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A Note on Limitations to the Process

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic occurring globally throughout the course of this project, and as a byproduct of both international travel restrictions and in the interest of public health and safety, the design team was forced to engage in an entirely remote production and delivery of services, using various communications platforms to facilitate coordination, discussion, and engagement with project stakeholders. Virtual workshops were facilitated remotely with the on-island support of the HGI Steering Committee and their support team in Nauru, and were aimed at testing plans and designs with key stakeholders in order to ensure designs and recommendations addressed local social and cultural context, community needs, and Nauruan values. This approach was an attempt to provide needed feedback, but in no way was intended or interpreted to represent the necessary and valuable nature of meaningful engagement with the broader community. Indeed, future post-pandemic phases of the project will afford more safe, appropriate, and accessible opportunities for this important public consultation to take place.