Multi Space Mahua Ashram Project * English

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The Multispace intends to achieve energy independence, prompted by the discovery of new bio-energy models of supply. Inviting the participation of individuals, professionals and organizations committed to the development of these new forms of clean energy and renewable. - Eco-Building: The houses and buildings are bio-sustainable and possible to build its own inhabitants. The recovery of materials, learning new forms of natural building and adaptation to the terrain and existing resources will be the basis of these buildings. The predominant forms of design will geodesic domes. One purpose of this project is to Co-Create a better world, followed by achieving a harmonious coexistence with the Earth, respecting and caring, to create a solidarity, compassionate and loving society.


Activities Undertaken

While the City of Light movement was born with the current form in the Easter of 2010, shares have been promoting peace in the city of Santa Fe since 2000 creating a network in different cities and countries: URUGUAY, BRASIL, VENEZUELA and in ARGENTINA: TUCUMAN, MENDOZA , CORDOBA , SANTA FE , NEUQUEN , RIO NEGRO , ENTRE RIOS , MISIONES , CHACO , FORMOSA , CORRIENTES , BUENOS AIRES , SALTA. We list the activities from December 2007 due to the extensive amount of material. The following are activities that called for a significant number of people of all ages and were mostly supported by various governmental and private organizations. 2007: -

December 8 - Performance in the show "Initiation" in Patio Catedral - involving more than 500 citizens See Annex 2007 p.14

2008: - September 22 - International Day of Peace Opening the Square of Peace. See Annex 2008 p.14

2009: -

February and March - Peace Concert series at the auditorium of ATE


March - Red Light Argentina Regional Meeting (Complex Hotel Green Line)


April - Tour "The harmony of the One" in Brazil: * visits children's homes in Foz, Iguazu and favelas, Rio de Janeiro.


September - "Santa Fe radiating Peace� in the “Movie Theater Light and Force "


September - December - Project "Rainbow Peace" in the city: * Mural on walls that overlook the beach in Guadeloupe * International Day of Peace * Film Series for Awakening in ATE * Workshop Light Brushstrokes in ATE


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