City Employability Skills Programme 2019

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Academic excellence for business and the professions

Employability Skills Programme 2019 Tuesdays, 1st October 2019 – 29th October 2019

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Sponsors of the 2019 Employability Skills Programme You have the academic accomplishments and extracurricular achievements. But so do other students. How do you stand out in the fiercely competitive world of graduate recruitment? By demonstrating your employability skills. Today, employability skills are an essential passport to meaningful graduate roles. Employers are increasingly looking for more than academic and extra-curricular achievements; they want to hear examples of how you’ve addressed real-life problems, collaborated with team-mates and handled communication. These employability skills demonstrate your desire and ability to make a difference in the workplace. At ProjectSet, we help you develop and demonstrate these employability skills through online internships. These are invaluable opportunities for you to connect and collaborate with employers and apply the theoretical concepts from classroom to realworld problems. In addition, we provide you with a library of training and tools to set you up for success. In short, we prepare you to arrive work-ready for your graduate job. The ProjectSet internship experience is different. It is free for all students, whatever their background, financial standing or academic affiliation. It is flexible too. You work online without leaving your campus. You work 5-15 hours a week around your academic commitments and part-time jobs. You work anytime of the year (not just the summer months). At ProjectSet, you’ll find a project that suits you, whatever your subject, interests or career aspirations. We welcome you to join our growing community that is defining an innovative and inclusive way to acquire and showcase employability skills. One project at a time. Dhruva Banerjee Co-founder, ProjectSet

We are delighted to present our 2019 Employability Skills Programme. The Programme will prepare you to make the transition from education to work, exploring all aspects of the selection and recruitment process. These sessions will cover the skills that are most valued by employers, how you can reflect on these and how to articulate your experiences clearly when talking to employers. Students that attend eight of the ten main sessions and submit a reflective review will receive a certificate, presented at an Awards Ceremony on Tuesday 12th November.

What are

EMPLOYABILITY SKILLS? Employers look for well-rounded applicants who have a strong academic background and possess a range of core work competencies, such as team working, commercial awareness and presentation skills. These key transferable skills are increasingly becoming as important to employers as educational achievement.


Be professional, be prepared. Register online to attend these sessions through City CareersHub:


Start here



What skills are employers actually looking for? How to develop these with HSBC

Online applications: Tackling them and what happens next with KPMG



In-person interviews: What do employers really want to hear with Barclays PART



Phone and video interviews: How best to prepare with Transport for London PART

Case Studies: How to prepare and ace them with Capco PART





Assessment centres: How to get noticed by the recruiters with Experian



Commercial awareness: What is this and how to develop it with Linklaters


The following ten sessions are taking place during the autumn term. Browse through the guide to find out more.



Personal branding: How to develop your network with Allen and Overy





Identifying your strengths: How to demonstrate them in the workplace with EY

What to expect from the workplace: Your first month with Accenture


TO DO: Review and fill out the table on the adjacent page to identify your strengths and areas for improvement ead each company entry in this booklet and think R about the tips these companies can give you to help you succeed in the selection and recruitment process Sign up for and attend each of the skills sessions evelop an action plan. What skills do you need D to develop and how are you going to do this?

The table on the next page summarises some of the key employability skills that are most valued by employers. Take a moment to think about a situation where you have demonstrated these skills. This could be in your study, work or cocurricular activity (for example voluntary or community work and sport). We have put some prompts in this column to help you. Think about how each example helps you stand out from other candidates who might be applying for the same job.

Research your next career move and meet top recruiters on campus by attending employer-led events.

Find out more

Employability skills

What is this?

Recent example of when you have demonstrated this skill

Communication • Listening • Written • Verbal

The ability to write, listen and speak effectively and clearly to get your point across to a range of audiences.

e.g. Having meetings with people; writing case studies and speeches

Commercial awareness

The ability to understand your chosen industry and its broader context.

e.g. Market analysis; research


The ability to work with others in a professional manner while collaborating to achieve a common goal.

e.g. Agreeing on timelines; contributing to discussions; dividing tasks

Analytical and critical thinking

The ability to assess a situation, seek multiple perspectives, gather more information if necessary and identify the key issues that need to be addressed.

e.g. Questionnaires; evaluations


The ability to manage co-workers and motivate others to participate and work to the best of their capabilities.

e.g. Managing a project; building trust and respect; setting guidelines

Planning and organising

The ability to manage multiple assignments and tasks within a deadline, set priorities and delegate tasks when appropriate.

e.g. Developing timetables; setting deadlines; prioritising


The ability to initiate or do something without being asked to by your manager or supervisor.

e.g. Implementing a new idea; improving something that is already in place

Problem solving and decision making

The ability to manage conflict, consider all aspects of a problem and think about possible solutions before reacting.

e.g. Listing pros and cons; seeking advice

Flexibility and adaptability

The ability to adapt calmly to changing conditions and work assignments.

e.g. Covering for someone at work who is ill; accepting new roles



What skills are employers actually looking for? How to develop these with HSBC

Tuesday 1st October, 1 – 2pm Outline of the session

Learning objectives

HSBC is one of the world’s largest banking and financial services organisations serving more than 39 million customers in 66 countries and territories. Due to this, we are uniquely positioned to know the mix of skills and knowledge employers look for when recruiting. This session will give you a direct insight into current labour market trends as well as enable you to understand how the Employability Skills Programme can help you build and grow your employability whatever your degree.

• Gain a strong understanding of the student labour market today

A quote from HSBC

• Gain an insight into how employers recruit and explore what they look for in candidates • Receive top tips on how you can develop your employability skills.

Find out more

HSBC is looking for new students and graduates who are motivated by our purpose and are dedicated to building a sustainable business for the long-term. They are looking for collaborative and curious thinkers, with the courage to challenge the status quo and the motivation to make a positive impact.

Industry Insights The Industry Insight Programme, sponsored by FDM Group, allows you to explore a range of industries and sectors, either related to your degree or in another area of interest to you. A series of full-day or half-day events will take place on company premises, giving you a deep insight into a specific company and an understanding of your chosen sector. For more information, visit City CareersHub:


Online applications: Tackling them and what happens next with KPMG

Tuesday 1st October, 6 – 7pm Outline of the session

Learning objectives

As a worldwide presence working with both multinationals and small start-ups in 23 different sectors, including financial services, government, energy, retail and healthcare, KPMG has a unique advantage when it comes to giving application advice.

• To experience real examples of the tasks required throughout the online application process

This interactive session will look at what to expect when tackling online applications, with real examples. This session will give City, University of London students an insight into how to prepare for each stage of an online application and to understand exactly what companies are looking for when they set them.

• To understand the behavioural capabilities that companies like KPMG look for in applicants • To understand the different roles available to graduates and undergraduates at KPMG.

Find out more @KPMGRecruitment

A quote from KPMG Graduate and undergraduate trainees at KPMG have the opportunity to join a people-led organisation, be part of an inspiring team and work with some of the brightest minds in business – all while embracing technologies of the future. Come and learn why developing employability skills are so important.



Phone and video interviews: How best to prepare with Transport for London

Tuesday 8th October, 1 – 2pm Outline of the session

Learning objectives

It is critical to prepare for interviews, but sometimes you don’t know how. This session will give you real tips and tricks on how to best prepare for a phone or video interview. We will also give you top tips on how to deal with strength based, competency based, technical, panel and face-to-face interviews. We will explain how important it is to understand the role, the brand and what you need to know.

• Learn how to prepare for a phone interview and what types of questions are asked

A quote from Transport for London Developing employability skills helps you to prepare for working life and supports your transition from education to employment. Basic literature and maths skills are important as are essential life skills such as timemanagement, problem solving and good communication skills.

• Learn how to prepare for a video interview and what types of questions are asked • Learn how to prepare for strength based or competency-based interviews.

Find out more @TFL


In-person interviews: What do employers really want to hear with Barclays

Tuesday 8th October, 6 – 7pm Outline of the session

Learning objectives

Barclays Corporate Banking is a market leader in commercial banking services for UK corporates. Join Lucy and Brindley for this informative session examining the art of the interview process. We will cover how to prepare for an interview, body language, presentation and share insights from the Barclays interview process. There will also be an opportunity for questions.

• Gain a solid understanding of the recruitment process for a major financial services firm

A quote from Barclays At Barclays, you’ll have a natural empathy for situations and circumstances. You’ll be curious and committed to learning more all the time. You’ll value hard work, energy and passion and appreciate how every job here complements the other. You’ll feel personally connected to every customer and every colleague.

• Discover different forms of interview and how to prepare for each • Gain practical guidance.

Find out more @barclaysjobs

Remember You have to register online to attend these sessions.

To secure your place, register through City CareersHub: 10|11


Commercial awareness: What is this and how to develop it with Linklaters LLP

Tuesday 15th October, 1 – 2pm Outline of the session

Learning objectives

In any role, interest in the commercial world and the issues that affect both clients and the organisation you work for is a must. Only in this way can the products, services or advice that you are offering be truly tailored to your client’s situation, context and needs. This session will explore what commercial awareness and understanding is, why they are important and, even if you do not realise it, how you already inhabit the commercial world and interact with it on a daily basis.

• Explore what we mean when we talk about commercial awareness and understanding

A quote from Linklaters Commercial awareness is, in its purest form, understanding clients’ key concerns: the markets they operate in, their competitors, the risks facing them and future direction. There are many technically able lawyers, but the ones who impress clients and excel are the ones who understand this.

• Explore together why commercial awareness and understanding is relevant • Use examples from your day-to-day life to build your commercial understanding.

Find out more @LinklatersGrads

Employer in residence During the term, employers will be offering one-to-one CV checks to students.

Find out more


Case Studies: How to prepare and ace them with Capco

Tuesday 15th October, 6 – 7pm Outline of the session

Learning objectives

Capco want to provide you with a better understanding of the typical recruitment process in a global consultancy service.

• Explore what the recruitment process looks like and how case studies fit into this

During this session, we will focus on case studies. Our aim is for you to understand how companies use case studies when interviewing future consultants. This process will provide you with an understanding of what companies like Capco look for and provide you with the information that will allow you to be able to ace these in the future.

A quote from Capco Capco professionals combine innovative thinking with unrivalled first-hand industry knowledge to help move a client’s organisation forward. We’re looking to find top talent and provide them with the skills and experience required to become the financial consulting leaders of tomorrow.

• Learn Capco’s view on the best way for a candidate to prepare for a case study • Learn what consultancies like Capco looks for from a successful candidate’s case study.

Find out more @Capco @capco_global



Assessment centres: How to get noticed by the recruiters with Experian

Tuesday 22nd October, 1 – 2pm Outline of the session

Learning objectives

Assessment centres can seem daunting; however, they are an excellent opportunity to demonstrate your key strengths and skills to employers in an efficient manner.

• Understand which skills are tested through common assessment centre activities

Meet our recruiters to discover behind the scenes and hear the inside word on why and how employers use assessment centres, what research you should do in preparation and how best to highlight all of your strengths.

A quote from Experian We provide opportunities for placement students and graduates across our business and are looking for students who are passionate, with the potential to develop technical capabilities and the ability to express how their skills and abilities can contribute to our success.

Remember Don’t forget to complete your reflective review once you have attended eight or more sessions. A link to the review will be sent to you at your City email address.

• Understand how employers make hiring decisions during assessment centres • Discover tips for maximising your impact and memorability to assessors at an assessment centre.

Find out more @ExperianJobs experian/?viewAsMember=true


Identifying your strengths: How to demonstrate them in the workplace with EY

Tuesday 22nd October, 6 – 7pm Outline of the session

Learning objectives

The world of work is changing and so we need to make sure we are equipped with the skills for the future. That is why EY are on campus to show you the key skills you need to make sure you are ready for the world of work. We will be on hand to support you with applying your skills to practical examples and we are passionate about getting you to promote the positive version of yourself. Come and find out all about those important skills that will set you apart from the rest.

• Understand what strengths based assessments are and why they are used in recruitment

A quote from EY We are looking for students that have got a passion for commercial awareness, can showcase their skills that would benefit the firm and we look for students from all degree disciplines as we celebrate diversity. We’re looking for students across all year groups as we’ve got programmes for all.

• Understand how your strengths are suited to the firm and get career ready • Explore how big organisations recruit and what success looks like to them.

Find out more @EY_CareersUK



Personal branding: How to develop your network with Allen and Overy

Tuesday 29th October, 1 – 2pm Outline of the session

Learning objectives

The session will cover an end to end guide on networking, exploring how to develop your personal brand and why it is important to do so. We will cover how to ‘work the room’ at networking events and give top tips on making the most of a conversation and how best to follow up to continue the relationship after the event. This session will be interactive and will give you the opportunity to practice these skills so come prepared with your questions.

• To work on your personal brand and to start developing your elevator pitch

A quote from Allen and Overy Students who build their personal brand and become confident at networking are able to leave positive impressions on those that they meet. Leveraging these skills can be a competitive advantage for applications and interviews.

• To understand how to ‘work the room‘ at networking events and make the most of every interaction • To learn how to effectively follow up with those you meet at a networking session.

Find out more @AllenOveryGrads


What to expect from the workplace: Your first month with Accenture

Tuesday 29th October, 6 – 7pm Outline of the session

Learning objectives

The aim of this session is to prepare you for the transition from university to a corporate working world and everything in between.

• To be prepared for the change in working environment when you leave university

During this session you will hear from analysts on graduate programmes across different areas of Accenture, including technology and consultancy. They will share their journey on how they have adapted from university life to working in the technology and consulting industry.

A quote from Accenture Make no mistake, what we do is hard work and the challenges come thick and fast. This is why where we work and how we work together is so important. Our culture makes daily challenges enjoyable and rewarding and is one of the reasons why Accenture is a great place to work.

• To be aware of support available in the workplace to help you adjust • To be able to use your support network to help plan your career progression.

Find out more graduate-home @accentureukjobs

Think about what you have learnt from these sessions. Remember to

Reflect 16|17

What opportunities does your organisation have for first year students?

“ The Pathfinder is open to first-year undergraduates studying any degree. Or if you’re taking a fouryear undergraduate degree, you can apply in the second year. This insight programme offers a taste of life in commercial law at a global firm and it’s intended to put you in the best possible position to secure a place on our vacation schemes.” Linklaters LLP

“ The Capco Associate Talent Programme provides top talent with the skills and experience required to become the financial consulting leaders of tomorrow.” Capco “ Work experience opportunities are available for students at all stages of their degree.” Barclays

“ We host early identification programmes – two day insight experiences for women in business and students interested in STEM (Discover EY).” EY

“ We offer insight days, a women in technology insight programme and women in deal advisory insight programme.” KPMG

“ Your first year is a great time to explore opportunities and discover which companies, careers and positions interest you without the pressure of applying to roles. Engaging with employers and careers professionals early will empower you to understand your key interests and develop a plan to achieve your career goals.” Experian

“ First year students are able to apply to A&O First. A&O First is much more than just work experience. It’s a year-long programme and global support network designed to give you all the information, contacts and experience you need to decide whether a legal career and a career with Allen & Overy, is what you want.” Allen & Overy

Employability Skills Programme


Tuesday 12th November, 6 – 8pm

If you attend eight of the ten sessions and complete a reflective review you will receive a certificate of participation presented by our sponsor, ProjectSet.


Vault your skills to a new level to land your dream job Sign up to online internships with innovative employers. Work on exciting projects around your academic schedules without leaving your campus, anytime of the year. Find our more at

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