Zig Zag Gallery Program - July to December 2023

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ZIG ZAG GALLERY July - Dec 2023 kalamunda.wa.gov.au/gallery
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2023 Zig Zag Gallery Exhibitions

Karijini Dreaming

Saturday, 10 June – Sunday, 2 July

Taking bold markmaking and expressive paint strokes to the next level, John Eden shares his body of work inspired by the remarkable Karijini landscape. Playing with perspective and point of view, this solo exhibition explores Eden’s intimate relationship with the subject matter.

Woven Stories

Saturday, 8 July – Sunday, 23 July

Bringing together the community through a number of workshops held in the City of Kalamunda Libraries, this exhibition displays the woven totems and dolls created by the workshop participants. Held during NAIDOC Week, the workshops provide a chance to share stories and build connections within our community.


Saturday, 29 July – Sunday, 27 Aug

Inspired by the extraordinary natural landscape of the Australian Bush, Bridget Seaton uses art as a way to pay homage to the environment that she cares deeply for. Enamoured by the light and colour seen throughout her travels, Seaton’s exhibition explores this subject matter through her interesting use of acrylic painting and assorted printmaking techniques to capture the transient nature of the environment.

Opening: 6pm Friday 28 July

Opening: 6pm Friday 9 June

Opening: 6pm Friday 4 August

Compassionate Communities –Live Talk Die

Friday, 4 Aug – Sunday, 27 Aug

KPAC Gallery, Thurs - Sun, 10am - 2pm

As part of the Community Development

Compassionate Communities Project, Eleisha Pirouet has undertaken a residency within the Kalamunda Hospital. This exhibition shares the stories captured by Pirouet throughout her residency.


Saturday, 2 Sept – Sunday, 17 Sept

Inspired by the rich local flora and fauna, Sally Edmonds and Stacy Gardoll demonstrate their wonderful talent for capturing the detail within the surrounding natural environment. Complementing each other, this joint exhibition provides a closer look into their respective art styles and techniques.

Opening: 6pm Friday 1 Sept

Medley of You

Saturday, 23 Sept – Sunday, 15 Oct

Opening: 4:30pm Friday 22 Sept

The City of Kalamunda Young Artist Awards provides a professional platform for the emerging young artists in the community to exhibit their work. Following the theme of ‘Medley of You’, this exhibition seeks to highlight through each artwork the layers of identity within the participating artists, encouraging a journey of self-expression.


Saturday, 21 Oct – Sunday, 12 Nov

Innovative Stitches brings a different perspective to the practice of embroidery to reflect on preserving relationships, values and experiences that are meaningful to them. This group uses their creativity and passion for the arts to experiment with style and technique, all coming together under their chosen thematic approach.

Senior Residents Art Exhibition

Friday, 27 Oct – Sunday, 26 Nov

KPAC Gallery, Thurs - Sun, 10am - 2pm

The Senior Residents Art Exhibition is a celebration of our Senior Artists within the City of Kalamunda. Visit this exhibition at the KPAC Gallery to see a range of diverse artworks by our creative community.

The Never Ending Story

Saturday, 18 Nov – Sunday, 10 Dec

Inspired by the natural world, Hannah Goggs is a talented multi-disciplinary artist that uses her love for creative expression.

With the recognisable birds found locally incorporated into a range of different paintings, textiles and sculptures –this exhibition tells the story of Goggs’ artistic journey.

Opening: 6pm Friday 20 Oct Opening: 2pm Friday 29 Sept

Opening: 6pm Friday 15 Dec

Frames of the Forest Saturday, 16 Dec – Sunday, 7 Jan

In his first solo exhibition, Steven Bentley presents his artistic talent in an exhibition exploring his craftsmanship and eye for detail through the combination of photography and wood work.

Bentley combines his creative interests to create artisan frames for his high-quality photographs celebrating the West Australian landscape. Through this, he highlights the importance of having a strong frame to complement each piece within his body of work.


Medley of You - Young Artist


Applications open June 2, 2023

Senior Residents Art Exhibition:

Applications open 14 August, 2023

Application forms can be found here: kalamunda.wa.gov.au/gallery

Sign up to the Gallery Newsletter to stay updated.

Artist: Stacy Gardoll


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Send through your design to zzgallery@kalamunda.wa.gov.au

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50 Railway Rd Kalamunda WA 6076 (08) 9257 9998 zzgallery@kalamunda.wa.gov.au
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