Maximize customer loyalty deal software training

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Welcome to the Daily Deal Builder Members Training Webinar. Grab a pen / paper and let’s get started. Presented on Oct. 17th 2013 by Marc Horne Co-Founder, Blog | FB | Twitter | Email

One Of Your Primary Missions as a Deal Site Should Be To Help Your Merchants Maximize Their Customer Loyalty. What is your mission?

In fact, one the biggest complaints we hear from merchants is that they get to many one-time, deal hungry customers‌

Part of the way to overcome this is by ensuring your merchants are properly educated on how to maximize running a promo with your deal site.

Create branded training materials for your merchants to consume.

You can create PowerPoint presentations, PDF’s, videos, use webinars, auto-webinars, etc.

8 Great Ways for Merchants to Increase Customer Loyalty‌

1. Thank the customer for their purchase and congratulate them. • • •

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Personally thank each customer for visiting your business and congratulate them on receiving a great deal. Let them know your expectations. You want to impress them and see them again. A primary reason a customer turns into a repeat customer is if they are treated like a star. Although, these customers paid a discount, it is MORE important than ever to go above and beyond for them and verbally let them know you are thankful for their business. Gratitude and a hand shake from a manager can go a very long way. Ask to see the customer again soon. Smile more often. Ensure your employees know the importance of treating your new customers with kindness and respect.

2. Send them off with a “we want to see you again” card or pamphlet. • • • •

When your clients are leaving, give them a business card or pamphlet that incentivizes them to come back and bring a friend. One option is to provide incentives directly on the customers receipt. Offer a small discount on the next time they come in. Be sure to include instructions for how to connect with you on Facebook. Include the reason why you want them to connect with you.

3. Gather feedback and testimonials as early as possible. • • •

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Ask the new customer how their experience is going. When someone verbally states they are enjoying themselves, they tend to want to stick by their decision. Let the customer know that you would very much appreciate it if they provided a Yelp review to let others know. Explain to them how this can help you out. Encourage them to tell their friends about their experience on Facebook. If a customer is unhappy, deal with it right away and make it right. We want to avoid negative social reviews at all costs. Often times, unhappy customers can actually become raving fans if they feel the business made things “right.”

4. Provide excellent products and services. • • • • • •

A primary reason customers will tell their friends about your business is if they received a superior product or service from you. Provide exceptional customer service. Analyze your customer feedback and figure out your businesses weaknesses. Address and overcome these weaknesses with the customer, and then your employees. What can you do to make your customer experience more enjoyable? Put yourself in your customers shoes. Hang up notices for your employees that are visible to customers, “Remember, our customers pay our bills!”

5. Offer upsells and one-time offers to your customers that make sense. • • •

A full-proof way to increase revenue is by offering additional packages or items to your new clients that make sense. Our deserts are delicious, would you like to try one? Would you like another glass of wine? What upsells can your business offer that make perfect sense?

6. Follow up with your new customer. • • •

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Following up with your new customers at the right time is the easiest way to turn them into repeat customers. Work to get your new customer on your mailing list. Follow up with them with discounts and incentives to bring them back into your business. Paint a picture of future purchases. Connect with them on Facebook & follow them on Twitter. Ask them to bring a new friend to your business.

7. Develop a customer reward program. • • • •

Help your clients develop a system to reward your customers for their visits. Help your clients formulate ideas for your reward program. Coupons, discounts, deals, and incentives can easily make a customer choose you over your competitor. What type of customer rewards make sense for your business and will bring your customers back in the door?

8. Stand behind your business. • • • •

Be confident in your business and stand behind it. Continually work to provide the best possible service as possible. Offer some sort of customer satisfaction guarantee. Ensure your employees are properly trained and know the importance of making your customers happy and loyal.

Let’s Look at a Recap • • • • • • • •

Thank the customer for their purchase and congratulate them. Send them off with a “we want to see you again” pamphlet. Gather feedback and testimonials as early as possible. Provide an excellent product and service. Offer upsells and one-time offers that make sense. Follow up with the new customer. Develop customer reward programs. Stand behind your business.

Thank you! We look forward to building a lasting relationship with you. If you have any questions, email us at

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