89 met Wayne Pacelle, the
Award for teaching excellence and was runner-up
Yellow Springs, Ohio. He assumed his duties on
senior manager and legislative analyst in the
President of the Humane Society of the United
for Maine’s Teacher of the Year in 2008. He has
July 1, 2009, and was inaugurated on June 12 of
lobbying unit of Ernst & Young in Washington,
States. She was attending a national convention
served as the faculty advisor for the Portland
this year. Prior to serving at Antioch McGregor,
D.C. Hyla graduated from Bennington College and
for the Unitarian Universalist Association, which
High School Shakespeare Club, a Shakespearean
Dr. Fishbein was provost and vice president of
teaches improvisation for Imagination Stage and
was held in Salt Lake City, Utah during the last
acting troupe. He has presented at the National
academic affairs at Daniel Webster College in
other Washington, D.C.-area schools. They reside
weekend in June of 2009.
Council of Teachers of English conference, the
Nashua, N.H. Immediately preceding his appoint-
in Washington, D.C.
ment at Daniel Webster, Dr. Fishbein served as
chief academic and chief student affairs officer at
Lyndon State College in Lyndonville, Vt.
1978 JILL GREENBAUM writes, “The All Kinds of
New England Council of Teachers of English, and
been featured in The Portland Press Herald and
MARGARET GUZMAN was sworn in as associ-
The Casco Bay Weekly. More information about
ate justice of Dudley District Court on Dec. 10,
how he teaches Shakespeare through perfor-
Afghanistan as the brigade psychologist support-
2009. She was appointed after 17 years as a
mance can be found online at mainelyshake-
ing the members of the 86th Infantry Brigade
public defender and criminal defense lawyer in
during their one-year deployment. Major Trott re-
private practice. She formed her own private
Girls (AKOG) program at Clark brings girls 9-12
that represents the interests of The Clearing
ETTA LAPPEN DAVIS, M.A. ’83 was selected by
ceived his master’s degree in psychology in 1989
practice in general law in 2005. She focuses on
years old from the Worcester community to the
House ownership on a diverse range of legal, tax,
Congresswoman Niki Tsongas (D-MA) as a 2009
from the University of Pennsylvania, and was
criminal defense, but also represents clients in
SEAN KING recently accepted a position as
campus for mentoring by female undergraduate
finance and regulatory matters. Prior to joining
Angel in Adoption for her outstanding advocacy of
awarded his Ph.D. in clinical psychology from the
civil matters, including personal injury, administra-
a clerical specialist at Carnegie Library of
Clark students on Saturdays during the academic
The Clearing House, Saltzman was the manag-
adoption issues. The Congressional Coalition on
University of South Dakota in 1996. In 2002 he
tive appeals and general civil litigation. Judge
Pittsburgh, located in Pittsburgh, Penn. Sean re-
year. Last year the e-board asked me to design a
ing director and general counsel of Ellington
Adoption Institute, which orchestrates the Angels
joined the U.S. Army Reserves with a direct com-
Guzman may best be known for her 13 years as a
cently was employed at Falk Library of the Health
session to train the mentors about self-esteem
Management Group, a leading alternative invest-
in Adoption program, honored Lappen Davis,
mission as a clinical psychologist. He is a gradu-
public defender on the state Committee for Public
Sciences as a copy cataloguer. He writes, “After
issues, girls’ development, and how to be great
ment manager specializing in mortgage-backed
along with more than 190 Angels, at an awards
ate of the Army Aero Medical Psychology Training
Counsel Services. She also served as supervising
a year of unemployment due to a lay-off from the
mentors. We all had a great time, and I was asked
securities, and executive vice president and chief
ceremony and gala event in Washington, D.C. last
School in Ft. Rucker, Alabama and deployed to
attorney for the Worcester County Bar Advocate
University of Pittsburgh, I have received a promo-
to do a reprise this year. It was another fabulous
operating officer of Espeed, Inc., a publicly traded
September. Principal of Etsky Consulting, which
Iraq in 2004-2005 with the 1908th Combat Stress
tion within the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
electronic marketplace. Saltzman was also for-
she founded in 1998, Lappen Davis consults
Control Detachment, where he served as the
merly the in-house counsel for Greenwich Capital
to public and non-governmental organizations
officer in charge of a forward support team. He
Markets and Kidder Peabody and Co. as well as
concerning regulatory compliance, accredita-
was appointed as the Chief Behavioral Health
DR. PAUL KARIYA M.A. ’79/PH.D. ’87 was ap-
an attorney for New York and Washington, D.C.
tion and best practices in child welfare and
Officer for the Army National Guard in 2007-2009
pointed executive director of The Independent
firms. He received his Juris Doctor from Boston
adoption. She recently presented “Adoption
and was subsequently selected to serve as the
Power Producers Association of British Columbia.
University School of Law. He is a member of the
Ethics: Conflicting Rights and Interests” at the
brigade psychologist for the 86th Infantry Brigade
Prior to this appointment, Dr. Kariya was teach-
New York City, New York State and American Bar
Council on Accreditation’s National Conference
Combat Team (Mountain).
ing leadership at the Graduate School at Trinity
in New York and has trained evaluators, adoption
Western University. He has served as executive
service providers and the public concerning U.S.
system. This is still part time, so I need to keep
connected Alumni are always encouraged to send us
looking for something with health benefits, but the paycheck is healthier.”
1992 ANA (HUCHITAL) GOODMAN ’92 and Grant
their news for Class Notes. If you’ve got
Goodman announce the birth of their son, Eli
something you’d like to share with fellow
Maxwell, on April 16, 2009, in Kaiser Santa Clara,
alumni, visit the ClarkConnect site
Calif. Eli weighed 8 lbs., 2.2 oz.
director of the Pacific Salmon Foundation, chief
BONNIE BACHAR KINTZER was appointed chair-
implementation of the Hague Convention on
BRIAN STERN is an associate justice of the
(, which is
executive officer of Fisheries Renewal B.C. and
woman and chief executive officer of Women’s
Intercountry Adoption.
Rhode Island Superior Court. He was nominated
being developed to give alumni
JONATHAN M. BURTON ’92 and his wife Sara
executive director of the B.C. Treaty Commission.
Marketing Inc., Westport, Conn.
by Governor Donald Carcieri, for whom Stern
more news, stories, personal and
announce the birth of their son, Isaac, in October
served as chief of staff. Justice Stern’s nomina-
professional networking opportunities.
2009. The family resides in Worcester.
ERIC S. BELSKY ’81, M.A. ’86/PH.D. ’88 was
There, you will find a Class Notes port
STEVEN SCHOENFELD has been appointed direc-
tion was approved unanimously by the state
DENISE L. DAVIDSON received her Ph.D. in high-
tor of the Division of Market Oversight by the U.S.
Senate and he was sworn in on Oct. 5, 2009.
appointed managing director of Harvard’s Joint
er education administration from Bowling Green
Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Prior
He received his Juris Doctor from Brooklyn Law
You can also mail your item to:
the vice chairman of the St. Vincent’s Medical
Center for Housing Studies in June 2010.
State University, Ohio. Her dissertation is an ex-
to this appointment, he was president of Global
School in 1991 and subsequently worked as a
Class Notes, Clark University
Center Department of Oncology in Bridgeport,
amination of “National Job Satisfaction of Entry-
Index Strategies, a consulting firm that specializes
paralegal in the New York Attorney General’s of-
950 Main St.
Conn. He also serves as the medical director of
Worcester, MA 01610
radiation oncology at the center. Dr. Iannuzzi
and Mid-level Student Affairs Administrators.”
in benchmarks and financial product develop-
fice, a lawyer in the New York firm of Kanterman,
PAUL SALTZMAN has been appointed as the
While a doctoral student, she earned the 2008-09
ment. Previously, he worked with Barclays Global
Taub and Breiner and a partner in Stern and
executive vice president, general counsel and
Graduate Teaching Assistant Award and the 2009
Investors, the International Finance Corporation/
Gonzalez. He has worked in Rhode Island state
head of The Clearing House Association, a not-
Higher Education Administration Faculty Award
World Bank and at the Singapore Exchange. He re-
government since 1998.
for-profit, membership-based business league
for Academic Excellence.
ceived a master’s degree in International Relations
to submit your information.
Please let us know what you’re up to!
was recently elected president of the Greater Bridgeport Medical Association. He previously served as an assistant professor in radiation
fall 2010
from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced
members of society: children, the elderly and the
51 clark alumni magazine
legislative initiatives that benefit disadvantaged
MAUREEN HEALY ’94/M.A. ’95 recently released
Administration since 2003 where he oversees all
her first book, “365 Perfect Things to Say to
from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in 1996
committee matters relating to federal elections
Your Kids”. She is also the founder of Growing
and performed his internship at Brigham and
and campaign finance. Prior to that, he was a
Happy Kids and has a popular blog, “Creative
Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.
policy analyst for Common Cause, a non-profit,
Development,” on Psychology Today’s website.
public advocacy organization working in support
She can be contacted at Maureen@growinghap-
DAVID SOSLAND and Rachel Sosland are proud
of election and campaign finance reform. He
to announce the birth of a baby boy, Jacob
also previously served as a special assistant in
Benjamin. He was born on Feb. 17, 2010 in
the Office of Congressional Relations at the U.S.
Overland Park, Kan., Menorah Medical Center,
eorge Allen ’08 had more than a mere
ther, William. Allen is a seasoned pilot in his own right,
brush with fame last year at Worcester
though with the kind of eclectic outside interests that
Regional Airport, where Tom Cruise was
befit a former ancient civilizations and philosophy major
shooting scenes for his action comedy “Knight
(he gives classical-piano recitals and will deliver a lecture
REBECCA LEE PROAKIS ’94 married David E.S.
and Day.” During a break from filming, Allen and
on Plato at Clark this fall). For now, he’s focused on mar-
Office of Personnel Management. He received
Mitchell on Aug. 31, 2008 at the St. George
his mother, Debra, chatted with Cruise for about
keting the family flight school throughout the Worcester
and weighed 7 lbs. Jake joins his older brother
his Juris Doctor from the Catholic University of
Greek Orthodox Cathedral in Springfield, Mass.
a half hour, mostly about aviation-related sub-
area, with particular emphasis on attracting high school
Ethan, 4, and sister Gabrielle, 2.
America, Columbus School of Law.
Rebecca received her Juris Doctor degree from
jects (Cruise is a pilot and plane owner … and, of
and college students into the cockpit, perhaps even for
Western New England School of Law in 1999
course, “piloted” a Navy jet in “Top Gun”). “He
course credit. Taking to the skies should be a natural
KERRY LEDOUX ’93 and Sliman Bensmaia
and is an attorney for the National Association of
was down to earth, soft-spoken, very nice,” Allen reports. “Of course
pursuit for local students, Allen suggests, given that the father of the
announce the birth of a baby girl, Cecily Saleha
Government Employees in Springfield. Clarkies
Mom was in her glory.” Allen is vice president/CFO of The Worcester
modern space program, Dr. Robert Goddard, earned his master’s and
Mass. with her husband Philip and kids, Emma,
Bensmaia. She was born on Sept. 17, 2009, in
Scott Bradbury ’94 and Martin Mohr ’95 were in
Regional Flight Academy, which he operates at the airport with his fa-
Ph.D. degrees at Clark and taught here.
10, Joshua, 7, and Hailey, 2.
Chicago, and weighed 6 lb., 12 oz.
CHRISTINE HANSEN ’93 and Kristen Juliani
JOSHUA SHIFRIN recently published “Study
are happy to announce their marriage on Oct.
Tips 101: 101 Secrets for Studying Success”. He
MARK RIVERO ’95, of Hudson, Mass., married
10, 2009, in Bedford, Mass. After receiving her
writes, “While there are currently a multitude of
Kim Williams on Jan. 20, 2007. The reception
employed at Bentley College as managing direc-
B.A. in sociology, Chris graduated from the
study aids on the market, ‘Study Tips 101’ was
was held at the Green Mountain Inn in Stowe,
tor of the Bentley Fund.
Minneapolis School of Massage and Bodywork as
specifically written to make the process of study-
Vt. Those in attendance included: (from front row,
a certified massage therapist. Kristen graduated
ing, and for that matter learning how to study, as
left) Michael McKeever ’96, Todd Kletter ’96, Kim,
‘Bleeding Hearts’ is featured in the anthology ‘Her
from the University of Massachusetts Amherst
simple as possible.” For more information on the
Mark, Adam Minsky ’96, Dan Berrien ’96, (from
JARRETT H. BROWN, M.A. is a tenure-track fac-
Mother’s Ashes 3,’ published by Tsar Publications
RICHARD R.W. FIELDS was recently elected
and received a bachelor’s degree in psychology.
book, go to
back row, left) Jeff Boehnke ’95, Derek Cheung
ulty member at the College of the Holy Cross. He
in 2009.”
the vice chairman of the Boys and Girls Clubs of
’96 and Chad Laliberte ’95.
is a Ph.D. candidate at the College of William and
They reside in Medford, Mass. AMY E. THEERMAN received her master’s in art
and is excited to step into this new leadership
Barack Obama to serve as a commissioner on
June 5, 2010.
2010, in Santa Monica, Calif.
Penn., and Pomfret School Pomfret, Conn. He
Research Award and was part of a working
DAVID EDELSON ’96, M.B.A. ’97, of Natick, Mass.
group on faculty diversity at Bowdoin College in
ate professor of sociology at Union College in
and his wife Johanna Edelson, announce the birth
Brunswick, Maine.
Schenectady, N.Y., has been granted tenure. She
is the first African-American woman to earn ten-
OLSEN ’05 were married on Aug. 15, 2009, in
GAIL SIDNEY received a master of arts in Higher
ure in Union College history. Her research areas
New York, N.Y. Alexandra is in the second year of
and Postsecondary Education from New York
encompass the sociology of African-American
the master’s degree program in food studies at
University on May 10, 2010.
culture and African-American women’s represen-
New York University and works as the executive
tations in society. Her current focus is the role of
assistant to the president of the Institute of
African-American women in contemporary step-
Culinary Education in New York, from which she
of their son, Ryan Joshua Edelson, on Nov. 15, 2008.
1997 JEF DAVIS recently completed a Ph.D. degree in
He is currently the director of the Center for
PATRICIA DONOVAN ’00 and Chris Postanowicz
families. She has published articles in New York
received a diploma in culinary arts. Matthew is a
International Studies & Programs at Youngstown
are happy to announce their marriage on Oct. 10,
Life and History: An Interdisciplinary Journal and
marketing specialist at Patterson Belknap Webb
State University.
2009, in Pensacola, Fla. They reside in Pensacola.
the Journal of the Association for the Research on
and Tyler, a New York law firm. He is also studying
Patricia writes, “I have recently graduated with
Mothering. A lifetime member of the Association
for an M.B.A. from Fordham University.
WILLIAM BENNETT writes, “On June 1, I
my Ph.D in Marriage and Family Therapy from
of Black Women Historians, she contributed an
officially started working at Wellesley College as
Florida State University. I am currently employed
article to the organization’s 2008 text, “Emerging
LACEY B. ARCHAMBAULT ’04 and Andrew J.
senior development officer. I will be responsible
at Twelve Oaks Alcohol and Drug Treatment
Voices and Paradigms.” She also guest-edited an
Luneau were married on March 6, 2010.
for identifying, cultivating and engaging Wellesley
Center as a doctoral counselor.”
Africana mothering-themed edition of the Journal of Pan American Studies.
2005 21, 2009, in Hingham, Mass.
priorities. I’ll also be responsible for increasing
DANIEL STERNBERG is going back to school to
high-level membership in Wellesley College’s pre-
study law at Cornell University. In addition, he
CHRIS QUINTAL hosted his annual Clark Reunion
mier giving donor group, the Durant Society, and
writes, “I had the good fortune to attend the FIFA
on Martha’s Vineyard last summer. Attending
developing this cohort of alumnae and parents
World Cup in South Africa this year.”
were (from left) Chris, Geoff Pereira ’01, Ron
ALEX MCGOWEN writes, “I have been accepted
Saykin ’01, Dan Bobrow ’02, non-Clarkie Mark
for fall 2010 to the Mills College Graduate School
into leadership gift donors.” William recently was
associate at Ropes & Gray, LLP’s Boston office.
international higher education at Boston College.
alumnae and parents to support the college’s
role. He is otherwise still employed as a litigation
is a recipient of the Bowdoin Faculty Summer
Middlesex County, Inc. Rich has served on the Boys and Girls Clubs’ board for the past few years
at Clark, Mercerburg Academy in Mercerburg,
were married on June 19, 2010.
THERESA SOLIS ’95 wed Zach Pollard on April 1,
Kiely, and Pablo de Marquet ’03.
DR. DANIEL R. ROE ’01 and Christina Bergonzo
history from the Open University in England on
been the senior elections counsel on the U.S.
PREMA SRINIVASAN writes, “My short story
Davidoff, Schuyler Doen ’01, non-Clarkie Jim
Mary in Williamsburg, Va., and previously taught
THOMAS HICKS was nominated by President
the Election Assistance Commission. He has
CARA POWERS ’05 married Jordan Berg on June
fall 2010
House of Representatives Committee on House
Medical Center. He received his medical degree
53 clark alumni magazine
oncology and as residency director at Mount Sinai
of arts in education with an emphasis in Early Childhood Education and Early Childhood Special Education.”
2007 LAUREN MOSAKOWSKI was admitted into the
School of the Art Institute of Chicago’s Master of Design in Designed Objects program, and was selected by the school’s faculty for its Trustee Merit Scholarship. This award is given to students who display exceptional promise.
PAUL GROCKI of Torrington, Conn. received a
Juris Doctor degree from the Roger Williams University School of Law during May 21 Commencement ceremonies. Grocki served as a member of the Honors Program, Roger Williams University Law Review, Multi-Cultural Law Students Association and Student Bar
in Cardiff, Calif. Pictured, from the Clark Class of
of Nepal. This is the first instance in the history of
Association. He served as a judicial extern for
2007 are (front, left to right): Stephen Albano, Lee
Nepal and in the six-decade-long modern judicial
Chief Justice Paul A. Suttell at the Rhode Island
Tetreault, Magdalen Toole, Elyse Saviet;
history in the country that anyone from a Dalit com-
Supreme Court in Providence. He was also a
(back): Anthony Davis, Jane Kaplan, the
munity has been appointed to the position of judge.
legal intern for the Connecticut Division of Public
groom, Gregory Arteglier, and the bride, Cyndi
Prior to his appointment, Hon. Justice Bagchand
Defender Services in Hartford. He earned his B.A.
(Greenstein) Arteglier.
was working for the justice of the marginalized,
in philosophy and psychology from Clark.
disadvantaged and discriminated community in Nepal through Lawyers National Campaign against
RATNA BAGCHAND has been named Judge of the
Untouchability-Nepal. He also is a recipient of the
ARTEGLIER ’07 were married October 11, 2009,
Appellate Court of Nepalgunj by the government
Nepal Bar Council’s Best Lawyer Award.
PASSINGS Garland, Texas, Feb. 22, 2009
Valerie Crockett ’78, Worcester, Mass., Oct. 5, 2009
Roy Harper ’56, Ormond Beach, Fla., March 15, 2010
Dorothy (Wheeler) Forgit ’53, Framingham, Mass., June 7, 2009
Elinor Brown Erickson, M.A. ’39, Holden, Mass., Oct. 18, 2009
Dorothy (Healey) Jacubouis ’58, Brunswick, Me., March 25, 2010
Carl Olson ’39, Boston, Mass., June 14, 2009
Dr. Jerome Podell ’57, Capitola, Calif., Oct. 21, 2009
Marion Pinkham ’69, Paxton, Mass., April 4, 2010
Lillian Kent ’58, Leominster, Mass., June 18, 2009
Joy Garfinkel Trezza ’80, Bethany, Conn., Oct. 21, 2009
Robert Nelson Rantilla ’04, South Bend, Ind., June 2, 2010
Dr. John Kneller ’38, Westport, N.Y., July 2, 2009
Taisto (Tai) Holm ’76, Port Chester, N.Y., Jan. 10, 2010
Harold J. Bergstrom ’44, Lee’s Summit, Mo., July 24, 2010
John Markiewicz ’66, Webster, Mass., July 3, 2009
Albert Elby ’49, Sierra Madre, Calif., Jan. 20, 2010
Margaret Fowler Hodgson, M.A.Ed. ’66, Worcester, Mass., July 29, 2010
Deborah (Mancini) Wharff ’88, Holden, Mass., July 15, 2009
Seymour Sarason, M.A. ’40/Ph.D. ’42, Hamden, Conn., Jan. 28, 2010
Donald H. Olson ’56, South Bend, Ind., July 30, 2010
Emmons Waldo Putnam, ’48, Wilmington, N.C., Aug. 14, 2009
Dr. Amilcare Biancheria ’52/M.A. ‘54/Ph.D. ’57, Irwin, Penn., March 1, 2010
Oscar Cohen, ‘39, M.A. ’41,
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fall 2010
of Education in Oakland, Calif., to earn a master
55 clark alumni magazine
By Kathleen Batcheller '83
clark alumni magazine
To contribute to the Richard E. Kendrick Memorial Endowment Fund, e-mail fund chair Kathleen Batcheller ’83, at kbatcheller@, or Andrea Marth, Assistant Vice President for University Advancement, at
Jack Adam in a formal portrait. (Inset) Jack and his wife Ruth Adam.
$14.2M gift sparked by a priceless teacher
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fall 2010
ICHIE KENDRICK! "#$%&! '(! )*+,-.$/01! 2(! 3,,45! 1$6! $! 67/809! $%6! :7;%7<0$%9! 7=>$09! ?%! 918! @A$/B!! 0?==C%79D&! E9! 7:! 6C8! 9?! 918! ;/8$9! A?F8(! /8:>809! $%6! G?%6%8::! G?/! 17=! 91$9! $! >8/=$%8%9AD! 8%6?H86!! I=8/;8%0D!JC%6!7%!17:!%$=8!1$:!K88%!8:9$KA7:186!KD! G/78%6:!$%6!G$=7AD!9?!1?%?/!917:!;/8$9!=$%!$%6!$!A7G8!H8AA!A7F86& L18!>C/>?:8!?G !918!M701$/6!I&!N8%6/70B!.8=?/7$A!I%6?H=8%9! JC%6! 7:! 9?! >/?F768! $::7:9$%08! 9?! @A$/B! C%68/;/$6C$98! :9C68%9:! ?%! $%! $:-%88686! K$:7:! $:! 918D! 8%0?C%98/! <%$%07$A! 8=8/;8%078:&! L18/8!7:!%?!8O>809$97?%!?/!/8PC7/8=8%9!91$9!918!GC%6:!H?CA6!K8! >$76!K$0B&!L18!=?%8D!H7AA!K8!$H$/686!KD!918!68$%!?G !:9C68%9:!7%!! 0?%:CA9$97?%!H791!918!<%$%07$A!$76!?G<08&
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57 clark alumni magazine
fall 2010
Richie is still lifting Clark
By Angela Bazydlo
Clark alum is powering his corner of the world... one cow at a time
fall 2010
clark alumni magazine
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Steinbrecher Clarkies span three generations
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Jonas Clark Fellows Annual Dinner
page) Camille McGadney and Margaret Collins smile for the camera. The Clark Bars offer up some sweet tunes.
from left) Enjoying the event were: Patricia Dandonoli ’75, Dimitry Anselme ’93 and Jane Miner ’76; Lois Green M.P.A. '98, Don Aharonian ’54, M.A. ’63, and Carolyn Nalbandian. Bill Masokowski, chair of the board of trustees, addresses the audience.
Clark University celebrated the generosity of the Jonas Clark Fellows donors at the annual dinner held Oct. 24, 2009, at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston. The night brought out many members of the Clark community, who enjoyed a fine dinner, a musical performance by the Clark Bars and heard a compelling presentation by the Hon. D’Army Bailey ’65, who helped lead civil rights protests from Baton Rouge to Worcester. The donor recognition program pays homage to Jonas Clark, the University’s founder who established Clark with a gift through his will and an initial endowment for the University Library.
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During the of The Challenge in the of 2010, During the 1st1st Phase The Chairman’s Challenge in the spring 2010, During thePhase 1stof Phase of Chairman’s The Chairman’s Challenge inspring theof spring of 2010, those who met The Challenge gave over $145,000 to The Clark Fund. those who metwho Themet Challenge gave over $145,000 to The Clark those The Challenge gave over $145,000 to TheFund. Clark Fund.
If • you give last fi scal year, your gift gift didn’t lastgive fiscal year, your giftyour If didn’t yougive didn’t last fiscal year, • If•you
dollar for dollar, toup $2,000. willwill be be matched dollar for dollar, up up to $2,000. willmatched be matched dollar for dollar, to $2,000. If • you MORE than you gave last fi scal year,year, give MORE than you gave last fiscal year, If give you give MORE than you gave last fiscal • If•you your increase dollar for dollar, your increase willwill be be matched, dollar for dollar, your increase willmatched, be matched, dollar for dollar, toup $2,000. up up to $2,000. to $2,000. your gift through Clark Fund to to • Allocate your giftyour through TheThe Clark toFund gift through TheFund Clark • Allocate • Allocate University’s greatest needs, the Library, thethe University’s greatest needs, the Library, the University’s greatest needs, the Library, Scholarships, Athletics, COPACE Scholarship, Scholarships, Athletics, thethe COPACE Scholarship, Scholarships, Athletics, the COPACE Scholarship, GSOM or IDCE. GSOM or IDCE. GSOM or IDCE.
Give to The Clark Fund today. Give toGive The Clark Fund today. to The Clark Fund today.
By Angela Bazydlo CLARKWORK
clark alumni magazine
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Guggenheim supports ‘Struggling for Beauty’ THOMAS KUEHNE,! .*+-&##+*! +- ! )2#(+*>! "0'! 8(*"##,&*!H"%2,>!6)"2*!20!()&!8($'>!+- !9+,+1"$#(! 92#(+*>4!:"#!*&1&0(,>!":"*'&'!"!-&,,+:#)2.!-*+%! ()&! ^+)0! 82%+0! R$55&0)&2%! W&%+*2",! H+$0= '"(2+0! 20! #$..+*(! +- ! )2#! .*+.+#&'! <++7=,&05()! &##">4! _8(*$55,205! -+*! A&"$(>;` 92#!:+*7!:2,,!-+1$#!+0! ()&! *2#&! +- ! _<&"$(>`! 20! %+'&*0! :+*,'! #+12&(2&#! #201&! ()&! BN()=1&0($*>! S0,25)(&0%&0(4!,207205!2##$&#!+- !#&,- !"0'!#+12&(>4! <+'>!1$,($*&!"0'!/2#$",!1$,($*&4!*"12#%!"0'!1+0= #$%&*2#%4! *&52+0",! ."*(21$,"*2(2&#! "0'! 5,+<",2I"= (2+0;!Q*+-&##+*!Y$&)0&!&D.&1(#!)2#!20(&*'2#12.,20= "*>!&D"%20"(2+0!+- !()&#&!2##$&#!(+!20/2(&!-$*()&*! 20V$2*2&#!20(+!)+:!"0'!:)>!%+'&*0!#+12&(2&#4!20! ."*(21$,"*!20!S$*+.&!"0'!G+*()!U%&*21"4!#(*$5= 5,&!-+*!<&"$(>; 9&!)"#!<&&0!"(!6,"*7J#!8(*"##,&*!6&0(&*!-+*!9+= ,+1"$#(!"0'!R&0+12'&!8($'2&#!#201&!OCCa;
Heading to Woods Hole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Two centuries of service U! 0$%<&*! +- ! -"1$,(>! %&%<&*#! #"2'! -"*&:&,,! (+! ()&! 1,"##*++%! 20! OCBC4! :2()! "0! "#(+02#)205! Obf! >&"*#!+- !1+%<20&'!(&"1)205!&D.&*2&01&!"(!6,"*7! K02/&*#2(>;!@)&>!"*&g! S. LESLIE BLATT,!L+20(!"..+20(%&0(!20!Q)>#21#! "0'!S'$1"(2+0!XBMNc=OCBCZ DAEG BRENNER,!6)&%2#(*>!XBMfc=OCBC4! (&"1)205!-",,!OCBCZ KAREN ERICKSON, 6)&%2#(*>!XBMfF=OCBCZ DOUGLAS JOHNSON,!R&+5*".)>!XBMcO=OCBCZ PAUL ROPP,!92#(+*>!XBMNa=OCBC4!(&"1)205!'$*205! OCBC=BB!>&"*Z LINDA KENNEDY,!A2+,+5>!XBMNb=OCBCZ MAURICE WEINROBE,!S1+0+%21#!XBMcf=OCBCZ;
Prof. Mark Turnbull's 45,000-volume hobby
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fall 2010
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
63 clark alumni magazine
fall 2010
Academic leaders appointed
By Dr. Mark Pearlmutter ’80 I WITNESS
Surrogate Child
fall 2010
clark alumni magazine
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At Clark‚ we have within our grasp the opportunity and the responsibility to make a lasting mark in American higher education. The work we commit to now, together, will propel Clark forward, unambiguously elevating our reputation as one of this country’s finest research universities. It is up to us to be a defining force in the future of liberal education and the role that research universities can and must play in identifying and enabling solutions to important societal concerns. We will not hold back. We are an urban university deeply engaged in our community, a research university whose students participate in cutting-edge scholarship on important social concerns, and a place that transforms people and issues through research excellence united with determined practice. Because we are Clark University, we will stand out as a thought leader and a place of consequence for research and education in this country and around the world. DAVID P. ANGEL President Clark University Inaugurated September 24, 2010
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Office of Alumni Affairs !"950 Main St. !"Worcester MA 01610-1477
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