Ecoturism and Agro-Ecology

Page 85


This guide is the result of a partnership and articulation among the São Paulo City Hall though the São Paulo Tourism (São Paulo Turismo-SP Turis) and the Green and Environment Secretariat (Secretaria do Verde e do Meio Ambiente-SVMA), and the Kairós Institute-Ethics and Responsible Care (Instituto Kairós-Ética e Atuação Responsável), counted with the support of many partners both the public sector and civil society, working with environmental conservation, sustainable development, ecotourism and agro-ecology. The purpose of this guide is to illustrate how surprising the city of São Paulo can be. It shows part of the richness of the southern region of the city, its biodiversity, its historical patrimony, the Guarani indigenous presence, the relationships among art, culture and spirituality as well as the importance of sustainable agriculture in this region. This material was produced with resources from the São Paulo Tourism (SP Turis) and the Environmental and Sustainable Development Special Fund of the Green and Environment Secretariat (Fundo Especial do Meio Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável-FEMA) through a project developed by the Instituto Kairós-Ética e Atuação Responsável.


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