Your Career With Liz

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Where do you want your career to take you?

We believe that if you do what you love, the money will follow. (But we’re committed to giving it a very big helping hand) We are not your average real estate company. And we’re not looking for average agents. We are seeking those special people who are willing to put our clients’ interests first, always, in an effort to deliver a truly extraordinary real estate experience. On average, we hire only 1 in 10 candidates that we interview. Our standards are high, our expectations lofty. By joining us, agents commit not only to mastery of sales fundamentals, but to becoming the best of the best. We pride ourselves on being a learning organization, and an environment of ongoing professional development. Liz Moore agents do what they love. And they love doing it here! In an environment that stimulates innovative ideas, nourishes out-of-the-box strategies, and fuels this unrestrained enthusiasm and boundless energy with every resource available. Wherever you want your career to take you, we pledge to help you get there.

We listen very carefully to what top performing agents say they want in their career. When we launched Liz Moore & Associates, our vision was to create the perfect real estate experience, both for our clients and for our agents and staff. And that, we believe, is the foundation for our truly unique competitive advantage. The following pages will give you a glimpse into all the “little things� that add up to make Liz Moore & Associates the best place to launch an extraordinary career!

Offices Designed For Productivity

“I want a work environment where I can thrive.” Boutique real estate at its best. Our offices are powerful, but they are relatively small. We're not interested in “mass” marketing with 80+ agent offices. Our offices enjoy two to four times the square footage per agent as our main competitors. We believe you should love your space! A great deal of thought and significant investment was made in the design of our offices. We want your clients to say “Wow!” the minute they walk in the door. Well appointed and spacious lobbies and conference rooms, and functional agent work spaces make our environment both aesthetically pleasing and highly functional. Highly professional, friendly receptionists. This key position makes a statement to our clients, and sets the tone for an agent's day. We hire the best! Your clients will be offered bottled water with a custom label or coffee while they wait. Our offices have mural painted kid's rooms so that your clients can focus on their meeting with you. The kids will also be offered logo balloons by our Receptionist. Fully equipped 50 seat training center, complete with an overhead data projector and permanent screen, wireless internet connectivity, and a full service kitchen

a dynamic workplace

Agents enjoy the convenience of access to our offices in Oyster Point and New Town. Should you take a listing in the other market area, your client will receive the full marketing package from that office…we want to make it easy for you to expand your horizons.

Support for Every Facet of Your Career

“I want to know that there’s real help when I need it.” Our compelling “No Surprises” program makes winning listings easy! Plus, it reduces headaches for our agents and clients, streamlines the process and we enjoy a lower fall out rate than the competition. Highly professional, friendly receptionists. This key position makes a statement to our clients, and sets the tone for an agent's day. We hire the best! Your clients will be offered bottled water with a custom label or coffee while they wait. We put up and take down your signs for you ~ no charge, no hassle! Coaching that makes a difference. Each of our agents meets with their sales manager once a month to review goals, celebrate successes, and re-direct when they are off track. Agents receive monthly production reports, including a snapshot summary of their key numbers: business source %, average sales price, variance over the prior year, pace for this year. We monitor all the key numbers and market trends for you. Our agents receive a detailed analysis of where all of our phone calls and internet leads come from, as well as charts and graphs showing overall sources of business. Additionally, we do an in depth quarterly analysis of the market, sharing inventory, absorption rates, time on market, specific appreciation trends that our agents can use with their clients and to hone their negotiating strategies. Each January, our agents receive a copy of all of their HUD statements for the prior year, and template letters to send to all their clients. We make it easy for you to stay in touch! Our administrative staff automatically uploads each new client into your database for you.

Our sales managers are non-competing, and fully dedicated to helping our agents maximize their potential. They are knowledgeable, professional, enthusiastic, and caring ~ you won't find better leadership anywhere in real estate. One of our “secret weapons” is our legendary training. There are high powered, weekly roundtables focused on advanced topics…although they are voluntary, they are attended by over 50% of the office. Nowhere in the industry will you find better trained agents. We pride ourselves on constantly creating a stream of “good ideas” to help grow your business. From “Another Happy Homeowner brought to you by” signs to new address labels provided to you at no expense for your clients after each closing, we'll keep you focused on new ways to deliver a better consumer experience and grow your business as a result Our “No Surprises” program has some side benefits for our agents as well ~ you'll never have to measure another home, because our appraisers do it for you! They also take photographs, and e-mail them directly to our Marketing Coordinator, again saving you time. We hate forms as much as you do, and work hard to streamline the paperwork. Our retainer agreement, for instance, is printed on a postcard ~ making it EASY for you to get signed, and communicating to our clients the Liz Moore difference.

incomparable support

A Collaborative of Professionals Second to None

“I want a team that really pulls together to make my life easier.” Our in-House Team With world class customer service as our goal, our Concierge is available (live and in person) to assist your clients with their relocation. She manages utility connections and disconnections (complimentary!), and maintains a database of reliable and affordable contractors to take the stress out of moving. Our Concierge also sends press releases on your behalf to a variety of regional publications, insuring that you have maximum exposure for your accomplishments. Press releases are also posted to the Know Moore section of our website. We have an experienced Transaction Coordinator on staff, to manage your files from contract to closing if you choose, for only $149 per file! Much cheaper than a full time assistant, and available to you when you need her! Our exclusive Contact Manager makes it easy for you to keep in touch with your past clients and personal network. It organizes all of your contacts, with detailed information that YOU customize. You can easily sort your data base, and print labels, send group e-mails, etc. It reminds you in advance of birthdays and closing anniversaries, and prints a weekly “to do” list for you with all relevant contact information, insuring that you maximize referrals from this critical business source.

Our Affiliated Companies Our Investor Services division (property management) shares the same commitment to “reinventing real estate” as the residential brokerage. Your referrals are rewarded both financially, and with exceptional service unparalleled in the local market.

We have the most productive Referral Company in Hampton Roads, which feeds leads to our agents at an impressive 50% capture rate. This year we're on track to generate 100 referrals from this source.

Our Partner Companies We have a close relationship with one of the area's leading real estate attorneys, Brian Lytle. With Lytle Law on retainer, our agents can get immediate and effective legal advice at no charge. Lytle Title, our sister title company employs cutting edge technology, making our job so much easier! All closing documents (surveys, termite letters, title notes) are posted to Transaction Point, so that our agents and our clients have on-line access to the status of their transaction 24/7. Clients receive all their closing documents on CD. For seller clients who opt to hire our sister settlement company to handle their closing, Lytle Title will perform a FREE pre-listing title search ~ another terrific benefit to offer your clients, and another potential obstacle to closing managed early in the process. We work with 5 of the area's top mortgage companies, all of whom offer FREE credit reports and WAIVE junk fees for our clients ~ making you look good by saving hundreds of dollars for your buyers! Building Specs, our home inspection partner, offers electronic pre-listing home inspections, which can easily be uploaded to MLS, forwarded to a prospective purchaser, etc. They also provide us with marketing resources, such as a customized poster of a cross section of a home which is a great help to first time buyers.

cohesive teamwork

We Believe in The Power of Dynamic Marketing

“I want to be able to professionally market my properties and myself... with no hassle.” We understand innovative marketing. Case in point: our exclusive buyer book, a meaningful, information packed resource for our buyer clients. $15 per book, but free to our agents. Do your current marketing pieces make a statement? It’s the little things that make a big difference. We constantly strive to find little ways to “wow” our clients…like logo moving boxes free of charge when you list or sell a house (plus the client can order more at a 15% discount over U-haul if they choose), and a custom brass key ring to present their new keys on. For every listing you take, we create full color, glossy “just listed” cards, and mail them to 60 neighbors all at our expense… all you have to do is proof! We also create full color, glossy feature sheets for your listing…we do all the work, and pay for them, too ~ again, all you have to do is proof! A great deal of thought was put into our color and logo development, to insure that our signs would be eye-catching, and our brand would communicate class. We've launched a top quality, full color, glossy magazine, The Liz Moore Home Journal, which showcases our listing inventory to over 80,000 subscribers from Gloucester to Hampton to James City County each month. It's also on-line! We control key positions in the area's leading media; for instance, you'll always find a Liz Moore ad on the inside front covers of both Williamsburg and the Peninsula Homes & Land magazines. We also enjoy the full color centerfold spread on the Peninsula, and a full color back page ad in the Virginia Gazette. A variety of customizable e-cards are available in our on-line marketing gallery, making it easy (and free!) for you to keep in touch with prospects and past clients.

All our marketing materials are free for you to use, including color glossy slicks, client folders, corporate brochures, etc. We believe that staying in touch is at the foundation of our business success, and we are willing to put our money where our mouth is. We generate a monthly mailing to your sphere of influence ~ color, glossy, personalized with your photo and contact information ~ totally at our labor and expense. It goes out like clockwork, without you having to lift a finger! Send electronic relocation packages to out of town prospects, free! Our Listing Presentation is available to you at no expense on CD Rom, to help you make a favorable impression on your tech savvy clientele. We provide a variety of marketing templates free of charge to our agents ~ custom bio's, personalized articles, client testimonial slicks. Additional color copies can be ordered in house at our cost (substantially less than you'll pay at kinko's or office max). For our truly exceptional properties, we offer The Collection ~ an exclusive opportunity for agents to gain affordable exposure in outside, upper tier markets for their listings. Ads, marketing materials, and targeted mailings that would cost thousands to produce individually, are available for all of our $500,000+ listings at nominal costs to our agents. For our upper tier listings, the company shares the expense of creating an exclusive flash slideshow of your property on CD, live with your voice, links to your bio, website, and client testimonials, with custom labels for the property. We also automatically provide full color, glossy feature booklets ~ at our expense (approximately $100 per listing). The company pays for all your business cards‌not just the first box! We provide our agents with customized, foil stamped leather marketing portfolio's ~ just another way for you to make a first class impression when presenting to a prospective seller.

powerful marketing

Our Marketing Guru is the best of the best, and creates powerful institutional ad campaigns for us that get noticed in the market. She's available to our agents for personal branding campaigns at our corporate discounted rates. We provide personal “slogos� for all of our award winning agents at our expense.

A Financial Platform Built Around You

“I want to feel secure about my commissions and my benefits.” We believe in a true partnership with our agents, and so they share directly in our success. 20% of annual profits are set aside every year (including our stake in affiliated services such as mortgage and title), and are paid to the agents and administrative staff We are proud to provide benefits to help you plan your wealth. We offer a 401K program plus free financial planning (using the envision planning system). Because our Accounting Department is local, there is a quick turnaround for your pay check…twice weekly payrolls, plus direct deposit. Because all of our agents are employees, the company manages withholding and matches FICA contributions. No more struggling to keep up with quarterly estimated tax payments or suffering from the April 15th blues! The company contributes ½ of the single premium for Anthem health insurance, making quality health care affordable for our agents and staff. Tired of expenses like association dues, advertising and MLS fees hitting when you can least afford to absorb them? Our agents have Liz Moore credit cards, enabling them to manage cash flow more easily.

solid fiscal responsibility

Using Technology Wisely Sets Us Apart

“I want to have the latest, greatest technology at my fingertips” Free internet lead management. Our Concierge responds to internet inquiries in real time 24/7, and then directs the lead to you…at no charge! Quick Costs is exclusive software for our agents, enabling them to quickly prepare buyer and seller cost sheets accurately and professionally, either in real time in the media room, or from home. All of our agents receive Palm Smartphone Treo 650's, to insure that they're always in touch. We pay for the data service ($40/month) for each agent, making their e-mail and wireless MLS available to them instantly. Looking to make a “wow” impression on a prospective new buyer? Try conducting your buyer counseling in our state of the art media room, showing them potential new homes on the big screen. Our agents enjoy individual direct fax lines, so that any document faxed to you will be routed as an attachment directly to your e-mail, easy to forward, easy to save! No cost to you. On line ZIP forms are provided free of charge, organized for your convenience in packages that include all the forms you'll need to write an offer or take a listing. Available on our intranet, so you can access them from wherever you might be. A complete clause library, authored by Brian Lytle, is also available on line.

harnessing technology

Have you checked out Our website is a shining example of our pledge to set the standard for how real estate brokerage should be practiced. Unlike typical real estate websites, we cut through the clutter, and organize information in a way that helps us create an extraordinary experience for the customer

Positive Action Today. A Strong Vision for Tomorrow

“I want to have great pride in my company and help it make a difference in our community.� Our agents are the most productive in the region. Averaging over 22 sales per agent annually, we outperform the top 100 brokers in the country! There are a combination of reasons for our performance (many of which are listed here), but the bottom line is that Liz Moore & Associates agents make more sales. Unlike traditional real estate brokerages where 80% of the production is written by less than 20% of the agents, 60+% of our agents win industry awards. That productivity level is something we are very proud of! The company treats all award winners, their guests, and our staff to awards banquets. We have GREAT sales meetings! Full of energy, packed with resources and information you can use to make your business grow. You won't want to miss them! Every client receives a personal letter from Liz, who stays very involved in the daily operations of the business. She is accessible to the agents, and available to problem solve or brainstorm with you at any time! We like to have fun! From family picnics and camping trips to annual outings such as a bus trip to a Tides Game or a ride on the American Rover around the Hampton Roads Harbor, we enjoy a special fellowship and like to spend time together with our families outside of the workplace. The Children's Hospital of The Kings' Daughters is our charity of choice, and we raise over $12,000 each year for our endowment for the Peninsula Health Center. Dress Down Days, Casino Nights, and Wine Tasting Events are some of the ways we have fun for a good cause.

We host an annual Client Appreciation Party at company expense ~ an outdoor event to celebrate our customers, and let them know firsthand how much they are appreciated. Our consumer education series, Liz Moore University (LMU) draws upwards of 20 prospects per workshop ~ a great way to generate new business, and keep in touch with past clients and acquaintances. Our top performers win an annual company incentive trip to destinations like Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. We involve agents and staff in the planning process for the company. Annually, we make an out of town pilgrimage for a company retreat ~ a great opportunity for everyone to spend time together, brainstorming, planning, and goal setting. We unveil new marketing campaigns and technology initiatives for the coming year. Two Agent Advisory Committees meet every other month, one for the brokerage and one for the title company, insuring open communication between management, agents, and staff. Many of our most innovative programs and initiatives were born in these meetings. Our company offers an Agent Appreciation Program to cooperating brokers, which actually benefits your clients by adding incentives to sell our inventory first. Each agent who sells one of our listings this year will be entered into a drawing for a trip for 2 to Puerto Rico…on the company! Liz Moore & Associates' agents are also eligible. The “finale” of the closing experience is important to us. Accordingly, we've made arrangements for your buyers to celebrate their closing with a complimentary bottle of champagne or sparkling cider, whichever you prefer. Their names will also be posted on the marquis, and a photo taken at the settlement table ~ all to make this a memorable experience, and make you look good!

a reputation for success

Agents and staff can run a tab at the Harbor Café in our Newport News office, making it extra convenient to grab a quick lunch on the run, or treat your client to a cup of gourmet coffee. Plus, they enjoy a corporate discount to Gold's Gym!

For a confidential interview, we invite you to contact: On the Peninsula Liz Moore 757.000.0000 In Williamsburg Elaine Roberto 757.000.0000

LizMoore and associates

Real Estate. Reinvented.

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