Progress Snapshots: Local Environment Strategy (2019-2029)

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Kalamunda Clean and Green Local Environment Strategy Progress Snapshot Updated: January 2023



H aT a r

residents have expressed a desire for the City to stick to its commitments, show how they will be achieved and educate the wider community about these goals.

E O u
The City has responded to the four themes identified by Kalamunda residents as key areas for action. In the closing pages of the Local Environment Strateg y, you will see outlined the precise aims and required actions that respond to each theme. 1 7
r a i M S ?
This document gives at-a-glance updates on the Local Environment Strategy. Kalamunda Clean and Green provides the framework to manage environmental pressures and improve sustainable practices. It assists in protecting the cherished landscape character of Kalamunda and guides improvements in the City’s own operations and its work with stakeholders and community groups.


The next six pages gives at-a-glance updates on the Local Environment Strategy until February 2022.

February 2022


The value of green space and natural areas

Caring for our park s , streetscapes & public places , culturally significant features & places , natural features , vegetation & wetland areas is vital to maintaining a healthy community.


ving natural resources

ng our nature resources we contribute to a thriving y & provide a future for our children.

Gained funding for ecological fire procedures to protect biodiversity (

reducing waste

Reducing waste is critical to maintaining a h community through clean air, water, habitat

Managing the impacts

79,739 seedlings

In the 2021 tree planting program

Our local natural environment requires cons healthy and free from unwelcome impacts. We under take to work with the community including the landscape assets of our City.

February 2022

Caring for our park s , streetscapes & public places , culturally significant features & places , natural features , vegetation & wetland areas is vital to maintaining a healthy community.


Conser ving natural resources

By conser ving our nature resources we contribute to a thriving community & provide a future for our children.

g waste


te is critical to maintaining a healthy hrough clean air, water, habitat & biodiversity.

Collated all data for

6 catchments

to facilitate the development of water management plans (

g the impacts

Our local natural environment requires constant vigilance to keep it healthy and free from unwelcome impacts. We under take to work with the community to ens he landscape assets of our City.

Regained our

As assessed by the Water Corporation

February 2022

Updated: February 2023

g p
1 5
‘Waterwise’ status in 2022

By conser ving our nature resources we contribute to a thriving community & provide a future for our children.


reducing waste

Reducing waste is critical to maintaining a healthy community through clean air, water, habitat & biodiversity.

ng the impacts

ural environment requires constant vigilance to keep it ree from unwelcome impacts.

e to work with the community to ensure its protection, landscape assets of our City.

Updated: February 2023

Conser ving natural resources
1 5
of Kalamunda
Education Sessions in local
WASTE February 2022 Recycling Hubs for
Libraries Actions City
had the first WA Waste
& Resource Recovery Plan endorsed by the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation ( Cleanaway
schools 1 4 4

reducing waste

Reducing waste is critical to maintaining a healthy community through clean air, water, habitat & biodiversity.


Managing the impacts

Our local natural environment requires constant vigilance to keep it healthy and free from unwelcome impacts.

We under take to work with the community to ensure its protection, including the landscape assets of our City.


1. Updated the draft Local Biodiversity Strategy (

2. Created an online Local Environment Strategy progress portal (


Local natural areas assessed for Phytophthora dieback

Local natural areas treated for Phytophthora dieback

February 2022

Updated: February 2023


Green Spaces Prepare and adopt a Local Planning Policy guiding future Public Open Space development. Develop a strategic approach to the control of feral animals in the City of Kalamunda


» Presented and adopted by Council in August 2021

» Engaged a professional feral animal control contractor

» Produced a media release

» Developed a feral animal control workshop

50 Map all City Local Natural Areas for Phytophthora species.

55 Develop and implement the City of Kalamunda Urban Forest Strategy.

90 Develop catchment management plans to inform surface water management throughout the City. Develop a Local Planning Policy including guidelines to protect the environmental value of our waterways.

Natural Resources Regain Water Wise council status through the Water Corporation 100 Continue to explore initiatives to reduce movement related impacts on the natural and human environment. 50 Recover and re-use natural resources (seed, plants, timber) where practicable. 20

» Attended Rainbow Lorikeet Working Group meeting

» Responded to 14 community contacts

» Destroyed a rabbit den on verge (Lesmurdie)

» Assessed 55ha at Canning Road and Masonmill Reserves.

» Issued a 3 year request for quote

» Finalised combined dieback database

» Calling for participants for next Green Card Training

» Draft strategy under review.

» Planted 253 shade trees in 6 reserves (WALGA / Water Corporation)

» Planted 96 street trees at City’s resident request

» Approximately 250 plants by City of Kalamunda Horticulture team

» 79,739 tube-stock into Local Natural Areas

» Mapped approximately 7,500 street trees (since February 2021)

» Six catchment plans in Draft.

» Draft policy developed and adopted by the Council in December 2021 for public advertising

» Regained Waterwise Council status for 2021/22.

» Local environment considered on 4 major projects

» Material recovered to create habitat Local Environment Strategy is reviewed every 10 years to follow community trends and aspirations. 100 » 3 quarterly reports produced Develop an implementation plan to provide measures and time-frames for delivery of the LES actions. 100 Develop LES reporting portal on the City’s website to provide an annual environmental “snapshot”. 90

Managing Impacts Support and grow the Friends Group program throughout the City. 50 Support and grow the Adopt-A-Patch program linking school aged residents with Friends Group activities.


» Implementation plan completed.

» Website updated with snapshot and LES report

» Commenced active member audit

» Developing 3 new friends groups

» Facilitated new partnerships between schools and Friends Groups

Theme 1.0 Ref. Action Progress (2021/22) Actions in this period
Theme 2.0 Ref. Action Progress (2021/22) Actions in this period
Theme 3.0 Ref. Action Progress (2021/22) Actions in
this period

Managing Impacts Support and Grow our annual volunteer celebration event. 100 Provide informative and interactive mapping of the Local Environment on the City of Kalamunda Website. 50 Prepare an updated Local Biodiversity Strategy that identifies priority natural areas and ways to protect them. Develop a local planning policy to protect significant trees and vegetation on private property. 60 Investigate the further protection of native vegetation through current and a future town planning schemes. 50 Identify unique opportunities to promote Kalamunda’s natural assets.

Reducing Waste Development of the City of Kalamunda Waste Avoidance & Resource Recovery Plan consistent with the State Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030. Supply resources to community groups actively removing waste from City Reserves

» 30 volunteers thanked

» 32 volunteers attended coordinators meeting

» Public facing Intramaps has Environmental module in development

» Draft Local Biodiversity Strategy developed

» Draft Local Planning Policy 33 - Tree Retention policy adopted for advertising in September 2021.

» Draft Local Biodiversity Strategy being updated after community consultation

» 4 bird walks


» City of Kalamunda Waste Avoidance & Resource Recovery Plan completed

» Friends Group rubbish collection support on-going

February 2022 Theme 3.0 Ref. Action Progress (2021/22) Actions in this period
4.0 Ref. Action Progress (2021/22) Actions in this period
3 native flora walks Theme

The next seven (7) pages gives at-a-glance updates on the Local Environment Strategy from the last update in February 2022 until August 2022.

August 2022



The value of green space and natural areas

Caring for our park s , streetscapes & public places , culturally significant features & places , natural features , vegetation & wetland areas is vital to maintaining a healthy community.


ng natural resources

g our nature resources we contribute to a thriving & provide a future for our children.

1. WALGA Street Trees increased shade by 53,944 square meters [5.3 ha] (

2. Gave away 13,200 seedlings to nearly 1,000 residents [2022 Plants for Residents] (

reducing waste

Reducing waste is critical to maintaining a healthy community through clean air, water, habitat & bio

37,000 seedlings planted into Local Natural Areas

Managing the impacts

Our local natural environment requires constant v healthy and free from unwelcome impacts. We under take to work with the community to ens including the landscape assets of our City.

August 2022

Caring for our park s , streetscapes & public places , culturally significant features & places , natural features , vegetation & wetland areas is vital to maintaining a healthy community.


Conser ving natural resources

By conser ving our nature resources we contribute to a thriving community & provide a future for our children.

ng waste


aste is critical to maintaining a healthy through clean air, water, habitat & biodiversity.

38 Quenda Homes Constructed from recovered materials (

ng the impacts

Our local natural environment requires constant vigilance to keep it healthy and free from unwelcome impacts. We under take to work with the community to ens including the landscape assets of our City.

Draft Climate Change Action Plan

endorsed by Council for community feedback in June 2022.

1 5

Updated: February 2023

August 2022

g p


By conser ving our nature resources we contribute to a thriving community & provide a future for our children.


reducing waste

Reducing waste is critical to maintaining a healthy community through clean air, water, habitat & biodiversity.

ing the impacts


atural environment requires constant vigilance to keep it d free from unwelcome impacts. ake to work with the community to ensure its protection, he landscape assets of our City.

City of Kalamunda distributes and collects clean up bags from Local Natural Areas with the reserves Friends Groups (

Opened a Community

ReUse Shop at Walliston Transfer Station

Updated: February 2023

August 2022

ving natural resources
1 5


reducing waste

Reducing waste is critical to maintaining a healthy community through clean air, water, habitat & biodiversity.


Managing the impacts

Our local natural environment requires constant vigilance to keep it healthy and free from unwelcome impacts.

We under take to work with the community to ensure its protection, including the landscape assets of our City.


Volunteers, contractors and staff

Dieback Greencard Trained

August 2022

Updated: February 2023

Removed 5 foxes and 1 Feral Cat from Bickley to Pickering Brook ( Assess all parks and reserves for recreation, sport and environmental values. Prioritise reserves for improvement. Review and update the City of Kalamunda Weed Control Strategy 2002. 10 Develop a strategic approach to the control of feral animals in the City of Kalamunda

100 Map all City Local Natural Areas for Phytophthora species

100 Determine ecological fire requirements and develop Fire and Biodiversity procedures for the management of city reserves. Develop and implement the City of Kalamunda Urban Forest Strategy.


» Commenced discussion with planning and identified a process to achieve

» Issued a tender to complete the review

» 5 nights soft-jaw trapping at 4 locations

» Delivered a feral animal control workshop at the Lesmurdie club (4th May 2022) to 20 residents

» Formed one new partnership with WaterCorp

» Budgeted for an additional 14 nights in 2022/23

» Assessed 68.8ha on 4 local natural areas.

» Engaged a preferred contractor to 2025

» Delivered 2 Greencard training events to 51 volunteers, contractors and staff

» Submitted an application to complete assessment on all LNAs

» External funding was secured to complete action

» A consultant has been contracted to produce the procedures

» Draft strategy under review.

» Planted 368 shade trees in 6 reserves (WALGA / WaterCorp)

» Planted street trees at resident request


» 37,000 tube-stock into Local Natural Areas

» Mapped approximately 2,500 street trees (since February 2022)

» Distributed 13,200 seedlings at 2022 Plants for Residents. Develop catchment management plans to inform surface water management throughout the city. Develop a Water Resources strategy for public parkland. 60 Investigate mechanisms to promote the use of water saving technologies in new developments. Investigate mechanisms to promote the use of water saving technologies in new developments. 100 Undertake a feasibility investigation with state government agencies into a second Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) site within the City 100 Regain Water Wise council status through the Water Corporation Continue to explore initiatives to reduce movement related impacts on the natural and human environment. Determine the City of Kalamunda’s current Greenhouse Gas Emission Footprint inclusive of reduced consumption and asset rationalisation Greenhouse. Reduce the City of Kalamunda’s Greenhouse Gas emission footprint by reducing consumption of energy and rationalising the assets of the City. Recover and re-use natural resources (seed, plants, timber) where practicable.

» Development of 6 catchment plans

» Draft Non Potable Water Strategy has been endorsed by Council.

» Being considered in local initiatives as part of the Local Structure Plan and Local Water Management Strategy.

» Ongoing

» Investigation commenced.

» Commencing the development of the 2023 Waterwise status renewal

» Local environment considered on 5 major projects

» Developed a DRAFT Climate Change Action Plan

Reduction of greenhouse emissions footprint ongoing.

» Material recovered to create habitat and restrict access

Theme 1.0 Ref. Action Progress (2022/23) Actions in this period Green Spaces
Theme 2.0 Ref. Action Progress (2022/23) Actions in this period
Natural Resources
2022 Local Environment Strategy is reviewed every 10 years to follow community trends and aspirations.

Managing Impacts

100 Develop Local Environment Strategy reporting portal on the City’s website to provide an annual environmental “snapshot”. 100 Support and grow the Friends Group program throughout the City.

75 Support and grow the Adopt-A-Patch program linking school aged residents with Friends Group activities.

75 Support and Grow our Community Environmental Education program. 50 Support and Grow our annual volunteer celebration event.

75 Engage with the local schools community through the Adopt-A-Patch Program.

75 Provide informative and interactive mapping of the Local Environment on the City of Kalamunda Website. 90 Identify unique opportunities to promote Kalamunda’s natural assets. 25

» Formed and convened a LES Steering Group

» Website updated with snapshot and LES report

» 2 new Friend Group formed (Hawksvale and Sundew)

» Updating Friends Group Manual

» Community planting days as part of Environmental Team re-vegetation plan.

» Link school aged residents with Friends Groups.

» Involved cubs/scouts groups with Friends Group activities.

» Busy bee event with Perth College students at Jorgensen Park Reserve.

» National Volunteer Week Event: Cultural Burning Workshop and Ledger Road Reserve Explore.

» Senior Local Hero Awards: Bruce Glover and Eileen Stark

» Conducted 9 environmental talks at City libraries.

» Conducted 2 Follow-up walks.

» Plants for Residents event.

» Incursions held at five different schools within the City.

» Planting days held with four different schools.

» Public facing Intramaps has Environmental module in development

» Exploring the creation of Green Passports

Theme 4.0 Ref. Action Progress (2022/23) Actions in this period Supply resources to community groups actively removing waste from City Reserves Support the local community to participate in national initiatives, e.g. Clean up Australia day

Reducing Waste Work with DWER and community to increase surveillance at areas where illegal dumping is most prevalent.

» Friends Group rubbish collection support on-going.

» 1 Clean up Australia event

» Contacting residents adjacent to local natural areas with high illegal dumping.

August 2022 Theme 3.0 Ref. Action Progress (2022/23)
in this period

The next six pages gives at-a-glance updates on the Local Environment Strategy from the last update in August 2022 until January 2023.

January 2023



The value of green space and natural areas

Caring for our park s , streetscapes & public places , culturally significant features & places , natural features , vegetation & wetland areas is vital to maintaining a healthy community.


ving natural resources

ng our nature resources we contribute to a thriving & provide a future for our children.

1. Dieback Boot Cleaning Kits distributed to City Parks and Environmental Services Staff. (

ng waste

2. Draft Urban Forest Strategy presented to community for feedback. (

Reducing waste is critical to maintaining a healthy community through clean air, water, habitat & bio

Managing the impacts

Our local natural environment requires constant healthy and free from unwelcome impacts. We under take to work with the community to en including the landscape assets of our City.

350 trees planted as part of the Street Tree Program

January 2023

Caring for our park s , streetscapes & public places , culturally significant features & places , natural features , vegetation & wetland areas is vital to maintaining a healthy community.


Conser ving natural resources

By conser ving our nature resources we contribute to a thriving community & provide a future for our children.


g waste

te is critical to maintaining a healthy hrough clean air, water, habitat & biodiversity.

1. Consultations with hydrologists underway to investigate likely locations for a second Managed Aquifer Recharge station (

g the impacts

2. City’s contestable electricity sites are 100% renewable electricity tariffs. (

Local Planning Policy 33 Tree Retention adopted by Council December 2022.

Our local natural environment requires constant vigilance to keep it healthy and free from unwelcome impacts. We under take to work with the community to ens including the landscape assets of our City. 1

Updated: February 2023

January 2023

g p

reducing waste

Reducing waste is critical to maintaining a healthy community through clean air, water, habitat & biodiversity.


Managing the impacts

Our local natural environment requires constant vigilance to keep it healthy and free from unwelcome impacts.

We under take to work with the community to ensure its protection, including the landscape assets of our City.



Seven community events delivered including Fungi, Bird & Creek Walks, Noongar Six Seasons & Bushfood workshops (

1 5

Participated in the City’s Adopt-aPatch program

Updated: February 2023

January 2023

By conser ving our nature resources we contribute to a thriving community & provide a future for our children.


reducing waste

Reducing waste is critical to maintaining a healthy community through clean air, water, habitat & biodiversity.


ng the impacts

ural environment requires constant vigilance to keep it ree from unwelcome impacts.

e to work with the community to ensure its protection, landscape assets of our City.

1. Developed a weekly Waste Maintenance Schedule to clean up reserves, parks and roadsides regularly


2. Working with Department Water & Environmental Regulation (DEWR) to reduce illegal dumping.


Recycling sections installed throughout City. Council has committed to implement three-bin residential waste system (FOGO).

Updated: February 2023

January 2023

Conser ving natural resources
1 5 Review and update the City of Kalamunda Weed Control Strategy 2002. Develop a strategic approach to the control of feral animals in the City of Kalamunda Map all City Local Natural Areas for Phytophthora species

Green Spaces

Natural Resources

50 Develop a plan to link greenspaces throughout the landscape. 50 Develop a plan to protect and plant more street trees.

50 Develop and implement the City of Kalamunda Urban Forest Strategy. 90

» The strategy review is currently scheduled in the Corporate Business plan for FY25/26.

» Request for Quote is being undertaken to engage a contractor to continue on-going fox control program.

» Dieback Boot Cleaning Kits were distributed to City of Parks and Environmental Services Staff .

» The City was successful in obtaining funding from the Western Australian Governments Sate NRM program.

» Work has commenced to identify biodiversity corridors and mechanisms/programs to improve the extent and value of vegetation within those corridors.

» This will be reported through the finalisation of the Local Biodiversity Strategy in the first half of 2023.

» Urban Forest Strategy drafted and under review.

» Draft Urban Forest Strategy was presented to Community for feedback Develop a Local Planning Policy including guidelines to protect the environmental value of our waterways. Investigate mechanisms to promote the use of water saving technologies in new developments. Regain Water Wise council status through the Water Corporation 100 Identify and plan multi-purpose corridors for wildlife, biodiversity and passive movement. Determine the City of Kalamunda’s current Greenhouse Gas Emission Footprint inclusive of reduced consumption and asset rationalisation Greenhouse. Investigate the options for renewable power supplies. Recover and re-use natural resources (seed, plants, timber) where practicable.

» Wetlands and Waterways deferred to enable consideration of, and to ensure consistency with new State Planning Policy 2.9 - Planning for Water, and anticipated new State policy for wetlands and waterways

» Ongoing - Consultation with hydrologists underway.

» City submitted application for retention of waterwise Status to Water Corporation.

» Is incorporated in the drafted Local Biodiversity Strategy, which is currently under review.

» Review of current City recording mechanisms for data collection. The Baseline Carbon Footprint measurement will be against the Climate Change Action Plan.

» All City contestable electricity sites are now on 100% renewable electricity tariffs.

» Street tree pruning much retained. January

Theme 1.0 Ref. Action Progress (2022/23) Actions in this period
Progress (2022/23) Actions in this period
Ref. Action

Managing Impacts Support and grow the Friends Group program throughout the City.

100 Support and grow the Adopt-A-Patch program linking school aged residents with Friends Group activities. Support and Grow our annual volunteer celebration event.


» The Environment Team and active Friends Groups continue to engage with community members and encourage them to volunteer.

» National Tree Planing Day, Busy Bee days encourage learning and experiences between groups and have resulted in volunteers signing up.

» Friends Group members assist with Adopt-A-Patch Activities in schools.

50 Support and Grow our Community Environmental Education program.

75 Engage with the local schools community through the Adopt-A-Patch Program.

75 Prepare an updated Local Biodiversity Strategy that identifies priority natural areas and ways to protect them. 15 Develop a local planning policy to protect significant trees and vegetation on private property. Investigate the further protection of native vegetation through current and future Town Planning Schemes. 15

» Thank A volunteer Annual Event was well patronised by Friends Group members.

» Volunteer recognition with Active Friends Group volunteers being nominated as part of the City’s Local Hero Awards.

» Senior Local Hero Awards: Bruce Glover and Eileen Stark

» National Volunteer Week Event:Cultural Burning Workshop and Ledger Road Reserve Explore.

» One new Friends Group was formed

» Seven community education programs were delivered in this period.

» Events included Fungi, Bird and Creek Walks. Collaborative workshops for native animals and education on Noongar Six Seasons, Bushfood and Bushfire Preparedness considerations for bushland, wildlife and infrastructure.

» Ten schools participated in this program

» Activities included Quenda bungalow building, re-vegetation, weeding, insect hotel creation and native animal exploring.

» Teacher webinars to engage educators and schools also scheduled in early December 2022.

» Draft strategy is currently being finalised.

» Completion of Local Planning Policy 33- Tree Retention. Adopted in December 2022 by council.

» Draft Local Biodiversity Strategy includes recommendations to cater for this action. Will be reported on via this strategy in the first half of 2023.

Reducing Waste

Development of the City of Kalamunda Waste Avoidance & Resource Recovery Plan consistent with the State Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Strategy 2030 100 Works and contract controls to minimise waste by utilising recycled products where practicable 50 Support the local community to participate in national initiatives, e.g. Clean up Australia day 100 Educate and collaborate with the community to improve management of waste. 100 Develop mechanisms to record and report the amount of rubbish being illegally dumped in City reserves. 100 Work with DWER and community to increase surveillance at areas where illegal dumping is most prevalent. 100

» Plan has been completed and endorsed by Director General Department Water and Environment Regulation.

» Council committed in November 2022 to implement three bin residential waste system. Tenders called for FOGO processing.

» Bins with recycling stations installed throughout the City to provide additional community resources to allow recycling to occur more easily.

» To provide additional community resources to allow recycling to occur more easily, additional recycling bins were installed at various City facilities

» Where possible and viable, the team are utilising recycled construction materials in City projects

» Planning for Clean up Australia Day events for January 2023

» Continued collaboration with Communications Team to assist in promotion of the Recycling & Waste Management Communications & Engagement Plans.

» Litter and illegally dumped materials from City reserves are kept separate from other wastes at the Walliston Transfer Station so the tonnage can be recorded.

» A Waste Maintenance schedule developed to regularly clean roadsides and reserves/parks.

» The City worked with Department Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER) to gather information for the constant illegal dumping of tyres in Pickering Brook

January 2023 Theme 3.0 Ref. Action Progress (2022/23) Actions
in this period
Theme 4.0 Ref. Action Progress (2022/23) Actions in this period |

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