Chaminade Julienne High School Yearbook 2002

Page 89

A t left, senio rs Lea h Wym er and Nick Kleinhenz pose w ith legendary coach He rma n Boone . They were lu cky enough to sp end som e time with the na ti o na ll y kn own coach w h en he to the student Coach Boone's story was made into a major m otion picture, starrulg Denzel Washington as the coach . Coach Boone s poke of the difficulties he fa ced when trying to conquer racism . Senior AdrielUle Luedtke is a member of C-J's first ever dance tea m. She has a backgrOLUld in dan ce, hav ulg participa ted in cam ps and clinics and co untless performances.

Assemblies and Students of Diversity

Mich ael TlLI"ner, middle right, and Rhine Mclin, bottom right, visited C-J to engage in a debate in front of the student body. Turner, the Republican ca nd idate and the un cLU1l ban t was bea ten by Democra t Mclin. A t middle left, sophomore Michael Bea U p lays a mean saxophone Ul CJ's concert band.

Diversity is an important aspect of the education at C-J. Students are proud to say that they attend a school where people's race, culture, and background are not an issue. We are all students, trying to do the same thing ... learn. Diversity is a great thing to have in a school. At C-J there is a focus on individuality and the unity within it. Students come together despi te their differnces, wh~ther in beliefs or in opinoins.

At bottom left, Michael Sch ultz p lays the trumpet like a VU路tLlOSO Ul th e concert p er fo rmed by the ba nd for the school. 85

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